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Don has reunited with a younger woman, who was his daughter's friend and a softball player on his team. This time, however, Stacy invites another former team mate to join their 'activities'. Don's older brother benefits as well...
It Was Her Legs… Her Gorgeous Fuckin’ Legs Part 2

If you haven’t read Part 1 of this story, I encourage you to do so. Don ran across one of his old softball students. He coached her when she was 9, but she’s now 48 and still hot as hell. She confided that she’d had a crush on her old coach for years, and things progressed to full blown sex between them.

Don spent the night with Stacy, having one more session of sex, just before going to sleep. Nudity was the order of the day on Wednesday and, somehow, Stacy managed to get one more small shot of cum inside her hairless pussy… not shaven, as it turned out; she had made a trip to Mexico six years before and had all traces of her pubic hair removed, permanently.

“Somehow, Honey, I think I’m gonna have to figure out how to fuck this much without having a heart attack. The last 24 hours has been a helluva experience for this old man’s system. I haven’t cum four times in the last month, even with recuperation time.”

Stacy kissed her old coach and laid her pretty head on his chest, “Well… maybe if you use it more, it’ll work better and you can fuck all you want… at least if I’m around.”

“I can respond to that, Honey; I ain’t NEVER been able to fuck all I want, but there have been times I’ve had all I could stand. Other than my late wife, I think there was only one woman that could never get satisfied. Oh, wait… I’ll bet you know exactly who I’m talking about. You remember little Kimmy Clayton? She only played with us one season.”

“Yes, her dad sold magazines or something. Kimmy played 3rd base. Don’t tell me you were fucking her… she was only, like, twelve…”

Don chuckled and told her, “No, not Kimmy, it was her mother. God, that woman was a full blown nymphomaniac. She couldn’t get enough and didn’t care which hole she got it in. When we went to that tournament in Memphis, she hit my room as soon as the lights were out in you girls’ rooms. Damn… we fucked like rabbits all night long. I was so tired during the days, I could barely keep up with what was going on during our games.
“That’s the reason I kept going to my truck for a nap between games. Three nights of that woman nearly killed me. Then when we got home, Carly was horny from doing without any cock for all that time. I had to fake being sick in order to get some rest.”

“Ummm… Yeah, I heard a couple stories about Kimmy’s mom, way back then. It had slipped my mind. Let’s go for a walk down by the water, I’ll show you my ‘Swamp Monster’.”

He reached down and rubbed her pussy, “I believe I’ve already seen it, my dear.”

Stacy slapped his hand and crawled off the bed, “C’mon, get up and wash off a little. We need to get some ‘upright’ exercise.”

Will had built some very nice walking paths to, from and along the river. Two boat houses sat a few feet above the water, with retractable conveyors, “We had them made to lift out of the water so river travelers wouldn’t be able to get into our stalls and steal stuff or tear things up.”

She unlocked a metal door and flipped a switch, lighting the inside of the first house. A beautiful, high dollar, airboat sat on the skids. It was the first airboat Don had seen up close and he was impressed, “Well, I never figured to see a pink airboat. What happened back there?”

“We’d been playing up and down the river one day. As we were coming home, some little bastard stopped on the bridge, about a mile downstream. People stop all the time to watch us shooting across shallow water and sandbars, so we didn’t think anything about it. Anyway, the little shit dropped a concrete block over the side, just as we got under him. It damaged the fan and the housing. Sounded like hell before I got it shut down. Will said it was going to take about three thousand to fix it.”

Don climbed aboard and examined the damage. He asked what kind of tools Will had in the shop building, which was close to the house. She told him there were presses, torches, welders and tons of hand tools. Will like to work on cars and trucks, but didn’t like boats.

“I’ll bet I can fix this fan, Honey. Between his tools and mine, I think I can fix the blade guard, too, if I can find a little bit of angle iron. There’s only one problem that’s bothering me,” he said as he held her hand and stepped out, “I’ll have to put clothes on to keep from damaging THIS tool,” he shook his limp dick and smiled, “and I damn sure don’t want to hurt it.”

