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The Final Chapter
Mary was hot and sweaty, she'd worked almost all day to get the first of the three reactivatable
reactors clear. Even with the help of the anti-grav units it had been hard going, she decided she just might
kill Jim after all, she did NOT like to perspire and she wasn't about to ask a pregnant Amber to help. Mary was
glad as hell that the last proximity alert hadn't been enemy ships, with only 3 reactors going they were
sitting ducks even to the weak ass tyrants in this section of space. Damn it she thought, with all this damage
Dickie still wasn't able to get all repair functions going and they needed at least 2 more before it would be
able to gain more control. Sighing she got back to work she was almost through to the anteroom of the reactor,
at least with this one going she'd be able to take a hot shower.

Jim was pissed, a few seconds sooner and they wouldn't be having all this trouble, Mary was more than
capable but she still hadn't had enough time with the system yet.
"Jim I've reached the anteroom of the reactor, it's a mess down here good thing we added that extra shielding
or this one would toast," came Mary's voice from the com.
"Alright, come on back after you're done and take a break you've more than earned it," Jim answered.
"I will after I look at the other 2 I want to make sure I can actually clear them," came Mary's reply.
"Hell, I should be back up tomorrow Mary, I'll...," Jim started.
"I told you you're not moving till we're sure you're not injured more than the readings say, you do and you'll
have more than just me to deal with," Mary snapped back this was twice he'd been hurt after he'd sent her to
safety and she'd be damned if it was going to happen again.

Jim threw up his arms in defeat with just one of them he might be able to climb out of this bed but not
both. Damn, Jim thought he felt like a prisoner they wouldn't even let him go to the bathroom alone, sighing he
laid back deciding for the moment not to fight it. Amber smirked, finally there was someone that could actually
get Jim to listen for once, sitting down amber sighed they needed to get back to Imperial space soon. Even as
she sat she felt the baby begin to move again, damn it! It was sooner than she thought, sifting through all the
dates she began to wonder if she hadn't gotten the date wrong when she got pregnant, bout her luck she thought,
well their luck. With all that he'd been through the last few years, she wasn't sure if she could have remained
sane, plus all the shit of them both losing their families, sighing she slightly cringed as she felt the baby
move again.

Mary had finally cleared through to the anteroom, after a thorough check of all the reactor and
associated systems she walked to the system control room. Finally getting it started she noticed that the light
levels were finally up where they should be, good she thought it's about time. The added power enabled Dickie
to use more anti-grav units, so finally the hallway and the rest of the anteroom were clear in no time. Jim
felt more of the bio bed come to life, good he thought she had the fourth back on they ought to be at half
speed now, and the shields also at half sighing he knew if they could drop the shields they'd be back a lot
sooner. Well there was no helping it now he guessed, touching his ear he opened his com, "Dickie status," Jim
"We now have sufficient power to properly assess damage to the station, structural integrity holding at 95%
shields are at half power now rising to 55%. We are now at half speed on the hyper engines, I have lost control
over 35% of the station including the tunnel drive, I am attempting to repair now, it appears that quite a few
circuits are burned out on super sub level 5, plus there is extensive damage to panels 5 through 10 in the
control room. I am afraid that till they are all repaired we won't be able to use the tunnel drive, I am afraid
there is no way to by pass them," Dickie reported.

Jim silently cursed his luck if he wasn't here he was sure he and Mary could already have had the
station back up. Sitting up a moment the room began to spin, damn it he thought as he quickly feel back on the
bed, well that sucks. Amber arose quickly hurrying to the bio bed when she heard Jim's groan, starting the scan
again when she saw that more of the bed was functioning. The fact that his brain was still showing swelling
worried her, she wasn't a doctor but she knew that wasn't good, looking over the interface she began to enlist
more of the bio bed's medical applications. After a few minutes the look of relief on Jim's face caused her to
breathe easier, according to the read out, he'd have to be here another 3 days before the bed would release
him. Sighing she was glad, she wasn't sure what she'd do without him, with the bed finally at 100% she could
finally rest. Mary was finally on her way back to control, the fact that Dickie was finally able to clear more
of the debris was also encouraging. After checking in on Jim and adjusting the settings Amber had set slightly,
she smiled and made her way to the bunk area, damn but this shower was going to feel damn good!

