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A foreign exchange leads to fringe benefits.
My life was far from perfect, but I really couldn't complain. Hell, I can't really complain now. God I wish I could go back to the beginning. I really do. It was so amazing, so intoxicating, so. . . intense . . .or exciting . . . well, both I guess. It was weird, it was really like it was my first experience, and I guess in a way it was, but really, it was old hat, cumming certainly wasn't a new thing. Teasing, cock massaging, blow jobs, sex, anal. I had done all those things before. Hell, I have been married for 29 years.

Decent grades in high school, scholarship to play lacrosse, degree in engineering (what can I say, math always just came to me), and then I meant Amber. She was a marketing major and we hit it off right away, were exclusive in a month and betrothed in 8 months. We married right after we graduated so we could combine our graduation vacation and honeymoon all in one. We moved out to Minnesota because Amber rose to a District Business Manager quickly with Abbot Pharma and I started my own little internet Q/A business. It blew up and I moved it to Silicon Valley in the heart of the dot com bubble, within 6 months it was self sufficient and we stayed in Minnesota. I sold most of my equity before the bubble burst, yet kept enough stock that it leveled out to a nice $4500 monthly income on top of the $2.5 million I sold it for. Amber, who was not one to quit working, moved to marketing and soon had the title of Brand Manaager.

Don't kid yourself, when you get to that level in that type of company in that type of industry, you no longer are working a lot, working very hard, or worried about much. You just make decisions, once a week on whatever issue, if you are right, you get a bonus, if you not, you don't. So we began to travel a lot and take up new hobbies. But Amber really was pretty simple at heart. She was. . . is a great lady, really. But she is kind of boring. At first that never mattered, and she was still amazing, but . .. well the sex was stale quick. So when we turned 30 and 31 and Amber wanted to have a baby, I was all for it, anything to make the sex interesting again. Like I said, Amber is a great lady, and she is a wonderful wife. The fact that I want to figure out how to leave her without her hating me, and run off with the love of my life. Or the lust of my life. Shit, I don't really know.

After the fun of copulating sex, We had our little bundle of joy Heather. Heather is amazing, just like her mother. She was speaking early, easy to potty train, and did excellent when she started going to school We had a great little family and everything went well. Except the sex got really boring again. When I even got to have sex. Amber was rarely interested in sex at all any more, and I wasn't the devious kind to have an affair and I sure as hell wasn't gonna pay to fuck whores, so I just . . . kind of got used to having sex about once every 3 to 4 months, sometimes less. We are both very socially liberal so we began to donate a lot of time to causes and before you knew it, Amber was chair on some of them. Suddenly she was very busy.

Despite the sex being boring, and I mean, her lying on her back, making little noise or facial expression and barely moving until I finished, and she actually didn't want to receive head. I think she was just somewhat sexless, or maybe just didn't know how to free herself to allow serious orgasms. God knows I tried. Positions, things I read on line, toys, everything. But she just couldn't let go of her stuffy upbringing that sex was not to be enjoyed. She would have made a great puritan. Sex for procreation only. Anyway, I should mention she was pretty damn hot. Blonde, 5 foot 7, great ass, above average legs and nice c cups. And not droopy bags, nice tits. The fact that she never wanted to be on top was a real bummer, they were great to see in action. But no matter the hotness, boring is boring.

Anyway, that was how things were for a while. A good while. I played lots of golf and other hobbies, Amber worked for the causes and Heather grew into a wonderful young lady. She was very much like her mother when she hit her teens. Really a miniature version. On the summer before 8th grade her platinum blonde hair was to her mid back, she had her mother's sparkling skin and was already showing the signs of a nice butt and a nice chest. Before you start thinking it, no I never had any kind of a sexual relationship with my daughter, she is my own blood for Christ's sake. But I wasn't blind, and I was already fearing the boys coming calling. Anyway, for whatever reason, Amber got the baby itch again. But this time she wanted to adopt a child from an at risk country in Asia, I suspect to brag to the others at the causes she worked for, but irregardless, I told her I wasn't sure about that and we should get an exchange student from an at risk area first to see if we want to really adopt.

