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This story is about a boy who has a lot of sexual tension built up. He goes to India and suddenly girls are satisfying his needs because to them he's rich
I've already written part of the next story so please comment if you want me to post it. Thanks ;)

I come from a fairly well of family . In the school i went to everyone is super wealthy. This meant i didn't seem rich at all even though I would be rich in a normal school.

Now the girls in my school though rich and young are still gold diggers. They date rich boys because they know they will buy them expensive things. It's quite crazy what rich people will do to get even a little richer. Even I must admit that although I'm above middle class i still feel poor in my school.

To explain why I feel this way let me explain how the girls in my school work. You can tell the richness of a boy by the hotness of his girlfriend. The hottest girls with long blonde hair, huge boobs and a smoking ass only date the richest boys at school. In the same way the average looking girls date the average rich boys.

In my school I'm below average richness. The unattractive girls won't even look at me and as a horney teenager this made me a bit angry. All around me guys were getting handjobs from their pretty girlfriends. I would often see sexy blondes giving their boyfriends blowjobs behind the school to ensure they keep getting gifts from them. I was getting no sexual relief other then when i masterbated about some of the girls i liked.

This was all about to change when my family planed a trip to India. Like all the students at school money was one of my hobbies so i googled the currency exchange rate. To my delight i learned that one US dollar equals 65.3 indian rupees. I was also a bit board so i read an article about Indians economy specifically the cost of things.

Basically it said that labour is externally cheep due to the big population. Most people life in slums because housing is expensive. The hygiene leaves here is surprisingly high because the people have access to clean bathing water.

They even have clothes because clothing is cheep in India ( the fake brands). This is not what I had seen on TV but then at the bottom of the article it said that only those living on the street have bad hygiene and clothes.

3 weeks later----

Me and my family waited in the first class passenger lounge for our seat numbers to be called. My mum had insisted we fly with air India for some reason. We were one of the first passengers to be called. Being in first class this meant leather seats, privacy, finest of airplane food and better service. We were the richest on board by far.

My family didn't sit together because we all wanted window seats and the only ones we could get were far apart. To make travel more comfortable we booked the seats on our row so we would have total privacy. About half way through the flight i noticed the air hostesses coming with metal trollies selling things like watches and jewellery but no one was buying much.

They were quite attractive in their sexy red and white uniforms. I noticed that they all had a lot of breast exposed (the top button was undone). I also noticed all of them had big boobs that were shown of by their tight clothes. It's almost like having big boobs is one of the qualifications for the job. There bums were nice too.

As I managed to stop staring at their breasts i noticed that they were all desperate to sell their goods. This is because they get payed very little and the only real income they get is from selling things. I started staring at one of the pretty air hostesses who was sexier than the others. She was very tall with tanned light brown skin, a pretty face, long black hair tied in a bun, a precious pair of large round boobs and a curvy body.

After a while of staring at her she saw me watching her. She brought her cart to my seat. From up close she was even more stunning and looked quite young( she was older than me and probably just starting her carrier). She gave me a friendly smile that was slightly cheeky.

" is there anything you'd like to buy?" She asked sweetly.

" umm.... No thanks,"i replied. I didn't say this because I was shy, there genuinely wasn't anything i wanted.

" I'll come back later and see if i can help change your mind," she said in a sexy voice with an indian accent and a sexy smile. I know that staring at all the sexy air hostesses had given me a bonner but i what i didn't know was that it had made a obvious tent in my pants. The air hostess gave the tip of my tent a gentle squeeze with the tips of her fingers. I was startled not only by the actions of this woman but the realisation she had made my erection grow half an inch.

She then walked away pushing the trolley. I spent the rest of the day wondering what she was going to do. I was a bit nervous and excited at the same time. I must admit my bonner was hurting although i tried to distract myself by watching TV. I still wasn't able to get rid of my bonner as I waited for her to come back.

A few hours later when the lights were dimmed and most passengers were sleeping i was still thinking about that beautiful air hostess. My dick was as hard as rock as i sat in the very quiet almost lonely first class compartment. Then out of nowhere the air hostess was back with her trolley. Her behaviour had changed, she seemed more personal towards me.