Three days later Jim was finally able to get out of bed, Mary had 6 of the reactors operational now,
though Dickie still had no control over the tunnel drive or 35% of the station. Mary was good but the circuit
repair she wasn't that sure of, not the way almost everything on the station had been reconfigured. Jim sighed
it was going to take quite a bit of repair work, he and Mary had just made it to super sub level 5 when Jim saw
that almost every circuit had been cut, cut? Jim started to inch his way forward repairing everything he came
to, when there was a clicking and hissing coming from around a corner, what!? There were actual Krang on the
station, pulling a pistol Jim started to advance when Mary stopped him.
"No, killing is my job keep going, we need to get everything back up that we can," with that she cloaked and
was gone. Within 5 minutes there were screams and massive confusion coming from where they'd heard the Krang.
20 - 25 minutes later it was all quiet Jim was reattaching the last circuit for this small section when Mary
"Their all dead, I took this off of them, a map to this place, though they were having trouble with all the
locks and doors they've tried to destroy everything they could," Mary reported.
Jim nodded repairing everything he could, at least they had 2 of the MTM's working now, plus Dickie was able to
assess the tunnel drive now.

An hour later Dickie finished it's analysis of the tunnel drive, "Captain, I have finished examining
the tunnel drive. There is no apparent damage to the drive, the extra shielding you and Mary provided served to
more than protect it. I have still have no control over it yet, though the repairs you effected with Mary have
given me control over 85% of the station now."
Jim was nodding when Dickie finished, "Alright Dickie, continue to monitor all systems and immediately notify
me of any changes that may occur within them." Jim sat still for a few minutes trying to figure out why the
tunnel drive still wasn't working. "Dickie scan the entire drive and try to determine if there is any way to
activate it without panels 5 through 10, We've partially repaired 5 and 6 but the others may take longer."
"Compliance, though at present with the configuration you have set up that may not be possible," Dickie quipped

Jim and Mary went back to work on panels 5 and 6 an hour later they had just finished and reactivated
them when a chime went off alerting them that several offline systems were now operating.
They both breathed a sigh of relief and settled in to start work on the next 2, Jim had to stop only a few
times this time to explain how and why he'd changed configuration. Again, Mary could see an almost brilliance
to how the system was operating now, another hour and they weren't much further with them when Dickie spoke up.
"Captain I have finished the analysis you have requested, now that we have panels 5 and 6 operating, I have
about 30% control of the tunnel drive. I can start it, I can even open a tunnel but I can not stabilize it for
long, you may get 10 to 20 minutes each time, the down side is we'd have to wait at least 12 hours before we
try again. Also, we would not be able to get very far, maybe 18 hours to a day and a half further but it would
be closer to Imperial space," Dickie finished to the grim faced three standing in the control room.
"Alright, Dickie? What is our distance from the Creca world?" Jim suddenly asked.
"I estimate that we are still 18 days from them at full hyper speed, we are still deep quite within the
Krong/Krang space, we are still too far to beam the Creca a message, I suggest using the tunnel drive to get
closer," Dickie suddenly added.

Jim was rapidly thinking 2 days would put them a lot farther, possibly give them more time, looking at
Mary and Amber they both nodded. Jim started to smile finally they were all on the same page.
"Alright Dickie, I want you to activate the drive, hold us in the tunnel as long as you can," Jim instructed.
"Compliance Captain, I suggest that all three of you strap your selves in, this will be some what violent
without the stabilizers that panel 10 controls," Dickie answered back.
They all watched the space in front of the station roll and boil more violently than before then it suddenly
opened, the station lurched, then started to shake as they slowly gained speed. There was another violent lurch
then they were in the tunnel.
"Dickie call off the time while we are within the tunnel, shut down all non-essential systems that may enable
you to sustain the tunnel longer," Jim said as the station began to gain speed.
"Compliance Captain, though without the star engines this is the top speed we will be able to obtain," Dickie
answered as Jim saw that their speed had leveled out. "5 minutes so far," Dickie said.

