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Here we have more of the erotic adventures of Mike Claymore
Chapter 8
Gotta Get Away

Carl & Rita, our two AWOL sinners join the class this morning. They keep to themselves and everyone tries to engage them in conversation but to no avail. Mike had spotted them at breakfast but he kept his distance not wanting to compromise any dealings with them. He was afraid they might try and get him to support them.

Jackie leans against his shoulder in class. "Have they asked you what will happen to them?"

"Nope, no conversation at all. I think it's best."

"Aren't you going to tell them they screwed you and the MS around?"

"I'm sure they have been told."

"What have we got this morning? Can we skip it and go to the bathroom?"

"Jackie! Shame on you. We have to find a safer place to go, love."

"If we had a car we could go off the base to a motel or even a back road. Some place private."

"It wouldn't do any good. I don't have a drivers license."

"Well, you could get that easy, I'm sure."

The instructor calls the class to order. "It's 0800, people. Time to exercise your gray matter. I see we have four new students this morning so a review of yesterdays military law would be in order." That is how the first period goes.

The second period finds the four new recruits going to get uniforms and their inoculations as everyone else reports to the parade square. They start off with a review of turns so the Sergeant calls, "Squad, About Turn!" It's a good start since everyone seems to remember it. "Squad, Right Turn!" and quickly another, "Squad, Right Turn!" They are back facing him again. "Stand At Ease!" and "Stand Easy!"

"Now I want you to pay attention to the platoon marching on the square with us today. Note the precision with which they make their turns, stops and other movements. Listen to their commands."

The other squad is quite a ways away but they can hear the drawn out crisp commands of their leader and note how each member moves in exact synchronization with the rest. It is obvious they have been doing this for some time.

After about fifteen minutes he calls them to attention again. "Now that is how I want you to look before we are through. For your information, that is the Cornwallis Sea Cadets. Most are students in Digby or area."

"Today we will do a couple easy commands to start. As you will recall the right turn includes a turn to the right a full 90 degrees and the same to the left. Now we are going to consider a right and left turn with only 45 degrees. We call that an incline. So the move is the same on the heel and ball but you only turn 45 degrees."

"MS only, Left Incline! See how he does it? I want you to try it in your own time just where you are standing. Go ahead, give it a try."

He and the MS walk around checking everyone. The Sergeant checks Mike and nods at him. "You can step out and help us check the rest of them."

"Yes Sergeant." Mike walks around checking the first rank as that group were the ones he worked with last. He ensures they have the incline from both directions.

"Alright AB, fall back in there. Every One Else, Ah ten huh! By The Right, Right Dress!"

Bruce cautions, "Move it now, get your dressing off the AB."

"Squad, Eyes Front" He waits. "We have some other moves to cover so listen up." He goes on to teach the salute and the salute to the front, left and right. Then he does the seldom used Left Dress and mentions the Inward Dress.

Last he covers the Open Order March and the Close Order March. He warns that tomorrow they will go over all they have learned to date because next week they will begin with orders given while marching. He releases them early to save their feet and they walk to the barracks.

Jackie goes with Mike and slips up to his room while the barracks are relatively quiet. They enjoy wild and abandoned love making for half an hour then have to head for the mess hall. They come in early so Mike grabs a Digby Courier. He checks the cars for sale ads and almost misses what he is looking for.

He nudges Jackie, "Look at this for only $900.00. I bet I could talk him down."

"It's a truck!"

"It's a crew cab. A four door, four wheel drive Power Wagon. I know its a '64 but all it needs is paint according to this ad. What a shaggin wagon! Bench seats front and rear. Seats six or four laying down."

"You make it sound almost romantic."

"Hey, that baby would go anywhere. I got to see that." He hesitates, "but I don't have a license."

"Ask Bruce how to get your license. He lives in Digby, he might know the guy that has the truck."

"That's a good idea, I'll do that."

He speaks to Bruce during the lunch hour and he says he knows the guy who is selling the truck. He says he thinks he is really wanting to sell it so he can buy a newer one he has an eye on but they will only give him $400.00 for the trade-in.

They arrange for Mike to offer him $450.00 and see what he says. Bruce says the guy drives it all the time so it should be in decent shape. He also says he can get his license in Digby or even here at the base through the motor pool. Mike relays all this to Jackie and thanks her for the idea.

In confidence and therefore not to be shared with anyone Bruce tells him that the Sergeant has informed him that Mike rated high in leadership abilities and he has him in mind for recommending advancement. Mike thinks he might need it.

Back in the classroom after lunch they begin a basic course in semaphore. Semaphore is sending messages by flag waving. It's intended to allow ships to communicate quickly in daylight hours. First they have to construct semaphore flags in teams of four. With red and yellow material they assemble their flags.

Then the instructor demonstrates the letters of the alphabet as they appear from the front and then from the rear (or sender's position). He starts with the left hand flag straight down and the right hand flag partially raised to indicate the letter A or the number 1. He raises his right hand to straight out and that is B or 2. Once again he raises his right hand to a three quarters upright position which is C or 3. With his right hand straight up it is D or 4.

Two hours of working with the flags and then a fifteen minute break. "I guess our last period is First Aid."

"Yep, that's what I heard. I have it on my schedule in the room but I forgot to check."

Questions and comments fill the air as some smoke and others lounge where they can.

"Do we have to be able to send messages with those flags or do we just have to know how they work?

"I hear we have to actually send messages with them to graduate."

The last period of the day is First Aid. At the end of the class they are reminded to wear their colored undershirt and bring coveralls tomorrow since they will be going to the range.

Instead of heading to the mess hall Mike goes for a walk to the motor pool. He looks over the assemblage of vehicles in the compound. Buses, trucks large and small and cars meet his inquiring eyes so he is not surprised when he sees their shop which includes large modern work areas with pits and hoists. There are chain falls and extension lights hanging to be convenient anywhere.

A mechanic approaches him, "What can I do for you, Matey?"

"I wanted to ask about getting my drivers license. Our MS said it can be arranged through the motor pool."

"We sure do. We have a fine instructor here. Just sign up over there at that desk. I'll go over the schedule with you as soon as I wipe off my hands," He ducks back under a hoist then out towards a work bench.

Mike goes around to the desk he mentioned and waits. Shortly he is joined by the mechanic. "I'm Jerry." he reaches out to shake hands.

Mike shakes with him, "Mike here. I'm on the new basic course," he states the obvious, "Navy."

Jerry grins, "I noticed." he goes on to book him for an evening class early next week. Mike is surprised how many he has booked for the classes. Jerry explains, "A lot of these are servicemen's wives and kids. He even takes on a few locals to save them having to go all the way to Digby."

"I see you have more than just the basic driving shown here. What do the special courses cover"

"Everything up to Bus Driver Applicants. Our service drivers are often trained right here to haul heavy armaments and equipment. What kind of driving will you be doing? Simple pleasure?"

"I suppose but I do plan to get a four by four 4 wheel drive pickup."

"It's not commercial, is it?"

"No, just personal transportation."

"You just need the basic drivers license then."

"How much extra would it cost to have a license to drive truck. I think that would be useful if I had to move or wanted to move a friend."

"I'd suggest you think on it. Get the basic license first. You can always upgrade later."

"That sounds good. I'll do that."

He's scheduled for Tuesday and Thursday nights next week. Tryouts for qualifying are done on Saturdays. He bids Jerry a good night and says he will see him Tuesday.

Jerry's comeback, "I doubt it. I'm out of here at 1600 if I can. Take care, now."

Mike goes back for supper and reports to Jackie on his course of action. He asks if she wants to get her license as well and she informs him she has it already. He's surprised.

She admits, "I do have to get mine changed, it's a Manitoba license, not Nova Scotia but I think I don't have to change it until ninety days after I'm caught." she giggles. "A valid driver's license from anywhere in the world is all you need to drive in Canada but they expect you to get a local license within ninety days of your arrival in a place of residence."

"You amaze me. You will end up a lawyer!

"You got to know your rights and all the technicalities to get around them if your caught taking a short cut. To me it's human nature."

"You are a devious woman. And I always thought it was the red hair."

"What, I'm blonde"

"Not down below! You have a definite auburn streak down there. Do you bleach."

"No! Well not much and the sun bleaches it anyway."

"If you ever want to let it go natural I'll not complain. I love a red head, you know."

She thinks on that and grins. He asks, "What are you hatching, devious woman?

"I was remembering how you love to lick me down below and wondering if it was because I'm redder there" She blushes, "Damn! I got to quit thinking about that!"

"I love the musky smell of you and the slightly salty flavor. I would know you even if blindfolded. You are so distinct and sweet."

"Am I really? I wonder sometimes what you really think of me. Our meeting was so fast and all the shit Bill spreads about me. Sometimes I hate him but mostly he is just a disgusting nuisance."

"I've told you I do love you. That is not something I treat lightly. I care for you deeply, want to make your life easier and worry about you when you are not right here."

"I love you, Mike... and I lust after you greatly and all the time! And I do mean ALL the time!"

Mike laughs lightly, "We do have that in common. I guess it's those teenage hormones."

"That and really good chemistry." She changes the subject, "Did you find any good cars in the paper?"

"I only noticed that power wagon."

"Your not serious? That's a truck!"

"A very comfortable truck. I have Bruce checking on it for me. It was your idea?"

"I meant to check with him about your license, not that truck. Oh well, I doubt you get it."

"Bruce thinks there's a good chance I might get it. He said the owner tried to trade it and they only offered him $400.00 so he will likely take anything over that. I said I'd pay $450.00. I guess we'll see." She frowns. He adds, "I'll paint it to suit you, love."

She asks about tomorrow, "Are you wearing coveralls to breakfast?"

"I don't think we are supposed to, I think they just want us to bring them for first class. I heard we will be tearing apart and assembling a rifle. After that we go to the range in the afternoon."

They leave the dining room and head back to their respective barracks. Mike showers and settles down with his first aid manual to study. When he feels comfortable with that he digs out his old copy of Joy of Sex and studies that. He finishes off by spit polishing his boots then curls up to sleep.

Friday morning he wakes and stretches. It's early and he has a raging piss hard on. He debates whether to get up or pet his little buddy. He thinks of Jackie and his hand automatically strokes his penis. "Bah! It's not the same! I need to fuck that girl of mine now! Damn!" he bounces out of bed and donning a robe goes to the bathroom.

He comes back to lay out his coveralls and colored T-shirt. Next he gets dressed in his daily uniform dress and folds the rest on his bed. Now its off to the mess hall.

Jackie greets him with a kiss. He responds passionately and she whispers, "Bathroom." She runs through the door and ducks back out. "Its really busy. Check the gents." Mike does but comes back out shaking his head. "I guess we have to wait until class and the bathroom there." He nods.

She grabs his drooping arm and holds onto it as they wait in the lineup for breakfast. Jack and Bev are right behind them and Bev whispers, "I know how you feel. We can't find a place either."

Mike looks around at her, "What are you talking about?" Jack stares off towards the far ceiling.

Jackie whispers, "She knows about the washrooms. I told her it's a good spot." Mike looks down his nose at Bev. Jackie adds, "We'll have to race to get the one at class." Mike pretends he does not hear her. Suddenly he is not near as horny as he was. He glances around the room wondering how many others are doing the same thing.

"Maybe that's why the bathrooms are so busy this morning." Its Jack's dry comment. Mike just stares straight ahead.

After breakfast they report to the classroom and although Jackie is willing to immediately go to the bathroom Mike has lost his ardor. She doesn't push him. Besides Mike is excited to finally be working with the weapon they will be issued.

The instructor arrives with a box containing two C1A1 Assault rifles (originally known as FN FAL Battle Rifle) and some soiled issue blankets. "Alright people, you will be issued with one of these C1s later this morning and you will be firing them this afternoon." He lifts and hefts one as he speaks. "I don't care if you comfortably seat yourselves or gather around, but I want your undivided attention. Its my job this morning to teach you how to handle one of these babies safely."

He starts by moving desks to each side of the room leaving the center floor open where he spreads a few blankets. He sets a rifle on it's bipod at the front and rear of the room.

"For your notebooks I have perforated page size two sided plastic sized photos of this weapon." He stacks them on a desk. "Pick one up when you get a chance or pass them around."

"As with any weapon you handle it like its loaded and when you first pick it up you check to see if its loaded. You never point any weapon at anyone in jest or even by accident. Weapons are serious business and not to be played with.

He goes on to introduce them to the weapon, its dimensions, characteristics, idiosyncrasies and general appearance in its many roles then allows them to handle it. He encourages them to test the feel of the weapon in various positions such as kneeling, standing or prone on the blankets.

He allows them to get a feeling for the weight and comfort gripping, balance and ease of transport. He is joined mid morning by a female instructor who takes over to give him a break and starts dispatching a few sailors at a time to stores to pick up their weapons.

She instructs them to return to this classroom with their rifles. As the morning wears on everyone eventually has their firearm and are learning how to care for it. Each sailor has carefully noted his weapons serial number so they can know it when they see it. About an hour before lunch they are loaded with their rifles into a school bus to proceed to the range.

Food is loaded into a food services truck to follow them out to the range. From the base they head north to Annapolis Royal and cross the bridge then turn left. It's only a few miles from there to the range or about eight miles total from the base.

The two instructors break them up into two groups and seat them around two large round oaken tables. They pass out magazines (metal boxes) and training rounds of ammunition that have been drilled out to make them duds. These rounds have been painted red and white so they will not be mistaken for live rounds.

The sailors practice loading the magazines, snapping them onto their rifles, releasing them from their weapons and reloading their weapons with a stripper clip. Stripper clips hold rounds banded together by the clip so they can be readily shoved into the top of the weapon and refill the magazine without removing it from the weapon.

Before they actually fire any rounds of live ammunition the instructors call them together for lunch. It's quite a treat to dine outdoors with friends. Weapons are laid out carefully on blankets until they finish.