She looked me straight in the eye and said, " now lets see if i can get you to buy some items." She crouched down so she was at eye level with me. Then she undid two more buttons of her tight shirt. I couldn't help stare a bit at her cleavage but then looked back up at her. " it's ok," she said. " stare all you like."

Without saying anything i nervously moved my eyes back to her cleavage. I'm a bit happy to be looking with her permission but i don't yet know why she's letting me. Then her hand moves to unzip my pant zipper. My dick sticks out instantly. Her hand stealthily moves to wrap around my dick. Her soft small hand jerks me off very slowly. I gasp. I'm still staring at her cleavage and this feels amazing. She's smiling as she watches the effect she has over me.

I'm scared that at any second she may stop so i buy a pair of sunglasses of her for $40. This pleases her and she jerks me a little faster and undoes another of her shirt buttons. For the next 3 minutes i buy lots of more expensive things like a watch and she keeps removing buttons and her hand movements grow in speed.

At this point I'm gasping and wriggling in my seat. She giggles softly as she sees how much pleasure she's giving me. As I wriggle in my seat I say in a voice gasping for air, " give me the most expensive thing you have."

" That would be our finest perfume collection, it's $170 and is one of the fi...."

" I'll take it," I say stopping her mid-sentence. She's a bit stunned that I can afford this. I hand her the money and she puts the perfume collection on the pile of things she sold to me. With the pile growing on the seat next to me and with the addition of this perfume collection the hostess is jerking me off with as much effort as possible.

Her grip is tight but tender and her arm speed is amazing. Her hand is moving in a twisting motion up and down my throbbing dick. This is it, I can feel that I'm close to cumming. I want to last as long as possible so I don't flex my dick( a trick I learned while masterbating, it prolongs cumming and makes it feel much better when you do).

Even with this trick 30 seconds later it's clear I'm going to blow my load. Sensing this the hostess moves her free hand over the tip of my penis to collect the cum. I can't hold it any longer, her hand is expertly milking me. Finally I cum. Stream after stream of hot cum squirts out until a big pool has formed in her hand.

Without spilling a single drop she gets up with the pool in her hand and goes to the kitchen compartment to wash it of. She then returns with one of those hot hand towels and wipes the remaining cum on my dick. Before she leaves she gives the shaft one last squeeze from the base to tip. This drives out the remaining cum from my dick onto the towel she gives me that same cheeky smile before leaving.

This is the first time my sexual needs have been satisfied by someone other than myself. I put semi soft dick back into my pants and fall asleep. That night i slept like a baby all calm and free of tension. I think I had a smile on my face the whole night

The next morning......

I woke up after the best sleep of my life. Usually every morning I'd wake up with a morning bonner and have to go to the bathroom to
'get myself off' thinking about some hot blonde I saw at school. Today was different, after last night my sexual tension was fully released.

It would be an hour before we'd land at Mumbai airport. The time passed quickly and as I left the plane I saw the lovely air hostess in the kitchen compartment. I purposely fell behind my family and sneaked back to the air hostess. Without warning I put my hands on her boobs over her shirt for a few seconds. She was startled but I just kept squeezing and groping them. I then took my hands off the boobs and slid a hundred dollar bill into her cleavage.i gave her bum a confident slap and grope before leaving the plane.

4 hours later ...........

We spent hours in the comfort the expensive hotel taxi driving through dust and traffic. We looked at the slums and crows of people on the roads. Finally we arrived at our fancy 5 star hotel. It's grounds were very large and flash with a fancy pool in the center.

We all got our own room in the hotel and a members card that showed what class we were. My family was platinum class obviously(the best there was). I spent the rest of the day with my parents swimming at the pool. All around the hotel there were Indian girls dressed in the hotel uniform, all of them standing straight with their chest out and hands behind their backs. Now when I say all around the hotel I mean everywhere.

They stand along the walls of the endless corridors, they stand in front of every marble pillar surrounding the pool and there are two outside every room door.

