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Suspicious Minds, Jealous Guy, and A Man after Midnight
It was a lads holiday, but only because there were two of them, and they were lads. They'd got a good deal on the package and managed to get a two bed, ground floor apartment in a decent looking complex in a destination that had been touted for it's debauchery and loose morals; they'd been there for four days now, waiting for this place to live up to the hype, but were starting to lose faith.

They'd chatted up loads of girls, but it seemed that all of them were either attached, or looking for the kind of hunks they'd seen on TV; Craig and Todd weren't athletic types, so the pickings, for them at least, were slim, and they'd both returned to their rooms alone.

On the fourth night, at around 1am, they found a Karaoke bar. Todd was feeling a little the worse for wear, having switched from lager to shorts about an hour earlier, so he found a table while Craig went to the bar for some drinks and the song book.

When Craig got to the table, Todd was sat down with his head resting on the top, he jumped when Craig slammed the drink, a Red Bull & vodka, next to his head. "This should wake you up a bit!" He shouted over a group of drunk girls murdering 'Papa Don't Preach', then he sat back and scanned through the list.

There were a few songs on the sheet that he'd sung before at his local pub, so he chose these, not wanting to show himself up too much; he wasn't really looking for a holiday fling now, but you never knew, there might be a girl who'd fall for his voice, if not his looks.

He was called up to sing ten minutes later, the crowd was thinning; those left in the bar were all in good spirits and even joined in with the chorus. Although there were free seats available, there was a couple sat on their table. Todd had found his second wind and was talking animatedly with a lad of around 20, his girlfriend was staring at the stage, at Craig, with a wry smile on her face, one hand on her drink and the other on her bare thigh.

The song finished to a smattering of applause as Craig left the stage and rejoined Todd at the table. Todd introduced his new friends as Ryan and Millie, Craig shook their hands, Millie's gaze was piercing, he felt like her green eyes were looking into his soul, but at the same time he didn't feel uncomfortable; quite the opposite in fact as he kissed her cheek.

Noticing their glasses were empty, Craig offered to buy them a drink; Millie started to say something, but Ryan butted in, asking for two double JD and Cokes, Todd said he'd have the same, Millie looked dejected. At the bar, Craig ordered the drinks and was only half listening to the barmaid whilst looking back towards the table at Millie. Both Todd and Ryan were laughing and slapping each on the back; Millie was sat with her chin resting in her hands, her elbows on the table, occasionally glancing towards the bar.

"That'll be 30 Pesetas love!" The barmaids voice brought him back to the present. "Quite pretty isn't she? Shame about the dick she's with. Engaged to the creep, by the look of that cheap ring on her left hand. He's dragged her in here every night so far."

Craig looked at the barmaid, bemused, he pulled out two notes from his wallet, handed them to her and looked back at Millie. She was pretty; he hadn't really got past her eyes, but now he had a good view, he took her in. Her hair was shoulder length and mousy brown, she had a slight frame and her breasts were small but perky, her legs were slender and tanned. She wasn't the type he'd normally go for, but the type he was normally attracted to, weren't attracted to him here. "Any port in a storm." He thought.

"Hey! Daydreamer?" The barmaid was back with his change, she folded it into his hand. "You've got a good voice." She said, "I sometimes duet with the decent singers in this place. You fancy a sing? Might get her a little worked up!"

"Er, yeah." He replied, "You know 'Somethin' Stupid'?"

"Ooh, you smooth bugger!" She winked, "Five minutes. I'll let DJ Dave know."

He took the drinks back to the table, Ryan snatched his and swigged it. Millie took hers and thanked him. Todd restarted their conversation, something about a group of girls in the far corner and what they'd do to each of them. Craig looked at Millie and smiled, she smiled back with a smile filled with sadness and Craig's heart melted, he wanted to pick her up and whisk her away. They chatted like friends, ignoring the increasingly bawdy conversation of the other two.

