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In The Begining is a prequel to the Mike Claymore Mystery Series.

I'm afraid you are getting this last chapter without the benefit of extensive editing. All the same I hope you do enjoy the read.

Chapter 2
A Fond Farewell

Mike wakes early and wonders why. He lays and listens to the sounds of the house. All seems to be normal and quiet. He yawns and stretches poking his piss hard-on roughly in the air against his coverlet. He enjoys a few minutes of reminiscing over Grace and last night. He's going to miss that and he knows it. He thinks about it and suddenly realizes he is going to miss Grace herself, not just the sex.

He jumps out of bed and heads for the upstairs bathroom. No sound so he thinks he is safe, no one is up to see his naked form slip along the corridor. In the bathroom he uses the toilet then pulls out a bath towel from a side cupboard. Soon he's in the shower and feeling mighty fine.

Whistling softly to himself he ties a towel around his midriff and heads back to his bedroom. "Michael Claymore, don't you have a proper bathrobe?" He looks around and sees Caitlin going into the bathroom behind him.

"You're lucky I put a towel around me." he laughs as the door closes. He chuckles and goes on to his room. He mutters, "I wonder what she is doing up so early?"

In a few minutes a soft knock sounds on his door. He calls to come in since he has jeans on but is trying to pick out a top. It's Caitlin, "Would you like some breakfast? I heard you up and wondered."

"Is Nance up already?"

"No, but I can cook, you know. You think I'm still a kid, don't you? But I know how to cook and all kinds of things."

"Hey, I never said you were a kid, sis. I never even hinted at that. I know you're growing up fast." He pulls a green pullover out of a drawer. "In fact I know you washed and folded that pullover for me, didn't you?"

"Yeah," she studies him, "how come you know that?"

"Because I see what goes on around me. I am sensitive to what you girls do for me and I appreciate it. Maybe I don't tell you thanks very often but I know."

"What about Grace, Mike? Do you thank her? She was here yesterday and she was crying. She thinks you take her for granted, you know."

"She's just sad because I'm leaving. I thanked her late last night."

"Just screwing her is not thanking her, brother. You didn't think I knew about your late night meetings in her bedroom, did you? I told you I'm not a kid any more."

Mike is taken aback. "So what do you think I should do then, oh wise woman?"

"Give her something to hold on to, something to remember you by, something you value, my brother. I think you will figure out what." She gets up to leave, "Breakfast?"

Mike nods, "I'll be right down." He thinks about what has been said and tries to think what Grace might like of his. His eyes light upon a movement outside the window. It's a bird in a branch not far from the window. He smiles as he watches it preen its feathers. Its a dove and it reminds him that he has always called Grace his dove. He wonders if he can find any thing in his possessions that could relate to a dove.

He goes downstairs to breakfast. Caitlin has maize pancakes and sausages on the table for him. She whispers, "Do you want coffee or milk?"

"Just water," he digs into the pancakes. After breakfast he goes outside to mull over his quest. What should he give to Grace to help her heal. He wanders down the block and soon finds himself close to the Smithfield place. He studies the house and the tree in the side yard. He wonders if anyone has ever seen him climbing that tree.

He wishes he was cuddled up to her sleeping in the warmth of her body. He remembers the last time they slept together. It was in fact the only time he ever slept the night away with a woman. They had only had sex once before that and when the power had gone out in the longhouse while they were skiing no one wanted to brave the bad roads to try and get home.

He and Grace had slipped away together and found a robe to curl up in. They kept each other warm and shed all their clothes to hold each other closer. What did he ever do with that robe? He thinks on it and suddenly let's out a whoop. He speeds home and digs in an outbuilding holding lots of items in storage.

"There you are!" He exclaims, "I thought I remembered you had the dove embossed upon you." And it is a large dove in soft blue hues embossed upon the large down filled mat and cover. It was his favorite robe and they had often lain upon it's feather filled softness when visiting.

He gathered it in his arms and headed into the house. Caitlin was watching him in the window so she met him at the door. "I will wash it for you, my brother. I'm sure she will love it." Mike is left dumbfounded in the middle of the room. He wanders to the kitchen and Nancy asks, "Coffee, Mike?" He nods his head and sits at the breakfast nook.

She comes to sit by his elbow. "You know you can't bottle up your feelings forever, Mike. You have never grieved their passing. It would be easier if you could just let it out."

"What! Scream at the ancestors? Curse the Anglican God? Wring my hands and cry all night? Will they suddenly come back if I do those things? Mama is gone! My father, the same! Can you tell me why? Please tell me if you can. Please." he quiets down, "please." He sits in glum silence. Finally he says, "Thanks for the coffee, Nance."

He takes his coffee outside to sip on it. Sitting on the front porch step he watches passers by. He thinks, they will all still be here day after tomorrow and the next day and the next. But where is my mother and father now? Why aren't they still here?

A small voice answers in his head. 'Accidents happen and all too soon their car plunged over the precipice without warning. They had no chance in the mountains of Scotland.'

He shakes his head and sips his coffee. Nancy calls out the door behind him, "Don't run off. I'll have dinner ready soon." He nods his head to her and she goes back in out of sight. A friend from up the street comes to join him on the porch.

"Big bear, what's happening?"

"Silver Heels, I thought I saw you with Daniel yesterday. Did you join up with the navy like you said you would?"

"I did. I am leaving tomorrow night on the train for basic training on the coast. What is your advice?"

"Don't expect more than you can handle but do expect many new things and ideas. The white man's ways are complex, often confusing. If you must live with them seek to understand before you condemn. It is forethought that trumps heedless action. I think you will do well."

Mike smiles, "Thank you, my friend. You have always advised me well. Would you like some coffee?"

"Who made it?"

"Nancy, I think."

He shrugs, "I think I'll take a rain check." They grin together. Caitlin comes out and takes a seat by Mike on the steps. She smiles and nods at Mike's guest.

"Caitlin, its always nice to see you."

"Big Bear, I think the same. Am I interfering in your talk?"

Mike hastens to tell her no and Big Bear adds, "We have no secrets, little one. We are plain folk here. We were speaking of Silver Heels' future and I was wishing him well."

Mike asks, "Who made the coffee?" He lifts his cup towards her.

"Nancy, I guess. Did you want more? How about you, Big Bear?"

Big Bear shakes his head no but Mike says, "It sounds good to me, thanks." Caitlin goes inside the house soon to return with the coffee. It's fixed just the way he likes it.

Caitlin says, "I will have your robe done after lunch, Mike."

"Thanks, sis. What will I do without my sisters after tomorrow?" She looks down and smiles.

When Nancy calls them for lunch Big Bear saunters along towards home. Nancy asks if he is coming in but Mike indicates not. They sit down to a few of Mike's favorites including smoked salmon, corn on the cob and baked potatoes. Mike asks, "What's the occasion?"

"Just a little home cooking so you remember us, Michael. I hope we remain a big part of your life, Silver Heels. Don't become a stranger like your brother, Terry."

After dinner Caitlin brings him his robe and it looks like new. Mike inspects it and smiles with pleasure. He thanks her then leaves to carry it to Grace. He thinks of Virginia on his way and wishes he had called her before lunch.