Jim and Mary could see that the tunnel was slightly different after 10 minutes instead of a steady glow
the walls of the tunnel were starting to flash dark every now and then, at 15 it was occurring with more
"Dickie shut down every system not essential to life support, shields and the tunnel drive!" Jim yelled above
the noise the tunnel drive was starting to make, "watch for stress and heat build up within the tunnel drive!"
"Compliance," Dickie replied, "the increase in power may extend the tunnel time."
They all watched as the blinking of the tunnel walls slowed and almost stopped, though their joy was short
lived. At 20 minutes the walls started to slowly blink again, Jim smiled when they hit 25 minutes, they might
get further. They'd just hit 30 minutes when the alarms started to go off, Dickie informed them that some of
the other systems had shut down with the strain on the reactors. At 35 minutes Jim was hoping they didn't rip
the ship to hell and back, finally at 40 minutes Dickie announced that the tunnel was failing. There was an
extremely violent lurch then they were free.

Touching his ear Jim asked, "Status report."
"We have traveled 3 days closer to the Creca world, though we are still barely out of message beam range,
we...," Dickie started when there was another proximity alert going off, "Captain I am detecting a large world
ahead. From what I have deduced of their language it is a Krong world, the first I have detected since we have
entered this area of their space. It holds a rather large number of the Krong, I am also getting odd readings
in the center of a huge building in the largest city."
Jim rushed to look at the readings, from what he saw it was putting out a lot of energy and...? Em waves? Jim
backed away, was it possible that they had stumbled onto the brain hold? No, he didn't believe that for a
second, he was sure his father had something to do with that. Looking closer he could see different energies
coming from the building some of them were definitely human!
"Move us away beyond their detection," Jim ordered as they felt Dickie start the sub-light engines. A few
minutes later they were behind the moon of the planet, "any pursuit?" Jim queried.
"None that I am detecting Captain, it appears we have escaped before their sensors detected us." Dickie
informed the three.

Amber eyes also grew large when she saw the readings, "Jim you aren't going to try and go down there
are you?" she cried.
"Not unless I have no choice, first, I have to figure a way to keep them alive once they are here," Jim replied
as a thousand ideas flew through his mind.
"Unless you want a major ass kicking, you had better tell me what's going on," Mary advised when amber backed
from the sensor panel.
"We've detected human em patterns down there, when I was going through the Krong records I found that they
would take the brains of their strongest enemies. I believe that they took the brains of three of the heroes of
the first battle against the Krong," Jim said trying not to get too excited.
"Ah, you mean the Stocks," Mary replied, though not shocked knowing Mary and the way she had for gathering
information Jim was still a little surprised.
"Yes that's right, the heroes of that attack deserve peace or a chance to live again, I intend to bring their
brains on board, though at present I am not sure how yet, as we don't have the equipment yet, nor the power. I
worked on the DMTM and we only have one operating, it would take all three synced with each other just to get
one of them and the equipment they are housed in," Mary nodded thinking a moment.

"I believe that for once I have an idea, that you don't," Mary smirked, as she pulled out the disk Jim
had given her before they'd left. "I did a little work on something like what you are describing when I almost
killed Anthony," Mary said, for a moment drifting back in time. "I thought I might have to put his brain in
another 'holder' while his body healed, the war ended and I never saw him again, so I abandoned it, which YOU
took with you, had I had it I might have actually finished the idea."
Jim again cringed at the mention of the recent argument they'd gone through. As they both looked over the data
Jim became more and more impressed, this was damn good! Hell with that, it was brilliant!
"I do believe that this would do it, though you might have to find a way to adapt our power source to their
machinery," Jim stated.
Looking over the power readings from the planet Mary just shrugged, "shouldn't be too hard, it's not too
different than the power readings of the generators used over 50 years ago."
Again Jim was a little shocked, he knew that Mary was extremely smart but even he hadn't seen the similarities
of the 2. "Come on Jim, you remember that second mission we did to that outer world? I had to adapt to their
power generators and they were no different than this," Mary said, a little irritated that Jim didn't remember
that mission.

