This Chapter is not as dark as some of the other ones in this series. However, please read the themese before reading.
Just as Toby left the house his mobile rang. It was his dad.
"Hey Dad." he said.
"Tobias! I just heard that Rachel is sick. What's happening about the presentation?" Toby’s Dad’s voice was concerned.
"Don't worry Dad I've got it" Toby reassured him.
"I think you should let them know she's ill and try and rearrange." His Dad clearly wasn’t convinced, concern at losing the deal etched in his voice.
"Dad don't worry. I'm on my way there. I'll be fine. Just trust me. I’ve got this." Toby repeated.
"Well if your sure son. Good luck" He sounded reluctant but what other choice did he have and Toby was determined to prove him wrong.
Toby smiled, he knew this was his chance to prove to his Dad and show him what a great businessman and heir to his company he was.
He stepped out of the front door and saw Rachel’s Audi R8 waiting for him. He climbed into the driver’s seat and couldn’t help but enjoy the rumble of the engine and the vibrations of the car beneath the leather seats. He put the car into reverse and headed out into the road, trying to run through the pitch in his head, when all he could think about was the naked woman tied to the bed back home.
The company’s offices were only a 10 mile drive around the corner and with the speed of the Audi he was there in no time he was pulling up to the security gates, and signing into reception. Still 15 minutes to go till the pitch, so plenty of time to get his head in order.
He walked up to the receptionist, a stern looking 50 year old woman and introduced himself.
“Hi, I’m Toby Farquhar-Smythe from HFS Logistics. Here for the presentation to Mr. Butler.”
She looked on her computer. “Ah yes, Mr. Farquhar-Smythe, I’ve got you. Although it says someone else should be accompanying you?”
“Yes, unfortunately my colleague Rachel Adams is unwell and so I’m presenting on my own today.”
She seemed satisfied. “Ok, Mr. Farquhar-Smythe, if you go along the corridor and take the lift to the twentieth floor someone will meet you there.”
“Thank you.” Toby said turning and picking up his briefcase; he surveyed the open entrance hall, and saw a number of men in suits talking in a corner and a security guard who he walked past on his way to the lift. As he walked along the corridor he looked into the office on his left. He was surprised that he couldn’t see a single woman in there, he’d been hoping to see a nice arse, in a tight pencil skirt, but there wasn’t anything. In fact the only woman he had seen so far had been the old secretary. He climbed into the lift and was joined by a couple of other men, he pressed the button for the twentieth and top floor; he was seeing the boss after all. The other men got out at different floors on the way and each time he looked out and could only see men, except one very fat woman sat chomping away on a Snickers while she worked. He was very disappointed, he’d hoped to see a pretty girl to get his blood pumping and ready for his presentation. But this place didn’t seem to have any hot women at all.
Eventually the lift opened at floor twenty, and finally Toby’s prayers were answered, as stood in front of him was a gorgeous blonde. She was gorgeous, in a fitted grey dress, with a V-neck to give a hint of cleavage, small but nicely pushed up. The sides of the dress hugged her slender figure, she didn’t look like she had an ounce of fat on her. The dress stopped just above the knees and she was wearing a pair of shoes with killer heels, that he wondered how she walked. She was extremely fit, and she had certainly done the job in getting the juices flowing.
“Hi, I’m Courtney” she said, holding out her hand. Toby took it gladly. “If you would like to follow me, I’ll take you through” And she turned and Toby couldn’t help but stare at her arse being gripped by the grey fabric, especially as Courtney was bending over slightly to push a code into a key pad. The door opened and Toby chivalrously grabbed it to allow Courtney through, he wanted to keep following that arse.
He stepped into the office and his perceptions of the whole company changed, there were only 12 desks but every one of them had a young, stunningly beautiful girl sat at it; he was in pencil skirt heaven, surrounded by a harem of high heels and tight-fitting blouses. Mr. Butler was clearly as bigger pervert as him, surrounding himself in such unbelievable beauty. He eyed up every girl as he walked past, this was the best office he had ever been in.
However, too quickly he was in a corridor with meeting rooms on either side, although he still had the consolation prize of Courtney’s arse swaying in front of him. At the end of the corridor they reached a small waiting area.
“If you could have a seat, please Mr. Farquhar-Smythe.” Courtney said pointing to a row of chairs. “I’ll let you know when Mr. Butler is ready for you.”
Toby watched as Courtney walked behind a large desk, and sat down next to another stunningly beautiful girl, this one was brunette, however if it hadn’t been for the hair and the black suit, he would have thought it was Courtney.
They had to be twins. Mr. Butler really was a kinky fucker, maybe Toby could work this to his advantage. Although he realised not having Rachel here could prove problematic. He surveyed the room just to the left of the desk was a large set of double doors, and then to the wall left of that was another office with a sign saying, ‘Mr. Butler Jr’ to the right if the desk was a matching office saying Mrs. Fox. Just as Toby was starting to wonder who they were, a phone on the desk rang and Courtney picked it up.