"I wonder how much ammo we'll be allowed to use today?" This question is directed toward Mike by Jack.

"I have no idea. I think we will just do some simple firing of half a dozen rounds today to get a feel for the rifle. I don't think we have the time or skill to do any competitive shooting."

"Yeah, that's true. I'm dying to try that baby out."

"Yep, it looks like you'll get that."

"Hey, look over there. Isn't that out MS?"

Mike looks where he is pointing and realizes it is Bruce. He nods, "Yep, that's him. I wonder if he is going to help out here today. I bet he is." They note he is chatting with their two instructors so figures he will be with them today and they are right.

It takes three supervisors to keep a group of just over forty new recruits in line. First they are broken up into three groups. Two rounds of live ammunition is distributed to the first group and they take their positions on the firing line. They are told to load the two shells into their magazines.

Meanwhile groups two and three are given their two bullets and told to load them in their magazines but NOT to attach the magazines to the rifle yet. They watch group one cock their weapons, take off their safety catches and await orders to fire. They are told how to take careful aim in the standing position and instructed to fire one round at will.

Many winch at the explosive repercussions both on the firing line and in the other two groups. Now the instructor on the line repeatedly warns people to keep their weapons pointed down range. The weapon is still loaded with another round.

That is all except one idiot who fired off both rounds. He hears about it in English and then in French since the instructor realizes he is one of the French only students. Those who don't speak any English are on a night course daily learning the language because although they are guaranteed the right to speak their language at all times, they do have to understand commands in English.

They are instructed to apply their safety catches and then to adopt the kneeling position. When everyone has found the correct position they are ordered to take off their safeties and to fire down range when they are ready.

The same procedure is completed for everyone and then they are given two more rounds. This time they go through in the prone position firing two rounds in rapid succession. With everyone accounted for they proceed as a group down to the butts area with a paper target in hand.

The butts is a concrete lined ditch under the targets from whence targets are raised and lowered. The first group tapes their targets on the frames and raises them. When everyone is clear on how the butts work they go back to the assembly area. Group one takes a prone position with their weapons on the firing line.

"This time we are going to fire two rounds once again." The other two instructors are dropping off two rounds at the elbow of each shooter. "I want you to take your time and shoot at your own target. First, load those two rounds into the magazine and lay it beside your rifle."

When they all have done that, "Now snap those magazines onto those weapons on the 'Load' command. Group, Load!" He watches to make sure everyone has loaded correctly then calls out, "In Your Own Time, Group Fire!" Sporadically shots ring out for almost two minutes. "If you are finished firing please raise your hand," Only one doesn't raise his hand and it is the French sailor again.

The instructor calls to the MS, "Can you check and see if he is having trouble." but before he can reach him his rifle goes off with a bang. He rolls on his side and raises his hand.

"Alright, Group, Prove Your Weapons!" They all make sure that their weapons are empty, put on the safety, and lay the weapon with the magazine beside it on the firing line then stand behind their weapon.

"Okay, let's see how you did?" They all head down the range to check the targets. There is a lot of moans when they find no holes in their targets and one plaintive voice complains he has four holes in his. Most get one hole and some two.

"Let's get those frames down and get new targets on them. Save your old one if you want. Let's move it, time's a wasting."

They do the same for group two and three. By that time the day is done. They clean up the brass, police the area and head for the buses.

Bev and Jackie are whispering and giggling. Jackie tells Mike, "Go right to the back of the bus." Bev is telling Jack the same. The guys look at each other and shrug.

They do as told and find themselves in the rear bench seat. The women push in between them and stretch out to fill the whole seat.

Jackie says, "We got you. You're cornered now. She lays her head in Mike's lap and he notices Bev is doing the same with Jack. It makes him uncomfortable so he frowns but doesn't insist she quit.

As the bus gets under way, she burrows down through his coveralls with her face and using her fingers tries to get into his pants. Mike speaks to her sternly, "I don't think that's a good idea, love. We are only about ten miles from the base. We'll be there in no time."

Bev sits up in the seat and soon Jackie joins her. Mike feels like the wet blanket to the group so he suggests they go check out the wet canteen tonight. "After all, tomorrow is Saturday."

They all agree to meet in front of the girls house at 1900 and go from there. They go for supper in much better spirits. When they finish eating each goes their separate ways. Mike goes up to stretch out for a half hour snooze. He's glad he doesn't have a room mate tonight. It's quiet and he dozes off quickly.

His alarm wakes him and he feels ready for action. In casual dress he heads over to the women's barracks. He wishes he had taken time to shower but it was after 1830 so he rushed. He sees the girls and Jack at almost the same time. Jack is coming from a nearby building and the ladies are waiting ahead.

He greets them all, "Are we all ready to get soused?"

"I'd sooner get laid." from Jackie and a hearty "Yeah" from the rest. Mike's not sure if the 'yeah' is for him or Jackie but he leads on towards the wet canteen. It's a bar decorated with ship's anchor and chains. The lighting is low and the decor a bit garish but all in all, it's recognizable as a place to get drunk.

They have a surprisingly good menu of quick snacks and a few more elaborate dishes. The music is good for dancing or listening and a sign says live entertainment once a month.

The men relax with beers and the ladies with mixed drinks.
They discuss the days activities chuckling over some obvious booboos and how they might have done things differently. Mike takes Jackie for a dance before they get tipsy and she feels great dancing hard against him.

Jack does the same with Bev so turn about for a dance ends him up with Bev. "Are you having fun?"

"As much as you can at work." she grins.

"I guess it would be nice to get away from the base once in a while. I wonder if we can get evening passes like to go to the theatre in Digby or go dancing?"

"Or just to get away from the base for a while."

Mike grins sardonically and nods. She cuddles up to him and he realizes what a valumscious bundle she is. Her breasts are much larger than Jackie's although not that evident when in uniform. The music ends too soon.

They have another round of drinks and decide they have had enough to take the edge off. With some effort they don't weave when they leave the canteen but the women do giggle a bit. They wander down to the parade square in the moonlight and sit on a log bench to chat.

Jackie asks, "Don't you miss sleeping with Jack, Bev?"

"Of course I do but I can't very well go into the men's barracks."

"I have. I've been up to Mike's room. He doesn't have a room mate so I just have to get up the stairs quickly without being seen."

"But Jack has a room mate." She looks towards Mike, "How did you get a room alone? Do you only have one bed in it?"

"My room has two beds but I don't have a room mate right now. I'm the only one from our course in that barrack. Some are base staff and some here on other courses. I've seen a pair of airmen from the RCAF down the hall."

"If Jack had that I'd be on his bones every night." The alcohol is making her mouthy. She kicks him, "Wouldn't I, Jack. I'd fuck your brains out!" she laughs and is joined by Jackie.

Emboldened by Jackie's laugh she runs her hand far up into Jack's groin to stroke him elaborately. Mike looks away and Jackie giggles. She whispers, "Let's go to your room, love."

Mike can't resist her whether sober or tipsy. They leave the seat and wend their way to Jack's barracks. The building looks quiet in the dark so they slip in the front door and quickly move up the stairs like shadows. Mike opens the door and they all push in. He turns on his lamp but Jackie shushes him and turns it off.

Moonlight and some light from street lights is all the light available but it is enough to discern shapes and shadows. They all speak in whispers as Mike seats Bev and Jack on the far bed. "Now make sure you don't make too much of a mess on that blanket, guys."

"We'll be careful," whispers Bev and he sees her top is coming off as she speaks. Briefly he admires those large breasts of hers as she stretches up her arms to slip her top over her head. He'd love to help her but reluctantly he turns his back on them and moves to Jackie where she is lying on his bed.

She beckons him with a crooked finger and he obeys unbuttoning his shirt. She comes up on the bed on her knees to help him and pulls on his belt. "I want to set him free," she giggles. He thinks the others will hear her so glances their way to see Jack in shadows behind Bev pushing his pants down and Bev has removed her bra to reveal those marvelous orbs that seem to defy gravity.

He can't get enough of that view and hardly notices when Jackie succeeds in setting him free. She marvels at how his hard cock bobs up and down in excitement so she thinks it is her doing. She quickly ministers her mouth to its bobbing head and sighs as she slurps away. Mike shrugs out of his shirt and lets his pants slide down past his knees.

Mike finds that with the slightest move of his hips he can watch the other couple out of the corner of his eyes as she toils over his erection. Bev has removed her skirt and panties and is bending over Jack to suck on his cock. Mike almost laughs to see her high heels with her ass and cunt between them as she bends over Jack.

Suddenly he feels the urgent sucking and bends over Jackie to play with her bottom under her skirt. He brushes her sodden panties to one side and plays with her pussy. He can't help but glance over at the other couple in shadows and admire the perfect globes of her ass or the quivering lips of her hairy pussy. The room is filled with the slurping and gurgling sounds of the two women.

Mike can't help but compare the two as he watches. Bev is light complexioned, brown haired and blue eyed while Jackie is ruddy with bleach blonde hair and brown eyes. As he compares body types he freely admits to himself that Bev's large breasts far outweigh Jackie's but her solider frame is not as attractive as Jackie's wasp waist.

Then there is the bushes. As far as Mike knows Bev's is the same color as her hair whereas Jackie's fiery bush is silent witness to the fact that she is not a natural blonde. Mike has known this all along since first he had sex with her on the train. He always found Bev to be mousy when he even noticed her while Jackie was outspoken, if anything.

He works his ankles to kick off his pants and shorts. Jackie licks slowly up the underside of his erection to grin up at him and run her tongue around the head, then lays back to finish undressing. Mike wants to drop his head down between her legs but he won't be able to see the others if he does that so instead he prepares to mount her in a standard missionary position from the side of the bed.

He notices that Bev seems to be ready for more action as well as she works her body up Jack's to position herself over his swollen penis. Mike notes in passing that its not as big as his. He can see glistening motes of moisture on her soft pussy lips as she slides down along Jack's length then raises to rub it again. He is fascinated as he poises his own cock for entry. She bounces her ass up and down his hardness until he sees her move to capture Jack and impale herself.

He surges into Jackie feeling her softness fully enclose him and her internal muscles clamp him. For a second Jackie fills his mind and he feels her every move inside and out. Her heaving breath and one hand on his hip, the other around his erection directing him. She flattens her hand as he plunges into her then reaches to tickle his balls between his legs. He thrusts into her setting up a slap, slap, slap sound.

Self consciously he glances to the others and finds Jack has pushed her onto her back and only the top of his head is visible between her upraised legs and from his point of view, her heaving breasts. He sees his head raise and then his eyes and looks away quickly. Glancing back he notices his head is almost out of sight and then again it raises up to his eyes.

He misses having tasted Jackie's sweetness and wonders what Bev tastes like. He knows they would not taste the same as he recalls how Grace tasted sweet in her own way. Suddenly he wants to taste Jackie and bends his head to taste her breast. It cramps him a bit but he manages to continue to drive into her as he licks and sucks her breast.

He raises his head to kiss her lips and her arms grip him as he plunges into her. He quickly glances up and sees Bev is on top again in a reverse cowgirl. He tastes Jackie and wraps her tongue with his as he fucks her. 'What!' he thinks, 'She's watching me!' He opens wide his eyes and looks quickly their way. Bev is bouncing on Jack and looking straight at him.

He thinks, 'Oh my God! Now I must perform my best!' He sneaks a peek and watches those glorious balloons bouncing so perfectly almost floating. And those clear blue eyes are staring unblinkingly at his.

He's momentarily distracted by Jackie's moans. He kisses her forehead and eases back from her to change position. They slip into a scissors position, he with one leg and his cock between her thighs so that now he is facing the others and he can more carefully watch them. He drives into Jackie and plays with her nipples while she cries out in short whimpering bursts. He sees that Bev has slowed down to watch them closer. Jackie's cries have caught her attention.

Mike strives to help Jackie reach her orgasm as soon as she can to show Bev he is the consummate lover. Bev has almost come to rest watching them and rocks back and forth now. Mike notes that Jack is reaching up to play with those large breasts and he so envies him. He slides one hand down from Jackie's breast to manipulate her clit as he plunges up into her. She shakes all over and cries his name. He holds her as she thrashes about in sensuous pleasure.

Bev has stopped to stare in open mouthed wonder at Jackie's thrashing body. She turns quickly on Jack and bends down to kiss him. As she bends Jack slides out of her and her dripping cunt is exposed to Mike's view. Jack has cum and they are through. Mike wonders what to do because he is no where ready to quit with Jackie.

He wants to try for the multiple orgasms again and the female ejaculation he enjoyed so much before. He knows Jackie is sensitive enough tonight to enjoy both. He supposes the alcohol helps but suspects the presence of another couple might be a factor as well. As he moves in her slowly aiming to bring her again quickly he watches them.

Bev has reached to get her panties and Jack's shorts. She cleans herself and then him with them before she slides off his frame to the side of the bed. She has her back to Mike so she turns just enough to see them allowing Jack to sit up at her side but out of sight. They whisper quietly.

Jackie starts to shake again and Bev watches them closely. Mike moves purposefully in Jackie and he feels her peak coming close. He rubs her clit with a finger giggling it while he slowly forces his cock along the inside of her cunt working it repeatedly over her G spot. Her moaning turns to whimpers and then cries of exultation.

Mike eases up then brings her again. He repeats this one more time then lets her ease off. She has gushed all over him and the bed so he lifts her up to sit on his pelvis as he lays back. She gets her breath and starts to raise and lower herself on his throbbing erection. She is facing the other couple now so they turn away to whisper between themselves.

Mike feels his balls swelling as she bounces on him so he drives up into her while gripping her ass cheeks. He can't see the others so he grunts, "Hang on, love. Here I come!" He drives up hard and deep letting loose the flood that shoots from his cock to fill her. She squeals again and wiggles all over him as she feels the rush fill her. It causes her to orgasm again but not as intense as earlier.