At the Smithfield's he knocks on the door. All is quiet but he hears someone moving about and soon the door creaks open. It is Mrs. Smithfield and she smiles with many teeth missing. "It is you, Mike. Grace is off down town with her pa. I suppose its her you come to see." She steps back to allow him in.

"I have brought Grace a gift to keep her warm and help her forget me." He smiles, "It is our favorite robe and it is adorned with a dove... as I often call her. I hope she shall treasure it as I have. I'm sorry to be going off and leaving her behind but such seems to be our fate."

Her mother eyes him with a knowing look and says, "Why don't you take it up to her bed for her, Mike? I'm sure she will like the surprise."

Mike does as she suggests and she lets him go wishing him well in his travels. Mike wonders if any men of the tribe ever do anything without the women knowing about it first.

When Mike gets home he calls Dan. He is out but his mother says she will have him call when he comes in. Mike debates in his mind if Dan will call back and decides to call the local taxi. He rings their office.

"What will you charge me to take me into Montreal?" He explains his address and the address of the recruiting office.

"Wow! That much, eh? Okay, I will know if I have to call. How early can I call you?" He listens then, "24 hours covers it, I guess. Thank you?"

Around three Dan calls, "You were looking for me, Mike? By the way, what time do you want to go in to the station tomorrow?"

"That's what I was calling about, to see if you could drop me off in town tomorrow. By the way I am going early to spend the day with Virginia. We have a date."

"Maybe you should get her to come out and pick you up, buddy. No wonder she signed you up, she was after your body. Now I get it."

"It's just a casual thing, totally platonic. A walk in the park and some fun at lunch. That's all there is to it."

"Hey, I'm not your shrink or your mother... oops, sorry Mike. Anyway what time?"

"Early, before lunch. How about nine thirty at the recruiter station?"

"Okay, about the same as yesterday only half an hour earlier. See you in the morning."

"Thanks Dan, I'll put some gas in your car. It's only fair."

"It's my gift, buddy. Let's call it the first installment on Grace's pussy." he chuckles.

"Daniel, be a little more respectful or you'll get zero pussy. Grace will be free to choose as she likes and I must clear the air. The subject has come up and she said she would sooner die. Just for your information, buddy."

"Whoa... okay. see you in the morning."

Next Mike tries calling Virginia's number but no answer so he decides to wait a bit and try again. While he is hanging up the phone rings but it is for Nancy. He goes back out on the porch since its a sunny summer day. Nancy comes out to join him. "I'm off the phone if you need it, Mike," is what she says. She goes on, "It was Jason and he wanted to know how you are. I told him you joined the navy."

Jason is their shaman so Mike can understand why he is curious. Mike has rejected their ways but still respects the system. He nods and goes in to use the phone.

This time he catches her on the second ring. "Hi there, its Mike. Do you remember me?"

"Oh yes. I have been waiting for your call. I was tempted to call you but I decided to be patient. I'm glad you are calling. Do we have a date?" She sounds excited so he hurries to reassure her.

"We do. I am counting on Dan to bring me in and we figure around nine thirty at the recruiting center. Do you have a place I can leave my bags at the office?"

"We can or we can take them to the train station and put them in a locker. There's a beautiful park right near there. There's Place du Canada and across the street Square Dorchester. There's things to see near there and we can have lots of fun."

"It sounds great but we may have one problem. Dan is bringing me in so we may not be able to lose him. Is that a problem?"

The line is silent for a moment so Mike asks, "Virginia, are you there?"

"Yes... I'm trying to place Dan. What does he look like?"

"I guess like me. He was the one who didn't have his high school diploma. I think you did his paperwork right after mine."

"I know who you mean. I guess that's no problem. You know he tried to con us into believing he had his matric but I suspected him and offered to call his school to confirm his grades. He caved and said he doesn't have it yet. I shouldn't have told you that but there it is so please don't say I told you."

"Okay, so would you rather he not join us or what? I can just ask him to drop me off and that's that."

"Let's play it by ear. Do you know what I mean?"

"Yes, you mean see how it goes. Okay, see you in the morning."

"Okay and don't forget your train tickets, paperwork and medical records. I feel like I am going for basic again. The excitement is catchy, I guess."

They hang up both apprehensive of what the morrow might bring. Mike goes upstairs to finish some packing so he doesn't hear the phone ring. Nancy calls him to the stairs, "It's Grace, Mike."

"Be right down."

He bolts down the stairs two at a time, "Hi, my dove."

"Oh Mike, I love it and I'm so happy you chose to give it to me. We have cuddled in that robe under the moon. Ha ha, my mom is laughing at me. I think she knew what we were doing all along. I'll miss you but now I have something to cuddle up in and dream about you." She lowers her voice, "Will you send me your address so I can write you? I promise I will."

"I'll do that when I know what it is or I will let the family know so you could get it from Caitlin any time. For now I know I am going to HMCS Cornwallis near Halifax in Nova Scotia but where I will be stationed after basic I have no idea. I'm not even sure what trade I am going to try out for so I really don't know what will happen after basic."

"I just wanted to let you know I really appreciate the gift and I will always remember you. I wish you well in your life, Mike. I really mean that. Good bye for now.

"You take care of yourself until I see you again, little dove." He hangs up and Nancy says that suppers on. It's an early supper because she knows many friends will drop around this evening to wish Mike well. She is right. They start arriving before they are finished eating and many join the table as the evening wears away.

As the crowd thins out Mike brings his luggage to inside the front door. He has two pieces, a duffle bag and a briefcase. He wonders if they will let him wear his moccasins on the base. He can't imagine having to wear work boots all the time and he's not even sure what they wear at sea. He suspects it must be something rubber soled.

As he tries to get to sleep he thinks of Virginia and wonders if he might ask her what they wear on their feet at sea.

He fights to keep his balance as the waves roll under the bow of a ship. The deck rises up and slopes away then rises again. Mike holds the rail and stares overboard at glistening teeth in a large torpedo shaped head. Those teeth come rushing up towards him then recede as the deck rises on a roller. He feels his feet slipping out from under him and glances down at his fine moccasins.

He swears he will never wear them aboard again if he can just make it to a cabin door and the safety of a bulkhead around him. He grips the rail as they descend nearly to the water's edge and as he rises quickly again he dashes for a cabin door.

Inside it is dark but the deck is calm so he can walk to an open hallway and seek his cabin door. When he opens it he finds fish on the floor flopping around in all directions. He thinks, "Damn, I must have left that window open again."

A beautiful brunette with long flowing hair and sea green eyes confronts him. She offers him shrimp on a long fork and drapes her body to fit his own. He feels his manhood stiffening as his hands glide over the exotic curves and exciting breasts. Her eyes tease as her lips caress his and soon their tongues are involved in a hide and seek all their own. She tastes like a fine nectar, fresh and alive.

He leans her back to seek her nipples with his lips and his fingers. Quickly she reaches down to caress and stroke his throbbing manhood. He runs his tongue over her sea green breasts and feels them heave at his licking. He sucks a nipple and feels her squirm against him. He nips the nipple with just a light touch of his teeth then seeks the other one.

He feels more alive and energized than he has ever felt. He feels her rub against him and his whole body is alive. She slips down to open his jeans and her lush brunette hair floats out to hide her actions but he can feel her actions on his engorged rod. She licks and sucks to drive him crazy and it goes on and on and on.