“Hello, Mr. Butler’s Office” she said, sweetly; she then listened and after a few seconds. “Of course Mr. Butler, I’ll send them in.” Courtney replied, placing the phone down and turning to Toby.
“You can go in now” She said rising from her chair, and she walked to the double doors and pushed one of them open.
Toby followed her through the door. “Thank you Courtney” he said smiling at her.
Toby then strode into the room and looked around. It was a huge open plan office. There was a large mahogany desk at the far side with a book shelf and a few filing cabinets. And to either side of them were two floor to ceiling windows, that gave incredible panoramic views over the city.
But Toby couldn’t stand there admiring the view, he had business to do. Over to his left were 3 people sat behind a desk; as he walked towards the desk, the one in the middle stood up and walked round. He was tall in his late 50s, with white hair and was starting to go bald.
“Hello, Mr. Butler, I’m Toby” Toby said reaching out his hand. Mr. Butler took it.
“Hello.” He said looking past him. “I was expecting another person too”
“Ah yes. My colleague Rachel is unfortunately unwell and so will not be making it today” Toby said.
A look of disappointment shot across Mr. Butler’s face, the look disappeared almost instantly but it was obvious why. This was not a good start.
“That’s a pity.” Mr. Butler said “Oh well we must continue. Let me introduce you to my son, Howard” he said pointing to a man the same height as his dad, but much younger and more handsome; Toby took his hand. “And my Chief Financial Officer, Victoria Fox”
Toby turned to see a mature woman, probably about 40. She took his hand and smiled, a large grin on her face. Toby couldn’t help but look past her arm to the cleavage that was bursting out of the white blouse she was wearing. She had breasts like beach balls and the shirt was doing nothing to hide them with the top button only reaching half way up her breasts.
She’d completed her outfit with a tight, leather skirt. She was certainly, not your average CFO.
“Nice to meet you Mr. Farquhar-Smythe” she said, in a low, seductive voice, that made Toby’s cock stir.
Meanwhile, Courtney had been pouring four glasses of water for everyone. Mr. Butler walked back round to the far side of the desk, slapping her arse on his way past. Courtney jolted upright and smiled an embarrassed smile.
“Thank you, Courtney that will be all!” Mr. Butler said. And as she turned to leave, all 3 men watched her ass go. Just as she got to the door, Mr. Butler shouted. “Oh Courtney!” She turned. “Could you come in here after this meeting is over? Howard and I have a couple of things we want to go over with you.” Everyone in the room knew what he meant.
But all Courtney could do was smile embarrassedly again and reply “Yes Mr. Butler”
Mr. Butler was a complete pervert. Toby really was starting to regret not bringing Rachel; he was starting to think the pitch would not go well without a woman for Mr. Butler to leer at. But there was nothing he could do; his woman was still tied to a bed with a vibrator inside her cunt. He would just have to press on without her and try and find a way to turn this around.
So Toby started the presentation, everything was going fine and he was delivering everything perfectly. Then about five minutes in, he was certain Victoria Fox winked at him. He was a little perturbed but continued, he may have just imagined it. But a couple of minutes later, she definitely winked at him again.
Toby stuttered, it was the way she had done it so quickly and then just looked down at her notepad smiling.
He recovered and continued with the presentation, Mr. Butler and his son seemed pleased with what he was saying, but all Mrs. Fox seemed to be doing was trying to distract him. She started to brush against her breast and then even started squeezing it and looking at him.
Toby pressed on and made it to the end of the presentation without any mishap. He then answered everyone’s questions and was very satisfied. He just hoped he’d done enough to secure the deal.
“Thank you” Mr Butler said, shaking his hand. “That was a very good presentation. We have a couple more presentations to go and then we will be shortlisting down to a final 2 and go from there. We will contact you tomorrow to let you know our decision.”
“Well I hope to hear a positive response” Toby replied cheerily. And he turned and walked out of the office. He smiled at the gorgeous secretary twins and started to walk down the corridor to the lift.
“Excuse me, could you wait one minute!”
Toby turned to see Mrs. Fox standing there in the doorway, her hands on her hips.
“Sorry, Mrs. Fox. Is there something I can do for you?” Toby said walking back towards her.
“Yes. I just have a few questions that I want to ask you. Could you come into my office please?” And she walked over to one of the side offices, Toby had seen earlier, she held it open and Toby stepped inside. “Chloe!” Mrs. Fox said addressing her secretary, “Cancel my next meeting. This is more important.” And she closed the door without waiting for a response.
“Right Toby.” She said turning to him. She was already unbuttoning her blouse as she did. “Let me be frank with you. This is a very competitive pitch and at present you are on the back foot. Not having a hot girl there means Mr. Butler will have switched off. And whilst I liked what you said and I like you. At present I can’t see you winning.” She pulled her shirt off. Her breasts were incredible, they must have been at least an E cup, held in place by a push up black bra, which they were straining to get out of.
“However what I can do; is put a good word in. Try and convince him that you should be given a chance. However you need to convince me that I should do that. Does that sound reasonable?” She had walked right up to Toby, so that her boobs were only inches from his chest.
