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It continues
The After Seeding second wave (4)
John was a little more than pissed off, the Triacarian had tried to hurt his precious Millie with no
regard to her or anything else. The fact that he'd also threatened to kill the Miacarie that John was carrying
also incited he to no end. John had finally extended all the shields over his and Millie's, family's farm, this
in it's self helped to relieve a lot of John's worry but not quite all.

The machine that Barry had sent was doing wonders for some of John's fears also, but from what he'd seen in the Triacarian's head the worst of them wasn't even near the planet yet but John was afraid that he was on his way. John and Mitch had both searched the planet for the other Triacarian, as Mitch had explained and John had seen they always worked in pairs, John was afraid that the bastard was out there raping a woman to breed his bastard race back from the brink. All the next day they searched with no luck, John thought he knew for sure where the other was but still couldn't detect anything the same was also true for Mitch.

They both knew that in another day the other would be near trying to exact revenge, something John
wasn't about to let happen. With time winding down John knew that though strong, very strong Mitch was still no
match for even the weak one that had taken on John. Then there was the fact that today was the day when
Millie's second sister was supposed to come over, as he understood it they'd all heard about his longevity in
the bed room and wanted a turn each day. Though Trey was now a lot better and healthier he still needed more
hormones to continue his growth. John felt a whole lot better this time when Millie and Mica left for her
father's, as before Helen and Mitch made to leave Helen talking to John and Canella before she left.

Canella ,the second oldest daughter was a lot shyer then either of her sisters. Though she was half out of her mind being horny, she was still afraid of rejection from John. Sensing something and the tremendous struggle going on in the woman, John sat and began to talk to her while rubbing her shoulders eventually the woman relaxed and began to open up.
"John," she started, "I know that you are a tremendous lover and the sight of you gives me urges I haven't had
in a long time. The last time I had sex, well almost had sex, the little fuck head took one look at me and
started to laugh, I'd die if that happened with you. I, like all my sisters want to have a baby with you maybe
2, I am scared you will reject me, I want you so bad right now it hurts. I am.....," almost in a whisper,
"deformed down there, I have been since I was a little girl, it.. it is embarrassing to me."

John was surprised, her resistance to Helen voice was impressive and he felt very proud of her for her honesty. "Canella," John said, "I have never found the female body to be anything but beautiful, allow me to undress you?" He asked, when she only slowly nodded her head John very slowly began to take her clothes off kissing each part he revealed like a precious surprise. His patience and loving of her body started to take a toll on her almost unable to resist she waited for her final underthings to be removed. Uncovering her vagina
he finally saw why she was ashamed. One of her outer vagina lips was very much larger than the other and though
it was unusual John found nothing disturbing about it. Kissing each inch of it like a precious possession
finally allowing Canella to honestly relax, finally reaching total release as she started to scream out her
first orgasm.

Quickly shedding his clothes John continued to lap and suck on her woman's center. Finally Canella begged John to take her, he moved up and in one motion drove his cock balls deep drawing another satisfying scream from her. The mere contact of her pussy and her heat had John struggling to maintain a slow pace, finally he began to plunge in at a harder rate. Sometime after her fourth orgasm Canell's pussy clamped down on John's cock even harder, the friction was about to drive him crazy it was almost as tight as Millie's was when she took her virginity. Canella and John were both building to monstrous orgasms Canella was floating she'd never felt this good or cum this many times omg! She was about to cum again! Oh god! It was huge, plus John's cock was starting to swell! Canella screamed out her most intense orgasm just as John began to blast his cum as deep in her as he could, it's so hot Canella thought, the sheer pleasure overloading her senses.

John was worried again, one of Millie's sisters had passed out after cuming damn, he was going to kill one of them if this kept up! Finally his balls drained, John withdrew, again noticing that hardly anything came out. John carefully cleaned Canella up, covered her, folded her clothes and went to make her something to eat. 20 minutes later Canella awoke from a dream like trance she'd never experienced anything as beautiful as this, Ava had been so right. Finding her clothes neatly folded she smiled and quickly dressed, walking out she saw that John had food prepared for her thank god! She felt like she was starving. After they finished she helped John clean up, still no words had passed, till she was about to leave, "John as my sister said before, your children will be well taken care of and loved," bending down she passionately kissed him, "as you are now."

John was a little stunned again, sure the sex had been good but he still didn't feel he was that good! John contacted Millie to let her know that he sister was on her way back, when Mitch's voice was suddenly in his head, <I have detected the energy signature of the second Triacarian, he is nearby and closing at an
accelerated rate.>
John felt his ire rise as did Mitch and Helen, both appearing beside John awaited the enemy. When he veered off
toward Millie's family farm John cursed his self realizing hius mistake, the bastard was heading to where his
partner had dissappeared. He heard and felt Millie scream blinking where she was immediately a strange man had
her against a tree snarling in her face, Mica though alive was unconscious nearby, the man had several cuts
about his face arms and legs.
"Where is he you Miacarian filth!" The stranger said shouting into her face.John seized the man in a shield on
the man's face a look of surprise quickly spread. "Ah! there you are you..., who are you? You feel Miacarian
but I can see that you are not.