Mike feels the urge to take this action to another level so he tries to lift her from his throbbing cock. He can't see her eyes because her brunette thatch is in the way so he reaches down to sweep her hair aside. Hard flashing green eyes meet his and he notes sharp gleaming teeth in a torpedo shaped head hiding his shrinking appendage. He cries out in horror as he comes awake in his very own bedroom.

He curses, "Where the hell did that come from? Whew!" He visits the bathroom and tries to get back to sleep but doubts he will have any success after that nightmare. And so he greets the morning sun early.

Chapter 3
Boot Camp Bound

"Are you sure that's all you are gonna need? I would need six boxes twice that size." Dan and Mike are approaching the Boucherville bridge. Dan waves south of the bridge, "You know the railway station is away up there, eh? Maybe we should have gone upriver farther."

Mike replies, "Virginia said to meet her at the recruiting center and she said we could take my bags to the station to put them in a locker so I guess she has a car."

"You never asked her?"

"No." He pauses, "Well, it never occurred to me if she did. She knew I was riding with you and also that I didn't have a drivers license. I should think that would be an ample clue to my not having a vehicle."

They swing onto the exit for Rue Notre Dame and follow it south along the river. Soon they find the recruiting center and Dan pulls to the curb. "If we had just kept going down Notre Dame we would have come to the station. It's at least three miles down there, though. Do you want me to wait and see if she has wheels?"

Mike thinks about her hesitation on the phone over including Dan into their days excursion and says, "I don't think it will be necessary, Dan. I'm fairly certain she has a car." He digs out his wallet, "Can I give you something for gas?"

Dan throws up his hands, "No way, my friend, no way. Just don't forget us old friends when you make your fortune out there in the world. Give us a thought now and again, Mikey," he reaches to shake Mike's hand.

Mike slips a twenty dollar bill into his hand as he grips it and they shake. He says, "You got to feed this beast you drive, buddy, so take it and make her happy." He winks, exits and then hauls his luggage out the back door. He waves to Dan as he pulls away from the curb and blends with traffic.

Mike looks across to the recruiting office and sees Virginia waving frantically at him. He waves back and she calls something then points up the street in the direction Dan has gone. Mike shrugs and heads across through traffic to meet her on the curb.

Before he can set down his luggage she asks, "Is Dan gone or is he coming back?"

"Uh, he's gone, I guess. On his way back home by now, I think. Why?"

"I was just thinking it might be cheaper to have him take us down to the station than call a cab. We could take a bus but you do have your luggage."

"I guess you don't have a car, do you?" She shakes her head. "How much is a cab?" Again she shakes her head. He picks up his luggage again and steps towards the offices, "I guess we better find out. Can we use your phone in there?"

"Uh, I don't think it would be a good idea. My relief is working and I found out that NCOs are definitely not suppose to date new recruits. I think we should leave the area quickly."

They scurry to the corner and around it. Mike asks, "Would your relief actually say anything if he saw us?"

"I think he would. He has been trying to date me and I don't particularly like him. For one thing, he drinks heavy. Much more than what I think is sensible. And I don't like his rough friends who come in occasionally. In my opinion they have a warped sense of humor. I think he would enjoy reporting me." Mike has rested the bag on the curb to listen to her.

She goes on, "I'm sorry I got you into this. I guess I just thought you had a car when I talked with you. After I talked to you on the phone I knew you didn't. I should have begged off then."

Mike grins, "Not to worry, we'll make do. Let's see if we can flag down a cab." but before they can do anything a Dodge Dart pulls to the curb and a voice calls out, "Need a lift?"

Mike laughs and Virginia looks incredulously at Dan as he opens the back door. Mike loads her in, hands her his briefcase then loads his duffle bag beside her and climbs in, "Take us to the Railway station, garcon."

"Oui, oui, monsieur." They head south on Rue de Notre Dame. Dan calls to them, "I went up around the block to come back out on this street and head home when I saw you guys walking around the corner. Well I know there is no parking out here so I figure you are either on foot or going to a cross street for private parking."

He speaks back to Virginia, "I guess you take the bus to work, do you?"

"Yes, I do. I live right on the bus route so it is very convenient for me. Of course, its lousy for dating but what can I do. I have to live with what I've got."

They all laugh at that and so the light chatter goes on till they reach the railway station at 895 Rue de la Gauchetiere Ouest just off Rue University. Once again Mike and Dan shake hands, clap each others shoulders and say their good bys.

Now they are on their own. Virginia leads the way to the lockers inside the terminal. She chats lightly with Mike about the area and the history of Montreal. "Did you know that Montreal is the second largest French speaking city in the world? It has a population of over one and a half million."

Mike grins, "I live here. I know."

Virginia insists, "A lot of people that live here don't know that. I grew up in Lethbridge and I always thought Calgary and Edmonton were the largest cities in Canada even though the books said they weren't. It was what I saw around me." She skips ahead of him.

She continues, "So you know there are over three million people in the metro area, eh? I suppose you are one of those." Mike just grins as they hurry along. "Let's dump those bags and go for some lunch. Dutch treat," she insists.

She spins around and heads for the lockers again. Mike admires the spin with her full skirted white dress so narrow at the waist. "Dang, she looks so fine,' he thinks but follows along behind her. They arrive at the lockers and Mike promptly plops his burden into one. "Whew, glad its not a few miles with that bag." He closes the door, deposits his coins and removes the key. "Now where?"

"McDonalds or Vivere?"

"Let's try Vivere. It's Italian, isn't it?"

"Mmm, it sure is. I love it. Its across the street in the Place Ville Marie shopping center." They hurry across the street and into the mall. Mike catches her hand to hurry her along and they scurry to the cafe. The bustling noon crowd joshes them into a corner and they settle together laughing and chatting.

They study a prominently displayed menu. Virginia says, "I like their Italian sausage poutine. I think that's what I'll get."

Mike nods, "I like anything with Italian sausage in it but I think I prefer a tomato sauce. I'm going to go for the sausage sub. I like the look of their Italian buns."

Virginia's cheeks get red and she stifles a laugh, "Don't you like western Canadian buns?" She puts her hands on her hips in a saucy manner. Mike laughs at her antics.

"I think those western buns are just fine, Virginia." He gets up to go place their orders. "What would you like to drink with that poutine?"

"I'm going to have a cider." she gets up, "I'm going with you."

Mike cautions, "We'll lose our seats." She digs in her purse asking him to wait and then passes him a ten dollar bill. She says she thinks that will cover hers. She also says if it doesn't just get her tea. She watches him fight his way to the counter and when he calls hot or cold she let's on she is shivering.

Mike comes back with a tray loaded with food. "I hope you're hungry. They're generous providers." He sits their food on the table in their two places. They set out to enjoy their lunch. It's a comfortable atmosphere with them like siblings with each other.

They leave the cafe and set out to see the sights. First they go across from the car rental yard and visit Cathedrale Marie-Reine-du-Monde (Mary, Queen of the World Cathedral). It is huge and ornate with statues all along the roof line. It is a one quarter scale model of St. Peters in Rome and even on that scale when completed it was the largest church in Quebec.