In what felt like seconds, DJ Dave announced the next singers, "Craig and Marina!" Craig looked to the stage and saw the barmaid beckoning him, he got up, his new and old friends shocked as he took to the stage to sing with a woman 25 years his senior.
The song went well, Marina connected with Craig like they'd been singing together for years, there was a chemistry between them and the audience seemed to notice.
Millie noticed. Craig could see her pouting every time he looked in her direction, her arms were crossed, her knees together, her eyes had darkened.

Marina gave Craig a kiss on the cheek as they left the stage and went their separate ways. Craig approached the table with some trepidation, Millie glared at him as he sat opposite her. Todd and Ryan barely noticed she was there until she stood up and stormed off to the toilet. "What's got into her?" Ryan asked nobody in particular, Craig just shrugged his shoulders.

She returned ten minutes later, her cheeks tear stained, but she was smiling as she sat down and looked at her empty glass. Craig smiled at her, asked if she wanted a refill, then went to the bar. "Is she okay now?" The barmaid asked as he got there.

"She's fine." He said. "I think the drink must be getting to her."

"It's not the drink getting to her, it's you, you daft lump!" Marina laughed. "I've seen them in here every night and he just ignores her. You're the only one who's paid her any attention.

"And she collared me in the lav." She continued, "Wanting to know why I was flirting with you on stage? You're nice an' all, but you're a bit young for me! That's what I told her anyway. She's nice, but I think that feller of her's has sent her a bit, you know?"

Craig knew. This girl was definitely damaged goods, but he liked her, and the more he got to know her, he wanted to help her.

He sat back at their table, Todd and Ryan both snatched their drinks, Millie smiled before she took her glass, reclined and placed her bare foot on his lap as she sipped her drink. Craig looked at Ryan and Todd, who were oblivious and staring at a woman, debating whether her obviously fake tits, were real or not, and which of them should be the one to ask her.

Millie's foot was hidden from Todd by the table, so she curled her toes towards Craig's crotch, brushing him gently, causing him to shift uncomfortable as his hardness grew. She licked her lips provocatively as she traced his length with her toe. He thought he could see her nipples poking at the thin fabric of her short summer dress as she dropped a hand to her lap so she could stroke her inner thigh suggestively.

Two lads on the next table were watching intently, their tongues almost hanging out of their mouths as they watched the show, staring as her hand travelled slowly up her outstretched leg and under the hem of her dress.

"Fuck!" Ryan shouted, Millie dropped her leg and composed herself quickly, Craig sat up, shocked, nearly spilling his drink. Ryan hadn't noticed his girl and Craig, he was more worried about missing the booze cruise they'd booked for tomorrow. "We'd better get back babe." He said, "We're up early tomorrow."

They all stood, Craig shook Ryan's hand, then Millie leaned in for a hug with one arm around his neck, the other reached down to squeeze his hard cock. She whispered in his ear, "Maybe next time." Then followed Ryan out of the bar. Todd hadn't noticed their cavorting, he slumped in his seat. Craig looked over at the guys on the next table, one of them gave him a thumbs-up and a wide grin.

It was two AM when they left the bar, Marina waved to them as they went. "See you tomorrow!" She shouted after them, Craig raised his hand in reply, then took charge of Todd as he fumbled open the door and stumbled towards the road.

The following night, Craig and Todd went to the karaoke bar again, but Ryan and Millie were nowhere to be seen. Marina hadn't seen them either, but she told Craig that those that went on booze cruises during the day, were rarely seen in bars the following night. They both enjoyed themselves anyway, Craig sang with Marina and also with another girl, whose friends had refused to get up with her, but whom Todd kept company and flirted outrageously with whilst Craig and their friend were on stage.

Todd attempted to talk one girl into going back to their apartment, but her friends were moving to the next bar, and Todd was a little the worse for wear. They left the bar at 2am, Todd, as usual, being led by the slightly more sober Craig.

