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When a star baseball player takes a formula to enhance his performance, it's more of a change than he bargained for.
He watched the fly ball float up into the air and knew right away. It was going far, but not far enough. The ball fell unceremoniously into the glove of his rivals from the state college team. It was his chance for glory snuffed out at the last minute.

Dejected, Casey Rivera couldn’t even look at the guys from either team. His gaze fixed firmly on the ground, Casey trudged toward the locker room. No, it wasn’t the end of the season, but it almost felt like it.

“You’ll get them next time, champ,” the head coach said as he walked past the dugout. “You’ll be at full strength come the postseason.”

Casey had tweaked his shoulder earlier in the season and it was still nagging at him. He had to sit out a couple of games, but was getting back to the point he thought he could add something.

“You gave it a ride longer than most healthy guys on the team could,” Craig Bachman, his best teammate on the squad, said.

“But it wasn’t good enough,” Casey argued.

Craig looked around as the guys started to file in. They weren’t pleased.

“Look on the bright side,” he said.

“There’s a bright side?” Casey asked.

“Of course, there is,” Craig continued. “You’re getting a rub down from the doctor later on, right?”

Casey smirked. The after-game massage was not something to be celebrated.

“Are you serious?” he asked. “You think that’s going to get me excited?”

“It will when you see who the new doctor is. Doc Reynolds is gone for a while. His replacement is way younger, and way more female. She’s something to see.”

“Yeah,” Casey rolled his eyes. “You and I sometimes have a different definition of what’s hot.”

“Trust me. You’ll like her.”

A half an hour later, Casey was a believer. The team’s fill-in doctor could not have been more than a month out of med school, by the look of her. Casey smirked as he walked into the examination area. Veronica Pace had been out of medical school longer than a month, but her curves were undeniable and the form fitting skirt and blouse she had on only accentuated that.

With straight blonde hair to the base of her neck, and blue eyes, she looked like she could have been cast as the villain in a World War II movie. However, her voice was warm and seductive.

“How’s the arm feeling?” she asked as he stripped his shirt off.

“It’s not as bad as the ego,” he said.

“Well, only one of those things we can fix in here,” she said as she began a deep tissue rub up around the rotary cuff.

Casey smirked again, “I think we can work on both.”

She hesitated a moment and looked into his eyes. He glanced back at her with a smug, confident expression. College athletes, especially those in the popular, elite sports, were mostly the same. She had dealt with their kind before.

She gave a quick jarring motion, which caused Casey to wince in pain and suck air through his teeth.

“Sorry,” she offered as she turned and made a note on his chart.

“I know a way you can make it up to me,” he said.

She sighed and shook her head. Even after being put in their place, college males still didn’t know where they were. Some lessons needed to run much deeper.

“Seriously, babe, ain’t nothing wrong with a little bit of fun,” Casey said.

“I tend to spend my time with winners,” she said turning back around, wanting to see if her insult registered in his eyes at all.

He smiled, “I’m a winner.”

“The scoreboard today indicated otherwise.”

“No, ma’am. I almost hit a homerun.”

“Hitting a homerun would have been – satisfying. Popping out short is somewhat less than satisfying. I’m all about satisfaction.”

Casey stared at Doctor Pace. There was nothing else he could do. She almost felt a little sorry for him. But she knew there was more she could do.

“Casey, I’m sorry about that, but I have a question to ask you. Is the treatment and rehab on your shoulder really progressing at a pace you would like?”

“Not really,” he admitted.

“What if there were something we could do about that?”

“What do you mean?”

“I’ve been in the process of developing something that is absolutely revolutionary.”

Casey perked up. He had never taken anything other than medicine prescribed. But if there was something he could do to rebuild his body quicker, than it was something he needed to consider. It was not only the postseason at stake, but the rest of his baseball career.

“You’ve been working with Doc Reynolds on something?” he asked.

“No,” Dr. Pace admitted. “This is my own special project.”

“And you really think it can rebuild my body?”

Dr. Pace nodded, “In ways that you cannot possibly imagine.”

“Is it OK?”

“What do you mean by ‘OK’?”

“Is it legal?”

“This formula is far beyond anything conventional science is aware of at this point. They can’t test for something they don’t know exists.”

Casey smiled. This was his lucky break. He didn’t know if it would work, but it was worth a shot.

“What do I have to do?” he asked.

“It’s a two-step process, really,” Dr. Pace said. “The first is the injectable, which I can give you before you leave. The other step is a serum you take at home. The serum must be taken at least four hours from the injection, but within six hours. The injection is the active ingredient, but the serum is what activates the process.”

“Just one time?”

“One time.”

For a moment, Casey seemed hesitant. His gaze fell to the floor.

“I don’t know about this.”

She grabbed a syringe and vial and walked toward Casey. She smiled reassuringly and nudged up close to his ear. What she whispered removed any doubt he had.

“If you did, I would be very, very … grateful.”

He smiled, the confidence returning to his face. He nodded his head and Dr. Pace prepared the shot. Casey stared blankly ahead as the injection was given.