"Oh Wow, Mike! I really needed that!"

"Shhh, quiet! I have neighbors, remember?"

"Oh," she whispers. "Sorry."

Bev rushes to her, "I thought you were never going to quit. How does he last that long? Is it something you do?

Jackie shrugs, "That's just Mike." She grabs his arm, "We do it that long all the time, don't we, love?"

Mike grins, "Except the quickies!" He notices the other couple have clothes on and they don't. "Shouldn't we get dressed?"

When they are dressed Mike hears a commotion in the hall so he goes to investigate. It's two guys wrestling around in the entryway and he thinks they are both drunk. He reports to the rest.

"I guess we are not the only ones to celebrate the weekend," Jack murmurs. Bev and Jackie are checking Mike's room out with a light on. They comment on how his kit will not pass the Monday morning barrack's inspection.

Mike speaks up, "Get out of my locker, hens. Let me worry about Monday."

"We could help you put it in shape." This is Jackie. "You should see ours. You could shave in our toothpaste tubes."


"That's right, you have to scrape all the paint off the tube and shine it. Do you want me to show you how?"

"Sure, why not."

"Have you got a jackknife?"

He digs one out for them and Jackie starts to work on the tube. Soon it is shiny bright metal. She takes a cloth and shines it up using spit. "Don't use all your spit on your boots, sailor." They laugh then Mike notices Bev has done the same with his hair cream.

"More spit," she says. Jackie cleans it up with the cloth.

Mike asks, "How do I tell them apart now?"

Jackie shrugs, "I don't know, girls don't use hair cream in a tube." They all laugh except Mike.

He says, "I guess we better stay here until things quiet down down there at the front door. It sounds quiet now but let's give it some time. I think the wet canteen has just closed for the night so others will be coming in."

Jack glances at his watch, "Yeah, just after midnight."

Mike goes on, "I doubt anyone would say much but it's not worth the risk if someone should complain. And it would reflect back on the girl's reputations."

"And on the uniform," adds Jack.

"Yes, conduct not befitting the service, etc., etc.," from Jackie. She adds, "I thought our service was pretty befitting."

Everyone chuckles.

Chapter 9
Shagin Wagon Renamed

Sunday after lunch Mike is relaxing in the barracks when someone pages him in the hall. He steps to the door and calls, "Mike Claymore here."

"Telephone for you, Mike. It's down by the front door."

"Thanks, bud." he dashes down the steps two at a time and grabs the pay phone receiver. "Mike here. Hello."

"Mike, it's Bruce McNiven... Master Seaman McNiven? Are you there?"

"Yeah, I'm here. I was trying to place your voice, I guess. What's up?"

"I think you got yourself a power wagon. You don't have a driver's license yet, do you?"

"No... and I don't have any money today. It's Sunday so the bank isn't open."

"Look, he'll trust you because he knows you won't be driving it right now until you get your license. He'll bring it out to the parking lot for you this afternoon and I'll follow him to bring him home. That way you can sign the transfer to get it out of his name and you can give him a check or work out some other way of paying him."

"Hey, that sounds great. Can I just go out the gate to the parking lot?"

"Speak to the Duty Officer. I'll call him."

"Okay and thank you very much, Bruce. That was a lot faster than I thought it would be."

"I'll see you later, Mike. We shouldn't be more than an hour." He hangs up and Mike let's a whoop out of him. He wonders if he can catch Jackie in her barracks if he asks someone at the door to fetch her.

Then he thinks twice about that and thinks she will want to go with him to the parking lot and he's not sure he can get her out the gate with him. Better to just go and surprise her with it later.

He goes upstairs and checks his briefcase. In a hidden compartment he has $500.00 but if he gives the man cash he will only have $50.00 left. One fifty doesn't go far when you have a car to keep up. He'll give him a check. Mike has funds from the insurance money his parents provided. He has hardly touched it since their passing.

Some is invested and the rest is in the Bank of Nova Scotia. He is careful with his money and trusts no one with the knowledge he has it. He thinks it in nobody's business but his. He picks up the Courier and looks at the ad again.

For Sale. USAF 1964 Dodge W200 Power Wagon 4×4 Crew Cab in good condition. New tires and battery. $900. or make an offer. Needs some paint.

He makes sure he takes his check book from the briefcase and puts it in his pocket. The account balance he keeps in code in his bankbook. Its an alpha code he is sure not that many people could break since it has a random factor in it.

He decides to go look up the Duty Officer. He finds him out at the gatehouse and tells Mike he has just informed the gate keeper that he has permission to proceed to the parking lot. Mike thanks them both and goes out the gate.

He goes to the bus shelter where people wait for the bus to town. There is a few times daily a bus that goes from Digby to Annapolis Royal and it stops at the base both ways. Many rely on it for transportation to work.

Mike peruses the many signs taped on the walls and covering the bulletin board. Items for sale, lease or jobs offered. He's still reading them when the power wagon pulls into the lot. He smiles when he sees it. Close behind is Bruce's car.

He leaves the shelter to meet them. When they park he asks Bruce where he thinks the best place to park it is. He suggests under a light pole near the far end of the lot. It will be out of the way but visible at night.

Then he walks around the pickup noting a broken clearance light. He comes back to the two men and says, "That paint job is really rough, isn't it?" The man selling it nods. "Does all the lights work?"

"Yep. Well, do you want it or not?"

"I do but would like to make sure of what I have before I buy."

"You're pretty smart for an injun," he sneers.

"Yep, do you want to sell it or not?"

"Okay," he grins, "Check it out."

Mike has never bought a car before so he's not sure what to look out for. He relies on Bruce to warn him of anything obvious. Bruce has already told him it seems to be a good deal so that is what he has to go on.

He looks under the vehicle, opens a rear door then closes it, then tries to lift the hood. The owner comes to lift it for him. While looking at the engine the owner tells him "That's a wide block 318 V8 engine you are looking at with a Stromberg 2 barrel carburetor and new spark plugs. I don't think you can go wrong with this rig. I've pulled a few guys out of the ditch or the mud with no sweat."

He goes on, "You can tell if there is a rust problem by the door hinges. You'll find all the doors and windows solid in this beast, no rattles anywhere."

Mike likes it and says, "You got a deal. I don't have cash on me since we recently arrived but I can give you a check if that's satisfactory."

"As long as its good and I can cash it Monday that works for me, young fellow."

They shake on that and he gets out the transfer for the vehicle. It's on the back of the registration so they date and sign it. He hands Mike the keys and tells him there are some manuals in the glove box. Mike makes out the check for him.

Having concluded the deal Bruce and the seller head back to town. Mike has to look at the registration to remember the guy's name. "Hugo Chronmiller." Mike shrugs, "Thanks Hugo." He opens the door and checks the door lock. He inserts the key and watches the lock bob up and down as he turns it. He closes the door and locks it. He tries it and it is solid. He unlocks it again.

Then he goes all around the vehicle checking each door lock before he locks it. He finishes at the driver's door and locks it up. He thinks he will have to get a second key made for it as he returns to his barracks. He feels good!

At supper he waits impatiently for Jackie in the mess hall and she can tell something has happened. She looks at him. "What?"

He just grins driving her crazy.

"Mike, what is it?"

"I got the shaggin wagon this afternoon!"

She stares at him, "You what? Not that pick up you saw in the paper?"

"That's the one. It's in the parking lot now."

"Oh Mike, where did you ever get the money for it?"

"I have some saved up."

"I think it's an awful waste. You don't think we will go driving around in that thing, do you?"

"Of course we will and I will paint it just the color you ask."

Jackie is quiet for the rest of the meal. Mike wants to take her by the fence near where it is parked but while she thoughtfully accompanies him around the parade square she balks at approaching the front fence.

"I'm not interested in seeing it!"

They walk quietly back to the barracks. Just before they get there he asks, "What really bothers you the most, Jackie? Is it the truck or the idea I never told you I had money in the bank?

"I don't want to talk about it. I have a head ache. Good night, Michael."

"Good night love. Good luck on the barrack inspection tomorrow morning."

Mike wanders around to the motor pool. He has to share his news with someone that might appreciate his find. It's evening so there are few staff around. He runs into a mechanic having a cup of coffee.

He nods and the mechanic asks, "Can I help you? You look lost."

Mike chuckles, "I guess I am. My gal doesn't understand my enthusiasm over a truck I bought. I thought it would please her." He adds, "I'm Mike Claymore."

"Clifford Weissen here." he offers a hand to shake. "So what did you buy?"

"I got a good deal on a 64 Dodge crew cab pickup."

"Six or eight?"

"I was told a 318 V-8. Does that sound right?"

"Yep, sounds like you got a good one. Where is it?"

"Out in the parking lot. I don't have a driver's license yet."

"You know you can get one right here, do you?"

"Yep, I'm scheduled to attend evening classes this week."

"So why is your gal upset?"

"I guess she wanted me to buy a car. Women, there's no pleasing them!"

"I know what you mean." he grins. "Maybe you can fix it up nice for her, Mike."

"I offered to paint it to any color she wanted."

"Anything but pink, eh?"

"Oh lord, she wouldn't want pink, you don't think?

He shrugs, "Who knows what she might want."

"What's your job. Cliff?"

"Driver... but I get stuck with all kinds of extras. I'm a civilian mechanic and a navy driver so I get extra work around the motor pool. It's not bad. I'm my own boss most of the time."

"That sounds good. Do you live here on the base?"

"Nope, I live up towards Annapolis Royal. Upper Clementsport it's called. We have acreage there. It's family land for generations. They settled these parts."

"Weissen, that's German, isn't it?

"Yes, family's been here since before the big one."

They are quiet a moment then Mike speaks, "So do you think I can handle that pickup for my driver's license tryout?"

"Not without some driving experience with a stick shift. In fact it might be best if you let on you don't have a vehicle. Then they will let you use one of our pickups. They are all automatic, very easy to drive."

"Say that's a good idea, Cliff. I'll have to remember that."

"Hold on, I'll scoff you a copy of the license manual so you have something to study in the meantime." He gets up and goes to an office door. He steps inside and is back in a few minutes with the manual. "There you be and good luck to you. I have to get back to work now. Drop around anytime, Mike. Nice meeting you."

"It sure was a pleasure meeting you, Cliff and thanks for your advise and help."

"Good night, now."

He strolls back to the barracks.

Next morning is barrack inspections before breakfast so Mike is up early and waits for staff to arrive. By 0700 he knows something is not right. No one has shown up to inspect his kit. He paces the room a few times then leaves going to the mess hall. He hears their moans and groans before he finds them. Jack and Bev are sitting with Jackie and she is telling them how they ripped her place apart.

"Good morning," he cheerfully greets them.

Jack grins as he hears Jackie's explosion, "What the fuck is good about it?"

"Well, let's see, it's Monday and it isn't raining. How's that?" He bites into scrambled eggs on toast.

"I suppose you passed the inspection?"

"I guess. No one showed up to inspect me."

They all stare at him. Jack says, "I bet they didn't know you were in that block. You are all by yourself there."

"That's what I figure but I'm sure they will find it out."

"That's a nice surprise," Jack grins. "Jackie tells us you got wheels. She says it's a truck. What did you get?"

"An old American Air Force power wagon. 1964 Dodge 4x4 with a crew cab. It's not in bad shape. Mainly just needs paint."

"Is that the one with the old slant six?"

"Nope, the wide block 318."

"With the bench seats?"

"You got it!"

"What a shaggin wagon. That's what we used to call any vehicle with a bench seat since it's nigh on to impossible to get a good piece of tail in bucket seats."

Mike grins, "So true."

Jackie pipes up, "I'm dying to try it!"

"Well, I've got to get my license first and also learn to drive that monster. It does feel good behind the wheel though." he smiles remembering when he locked it up.

Bev asks, "It's in good shape then? 1964 is nineteen years old. That's older than me."

Mike admits it's older than him as well. Jack says he's twenty and Jackie won't tell but finally admits she is nineteen. Mike notes that Bev is his age.

He asks, "So what color would you like me to paint it, love?"

She doesn't hesitate, "I want it a sweet soft pink. I think that would be perfect for a shaggin wagon."

Jack bursts out laughing, "We could call it Jackie's Boob!"

Bev giggles, "Or the Passionate Primrose."

Mike exclaims, "Pink?"

Jackie muses, "Yes but we should give it a name. We can't call it the shaggin wagon."

Bev cracks up, "How about Mike's Motel?"

Jack says, "How about Horny Jackie's Place?"

They keep chatting good naturedly until breakfast is done and they are approaching class. Bev muses, "Why not Tryst? That's a love nest."

"How quaint," Mike ponders. "It's cute," Jackie nods. "It's quite appropriate," Jack comments.

"Tryst it is then and thanks goes to Bev for her wonderful suggestion. Thank you, Beverly."

She smiles, "Your welcome, Michael."

They laugh and go on into class. It's (ABCW) Atomic, biological and Chemical Warfare this day. Mike sees they have four sessions of this in their course. He sets out to absorb as much as he can in class. This is followed by an hour of First Aid and then it's out to the parade square.

The Sergeant barks, "Now hurry it up there. Three ranks, you people should know that by now. We always form three ranks!" He nods at the MS, "Group, Ah ten huh!". He frowns, "Get it together, people." he screams, "Stand At Ease!" and "Stand Easy!"

He beckons the MS and they speak for a moment. Bruce takes a position beside him at attention. The Army Sergeant bawls out, "For the MS Only, Quick March!" Bruce's left foot shoots out and he marches straight ahead. The Sergeant calls, "MS Only, Halt!" and he stops on the right foot bringing the left to match it.

He teaches them that commands come on the left foot so the right completes it's movement and the left comes to match it. They practice marching and halting until everyone is sick of it but they do begin to get it together.

The Sergeant asks them if they think the workout is useless. Of course many say it is. When will they ever need to march like this. The Sergeant explains, "We are military personnel and as such, many times in the line of fire. When the chips are down the best informed in your group will be the senior man or woman."

