Mike waited in Sally's apartment by the door; he had her schedule, lack of social life, orphan status down. He had been watching her, and she was not really happy with her life. How could she be, no one seemed to really care for her, and he could change all that. Give her more from life then she ever bargained for if she was accepting, if not well, he would have some fun. He had stolen her keys and made a copy a week ago and here it was Friday night, the night he always visited when he could. She was about to come home from work, and he was waiting.
The key turned in the lock and Sally walked in, and started to scream. There was a stranger in her house! Before she got much out his gloved hand covered her mouth, and the other eased the door shut, he had debated using a drug, but he wanted her aware of what was going on, able to respond.
"Easy girl, easy" the stranger said in a very soothing tone like he was talking to a child or a dog, the whole time fighting her twisting and jerking body. Sally was fighting with everything she had, and that was fine, she would tire.
Sally kicked and lost both high heels, Mike easily dodged the kick and the shoes. He squeezed her harder while dragging her over to the couch and all the while talking to her in the same manner.
“Now, hush girl, easy. I know this is scary, I won’t kill you, just relax.” He couldn’t promise to not hurt her. . . that was kind of the point of being here.
He pushed her on the couch using his size against her, all the while keeping her mouth covered. She tried to bite him, but just got his glove.
"Now, listen sweetie” his tone was still gratingly smooth and calming. “Don't you want to know why I am here? What is going to happen? Stop fighting me and I will tell you. If you fight me there will be pain."
Sally looked at this stranger in the eye, no mask, no attempt to hide his handsome features on his 6 foot frame, and she could tell by his grasp that he worked out, and was probably doing his best to not hurt her right now. His eyes were determined, but his face was kind, which just seemed so out of place, she was expecting hatred. She sure hated him.
She stopped struggling underneath him, struggling seemed pointless when she looked objectively at her plight. Having a 6 foot fit man on top of her did not seem to bode well for any type of imminent escape.
"Good girl, that's right. If you keep this up you will get rewarded. I would like to reward you if you are good."
“What the fuck is this guy talking about? I am not a stupid child.” Sally thought, she was pissed she wanted to run, but the legs squeezing her sides held her tight.
"Now I am going to take my hand off your mouth and you will not scream do you understand? If you do scream there will be pain. I expect you to listen to me and you cannot do that if you are screaming. Are you going to scream?"
Sally shook her head no, she was desperate to get his hand off her mouth and of course she was going to scream! But hey if it meant he would let go she would agree to anything.
The stranger looked at her and sighed shaking his head, he knew she was lying, but she had to learn about consequences, in particular that her actions dictated those consequences. So Mike let his hand off her mouth and started to sit back. Sally screamed as loud as she could when she felt pain explode first across her left cheek and then her right cheek. Mike's hand was still raised to exact another blow, but Sally was sobbing and not screaming anymore.
Mike began to patiently explain like an elementary teacher would to a classroom. "I told you there would be pain. You did this to yourself, if you had behaved, we could be having a nice chat, but no. Look, I can see you are mad and think I did something to you, but I did not, I told you there would be consequences and there were. Now I need to talk to you open up."
Sally looked through her tears and there was a black ball in front of her mouth with some kind of straps "What the fuck?" she thought. Sally did not have an imagination when it came to sex and she had no idea what it was.
"I will not tell you again, open your mouth or there will be pain. Pure and simple open it wide."
Sally was still reeling from the last bout with pain so she opened her mouth as instructed; not realizing what would happen till he pushed the ball into her mouth and fastened it behind her head, not really tight, but tight enough. He pulled out a small padlock and fastened the gag shut.
"I think I am going to have to leave that in for a little while, now I am going to let you sit up, you will sit on the couch facing me and we will chat do you understand?"
This was getting serious and Sally was getting desperate she nodded her head and sat up and then lunged for the door, Mike tackled her before she got three feet, he was pissed, He understood the resistance, he was just done being patient. It was time for a lesson.
Sally had not noticed the things on the coffee table, mostly from her kitchen, a wooden spoon, a slotted wooden spoon, a hairbrush, and some clothespins and some office supplies. Mike reached over while straddling Sally’s back side and grabbed the slotted wooden spoon, grabbed Sally by the hair and dragged her pretty much on her belly to the front door.
“When I am here this is MY door, you are not to go within arm’s length of it, if you do there will be a punishment, and since you tried to get here without my permission I will now punish you. Furthermore you are not to move unless I allow you to, I hope (he did not really) this is the first and last time we have this conversation. Now I need you to understand the lesson, touch MY door.” Mike was talking very softly and matter of fact.
