Dedicated to my close friend Brandi, my first work of fiction
A Taste of Honey
The cold Artic wind blew with a fierceness that almost led one to believe it was alive. Paul Rubbins
stepped off the plane feeling the bitter tempest trying to remove every piece of clothing and skin he had.
Walking to the terminal I only had a vague idea from a few pictures what this place looked like. Damn it's
cold I thought, I haven't been this cold since that week it was -30 in Philadelphia. Carefully I scanned the
crowd, hoping to catch a glimpse of the woman I'd been taking to on the comp about this job.
Walking near the entrance I began to search harder, hate to fly to all the way to British Columbia and
miss her. Sighing he sat on a bench near the front doors, I really hope she wasn't joking about wanting to meet
me, this was going to be an expensive job. Sighing again, really I didn't have anything to complain about after
all, SHE was willing my price to get me here, so she obviously wanted me here and what he'd seen flying in this
was beautiful country.
Suddenly a soft voice sounded behind me, "Mr. Paul? Is that you? Oh my god it is! I thought you had
turned me down, I almost didn't come, not having heard from you in almost a week."
Shaken, I turned around not really sure how I'd react, finally, I meet the woman who'd captured my attention so
intently but I was not about to tell her so. The pain of my last marriage was still fresh and till I had worked
things out I was afraid to even strike up a non-business conversation with a female.
My eyes flew wide wow! Was this woman a looker, taking a deep breath I held my hand out taking hers for a brief
hand shake. "Nice to finally meet you face to face," I said waiting for a responce.
"I could say the same thing about you, waiting long?" she asked eyeing parts of my body a slight smile
easing onto her features.
"No, I just landed about 20 minutes ago," I said watching this petite, golden haired, blue eyed woman as she
seemed perplexed by my business like greeting.
"Well," she said not perturbed in the least, "I've seen the many projects you've done in the states, your
natural grasp of nature seems perfect to accent our airport, YKA,"
I nodded to her, this seemed to slightly miff her it wasn't that I wasn't interested it was just ...well I
guess you'd say I was afraid.
"So," she started anew, "As I told you in our communication, I am Andrea Lamarche and we here at Kamloops
Airport, are more than just a little interested in you work."
I nodded trying to pay attention to her little speech, it was hard, we'd already discussed this a month ago and
I wasn't really interested in her telling me everything again.
I was forcing myself to listen when across the lobby I saw the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen. I
quickly excused myself, flying to the exit doors trying to catch up with the luscious goddess. Looking out
there was no sight of her, damn it! It had been a long time since a woman had stopped me in my tracks like
this. Andrea came up behind me with a slight worried look on her face, "Are you alright?" she asked genuine
concern in her voice.
"Yes," I replied not really even there or noticing who I was talking to, "I just saw a woman unlike any I've
ever seen before," I was still in a shock like condition and didn't see the slight irratation flicker across
her face.
Andrea bumped my crotch with her hip and jerked away as if she'd been shocked, the woman I'd seen had stiffened
my cock to the point I was almost in pain. Andrea had just rammed her hip into a rock hard cock, mine, it had
shocked her that I was as large as I am.
"First we'll get you settled in then we can discuss what plans you have for the cultural murals,"
Andrea said still annoyed that she didn't have my full attention. Arriving at my room Andrea quickly slipped me
her card, "that's my personal number, call me if there's ANYTHING I can do for you," she said as she slowly
backed from my door, "and I do mean anything, be it company or just companionship." Thanking her I quickly
closed my door the looks she was throwing my way reminded me of a hungry predator and obviously she wanted me
for the main course. I couldn't get the woman I'd seen in the lobby out of my mind, her lucious lips, her
seemingly perfect rounded breasts, her face was what had caught my attention.
Her skin was so clear and youthful, damn but she couldn't be more than 25, 30 at the most she moved
with a grace that I'd only seen dancers of ballet have. She seemed to radiate and glow, damnit, I'd been
looking for someone like her for years, hell now that I'd seen her I couldn't find her, weren't there about
85,000 people here in Kamloops? Sighing I took out my sketch pad to start on the drawings that I'd present the
committee in a few days. As I started to draw, all I could see was her face, shaking my head to clear it I was
finally able to get started. Working well into the night I had the first set done, suddenly feeling tired I
layed everything aside and fell asleep. My dreams were haunted by visions of the woman I'd seen that afternoon,
shit! I had to meet her, if for nothing else to clear her image from my mind.
