Guy: almost two weeks after the date/birth night
“Seriously Katy had a boy,” Stuart says as we’re talking on my phone,” Okay your day was a shit ton better than mine.”
We’ve been catching up; with me working on Steven’s problem and then new baby business I’ve been a little busy and needed to check in on my protégé. I like what I’m hearing about him putting things on his own term and making others work to what he wants within reason. He’s also making real friends, well more or less. We talk about little things, like my new son, and big things, like my new son. Yeah I’m kind of in the moment right now but I still ask about his life, he’s on course to graduate and when he brings up spring break I’m all for him going out and doing everything but catching an STD. Stuart however has a different plan.
“I’m gonna be around the college actually,” he tells me and I’m a little disappointed in him,” there will be people here still, not everyone goes away and maybe I’ll get with Stephanie and make something of the week.”
It’s his call and I won’t turn him against his own planning, he is however getting better about knowing what he wants. I end the call with my protégé and return to the party already in progress. It’s not a party like super loud music and alcohol, hell it’s not even with singing and carrying on like a birthday. This is my family getting together because there is a new baby. Loretta and Mark Sr. flew up from Texas and grabbed Gwen along the way for this and my family, Mom and Dad along with Liz and Kyle, have come over and everyone is taking time talking about family. Literally that’s the only conversation, kids, finances, income, family business. I almost want to drag the men outside and talk about sports but I let everyone have their time. I watch as little Neal is passed around randomly to whoever wants to hold him and then I watch as Liz is holding my new son with a major level of Auntie mode. My wives are happy, my children are happy and my son is currently outing me for my position as Katy’s breast sucker. I will reclaim that title at a later date boy. At some point in the hours that pass the children are off playing outside or something while some of the adults have wound down. Kyle and Liz have gone home taking my niece with them and I notice that while Esmeralda is with her mother in the living room I have three of five children missing and my father. I think for half a second then quickly and quietly head down to the gym. There is my father on the weight bench as my boys throw kicks into the air practicing. They have their full pads on, Dad is being protective but its Christy who is standing at the heavy bag tapping it with her hands and feet like nobody is watching her. It’s Connor who makes a mistake.
“Christy you can’t play with that, it’s not a toy and you’re a girl,” my boy gets the words out of his mouth and that’s when hell breaks loose.
Christy, my bright little ray of sunshine with ginger hair and her nice dress on tackles her brother hard and begins slapping him while he’s on the ground. He has a head guard on and is balling up but it’s when Murphy tries to help by pulling her off that I see way too much of me in my daughter. He grabs her arm and she turns grabs him back before shoving him face first onto the mat. I watch her use the head guard to hold him down and her fist goes into the air when I clap my hands once loud enough to gain everyone’s attention.
“HEY,” I snap and now all eyes, even Dad are on me a little nervous,” Connor and Murphy get over here now.”
My boys are quick to get up but slow to come to their father, I’ve been this mad before but right now I’m two steps away from breaking into the no spanking policy that we have tried hard to uphold. Both my boys are staring at me nervous.
“You will take those off right now,” I point at their pads,” then you will go upstairs and report to your mother.”
I’ve seen someone face his death with fear but this is different, give me death but don’t give me upset Mom. They take off their pads and head up stairs and I turn my attention to my father.
“Guy calm down, it was a bit off color…,” Dad aka Grandpa is trying to save his grandbabies.
“Dad no, mentoring them on fighting is one thing but you just let that happen without saying anything,” I state not happy in the slightest.
“I’m an old man dammit,” Dad I half joking to get me to lighten up but sees my reaction isn’t a good one,” You need to lighten up, this isn’t a world ender.”
“This from the man who stood there and full on punched me in the face when I was thirteen because I needed to know better. No you can step out now,” I order my Dad from my gym.
I watch as my father leaves and I pull my shoes off and step on the mat where Christy, sweet loveable Christy, is petrified as I’m standing there in front of her.
“Go get your mother now,” I tell her quietly and hear her run out.
I sit and put my knees on the floor and kneel waiting for the fallout, this is my fault. I’m quiet and waiting as I hear two sets of footsteps and wait to hear someone speak first.
“Daddy I’m sorry,” Christy says and I turn around to address her.
“Sorry doesn’t cut it Christy,” I get the words out and Rachael is quick on me.
“Guy what are you talking about, she had a blow up,” Rachael wants to start and I stop her.
“She took down both, not one but both her brothers. She wailed on Connor after a full tackle and then when Murphy attempted to stop her she threw him on his face and was going for a kill shot,” that pair of words has Christy in tears,” before I had to intervene. This wasn’t a blowup this is now a serious problem.”
“Guy she has a temper just like you, no what happened isn’t right but you tell me what we’re looking at to deal with this,” Rachael asks and I sigh.
“I’m looking at three groundings,” I get the words out and now my child is in tears.
“Christy honey you go upstairs and tell Mommy Kori I need her down here now,” Rachael says to her daughter quietly.
I don’t address Rachael right now, she’s calling in back up and I know I’m going to get outnumbered if it comes to it. Kori is down stairs fast and Rachael stops her to explain what was said between us and my recounting of what happened. Kori takes a seat in front of me and I see she’s in a mood.
“Okay so the boys are practicing with your father when Christy goes off and proceeds to take down both of them and they need to be grounded,” Kori asks and I nod, it’s basically what happened,” We’re not doing that.”
“Excuse me,” I reply and the rage is perking.
“You heard me just fine Guy Donnelly, we’re not grounding the children. I’ll handle the boys because that comment was not appropriate and Rachael will talk to Christy about her anger. Yes it was bad but this is why you train them,” Kori informs me and I about to spit fire.
“I don’t train Christy, Christy has had temper problems before and this is a culmination of me not taking a harder line on it,” I tell Kori who shakes her head.
“The decision is what needs to happen and if you want to start teaching Christy you can but we’re moving forward and that’s our decision,” Kori states as Rachael nods in agreement.
“Then I’m out,” I tell her standing up and moving past the two of them head upstairs.
Family is calmly trying to handle the situation with the boys and Christy while Dad, Mom Loretta and Mom are all in a small meeting in the dining room as I head to the garage keys in hand. No bikes today, I’m in the mistress and watching the garage door begin to open see Imelda knocking on the window.
“Guy get out of the car,” she tells me and I don’t even look.
Irish temper versus Latina temper, it’s a grudge match that has never been settled but as the garage door opens she moves in front of my car and stands there with her hands on her hips waiting. I know she’s daring me to move the car and I’m pissed off enough to do a lot of things, run over my wife isn’t one of them. Cut the engine and step out of the car, she smiles a little bit but not when I drop my keys and walk past her and down the driveway.
“Guy walking away isn’t fixing anything,” Imelda says running up and cutting me off.
“Neither is being told that my word isn’t worth anything in my own fucking house,” I swore and children could be nearby, rule broken there probably.
“Kori and Rachael are more than a little bit upset and I don’t know what was said but I know the kids are freaking out and now their father is mad and leaving. Is that the image you want to leave them with,” Imelda says stopping me in the driveway.
“As opposed to the image of their father being a fucking eunuch because his word is overruled by his wives at all times. Where when I finally decide to exert some authority in a very bad situation I’m told flat out no and that there will be no punishment,” I state my point and Imelda is paused at my point.
“Okay well I’m not taking your balls away first off; second if kids were fighting then we need to do something now. I’m not saying grounding for life but tears and some pain can be involved,” my fire goddess for a wife who is pulling my brain back into the fray that is my raging tempest.
I get walked back inside slowly as Imelda has my arm and is very much on my side for some of this at the very least. My wives are in a very quiet mood, they know that cutting me off is a bad move. Negotiations are something that I am open to but cutting me off and outnumbering me is a big mistake. Katy is holding our new son and immediately hands him to me with a smile.
“You try to be pissed off now,” Katy says and it’s not impossible but I will say it’s difficult and I can’t rage out fully.
“That’s not very nice Katy,” I tell her and she smiles before turning on the boys and their mother.
“Neither is being a couple budding sexist little butts. You think it’s only a boy thing learning how to fight,” Katy asks and now Kori is about to take up arms,” Oh don’t you say a word we’ll be having a talk later about not talking it out with everyone.”
“I was stopping him from running over everyone’s agreed rules,” Kori says stepping up.
“Actually we were kinda running over Guy,” Rachael says and Kori is a bit grumpy at Rachael.
“Boys get your pads on and wait for me down stairs, you two Dad minus the pads. Christy you need to get some shorts on and a shirt because you’re going down stairs too,” I tell the kids and my father who is quick to get the boys downstairs.
I hand Neal back to Katy who pulls the rest of the wives aside and I figure they can talk while I take care of the children. I’m downstairs and Connor and Murphy have their pads on and are adjusting them when I say one word to my Dad who immediately knows what I’m doing, plank. My Dad shows both boys how to get into the position and like a push up in the down position. The boys get into the position when I tell them the bad news.
“Now boys you are going to hold that till I get tired,” I say sitting down and watching them.
“But Dad you’re not doing it with us,” Connor says stating the obvious.
“I know Connor, now hold the position,” I tell them and that’s when the reality sets in.
Its shaky limbs in a matter of a minute, as their sister comes down and I turn my attention to Christy who is very sheepish.
“Grandpa is going to have you doing kicks on the bag,” I tell her and she looks a little nervous.
I let her and Grandpa go over it and he keeps her kicking as high as she can with both legs as long as she can. My boys however fail the plank; I wasn’t remotely tired when I move them to the chair, basically a squat with their arms out so they look like a chair. In all of an hour there are tears, Christy can barely kick her legs and the boys are almost falling down when I stop. I do note that I have gathered a small crowd as my wives are watching in mild shock when I call it and let the kids relax, which ends in flopping on the mat.
“Connor, Murphy I ever and I mean in the whole of your lives hear a comment like that again I will make you run. I mean run till this feels like movie night,” I point the boys out and they slowly stumble out past the assembled family.
Christy is up on her feet and staggers to me before falling, literally falling, into my arms and shaking. I hold her for a moment before holding her in front of me.
“Christy you never fight family, you never hit family. That is rule one,” I tell her and she nods,” Did Mommy Kori and Mommy Rachael get in an argument with me?”
“Yes Daddy,” my girl answers quietly.
