Fiction, Anal, Black, Blowjob, Consensual Sex, Female solo, First Time, Hardcore, Interracial, Male / Female Teens, Male/Teen Female, Masturbation, Older Male / Female, Oral Sex, Teen Female Solo
“Ugh!” Rachael exclaimed as she fell to the floor. She had collided with something, something massive and hard. The 17 year-old high school senior propped herself on her hands and looked upward – slightly dazed. She had been exiting the restroom heading back to the gym when she rounded a corner of the hallway and ran into this large object. Except it wasn’t an object. She rubbed her eyes shaking out the grogginess.
“Oh my! I am so sorry!” Ronnie cried, extending his huge hand. “Are you ok?!? I’m so sorry. I should’ve watched where I was going!”
“Uh, it’s ok, I’m fine.” Rachael smiled weakly at the hulking wall of African-American muscle she had run into.
“Here let me help you up. Again, I’m sorry, I’m new here. I guess I need to remember people may zip around this corner and I need to pause a moment to make sure there’s no traffic,” Ronnie chuckled as Rachael placed her tiny hand in his huge one. He easily pulled her petite 4’11” frame to a standing position, checking out her body on the way.
“There. You sure you’re ok?” He asked, a concerned look on his face.
Rachael simply blushed looking at the floor, nodding. She felt tiny in Ronnie’s 6’6” shadow.
Ronnie chuckled, again, holding his hand out to the girl. “I’m Ronnie by the way. What’s your name?”
Rachael looked briefly up into his dark eyes and warm smiling face. “Rachael,” she said, just above a whisper, quickly shaking his hand.
“Well it’s nice to meet you, Rachael. I promise to watch where I’m going next time.”
Rachael smiled awkwardly and nodded again, like a bobble head doll.
“Ok well, I gotta go, maybe I’ll see you around. Have a great rest of day, Rachael!” Ronnie smiled, bowing slightly, walking off toward the front desk to finish filling out the required paperwork for joining the gym. Rachael headed toward the double door entrance of the fitness center; she turned back to look at Ronnie. He was huge, tall and thick. She had never seen a human so large, so muscular. She watched him laugh with the front desk girl as he signed various forms for his membership. She observed his huge calves, his arms that were bigger than her whole body, his smooth, shiny shaved head atop his thick, muscular, neck.
“Gosh, he must be a body builder. He could be a like black Incredible Hulk or something.” She chuckled to herself, watching him. She stood for a few seconds admiring his gigantic frame from a distance. Suddenly he looked at her with a friendly smile and wave. Immediately blushing, she returned a quick wave, then bolted into the fitness center. She rushed to the other side of the room, where the leg press machine was, trying to get over the embarrassment of having been caught staring.
Rachael sighed and checked her phone. It was 12:41 pm on September 8th. She had told her mom she’d be home by 2pm. She had plenty of time to work out.
Rachael chose some music to enhance her workout. Today she was focusing on her legs. She had been coming to this gym since June, shortly after finishing 11th grade. While she didn’t carry an ounce of fat, she was not toned. For her senior year she had decided she wanted to make a change. She was tired of being picked on by taller, more popular girls, of having only one or two friends, of being shy and introverted. She was tired of being lonely. She had made a choice to exercise, to get in better shape. She sought to boost her confidence. The three months she had been coming to this gym four or five days a week had paid off. While still petite, she could see muscle definition in her arms, shoulders, legs, butt, and abdomen. She had pushed herself harder and harder each visit, sleeping incredibly soundly. She changed her diet to include far more protein and fiber; protein bars and shakes became a regular part of her diet, as did chicken, lots of chicken.
Rachael’s mother, Nikki, was somewhat of a fitness guru, but had never done serious strength training like Rachael. Her mother had a great body for a 46 year old, but it wasn’t as toned as Rachael’s had become. They had the same diet routines, which made things easier for Rachael.
Rachael would often flex her biceps in her bathroom mirror. While small, they were quite impressive, considering she had had virtually no tone or muscle mass a few months prior. She would smirk as she thought maybe one day she’d have a boyfriend far more attractive than the men her mother hung out with. She imagined herself coming home from college in a couple years on the arm of some big hunky guy, making her mother jealous.
