Guy: One week after Valentine’s Day
What scheme do I have to get Stuart face to face with Chez, I don’t. Not because I don’t want to or even because I can’t mind you. It’s because it won’t help. I’ve explained to every one of my friends and wives at least twice why but not one of them is getting it. Now I’m in my gym lifting weights with Desmond when he decides to break the quiet.
“Guy are you really sure,” He asks and I keep lifting.
“Yep, sets of ten, ten sets total make one hundred reps,” I tell him avoiding the obvious topic.
“You know I’m asking about Stuart and this punk in Cali,” the giant counters and I shrug,” you could have let me just even the score and then they could duke it out fairly.”
“That’s not the point. He needs to show initiative and that means hunting down this shit head and kicking his ass,” I explain but Desmond isn’t listening.
“Boss he was at least fifteen on one when Jun found that video the dumbass’s friends posted and they pissed on him while he was unconscious. Now I know you kept things from him but if you’re the man in charge. You should get in there and help push him to get this fucker,” Desmond says a little more desperate than I’ve heard from him in a while.
“He needs, NEEDS to take the initiative on his own. He needs to learn to make his own plans and put them into effect on his own and he needs to be able to use his own people and besides I have the situation monitored for fallout,” I explain and see my heavy start to talk and drop the weights in my hands and bark at him,” Enough Des, I’ve heard it from everyone and I’m done listening. Let it go.”
Desmond does but also leaves not a minute later, saying he’ll catch up with me when he’s back home. I know I shouldn’t snap at him but everyone has been on my ass about not letting Stuart learn on his own. I think everything is going to be alright for the rest of the day and at dinner I can tell my wives want to bring it up. It’s Katy who decides to start in.
“So have you spoken to Stuart about how he’s handling this situation,” Katy asks and I nod,” You could head down there and lend a hand.”
“No he needs to do this for himself,” I state taking a spoonful of chowder.
“Honey he’s less than a year out of training and he’s still working out who he is,” Katy tries to state and I cut her off.
“Yes, he needs to figure out who he is now. Not who he is with us, we can’t always be there to help him with things and he needs to learn to problem solve on his own,” I tell her trying to remain calm but I’m tired of the questioning.
“Daddy did something happen to Stuart,” Christy asks me looking up from her attempts to feed her new puppy Wiggles without me knowing.
“Stuart is fine baby, he’s working on something down in California,” I tell her before looking up from my plate,” And Wiggles could get sick from eating people food honey.”
She stops but I can tell the rest of the wives want me to do something about Stuart and the silent questions are frustrating. Dinner finished I help clear the table and without a word head to my office to handle some minor details and check in on a few contacts out in the world. It’s quiet on the work front but right now we’re not only flush for spending cash but our reserves are ready for a great deal of pro bono work. Having everything in order for once feels good and when I get a text message from Jun asking about Stuart I damn near lose my shit. I’m changed into jeans, a t shirt, my black jacket and I’m halfway out of the garage without my phone on Pale Horse before anyone can figure out what happened. I need separation right now or the kids are going to see a side of me I keep out of the home. I have never snapped in front of them and with everyone coming at me about taking his right to get some revenge on this Chez fucker I’m pissed off and need to cool down. I find myself somewhere I don’t often frequent, a bar in the bad part of Tacoma. I’m not drinking heavily but a single malt scotch has my name written all over it as I sip and stew on the subject. I get questioned so often and considering I haven’t been wrong in a big way in a very long time I’d like to believe that my family has some fucking faith in me. I have been out for a couple hours and I can feel Ben watching me from the entrance as I’m sitting on a stool at the bar.
“They’re worried sir,” my tracker and eyes informs me standing next to my stool.
“Yeah well be worried if I stayed home and answered the same question for the god knows how many time and blew up in front of the kids,” I state taking another sip.
“I get that you’re tired of listening but maybe you need to listen to the rest. At least to quiet their questions,” Ben says trying to be diplomatic.
“No, I lead and you all follow. When we started all this back in high school it was my lead and you all do what I need done remember,” I tell him and he nods,” Why is it so difficult for people to trust me is my question.”
“It’s not about trusting you; a lot of us are fond of the kid. Yeah he’s your protégé but your wives care about him and more than a few people on the team are more hopeful about his success than we’ve been with previous people you’ve run through,” Ben says still taking the diplomatic approach.
“And he needs to handle his own revenge, I told him that he should learn to handle this on his own and if he needed some support to ask but he wants to prove that he can do this himself,” I tell Ben who is quick to counter.
“Except he’s not, he’s not going after the punk and it’s been weeks,” He says in a calm tone.
“Well then that’s his call to make and I’m not going to push it,” I state for the record.
“Alright well I have to get home to my wife and tell yours that you’re cooling off. For the record we can see what you’re doing, trying to get Stuart to think for himself on the situation but we just care a bit more about the kid than we originally thought,” Ben states heading out.
Well at least someone is listening to me. I stay for another hour and head out to find my bike, only two drinks in three hours but I left a nice tip for the bartender, he was good enough to not pester me to get more. I’m not five feet out the door when I’m being pestered by some fucking druggie.
“Hey man you looking to buy,” the skinny little shit asks and I ignore him,” Hey man I’m talking to you.”
“No you’re trying to get me to engage you in dialogue that will leave you without the ability to speak,” I state hitting the parking lot.
“What,” he stutters and I almost laugh.
“See it’s happening already,” I tell him and see my bike.
I get a few more steps and that’s when shit goes off and the little fucker trailing me punches me in the back of the head. I take one falter step and stop walking as the little shit is waiting for me to drop. I can see someone coming at me quick on my right and decide to let off some steam. I don’t really look to find the shit that hit me, I just turn and there he is with a stupid smirk that is slowly turning to fear. I see metal in the hand of the one rushing to the scene and figure he’s first. He’s about my height but much thinner and dirty with a small knife in his hand. No form or style as he decides to lunge at me, it’s a simple matter of grabbing him by the wrist and bending his arm around as he impales himself in the stomach. I can feel the wind leave his body as the shock hits him and with my hand still in his wrist I turn my attention to the would be dealer/mugger. I bend the friend over his own arm and knife in his gut before jerking them up causing more damage and lifting him off the ground before letting him drop. I can almost taste the fear coming off the first one and he’s so shocked he’s not even looking for an exit, that would take too much thought. Instead he rushes me wildly swinging, I wait for the first two to go past me before catching the third in the air and holding the wrist I turn, back my body to his and shift my hips in a shoulder throw slamming him on the ground. The wind leaves him and I can hear him gasping and watch him clutch his chest before I look around and see nobody. Not a fucking person is even looking here and the ones that are walking down the sidewalk don’t even care.
“Hello anyone? Two assholes just tried to mug me and I think one is dying,” I say loudly to the people walking down the street.
Nobody even looked over, I shake my head and turning to the one that I threw grab his hand and have him take the knife in the other’s stomach and making sure they both look seriously compromised I do the only thing left, hop on my bike and ride back home. I feel a little calmer but a lot more amped up as I pull into the garage and cut the engine. I know it’s late and the children are asleep and when I get to the living room I discover that my wives are too by their absence in the living room and pretty much the rest of the house. I debate turning in on the couch till I can figure out if they’re mad when the decision is made for me by Matty coming down stairs in her pajama shorts and tank top.
“You had too many women worried about you mister,” my Amazon starts in then sees my hand,” Is that blood?”
“Yes but it’s not mine and I needed to step away. Blowing up in front of the children isn’t something I want to do,” I explain walking to the downstairs bathroom.
“Want to talk about it,” Matty asks and I almost snap at her.
“No because we’re not talking about it. I made a decision and not one person was listening, you just kept trying to get me to do things your way,” I tell her taking off my leather jacket and washing my hands.
“I understand but you know we just have trouble seeing him not take it back like you would have,” Matty tells me moving behind me and rubbing my shoulders,” Who was it?”
“Some muggers, one had a knife. I think he’ll live,” I tell her relaxing,” you leave tomorrow for the playoffs?”
“Yep, we win the next two and its semi finals,” she tells me and I smile.
“We going to get a picture of the family with the trophy,” I ask and she hugs me from behind.
“I want a baby after this season, you know that,” She asks and I nod,” And it’s okay with the head planner of everything?”
“Honey I’ve been waiting for you to be ready,” I tell her quietly and get pinched for being a butt.
“Good because when I come back with that trophy I want two days of me time with my husband,” Matty says before patting me on the ass,” But not tonight I need to keep my strength up.
Foiled again but if I needed to get some relief I could, stripping down and crawling into bed leaves me with Katy for someone to cuddle. I rest my hand on her now filling belly with our growing child, we still don’t know whether it’s a he or she since Katy wants a surprise, but curling up around her as she lays on her side a nice way to fall asleep. I miss my morning wake up to work out however I’m not the only one taking a late morning start as Katy is still in bed with me. I figure the rest of my family is either taking care of the kids or taking a moment after the kids are at school. I begin to roll out of bed and find my arm is trapped. By trapped I mean Katy has it and I’m not allowed to roll away to get up from the bed. I cuddle in when I hear her quietly.
“I’m fat and ugly,” my pregnant wife mumbles.
“You are not,” I tell her not agreeing with her assessment.
“You’re not hard. You used to get hard pressed up against me and now here we are in the morning with you right on my ass, which you used to love, and you’re limp as Jun used to be,” Katy grumbles making a bad reference to our history.