The next day I awoke too late for breakfast in the hotel, damnit! I'd forgotten to pack my coffee,
sighing I decided to see what the town held. Starting down the street I prayed there was somewhere I could find
coffee. Sure enough 2 blocks away was a Starbucks! Yes! I was saved, no more tea, I was about to cross the
street when lo and behold there she was, holy shit! I did a double take to make sure, there was no mistaking
her happy almost gliding gait. I quickly crossed the street keeping my eyes on her unfortunately, I was almost
run over by a passing car, it sounds so much more eloquent to be cursed in french than any other language, I
know. Stepping inside I noticed that the place was small sighing I guessed that not many locals went there for
coffee. There at the counter she stood in all her glory, she and her red dress stood out hands above everyone
Walking next to her I placed an order, "I need the strongest you have, I have to wake up," she briefly sized me
up a small smile crossing her lips. My god! the whole room seemed to light up from just that slight smile.
"I take it you're not from Canada?" she asked the smile never leaving her face.
I almost stumbled over my words when I finally got them out, "uh... no... I'm from the uh... the states," I
felt like a jibbering idiot. "Why do you ask?" I was prepared for her to say no reason or just curious but she
surprised me.
"I've always been fascinated by the states especially the southern most section," she replied
"Why is that?" I queried.
"Well," she started, "they aren't in as much of a hurry as the rest of the country is, that appeals to me very
Ok, now it was my turn to be fascinated! "That's interesting,"I said, "I am from the southern region, Florida
to be exact."
"Oh! The land of sun and fun!" she said genuinely interested and excited. "You must tell me about it!"
As we sat I went into every little nuance of back home that I could conjure from memory. She had the sweetest
laugh a sheer delight to be around.
Two hours passed it seemed in no time at all, I had finished and she was telling me of her beloved
Canada, one had to admit, she painted it as a fabulous place to live. Neither of us noticed the time till I
took a drink from my coffee, ugh! it was stone cold! (I hate cold coffee) ordering up another we sat for
another hour this time paying attention to our drinks. We finally got around to the reason I was there, when
she found out that I was the artist she shook her head in understanding.
"They say that you have a rare talent, one that hasn't been seen in a long time. I glad I got to meet you
Paul," she said as she prepared to go.
"Um Brandi? can I ask you a question? I said somewhat sheepishly.
"Of course," she replied smiling at me I was almost completely lost in her deep blue lovely eyes, damn! I
almost forgot what I was going to ask her!
"UH...," I tried to start, "I have a dinner party coming up and thought you might like to go with me."
Brandi smiled that smile that had me tingling to my toes, something I hadn't felt in a very long time. "Well, I
really love the airport art that is there and since you are painting a cultural mural," here she stopped to
think about it, I was holding my breath while I waited for her answer god I hoped she agreed to go. "I don't
think I'm doing anything that night, I would be honored to accompany you."
I thought my lungs were going to burst waiting for her to answer, I let out a whoosh of air which drew a soft
giggle from her an almost heavenly sound.
As we got up to leave I told her that I had to get back to the hotel, I was a little behind on my sketches. I
started to pay for her coffee but she stopped me, "I just met you, I can't let you do that but next time we'll
see," here she flashed me a sexy sly smile . Oh thank god, I thought, there would be a next time!
Going our seperate ways I was almost in a daze what the hell was wrong with me? I was acting like a
lusting teenager! As I started to cross the street I was almost run over by the same car and driver.
"Hey connard que vous essayez de faire tuer ?" the older man said, I just smiled, "Trou du cul stupide de
touristes putain !" As I said before french was definitely a more eloquent language to be cursed out in.
Reaching my hotel, I was waylaid near the elevators by Ms. Lamarche, "Paul! I was starting to get worried when
you didn't answer your phone," Sighing I kept walking to the waiting elevator, Andrea linked her arm with mine.
Oh great, I felt like a piece of meat she'd laid claim to, I tried to listen to her as she talked on but Brandi
was still too fresh on my mind. Exiting the elevator Andrea continued her tirade til we stopped in front on my
door. "Thank you for walking me to my door," I told her hoping she'd go away and let me be in peace. I was
hoping till she walked in behind me, saying that the committee wanted an update on what I had so far.
Sighing I knew that I couldn't just shut the door in her face, I was hired after all to do a job and
though I wasn't happy this beautiful petite woman was my main contact to the committee. Shutting the door I
went to get my sketch pad to show her the ideas I'd come up with so far, when I reentered the room she was
sitting in a most unlady like position. When I didn't stare, or even seem to care she showed the first signs of
being irritated. As I moved closer I could also see that she'd removed her panties which were now safely tucked
away somewhere.
