Gaara/Hinata pair. After saving Gaara, Tsunade sends some help for the discord that's erupted in Suna, Hinata and Naruto are signed to be Gaara's bodyguards, will Hinata still love Naruto, or will she fall for the raccoon-eyed Kage. Find out now!!
*Author’s Note- I do not own Naruto, it is a work by Masashi Kishimoto. This is a pair I personally like other than Naruto/Hinata, Gaara/Hinata comes pretty damn close to them. Enjoy.*
I haven’t gotten to see much of Gaara, ever since the Chuunin exam, even then, it wasn’t like we talked all to much, well at all actually, even then though, there was something about him that intrigued me, but since Naruto has always caught my eye, I didn’t pay it much thought. When Naruto left to train with Master Jiraiya, I was devastated, it felt like my world was crashing down and when he came back, it was like a breath of fresh air, my Naruto-kun was back safe and sound. Then he had to save Gaara from the Akatsuki.
After Naruto had saved the Kazekage, they had a few teams go and help Sunagakure, with their Kage missing there was discord, some started trying to fight for the title, and crimes increased, those loyal to Gaara tried to fight back the resistance, but some ninja were hurt and they asked Tsunade to send some of her men. Kiba, Shino and I were one of the teams to be picked, along with Naruto, Sakura Sai, Neji, Lee and Tenten. Kakashi-sensei and Guy-sensei were also appointed to be our supervisors. With that, we were off.
This is what started the events that will lead to my change.
Naruto had changed and at the same time he didn’t, he was still a fun loving goofball, but there was a fiery spark behind his eyes that I didn’t remember before he left. It was as if something was awake and alive behind those blue eyes other than Naruto, I remember seeing the same eyes in Gaara when we first met him.
When we got to Sunagakure, we had a meeting with the Kazekage and the remaining members of their defense along with a few members of ANBU. We were to be split up, and I was appointed the Kazekage’s personal bodyguard along with Naruto, the rest would be patrolling the streets and would be staying in the inn, myself and Naruto would be staying close to Lord Kazekage at all times and would sleep close to his living quarters.
I felt giddy, and nervous. I would be spending a lot of time with Naruto, I wouldn’t have to hide as I watched him, I could prove to him that I’m strong. He has faith in me, no one else ever did.
As the meeting ended, Naruto and myself were met by one of the men to talk about protocol and whatnot, I saw out of the corner of my eye, Gaara looked over our way then turned and left. We were led down a long hallway, there are many doors on either side, our guide says that is where most of the guards lived although now, most of them are vacant, as we make it to the end of the hallway there are doors on either side and a door at the end, it’s ornate and bigger than the rest. “The Kazekage’s quarters.” The guide explains, “You two will be staying on either side of him. Hyuga you take the left, Uzumaki, the right. You will have an hour to get yourself situated, and you will meet Lord Kazekage here to go down to the dining hall. Understood.”
“Yes sir!” Naruto shouts enthusiastically, mock saluting our guide.
“Y-yes sir.” I mumble, blushing hard as Naruto looks at me and smiles.
"And here are your uniforms, leave them out at night, and we will get them washed for you." We nod as we take our clothes. Naruto has black slacks and a white sweater that would hug his toned body nicely. I've got a black skirt and a white button down blouse with a lower cut than I am used to. As the guide walks away and I turn to scurry into my room, I feel Naruto pat my back and I tense beneath his hand and I feel a little wetness start forming between my thighs.
“You’ll be great Hinata, with you and me on the job, no one will lay a finger on Gaara.” He laughs a little. “Well, he’s Lord Kazekage now, isn’t he?” He smiles at me as he turns and goes into his own room.
I stand there for a few moments, staring blankly at the door. I shake myself and hurry in. I try calming myself by putting my things away, clothes go in the drawers here, my weapons and first aid supplies over here, my bathroom supplies on the shelves in the washroom, Naruto’s fingers slipping into my cunt.
I shake my head, this is futile, I know I won’t be able to calm down, Naruto’s touch just drives me crazy, and I just can’t help but imagine. I sigh, locking my door, and striping out of my old clothes, throwing them into the corner, I put my new uniform in the as I start running water for a bath. Surprisingly the washroom has a nice bathing area, almost looks like a mini hot spring. I slip in and moan as the hot water caresses my bare flesh. As I relax, I start thinking of Naruto again…then again…when did I stop.