“I’m not hard because I get a great deal of regular sex from my five wives,” I begin to counter and she stops me.
“Except me because you think I’m fat and ugly. I tried to wake you last night and you wouldn’t move,” She informs me and I am in a state of disbelief.
“No you didn’t, I wake up when you try to wake me. Always have,” I tell her and she pouts.
“I was rubbing you and you didn’t even wake up or press against me,” Katy continues her pout fest.
I’m not one to leave a wife, especially my pregnant wife, feeling like she’s undesirable and if there is any truth to what she’s saying then I better make it up and no better time than now. There is no resistance when I grope Katy’s breast with my hand but when I squeeze her nipple through her shirt she arches her back and presses backwards into me. I can feel her hand reaching behind her ass and it slips into my shorts, with practiced technique Katy strokes me helping me get hard as I pull her head back slightly nibbling on her ear. We’re a mass of grinding flesh and I feel her grab my free arm and pull it under her head before interlacing our fingers. It doesn’t take much to get my shorts down and with Katy taking her own shorts down off her ass I’m lined up without a word and feel my head pressing against Katy’s asshole. It’s a little difficult considering we’ve been taking it easy for the past few months but this is still something a little softer than she normally gets as I press inside. I take my time burying myself into her and when I’m finally resting my hips against her ass I can hear her breathing easy.
“I almost forgot what you feel like back there,” Katy moans to me leaning her head back and squeezing my hand in hers.
“After the baby when you’re recovered I think we’ll lay down some plastic or take a good long shower,” I tell her and she giggles.
“Teasing me when I could do it now is not nice,” She playfully tells me backing into me.
I grunt at her clenching and pushing me into her ass, Katy’s always the one to take things into her own hands whether you actually need her to or not. Being close to Katy like this is one of those things that help me feel like the world will always be okay and when I run around paranoid outside of the house I need to feel okay as much as Katy needs to feel wanted. I stop taking it slow on her ass and begin to speed up feeling Katy roll onto her stomach slightly and a familiar whimper escapes my bad wife’s lips. I want to be concerned about my future child but Katy will probably take my balls if I stop now so I grip her hip with my hand that was on her breast and thrust a little harder. I feel Katy’s teeth biting into my arm and while it hurts a little I’m enjoying the whole scene and speed up a bit more as my orgasm takes over and my body tenses up. Katy for her part grabs my hip with her free hand and holds me inside as I cum and I feel her relax as an orgasm takes her over. We clutch at each other before I feel her pull herself off our huge ass bed and waddle the pregnant walk to the bathroom. I quickly follow her and opt for a shower with her as opposed to anything else. Spending time washing the pregnant wife is something every man should do, period. You learn how sensitive certain areas are, some good like brushing a nipple and some bad like touching the back of a knee and getting an elbow to the head. We chuckle at her reaction and I kiss her belly a few times before we exit and dry off to greet the rest of the family. Downstairs everyone is eyeing me closely and I figure I have some explaining to do when Katy picks up on the mood and breaks the tension.
“I’m still attractive and enjoy anal sex,” She drops on the room with no subtlety.
Everyone laughs a little and we relax going over small business which shows that things are not going good, they are going great. We’re more than flush to do a few good deeds on the house and the only problem is we’re not seeing anyone that really needs some major saving. I could send Isaac to do a few things if needed but a couple minor donations of funding so people can get the hell out of their problems would do it all the same. Mostly we quibble about how and why when I catch Imelda up in a slip.
“Well I spoke with some Devil’s Best and one in particular is going to help Stuart out in Cali whether he likes it or not,” my fiery Latina says and I pop in on the conversation.
“Whether who likes it or not,” I ask the loaded question.
“Whether Stuart likes it or not, his name came up and a few of them were wondering about him so I told them,” She says being vague.
“Wife you need to tell me if you sent Hawk to California to force Stuart to take action,” I tell her in a stern tone.
“I didn’t send anyone to do anything and Hawk hopes he does what needs to be done,” She informs me getting confrontational.
“Imelda who did you send down to California,” I ask flat out and the rest of my wives are backing us apart in case an argument breaks out.
“I didn’t send anyone they wanted to go themselves and you don’t tell me what to do when it comes to our family and our business,” Imelda snaps and realizes her words a second too late.
I’m hot, nuclear hot and every one of my wives knows it. I built this business and the only reason they are involved is because I the kept asking me to help. I could, I use the word loosely mind you, could run it all myself and keep them out of it but I don’t. Now I’m told how it’s OUR business and that I’m out of a decision making process, yeah that doesn’t fly but I’m not the one to speak first.
“Imelda we all agreed that we were going to listen to Guy days ago. If he changed his mind because we spoke with him about it then fine but we need to trust him,” Matty says taking my side and keeping me from speaking.
“I didn’t make a decision, I answered some questions and told them where to find him,” Imelda explains clarifying,” They do something then it’s on them to do it. I didn’t send them.”
“Okay so people ask about Stuart, aside from Hawk and his wife who the fuck would care about what happens to my protégé,” I ask more than a bit annoyed.
Stuart: Same time
I can’t say I understand Guy, he was down here and Natsuko said he was looking into Chez but he just turns around and heads home telling me that it’s up to me to deal with it. Not something I expected honestly. How do I spend the next two weeks, school and working out honestly. I have no clue where to start but I have Robin and Trinity keeping me at the gym while I push through my classes. I contact Jun for advice but he says the same thing Guy did ‘It happened to you Stuart, figure out what you want to do about it and do it’. Not very helpful and I figure it’s past and gone as I’m lifting weights while Robin and Trinity are on elliptical machines talking.
“So you really had sex with Stuart because you wanted to,” Robin asks and I’m thankful that nobody else is around right now.
“Yeah, it was better than I thought it would be,” Trin says looking back to me and smiling a little,” And he was right. Remove all the ‘who did what to who’ and just make it about enjoying ourselves.”
“Whom,” Robin says and Trinity looks confused,” Who did what to whom. You said who too much and sounded like an owl.”
Both of them laugh and I actually have to chuckle a little at the joke. We finish and I head back to my dorm after saying goodbye to the ladies when I realize I have a shadow, I play stupid and walk out of the shadow’s sight before pressing against a wall to wait for them to pass. They get only a few steps by when I see who it is.
“Jamal you can just use my name to catch up to me,” I tell him causing a quick turn of shock.
“Shit for a big guy you are fast man,” my new friend informs me and we shake hands.
We get back to my room and I discover that Richard is out for the evening. He’s been spending his time away from the dorm but it doesn’t bother me and I don’t feel the need to hang on when he’s getting himself into something. Jamal sits on my bed while I take my computer chair and hand him a sports drink.
“What brings you around here,” I ask happy to see him.
“Well I was bored and came by to see what you were up to. We hang out but I need to get you out in the world a little more man. I know you have a couple girls around here but there is a big bright world of good women out there waiting for a real knight in shining armor,” Jamal says with humor.
“I’m not a good guy Jamal, I’m the animal,” I joke back and he begins to sing a little.
“Why must I be like that, why must I chase the cat, Nothin but the dog in me,” He belts out and I discover he can do a bit more than dance.
“That’s good man, you one of those gospel guys turned hip hop sensation,” I joke.
“More like I took a couple hobbies and made them into something more except for the fact that I can’t really get noticed. I need connections like you got,” He tells me and I immediately go on defense.
“So you’re here to have me help you get in with the song and dance crowd? I am just the new guy in my own job man,” I start but he stops me.
“No I mean I need ones like yours but for me. I ain’t asking for you to help me man. Besides I’ve seen you dance and I don’t think you can help me in that skill,” Jamal jokes and I calm down,” Besides I decided to look up someone for you.”
I sit back as Jamal tells me a bit about Chez and after two minutes I know that he’s a genuine asshole. He’s been arrested but not for anything impressive, mostly disorderly conduct and inciting general douche baggery. Also a fist fighter, like a street boxer, got kicked out of three gyms growing up because even though he was good he did things the quick and dirty way, so it’s not just me. He’s done some singing, if you can call what he sounds like singing, which is how Jamal did some digging on him. I’m not against punk screeching but he sounds like his penis was caught in a blender. Jamal and I continue to joke and talk till he heads out leaving me alone on a school night.
They say in life when it rains it pours, work out in the morning cancelled because of leaking in the workout room I was going to use thanks to the fucking rainstorm that decided to piss all over campus. I never had an umbrella but now I’m getting a work out running across campus, taking the car is ridiculous since there is no good parking, and thankfully I’m not the only one who is drenched and in need of a towel during a couple classes. That rain lasts a day and I’m into my Wednesday when Richard runs up to us looking a little concerned.
“Stuart run,” he tells me and I pause confused.
“Run? From what or to where,” I ask wondering what is going on.
“Dude there is a scary ass woman roaming the campus looking for you,” He says and I chuckle,” No man she already sent a few from the emo crew running when one told her that her leather was a little worn.”
“Leather and she’s hunting for me,” I ask and he nods,” Where?”
“Stuart maybe we should head to your room or somewhere private,” Robin says but I’m up and moving after Richard.
As I’m following Richard I am pretty sure of who is here for me and it makes me smile a bit. I see a small crowd of moving quickly away from the College bus stop and
that’s when I see Kit in her full biker leathers sitting on her bike which rests on the sidewalk. There is a campus security car there and one of the guys is trying to tell her to move her bike.