“Did mommy hit me,” I ask and she shakes her head no,” Did I hit Mommy?”
“No Daddy I’m sorry,” Christy is about to cry again and I put a finger under her chin to get her attention.
“Baby I know you are, so is Connor and Murphy but never again,” I tell my baby girl and she nods,” Now go talk to Mommy about getting some pads for training.”
“Wait what,” Rachael has a word to contribute.
“You didn’t see her take down, I mean my boy was good with some practice but she’s going to be amazing,” my Dad says and I shake my head at his words.
“She needs control, either she gets it in here or we go with groundings. I’m opting for training,” I tell her standing up.
It calms down in the house more or less, I’m not super pissed off but I am however a little edgy as family leaves and when I put the kids down I get apologies from the boys and a big hug from Christy. Esmeralda is quiet and just happy I didn’t forget about her in the whole chaos of the evening. Katy and the wives are up in bed as I sit in the living room and decompress, small amount of stress for the day. The kids are in bed, my wives are in bed and I’m sitting trying to relax when I hear footsteps on the stairs. It’s not long before the silence is broken.
“Are you coming to bed Guy,” Kori asks curious.
“I will later, just winding down,” I say not looking at my wife.
“Mad at me,” She asks moving next to my chair.
“Frustrated, years and we haven’t had many problems but you decide to throw the numbers game in my face when we swore there would be one team, our team,” I tell Kori and she sighs at me.
“You were one end of the spectrum and I thought you were going to talk to me about it. I screwed up and pushed too hard. I never wanted to drive you out of the house,” Kori says moving to her knees next to my chair.
“Yeah well you don’t listen to me, you don’t talk to me, you make sure I’m listening then you tell me what you want,” I tell her and she grabs my hand.
“That’s your anger talking and it’s very one sided, stop being angry and just feel. I was wrong I admit that but what you wanted was harsh, the boys will be sore tomorrow but they’ll want more, Christy is going shopping with Rachael for some gear because she wants to prove she’s strong like Katy. It’s better now and will be better once you breathe and think, it’s what you do best,” Kori says and clarifies,” Thinking not breathing though I’m glad you do that too.”
“She was on fire, I mean at her age I had trouble keeping my guard up but she’s fast and throws everything at her target,” I tell Kori who snickers.
“Gee I wonder who that reminds me of,” Kori replies with a smirk on her face.
“Yeah well I’m going to go lay down,” I reply standing up and heading for the guest bedroom.
I head down to Stuart’s old room and step inside, the bed is made and I close the door mostly before sitting down on the bed. It takes less than a minute for Kori to follow me into the bed room with a look of concern on her face. My wife has on a long purple pajama top, the kind that teens would wear with shorts but I know she doesn’t have shorts on or a bra as she follows me in with a concerned look on her face.
“Baby come up stairs, no punishing yourself by sleeping separate,” Kori says and I look at her a little mad, well not really mad but in a mood.
I lower my head and hear the door close before Kori moves over to me and gently takes my head in her hands. She’s so soft and warm as she pulls my face to her breasts. I am a little grumpy still from being shut out earlier but memory is taking over and I smile before looking up at her.
“I remember the first time I actually thought about asking you out,” I tell Kori who gives me an interesting look.
“Really, this is a story I haven’t heard,” my first wife says with a smile.
“You were staying over one night and I wasn’t quite with Heather yet and I heard you talking to Liz about me. Someone was interested because you saw me without my shirt somehow,” I remind her and she thinks for a bit.
“Yeah you were working on this hard body you keep and I peeked in the gym that your Dad kept to see what the big deal was,” Kori says smiling.
“Well I heard you talking to me with Liz and that’s when she royally shut us down. She was flat out on the ‘no dating my brother’ policy,” I tell Kori who is now on her knees in front of me.
“I thought about jumping you in bed that night,” Kori says undoing my pants,” why don’t we have sex?”
“We do have sex,” I remind my wife as I help her get my pants down.
“No we make love, I like it a lot don’t get me wrong but you never give it to me like you do Imelda and Katy,” Kori says and I actually give her the ‘really’ look,” I’m serious why don’t you fuck me?”
My wife has me out of my pants and boxer briefs and in her hands giving me a good stroking as I stand up. I have Kori’s head in my hands as I push the head of my cock into her mouth, I’m half hard and she takes me down to the base easily but I hold her head and work the back eight inches in and out of her mouth while keeping her head still. I haven’t been like this with her in a while but she’s enjoying it as I keep fucking her face gently.
“Finger your pussy Kori,” I tell her and watch her hands move down to her crotch.
I move her head and my hips faster feeling her moan on my cock, years together leave no gagging but she is giving it to me wet. I can see her arm moving a little faster than usual when I feel the back of her throat and hold there. It takes a bit and she flexes her jaw a little and I pull out as we laugh lightly.
“I got used to that before we graduated,” Kori informs me as I stand her up and stop her from taking her pajama top off,” Honey but I like naked time.”
“I’d make love to you naked but we’re not making love are we,” I tell her moving around to her back.
I guide her to the bed and watch her crawl on top of the blankets and give her ass a little shake teasing me. My response is moving behind her and flipping up the bottom of the long pajama top and pulling her panties down off her ass. I left my pants and shorts on the floor when I see the perfect target and lay a smack on her right ass cheek. Kori yelps since I don’t really slap her ass at all and I rub the tender spot before smacking it again. I see she has the blankets in her hands as she rests on her elbows and knees. I keep her knees together and rub my cock head against her slit slowly before gripping her hips and slamming the length of it deep inside her. Kori squeals a little as I pound into her hard and deep. I grip her hip with one hand and grab her hair with the other pulling back as she tries to lower her head to the bed, I can see her biting the blanket a little as she moans from my onslaught. She’s wet and I can hear a light sloshing noise as I pound away pulling Kori into me at the same time. Another smack on the ass has her groan at me.
“Fuck me, oh fuck me,” my wife groans a little louder than usual.
I haven’t pounded her like this in years and looking down I get an idea, a pretty wicked one as I spit down her ass before wetting my thumb with my mouth. Kori seems oblivious to all but the pounding I’m giving her until I push my thumb against her asshole, then she’s very aware of what’s happening.
“Guy what are you doing,” Kori asks a little panicked.
“Well you said fuck you like Katy and Imelda,” I tell her and she becomes very quiet.
I slow up my pounding a little as I work my thumb slowly against her asshole till finally I get in to the first knuckle and Kori squeaks at the invasion. I resume pounding her keeping her hair in one hand as I hold my thumb in place up her ass. Pounding her like this is new for us both since I’m breaking in her asshole with my thumb but she’s not crying out, I keep up the pressure and finally get my whole thumb in her ass and the grunt that comes out of her mouth is long and loud. We’re slamming into each other and I feel my orgasm coming hard and fast, Kori is grunting and shaking when I cum and that’s when we are both surprised as she squirts onto the bed. I fill her up as she collapses on the bed and I catch my breath pulling my thumb out and letting her hair go. Both of us are breathing heavy as Kori rolls out of the wet spot and I move to the floor to avoid sitting in it entirely. I chuckle and Kori moves to the floor and begins to laugh with me before we’re both surprised with a knock on the door. I grab my pants and pull them on quick before hopping up and opening the door a crack while Kori hides. I am staring at my sons, Connor and Murphy who look a little concerned.
“Dad we heard something,” Connor says quietly.
“What did you hear,” I ask concerned for my sons.
“We think it was a ghost,” Murphy says looking around.
“A ghost,” I’m a little confused and they explain.
“We heard noises, like moaning and squeaking. It’s wasn’t upstairs so we came down here,” Connor informs me as I hear their mother making sure she’s decent,” Dad what’s in there with you?”
“Your mother and I were making up from our fight earlier,” I tell my sons and they look at me confused,” we were having a tickle fight.”
“Aren’t you supposed to tickle fight in your room,” Murphy asks a little confused.
“Yes but the baby is in there, we can’t keep the baby up with ‘tickle fighting’,” Kori snickers a little.
Both my sons understand now and their mother joins me in the doorway to put help put them back to bed, the whole time watching their mother keep behind me till they are in bed. We head to our bedroom and clean off in the bathroom before we crawl into bed. We get a couple looks and I get pawed at by Matty who is strong when she’s tired and I’m being cuddled to bed and sleep. The next morning is Monday and we get the children off to school when Rachael steps past as Kori and I are sitting with Katy and baby Neal in the living room.
“So does anyone know why they love me fellow wives and husband,” Rachael says and we look at her confused,” Because when people have wild sex and leave cum, male and female, all over the guest bed I’m the nice one and I clean it up and get the blankets in the wash.”
“He got you to squirt,” Katy asks surprised,” Girl you never really squirt.”
“She did last night, it was almost like when you go off,” Rachael replies as Kori is red faced and wholly embarrassed.
“He put his thumb in my butt,” Kori mutters and both my wives cackle,” It’s not happening again for a while that’s for damn sure.”
We feel good and relaxed, infighting settled and no bridges burned. Katy is super tired even a couple weeks after the birth and as I worry Kori reminds me how she was in naptime mode for months when she wasn’t taking care of our sons. I will keep an eye on this but generally I smile as things are doing better than okay, things are really good.
Stuart: Wednesday same week
Last couple of days before spring break and it’s pretty much a free for all with classes, some teachers are assigning work and others are giving reading assignments. Even well paid teachers want to spend a week doing nothing job related I guess. I’m more than caught up on everything and get back to my dorm room to find that we have a guest as Stephanie is sitting on the couch talking with Richard who is standing leaning against the refrigerator. Both smile as they see me and I actually don’t feel bad seeing the two of them together.
“Hey guys what’s going on,” I ask closing the door.
“Well she came over to see you and I was keeping her company the right way for a change,” Richard says cracking a joke at his own expense, I laugh.
“Yes well Stuart it’s time,” Steph says and I take a second to figure out what she’s implying.
“We’ve been over this Steph and I’m not ready yet, I know you are but it just doesn’t feel right,” I tell her keeping in mind I could right now.
“I’ve been waiting and waiting for weeks now and nothing, we get close and you pull away. I’m sorry about what happened I made a stupid mistake and drove you away, literally and don’t tell me I didn’t because if I hadn’t you’d never have gone off on yourself improvement exile and we would be happy and probably living together,” Stephanie has thought about this more than I gave her credit for.