On September 8th, after about three months of attending this gym, someone finally spoke to Rachael other than a polite nod of the head in passing. She had always kept to herself, not interacting with anyone, wondering if she would ever change. Perhaps exercising wouldn’t change her personality, perhaps nothing would. She resigned herself to the belief that she was wired to be shy and would always have trouble meeting new people or going out on dates.
Rachael used the various leg machines at the gym, thinking of her situation. She had often asked herself why she had never been on a date, had never had a boyfriend, and had never kissed anyone. She stared into the mirrored wall. She liked her dyed blonde hair. Her huge blue eyes were pretty. Perhaps it was her slightly long nose. Was it too long? Or maybe her mouth was too small. She looked at her bottom lip; was it fuller than the top? Rachael shook her head and shrugged. “Maybe my personality sucks,” she thought to herself.
Rachael moved to another machine and thought about Ronnie again. “He seemed nice. He's probably that polite to everyone though;” she pushed thoughts of him from her head. She finished her workout and went home.
Chapter 2
The next few days were hot and humid. Rachael sat in class, half paying attention. Her mind would wander. She’d think what college she wanted to attend; preferably one in a much colder state than South Carolina. She was sick of the humid Charleston air. Sometimes her thoughts would turn to Ronnie, mainly to how huge he was; the image in her mind from her point of view on the floor after their collision. However, by Friday, she hardly thought about him at all; she’d probably never see him again.
Occasionally, Rachael would daydream in class about a woman from the gym. They were both there during the evenings on weekdays. She thought her name was Valerie, but wasn’t 100% sure. She admired her. She stood a foot taller than Rachael and was very muscular, in her mid-30s with very long blonde hair. She usually wore a sports bra and small shorts that displayed her six pack abs and thick muscular thighs. She had huge breasts Rachael suspected were fake.
Rachael wanted to be like Valerie. She would never be as tall as that Amazon, but perhaps one day she could have a body like hers.
“Maybe one day I’ll look as good as her,” Rachael thought to herself as the final bell ran on Friday afternoon. Another weekend of doing nothing, hanging out with no one, lay before her. She figured she’d do her homework and watch movies that evening, as Friday was a day off at the gym.
Rachael slept late the next morning. She made small talk with her mother as she sat at the kitchen table eating eggs. The phone rang. Her mom answered, immediately forgetting that she had been talking to, or at, Rachael. It was Rachael's brother calling to say hello. She ate her eggs, watching her mom laugh, exuding a bright, happy, aura as she spoke to her son. Rachael wondered if her older brother ever asked about her, or if anyone did. She pushed negative thoughts aside and finished her eggs. She grabbed her gym bag and headed out the door. Saturday was a long day. There was jogging around the mile track, followed by a full body workout indoors. She loved it as it gave her a reason to be out of the house and she truly felt better at the end of a long, exhausting exercise session.
Rachael finished her run, making her way inside the facility, she saw Ronnie exiting. He saw her and she noticed the huge smile on his face. “Hi Rachael!” he beamed.
She smiled back and nodded, giving a quiet “hi” in return.
“I’m not going to run into you today, I promise!”
“Oh, heh, yeah…” Rachael trailed off. Ronnie looked down at her and smiled.
“You remember me right? The big clumsy guy?”
“Yeah, I remember you from last weekend.”
“Ok good! Didn’t want you to think some creepy guy was talking to you like he thought he knew you or something. I couldn’t forget you! You are the nice young lady I knocked down,” Ronnie explained.
Rachael nodded and chuckled.
“Anyway, I gotta run, I’m done here, but it was nice seeing you again.”
“Mmhmm,” Rachael replied with a soft smile, nervously glancing up at Ronnie’s face.
“See you later!”
“Bye,” she said, turning to wave. “I can’t believe he remembered my name!” She thought to herself. She checked her phone, it was 2pm. So she figured next Saturday she would get an earlier start and may be able to chat a little longer with him. She also remembered that the previous Sunday she ran into him at around 12:40. She would also arrive earlier on Sunday to increase her chances of the two of them talking. She thought this was crazy, but didn’t care. She entered the gym just as Valerie was leaving. Rachael turned around, watching her leave, noticing her meaty, muscular butt flex as she walked.