Sally was not sure what to do. She was sinking into despair, she had no idea was happening and could not move, this man scared her. She did not want to do anything he told her to. She just stood there looking at the door wondering what point it would prove it she touched it.
“TOUCH MY DOOR” Mike yelled.
Sally jumped. This was the first time he had yelled and it brought out her survival instinct. She reached out for the door she had barely touched it when the spoon came down hard on her hand.
“BAD GIRL! MY DOOR” with that he dragged her by her hair to the couch, and dragged her over his lap, lifted up her skirt and hit her ass with the wooden spoon. For each word that came out of his mouth a new red spot appeared on her ass.
“You do not move without my permission. You are going to be my project. You will learn to obey me. Never touch MY door again when I am here.”
With that he lifted her up and sat her on the couch, he got the key to her gag from his pocket and undid it. He was facing her holding her in place on the couch very forcefully, but he noticed that she did not scream, she was sobbing, but not screaming, and even seemed to be trying to be quiet about it. In truth Sally was very happy to have the gag out of her mouth.
He looked at her and stroked her hair and wiped her tears away, speaking very softly to her. “Are you okay? You have to learn to listen when I am home okay? Look I know the teaching phase is most difficult on the student but I would not have picked you if I did not think you could do it. You are so pretty, now it is time for you to be undressed. I would have done this sooner, but we got distracted by our lessons, didn’t we?” Mike continued “Let me make my intentions clear, I am not going to kill you, just train you to please me, as the lessons continue you will know what I mean.” Mike kept pushing back her hair and wiping her tears till her sobbing subsided.
Sally was reeling from the constant switch between the monster and the gentle giant. Each one could appear or disappear at a moment’s notice and she was terrified. She just sat there trembling while Mike stroked her.
“Take your shirt off for me” Mike was pretty sure she would, and he was rewarded. “What a good girl, I know you did not want to do that but you did, I am so proud of your progress.” Mike reached over and stroked her cheek. Sally tried to move, but Mike took her face in one hand and caressed it with the other. The trick was keeping them off balance and guessing, good guy or bad guy, but always let them know you will follow through with any threat.
Mike looked at her front, but did not touch, that was for later, for now he just wanted her naked because he told her to be.
“How lovely! Now stand up and take off all your clothes because it pleases me.” She started to pull away from him, “Uh- Uh- uh no, no I am going to hold your left hand and you will undress with one hand, if you need help you will ASK for help.”
Sally looked at him hesitating, Mike grabbed the spoon and hit the sides of her breasts each once. Each impact was enough to make tears come but they were ignored.
“I like to be obeyed quickly. And you want to please me because that will mean less pain. Now stand up and get undressed.” Mike was frustrated and was back to being very matter of fact; he had thought that she would have had enough pain by now. He was only staying the weekend and wanted to have the basics done so he could carry on with the training when he came back next.
Sally started crying. “I can’t take any of my clothes off with one hand, I can’t” Mike pulled Sally into his lap and wrapped his arms around her.
“Shh, sweetheart, shhh. Look at me, please?” his voice was soft and comforting. Sally looked half afraid he was going to hit her. “Sweetie, what did I say you were supposed to do if you needed help?”
“I don’t know, please, please don’t hurt me.”
“If you need help following any of my orders, just ask for help, sweetie, it’s okay, hush. Can you do that? Can you ask me to help you? Come on stop crying, it’s okay, you want to obey me, and that is good. I will only punish if you don’t want to, now ask me nicely and call me Sir.”
Sally was so relieved she was not going to be punished she did not hesitate.
“Please Sir, will you help me take my clothes off?”
“Of course darling, now stand up with your back to me so I can undo your bra and skirt.” Mike held on to one hand of course, but he was pretty sure he did not need to. The bra opened and the skirt fell to the ground, Mike tugged on her hand. “Now turn around.” Sally did and did not fuss when Mike finished taking everything off. Mike held her in front of him his hand on her forearms
“You look lovely, but I need to add something. Listen this is a tool to help you during your training sessions, so you don’t get into as much trouble. I need to do things in other rooms of the house and I cannot leave you here, I am afraid you would still try the door, even though I am sure you learned your lesson for tonight.” While he was talking he pulled a slivery chain looking contraption out of a pocket.