The next night, Ryan was in the bar but Millie was absent; Ryan told them that she was still feeling rough and couldn't come out, Craig was unsure if he believed it. Todd and Ryan then spent the rest of the night chatting up as many girls as they could whilst getting quickly inebriated. The night was over by 12:30; Craig was relieved. Ryan's constant attempts at womanising, shouting insults at girls who rejected him, and boorish behaviour were draining, but Todd was lapping it up, hanging on Ryan's every word and even trying some of his pick-up techniques.

Craig dumped Todd onto his bed, he turned over on his front and fell asleep immediately. Craig went to his own room and sat on the bed, he was worried about Millie; not buying the story that Ryan had spun. There was something about Ryan, apart from the obvious, that he didn't like. He slept an uneasy sleep, with Millie centre stage in his dreams.

At 9am the pool was empty, most of the residents too hung over to be out of bed. Craig had a swim to clear his head; he was worried about Millie, and Ryan's behaviour last night had disturbed him. He didn't know what he would do if she wasn't out tonight.

He needn't have worried; at 10:30pm they walked into the karaoke bar and sat next to Todd, Craig was on stage, without Marina, singing 'Diamonds Are Forever'. There was a theme tonight; men had to sing women's songs, and girls were singing men's. There had already been some interesting choices, but Craig's was one of the best so far. Millie was looking at Craig with an excited look in her eyes, Ryan looked disinterested in everything apart from the other girls in the bar. Halfway through Craig's song, Ryan tapped Todd's shoulder and they left to play pool on the tables outside, leaving Millie alone.

Craig took a bow to a rousing round of a applause as a girl took to the stage to sing 'Green, Green Grass of Home'. He felt like he'd floated to the table with Millie's bright smile guiding him in to land. "That was fantastic!" She beamed.

"Thanks." He blushed. "I'm so glad to see you. I really missed you last night."

"I wasn't really up to it. Ryan..." She left the sentence unfinished and looked away from him, embarrassed.

"What about him?" Craig asked. "Are you okay?"

She didn't answer, so he changed topic. "Are you singing tonight?"

"Marina said I could join her, if I didn't fancy going up alone." She replied brightly, "I might need a few more of these though!" She rattled the ice at the bottom of her empty glass. Subtle hint taken, Craig went to the bar.

"Look after her tonight." Marina said as she served their drinks. "I've a bad feeling about him and I'm sure she's covering up bruises." Craig said he would, and that he thought the same; Millie was covering for Ryan, he knew something was wrong, but he wasn't sure what to do about it.

As he walked back to Millie, he saw Todd and Ryan outside playing pool. Todd looked over and waved, Ryan ignored him. There was a stack of coins on the corner of the table, which meant that they'd be busy out there for a while, leaving him and Millie relatively undisturbed.

Sitting next to her, so they could both face the stage, Millie took hold of Craig's hand and squeezed it. He squeezed gently back and they looked at each other, her lips parted, lust in her eyes as she placed his hand on her thigh and leaned towards him. Their lips touched, a spark of electricity jumped between them as their mouths opened and their tongues danced. Millie's name was announced over the speakers, bringing them back into the room after a ten seconds which seemed like ten hours. His head was spinning as she got up and made her way to the stage to join Marina.

As the girls were singing, Todd came in and sat next to Craig, Ryan stayed by the door alternating his glare between Millie and Craig. Craig didn't know if Ryan had seen him and Millie kissing, but Todd whispered in his ear, "He's not happy that you two are getting along so well. Apparently you're all she's talked about since we met them; you'd better be careful." Craig shrugged, then looked over at Ryan and smiled; Ryan either didn't notice, or didn't care. Todd got up before the song finished and went back to Ryan, slapping him on the shoulder and guiding him back to the pool table.

As the girls left the stage, Marina kept her arm across Millie's shoulders and led her towards the bar. They both looked like they were conspiring as Millie leaned on the bar and Marina served drinks. Craig wondered if he should go up and see what was happening, but he remembered Todd's thinly veiled warning and decided to stay put.

