Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction and fantasy. Any resemblance to real persons, places, or events is coincidental. This story is not intended to be an accurate reflection of any particular lifestyle.
Honor thy Father and slut
(Chapter 9)
I was out in the workshop trying to isolate a particularly bothersome card fault when I heard the chime indicating someone was coming down the driveway. I flipped the TV to the security feed to see an expensive looking luxury car easing its way down the gravel, and I laughed. I hit the intercom. “Gail, I think your parents have come for a visit. Set a couple extra places for lunch. Mike, get another pot of coffee on and make sure we have some cold beer in the fridge. I’m on my way up.” I cut off the channel to twin, “Yes, Master” responses.
It had been a little over a month since my sluts had moved in, and things were settling into a decent routine. They took turns being “on duty” serving me, though Mike’s service was more of a butler than a sex slave. The boy could suck dick, but I still wasn’t comfortable fucking him. More often, I’d sic him on Gail- or her on him, depending on who was on duty that day. She’d had two periods so far, one shortly after our shopping trip, the second just having ended. We were all a little disappointed that we hadn’t gotten her pregnant yet, but were cheered by the fact that it meant we could keep trying. Mike went into his work on his days off from me. Gail, as it turned out, had degrees in Business Administration and Accounting, which worked out well for me since I both sucked at and hated doing the paperwork part of my contracting business. She took over doing my books and scheduling, and things hadn’t run smoother. I made sure she gave herself a salary worthy of her contributions. It all went into the “Communal Household Account”, but at least we’d pass a SOX audit if anyone asked.
It took me a few minutes to get my workbench cleaned up and to get up to the house. As I walked in the back, Gail was greeting her mother, with Arnold standing patiently waiting for the girls to finish. I finished wiping my hands with the rag I’d carried with me before extending one to Gail’s father.
“Mr. Jeffries. A pleasure to see you both again, sir. Welcome.”
Arnold frowned as he took my hand, looking every bit as imposing has he had when we first met at his home. “David. It’s ‘Arnold’, ‘Mr. Jefferies’, or ‘Dad’. If you call me ‘Sir’ again, I will put you on your knees and shove my dick down your throat. “ He chuckled at that, seeming to find the threat amusing for some reason.
I laughed with him, stepping back and offering him a seat at the kitchen table. “Arnold, then, since I won’t call you ‘Dad’ until Gail and I are married, and I’d rather not be treated with that particular taste. Coffee?” I took a seat and motioned to Mike, who was standing along the wall, waiting. He quickly moved to pour two mugs, setting them on the table next to the sugar bowl and cream, then went back to wait.
Arnold watched with a small smile as he took a seat before looking around. “I see you have decided to keep Michael around as well. I have always been fond of him, and was concerned about where he would end up after leaving Elizabeth’s service.”
I nodded, smiling at Mike’s blush, and his growing erection. He and Gail stayed nude while at home. I didn’t require it, and made sure they knew that, but I certainly didn’t mind the views. Gail was chatting quietly while kneeling in the corner with her mother, both naked except for their collars. I’d taken Gail’s cuffs off of her after we got back from the mall last month. I hadn’t found a collar I liked for Mike yet, so he just wore a simple chain and lock for now.
“I considered finding him another Dominant to take his leash, but I’ve grown rather accustomed to him. It gives Gail time off to do other things, and he helps me keep her satisfied. I love her dearly, but your daughter is an insatiable little slut. She would kill me if I didn’t have Mike here to help keep her busy.”
The other Master nodded, chuckling as he took a drink of coffee. “Do you often entertain in the kitchen? Rather informal, is it not?”
I shrugged. “I generally don’t care for formalities. I like comfort and convenience. I don’t have a formal sitting room, and the only other real gathering space is the living room where I have the TV and gaming systems.” I looked over at the girls. “Gail, show your mother around the house. Mike can handle things in here, and it will let her get familiar with where things are if she is called on.”