Dr. Pace handed him the oral solution and then turned to him and gave him a simple reminder.

“Remember, that must be taken no sooner than four hours, no later than six. Otherwise, the results are very much unpredictable.”

“You got it. Just remember what you said – about being grateful.”

Later that night, Casey did as directed, but not before he noticed some strange things happening. Apparently, the doctor was incorrect about some things, changes would be seen rapidly. One side effect seemed to be rapid hair growth.

Casey jolted out of his sleep like he had just been hit by a semi truck. His stomach was in knots and he was sweating profusely. He started taking deep breaths trying to calm himself. And he thought back to the medicine he had taken the day before. Was something wrong? He was hot and his skin was clammy. He thought he might have a fever.

He cursed Dr. Pace. She didn’t tell him about any of these side effects. Then, he remembered his head. He reached up and touched his hair. It was definitely growing. He would need a haircut in the morning for sure.

When his alarm clock rang a couple of hours later, Casey reached over and slammed down the snooze button. Unlike many college students, Casey lived for the morning, but this time was different. He yawned and had to convince his body it was time to start the day.

His eyes barely open and focused, he made his way out to the living room of the dorm he shared with Craig, from the baseball team. Craig was already up, getting a bowl of cereal from the kitchen. When Craig looked up, his eyes widened and his mouth fell open.

“Well, hi there!” Craig called, quickly composing himself and smiling. “You must have come home with Casey last night.”

“Huh?” Casey responded, confused. He was still tired, maybe he heard something wrong.

“So how are you?”

“Fine, I guess. I was a little sick last night, but it’s better now, I think.”

“Bummer. Would you like something for breakfast?”

Craig was being very accommodating, too accommodating. And why did he keep staring? Casey was beginning to feel a little weird. His dorm mate was definitely not acting normal.

“I can get it myself,” Casey said, taking his eyes off Craig.

“Sure, if you want cereal, bowls are in the cupboard just to the right of the sink.”

“What the hell are you talking about? I know where the bowls are!”

Craig held up his hands, not wanting to cause offense and flashed an uneasy smile. “Oh, all right.”

Casey made his way into the kitchen and Craig moved to one side. The dorm apartment was not very big, but certainly better than the single room dorms that many students had to endure. The kitchen was small. As Casey moved past, Craig touched him on the shoulder. Casey froze. What was going on with his friend?

“Some people look really awful in the morning, but you’re not one of them.”

Casey turned and looked at Craig.

“What the hell are you talking about? Are you turning gay?”

Craig laughed, “Far from it. You know, you have very cute boobs.”

The words stunned Casey, but it did cause him to look down. Just below his chin, two perky breasts jutted out from what had been a very flat chest the previous night. The hair he had on his chest had also seemed to have fallen out.

Almost not believing it, Casey reached up and felt the underside of the breasts. He pushed against them. They receded toward his chest but bounced right back out again. Casey briefly ran his hands across the nipples.

The sensation sent shockwaves through his body. Despite his present condition, it was pleasurable. Casey had never been one for playing with his own nipples, but this was different. He continued to rub and even closed his eyes for a second, enjoying the moment.

“I’ll do that for you, baby!” Craig offered.

“Shit!” Casey said, almost in a hushed whisper. In his shock and confusion, he had forgotten about Craig being there.


Casey immediately turned and rushed to his bedroom. He shut the door and looked in the mirror that stood on his dresser. What he saw shocked him. It was not just the breasts. He knew they were there, but his hair was another thing. It was significantly longer than it had ever been in his life – dark hair extending past his shoulders.

He touched his face. There was no stubble. He hadn’t shaved in more than a day.

Casey’s mind was spinning. He had heard about the dangers of steroid use, the possibility of growing breasts and – crap – shrinking testicles. But what about the hair? Hair growth was another side effect, but why was it growing some places and falling out others? And it wasn’t just the hair. His whole body looked different. His hips were wider and waist was narrower. He couldn’t blame Craig for thinking he was a girl. He looked like a girl. He didn’t even recognize himself in the mirror.

Despite the warnings, Casey had never heard of changes happening quite so rapidly. But the testicle thing was really starting to worry him. Shrinking testicles? And he needed to pee. Why didn’t he have a boner this morning? He quickly pulled back the elastic band from his boxers and looked in the down through the valley in his breasts. There was nothing.

“Fuck!” he yelled.

He put on a pair of jeans as well as a shirt, then put a jacket on over the shirt. He figured the more layers he put on, the less apparent his changes became.

After getting dressed, he looked at himself in the mirror one more time. He didn’t have a brush or even a comb.

“My hair’s a mess,” he said out loud, but to himself. Then he shook his head to clear his mind, “What the hell does it matter?”

Casey walked quickly through the apartment and out the front door. It was a quick 15-minute walk to the athletic offices. Dr. Pace, he hoped, would be there.

But he was not making an appointment. Making his way into the athletic building, Casey was quickly stopped by security at the desk.

“May I help you?” the lady at the desk asked.