While my parents continued swimming I went into the hotel lobby and talked to one of the many receptionists. I asked the man, " why are all the girls standing around the hotel?"

" their the attendants," said the receptionist," they are here to do anything you ask them to sir."

"But their around my age," I replied with a hint of curiosity.

" that's because they are all 14 and 15 years old though some are 16 too sir," he said.

"Ain't they too young too work?"

" no in India the legal working age is 14 and we like to hire young people because their fit and have good stamina sir. Looking at your membership card I can see your a platinum class member. This means you can youse up to 10 at any time sir. You can use them HOWEVER you want sir."

As he said the last he winked and smiled at me. I gave him a shy smile as hormones rushed to my dick. The words however you want stuck in my head.

" oh, and sir if any of them refuse to do even the most undesirable or hardest of jobs you can report them and they will be fired, no questions asked."

"Ok thanks for the help," I replied before heading to my room. I never had much interaction with girls other than that flight stewardess. The knowledge that girls both older and younger would have to listen to me and do what ever I wanted was a turn on.

In my school girls never talked to me even if I was talking to them. This was my time to get back those years of being ignored. Thinking about the girls at my school created a lot of sexual tension in my pants. I was going a little crazy thinking about what I wanted to do to this girl at school.

Her name is Samantha. Shes got a small body that guys like and she's obsessed with her weight. Samantha is the lightest and thinnest person I've seen at her age. She's very self conscious and that just makes her sexier. When ever I see her it's behind the one of the school buildings with her boyfriend dry humping her ass.

Finally after riding the elevator to the 23rd floor i began walking to my room. On the way I spotted a petite young girl in hotel uniform. She was clearly one of the attendants. She had glowing brown skin and a surprisingly large round bum that looked cute on a girl her size. She wore very tight white hotel uniform shorts and shirt.

Her black hair was long, thick and shinny and rested on both shoulders. Her boobs were small but her ass more than made up for it.i stopped walking and took my time looking at this pretty girl. She was my age yet a lot smaller like Samantha.

" attendant", I said looking into her light brown eyes," follow me"

I felt a bit embarrassed as I led this girl past all her fellow attendants and into my room. The attendant went and stood in front of my bed with hey hands behind her back. I went and sat in front of her on the clean soft bed.

I was a little intimidated as the girl looked at me. The receptionist told me that these girls had to do whatever I asked or they would be fired, no questions asked. Now it was time to see if they truly would.

"Um... Er.... Hey there," I said a little doubtful.

"Hi," replied the attendant sweetly.

I was kind of lost and didn't know what to penis knew what it wanted but my mouth didn't know how to say it

" um... Excuse me but can you.... Ummmm. Ok sorry for that you may leave."

" ok sir, hope you have a nice day"

And with that she was gone.

That same evening..................................

I spent the day eating out with family and we had just returned to the hotel. The hotel had 8 hotel restaurants but we wanted an outing so we ate at a beautifully decorated indian restaurant. My parents went back to their room and I was on my way to mine.

On the way to my door I spotted the petite small girl again. "I should try this thing again," I thought to myself. I walked up to the girl.

" hi, attendant can you please come to my room."

" yes sir." She replied

As we entered my room i stopped the girl before she could stand in front of the bed.

" you can take your shoes off here," I told her pointing to the corner of the room.

" yes sir, sorry"

Ignoring her apology i gave her her next instruction.

"Please get on the bed on your hands and knees?"

" yes sir," she replied and although she didn't show any fear or change in emotion I could tell she knew something sexual would be happening.

I got on the bed behind her on my knees only and placed my hands on her hips. She did not object, she just kept looking forward with her head looking straight ahead. Her hips were warm and I moved my penis slowly towards her big round ass.

We kept both our clothes on because I was too shy to ask her to take them off. My penis(in my pants) made contact with her bum. It was so so so warm and soft. I looked in the mirror in front of the bed and saw no change in expression on her face so I moved my hips slowly back and forth repeatedly.