"When that individual gives you a command it will be to save your tail so you better not dawdle and question it. Do it and live! Learn to jump when given an order and do it in a military way, do it together. Does that make sense?"

"Yes sergeant!" they all sing out together.

He grins, "That's better!"

They do some more marching. In the next hour he teaches the left turn, right turn and about turn on the march. Amidst a lot of confusion Bruce takes a moment to inform Mike they have to go up before the base commander tomorrow morning at 1000 hours.

Mike looks around and spots the two reprobates. They seem to have fit back into the program seamlessly. Carl was not even next to Rita but twice removed in rank and column. He brings his eyes back to the front and catches himself making a false step. He gets back in order in time to step out on the march command.

Finally it's lunch time and everyone is glad to fall out and head away from the parade square. Jackie catches up with Mike and says she has to go to her room to do some work on her kit for a re-inspection tomorrow morning. She'll catch him later at lunch or in first period after lunch.

Mike sits with a few others at lunch and as they leave he finds himself alone with Bev. He asks, "Where's Jack?"

"He had to go to his room. Something about straightening up his locker. I guess they tore it apart this morning."

"Jackie is doing the same, I guess."

She moves around the table to sit by his elbow and speaks in a hushed tone, "Mike, can I ask you something personal?"

"We have no secrets here." he winks at her.

"It's about Jackie... and you, too."

"I'm all ears," he cups his hand to his ear and she laughs.

"How do you make her cum like that? I mean over and over and over?" She is getting redder and redder.

"I guess it takes practice, Bev." he grins, "We do it a lot!"

"So do we but it doesn't seem to make any difference."

"You do have orgasms with Jack, don't you?"

"No, but he says that's not unusual. In fact he said he couldn't get Jackie to cum. That was before Friday night. I think he now realizes it might not have been Jackie, it might have been him."

"So what do you do" Masturbate?"

She nods, "Usually when I'm alone afterwards. He goes right to sleep anyway."

"I'm not sure of your knowledge of your own body. Can you find your G spot?"

She looks totally confused and embarrassed, "I could never find it."

"Maybe we shouldn't discuss this. I'm sure it's embarrassing for you," he sips his coffee.

"No, please tell me all you can. I need to know. Jackie says you always make her cum and sometimes more than once like the other night. I really need to know how you do that."

"Were you watching us?"

She drops her eyes to her lap and presses her lips together, "I had to. I tried not to and she would cry out again." she shrugs.

"Bev, please don't think I am blowing you off but we really don't have time for me to explain it all to you. You know, how your body works and what you can do and can't. I don't know it all but I have learned a lot and I'm willing to tell you some time. Okay?"

"When can we do it?"

"It would be better if we had some privacy so I could show you as well as tell you. Maybe if you come to my room it might work."

"That's not a good idea. I don't think we would stop if we were there again. "She looks earnestly at him, "Would we?"

Mike gulps, "You could be right. To be honest, I think you are right."

"I wouldn't do that to Jack or to you guys. I just couldn't!"

"No, me either. Jackie is my girl and I won't betray her."

"Jack says she was sluttish when she met you but she has changed. He says that's why Bill hates her so much."

"Bill doesn't hate her, he just doesn't understand her. She's a lot like me, she believes she has the right to choose and do as she pleases. I'd call her assertive." He finishes his coffee.

They get up together, "You do love her, I can tell. I think she feels the same. She has always come across to me that way."

They meet the others in the classroom and endure some teasing for having eaten together. It's all good natured kidding around and soon Bev has disappeared along with Jack. Jackie grins at Mike, "Did you make her horny? They sure disappeared fast."

"Not me!" Mike throws up his hands.

It's nice to be in the classroom as it starts pouring rain during their class. The rest of the afternoon they do First Aid and Survival Training.

He gives some thought to how he can get Bev alone to show her without losing it himself. He comes up with an idea. Why not get Jackie to help him. After all who knows Jack better than her so she can advise Bev. He thinks it might work.

After class when they are heading for the mess hall he asks her, "You joked about me getting Bev hot today but you weren't far off the mark, you know."

"She got you hot?"

He chuckles, "No, not that. She asked me how I make you cum so easy. Apparently Jack has not made her cum yet. I suspect he doesn't last long enough for her."

She grins, "She's stuck with 'quick draw and shoot Jack'. I remember he gets it in and gets excited, then blows his load. He never could get me off."

"Well she wants me to tell her how to do it, the multiple orgasms, I mean. She said she couldn't help but notice Friday night. I wonder if she knows you squirt?" he has a happy smile on his face.

"Are you going to tell her?"

"I wondered if you would like to help me tell her and maybe even show her so she can get herself off. She said she has no idea where her G spot is."

"You mean a threesome like Mary Anne?"

"No, not like that. I'm not planning to cut out Jack. She is his gal and should remain so as long as they wish it. I simply want to allow her the freedom for enjoyment that you enjoy."

"Okay, let's do it."

"How about bringing her up to my room around 2100. I'll meet you both at the door downstairs."

"Okay. Do you want Jack to know?"

"I don't think so. At least not yet. I don't think he knows she asked me. We better not say anything in front of him for now. Do you have any light massage oil?"

"Yes," she grins, "Are you planning to massage me after she is gone?" She frowns, "Or were you thinking of it for her?"

"Both, actually."

"I'll bring it."

They go in for supper with their friends. After supper they all go their separate ways to their barracks.

2055 and Mike considers, "Will Jackie tell her she knows what she asked or is she bringing her cold?" He waits on the step watching for them. Upstairs all was quiet when he just came down so he's as ready as he can be.

They come around the corner of the building heading for the steps. Mike nods and says, "All was clear a few minutes ago. Let's try it."

Quickly and quietly they go up the stairs and into the first door on the right. Mike closes the door as he enters with a smile. "Grab yourselves a seat." Jackie flops on his bed and Bev looks around then settles in a chair at the table under the window.

Mike remains standing in the middle, "I'm glad to see you both made it and I hope we can work things out smoothly."

Bev looks at one then the other, "Work what out?"

"Jackie didn't tell you why you were coming, I guess?"

"Oh, the massage. I forgot."

"Yes, the massage... and your education!"

"Me?" She looks around like a cornered mouse.

"You asked me some questions today and I am available to show you the answers now. Do you understand?"

She glances at Jackie, "He told you?"

"Yep and he asked me to help him show you. It will be alright, Bev."

Mike steps closer to Bev and takes the seat across from her. "First you asked me how do I make her cum like that over and over and over. It's called multiple orgasms and that is quite literally what it is. She starts to have a new orgasm before the last one has run it's full course."

"To understand you will have to know how your body works. I can draw you pictures but for you to experience it you will have to be shown. You said you know what the G spot is but have never been able to find it. I can help you actually feel it. Once you feel it and know where it is you can do the rest yourself or direct a boyfriend to it. The G spot is the secret."

"Do you think Jack will be able to do it?"

"If your horniness is strong enough when he makes the attempt it will work and once it works, it will keep right on working every time if you want it." Jackie shakes her head up and down emphatically.

"Jack's a normal young male and when he gets urges and feels he will succeed in filling them he gets excited. That excitement is what causes him to cum so soon. You need to have a sexual encounter with him in a classroom setting where you teach him what you need."

"I need to calm him down when I want him to last longer, eh?"

"To some extent. When you experience an orgasm with him you likely will find you cum faster. I think Jackie has smaller orgasms when I just touch her sometimes."

Jackie laughs, "How did you know? I never told you that!"

"For one thing you're always very wet after you have one and for another you get red in the face when you cum." he grins, "Now getting back to you, Bev do you know our next step?"

She turns scarlet, "Oh my God, your going to show me!"

"Just move over here to the other bed," he stands to direct her, "... and lay down on your back. Try to relax as I run my hands over your body. If this doesn't work we will do it with the message oil next time." He softly lets his hands flow over her body caressing her curves and cavities.

He deftly opens her top and raises her skirt as he talks soothingly. "I imagine you are tingling a bit in your extremities and as I move between your thighs you will feel yourself getting wet and swelling. That is normal so don't worry about it, just enjoy."

His hands smoothly move up her belly and fingers slip under her large bra lifting and supporting them as his wrists push the bra up and off them. He fondles each and glances to Jackie. She is sitting staring in a trance on the other bed.

Now his strong hands move down her hips and sweep her panties ahead of them as they move lower and lower. With one hand he sweeps them off her feet and with the other hand he is fondling the inside of her thigh. She breathes much faster and he can tell her pulse has increased as well.

"Now you are aroused. Your inner lips of your cunt are extending outside your outer ones and they are swelling up with an inrush of blood. The flow of lubricant has increased so much that you feel soaking wet. Am I right?"

"Uh huh."

"Okay, so we know where your clit is, eh? Feel it for me. Play with it a bit to bring it out from under that hood. That's it." he watches her actions closely. He is astounded at how big her clitoris is as it extends firmly. He tries to disregard the throbbing erection in his pants.

"That's it, you got it. So if you play with that yourself you can have an orgasm so ease up. An orgasm there is only mild compared with the orgasm I have in mind."

He places his hand on hers. "Let me guide you. Slip a finger inside with me," he directs her finger just over an inch inside her opening then lays his finger on hers pulling it to the layer of flesh behind her clit. "Feel there. Can you feel the rough patch. It's like a small oval in you. I can feel it. How about you?"

He wiggles her finger with his and lets her feel it over and over. "Can you feel the slight difference in texture?"

"I think I can, but it's not doing anything for me."

"Patience, you have only just found it. It takes time to feel the pleasure and a lot more stimulation. Slip your finger out now and I will show you." She slides her finger out and Mike slides a second finger into her.

"Stimulation like this," he reaches down to catch a nipple in his lips and suck on it then lick it. At the same time his two fingers are hovering over her G spot and he starts to crook them as you would to beckon someone. This action drags them across her G Spot. He beckons quicker and quicker licking and nibbling at her breasts at the same time.

She moans, "Oh Mike, I feel something! Oh dear, there it is again. Oh Mike!" He places a finger on her lips. the fingers on his other hand continue their ministrations.

He works his fingers over her G spot even faster rubbing heavier now. He knows an onlooker would consider he is too rough but she is designed to pass a child through that portal and she can take it. She's openly panting now.

He kisses her lips and she kisses him back passionately grabbing his head. She moans loudly and her body tenses. It starts to arch and Mike feels her rising on the bed. He knows she is so close now.

He fondles a breast and twists the nipple with his free hand. She bites his chin with a quick sharp bite then swings her head back and forth. "Oh Mike! Oh My God!"

Her body arches free of the bed and sways back and forth then thrashes around. Mike smiles. He has her! He feels a flood in his palm and she quivers all over. He stops moving just as she pleas, "Stop Mike, please stop."

He leaves his fingers where they are inside her but stops moving them and lets her relax a bit. Slowly she settles to the bed shaking only a little. As her breathing evens out he says quietly, "That's a full body orgasm! What do you think of that?"

She grins, "I want to do that again!"

"If I move those fingers you will so fast it will make your head swim. That's what Jackie enjoys all the time since we have conditioned her G Spot." He looks around, "Right, dear?"

"You bet. I found that really fascinating to watch her cum. Do you think I'm normal?"

"Yeah, you are 100% normal, love."

He looks back at Bev. "So what you have to do is teach Jack where that G spot is and how to hit it. If you use your finger to stimulate it to orgasm a few times it will get sensitive enough for him to stimulate it with his cock... providing he knows where to hit it."

"The easiest way to hit it is doggy style or sitting in his lap or him spooning you from the rear. All those positions have one thing in common, the male cock presses against the front wall of your love tunnel and right on the G Spot. Why did you think sex works so well for doggies?" He laughs lightly.

"Now if you do this and it works for you I should tell you what else might happen. Should I tell her, Jackie?"

"Oh sure, you might as well. You still got your fingers in her."

"Do you think she might squirt?"

"No, I was kidding. I didn't at first but she might in time."

Mike slowly starts to beckon with his fingers again and she tenses shuddering but opens her legs wider pressing up to his hand. "Oh yes, " she whispers.

"See, your sensitivity has already increased ten fold and the intensity of the orgasm you are now heading for will be much more intense." He moves his fingers faster in her. "As the intensity increases you might feel a sudden need to pee. It's a sharp almost painful pressure and you likely will let it go. It's hard to resist!"

"You will squirt a liquid from the same hole your pee comes from but it is not urine, it is sticky slick ejaculate similar to your lubricant or a man's precum. It may be watery or it could be like a sauce. Jackie's is quite syrupy but clear. She ejaculates about two ounces, I think. More than a tablespoon but less than half a cup."

She's panting but attentive, "Do you think I will do that now?"

"Nope, I never heard of anyone doing it that fast after the first full body orgasm. You can really feel the movement of my fingers now, can't you?"

"Oh God, yes!"

He lightly plays his free hand over her stomach and lets his thumb trail down over her clit. It burrows in and rubs the prominent nub quickly then leaves.

Bev's hand trails to his erection and she rubs it. "How can you do that and not jump on top of me?"

He grins, "That's why I want Jackie here. I want her to know I can remain faithful to only her. Do you hear that, love?"

"I hear you," comes from the other bed.

"Your a very attractive woman, Bev. I couldn't help you without showing you and I knew that was asking for trouble so I brought Jackie in on it. I think it was the only way.

"Oh God Mike, I am close again." he feels her rising and nods. Soon she is thrashing about as he works his fingers inside her. When she shudders and goes limp he stops letting her catch her breath again. Once again he beckons and she goes through it all again.

When she calms he asks if she has any trouble finding her G spot now. She laughs and reaches inside to touch it. He asks if they missed anything. She says only some of Jack's history.

"I think I can ask you this now, Jackie. Did Jack ever get you off? He claims he did quite a few times on the train."