Rachael’s plan worked perfectly the next morning. She got to the gym around 11am. Ronnie had just arrived as was chatting and laughing with the girl that works the front desk. “Hello again!” He said as he saw Rachael enter the building.
Rachael smiled a more confident smile, happy that her prediction of running into him came true. “Hi.”
Ronnie waved goodbye to the front desk attendant and he walked with Rachael to the entrance of the gym.
“So what are you working today?” He asked.
“Oh, well, legs are today,” Rachael replied.
“Awesome!” Ronnie said, opening the door for her. “I’m just doing whatever on Sunday, kinda just here to pass the time I suppose,” he said.
“Cool,” she replied, looking downward. Ronnie followed Rachael to the leg machines across the gym. She wondered what he was up to, why he was following her. She sat her bag down and glanced over at him, he was sitting on a nearby bench.
“Oh don’t mind me, I’m just being silly. I like to talk to and bother people while they’re trying to work,” Ronnie said, giving a playful wink.
Rachael chuckled, “Well, that’s ok. You’re not bothering me.”
“Oh? Well alright then I’ll just sit here and watch you! I bet your legs are much stronger than mine.”
“Um, I highly doubt that,” Rachael said, glancing down to Ronnie’s tree trunk thighs.
“I bet you they are! Here sit here on this machine; I want to see how much you can press. It’s probably more than me.”
Rachael complied, sitting on the leg press machine. Ronnie set the weight about 20 pounds higher than she’s used to. “There, go for it.”
Rachael pushed with her legs, squeezing her butt, and pressed the heavier weight as high as it would go.
“See! That’s way more than me!” Ronnie joked. “Keep going.”
Rachael did just that. It was as though he was egging her on to do more and more repetitions. She struggled, but was able to do 10 more repetitions with the weight 20 pounds heavier than she’s used to. When she was done was out of breath and her legs were spent.
“Awesome! Now switch to the quad machine, kick my butt on that one too.”
Rachael chuckled, struggling to stand and made her way to the other machine. Again, Ronnie set the weight at about 20 pounds higher than what she’s used to. He kept egging her on and she was able to do more reps at the higher weight. They did this for the next 45 minutes. Rachael could barely walk and simply laughed when it was over.
“Wow! See, the body can accomplish wonders when we get past the limitations our mind puts on it.”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right,” Rachael replied, catching her breath.
“Now, when are you here next?”
“I’m usually here 4 or 5 times a week. I don’t come in on Mondays or Fridays, sometimes not on Wednesdays too. It depends if I have a lot of homework.”
“Ah so you’re a student?”
“Yeah. I’m a senior. Uh, high school senior,” Rachael explained, looking down and scratching the back of her neck.
“Well that’s great Rachael! You are getting an early start on fitness and not waiting until you’re 30 like I did.”
Rachael looked up at him and was about to ask him his age. Ronnie sensed this and answered her before she could ask, “I’m 43 and I’ve been hitting the gym hard for around 13 years now.”
“Oh, wow, I uh, I thought you were younger,” Rachael blushed having no idea that was his age.
Ronnie laughed off her attempt at a compliment. “Thanks.”
Rachael smiled awkwardly again, glancing to the floor.
“It just so happens that I am here on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and sometimes Sunday doing my thing. So how about I meet you here Tuesday and Thursday nights and we can sort of train together a little? I can help push you along some; help you break that barrier that your mind puts on your body. What do you say?”
“Uh, I don’t know, like a personal trainer? I don’t think I can pay you.”
Ronnie let out a hearty laugh. “No, no, I don’t want you to pay me!”
“Well, ok. But why?”
“Why you ask? Well I just recently moved here and I’m looking to make friends. Secondly, I like helping people that are actively helping themselves and finally, I think you’re a cool kid. So why not?”
“You think I’m cool?” Rachael asked meekly.
“Well sure! So what do you say? Let me help you some?”
“Um, alright. I can meet you here Tuesday evening. How about seven?”