“You have never owned a dog so I will tell you; this is called a pinch collar. I am going to put it on you and the object for you is to not get too far away from me, if you do the prongs will come up and hurt your neck, when you get close again they will relax, or if I want a different response then the one you are giving me I will pull on the leash to remind you. Mike’s eyes started to twinkle “Oh yes there is a leash too and you will be on it.” His voice became demanding without changing volume “On your knees.”
Sally wanted to try to run, this scared her, but before she could think Mike pulled her down to her knees and looked her in the eyes. “Pain is the only thing disobedience will get you, from now on you will do as I say immediately or you will experience lots of pain. Put your head down and hold your hair.”
Sally did as instructed quickly. “What am I doing? I need to resist him” she thought, but how?
The collar was on and she heard him attach the leash. “You will walk on all fours when you have a collar on. This is a training collar, when I am not training you anymore you will have a different one. Come.” Mike tugged on the leash a bit hard so she could feel the prongs, Sally came and quickly.
Mike walked her through the apartment to the bathroom, “You may use the toilet”
Sally realized that she needed to, quite badly in fact, she crawled to the toilet then stopped. She was not sure if standing would get her in trouble, but did not want to give him the satisfaction of asking him.
“Go on get up on it” Sally did and realized as she sat that Mike was still in the bathroom.
“Are you going to leave?”
Mike pulled on the leash hard his voice low. “Address me properly, bitch. I have earned it.” Sally saw the hostility and it frightened her.
“Um Sir?”
“What?” his eyes were cold and his voice was harsh. She would learn to talk in full sentences and address him properly.
“Are you going to stay Sir?”
Mike relaxed the leash, “Very good, yes I am, now go.”
Sally was embarrassed, but she really had to go, so she did. When she was done Mike was at her side with a cup of water he poured over her vagina, then he wiped her with the toilet paper. Sally started to cry. She realized he was totally in control, she could do nothing to stop him, and no one would know anything was wrong till Monday. This monster was going to take every shred of dignity from her.
Mike pulled on the leash and Sally got on all fours, she just wanted to curl up in a corner and have a good cry, but he was not allowing that. Mike had stopped and Sally was not sure why.
“We need to eat I am going to make us some dinner. You need to stay close so you don’t get hurt, okay? Stay on all fours. I know where everything is, I came in early today and familiarized myself with your apartment.” Mike went to the fridge with Sally scrambling after him and pulled out two steaks he had marinating in there.
Sally had a good cry to herself while crawling after Mike here and there in the kitchen. He had shortened the leash so she had to heel him at all times. Mike smiled to himself. This was going pretty good. He knew she was crying, but figured she needed it just as much as she needed some time where he was not giving her orders or talking to her so he made dinner in silence.
When it was done he set the table, soon Sally would be doing that, but she had not been properly trained yet so he did it.
“There are table rules we will go over but for now stand up, and sit down, your collar will remain on.” Mike held the chair for Sally who looked at the table for the first time, and saw what this horrible man had prepared, and was quite shocked; it looked like a restaurant meal. Steak with brussel sprouts, cloth napkins a red wine in wine glasses, and water glasses all set out perfectly. Mike reached for her napkin and placed it in her lap, and then sat in his seat. She did notice that her steak was already cut, and she had not been allowed a knife, that combined with the way he had placed the napkin in her lap made her feel like he was treating her like a child, and that any control she may have had was slipping away.
“I will let you feed yourself tonight, sometimes I will feed you, but I am tired and hungry.” You will eat and drink everything in front of you. Do not spill, do not speak, and do try to be as quiet and still as possible.”
“Let Me? Feed MYSELF?” Sally’s mind was racing, but she was hungry and ate in silence processing her predicament. She glared at him once, but he returned it, raised his eyebrows and pulled on the leash causing the prongs to dig into her neck. She looked away, with her head down and the collar relaxed.
“Finish your wine, all of it.”
She hated wine, and was about to argue when the leash pulled and the prongs made their presence know. Quickly she grasped the wine glass and when she tasted it she found it was watered down, like one would do for a child. She finished it and was surprised she was still hungry, but she was not about to say anything to this monster of a man. He was not done, he was enjoying watching her, and eating his food with care. She was beautiful and he could wait no more. He finished and stood up without saying a word and started walking toward the living room, because of the collar she had no choice but to follow, she ran to catch up. Suddenly he stopped turned sharply, slapped her cheek and pointed at the ground. Slowly she lowered herself on all fours and he continued, He sat down on the couch.