John's anger was to the point that he almost didn't hear what the man said, "I am a human, I am the one who destroyed that piece of garbage you called a partner!" John growled,
"You? your race has no such power you are but...," the strained look on the man's face plus the fact that he
was gagging was not lost on Millie. "She is MY WIFE! She is also human as is my daughter there, You and what's
left of your race need remember that, your partner said you were honorable, attacking a woman and a child is
not honorable if anything it is an extreme act of cowardice!"
Gagging the man said, "we did not know we are only..."
"Shut up!" John screamed, "Tell all of what's left of your race this planet is off limits, come here and DIE!"
With that the man vanished screaming, again 100 miles above the planet a huge explosion had the military and
government agencies scrambling to investigate. Kneeling beside Mica John tenderly picked up her bruised body,
Millie looked into John's face seeing the love for them and the anger at his self.

A moment later they were all back at the house, Helen was taking care of Millie and Mica's wounds and
bruises. "No apparent deep lacerations, extended surface bruising, no skeletal abrasions or breaks. John I have
detected slight cerebral swelling and minor lacerations to the back of her cerebral container," Helen told
Looking her over John saw the small bump on Mica's head, sighing John was glad the bastard was dead though he'd
like to kill him a few times over for what he'd done. A few minutes later Mica awoke and stared straight at her
father. "Daddy, I am sorry I wasn't able to protect mommy," Tears were streaming down her face as John was just
as suddenly calmer.
Rushing to her side John held her close, " I am proud of you, you didn't let him hurt your mommy, plus you
actually hurt the bad man, he was just a lot stronger than you but to injure him like you did helped mommy much
more than you." John said shaking, with all the safeguards he had in place how did he manage to get through?

An hour later Mitch and John were reviewing all of what John had gotten from the Triacarian, though he
had set up quite a network with his shields they still allowed none threatening people through. It appeared
that, that was the way he'd hidden from them, by lowering his energy like John did, he appeared human slipping
through all the shields till he needed his power. Sighing John had known that these people weren't stupid but
this was one thing he hadn't foreseen. 2 hours later, after discussing with the nanomites John thought he might
have a solution, problem was he needed Trey and as of yet Trey still hadn't said a thing. Despite reassurances
from Helen John was still a little afraid that Trey wasn't growing fast enough, He told Millie about this and
though she didn't want to she agreed to call her sister Elly and Gloria having them both come over today. They
needed to feel safe and till the Miacarians were back on their planet no one here on this planet was safe.
"Hey dad," Millile started, "Can you tell Elly that we've moved up the time table? Also Glory will be today
too, yes dad he can, he's a lot more resilient than you think. Yes dad, I'll tell him." Leaning over Millie
whispered in John's ear, "Dad says watch out, Elly might fuck you to death he's heard stories as have I,"
Millie said giggling a little.

John still wasn't really all that sure about all this sex with her sisters, it was nice to be wanted
but this was starting to get a little ridiculous! "Oh! Daddy said that Glory is visiting a friend a few hours
away and might not be able to make it, he was going to call her and find out then he'd let us know." John could
only nod this was getting a little much for him, metting aliens, saving their race he could get his head around
but the fact that not just one but 12 women wanted him plus wanted to have a baby with him was too mind blowing to him. Mitch and Helen weren't too sure about John's plan yes they wanted Trey to develop faster and better but they didn't want John at risk doing this plan. As before John sent Millie and Mica to her father's John had
made sure everything was at maximum before they left.

His wife and daughter were barely out the door when Elly almost ran up the stairs to John, kissing him
squarely on the lips she whispered in his ear, "I have been waiting all year for this, like Ava had Millie not
gotten you I would have fought all my sisters for you. I have dreamed of you every night for the past year, I
haven't been able to have sex since I first layed eyes on you. Believe me I have tried multiple times, you can
believe me when I say that I truly want you and your baby!"
John looked at Helen and nodded, "Mr. John," she started, the look on Elly's face intesified, "we will be gone
most of the day hours, call us if you need more help with the agricultural plants."
Elly had an intense, horny, frustrated look on her face, John thought for a moment he might be in trouble
thinking Elly had changed her mind. To John's utter disbelief Elly calmly undressed first her self, then John
on the way to the bedroom, it was here that he was surprised suddenly panting and breathiung hard Elly
literally picked John up and threw him on the bed.
"I told you I've been waiting a whole year! I refuse to wait any longer!" Elly said panting as she buried
John's cock to his balls a grunt and huge satisfying sigh escaping her lips.

