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Pre-written between a couple
***This story was written from my girlfriend's POV. We really enjoyed the story together, so we thought to post***

I'm selling chocolate door to door. My cheer squad is making all of the JV girls fundraise for competition. It's unfair. I'm 16 and don't have my own car yet. The older girls do, why can't they fundraise out in this heat? I have to walk. Ugh.

I walk up to my next house. It's a large one, white, with black trimming on the the upper beams. It looks like a nice house. A house with kids! I'm sure they'll want some chocolate. I ring the doorbell. A middle-aged woman comes to the door, and I begin my speech...

"Hi ma'am. My name is Amanda. I'm a Junior Varsity cheerleader at the local high school and we're selling chocolate to the families in town to raise money for our cheer competition next month. We have all different flavors, only $1 each!" I say with this biggest smile.

The lady smiles at me, "well, how adorable! You know what, let me call my son down so he can choose which ones he wants himself”. She turns around and shifts her focus towards the top of the stairs, “Blake, honey? Can you come down here for a moment, please?” your mother shouts.

You come down, and it appears that you just came home from school. You still have your hot wheels backpack strapped to your back. You’re in blue basketball shorts wearing a shirt with a legoland logo on it. You halt right at my feet, and I’m startled by your eagerness.

I smile and laugh at how cute you are, “someone is a little excited”. I open my box to reveal all the different types of chocolates I’m selling.

“Honey, go ahead and pick out six. One for now, one for after dinner for the next three days,” your mom looks at me, “He just got student of the month at his elementary school, out of the entire fifth grade class! He’s my special little boy,” she pats you on the head while you’re scanning through the box. You have this goofy smile on your face, as if you’ve never been more excited in your life.

“Wow kid, you’ve got a super great mom. Make sure you always listen to her,” I laugh and smile at your mom, who returns the friendly smile and hands me $7.00, instead of $6.00. I know exactly how to charm the adults.

You’re still picking out chocolates, all while the your mom continues to gloat about your achievements, when I suddenly glance down. For some odd reason, I’m drawn to a certain spot on your pants. There’s an unusually large bulge. Your mom said fifth grade, right? How is it that he already seems to have that big of a dick? That can’t be. Still, I just can’t look away. It’s as if my mind is telling me I have to figure out this mystery. Like I need to be the one to touch it and see if it’s actually real or just my imagination.

Without thinking, my right arm starts to slowly reach towards your shorts, my eyes fixated on the hidden treasure in your basketball shorts. Suddenly, you stand up and cheer.

“Yay! Thanks so much, Mommy!!! I can’t wait to have this one". You hold up the chocolate bar to show your mom, “It’s chocolate almond”. You turn around and run inside, giggling.

I shake my head as if to snap back from reality and I smile at your mom. Thank God! I almost made a huge mistake.

“Thanks again sweetheart, I hope you raise enough money for your competition. If you ever need to sell the last few chocolates, I’m sure Blake would love some more. Don’t hesitate to stop by!” she laughs and closes the door.

I start to walk away to the next house and think about what just happened. What DID just happen?? I couldn’t have just… way did I just… no no. I didn’t. It must have been some weird misunderstanding. I shake it off and continue on to the next house.

Later that night, just as I’m about to get into bed, I get this sudden urge to go back to your house and see you. I don’t know why. I can’t explain it. It’s like a force that’s pulling me towards you. I glance over at the clock, it's 8:00pm. He’s got to be getting ready for bed right about now… I think to myself. I put on my slippers and grab the keys to my mom’s car. She’s asleep already, so she doesn’t even notice that I leave. I drive over to your house. Something inside of me tells me that your window is the second window on the right side on the first floor of the house. It looks like your mom’s room is upstairs, so she won’t be able to hear me snooping around the side.

I start to walk over to your window. I peer in and you’re playing with your hot wheels. You’re wearing pajamas with race cars all over them. He looks so cute and innocent. I look down and there’s your bulge...again. It’s as if I’m being teased.

I tap on your window and you look up. You look confused at first, but then excited. I smile at you and motion for you to come unlock the window. “Hey! You’re the girl with the chocolate. Are you here to give me more?” you get really excited.

“No no,” I laugh. “Blake, sweetie, I came to play with you! You were so lonely and needed a buddy to play with,” I say in a way that would sound creepy to an adult. “I love hot wheels, too. Wanna race them”?

You smile REALLY big now. “Heck yeah I wanna race them! I must warn you, you’ll never beat my blue car! He’s the fastest!!!”

I laugh again, “Okay, but you gotta let me in. And you can’t tell Mommy. This is like a…” I’m searching for the right words. “Like a secret friendship!!”

“Sure! As long as you play with me!”

I smile and climb through your window. I sit down on the middle of the floor with you and start to wheel around the little toy cars.

“So, Blakey, how do you know your mommy isn’t going to come in and check on you?” I ask as I bite my nails.

You laugh, as if I've said something stupid. “Oh, she won’t. We already did our goodnight kisses. She never bothers me after that”.

I chuckle nervously, looking down at your bulge again. Something is drawing me to it and I can’t figure out what it is. “So, uh, how old are you?”

“I’m 10,” you say, not looking up from your cars that you’re setting up in lines on the carpet. You’re getting ready for the BIG race.

“Ten, huh?” I smile. “That’s a… that’s a fun age. I’m… uhh… I’m 16…” I say as I stutter a little.

“Ha, cool,” you say, not really paying attention. You’re more focused on your cars. It’s driving me wild just looking down at your bulge. I have to see what it’s like.