“Ma’am I’m going to ask you one last time to move your bike to the designated parking area,” the security tells her and she almost spits at him.
“Good now I can figure out where to find him in peace and fucking quiet,” Kit tells him pulling out her phone.
“Kit I am going to have to ask you to move your bike to the parking area, it’s scaring the students,” I tell her walking up.
Ever see a dark rain cloud let sunlight through, that’s Kit’s reaction to me interrupting her with the security. She dismounts her bike and I have all of her 5’9” leather and jeans clad frame in my arms and I feel her biting my lip as she kisses me. I make it a point to hold her up off the ground as she wraps her legs around me and it’s only after a solid minute that she begins to unwrap herself from around me.
“Where the fuck is your room and where do I fucking park my bike,” Kit asks annoyed.
We hop on her bike and I direct her away from the security and have her park next to my bike. I point out my new car and she is unimpressed as I lead her to my room. Richard is already there with Robin as I lead Kit inside.
“Want something to drink,” I ask Kit who perks up.
“See that’s why I don’t listen to people in fucking uniform, I’ve been on the road for five hours and nobody, NOT ONE FUCKING PERSON OFFERS ME A MOTHERFUCKING DRINK,” Kit goes from calm to yelling when she realizes that she’s scaring my friends,” Do you have any beer?”
I grab Kit a beer and take one for everyone except Robin who waves it off in favor of bottled water. Richard is in the recliner chair with Robin on one end of the couch and Kit lounging on me at the other end. Nobody wants to ask Kit any questions so I go through introductions. She peels off her jacket at one point and leans against me.
“Okay Stuart I think we deserve to know who your friend is and how you met,” Robin says being polite but forward.
“Oh Stuart and I got married,” Kit tells them as Richard sprays his beer.
“What the fuck,” Is the only thing Robin can say before Kit starts laughing.
“He proposed and we were married in a bar last summer up in Washington, I had just stabbed my jealous ex and he was so sweet I had to marry the handsome man,” Kit says almost purring, like a fucking tiger.
“So he’s been down here going to college with you waiting for him up north,” Robin asks and Kit laughs a little.
“Oh fuck no girl, I know he’s been down here putting good meat to the college girls and it’s not a real marriage or anything. I like him but I’m too old for him but he fucks like a possessed man,” Kit tell her before turning to me,” Or was all that the blackout drunk?”
“You ride the bike, I ride you,” I tell her and Richard almost spews beer again.
“Do you have trouble holding your beer boy,” Kit asks Richard who shakes his head,” Women don’t like men who are more girly than them.”
Richard gets a little red faced and Robin even laughs a little at the joke. It is maybe another couple minutes before Kit asks where my bed is and I escort my ‘wife’ to my room. I watch as she grabs a towel and promptly exits towards my bathroom. I stand in my door way and shrug at Robin and Richard who are as confused as I am. Robin heads out leaving Richard and I to make small talk while Kit makes use of my facilities. It’s maybe twenty minutes before Kit, wearing a towel over her shoulders and a pair of barely there panties exits the bathroom carrying her clothing in her hand. Richard has stopped talking and I smile at him before following Kit to my bed room. Her clothes are piled on the floor and she has deposited herself under my blankets as I strip down and crawl in with her. She’s facing away from me and I wrap my arm around her when I hear it, a light snore. Road trip plus shower and a beer equals sleep for hardened biker woman? I shrug and exit bed pulling on some shorts before hopping on my computer to speak with Jun. I get the low down on Guy and the wives; apparently there was a fight about me and people wanting to help while Guy says I can do it for myself. I want to take Chez out but I have no clue as to doing it and not going to jail. He informs me there is a legal team on standby and we both laugh about it a bit before returning to work, work consisting of me learning a few things about advanced hacking and child care. It’s a good way to spend a couple hours as Kit is proceeding to operate her bike in my room before I crash out next to her. I’m up the next morning and out running, Kit is still asleep when I get back and I leave her a note letting her know where I’ll be when she wakes up. Classes are just that, classes. You listen, sit, write notes and generally if you are ahead of your work you either help people like I do or you play with your phone or laptop. I get two lunches and return to my room to find Kit, still in bed and sleeping. I leave her the food and an amended note about the food and head back to my afternoon classes. More boring school and I’m back to find that she’s up, dressed and pacing while Richard is nowhere to be found. As soon as she sees me Kit is up in arms.
“So why the fuck aren’t we finding Chez and kicking the shit out of him,” Kit demands an answer as my door closes.
“Because that means I go to jail for killing him,” I tell her yet it does nothing to faze her.
“No we need to find the shit and you are going to fuck his world up,” She growls and I step in front of her to stop the pacing.
“I have looked for an opportunity but I don’t have one aside from taking his girlfriend and fucking her before sending him the video,” I state and Kit doesn’t even like that idea even though I do.
“I’m going to meet some people and I’ll be back tomorrow same time. Find your fucking balls and be ready because I have a plan even if you don’t,” Kit barks at me before stepping out of my dorm and slamming the door behind her.
And now I’m confused, I think this is where some of the fighting between Guy and his wives started but with Kit here I’m in the unknown. She’s tough and takes no prisoners but I need a more measured approach. I got lucky saving Jamal in the club and really don’t want to push my luck dodging law enforcement. I settle in for an awkward night alone when I figure I should call Guy.
“Stuart this is unexpected, how goes college,” Guy greets me with over the phone.
“I just ran into Kit, my ‘wife’, she’s pissed I haven’t done anything about Chez and wants me to be ready for her tomorrow,” I explain to Guy who listens,” I don’t know what she is getting me into but I need some advice.”
“Well if I know motorcycle clubs she’s probably arranging a fight for you against Chez for money,” Guy starts and I try to cut him off with a ‘What!’ as he continues,” Calm the hell down boy and listen. Get new clothes, think denim and leather. Get a few friends of your own if you can to come with you wherever she is going to take you. Let her set it up and make it very personal. And Stuart?”
“Yes Guy,” I respond confused.
“Don’t lose, you lose and we’re going to have a serious problem. I know you can take this fuck so take him out,” Guy informs me with cold fire in his voice.
My phone call ended I’m back out the door passing Richard as I head to my vehicle. Stores don’t really understand what I’m looking for until I track down a few places that deal in more durable clothing. The two pairs of jeans I get are loose but fit well and the leather vest and gloves help a bit. When I try on a few shirts I see a couple of the locals note my tattoo and one or two give me a double take. I get my new clothes and figure I’ll go shirtless with the vest if possible and head back to my room. I’ve never waited to get into a fight before but most of my day I keep my brain distracted by doing class work and avoiding questions about what is bothering me. It’s Friday afternoon and I’m sitting in my room when I hear a pounding on the door in the living room. I step out in my new clothes, jeans, chain belt, construction boots, leather vest, sunglasses and my unkempt brown hair covered by a red rag. I pull the door open to see Jamal standing there.
“Holy shit man you look scary as fuck,” Jamal informs me stepping in dress a hell of a lot better than I am.
“You’re backing me up dressed like this,” I ask pointing out the silk shirt and slacks.
“I’m a lover not a fighter,” He jokes.
“You’re driving your car, I’ll have a ride but it looks like it’s just you and me tonight,” I state as nobody I asked to show is showing.
“I’m going,” Richard says stepping out from his room in a tight t shirt and jeans.
“I forgot I asked you since you didn’t say whether you would come or not,” I tell him a little aggressive.
“Hey we’re friends and I don’t care if you forgot asking, I remember you asked me and I plan to be there for a change instead of leaving you hanging,” Richard states turning up his own anger.
“Good, it’s about time we actually did something that means shit,” I state and he nods in agreement.
Yeah we’re friends but looks like tonight we find out how real it is. I’ll take anyone I can honestly but at least Richard can fight. I step out of the dorm room with my two compatriots in tow as we head out to the parking lot. As dramatic as it starts there is nothing for it until about fifteen minutes when Kit comes up on her bike and stops in the middle of the lane.
“Stuart hop on,” Kit yells at me and I look to my friends and Jamal nods leading Richard to his car,” Better keep up boys.”
I hop on the back and Kit shows me where my hands allowed to roam before pulling away on her heavy motorcycle. Guy driving was insane but I had a door and didn’t see the ground if I looked down, now I can and I’m holding onto Kit a little tighter than I should as she stops and reminds me she needs to breathe to drive. We continue down the road and out to a park, a kind of isolated and abandoned park that has not a couple, hell not even a few. Try dozens of large metal bikes with more than a small amount of leather clad bikers roaming around. There is loud music and a few speed bike groups but most of this is the traditional biker fare and I’m with them by my clothing option. Kit gets the bike parked and we step off and she shows me around. I learn a lot of names, Devil’s Best I know but I learn about a few more. Daughter’s of the Damned are a group of exes and former wives of fallen bikers who have been running around for a couple decades on their own and have a pretty fair reputation. The Convicted, not the best reputation seeing as they recruit from prison and only violent offenders. The one I almost ask about is the creepy group of on lookers that are on their own but watching everything else from the drinking to the racing and gambling. Kit however sees me watching and takes it upon herself to explain.
“That is the Faces of Fear,” she says in reference to the group without gesturing.
“So they do what, scare people,” I ask confused.
