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My first gay experiences....
How I Got Started
(b/b, teen boy/boy, incest, mild violence, white socks)

When I was 7, I started playing around with my friend Chris. We touched each other, put our pricks in each other’s mouth and he even put his in my butt. We were too young to really do anything & neither of us got off. We just did it because it was naughty and it felt good.

Most of the stuff we tried we saw on the Internet. I really liked blowjob videos and any videos or pictures of guys in white socks wearing white briefs or boxer briefs. We watched this one video where a cute blonde guy knelt down in front of his “straight” friend, pulled his shoes off and started sniffing and licking his socks. As soon as the scene ended, I slid off the bed and started licking Chris's.

From then on, I licked Chris's socks whenever we messed around. Usually, I'd get Chris to sit at my desk and watch porn on my computer while I sat under the desk and licked his socks for a while before putting his prick in my mouth. I liked doing whatever I could to make Chris feel good.

Over the next couple of years, we did basically the same stuff every time we slept over at each other’s houses. One night, Chris was laying on his bed with his prick sticking out of the fly of his tighty-whitey briefs while I alternately licked his cock, briefs,and socks. I had just put his prick in my mouth when his mom walked in and caught us. She freaked out (she’s pretty religious) and told my mom.

Chris and I weren’t allowed to sleep over anymore & his parents gave him a big lecture about sin, basically the usual crap. My mom didn’t really care & took the whole "boys-will-be-boys" attitude. She told me to stop doing that stuff because I was too young, and that was about it.

That was pretty much it until the next summer when my cousin Jason came to stay with us for 2 weeks. My Aunt and Uncle were going on a vacation, so my Mom was watching Jason. My cousin was red-headed, blue eyed, athletic, tall, well-muscled, and extremely cute fourteen year old. At ten years old, I idolized him.

He took martial arts, played football & baseball, and skate boarded. Jason was always really cool about playing with me. Whenever we visited my Aunt, he would always include me in whatever he was doing.

My family lived in a pretty rural area. When Jason came to visit we'd always play in the woods, or go swimming at the old rock quarry. In the evening, we’d go inside and play on my Nintendo 64 or X-Box until my parents told us to go to bed.

One night not long after he got there we stayed up talking until everyone was asleep and then went back to playing video games. I 'd just gotten Halo and was bragging about how good I was at it. Jason said he was better and bet me that he could kill me in a game of Halo without me killing him even once.

I didn’t think he could, so I said okay. It was immediately obvious that he was better than me. It still took him a few games, but eventually he beat me 25-0. I asked him what he wanted for winning & he said he’d think about it.

We played a few more games, but I was pretty bored with losing and wasn't really interested un playing anymore. Instead, I was busy fantasizing about what my cousin might want me to do for the dare. I really wanted to do some sex stuff with him. Finally, I suggested that we watch some porn, hoping that he'd get horny enough to dare me to do stuff with him.

He didn’t want to at first, but I said please, please, please & he gave in. I turned on my computer, and Jason sat down in front of my desk. He asked what I liked to watch and I said whatever. He started surfing for porn sites. I sat on the floor beside him and basically just watched him. Eventually he found a video he liked and started it up.

He asked if I liked it, and of course I said yes. Then he leaned back in the chair and we watched it together for a while. Jason was wearing white Nike ankle socks, shorts & a t-shirt. I was wearing my sweat pants, a t-shirt, and socks.

Jason was rubbing himself through his shorts while he looked up more porn on Napster. I kept staring at his feet, really wanting to lick his socks. I was rubbing myself through my sweats while I watched him. He found a video of two high schoolers having sex and asked if I wanted to watch that one. I said sure, so he started the download and leaned back in my chair.

The video started playing when it finished downloading. It started off with a skinny teenage boy getting a blowjob from his blonde girlfriend. Jason was stroking his dick through his shorts while he watched. I was taking turns staring at his cock and his socks. Eventually he noticed that I was staring at him instead of the computer.

That's when he told me that he heard his mom and my mom talking about Chris and I getting caught playing with each other. He said since I was staring at him I must be gay. I didn’t say anything because I was really embarrassed.