“I’m glad you think about this Steph but I don’t. I focus on the here and now and I’m going to wait till it feels right for me, if you can’t accept that then go out and screw around with someone else. We’re not in a relationship just like last year and personally I’m not the sensitive guy that I used to be. This is about you getting off, and then go get off. If it were about a relationship you’d wait,” I tell her a bit harder than I wanted to come off.
“Fine Richard lets go,” Steph says standing up and heading to his room but Richard isn’t moving.
“I can’t Stephanie,” his words even give me pause.
“What we’ve done this before and I need something and since he’s not giving it to me I’m calling you out on our ‘No Strings’ agreement,” Stephanie says and he sighs.
“I won’t do that to Stuart again. Even if he says okay it’s a friend thing, you don’t screw around with the girl your friend is dating. I did that enough and need to keep what friends, all two of them, that I have,” Richard explains to a very heated Stephanie.
Stephanie is pissed and the level of shock that she has leads to words that don’t make sense and the ones that do are of the four letter variety. Richard and I both watch as she storms past us and out of our dorm room slamming the door. We both stand quietly before Richard decides to break the silence.
“So big plans spring break,” He asks trying to change the subject.
“Not really, just hoping to relax. By the way, thank you,” I tell him and he actually looks surprised.
“You shouldn’t have to thank me for doing the right thing by my friend. Besides I’m not that easy,” he says and I give him a look,” Okay I can be that easy but you and her would be a good couple, just saying it.”
I let him have his opinion before heading to my room to relax, I figure it’ll be a couple days before I try to speak with Stephanie again and then maybe I’ll see if I feel ready. I get my gym clothes on and figure I’ll head off to work off some of the bile that Stephanie spewed on me. I swing by and pick up Robin on the way, she wasn’t planning on working out but she’s more than interested in hanging around the gym with me. We are going for a half hour when I let her know what is going on with me and Stephanie. She listens and only when I ask her thoughts does she give them up.
“Well I think you’re honestly over her but can’t bring yourself to walk away without hurting her a little,” Robin tells me before laughing,” I’m kidding, you’re not that type of guy. Honestly she burned you pretty bad, glad to hear your roommate is stepping up though. I’ve seen him around and am a little surprised to hear he didn’t go after her.”
“You and me both, was different but nice for a change,” I reply spotting her on the bench.
“I’m wondering if you would have been broken up if he did it anyway,” Robin says and I think for a moment.
“Honestly I don’t know. I like her I just don’t feel like I did last year,” I tell Robin as we finish her set.
Usually when I head off to the heavy bags Robin goes to the stationary bikes but this time she’s with me and when I pull off my long sleeve top she takes off her standard hooded sweater and sweat pants leaving me with a shock. When we first met she was cute and chubby, her face still has some of the features from that but now she’s lean and when she sees me staring as she wraps her hands I get a laugh.
“Something catch your eye,” Robin asks and I nod.
“So these gym trips have been helping you out I see,” I tell her and she smiles.
“Yeah well welcome to the friend zone because I’m not interested in dates or drinks with my friends,” Robin says and I actually feel a bit bad about it.
“Okay well then I won’t be taking you to lunch today,” I tell her setting up against the heavy bag.
“Well fine then I won’t dress up to go out to lunch with you,” Robin says kicking the speed bag, something I’ve never seen her do.
“Well then I won’t be buying you a drink so you can get all shit faced and sleep in my bed after treating you like a lady,” I retort hammering the heavy bag.
“Well then I won’t be feeling super grateful and decide that I need to have sex after a gentleman treating me like a real lady,” Robin says taking the speed bag’s ‘head’ off.
We both stop and look at each other before laughing, witty banter aside I’ve never even heard of her being on a date this year. I do remember how bad she got burned by her ex and I like her, I do genuinely like Robin but as far as I can tell she’s not interested. The debate on whether or not I should try to get her interested goes on the back burner as Robin finishes her work out and we say goodbye. I’m on my own for maybe a half hour when I feel like I’m being watched. I stop the speed bag work and look around to see Niki standing at the door way watching me. I haven’t spoken to her really since the beginning of the year but she’s still pretty much the same, dark brown skin still about 5’7” she’s not really dressed for socializing with sweat pants and a denim jacket. Her face has a bit of an upset expression on it. I don’t say anything to her; I simply begin removing my hand tape while she stands there silently.
“Hey can we talk,” Niki asks as I pull on my long sleeve top.
“Why,” I ask in turn.
“Cause I’d like to. Also because it’s been a problem trying to go out with my boyfriend after you dropped him in front of everyone at the start of the year,” Niki says and I step up to her.
“Not my problems,” I tell her stepping past and back to the main portion of the gym.
“Yes it is, it was screwed up and I didn’t think about what I was doing when I brought you to my room okay. I made that mistake and I was hoping you’d be a little more understanding,” Niki says following me.
“I understood completely, you used me and thought it would be alright to use me. Then you brought your also cheating boyfriend around to help assure yourselves that what you did by not giving me even a barely decent fucking was alright,” I tell her as I exit the gym.
“Larry is scared of you okay. He’s afraid you’re going to kick his ass again,” Niki says and I laugh.
“Even though I have the spare thirty seconds to do that more than once in a day I don’t give a fuck about Larry, he thought he could screw around and you did too. Problem is you both half assed it and tried to make it work in the long run. What pissed me off wasn’t that you kicked me out, I didn’t get my chance to finish you ungrateful bitch and you knew it,” I state as I turn on Niki fast.
“Okay well what can I do to make it up to you? I’m just trying to get you to let Larry know that you’re not going to beat the shit out of him again,” Niki says and I give her the look,” No I can’t do that.”
“Don’t worry I don’t want it from you anyway, when it comes to sex partners you’re greedy and honestly not worth the time. As for Larry fuck him and fuck you. Let him run and hide cause I don’t give a shit about him regardless,” I state turning away before leaving her with a final thought,” Oh and if he comes to find me I will personally fuck his world up.”
I head back to my room alone and find Richard sitting on the couch watching TV. I hit my room for a change of clothes and then hit the shower to clean off. Clean and putting my dirty clothes back in my room I grab a couple beers from my fridge and join Richard in the living room handing him one, I get a nod of thanks and we watch some girl action movie that goes from Samurai to Nazis to mobsters, it’s confusing.
“Thanks for earlier, I know it wasn’t what you would have normally done and it wouldn’t have been like last year for me but it was nice,” I tell Richard as the movie does yet another scene change.
“Yeah well I wasn’t in the mood to play games tonight,” Richard replies and I look at him funny,” Dude she wanted to make you jealous and was so sure I would take her that she didn’t expect me to do the right thing.”
“So you didn’t do that because we’re friends,” I joke.
“No I didn’t only do it because we were friends. You planning on hooking up with her, we were talking before you showed up and she’s really into you,” Richard tells me and I shrug.
Really into me yes but not so much that guilt and trying to play games to make me jealous are out of the question for her. I figure I’ll come see her sometime during spring break and maybe we’ll try to get together but for now I’m relaxing and I can actually say I think of Richard as a friend and not as dumb as he was when we first met.
It’s the Friday before spring break and I offer to take Richard to the airport since he’s heading back home to visit family or heading to visit family somewhere way out of my price range. He actually offered to pay for my ticket but I don’t want to be shown around for a week and not really do anything I want. Guy already let me know there would be no new work this week and even offered to let me come back up and visit. I would like to see the new baby and visit his family but I plan to do that this summer for as long as they’ll let me. I get Richard dropped off and we say a goodbye and I’m back home in an hour as I realize that my vacation is going to be pretty good. I make my own plans first of all being head out with Jamal and go to some clubs, kind of cheesy but we do talk when he’s not busy trying to make money and he’s the first guy to actually have my back without a reason, well save for Guy and his people but that is recruiting. I still consider them friends but they are also going to do what’s best when money and business is on the line, I can understand that now after the first job I got to help with. I make arrangements to meet him tomorrow night at his choice of club, figure it’ll be one with a lot of dancing but so what. Either I dance and have fun or I don’t and relax. It’s the middle of the day and I’m going over some files with Jun when he tells me he has to go, his wife is home and the kids are gone. I learned that she’s a bit of a sex fiend over the months and I let him go and figure I’ll order food or something when I get a knock on my door. I brace myself for Stephanie and whatever she has in mind and when I pull my door open I’m greeted with lips and hard kissing, I almost have to pull back but I have no chance of getting away when I’m backed onto the couch and I can’t make out who is doing this, I finally pull the female off of me and I get a major surprise.
“Candice,” I greet my old friend from Washington.
“Hey sexy man, someone let it be known that you weren’t going anywhere or doing anything for spring break so I figured I’d go somewhere,” Candice says leaning forward and kissing my neck,” And do someone for spring break.”
I’m able to pull Candice off of me and put her on her ass on the couch before standing up and grabbing the one piece of luggage she brought and pulling it in the dorm slam the door shut. I turn to her but she’s not on the couch, she’s behind it and her pants are on the floor in front of it while she is heading towards my open bedroom. Her dyed blond hair is more half and half now between brunette and blond and her friend Victoria let her have a secret from the collection in orange with frills. I’m after her fast and half naked with my shorts coming off as Candice pulls me in for another kiss while I strip down. The woman has me out of my underwear in a matter of seconds and I feel gentle hands tugging at me as I’m turned and put on my back on my bed. I rub my hands up and down Candice’s soft curves when she flips the script literally and moves around straddling my face. I’ve got a great view of orange semitransparent with frills cover mound when I feel Candice take me in her mouth slowly taking her time to enjoy me. I feel her tongue working its way up and down my shaft as I lean my head up and pulling her barely there panties aside bury my tongue in her sweet hole. Her reaction is immediate and after a gasp she wastes no time taking as much of me in her mouth as possible, which with her skill is every inch. Candice has a sweet and musky scent that I dive into tongue and lips first licking in between her lips and going for the entrance to her pussy. I’m working hard and fast tongue fucking her while she mouth fucks my cock; I’m gripping her hips to hold her in place so she doesn’t squirm around too much. We’re both moaning when she stops and begins to pull away from me and I almost try to hold her in place and finish her off but don’t in favor of seeing what she has in mind. I note Candice is still thick bodied and soft all over but it looks damn good on her as she lies back and spreads herself for me.