“Not really sure but a US Marshal got close to their leader once, they found what was left of him with teeth marks on his bones. The one with the beard and hat is their leader Gabriel and he is not someone to play around with,” Kit informs me making sure I understand,” Don’t eyeball them, don’t talk to them unless they approach you first and don’t eat anything they offer you.”
“Are they really that bad,” I ask skeptical.
“You don’t just wander into their fold and not one of them hasn’t killed someone innocent,” she explains leading me away.
What do we spend our time doing? Partying, Kit dances with me a little, Richard meets some women and does the charming yet tough guy routine, Jamal makes sure in advance that the women he speaks with are single and almost starts a fight with one of the speed bike groups. All of this feels good for a change when someone near the band takes stage and shoves the lead singer out of the way.
“I was invited because someone said the best damn unaffiliated fighter had a challenger,” I hear the voice and turn to see Chez on stage,” I was invited but nobody is showing me to the pit to fight.”
“The pit,” I ask Kit.
“All fights are held in a dirt pit about four feet deep, nobody goes in the pit unless they’re fighting,” Kit clarifies and now I have more questions.
“Wait so how do they stop the fight,” I ask concerned.
“They don’t,” She says before stepping towards the stand and addressing Chez,” Hey shit head; yeah there is someone for you to fight. Kind of a rematch.”
“Is it you because if you wanna get down and dirty just say so,” Chez calls back hopping off the stage and approaching Kit,” I need to get my girl Sol some three way experience.”
“You can’t handle a real woman boy, let alone one that can beat your ass but this one is special. And if you win you can name your prize,” Kit states letting him feel cocky.
“How about…. Your bike,” Chez tells her and she actually looks shocked,” I figure I’ll need something to sell to make back the money that I’ll be losing by wasting my time with whoever I beat once.”
“Done, pit in five,” a Devil’s Best rep informs both parties.
The two sides break and head in different directions when Kit takes my arm and leads me off to one side.
“I am not losing my bike, you need to fuck him up hard,” Kit tells me as we walk and I hand her my vest.
I hand off most of my new clothes save for my jeans and boots as I’m lead to the pit. I learn the rules and that’s where I have to think. Fights go on till one has beaten the other so bad that he stops and calls it his win. So if he loads up his fist again I have to deal with that first off and when I ask about weapons Kit only shrugs and asks me if I brought one. Now I realize I’m really fucked. Jamal and Richard are waiting for me and one doesn’t look hopeful.
“So I have the car ready if you want to bounce right now,” Jamal says as Kit almost glares a hole through him.
“Hey Stuart, I’m with you no matter what you decide but if you have to go to the hospital then I promise you I’ll take care of your ladies,” Richard says and I have to double take him.
“Excuse me,” I ask as my anger starts kicking on.
“Seriously, I know Trinity and Robin will miss you while you’re in the hospital and I promise no threesomes on your bed while you’re laid up,” Richard states with no humor in his voice.
“I’m gonna fucking take your head off,” I start to rush him but Jamal and Kit stop me.
“Good now go fuck this prick up,” Richard tells me pointing to the pit.
I drop down into the pit and it takes about four seconds for Chez to figure out who I am and now he’s calling foul.
“I want something new. This unaffiliated chode has nothing I haven’t whipped the shit out of before, if this is what the Devil’s Best have to offer I state no challenge and will not send him to the hospital again,” Chez yells being very fucking cocky as I burn a hole through him.
“He’s beaten Devil’s Best before in the pit, he can claim out unless another group wants to back Kit’s boy,” an older biker with Devil’s Best states for the crowd.
Crickets make louder noises than the people stepping up to back my chance to get some payback. Chez is having a good laugh at my expense when someone new hops into the pit and I get to be face to face with Gabriel. He’s 5’11” in a black sleeveless trench coat, all leather and a white fedora. His beard is barely groomed down a good six inches past his chin. Of all I can see of Gabriel is his eyes, pale blue and face to face with me, and now he’s smiling and chuckling.
“We’ll back him,” Gabriel chuckles before losing his laugh,” I want to see something new. I want you to show me what you really are boy. I can see it.”
I watch him walk away laughing and hop out as everyone is now chattering among themselves placing bets and speculating when I see Chez loading up his right hand with his brass knuckles. I watch him as he bobs and weaves like a boxer, Guy showed me how most boxers fight and this is pretty much what I saw in training. He’s smiling, he’s cocky, and Sol is watching us from the edge of the pit with a scared look on her face. She’s afraid for me. Bum rush is what Guy called it, when you just throw everything at your opponent with no regard to safety. Those knuckles will hurt like hell but that doesn’t matter as I scoop up Chez by the waist, twist my own waist around and slam him done into the hard packed dirt. Top mount, the position of dominance in the MMA fights and it’s where I put myself before bringing shot after shot down onto Chez’s head as he tries to swing back. I catch the right hand with the knuckles and pin it under my knee before resuming the beating. I have blood on my hands and I know Chez is what Guy called punch drunk as I stand up and look around. I see Kit and my friends but for some reason I’m looking at Gabriel and he’s smiling.
“More boy, give him more,” the creepy leader tells me for some reason I feel his words more than hear them.
Packed earth with almost vertical walls around the pit, good solid ground as I pick up Chez by the back of his jean shorts and hair before launching him head first into one. I let him hit and fall before planting a boot in his ribs and I feel the wind leave his body. I stand him up on the edge and hammer a shot to Chez’s ribs and I feel a pop and watch him slump to the ground. He’s moving but it’s not fast as I pick up his right hand and pull his brass knuckles off. I know people think I’m going to do and instead I throw them aside and bring a hard right straight into Chez’s cheeks and I see a tooth or two come flying out of his mouth with blood. I feel powerful, really powerful and I like this.
“Get up, get up Chez. You beat me once when you blindsided me but what now? WHAT NOW?! Give me that hand,” I bark at Chez taking his right hand and pulling it out on the ground.
I lay his hand flat and hold it there as he struggles a little trying to pull it back in to no avail. I let it go for a second before leaving the ground to an impressive foot off, I’m heavy, and bring my boot down hard feeling bone crunch under my heel. Chez’s scream is one that silences pretty much everything else out there for me and I twist my boot and push down harder as he continues to cry out.
“Stuart stop, it’s over,” I hear Sol plead from the crowd.
“I’m not done,” I yell back,” What did you do to stop him from blindsiding me with a weapon? What did you do when people asked you what happened to me? Shut your mouth and watch what happens when you fuck with the wrong people!”
I pull my boot off Chez’s hand and see at least two of his fingers are broken along with a gash across the back of the hand. I pick Chez up by his hair and look at my damage, one eye swollen up and blood coming out of his mouth a little. I bring my fist back and hammer him in the nose holding him up to repeat the punch. I get maybe four good shots before he slips out of my hand and falls down, I want to pick him up but all I see now is a broken man. I call it by raising my hand since he’s not able to even stand up and pull myself out of the pit and start walking. I don’t know what I feel, I felt great at first now I just feel drained. I get maybe twenty feet and Kit is there leading me somewhere to sit down.
“Take me home, I’m done here,” I tell Kit.
“Baby you can leave but some people will probably want to thank you for the win,” Kit informs me and I shrug,” Okay we’ll go very soon.”
I shake a few hands and a couple people give me a wide berth while saying I had a good fight. I didn’t have a fight I beat him down and crippled him. I broke his hand and nobody stopped it. I’m waiting for Kit to let me leave with her when I realize that I’m being watched. I look up from my spot on a bench and see Gabriel with his entire gang watching me. He sits down in front of me as one of his people pull up a chair for him and I marvel as someone other than Guy has complete privacy in a crowd.
“I know what I saw tonight, I saw a demon come out of his shell and let everyone know he walked this earth,” Gabriel says taking his hat off,” Let me tell you a story, my momma was a sweet woman. I loved my momma but momma didn’t love me. Gabriel, she told me, you’re an evil child and you’ll never be the boy I wanted you to be.”
“What does this have to do with me,” I ask and he continues like I didn’t say anything.
“I thought about what she said, I wasn’t what she wanted well then who wanted me? I knew my Daddy worked a lot and I hadn’t seen him in years so he wouldn’t stop me. I asked Momma if she could help me be the son she wanted and she told me I was beyond hope. The firemen say the fire was an accident but if I could never be the light of her life she’d be the spark of mine,” he says chuckling and I stare at him in disbelief,” Burn it all down boy, you know you want to. When it’s all done and in ashes find me.”
I watch him leave and wonder what the fuck he’s on, burned his mother alive when he was a kid? I get up from my spot and find Kit with a few of her people and they all nod to me as I approach.
“I’m finding Jamal and heading home now, either you can take me or I’m leaving without you,” I tell her and walk towards where I last saw my friend.
I catch up with Jamal and give him the heads up which he doesn’t even hesitate to break off his possible date and we swing by to grab Richard who is in serious flirting with an attractive blonde. I let him get what he needs to contact her before us three head to Jamal’s car. I am almost in the car when Kit’s bike pulls up fast and she looks at me like she was hoping I had not left yet. I tell my friends to head out and have some fun I need to recover and Jamal says he’ll take care of Richard who laughs as they head off on their own. I am on the back of Kit’s bike as she points us towards the dorms. We get in and it is just us as I start to head to my room but Kit steers me off in the direction of the bathroom. I let her guide me in and it doesn’t take long for her to strip me out of my now dirty clothing, I didn’t notice it earlier and then watch as she strips down herself. I remember a bit about waking up to her the morning after the ‘wedding’ but I have no familiarity with her that I can recall which actually grabs my attention more than the dried blood on my hands and dirt on my body.