"For one thing we only fucked twice and he didn't come close to making me cum!"

"I wondered what was wrong with me if he could get you off so easy and he hasn't done it for me yet."

Mike interjects, "I wouldn't take him to task over that, Bev. Just be patient and teach him. You both will enjoy it."

"I think you're right."

Chapter 10
Evening Classes

1930 on Tuesday finds Mike and Jackie sitting on the bench by the Parade Square. She is asking about the Commander's court this morning.

"So you told him you didn't know the rules, didn't you?"

"You don't really have much say in it. The Warrant reads the charge..."

"Charge? Who charged you?"

He shrugs, "The service, I guess. It was signed by the Commander's Adjutant and charged me with misleading and imitating an officer. Anyway when all the circumstances were cleared up the old man gave me a pass. He said I no doubt knew better now."

"It sounds fishy to me but just as long as you got off I won't complain. I was afraid you would lose that one chevron of yours. I know it means a lot to you."

"I guess I better get over to driving school. It's too bad Bev wouldn't come with me. I think she was afraid you would be jealous or something like that."

"It's silly, I don't want mine. I'm content to let someone else drive me around and Jack already has his although like mine, it's out of Province. We'll both have to upgrade one of these days, I guess." They are strolling towards the motor pool. They stop to kiss by a picnic table and she turns to return to the barracks.

The class takes an hour and a half with forty five minutes for the text book and forty five minutes on the car mockup they call the simulator. Mike wonders if they get to actually drive on this course. Anyway he finds it boring because he has already read the manual.

After class he looks for Cliff but he's off tonight. He goes back to the barracks and shines his boots. When he curls up for the night he wishes Jackie was there.

His hand gets busy stroking himself and he thinks of Jackie's wild red bush contrasting with the blonde hair on her head. He thinks on her sweet aroma and soft nether lips as he slips his hard cock through his salivated hand. He sees her large round orbs of breasts and can imagine squeezing each and playing with the nipples before he closes his mouth over one nipple to suck on it.

He starts and thinks, 'Large breast? Damn, that's Bev he's thinking of! He has to put that out of his mind.' But the image persists and he pushes on with his masturbation.

Wednesday and then Thursday play out in the life of a sailor in basic training. Thursday they take their chances and have a quickie in the school washroom again after obstacle course workouts. They are marching now with some modicum of togetherness. They have heard that next week they start drill with their weapons.

In the evening Mike comes over to the motor pool early and sits with Cliff. He asks, "Do we get any chance to actually drive on this course, Cliff?"

"Thursday nights the last half is driving unless you have too many students to get into it. How many in your course?"

"There were seven there Tuesday so I imagine about the same."

"You should have driving then. Of course it depends on if he has help."

"He was by himself on Tuesday."

"Oh, he always is but Thursday he sometimes brings help. His wife and his son like to help out. By the way, have you gotten that rig to run yet?"

"No, I haven't gotten a pass to go out and start it yet. I suppose I should. I could drive it around the parking lot."

Laughing, "I doubt that. It's got a four speed tranny and a slush box. It'll take some getting used to."

"Could you drive it?"

"Oh yeah, I'm a government licensed driver so I better be able to handle that. The only thing I can't drive is air equipped. I have a class 1 permit."

"What's the difference?"

"About $20.00 and 60 grand GVW."


"It costs you twenty dollars more and is good to drive vehicles up to sixty thousand pounds gross vehicle weight. Anything over that usually has air brakes and for that matter a lot under that does too, but without an air endorsement I can't drive them.

"Maybe that's the license I want. You know, the one you have. If it's a class 1 that's good enough for me.

"Well you won't need it for that bucket of bolts you got but it might come in handy. A guy never knows."

"What would I need to drive my truck?"

"A plain old Class 3 will work. That's all you need to drive a car or light pickup.

"What's a Class 2 then?"

"That's a School bus or highway bus permit and before you ask a Class 5 is for motor cycles and scooters and such. That's it."

"Why didn't you get the air permit when you got your license?

"It's another $30.00 and a lot of studying. That's a tough license to get and it's a Class 1A or a Class 1 with Air."

Mike figures a Class 1 is good for now. He can work up to the better one. He has never been able to accept second best.

Class starts with a review of the material covered Tuesday. They then do a written exam after which the instructor tells them the rest of the night will be practical practice. He leads them outside where a woman and a teenage boy are waiting with four vehicles.

Mike gets to choose between a pickup or a staff car so he chooses the pickup. The instructor introduces him to his son. "Mike, this is my son Jimmy. Okay son, he's all yours."

"Hop in, Mike. I'll drive it out of the bay to the edge of the square. You can try it there. Have you driven at all, Mike?"

"Just a little putting around with my friend's car in Montreal."

"Wow, if you can drive in Montreal traffic you'll do well here."

"Not right in Montreal, it was in a village that is part of the outskirts of Montreal and it was in a hay field, but it wasn't hard, I didn't think. But I think his car was automatic."

"Well this is a three speed shifter." He shows him, "This is first where you start and," he moves the lever, "and this is second and third is here. That's the road gear you will drive in most when on the road. Now you will find reverse here and it is spring loaded so you don't accidentally shift into it when driving. Come on around and hop in here. We'll try it."

Mike gets behind the wheel and Jimmy hands him the key. Mike inserts it and turns it. He feels around with his left foot for the starter and soon pushes it. It turns over but doesn't start. Perplexed he looks to Jimmy. "Try it again and give a little push on the gas pedal."

He does and it roars to life startling him. Jimmy says, "Sometimes it needs that little extra gas to start. You've got it! Now put your left foot on the clutch and push it." Mike does that. "Now put it in first gear." Mike looks at the shifter knob and tries twice to find the gear. He fumbles a third time so Jimmy reaches over and guides his hand.

"That's it, Mike. Now give it a little gas and ease the clutch out with your left foot." Mike tries it and the truck jumps then stalls. He shakes his head, "Too many things to do at the same time. I think I like the automatics better."

"That's the problem if all your experience is with automatics. It makes the standards twice as hard to learn. Go ahead and start it up again." Mike glances when he spots a movement to his side and sees the car go by heading out into the square. It seems to tack on a course then abruptly change directions.

He looks around to see where the rest are. "Are you sure this is safe, Jimmy?" He spots lights moving away out in the square.

"We try to keep everyone in their own corner of the square. Start her up, Mike." He glances at his watch. Mike takes the hint and gets it started. He manages to get them rolling in first gear this time but on the attempted shift he stalls again. They roll to a halt.

"Mike, you have the knowledge to make this thing go. Just relax and feel the right thing to do. When you attempt to shift you will feel if it is right or not. Just try it that way."

This time he confidently starts the truck and they pull away as he steers to bring them around from the edge of the square. They pick up speed and he smoothly shifts gears into second. A broad smile paints his visage, "I did it! By God, I did it! You were right, I could feel when it was right. Whoopee!" He steps on the gas.

"Take it easy, Mike! We only have so much room here! Mike!"

He shifts it into third and laughs at Jimmy as he applies the brake slowing them down. "How can I shift it down?"

"Push in the clutch and try to match your engine speed with your truck speed then shift into second." He has to try twice grinding gears before he gets it on the third try. He watches and pulls around at the edge again.

Then he repeats the maneuver without the grinding this time. He is smiling like an idiot and loving every minute of it. "That's almost as good as sex!" he exclaims.

Jimmy shakes his head, "Your a natural driver! I never saw anyone catch on that fast. It's hard to believe you never drove a standard shift before."

"I swear I never have but I don't understand why others have so much of a problem with it. It's all natural logic once you know what to do."

They drive around the square and then Jimmy says, "We better give someone else a try now. Just stop and I'll take it inside from here."

"Let me try taking it in, Jimmy. I'm pretty sure I can."

He shrugs, "Give it a whirl but if you feel unsure just stop."

Mike drives it in and parks within a foot of where they started. Jimmy shakes his head in wonder. "Nicely done."

Mike stands and watches him take out the next student. He grins as he sees the jerking and wobbling of the pickup. He feels pretty good with himself, now. He has to find some way to practice more.

He wonders if Cliff might not be able to help him there. He might be able to go with him on an evening run or two and do some driving if he has his license. He decides to try for it this Saturday. He will bone up on all the literature between then and now so he can't miss on the written part of the exam. He will have to play by ear for the driving test part.

For Mike and Jackie the days are full of each other and the basic military course they pursue but the nights for Mike are filled with study and the motor pool. He and Cliff become good friends.

Saturday rolls around and Mike wakes feeling confident. He squeezes his pillow and then does the same with Jackie. She giggles and whispers, "Want some more, love?" He stretches and slaps her ass, then rolls her so he can reach down and kiss her pussy.

He chuckles, "Good morning, love."

She stretches and exclaims, "It sure is a good morning." She shifts her thighs and moves one over his head so he can reach her better. "Oh yeah, right there, baby, baby, baby!" She writhes on the bed so she can grip his cock and kiss it.

She's already starting to pant as his tongue explores her. He works back from her clit towards her ass then suddenly plunges his tongue into her deep and wiggles it. She squeals appropriately but he is working back and catches the flesh around her clit in his lips to suck and suck on it.

She sucks his cock into her mouth with vigor and rolls the head with her tongue then tries to swallow it. She can feel and taste the large vein up the underside of it so she worries it with her tongue as she sucks him hard. 'Damn! She wants him inside her now! Her cunts on fire!

They turn as one in the bed and merge into each other kissing passionately while clutching each other closer. It lasts the better part of an hour before they part exhausted but satisfied.

"I wish I could invite you to shower with me," he intones. "I'll be right back." he kisses her and goes to the shower. When he returns he finds her dressed.

"I hope you don't mind, I swiped one of your towels for my wet panties and clean up." She grins at him wryly while displaying a rolled towel. Mike just nods. "So what are you going to do until the exam this afternoon?"

"Last minute study for a while and lunch with you, my sweet. No plans after that until 1400. Do you want to hang out?"

"I'll let you know at lunch but it sounds good."

"Give me a moment to get dressed and I'll take you down to the door." They do that and as Mike returns up the stairs he passes another resident who gives him a knowing smile as he greets him.

"So that's the noisy one." he grins, "I've often wondered." He passes on towards the outside door. Mike has no reply as he nods. Truth be known she is the source of many wet dreams in his barrack block.

Mike pulls out everything he has on traffic safety, driving codes, rules and regulations, vehicle characteristics and cautions. He goes through everything trying to find anything new. When he is satisfied he can quote almost anything in the literature he relaxes a bit.

He checks the time and it is close to lunch. Suddenly he thinks, 'I missed breakfast!' then reconsiders when he remembers what he was doing at that time. It was better than breakfast.

He joins Jackie for lunch and they invite Bev and Jack to join them at a table for six. "Bev, that's a real sweet top. I don't think I ever saw it before. Is it new?"

She smiles at Mike, "I never wore it here but I did bring it with me. I like it too." She pushes out her chest and Mike swallows.

Jack grins and says, "Down boy, those melons are mine."

Mike laughs with them but he's curious if Bev is having any effect on Jack now he has taught her a few things. "I bet you love to play with them, too." He asks Bev, "Is he hot to trot all the time now, gal?"

She smiles, "He satisfies me. I'd call that hot." She looks down demurely.

Mike gets the hint and Jackie gives him warning glances. "You're a lucky guy, Jack." He leaves it at that.

Bev inquires, "Are you trying for your license today, Mike?"

"Yep, at 1400. I can't wait to get that truck of ours on the road."

She says low, "You mean Tryst."

He replies, "Yes, I can't wait to take our Tryst for a ride. Is Tryst female or male?"

Jackie speaks, "Tryst is a love nest so she must be female." Mike nods in agreement and the rest think likewise. "I want to fix soft mats for the seats so they are really comfy. Something that looks good with pink."

Mike grins, "Maybe a clean up station, as well, with tissue and wipes?"

"That sounds like a good idea." Jackie beams.

Jack sneers in derision, "You people are lewd, I like you!" he laughs. The others join in.

Mike reports in five minutes early for the test. Three are being tested today. The other two are trying for a Class 3 so Mike is the only Class 1 applicant. They are seated at tables comfortably and the exam is passed out to them.

Mike is the first one finished so he will be tested on the vehicle first. Him and the examiner step out of the room leaving his wife to supervise. She will mark his written test while he is taking the practical.

Mike has chosen the pickup he drove earlier with Jimmy. He wants the test to be on a standard transmission since he plans to drive one. The tester takes his place on the passenger side of the seat with his clipboard. Mike climbs in and waits.

"Any time you are ready, Mike."

Mike starts the truck and the tester nods to go ahead. They pull out of the shop bay and Mike shifts gears. In second he rounds the turn to drive onto the square.

"Please use your turning signals whenever you turn during this test."

Mike nods and grunts, "Yes."

"Turn right here."

Mike turns using his signal light but was just going to shift into third gear so now he almost stalls the engine. They proceed haltingly and Mike shifts into third.

"Slow down, please." Mike slows. "I want you to parallel park at the edge ahead."

"Yes sir," Mike allows the truck to coast into a close position then brings it to a halt and backs into a parallel position with the edge. He stops.

The tester gets out and pulls a tape measure from his pocket. He measures the distance from the edge to Mike's tires front and rear. He jots that on his pad and gets in again.

"Let's go."

They drive along the side of the square and Mike is preparing to turn when the tester says, "Go straight ahead up that road."

Mike's not sure where that road goes but he thinks there are Married Quarters up in here somewhere. "Turn right at the next corner." Mike does as asked and they come to a small church. "Pull in here and park over there in one of the marked spots."

Mike does as asked. He looks to see if he has any other directions and the tester is writing. He looks up and says, "Congratulations, you have passed the practical part of the exam. You did well."

"Thank you, sir."

"Take me back to the shop and don't mess it up, now." he grins.