Amber agreed and we began the process and coming into September the next year, little Karma was on her way from a poor village in Tibet, but one that did teach a bit of English so she would be able to communicate a decent amount. It was a very early winter that year and by day one, Karma was bundled up. I have to admit right of the bat I thought she was adorable. She had light brown complexion, black hair, brown eyes and a gorgeous smile. It went from ear to ear and her eyes would squint up severely, and she just looked so sweet and innocent. She was very trim, skinny even, probably malnourished, and she had a long neck. I remember that right away. Her eyes, which actually were quite round for her race, were warm pools, and I was more than happy to hug her when she joined the family.

We immediately got her new clothes, accessories and healthcare and good food. By thanksgiving she was communicating with us decently and she was so thankful for how well she was treated, she was very affectionate to us, though still was a shy and reserved girl. Heather took her under her wing and it seemed like they were sisters from different misters. Karma always dressed very conservatively and so I never really thought of her as anything but a real cutie. Then came the Christmas church service.

The girls were set to sing at a special program with the high school choir and they had outfits for the show. It wasn't risque or anything, but seeing the Freshman in her velvet crimson dress changed things for me. I was over the shoulders but did show a loop of her upper back and due to the way the fabric fell very true, for the first time I realized she didn't have a tiny flat body, she had a very feminine figure. Her a cups were not large, but they definitely showed, and then the fabric fell in to her very trim waist and hips. I couldn't believe how far back her tummy was from her breasts, it was so fucking sexy. Her butt was not very pronounced and her legs came out from below in black stockings and didn't give away much. But that tightness, that slope of her chest to her tummy. I admit I was thinking about it when I beat off in the shower the next morning.

Now please understand, I would never have actually thought about touching her in any kind of inappropriate way. I consider myself a very ethical and good guy. I just never in a million years would have believed she would have touched me in an inappropriate way. She was so shy, reserved, respectful, and sweet. I thought she was innocent, just like my little girl. We had that early winter, and we also had an early Spring. By February 14th when I actually go to have sex with Amber, it was in the mid 60's outside and other than an occasional snow storm and cold spell that lasted for a day or two, it was continually getting warmer and Karma was finally relaxing more around us.

Amber was out of town on a lobbying trip and was gone for the weekend. I told the girls to order a pizza for us and pick a movie to watch on Direct TV. Before dinner, Karma changed out of her school outfit and came out wearing a light tank top and jogging shorts. They were short, really short, the bottoms of the fabric were just barley hiding the curve of her ass cheeks. I won't deny I took a few looks. Her tits didn't show as much as they had at the Christmas show, but for the very first time I saw her legs. No socks or shoes, just the shorts and then all of her legs. They were just exquisite. They seemed so long in proportion to her body. They were longer than the rest of it all together. She was so lithe and oh so tight. There was not a speck of jiggle on her. Her feet were dainty and small, but the toes were perfect, sloping down from big toe to pinky and each to had a proper sized nail on it. Her ankles were as dainty as her feet, she looked like she would be a natural ballerina.

Her calves were long and curved, svelte but strong, firm but soft. Her knees were a near clincher. It is so rare these days on any woman to see that look, where the shin curves up to the knee, the kneecap round and pronounced, no scabbing or scarring, the tendon even visible on the downslope to the shin. Then the knee expanded into her thigh, twice the circumference of her calve, the slightest line accentuating her quad, other than that that they were completely rounded. Her skin was so smooth, it showed no wrinkle anywhere, except the back of her shapely knees. I could only imagine how those thighs anchored into her ass, and I certainly did for at least a moment when i saw her. She really was a model of femininity. So long and lean, even at only 5 foot 1, so straight and delicate, while simultaneously perfectly curved.