Jim, could only stand there his mouth open, though Amber was trying her best not to burst out laughing.
The rest of the day Jim worked on panel 7, it wouldn't have for them to be taken, right after they got what
they were after. Mary had started modifying several power outlets in the heaviest protected cargo bay.
Finally the seventh panel repaired Jim moved over to the eighth surprised to see that Mary was over half done
with it.
"Reporting," Dickie broke in, "I now have 90% control over the station, I have 50% control over tunnel drive.
Am now commencing auto repairs on reactor 7, repairs should take 2 to 3 hours. With the restart of reactor 7 we
should get almost half power to the star drive while within the tunnel. Though I have more control, I estimate
that stability of the tunnel won't be maintainable for very long, we will need the stabilizers associated with
panel 10."
Sighing Jim said, "yeah I know Dickie but we have to have the 5 before it working or repairing 10 will be for

The next day Mary and Amber awoke in the bunk room, looking around Jim was no where to be found. Both
of the women looked at each other and smirked, just like Jim to forgo sleep to work on his machines. Sure
enough, they found him slumped over panel 9, it appeared he'd just started on it when he fell asleep. Looking
closer Mary saw that in fact, he was almost finished it, Damn it! He'd have to have worked on it all night to
get this far, a little miffed Mary knew Jim was pushing with every thing he had to get the station back up. It
was strange it was almost as if he knew the Stocks that had been in that first battle and owed them something.
Shrugging it all off for the moment Mary helped Amber get Jim to the bunk room, she then went to check whether
or not reactor 7 was ready to go. As soon as Mary get it up and running she saw a marked difference in all the
power readings good they were almost there.

Sighing Mary went back to work on the power adjustments in the cargo hold, damn but this was going to
take a while.
Jim was dreaming again though he knew he had to work on the panels, he couldn't wake up.
Sighing he heard a voice, <I am still unsure of this plan of yours and Mary's Jimmy> the voice said.
<I know we can do this father, as soon as I have the three of you I will destroy this place, then no one will
be able to use others like this again. The Krong were the only ones in their records that had this capability>
Jim responded.
<We are glad you will destroy this place. Though you're wrong, the Krong aren't the only ones to have this
technology, though they are the only ones to ever use it, on a scale as large as this.> his father said.
<We?> Jim asked puzzled.
<Yes, the other brains that are here and have been a much greater time than your siblings and I. They welcome
the peace that death will finally give them> his father replied.
<It won't be long, we are working out all the details now, peace isn't far now> Jim stated, with that all was
again quiet.

Jim jerked awake, how did I get in bed? It was then he noticed Amber's clothes of the day before on the
chair. Damn it! Fell asleep again! Going back to work Jim threw his self into finishing panel 9, 2 hours later
he reactivated it.
"Captain," Dickie said, "I am now in 100% control of the station, we now have 7 reactors online I am attempting
to finish repairs to numbers 8 and 9. I am afraid that reactor 10 will need for more extensive repair than I am
capable of, the reactor walls have separated in places and need complete replacing."
"Thank you Dickie, continue to monitor the planet and surrounding space I don't want to be caught unaware," Jim
"Compliance Captain, I have also started repairs on panel 10 I estimate it will be active in 10 hours, 5
minutes and 36 seconds," Dickie responded.
Jim grimaced again, he was going to have to work on Dickie damn if his AI wasn't starting to turn into a smart