“Come kneel in front of me.” She did, looking around wondering how to get out of this place. Her little apartment used to be her sanctuary, her place, and now she just wanted to get out and leave this horrible man. Eating had helped her gain her resolve back. Maybe when he slept? He would sleep right?
“Look at me.” He waited until she met his eyes and he stared her down. When she looked away he pulled her collar tight, “LOOK. AT. ME.”
She did. “When I give you an order, you will do it until I tell you to do something else. DO NOT think for yourself, If you finish a task I give you, you will report to me and await further instruction.”
“Now.” Mike leaned back relaxing, playing with the chain in his hand. “I need a name for you, I have decided I will call you Bitch. Please tell me what you think of your new name, Bitch.”
Tears started forming in Sally’s eyes again. Mike leaned forward and pushed her hair back, and wiped her tears away. “Now, now my sweet Bitch, none of that, if you disobey there will be pain, all I asked was your opinion, please tell me what you think of your new name, Bitch.
“It is ugly.”Suddenly the prongs on the collar tightened very tight and Sally’s head jerked forward.
“It is ugly what?” Mike had his face an inch away from hers, and his hand and grabbed a fistful of her hair.
“It is ugly, Sir., Sir, I forgot, Please, please don’t. . .” the words faded as Mike released the collar, but not Sally, he held her looking into her eyes.
“Will you forget again, Bitch?” His voice was clipped and menacing
“No, no Sir., Just Pleease? Please Sir no more, please let me go.” And with that she collapsed her head on his lap sobbing, knowing he was not going to, knowing she had no control, no way of escape, and not knowing where this was going at all.
Mike let her cry running his fingers through her hair talking to her in soft tones until she was spent. When she had let it all out he lifted her face up by her chin.
“Now on your knees in front of me sweetie, we have not finished for the evening yet.”
All the fight had left with the tears for the moment and she complied.
“I have had a long day and you are going to help me relax, my sweet. This will be dessert for both of us.” As he was talking Mike was undoing his pants, and pulling his dick out, it was average length, not a monster, but not tiny and here it was in front of her hard.
“Oh God he is going to rape me now, of course.” Sally thought to herself and tried to back away from the stranger’s lap, she had forgotten about the collar, but not for long, she had no choice but to go back to her original position and let the collar relax.
“Good Girl, now I don’t want put this in your cunt, Nope. I am going to put this in your mouth and fuck your face. You will learn to give me great blow jobs, but right now I just need a hole. I am going to remind you, disobedience is severely punished, if you touch it with your teeth your backside will be raw. Now open your mouth.”
The experience was not pleasant for Sally. He forced her all the way down and held it just so she knew he was in charge, and then he pumped her face up and down using her hair as a handle. The pace was hard and fast, giving her only quick moments to catch her breath. Tears formed in her eyes and she closed them tight trying to shut out this onslaught on her senses. She was not accustomed to how a man smelled down there, he was hairy at the base, and his cock was thick. Suddenly her nipple was being twisted and she looked up.
“Never close your eyes, you may never shut me out, I am your new world, Bitch.” Mike twisted hard and mashed her breast in his big hand roughly while his other hand kept her mouth going on his cock. Suddenly both hands grabbed Sally by the head and pushed her all the way down and held her there.
“Swallow it all” and Mike shot his load down her throat in multiple spasms. Sally had never had a cock in her mouth was never curious and was disgusted by the warm salty weird goo that seemed to leave a residue in the back of her mouth, She could still taste it after Mike pulled out.
Mike got up and went to the refrigerator with Sally close on his heels, grabbed two bottles of water went back to his chair and turned the T.V on.“Oh sweetie, that was so nice. I will reward you, come kneel in front of me.”
Sally found herself wanting a reward even if it was from the monster, something nice. She came and knelt, knees together waiting.
Mike kicked at her knees, “Open” she did, then he handed her a bottle of water “Here is your reward, sweetie, a nice bottle of water to wash down your dessert.” and turned his attention to the T.V
Sally knelt there mad. “This is a REWARD?! Fucking WATER?, Goddamn it! and why do I want him to reward me what is my problem?” all she could think about was getting away and ending this.
At the end of the program Mike was watching he turned off the T.V and sat looking at her naked in front of him having no idea why or what was going to happen. He was tired it was time for bed. “Bitch, put your head down and hold your hair off your neck.”
Sally was lost in thought and was not listening.
“BITCH!” Mike said with a force and coldness that would not be ignored.
That got Sally’s attention.