“That sounds very reasonable.” Toby replied, reaching up and taking both breasts into his hands. They were incredible so large, he couldn’t get his hands fully around them. He enjoyed the feel of the soft flesh as it compressed easily to his touch.
“You like?” Mrs. Fox asked.
“Very much so.” Toby replied grinning from ear to ear.
“Good, well maybe you’ll like this too” She now moved so she was leaning on her desk, and reached round behind her to unzip her leather skirt. She slid it to the floor; and although he had half expected it, Toby was still amazed by what he saw.
Her supposedly tighted legs were actually only covered up to the top of her thigh, held in place by a small, black suspender belt that matched her bra; but the most interesting thing of all, was the lack of underwear. All that was down there was a small dark triangle of pubic hair, with the point at the very top of her slit; it was like an arrow pointing exactly where to go.
Mrs. Fox raised herself up onto the desk, and spread her legs to give Toby a better look. It accentuated the triangle even more, pointing to her pussy, which had opened slightly to reveal a hint of pink skin.
Toby walked forwards so he was stood with his legs, between hers holding them apart.
Mrs. Fox’s hands immediately sprung to his belt, pulling the strap from its buckle and ripping the zip downwards. Toby moved his hands up to place them back on her breasts. But she removed her hands from his waist and slapped them away.
“Hands by your sides!” She ordered. Toby had no hesitation in obeying, his cock swelling at her authoritative tone.
Mrs. Fox’s hand was now sliding into his boxers. Toby gasped as her hand closed around his semi-hard member.
“Already getting hard for me, I see” Mrs. Fox teased, as she started to stroke her hand slowly up and down his dick, which soon stiffened to its full capacity.
“Do you think I’m attractive?” Mrs. Fox asked, not out of insecurity but in the same confident tone like she already knew the answer.
“Yes, I do Mrs. Fox. You’re very sexy.” Toby replied. Mrs. Fox was a MILF, and he had always had a thing for older women in authority dating back to fancying teachers at school.
“Thanks. You’re a handsome young man yourself.” She replied. Toby smiled at the complement, he was extremely aroused; he could already feel the blood building up in his now rock-hard penis.
“I like handsome young men. I like how your cocks feel in my hand…” she said calmly, and Toby couldn’t help but agree with her.
“I wonder how it would feel in my mouth” she continued.
Toby felt his arousal level jump another notch, he wanted to say something profound, but all he could muster was “Oh my God!”
“But first.” Mrs. Fox continued unrelenting, “You need to take care of me!” and she let go of him and removed her hand from his boxers.
Toby moaned in disappointment, but he was under her complete control. He was enjoying relinquishing it for a while; besides it was good for business. He needed to keep her on side; he was happy to whore himself out to progress.
“Kneel!” Mrs. Fox ordered. Toby knelt down, and as she spread her legs further, he had no need for any more instructions for what he needed to do.
But first he was going to tease her a bit, he wasn’t going to give her what she wanted straight away, he wasn’t going to give her complete control.
He started by running his hands on the covered parts of her legs, starting at her ankle and working his way up along her calves, over the back of her knee and her inner thigh until he got to the lace at the top of her stockings. He then placed his finger under the lace, running his finger around her leg, liking the feel of the soft fabric above him and the soft skin below him.
Meanwhile he started to kiss the small portion of white skin of her inner thigh above the stocking. He started gently at first, brushing his lips against the skin, lightly before pulling away again. He then started to run his fingers under the strap of her suspender belt, teasing the top of her leg; whilst he increased the pressure of his kisses on her inner thigh, starting at the top of her stockings and working his way up to the groove at the top of her leg, where it met her groin.
He was so close to her pussy now he could smell her wetness; the anticipation was turning her on so much. Her legs were starting to bounce up and down.
But Toby wasn’t done with his teasing yet, he put his head right over Mrs. Fox’s pussy, his lips barely a couple of centimetres from her. He could really smell her sweet aroma now and see the glisten of pre-cum between her lips. Her breathing was getting heavier as she anticipated his next move. But Toby couldn’t resist disappointing her, as she had done him.
His balls were starting to ache in the arousal she’d left him with. So instead of using his tongue to lick up the pre-cum, instead he traced the triangle of her pubic hair with it, before placing his lips in the centre of the triangle.
He sucked on the skin beneath the hairs, pulling it up into his mouth before giving it a little bite with his teeth. She would have a nice bruise there now, just as a reminder of this meeting. Mrs. Fox moaned at the pressure.
“You’re such a tease!” she gasped.
“So are you.” Toby replied “Don’t worry I’ll stop now.”
And Toby ran his tongue the full length of her pussy, lapping up all of the escaping juices. Giving them both a taste of what was to come. He paused a moment savouring her salty taste and letting the tension build up in her again.
“Please” she begged, her hand reaching for the back of her head. Toby had been waiting for that word. Now he was the one in control, she had begged him for it; and now he would give it to her.