“I have to see Dr. Pace.”

Casey could tell the changes inside her body were continuing. Her voice had gotten noticeably higher, even to her.

“Do you have an appointment?”

“No, but she’s expecting me.”

It was not so much of a lie. Casey was sure that Dr. Pace would probably be expecting a visit from him that morning.

“May I see some ID?” the lady asked.

“I … I forgot it,” Casey lied. He had his identification, but figured it would just raise more questions.

The lady was skeptical. But she saw no harm in letting the girl pass. She obviously was not going to cause any harm on her own and she had dealt with college students long enough to know that they often forgot things.

Casey scurried down the hallway, not wanting to draw too much attention to himself. But he was in a male-dominated area of the building, so she got a few glances. He smiled and kept walking, but the glances made him feel good. He saw the sign to Dr. Pace’s office and quickly pushed down on the handle and swept inside.

“Dr. Pace,” Casey said.

The doctor looked up from her desk and stared blankly at the girl that had just stepped into her office. “May I help you?”

“I’m Casey!”

“Casey?” she questioned, the smiled. “Yes, of course!”

Dr. Pace stood up and came around the front of her desk. She grabbed Casey’s shoulders and looked up and down. Casey was startled. The doctor did not look in the least bit concerned.

“What the hell is going on?”

“Shhhh,” she said. “Come back to the exam room. I’ll explain.”

“I look like a girl,” Casey said as they made their way back to the exam room.

Dr. Pace pointed to the exam table and Casey took a seat on it.

“You are a girl,” she said. “Anatomically, hormonally, and soon to be every other which way.”

“I didn’t sign up for this.”

“No, you didn’t,” Dr. Pace admitted. “But you did want me to help you. And I told you we could rebuild your body.”

“Rebuild my body into this? I wanted my shoulder fixed. How the hell is this even possible?”

“It’s a miracle of modern science, but not even I expected this result. This is the best we’ve seen so far.”

“The best? I can’t go on living like this. Miracle or not, you can’t do things like this without permission,” Casey said. “I’ll report you.”

Dr. Pace paused. She looked at Casey and gave a reassuring smile.

“Casey, there’s a lot I need to tell you, but you need to get over this reporting stuff.”

“I feel violated.”

“I’m sorry about that, but think of yourself as a pioneer.”

“I didn’t want to be a pioneer. I will tell.”

“And who will believe you? And if they do, what are you going to say? That you were hoping to gain an advantage by taking what you believed was a performance-enhancing drug? There goes your scholarship. There goes your pro career, if you had one. And there goes the chance of working in sport at any level, even little league.”

Casey slumped her shoulders and stared at the floor. The doctor was right.

“But I don’t want to be a girl,” was all she could muster.

“It’s not so bad. And you look absolutely stunning. Give it a while. It might grow on you. Besides, it should wear off in a few days and you’ll be back to your old

“What about my hair? If it keeps growing like this, I’ll look like flippin’ Rapunzel.”

“No, the nourishment provided to the dermal layer of your skin has all been used by now, which means your hair growth has already returned to normal rates. The rest of your hair was shed due to the hormones you received. It’s a good thing, too. Otherwise you’d look like an ape with mammoth-like hair by now.”

“What about the team?”

“I’ve already sent a note to the coach, explaining you have had another slight tear in your shoulder and would be taking a few days off.”

Dr. Pace reached into a drawer and pulled out some items. Casey looked at them with a sense of dread, but could tell what they were.

“No,” she said.

“Casey, embrace your femininity, if not just for a little while. Most people never get to see how the other half of the species functions and lives. You’re getting a gift.”

Casey sighed. She took the garments and retreated into a bathroom. Casey, the male version, had seen girls put on bras before. The nude-colored panties with the satin feel were different, but they felt nice as well. The line of the panties hugged her ass and certainly made her feel more feminine than the male boxers she had been wearing.

Casey wasn’t sure if she would have chosen a knee-length skirt and white button-up blouse for her first day of being a woman, but it was what she had. Her jeans weren’t fitting the way they should, being made for guys, so she decided to go with it. When she completed getting dressed, she stepped out of the bathroom.

Dr. Pace beamed a wide smile, “Nice!”

Casey went over to a mirror in the examination area and looked at herself. For a guy, she had been average height. She was a bit taller than most women, but not significantly taller. She looked good, with brunette hair, albeit a bit messy, and a darker exotic complexion that signified her Puerto Rican roots. She made a wonderful woman – size 4, 36C chest.

“I’ll need more clothes,” Casey said

“A package is being sent to your dorm.”

Dr. Pace pulled out a brush and started running it through Casey’s hair. The hair was a tangled mess.

“Ouch! Shit that hurt!”

“Just hold still. I’ll get through this, give you a couple of hair accessories, and you’ll be fine. Before you leave, we should do a thorough examination,” Dr. Pace said, glancing down at Casey’s pelvic area.

“I’m not sure I’m ready for that.”

“Casey, I will be gentle. It will only take a second. Hop back up on the exam table.”

