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What’s a Mother to DO
by perv4lilgrrls
02 / 20 / 2015
The pain was devastating. It seemed to rip through her entire body. She was being torn in two. Stretched apart like the turkey wishbone on thanksgiving. She swore that if ever again she was going to give birth she would take any and all drugs that may be offered to her. This “natural” child birth for the birds and she would never do it again.
To Crystal it seemed like several torturous hours of the most excruciating pain anyone could ever endure. Her pelvis ached ever so and her pussy felt like it was tore into pieces after giving birth. In reality she was only in labor for about twenty minutes. She can consider herself quite lucky as most women are in labor for hours.
She laid there on the bed, sweat pouring from her pores, her hair in shambles and the nurse holding her hand as they cleaned up her newborn for her.
The nurse brought the baby toward the new mother and smiled a different kind of smile. There was a deep look of pleasure in her face with a grin from ear to ear. She called the other nurse over and let her look. Letting go of Crystal’s hand she walked over and took a look. Her eyes grew wide and a smile danced across her face. Both nurses looked at each other and gave a little giggle. Not a “HA HA” kind of giggle, but an “EMM EMM” kind of giggle.
As the nurse came forward with the baby she spoke, “You’re going to have your hands full with this one my dear.” As she placed the baby on Crystal’s chest and in her arms she told her, “You have yourself a VERY lovely son.”
A big beaming smile ran across Crystal’s face as she looked into her lil boy’s eyes. They were a very deep blue just like hers. He had a nice little patch of hair covering his head. It appeared to be black, but may be a deep brown. As she gazed into his eyes she swears he smiled at her. He was only 7# 6oz, not a large baby, but bigger then most.
She caught the nurses giggling again and asked, “Just what is so funny?”
The nurses looked at each other and then at Crystal.
“You are going to have your hands full with this one my dear.”
Crystal looked perplexed and asked what they meant.
The one nurse came forward and pulled the blanket open for Crystal to see. There before her eyes, on her newborn son, was already a two inch cock hanging from between his legs. Crystal was shocked and considered him maybe a freak.
“Is this normal for a boy, newborn boy that is?” Crystal blurted out.
“Well all I can tell you is that it is the biggest I have ever seen on a newborn in all my years.” As the other nurse shook her head yes in agreement.
“He is a very blessed boy and will make some woman VERY happy.”
Crystal wasn’t sure how to take that statement. Should she be upset or should she be overjoyed? Was this going to be a problem or a blessing as she stated? All Crystal knew was she had a son and was going to give him all the love a mother is expected to give her son.
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She used to stare at Edward as she changed him. The thought kept running through her mind of what the nurses had said about his cock. Every time she changed him she always caught herself staring wantonly at his cock. It was going to be a big one. She tried to ponder how, as the guy who got her pregnant was nothing spectacular. Just a small, little five incher and not very thick. In fact the sex was quite disappointing and unsatisfying. He came rather quickly and left almost as fast. She figured it was more from embarrassment then anything else.
She would blow on his tummy like any mother would sometimes, as she changed him. He would laugh and giggle just like a baby would. She always told him how much she loved him and how happy she was to have him in her life. One day as this was happening, Edward in a laughing state push Crystal’s head down, unexpectedly, to where her lips were upon his now three inch cock. Panicking at first Crystal pulled her head away quickly and startled Edward. He began to cry slightly.
“It is okay my boy.” She mumbled. “Mommy is alright.”
The look of fear was still planted on his face. Did he think he hurt her? She wondered why the terror in his face stayed. Then, for whatever reason possessed her, Crystal bent down and kissed his little cock. Edward had an instant smile on his face and Crystal had the look of terror.
What had she just done? Was she out of her mind? How could she do such a thing to her infant son? Was she some kind of deviant? How could she have done such a thing? A raging dilemma was now starting to boil over in her mind. How could she face herself in the mirror? What the hell was she going to do?
From that day forward, Crystal never again went to blow on his tummy. She never wanted another accident to happen. She was just happy to allow him to play with her fingers and tickle his nose in the further changing situations.
This was the norm until it became time to learn how to use the toilet and potty training.
At the ripe old age of one year and three months, Edward took his first steps. About two months prior he had spoken his first words. He was growing up fast, thought Crystal and she began to worry some. Her biggest fear was how to handle the handling of showing him how to use the toilet. This would mean grabbing and fondling his penis to show him out to pee in the toilet. He was now about three and a half inches with a little bit of girth. It reminded her of a small pickle. She giggled at the thought and imagined eating a pickle. Quickly she erased the thought from her mind and called herself a sick pervert.
Bath time was no easier, especially when she needed to wash his balls and cock. She would swear she saw him close his eyes and put a smirk on his face as she washed both. As he got older she would just run the water to fill the tub and let him play in the suds. She figured this would get him clean so she wouldn’t have to do any touching. Although she never really could take her eyes away from that cock, she had to admire it. It truly was going to be a beauty and very, VERY impressive.