Elly's pussy was wetter than any John had experienced, Elly had almost lost control slamming her pussy
as hard and fast as she could on John's cock her first orgasm erupting moments after she drove him into her
depths. "Finally," she screamed over and over as she had her second, third and fourth orgasms one right after
another. Not even slowing down she continued to pile drive her pussy onto John's cock her long red hair, longer
than any of her sisters flipping back and forth across John's chest. Her 34 b breasts were waving in front of
John's eyes like 2 lanterns demanding attention. John was starting to get extremely excited he'd never had a
woman want him as bad as Elly did except Mille, Elly was driving John's cock as deep as she could screaming non
stop at the top of her voice. Feeling her pussy tighten again after only 15 minutes later John watched again as
Elly experienced her fifth, then sixth, seventh, and eighth orgasms screaming the whole time, " it's about time
a man could satisfy me! Yes John, ugh! deeper, deeper!"
Finally John couldn't hold back, his cock siffening a torrent of cum rushing from his balls blasted deep with
in Elly screaming she drove harder onto John."That's it John fill me, oh god yes so hot!"

John thought she was done but obviously Elly had other ideas, "more John, give me more I've never felt
anything like this I have to have more!" Elly began to pile drive again, John had no objection watching her he
saw a very lonely soul and was actually glad he was able to do something to fill the emptyness he felt she had
in her. Another 20 minutes had Elly screaming even louder experiencing another batch of orgasms, John was glad
that Helen had suggested the vitamins now as he was feeling his second orgasm boiling in his balls. Elly and
John were both covered with sweat the room was heavy with the snell of sex, Elly was barely holding on, she was
so glad John had agreed now damn but this man could fuck! Suddenly she felt John stiffen again, the feeling was
more intese than it had been before John's balls let lose another fllos of semen again filling Elly to the
point of overflow. With a sudden shriek Elly passed out with a long satisfied sigh, John was more satisfied
than he'd been in a long time.

Laying Elly down he began to clean her body of the sweat and body fluids. Placing all her things by the
bed John wondered how long she'd be out concidering how many times she'd cum, <Helen will she be asleep long? I am worried about her,> John asked, he'd never had sex with a woman as long as Elly.
<Yes John, she appeares to be specifically wired for conjugational meetings and relations, she is a rare
biological specimen further study could advance many reproductive issues with other races.>
John was shaking his head he didn't like the fact that Helen saw her and only an experimenmt. <I apologize John
I see her as far more than a lab experiment as you put it, she has a fascinating condition.>
Stepping into the kitchen John started a large meal for them both, he was sure she'd be very hungry when she
awoke. An hour later he heard her stirring, then getting dressed poking her head out she saw the food John had
prepared and a huge smile lit her face up.

"Oh my god! Ava was right, you are more than just kind and conciderate. Thank you so much I am so hungry," leaning closer she whispered, "and so sore but this soreness I can live with, I feel more fulfilled
then ever in my life. Like Ava I will want you again whether or not this works at least twice more."
Sitting they both were eating when Mitch and Helen returned, looking at John Helen smiled before she went to
the back room with Mitch.
They'd finished eating and cleaning up, Elly kissed John, "I love you John, I love your children that will soon
grace this world." With that she left, a huge smile on her face one that Millie commented on the next day.
Stepping into the room Mitch spoke up, "the initial analysis indicates that you have inseminated the first two
females we are still analysing the third."
"Thank you Mitch, have you given any thought to the problem of the other Triacarians? I think I could feel
their network when I felt the lasts thoughts, so I believe the others know what he did before I destroyed him."

Mitch was quiet a few minutes before he answered, "John at present you are far more equipped to deter any that seek to destroy or harm than I. At present it will be 2 more of youe weeks before my power levels are an even near match to what yours is at present."
"That's the problem, without your experience I am no match for the one that destroyed your world's sun," John
"You may not have the experience, as much as I do but you ARE more powerful than he is at the moment, a
confrontation at this moment would most surely end in his destruction. I am afraid though that with your
limited strategy he has a slight advantage over you, your destruction could almost be guaranteed also."
"Wonderful!" John shouted, "I'm the only hope for all of us and I could also destroy all of us, gee Mitch thank
you, and here I thought it couldn't get worse!"


Anonymous readerReport 

2016-11-24 16:40:04
Dodgers v. Be. Can cikn just j

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-09-26 14:53:14
haha, love your response regarding your "Man and His..." series!
Both this and that are a great read

Clover ErnestReport 

2016-08-07 08:33:24
an interesting thought just occurred to me -- if Johns having kids w/ Millies sisters, will the new children have powers like Mica??

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-03-12 15:32:49
I think you are one of the most talented writers on this site.You write a story with sex but sex is not the main theme a rare thing on here,As an avid fan of scifi your stories are greeeeat as Tony the tiger would say.Wouldn,t mind mixing you with Dr Who.Would make an awesome team.thanks the Boobster.


2015-03-11 02:51:17

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