“That’s perfect! I’ll see you then. High five.” Ronnie said, holding his hand up, his palm facing her.
Rachael chuckled and gave him a high five. She smiled all the way home.
Chapter 3
“Push it, push it. One more, you can do it,” Ronnie said, standing next to Rachael as she slowly lifted a heavy dumbbell above her head. “There we go, see, just keep pushing beyond your mind’s limits.”
Rachael placed the weight on the rack and gave Ronnie a high five. It was mid-October and for over a month the two of them have been spending about three nights a week at the gym together; Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday. He would always push her harder each time and she could see the results.
“You going trick or treating?” Ronnie asked.
“Ha! I think I’ll pass,” Rachael replied as she grabbed her bag.
“Oh that’s right, I forgot you’re too old for that,” Ronnie said, holding the door open for her. “Are you doing anything for Halloween?”
“Well there’s this party I heard about, but I wasn’t really invited. My friend was though.”
“You should go to it. Crash it! Buy an awesome costume.”
Rachael shrugged, “I don’t know.”
“You got any tests or anything tomorrow?”
“Do you think your mom would mind if you joined me for coffee?”
Rachael shook her head, “She probably wouldn’t even notice me getting home later.”
“Hmm, ok, well as long as you don’t think you’ll get in trouble. You can follow me, there’s a coffee shop nearby.”
Rachael watched and smiled from their table as Ronnie ordered her coffee. She couldn’t believe how nice he was, she felt special for once. The past month had been amazing for her. She had someone at the gym with her to help push her harder, she was seeing the results, and to top it off he was an extremely attractive, muscle bound, monster. She watched her friend place the drinks down, smiling warmly at him.
“There we go. Drink up,” Ronnie said, sitting in front of her.
“Thank you Ronnie. This is really nice of you.”
“No thank you! Thanks for keeping me company here. I got a busy night ahead of me and need a little pick me up.”
“Busy night?”
“Yeah I have some work I have to catch up on.”
Rachael nodded. “I see.”
“So your mom won’t notice if you’re home late?” Ronnie asked.
“Nah, we aren’t all that close. I mean, we get along ok, just not close. She’s more outgoing than me. If our house was a school, she’d be one of the popular girls and I wouldn’t,” Rachael explained.
“I see, well, I’m sorry.”
“No it’s fine, we get along, we just aren’t friends so-to-speak.”
“Now you said you have a brother, right?”
“Mmhmm. He’s 24 and lives in India right now.”
“Oh wow.”
“Yeah he’s in some sort of IT job or something. I really don’t know. I would say he and mom are friends, but aren’t super close either. We haven’t seen him in around 2 years; mostly due to him working and not being able to fly here and stuff.”
“I gotcha. Yeah I don’t see my siblings all that often either. My bro is a few years younger than me and lives down in Miami. He’s a little different. Has some growing up to do I guess.”
Rachael nodded, “I have some family in Miami, a couple of cousins. I have an aunt and cousins in Tampa and an aunt and cousins in Jacksonville,” she giggled as she explained.
“Oh that’s cool. Do you see them much?”
“Not really, maybe once a year, sometimes less. We’ll probably go to Tampa for Thanksgiving and visit some of them then.”
Ronnie smiled, nodding at Rachael. “What about your dad? Wait, don’t answer that, I’m sorry for asking anything that may be too personal.”
“No, no it’s fine. I,” she paused, “uh, I really like talking to you.”
“Oh well, thank you again! It’s good to have someone to chat with you know?”
“Yes, it is,” Rachael replied, glancing quickly at his massive shoulders and chest before clearing her throat. “Anyway, my dad isn’t really around. My mom, she uh, well she wasn’t faithful. If you know what I mean?”
Ronnie chuckled, “Yes, I am familiar with that terminology.”
“Anyway,” she smiled and continued, “they split up and got divorced, and she got custody of me. This was maybe like 10 years ago. I was a little kid.”
“I see. So do you see him often?”
“Nah. He also lives in Miami. He remarried some younger Latin chick. I don’t really know her or him for that matter. It was a messy situation,” Rachael explained.