“Really, I’d rather –”

“Now, please.”

It didn’t really sound like she had much of a choice so she did as she was told. Dr. Pace had her laid back then asked her to lift up her hips. The doctor slipped Casey’s panties off and looked.

“No hair there, either,” Dr. Pace said as she slipped on examination gloves. “That’s to be expected, based on the formula you took. But it will grow. It’s up to you whether you decide to keep it like this or not.”

“But it’s only for a couple of days,” Casey said.

“That’s the plan,” the doctor confirmed.

When the doctor touched the outer lips of her genitals, electricity went through Casey. The touching was not sexual, but it was different than anything she’d ever experienced before. The doctor continued, opening up the lips, examining the clitoris and the opening to the vagina.

“How does it feel?” Dr. Pace asked.

“How can I answer that question?”

The doctor laughed, “No I suppose you can’t.” She then went back to looking at it more closely, “Does it cause you any discomfort?”


“Well,” Dr. Pace said giving it a final look. “No pain, moist and healthy looking, hymen intact – everything looks good.”

“Wait,” Casey said. “Hymen? You mean I’m a virgin?”

“Have you had sex as a woman?”


“Then you’re a virgin.”

“How is that possible?”

“When the change happened, it changed you completely. It gave you all the sex organs of a woman in their original state.”

“All the sex organs, like ovaries and everything?”

“We’d have to do a scan to find out for sure. But that is the purpose. Everything else seems normal. Therefore, we can safely assume that it acted as it was supposed to.”

Not really sure what else to do at that point, Casey decided to head home. This time, walking back through the athletic building with a skirt and blouse on, her figure was not hidden from the guys. The stares she got in the non-flattering clothes earlier in the morning were replaced by more stares, and more than a few comments.

If you knew who I had been, guys, it would be different, she thought to herself. Who I had been? Or who I am?

She wasn’t thinking clearly. Was she totally a female? Or was she a male in a female’s body?

She meandered through campus, stopping to eat breakfast at a nearby cafeteria. Casey wasn’t sure where to go or what to do. For the time being, Dr. Pace had hooked her up with identification and some cash. She assumed that would get her through the next couple of days.

She made her way back to the dorm and unlocked in the door. Inside, Craig and a few of his buddies were gathered around the television, playing video games. Craig turned around to see her just come through the door.

“Hey there! What are you doing back here?”

“I, uh, just didn’t have anywhere else to go. And you seemed cool when we met this morning.”

Craig didn’t really care why she was back. He just cared that she was back. There was a gorgeous girl in his dorm room that his roommate was probably fucking, but it didn’t matter.

“If you’re looking for Casey, he hasn’t come back yet. Actually, he must have left before you this morning.”’

“Yeah, well, I think he said something about getting away for a couple of days. The doctor told him he reinjured his arm and wouldn’t give him medical clearance.”

“Oh, no?” Craig said. “Well, you can hang out here with us. You want a beer?”

“Sure,” she said as she walked over to the couch.

“I never caught your name, by the way,” Craig said.

“My name is Casey,” she said.

“Casey and Casey? Weird.”

Casey had to get used to being around guys as a girl. She sat down on the couch and took a can of beer. The guys paid her close attention and she was beginning to enjoy their company, not as one of the guys, but as a woman in the presence of the guys. It was different. Craig had introduced the other two fellows, whom she already knew anyway – Miguel and Neil.

“Damn,” Miguel said after losing a racing game. “You got quick hands,” he said to Craig.

“Quick hands can be an asset,” Casey said, surprising even herself. She had to remember she wasn’t one of the guys.

Craig smiled, “I’m sure I could show you.”

Casey just laughed and looked away nervously. The truth was, sex as a female could be quite interesting. But these were guys she had never had a sexual thought about before.

“I think I forgot something in Casey’s room this morning,” she said, wanting to extricate herself from the situation.

Casey stood up and quickly started to move. She had another can of beer since finishing the first one and she felt a little tipsy. That was also weird. Her body was smaller now and apparently her tolerance for alcohol also.

Casey went to her room and shut the door. She stood in front of the mirror for several minutes, just looking at herself. Her emotions were ragged. The changes in her body were faster and more severe than any human being on Earth had ever experienced. Tears started flowing out of her eyes. It was not that she was sad, just overwhelmed.

She heard a knock on the bedroom door, but before she could answer, it gently opened a couple of inches. Looking through was Craig.

“Hey, you OK in there?”

Casey quickly turned away and wiped her eyes.

“Oh, yes, I’m fine.”

Craig smoothly moved into the bedroom and shut the door behind him. She did not get the sense he would try to push himself on her, so she allowed it to happen.

“Well, you don’t like fine. What’s going on?”

“It’s just a lot of shit.”

He moved up behind her and took her by the shoulders. Turning her around he looked into her eyes, still swollen by her tears.

“It’ll be fine.”

He gently coaxed her against his chest, wrapping his arms around her. She nuzzled into his chest, appreciating the tenderness. As a guy, Craig would have told him to get over himself and pick up a videogame controller. This depth of tenderness, from a male, was something Casey had never experienced before.