Don spent the rest of the morning removing bolts and deciding what, and how, to proceed with the repairs. At lunch, he told Stacy that he’d have to go back to Shreveport on Thursday, “I need to pick up a couple more days of blood pressure meds and I’ll need to stop by the hardware store for some steel pop rivets. All Will has in the shop are aluminum and I’m afraid they won’t hold up with the vibration and the torque. I’ll take off right after breakfast and be back by lunch… okay?”

“Sure! We have some company coming this afternoon so I better get a few clothes on. Anything I can help you with the next few hours?”

“WE have company coming?”

“Yep, an old friend of mine. Somebody you’ve known for a long time, too.”

“”And you’re gonna keep it a secret, right?”

Once Stacy put her shorts and t-shirt on, Don asked her to help drag the fan housing to the shop. Once that was done, he shooed her out of the way while he went to work. He used an un-bent blade on the propeller to determine the pitch of the damaged ones. Carefully, he heated the steel blades and used ball-peen and body hammers to return them to their original shape. By supper time, the entire fan was assembled, awaiting the steel rivets for final stabilization. He managed to wrestle the housing onto the large bench and began putting the tools away for the evening.

While he was closing the toolbox in his pickup, Don saw the little Scion pull off the road and through the gate. “Never could figure why in the hell anyone would want to drive something that looks like a clown car,” he muttered under his breath, “If a dozen clowns start climbing out of that one, I’ll hit the fuckin’ road this evening.”
Once the car stopped, another blonde (much shorter and built a little heavier than Stacy) stepped out and pulled a small suitcase from her passenger seat. She smiled and nodded at the old man, then headed toward the front door.
Something familiar clicked in Don’s mind, something very similar to what had happened in Walmart, when he reunited with Stacy, “Tamster… is that you?”

The lady stopped dead in her tracks, “Coach Don? Well, kiss my fat ass!”
She dropped her suitcase and ran back to hug her old coach, a man she had admired, respected, and the man she was thinking about when she masturbated herself to her first orgasm. Tammy Leonard and her sister, Sherry, had already been having sex with the boys in the neighborhood, but Tammy had never cum until that night… she was thirteen… 35 years ago.

Stacy had watched the reunion from her front porch. Don noticed she had changed out of her t-shirt and replaced it with a small halter. He had Tammy, who he fondly called the ‘Tamster’ because of her small size, wrapped in his arms and Stacy’s fine set of tits staring at him from the porch, “I always figured I’d go to hell some day, but I don’t care, this is Heaven right here.”

Stacy broke out the beer and filled Tammy in on the last two days’ activities… everything. Don learned that the two had remained close over all the years and usually slept together when Tammy was visiting.
When Stacy asked what he thought about bisexuals, he simply replied, “I got nuthin’ against seein’ two gorgeous women together, I just don’t want a dick run up MY ass, or in my mouth, Honey. I’ve had lots of blow jobs, but all of ‘em were done by someone who wanted to do it. I ain’t ever asked for one. I’ve stuck my old cock in several assholes, too, but it was always by the woman’s request, not mine.
“I know one thing for sure… It’s been more than 36 hours since the last one, so I’m gonna go grab another Cialis. My old nuts might be plumb empty, but at least my dick will get hard enough. I sure want to do a good job when I fill my favorite Tamster.”

The ladies chuckled and slipped out of all their clothes. Tammy’s tits sagged a little more than Stacy’s, but she had nursed four kids, too.
“Damn, Stacy, I can’t believe how good coach Don looks. For a man his age, he’s still pretty good lookin’, too… and now, after all these years, I finally get to fuck him. Thank you, so much, for inviting me and the offer to share. I wish Sherry wasn’t so damn religious; she always wanted to get in his pants so bad.
“While Don’s in the other room, how ‘bout I love on your pussy a little?”

The sight stopped Don in his tracks. Stacy was on the couch with her feet pulled up onto the cushions. Tammy’s face was buried in Stacy’s smooth snatch, licking and smacking on that delicious morsel.
Don knew the Cialis hadn’t had time to go to work, yet, so the hard-on he was getting was a natural one.
Tammy was on her knees with her ass stuck in the air and her legs spread slightly. There, in the ‘crotch gap’ was a bare, clam shaped cunt… glistening and inviting.