My fingers lightly run down my body, softly caressing my breasts, lighting pulling a nipple. I moan as I feel fire travel down my spine into my womanhood. I continue down, imaging that’s its Naruto’s hands that are touching me. I groan as a slip two fingers inside myself, lightly pumping. I imagine my delicate, smooth fingers to be Naruto’s bigger, rougher ones. I start going faster, pulling a nipple with one hand and fucking myself with the other, I start rubbing my clit with my thumb as my other fingers work. I gasp and moan loudly, the sound of running water masking my ecstasy from the others.
“Naruto, Naruto, Naruto.” I gasp out as I fuck myself fast, putting a third finger inside my pussy. I imagine Naruto hovering over me in bed, his long, thick cock positioned and about to enter me. I grasp it maneuvering it inside, and he starts fucking me. I yell at him to go faster, harder, faster, harder.
“NARUTO!” I scream as I cum all over my fingers, my release mixing with the water, looking as if nothing happened. I lean my head back as I breathe hard, my heart pounding in my chest. I feel tears start to come, wishing that my fantasy was real, but I wipe them away and sigh, and start readying myself for dinner.
I walk out of my room and see Lord Kazekage standing there, looking completely stoic. ‘God, how long has he been standing out here?’
“S-sorry, Lord Kazekage, I hope we haven’t kept you waiting long.” He looks at me and blinks slowly, his expression neutral. “It is alright Lady Hyuga, I haven’t been here long. Naruto was here when I came out, but he forgot something.” The blush that was already forming on my face blazed brighter. “S-sir, you can just call me H-hinata.” I stammer, I see a slight smile form on his face, he seems, younger, when he smiles. “Hinata.”
Naruto comes out then, smiling like always, and my heart does a flip, surprisingly its not from happiness though, its almost seems like sadness, maybe a bit of anger, but I brush it off. We go to dinner, I sneak glances at Naruto all night, him laughing, smiling, being happy, Sakura punching him and sending him across the room when he does something stupid. I look over at Gaara for a second, and I find him staring at me, he doesn’t look away, but I quickly look down at my lap.
As we escort Lord Kazekage back to his quarters for the night, Naruto just gives him a big hug and a slap on the back telling him good-night before going back into his room. Lord Kazekage turns to me and says softly. “Good night Hinata.” And turns and enters his quarters. I mumble good-night at the door and go and get ready for bed.
As I dream that night, I dream of red flashes, the sound of rustling sand, and beautiful sea foam eyes.
In the next few days we start settling into our routine. Wake up early in the morning, wash, have breakfast, attend meetings with Lord Kazekage, stay in his office during the day and through lunch, accompany him through Suna to mingle with the villagers, come back for dinner, evening meetings and then some time to relax with everyone, then bed. Although repetitive, I enjoy the tasks we are given. Naruto is growing a bit restless, but he's taking it in stride.
After breakfast, myself, Naruto and Gaara make our way to the office. Like always, the first 2 hours is filled with paperwork. Permission forms for villagers to build on their properties, to put in new businesses, correspondence with other villages under the Kazekage's rule, mind numbing things like that. Naruto and myself keep alert, but lounge around on the sofas.
While Naruto normally asks Gaara a barrage of questions about being a Kage, I normally activate my Byakugan periodically just to give a quick sweep, to make sure everything is alright.
30 minutes before we had to go to a meeting, Gaara asked me to run some papers down to his assistant, who normally stays down on the first floor unless Gaara calls for her. I stand taking the papers from him, his fingers brush against mine gently and I blush hard, he smiles slightly. "Thank you Hinata." I nod curtly, and jog from the room.
I get back within 5 minutes to find the Kazekage alone. I look around the room. "Where's Naruto-kun?" Gaara looks up at me and blinks. "He had to use the bathroom, he should be back momentarily."
I glance down from his intense gaze, wondering why he always seems to look at me like that, before I feel something. Something not quite right. He must of noticed a change in my expression because his head tilts to the side, like a quizzical red cat. "What is it Hinata?" He asks as I walk briskly to stand beside him.