He asked me what it was I wanted to do & I just kind of shrugged. So he used his bet on me and told me that he wanted me to do whatever I wanted to him while he watched some more porn.

I was still really nervous, but said okay. So, Jason turned back to the computer and started the video over. I crawled under the desk and started rubbing his socks. After he didn’t say anything, I bent over and started licking them – that was the night my Nike sock fetish was born! If Jason hadn't stopped me, I probably would have just licked his socks until my mouth went completely dry.

I was licking my way up the side of his sock toward the Nike swoosh when Jason rolled back in the chair, lifted his butt off the seat, and pushed his shorts down toward my face. He stood up and kicked his shorts off, then sat back down in his black boxer-briefs. Then he reached down, grabbed the back of my head, and pulled my face into his crotch.

I started licking his hard cock through the black cotton of his boxer-briefs. He smacked me lightly on the side of my head and told me to blow him, not lick him. At that point, I really didn’t know how to give a blowjob. All Chris and I done was put our dicks in each other’s mouths and move our heads up and down. So, I pulled Jason's dick out of the fly of his boxers and started doing the same thing to him.

After a minute, he explained that I had to suck on his dick like a straw and curl my lips over my teeth to keep from scraping his dick. I got the hang of it pretty quick, and everything went fine until he got ready to cum. He didn’t really say anything. I felt him tense up, then he just shoved my head down real hard. It freaked me out because his dick slid into my throat and I couldn’t breathe. I tried to pull away, but Jason just held me there while he came in my mouth.

When he let go of my head I just about puked his cum into his lap because I was coughing from being choked. Some of his cum fell out of my mouth and onto his boxer-briefs. After a few seconds, I was able to catch my breath and I swallowed the rest of the cum in my mouth. When I started to sit back on my heels, Jason grabbed my head again and pushed my face down into his crotch. He told me to lick all the cum off of his boxer-briefs. He held my head there until I licked up every drop.

After I finished, Jason got up laid down on my bed. I asked him if I could lick his socks some more and he told me I could if I wanted. I hopped back on the bed at his feet and started licking his white Nike's while I played with my boner through my sweats. I still couldn’t cum, but I did lick his socks until he fell asleep and my jaw got tired. I grabbed a pillow, put it at the foot of the bed, and fell asleep with his socks in front of my face.

The next morning, I woke up before Jason did. I went to pee, then came back and licked his socks and played with my cock until I woke him up. He called me a horn dog, then went to the bathroom. I wanted to suck him off again when he came back, but he said no and that he wasn’t gay. He was just horny last night. I asked him if I’d get to do it again and he said probably. That whole day passed in a daze, with me just basically staring at Jason and wanting him all day. That night I tried to get him interested again, but he still said no. We ended up playing games and watching movies until we fell asleep.

Over the next week I'd ask Jason to let me blow him or lick his socks whenever we were alone. He said no to the blowjobs every time. Then only thing he would do was give me his dirty socks to lick whenever he put on a clean pair. I was so frustrated my dick was hard practically all the time. I finally snapped three days before he was supposed to leave.

I decided that if he wouldn't let me mess with him while he was awake, I'd mess with him while he was asleep. That night after we went to bed, I lay there, heart hammering, for almost two hours before I worked up the courage to do anything. Finally, I slid off the bed and knelt on the floor beside Jason's sleeping body. At first I just rubbed his crotch through the blankets to see if he'd wake up. When he didn't respond, I stuck my head and arms under the covers. I softly stroked his cock through his shorts. When he still didn't move, I grabbed the waistband of his shorts and started to slowly work them down his legs. I remember my heart beating really hard and freaking out every time he twitched. It took me forever to get them down far enough for me to get at the fly of his boxer briefs.

Once I had them down, I slowly pulled his dick out through his fly and started sucking on it. Surprisingly, it took a while for him to wake up. When he finally did, he was pretty mad at me.

He pushed me off and told me not to mess with him in his sleep. I did the only thing I could think of and just begged him to let me suck him off. He said no again, he didn’t want a blow job from me.

