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A high school freshman is hit by lightning and discovers he can enter the mind of of the German Shepherd that belongs to the girl next door
I am not the author but this story is one that I have read multiple times. Seventeen chapters in total.

Dog Days of Summer - 1
by Ken L. Master


Chapter 1: Change Happens In a Flash

The disturbing dreams started while Billy was still
recovering from the lightning strike. Bill couldn't
remember actually being hit, but the neurologist told
him nobody ever did, the strike just happened too fast.
It was the first week of summer vacation, when he heard
the neighbors' dog Rex barking on his running line as
the thunderstorm blew in suddenly. Billy hadn't thought
twice about it, he knew the Phillips' weren't home, so
he just ran outside to let the big mutt in out of the

He had one hand on the Shepherd's collar and was trying
to unsnap the chain when the bolt of lightning nailed
them both; one minute he was yelling at the big dog to
be still, and it seemed like a second later he woke up
in the hospital. The doctors told him later that the
metal posts holding the running line cable had carried
off most of the charge, which was why he and the dog
weren't totally fried. After three weeks, he still had
occasional headaches, but everyone said it was a
miracle he and Rex were alive, so Bill figured weird
dreams weren't much to bitch about.

The really strange part was that what he remembered of
the dreams was always in the Phillips' back yard or
inside their house. They were pretty crazy though, not
nightmares, just really weird—like black and white
movie clips, with perspective all wrong, like he was
laying on the ground, and noises like barking or
growling, and strange smells.

That seemed really odd to him, he didn't remember ever
actually smelling anything in his dreams before. When
he described them to the neurologist, the doc told him
his brain was still trying to get itself sorted out, so
some freaky dreams weren't unusual. The EEG's and other
tests were all okay, so the doctor said the dreams
would stop after his brain made some adjustment to
being blasted like that. Bill wasn't sure why he
decided not to tell the doc that he sometimes thought
that he was the one doing all the growling and barking
in the dreams.

Only a couple of days after talking with the doctor,
Billy had the weirdest experience of his life. He'd
dozed off while listening to some tunes in his room and
was having one of the dreams again, and this time Amber
Phillips was in it; he could see her face, and he was
looking UP at her while she talked to him. "...such a
good boy, Rexie, you're such a good, good boy," she
said with a giggle, "you're a lazy, worthless mutt but
you're my sweetheart, you know that? Nobody ever had
such a good, good dog, and we love you like crazy, you
big furry shit."

Billy felt her scratching his head affectionately and
heard the contented growl coming from his throat; it
seemed completely natural to roll over onto his side
and have the girl begin scratching his furry belly. He
could feel Amber's hand rubbing his belly and chest as
she kept talking, and suddenly he knew without question
that he was Rex, laying in the Phillips' side yard
while Amber petted him. He could feel his tail thumping
into the grass as he wagged it and he could see his own
bedroom window over Amber's shoulder. 'Holy shit, this
is too weird,' he thought suddenly, 'I'm inside the
goddamn dog, this is crazy.'
Billy jerked awake with a gasp, suddenly back in his
bed with the CD still playing. He sat up and hit the
power button, and in the sudden silence he could hear
Amber Phillips' voice through his open window.

"...may think I don't have anything better to do than
rub your belly, you spoiled mutt," she said with a
laugh, "but you're wrong, you lazy thing; I've got
laundry to put away and Mom wants help making dinner,
big boy, so I guess you're out of luck for now."

Bill looked out his window as the girl was getting to
her feet beside the big dog; he gasped in amazement as
he realized Rex was laying exactly where he'd just been
in the dream. He closed his eyes to try and remember
the exact position, and for a split second he was THERE
again, lying on his side and staring up as Amber walked

He felt a whirl of vertigo as the dog scrambled up onto
all fours, and then Billy was back inside his room,
watching as Rex followed the girl through the gate into
the Phillips' back yard. He collapsed into the chair in
front of his computer desk, shivering in shock and

"Jesus Christ, this is just nuts," he whispered to
himself, "It was exactly like the dream, he was right
where I was, I was dreaming what he was seeing,
hearing, I was THERE, like I was inside his head."