"Here's the sketches I've done so far," I said as I handed her the book, "I hope that the committee finds them
sufficient for what they want."
Looking through the sketches she put them down after a few minutes and walked over to me, "You know there are
"other" benefits with this job if you care to take them."
"Andrea," here I sighed, "It's not that I'm not interested, it's just too soon after my divorce."
A little miffed Andrea backed up, "I won't offer this a third time, this is an exclusive deal, you are
one of the best and you deserve the best as do I, we are perfect for each other. I could cure your fear of
rejection since I wouldn't reject you, you could cure me of no sex, what do you say sexy?"
Andrea stood there her dressed pulled up exposing her tight trimmed pussy, moisture glistening on her outer
lips. Knowing that there'd be consequences later, still I didn't care the thought of any woman rejecting me
again had me terrified as I answered this sexy vixen.
"I'm sorry Andrea," I whispered turning away from the sight of her exposed sex, "I can't, not even with as sexy
a woman as you."
Andrea's face screwed into a hint of rage then just as suddenly it was gone. Lowering her dress she tossed her
hair as she turned for the door, "Well MR. Rubbins I'll take what I've seen to the committee let us Hope they
want to keep you on." With that she slammed his door as she left.
I was shaking, this confrontation left me weak barely able to stand and apparently because of a
vindictive and horny woman, I might not have a job here now. Sighing I sat as I tried to calm down, taking the
bull by the horns I called the front desk, "Yes, this is Mr. Rubbins in room 380, yes, Please thank the
cultural committee for the room, inform them I am leaving today, apparently my services aren't needed, yes,
thank you in about 2 hours."
I decided to take a walk to clear my head, not really caring where I went, I ended up at the Starbucks again.
Huh, I thought, always coffee, going in I sat in the darkest, furthest booth from the door. Ordering a danish
and a coffee I sat there absorbed in what I felt was the end of a really good day, a day turned to pure crap
and flushed down the crapper. Feeling the same familiar feeling of uselessness I had when I was married, I
tried to push it away with thoughts of anything. A half an hour later I'd had no sucess was about to leave in
defeat when Brandi walked in.
As she walked to the counter I watched her intently, wishing I'd had the chance to know her better.
This time she was in a dress that reached barely to her ankles, damn I thought she truely is beautiful, maybe
I'll luck out and she won't notice me, too late I realised that wasn't going to happen either.
"Paul? is that you? Why are you sitting in the dark?" she asked genuinely concerned.
She sat and I told her what had happened, though I mentioned no names or positions. I mentioned that I'd had
situations like this before when I was first starting out, those had ended badly but now that I was as good as
I was and somewhat popular things might not go quite as bad as they used to. Brandi just shook her head a
moment before she spoke.
"You say she came on to you? You turned her down? Why?" I'd forgotten that Brandi didn't know about my personal
life, I'd only talked about home and not myself.
"I just finished a really bad marriage right before I got popular, there were alot of really hateful things
said by her, very... hurtful ... things." I managed to push out. I was fighting to hold the tears back but from
the look on Brandi's face I was losing the battle.
Brandi's mouth dropped open she'd never seen a man cry over a woman before not like this, I sat back
trying my best to stem the flow of tears and not embarrass Brandi, she was a beautiful soul and didn't deserve
the scene I might make. Brandi came over and held me close, she smelled so good it had an almost calming
effect, again I tried to stop, "Brandi, I apologise I didn't mean to make a scene."
"Look Paul, we all have something bad that we deal with in life and though most men don't express it like you
are, I find it refreshing that a man can show true emotion," Brandi said holding me closer.
I couldn't believe I was allowing a woman this close to me, normally I'd have already hauled ass out of here.
With Brandi, it felt natural as if this was where I belonged.
"Tell you what," She started, "I'll help you pack, there's a spare cabin near my place, ok?"
I was about to refuse when she looked at me, "don't you dare refuse, you need a place to hold up till this mess
blows over ok?" Hell, how could I refuse that invitation?
So Brandi and I went to the hotel and packed my stuff, the front desk said I had 15 messages 14 were
from a lady 1 was from the committee it's self, this one I opened to read.
<Dear Mr. Rubbins
We here at the committee don't know with whom you've been speaking, please rest assured that we will get to
the bottom of it. We more than ever wish to persue a working relationship with you, please call us at the below
number at your soonest convenience.