He went to his knees, as well, and crawled the few feet to his objective. Tammy merely wiggled a little when he placed his hands on her butt cheeks. Five seconds later, his boner was buried in her hot tunnel.

Don was fully aware that his dick could soften before dumping his load in Tammy. For that reason, he abandoned the idea of going slow and enjoying it longer. He thrust hard and fast, bringing his climax to a head within three minutes. The hard fucking was exactly the way Tammy liked it, and she lost it just as Don’s phone rang.

“I’ll get it later, that’s Leo’s ring. The old mother-fucker always has bad timing.”

With one hand resting on Tammy’s head, encouraging the smaller woman to concentrate on eating her pussy, Stacy answered Don’s phone, “Hello, big brother. Don says you’re an old mother-fucker. How did you like the, uh… uh… oh, yes, Tam… oh yes, right there.”

“Uh, this must be Stacy, I presume. Where’s my asshole borther?”

“Oh, God… hold on.. hold on… AHHHH, Yeahhhhh… OH YESSSSSS!! OH MY GOD!!! AAIIIEEEEEEE!!!!! OH, SHIT! Oh, fuck! That was a good one Tam.
“Uh, Leo, You still there?”

“Yes, ma’am, young lady. You just about busted my hearing aid just then. But, now that I have my cock in my hand, you have my permission to continue what you were doing. Just don’t hang up on me.”

“Mmmmm… That’s alright, I think all three of us are through, now. I was the last one to cum and, fuck… Mmmm, it was a good one. I think I was asking you if you liked the pictures and video we sent.”

“Yes, ma’am, I sure did like them. About the only thing that would have been better is if I’d been there and seen it live, instead of video. I will, however, cherish what you sent and make damn good use of them. Is Don where I can speak to him?”

“Sure, but let him call you back in a few minutes. I’m gonna snap a few more pics and send them. Maybe you can unload a little quicker that way.”

“How thoughtful of you, my dear. I’ll be awaiting his call.”

Stacy quickly snapped a photo of her tits, showing down her belly to the top of Tammy’s head, and included Don being mounted on Tammy from behind. The next one showed both women with their tongues, and open mouths, all over Don’s cock. Last, she set the timer and took one of Don, flanked with two sets of very fine tits which were attached to two equally fine women.

“That ought to help him bust his nuts. I’ll give him a few minutes to get off before I call him.”

“You sorry bastard. How in the fuck did you do it? I can’t even find an ugly eighty year old to let me take fuckin’ naked pictures.”

“Hey, old man, chill… all I did was go to Walmart with one of my buddies. Two days later, he’s still in his apartment and I’m here with all this pussy and these big ol’ titties. When you got it, you got it… what else can I say?”

“Well, you cocksuckin’ asshole, you could send me the leftovers.”

“Tell you what I’ll do. I’ll get more pictures and maybe a couple more videos. Then I’ll make a trip to Baton Rouge and load them in your computer… mmmm.. Friday or Saturday, maybe.”

“Sounds good to me, but you’re still a shit head. Love you, bro.”

Stacy and Tammy had overheard the conversation and discussed it between themselves.

“Sit over here, coach, right between us so we can keep your attention,” It was Tammy giving instructions. He sat on the overstuffed couch and was immediately being fondled, “You know the little guest house out back? Stacy talked to Will today and they are offering it to you, if you think you’d like to live here. You could do the handyman things and fuck your landlady every day when Will’s tied up on something else. When I come visit, I can share your bed, too.”

Stacy chuckled and continued, “The older Will gets, the lazier he is. I would absolutely love to have my yard mowed and my pussy filled, every time it’s needed. What do you think?”

Don hurried to agree, then, Tammy sprung another one on him, “Tomorrow, Stacy and I will go to Shreveport with you and help you pack your things. We love our favorite coach and can’t wait to meet your friends.”

Don caught the wicked grins between the two women, but didn’t ask …

Thursday morning, the Cialis had done its job, so after one more early morning threesome, Don’s pickup purred its way into town.