“Did you forget your name or were you just not paying attention?”Mike’s voice was hard and cold his eyes narrowed and all of his attention was on Sally.
Sally hesitated trying to figure out which would get her less pain and decided on the truth. “I-I-I was not paying attention, Sir?”
Mike was up at the coffee table in a flash. He still had a hold of her lead and Sally was dragged on her belly till her hands and feet got under her and she could crawl. He picked up something then sat on the couch because it was closest. “Up on your knees.”
Sally complied. His voice was not pissed, she must have chosen the right answer, she felt he would have tore into her backside if she admitted to forgetting her name, and he had given her a choice. When Sally looked up, the stranger had binder clips in his hands, the medium sized ones, why did he have binder clips? Sally was still trying to sort things out when Mike reached down and started pulling her nipple out hurting her.
“Ow! Ow! Sir, I am sorry, Sir, I am.”
Mike did not say anything as he pulled first one nipple out and clamped it with the clip, then the other. Sally started sobbing, the pain was too much.
“On all fours, Bitch.” Mike was seething mad. He sat down on the floor in front of her, reached underneath her and put both hands on her breasts.
“You were not paying ATTENTION?” ,Mike hissed in her ear, then brought his voice to a steady, forceful voice. “ I am the reason you feel pain, I am the reason you do not. Any minute you are not in pain is because I allow it, any minute you are in pain is because I choose. I am your world, and you were not paying ATTENTION?” and with that Mike began to push the clips into her breasts then pull them out stretching the nipples till the clips might fall off then again.
“I am sorry, oh Sir, I AM please stop, I will pay attention, I am sorry, Please, please take them off, they hurt so much.” Sally was trying to talk between the gasps and sobs.
Mike had stopped talking and just kept working the clips on her nipples, When one fell off and he grinned with malice as Sally looked up hopefully just to have it dashed as he re attached it, firmer this time and it hurt more. After five minutes, Mike had timed it, he spoke “Up and stay up”
Sally assumed he meant onto her knees and quickly complied hoping he was going to take them off now. Mike began to hit them with his hand seeing if he could knock them off, he didn’t and the pain was so great Sally thrashed about, but was smart enough to stay on her knees and in place. Mike never missed and he was rewarded by her cries. After another two minutes Mike took the clips off and without a word picked up Sally and carried her to the bathroom.
Once in the bathroom Mike put her gently down facing the mirror. Mike held her eyes in the mirror, she was scared to look away. Very slowly never taking his eyes off hers in the mirror, he leaned over and whispered. “Do not EVER take your mind off your new master when he is home. NEVER!”
With that he pointed to the toilet, which Sally used. After he cleaned her up he led her to the sink, washed her hands, and turned to face her. He tapped her on the cheek, “Open wide.”
Sally did and saw that he had her toothbrush, seriously? She could brush her own teeth, but he was already doing it. When he was done with her he sat her in the middle of the bathroom floor while he did his nightly preparations. Then he picked her up and carried her to the bed, and put her down next to it.
“I am tired tonight, do not try me. This is my bed now, not yours, you will only sleep in it when I allow you, which I will tonight because I want you well rested, now lean your head forward and hold your hair.” He moved behind her and took off the collar.
Sally gratefully rubbed her neck, while she did that Mike reached into the night stand and got out the cuffs and 5 foot chain he had put there earlier. He placed a cuff around the hand she was rubbing her neck with, Sally jumped and turned around and saw Mike attach the other cuff to one of his wrists.
Mike pulled her close, speaking in his comforting voice. “Don’t be scared sweetie, I just can’t have your running off in the middle of the night now can I? Nooo that would not be good. Here look I had these made, the chain is welded to each of the cuffs, and each of the cuffs is padlocked at the buckle so you cannot secretly undo one and sneak out. Each padlock has a separate 4 digit combination here on the bottom. I want you to sleep well with no thoughts of escape, so I have you fresh in the morning; I am going to work on your ass first thing. Now get into bed.”
Sally did and Mike followed behind her forcing her to be spooned as his hands roved over his naked new conquest, dreaming of things to come, and driving the point home by tenderizing her already sore breasts. All the while talking to her in a low soothing voice telling her she would learn to be a good girl, soon he would not have to hurt her and maybe she would enjoy it. Sally listened frightened and sobbing with no hope of escape and dreading the morning, and having him “work on” her ass. Maybe he meant spank it? She almost hoped so, but she had a feeling it was much, much worse.
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