“Get in here and show me what I’ve been missing,” Candice growls and I smile.
I don’t rush her this time; I’m slow and deliberate crawling my way up her body leaving a trail of kisses as I go. She still has her panties and bra on but her nipples are exposed, I feel her hands move down and as one probably pulls her panties aside the other takes hold of me and guides me to the entrance of her pussy. I press in, not shove or slam, press into Candice slowly and feel how warm and soft she is inside as I take her inch by inch till I’m resting my hips against her own. Her eyes are closed with a look of anticipation before bringing her hands back up to my face and kissing me softly. I’m buried inside Candice when she rolls her hips against me and I pause because I’m supposed to be the one moving in this position, right? Slowly and tenderly she rolls and grinds her hips against mine working my entire cock with her pussy and making sure I remember just how damn good she feels. I move with her as we slowly press against each other and I must keep control and not lose it too soon. Every time we full press against each other Candice moans a little and I watch her but she doesn’t watch me, she is keeping her eyes closed like she’s concentrating. I keep my body up on my elbows and go a little harder into her but not ruining the feeling of what we are doing together. Candice’s hands grip my ass and help pull her against me a little hard to match me as her head lowers putting her forehead at the base of my neck, every full connection I hear her take a sharp breath like a hiccup but more sensual. With our oral work on each other I didn’t think we’d last even half this long, hell I figured I’d be on my second orgasm by now but I can feel my first one beginning to build and arch my back and neck gritting my teeth and trying to hold out.
“Oh shit you’re gonna cum,” Candice moans.
“I’m trying not to,” I tell her still gritting my teeth.
“Fuck that! You cum and I’ll cum so hard I’ll break your hips,” Candice tells me wrapping her legs around my ass.
We’re grinding against each other in long slow thrusts when I feel my balls tighten and I let go into Candice. Both of us grip and clutch at each other hard while moaning and panting as I flood her and she massages me in her orgasm. I actually feel tired after sex, it’s been a couple weeks mind you but still I’ve never felt like I needed to stop and breathe for a while after sex till now. When I roll off or when Candice finally releases me from the vise grip of her legs, I’m not sure which way it happened, but we’re lying next to each other breathing heavy when she laughs a little. I chuckle and feel her moving off the bed and look to see her ample ass stripping down to the buff and leaving her probably expensive lingerie on the floor before moving to the head of my bed and pulling me along with her so that we’re laying down together. No thinking, no talking, no pleasantries just two people very happy to reconnect. Yes it’s a bad pun but it was a damn good reconnection. Finally after what feels like hours we both begin to stir and Candice leans over to kiss me softly before resting her head on my shoulder.
“Well my hips are still intact,” I joke and Candice giggles.
“Well that’s good and I’m glad you’re happy to see me,” she says cuddling up.
“Very happy, was thinking about what I was going to spend time doing this week when I wasn’t going out with a friend,” I tell Candice who gives me an interested look,” A guy friend, he’s good people.”
“I was hoping to see this roommate that kept screwing with you last year,” she informs me a little grumpy.
“He’s on vacation with his family or his family is sending him somewhere expensive. They have money and since I wasn’t going I didn’t pay too much attention to what he was doing,” I joke and Candice laughs a little with me.
We shower, we eat, we talk, and she cuddles with me while we watch a movie, basically all the things you’d want to do with someone before sex but we already had the sex first. I offer to do more or something special but Candice feels a bit weird after her plane trip down and decides that staying in our first night and relaxing is what she wants. I learn that she prefers t shirts and panties for her bed clothes and fully expects me to be shirtless while we sleep. Waking up the next morning is nice, Candice is snoring lightly turned away from me as I cuddle up to her putting my arm over her body. She shifts against me and mumbles something about cold and goes right back to sleep. I wait a little bit and decide to get up and get some food, no real kitchen in the dorm but a microwave and a fridge help some. Cereal is my go to in the morning when I don’t want to go anywhere or do anything thing. I eat and dress to go running, it’s a bit later than usual for me and I discover that while I have been running I’m doing it at earlier than the rest of the world. I find myself on a trail I’ve never been on with people who I’ve never met and get back after about an hour and a half feeling a bit more energized and alert only to discover Candice is still sleeping. I shrug and grab my towel to shower. I’m in for maybe five minutes when I hear the door and wait for Candice to join me but nothing happens.
“Hello,” I ask gauging the situation.
“Don’t open the curtain I’m peeing,” Candice informs me firmly.
“Ummm I’ve kinda seen you naked and we had sex last night,” I state when she snaps at me.
“Yes but you watching me pee is weird,” She states and I am curious.
“How do you know that if I’ve never done it,” I ask forgetting to rinse my hair.
“My ex did that, even said I needed to leave the bathroom door open so he knew when I was going,” She tells me and now I’m interested.
“Wait he watched you pee,” I ask getting what I think was a yes,” was it a sex thing?”
“At first it wasn’t then I was squatting and he tried to have me give him a blowjob, I really wasn’t in the mood but tried anyway then he made it disgusting,” Candice states and I almost peek out to ask her what he did,” He peed in my mouth.”
“What a fucking dick,” I tell her because that’s shit you’d discuss first by my understanding.
“Oh I was mad, I packed my shit and was leaving when he said he’d drink mine and that was the end for me,” Candice says obviously disgusted by the memory.
“Well I have an idea,” I tell her as I can see her frame stand up.
“What is your idea, BAAAAAAH,” Candice says before screaming at me.
I stepped out of the shower and grabbed her before pulling her in her t shirt with her panties down into the water with me. Shocked and sputtering for a minute she pulls off her shirt and panties throwing them out of the shower. I watch her get mad and leave the shower only to return still grumpy at me but with her shower supplies, I forgot she didn’t have any.
“That was a dick move, you are so lucky the water was warm or I would have been so pissed you’d get no sex for the whole day,” Candice tells me smirking and not as mad as I thought.
This is the first time I’ve showered with a woman and I learn a couple things. One they take the shower water and you end up in the back getting sprayed by whatever bounces around. Two they are constantly turning around to find their stuff even though they set it all in the same spot. Three I’ve developed a secret desire to be a body scrub after watching Candice soap herself up and rinse off. I’m harder than I thought I’d be just watching her when she bends down facing away from me to scrub her legs and feet. I’m not even thinking as I put the tip in and that’s when she stops what she is doing. We’re both on pause when she drops her scrubby and places her hands on the wall in front of her, I grip her hips and push inside slowly letting water run down her back and ass as I bury myself inside her. I go slowly because this is a start with no foreplay but it doesn’t take long before Candice is wet and I’m able to move at a decent pace in and out of her pussy. Last night was more of us reconnecting but now it’s about getting each other off and that is exactly what I’m trying to do. I can hear some weird sloshing from the water running down and getting caught periodically in between us. I try not to rush too much but its difficult when Candice’s body is inviting at any angle, at least to me it is. I’m not going too hard but when she slips a little we both pause and Candice pulls away from me straightening up and rinsing off before cutting off the water. We exit and dry off a little before she takes me by my penis and walks me to my bedroom, she lets go as we reach my bed and lays down on her stomach relaxing and waiting. I waste no time moving on the bed behind Candice as she raises her ass so I can get back inside her.
“Just take it,” Candice moans as I grind into her.
I keep my body up off hers by resting on my hands at first while pumping my hips against her ample ass. I’m going faster than I was in the shower since she’s angled for me to do so but I hear her whimper a little and I slow down when she pushes up into me. I thought she was nervous or hurt or something but with her pushing against me I resume working myself into her harder. I lean down onto my elbows and pick up the pace as Candice groans and grips the blanket on my bed. It takes me a second to realize this whole time she’s not looked at me, not once and every other time she wanted to see me. I slow down and loosen her grip on the blanket for one hand and hold it in mine while slowly keeping us both going. I kiss her shoulder, her neck, her ear and the whole time Candice goes from facing the bed to finally facing me. Her eyes are soft and she nods before pushing against me and I take my cue. I still have her hand in mine but now I’m giving it to her hard and fast while breathing hard, I thought I hurt on runs but no more running this week if I plan to get some relief in the morning. Candice begins to moan and it’s the best sound ever as I pick up speed and feel her clamping down. It doesn’t take me much longer before I collapse onto her and buck against her ass while in her pussy and finally with a groan cum hard and deep. Candice for her part whimpers and moves back into me while gripping my hand tightly. It takes a few minutes but finally she nudges me and I roll off of her onto my bed but instead of cuddling she is up and dragging me back to the shower. We resume our cleaning off but this time it’s more hands on each other and close as opposed to me watching her. We’re out and dressed when she pushes me onto my bed and throwing herself over me leans down and gives me a gentle kiss. We’re like that for minutes when she breaks the kiss and settles against me.
“Did I do something wrong,” I ask and she shakes her head.
“Some clients are very into the take charge lessons, it felt like that in the shower and I figured you needed more but I didn’t feel into it. Then you stopped and you held my hand,” I can hear her tearing up and I hold her against me.
“I’m sorry,” I start but she pulls her head off my chest and looks at me hard with a few tears.
“No you idiot, you did everything right. I felt off, you comforted me and let me feel good. Then I got into it and we both enjoyed it. You cared about me,” Candice says before giving me another kiss.
Wow, complex woman but I like her and I’m glad I am not so jaded I didn’t stop to see if she felt right. The next hour is just us relaxing and finally talking about what she does, most of it sounds basic in comparison to the evaluation she gave me. Our talk is good but a grumbling noise gets us both to laugh before we dress and head out to get some real food, I make a quick call first and figure it’s time to show off to someone who matters. We get sat down at a nice chain restaurant and I ask for an extra menu confusing Candice for a moment when Jamal spots me and sits down.
“I’m all for a free meal man but you need to tell me where is your subscription and how do I get one,” Jamal says taking his seat.
“What subscription are you talking about,” I ask confused.
“The subscription to ‘Beautiful and Intelligent Women Who will go out with you’. Hi there I’m Jamal,” my unbelievably suave black friend says extending his hand to Candice.
“I’m Candice and you need a woman really badly don’t you,” she counters and we all laugh.