When they return Mike is elated to find he got 100% on the written exam so he has earned his license. The instructor's wife gives him a temporary permit and has him sit in a chair for a Polaroid shot. She takes two and says his Class 1 License will arrive in the mail within a week.

It's just after 1600 so he goes back to his barracks. At a picnic table out in front of his block sits Jackie, Bev and Jack waiting.

"Here he comes," it's Jackie, "How do you think you made out? Did they tell you any results?"

He reaches into his pocket and slats the temporary permit onto the table. "They sure did!"

Jackie jumps up and hugs him, "You got it! I knew you would. I wasn't worried at all."

Bev and Jack roll their eyes. "She's been pacing since you left," comments Jack

"She was bouncing around like she had a bee in her bonnet," is Bev's contribution. Mike grins and nods at them. He puts the permit in his wallet.

He muses, "I guess the next step is to take Tryst for a spin and then see about a paint job. I'll ask the Duty Officer at supper about taking it out tomorrow. He might arrange a day pass for us." He glances across the table, "You two will want to go with us on her maiden voyage, won't you?"

"Try to hold us back," says Bev and Jack together. They all laugh together.

Mike cautions, "You know, I haven't driven her yet. We could have all kinds of trouble." Everyone nods acceptance.

So when they arrive at the mess hall Mike watches for the Duty Officer. He doesn't see him on his way in but after they get seated he spots the person he is looking for. It's a female Duty Officer today. Mike excuses himself and works his way among the tables to come out by the Duty Officer's Station.

"Good evening, ma'am. I wonder if I might have a few words with you? I'm AB Mike Claymore."

"Yes. What's the problem?"

"I have purchased a vehicle and only this afternoon have I earned my drivers license. The vehicle is in the parking lot and I am dying to try it out. Would it be possible to get a pass tomorrow for a few hours so I can check it out?"

"You bought it without trying it out?"

"I did, ma'am. It was a good deal."

"I guess you bought it locally then?"

"Yes, ma'am."

She ponders a moment, "It's early, why not check it tonight?"

"I'd like to but if I have any problems with it I could get stuck after dark whereas tomorrow I have time to effect repairs, if necessary."

She nods, "That makes sense. I'll tell you what, I'll give you a twenty-four hour pass so you will have to be back by tomorrow night but you'll be able to at least try it out tonight. Would that take care of it?"

"That sounds fantastic. We are dying to see what its like."


"My girlfriend and our buddies, the other couple at our table over there." He waves his hand indicating which table is theirs.

"I guess you need four passes then." Mike nods. "I'll need their ids and room numbers so I will bring the passes over to your table to make them out." She dismisses him.

He returns to the table. "She's coming over to our table to make out the passes so look sharp."

Jackie looks happy, "We're getting out of this prison, finally."

Mike wags a finger, "That's the kind of outburst we don't need." She looks duly contrite and pulls her fingers across her lips like a zipper.

When the Officer arrives they behave well and she fills in their information. She signs them ands hands them to Mike. "I hope you don't have any troubles with the car. Have a good night."

"We will and thank you, ma'am." She leaves as Mike is sorting the passes then handing them out.

"Hey, these are good right now. We can go out there now!" This is Jack's comment. Mike nods.

Jackie says, "Did she mean to make them out for now?"

Mike explains, "It allows us to check Tryst now and take her for a longer drive tomorrow. Not bad, eh?"

Bev says, "How did you convince her of that?"

"Just my good looks. I guess."

"Well, let's not hang around here." Mike grins and nods.

Chapter 11
On A Fine Outing

They head to the guard house and show their passes. Once outside they run across the lot to the crew cab power wagon. Mike catches up and produces the key. He turns it in the lock and opens the driver's door. He then reaches behind the seat to pull up on the lock to the rear door and jumps in to reach across and catch Jackie's door. He tosses his briefcase to one side.

Jack is doing the same in the rear seat. "I love these bench seats." he laughs. Jackie feels the front bench seat and slides over next to Mike while he is adjusting mirrors. She looks in his briefcase and pulls out 'Joy of Sex'.

She giggles, "The seats are roomy and the manuals horny. These seats are about the same as the berths we had on the train." She slips the book in the glove box.

Bev is whispering, "I think there's lots of room. Oh, Jack!"

Mike says, "Hey, take it easy till we get out of the parking lot, at least." He feels Jackie's hand in his lap. "That includes you, love." He puts the key in the ignition then starts looking around on the floor for the starter button. All he finds is the headlight dimmer switch.

He checks the dash and suddenly notices next to the key a small metal button. He looks around for anything else but comes back to the button. He presses it experimentally and the engine turns over. Right away he checks that the gear shift seems to be in neutral, the front wheel drive is disengaged and the transfer gear is in low. Holding down the clutch he selects reverse, gives it a little gas and carefully eases out the clutch.

It stalls. He shakes his head and takes off the emergency brake. Then he starts over and this time they move backwards. Mike looks back to see behind and notices Jack's bare behind on the back seat between Bev's legs. Bev grins up at him. He raises his eyebrows and nods as he looks behind them. Jackie looks to see what's so funny and breaks out laughing. "We got a party going on." she says in his ear.

"Oh yeah," he intones. She plays with him as he drives and he would rather she didn't. The driving is all new to him and already the noises from the back seat are distracting, He imagines he can even smell the sex going on behind him and Jackie strokes him in an absent minded way. He looks for any place to park. They are passing a woodlot and he turns in at the gate.

He drives amongst the trees and stops clutching Jackie to him. He remembers to put on the brake before covering her lips with his. He slides his hand behind her as they are kissing and feels her bra clasps. He wonders how hard it could be to just unclasp those small connections. Deftly he does so with one of them and slips his lips down to kiss her chin and nibble under it.

He brings his free arm down from her shoulder to caress her far teat running his fingers under and around it to mould the flesh before brushing the hardening nipple. He can't help but hear the panting and struggling in the seat behind him. He unsnaps another clasp.

He can feel there is only one more clasp so he uses his free hand to feel up under her top. He unsnaps the bra and it falls forward as his hand slips under it to play with that far breast. She pushes her breast into his hand so he takes that as a signal to lift her top and bra over her head. She undoes his shirt as he lifts hers away.

He drops his lips to tease the other nipple and imitate the action he is carrying out with his far hand. He licks and sucks lightly as his fingers tweeze and play with the far orb. It's so easy now to slip his near hand down her back to play with the zipper on her skirt.

He moves his head to change breasts and suck that far nipple while dropping that far hand to her knee and inside her thigh. He touches her panties and finds them soaking wet and so slippery. By now she is desperately trying to get his fly open.

He hears Bev's soft cries and knows she is cumming. He shoves Jackie down onto the front seat pulling her panties down her shapely legs with one hand and undoing his pants with the other. Bev's cries are louder and Jackie savagely pulls him on top of her.

Mike's distracted. He's sure he turned the engine off but listens to it running. "Listen," he says but Jackie is intent on him mounting her. Bev's squeals and Jackie grabs him to kiss him forcefully. Mike tries to wave her off. "Listen," he hisses.

"What?" says Jack in the back seat.

"I hear a motor running," says Mike. "It sounds close."

"Not now, Mike!" exclaims Jackie pawing him. "Come on, fuck me... please." but Mike has started to sit up in the seat.

"Yeah, I hear it too and it does sound very close." Jack sounds upset. "Oh my God!" he says.

Mike hears scrambling in the rear seat as he sits up and confronts the grill of a large farm tractor right in front of them. He groans and nods to the farmer indicating he will back out of his way. Jackie is frantically putting her bra and top on as he starts the power wagon.

He finds reverse and studies the way behind him in the mirror as he eases out the clutch. It's difficult but he thinks he has it working when he backs into a small sapling and stops. He stalls it when he tries to pull ahead in third instead of first. Jack is trying to direct him while Jackie is bitching.

"At least you got fucked! We all heard you cumming, you know! Why not me?" Bev just stays quiet and Mike tries to get them going again. He manages to get them back out on the road and pointed in the direction they come from.

The farmer waves to them as he goes off towards a far farmhouse and barn farther down the road. Mike takes this time to do up his shirt saying, "I guess we better go back to the base. It won't be long until it's dark out."

Jackie moves over beside him. "The farmer has gone home. We could go back, just for a little while," she wheedles.

"Honey, I don't have the vehicle transferred yet so I am driving it with Hugo Chronmiller's plates on it. I have to be careful until I get it in my name. You're the legal eagle in our world, I shouldn't have to tell you that."

She pouts but agrees. They head back to the base parking lot. He placates her by saying, "We'll get a map and go to see the ocean tomorrow." That makes her happier and the rest agree. To the rear of the base they can see the expanse of water that is the Bay of Fundy but to view the Atlantic Ocean they need to cross the peninsula of Nova Scotia.

By the way a crow flies it's about 50 miles but by highway closer to seventy. Mike is of the opinion it is only about thirty five. He's in for a surprise.

Early Sunday morning they pass through the gate and head for the unpainted rough looking Dodge power wagon. Mike unlocks it and they unload their jacket pockets of hard boiled eggs, buns and link sausages from breakfast. They are planning to stop for a picnic by the ocean.

"Too bad we couldn't bring coffee but I couldn't think of any way to hide it coming out the gate." Jackie is placing more foil wrapped sausages with their haul.

Mike offers, "I'm not sure they would have stopped us with food but I guess it's better to do it this way and not argue."

"We can wrap it in your jacket, Jack." Bev puts everything together in his jacket and rolls it up. "See, it works good."

Mike's behind the wheel studying the gauges as he turns the engine over. It starts easy and he notes he has about half a tank of gas, if that gauge is working. He's calculating about 70 miles overall and a tank should give him at least two hundred miles if it's twenty gallons so he should be alright but it might pay to watch that gauge.

He looks back to make sure everyone is aboard and the doors are closed. "I guess we're ready. I've got that map from the library so we will head for Annapolis Royal first and watch for Highway 8 just before we get there. That should take us right over to Liverpool and the ocean."

"How far is it, Mike," asks Bev.

"About an inch." he smirks. They all cackle at that then he says, "I think about thirty five miles or so. Not too bad for a Sunday outing."

They pull out on the highway heading northeast on Number One. Mike cautions, "It's only about four and a half miles to the turn so everyone watch for Highway 8." He guns the motor and shifts gears. It lugs a bit but picks up quickly. He thinks he has to try shifting the transfer case on the fly. He's still in low range.

Next shift he shifts to high range instead of going up into third and then regrets it. He thinks how am I going to shift into third and fourth if I'm in high range. Alternately how am I going to downshift to low range now I'm in high? He studies the terrain and on a slight downgrade shifts into third high.

Whew, that worked and he's over thirty mph now. He guns it and gets nearly to forty without a dip in the road. The engine is racing so he has to shift again. He's not sure he is going fast enough for fourth high so he prepares to downshift fast if it won't take it. He shifts and it nearly stalls.

"Damn!" he curses as he guns it with the clutch shoved in and down shifts the transfer gear. He eases the clutch and it hasn't slowed enough to stall in fourth low so it lugs and stutters but picks up and rolls up to nearly 50 mph. He breaths a sigh of relief.

"Is that our turn?" asks Jack pointing ahead.

"That's just a driveway," says Jackie and Bev together. Mike has slowed and it is jerking again just under forty.

Jack complains, "Can't you keep it going smoother? Your going to jerk it apart, Mike."

"I'm trying," Mutters Mike. "I'll catch on to it," he explains. He thinks back to what Jimmy said. 'Trust your gut and listen to it.'

He listens and senses the motor meshing with the wheels and pushing him down the road. He presses the accelerator and feels the fresh boost of power to the wheels then he eases off and feels the free wheeling characteristic as it rolls along.

He confidently picks up speed and shifts into four high. They sail along at highway speed of fifty mph. He allows it to go a bit faster on downgrades and a bit slower on upgrades but averages the speed limit. It feels exhilarating to control the power of those many horses under the hood (290 to be exact).

He wonders, of course, as any youth does with his first wheels what speed she would go. The speedometer goes up to one hundred and twenty but he doesn't think it could wind out that fast. He thinks it would come close though.

They pass a sign that says highway 8 ahead so he slows gearing down smoothly and turns on his signal light. A smooth turn to the right and they are on their way across the peninsula. He relaxes and becomes conscious of the conversation going on around him.

Jackie is talking, "I for one am surprised at how wet it is here. That's another lake we are passing."

"It's all lakes around here. We're on the coast, you know," from Jack.

"I know but I expected... Did you see that sign? It said no gas for fifty five miles. Do we have enough?"

Mike checks the gauge again and hardly notices any difference. "If this gauge is right we should be alright."

Jackie leans closer, "Is that under half a tank?"

"Yes, it should be good for nearly a hundred miles. I think we have a twenty gallon fuel tank."

Jack ponders, "Do you think we should go back and fill her up?" He continues, "That would allow us to check and make sure the gauge moves."

Mike slows to turn around, "Yes, and it would allow us to see how much a half tank is to judge the size of the tank." They head back towards Annapolis Royal and find a service station in town. Mike tells them to fill it up.

They advertise 34 cents per liter so he calculates about 55 liters or 12 gallons should cost him around seventeen dollars. The attendant leaves to serve someone else and Mike watches the pump zoom past 55 liters.

He whistles softly as it passes 65 without slowing any. The fuel gauge when he turns the key is nearly three quarters full. He calls to the attendant. "Please stop it at 100 liters." He knows now what size it is. He announces, "We have a 60 gallon fuel tank or 273 liters."

He is calculating some more and says, "That means I have a range of almost 600 miles with a full tank or more if I get better mileage."

Jack asks, "How can we find out what mileage you are getting?"

"Sometime I can fill it up then drive five miles on the odometer and turn around to drive back and fill it again. That will tell me how much I burned in ten miles."

"Yeah, I guess that works."

Bev and Jackie are chatting away on the far side of the truck. Mike is enjoying driving too much to notice. He is shifting smoothly now when he has to slow and they are making good time.