He ran his tongue the full length of her outer labia and immediately got a moan of approval from Mrs. Fox. He savoured the taste of her salty juices, using his tongue to scoop up the wetness that had managed to escape, he then kept it cupped in his tongue and gently started to spread it around, covering her entire pussy in her own juices. He ran his tongue along the full length of her mound, making sure he had sampled every bit of her outer lips, before working his way slightly inside.
He hadn’t finished teasing her yet, building up the anticipation as he ran his tongue over the outer parts of her pussy, she was already enjoying herself though; moaning with every stroke and gripping his hair with her hand.
Then he started to work his tongue inside her pussy, he felt his way to the hole, stemming the freely flowing juices of her arousal. He gently started to rotate his tongue inside her, making sure he got to every part he could reach.
Mrs. Fox started to scream in pleasure as the arousal continued to build up inside her. She was pulling on his head, trying to pull his tongue deeper into her, pressing his nose against her pussy as well. Toby could smell her, smell the sweet nectar of her loins that he was teasing out of her.
Toby removed his tongue from her vaginal opening, lapping up her juices as he went, before delicately transferring them onto the final element he needed to focus on.
Mrs. Fox screamed as his tongue licked her clit, immediately releasing her orgasm. Toby continued to lick feverishly, prolonging the orgasm as much as possible. Mrs. Fox had let go of his head now. She leant back, her fingers gripping the far side of the desk for support, as she bucked her mound into him.
She was making no effort to control the noises coming out of her, as she moaned at the top of her voice.
After another minute of intense orgasm; she pushed herself back into sitting position and pushed Toby’s head away from her snatch.
She sat there trying to get her breath back, whilst Toby just knelt in front of her grinning.
“Did I convince you?” he asked.
She laughed. “Oh yes, you certainly did that. And now I will reward you. Sit in that chair!” Mrs Fox said, pointing him at a hard wooden chair to the left of the room.
Toby sat excited by what was next.
He watched as Mrs. Fox stood up and without covering herself up at all, walked over to him and slid her hands up his thighs and pulled his trousers and boxers around his ankles. She smiled at his erect cock.
Mrs. Fox stroked her nailed fingers along his thigh, teasing him. When she reached the top of his leg she took hold of his shaft in her left hand and started to stroke her way up and down, gently pulling the foreskin back to unveil the pink mushroom beneath. She was so subtle in her movements, manipulating his cock, to give him the most pleasure. It wasn’t long until his breathing started to get heavier. Meanwhile, whilst her hand was tantalising his cock, her lips were teasing his legs, kissing slowly up the inside, it was like she was repeating the teasing he had given her, he was surprised how good it felt.
Once her lips reached the top of his leg, she immediately transferred it to his balls; it felt amazing to feel her delicate kisses on his testicles. The feel of her soft lips was amazing against his scrotum. He could see blood red lipstick stains all over his legs.
Soon Mrs. Fox started to mix in licks in between her kisses; she circled each ball individually with her tongue, running it gently over every part of each testicle.
Then she placed her lips around his testicle, and sucked it into her mouth.
Toby moaned in shock, it hurt slightly, but after the initial shock, the feel of his balls inside her warm moist mouth was incredible. Her lips caressing it from the back, her tongue licking the front. It was threatening to make his cock explode, especially as she was still rubbing his cock with her hand.
“Oh my god, I’m going to cum” he moaned. Mrs. Fox stopped immediately, sitting back on her haunches, eyebrow raised.
“I’m sorry” Toby apologised, “It’s just I’ve never had such an experienced cock-handler before, you’re doing things I’ve never known before”
Mrs. Fox seemed satisfied.
“Well let’s do something you’re a little more experienced with” and without any hesitation, she placed her mouth over his cock, brought her lips together, and slid all the way, taking his entire cock in one go. No one had ever done that to him before either, the way she slipped it into her mouth and down her throat it was like she didn’t have a gag reflex. She then started to bob up and down on his cock.
Toby gasped in pleasure, the feeling of her warm mouth around his member, tantalising every inch as she swallowed his entire length every time. The feeling of his cock deep inside her mouth was sensational. And to top it all off, whilst her mouth was sucking on his dick like a popsicle, the fingers of her right hand were rubbing all over his balls.
To cap it off she was using her left hand she was using to pleasure herself, sliding in and out of her still wet pussy. She was quite a multi-tasker.
Mrs. Fox was deeply aroused by the effect she was having on his cock; she could feel it engorging inside her mouth as the pleasure flooded through him, exuding out from the rod between her blood red lips.
However soon it got too much for poor Toby, with one last lick off her tongue, and tickle of her fingers, his whole body exploded in one long, outburst of pleasure and relief. He’d never squirted so hard in his life, his spunk shot out of his mouth like a water pistol. And like the pro she was Mrs. Fox swallowed every drop.
Toby was falling for this woman, she may be old, but she had tits to die for, and her sexual ability was unquestionable. She kept his cock in his mouth, making sure she had tasted every last drop of his cum, whilst she continued to finger herself, and before long she started to emit the unmistakeable moans of her own orgasm. She then released his cock from her mouth and stood up, wiping her lips as she went.