My pet looked up and smiled. “Yes, Master.” The ladies both got to their feet smoothly and padded out, continuing to chat. I took a moment to enjoy the twin views.
I turned my attention back to Mr. Jeffries, who was looking at me thoughtfully. “So, to what do I owe the honor of a visit? Coming to make sure I’m not mistreating your baby girl too much, or to scold me for outing your eldest as a fraud?”
He chuckled. “My, you are direct. The former, actually. We suspected Elizabeth’s duplicity, but had no evidence or real reasons to act. I understand that the legalities are all settled to the satisfaction of all?” He looked over at Michael, who nodded. “Good. I would rather not have an extended and ugly court battle. Especially given the lifestyle we all seem to be enjoying. To the point, though, I wanted to ensure that Gail was being properly cared for, and to offer assistance if needed.”
“We are secure financially, thanks to Mike’s and my work, and his settlement. Gail has been keeping us on budget, better than I was before having her here, actually. I will let her discuss how she feels she is being treated, because anything I say on the subject would be viewed as biased.”
He nodded. “I am sure her mother is getting a full report, so I will keep my focus on your contributions. I am prepared to offer a stipend for her care and comfort. A rather substantial one, actually.”
I smiled, setting my mug down. “Mr. Jeffries, I will admit to being proud, stubborn, and, as you pointed out, direct. So I’ll be honest with you. No matter how we decide to word or explain it away, there is a part of me that would see any money as charity- an admission that I can’t take care of my family. That’s what Gail and Mike are to me now- family. Now, if you have work for me to do at… “ I trailed off. “What, exactly, is it that you do?”
He laughed, nodding. “Direct, proud, and stubborn. Well said, son. Well said, indeed. I am the current Executive Vice President of Carmine Steel Works. We manufacture various specialty items, such as the collar and cuffs that Gail was given, as well as the one my wife wears. Felicia is the owner and CEO on paper. Her father gave her- and consequentially, me- the company when we were married. Elizabeth is next in line to inherit, with her husband of course. Stephen, now, is it not? Gail and the boys will be given shares and yearly bonuses, based on company performance.” He stopped, looking over at Michael. “Get me his measurements and I will have something more appropriate sent over. Something to match Gail’s, if you like.”
I sat staring for a good thirty seconds before my brain managed to get traction again, much to the apparent amusement of Arnold. “Right. So, Gail’s a millionaire.” I gave Mike a dark look as he giggled, and he quieted, still smiling. “Well, don’t I just seem like a jack-ass braying at the moon?”
Arnold, chuckled. “No, David, quite the opposite. You have impressed me. Enough that I am going to offer you long term contract. The factory systems are long overdue to be updated. I want you to oversee the project. That will provide you a balm for your pride, and an excuse for me to give you and your family as much money as I care to.”
I shook my head before looking over at Mike. “Quit your job. You are on my payroll now. I can do the hardware, but the coding required for the updates will be your job.” Mike nodded as I heard giggling from around the corner. I raised my voice, “And don’t think you’re getting out of the extra work, either, slut. Who do you think is going to be handling the invoicing?” The laughter stopped and the girls came back in, Gail looking a little nervous.
Arnold and I chuckled at Gail’s expression, and I waved her over to me. “Come here, pet.” She knelt by my chair, laying her head in my lap so I could stroke her hair. “I imagine you overheard what I was telling your father about how much I appreciate you helping out around here.”
She nodded, “Yes, Master.”
I smiled, watching Felicia take a similar position next to Arnold. “Good. Now I want you to show your parents the results of their training in regards to your skills,” I said to Gail. She lifted her head and smiled, her hands reaching up toward my waist. I slapped her hands lightly, still smiling. “Not on me, my horny little slut.” The look of near horror on her face as she glanced at her father was priceless. “No, not him, either, naughty girl. Go over and make Mike cum inside of your pussy. Neither of you may use your hands except to brace yourselves.” Mike and Gail looked at each other and giggled. I sipped my coffee mug and sat back to enjoy the show. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Arnold smiling, pulling Felicia’s face toward the bulge starting to form in his trousers.