“Well it looks like you’re not too out of it,” Kit says with a smile looking down at my other brain.
I grunt a reply and I am reminded that Kit is meaty, no meals missed and while I’m pretty sure she’s never been in a gym I know when she bends over to pull her panties off that she squats. I let her pull me into the shower where she scrubs all the dirt and some blood off of my hands and body. I take a leap and squeeze her breast which doesn’t get a moan like I’m used to with women. I feel her soap up and start scrubbing my cock with her hand, either she’s trying to get me hard or just being very through but either way when she rinses me off I’m clean.
“Stuart you do know I don’t wear a bra right,” Kit asks and I nod lightly,” That means I keep these girls in a leather vest on a loud vibrating motorcycle for hours a day. They’re constantly against the leather rubbing back and forth.”
“I’m sorry,” I tell her and start to pull my hand away when she covers it with her own.
“That means you need to be harder,” she explains with a smile.
Not sure I want to be harder with her after everything I did earlier tonight but she nearly pulls me into her as we’re standing and get to kiss her. The kiss is all tongue and I’m pretty sure she touched my tonsils when I back my head up to check the depth. That is when she sticks out her tongue at me and I see it’s at least three inches out of her mouth. People shouldn’t move fast in the shower but Kit is her own woman, I’ve called her that when drunk apparently, so when she moves to her knees with a quickness that a meaty woman usually doesn’t have. I look down to see her holding me with her head sideways before wrapping her lips around the side of my cock, it feels different but good when she gets my attention with a noise and I look down to see her tongue wrap the bare part of me and touch her upper lip. Now she has my entire cock wrapped up in her mouth without me even really in her mouth as she does the unthinkable, she begins to jerk me off. water running down me could be freezing right now but I can’t tell as I’m gripping the shower’s version of an ‘oh shit’ handle. I’m doing some of the moving with Kit when I feel fingers massaging my balls and I’ve been so pent up and angry that I feel my orgasm taking over.
“Kit I’m gonna cum,” I groan and she smiles taking her lips off of me.
“That’s the idea, you told me you were a quick shot,” She giggles and I wish I remembered our first night.
“But I want more,” I ask as she uses her hand to keep me going.
“So do I and I’m gonna get it,” Kit says and resumes her oral jerk session.
With both hands and her mouth on me I have no chance and it takes only a few more seconds before I cum on the shower wall. Kit takes her time allowing me to come down from my orgasm and I am glad I didn’t rip the bar I was holding out of the wall. Kit herself actually cleans herself up washing her body and hair when I notice that while she’s not trimmed she’s groomed. I actually think and realize she is the only woman I’ve been with that has a real amount of hair on her mound and I can’t remember the first time I was in it. The shower ends and we dry off as she begins to leave the bathroom in the nude I stop her.
“Richard could be here,” I say and she laughs.
“Then he can get me a beer and imagine the fucking that my pussy would give him if it weren’t here to fuck you,” Kit laughs and opens the door.
Richard however is not home and we don’t even go very far as she has one destination in mind, my bed. Kit crawls on top of my bed and spreads her legs for me giving me the best view of her hair clad mound as she begins rubbing herself with her fingers. Yes I just got off about ten minutes earlier but tell that to the little brain who is reporting for duty.
“God you are a good soldier, at attention and ready to please,” Kit growls at me and I crawl onto the bed and begin to put my face into her pussy when she grabs my head to stop me,” What do you think you’re doing?”
“I was going to return the favor,” I tell her confused.
“Then get up here and kiss me before giving me the one thing I didn’t get for over a decade when we had our ‘honeymoon’,” Kit says and I follow her instruction.
I don’t have to find the entrance to Kit as she has me in hand and it feels interesting and sensitive as my cock head rubs against her pubes and lips before she settles me just at the entrance to her. There is no resistance and I slip inside Kit and find that she’s more than accommodating for my size as before wrapping her legs around me and pulling me in a little more and slowly rocking our bodies together. Kit is a hard woman who doesn’t take shit from anyone and stabs people who fuck with her, so the soft sweet love making that we’re doing where she’s kissing me gently and our bodies are rolling together is not what I expected. It’s soft and tender as Kit rubs her hand through my hair while moaning lightly. Cumming earlier helps me keep control now and I feel Kit relax to the point she almost melts into my bed except she has me in four limbs worth of confinement. I speed up a little bit and she doesn’t complain as sliding in and out of her slowly was making me a bit nervous, I think my expectations are high. I can feel her squeezing me with her walls a little and her legs pull me in while rolling her hips against mine as she works herself on me as much as I’m working in her. It’s a mutual soft love making and I relax and forget pretty much anything when the passion is turned up to ten and Kit’s lips are mashed against mine as her orgasm takes over. She groans and shakes lightly while still giving me the full treatment as my second orgasm of the night takes over and I fill her up as best as my body will allow. We’re sweating a little and tired when she rolls me off of her and I lay breathing deeply on my bed. I don’t know if Kit will fall asleep first or if I did but she is in my arms kissing my chest as we cover up.
Next morning I wake up late, too late as Kit isn’t there. I do a quick assessment and notice that all her clothes are gone along with a six pack of beer and a note on my computer, the hand written kind.
Stuart, this is the part where you let me go. Yeah we were married and I got you a tattoo but I’m just what you called me that night we met, a free spirit. I woke up this morning and knew I couldn’t make you happy forever and you deserve that. I will be there if you need help or are hurting for some love but not for a while. I don’t like goodbyes when you are such a sweet young man and could make me stay with that puppy dog look you get. Take care and find the good girl who you deserve. Your first wife, Kit.
P.S. Our first night was soft and sweet just like last night and you are the only man to treat me like a lady, remember that.
I fold the note up and think about it, I didn’t think I was too hung up on Kit. Was she too hung up on me? I will save the note for someone who is more of an expert as I decide another shower and some gym time is in order.
I’m never going to be free, they’re going to keep screwing my wife and now there is nothing left for me but to end my shame. I have arrangements made but there is one last thing to do, one last call to make as I dial up the phone.
“Hello,” the woman answers over the phone.
“Hey it’s me,” I reply quietly.
“It’s two in the morning, you never call this late. Are you cancelling time with Johnny again,” She asks me and I sigh,” You can’t do this to him it’s been over six months and he does miss you.”
“I know but things are bad here and I have to say goodbye. I took care of things on my end but I wanted to let you know that even though I made my life shit you were my biggest mistake. I never should have pushed you away, good bye,” I tell her before hanging up the phone without another word.
I have to unplug the phone from the wall and take the battery out of my cell phone so that I am not bothered. In a couple hours I will wake my daughter up and take her to school before setting up so that the boys can have the house with my wife while I head to work. Just a couple more days and I’m a distant memory.
Guy: a week after Stuart’s fight
I’m more than a bit proud of that kid, Stuart I mean this time. Yeah he needed a badass bitch to get him to man up but after Kyle did a quick check on the little fucker in the hospital I can say with pride he’s finally evolving. We talked and he told me about how the girl Soledad came by and apologized and that she broke up with Chez and he won’t be pressing charges. Granted I wasn’t worried about Stuart and jail, not in the cards for the boy when Devil’s Best are running the show. He told me about someone I honestly thought was dead having a few creepy words with him but I reassured him that leaving them alone is the best thing and we both agreed for him to do that. Barely March and only a couple months left before summer and we take the new guy out to celebrate his graduation and then see what to do about setting up a satellite office somewhere hopefully east coast.
Currently however I am contending with pregnant mommy Katy who hates the world save for our family. I think she’s milking it for extra attention and she’s getting it from all of us. Esme has taken to sitting next to Katy on the couch and speaking Spanish and English to the new family member. It’s cute that my children are team players, the team being our family, and aside from little things no major fights have broken out in house.
I am sitting in my chair on a Tuesday relaxing as the kids are home from school and working hard when Kori’s phone conversation in another room catches my attention for two reasons. One she’s said ‘Oh My God’ quietly more than twice and two she’s on my phone. Now here is the husband conundrum, I can interrupt and risk her wrath but she’s on my phone. I watch as she hands my phone off to Imelda and I can hear Imelda speaking to whoever is on my phone. I get up from my spot in the living room and decide to intervene in the conversation on my phone but as I am almost to Imelda I am cut off by Kori.
“You need to pack,” my first wife informs me steering me towards our bedroom upstairs.
“No I don’t the kids are downstairs and we have no jobs. I know this because Jun would have contacted me and he discusses that with me over my phone,” I explain not moving where she wants me.
“No your wife and soon it’ll be wives are sending you on a job because someone needs your help,” Kori states not budging on the matter when I hear an ‘ooooh’.
“Mom’s got her angry look,” Connor says to Murphy not realizing we can hear him.
“No that’s Mom’s homework look, her angry look is like she spits fire,” Murphy retorts again not realizing we can hear them.
“No spitting fire is chores, throwing knives is homework. Dad forgot to do his homework,” Connor tells his twin then they both stop.
“Dad do you have homework,” Murphy asks and my first wife almost laughs.
“Yes your father has homework and a trip he needs to take,” Kori tells our boys attempting to usher me up the stairs.
“Kori either you tell me what is going on or I’m taking my phone from Imelda,” I say the words and watch my Latina wife move around the dining room table away from me.