Toby looked at her sexy, mature ass, still tight, despite her age, as she walked around her desk. He started to rise from his seat, thinking about bringing the meeting around to business. “Well Mrs. Fox…”
“Sit back down! I’m not done with you yet!” she ordered. Toby sat instantly, wondering what she had planned next.
Mrs. Fox then walked round the far side of the desk and pressed the intercom button on her phone. “Chloe, could you come in here please.”
The door opened almost immediately, and the sexy brunette secretary walked in. He had now put a name to the face. Chloe and Courtney, the unbelievably hot twin secretaries. Chloe glanced at Toby, sat in the chair facing her, his trousers round his ankle and his semi- erect cock pointing straight at her; she smiled sweetly in amusement, then turned to her boss.
“Yes, Mrs. Fox” she queried.
“Chloe!” Mrs. Fox said addressing her secretary. “We have a problem here. Toby’s cock here has gone a bit flaccid and I am not finished with him yet. Please could you use that beautiful young body of yours to get it nice and hard for me again! A nice lap dance should do the trick.” And she clicked her mouse and some upbeat sexy music started playing.
Toby couldn’t believe his luck, his cock had just been sucked dry by a sexy milf; and now this gorgeous brunette was slowly gyrating her hips in time to the music and unbuttoning her jacket.
Chloe pulled it off her arms, to reveal a short sleeved, satin, white blouse which hugged her frame and contrasted perfectly to the black pencil skirt, which pulled her knees virtually together. She turned round to give him a view of how the pencil skirt, gripped her ass, bending over to give him an even better view whilst seductively stroking her hands up her legs, glancing round at him and smiling seductively.
Toby could already feel his cock responding to her actions; he knew it would not be long till he was ready to go again. Chloe was stood upright again and reached round behind her to unzip her skirt, and as she slowly ran the zip down over her bum, Toby saw a hint of black lace beneath. With the zip fully undone, Chloe slid her skirt down her legs. Toby could now see all of the black lace encircling her hips and disappearing between the most perfectly shaped, butt cheeks he had ever seen; round and firm that just hung in place of their own accord.
But Toby didn’t have long to take in the exceptional view, before Chloe stepped out of her skirt, turned and started to walk towards him, unbuttoning her blouse as she did. The music had picked up pace now and with each beat she would take a step and undo another button, until she stopped when she was just out of touching distance; just as the music built to its crescendo and at its peak she popped the last button and threw her shirt away and off her shoulders in one fluid movement.
Toby gasped, she wasn’t even wearing a bra, so as she blouse disappeared behind her it unveiled everything she had to offer. Her breasts were not large, they were small and perky but enough to play with; they suited her perfectly. Just like her bum, they hovered above the ground all on their own; and each had a tiny dark brown nipple in the centre, that was poking out in arousal.
Chloe was just in her tiny knickers now; her body was incredible, and the way she was swaying it, gyrating her hips slowly and seductively in time to a much slower paced song, just accentuated every one of her perfect features. Toby couldn’t help but admire her as she moved in front of him; looking at her beautiful, young face; down over her petite breasts, to her toned, stomach and slender legs. She didn’t have an ounce of fat on her.
As the music continued, Chloe progressed the strip tease onto the next level. Moving closer to him and leaning forward, Toby looked at her small little breasts as she leaned forward pushing them together.
He liked what he saw. Chloe then slid her hands up his legs, until they were resting at the top of his thigh. Toby wanted her to reach out and touch his aching cock, he was ready to go again and his erection was growing with every second.
However Chloe did not take his dick in her hands, but she did start to kiss his neck. Toby gasped as her soft lips gently brushed his skin; her warm breath against his skin turned him on so much. And then she positioned herself so that her legs were straddling his own, and rubbed her body up and down his, she then paused for a moment sitting so that her smooth legs were resting on his. Her breasts were just at Toby’s eye level, her nipples pointing at him like two mini pistols. Once she was rested she raised herself and pushed her hips forward, so that when she lowered herself again her lace panties brushed along the length of his cock. Toby gasped again; and this time got a gasp in response from Chloe. She continued to rub herself against his cock, the only thing separating their private parts was a tiny, black, lace thong and it was making them both so horny.
Toby could resist no longer; he knew it was against the rules of a lap dance but he had to reach out and grab her perfect arse, gripping both cheeks and pulling them slightly apart so his fingertips could feel the tiny strap inside. As he pulled her on to him, her breasts came even closer to his face. So without hesitation he took one of her nipples into his mouth.
“Oh my God!” Chloe gasped as he sucked on her perky teat. She continued to grind against his completely stiff shaft. They were both as horny as possible; and they were so caught up in the moment that they completely forgot about the other person in the room.
Even after the music stopped, they carried on, completely lost in their own world of lust.
“You two ignoring me?” Mrs. Fox asked, grabbing Chloe by the shoulder and pulling her off him. She then spanked Chloe’s arse, causing her to yelp in pain. Toby felt sorry for her, as he was as much to blame for them losing control.
“Come on you get up!” Mrs. Fox ordered and took him by the shoulder and pulled him up. She then gripped his cock. “Yes, you are definitely hard enough. Go and lie down on my desk!” She ordered.