“My god do I need a steady woman but I don’t go after women who belong to my friends,” Jamal counters and Candice looks at him a little shocked.
“Oh we’re just friends,” I state and he is now the only one laughing.
“Yeah and I’m the first black pope. I can tell you two are into something special with each other,” he says and I see Candice blush,” Oh you two haven’t had the talk yet?”
No we hadn’t talked about anything yet but now apparently we have a conversation that needs to happen, just not in public. Mercifully we relax and order brunch while Jamal and Candice talk about me a bit. Jamal goes over us hanging out and meeting women while showing me how to dance and Candice talks about me like we’ve never had sex. It’s creepy how she can go into how she was there during my internship and was one of my field coaches for a time but we became good friends. Jamal listens and when he is done with most questions he decides to go for the jugular.
“So you two are just friends and that’s it,” he asks as Candice nods,” Okay so when you two were having sex did you say each other’s names or did you just grip each other like it was the end of the world?”
“Dude what the hell,” I burst as Candice nearly chokes on her juice.
“It’s all over your faces, I can tell just by looking at her that she has been well done and by you recently,” Jamal says explaining.
“Okay where did you pick up a skill like that,” Candice asks and he laughs.
“Sexual harassment classes at my first job,” Jamal replies and we all laugh,” No it’s just something I could see because I know him. I’ve seen him after women and he’s fine but you are different for him. I mean really different. It’s like when he’s around that Robin girl.”
“Who’s Robin,” Candice asks and now I’m worried as she leans in.
“Oh they work out together, study together, have lunches together, he’s got her really drunk and took care of her,” Jamal recounts and I’m pretty sure I’m not getting sex for the rest of the week.
“So do they sleep together,” Candice asks curious.
“No he’s been holding back with her, I mean he likes her but it’s like he’s confused sometimes. With you he’s all over it isn’t he,” Jamal asks and Candice chuckles while nodding,” It’s like when we are out at a club, he’s smart and funny not to mention a bad ass but as soon as the girl gets close he starts to worry.”
“Maybe I’m waiting for someone special,” I get the words out to stop the conversation and both give me a look that makes me wish I was mute.
Brunch finishes and we head back to the dorm where Jamal regales Candice with how we met and how I defended him in a misunderstanding. I talk about how he has been showing me how to dance and Candice has something to say about it all.
“I can’t dance for shit, big girl never got asked in school,” She admits with a sad laugh.
“Girl get up here, Stuart turn some shit on… wait fuck that, take my phone and play music off my lists because your music isn’t dance music,” Jamal says handing me his phone.
I get everything set up and play the music while Jamal shows Candice how to move in the space between the TV and the couch. I watch as they go over dancing alone, dancing with a partner not touching and dancing with a partner touching. About the time that they’re practicing the latter I watch his hand almost completely cup her ass cheek and now I’m feeling that green eyed monster jealousy. He stops and points at me.
“That face right there is the beat down face,” Jamal says changing the subject from dance to me.
“My god they don’t run from you like this,” Candice says sitting down on my lap.
“Actually I don’t think they know how to run at that point. It’s like the old dinosaur movie where they stare at the big one with the teeth and nobody moves,” Jamal says and now I feel embarrassed.
A laugh is had, more by them and less by me but it’s in good fun and they don’t continue to pick on me as much. We spend most of the day relaxing and going over little things when Jamal tells us about the midweek spring break leftovers party, I’m not sure I like being called a leftover, but Jamal says he has the inside track to get us into one of the better clubs. It’s one that has standards before they take your money at the door. Jamal leaves us before dinner as Caitlin and I settle in for delivery Mexican at her choice and when we’re done its cuddle while trying not to feel weird around each other. We’re not talking about much when she kisses me, I’m sitting on the couch with her leaning on me with the TV on and she pins my head to the couch kissing me soft and sweet. I kiss her back and from there we fail at watching the movie and are in full make out mode. When she calms down and rests on my chest breathing heavy I hear it and I stop.
“I’m not in love with you, you understand that,” Candice tells me and I pause to address her.
“I can but why are you here then,” I ask curious.
“Because you let me be a person, I like my work and you don’t care when I’m with you. Also you are a good lover and a better friend,” Candice informs me before resting her head back on my chest.
Cuddling for the remainder of the night is good, sleep in underwear and t shirts is good but we’re content and happy all through Sunday and I text Guy with what happened for advice and he gives me some sage advice to be honest and when I tell him what I said to Candice and he at least tells me I didn’t fuck up. It’s Monday at three in the afternoon and we’re debating what to do when my door is pounded on harder than usual. I am in shorts and t shirt while Candice has been rocking shorts and my shirts cause they are big and smell like me. She’s in my room and has been talking to a friend for a bit as I answer the door.
“Stupid religion bullshit motherfucking puritanical fascist crapfest fucking cunt asshole,” Caitlin says loudly stepping past me into the living room.
“Hi Caitlin what seems to be…,” I have words but she’s on a roll.
“That fuck Trevor keeps saying he loves me and that he’s all about us having a truly committed relationship but when I try for two days to get him into bed he says he’s staying pure and knows that despite my history I’ll understand. I tell him either he tells me when he’s going to get his head out of his ass and commit to me physically and he starts into some spiritual bullshit,” Caitlin almost yells pacing the room.
“So you’re not dating him anymore I take it,” I ask as Candice looks on from my bedroom and out of sight for Caitlin.
“He’s still back at his place probably waiting for me to calm down and apologize but fuck that, He wants an apology he can lick it out of my pussy when you’re done,” Caitlin states and now it’s awkward for me.
“Caitlin calm down for a second we need to talk a bit first,” I try but she’s already taking off her lightweight coat.
“What’s to talk about, you’ve been dating Stephanie but you haven’t tapped her ass and aren’t even really in a relationship so what the fuck is the problem,” Caitlin asks and that’s when Candice decides to join us.
“Problem would probably be me if Stuart were to answer right now,” Candice says getting Caitlin to whip around in her direction fast.
“Who the hell are you,” Caitlin asks shocked and confused.
“I would be Candice and I came down from Washington to spend the week with Stuart,” Candice states and I note she’s not sounding super possessive.
“With Stuart… You’re his lover… and I’m here trying to… I gotta go,” Caitlin grabs her coat but Candice is quick.
“Hey relax, Caitlin right,” Candice asks getting a nod from Caitlin,” I’m not super jealous girl and I think we need to shop talk.”
“Ummm okay, you’re not pissed I came here to fuck Stuart,” Caitlin asks and Candice smiles.
“Actually kind of proud that you’d come to him after something bad, he does have a sweet side to him,” Candice tells her sitting down on the couch and having Caitlin sit with her.
“His mean side is better, I like the mean side when it’s not pointed at me,” Caitlin says calming down a little.
“I’ve not seen it in action yet, hopefully I don’t ever but I think we should get to know each other,” Candice says before turning her attention to me,” Stuart we need some drinks and snack along with lunch food. Can we get fast food then the snacks?”
“Sure, you two going to be alright,” I ask confused but get a nod from Candice who turns her attention back to Caitlin.
I grab my wallet and keys, both women are silent as I head out the door, it’s odd. I know what both like and grab all the necessary snacks and sports drinks; I have plenty of soda and alcohol. Next stop is the food stop and I use the drive through, I like my car and now I can do the quick version as opposed to the short and close to where I live. I just get general chicken burgers and cheeseburgers, not sure what they were looking for in the way of food since my orders were kind of generalized. I get everything and hope the women are alright alone for the now forty five minutes I’ve been gone. Candice is a good person and I’ve never seen Caitlin so desperate and needy. I am back at the dorm and bring in the food setting it down before heading back for the rest of the bags, I went a bit overboard but who cares. I get back in again and that’s when I see it, or accurately don’t see it. Candice and Caitlin aren’t in the living room. Richard’s door is still closed, bathroom is open but my door is closed. I put a few things away and finally move to my door, I can hear them but it’s quiet and muffled. I open my door and get a surprise with both Candice and Caitlin are naked and on my bed. Candice is on her stomach with her face buried in Caitlin’s pussy licking and fingering with vigor. Caitlin’s face is partially covered by my pillow as she’s biting and moaning into it, the contrast of Candice’s skin being white but lightly tanned is put up against the deep bronze native features of Caitlin. I however am standing in my own doorway probably with a big ass look of shock on my face.
“Stuart strip down lay down on your back and just wait your turn,” Candice says taking her mouth off of Caitlin briefly.
I had clothes on but they are off and I’m on the bed fast and gentle so I don’t disturb the beauty in front of me. I have never seen two women at the same time outside of porn on the internet but that does this no justice as Caitlin is moaning and squeezing her breasts as Candice continues to orally get her off. I’m laying on my side facing them with a hard on that I don’t think could get any harder as Caitlin looks at me in her glazed over orgasming state and she barely acknowledges me. I can hear Candice humming lightly as she brings Caitlin over the top with a moan and I watch Caitlin grip Candice’s head with her hands. Caitlin shakes and I hear giggling from Candice before the latter removes her face from the former’s body and seeing me very erect gets a wicked smile on her face.
“Okay Caitlin dear I need you to move over so I can take care of Stuart,” Candice says moving to me slowly.
“What? We agreed I’d get first turn when he got back,” Caitlin says scrambling to get in between Candice and myself.
“Well you just got done and I’ve spent at least twenty minutes getting you off so it’s me first,” Candice says giving me a wink.
Candice is pulled back by Caitlin who proceeds to start a small wrestling match with her as Candice laughs and Caitlin puts herself in between us and tries to get me
inside her while we’re facing each other on our sides. I watch Candice pull Caitlin back a bit and begin talking in her ear.
“You said you wanted him yes,” Candice asks and Caitlin nods,” Well I learned to share when I was growing up and so will you.”