“It’s Jackie,” Kori says quietly and I see some concern in her face.
I let myself be pushed up stairs and Kori follows me explaining that Jackie won’t talk about it but it’s serious enough that she has Imelda handling details as we pack me up lightly with just a change or two of clothes and my leather jacket. Down stairs with my bag and kissing my children goodbye Imelda is driving me to the airport. I’m told that Jun is booking me a ticket while driving and I’m sitting first class for more of an ease to get on the plane than my comfort. I kiss my wife goodbye and go through the process of boarding the plane. My flight is a few hours and when I land in Texas I’m not picked up by my mother, there is a man in a leather vest with prospect patched standing around waiting.
“Name,” I ask stepping up to him and handing off my bag.
“Simmons,” the fat bald white man informs me.
“Simmons take me to Jackie,” I tell him and he flinches,” Is there a problem?”
“I’m actually supposed to take you to your home first,” He tries to inform me and I stop him.
“Do you see these two patches here,” I point at my two Union patches,” What do they say?”
“Pariah and Paymaster,” He says nervous about the situation.
“Now does Jackie have these patches,” I ask and he shakes his head,” Good now do what the fuck I tell you and take me to Jackie.”
“But Mr. Donnelly I was told,” Simmons starts but I snatch the bag out of his hands.
What do I do with my escort, I leave his ass. I can understand following orders but when I’m known for making sure the Union makes more money you don’t fuck with me. New guys need to learn but I catch cab regardless and head to the tattoo parlor. It’s been a while, maybe a couple years since I had my touch up done but I have been here to talk business and catch up. I pay the man and grab my bag before stepping inside and find Smitty, still big as hell but graying around the edges walking a new artist through a piece of work. The new blonde girl at the desk was going to speak but two patches have her silent as I step past.
“Honestly that is some amazing work,” I comment at the tattoo being done on a man’s back,” But why do a giant black penis, I mean he could like many different kinds of penis.”
The client begins to panic as I laugh and Smitty stops him and explains that I’m fucking around and says he’ll handle me. I get led to the office and watch Smitty sit down where I used to speak with the Old Man. I close the door and Smitty laughs a little and we shake hands before I settle down.
“Jackie sent for me then tries to tell me where to go, I wanted to see her but she tried to send me to my Mom’s house,” I explain and he shakes his head.
“Yeah I’m not sure what is going on with my daughter,” He did formally adopt her, at least by Union rules,” She’s out with someone right now but she said she wanted you where she could find you.”
“Good thing I’m here then,” I joke and he laughs,” Do you have any clue what the fuck is going on. My wives sent me here blind saying I just needed to come down cause Jackie had a problem.”
“I don’t know but I do have the key to her house and Johnny is home,” Smitty says handing me a key.
“Okay but I’m minus transport unless,” I pause and see him nod,” thank you for this.”
A ride in one of the vans with a full member to Jackie’s house is the plan and I thank Smitty as he’s probably going to get hell for this from Jackie. There are more than a few motorcycles in driveways in this neighborhood which while not the upscale that I live in I’m pretty sure neighborhood watch never needs to call the police. A knock on the door to Jackie’s and I’m greeted by a teenage girl who sees the patches and recognizes, biker daughter.
“Hey there, babysitter,” I ask getting a nod,” Paid yet?”
“No, Ms. Jackie said she’d pay me when she comes back,” the girl says and I pull my wallet.
“I’m taking over but here is forty,” I peel off two twenties and hand them to her,” Head home and relax I’ll take care of John.”
The girl isn’t too sure about it but as soon as I step inside she is given all the proof that she needs as a blondish boy comes running in from the back.
“Uncle Guy,” is the only words as he tries to drop me and I catch him.
“John, Jesus no running tackles anymore you’re too big. It makes me do things like this,” I move in and tickle the boy as he laughs.
Our roughhousing goes uninterrupted by the baby sitter who leaves with her pay. John and I talk while I make dinner. It’s now when I can get some real information.
“Okay so what’s going on with your mom buddy,” I ask John stirring spaghetti sauce.
“She’s been away for a couple days, different people keep coming over to watch me but it’s been three days. Mom said she’d be home when I talked to her but she didn’t say you were coming to visit,” John says sitting at the table.
“It’s a chance to visit my godson, why would I not want to visit you,” I ask him with humor.
“Cause nobody else visits me,” He says a little down cast.
“Grandpa doesn’t come by or Smitty,” nobody calls him by a family title anyway.
“No I mean… never mind it’s nothing,” John says quietly.
“John you know I’m doing a vacation this summer to the horse ranch right,” I tell him and he shakes his head,” I’m bringing your mother and you.”
“Okay but can you talk to Mom about letting me and her move in with you,” he asks and I stop what I’m doing.
“John your mom and I aren’t like that, and I’m married,” I tell him and he shrugs.
“You could marry mom,” he replies and I love child simplicity.
“Buddy I like your Mom, we’re close but I’m already married,” I try to explain but having five wives and not taking a sixth doesn’t make sense to most adults let alone a boy.
“I just want to be part of a real family. Mom doesn’t date and last man she let me meet was dumb,” John informs me and I turn around on him quick.
“Don’t call him dumb,” I retort trying to save face for Jackie’s dating pool.
“Well he kept trying to ask me if I liked Disney, Disney is for girls,” John bursts out and I counter.
“Okay why is Disney for girls,” I ask waiting.
“You hear about all the princess with great lives but one boy comes up and he’s poor and abused before he finally gets anything good and that means sucking up to some asshole,” John says loudly and I cut him off.
“Language and you have a point but I know your mother’s opinion on language like that,” I tell him and he settles down.
Spaghetti is good, we relax and I let him watch TV before making him shower. He’s dressed and in bed by ten which seems late but nothing I can do since I was on a plane for a few hours. I settle down on the couch and check in with the wives who ask me why I’m not at my mother’s and I explain what happened before letting Mom know I’m alright and doing things my way which gets me some praise but to let her know sooner. I’m about to find a blanket and catch up on sleep when I hear a loud van pull up and wake myself up as Jackie comes through the door and sees me, not what she expected.
“You’re not supposed to be here,” She says looking around,” Where is Barbara?”
“I paid the girl and sent her home, I can take care of my godson,” I tell Jackie standing up.
She looks good, she was always curvy and a little dirty when we were younger but now she’s a full woman. Dirty brown hair used to be curly is straightened and done in a ponytail, her formerly pear shaped figure is now a bit more hourglass and clad in her traditional patched jacket with her Union label for Family and another one that says ‘Bank’. I smile and note she got some new duties from the Old Man. I know she’s sizing me up but her expression is not a ‘happy to see me’ one.
“I told Simmons to take you to your mother’s house,” Jackie says looking around,” Did someone cook dinner?”
“Yes I made spaghetti and saved you a plate. And I’m not doing anything till I know what has my wives so spooked that they send me down here blind to see you, which is nice, but nobody will tell me what the fuck is going on,” I reply getting her plate and heating it up.
“It’s complicated but I need you to help me with something,” Jackie says sitting down and pauses to wait for me to bring her a plate,” It’s Steven.”
Steven, I remember putting a gun in his hand and nearly killing his ass but he did one thing smart in his life and gave it back. I sent him to college and his family to give Jackie some space but when I thought the fucker would come back and do right by my friend he brought his new wife. Shit head set up shop on the other side of the state and filed for his rights as a parent. He lost thankfully but Jackie was soft on him and they worked out a personal visitation schedule. Technically I have more right to John than he does. Jackie knows I’m mad at him and have been since John started talking.
“Steven is in trouble,” I ask giving her the plate of food and leaning against the counter.
“It’s bad Guy, I mean really bad,” she tells me not eating.
“Of course it’s bad, he deserves it,” I state and she tries to stop me,” No he brought that little girl around to John’s birthday and didn’t bother to tell the girl that they were siblings. When John tried to be nice to her, the wife shut him down and they left. Maybe you can let that slide but I’m not known for forgiveness.”
“I know but he needs help,” Jackie says still not touching her plate.
“Eat first, then we talk while I figure out how I’m going to either say no or keep from beating his ass,” I state before heading into the living room.
Steven in trouble, well boo fucking hoo. What kills me is that Jackie of all people calls me and convinces my wives to send me down to fix whatever is bothering poor ‘run from problems’ Steven. I know she’s finished eating and I can hear her fidgeting around before she comes out with a beer in her hand and I look at her funny.
“Hey you drink too so shut up,” she says sitting down next to me on the couch,” I’d offer you some but you’re already set to sleeping in my yard.”
“Cause I won’t just jump to help dipshit,” I ask and she nods,” Okay so yard it is.”
“Hey he’s really in trouble. Yes he makes bad decisions but he’s not a bad person,” Jackie says and I scoff.
“He is a bad decision,” I tell her and she grumps back at me.
“So is hitting you in the head with the bottle now shut up and let me explain,” Jackie snaps and I look at her askance,” He opened his own vet clinic, animals and pets. He started doing well but the people he borrowed money from came collecting and upped the interest. He was barely making it.”
“Wait people? Not a bank,” I ask knowing the answer.
“Yes he signed a dumb ass contract and they waited a year before coming after their money. Now they’re taking it out on his personal life for fun,” Jackie says and I look at her needing an explanation.