So I asked him if I could lick his socks some more. He let me on the condition that I didn’t bother him all day the next day about a blowjob. I said okay & he let me lick his socks until my jaw got tired & we fell asleep.

The next day, which was his last night at my house I kept my word, but was pretty miserable all morning. After lunch, he finally gave up on having fun with me and just played video games by himself. I went out to the living room to watch TV with my parents and ended up playing Legos with my little sister Teresa and my little brother Johnny.

Johnny is a little over 5 years younger than me and Candy (Teresa’s nickname because she used to be a fat little thing that wanted Candy all the time) was almost exactly in the middle, 3 years younger than me and a little over two years older than Johnny.

We built castles and stuff for an hour or two & then Jason came to get me to play Halo with him. I was bored with the Legos so I said okay. I was really hoping that he’d make me another bet & the same stuff would happen again.

But it didn’t. We played Halo online until dinner. After supper we took our showers and went to my room to play some more until my Mom told us to go to bed. I asked her to let us stay up since it was Jason’s last night & she finally agreed after I begged long enough.

We switched from Halo to Tetris (which I am the bomb at) and I beat the crap out of Jason. I couldn’t help gloating. He said that he had been planning on letting me blow him again, but I’d ruined it by being an asshole.

I immediately started apologizing & I told him I’d do whatever he wanted if he’d let me (famous last words, right?). He said he’d think about it while he played on the computer. Since we had showered, he was sockless, so I asked him if I could put a pair of his socks on him and lick them while he surfed the net.

He asked me how bad I wanted to do it & I told him I wanted to lick his socks more than anything except sucking him off. So he said he’d let me do it if I gave him $20.

I said great and counted out all the bills in my piggy bank. I had over $40 saved up from my allowance towards buying another video game. I gave him $20 of it, then grabbed a clean pair of his Nike socks out of his bag, slid under the desk, and slid them onto his feet.

I started licking Jason’s socks and playing with myself through my shorts. After I’d licked both his socks all over, I stretched out on my side half under the desk, set his feet down, leaned over top of them and started sucking on his toes through the cotton socks.

I slipped my shorts down so I could jack my boner better while I was sucking on toes of his socks. A little later, Jason rolled the chair back from the desk, then reached down and pulled me out. He told me to go lay on the bed & I did. He turned the monitor a little so we could see it better from the bed. He pressed play on the video he’d picked, dropped his shorts and boxer briefs, then joined me on the bed.

He told me to suck him after he laid back and I went to town on his dick. I licked and sucked every bit of it that I could get into my mouth. He grabbed hold of my head with both hands and started pushing down a little every time I went down on him, trying to get his whole dick in my mouth. I choked and gagged but didn’t say anything, just kept sucking and trying. A while later he told me to lick his balls until the porn was over. So, I got between his legs and sucked and licked his balls until he got up to find another porn.

After he found one he liked he told me that I had to let him fuck me since he’d let me blow him & I’d said I’d do anything. I didn’t really want to do that because I wanted him to cum in my mouth again. He said I had to because we had a deal, but that I could blow him again before he left after he fucked me tonight. So I took my briefs off, rolled over on my belly, and spread my cheeks like Chris and I used to do. Jason grabbed some suntan lotion out of his bag & squirted it onto my asshole and his dick.

Then he climbed on the bed between my legs, lined up and started pressing his dick into my hole. It hurt really bad and wouldn’t go in. When I told him he wouldn’t fit and it really hurt, he pulled himself out of me and said for me to stay right like I was.

He got off the bed, grabbed a pair of his Nike socks and told me to open my mouth wide. I did & he stuffed them in my mouth. He said it would keep me from making too much noise.

Then he got back on the bed & applied more lotion to my hole and his dick. He told me to spread my cheeks, so I did. He lined his dick back up and started pressing again. It still wasn’t going in.

Finally, Jason laid down on his back and pulled me over to him. He picked me up and sat me on his chest facing him. He held his dick straight up with one hand and told me to sit on it.