2 days later they were almost ready, though he hadn't had any further contact with him Jim knew that
his father was somehow watching everything that was going on. Just this morning they'd finally gotten the ninth
reactor going, plus they had 2 of the 3 DMTM's working. Jim was looking over everything about the plan with
Mary with her sharp eyes he was sure she'd see any thing that he might've missed or omitted. Mary had been
going over everything with a fine tooth comb though, brilliant she had found a few flaws that were easily
amended. Though she didn't think they needed to Mary consented to Dickie to start running simulations, what the
hell more looks at it couldn't really hurt. Mary and Jim set out to finish the last thing they needed to
complete their mission, getting the last DMTM operational.
They'd just finished powering up the DMTM when several alarms went off, "Dickie report!," Jim said into his
"Captain I am detecting a small fleet and 2 world ships approaching the planet, they all bear the Krong energy
signature," Dickie quipped back.
"Damn it! We're finally ready and these sons of bitches have to show up!" Jim yelled at the wall, "hell I don't
even know if we can take them, we've sustained so much damage."

Mary and Jim ran for the control room, once there Jim pulled up all the readings he could.
"They don't appear to be hunting for us though I wouldn't be sure, Dickie! Let me hear them."
"Accessing now," Dickie replied as the room was filled with hissing and clicking.
Jim cocked his head to one side listening to everything that was said, "they are the last of the Krong's vast
fleet but they still have the firepower to scare the others. This is the first Krong home world, they are
coming in to refuel and resupply. Damn it! They plan to be here at least a week." Jim was shouting at the
"We could just destroy them," Mary said matter of factly, "I don't think that what they have is any match for
"If the station was fully functional yes, we're a reactor short, half the plasma cannons aren't functioning,
one of the DMTM's are down. We've just got the station back together, not sure if I'm prepared to go up against
a world ship let alone 2 of them," Jim said over his shoulder to Mary.
Mary was in thought a moment, "what if we can get the cloak operational?" she suddenly injected.
"That would be nice but I haven't been able to get the light bending array to align properly. The fact that the
apparatus won't power up has me perplexed. I've checked the system 3 or 4 times and can't find anything wrong
with it," Jim said, a look of extreme concentration on his face.

Mary once again was deep in thought, this sounded a lot like one of her missions where her cloak went
down and she couldn't get it backup. Thinking harder, it was starting to frustrate her that the answer wouldn't
come to her. Jim was quiet, he'd seen her like this before, once she was onto an idea if anything broke her
concentration she might never finish the idea. Mary was replaying that whole part of the mission in her head,
it started out good she was near the target activated the cloak and nothing happened, what the hell? She'd
taken the cloak apart and found nothing wrong with it, then she'd done it again 3 times still finding nothing.
Then she had tested her other equipment to see if something was interfering with it. That was it! Turning Mary
almost collided with Jim, "I think I know what's wrong," Mary said, as she ran out of the control room Jim
close behind her. "I had a similar problem years ago, the cloak IS working it's just that there is another
piece of equipment interfering," Mary said.
"Interfering?" Jim asked.
"Yes," Mary threw back as she ran, "It has the same power demand and draw as the cloak, it would fool the
system that it needed twice the power consumption, there by the system wouldn't supply any power to the cloak."

In engineering Jim watched as Mary started adjusting the power and frequency settings of the cloak, not
really sure that she could solve the problem. To his complete and utter amazement he watched as not only the
cloak system came on but started to work at almost 100%.
Turning to face him a happy smirk on her face she stated, "after all Jim, the cloak idea was my idea to start
with you just helped me to bring it to life." With that she danced away a wide mouthed Jim following not far
behind wondering why he hadn't seen this in the first place. "Don't feel bad Jim, I've found that when I am
emotionally attached more than I usually am, I can't see the easy fixes either."
Jim walked back to control Mary not too far behind, Amber having heard the whole thing couldn't help but smile.