She explains all she can, she tells me about what she saw, even goes into the suicide note/phone call she got from Steven. She lists off the humiliation and the level of depraved sex that is being thrust upon Steven’s wife. I want to feel something for the guy but he dug his hole and he got himself into this trouble on his own. Yes I could help him but I could also spend the same time and resources setting up a halfway house for teens tired of bullshit. I actually think I have property to do that, I stop that train of thought and let Jackie finish her explanation of events.
“My problem is he’s working with people that have connections and a lot of eyes are on them from law enforcement. Who’s to say what they will do when I get involved and make them back off,” I tell Jackie who is quick to counter.
“We could buy his debt,” She says and I stare at her like she dropped a baby,” It’s something and it doesn’t involve anyone getting hurt.”
“Except for my common sense for paying out to save Steven the dumbass,” I retort and Jackie is not happy with my words.
“Fine well don’t help then and I’ll drive you to the airport tomorrow after taking John to school,” Jackie says and I stop her with a hand.
“Hey, this isn’t about you and me,” I tell her and she shrugs.
“No it’s about John. You kept Steven out of his life and put terms in my hands. You came and helped me when nothing was there for me and I will always love you for that,” Jackie says catching herself on the words,” But John loves his father and that is Steven, he knows that and losing him would hurt MY son. That’s why I ask you the fucking god of justice and revenge or whatever you call yourself these days to help.”
I try to follow Jackie to her room but the door is closed, not slammed, but closed in my face. Don’t give a woman her way and she cuts you out of the reward. Well I’ll be home in a few hours and after finding a blanket in the hall closet I get some sleep. Couches aren’t meant for sleeping and some people can say how they sleep on them fine but waking up four times to adjust my body is not convincing me. I don’t know how early it is in the morning but my awareness kicks in and I see John creeping towards me like he wants to wake me up. I look at him and sit up rubbing my neck.
“Why did you sleep on the couch Uncle Guy,” He asks me confused.
“Your mom is mad at me,” I tell him leaving out details.
“I have to wake up mom to take me to school but can you take me today,” John asks and I look confused.
“I can but I don’t have a vehicle,” I tell the boy who produces his mother’s van keys,” Okay I’ll take you to school but don’t think I’m doing the whole show and tell with your class mates.”
My joke is one that falls flat with the boy as I make sure he’s fed before putting on my leather jacket and boots. The trip to school should be short and quiet but John is nervous about something and I figure I’ll talk to the boy.
“You sleep well kiddo,” I ask him and he shrugs,” Sorry things seem so tough right now.”
“Dad isn’t coming to visit me anymore,” John says and I don’t give him any information,” He’s in trouble isn’t he?”
“He’s having some problems but he’s a good Dad and doesn’t want to drag you into them,” I tell the boy almost vomiting the words good and dad in the same sentence.
“Mom wants you to help him doesn’t she,” John asks and I nod,” You hate my Dad don’t you Uncle Guy.”
“I don’t hate him I just know he should have done better by you and your Mom,” I tell him focusing on the road.
“Could you help him, if you wanted to,” John asks and I sigh loudly.
“Yes I could,” I tell the boy a little ashamed that I’m being called out by a grade schooler.
“Would you help him for me,” John asks as we pull up to the school.
I nod; it’s all I can do. Boy never had real people around him and with Jackie being a working mom it’s hard. I let him out of the van and head back to his house after a hug. I get in and set up coffee in the pot before creeping down the hall to check on Jackie. I barely get the door open to Jackie’s bedroom and see some stirring from the bed. Jackie bolts up with a wide eyed and shocked expression before flinging her form out of bed.
“I need to get John to school,” she says hurriedly trying to pull on some jeans.
“He’s at school, I took him,” I inform her noting the tank top and panties she’s wearing.
“Why’d you take him,” Jackie almost spits at me,” It’s not like you want to help people out down here.”
The door slamming behind me is enough to startle Jackie out of her excited and upset mode. I drop my coat on the floor and watch Jackie back up forgetting to put on her jeans.
“I guess everything I’ve done for people is forgotten pretty easily,” I say pulling off my t shirt.
“Guy I’m sorry I just don’t do mornings very well,” Jackie says apologizing.
“I know but that doesn’t give you a reason to take shit out on me when I’m here being super fucking helpful,” I pull my jeans off and now Jackie is a little nervous.
“Guy it’s been a while,” she says nervous but warming up.
“Good, I’d hate to think you were settling for whatever passes by Johnny’s school,” I say quietly closing the distance on Jackie,” But I need a massage after sleeping on the couch last night.”
Can we say a little stunned by my not ravaging her body, yes. It is nice however that as I lie down on my stomach I feel Jackie straddle my ass and her hands start working on my upper back and neck. I’m not super sore mind you but I feel the need to get close to my old… I don’t really know what we were because of the sex with had before, during and after her pregnancy. I let her work and relax when I feel her hands move around to my front that I’m getting interested.
“Someone feeling frisky after closing the door on me last night,” I ask from the mattress.
“Maybe someone is just doing a thorough job,” Jackie replies as I roll over on to my back,” Okay I missed having you here last night.”
No more words as I pull Jackie down to me and kiss her hard. I feel her grinding against me as I press back into her and pull her tank top off. We’re desperate almost to get each other out of our clothing but I’m the one wearing the least and as soon as my boxer briefs are off Jackie positions herself over me and with care slowly lowers herself onto me. She is tight and warm but mostly wet, very very wet which makes getting inside her easy. I take her hips in my hands as she leans forward and sets a rhythmic pace riding me. I move with her and we continue kissing hard as she speeds up a little. Groaning, kissing and a bouncing against each other are the predominate actions when Jackie tries to pin my arms down to the bed with her hands. I smile, she smiles and the struggle to win while not stopping our sex begins it takes a minute or two but ends with her arms pinned behind her back and that’s when I turn up the speed. Light screaming from her, grunting from me and me fucking my cock up into Jackie are the only sounds in the room and probably the house making me glad we didn’t do this last night. I can feel Jackie clamping down on me as her first orgasm takes over and with nowhere to go she simply lies chest to chest with me and groans it out. I relax my grip and let her move her arms again and feel her crawl off of me slowly before rolling onto her stomach and breathing heavy.
“I miss that,” Jackie asks and I look curious at her,” that whole ‘bitch your mine now prepare for orgasm’.”
I move around behind Jackie and give a few strokes to make sure I’m hard enough before gripping her hips with my hands and pulling her up a little and back to me. I get the head to her entrance and slam the length of me in one hard stroke.
“Fuuuuuuuck,” comes out of Jackie’s mouth as I bury myself inside her.
I was going hard before when Jackie got to cum first and now it’s my turn as I pound into her hard and deep. She shoves the pillows off the bed and is almost lying on her face with her ass in the air while I pound her tight folds. It’s taking me a while to get where I’m going but Jackie isn’t complaining as I feel her sliding farther down onto the bed. She leans forward a little more and I lean against her, we get to the point where I’m laying on top of Jackie and grinding into her. I keep my body weight off of Jackie by resting on my elbows but I’m still pressed against her and pumping hard and deep. I feel the familiar head rush and flood Jackie with my seed as she backs into me a little savoring the feeling with a deep groan of her own. It could have been five minutes or five hours but I have to roll off of Jackie regardless and watch as her ample ass shifts off the bed and into her private bathroom. She comes back to me naked but dresses a little bit and I figure I should follow suit. We’re in the kitchen dressed when I start my inquisition.
“I need details on who Steven is involved with,” I ask Jackie who looks at me confused.
“When are you helping out with Steven,” she asks confused and a little relieved.
“I’m not helping Steven, I’m helping John,” I tell her getting a smile.
Jackie spent enough time with Steven that I get a name for the man who holds his loan, Leonard Furino. He’s from New Jersey which means he has connections to the families or he’s someone that is allowed to operate outside of the Garden State. After getting what little Jackie has on the people fucking with Steven’s family I make only three calls, first is to Jun who makes sure that the network is up and running.
“Okay boss I’m live and tapping Stuart for tech assistance unless you want me to call him in,” Jun offers.
“No I know who I need but I do want him in support of you, this could be dicey. Send in Ben, Isaac, Desmond and Wilma,” I place the team order and Jun gives me the affirmative.
My second call, which happens with Jun still on the line, is to Gwen. Why call my sister who has absolutely nothing to do with my business affairs? Because I have a plan god dammit that’s why. Finally I place a call to mother and ask if she can take me out suit shopping. A car picks me up in half an hour carrying my mother and I back to the house.
“Mom I have no suits down here,” I tell her and she laughs.
“No off the rack suits for my son,” Mom says with a laugh,” I had a couple made for next Christmas and figure one of them will do you nicely.”
Got to love it when Mom has time and money, well mostly money but that is family money and I contribute more than my fair share to that with my business and the odd jobs I do. Of all the options for what I’m looking at doing my mother decides to make me look sharp and intimidating, black suit with vest, white shirt, red tie and shined black boots. Now I understand the boots seem out of place but if you think you can fight in dress shoes you are living in a fantasy. Mother is unbelievably pleased with her choice for me and I must admit she picks my clothes better than I do most days considering I’d be in jeans and t shirts till I die. When I inform her as to where I need to go next she smiles and lets me use her car.
Mid afternoon on a weekday and I’m walking through a police precinct like I own it looking for one person. I see my target and casually enter the office sitting down without a word. My target barely notices me until I clear my throat and see her black hair and attractive Latina face go from shock to happy surprise.