They spend the better part of an hour in the cathedral and leave at the rear of the building. The cross the street to the Place du Canada (Canada Place) which is a small half block size park. They find a bench in the shade and sit to talk.

"So what do your parents think of you joining the navy?"

Mike thinks deeply on that, "Mother would not like it but I think my father would understand. I'll never know for sure since they have passed just over a year ago."

"Oh, I am so sorry. I didn't know..." she looks horrified. Mike shakes his head and catches her by the shoulders making her look into his eyes.

"It's not something you could know so don't feel bad over saying anything. Their loss has pained me enough. I have to put it away for a time."

She reaches her hand to caress his brow. "You are very strong, Mike. I wish we had time to really get to know each other. I think we would become very close." She smiles into his eyes as he relaxes his hold on her shoulders.

They study each other and slowly gravitate to one another. When their lips meet it is like an electric shock that tingles and they hold their breaths. So slowly her lips brush his and his quiver moving on hers Her arms come up to circle his neck and his circle her waist on the bench. They pull each other closer in the embrace.

The world around them disappears and they know only each other. Their mouths open and they explore each other sucking and playing tongue to tongue. When they pull apart she exclaims, "Oh my God. Wow!" She gets up and walks from the bench a ways then smiles shakily at Mike. "That's heady stuff! I never felt like that before... at least not that fast anyway." She is breathing heavy and confused.

"I'd call it good chemistry." Mike chuckles as he gets up to follow her. They join hands as they walk through the park. Soon they come to a cross street with another park across the street. "What's that park?"

"I think it's Dorchester Square." They enter the cross walk with the Walk sign and cross over. She is curious, "Have you ever had that strong a reaction to anyone before?" She smiles impishly.

"I think we better take it easy or get a room." he grins at her.

"Oh my God, it did hit you too, didn't it? Please tell me it was not just me that felt it."

Mike shrugs, "It was incredible." Now they are by a bench in the square and partially hidden by the trunk of a gnarled tree. He asks, "Want to try it again?"

"Yes! But we better sit down for it." She sits on the bench and pulls him down to sit by her. "Now bring it on, big boy."

Good naturedly Mike does just that and it's like dynamite. They cling to each other feeling their pulses racing and so far only their lips are engaged. Mike pulls her around more squarely to him so he can feel both her breasts against his chest and she lifts her leg up over his in his lap so she can feel his hard cock with her thigh. She reaches to pull her skirt out from under her and rubs with her bare leg on his erection. They are both panting.

Mike whispers, "Can you hide us with your skirt if I lift you into my lap?" He is gasping.

"Oh God, no. Someone might see us." but she reaches down to stroke his protruding bulge. She quickly rearranges her skirt and whimpers, "Oh Mike, what if someone comes by?"

Mike starts to lift her into his lap when some kids come running around the tree with a streamer floating out behind them with a helium balloon on the end. They laugh and run together by them while the lovers cool off quickly. Following the kids comes a frantic mother calling after them.

Mike shudders and says, "Lets go over to the mall. We better behave, I guess." He studies her as they cross the street to the mall by the station. "Would you have done it?"

She smiles back at him and asks, "What do you think?" They sit at a table and she goes on. "I don't normally seek out one night stands but you are different. We are like ships passing in the night. We will likely never see each other again or have this opportunity so why not. I'm on the pill so no problem there and I think you are a handsome enchanting loving man. It would be a fabulous way to have some fun."

Mike smiles and nods at a door nearby. They both get up and proceed through the washroom door. They lock it behind them. No more words are necessary, she tries to rip off his shirt and he reaches around her to unclip her bra. They kiss again with her bare breasts crushed against his chest and her hands pull on his belt undoing it and pushing his zipper down the seam of the back of his hard cock under his shorts.

His erection pops out into her probing hands and she strokes it while sliding down his frame. She kisses and runs her lips over the head of his cock, then uses her tongue to run over the head and lick her way down the stem to his sack. She kisses and licks his balls then purses her lips to suck on them.

Mike feels in heaven and uses this opportunity to reach over her butt and lift her full skirt. He feels her sodden panties and slips his fingers under them. He plays with her pussy lips while she runs her tongue up his rod. Faintly they hear someone rattle the door. They pay no mind.

He pulls her skirt higher so he can see and inserts a finger to play with her clit. She stops for an instant then starts bobbing her head up and down on his erect penis sucking hard as she rises and blowing on the down stroke. Mike groans and suggests they move over to the sink.

She grabs the washbasin edge and backs her ass to Mike. He lifts her skirt and feels around for her opening. She giggles and pushes down her panties, steps one leg out and sends them flying with the other foot. Mike guides his hard on up and down her opening lubricating the head and teasing her clit.

She is as wet as she can be so he tries to slip into her. He is surprised at how tight she is. She is slick and very ready but she has a narrow opening and tunnel. Mike has to take it easy at first so she gets used to him. "It's mighty tight in Virginia," he quips. They both laugh over that one.

"I know, I haven't done this all that many times. I've only had sex with two other guys and its been a long time since the last time." She is panting heavily as she speaks. "Is it okay?"

"Its so tight I might not last long, love."

"You've already lasted longer than either of them." She chuckles again. Mike is shuttling faster in her now but he pulls back and out to rest against her butt for a few seconds.

"I'd love to give you an orgasm but I'm not sure I can last that long. I'll try though." He slides deep into her again and reaches around her to play with her breasts. He notices her in the mirror over the sink watching him. He winks and she throws him a kiss.

Mike drives faster into her and she starts moaning. He can tell its going to be a race as to who comes first. "Just a minute," he says and pulls out of her. "Come sit in my lap." He backs to the toilet and sits for her to park on him. He guides her down and when she is settled on his manhood he has her move her butt up and down on him.

He explains, "This way the seam on the under side of my penis will rub against the front side of your channel right up against your rough spot inside there."

"Is that my G spot."

"I've heard it called that. I know it gives you one whopper of an orgasm if we get it right. Move up and down quickly now and I will play with your clit." He reaches around and does that as she springs up and down on him.

Now she is moaning hard and Mike feels that peculiar tickling in his sack. His other hand grips her hip and he tries not to limit her movement but he feels he must pull her to himself. She squeals and shudders all over, starts to move slower and irregularly and Mike can hold off no longer. He grips her hips and pulls her down hard in his lap as he erupts deep inside her.

She pulls away from him moving up and down on his spurting erection and moaning loudly. Mike dumps load after load into her tight twat and she cries for more. They notice a banging on the door.

Mike calls, "The bathroom is busy."

"Yeah, I hear ya!" comes back.

"Oh damn, Mike. We have to quit or they will call security. That was fantastic and it was the first time a man did that for me. I'll always remember you, Mike. In all my dreams for sure."

Quickly they clean up and dress. They face a round of applause as they leave the bathroom so they go right back to the station with red faces. They hang out not far from the lockers until shortly after five.

As Mike is getting close to board the train she says, "Mike, I am not sure why I did that with you today. I really don't go around doing things like that. Since I first saw you in the recruiting office I have had dreams of you holding me in your arms. I don't understand it but I really enjoyed it. I hope I see you again one day but if I don't please take with you my sincere wish you have a good life."