I was in my chair, munching on my pizza and drinking my Dr. Pepper. The girls were both right in front of me, watching the movies listed on the screen picking one to watch. It was some teen movie, and my daughter was gushing about the lead boy, though I couldn't tell why, he seemed like a doofus. But then I was a bit of a nerd, so what did I know? Of course I was in better than average shape, tends to happen when you don't get laid, gotta get the stress out somehow, even more so in that event. Anyway, we watched the flick, I would give it about -4 stars when the girls paused it to grab ice cream.

"Did you want any daddy?" Asked my little girl Heather.

"No thanks sweetie, but you girls enjoy."

They reappeared in a moment and Heather plopped on my lap with her ice cream. It was completely innocent, on both sides. She was my little girl, my life . . . me. And this act was the one way I got to pretend she was still my baby, even though she was growing up so fast.

"How come you always get to sit with daddy?" Asked Karma, making a pouting face. Karma had taken to calling Amber and I mommy and daddy, and we had encouraged it, we wanted her to feel like family. So it wasn't odd to hear her talk that way.

"Because he is my daddy!"

"C'mon, I never get to!"

"Arrrgh! Fine!" Heather popped up and grabbed the two oversized pillows in the corner of the room and made herself a little chair-bed down on the floor. Karma wasted no time and hopped on to my lap on the right side. Her legs went between mine and her feet were on her toes. Like I said, this girl was born to be a ballerina. She sat back against me and her head was on my chest. Her waist length (which wasn't as long as for most women) was tied in a pony tail behind her head. A few strands remained around each side on her oval face. I watched her eyelashes as she blinked. Her lashes were so long, her eyelids only partially folded up. I wondered if she had some kind of anglo blood in her lineage.

My hand was already on the armrest and my thumb ended up on her thigh. I got to feel her skin any time Karma moved. My god it was like satin! I don't know if it was an Asian thing or a climate growing up thing or what, but her skin was absolutely perfect. Flawless brown that seemed to not be made of individual skin cells but one big cell. My daughter Heather's skin did not feel like that. That isn't a father blindness kind of thing, I know my daughter's skin doesn't feel like satin. It was so soft and smooth that it seemed to have reduced friction. My thumb slid so easily over the skin, it was a different sensation.

I can't tell you how hard it was to focus on keeping my penis from getting hard. It was directly beneath Karma's upped thigh and butt, and I noticed my breath was increasing. Then she finished her ice cream and scooted forward to toss it on the coffee table. She slid forward so that my thumb, completely unmoved my me slid up her thigh all the way to under her shorts so that it was pressing into her ass cheek. Not much, just enough to put some pressure. Enough pressure to feel the firmness of her tight Asian tush. Brilliant, just brilliant. The push back was just right. Firm, yet supple. It was mouth watering, maybe those tales about Asian women being the race most condusive to sexiness was true. The Latinas can fuck, but the Asians are the submissive angels, right?

Anyway, all of this and the feeling of her sliding over my dick to the edge of my thigh was too much. It swelled quite a bit, and quickly. I was wearing some adidas shorts and boxer briefs. So my engorging penis was trapped down my right leg. Karma stayed forward for just a moment, drinking her glass of milk, I don't have to tell you what I suddenly imagined she was drinking, do I?

Suffice to say, my penis was about halfway hard, and I am packing a bit above average, just a hair past 7 inches and thick enough for a bit of heft when I am peeing. I was not gonna be a porn star with it, but I wasn't an embarrassment either. Karma finished her drink and slid back up to my lap, sliding over my hardening manhood. She stopped halfway, her butt resting right on it, one cheek on each side. I hadn't noticed a panty edge bump, I think she was going commando; probably didn't think it would be an issue.