By the time Don’s things were packed, the entire complex had heard about the two women who had come with him… ‘Blondes, one with long hair and the other one’s short and curly. Jean shorts cut off so short their pussy lips could be kissed while they were walking by. Tit so big a jersey cow would be jealous.’ Of course, there was plenty of talk about them CUMMING with him, too, but all that was speculation… accurate, but still, Don, Stacy, Tammy and Leo were the only ones who knew for sure.

Veterans poured out of their apartments offering to help the ladies with their share of Don’s things. He damn sure didn’t have those offers of help when he moved in. Needless to say, the ladies ate up all the attention. When Don introduced Dave to Tammy, she kissed his full on his lips and shoved her tongue in his mouth, startling the former tank operator, “Careful, little bit, a kiss like that could get a girl in trouble.”

Tammy had no idea where Dave’s apartment was, but she pulled him into the closest one, “You have any VD or anything I need to know about?”

“Uh, no.”

“Good, drop your pants. I’m gonna give you a blow job while the others are loading Don’s truck.”

“You shittin’ me, lady?”

Tammy dropped to the floor, pulling his zipper down as she went. Within seconds, she had fished his cock out and sucked it into her mouth. As it got harder, she kept taking it all. Two minutes later, with an inch and a half of hard dick sticking past her gag reflex, Dave shot the biggest load he’d done in years down Tammy’s throat. Once she finished cleaning up his residuals, she stood and told him, “Next time, you can do me.”

“Next time??”

“Poor ol’ Dave was shocked,” she laughed as she explained to Don and Stacy, “He was still standing in that room with his pants on the floor and his mouth hanging open. Anyone walking down the hall could see his soft dick, just hanging there and looking as if it had been poked by a straight pin, letting all the air out of it.” She giggled and finished, “The old fellow will have a story to tell the rest of ‘em, now.”

“Of course you wouldn’t have known, but Honey, you just blew a retired Brigadier General in the US Army. He’s still married, too. His wife has Alzheimer’s and she’s been in a nursing home for over ten years. He taps our friend, Ms. Janie, once in a while, but several of us do that.”

Don was able to get the pop rivets in place and made sure the boat fan was balanced. The housing wasn’t much of a problem to fix, but he needed both women to help him move it into place so it could be bolted in properly. Stacy cranked the V-8 engine and Don was happy to see there was no ‘off balance’ vibration.

After a short ride down the river and back, Stacy rewarded Don with his very own blow job, while Tammy sat on his mouth and was pleased to find that the man was an expert at eating pussy.

Friday was a day of rest for Don. Although the reunion with Stacy and Tammy was the highlight of his entire lifetime, enough was enough for the man who was rapidly approaching seventy.
While he occupied himself in the shop, boathouse, and grilling some thick ribeyes, the ladies enjoyed each other’s bodies and made plans.

“Don’s worried about his brother. The old fellow is wilting away in his apartment in Baton Rouge. All he does is watch porn and jack off. Don says he usually doesn’t eat breakfast; has a snack of some kind for lunch and a bologna sandwich for supper.
“On a positive note, Don also says Leo has an eight inch dick… might be something to look into.”

Tammy thought for a few minutes as she brushed Stacy’s hair, “Tomorrow, Don’s taking Leo some copies of the other pictures of us. I have to be back home by Sunday, anyway, so why don’t we go with him?”

As plans developed, Tammy discovered that the condo Leo lived in was only three blocks from her own home. She had probably even seen him at the local senior center, where she volunteered two days a week. Her husband was a professional gambler and was gone from home for days at a time, playing in poker tournaments. Those days made the perfect opportunity for her to visit Stacy. She always had to be home by Sunday morning, though. Tammy Leonard Dawson was a Sunday School teacher for her granddaughter and other four year-old children.
My, how the world turns…

Saturday morning, when they reached Opelousas, Don called Leo and asked if he had some Cialis.
“I got some fuckin’ Viagra, why? You need some?”

“No, I’m bringing you some pictures, some videos and, if you want some, I have some pussy with me, too… really fuckin’ awesome pussy, Bro.”

“Yeah, right, you cock sucker. You’re so full of shit the treatment plants won’t take you.”