Caitlin rolls me on my back and squats on her feet over my hips taking my cock in her hands and after lining me up begins to lower herself onto me. It’s been months for her and for some reason she’s tight but thanks to Candice also wet. She gets me buried inside her and that’s when the ride begin, there is no soft and slow getting used to the feeling as Caitlin balances herself with hands on my chest and pounds her ass against my hips giving my cock the full ride in and out. She feels great and that’s when I see Candice’s head come into view and she gently begins to suck and lick my nipple. I have not had my nipples played with and the odd sensation is enough to give me a tingle on my skin. Caitlin for her part is grunting as she fucks me hard like I did her the first time we were together, well second time I was in her actually. Candice stops giving me shivers and watches Caitlin bounce on me hard and while it feels good it’s kind of difficult to orgasm like this but Caitlin is biting her lip as her first one starts. I feel her clamp down on me and finally she slows down when Candice moves to help her balance and lowers Caitlin so she’s got me half way inside her and is helping her keep balance so her hands are off my chest.
“Stuart fuck her hard now,” Candice says and Caitlin looks a little shocked.
I am one to follow good instructions from a woman I am in bed with and taking Caitlin’s hips in my hands hammer up into her getting a good feeling of her spasming all over my cock. She moans loudly and when she tries to lower herself Candice is right there keeping her in place before taking the long braid of hair on Caitlin’s head and using it like a handle. With her free hand Candice begins to rub Caitlin’s clit and now I feel like I’m holding back and start shaking the bed as I pound upward into my new bronze girlfriend. I have two girlfriends, is this how Guy started? Did they come after him? I know from Kori it wasn’t his idea. I am going over this to distract myself a little as I continue to pound the mound as Richard once called it. Candice has Caitlin so she won’t fall or lose her balance from what I can tell as I begin to feel like I should finish and that’s when I hear it.
“He’s cumming,” Caitlin says loudly.
The two of them pull Caitlin off of me and Candice is quick to take me in her mouth bobbing hard and letting me go deep as I lay there gripping the blankets and grinding my teeth. A second mouth, Caitlin’s I guess, is licking up and down my shaft while the top half of me is in Candice’s mouth and I lose all control and almost painfully cum into her mouth. The two of them hold me still as best they can as I grunt and moan in orgasm and finally I feel no mouths and hear kissing. I look down to see them cleaning each other and tasting me on their lips before they return to me and proceed to lick and suck every drop of juices off. I feel them both stand up and step out of the room while I lay there trying to recover. It could have been hours or days but it is probably minutes when my ladies, now I get where Guy comes from when he says that, return to bed and I’m kissed by one then the other and they both take a side to love up on me.
“So did that fulfill some sort of fantasy,” Candice asks me smirking.
I get an enthusiastic nod and we relax for a few more minutes before clothing is put on, mostly shorts and shirt or underwear and we eat. I actually head to the gym for a little while to keep myself in my routine but this time I have company as both ladies are with me. I keep my workout light and spend part of my time helping the two of them with machines they have never used. It’s fun and I watch as the my women, I get to say that now according to the two of them, work on as much as they can before they get more tired than they were before and we return and that’s when the eating really begins. We ate a little earlier but after work out and sex all the food I bought is gone and the snack food is being picked at while we watch TV.
Our next few days are good and slow, we get into Wednesday and while Caitlin is staying the night she left Tuesday morning to get a few things she needs to completely be over at my place for the duration of the week. Wednesday by the way is important because we’re set up to go out with Jamal and he’s met Candice but Caitlin with us will be interesting. I let him know Tuesday we’d need an extra ticket and he laughed at me for thinking we had tickets to a club. I shower alone and get myself ready as the ladies decide to share a shower, I immediately think there will be play time but both Candice and Caitlin are simply talking and helping each other bathe in a non sexy way. I’m not super disappointed but the evening is young. I’m dressed a suit, Jamal said suit up and then translated that it meant wear a suit, so I’m in one of the best ones I own when something occurs to me. Everything I own now is Guy’s property, the car, the clothes, the money card, even the computer. It all belongs to him and if I fail him he could take it away in a heartbeat. I actually think about this for a minute then realize something I heard a finance person tell my Uncle, invest in the future. I am going to be working for Guy after this and that means I won’t suffer and starve; also my family will not suffer and starve. I’m thinking all this while tying a tie and lacing up dress shoes before I’m ushered from the room by two ladies in towels with makeup and hair done but no clothes. I can hear them getting ready when they exit and I’m almost speechless. Candice has a strapless dress with a short skirt that stops at her mid thigh and it’s all in red while Caitlin is in a brown mini skirt and black halter top. My suit is grey with a white shirt and black tie and I feel horribly underdressed compared to the two ladies.
“Caitlin if his jaw goes any further down he’ll be able to lick is own balls,” Candice says and both girls laugh.
“You two are the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen,” the only thing I can say without sounding dumb.
“Now we have to treat him extra nice tonight,” Caitlin says with a smile.
I let us out and lock up before following two full and magnificent asses to my vehicle and head off to the where we’re meeting Jamal. It takes us over half an hour to get there but when we do it’s not a club, it’s a dance hall. We park and find Jamal waiting for us out front wearing a bright blue suit with a black tie.
“Stuart my man you brought me a date too,” Jamal asks surprised.
“Actually we’re Stuart’s dates,” Candice says with a smile.
“You brought two women with you, my man how you do that I will never know,” Jamal says but he’s still happy.
“Probably because I don’t dance with every single woman who smiles at me,” I joke and thankfully everyone laughs.
Jamal gets us in and I get to see the dance hall is expanded and there are more tables and a live band. Not a couple guys with guitars and a drum set I mean a full band with horns and guys in suits that match playing good slow dance music. We are seated and we even have a waitress come over to our table who leaves us some menus and we learn that there is actual food and now it’s a full deal tonight. We order our meals and drinks and that’s when Jamal is pulled away from the table to dance with a woman, we smile then I get pulled out of my chair by Candice who takes me for a spin on the dance floor.
“So I was a big girl in high school and didn’t get to dance and I’m guessing since you were a big boy you didn’t either,” Candice asks as we shuffle along slowly to music.
“Yeah didn’t have a lot of high school experiences outside of school work and being picked on so this is nice,” I tell her as we continue our shuffling.
“So when did your boss teach you to dance,” Candice asks as we take a turn and keep moving along with the music.
“Never, Jamal has shown me a couple things and says I’m not bad for an elephant,” I joke and Candice laughs.
“Well Caitlin and I have seen your trunk and can confirm you are not an elephant,” Candice jokes back and we both laugh a little.
Dance done we return to our table and now I’m pulled up to dance with Caitlin a slow number only she’s quiet and smiling the whole dance before the song ends and we return to our table. We are served and enjoy our food but it takes a minute to notice that some are eating early like we are and most are relaxing, then I spot that our center piece is red flowers while most of the tables have white. It’s on Jamal’s third dance with a woman that they pause and I hear the speaker or host of this event, a well dressed older gentleman in a tuxedo begin to speak.
“Ladies and Gentlemen I’d like to welcome you to the annual spring charity drive and dance. As you know all donations go out to local projects that promote art in the community, all people at the red tables are your companion dancers for the evening and will be more than happy to take you or be taken by you,” there is some ooohing in the crowd,” for a spin around our dance floor. Please enjoy your meal and entertainment.”
Both Candice and Caitlin are staring at me and I give them the big ‘I didn’t know’ as we watch Jamal return to the table. He’s smiling until he sees three people ready to
stab him with dinner utensils.
“I thought it was going to be you only man. We’d hang out and you’d get to dance and socialize,” Jamal explains trying to save his skin.
“You didn’t think to say something at the beginning of the night like when we arrived just so we knew what was going on before we agreed to be dance partners for random people,” I ask as he corrects.
“Dance partners for people who have money, people who can do and move things. I get asked to do these because of my dance studio and music video,” Jamal asks and now I’m confused.
“I never knew you had a studio,” I ask and he nods.
“I don’t, never been in a video either but if I make a good show here or speak nicely and well with someone who has money I could get those,” Jamal says and now I see his angle,” Help a brother out?”
Caitlin and Candice nod and we agree to stay and help. Most of the evening is pretty fun, a couple older men dance with the ladies and once Caitlin comes back with a pinched butt yet she finds it cute and funny. I’m sitting having only been asked a couple times when as the same man again is taking Candice out on the floor. I know she’s going home with me but something tells me to keep alert and that’s when I see the woman. She’s statuesque and has great poise but her face says angry and bitter. She’s older, maybe mid forties but fit. Her black hair has a few tinges of silver but instead of hiding it she wears it with pride and by guessing she’s a couple inches shorter than my five foot ten height, I tap Jamal and point, and he shakes his head.
“She’s the gargoyle. Never dances but still donates and enjoys the music, her ex comes to these things just so she can see him happy and with younger women,” Jamal explains before making a joke,” Like she did when she found him in his office with an intern.”
I don’t know why but she’s interesting to me and not in a romantic way or even a lust way, I completely understand her as she sits and stares a hole through Candice and her ex on the floor. I don’t like some rules, they seem useless in situations like this and that’s when I stand and make my way to her table. She doesn’t even notice my approach till I extend a hand to her and she actually gives me a stunned expression.
“I’m sorry young man but rules are you wait to be asked to dance I believe,” she says with an authority that feels genuine.
“Are they your rules, their rules or just rules that nobody really cares about,” I ask and see her face go from determined to intrigue.
“There are other people to dance with and I don’t dance,” she informs me and now I smile.
“I don’t really dance either so if you come out with me we’ll just be two people shuffling along to some music,” I playfully state with hand still extended.
She takes my hand and with a light smile we step out onto the dance floor. She’s very slow to move but considering I’m barely hopeful when it comes to dancing we move along just fine and after the first one we don’t stop, she keeps dancing with me and it goes into two more songs before finally we leave the dance floor and she pulls me back to her table.
“Young man that was very sweet of you, who do I make the check out to,” She asks pulling a check book out of her purse.
“Nobody ma’am, I’m just here to smile dance and make someone feel better,” I tell her before heading back to my table to sit down.
“Stuart you danced with her, you danced with her and she was going to write you a check for whatever and you didn’t take it,” Jamal says in hushed anger.
“I didn’t do it for money, she needed something and dancing someone while she was in pain was exactly what she needed,” I tell him but he’s fuming.
“Well we thought it was sweet,” Caitlin says taking my hand.
“Yes especially since her ex is a complete jackass,” Candice states glancing in his direction,” he actually said that seeing her dancing was turning him off, yet he still grabbed my ass.”
“Well she deserved to dance and he can dish it but not take it, hell with him,” I state as my dates smile proudly.