"I don't know, something doesn't feel right." I feel him shift, bringing his gourd of sand closer to himself, I hear it rustling as his chakra starts to activate. I activate my Byakugan, but its already to late. Paper bombs, hidden around the office, about to detonate.
"Gaara!" I shout, as the first explosion knocks is back, hitting the far wall behind his desk, I feel a sharp pain in my thigh, but I look over to Gaara, he's alright, but I know that this isn't it. "Lords Kazekage, there are more."
Just then I hear Naruto. "Hinata, Gaara, what's happened? The doors blocked. Let me it!"
"Naruto, go get help, there are..." But my speech gets cut off as another bomb goes off. Right about my head. I see a portion of the ceiling coming down, almost as if its in slow motion. My life flashes, I shouldn't die here. But them just before it hits, I'm plunged into darkness, and I hear the rustling of sand shift around as it cocoons me from harm. I hear his breath next to me, its warmth brushing against my ear.
"Are you alright Hinata?" Gaara asks me. I turn to face him, its pitch black, but I can see him with my Byakugan. His face is stern, but also full of worry. "I'm f-fine, what about...?"
"I'm alright. What do you see out there?"
"We're covered in rubble, we won't be able to get out. Naruto-kun is getting help, the rest of the building heard it, this whole floor was set to go, the last time I checked I didn't see anything, that was maybe 20 minutes ago. How did they set them?"
Gaara shakes his head, his eyes closing with frustration. "I don't know how, but we can guess who. That group who is trying to take over as Kazekage." He looks at me sharply. "You're hurt." His hand brushes gently against my thigh, and comes across the piece of glass that embedded itself there.
"I'll be fine, I worry more about the lack of oxygen here, or the possibility of more explosions, or fire..." He cuts me off by putting a finger to my lips. I feel heat rise to my face. "I don't want you to bleed out in here either. I'm not going to remove the glass, but...I can try to stop the bleeding."
"You got hurt to, we should worry about you, your head it cut." I see his Adam's apple bob, some sweat drips down his face, and he takes a steadying breath. "I know." I remember, from back at the Chunin exams, Gaara doesn't like to see his own blood.
I feel his hands press firmly to my thigh, around the wound, then an itching sensation. "I'm going to put some sand into the wound, it should absorb any blood." I yelp in pain as the sand starts to pack itself into my leg. I try to focus on other things. Gaara's hand on my thigh, the pressure, the calm look on his face as he worked over me. I started to feel an odd sensation. A warmth spreading in my belly, it works its way down lower until it hits my core. It feels like fire, but, its pleasant. I'm just glad its dark, it feels like my skirt is flipped up exposing my panties.
I start to pant. "Its ok Hinata, I'll be finished soon." I nod at him, even knowing that the reason I was panting wasn't because of pain, but from a deep, burning, pleasure. I was getting wet over something so simple, over someone who wasn't Naruto. But...Naruto hasn't even been on my mind...only sea foam eyes.
"I've got it." I hear his moving around, he's removing his belt, and even though I know why he's doing it, more heat shoots through my pelvis.
He wraps his belt above the wound. His hand gently brushing against my womanhood. I'm pretty sure he can feel the heat radiating from it, and I allow my eyes to go back to normal, cutting off the Byakugan sight, I don't want to see his face.
The darkness wraps around me, but it only makes the sensations even more intense. When he takes away his hands, I almost cry.
"Its not to tight is it?" He asks tentatively. "I-its f-fine." My head starts to feel a little dizzy, I don't know if its from blood loss from my leg, or from it flooding my cunt.
I feel his hand brush my face, his fingertips gentle and warm. "Hinata." I hear him whisper, I feel his breath hot on my face. He's so close. "Hinata." He whispers, and then I feel his lips press against mine.
They're so soft, my face blazes with heat. His other hand comes up to gently cup my face. I let my tongue graze his lip, and he moans against my mouth, and deepens the kiss. His body pressing against mine. I feel so dizzy, so hot, I want him. I want him so badly it hurts.
But as soon as I was about to voice my need, darkness envelops me as I fall unconscious.
Feeling comes back slowly as my eyes flutter against the light. I'm laying on something soft, the room is cool, and I'm covered with blankets. I sit up and wince, the pain shooting up and through my leg. I glance around, I'm in the hospital wing, and the light outside is starting to fade. How long have I been asleep? I ask myself.