“I bet it was. Geez. I bet it was hard for a little kid.”
“Yeah it was. That could be why I’m so shy now.”
“Well I don’t know about that. I think you are a little quiet and reserved, but as you get older and get more life experience, you will come out of your shell and everyone will see how awesome you are! All it takes is a little maturing and a little confidence.”
Rachael blushed, looking down to her coffee, “Thanks.”
“So you got a boyfriend?” Ronnie asked.
“I figured all those boys at your school would be clamoring over themselves to try and date you!”
“No, I rarely talk to boys, so how could any of them get to know me?” Rachael asked.
“Well listen, don’t let it bother you. At your age you should be focused on finishing high school and going to college. As I said, yes, you are quiet and reserved but that’ll change. You’ll come out of your shell and all sorts of things will happen for you. Things you never thought would. It just takes time and things are different for everyone. I bet in a year from now you’ll be having an amazing time at college, making friends, studying hard, and maybe have some romance in your life.” Ronnie encouraged Rachael as she smiled weakly and shrugged.
They chatted, sipping their coffee for the next hour. Ronnie talked about his life, work, and history. They chatted about fitness and how his massive intake of calories and protein helped him get his physique. It was as though he was talking to her as an adult. She couldn’t help but admire his huge muscles as he’d talk.
“Thank you again for the excellent company, Rachael. It means a lot to me. You are a cool kid.”
“Well thank you for the coffee and the company too,” Rachael replied, standing in front of her closed driver side door.
“Give me a hug!” Ronnie said, extending his massive arms. He reached down and grabbed her, taking her by surprise. Rachael stood and chuckled as he gave her a quick hug.
“We should do this again, don’t you think? Also, please consider going to that Halloween party. You should go as Supergirl.”
“Yeah. You’re a girl and I think you’re super!”
“Ha! I don’t know about that. Maybe I will.”
“Oh alright. See you Sunday!” Ronnie called out to her as he hopped into his truck.
Rachael waved and smiled as he drove off. She thought about the quick embrace and smiled all the way home.
Chapter 4
“So are you going or not?” Carley, Rachael’s friend asked as they walked to their next class together. She was 5’8”, long blonde hair, and Rachael felt she was far prettier than her. Carley was friends with everyone. Rachael’s mother once told her not to be too friendly with Carley because as soon as they would enter high school, Carley would be hanging around the more popular kids. This turned out to not be the case at all. Carley had always been very sweet to everyone she meets.
“I don’t know, I wasn’t invited and you’d be the only person there that I’m friends with,” Rachael said.
“Well, yeah, I guess, but you can come with me. It’s not like you’ll get throw out of her house if you show up.” Carley was referring to Zoe, the 18 year old classmate whose house the party was at. Rachael disliked her and tried to avoid her, but she kept thinking about Ronnie and his suggestion that she go. She wanted to go only to avoid making him frown. “Aww you should’ve gone. I think it would’ve been a fun time for you,” she imagined him saying to her.
“Ok fine! But please stay close to me; I’m not fond of Zoe.” Rachael whispered to her friend as they arrived at their class and sat next to each other.
“I will, I promise. It’ll be fun. I’m going as a cowgirl. What about you?”
“Oh that’ll be cute! You have the hair for it, and well, it looks like you are getting some muscles too,” Carley poked Rachael’s shoulder. “Just don’t overdo it at the gym. You wouldn’t want to look like some chick on steroids or something.”
Rachael shrugged and rolled her eyes. She thought of Ronnie and wondered if some people thought that about him. She certainly didn’t. As the teacher entered the class her mind went wandering. She pictured herself as Supergirl. She was in costume at the gym with Ronnie twirling a 50 pound dumbbell around the tip of her finger like it was a basketball, or throwing an iron plate around like it was a Frisbee. She imagined herself making Ronnie laugh as she lifted 300 pound barbells above her head, one in each hand. Then she imagined Valerie busting through a wall and punching her through the wall on the other side of the building. She would fly back in and punch Valerie sending her soaring across the parking lot crashing into a car. In her fantasy she would go to Ronnie and pick him up and fly off, carrying him in her arms high above the ground, laughing with him. She would land on the top of the tallest building, gently setting Ronnie down in front of her. He would trace his big index finger across her cheek and say her name.