Toby had no hesitation in lying down on his back; his cock pointing up like a flag pole. The way she ordered him around was quite a turn on. Mrs. Fox immediately followed and climbed onto the desk too; jumping up with ease despite her age. She then lifted her leg, straddling herself over him and lowered herself onto his cock; she was so wet that she just slid onto him, impaling herself onto his full length with no trouble at all.
Mrs. Fox moaned in excitement as she started to grind herself against him, making sure he was as deep as she could get. She ground her mound against him, making her moans louder as she heightened her own arousal. It was also helping with Toby’s too. As she gyrated against him, she tightened her muscles, pulling every bit of pleasure out of the situation. The way her pussy walls wrapped around his cock was incredible. The way the squeezing of her pelvic floor, contracted around the base of his cock was equally amazing. She was making sure that every part of her pussy had as tighter grip as possible around him, pleasuring every part of her snatch. Mrs. Fox didn’t just work out to keep in shape, she worked out to keep her sex life going as good as possible, and her pelvic floor exercises were clearly a daily routine.
Toby was having so much fun, his erect cock inside a sexy, mature woman was better than he could ever imagine. Her experience meant she knew exactly what to do to wring every last inch of pleasure out, with each subtle movement of her hips, shifting the position of his cock inside her to arouse a slightly different area.
Her breathing was getting heavier; she looked so sexy positioned above him, her breasts pushed up in her sexy black bra. Toby reached out to touch them, but Mrs. Fox immediately gripped his wrists with and placed them back down on the desk.
Toby was slightly disappointed; but he couldn’t be too disappointed whilst being fucked so skilfully.
The issue was she was so good that he couldn’t keep his hands off her. So he went for a closer target. A target that was just as round and firm, taking hold of her buttocks and lifting her slightly off him before letting her pussy fall down onto his cock. It felt great to feel her slide along his cock; but after doing this once, Mrs. Fox grabbed his wrists again and pinned them back to the desk.
“No touching!!” Mrs. Fox ordered. “Chloe come help me! The shackles are in my bottom drawer.”
Chloe shuffled over, and bent down and started rummaged in the drawer. Whilst she was doing that, Mrs. Fox continued to rise up and down on his cock, still keeping her hands locked down on his wrists. Toby gasped in pain, as her weight pushed his wrists into the desk. But then Chloe stood up, with two leather shackles in her hands, she attached one to a metal hook on the edge of her desk and then buckled them around his wrist, before walking round and attaching another to a similar ring on the other side. Now that his hands were secured, Mrs. Fox released his arms. It felt strange to be restrained himself, when he had spent the last day tying up someone else; but it was actually a bit of a turn on, especially when such a beautiful, experienced woman was on top of him.
Mrs. Fox was still grinding herself against him, and it felt amazing, the way her clunge was wrapped around his cock, and building up the pleasure slowly to prolong the sex as long as possible.
“Good girl” Mrs. Fox said “Come here” she said beckoning. Chloe stepped up so she was right next to her boss, who took her chin in her hand and pulled her to him, until their lips met. It turned Toby on even more to see these gorgeous women making out, and they were really going for it. It was incredibly sexy to watch, as their lips parted to allow their tongues to slide inside each other’s mouths.
As they continued to kiss, Mrs. Fox slid her hand down and clutched Chloe’s breast; this caused the young secretary to moan in pleasure; but Mrs. Fox’s hand only lingered there for a moment before sliding her way over Chloe’s smooth belly and inside her knickers.
Whilst Chloe had moaned gently when her boss had grabbed her boob, she now gasped in ecstasy, as her boss inserted a finger inside her, her knees buckling.
Toby realised that this gorgeous brunette was in love with her mature manager. Chloe was gripping the edge of the desk for support, as her mistress continued to rub between her legs. Whilst Toby was enjoying the show, he felt slightly ignored, so he thrust his hips upwards, pushing his dick deeper inside Mrs. Fox’s fanny, causing her to grunt in surprise.
“Do you want to get involved to?” Mrs. Fox asked Chloe. Who nodded in immediate agreement. “Well how about you have a go at both of us Toby? Once you have made us both cum, then you can leave. Chloe climb up! Toby’s tongue work is exceptional. Why don’t you let him show you?”
Chloe had no hesitation in sliding her panties off her legs, kicking her heels off and climbing onto the desk, placing one leg to the side of Toby’s head and lifting the other one over the top.
Now she was in position, Toby couldn’t help but admire what he was seeing. The shape of her perfect buttocks positioned above him, the slightly pink lips of her pussy. She was completely clean shaven. Toby loved what he saw, he really wanted to reach out and run his hands all over, her most intimate areas, but his wrists were tied to the desk. However, he couldn’t complain as she lowered her perfect vagina onto his waiting tongue.