'Get a grip, dude,' he advised himself silently, 'and
try not to be goofier than you are. It's just a
coincidence, that's all, maybe you were hearing her
voice while you were sleeping and just blended it into
the dream. That makes a lot more sense than what you're
imagining, for real. Uuhh, and let's not even mention
this little episode to Mom and Dad, or the doctor, for
sure. Talk about this to anybody and you'll be talking
with a shrink and eating Thorazine instead of M & Ms.'


Every night his dreams continued, and day after day
Bill went Internet searching, trying to understand what
was happening to him. He remembered more and more
details from the dreams every time he woke up, and
everything he could check out on the Net made him more
spooked, because stuff he was dreaming turned out to
make sense. He learned that dogs mostly don't see
color, no yellow or red or green, but probably blue and
violet, and that matched exactly what he was seeing in
his sleep.

While he couldn't really identify the smells and sounds
he remembered, that made sense too, since animals
senses of smell and hearing were much better than
humans. After a week of searching and worrying, Billy
decided that he was either totally losing his mind, or
else somehow his brain was plugged into the German
Shepherd, his mind was sharing the dogs life when he
slept. And though Billy was scared shitless, he didn't
really think he was going crazy, no matter what anyone
else might have said.

It didn't make sense, but it was too real not to be
true; some way, somehow, that lightning bolt had cross-
wired his brain with the German Shepherd, and he was
able to experience everything the dog was living. 'And
if that's really true, dude, then this is the chance of
a lifetime,' he thought suddenly, 'It'll be like having
your own personal spy-cam right in the house with all
those hot babes.'

Billy had a major lust attack every time he laid eyes
on the neighbor girl, but then everyone in town had the
hots for the Phillips girls. Amber's sister Jade was
twenty-two, still living at home with their mother and
working on her Master's degree, but all the guys Bill
knew weren't interested in either of the girls for her
mind. Like their mother, the Phillips sisters were
total knockout blondes, with long perfect legs,
sparkling green eyes, and stunning full breasts that
stood out in taut globes under their sweaters. Billy's
Mom said it had been somewhat of a scandal when Angela
Richter got pregnant at fifteen and delivered Jade
right after she turned sixteen, but Ben Phillips'
family had done the right thing and the marriage saved
Angela's reputation.

Jade was almost thirteen and Amber was seven years old
when Ben Phillips was killed in a plane crash, and
Angie Phillips had raised the girls as a working mother
since then. Maybe because of her own teenage
experience, Angela Phillips kept her daughters on a
short leash. Billy once heard Jade joke that her Mom
had three rules: 1) Finish your education & earn your
own way, 2) Think for yourself, and 3) Keep your legs

Joke or not, the girls had taken their mother's advice
to heart, and none of the guys at Midvale High had
gotten anywhere with Jade, and nobody was getting
anywhere with her little sister either. Amber was in
her junior year at Billy's high school, but the popular
Junior-year cheerleader barely noticed the lowly
Freshman next door. Actually, he had to admit it was
worse than that; Amber did notice him, but thought of
him like a younger brother.

"But maybe, just maybe," Billy told himself slowly,
"I'll get to see what nobody else sees... watch them
all when they're home in private, doing whatever chicks
do when they're all by themselves. Hell, nobody even
thinks twice about what their pets see, who ever
worried about getting undressed or taking a bath in
front of a dog? But I need to learn to control it," he
continued thoughtfully, "to be able to pick when I'm
there, not just get these flashes in a dream. If I can
somehow plug in when I'm awake, this'll be the greatest
thing since...since ever, that's all. Back to the
Internet, dude, maybe it's like self-hypnosis or
meditation or something..."

It took almost a week of studying relaxation training
and practicing meditation and auto-hypnosis, but
finally Bill hit the jackpot. He was lying on his bed
with eyes closed, totally relaxed and on the edge of
being asleep, when there was the familiar feeling of
disorientation as he was back in Rex's brain. He felt
cool hard tile against his side as his vision cleared
to black and white, and suddenly he was looking around
the Phillips' kitchen. There was an immediate flood of
new sensations, as the Shepherd's sensitive nose fed
into his brain; he tried to ignore Rex's view of the
kitchen to concentrate and identify the variety of
scents reaching the Shepherd's nose.