"I'll never forget you, Virginia. I wish you well in your new position as Master Seaman and hope your career goes well. By the way, stay away from ordinary seamen. You'll get yourself in trouble with them." They laugh together as Mike joins the line boarding the train. They kiss and he goes onboard.

He goes up the aisle and takes a seat where he can see her. She waves and so does he. He looks around and notes there are many other young people his age on board. He muses this could be an interesting trip and his adventure is just beginning.

At precisely six pm the scenery begins to move outside the window and Mike hears a voice distantly calling "All aboard!" He wonders if Virginia is home yet. She was taking the bus about five forty five. Its now six twenty and they are leaving the yards and nearing the suburbs. They should get in to Quebec City around eight thirty and be out of there to the east by nine.

Couples who have paired off on the trip before they reached Montreal are snuggling together in some of the seats and others are stretching their legs. Mike watches them leave the car and wonders where they are going. One comes back in and he knows him from seeing him earlier so he asks him as he passes, "What's out there? Where does that door go?"

"I went down to the dining car for a drink. I was going to have supper but I came back for a friend." He waves to a girl in a seat ahead of them. He waves for her to come back to them. "I'm Jack Hannah and this is Jacqueline coming to join us. I'm from Hamilton and she's from Winnipeg."

Jackie says, "Hi, are you another sailor recruit?" She looks at him slyly, "I think your a regular seaman."

Mike chuckles, "Right on the first count. I just joined the service. How about you folks?"

"We are going for basic, too. We joined a month or so ago but the new course is just starting now."

Jack chimes in, "About three weeks ago for me."

The conductor comes by and checks their tickets. Mike asks, "What do they charge for meals here?"

"It should be on your ticket. Navy picks up the tab."

The steady clickity clickity clack of the wheels on the rails begins to sound like less as they go along. The occasional zing zing of crossing bells still catch his attention, though.

Jackie asks, "Why don't you join us? I'm sure Jack must want to go and eat soon."

Jack speaks up, "I was just coming back to get you to eat, Jacqueline. I just stopped to chat with this gent."

Mike grins, "This gent is Mike Claymore and I'd be pleased to join you." He looks around, "Where does one stow their luggage here?"

Jack replies, "I left mine in the overhead. I don't have any valuables in it. Mike looks at his duffle bag and wonders if it will fit. He stands on unsteady feet but swings his duffle bag up and into the wrought iron carrier. He decides he will keep his briefcase with him.

They head for the exit in a line. As they leave the car Jack whispers to Mike, "If you see a broad you want to team up with you better hustle. They go fast." He winks lewdly.

They settle down at a table in the dining car and Mike has a comfortable light meal of scalloped potatoes, green beans and a slice of roast beef. He enjoys a beer after his meal. He asks, "So when did you people meet? Have you been together long?"

Jackie answers, "We met this morning when Jack got on in Toronto. We hit it off so we are traveling together for now. I really haven't decided if I like that arrangement yet or not but it seems to work out good for us. Are you married?"

"No, not me. I'm only eighteen so I think I'm really too young for that."

She laughs, "Are you a virgin? I'll bet you are."

Mike is tempted to say yes but doesn't, "Nope, no strings attached but I been there." He reddens slightly.

"Oh, he's shy. He's blushing."

Mike finishes his beer and stands, "I guess I'll go back and maybe catch a few zzs." He nods, "See you later."

He returns to their car and watches the setting sun. Soon he drifts off to sleep in the seat. He wakes around eight by the feel of someone sitting next to him. He glances over and sees its Jackie.

He grins, "Hi. where's Jack?

"I don't know, I think he's drinking. He was drinking right after supper, you know."

"Do you want me to go down to the dining car and see if he is there?"

"No. I'll just wait here. Can I wait with you?"

"Well, sure. As long as Jack doesn't get upset over it."

"He'll probably sleep it off when they change the car over at Quebec. I don't think he holds his liquor very well."

They chat for quite a while and then the conductor arrives with the porter. They start to convert the car seats over to upper and lower sleepers. They don't disturb those occupying seats but do the empty ones first. Soon the conductor announces they have converted enough seats for all the current passengers. If more board in Quebec City they will do sleepers for them then.

Jack comes back and is pretty looped. He curses Jackie for not joining him and scares her pretty bad. Mike intervenes and tries to keep the peace. Jack leaves them and goes out of the car again.

"I'm scared he might come back and find me, Mike. What should I do? I'm all alone now."

"I guess we will have to deal with that when it happens, Jackie."

"Would you protect me?"

"I'll see he doesn't hurt you."

He's uncomfortable being put in the middle this way but he can see she is scared. He hopes Jack goes to sleep it off. He feels the train slowing and wonders if Jack might get lost when they change trains but just then Jack comes back into the car. He plops down in the seat across from them.

He beckons Jackie to come to him. She shakes her head but he insists so she gets up and crosses the aisle. "What do you want, Jack?"

Mike can't hear what he says but she comes back with, "You are drunk. I don't want anything to do with you. Why don't you go and sleep it off."

Again he can't hear Jack. "I'm not sleeping with you and you better not try getting into my bed either. I don't like a drunk." She comes back across the aisle and parks by Mike. "He scares me. I think he is going to try and get into my pants. If he was sober I might consider it but not with him in that shape."

Mike winches but looks to one side at her trim figure. 'Hmmm, small but nice melons' he thinks. He tries to put it out of his mind but she stretches and rubs an open palm over her ripe mounds in her blouse as if absent mindedly doing so. Mike feels a stirring in his groin and breaths out deeply.

She regards him. "You'll look after me, won't you? I like you." Mike watches others retiring to bunks and often pairing up to do so. He's not sure what is going to happen. The train has stopped and the rest of the train has left them.

After a short lapse another train hooks onto their car and shunts it ahead to a lighted area. Mike watches the traffic and activity on the streets outside their car.

He feels some activity before he actually sees Jack get up from the other seat. Jack stands over Jackie, "Are you coming to bed?" He slurs his words and is clearly inebriated.

"Jack, get away from me. I'm not sleeping with you. Go to bed."

"Sure bitch, you got your eye on Mike, that's what it is. I got news for you, baby. Your my bitch and that's that!"

Mike turns to him, "Jack, take it easy. Jackie's not going anywhere but the same place we are. Why not sleep on it?"

Jack slouches back down in the far seat again. Jackie says he is watching her and it makes her nervous. Mike just tries to stay out of it. He feels a bump as they are hooked again to a train and slowly they glide through a darkened station.

He thinks there must have been no more passengers from here but at that moment three new passengers come into the car yakking away in French. They look for bunks and soon are settling in. It appears another car has joined them.

Their next stop will be in the morning around six am in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Mike watches out the window to catch the moonlight on the St. Lawrence River. He knows they will be crossing over it before long. He feels Jackie's head drop lightly on his shoulder. Across the aisle Jack's shadowy figure is motionless in the seat.

He notices that Jackie's hip and leg are brushing his with the movement of the train. He glances her way watching the silhouette of her breast move against his arm. He pictures in his mind that breast devoid of clothes and realizes that she has very pert breasts hidden away under that cloth. Once again his cock stirs hardening in his jeans.