Chloe purred in pleasure as soon as his tongue touched her tenderness. With her legs spread wide over him, it pulled her pussy lips apart, allowing him immediate access to her most delicate areas, without having to wriggle his tongue inside. She tasted incredible, her nectar trickling out of her, like golden syrup. She was without doubt the best tasting girl, Toby had ever sampled; her tender, young skin, bright pink with arousal as he ran the tip of his tongue all over her, spreading her sweetness all over it. He dipped his tongue inside her hole to try and coax out as much juice as he could, and he got a moan of delight; so he just kept his tongue there moving it slightly, worming it slowly and slowly deeper inside her, her pussy spreading to accommodate. He continued to devour her hole, his tongue flicking away inside her; Chloe was moaning like a whore now; unable to control herself as Toby’s tongue built the pleasure in her. Her boss had got her to the edge; now he was sending her over the top. She was uncontrollable now, her legs shaking all over the place; her nails digging into his chest as she struggled to hold back the inevitable.
Meanwhile, Mrs. Fox in seeing her sexy assistant so turned on, had got even hornier; and so she started to up the tempo of her own pleasure; raising herself up onto her knees before sliding herself back down onto Toby’s erect member. She started off slow, but as Chloe’s pleasure built, she started to up the pace, her aim was to make all three of them orgasm at the same time. By the end Chloe’s moaning’s were so loud that she was bouncing on Toby’s cock like a pogo stick, it was almost impossible to keep up, as she knew Chloe was struggling to hold on; judging by the blood running down Toby’s chest where her nails were digging in.
Chloe could hold on no longer, Toby’s tongue felt too good; his nimble muscle had licked every part of her pussy, sending tingles through her with every touch and those tingles had got too much; and so with one last flick of Toby’s tongue over her clit and up her hole, she came. The orgasm flooding over her like a blessed explosion of relief and pleasure. She moaned uncontrollably like a whore as he kept licking her.
Mrs. Fox seeing this raised herself up once more time before dropping herself onto Toby’s shaft; pushing as deep inside her as she could; and as she reached the bottom she squeezed her pelvic floor against the base of his cock. This had the desired effect of squeezing his cock so tight that it exploded as well, squirting warm sperm inside her; with him cumming she ground her pussy and clit against his body and before long she was orgasming herself.
However Toby wasn’t the only one squirting his load; Chloe was also a squirter. This was something Toby had never experienced before, having a woman empty her juices out of her fanny onto him, but she tasted so good that Toby wanted to sample as much as possible. So he worked his tongue feverishly to lap up all of her juices, which also prolonged the orgasm in Chloe. He just couldn’t stop licking and she couldn’t stop moaning. Although her boss was trying to stifle the moans by making out with her. Toby could hear the noises of their lips in between the moans of both women.
For Mrs. Fox was also still enjoying herself as she continued to grind her mound against his pubic bone; and with her and Chloe making out they were making a triangle of lust and kisses.
After a while Mrs. Fox had ground herself to another orgasm; and with herself completely satisfied, lifted herself off Toby’s aching cock and off the desk. Toby could feel the sticky combination of their juices all over his groin as she left.
“Chloe, be a good girl and clean Toby up for me.”
And immediately Chloe bent down to obey and placed her lips around his cock, removing all of the juices from it.
Toby loved the 69; her lips felt amazing sucking all the juices off his cock; and whilst she was there he took full advantage to devour her vagina. With his cock clean, Chloe then started running her tongue over the rest of his pubic area, cleaning him up nicely, licking the cum off his balls; causing Toby to gasp in pleasure. Meanwhile Mrs. Fox had undone Toby’s restraints, giving him chance to run his hands over Chloe and give her boobs a quick squeeze.
“Right that’s enough! Up you get!” Mrs. Fox said spanking Chloe’s arse, making it jiggle in Toby’s eye line. Chloe sat up, ground her pussy one last time into his tongue and then climbed off. Toby sat up and stared at the beautiful women in front of him.
He was exhausted, his cock hurt from all the work it had done already today. He stood up and was about to go over and get his clothes when he realised his cock was getting hard again. He couldn’t believe it, but his cock despite the pain was still up for more. It probably had a lot to do with the young woman who had been sucking on his cock and licking his balls.
So without giving her time to react, he grabbed Chloe’s arm, pulled her to the end of the desk, bent her over, pulled her legs apart with his feet and keeping one hand on her back, used his other hand to guide his cock to her pussy. Having found her hole, he thrust forward, hard. She was so wet that his entire shaft went in in one go.
“Oh my God!” Chloe screamed. As Toby’s entire cock plunged inside her. Toby then continued to plough into her, fucking her pussy with reckless abandon, slamming himself deep inside her with every thrust.
Every time he slammed into her, she would moan, cry or squeal, from the combination of pain and pleasure he was giving her. It wasn’t long before her boss got in on the act as well; climbing onto the desk and spreading her legs; Toby grabbed Chloe’s hair, pulling her head back so that her face was inches from her boss’ snatch.
Mrs. Fox shuffled closer and moaned in delight as Chloe’s lips touched her pussy. She took hold of the back of Chloe’s head and pulled her face deeper into her snatch. Mrs. Fox’s eyes rolled back, as she lay back, her legs spread wide, allowing Chloe to access every part of her pussy with her tongue.