“Rachael,” he would say as she looked up at him, “Rachael. Rachael!” Ronnie’s voice changed to her teacher’s.
“Looks like someone is in La La Land,” her teacher said, causing much laughter in the class room. As her teacher continued calling the roll, someone threw a piece of paper at Rachael, hitting her in the back of the head. It was probably David – one of the jerks in the popular crowd. Rachael glanced at Carley who was turned around glaring in David’s direction behind them. Rachael sighed and paid attention for the rest of the class.
That Sunday Rachael met Ronnie at the gym as usual. When she arrived he was talking to and laughing with Valerie and the girl that works at the front desk. When she entered Ronnie turned to her, smiling, and held out his hand for a high five. Rachael shyly gave him one then quickly glanced up at the Amazonian-like woman Valerie. Sweat was running down her abs in little rivers.
“Ok I’m hitting the showers. Talk to ya’ll later.” Valerie said as she left the group.
“See ya,” Ronnie said as he turned to Rachael. “Ready?”
It was a great session that afternoon. Ronnie really pushed her hard. She would certainly be sore tomorrow and she loved it. What happened after the workout was even better. Ronnie invited her to grab a smoothie with him. They sat and talked for an hour.
“You have my number right?” Ronnie asked.
“No I don’t think I do.”
“Here let me give it to you, so you can let me know how the Halloween party went. Right?”
“Sure, I guess,” Rachael replied. She was trembling with excitement as she entered his number into her phone. She couldn’t believe she had his number now.
“Now, you call me when you leave there and let me know how it goes. Try to stay as long as you can, but if people are being mean to you, just leave. They aren’t worth your time. Do you understand?”
Rachael smiled weakly and nodded.
“Good, now give me a hug.”
Rachael leaned into him and closed her eyes as he wrapped his huge arms around her for a brief hug. “I give it a C-. You didn’t hug me back, you just stood there!”
“Oh. Sorry, I-“
Ronnie laughed, patting her on her shoulder. “It’s ok! I’ll see you Tuesday alright?”
“See ya,” Rachael said, watching him leave. She thought about improving her hugs all the way home, hoping she would get a chance to try it again soon.
That chance came next week. After their Tuesday session, Rachael quickly wrapped her arms around Ronnie’s waist as they were leaving, catching him off guard. She pulled away embarrassed. He laughed and thanked her for the awkward hug. Thursday was much better. It was more mutual and enjoyable, although generic.
“Remember call me after your party tomorrow night ok?” Ronnie reminded her. “I want to hear how it was. I’m proud of you for stepping out of your comfort zone and attending it.”
Rachael nodded, “I will.”
Chapter 5
Rachael’s mother, Nikki, stood at her bedroom door looking at her daughter with her Supergirl costume on. It was a short red skirt, a short blue halter top that exposed most of her toned abdomen and had the Superman logo on the chest. There were tall, knee-high red boots and the costume was finished off with a red cape that came down to her knees.
“Well don’t you look…interesting,” Nikki said.
“Thanks,” Rachael replied. She heard Carley’s horn from the driveway. “Gotta go,” she said, brushing past her mom.
Rachael followed Carley, opting not to ride with her in case she wanted to leave before her. As Rachael entered the house she reminded Carley to stay close to her. “I will, I will, just relax ok?” Carley reassured her.
Zoe’s house was full of people. Seniors and juniors from their school were in attendance along with some older people that had graduated one and two years ahead of Rachael. She felt uneasy. It was even worse as she could hear the occasional “why is she here?” or “who invited her?” Zoe, thankfully, completely ignored her. That jerk David was there too, but he also ignored her. Rachael saw no parents.
Rachael sat next to Carley on the couch. An older guy, probably 21 or so, was hitting on Carley – three years his junior. He, like most people there, had a beer in his hand. Rachael wanted to leave but tried to stay as long as she could.