Billy knew instantly what the Phillips' had had for
dinner; there was a strong odor of baked chicken,
macaroni and cheese and broccoli hanging in the air,
and what had to be an apple pie for dessert. Beneath
those heavy aromas, he could smell water from Rex's
dish, a mix of coffee-ground and eggshell smells that
had to be from the garbage can, the smell of Angela
Phillips' cigarette smoke, and fainter scents which he
finally realized must be perfume and makeup, sort of a
diffused feminine smell. He was aware of other odors
but couldn't identify them, maybe because the dog could
smell things he'd never been able to, or maybe just
because he was unfamiliar with Rex's world.

There was the sound of evening news on television in
the recreation room, and music from a CD player
upstairs, along with the noise of cars passing on the
street outside. He could hear crickets chirping in the
Phillips' back yard, and even the sound of lawn mowers
coming from three different directions up and down the
block. There were other sounds he couldn't begin to
recognize, and once again he realized the animal's
senses were better, the Shepherd's ears could hear
sound waves above and maybe below the pitch of human

He wondered how the dog ever got to sleep with all
those noises coming from everywhere, and then slowly
understood that it must be no different for the
Shepherd than it was for a person, when you got tired,
you didn't pay attention to what you heard or smelled,
you just went to sleep. Billy lowly willed himself to
detach his attention from the big dog's senses and
concentrated on focusing on his human body.

There was a moment of disorientation, and then suddenly
he was back in his bed; when he opened his eyes, colors
were brighter and more vivid to him, while his hearing
and sense of smell seemed dull and stunted now. He
closed his eyes again, took a slow deep breath and
found his way back into the big Shepherd's world. Bill
spent the next three hours practicing tuning in and out
of the dog's brain, until he could slip in and out of
Rex's senses as easily as closing and opening his eyes.

The following day, Billy was mowing the back yard when
Amber Phillips came out of her house to give the German
Shepherd a hose bath. Bill ran inside and picked up the
collar he'd found at a yard sale, popped open a can of
Coke and strolled across the lawn toward Amber and Rex.
He stopped dead in his tracks as he got closer, hoping
that Amber wouldn't notice his sudden hard-on. The
stacked blonde cheerleader was soaking wet from washing
the dog, her cutoffs and tank top sticking to her taut
body like paint. Amber wasn't wearing a brassiere, and
her nipples showed clearly through the thin material
clinging to her full breasts. She looked up with a
smile and continued rinsing the shampoo off of Rex as
Billy walked up to them.

"Hi, Amber, hey Rex, what's up, big dog?" he asked,
scratching the huge Shepherd between the ears. Rex was
a real monster, easily the biggest German Shepherd Bill
had ever seen, his shoulders nearly up to Billy's
waist. He was beautifully marked and looked
intimidating as hell, actually half Shepherd and half
wolf, he remembered Amber saying. Even though he looked
scary, Rex was really gentle and playful, still acting
like an overgrown puppy at four years old.

"Hey, Willie, what's happenin," Amber replied, grinning
as Bill winced. She knew he hated it when she called
him Willie, a nickname his grandmother had used when he
was little.

"Dammit, Amber," he blurted in frustration, "you know
how much that—"

"I know, I know, I'm sorry, Bill," the pretty blonde
cut him off with a giggle, "I know you don't like to be
called Willie, I just can't help jerking your chain
sometimes, you know? It's just that you totally twitch
every time, dude, you're so easy to tease, it's too
good to pass up. What's going on, Bill, are you, you
know, feeling all right and everything?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm good, I mean I'm okay I guess," Billy
replied, trying not to stare as Amber's round tits
bounced under the soaked tank top, "I get a few
headaches and some weird dreams, but the doctor says
all the tests are fine, so it seems like it's all over
and done with."

"Oh God, Billy, I'm so sorry about what happened,"
Amber said sincerely, "you were just trying to help us
out, and you almost got killed trying to save Rexie and
everything, I just want you to know if there's anything
we can do, just ask..."