“So, are you ready to race...?” you ask, expecting me to give you my name.

“Mandy… umm... It’s Mandy.”

“Mandy!” you shout with an accomplished tone. “Are you ready to race, Mandy?”

“Yeah, uh, of course”.

I get on my hands and knees and start to “rev” up my car’s engine, just as you do the same with your’s. You start to race your car around the room, as I follow closely behind, just staring at you as you go. I have to think of a way to approach this, I keep thinking to myself. We play for another few minutes, and then we sit down in the middle of your room.

“So, Blakey, I have something that I uhm, have to ask you.”

“Sure Mandy! What is it?”

“I couldn’t help but notice that uhm….well…you seem to have a certain special spot that’s caught my attention,” I glance back down at your shorts. Your eyes follow mine.

“Oh! My private?” you ask, not really knowing what it’s doing to me. Just hearing you call your penis a “private” is so innocent and cute. It’s making me horny.

“Uh…yeah, your private. I was wondering, well, maybe, maybe I could see it? I noticed it earlier and I knew I just had to take a look…” You look at me quizzically, but then shrug your shoulders.

“Sure, why not?” You stand up and pull your shorts down. I gasp with amazement.

I was right! For a ten year old, your cock is huge! All of its nine inch glory flings out in front of me, right before my eyes. I stare directly at it, and suddenly I’m soaking through my pants. “Holy…..oh wow. Blake, it’s uhm. Wow.”

“Jeeze Mandy, you’re acting so silly. Like you’ve never seen one. But I know you have. You have one too, right?”

I shake my head without looking at you, “No sweetheart, I don’t. I have a girl private, called a vagina. It’s different from yours.”

“Really? Huh, I never knew that.”

“Yeah, so uhm... Have you ever, touched it? Your private?”

“Well of course I have silly! I’ve gotta touch it to go potty!!” you laugh at me as if I have no idea what I’m talking about. I sort of half laugh back, as I’m still transfixed on your cock sticking out straight in front of me.

“No, no, I mean, rubbed it, to feel good?”

“What? Uh, no-”

I start to reach out my hand before you can finish your sentence. I wrap my fingers around your pecker and it sends a jolt through your body. You step back.

“Whoa! Mandy! My body just felt really funny! What was that??”

I’ve pretty much lost all control of myself at this point. The only thing that matters to me right now is pleasing your cock. “You felt pleasure, Blakey. It felt good right? Surprising at first, but good?”

“Uh….uh huh…”

“Come here. Let me show you.” You step forward and once again I wrap my fingers around your cock. You let out a slight little moan as I do, because you’ve never experienced something like this before. I start to slowly slide my hand back and forth along your rod. The hairs on your body are standing up and your mouth is starting to gape open. The fact that you’re looking down on me as I worship your little pecker, as if you’re a god to me, is drenching me in my own love juice. I haven’t looked you in the eye once, all because my entire focus is centered on your stick. I can’t look away from it. I have to please it. I have to make it shoot it’s entire load of cum all over my hand.
I start to go a little faster now.

“Whoa, Mandy…what’s….ohhhhh….” you start trailing off with your words. You don’t even know what to say, only these weird,, silly sounds are coming out of your mouth. You try to speak, but you just can’t. I start to go faster and faster now, making your cock somehow grow just a little bit more in my hand, making it twitch. Your whole body starts to shake as you feel something happen. As I start to jerk you faster, I slide my hand down my stomach and into my pants, letting my fingers roam my own “private” part, feeling the hot, gooey mess I have going on myself. I play with my clit as I watch your cock twitch in my hand and moan out, which makes you go a bit crazy. You’ve never heard that sound before from a girl, but it makes you tingly. It doesn’t take long before I feel my own body start to shake just from touching your cock, and myself, at the same time.

“Mandy….I….I think something is wrong. I think I feel like something is going to come out of….ohhh Mandy!!! Mandy!! No!! Watch out!!!”

Then, just as it’s supposed to, your cock shoots cum all over my hand. Some even landing on my chest. Loads and loads of white streaming cum is constantly flowing out of you. Just by looking at it, I feel myself start to orgasm too. I let out a loud moan, loud enough for you to understand the amount of pleasure I’m feeling, but quiet enough so that your mom doesn’t hear me. Squirts of cum shoot over my own fingers inside my pants. I take your hand quick and shove it down there, so that you can feel what you’ve done to me. Your eyes go wide.

“Is that…like, my stuff?”

I laugh, “well, no, not really. But in a sense, it’s the same concept of pleasure”

“Mandy…Mandy what was that?” you say to me, breathing heavily.

“Oh silly boy, I’ve actually got to go home now. But I’ll be back tomorrow to play some more! Maybe we can play with legos tomorrow night?!”

I wink at you as I climb back through the window and out of your sight.

**Editor's Note: If you enjoyed this story, then you are in luck... there will be more parts to CUM ;)**


2015-05-24 05:17:18
I agree with other commenters, 2nd person perspective rarly ever works an generally makes the reader hate you. This story would be many times better written as first or third person.

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-04-10 02:04:00
Is there going to be a part three

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-03-21 03:19:58
Very good!!! I loved it and can't wait for more!!

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-03-18 17:51:42
take no notice of comment of 05:57:32, he or her is jealous they can't write anything interesting. very good story and am looking forward to the next one. "dirtyoldman"

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-03-17 07:43:44
Very gd story but need to get a lot ruder

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