Yours cordially
The Kamloops Cultural Committee>
Huh? I was a little shocked, I thought Andrea was the committee head and what she said goes, so she was acting
on her on time fine, but I think I had her ass now.
Brandi saw the look on my face, "everything alright?" she asked. I just nodded not really quite sure how to
take this.
After we'd left the hotel we were a block away when I saw Andrea pull up to the front and storm in
sporting a serious pissed offed face. I slightly smiled and followed Brandi to her car, we drove for 10-20
minutes before we were out of the city into the countryside turning a few minutes later it seemed we next drove
through the woods forever. Finally she stopped at a large house set in a clearing, we took my things around
back to a small cabin, "Here you go, home sweet home away from home." Brandi smiled as she opened the door,
"everything you'll need, there's a phone but please don't give the number out, see you later." with that she
was gone, alone I took in the small area, a bed, a table, small stove and frig. A fireplace dominated the room
I expected to be using it by tomarrow hearing of a snowstorm that was blowing in.
I had just sat to start drawing again when my cell went off, "Hello? What do you want? You obviously
made your intentions clear, so... no but... I don't care, look if you're going to be like this... good bye
Andrea," with that I hung up on her but it wasn't enough, she called right back this time though, I refused to
answer it, I could almost see her seething on the other end of the phone. I had lost myself in my drawings when
Brandi knocked at my door, "Hey," she said when she poked her head in, "wanna get some coffee? I'll even let
you buy." she laughed at this I needed a cup right now and wondered if they'd sell me a few pounds of coffee at
the Starbucks. Both of us laughing we left in her car headed into town, we were sitting in a back booth when
Brandi looked me in the eyes, again I was lost in them, every coherent thought fled my mind.
"Brandi?" I asked unable to look away, "would you mind if I kissed you?" I awaited her laugh in my face but I
couldn't help but expect it.
"I thought you'd never ask, been waiting all day for you to." she whispered breathlessly, I leaned forward and
kissed her lucius lips. I felt as if I had been shocked, never in my life had I felt anything like this, Brandi
looked at me in shock also.
When our lips seperated not a word was spoken, I fell almost paralyzed, Brandi was breathing hard
herself, after a few minutes we finally sipped our coffee. Again like before we just talked but with Brandi it
was easy, like I'd been talking to her my whole life. Suddenly she sat up and walked to my side bending low
she whispered in my ear, "Come to the bathroom in 2 minutes after I leave, got an idea," I just nodded
wondering what the hell she was up to. 2 minutes later she was pulling me into the small bathroom, "sit down
with your pants on," I did and she lifted her dress to reveal one of the most beautiful pussies I've ever seen.
Her womanly scent intoxicating I leaned forward sticking my fingers and tongue deep into her pussy, oh my god
she tastes so damn good!
"Um big boy suck that pussy ah! yes deeper with that man tongue, give it to me stud uh! alright baby fuck my
pussy with your tongue faster!" she was saying, shit this was actually turning me on!.
We put paper on the seat and she pulled my pants down exposing my hard cock, "um very nice Paul"
lifting her skirt again, she sat all the way balls deep. As she started bouncing, it was almost too much to
take, her hot tight pussy squeezing my cock, after a few minutes she turned around and pushed her large double
D's into my face."We have to hurry," she says, "there are other people that might want to use the bathroom. Oh
baby your cock feels so fucking good ugh! fuck me yes! harder fill my pussy with your cum I have to have it
please. Yes that's it! I'm cumming Paul!" she was almost yelling as I started pumping my cum deep into her.
Smiling she kissed me as we got up, cleaning up we got dressed exiting the bathroom, we were both shocked to
see a line of people waiting to use the bathroom the smell of raw sex spilling out of the bathroom behind us.
Several of the patrons were surprised to see both of us coming out at the same time.
Walking to the counter we decided to pay before someone started to ask questions. Running from the
Starbucks we both laughed thinking of what the people would say when they walked in the sex odor saturated
bathroom. We were heading out of the city when my phone went off, "Yes, this is Paul Rubbins, I have to check
hold on, we got time to head to the committee headquarters?" Brandi thought for a minute then nodded yes, "ok
it looks like I'll have time, the drawings? yes sir I have them right here with me, alright I'll be there
within the hour." We headed for the committee headquarters near downtown, walking into this ultra modern
building was something in it's self. I was greeted by the 8 members of the committee including Andrea, who was
looking a little more than pissed.