After a few minutes of sitting, looking around the room while Carley talked with the guy next to her, Rachael noticed a line had formed in front of a closet door. She counted about 10 guys standing, waiting for something. Then the closet door opened and a guy she didn’t know, probably older than her, walked out and zipped up his pants. Zoe was in the closet, on her knees in her nurse’s costume, wiping something from her mouth. The stranger left and David, who was next in line, looked down at Zoe.
“Give me that fucking cock,” Rachael barely heard Zoe command through the loud music. She watched David enter the closest and close the door behind him.
“Ok, so, yeah…” she thought to herself, figuring out what was going on in that closet. Meanwhile, a guy named Trevor sat next to her on the couch. He hadn’t been drinking. He was a fairly nice kid at school, never mean, but never really spoke to her.
“Nice costume,” Trevor said.
“Oh, thanks.”
They sat in an awkward silence for a few moments until Trevor broke it. He asked her about college and some other random things. That chatted for a few minutes, Rachael wasn’t really paying attention. Then she noticed Carley was no longer sitting next to her.
“I’ll be back, I have to go find Carley,” she said, getting up to walk around the house. She ducked and weaved past various people on her way down the hall. She peeped in the rooms but never saw Carley. There was a final room at the end of the hall whose door was closed. Rachael slowly approached and went to open it to peep in when she heard a loud moan. She rested her ear on the door and she heard it again followed by a loud “yes!” It was Carley’s voice she heard. She realized what was going on in that room and bolted out the house. She ran to her car and left. She was so angry at her, but shrugged it off, realizing she was more excited because she could call Ronnie now.
“Hey! Did you leave the party early?” Ronnie said on the phone to Rachael while she sat at a stop light.
“Yeah, it was, well, no good.”
“Oh no! Are you ok?”
“I am. At least I went. So I guess that counts for something, right?”
“Of course it does! What are you doing now?” Ronnie asked.
“Nothing. Heading home.”
“No, you can’t do that! Would you want come over and hang out here? I mean, you don’t have to, I don’t want you to get in trouble.”
“Yes! I mean, sure. I’d like to.”
“Great! Maybe we can watch TV or something,” Ronnie suggested, then gave Rachael directions. He didn’t live far from the gym at all.
“Holy crap, look at you girl!” Ronnie exclaimed , opening his apartment door to see Rachael in her Supergirl costume. “You look awesome!”
Rachael blushed, thanking him. “Come in, come in!” Ronnie said. She couldn’t help but smile at his constant, jovial, enthusiasm. She followed him into his small, one bedroom apartment. It smelled wonderful in there. She thought it smelled manly.
Ronnie offered her a chocolate-flavored protein shake. Rachael sipped it, while sitting on the couch next to him. He complimented her costume again and told her he was proud of her for staying at the party a little while. They started watching TV while chatting casually about the events of the evening. Rachael didn’t mention the closet cocksucker or what she thought Carley was doing in that back bedroom. She simply told Ronnie her friend didn’t stick by her side. She finished her drink, setting it on the table next to the couch.
“Ronnie?” she spoke up.
“Yes ma’am?”
“I’m a little chilly.”
“Aww well come here then.” Ronnie raised his huge arm gesturing Rachael to snuggle close to him. She was a little taken back as she was expecting him to get her a blanket, but she certainly did not mind. She moved in close, leaning against him, resting her head on his stomach. His arm was resting on her hip. It was so heavy and warm. She felt peaceful and relaxed. She loved being there with him at his apartment. Within 30 minutes she was asleep.
“Wakey, wakey. It’s after midnight, you should probably get home,” Ronnie said, gently shaking her on the couch a few hours later. Rachael rose up and fixed her hair. She had been laying there for about two hours.
“Sorry, I must’ve dozed off.”
“It’s ok, Rachael. I saw a movie come on I wanted to watch but noticed you were asleep, so I didn’t wake you.”
Ronnie walked her to her car and bent down to hug her, resting his massive black hand on the exposed area of her back.
“Ok well drive safe and I’ll see you Sunday at the gym, alright? Oh and, don’t be mad at your friend. It sounds like she thought you would be talking to that guy from school so she went to hang out with the other guy. I’m sure she’ll ask where you ran off to at school on Monday.”