He purposely takes his mind off Jackie and stares out at the moonlit panorama while listening for the clacking of the steel wheels on the long rails. He must admit she feels very familiar and homey there on his arm. She stirs and nestles closer settling against him. Now his hard on rages to full attention as his young hormones kick in.

He peers in the semi dark of the car but his vision is cut off by the many sleepers set up as bunks. Once again his eyes watch the still form of Jack across the aisle. Jackie moves her head to whisper, "I think he's asleep." She brushes his cheek with her lips and waits for his reaction.

Mike notes they are crossing the river. No longer will he have the St. Lawrence to distract him. He turns his head slightly to cover her lips with his and they enjoy a long drawn out kiss that goes from soft and sweet to insistent and torrid.

She whispers in a husky voice, "I'll go find us a bunk." She slips out of the seat and moves to the far end of the car. Mike sees a flash of light as she leaves the car then all is as it was. His heart is thudding in his chest and he smiles to himself over the recent changes. He's going to get lucky! Life is good!

Soon she returns to beckon him in the shadows of the car aisle. He quietly rises with his briefcase and follows her. They pass through the windy crossing from car to car and she then whispers, "I found us a lower just up ahead." Sure enough she soon parts a curtain to reveal a double width bed made up for sleeping. "Front or back, Mike?"

He shrugs, "Ladies choice, my dear Jackie"

She climbs into the bunk and says, "Here, pass me your briefcase and I will slip it down by the window under the mattress."

"I can slip it into the overhead catchall net."

She comes back sweetly, "I think our clothes go there," as she tosses her shoes to him. Sitting on the edge of the bed he places them on the floor next to his then straightens up to find her half undressed already.

He was right, she has a marvelous pair of breasts and his erection bobs up prominently in his jeans. She places her skirt in the overhead with his shirt and watches him as he pulls down his jeans. She smiles at his difficulty getting the jeans over his hardness.

She watches his eyes light up as she slides her hands lightly into her panties sliding them slightly down her hips. Again his shorts bob up and down. She reaches over to run her hand over it and whispers, "Come on, Mike. I've got a remedy for this." She sweeps her panties off and tosses them up in the netting while turning to slide under the cover.

Mike quickly sheds his last garment and slips under the cover to join her. He pulls the curtain shut and whispers, "Do you want the night light on or off?"

She turns to face him opening her arms and says, "Come here to me." The light is forgotten until much later.

Jackie Schneider is a farm girl of hardy Hungarian and Bavarian stock from the Canadian prairies similar to Virginia but coarser. She wastes no time getting down to business. She wants to fuck and she makes that plain to Mike as they proceed. She cuddles and bucks as the mood strikes her and all Mike has to do is hang on.

She laughs, "Why not? Lots of other couples are doing the same in many other compartments right next door to us. Isn't that what life is all about? Fuck and get fucked, right?"

Mike doesn't argue. It suits him just fine. They keep at it for hours and when they sleep they quickly wake to start again. And so they while away the night.

Chapter 4
Maritime Command

Mike wakes and reaches up to raise the window shade. He peers out and tries to remember when he got over to the window side of the bed. Jackie is half draped over his lower body and stirs with his movements.

"What's happening out there," she queries.

"It appears we have stopped. I guess that's what woke me. Wow, I guess that's not a lake out there. It must be the Atlantic."

She sits up, "Are we in Halifax?" She watches over his shoulder. "I think we are." She kisses his neck and stretches then encircles his torso with her arms. "Do you suppose we have time..."

Mike turns to cover her mouth with his and push her back in the mattress. Landing on her belly between her legs he kisses her neck and jaw then up under her ear. He comes across to kiss her nose and lightly over her eyelids. She bucks and positions herself to let him in them grips his ass and pulls him to her. She squeals, "Oh yeah, that's what I want!" They fornicate wildly for one last time before having to face the new day.

When they feel a bump and a gentle thud then smooth movement they hear the porter call out, "Breakfast is served in the main dining car. Please proceed two cars ahead and take your personal belongings with you. We will be making up the day liner seats while you dine."

Mike reaches up for clothes and tosses Jackie's to her. She grumbles, "I could sure use a shower this morning. Later, I guess."

"You can hand wash in the bathroom if you like. I do."

"I know. I guess that will have to do for now."

"Have you thought about what you will say to Jack this morning?"

She's pulling on her shoes, "I don't know, he doesn't own me. I don't even owe him anything as far as that goes."

"I suppose you can tell him he was an obnoxious drunk so you decided he was not for you. That's the truth, isn't it?"

"It sure is and besides, you are a much better lover than he is so I rather like how it turned out. Don't you?"

"Yep," he nods his head but is thinking, 'How does she know I am a better lover? They only met yesterday morning, didn't they?' He thinks back over what they said and how they had met when he got on from Toronto. He puts it out of his mind as they head out for breakfast.

As they pass his duffel bag he notes Jack is not in the seat opposite. He expects they will see him in the dining car. When they get into the dining car it is crowded and noisy so they have to scramble for a table with two other guys already seated.

One of them glares at Jackie and says, "Jacqueline, I see you have moved again."

Her comeback, "Bill, don't be a bore." She peruses the menu. Mike is somewhat perplexed by her actions and words. He thinks, 'Who is this Bill?'

"Good morning," it was the other guest. "Bill and I hail from British Columbia. I am Brad Jennings and Bill here is William Canford. We know Jackie but haven't had the pleasure of meeting you, sir."

"I'm Mike Claymore from the Montreal area. Please to make your acquaintances. I guess we will be ship mates." They nod agreement and all start to order.

As they start to eat Jackie slips and spills milk down the side of her blouse. She tries to sop it up but soon says, "I have to go get another top. Will you please excuse me?" Mike nods to her as do the rest. Bill comments aside, "Don't hurry back."

Mike looks sharply his way as she leaves. He says, "I hardly think she deserves that comment, sir."

"Ha, you don't know her." he glances to his partner, "Does he?"

Mike asks, "Might I ask how you know her?"

"Ha ha, I slept with her night before last. She hooked up with some Jack or Jack ass after she got up yesterday morning in Toronto. She fucked him in the day liner seats. She disgusts me." He fills his mouth with food.

Mike is caught be surprise. He finishes his food in silence as does Jackie when she comes back. They head back to their seats and can see the train is rolling again now. As they leave the dining car she asks, "Are you cool with me because of something Bill might have said when I was away?"

"He told us you started out with him day before yesterday. I guess that's your business, eh? I don't mind but do you know what you really want? Doesn't this kind of thing hurt your reputation?"

"I just do what I want. That's the way I am. Don't you?"

Mike thinks about it and has to agree. "I do but you know how girls who do that are regarded. Can you take the heat? Remember you will be with this same group of people for a long time. You haven't lost me as a friend but you will lose many like Bill." He glances ahead, "and like this guy. Good morning, Jack."

Jack is holding his head and gives them a sheepish grin. "That's easy for you to say." The three friends settle into the seats across from each other and chatter away as the scenery rolls by. It's quite evident now that they are in the Maritimes. There is water every way they look. Beaches and distant sea views appear in their window in fast succession.