Just then I hear foot steps, my head reflexively swings toward the sound. Wrong idea. I clutch my head as the room swims violently around me. "Lady Hyuga, you're awake." I glance up as the rooms start to steady. Its a woman dressed in nurses garb. She comes over and listens to my heart and lungs and asks be a bunch of questions on how I feel.
After assessing me she tells me she'll be right back, after about a minute, she comes back, along with Gaara and Naruto.
"Hinata, you're alright. I told them you'd be alright, you're strong and don't need to be worried over. See I was right." Naruto rambles, I smile at him as he continues his speech. I glance at Gaara. His eyes burn right through me, scorching my soul and my face heats up. I glance away embarrassed.
"Lady Hyuga." The nurse cuts in, ceasing Naruto's talking. "Do you remember what happened?" I look at her. "There were paper bombs set around the office and through the hall. They got set off when they thought Gaara would be alone. Gaara kept us safe with his sand, then I...feel unconscious."
"Which is understandable from all the blood you lost, but you should be alright now. You just need some rest. We'll get you're things, and we'll have someone escort you to your quarters." I nod as she walks off.
"We'll take you back Hinata." Naruto says, the sighs. "But, I have to help clean out the rubble from Gaara's office.
"I'll take her, I need to speak with her anyway." Gaara says, never taking his eyes off me. his voice even...and sexy. Naruto shrugs. "I'll be off then. I'll seeya later Hinata, get well, OK?" I smile at him and he jogs off. I'm only left with Gaara for another minute before the nurse comes back.
As I get dressed, I think about what happened. 'We, we never should of done it, I'm not worthy of a Kage...I couldn't even protect him.'
I meet Gaara outside the hospital wing, and we quietly walk back to our rooms. As we come up the hallway, and I turn to enter my room, he gently grabs my shoulder. "Hinata, what do you remember, after I helped with your wound?"
I feel heat flash between my thighs just at the hint of his kiss. I bit my lip. 'No, I can't do this.' I turn to face him, clearing my face, trying to make myself look confused. "Nothing, I just remember you working on my leg and then waking up back there." I see something flash in his eyes. 'He's not going to believe me.' I hold my breath. His hand drops. and the look vanishes, replaced with masked sadness. "I just wanted to know if...nevermind. Good night Hinata." He turns on his heel and vanishes into his room. I let out my breath. and follow suit, going into my room and limping to the bed. As I lay there, I let the sadness crash over me.
I want him.
Its been a few weeks since the explosion, I was given sometime to rest, but I didn't really take it, I stuck to Gaara, acting casual, trying to do my job, visualizing him naked. Damn it, why am I so stupid.
I don't deserve him, Gaara is on a whole different level than me, he protected me better than I him, it crushes me to think so, but its the truth, I just need to get through this, then I can go back home, and everything can go back to normal.
I say it, even though I know its a lie.
I think about Gaara every night. Day Gaara is totally different from Night Gaara, and by Night Gaara, I mean the one I fantasize about in my dreams. In my dreams he's passionate and loving. Making love to me through the night, and each morning I wake up wet and longing.
'Stop it, you can't do this anymore, just forget about him, I'm sure he's already forgotten about you.'
After our morning ritual, Naruto, Gaara and I are in his office again, it's been ok'd for inhabiting after a few weeks of construction. Naruto stands near the door and I by the Kazekage. I scan the room over 5 minute intervals to see if there are any changes, we don't want a repeat of before.
I hear Gaara's soft voice. "Naruto." he gestures him over. "Could you take these downstairs for me, these need to go to Temari, and you need to take this into town for me." He hands Naruto the papers, Naruto smiles, slightly bows, and bounds out of the room, probably relieved to get some fresh air.
As soon the door shuts closed a tingling sensations starts. I feel it in the area between me and Gaara, and he must feel it to because his back is tense. He glances over his shoulder at me and I look away and try to keep my face devoid of emotion, even though I just wanted to through myself in his arms and never let go.
I never would of thought I'd feel like this, not to long ago, all I could think about was Naruto, but now, I still think about him, but not in the same way, I love him...but like a brother. I still want him to be proud of me and prove to him I'm strong, but that pull isn't there anymore. The things I feel for Gaara are different then what I ever felt for Naruto, I feel like he's under my skin, his nightly visits in my imagination are what seem to keep me sane and not tell him what I feel. He's a Kage, I'm not even in the same universe as him.