She froze, staring straight ahead, which was the far wall. She turned her head towards me and then her eyes, giving me a confused look, her brow furrowed. I didn't know what to do, I was so out of sorts, it was that moment you have in a nightmare and wake up. I wasn't waking up from this, I was screwed, I was caught red handed er, hard-dicked. I thought she would scream, slap me, run away in tears, but she didn't. I just starred at her, wanting so much to tear her up right there. She softened her gaze to a blank stare and turned back to the far wall. Then she slowly looked to the tv, then at Heather, completely engrossed in the film's climax. Then her attention instead went to my approaching climax, as she looked back at me turned at her hips. She blinked slowly, then pursed her lips and swallowed visably.

She looked directly at me with her warm almond eyes and then looked down to the far armrest, where she placed her left hand. Her right hand went to the right armrest and she looked back to the tv. She still had her toes on the floor between my feet and applied pressure to her sitting posture, so that her asscheeks were around my penis shaft. Then she truly shocked me . . . she slid down my thigh until the head of my penis was right smack middle of her ass cheeks.

I inhaled sharply, glad the movie was on the receiver and tower speakers to hide the gasp. I reached to Karma. What the fuck was she doing? First off, how the fuck did she know what to do, and what was this insane teasing action? Was it possible she didn't really know what she was doing? Maybe just curious what it was?

Nope. She reversed direction and now went up my leg, up my shaft. My hand reached her leg. . . I had to stop her, what was she doing? Jesus, what she about to make me do? What could happen to me? On her second slide forward she pressed even harder, and there was no doubt whatsoever what she was trying to make me do. Why was she trying? How the hell did she know about this stuff? This shy, quiet lovely young lady, what was this devious act?

My heartbeat pounded in my ears till they were ringing, my breath was panting, a panting I tried so hard to keep quiet. Fuck! Was I really about to let this teenager make me cum? It shouldn't matter that in this simple act she was a more passionate woman than my wife, I should not let her . . .

My hand went to her waist and pulled her to me, my arm and hand clenching in the first spasm of quite a few as semen was making its way from my sac to my shorts.

"Heb!" Karma squeaked in a quick and relatively quiet hiccup of sound, as I thrust my groin into her derriere.

I shutter to think what I looked like as the second spam hit, but the first actual cum exited my hardened cock. My groin got very warm and very wet. I figure I looked like someone having a heart attack with my spasms and contorted face, veins popping out of my neck and my forehead, but it took all I had to remain silent instead of thanking god for one, an orgasm, and two, the hottest interaction with a female in all the years since I met my wife.

Another spasm and I came again, and this time I felt Karma shutter herself next to me and heard her breath a stutter. Thank god Heather didn't turn around. Or I don't think she did, if she had I figured she would have make it known.

I felt another spurt of my goo, as the orgasm completely over took me. and felt the wave of exhaustion creeping in. My orgasm had been intense and the pressure in my head was crazy, I almost thought I was going to have an aneurism until it began to receed. I kept a tight grip on Karma for at least a minute. I wasn't cumming anymore and my crotch felt like a warm sloppy mess, but it was worth it. My head was pressing into her shoulder and I was using her body to help slow my breathing by obstructing my exhale just a tad.

Finally I felt the clenching of my body fading, and total exhaustion flooded in. I slumped back in my chair and Karma laid on my chest, snuggling with me. I held her as I dozed, the loud volume from the movie all that kept me from sleep. The movie lasted about another 20 minutes and I dozed every second of it. Finally when it was over Heather bounced up and took the pillows to the corner.

"Come on Karma let's go to bed, I wanna go to the mall early tomorrow."

"Ok, let's go." Karma agreed. She hoped off of the cock she had softened and walked behind Heather to the opening to the hall.

"Night Daddy!" Heather said as she disappeared.

"Yeah, night daddy." Giggled Karma over her shoulder giving me a grin. I starred at her ass in those yellow shorts as she left, a wet spot from my leaking cum leaving its mark on her ass.

I sat there for another 15 minutes before I felt under control again. As I got up it hurt like a mother, as my pubic hair and stuck to different places with all that cum in my boxer briefs. I filled a glass of water and chugged it down. Holy shit that was an amazing tease. She was incredible, she was . . . I just kept wondering what would happen next.
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