I couldn't believe it. I was dry humping a hot girl. As my penis swelled I gained more confidence and humped harder and faster. The attendant held firmly to the bed in order to form some resistance for my penis but 5 minutes later I was almost bumping her off the bed

The room was dead quiet except for the soft thumps created by my dry humping. I was tired and sweating so I decided to try and push my luck.i stopped humping her and sat on the edge of the bed.

" attendant, come and give me a lap dance," I panted. I wasn't sure she'd do It.i was scared I'd get in trouble and called a creep.

"Yes sir, right away and would you like me to play some music?"she asked in her usual sweet tone.

"Umm... Yes please," I replied. I was not expecting her to be so obedient.

She then went to the music player and played a great song that was a good beat for a lap dance. It has a fast pace at some parts and a slow pace at other parts. She then gave me a sexy look and walked over to me. She rested her bum on my lap making sure I got the full weight. She giggled softly as my penis pressed against the fabric of our clothes and against her bum.

She brushed her hair behind her ear and onto her back. Then bounced her bum slowly in rhythm to the music. When the music picked up speed so did her bouncing.

" ah ah ahhh, babe you've got the nicest ass I've ever seen," I gasped.

" thank you sir," she replied in her usual sweet voice as her hair also bounced in rhythm with the music.

" your an angel, you know exactly what I want"

" it's my job to do all my tasks the way that will please you the most even if I don't want to."

I ignored the last part because I was close to cumming. Her bum was going to make me cum and the feeling was great.

" faster! Faster!! Faster!!!!" I yelled at her.

" yes sir,"she replied," I'll go as fast as I can, sorry if I'm not as fast as you'd like sir."

Her bum bounced so fast it was a blur but some how she managed to stroke my dick with her bum each time. It was incredible.

" ah ah ahh ahhhh ohh ohh ohhhh im gu....nan cuuuuuuuuuuu....m" I gasped as I emptied my load. I came so much it wouldn't stop for 10 whole seconds. The cum puddled in the fabric of my clothes and soaked through both my and her clothes.

When I told her to stop there was a huge wet patch on the crotch area of my pants and on the back of hers. It was clear that the cum had soaked right through her pants. After she looked at my cum on the back of her own pants she stood with her hands behind her back and looked at me. She was covered in sweat and looked tired.

I lay back on the bed as i recovered from my orgasm. When I finally recovered reality hit me in the face. I had just used a girl my age for my own sexual pleasure. I felt terrible and sick.

" I am so sorry, I don't know what got over me," I said hastily, " please don't tell anyone what we did." As I said this I removed a large bundle of 1000 rupee notes, to give her as compensation for what I made her do.

" it's alright sir, it's our job to do what ever you want and make sure your pleased with our service,"she said.

" yes but what I made you do really bad," I replied.

" no sir, it's our job to do even the dirtiest of jobs with enthusiasm no matter what they are and besides we've done much dirtier things to please our guests. All attendants are sworn to secrecy so no one will find out what we did."

"Oh that's good," I said with relief, " thanks for our help you may leave now."

"Your welcome sir," she said sweetly then looked at the bundle of money, " umm we do accept tips sir."

After surprising her by giving her 2000 rupees( a lot of money in India) I asked her to clean up the mess. I changed my clothes in front of her and she didn't seem to mind at all. That night I slept dreaming about the petite pretty girl.

So I've written part of part two already so please tell me anything you'd like to be in it. You can also describe a girl you'd like to be in it. Thanks ;)


2016-04-10 00:03:29
Animal99 the money is just given out of guilt

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-08-05 14:35:35
This is a very biased story and also discriminating.


2015-07-23 20:30:07
Nice story... but the money seemed to make it more of a prostitution thing... If she's supposed to be a "slave", then no money should be involved. (I thought the girls were complimentary=FREE).

The fantasy would be better if she was truly submissive and yet had a mind of her own - Submits to any request but could also suggest a few other things to make the experience better or "nastier", for the "guests" pleasure and happiness with her "service".


2015-05-30 22:00:11
Ok I will. Is there anything you would like me to put in part 3?

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-04-07 21:27:03
Please make a part 3 please I beg of you!!!!!!!

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