I hear Gaara shuffling, he stands, and turns to face me, his eyes dark, his face pained.
"Hinata." He whispers. I look over at him surprised, he hasn't really acknowledged me since the incident.
"Are you alright Lord Kaze..." Just then he darts forward, pinning me against the wall and caging me in with his arms. I look up into his stormy eyes surprised. "Wh-what are you...."
His lips crush against mine, he hands coming up to cup my face. I don't struggle, but I don't respond, to surprised to react. He breaks away, breathing heavily looking at my flushed face. "I'm going to make you remember, I can't take it anymore, you're going to remember."
His lips come back to my, kissing me, his soft lips pressing hard to mine, his mouth opens and mine comes with it and his tongue enters my mouth. His hands slide down my face, to my shoulders, down my sides at to my hips. I'm already so wet, but I don't know if I should stop him or not, I'm not suppose to remember, I'm not good enough for him.
He stops kissing me again, and assess my body hungrily. "You need to remember...I need to..." He lifts his hands and start to unbutton my blouse. I gasp and try to stop him, but he continues, making short work of it, he lets it hang open, looking at my lacey blue bra with wonder, before his hand comes up and undoes the front clasp.
My breasts bounce free from there prison, my nipples already stiff and sensitive. He starts to twist one and I can't help the moan that escapes my mouth, I know I shouldn't let him, but it feels so good. His mouth finds the other, and I have to keep from screaming at his tongue swirls around it, his teeth grazing it slightly.
He pulls back and I whimper, wanting him to continue. He grabs me by the shoulders, not rough enough to hurt, and puts me between him and his desk. He presses me forward leaning me over. He lifts my skirt, flipping it up over my back, and slides my panties down my legs, and tosses them to the side.
Nothing happens for a second, and I'm about to look back at him when I feel his hot breath on me. I freeze. No, he can't be thinking of doing that, I mean, I've thought about him doing it, but...
My mind cuts off as I feel his tongue flicker against my clit. I moan, as his tongue starts to lightly probe and caress it. His hands slide up my thighs, and lightly massage my ass as his tongue goes higher, licking my core. He swirls his tongue around the opening, before plunging in. He licks the upper wall, his tongue massaging my sensitive spot.
I can't help it, I explode on his tongue, shouting out my release.
He pulls back, and I hear shuffling, and a metallic clicking sound, then I feel him grab my hips, he positions himself, and plunges himself to the hilt deep inside me. Still riding my first orgasm, I cum again, pulsing around his cock, trying to pull him in even deeper. I hear him groan, and he starts rocking back and forth slowly.
"You're so tight Hinata-chan" He groans, going faster, his fingers digging into my hips, but the pain only adds to the pleasure, and I start rocking back against him.
His thick cock presses against my cervix, making me shudder with pleasure. One hand releases me and reaches down, bringing up my leg, my knee touching his chest. If I look down, which I do, I can see his cock plunge in and out of me. I can watch him fuck me, its such an erotic sight, I can't take my eyes off of him.
He positions his elbow under my knee, keeping my leg up, as his hand comes and starts to rub my clit.
Its a sensation overload.
He goes faster, his dick sliding almost out of me and plunging back in, all the while his fingers rub expertly over my clit, his other hand twists into my hair, and he leans forward and kisses me. I can't take it anymore, the combination of what he's doing to my pussy and his soft lips make it unbearable.
I've never came so hard before, it almost feels like my head is going to pop off, I scream wordlessly into his mouth, as my pussy clenches hard around him, restricting his movement. He grunts and stills and I feel him pour himself into me.
I'm glad I'm on birth control, I've never had sex until this moment, but all female nin take it, it helps with the time of the month to either shorten it or end it altogether, it also help with pain.
He falls out, his cock pulsing, he lets my leg go, and I straighten up. I turn to face him, his pants already pulled up and he's buckling them, I follow suit, pulling down my skirt and buttoning my blouse. I don't know where my panties disappeared to. I look up at him, and immediately drop my eyes when I see him looking at me.