It's rolling country that is marshy with lots of small lakes. Scrub pine and weathered maples predominate the forestry they pass. It's rocky in places and quite desolate in others but the weather is warm and lightly overcast.

Jack has the map and is navigating with comments. "Hey, there's Tall Pines Road. That goes back into Lambs Lake Campground. Looks like a pretty good sized lake on the map." Mike nods.

About a mile further on he says, "There's Mirror Point Drive. That goes back to Grand Lake. It's bigger than the last one. In fact it's about ten miles long and it looks like there are a few roads back there. I wonder if it's summer cabins?"

"I don't think I would want to live back here in the winter time," says Mike. Jack mumbles an ascent.

After a few more miles they swing right and come into a cultivated area of farms and open country. Jack says, "We're leaving Grand Lake behind now."

They swing left again and an unnamed dirt road goes off to the right. Jack says he sees it on the map. They pass another unnamed road on the left and then come up on a paved one to the right names Virginia Road.

"We're coming up on Milford House on the left. This group of houses is Milford, I guess. There's an ad for Milford House here. It says Rustic Cabins with fireplaces and docks. Another tourist trap," he grins. "It's on Geier Lake. I'm not sure how to pronounce that, it's spelled G-E-I-E-R." He shrugs. No one comments.

They have come just under ten miles and Mike is getting bored with Jack's prattle. He asks him if he can pass him a Pepsi that they purchased when they got gas. Jackie says she will have one, too. Bev declines when Jack offers her one.

Jack and Bev chat quietly for about another ten miles when they come to Harmony Mills. There are a few houses and a sign pointing off to the right that says Harmony Lake.

The road is Harmony Road of course. Mike shakes his head. He comments, "Doesn't seem to be a lot of local initiative." Mike figures they are about half way to Liverpool and it's a lot farther than he thought it was. They are not going as fast as he thought they would either.

Shortly they pull into Caledonia and see a service station. Mike thinks that was a short fifty five miles. He sees a post office and an Anglican Church as well as a collection of houses and the service station cum grocery mart. They pass The Queens County Fairgrounds as they leave Caledonia on Highway 8 heading east.

They've been on the road for nearly an hour and a half so someone suggests an egg and bread. Everyone agrees and Jackie holds Mike's so he can eat and drive. The sausages make the rounds as well and they finish their Pepsis they started earlier.

Now they pass a sign for the Liverpool Airport and they know they are getting close but it is seven miles before they reach the town. Before they cross the bridge into town they cross Highway 103 with a sign pointing north to Lunenburg, Bridgewater and Halifax.

They cross the Mersey River on Highway 3 and drive into Liverpool. Mike wonders where the ocean is since all he sees is the river. There are signs for Fort Point and Lighthouse Park to the left so he swings left on Main Street. Within a few blocks they reach a dead end at Fort Point and the park.

Mike pulls in and says, "If they have a lighthouse that must be the ocean out beyond there." He parks and everyone gets out to go see the ocean. They run to the barrier but it is easy to see the other bank far across from them.

Mike curses, "Where the hell is the ocean? That's just the river."

Someone nearby tells him that is Liverpool Bay to the right and it leads out into the Atlantic. Mike sighs, "So you can't see it from here, eh?"

"I'm afraid not. You will have to go east of town to do that."

"How far?"

"About two miles out Shore Road to Moose Harbor. If you look northeast you will see Coffin Island but it you look due east you are looking at the Atlantic Ocean. He watches them and says, "Are you in the Air Force?"

"No, the Navy. How did you know?" He grins and answers himself, "The haircuts, right?"

"Yeah, it's a dead give away. Good luck."

Mike tells his partners, "It's just after 1100 now so we have time to look for this harbor but we have to remember to head home before 1500." They climb back into the truck.

Jack exclaims, "Go back to the first left. That's Shore Road." He studies the map. "I think it is."

Mike heads back out Main Street and turns left at the first street on his left. He exclaims, "Oh shoot, that didn't say Shore Road. It was some street, not road."

They pass an alley on the right and the sign on the corner says School Street. "Well, now we are lost for sure. I'll have to turn at the next corner." They come up on a cross street called Waterloo Street. Mike goes to make a right hand turn when Jack sings out to him.

"Go straight through! See the sign, it says we are on Shore Road." and sure enough, School Street turns into Shore Road at Waterloo. Mike is totally mixed up now.

"You mean we stay right on this street?"

"Yep, that's what the sign says."

They proceed on out of town and about two miles later they see a sign for Moose Harbor. "There's Moose Harbor Road," says Mike and swings left onto it. They drive out to the marina and park. Everyone gets out to see the ocean. They climb a breakwater and see they are still inside the harbor.

They walk north along the shore about five hundred feet and look out beyond the harbor. Bev spots the far island on the horizon "There's Coffin Island," she points. They all stare straight east at the watery vista. To the horizon is nothing but deep blue sea. They stare in wonderment.

Jack whispers, "It's beautiful. That's my new home."

Mike says, "It looks bare and lonely to me."

Bev murmurs, "It is beautiful, Jack."

And Jackie has started looking for sea shells muttering, "It's just a lot of water."

And so their quest completed for the day they now relax and walk along the beach. Mike is the first to notice that their is a high waterline along the beach where debris collects and it dawns on him that it is the tidal flow that creates it.

"The tide must be out, guys. Notice how all that driftwood and weed is swept up high along here. It must come in that high."

Jack comments, "Yeah, I think you're right."

"Does he mean the water comes up that high sometimes?" asks Bev of Jack.

"Yeah," he says, "It's the pull of the moon that makes it come in that high every twenty four hours."

"Oh bullshit!" mutters Jackie quietly

Mike glances at her, "He's right, you know."

"Yeah, and the werewolves come out to dance by the light of the moon, too." she laughs and points out to sea, "Oh look, a mermaid!"

Mike shakes his head and the others disregard her. They continue seeking shells and when Mike picks up a hand sized one they both come to hear the sea in it. Of course Jackie can't hear anything and scoffs them.

By the time they get back to the truck Jack and Bev have shells and Jackie has a shiny rocks collection. Mike has his one large shell to show for his outing. He gave his other shells to Bev along the way.

"Let's go for lunch. We'll save the eggs and sausage left for afternoon snack," Mike suggests. Mike and Jackie share a lukewarm Pepsi as they seek a restaurant. Coming out towards Shore Road again they spot a fish and chips cafe called The Wee Chipee. They swing in the wide drive.

Fish and chips is a favorite of Mike's and the rest like them, too, so everyone is happy. It's old English style wrapped in newspaper and soaked with grease but Mike loves them as hot as he can stand. They bring theirs outside to picnic tables set up in the open.

It's not long before the sea gulls spot them and are floating around with their plaintive cries. Jack throws them some chips and they descend in a mob. The owners curse at them and call, "Please, don't feed the birds!"

They scatter whatever they have left for the gulls and leave laughing together. Mike checks the time and announces, "It's after 1400 already. Shall we start heading back to the base?" They all agree. It's been a fine outing.

On the drive back Mike concentrates on learning new things about the power wagon, about it's handling and mannerisms. For instance he finds the wheel has a tendency to pull towards the ditch if he releases the wheel. Could be tire air pressure or an alignment problem. Might even be an axle or frame misalignment due to a previous accident.

He has also notices a slight sag in the seat in the driver's position and thinks that might be due to wear and tear. Also he notes it needs wiper blades. He can get those right away.

He's pleased to note the windows and doors are tight. No rattles or air currents inside to notice which is marvelous considering the pathetic need for a paint job. Hugo said it had new tires and battery so those are not a worry.

Jackie has pulled out Mike's Joy of Sex and she is sharing ideas with Bev and Jackie over the seat back. Jack says he has read it but Bev is intrigued and reads over Jackie's shoulder.

Mike thinks he will ask Cliff about anyone doing paint work around the base. There must be someone doing that. If Cliff doesn't know he will check around the motor pool himself.

"You know it is not near as noisy as I thought it would be, love." That from Jackie as she pats the dash, "You're okay, Tryst."

Under his breath Mike seconds that. He's quite pleased with his deal. They are home just after 1700 and their pass is good till 1800 hours. They head for the mess hall and supper.

Chapter 12
A Tryst Initiation

Another week goes by. They are marching now with rifles at the port and sloped. Co-ordination is sloppy yet but improving. They have been to the range again and found some of them are very good shooters.

Mike and Jackie have been impatiently waiting to get away again with Tryst. They almost got caught in his barrack room by a visiting officer. Mike pushed her back and closed the door just in time as they were heading for the front door.

It was too close for comfort so they have been behaving themselves since then but it has put a strain on their relationship. They use the bathroom by the classroom but find it unsatisfying now since they have become used to his bed.

Mike has lined up a painter through Cliff. It's Cliff's brother-law so they will meet him this weekend. Jack is taking some extra training with the sea cadets so he will be out on the bay over the weekend. Bev's not feeling well. She thinks it's a summer cold.

Mike gets them a pass from 1800 hrs Friday to 2359 hrs Sunday night. They leave right after supper. Mike starts by installing the new wiper blades he got through the motor shops and checking tire pressure with his new tire gauge. He finds he does have a slightly softer tire on the passenger side front so notes he must top it up with air.

He climbs into the vehicle and Jackie is waiting for him to sidle up to. She snuggles close as he turns the key and pushes the starter. It doesn't start right away so Mike gives it some gas and chokes it marginally. It coughs and sputters to life.

Jackie smiles, "Good old Tryst. She'll never let us down." Mike hopes not but has no illusions about the age of his beast, as he thinks of her. She may be a love nest to everyone else but to him she is his ancient amazon.

"I guess that's everything I can do for her now. I told Cliff we would be down at his place around 1900 so we can go any time. It's half past now."

"Okay and then we can go parking, eh?"

He turns and kisses her, "Yes, we sure can." They head out to Highway 1 and go north. "I have to go in to Digby tomorrow and get new plates for Tryst. I have to get her in my name."

"Am I going with you? I want to see Digby, it's our closest town."

"You bet. If you want to go I'm all for it."

She warns, "It might be a day of shopping!"

"I've tolerated worse." he looks to the side, "Isn't that the woodlot we pulled into the first night we had Tryst out?"

Jackie looks back and says, "I think it is. Do you want to check it out later? The farmer won't be back in his fields at night."

"He might see our headlights going back in his woods and come to investigate." He winks at her.

"Oh no, not again!" She pantomimes pulling on clothes really fast. They both laugh.

"This is Clementsport. It isn't far now. He lives in Upper Clementsport at 2349 #1 Highway. Watch for it on the right."

About a mile and a half farther on they see the number on a mailbox. Mike pulls into the driveway and they descend to drive around a pond then up a low hill to an old fashioned farmhouse. Mike parks by Cliffs Jeep.

Cliff calls. "Hey, come on in." They bail out and go to the door. "Come in, come in." he urges. "Mike, this is my wife, Henrietta and her brother George. George is the painter I was telling you about."

"Hello George and Henrietta, this is my gal, Jackie."

Cliff asks, "Beer? Coffee? Pop?"

Mike grins, "Coffee if it's on. Don't make it special."

Henrietta jokes, "Pot is always on at our place. Grab a seat and I'll get it. Fixings are on the table." She looks at Jackie, "What about you, Jackie? Coffee?"

She debates and says, "I don't think so. It doesn't always agree with me."

"I have cold water or maybe a Pepsi?"

She points with her finger, "I'll go with water."

They settle around the table and chat for a while then Mike goes out with Cliff and George to look over his truck. George shakes his head, "What a shame to paint that pink! Are you sure?"

"It's the lady's choice. I got backed into it. What can I say? he shrugs.

"Well, I got some cherry red to tint the white enamel and we can save some cherry for the trim. We won't need much to make pink." He walks around the truck. "Won't need much except sanding. It's not in bad shape, you know." He feels the metal work, "When do you want to do it?"



"I suppose. What's the weather forecast? Or do you have a place to do it inside?"

"I do it outside but I do have a place I can put it under cover in case of rain."

"I have to go in to Digby in the morning to get it transferred and pick up plates. Can I bring it out after lunch? Do you have someone to run me back to the base?"

"Oh sure, Henrietta can run you in to the base. Would you rather do it Sunday? I was thinking you might have a weekend pass."

"I do but I don't have any other plans."

"It's your call. The price is the same."

"What is the price?"

"$200.00 and I supply the paint. I get it wholesale."

"Can I see your work?"

He points, "Cliff's Jeep over there."

He goes to look it over. "Nice job. Looks pro." He opens the door and checks inside the hinges. "Real pro."

"His Jeep is one of my best jobs but I try to do the best each time. It's good advertising for me." He passes Mike a business card.

"George Martin, is it. I was thinking you were Weissen the same as Cliff. Sorry about that. I would have given credit to George Weissen." he grins.

"Nope, Cliff is the new boy around here. This place is the Martin place in Upper Clementsport. We owned most of the land hereabout at one time. Great, great, granpappy came here to settle from London, England via Denmark. Over the years we have sold a lot of it but we still have over a thousand acres."

"Just the two of you left?"

"Oh no, we have umpteen kin hereabouts and more spread farther afield. We have two brothers in California and a married sister in NYC." Mike says nothing but he feels the other man is laying it on a bit thick.

"So how long will it take to finish a paint job like this one, George?"

"If I get to tape it tomorrow, paint Monday and Wednesday it should be done Friday at the latest. How does that work out for you?"

"That's two coats?"

"Yep, it shouldn't take over a week."

"Okay, can you give me some sample of the color?"

"Hang on, I'll do that." He goes over to a shed and turns a light on. Mike can see an indoor paint bay glistening in the light through the door. It looked like a rundown shed but now he makes out double garage doors on the front. Mike likes the looks of his equipment.

He brings out a board with paint glistening on it. "That should be close to the color. How's that?"