She came back to the table with two drinks and a key dangling from a rabbit's foot keychain. She leaned towards Craig's ear, "There's an empty apartment above the bar." She whispered, "Marina just gave me the key." He looked across at Marina, who was pouring a drink but looking over at them. She gave him a wink as Millie continued.

"There's a stairway behind here that we can get to through the emergency exit near the toilets." Craig turned his head to protest, his head knew this was wrong, but his heart leapt at the thought. His mind was made up when she stopped his thoughts with a kiss.

"As soon as Marina sees them start another game, she'll give us a nod." There was excitement in Millie's eyes and it was infectious, Craig's heart was racing. He heard the balls drop on one of the pool tables and he looked towards Marina, but she gave no sign. He stood and looked at the tables through the window behind him and saw a couple setting up a game, but Todd and Ryan were still playing their current one.

Millie was watching the stage, their drinks nearly empty, when Ryan walked to the bar and ordered beers for Todd and himself. He looked at them suspiciously as he walked back to the pool tables, Craig gave him a friendly nod but Ryan just looked at him as he walked. Craig glanced at Marina as he turned back towards the stage and just caught her giving him a thumbs-up. He heard the balls drop on Ryan and Craig's table so he squeezed Millie's thigh. She looked at Marina, who nodded, then she got up, whispered to Craig, "Two minutes, the exit near the toilets." Then walked towards the toilets.

Todd walked in seconds later and sat in Millie's seat, "Not about to do something stupid are you?" He said, "You know? Like fuck her in the bogs?"

"What? With her boyfriend out there?" Craig answered, "I'm not that bloody stupid!"

"Well Ryan thinks there's something going on between you two, and I'm not sure myself."

Craig got up, "Well I need a piss myself now. Want to join me, make sure I don't do anyone I shouldn't?" He said angrily.

"I think I will." Todd said, "But only because I need a wee."

They both walked to the toilets, Craig saw the emergency exit door, which had recently been opened and was now almost closed; Todd hadn't seen it, but he didn't know of it's significance. They both walked into the toilets, Todd trying to casually look under the stall doors for Millie's pumps, Craig went straight to the urinals.

"Happy now?" Craig asked. Todd grunted, finished up and left. Craig finished, washed his hands, then bought a pack from the condom machine. He looked left, out towards the tables where Todd had just joined Ryan; they had a discussion then carried on with their game. Craig looked towards the exit door, back at the pool tables, then went out of the back door and into the cool air.

The stairs ran up the back of the building, he could see light from the windows of the apartment above, then he saw Millie's head appear from around the door; he climbed the stairs two at a time and embraced her at the top.

They entered the apartment, Millie hugged Craig tight to her. They kissed hungrily, Craig closing the door behind him with his foot as he unzipped her dress and pushed it from her shoulders. He caressed her pert, bra-less breasts, rubbing his thumb over her hard nipples. He suckled on them as she fumbled with his belt, pulling him closer to the bed, stopping as the back of her legs reached the wooden frame.

He pushed her dress down, then her panties, exposing her smooth, shaved slit. They kissed as he pulled off the rest of his clothes, tongues exploring each other's mouths, hands exploring each other's bodies. He grabbed her firm buttocks and lifted her to him, she wrapped her legs around his waist and allowed herself to be lifted onto the bed.

He kissed her mouth, then her neck, moving slowly to caress and suckle her breasts, then down her flat stomach to her glistening pussy. His tongue travelled the length of her slit, making her shiver, then he parted her folds and entered her, tasting her sweet juices and flicking her engorged clit. She moaned softly as he penetrated her with his finger, drawing small circles around her hole while he continued to massage her clit with his tongue.

He pushed another finger inside her tight vagina, his tongue now vigorously working her to a state of frenzy. Her hands were fluttering on the back of his head as a third finger joined the other two and curled up towards her g-spot. She cried out as her orgasm swept over her, her hands grasping at Craig's hair as her juices covered his face.