Looking over the readings Jim saw that indeed the cloak was now operating, though it was only at 95% it
was more than enough for what they needed to do.
"Dickie I need the status on DMTM 3, is it damaged too much to effectively repair?" Jim inquired of his AI.
"Scanning," Dickie droned back. A few minutes later it's answer surprised all 3 of them. "Captain, I have
examined the third Distance Matter through Matter device. I am finding no major problems with it mechanically,
it appears that several of the power supply lines to it have been severed. Suggest repair before any further
attempts to retrieve the cerebral components of the 3 Stock members."
Sighing, Jim again thought he'd have to check Dickie's logic circuits, "I think we need to run a diagnostic on
you when we return Dickie," Jim said half heartedly.
"As you wish Captain, though I can perform that myself," Dickie returned.
Mary and Amber were both hiding the fact that Jim irritated with Dickie was hilarious.

It took the better part of the day to repair all the breaks, finally everything was ready. Early that
morning, while most of the largest city slept they implemented their plan. All three brains and equipment were
transferred, a massive amount of explosives were placed around the area where the brains had been. Jim had
Dickie slowly moving away from the planet the cloak down to 70%, they'd started charging the planet killers but
were still a little close to activate them yet. Though Mary knew that the world ships couldn't see them she
still kept a wary eye on them. Finally far enough out, Jim knew they had to execute the planet killers soon the
cloak was at 50% and falling fast. One of the world ships was on the move when Jim activated 2 of the planet
killers, with a huge satisfied smile he watched as the planet shook, the atmosphere disappeared, then cracks
formed, finally the planet exploded taking one of the world ships with it. Wasting no time, though they were
still a little close Jim activated the tunnel drive.

Drawn in they were straining to maintain the tunnel when the proximity alert went off 5 minutes later.
Rushing to the sensors Jim and Mary cursed when they saw the second world ship had entered the tunnel with
them. Though they couldn't catch them, the extra mass was straining the tunnel drive to it's limits. Jim
estimated they were maybe two hours from the Krong planet now, decided they weren't going to escape this world
ship that easily and dropped out of the drive.
"Dickie status of the Phasic drop missles?" Jim inquired.
Mary and Amber looked at Jim like he'd lost his mind, "You combined the two?" Mary almost shouted, "are you
trying to blow the fuck out of everything? As I said once before you do know they WILL turn on us!"
Jim clicked on a screen letting Mary study the plans, "a macro AI? Ah I see you removed half the explosive
payload for a bigger AI, damn Jim this just might work!" Mary said now more excited.
"I only have 50,000 ready, though I must warn you Captain these are highly unstable." Dickie replied.
"I know!" shouted Jim, "Deploy!"

They watched as the missiles quickly made their way to the world ship, as expected the missles were to
small to concern the ship. To small that is till 2 of the main engines were ripped from the body of the ship.
The ship was trying to avoid the missles now when a few more ripped through the front of the ship, this ignited
several layers of fuel that also exploded, within minutes the ship was a burning piece of debris. All breathed
a sigh of relief as Jim and Mary went over all the equipment again after the strain on it, then reactivated the
tunnel drive.
A day and a half later they stopped at the Creca world to inform them of what had transpired, though they were
extremely happy that the Krong and Krang were truly gone they cautioned that there were still a few species out
there that were almost as bad. All three thanked them (even Jim though it was only half hearted) after a few
more repairs they were on their way back to Imperial space.

During the 2 1/2 day trip back Jim outlined to Mary and Amber the plans for the body reconstitution
machines. Though Amber wasn't too thrilled that they were some what playing god, she never the less signed on
with it, the heroes deserved the right to live. Upon arriving, May and Jim started immediately upon the
machines, Amber went to see the doctor though no one knew she'd gone. 2 weeks after they'd started them they
ran the first test, which ended extremely bad, the body last a few hours then started to dissolve from it's own
acids. Undaunted they continued another month hardly eating or sleeping. Finally they had a success though this
was the best so far they had to be sure. Another week passed, Amber came by as often as she could, Jim noticing
that she was starting to show more. Then one day Jim had a break through, he had the bodies to where they
should be, he'd talked to his mother letting her know what was happening, to say she cried a lot would be an