"Thanks, Amber, but it's okay, really," Bill answered,
"I'm doing fine, and I'm glad old Rex came through all
right, you know, that's kind of why I came over," he
continued, "I found this cool collar while I was
helping clean out Uncle Bruce's garage last week. He
had a big retriever named Charlie, who got hit by a
car, I guess he must have kept the collar, and I
thought of Rexie as soon as I saw it. It's a really
nice collar and I think Uncle Bruce would be glad if he
knew somebody's dog had it now that Charlie's gone."

"Oh, Billy, thank you, that's really sweet of you," the
blonde responded with a smile, "thanks for caring about
Rex after all that... all that stress. This is a really
good collar," she added as Billy handed it over, "those
nickel studs are totally cool, it'll look great on him,
thanks so much. Look what Billy got for you, big dog,"
she cooed to the Shepherd as she buckled the collar
around Rex's neck, "a fine fancy collar for my big boy,
isn't that cool? Whoa, that looks great on you, Rexie,
you look so macho in leather. All the other dogs are
gonna be totally jealous of you, good boy, you look
like a real stud now."

Billy's mind was racing as he walked back to the house
and finished mowing the lawn; he was practically
shaking with eager anticipation by the time he put the
mower away and dashed up to his room to hook up to the
big dog. This was the big test, to see if he could
actually be able to see and hear through Rex's senses
at any time. He lay down on the bed and tried to focus,
to be in the same relaxed trance he'd had last night.
Taking a deep breath, Billy closed his eyes and willed
himself back into the Shepherd's brain.

The stunned freshman nearly yelled out loud when his
vision flashed and flickered, then integrated into a
grayscale view of the Phillips' recreation room. He had
a moment of vertigo and disorientation, wondering why
the room was so distorted, and then understood that his
point of view was very close to the carpet: the
Shepherd was lying down, watching Amber as she flipped
through channels of the satellite dish. His vision
steadied, and he was inside Rex's head, seeing and
hearing the Shepherd's perception of Amber's rec room.

"Smell a lot better now, good dog," Amber said with a
giggle, "now you smell furry and good, instead of like
a big old stinky mutt. I, on the other hand," she
ontinued, "still smell like a wet dog even though my
clothes are dry. This smelly top has got to go, right
now." Billy stared in stunned delight as the girl stood
up and peeled the tank top off over her head, exposing
her fabulous round breasts to his admiring look.

"Holy shit," he whispered to himself, "this is fucking
unbelievable, look at those sweet tits. Of course," he
murmured in satisfaction, "she doesn't know I'm here, I
mean I'm there, she wouldn't think twice about
undressing in front of her dog. Oh Jesus, I never even
imagined it would be this good, this is worth getting
hit by lightning."

He gaped in amazement as Amber unsnapped and unzipped
her cutoffs and wriggled the tight shorts down over her
hips, kicking them next to the tank top and standing
there in her panties. Billy could see the girl's bronze
pubic bush clearly through the lacey crotch of her
underwear; he gave a stifled laugh as Amber reached
down and rubbed her hand briefly over her pussy,
adjusting the crotch of her panties. 'You don't have to
be quiet, dumbass,' he thought suddenly, 'she can't
hear you, cause you're not really there, you're only
inside her dog.'

He swallowed hard as her firm ass swiveled when she
walked back to the couch and sat down to watch
television; he was glad Rex had so much interest in the
girl, tracking her every move. Amber's full breasts
bounced as she flopped down onto the couch, and he
stared at her nipples while she picked up the remote
unit and started flipping through the channels again.

The girl's taut cheerleader body was even better than
he'd ever imagined, lush curves and a flat belly, with
sleek lean thighs and muscular calves from her
gymnastics classes. Her long blonde hair spilled over
her shoulders and fell in random curls onto her
fantastic tits. Billy guessed Amber's chest must be
about a 38, at least C or maybe D cup, firm solid tits
standing out in globes without any sag at all; he
watched her breasts sway as she reached for the glass
of Coke on the end table and settled on watching Star
Trek reruns on the Sci-Fi channel.

Billy watched every move for nearly an hour before he
got so hot he had to pull out of the Shepherd's head
and go jack off in the bathroom. This is going to be
one terrific summer,' he thought as he shot his load,
remembering Amber's gorgeous body, 'I can plug in and
visit her any time, see her coming out of the shower,
watch her getting undressed, everything.' He hurried
back to his room and laid down again, going back for
another look.