Mike lifted his hands, lacing his fingers behind his neck, and pressed himself back against the wall. Gail got to her feet and turned her back to him, bending over and pressing his erect cock between her ass cheeks, flexing her knees to begin stroking him. He closed his eyes, his smile and heavy breathing showing how he felt.
I looked over at the Jeffries in time to watch Felicia begin working her Master’s cock between her lips. I made a note to not give Arnold a reason to carry out his earlier threat on me, because his shaft was long and thick. I estimated he could almost reach Felicia’s stomach if he pushed the entire length down her throat. I shivered at the thought and turned back toward my pets.
Gail had risen up on her toes enough to catch Mike’s cock between her legs, and was stroking it along her mons. She kept her hands behind her own head to ensure she didn’t accidentally use them. She was biting her lip lightly, looking between me and her parents. She shifted her hips, moving Mike’s shaft head to the opening of her wet cunt. She moaned as she pushed back onto him, impaling herself inch by inch until her ass pressed tight against Mike’s hips. Both of them shivered before Gail started moving again, a slow, long rhythm.
A grunting and slurping sound turned my attention back toward the other couple in the room. Arnold’s pants were down around his ankles, his cock buried in Felicia’s pussy as she straddled his legs, her back to his chest. His hands wrapped around her hips, pressing her down against him as she rocked and circled her hips. Her fingers were laced behind her head like my pets’ were, and both Jeffries were watching their daughter’s display.
I wasn’t sure which show to watch: my pets fucking for her parents, or her parents fucking while watching my pets. What I was sure of was the tightness in my pants. I heard Mike grunt first, looking over to see his body start to tighten as Gail milked his balls of every drop she could pull from him. The sight seemed to be enough to push Arnold over the edge as well, and his throaty growl followed by Felicia’s staccato whimper indicated his unloading into his wife. Both couples were still for a few moments, enjoying the afterglow.
Gail moved first, slowly pulling off of Mike’s cock, keeping her legs tight together as she went to her knees, pressing her shoulders down to the floor to keep her ass high and avoid the sperm inside of her from dripping out. Mike stayed where he was, dick glistening with spunk and cunt juice, hands gripping the back of his neck. I head Arnold whisper something before Felicia lifted herself off of his staff with a long moan. His cock was a mess of sex leftovers, as well, and more ran down the insides of her thighs as she crawled over between my legs.
Her voice was faint, her eyes down, as she asked, “Would Sir like me to give Him relief?”
I looked at Arnold, who smiled and nodded, then down at Gail, who winked tiredly from where she still lay. I turned back to Felicia. “You may relieve me.”
She blushed, glancing at her husband again before reaching up to unfasten the button and zipper of my pants. She carefully pulled my erect cock out, her eyes fastening on the purple head as it twitched and leaked a little fluid. She licked her lips, glancing back at her daughter. Gail was smiling knowingly, watching. Felicia moved forward, her tongue making its first, tentative pass up the length of my shaft, starting at my ball sac and ending with a circle around hole. Her eyes closed and she sighed as she gathered up the precum before closing her lips around the tip of my cock and sucking softly. I moaned softly, having to concentrate on both keeping my eyes open to watch and gripping the sides of my chair instead of twining my fingers in her hair. I had no doubt she could take all of me into her throat after seeing the monster between Arnold’s legs, so I tried to just enjoy the feeling of her lips and tongue gliding moistly over the skin of my dick, the sight of her nose twitching as she pushed into my pubic patch. She reached up with her hands and hooked the waist of my pants just behind my hips, working them down in time to my involuntary lifting to drive deeper into her face. My pants were soon pooled at my feet. She never broke rhythm as she worked first one foot, then the other out of my jeans, tossing them to the side. Her right hand cupped my balls, gently pulling them down until she could use her index finger and thumb to make an ever tightening ring around them. The tingling heat that had been building in my loins spiked, and I lay my had back and moaned, my eyes closing at the pleasurable torture Felicia was providing.