"I wonder how close the base is to the train. Will we have to walk or will there be busses laid on? Mike is wondering out loud and the others don't know any of the answers. Mike is glad to see Jack and Jackie are talking in a friendly manner. So far so good.

None of them had gotten much of a view of Halifax so it appears that will have to be a future adventure. They watch a distant huge four engine jet plane banking on the horizon. Jack ventures, "That baby is military. That's no passenger liner. Did you see the radar dome on the front of it and that long stinger tail. There must be a base nearby."

Jackie knows, "I saw in the recruiting office in Winnipeg that there is an airbase near here called Greenwood. They have big planes like that for chasing submarines. I bet that's one of them."

Jack shakes his head, "I think you're right." They watch the plane go down and out of sight. He asks Jackie, "Were you thinking of joining the Air Force?"

"I thought of it but the navy is recruiting women right now and opportunities looked better with them. How about you guys, why the Navy?"

Mike shrugs, "I have always preferred the ground to the air. Give me a good car or a bus or even a train any time."

Jack says, "My grandfather was Navy and I have a cousin here somewhere. It seems to run in our blood. We were seafarers in the old country."

"What country was that?" Jackie is inquisitive.

"We hale from the Netherlands and especially the lowlands west of Amsterdam. Haalem and IJmuiden to be exact. I doubt you have heard of it. My family immigrated two generations ago but my grandparents still speak Dutch at home all the time."

"And what about you, Mike?" asks Jackie.

"Scottish and native American here.

Jackie pushes it, "Are you native Indian?"

"Yes, I'm Mohawk as well as Scottish. My mother was a clanswoman of the Iroquois and my dad was the local Indian agent," he grins, "and yes, I do play the bagpipes."

"Maybe they will let you play with the band at the base. I think that would be grand. I want to see you in a kilt." she giggles.

They chat on till the train makes a brief stop in Middleton, Nova Scotia and allows them to get out and stretch their legs. When they board again there is an announcement that dinner is ready in the dining car.

Others have joined them during the brief stop so now a crowd moves together to the dining car. Good natured chatter and laughter follows them where ever they go as new friends are made.

Three burley sailors in full uniform enter the dining car at the far end. They speak briefly to the porter and the bar tender then turn to address the room. Mike notes two of them have blue armbands with MP prominently displayed.

The center one of the three has three chevrons and a maple leaf. Mike notes he outranks Virginia. He addresses them. "Gentlemen," he clears his throat, "and gentle women. Let me welcome you to HMCS Cornwallis. You will be arriving at the base within a few hours. I realize many of you are still in the Pullman cars so another officer is addressing them there. I am a PO2 FYI." He taps the rank badge on his sleeve, "and my name is Petty Officer Goodman."

"It doesn't matter if you remember my name because you won't likely ever have to deal with me again but remember the rank." He taps the rank badge on his sleeve again. "Get used to looking for and recognizing the ranks of other individuals you meet on base."

"These men accompanying me are our own version of the local cops." He nods to his left, "Jeff here," he turns, "and Tony," he nods at him on his right, "are Military Police. Thus the armband that says MP. If you misbehave like getting plastered these are the boys who will look after you... and lock you up, of course.

Our Commanding Officer at the base does not like when they have to do that so he will have a stern talk with you when you are sober. Its not wise to repeat your offense. I think you know what I mean."

"Now here is what you can expect when we arrive." He goes on to explain how they will be assigned barracks when they arrive. They will exit the train and line up in ranks of three beside the train. They will then be marched to the parade square where the assignment will be done. They cannot leave the base tonight and should be in their barracks by nine for a roll call.

He explains that assignments for the weekend would be announced tonight at nine along with any other important business or activities. Then he asks if there are any questions.

Mike asks, "Where can we view a chart of the rank badges, Petty Officer Goodman?"

"Good question. There is a chart posted in the mess hall at the front and of course in the main assembly hall there is another copy of it. You will get used to the common ranks quickly. Chevrons are the norm up until my rank. 1 chevron is an able seaman, 2 is a leading seaman, 2 with a maple leaf is a MS or master seaman and mine with one more chevron is petty officer 2nd class. A petty officer 1st class or PO1 is a crown and then you have your chief petty officers 1 & 2."

"Those are the NCO class, non commissioned officers. We do not rate a salute but the officer classes above us do require a salute when met. You'll learn as you go on in the service. Any other questions?"

"Okay, not seeing any other hands at this time I would like to state, ahead of this car is NCO territory and out of bounds to enlisted personnel. Enjoy the rest of your trip to the base."

Everyone relaxes as they leave the car. Jack says, "Chummy fellow, isn't he?" Others grin or look disapprovingly towards him.

Mike says quietly aside to him, "I think its better to not have an opinion right now." Jack nods in the affirmative. He has teamed up with a new girl named Beverley Hunt and she agrees. None of them have seen Jackie since they came in for dinner but Mike figures she is making new friends, too. He says he is going back to their car and leaves.

He finds Jackie with two guys from Winnipeg and she introduces them. They are old friends of her family so she is behaving well around them. Thurman and Kern are grim figures for their ages and Mike doesn't have to question their family background. It appears they have attached themselves to her as her protectors. He thinks Bill had better keep his opinions to himself around them.

Otherwise he can picture them becoming stalwart sailors enduring violent storms at sea with relish. For that matter he finds Jack the same. He wonders if perhaps he picked the wrong service to join. He considers himself as more of a loner, perhaps a sniper class or a fighter pilot. He wonders how one goes about becoming a fighter pilot for the Navy.

It's mid afternoon and the sun is blazing down. What a beautiful day in late spring to be alive. Mike watches the sand dunes and far off blue horizon. He wonders if England is over there just beyond his sight. As a fighter pilot he would know where it was and fly right to it.

Little does he know he is looking at the Annapolis Basin and beyond that the Bay of Fundy and away beyond that is the Atlantic Ocean. Its fifty miles by water or land before he would view the actual sea. They pass Upper Clements Provincial Park slowing considerably.

Passengers move restlessly and everyone seems to know their journey is coming to an end. Green fields and blue water is evident all along the way. A small station goes by declaring itself Upper Clements. They slow even more and the clacking of the rails becomes louder. It seems a person could walk faster than they are rolling but its deceptive.

Houses sprout up by the track and another station moves slowly by them declaring Clementsport Station. They creep across a long trestle then enter a wood before the scene opens on yards and docks of a major Naval Station.

They have arrived as a large sign declares HMCS CFB Cornwallis. They can hear brakes squealing and feel the slowing even more. "Please stay back from the doors until the carriage comes to a full stop." Its the conductor directing them as he steps out on the platform.

Mike reaches up to haul his duffel bag down then collects his briefcase. He looks around but can't see Jackie or any of her crew. There is no sign of Jack either. He moves toward the door and closes up with others standing by to disembark.

They get jostled around by the jerky movements as the train comes to a shuddering halt. When all is still the crowd begins to step down from the train it appears there is about twenty five of them. "Three ranks, people. That's three rows only, nitwit! Move into that row ahead of you!"

Mike realizes its a Master Seaman like Virginia. He gets barked at to stand straight and grins foolishly. "What's your name, handsome?" The MS yells, "Does that long hair make you deaf. Speak up, mister!"

He stammers, "Mike Claymore, sir."