"Hold on, I'll get Jackie to take a look at it. It's her idea." he shrugs. Mike returns to the house and steps inside. "Honey, come take a look at the paint sample George has. See what you think of it."

She comes to the door, "He's not going to do it tonight, is he?"

"No, I'll be bringing it in tomorrow afternoon and it will be done by next Friday." They meet George outside the door. George hands the sample to Mike and steps inside the door to turn an outside light on.

Jackie looks it over and says it is perfect, a soft pink rose. George says he would call it baby bottom pink. No matter the name the color is acceptable to her and that's what matters. He asks George to keep a record of the formula so they could match it later in case of accident. He agrees to that.

The sun has just gone down but it still is bright enough to see clearly. Mike and Jackie head back towards the base.

"I'll know the woods when we get there. You can count on it, Mike." They drive through Clementsport and around the bend. He can see the lights of the base in the distance when she cries out, "There it is. Turn here. Slow down, Mike!"

He switches off the lights and lets it coast through the gate and up the lane into the woods. Watching carefully he lets his eyes get accustomed to the dark.

Without any lights he lets the truck ease ahead up the road around a slight bend and stops looking around for any lights. None are in sight so he turns off the key with it in gear to hold it in place.

Jackie cuddles up to him and whispers, "Finally we are alone and no one to disturb us. Isn't it wonderful?"

"It sure is. Let's go try out that back seat. Jack and Bev seemed to like it," he chuckles and kisses her tenderly. She responds by cuddling closer and seeking his lips with hers again. For a time they simply enjoy kissing then exploring each others mouths with tongue and lips. It's a time of relaxing and seeking new areas of pleasure in each other.

Jackie whispers, "I like this. There is no hurry. We can spend the night right here in each others arms." Mike nods nibbling on an ear. He licks her neck with light quick strokes that send shivers up her spine. She exclaims, "I feel somebody moving down there and he feels pretty good to me." she giggles.

"Of course he is growing. I have a hard on most of the time I'm around you. In fact you only have to be in my mind for me to get hard, you know."

"I know. I'm the same. I think of you and I get so wet it's all I can do to not play with myself. Sometimes I give in and do it."

Mike hesitates, "Do you... I mean do girls get that excited that they have to seek relief?" It's quiet in the shadows for a moment. "I've read that but never heard it confirmed."

"We do... at least I know I do. It starts with thoughts of you mostly and I might rub my breast or scratch through my clothes a nipple. If I'm alone that is never enough."

"Wow, I didn't know women itched to have sex the way men do. Guys have to guard against it all the time because it is so obvious when we are aroused. I thought we had to start with foreplay to get you aroused."

"Oh God, I'm aroused whenever you're around me. I told you I'm wet all the time. Doesn't that mean I'm aroused? Feel this!" She draws his hand down between her legs.

Mike catches his breath, "Oh yeah, you are really wet." He withdraws his hand and licks the fingers. Jackie shivers.

She whispers, "If you could be in my place when you do that, when you taste my juices and lick your fingers like you just did, you would be shocked. It almost makes me cum."

"But I love the taste of you, it's a blend of salt and sweet musk. It tingles on my tongue. I think your hair color down there, that flashy red bush of yours drives me crazy, too. You're a classy package that suits me well, Jackie. I'm so glad we found each other."

She whispers, "Come on, lover. Let's go to that back seat in our love nest." They both slip out the driver's door and slide into the rear door on that side. Jackie settles across the seat so Mike closes the door and sits to kick off his boots. He reaches to take her shoes off for her.

He places them together near the passenger side door on the floor then leans back to lay by her on the seat. It is narrow but suits the two them fine because it brings them closer together.

He picks up where they left off earlier. "So do you women get so excited you have to masturbate then?"

Jackie giggles, "Of course we do. The best is when we don't have to do much. You know, like when you are some place like in class and can't do anything obvious. I've watched you across the room or next to me and rubbed myself on the corner of my desk until I cum. It's so intense I just can't hold it back and I remember once when I did that you looked right at me when I was going crazy inside." She shivers and snuggles to him. "It was wild!"

"I never even guessed," Mike holds her tenderly.

"I know. I wanted to shout it out to you then! I was in another world and I wanted to include you in it but it wasn't possible. We went off to the bathroom together right after that. I remember you said how wet I was. I thought if you only knew."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Got caught up in the moment and just wanted you inside me. And besides it's so cramped in there and someone might hear us. I don't think they would say anything but they might." she tries to shrug then pecks his nose instead. He kisses her dragging it out to a passionate depth unintended at first. They tangle tongues and start to remove each others clothes.

They toss their clothes over into the front seat. Mike asks, "Do you squirt when you do yourself?"

She thinks a moment, "I never have but I might now since I did with you. I don't purposely masturbate much since I met you. We do it a lot," she grins, "and I like it that way!"

"Yeah, me too."

"Do guys masturbate a lot?"

"I guess it depends on whether they have regular sex often or not. I know I don't much now. Like you said we do it lots whenever we can. He thinks a moment, "I used to masturbate when I was going with Grace before we made it together. She was my girlfriend at home."

"Did you have many girlfriends back then?"

"No, just Grace for a long time. We were pretty exclusive."

"Are you still going with her?"

He chuckles, "No, I didn't think it was fair to ask her to wait for me when I was going so far from home and unsure of when I would be back. We broke up when I left. How about you? Do you still have some guy on the string?"

She is quiet then, "Mike, I don't have a very good reputation back in Winnipeg. I was glad to get out of there. I wanted a new start but I know I nearly blew it on the train. I don't know how you can love me, some times. You treat me good and never hurt me. I love you so."

"Just lay back and let me love you," he says in a low deep voice as he kisses between her breasts then her belly button. Squirming a bit he turns to kiss her pubic mound and she draws him around so she can rest on his hip and play with his erection.

Mike handles the inside of her thighs gently spreading them while sensitively caressing. Her aroma is hot in his nostrils. He runs his tongue across her skin into her wavy hair seeking her labia. Touching them he kisses and licks them. She spreads her legs farther pushing up to him.

His cock bobs up and down with his excitement and she watches it with fascination. Her tongue flicks out to connect with the head then retracts as she bends a bit further to kiss it. It jumps again and she catches it in her lips sucking lightly. It drops from her lips and she licks her lips slowly smiling.

He feels tipsy with her heady aroma and lets his tongue trace down one lip and up the curvy other lip. He licks and kisses those lips with zest tasting her wild sweetness. He dips his tongue between them to plunge into her and taste more of her. Feeling her lips pressed to his he sucks those swollen engorged labial lips and probes her further with his tongue.

He can feel her hand on his head holding him close. She finds it hard to concentrate on licking his swollen organ when she feels on fire in her loins. She puts her mind to it and tastes the trickle of precum on the head. She licks the whole head broadly and goes over to lick down the underside of it. She silently chuckles as she feels the shaft bounce with nervous tension. She kisses and sucks on the sack with it's nuts.

He raises his head slowly as he licks bringing his tongue to the front and burrowing there for her clitoris. He easily finds her hood and wiggles his tongue to uncover the swollen nub below it. His tongue plays with it worrying it out of cover then his lips seek to catch it so he can suck on it.

She clutches his head with one hand and jerkily pumps his cock with the other as she tries to swallow his organ whole. In her mouth she can feel the ridges in his flesh of underlying sinews and blood vessels pulsing with life. She marvels that there is no bony structure to make it so hard, that it's all hydraulics involving blood pressure. It's so hard and yet so soft and she loves to taste it.

They are coiled in that classic 69 heading like a freight train towards that inevitable end, the orgasm. Two naked (well, they have their socks on) animals so totally involved in each other they would not know if the world came to an end. Their whole world is in that seat in the dark and in each other.

Mike becomes aware of the tingling in his sack. Jackie feels the flesh bulge wider and knows he is cumming. She doesn't really care because her world is all colors and rushing sounds like a roller coaster in a fireworks display. She sucks contentedly wanting to taste his issue to add to her cosmos of wonder.

He plunges his tongue into her as he feels the pressure release into her mouth. She swallows and continues to suck. He squirts more for her and she licks up the overflow. He sucks on her labial lips and vaginal opening filling her with his seed. As one they turn in the seat and kiss deeply tasting each other on their lips.

They lay for a while panting and getting their breath back. He whispers, "God, you taste good!"

"I think it's us combined that tastes so good, lover."

He chuckles, "By golly, you're right. We do taste good together." He licks his chops before kissing her again. "Like a heady wine,"

"or a saucy sauce," she finishes for him. They laugh quietly together.

They chat for a while about their lives before they met each other. Their nudity seems to be forgotten in their interest for each other. Finally Jackie whispers, "I think I have to pee. What about you?"

"Yeah, I was thinking the same a while ago. I didn't know you might be feeling the same. I guess we can slip out and do it in the bushes."

She hesitates then asks, "Can you hold my hand? I don't want to slip and fall in it."

"Sure I can. I'll hold the door for you." He opens the door and catches her hand to help her down. In the moonlight he studies her softly glowing body. She dashes to a clump of grass and reaches for him then squats. He hears the tinkling of water in the grass.

She stands and says, "Thank you, Michael." She waits, "Aren't you going to go?"

He shakes his head, "I can't. I'm hard again watching you." She giggles and heads back into the vehicle. Mike tries to think of other things but its no use.

He climbs in behind her. She teases, "Didn't you go?" He shakes his head in the negative. She touches his erection, "Wouldn't he go down?" She's smiling.

"Nope and it will never go down now that you have touched it. I have a sneaky hunch that you know that."

She asks demurely, "Who, me?" They are seated side by side and Mike has his arm around her waist. She has her hand in his lap.

"Yes you," he laughs.

She plays with his cock making it jump, "That means you can't pee in me, can you?"

"That's right, when a guy has a hard on he can't pee. That's the mechanics behind a guy getting a hard on as he sleeps so he doesn't have to worry about peeing in his sleep. We almost always wake up with a piss hard on but it works for sex too, so it's not necessarily wasted."

"So this is likely just a piss hard on, eh?" She plays with it.

"Not likely, I got it watching you out there. And if you slide over here into my lap I'll show you how it works."

She whispers, "Okay," and pulls herself up with the help of the seat in front. She moves over in front of him and stops. "You better check and see if I am wet enough."

He regards her posterior in front of him with her cunt hanging down and shakes his head chuckling before slipping a hand up between her legs and softly running his fingers over her opening. "By golly, you are wet enough," he declares.

She muses, "I wonder why." as she allows herself to move down onto him. She feels his gland slide along her lips and part them. She suddenly aches to feel him deep inside her and has trouble keeping herself from dropping onto him.

Mike reaches up to guide her. His hands partially lift her on the cheeks of her ass as he lets her impale herself slowly down his shaft. She is still holding the back of the front seat so her weight is controlled by her arm muscles and she tenses them to lift her weight and slide up and down on him.

Mike thrusts up to meet her on each bounce so they equalize the work involved in stimulating them. The scant friction on his flesh sends sparks of pleasure through his brain causing it to send more blood to his organ expanding it causing more friction. It's a cycle that brings enormous pleasure to them booth.

Jackie can't hold back her moans of excitement. She feels him expand inside her and involuntarily tightens her vaginal muscles creating more friction and waves of pleasure. She pours secretions into her cunt from glands inside and Mike adds his as well to lubricate them more.

Her legs become unsteady and Mike eases up to allow her to slump down on him. Deep inside her he feels her organs moving to accommodate his bulk as she rests in his lap. He fondles her breasts and lets her rest moving only occasionally in her. Her breathing steadies and she whispers, "Wow, I never get enough of you, my love."

"Turn around and tell me that." He grins and she promptly does as he suggests. She leans back allowing him to hold her and with both knees on either side of him she raises and lowers herself in this new position. "I told you I never get enough. So there!" She bounces in a lively manner on him.

He penetrates so far he swears to himself he can feel her cervix when she comes down on him fully. He enjoys the onslaught and moves to stay with her. She rests her shoulders on the front seat backs so he plays with her nipples as she bounces or steadies her waist with a hand.

He feels their juices running down his balls and dripping on the front of the seat. He thinks he will have to clean that before he takes the truck to get it painted. The whole truck is moving with them and the sound is like a washing machine.

She changes her position so she comes forward to grip his shoulders and rolls her hips on him in a wild rhythm. Her gyrations are pinning him down so he can't move but he doesn't care, it feels great. Her moaning has changed to cries and Mike knows she is having multiple orgasms as she rides him. Soon she slows and eventually stops panting in his ear.

He turns and eases her back into a missionary position on the seat. He moves slowly in her kissing her at the same time. He whispers, "Would you like to try it doggy style for a while?"

"Uh huh, but give me a breather. I came, you know."

"I know you did, and more than once. I love it when you cum and go crazy with it." He moves slowly in her. She shudders and giggles saying he did it again. He grins "I know."

She caresses his face and kisses his lips many times as he moves slowly in her. "You are like music, Mike. I feel the earth moving with us when you move so slowly in me." They rest then she says, "What're we waiting for? It's doggy time!"

She flips over and pops her ass up in the air for him. He has to hunch over her because of the headroom but they are soon making the truck bounce as his balls slap against her ass.

They both like this position because Mike's erection bounces over her G Spot poking it and rubbing on it. It has her panting and moaning in no time. Before she can cum again though Mike has her lay on her side and stays inside her.

He spoons her in his arms playing with her breasts and clit from around her as he drives hard into her vagina from behind. He is still rubbing hard on her G Spot so it isn't long before they are both close to orgasm. She's crying out his name and quivering all over as he drives harder and harder.

He drives hard into her and feels a burst of pleasure as he shoots rope after rope of semen deep inside her. Jackie feels a rush of love for this hunk who has just given her his all. Right now she would do anything for this man.

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-03-18 17:18:00

for your business and the Three

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-03-18 14:07:33

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