Craig kissed her on her forehead and she found herself responding by pecking him on the cheek. They looked each other in the eye and smiled. Craig was running his fingers along the hair on the back of her head and he moved her head forward and kissed her forehead again.

Casey found herself returning the embrace this time, wrapping her arms around Craig’s shoulders from the back side. His gentle pecks on her forehead soon started moving down the side of her face, kissing her temple and cheek. Casey breathed deeply and felt butterflies in her stomach.

Then, they embraced fully. The moment his lips touched hers, she melted. She was a girl, for the time being, and she needed his kiss. With her refusal to pull away, Craig was emboldened, gently tracing her lips with his tongue until she brought hers forward to meet his.

His taste, his scent – all of it worked together and entranced her. The kiss became more forceful now as he pushed himself into her to make full contact. Casey
could feel his dick engorging with blood. His arousal pressed up against her made her feel – different. Her vagina started to moisten even more, and the sensations were almost too much for her to take.

Craig pressed up against her, moving his hands down to push her ass into his arousal. She gasped as she felt it touch the front of her slit through her clothes.

For a moment, she pushed away.

“What is it, baby?” Craig asked. “I’m sorry. Did we go too fast?”

“It’s not that,” Casey said. “It’s just…”

She moved forward again, this time putting her hands around his neck and leading him into a kiss. As their tongues met again, she moved her hand down to the front. Touching someone else’s penis for the first time was different, but she knew what to do.

She played with the shaft through his shorts, still wondering how far to take it. But she knew. Her inner being, something she had never recognized before, called to her. She could no longer resist what she was about to do. Eons of evolution were now directing her thoughts and controlling her actions.

She unbuttoned his fly and unzipped the front of his shorts. Their tongues kept dancing around each other, as she felt passion swell in her as a woman for the first time.

Craig’s shorts fell away as she instinctively dropped to her knees. She could see his dick pushing against the fabric of his briefs, and did the only thing she could do in such a case. She knew just how uncomfortable it could be, so she freed it.

Craig’s dick was average, about 6 inches long and about 4.5 inches around. She took it in her hand and gently caressed it. Although she had lived most of her life with one, she had never seen one at this close before.

Still, it was staring right at her, longing and begging. She knew what to do.

She took a deep breath. Was it wrong? She didn’t know. But she didn’t care. At that moment, it was her role. She licked her lips in anticipation of her acceptance of that role.

The tip of his dick touched her lips. It was soft, yet tight and hard at the same time. She could not help but feeling curious about it, having been on the receiving end of what she was now giving.

“Are you sure –” Craig started.

“Shhh!” she insisted as her mouth enveloped the shaft.

As she took it into her mouth, Craig’s eyes rolled back into his head. Casey immediately began working it in her mouth, focusing on the underside of the head, but not giving it so much attention that the feeling was overwhelming.

Her head bobbed up and down on his penis. She wanted to close her eyes, but she was entranced with watching his reaction.

“Oh, shit!” he said. “Casey … wow.”

She released his dick from her mouth and smiled. Now lubricated, she continued to work on it with her hand. Then, she grabbed the base and started rolling her face around it. Craig looked down at her dick rubbing all over her face, almost as if she worshipped it.

“You like that, baby?” Casey asked licking the underside of his shaft from his balls up to his head. “You like having my face caress your cock?”

She plunged it back into her mouth again, but this time she tasted something somewhat sweet, not salty. She thought maybe he was about to cum, but then realized it was pre-cum. She pulled out and licked the tip of his dick, taking the syrupy pre-cum and stringing it like a spider web from his dick to her tongue.

As she pulled further back the line of liquid fell from his dick and onto her chin, hanging down like a thread. She looked up and smiled.

“Crap, it’s almost as though you’re inside my head. How can you fucking do that as good as that?” Craig said.

“I know what guys like,” she said.

Craig’s penis was a curiosity to her in a way hers never could have been. The hardness of the engorged core, coupled with the silky smooth shaft and the soft sponginess of the head made for interesting sensations in the mouth. She now understood something she hadn’t before. Blowjobs were a pleasure for the giver as well as the receiver.

She took him into her mouth again, going slowly. But as she did, she flattened her tongue against his shaft and massaged it by pressing her tongue up against it repeatedly. As she gave his cock a tongue massage, she kept taking it further and further and further in her mouth.

“Holy shit!” Craig said. “You must … have … a lot of experience.”

His cock had reached the back of her throat and she began to gag. As she pulled her mouth back from it again, his shaft was dripping from her saliva.

“Actually, you’re my first blowjob,” she said.

“No fucking way!”

She used her hand to pump his shaft. Her pace was fast but her hand was gentle around his member, never applying too much pressure but always keeping enough to maximize the sensation.

“Way,” she said.

She then let go. Casey moved her head gingerly toward his shaft. He moved his hips forward to her lips, but she pulled back again.

“Please,” he said.

“Then stop talking and cum for me.”