"I'm no sir, I'm master seaman and see you remember it, mister Mike. Now can you get into line with the others?"

"Yes sir."

"Oh God, please give me patience. Let's make a right turn everybody. Yes, that includes you mister Mike. Now we are going to try and march together or at least walk in step to the parade square." He calls, "By the right, quick march. Left, right, left, right... Pick it up! Try to get it together. Left, right, left, right"

He calls again, "Now I want you to keep following the man ahead of you but I want this whole column to turn to the left so I will call left turn and you people in front will swing to the left keeping in a straight line with your neighbor. Let's try it." He booms out, "Column, left turn! Keep it together, keep up there, that wasn't too bad for a first try. I'm proud of you."

He turns them left again and they move out onto a concrete parade square. "Now let's all try to keep it together! All together now, Halt!" He curses, "That means to stop! Yes, all of you. Get back into three ranks! Quickly, quickly!"

He runs up along side of them and calls, "I want you to turn facing me when I... Not now! When I give the command! Turn back the way you were. Now, wait for it.

He screams, "Parade! Parade, left turn! Your fucking navy left, you bunch of Nancies! Just turn towards me. Thank you!" He pulls papers from his pocket and studies them.

He calls out, "I have here your barracks and room number. This will be a temporary assignment for the weekend so don't make yourselves too comfy. Okay, Aldrich!" He looks up, "Just say here. Okay?" He looks around, "Aldrich? Janet Aldrich! Is there a Janet Aldrich here? What the hell... Okay, Arnold, James Arnold!" He shakes his head and someone calls out, "I'm here."

"Finally! James, you are in..."

"I'm not James. My name is Anderson but I come before Arnold alphabetically."

The MS studies his list and says, "Anderson? Anderson who? Where did you come from?"

"North Battleford. It's in Saskatchewan Master Seaman."

"I see." He shakes his list, "It appears I have the wrong list. You can relax where you are but please don't leave the area." He steps amongst them and holds the list out for all to see. "Does anyone see their name on this list? He shakes his head, "I didn't think so. Be right back."

Everyone starts gabbing and wandering around to visit each other. Mike tells Jackie, "It looks like they are not too organized here, doesn't it?"

She grins, "Just like home. Lets sneak off and make out in a shed or something." She grins at him. "That sure was nice last night, Mike. I really like you."

Mike whispers, "If we could get away with it I'd go with you."

She whispers back, "Maybe later, Mike. We might find a way."

The MS is coming back to the group and he calls out, "Okay people, that barrack over there is empty right now so I am putting you all in there for now. We will straighten it out in the morning. Just grab a room. Sheets are in the laundry area in the middle of the barracks. Same with the blankets I'll see you in the morning. You're released for now." he barks, "Parade, Dismiss!" He follows it with, "Now get out of here. All of you." He heads off across the square.

Jackie comes grinning to Mike and says, "I guess that takes care of that, eh? Let's go." The others are squealing with delight or turning red with embarrassment. Some couples are running for the barracks. Mike and Jackie saunter along trying to avoid Jack but see him and Bev hand in hand ahead of them. Now they have to avoid Thurman and Kern.

They enter the building and seek the laundry on the ground floor. Mike finds it and also finds the sheets. He shows others that are looking then has Jackie take a couple blankets. He finds pillow slips so they go looking for a room. Near the stairs they enter a room with a single set of bunks in it. They look it over and decide it will do.

"Likely the others are two sets of bunks so we have it good." Mike winks at her.

She asks, "How are we going to keep the others out? Can we mark it as taken?"

"Sure, we make up the bed. That should tell them something if they come looking."

"Mike, I love your style. You know how to make a girl feel good and you give her confidence."

"Well, I think I am going for a shower before they figure out what they have done and come to part us. Care to join me?"

"Oh yes, don't try and stop me."

They strip surreptitiously watching each other but wrap a towel around themselves and head off down the corridor to the showers. It feels so good to get showered in driving hot water but soon they are playing with each other in the spray.

Its fun but after a while they notice they have an audience who claps wildly to urge them on. Its a mixed crowd so Mike figures others have gotten the same idea. He laughs, "The water is fine. Come on in." He escorts Jackie to towel off and make room for others. They run back to their room and throw the towels on the floor.

Now they kiss with passion and weld their bodies to each other. They try to feel as much of the other person's skin as they can and work their bodies against each other as they French kiss. Tongues and lips work feverishly together. Mike sucks her tongue and she fondles his erection. She reaches down to lick his chest and he inserts his fingers to tease her.

They are so hot and their breath is panting in their throats. Jackie pushes Mike back onto the bed and goes down on him kissing and licking his throbbing hard on. She runs her tongue down the underside of his shaft peeking saucily up at him then sucks on his sack. Mike takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly steeling himself for a long night.

He jockeys her around so he can play with her and quickly turns it into a perfect 69. He licks around his nether lips and then slips his tongue deep between them. She moans and hesitates her movements then starts sucking again. Mike grins and runs his tongue deliberately right between them from near her ass to her clit. He wiggles his tongue there on her clit and feels her shudder.

He can feel her licking his balls again and its driving him crazy. He inserts first one and then two fingers into her cunt as he licks her inner lips. They are swollen and distended now as he starts a beckoning movement inside her and sucks on and around her clit. She moans and moves with his tongue then squeals, "Oh God, yes! Do that some more!"

He continues to draw his fingers over her G spot and she whimpers softly, "Oh Mike, stop. Please stop." he stops and lets her shake and whimper. He waits for her to finish then smoothly beckons again. That's all it takes to throw her into another orgasm and then another and another. She collapses on him and murmurs, "What did you do? I couldn't stop coming. It just kept starting again. How did you do that?"

"I just let you do it your way, love. It was all you." They wait for her to calm down then resume love making. She wants to ride him so he puts her on top in a cowboy position and she tries to milk him with wild bouncing up and down on his frame. Mike lets her ride and eventually turns her away from him into a reverse cowgirl. He lets her work and tries to hold out for her but it isn't long before he feels tingles that tell him he is not far away from spouting her full of sperm.

He urges her to slow and then turns her up for doggy style and that does it for both of them. As he rams his hard cock deep inside her he feels her tighten on his flesh. One more deep stroke and he shoots his seed deep in her cunt. He keeps it deep as he pours more semen into her and she pants as she feels herself filling up with his seed.

Her cunt contracts and contracts and contracts again on his hard weapon as she sees fireworks and feels shivers up her spine. They stay connected for a long time simply holding each other. Then they feel the cold of the wetness down their legs and between their bodies. Mike suggests, "Let's go hit the showers again. What do you say?"

She rolls off the bunk and dons her towel. "Lets do it."

Mike grabs the other towel and they head for the showers. They wash each other and then dry each other before returning to their room.

They collapse into the bunk together and hold each other close to go to sleep. As they cuddle they dream of sweet times in their past. They get a good rest because they are so comfortable with each other.


2016-05-25 23:56:52
Believe me Dumb-ass, been there, done that!

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-04-27 22:50:57
It is quite obvious that you have never been in the armed forces, most ridiculous thing that I have ever read, NCOs with the wrong paperwork? mixed barracks? Get bloody real, learn what you are writing about, bloody idiot...

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