Yes I’m being something it took almost a year to be, bold. Ask a woman who could probably have me thrown from the building to dance when I’m probably not supposed to dance with anyone lest they ask me first. I do get a couple more dances in with Caitlin and Candice when the mystery woman invites me out onto the floor again three more times. She doesn’t even ask me my name but as soon as the people holding the event wind it down and most make their departures. I say goodbye to my dance partner and she says a hello to my tablemates and dates before leaving. We pack up and I lead my friends out to the parking lot where we say goodbye to Jamal and head back to my dorm room. As soon as we’re in the door I watch heels come off and both ladies are on the couch groaning.
“I have not worn heels for that long in ages,” Caitlin says rubbing her foot.
“I haven’t worn heels much at all before tonight,” Candice counters,” I mean they are pretty and make me feel tall but seriously why do we do that?”
“So men can see our asses better and make it harder to see down our tops,” Caitlin says with a laugh.
Two things I did note about this evening for my ladies, one they danced and had fun and two they drank a fair amount of alcohol. I decide to change while they lament their shoe choices and exit my room in shorts and no shirt.
“Alright I’m going to head to bed, I’ll leave plenty of room for the both of you when you decide to change and join me,” I tell them and get nods that they heard me.
I am relaxing in bed with the door open as they talk, just light stuff about what we did and Jamal. Both liked dancing with me but soon I fall asleep. Waking up is nice with warm bodies next to me on either side. I pull the one on my right next to me and smell Caitlin’s perfume from last night, she groans but cuddles up. I’m barely beginning to open my eyes but ‘The Hammer’ as Caitlin dubbed it is wide awake and trying to let me know that Caitlin is right there, as if I didn’t notice.
“Yes but softly, and keep it down Candice is still sleeping,” Caitlin says to me and I’m confused.
“What are you talking about,” I ask, I know what she is saying but I like clarification.
I feel her shift a little and her panties come down off her ass and are kicked to the bottom of my bed before she helps remove my shorts for the most part. Caitlin’s hand grips me firmly and with a little shifting she has me at her entrance and with a little work on both our parts I get the head of me inside her. Caitlin catches herself from making too much noise as we slowly work against each other putting me deeper and deeper inside her. There is no pounding or hard slamming against each other like it’s been every other time with us, this is slow and soft as I feel her body clamp down on me. We’re slowly taking our time with it, Caitlin reaches back holding my hips and pulling me against her as my hand seems to find its way directly to her breast and I give it a gentle squeeze. As soft as Caitlin is she has that natural firmness that you usually don’t get with C cup breasts, and now I have enough experience to know about that. We speed up a little bit and are rocking the bed just enough that we can feel it but I can still hear Candice’s breathing and it spells sleeping woman as I keep up my gentle easy pace. I’m more than a little pent up after no love last night plus alcohol can make you wake up with a raging erection. I pull Caitlin against my chest and keep as much of me inside her as we speed up moving against each other when I feel Candice cuddle me from behind. I’m confused when I feel Candice’s lips on my ears as she moans.
“I’m cumming too Stuart, I’ve been playing with myself for a couple minutes listening to you screw her,” Candice tells me pressing against my back.
I don’t slow down now, she’s awake and loving it so Caitlin and I drop quiet time and grind hard against each other. I’m close as she stops backing into me and I am doing all the moving for a few minute or two when she groans and for the first time shakes a little which sets me over and I grunt and cum hard enough that I squeeze Caitlin tight while burying myself as I finish. Candice behind me is panting and relaxing, it almost sounds like she got off when we did which is nice timing for her. We relax and after a minute or two I fall out of Caitlin and roll onto my back which leaves me vulnerable as both ladies cuddle up to a side each and relax. The day rolls on and the basics are out of the way but we relax and talk about important things, Caitlin takes a major interest in Candice’s job and the sex therapy aspect. It’s only when it slips that Candice was used to test me before I returned to school and now I’m stuck as Caitlin is asking a million questions.
“You mean he was good before he got practice with you,” Caitlin asks as I feel embarrassed in my computer chair.
“He wasn’t bad he was nervous. Biggest thing though is for me he was sweet and I had to keep reminding myself ‘this is not a date’ when I really liked the idea of it being a date,” Candice replies and I am curious about that.
“So you get claiming rights to Stuart’s first real date,” Caitlin asks Candice who nods,” But I get rights to being the first woman who saw the before and after and still went after him.”
They continue their bragging contest and finally in the evening that Thursday Caitlin leaves us for her own dorm room and to end her relationship with Trevor formally. I offer to be there but she doesn’t want to justify my presence to him or let him know what she’s been doing, or who, over the last few days. Candice and I are alone for part of the evening but she has to sleep early so I can get her to the airport. Our last night is sweet, soft touching but no real fooling around till she’s asleep. My alarms get us awake and Candice finishes packing while we dress and in the wee hours of the morning I drive my good friend to her plane and walk with her as much as possible till the security checkpoint. It’s awkward between us when she finally decides to help.
“When I’m done with my job I hope you’re still available,” Candice says as she hugs me.
“I would like that,” I tell her squeezing tightly.
“Read chapters fourteen and fifteen then see what you think okay. And I like Caitlin, she’s fun,” Candice says before leaving me behind.
I ride back to the dorms and settle in for sleep to catch up but it’s lonely in my bed now. It doesn’t keep me up long and finally I shake off sleep and get on with my regular life of mild socializing with major sides of working out and running files and programs with Jun. I honestly don’t think what he’s doing and keeping me doing is busy work and when I ask him about it midday Saturday he access video chat so we can face to face.
“Let me explain the web,” Jun starts and I cut him off.
“I understand the internet Jun,” I joke and he laughs but corrects himself.
“Yes but you don’t understand the business web we have. Guy’s business is damage control and repair, then there is the law firm we work through that his parents are part of along with my wife. Add to that the farm and vacation ranch from Devin, Masha and Guy’s sister Gwen then we get to move over to his sister Liz and her husband Kyle who are in the designer clothing business and another sister Bethany who runs a chain of night clubs in Texas,” Jun goes down the explanation and I’m a little shocked at the depth,” all of this and some more smaller ventures all feed the money pot so that when we aren’t making money there is money. It’s managed and run by several women and myself who coordinate to make sure all money is legal and working for the purpose of keeping everyone in good houses and food.”
“Okay but people are living a lot bigger than roofs over head and food on tables,” I counter and he smiles.
“Business is good, investments are good and with some major connections that Guy’s business has made over the years we keep things very big and in the black,” Jun explains and I see a bit more of the bigger picture.
“So when I setup outside of college I’m already covered for it and salary,” I ask and he confirms,” So when I have a wife and kids?”
“Well that’s one of those touchy subjects; you’ll be the one bringing someone in from outside the normal group that has been established for years. Hopefully she’ll be someone who can understand and realize that what we do isn’t some horrible conspiracy to commit random acts of violence on the world,” Jun explains.
We laugh about the idea of destruction for hire but honestly it could happen if done right and that’s when I see myself differently. A year or so back rules were good, now our rules are good as long as we have an out. I actually don’t like who I was and probably wouldn’t spend more than a minute wasting time on my old self yet Guy did, I figure I’ll talk with him soon and find some balance. It’s evening Saturday when I figure I need to handle some business and find myself parked in front of Stephanie’s apartment. I ring the bell and wait as she answers in sweats and a t shirt with no makeup.
“Hi Stuart,” Steph says flatly inviting me in with a gesture.
I step in and sit on her couch where she directed as she sits down on the opposite end of the couch from me. It’s quiet and she’s not in her best dressed or a hospitable mood but does what she must for company, which to me feels odd.
“So you’re here to explain the sex fest you had the past week,” Stephanie says dropping the bomb between us.
“No, it’s more just about you and me really,” I state and she shrugs.
“What you and me? There isn’t one no matter how much I’ve tried so are you here to feel less guilty,” Steph asks pulling her feet on the couch.
“No just a bit more honest I guess, when we were dating before this week it was all you and me but nothing with you feels permanent,” I start but she is quick.
“I tried to bring us closer but you wanted to be all emotional and not like a man,” Stephanie spits at me and now I’m a little pissed.
“Like a man, excuse me but what the fuck is that supposed to mean,” I ask sitting up and directing.
“You kept thinking with your brain and not your penis, you liked being with me and you liked when we were together then you got all worried about what would happen and you chickened out,” she informs me and I am pretty sure my expression says it all,” Don’t give me that look, if it was just about sex you would have been buried in me over a week ago.”
“Except I didn’t, I wanted to wait and have it feel right for me,” I counter but she’s hot on my case.
“Maybe you should have spent some time showing me what I fucking missed last year when I wanted to get shit out of my system with Richard. I did it wrong, I admitted that enough and apologized to you enough times that it could fill a book but you just want to hurt me by dragging me along so that I could feel some of the hurt I gave you last year. Guess what? It worked,” Steph says going from angry to sad.
I have to sit and realize I was being petty and pretty fucking vengeful with Stephanie this whole time. Caitlin and Candice this past week let me see what I’ve been doing to people around me, I’m changing them and in this case not for the better.
“Steph I’m sorry,” I think my saying it caught her off guard, hell it has me off guard.
“Why are you sorry,” She asks annoyed but concerned.
“I did it to you what I felt everyone did to me. I wasn’t this or I wasn’t something more and now I let you just flounder around worried if you were good enough. It doesn’t make it right and I’m sorry,” I tell her and it makes some real sense to me.
“Bed is down the hall on the left,” Steph informs me and I’m a bit more confused,” No you said your piece now go get ready for bed or I swear to god I’ll lose my shit and go all cops on TV crazy swearing and breaking shit on your car.”