"Do you remember?" He asks, hope in his voice. "Do you remember what happened when the bombs went, when we were trapped. How we kissed, how I made you you made me feel?" I look up and him, wanting to tell him the truth, but I can't. "I don't, and...I don't think I can be here anymore. You shouldn't be trying to make me remember something I obviously don't." I don't want to sound like a bitch, but I try to inject as much venom into my voice as I can. "Don't ever touch me again. I'm going to send word to Tsunade telling her I cannot stay here for personal reasons, I won't tell her about this, but never speak to me again."
I turn on my heel and walk out, walking to my room and shutting myself in, I let the tears fall.
I did as I said I would, I sent a letter to Tsunade explaining to her that I felt that I couldn't do my job as I should, that I was starting to feel sick at it was distracting me from my observations, she responded, although disappointed, she understood and thanked me for being strong enough to hand over the job to someone else when I couldn't do it to the best of my ability. I don't feel strong, I feel horrible. The worst part, I have to stay here until the mission is over, which could take awhile yet, I still have the room near Gaara's office, but I no longer have any responsibility to him.
I've been telling everyone why I stopped because I keep getting sick ever since the bombing, and the thing is, after a few weeks of telling the same lie, I've really started to become sick, sick to my stomach, sick with myself.
I wish I could tell him, tell him how I love him, over the past month, I've really grown to love him. But its impossible, not something that could ever be, I just need to move on. In a few months this mission will be over and I'll be able to go home.
A week goes by, my replacement came yesterday, some man I've never really met before. He settles in to what used to be my job easily, and with all the free time I just wander the village, trying not to think of Gaara, yeah, right. Gaara hasn't acted the same around me since that day, in fact he's pretty much ignored me, only addressing and looking at me when he has to.
After another day of being ignored, I enter my room, and relax in the bath, trying to wash away the sadness and hurt. I know it isn't his fault, I told him I didn't remember his passionate kiss, but, I wish he would of seen through the lie.
I get out of my bath after stewing in there for an hour, and dry off, then go to my bed still naked. I lay on my bed, and give into those tempting thoughts. Rubbing my clit with reckless abandon, moaning loudly as I think of Gaara, his lips, those eyes, his hard body pressed against me. I cum hard around my fingers again and again. At my final climax and I can't keep it in anymore and I shout Gaara's name, and then whisper it to myself over and over until I pass out.
I wake up to the sound of the door opening. Its dark outside, who could it be. Then I remember I'm naked, and the blanket its tossed onto the floor. I sit up quick, trying to cover myself, and I see Gaara standing at the foot of my bed. He looks glorious, his hair's wet from a bath, the beads of moisture dripping down his bare chest. I gulp reflexively, admiring his lean, toned body. His skin pale, glistening in the moonlight streaming through my window. He's gazing at me, his eyes unfathomable.
"Wh-what are you d-d-doing here?" I stammer. He doesn't reply, his eyes never leaving mine, freezing me in place. When he finally does speak, its something I didn't expect.
"Why did you lie to me?" I stare at him, not wanting to comprehend. "What a-are you talking about?" He walks around the bed and sits down near me, so close, I can feel the heat radiant from his skin.
"Why did you lie about not remembering kissing me? I've been trying to figure it out, but I can't...and its driving me insane, even considering how far I went to make you remember, and you let me, yet you still lied, after letting me practically rape you." He laughs, almost scarily, the light in his eyes reminding me when he still shut himself off from anyone when he was younger.
"Then again Hinata, you drive me insane, you've been doing that ever since you got here. I don't know why, but I'm so drawn to you, but I know you care for Naruto..." He gives a long drawn out sigh. "But I'm so confused, you look at him like he's your world, but you kissed me back, was it because of the blood loss...Did you think I was Naruto?"
He think he raped me, I shake my head scooting closer, trying to keep myself covered. "Gaara, why do you think I'm lying to you?"
"I heard you earlier, I heard you masturbating, heard you scream my name." He laughs that scary laugh again. "I'm surprised you didn't hear me after, your name tasted so sweet on my lips."
Finally he looks at me again. I see the pain in his eyes, and I can't stop myself, my hand comes up and caresses his face, he seems surprised, but doesn't back out.
Knowing I'm caught, I figure I might as well tell him the truth, he'll be done with me after this anyway, so throwing caution to the wind I start to tell him.