Casey pushed Craig back until he fell backwards onto the double bed in the room. Craig moaned as he felt the warmth and wetness of her mouth envelope his member once again.

“Oh, gaaaaawwwwdd!” he yelled.

The pleasurable sensations were not completely one way. Casey felt them as well. This was not something she would ever thought she would enjoy, but sensing his pleasure as he moved across her tongue, sensing his anticipation every time she let go of him, it gave her a sense of power.

She focused her tongue on his head with a lightness that drove him wild. She enjoyed the sensation and the taste as he oozed his precum.
She kept him in her mouth, letting her saliva leak from her lips and run down to the base of his cock. With one hand wrapped around it, she began to pump and twist, making her hand an extension of his mouth.

His legs tensed up. She knew what was coming next. She had felt it many times herself, only as a guy.

“Mmmmm…” she said.

“Yes! Yes!,” Craig said, his excitement building to a peak.

His penis grew wider in her mouth as she moaned. As he began to spurt, she was overwhelmed by the sensation – the taste, the texture and the temperature. She kept her lips firmly wrapped around the shaft as Craig grabbed her head. She felt the full force of his manhood in her, flooding her.
She felt fulfilled. She felt used, helpless but also powerful. It was a strange mix of emotions, ones that she never thought she could feel in unison.

And right at that moment, she felt another emotion. The door opened and she let go of Craig. Turning around, she felt fear.

“Oh, shit yeah!” Miguel said.

As she released Craig from her mouth, a bit of semen dripped down from her lips onto her chin. She knew she must look like a sight, with Craig’s erect member in her hand and spunk dripping off her. She quickly swallowed what was in her mouth and wiped her chin.

“Hello,” she said, nonchalantly.

Miguel moved forward, but Neil stayed back. Casey knew they must have heard Craig from the other room and decided to investigate. They were bold, but they were college guys.

“How come we didn’t get invited to the party?” Miguel asked.

“It just sort of happened,” Craig said.

“Well, why don’t some other things just sort of happen?” Miguel said.

“Come on, guys,” Craig said.

“No, they’re right,” Casey said, almost shocking herself.

She had sensed what it was like to be a woman, to be in control and have the keys to a guy’s pleasure in her hand – or mouth. It was almost intoxicating. Besides, how many people got to experience it both as a guy and a girl? This was an opportunity.

She licked Craig’s spent member, not so much for him but to give a visual to the other guys. Miguel came up to her and pointed his pelvic region toward her face. She nuzzled her face up into his penis, which was already starting to grow. He looked down and almost laughed. This was almost too good to be true.

“Damn!” he said.

Casey reached for the band of Miguel’s shorts, but he bent over and brought her to her feet, picking her up under her arms. As he held her by her shoulders, he looked her up and down. There was nothing but pure lust in his eyes, and he didn’t look like he would be as gentle as Craig. That excited her even more.
He put his hands on Casey’s breasts and she purred.

“Mmmmmm,” she said.

“Girl, you look fine,” he said. “But I gotta see more.”

Seeing Craig exposed and knowing who had pleasured him had stoked Miguel’s urges. He was no longer acting like a rational person. Putting one of his hands on each side of her shirt, he pulled it apart. Buttons went flying as her bra-covered breasts were exposed.

Casey gasped. She was there for their pleasure, yes. But the intensity by which Miguel had moved in surprised her.

“I just got that shirt this morning,” she said.

“Don’t worry about the shirt,” he said, turning her around and shoving her, face down, onto the bed beside Craig.

Craig moved over a little bit watching as Miguel expertly unsnapped Casey’s bra. Immediately, she could feel the pressure off her breasts. His hard dick ran along her ass crack. She could feel it even through the fabric of his shorts and her clothing. He began licking her back, but quickly turned her over and took her right nipple into his mouth.

“Oh … my … god!!!” she screamed.

Now she understood about breasts, about nipples. So many females guarded that part of their bodies because it was a weak link. If she had any inhibitions at that point, they quickly disappeared as her nipple hardened in Miguel’s mouth.

He put it under his tongue, creating suction in the back of his mouth until the nipple squeezed out from under his tongue to the top of it. The sensation drove her wild. The tingling went through her breast, right to the pleasure center of her mound. Casey began to hump furiously against Miguel, seeking any form of friction she could find.

“You’re a little horny slut, aren’t you?” Miguel asked. “It wasn’t enough to get your mouth full of dick and cum. You want your pussy full, too.”

“Uh huh,” Casey meekly panted.

He reached up under her ass and slid her panties down and off. Without hesitation, he also pulled his shorts down, exposing his eight-inch cock. Casey’s eyes widened in anticipation.

Miguel handled his cock and rubbed it against the girl’s slit. She was already so wet from the blowjob she had given to Craig that her pussy lips glimmered in the low light of the room. It didn’t take much for Miguel’s cock to get wet, but he spit on the tip and rubbed it over his shaft just in case.

The tip began to disappear into her pussy. Casey felt her pussy lips part for a foreign object for the first time. She bucked up and down.