Rex opened his eyes as Billy heard bare feet padding
down the hall and Amber walked into the room. She was
still in her panties, but had put on a tee-shirt while
he was gone, and Billy had a flash of disappointment
when he realized he wouldn't be able to see her
wonderful tits again. He realized there was still an up
side, however, when he noticed two scents becoming
stronger as she came into the room; one was obviously
perfume, the other a rich and somehow musky aroma that
he suddenly knew must be her sex.

The Shepherd's nostrils flared and Billy could almost
see waves of scent wafting from the blonde's crotch as
she walked past Rex and sat on the couch. Of course,
the stunned teenager told himself, a dog's nose is
certainly sensitive enough to smell a woman, probably
to tell one from another just by scent. He then
suddenly understood what had been part of the complex
of odors he couldn't recognize; though it was obviously
familiar to the Shepherd, Billy had never smelled pussy
before. The scent was rich and sweet, musky and
pungent, a delicious smell, and he developed a whole
new understanding of why dogs were notorious for
sniffing at a woman's crotch. Billy's mouth was
watering, and he swallowed hard as he had an instant
vision of jamming his nose between Amber's thighs and
breathing in the aroma of her sweet pussy.

He was uncomfortably warm, and Billy realized that
summer would often be a miserable season for someone
wearing a heavy fur coat all the time. He felt a sudden
itch on his side, and had the weird sensation of his
left leg moving all wrong as the Shepherd quickly
scratched the spot. Being four-legged made his arms
feel funny, and for a moment Billy wondered if he would
even be able to walk in the dog's body, but then
reminded himself that he was only a passenger in Rex's
head, he was eavesdropping on the Shepherd's senses,
not actually being the dog. At least, he thought so
until Amber got up and walked out of the room; as the
girl moved out of Rex's line of vision, Billy turned
his head automatically to watch her; to his amazement,
the Shepherd's head turned, tracking the blonde out of
the room.

'It was just coincidence', he thought, 'he turned to
watch her leave at the same time I thought about it,
that's all.' It still seemed a little bit freaky to
him, and then he got a worse shock when the Stargate
episode ended. Billy was a severe commercial junkie and
he could watch some TV ads over and over again. He
thought the Subway commercials about thunder thighs and
big butts were just totally hysterical, and one started
up as soon as the Stargate credits cut off. As soon as
Billy had the urge to see the television, Rex turned
his head toward the screen. He was stunned and amazed,
couldn't believe it for a second, but there was no
doubt about it, somehow his thought had affected the
Shepherd's behavior. He turned his head the other way,
to look away from the TV, and Rex's vision tracked to
the opposite end of the Phillips' recreation room.

Billy swallowed hard, closed his eyes and mentally
flipped the cutoff switch and sat up shaking in his
bed. Even though he'd just seen it happen, he still
couldn't believe what he'd just been part of; how could
what he wanted have any affect on the Shepherd's
behavior? His thoughts were racing so crazily, he had
to re-play the whole episode two or three times in his
mind before he got a handle on things.

The lightning bolt had given Billy a whole lot more
than he'd realized. He'd thought it was a one-way
setup, input somehow coming from the animal to his
mind; but now, it seemed, the more he worked it, it was
starting to somehow go the other way, feeding input
from his thoughts back to the dog. There was a lot of
stuff about this brain-exchange that he couldn't
understand yet, but the bottom line was clear. Somehow,
whatever the contact was, it picked up waves or
something from his brain and beamed that into the dog's
nervous system, where it affected the animal's

If he didn't focus on something, the dog wasn't
affected and Billy was a kind of passenger in the
Shepherd's head, but when Billy's thoughts were
specific, he could influence or partly control Rex's
actions. It sounded like the best kind of deal; like if
Rex was running, Billy wouldn't have to work the dog's
legs to make it run, but he could get the Shepherd to
change directions, go where Billy wanted to go. The
horny freshman had a sudden flashback, remembering
wanting to shove the dog's muzzle into Amber's snatch,
and realized he might actually be able to do it, be
inside the dog, sniffing at that fine blonde pussy.
Billy licked his lips and settled back on the bed,
reaching out for another visit inside the lucky
Shepherd's brain.