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Along with his age, Edward’s cock increased. By now he had reached five years of age and his mother really didn’t need to help him with much. She still drew his bath water, but didn’t have to assist with anything other then drying him slightly. It was during one of these drying sessions that something happened.
As she was wiping him down, she reached up between his legs to dry his cock and balls. She tried to make it as quick as possible, but Edward didn’t want that. He asked his mommy to please wipe them again as they were still moist. As she went to wipe again, she heard a soft moan come from his mouth. Crystal gave a slight sideways glance to see him smiling ear to ear with his eyes shut. It was then she noticed his four inch cock was starting to get a little stiff. Immediately she stopped and said, “Okay, go get your pajamas on and I will be there shortly to read your bedtime story.”
With a little disgruntled “MMMPH” he darted off to his room and did as requested.
Crystal was not sure, but she believed he was getting excited with her touch. The sense of panic and fear was coming over her again. She wondered if it was even possible for a young boy to get aroused at his age. She figured she needed to do some research. That night she buckled down for a long session on the internet.
As she hunted online for information, she noticed her pussy starting to get a little damp. She was shocked at all the information she was bombarding her mind with. There were young kids in China and South America, some as young as five years old with heightened libidos. They also had reached puberty at an extremely young age.
She had realized that her hand had reached down and was petting her bald, sweet pussy while all this was going through her mind. She doesn’t remember when or how it got there but it was feeling very good. It started to consume her as she read of a young boy of five who had jacked off and came in Peru.
She pushed the mouse away and reached for her nightstand. Opening the drawer she pulled out her little toy. It was just a small little vibrator she has had for years. It wasn’t a big dick to impale herself on, it was just to stimulate her clit and drive her crazy. She removed her panties and started her stimulation immediately.
Crystal loved this little vibrator. It had brought her many extreme orgasms. She loved the way it made her feel and the intensity of the orgasms it gave her. She loved the way it purred over her clit. She watched as her clit grew three times its normal size. She knew this was going to be a super one, since she hadn’t does this in quite some time. The pressure was building and she knew she wasn’t far. She was fighting with all her might to be quiet, but her moans were getting louder and louder. Suddenly there was a scream and a VERY LOUD “OH GOD!!!!” which was probably heard in Peru. She sprayed her cum all over her spread. She was always a good squirter.
She lay there trembling and cumming like Niagara Falls. She was almost having convulsions as she flopped around on her bed. All the while you could hear her mumbling, “OH GOD . . . OH GOD.” It had to be one of the best orgasms she had ever had at any time. She was surprised to feel how sensitive her clit was. She tried to touch it ever so lightly, but her hips bucked and she gave a squeal when she tried. This was a first for her and she prayed that it wouldn’t be the last. She lied panting like a dog that had just ran a mile to get home. Her ample chest was heaving up and down. Her nipples were standing tall and proud. The sensation of them rubbing against her camisole as she panted caused her to reach up and pinch them.
She squeezed her nipples hard, rolling them between her thumb and index finger. The feeling made her tummy quiver and her legs to shake. She was amazed at how sensitive her body was. She could feel cum oozing ever so from her flaming pussy. She believed she could roast marshmallows over it if she had the chance or the marshmallows. She squeezed her breasts and moved back to the nipples. Back to her breasts, back to her nipples. Back to her breasts, back to her nipples. She was starting to build the feeling again.
She turned the vibrator on and moved to her clit. No sooner had she touched her ultra-sensitive clit she came again. This one was much harder and more intense then the first. Her bedspread was now soaking wet after spraying three shots across it. She was shocked at the intensity of her second orgasm. Her spasms were twice as violent. She was flipping like a fish. This time the vibrator had flew from her hand and landed somewhere. Her whole body seemed to be electrified. The slightest movement caused a spasm. Her eyes were clenched shut. She just tried to lie as still as she possible could. It was hard as the ripples were flooding through her body.
She must have blacked out for a moment, but when she regained her composure she realized that her camisole was slightly torn and the bed felt like a pool. She heard this constant buzzing in her head. She tried to figure out what it was, but couldn’t. She tried her best to regain her breath. Her clit was pulsing harder then it had ever done in her entire life. Her pussy and legs were saturated with her cum and juices. She couldn’t get that buzzing out of her head. She tried moving a little and closed her legs. She shuttered as her labia closed over her clit and sent more ripples through her body. Ever so gingerly she moved to sit up. Her nipples were two mountains standing on her breasts. Sensitivity was her biggest enemy. Every time she moved more ripples and aftershocks tore through her. Yet she couldn’t get that buzzing out of her head.
As she slowly came back down to reality and calmness was returning to her ravaged body, that buzzing was driving her crazy. Suddenly she remembered the vibrator. That’s the buzzing, she thought as she remembered tossing it during her orgasm. As she tried to focus toward the sound and spied it lying on the carpet, she spied another site. There standing in her doorway was Edward with his mouth and eyes wide open like the Grand Canyon.
Oh now what’s a mother to do ………………………………………………………………………..
I hope you enjoyed and have a wonderful day in your own pleasure.
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