“Hi, Leo, it’s Stacy. I have a friend following us to Baton Rouge. She lives pretty close to you,” she took a second to snicker before saying, “If you really have eight inches, she wants to meet you, bad.”

“You’re in Opelousas? That’s just an hour away. I have some 50mg tablets, but the doc has always told me I could take two if I wanted to do a good job. By the time y’all get here, I can probably beat the bark off a cypress tree with it… come ahead on.”

Leo had notified the security desk the trio was coming. When the guard saw the two ‘cowgirls’, and the grey-haired man, come through the doors he locked the booth and escorted them to the 11th floor apartment. The elevator ride was an experience he’d remember for a long time as Stacy and Tammy kept pulling their tight shorts out of their cunt cracks and adjusting their tits inside the halter tops.

Leo opened the door and looked at the menu before him, “Tear your fuckin’ ass, George,” he told the guard, “but be ready to dial 9-1-1 if I need the medics.”

Don sat on the love seat and watched the women drive his brother nuts. They put on a slow strip show, culminating in fondling each other’s pussy. Leo knew he was going to dump a load, just wasn’t sure with whom or in which hole. He pulled of his t-shirt and pitched it at Don, “Hide your eyes, you old bastard. This ain’t gonna be pretty.”

The ladies took over and removed his khakis and boxers. Sure enough, the double dose of Viagra had his cock standing proud. For the next 45 minutes, Stacy and Tammy took turns bringing him to the brink, then listened to him groan and bitch when they would leave him hanging. He enjoyed titty fucking, mouth and throats, both women’s pussy and plenty of hand action. Tammy, finally, told Stacy, “I’ll finish him off, now, if we keep treating him this way, he’ll have a fucking heart attack.”

Stacy joined Don on the love seat and the two watched Tammy’s expert cock sucking skills go to work. At one point, she had to dig her fingernails into Leo’s hands, “Dammit, do you want me to do this or not? I’ll keep deep-throating you, but let go of my fucking head… I have to catch some air.”

Leo smiled toward the love seat, “I love for a woman to bitch at me.”

Three of his eight inches were past the back of her tongue, sticking down her throat when his groan turned into a full blown growl. His balls jerked for a full minute as he blew his load straight toward her stomach. He could barely speak as he slumped into his recliner. He looked at his brother, “Hey, mother fucker, now THAT’S what I call a real cock sucker. Goddamn, how in the fuck did all this start?”

For the next two hours, while Don told Leo the story of knowing them for nearly forty years, the ladies paraded around naked, cleaning the kitchen and stirring up some chicken salad for sandwiches. Sure enough, Leo’s blue pills revived him for a while. Stacy was gracious enough to sit on his lap and ride him for about twenty minutes. She was able to cum, but he wasn’t, “I gotta thank ya, anyway, ma’am. Shit, that felt good.”

Tammy stayed when Don and Stacy left for the river. It was just over a three hour drive and Don wanted to get there before dark. The fact that Leo had received all the action that day had awakened a tad of longing… he wanted to spend all night in his king-size bed… just him and Stacy.


Stacy and Will split their joint holdings when Will announced he was moving in with his ex-wife. Stacy got the river place and all that went with it. Although Stacy stayed nights in Don’s little bungalow, she appeared very proper whenever her kids, or Don’s kids, came to visit.

Tammy would, often, bring Leo to the river, to spend time with his brother and, of course, with Stacy’s assets.

Since taking charge, Tammy had become a daily fixture at Leo’s condo. She made him eat nutritious meals, kept his place clean and made him exercise every day. His health improved to the point he could have sex with her nearly every day… about half that time, it was un-medicated.

Today, it was the seventh anniversary of that day in Walmart. The day when Don recognized Stacy’s legs… her gorgeous, fucking, legs.


2015-05-13 15:18:17
To the reader who says this story is a repost... you're either mistaken or full of shit. I never re-post another author's work. If you think it is, please give me the name of the author and I will happily check his/her work.

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-03-08 23:55:33
This is a repost from another author from like seven months ago

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-03-06 11:13:15
Another great story...You are definitely one my favorite writers on this site.

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-03-05 07:43:42
Ok that was one of your more awesome stories

Well done

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