He looked up from between her legs; Millie's stomach rising and falling as she recovered. He kissed his way back to her neck, nuzzling as she shifted herself to accept his rigid penis. He paused at her entrance, the tip, dripping pre-cum, rubbing against her pink, swollen lips. She kissed him deeply as he entered her slowly, her pussy slick with saliva and her own cum.

Her eyes opened wide with surprise as she noticed the size of the tool invading her; he slowed as he felt resistance, then pulled out slightly. He looked at her, her eyes hungry as he slid back into her warmth. She groaned as their groins met and he gave her a few seconds to adjust to his size. Withdrawing slowly, he paused with his head still parting her, then, as he drove back in, she whimpered. He kept a slow pace until she locked her heels around his back and pulled him in, forcing him to speed up, begging him to fuck her harder, faster, pounding her until she screamed in ecstasy, clawing at his back as she came.

He rolled off her, panting, their breathing synchronised as she lay next to him, holding his hand, squeezing it. He rolled onto his side and looked at her, she looked back at him and smiled. He reached out and caressed her, running his hand slowly over the underside of her smooth skin of her perfect breasts and across her belly. His finger traced up her moist cunt, entered her gently, then drew a line back up her stomach and up to her lips. She sucked his finger then rolled on her side to meet him and pushed him onto his back.

Meanwhile, downstairs, Ryan had noticed that both Millie and Craig were missing. He stormed towards the toilets, barging people out of the way as he entered the men's room. He stood in the doorway for a second before he noticed moans from the far stall; he raced to it and hammered on the door. There was a surprised gasp from the copulating couple as Ryan kicked open the door and pulled the girl backwards by her hair as she screamed. Quickly realising it wasn't Millie or Craig, Ryan ran out of the men's room and towards the ladies.

"Just what the fuck do you think you're doing?" Marina stopped him before he ran into the ladies toilet.

"Looking for my cheating whore and that slimy scumfucker!" He spat back at her. "They're in there and you're fucking in on it!"

"I don't think so, you bullying little shit!" Marina's eyes cut through him, he stepped back and she advanced towards him, but his adrenaline was up and his courage returned; he pushed Marina out of the way and entered the ladies toilet.

"Get out here you little slut!" He screamed as he entered the room, followed by an angry Marina and two doormen. Ryan saw a couple poke their heads around a doorway before he was dragged backwards, manhandled towards the exit and deposited in the street.

He got to his feet and tried to run back into the bar, but he was immediately stopped and hustled to the pavement once more. Todd came to his aid, but was told to take his friend away before they got into trouble. Ryan, thinking he could outsmart the bouncers, tried again to enter but was denied, instead earning himself an unflattering trip onto his backside.

Ryan shouted obscenities into the now crowded entrance which, unfortunately for him, attracted the attention of the Garda, earning him a seat in a police car and, after questioning the bouncers and Marina, a trip to the local police station. Todd asked Marina if she knew where Craig and Millie were, she lied, telling him that she thought they'd left. Todd nodded, decided to call it a night and left for his apartment, thinking that that was where he would find them.

Upstairs: Craig could hear cheers and boos from the bar below, but he wasn't paying attention to them; he was tracing his finger over bruises old and new on Millie's arms and sides as she sat astride him. He sat up and held her close, kissing her neck and her earlobes softly, gently nibbling them as her hips rocked in his lap. He whispered to her that he was close to cumming and he had condoms, she kissed him. "We're safe." She said, "Ryan's been trying to get me pregnant so I'll stay with him, so I've been secretly taking the pill since we got engaged." She pushed him back gently and positioned herself with his cock at her moist lips.

Pushing back, her mouth open as he entered her; impaling herself fully on his erection, this time with no resistance, she rocked herself to a powerful orgasm. Her cunt muscles rippling and milking his penis as she rode him, his hands on her breasts, fingers tweaking and pinching her nipples. She screamed out a name that wasn't his, and wasn't Ryan's, gripping his sides with her thighs as her climax ripped through her. She collapsed forward, breathing heavily, he was still inside her and hadn't yet had his own release.