Rex was following Amber up the stairs as Billy jacked
in, and the dog licked his lips as he watched the
girl's incredible tight ass swiveling up the steps in
front of him. He could see the cleft of her ass cheeks
clearly through the near-transparent panties, and the
delicious smell of her pussy made his mouth water as he
trotted down the hall behind her.

The Shepherd's tongue lapped around his muzzle, and
Billy suddenly realized that his reaction was causing
the dog to drool. It felt weird and clumsy inside the
Shepherd's body, and Billy tried not to get caught up
with the sensations of his arms being Rex's legs. He
was okay until they started into Amber's bedroom, but
then he paid too much attention to the walking thing,
and Rex stumbled and nearly fell through the doorway.
Billy closed his eyes as the dog lurched and scrambled
to regain his balance while Amber looked back with a

"What the hell, Rexie, can't work the feet tonight, big
dog?" the blonde taunted with a giggle, "you'll never
catch the bunnies if you can't do better than that,
sweetheart, you're not even chewing any gum. Maybe you
better lie down and rest, goofus, while I go get a

Billy's ears perked up as he realized Amber was going
to get undressed, and he sat watching with tense
anticipation as the girl began to strip. Amber peeled
the tee-shirt up over her head, and he gasped as her
fabulous tits were exposed; he stared in stunned
amazement while she reached up and massaged her full
breasts with both hands, fondling her nipples until
they stood up in peaks on her chest. She had a two-tone
tan, and he realized that she got naked when she went
to the tanning salon, but had slightly lighter bikini
lines from sunbathing by the pool in her back yard.

Billy thought he'd stroke out when she rolled her
panties down over her hips, dropped them down around
her ankles, and he saw real live pussy for the first
time in his life. Her pubic hair was a narrow strip of
bronze curls running down to her slit, and he knew that
she must keep it shaved to get that Mohawk effect. The
rich musky scent of her sex grew stronger with her
pussy exposed, and the Shepherd's nostrils flared as
Billy sniffed eagerly at the sweet aroma.

Rex lapped at his muzzle once more, and Billy knew that
his arousal was making the dog drool again. Amber
turned and looked at him with a curious expression, and
he realized Rex was panting & whining softly as Billy
stared at the girl's gorgeous body. She burst into a
giggle and pointed at him, and Billy suddenly knew that
his own hardon had given the big dog an erection.

"Why Rexie, you dirty dog," the blonde whispered, "what
are you doing, sniffing around and getting a boner like
that? You bad dog," she continued, walking over to him,
"that's for me, isn't it, you smell my pussy and you're
getting a hardon, you silly thing." Billy whined
eagerly as the scent of her sex got stronger; he
thought he might pass out when she squatted down in
front of the Shepherd, her knees wide and her pussy
spread before Rex's eyes.

"Well I'm real flattered, big dog," Amber said
teasingly, scratching the Shepherd affectionately
between the ears, "and I must say, that's quite an
amazing boner, Jesus, I never noticed how well hung my
big stud really is. My God," she added with a giggle,
"it's like a porno Little Red Riding Hood: 'Oh,
Grandma, what a big cock you have.' Eat your heart out,
you bad boy," she concluded, standing up abruptly,
"there's nothing here for you, Mama keeps telling us
not to give it up till we're married. So no nookie
until you can produce a wedding ring, get it? I'll go
take a shower and you calm down, bad dog; maybe you
should go take a cold shower instead of me..."

Billy could feel the dog's erection throbbing while he
watched Amber's perfect ass as she walked out of the
room. He heard the bathroom door close and the shower
turn on as he got the Shepherd to his feet and walked
clumsily over to Amber's bed. He shoved his nose into
the blonde's panties and sucked in the scent of her
snatch, panting and drooling. Billy lay down with the
panties between his front paws and gave an experimental
lick at the scrap of nylon; he gave a sudden yelp of
delight when the taste of Amber's pussy flooded the
Shepherd's tongue.

The smell and taste of the girl's snatch was thrilling,
and he began lapping eagerly at the crotch of her
panties, overwhelmed by the sensations pouring in from
the big dog's nose and tongue. Billy was so engrossed
in licking and chewing the panties that he didn't hear
a thing until the girl stepped back into the room and
dropped her towel with a scream.