The meeting went well with almost all the details hammered out, Andrea stared at me her face masking
her foul mood that I knew she in. I was amazed when the committee thanked Andrea for getting me to come do the
work and she almost passed out like she'd been caught doing something illegal. Many of the members rushed to
her side to check her, that's when I made a hasty retreat I'd almost made the street when Andrea caught up to
me, damnit! The last thing I wanted right now was a scene with her here at the committee headquarters.
"What in the hell are you doing?" she spat out when she had me cornered, "refusing to take the hotel room?
Where in the hell are you staying?"
I didn't want Brandi to get caught up in all this, so I reteated back further into the building, "I don't think
that's any of your business Miss Lamarche," I politely told her still afraid that she was going to start a
"I was supposed to take care of ALL your needs," she whispered.
"Yes, but I don't need that taken care of ok?" I whispered back.
Andrea sighed and was about to say something else when someone called her over, thus affording me a
hasty exit. Brandi was waiting about a block away, I was almost running when I jumped in, "Let's go! I said a
little urgently," Brandi just smiled as she sped away. I was supposed to start the pictures in 2 days and I had
about 2 weeks to finish them more than enough time. Thanks to the committee I was not to be disturbed by
anyone, though they had asked me about why I almost quit, I hadn't said a word, I think the threat of me
telling them was the only thing that was holding off Andrea. I spent every second I could with Brandi that I
could, we had had sex in a few odd places but I think my favorite was on the back of a tourist bus with her on
my lap in a dress. God! It had started to get to the point that all I had to do was look at her and with a
smile or sly look from her I was a raging hardon machine.
It was the end of the two weeks, Brandi and I had explored the city, the countryside, and most
definetly each other. I would be more than sad to leave, I hadn't felt as good about a woman as I did about
Brandi since long before my ex-wife. Oh my god! Was I in love with her? NO! I couldn't be, I wasn't impulsive
like that, yes, I more than enjoyed her company. Yes, I was sad our time was almost up. But love no, I was SURE
I wasn't in love how could I be? The night of the revealing and the dinner party was tonight, I was scared
shitless, though i didn't know why. I'd been to quite a few of these so I knew what to expect, I had a strange
feeling that tonight something major was going to happen.
Brandi and I arrived an hour before the show was to start, I introduced Brandi as my date, the men on
the committee had a look of pure envy on their faces, that I most enjoyed. Brandi was glowing more than usual
my god she was the most beautiful woman there. With the revealing finished, the after party started, here
trouble started, for as envious as the men were, the women were just as jealous, one woman in particular. I had
danced every dance with Brandi not really caring to dance with any other, I had to go the bathroom I wish I
hadn't, for when I emerged Brandi was heading out the door. As I gave chase, Andrea jumped in my way to the
doors."Hello Paul, you know you ought to dance with the female committee members, after all they were
responsible for your being here also." she said almost a little too snide.
I was trying to disentangle myself from Andrea and catch Brandi, I was going to ask her to come with
me. Suddenly I was swamped by all the females on the committe and their daughters, not wanting to be rude I
danced with each, sighing even Andrea, while we were dancing she whispered to me, "Now that the common girl
left you, I hope we can continue our relationship."
"We never had a relationship, and in case you didn't know YOU were the reason I almost quit the job and what do
you mean she left me?
"Well, she left in a hurry saying that she didn't belong here, she was going home, that she couldn't take
pretending anymore." Andrea said
"Pretending?" I said brushing my arms and shoulders off, "I need to go take a shower," I walked away as fast as
I could ignoring the many shocked people that stared at her and me. Had I looked back, I'd have seen Andrea
with a look of shock on her face the simple fact that someone had rejected HER, had shaken her to her core.
Outside I hailed a cab, getting to Brandi's house, there were no lights on so I went to my little cabin. There
was a note on the door
I expect you'll to be gone in the morning
thank you for the time we had together
I'll treasure it forever
I was shocked, not to be easily brushed off like this I called her phone, as I expected I got her voice
mail, "Look Brandi, I don't know what happened but I want you to come with me, think it over ok?" I didn't
sleep that night hoping against hope that she'd call me or show up the next morning. Dejected I was in a cab
heading for the city, what the hell had I done to drive her away? Arriving at the airport I found that my
flight wasn't til tonight, sighing I checked in, "Yes, Paul Rubbins," I told the girl at the desk.