I was still flying high on sensation when Felicia moved. She somehow kept her grip on my nutsac, but stood and spun, straddling my hips quickly and sliding her sloppy, dripping cunt down over my cock. I would have expected to feel loose inside of her after the reaming she’d received from her husband, but the firm grip her velvet walls took on my shaft proved otherwise. She started riding me, up and down, her hips rolling in small figure eights, stroking me with very little movement. Her stranglehold on my balls kept me from cumming.
I felt small, soft hands wrap around my wrists and bring my hands to my chest. I turned my head to look into the eyes of my beloved little slut, and saw joy and lust in them as she held me. “Oh, Master. I love watching you get fucked by her. Thank-You, Master, for letting her do this for You.” She feasted passionately at my mouth, our tongues dueling as she swallowed the moans her mother’s pussy forced from me.
Felicia started moaning herself, the control of her movement beginning to slip as her orgasm started to build. With a final shove, she buried me as deeply into her as she could, and released her hold on my balls. As she let go, so did I. The torrent she had held back flooded into her, the sudden crash lifting my hips off the chair. I screamed into Gail’s kiss, as my seed pumped into her mother.
I don’t know how long Felicia sat on my cock, the muscles of her sex pulsing and pulling more of my jizz into her. I don’t know how long I sat there, panting against Gail’s necks, shivering as aftershocks ran through my body randomly. When I felt Felicia lift herself up, I moaned again. Gail moved between my legs, lapping up the runoff from my coupling with her mother. The twinkle in her eyes as she peered up at me promised that Mike and I would not be getting much sleep tonight.
I was startled by Arnold clapping his hands slowly and loudly, chuckling. “Well done, son. Very well done, indeed. I am so looking forward to the wedding. I assume that, like most grooms, you have very little interest about the details.”
I nodded. “As long as she’s happy, I’ll be happy. Gail might be a horny little slut, but she’s MY horny little slut, and I want her to be the center of attention on her special day.” I looked down and stroked her hair. She purred softly, her face a mess of semen and pussy juice. I didn’t linger long on the thought of exactly who’s spunk was in that mix.
Arnold laughed and nodded. “I figured as much. Felicia and Gail can do all the planning. I’m sure you will be impressed, and enjoy it all.” He got to his feet, pulling his pants up into place. “In the meantime, I will have the contracts written up, with the costs listed as TBD based on your walk through and estimates. I will also get the order started on Michael’s collar and cuffs, along with a few other things for both of them that I think you might like.”
I got to my feet, pushing a pouting slut out of the way, and walked Arnold and Felicia to the door, taking his hand and shaking it again. “It has been a pleasure, Arnold. I will schedule a walk in the next week or so, after I finish off the projects I already have in the works.”
The Jeffries left, Felicia dripping sex down both thighs as she slid into the back seat next to her husband and Master. The driver tipped his hat to me and smiled as he got into the car. Both of my pets knelt to either side of me as we watched the car move up the driveway.
I turned back toward the kitchen, my stomach announcing its displeasure at being empty. “Okay, sluts. Fun time is over for now. I’m hungry, and since you both seem intent on working today, you get to help each other cook. Get busy. “ I laughed, watching them scramble across the floor on all fours before getting to their feet and starting lunch.
I sat down in my chair, noting that one or both of them had a mess to clean up in the chair that Mr. Jeffries had used. I sipped my coffee and watched my pets. “This is certainly an interesting family I’m marrying into. I can’t wait to see what the wedding looks like.
Keep them coming.
Anonymous readerReport
Thank you very much and i look forward to the wedding and the future
Anonymous readerReport