“You’re so fuckin’ tight.”

The words made Casey smile. She may have been born a man, but right now, her life was fulfilled not in being one, but in pleasing one. As he held the tip of his cock just inside her opening, her clit screamed for attention. She wanted to rub it but was too overwhelmed. Her vagina demanded to be filled.

And with one vicious thrust, Miguel was in. Casey gasped. It wasn’t until that point that she had thought of what Dr. Pace had told her – hymen intact. She clinched her teeth and threw her head back naturally arching her back somewhat. The pain was intense, but brief.

“Shit!” he said. “Are you fuckin’ kiddin’ me? You’re a virgin?”

“Not anymore,” she said.

“What the hell?” Miguel said.

He wasn’t upset about bedding a virgin, but the way Casey had acted up until now gave no indication she was a virgin. Miguel looked at Craig, who just shrugged his shoulders. He knew she had told him he was her first blowjob, but knew nothing about her other sexual experiences. Miguel then turned to Neil, who was taking the whole thing in from the doorway. He smiled and shrugged as well.

“Are you mad?” Casey asked.

“No,” he said, as he thrust into her again. “You wanna be a cum slut? I’m happy to teach you.”

In a couple of minutes, the pain she had was filled with the joys of sex as a woman. Each time he thrust in, her vagina wanted to hold his dick against her insides. Not having anything in her vagina didn’t make her feel empty before, but having his dick inside her made her feel full.

“OOOhhhh,” Casey said as his thrusting continued.

Her legs caressed his body and she locked her feet behind his ass, making sure they stayed coupled and that his dick stayed in.

“You getting’ a lesson, aren’t ya?” Miguel said.

“Uh huh.”

Miguel’s thrust was causing her sensations to build. Her senses were on alert and goosebumps seemed to cover every inch of her body. As Miguel’s shaft penetrated her, the top of it rubbed against her clit, especially when he stayed more upright.

“You like that baby?” he asked. “You like being used?”

“Yes, use me. Make me your bitch.”

“Shit, I ain’t been with a virgin in a while. You are so fuckin’ tight but so wet.”

“I’m wet for you … baby. Fill me up. I need more.”

The intensity of the sensation was something she had never felt as a guy. It caused her to yearn for more.

“More?” Miguel asked, using quick jabbing thrust that shook the whole bed.

“Uh huh,” she said between heavy breaths.

“You got it.”

He turned her over so that she was straddling him cowgirl style. He continued to pound her, but he called out for more.

“Neil, get your ass over here. I think she needs something more to suck on,” he said.

“I do,” she said. “I need it.”

Neil had not moved from his spot by the door, but seeing her tiny little puckered asshole, the whitish mix of her sex juices and her blood on the shaft of Miguel’s penis, caused him to get over his inhibitions. Besides, he wasn’t going to be the only one that afternoon who didn’t score.

He unzipped his jeans and unbuttoned his fly. His penis sprang out from the clothing. He stepped up onto the bed from the other side so that his penis was in front of Casey’s mouth. She eagerly took her second one of the afternooon in her mouth.

“Oh, crap, that feels good!” he said.

“Tell me about it,” Craig interjected.

“Craig, what the hell you doing, bro? Get behind her and tap that ass!”

Tap what ass? Casey thought as she continued to work on Neil’s dick. They are going to double penetrate me?
Watching the scene that was unfolding before him with a hot Latina girl was too much to keep Craig down. It didn’t hurt that he was a college guy. Recovery had been quick.

He stood up and stepped onto the bed. It was awkward. The movement of the bed made it hard for him to keep his balance. He spit on his dick and placed it on the entrance of her asshole.

Casey had her answers when she felt Craig’s prodding on her tight ass. He was gentle, yet persistent. As Miguel kept his dick steady inside her pussy, Craig started penetrating her ass.

“Oh shit!” Casey yelled, not sure what else to say. “Easy!”

Miguel spoke from underneath her, “This is part of being a cum slut. Be a good girl.”

The pain was immense, but so was the pleasure, not only from the physical act but from the thought of what was going on. She gasped as she felt like her back end was about to split open.

“Be gentle,” she pleaded, her eyes almost bugging out of her head.

“You are our little cum slut now,” Miguel said. “Now, shut up! Get back to work on Neil’s cock!”

“Mmmmmm…. Mmmmm… mmmmm…” Casey mumbled with Neil’s shaft back in her mouth.

Her backdoor widened as Craig prodded even more. The two guys at Casey’s other end began to develop a rhythm. As one went in, the other went out.
While Casey had been close to cumming when it was just Miguel, the introduction of two new dicks into the picture had set her back. She had to process the sensations.

But soon, she was back into it. And the guys could tell she was enjoying it.

As she took Neil’s dick in her mouth, he began to thrust wildly. His breathing got more erratic and she could tell she was about to get her second load.

“Shit! I’m cumming!” he yelled.