Finally the day came that all three were ready to leave the lab, though the children were kept about
the same age the man was aged a few years. Jim hadn't gotten too close to the three conducting all the tests
through Dickie. Maria showed up a few minutes later, falling to her knees her eyes filled with tears when she
saw Jeromy and Naomie running toward her arms out stretched. Kissing them both she couldn't believe they were
alive though the best surprise was when her husband walked around the corner. Maria was in a daze it felt like
a dream, "Where's James?" She asked, immediately causing Mary to perk up.
"James? didn't you see him when you came in?" her husband asked, when she came in? what was this man talking
"No, I didn't, you mean he's actually here?" Maria asked puzzled.
"Yes, he's partially responsible for all this," the man said.
Mary shook her head, James? Jimmy? A sudden thought hit her, "Jim Stock! You son of a bitch!" she shouted at
the top of her voice. "You knew all this time didn't you? I ought to kill you just for the hell of it!" As she
drew her sword and attacked Jim.

Everyone turned as Jim parried Mary's cuts and thrusts, Damn! she thought he's a hell of a lot better
than he ever let on Mary thought. 10 minutes later her shirt in rags she managed to cut his shirt open, there
for all to see the Stock royal family seal hung from a chain around his neck.
Mary her eyes now brighter nodded, "I thought so, and to think you helped make me the person I am!" Dropping
her sword she embraced Jim, "hello brother, thanks to you helping me train that is."
Jim was a little shocked, "Brother?" Looking closer, then REALLY closer a wry smile crept on his face, "I see
it now," he said, everyone was confused except Maria, "Jeromy and Naomie say hello to your big sister, Father
may I present your oldest daughter Mary Ann Stock."
Though everyone else mouths were agape with surprise the two youngest Stocks ran to hug Mary a warm loving
feeling she'd not felt in a long time spread over her.
Amber's eyes filled with tears, "later when you have time," she started, causing the older Stocks to bow.
"Stop that this instant this family is the most important to the empire you are equals to me," looking at the 2
oldest she nodded, "yes, I know, you all are of royal birth," turning to Jim, "that's what I meant when I said
we are equals, we truly are, that emblem on your neck proves it." Turning to Jim's father Amber finished, "when
you have time please come to see your grand children, I am sure they would love to see you.

Peace had finally come to the empire, when it was revealed what the Stock family had done, they almost had to
hide from all the attention that they started getting. It was revealed that Jim's grandfather and Amber's
grandfather had both had empires at one time long ago. Jim's family agreed to become part of one vast empire
the family was to always be royal though they had to have their royal seal on them to prove it. As each were
DNA coded only a select few could wear or even hold them. Amber and Jim eventually expanded the empire all the
way to the Creca world.

Jim's tech was far to powerful for any of the other races, so eventually they either went much deeper
into space or died off. Mary actually retired though she was somewhat bored, that is till an old friend showed
up, Anthony had survived and though at first she wouldn't tell him, she had, had feelings for him for a long
time. Anthony had practiced for years and this time was an actual match for Mary something else that spurred
her interest, they were married 2 years later. (No kids as of yet). The Stocks were happy at last, though it
was still sad that Ann couldn't be brought back her memory was honored by all. Then again knowing Jim (shrugs)
who knows?

Clover ErnestReport 

2016-08-07 13:55:22
wonderful conclusion to a truly intriguing, heartfelt story. thanks again pars.

As always,
Semper fi, Clover

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-07-13 22:15:00
a very good one again and a whole one this time... thankyou.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-06-05 13:50:37
Great story I truely enjoyed it.

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-12-24 19:47:00
Thanks pars, it was another great story, a good evening of enjoyment at home relaxing and reading about your wonderful heroes. DivineComedy001


2015-04-21 05:09:35
Another good story Pars.. Though it does sadden me to know there will be no more chapters of this one.

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