"I lied because I'm not good enough for you, I'm weak, I can't protect you, you're so much stronger than me, I'm inferior compared to you, I don't deserve happiness with you, especially after I lied about it all, I'm not worthy of you, you deserve to find someone more suited for you, someone who can protect you. I kissed you back, because I know what you mean, I feel drawn to you to. I wanted you. I still do...but I..."
He cuts me off as his lips crush against mine, more forcibly then last time, but still full of passion, just the way I dreamed of him. He pressed me down into the bed, and I wrap my legs around his waist automatically. His hand comes up and grabs onto my breast and I gasp into his mouth, he takes this opportunity to run his tongue against mine.
As our tongues dance, his hand on my breast plays with my nipple, sending sweet waves of pleasure-pain shooting down my spine and into my vagina.
At this point, whether I deserve him or not, I say fuck it, and give into pleasure.
He presses his body to mine, his hands cupping my face, as he grinds his erection against me. I push back against him, and move my hands down to his pants. He moans as I grab to undo his pants, he sits up slightly, not taking his lips from mine and makes short work of his pants. He kicks the off and sits up, positioning himself between my legs.
"Hinata, I want to say something, if you don't feel the same, I will stop right here, and leave, and act like this didn't happen. I love you Hinata."
I stare up into his beautiful eyes, letting the words sink in. I smile as his expression starts to look worried over my lack of response. "I...I love you too Gaara-kun."
The words feel right as they leave my mouth, more than they ever did when I imagined saying them to Naruto.
He breaks into a huge smile, and then it tapers of into something else. Longing...lust maybe. I feel the tension, him waiting for me to give the go ahead.
"Make love to me, Gaara-Kun." I whisper. He groans as I say his name, and positions his cock to my opening. He moves it up and down my slit, coating the head with my juices, which by now are flowing freely. Then, he slowly starts to enter me. I clench around him, his fingers digging into my thighs, though he is careful to avoid my wound. When he's finally all the way in he stops and whispers my name.
"Hinata." He stays motionless. I whimper. "Please." He opens his eyes to look at me, and the starts to slowly rock back and forth, never taking his eyes off mine. His hands run up and down my legs.
I groan as he starts to pick up the pace. Barely noticeable at first but the more insistent. He hits all the right places. Grinding against the rough groves on the top of my pussy, and hitting my cervix dead on with each thrust.
I reach up and wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him closer to me, and allowing him to go deeper. He bits his lip at the new sensation, and starts pounding into me with vigor. He pulls back almost completely out and plunges back in, hitting that sweet spot over and over until I can't take it anymore.
I release around him, my juices squirting out around his cock, he grunts as I clench around him, barely allowing him to move inside me. My orgasm seems to last endlessly, I've never once came this hard.
He starts nipping at my lips and my ears, making his way down my neck to my breasts. He puts a nipple into his mouth and sucks hard, I feel blood rushing to that spot making it more sensitive. "G-Gaara-kun." I keep saying his name over and over. I buck against him, matching each thrust, driving him even deeper, deeper then I thought he could go.
He releases my nipple and looks down at me, and with a final grunt, he presses his cock in all the way and releases himself inside me. He stays there, pumping shot after shot into, until I feel in flooding out of me. Its like nothing I've ever felt before. I feel his cum, so hot inside me.
He pulls out, and lays beside me, pulling me into his arms. His gently rubs my arm as he kisses my head. "I love you Hinata-chan"
"I love you Gaara-kun" I whisper back, and allowing sleep to take me. The last things I feel are his heat, and his cum running out from between my thighs.
I wake up in the morning feeling a bit sore, but very happy. I sit up and glace around and feel a pang of sadness. Gaara isn't here. I sigh, figuring he must of went back to his room after I feel asleep. Then I notice something shiny on the table and gasp, grabbing the note beneath his present.
I'm sorry I couldn't be there when you wake, but I've left a gift for you, I've been working on it for some time, so I hope you like it. its also so you don't think last night was I dream. I will see you soon my love.
The gift he was referring to was a beautiful glass rose. I picked it up gingerly. It was crafted with such care. Gaara's talent with sand is amazing, to be able to meld it into this. I kiss it gently and put it back into the table, smiling.
*I hope you guys liked it, its my first Naruto fic, so if I screwed something up, bring it up(in a nice way) so I know to fix it in future posts.
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