I did & after it was lined up with my hole, he told me to hold his dick steady and put both his hands on my shoulders. Then he thrust up with his hips and pushed down with his hands. He went all the way in at once.

It was a good thing I had his socks in my mouth, because I did scream & immediately started to cry. I reached up to pull the socks out so I could ask him to stop, but he pushed my hand away.

I closed my eyes and cried as he started thrusting. He told me to open my eyes and look at him because he wanted to see me cry. I opened my eyes and looked into his.

He said watching me cry was hot. He pushed down harder on my shoulders & kept thrusting up into me. That made the bed start squeaking, so he stopped, pulled his dick out and laid me on my back on the floor.

When he went back in it didn’t hurt as much as the first time, but it still hurt a lot. He stared into my face as he fucked me. He said a lot of things to me, but I don’t remember most of them, except for him telling me he liked seeing me cry and that I should get used to it if I was going to be a faggot.

After what seemed like forever he came in my ass. My first real fuck hurt so bad I didn’t think I’d ever want to get fucked again.

Jason kept his cock inside me until he started to get soft. Then he pushed me off and told me to clean his dick off. I grabbed my briefs off the floor and wiped off his dick, sniffling the whole time, his socks still in my mouth.

When I finished, he grabbed my arm and pulled me close to his face. I remember he had an ugly look in his eye, like I’d made him mad or something. He reached up and wiped some of my tears off my face and said something like if you want to be a faggot I’ll treat you like one.

Then he pushed me and told me to go get cleaned up.

I took his socks out of my mouth, put my briefs back on, and went to the bathroom. I remember not wanting to wake anyone up & cleaning myself in the sink.

When I got back to my room, Jason was sitting in front of my computer watching more porn. I closed the door, took my briefs off and threw them into my dirty laundry pile.

Before I could grab another pair Jason turned around and told me to come over there. I did & he pushed me under the desk. He told me to blow him while he watched porn (another fetish of mine is born – blowing straight guys while they watch porn).

I was still dazed and really not in the mood, but I did it anyway. It took him a really long time to cum, but when he got close he shoved my head down again & made me choke on his dick.

After I swallowed all of his cum, he got onto my bed and pulled the covers over himself.

He pushed his socked feet out from under the blankets and told me I could do whatever I wanted while he was asleep except touch his dick.

I put on some new briefs and my sweatpants, then climbed onto my bed and lay down with my head near his feet. I was pretty much done, but I do remember pulling one of his feet over and falling asleep sucking on his socked toe.

The next day when we woke up, Jason went downstairs and I stayed in bed because my butt hurt so much. He came back up a few minutes later and told me that Mom and Dad had left a note saying they let us sleep in. They took my brother and sister to the store with them to go shopping and left Jason in charge until they got back.

I told Jason my butt really hurt. He picked me up & took me into the bathroom. He turned the shower on & then he took off all of our clothes. He carried me into the shower with him and washed me with hot soapy water.

I felt a lot better after the heat massaged my butt. He had me bend over so he could look and see if I was bleeding or anything. I wasn’t, so he said to tough it out & I’d feel better soon. When he stood up from checking my butt I could see his cock was semi-hard.

I was about to reach for it when he put his hand on my head and told me to knell down and close my eyes. I did what he said. A second later he stuck his finger in my mouth and pushed my jaw open.

Then he started to piss on me!

I opened my eyes as soon as he started, but he still had one hand on my head holding me down. He pissed all over my face and in my mouth. I started crying again.

When he was done he called me a good little faggot and told me I could suck him off. Even though I felt terrible from my butt and him peeing on me, I still blew him. And that was the last time I had sex with my cousin for a number of years.

Also probably why I have so many fucked up turn-ons…..


2015-10-22 12:45:36
Why is it "Strait" guys look up and read Gay stories? I guess people hate others for what they hate most in their selves.

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-01-31 00:19:46
That was hot. Would love to experiment in the shower with you some time.

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-01-30 23:53:41
Stopped by to say FUCK FAGGOTS!!!!!!!!

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