She kept the bottom of his dick head against her bottom lip and opened wide as the cum squirted into her mouth. Once he was finished, she let the cum sit there for a moment. It wasn’t as bitter as Craig’s. She found that there was a difference in taste between the two guys interesting, but eventually swallowed it down.

“Good girl,” Miguel said.

“I wanna be a girl,” she said.

“You are for sure,” Miguel said.

“I mean a good girl,” she said.

“You can be a good girl, in a very naughty way.”


But Casey wasn’t so sure that the first sentence had been a slip of the tongue. Indeed, she was finding sex as a girl extremely fulfilling.
The boys continued to work on her pussy and ass. As they did, the pressure she was feeling on the inside of her body was incredible. As a guy, she had never given a second thought to how close things were down there. Now, she was feeling it. Her rectal wall and vaginal wall, with two dicks inside, stimulated each other.

“Oh my gawd. Oh my gawd,” she screamed as the sensations built over her body.

“Let it go, baby. It’s all you.” Craig said.

“Get it out, slut!” Miguel ordered.

The boys continue their assault on her pussy and ass and her climax built to a frenzied height. She held her breath as her pussy lips and rectum convulsed around the guys’ dicks.

“Oh shit! Oh shit!” she screamed. “Yes! Yes!”

The climax was unlike anything she had experience. Sure, it had started in her pelvic area, but the hormones that were released sent a wave of pleasure through her body. Now, she knew what people meant when they said women could experience a whole body orgasm. No part was left untouched.

As her pussy milked the dicks still inside her, she knew this was what she was meant to do. This was what she was meant to be.

“This is it, girl!” Miguel yelled. “Are you ready?”

“Uh huh,” she said, starting to grind against him. “Fill me.”

His thrusts became hard and relentless again. Instincts took over and his dick yearned to get as close to her cervix as he could get. A few seconds later, Casey felt him.

“Arrrghh!” he said.

The sensation of a guy cumming in her pussy was also entirely new. Although she was warm and extremely wet, she could feel his convulsions. She swore she could feel his seed coating her insides. It wasn’t until then that she thought about the repercussions. Would she get pregnant? Was that even possible?

She didn’t have long to think about it. Craig’s thrusts in her ass continued her curious mixture of pleasure and pain.

“I’m getting close, again, baby,” he said.

“I like it,” she reassured.

Craig’s thrust were more gentle than Miguel’s, and she was happy it was Craig in her ass. His climax from earlier may have taken some of the youthful vigor away from him, but he was still more than capable of giving her a good fuck.

He continued thrusting, but all of a sudden it became slow and purposeful. The change in pace made her feel every inch of him. As he slowly penetrated her ass, she felt it as sphincter succumbed to every inch of his shaft little by little.

“Oh, yes!” she said.

With Miguel’s penis still inside her, she felt a fullness unlike anything else. And it was causing her to slowly build excitement again, not the she had ever quite come down from her orgasm.

As Craig gently pushed in and backed back out, her ass now accepted his dick completely. She relaxed and it happened.
In a move than even surprised her, she came again. Of course, she thought, that was another benefit of being a female – multiple orgasms. Sensing her climax again, Craig got even more excited, but kept his slow purposeful thrusts.

“Yeah, baby!” he said.

And then he stopped. Casey took a second to look around the room. Miguel was still under her, sucking on her tits now. Neil was just watching once again. At that moment, there wasn’t a sound in the room, then she felt it.

In the stillness, Craig’s cock twitched, and her ass was getting filled with his cum. She collapsed on top of Miguel and let it happen.

“Mmmmmm,” she said. “I love it.”

In total, the group had six orgasms in the span of a little more than 30 minutes. Craig stayed by her side but the two other boys quickly recovered and left the dorm apartment. In the stillness of the afternoon, the room was calm and quiet, but the smells of her sex, their semen and her blood were in the air, serving as a lingering reminder of what just happened.

As Craig cuddled up to her, Casey’s mind began to drift into a place where thoughts are not followed by logic – that place just before sleep. She thought about Dr. Pace. Casey wondered if she really would change back.

She wondered if she really even wanted to.

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-09-15 06:29:47
It should just been a thing between Casey and craig, Miguel ruined it.

And I can honestly say if I was turned into a girl I'd probably mess around with a guy to see what it was like.

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-02-02 20:00:05
The story would be more believable if it was a woman turning into a man. I could see this because women tend to be bi. Whereas men tend to be straight or gay, no in between.

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-02-02 19:56:27
Great writing, but I'm sorry as a guy even if I became a woman I would be a lesbian because I love pussie..... lol
Its good to do some research when you're doing a story, to help make it more plausibleI. Talk to some gay men and women, then compair that with bi and you will see what I meen.

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-02-01 14:24:43
I agree. Miguel is an arrogant jerk. I am tired of characters like him treating the women in these stories like ill-paid and disrespected whores. If Miguel and his kind continue to appear in the stories, then I think they should face some very negative consequences.

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-02-01 12:56:58
The story began really well but that jerk Miguel somewhat ruined it. I juste can't stand arrogant jerks, they turn me off.

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