It takes a second before I figure out the second part is Stephanie joking and we laugh a little, the first part however was her being serious. I get up and follow her directions and thank fully I’m wearing workout clothes and can sleep in shorts and underwear as she returns in her sweats and pulls me into bed. I can smell Stephanie but unlike our dates this is different. No perfume or anything super special, just her and the faint smell of toothpaste as she must have brushed her teeth. I get a kiss, not super sexy just a long sweet one before she rests her head on my shoulder and tries to sleep. We both must have passed out sometime early evening because I’m awake early as hell and need to pee. I stagger to the bathroom and complete my business before returning to the bedroom where Stephanie is sitting up waiting for me still clothed. I get close and she pulls me right back in and buries herself against me and I doze off due to a little bit of tired and a lot of nothing to do as I’m not being allowed to move. Waking up the second time goes a lot better as she pulls me out of sleep with some mild touch on my chest then leaves to take care of her business in the bathroom. I get up and dressed as she gives me a hug coming out of the bathroom. No words just a silent apology from both of us to each other then I step out and it’s a quiet and slow trip back to my dorm room where I find nothing for me but some light work and being Sunday I wait and greet Richard when he arrives. I help him with his bag but he seems distracted as we talk a little, he spent time in New York with his parents and did the basic go have fun with money but it seems like something is off. I let it be and help him chill and recuperate from his flight with beer and TV.
Guy: Monday after Spring Break
Spring break otherwise known as ‘kids stay home and do nothing week’. Not in my house and being a stay at home whenever available dad allows me to do certain things with my children like take them to the zoo and aquarium so that Christy can obsess over getting a tiger…. No chance in hell. Also taking the twins out for a drive in my car aka The Mistress, I got hit repeatedly after dinner by Kori for that one but they loved it. Biggest thing is training; three out of five children in my house are determined to be, as Katy calls it, scary as fuck like daddy. I spent every day working out with the boys on strength and technique and when I wasn’t handling them I was going over control and stamina with Christy. We had some problems when I made her stand still while the boys took turns shoving her and at one point her face was more red than her hair but she held her ground although I’m pretty certain the two need to watch their backs. I have three wives out shopping with baby Neal, children at school and one at her shop because someone forgot how to install a transmission. Quiet is the one thing I don’t get often and instead of working myself into a frenzy going all out in my gym I sit and meditate. I focus on the important things like Christy’s temper and helping her gain control, Connor and Murphy’s lack of coordination when attempting to fight as a team, Esmeralda’s desire to wear a dress while working on her bike. Her mother needs to handle that one. As I sit quiet I hear movement and it occurs to me I miscounted as Matty enters the gym.
“Well hello sexy man,” Matty greets me and even with my eyes closed I can tell she’s smiling.
“Hello my Amazon,” I reply not moving in the slightest.
“So I’ve been wondering when it’s my turn,” Matty says and now I open my eyes.
“Well that depends on you, when you’re on birth control it makes it difficult to have a baby,” I inform her noting her shorts and tank top.
“I’ve been off for six weeks and going through the fertility tea that Lajita gave us, which tastes like pure ass sweat, for the past two weeks,” Matty states and now I see the plan.
“So the other wives just happen to be out today,” I ask and she nods smiling.
“Well Imelda was legitimately busy but no one else is coming home for a few hours at the earliest,” Matty is smiling, I’m not.
“Run,” I mutter and she pauses from her happiness to question.
“What did you say,” my Amazon asks as I look up grinning almost predatory.
“Run,” I tell her again and now she gets it.
I let her get half way up the steps before I’m up and bolting after her through the house, she takes three steps at a time and is almost up the stairs to the second floor when I reach the bottom and bound up after her. Matty is laughing and makes it into the parent bedroom before turning to get tackled softly as possible onto our bed. My blonde Amazon has her finger wrapped in my hair as we kiss, bite and attempt to suffocate each other with lips mouth and tongue. We roll around kissing but end up with me on top as we waste no time in pulling each other out of our clothes and as soon as I get her shorts off I bury my face in her sweet womanhood. I’m all tongue and lips on Matty’s clit while I work a finger in and out of her fast and feel her groan at me.
“I’m wet enough already… you don’t need to… maybe you do need to…,” Matty has a couple sentences she starts but can’t seem to finish.
I keep working her over adjusting so her ass is off the bed and when I feel her clamp down on my fingers I don’t stop, instead I go faster and when she is attempting to pull my face out I fight her and keep going. It takes a few minutes more and I’m lapping up Matty’s juices as she shakes and groans at me. I finally pull my face out and take a couple deep breaths before throwing myself in between my Amazon’s legs and kiss her hard and deep as she spreads for me instinctively. I don’t even really have to push into her with any real effort, it just slides right in and I make sure we both get settled before I begin bucking my hips against my wife’s fast and hard. She just got done with a big orgasm and I am going for broke trying to put her over the top again as I feel her legs wrap around me.
“I’m not letting you go till I get that cum,” Matty growls or whimpers, not sure at this point.
I get the full length in and out of her while I can’t really go anywhere I don’t need to kissing her again and feeling her lick my lips a little before she shifts just enough rolling her ass up so I can bottom out and maximize every single thrust. Matty’s arms wrap around my back and that’s when I begin to have a real problem, she’s got every limb wrapped around me and is squeezing me while I give her everything I got and I feel her begin to orgasm again when I swell up inside her and she does a full body clamp down. I’m cumming hard with Matty but she’s breaking my hips, spine and ribs as she milks my swollen member for every single drop. I groan and lose some oxygen before she relaxes and I gasp for breath and roll off holding my ribs. It takes a few minutes before I roll gingerly off bed and see Matty lying with a big ass smile on her face until see sees me staggering.
“Baby are you alright,” she asks and I shake her off.
“Next time I’m behind you and you are possibly going to be cuffed to something,” I joke but actually I might need to if I go over the top with her again.
She laughs and we relax after I clean up and she makes sure as much of me stays inside her as possible. Resting and dressed down stairs a couple hours later the wives save for Imelda are home with the kids and we go about taking care of homework and afterwards the wives all gush over the probable new mommy to be in the family while I work the boys on kicks while Christy has to run ten laps around the yard. Training outside is good as the sun is barely behind clouds keeping it not so bright but cool and comfortable. Hours later dinner is eaten, dishes are done and children are in bed as the wives and I head up to sleep when we discover something worrying.
“Baby what the hell happened,” Rachael asks as I pull my shirt off.
“What do you mean,” I ask looking at my torso.
I see what they see which is bruising on my ribs and now all my wives are very concerned but I wave them off. Kori and Rachael are insistent on getting me dressed while Imelda is getting dressed herself to drive me to the hospital and I put that shit aside hard and fast.
“I’m not peeing blood, I’m not short of breath and nothing is broken or I wouldn’t be walking right or breathing without pain,” I state cutting off all arguments,” If anything feels off or I wake up in pain we’ll go to the hospital but not before.”
They relax and we resume getting into bed and I find myself cuddling with Rachael and Matty who are watching me closely and I almost smile as I yelp in pain and bolt upright. All my wives flip out and I hold my head.
“Rachael you were on my hair,” I state before breaking out into a big grin.
Five on one I’m forcibly held down in bed and poked with fingers for my joke before all my wives settle in and I finally relax holding soon to be mommy Mathilda. No work to speak of but this summer should be good and hopefully I can find something to keep the brain busy. Investments are good but we I’ll need to tap Jun sooner than later to put feelers out in the world.
Anita Vargas: A few days later
Anyone who said running an import export business was easy didn’t have to deal with a complete asshole for an ex husband. I spend my whole week working out all the details and he tries to hijack four separate shipments over the next few months in one night while groping women in front of me on the dance floor at a charity event. I attend to put my money somewhere it can help since I love the arts and it gives me a reason to get into the classy section of my closet but he just likes groping women and reminding me of when I found him banging a twenty year old on my desk while I was out securing a new customer. Almost two decades of work gone when I took his ass in the divorce and only reason I didn’t change my name in the divorce because I got the business, his families old business. Problem is now he’s got money again and is my direct competition. My name and reputation mean something but he’s ruthless and cutting costs just to hurt me. My office is spacious and beautiful as we’re set up for a clothing exhibit transport from overseas when my day to day manager, Sophia, enters my office tablet in hand.
“We’re getting thanks for the donations this past week and a couple of the groups have expressed their gratitude in some interesting ways but the young man who danced with you is a problem,” Sophia explains sitting down across from me.
“How is it a problem, check the registry and have them pay whatever group he was associated with. It takes severe gumption to ask me to dance when nobody ever has and he did,” I explain and Sophia actually grimaces.
“That’s the problem. He’s a plus one, he was there with his table along with two other plus ones and one registered dancer who unfortunately…,” Sophia begins but I
know where she’s going.
“Unfortunately he’s not with any of the groups seeking money either. So what these people just show up and get a free meal and some dancing,” I ask and Sophia has
an interesting look on her face.
“No they one registered dancer is listed but he was there helping out a dance studio that couldn’t send anyone. I will say for the record that the pictures of you dancing are burning ex’s ass raw,” Sophia informs me with a laugh.
“I didn’t want pictures,” I inform her but she simply uploads them to my computer for me to see.
There I am in my dress dancing with an honestly well put together young man who asked me and when you are in your early forties and some man almost half your age asks you to dance because it’ll piss off your ex and because he thinks your beautiful it makes a woman feel better. There are some shots of us taking our time around the dance floor and some others of my ex fuming mad and trying to pick up a woman half his age, I’m able to get a guy to ask me to dance but he has to scramble for a young girl to dance with. If I was to ever get some sort of vindication that was a small dose but a worthwhile one for me.
“I will say the young man was very rugged and even had a nice suit,” Sophia says to me probably looking at a picture of the young man.
“Well I want him found, I want to thank him personally for what he did,” I tell my aide who gets a wicked look on her face,” No not like that Sophia. I just would like to see him and maybe talk to him. Quality young men are difficult to find.”
“I know that for a fact Mrs. Vargas,” Sophia says before standing and resuming her work.
I double check the incoming contracts and see a few people are renewing but I know there should be more if not for my ex pushing his way in. I’m predictable but reliable and he’s pushing me to fight him when I don’t fight, I maneuver and I win. Sadly I can’t maneuver since he’s doing nothing that I can see and I can’t fight with him about it because that tells him he’s won and even if I did hurt him he’d wound me in the process and that I could not handle. I push my ex aside and look at the pictures again and that’s when it hits me, the list. The scheduled dancer was the black male at the table, he’s got a name and if he was representing a studio they’ll know who he is. I tell Sophia to have it looked into as I sit back in my chair. I can’t kill my ex-husband but I can reward a good young man for a kind deed.
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Anonymous readerReport
Anonymous readerReport
Again, Thank you and keep up the good work
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