“Mr. Donnelly, it’s good to see you again,” Lieutenant Escalante, formerly Detective, says warmly.
“Nancy it’s good to see you again,” I tell her with a returned smile.
We catch up a little, her two kids are doing fine but they miss Mommy and her husband has decided that a divorce wouldn’t be in his best interest. Good man that doctor and after Desmond had a conversation with him he can still count to ten with both hands. Okay Desmond didn’t hurt or threaten him but he did remind the doctor that marriages are tough and leaving to have someone who is there more is worse than staying with someone who is true and not there as much as they’d like, take note of that people. I give the lieutenant the name and she runs a quick check for me. About half way through her check I note the humming on her computer and she gives me the dick look. Jun is running her search now through the system and she’s a little upset with me but it’s nothing major in the long run.
“So why come here and talk to me if you really didn’t need to,” Nancy asks leaning back in her chair.
“I absolutely needed to see you and say Hi, you underestimate the value or pleasant conversation,” I joke and she laughs a little with me,” but this piece of work is one that will probably not end pretty.”
“Are you going to give them the option,” Nancy asks and I nod,” Good but after that you tap me and let me know where to put the right people on it. I have Detective Dugan ready to handle anything that you may need from him.”
“Detective? He passed the exam,” I ask and she nods.
Sometimes things work better out for me when I don’t have people beaten to death and covered in dirt. I leave the Lieutenant to her work after a warm hug goodbye and head to Jackie’s to catch her up on the plans. John hasn’t seen me in a suit before; I don’t think he’s seen a suit before at all actually by the look he’s giving me. Jackie on the other hand has the look that she wants me to spend the night tonight and this time not on the couch. I get them settled in and explain what they are doing which gives John a reason to run around a little crazy while his mother looks at me confused.
“A vacation, you’re sending John and me on a vacation,” She asks plainly,” And where are we going on this vacation?”
“Just a little place where people don’t know you and everyone will care about strangers coming to visit,” I tell her and she gives me the grumpy look,” You’re going to my sister’s ranch and you’re taking Steven and his family. I figure a couple weeks will be good for all of you to get away and do the whole blended family thing.”
“No you have something bigger planned,” Jackie says accusatory.
“Yes I do and it involves you getting Steven and his family out of the area. This isn’t a negotiation I’m telling you to get this done,” I damn near order Jackie who looks at me confused but happy.
“Wait does that mean I’m on the team,” she asks hopeful.
“For now yes and maybe more if I need you in the future but I need you to make this happen. Tap the Old Man and send people in force to escort you and John there to pick them up. Do not give them a choice,” I tell Jackie who nods and proceeds to get herself ready for a road trip.
I see the mother/god son combo out and settle for shacking up with my mother and step father for the evening while Jun and Stuart run the information down and find me tangible leads. Anyone who says being woken up at four in the morning is a good thing needs genital punching in the worst way but I’m up and checking my phone as Jun has a name and a location of the man with the plan as it were. He also set up a meeting with him late last night and the other party checked my credentials with a time to meet this morning at nine. I figure nine will come sooner if I sleep a little more and that’s what I do till about seven. Showered, dressed, and armed with something from my personal inventory in Texas thanks to Jun and I’m out the door using Mom’s vehicle again. It takes an hour to get out of the city heading north and another near hour getting off the main roads and into back country. I follow the directions given and come upon a ranch a little similar to my sister’s but with less horses and more variety of animal. A few hands are working but a man showing up in a Mercedes is enough to draw attention on the agrarian setting. I approach the house and am called at from the barn.
“Are you the one that wanted to have a sit down,” the man asks walking up towards me.
He’s a good sized farm working man, maybe 6’2” but weighing about 250 pounds. Overalls and a beat up t shirt with work boots and a straw cowboy hat that has seen more years than I have round out the dress for the salt and pepper bearded man.
“That would be me sir,” I reply extending my hand.
“Henry Mulligan boy,” the man tries to crush my hand and finds firm grip instead,” Good grip, you work for a living. Now that I know I’m dealing with a working man let’s sit down and discuss business.”
We head out to his barn where I watch him oversee training a hand in pig slaughtering. It’s humane mind you but the pig still tries to squeal and there is more than a little bit of blood dripping into a bucket when the man notes my expression.
“Now that’s something I don’t see in city boys,” He says and I look at him with question,” You are a hard one aren’t you young man.”
“I’ve dealt with problems in a similar manner before. If we could get done with your tests so we can discuss business I’d be grateful,” I state and Henry leads me out of the barn to walk his property.
“I’ve known Jim and his boys for a while, he doesn’t send bad news my way so when I do a check in to see about you coming to visit you can imagine my hesitance to engage in business with someone who might not match the reputation,” he says and I nod in understanding,” But here we are so let me stop being old and tell me what you want.”
“I want to buy off a loan that you have,” I tell him and he gives me a funny look.
“I am pretty sure we have several loans that you could buy but I’m hazarding a guess you got a specific one in mind,” Henry says and I nod.
I explain the account is with a veterinary clinic and give Steven’s information to Mr. Mulligan who in turn calls someone up from the house loudly and has them run a check, the message runner being a very cute brunette girl maybe a year from graduating high school and as such very out of reach. Even if she were this is business and mixing business and pleasure are bad. We talk a little and he asks me if I’m carrying which I state that I am and he nods in acceptance while I realize if I did try something here my chances are very slim to get out unscathed. The girl returns after a while and states that the contract has been paid up in full, now I’m confused.
“Sir I’d like to speak with whoever collected the contract and if possible could we do it here? I’d like to be on hallowed ground as it were,” I ask and explain in equal measure.
A phone call is made by the people in the house and I am treated to a lunch with Mr. Mulligan who is a pretty nice old man considering he runs more than a few money laundering and drug businesses despite the moderately successful farming. I don’t engage the granddaughter in much conversation but she’s got that doe look in her eyes when I talk lightly about trifle things. I’m sitting on the back porch with Mr. Mulligan enjoying lemon water with real lemon, his joke, when I hear someone coming through the house.
“Where is the old bastard,” I hear a thick accent from the tri state area sounding off from inside the house.
The Guido, I actually get to use that term, comes flying out the back door and nearly passes us at the table before stopping and spinning on the heel of his expensive Italian shoes. He’s about 5’9” and easily 200 pounds, not super obese but he’s a chubby baby. The pale blue and shiny suit with open big collar black shirt and gold chain, pinky ring and possible knock off gold watch and we have Leo Furino.
“Ay Mr. M you called me out ‘ere sayin it was urgent,” Leo says checking his status.
“Yes Leonard,” Mr. Mulligan says using his full name.
“I axed you to call me Leo sir, who dis guy,” he asks gesturing to me.
“I am here to make purchase of a debt that you collected on,” I state not rising from my chair.
“The gentleman here was asking about purchasing one of our debts but it turns out you collected the full balance on it. The Heights Point Animal Center,” Mr. Mulligan asks and Leo’s face turns a shade of ‘oh shit’.
“Yeah I collected on that one when he paid out in full Mr. M,” Leo says and Mulligan cuts him off.
“Leonard stop bullshitting me and tell me who paid off the loan,” Mulligan looks a little upset as he stares down Leo from the comfort of his chair.
“I paid it; I saw the chance to have some fun with a shitty little doctor and his wife. So what,” the Guido asks as I stand up.
“Mr. Furino,” I mispronounce his name on purpose,” the problem is you’re currently messing with people who are protected by a higher authority than you. I can understand that you are… having fun with the situation however this is business and as a business man I’d like you to let me buy the debt off of you, in full.”
“Did that little shit come to you for help,” Leo asks stepping up to me and I stand to meet him calmly.
“No he did not, but all the same I’m here to make purchase of the debt you are currently holding,” I state keeping a neutral tone.
“Leonard listen to me, you are working in my city…,” Mr. Mulligan starts but is cut off by Leo’s big mouth.
“It is your city now; I’m here because you need someone in town who can do business while you and your inbred hick family runs around out here playing with pigs. I paid for the debt and that makes it mine old man,” Leo spits at Henry before turning to me,” I like having that little fucks life under my thumb and his wife isn’t too bad now that we got her broken in so fuck you fuck ball.”
“I’m sorry to hear that Mr. Furino,” still mispronouncing his name,” but since the situation is untenable I’m going to have to take to more direct measures.”
I can see the slap coming but I let it, I have a plan, and for a little shit he actually has follow through but I’ve taken harder shots from my wives. I right myself and the Guido looks confident as to his work.
“Dat’s right, just like the little doctor and his bitch you ain’t going to say shit or do shit. And you Mulligan be warned I make one phone call and you’ll be answering to the
big boys back east,” Leo sneers between the two of us,” Capiche?”
I watch the short Italian man leave taking the long way around the house as I turn to Mr. Mulligan who is watching me intently. I sit back down and he shakes his head.
“I’d have let you whip the shit out of him and take the contract free of charge after that,” Mr. Mulligan says and I nod.
“Yes but now I’m simply going to ask for his known associates, address of his business and home and for you to green light him to me,” I state and the man smiles at me.
“Now I know why Jim said to hear you out. I’ll make the call and he’ll be green lit by the end of the day. Personally I want the turd bump in my barn but I’m guessing you have something planned,” Mr. Mulligan says calling for the phone.
“I have a few ideas,” I tell him taking a drink of water.
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