Chloe didn’t have a choice with each thrust Toby was pushing her face further into her boss’ cunt, her lips kissing the soft pink skin, her tongue, licked at her pussy hole, sampling the juices that were flowing out from her bosses arousal, the top of her lips brushing against her clit as she worked.
Mrs. Fox was lying flat on her back, squeezing and pulling on her own breasts, as she moaned in delight, her body completely overcome with the pleasure her sexy assistant’s mouth was giving her.
Her hand left her tits to pull Chloe deeper. Chloe moaned in protest as her airway was completely engulfed by her boss’ mound. But Mrs. Fox didn’t give a shit, all she cared about was the overwhelming sensation in her lions. She pulled her slut deeper and deeper, grinding her cunt against Chloe’s face.
With Mrs. Fox controlling Chloe’s head, Toby took hold of Chloe’s hips with both of his hands. This allowed him to pound into her with even more control and power. And with each thrust he pushed Chloe’s face deeper into Mrs. Fox’s cunt.
“That’s it lick your boss’ cunt! Make her cum all over your face!” Toby ordered, and he spanked Chloe’s beautiful arse. He thought he heard Chloe yelp, although it was difficult to tell with the noise muffled by Mrs. Fox’s vagina. What were unmistakeable were the moans of pleasure emitting from Mrs. Fox’s mouth.
“Spank her again!” she moaned. Toby did as bid, loving the feeling of Chloe’s firm arse beneath his palm.
“Oh yes, that’s good! Keep going! Spank her good.” So Toby continued to spank Chloe, who continued to yelp into Mrs. Fox’s cunt, and with each yelp, Mrs. Fox’s moans got louder and louder.
Eventually Toby decided Chloe had had enough punishment from his hand. So he returned to punishing her with his cock instead; ramming his rod, viciously into her vagina.
“Oh my God!” Mrs Fox screamed. “That’s it…” she gasped. “Oh Yes! That’s it! Fuck her face into my fanny” she screamed. So Toby pounded into the helpless Chloe, pummelling her with his cock, slamming into her wet cunt, and with each thrust her face would be buried in her boss’s minge.
Toby was having an incredible time, and he knew Mrs. Fox was too, at the other end of their train of sex. He wasn’t so sure Chloe was enjoying herself as much in the middle. But he didn’t care; he was just savouring the feeling of her tight, young fanny, wrapped around his cock, rubbing against him as he thrust in and out. He loved the way her slender hips fitted into his hands as he gripped her for extra control. He also loved the fact that he had cum so many times already that day; that it meant that he could fuck her for ages without doing so again.
However, he couldn’t last forever and before long he felt the familiar feeling building in his loins. So he slammed into Chloe one last time, holding her there as he sprayed her insides with his spunk.
Once the last of his juices were inside her, he pulled out, picked up the box of tissues from the table, cleaned himself up and calmly started to get dressed. Mrs. Fox did the same. Chloe on the other hand just lay on the desk exactly where she had been left, a look of complete exhaustion on her face.
“Well Mr. Farquhar-Smythe!” Mrs. Fox said addressing him formally and offering her hand, now they were fully clothed. “I feel that was a very productive meeting. I will certainly be putting a good word with Mr. Butler for you. Make sure that you get through to the final stage. Although I would advise bringing someone more feminine with you to the pitch next time.” And she held out her hand for him to shake.
“Thank you Mrs. Fox.” Toby said taking her hand. “I agree it has been very productive. And don’t worry about your last point. I’m certain my colleague Rachel will be perfectly up to the task.” They walked to the door together and Mrs. Fox held it open for him. Toby turned and looked at Chloe still slumped on the desk, even then she looked sexy. “Thank Chloe for me” he said and then stepped out into the reception area. Courtney looked up from her desk as they entered.
“Ahhh Courtney you’re here.” Mrs. Fox said addressing the other twin. “Could you escort Mr. Farquhar-Smythe to the lift please. Thank you again Mr. Farquhar-Smythe. It was nice meeting you.” She said turning to Toby and shaking his hand once more.
“And you!” Toby said. “I look forward to meeting you again” he said sincerely. And with that she turned and re-entered her office.
He turned to Courtney, who was giving him a quizzical look. How much had she heard? Toby wondered.
“Shall we?” he said. Courtney nodded, rising from her seat and leading the way along the corridor to the lift. Toby kept his eyes fixed on her arse in her tight grey dress all the way. Imagining if it was just like her sisters. Sadly the walk to the lift was all too short and Courtney was pressing the call button in no time at all.
They stood next to each other in awkward silence for a moment. Until Courtney said:
“So did you have a fun meeting with my sister?”
“Errmmm…” Toby said, taken aback by the question. “Yes it was very…productive”
Courtney laughed. “I’m sure it was.” However, just then the lift arrived and Toby started to step into it.
“Well maybe you can have fun with both of us next time” Courtney said, and she pinched his arse as he stepped forward. As he turned, he was so tempted to stop the lift doors and drag her in with him. But he let them shut, staring at her grinning face, and sexy body in her tight dress. He would save her for another time.
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