"Yes sir, your flight doesn't leave til early tonight, you have about 5 hours, by the way we all love your art
work," she smiled but I only saw it, I felt nothing, almost hollow inside thanking her I headed to the
Starbucks to try and pass the time. I had a hope that Brandi might show up there and I could get to the bottom
of all this. I walked into the coffee shop not really knowing what to expect, very few patrons were there at
the moment so I took a back booth to try and hide till I left. After I ordered I sat there in a stupor not
moving, not talking, staring at the wall.
Brandi was feeling terrible, how the hell had she let him get that close to her? he'd only been using
her with no care for her heart only the sex he could get out of her. When that Andrea creature had approached
her the night before she'd believed that Paul was falling for her, she'd certainly grown feelings for him. That
woman had informed Brandi that she needed to watch out, Paul Rubbins was a player out to get what he could from
any female he could. Brandi, at first couldn't believe Andrea's story, and had stepped out for air feeling a
little light headed but when she'd stepped back in, there was Paul with a line of women waiting to dance with
him. Shock, then anger took over when she spun out of the parking lot speeding home and locking up tight. She
heard him come in 2 hours later, what? He couldn't get what he wanted so he was trying to get her? NEVER again.
Her phone went off, she refused to even look at it, she also didn't sleep that night. So she was up watching as
he left, that was the final dagger in her heart, he hadn't even tried to get ahold of her she'd have been at
the door demanding he come out, had it been her, that is IF he cared.
2 hours later her father came by, "Brandi? you here girl?" he called. Brandi got up and unlocked the
door, her father saw that she'd not slept now he was worried, he called for hours trying to talk to her, as
head of the committee he needed to find out what had happened last night especially after talking to Paul.
"What are you doing her girl? Paul is leaving today, thought you'd be at the airport at least to see him off,"
he said not seeing much reaction out of his daughter.
"Why would I want to see that womanizing, cheat off? I saw him last night he didn't even try to come after me
when I left, it was hours before he came back, why the hell should I care Papa?" she spat, damn he thought if
she were a snake he'd be dead now.
"I don't know what your talking about, he did try to follow you when you left, Andrea LaMarche waylaid him and
had every woman on the committee and their daughters dance with him." he said though Brandi didn't believe it.
"The best part though was when he told her off in front of a bunch of people, seems she thought he wanted her,
well maybe to go away," snickering he didn't see the look of realization that crossed her face.
Andrea, it had been her he was running from that day after they met, it had been Andrea that had been why Paul
had almost gone home not doing the job, plus it had been Andrea that had told her the lies.
Jumping up she ran to get dressed, telling her dad she had to catch Paul before he left. Her father
looked at his watch and said she'd better hurry the plane left in 2 hours. Almost dressed she saw the many
maessages on her phone all were from her dad damnit hadn't he ca...? YES! Putting it to her ear she heard
Paul's sad voice telling her that he didn't know what happened but he wanted her to go with him WHAT!!!???
Brandi was flying now, "DAD! we've got to go find Paul!" Spinning out of the yard in front of the house she
prayed she had enough time to find him. Paul had sat there in the darkened booth for hours, his butt had almost
gone numb, now with only half an hour to go he sadly trudged his way to the airport. Boarding the plane he went
to his seat staring out the window.
A few minutes later a blonde, blue eyed woman walked on the plane looking for her seat she stopped
beside the seats where Paul was. Paul felt her sit but didn't really care, without Brandi the world felt wrong
and out of sorts. Tears began to slowly fall from Paul's eyes, they woman next to him only stared in shock
handing him a tissue, Paul half hearted said thank you. God he missed her, he could almost smell her perfume
now he had half a mind to get off the plane and camp out in front of her house till the police took him away or
she came out and talked to him. The stewardess closed the hatch Paul sighed and mumbled to his self well, too
late now. The plane started to taxi, then had to sit on the tarmac for a little while Paul turned to ask the
woman next to him to let him out. His mouth fell open for there next to him was Brandi!
"B-B-Brandi? Oh my god!," he shouted Brandi had been waiting for him to look at her but he was so sad she
didn't know when he'd look up let alone look at her.
"I'm so glad you left the ticket for me, I left everything at home, including my money, and yes I want to come
with you." Brandi said as she leaned over and kissed him. "I love you Paul, I only realised that a while ago."
Paul was in shock, she was here, why, he didn't care, all he cared about was that she was here. Then there was
the bomb shell that she loved him thinking a minute he had to admit he loved her too.
"Thank you Brandi, I didn't think you ever wanted to see me again, I thought I was going to die," Paul kissed
her intensely, then her face and neck finally whispering in her ear, "I love you Brandi, thank you for giving
me back life.
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