He rolled her onto her back and raised her legs to his shoulders. He started slowly, getting her used to this new position, she could feel him penetrating deeper than before. Through gritted teeth she cried, "Harder! Fuck me!" He ploughed into her, slamming his cock into her slick wanton pussy. They came together in a cacophony of lustful grunts and groans as rope after rope of hot, sticky cum erupted from him, sending her over the edge again as another orgasm swept through her.

She wrapped her legs around him, keeping him trapped in her as she revelled in the sensation of his cock still pulsing and shrinking from her. A rivulet of cum ran from her pussy, down her bum and onto the bed as his flaccid penis fell from her. She sighed, sad that they were no longer connected carnally, and she released him from her grip. He collapsed by her side and kissed her tenderly. She rolled to him and nestled in the crook of his arm as he held her tightly to him.

Twice more that night they made love; the last time quietly and tenderly, the din downstairs had stopped, no longer needed to mask their copulation as her last scream of ecstasy died. They parted and then fell asleep, exhausted, in each other's arms.

Sunlight poured through the open window and fell across Craig's face, waking him. He turned over and faced the empty pillow next to him, he took a moment to realise that Millie wasn't there. He reached out and his hand brushed a hastily scrawled note: "Craig, I'm sorry I had to leave. Last night was the last of my holiday and thanks to you, it was wonderful. My flight leaves at 10 so I had to go. If you're around Sheffield, please call, I'd love to see you again. Ryan won't be there, I've promised myself that I'm leaving him as soon as I get back. These last two weeks with him have made me realise that he's not the one, and I can live without him. Thank you. Love, Millie."
She'd written her address and phone number underneath and signed it with a smiley face.

Craig was sad; he didn't want to be the cause of their break-up, but he knew their relationship was doomed, that Millie would have a better life without Ryan. He held the note to his chest for a moment, then got up and dressed. His footsteps echoed hollowly as he descended down the metal steps and around the building to the front of the bar. Marina was there, hosing down the excesses of the night before into the gutter.

"You caused some trouble last night young man." She said to him as he handed her the key.

"Really?" He replied, "All I did was show a girl a good time."

She chuckled and told him of Ryan's adventure and ultimate ride in the back of a police car. "I'm not pressing charges though, it was partly my fault, but I knew you'd treat her better." She nudged him, "There's something about you kiddo!"

Craig shrugged. "I'm not sure how he'll get home though? If he's spent the night in the cells, he'll have missed his flight."

Marina didn't care. "It's his own hard luck." She said, "If he were a nicer person I'd probably feel sorry for him, but I can't even find the strength to pity him!"

Craig agreed. Marina gave him a motherly hug and he left for his apartment.

Millie sat next to an empty seat as the plane accelerated and rose into the clear sky. Looking out of the window she thought she could see the bar where she'd finally decided to be happy and take control of her life, but she wasn't sure from this distance. She didn't know why Ryan hadn't turned up for the flight home, but she was glad he wasn't there; it made this all easier.

At the baggage carousel she rang her mum; both parents ran to see her as she stepped off the train in Sheffield, her mum exhaling a sigh of relief as Millie told her she'd be moving back home. They went back to Millie's flat the next day and removed all her stuff. She left a note on top of the TV remote saying, "I've gone. Don't try to find me. Don't try to contact me. I won't be back. M." She closed the door, posted the key through the letterbox and walked away.

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-04-28 18:48:09
Great story. Please; a chapter 2 with them getting together and getting married, having a baby and living happly ever after !!! Thanks, (countrycadillac)

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-04-28 18:48:05
Great story. Please; a chapter 2 with them getting together and getting married, having a baby and living happly ever after !!! Thanks, (countrycadillac)

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