Amber couldn't believe her eyes when she walked into
her bedroom and found Rex lapping at the crotch of her
panties; she screamed and dropped the towel as she
snatched them away from the big dog. Her underwear was
shredded and soaking with dog drool, and the Shepherd
whined imploringly as she jerked the panties from
between his paws. The blonde saw that the big dog still
had an enormous hard-on as he scrambled to his feet and
stood staring at her with guilty excitement.

"Bad dog, Rex, you're a bad dog," she exclaimed
angrily, shaking the panties in front of the Shepherd's
nose, "you chewed them up, you dumb fuck, they're
ruined, you ate my panties, you bastard. Bad dog, bad
dog, that's gross," she said, slapping him across the
nose with her ruined underwear, "you're a nasty horny
asshole, Rex."

Billy hung his head as Amber scolded Rex, thinking it
was a good thing she couldn't see him smiling while she
was reading the poor Shepherd the riot act. He could
still taste her pussy on the dog's tongue, and he knew
that with three women in the house to choose from, poor
Rexie would be taking the blame for a lot of chewed up
underwear. He licked his chops and laughed out loud in
his room when Amber slapped Rex's muzzle with her
shredded panties again as Billy sniffed at her freshly-
washed pussy and stuck the dog's tongue out.

"Oooh, you disgusting fucker," Amber yelled when slaver
dripped slowly from the Shepherd's muzzle, "I can't
believe you, you're acting just like every guy I ever
met, you bad dog. God, males are all alike, you're as
much of a jerk as the assholes at school, Rex. Don't
even think about it, you shit, you're not getting near
me with that big dick, you'd probably start humping my
leg or something, you horny fuck. Get out of here,
dumb-ass," she concluded, shoving the Shepherd toward
the door, "you can just go lick yourself or something,
shit-head, you're not staying in here if you're gonna
act like that. Go, Rex, go on, get out, you're a bad
bad dog."

She slammed the door behind him as Billy slunk slowly
out of the room, and tossed her soaked and shredded
panties in the trash with a groan of disgust. Billy
scratched once at her door with a begging whine, and
then opened his eyes and sat up as Rex trotted down the

"Oh, man, this is too much, it's just too fucking
cool," he said as he climbed off the bed, "this is
utterly unbelievable, God, her tits, her pussy, this is
great." He closed his eyes, unzipped his jeans and
started jerking off, visualizing Amber's fabulous tits
and ass, savoring the taste of her panties as he
stroked himself.

"Go ahead, Amber, get some rest," he said, "maybe I'll
check back in on you later, or maybe we'll see if your
sister's still up. Yeah, get some sleep, and you can
dream about the big dog's dick, sweetheart," he
whispered, "you just don't have any idea what Rexie's
gonna want from you, baby, believe me."

Continued in chapter 2...

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-03-04 22:23:36
whats up


2015-02-26 09:09:19
"Dog Days Of Summer - Part 1" - Four Year Old German Shepherd/Wolf Mix, Rex; Fourteen Year Old High School Freshman, William "Billy"; Across-Street Neighbors Sixteen Year Old High School Junior, Amber Phillips and Her Twenty-two Year Old College Senior, Jade Phillips and The Girls Thirty-eight Year Old Mother, Angela Richter Phillips.

It's a thrilling science-fiction yarn of telepathy transferrence of Billy's mind control to Rex the German shepherd's mind in which he can control the body movements of the dog!! It allows Billy to telepathically enter the all-female Phillips house; so far "Rex" is just observing, trying to gain favor of sixteen year old Amber, due to the sudden weird actions of "Rex" (Billy's mind control going wild)!! The suspense is electrifying, giving very unusual and different sex urges and arousals! Can't wait for "Rex" to start sniffing, closeup smelling and humping attempts of the three females, especially young teen Amber!

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-02-24 17:17:24
Listen people - he didn't write this. He said so in the very first sentence.

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-02-24 01:17:11
Very hot and can't believe how large even the smaller dog breeds have such big cocks and knott me so long.

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-02-24 01:04:00
Please learn standard horizontal formatting. This appears to have been written on a cell phone keypad. Very unprofessional..

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