Rachael nodded and ended the embrace. She couldn’t wait until Sunday. The horrible Halloween night ended on a good note. Ronnie was right too, Carley asked about her on Monday and apologized for taking off like that. Rachael never mentioned what she heard.
Chapter 6
November was a wonderful month up until Thanksgiving. Rachael and Ronnie continued their workout sessions and went out for either a coffee or a smoothie at least twice a week. They no longer high fived, every goodbye consisting of nice hug. Deep down Rachael felt Ronnie looked at her like a daughter figure. Granted he was black and she was white, the color of the skin didn’t matter, just the connection. She was ok with that. She basked in any platonic attention she received from Ronnie. There were a couple Friday nights in November where she would hang out at his place. They would laugh and talk for hours. Perhaps she was the daughter he never had, she didn’t know or care, she just knew she was happy spending time with him.
Rachael’s mother took her out of school a few days before Thanksgiving break. They had a long drive to Florida to make. Rachael and her mother barely talked on the way. She mostly slept or listened to music on her headphones while her mom drove.
They first stopped and spent the night in Jacksonville at her Aunt Robin’s house. That was an awkward experience. Her Aunt’s boyfriend, Bob, kept flirting with her mother who shamelessly flirted back. She wondered if it bothered her Aunt Robin, but it didn’t seem to, maybe they had a special relationship going on. Robin and Bob were both senior citizens, perhaps they were at the “don’t give a fuck” stage in life. Who knows? She rolled her eyes when her mother gave Bob a quick kiss on the lips goodbye the next day after she hugged her older sister.
Their next stop was in Tampa to visit her other aunt, Joanne. She was going through some marital problems so that, too, was an awkward visit. To her surprise she was greeted by her much older cousin Denise when they arrived. She hadn’t seen her since she was a little kid. The cousins hung out most of the time with Denise occasionally including her Aunt Nikki in the conversation.
The drive home was, again, long and boring. Rachael daydreamed about Ronnie most of the time and thought she would get him a simple Christmas present. She wasn’t sure what, but perhaps she’d make him something. She liked to knit. She decided she would knit him a goofy looking hat. She envisioned him erupting in laughter and putting it on at his apartment.
Rachael was sitting on the couch knitting a funny looking stocking cap for Ronnie. It would have multicolored stripes and a big white puff ball on the end of it. She overheard her mother in the kitchen yell into the phone at her brother. “What?! Are you serious Ted?”
It sounded like her mother was angry; probably because Rachael’s older brother, Ted, wouldn’t be coming home over Christmas, for the third year in a row. “Ted...whatever…Ok, fine. Fine. I’ll mail your present again I guess. No, don’t worry about it. We’ll deal with it. I love you too. Bye.”
Rachael watched Nikki storm through the living room, then down the hallway, slamming her bedroom door. She rolled her eyes thinking about how she didn’t want to spend Christmas alone with her mother again. Ronnie would be out of town visiting his brother in Miami for Christmas to New Year’s. She would be so bored.
On December 22nd Rachael followed Ronnie to his apartment after their workout. She gave him his funny hat and as predicted, he erupted in laughter and put it on. Then he picked Rachael up in a bear hug, easily lifting her off the ground, twirling her around. He held her close and she wrapped her arms around his huge neck.
“Thank you so much, I will wear it to the gym next time!” Ronnie joked, setting her down, her arms sliding off his neck and shoulders.
“No you don’t have to wear that in public, maybe just to bed if you like,” Rachael countered.
“Ugh! Ok fine!” Ronnie replied, faking disappointment. They hung out for a few more hours, talking and sitting on the couch with Ronnie’s arm around her. It was a great day; she would miss him for the next week or so.
Boredom was certainly the theme for Christmas and New Year’s in Rachael’s house. She and Nikki got along fine as they stayed out of each other’s hair. Her mom went to Christmas and New Year’s parties with some friends. Rachael went to the gym. It felt like how things were before she met Ronnie and she didn’t like it. The only exciting thing she did was re-dye her hair blonde to take care of the brown roots that were showing.
The first week in January Ronnie was back and Rachael couldn’t wait to see him. He texted her to let her know he would see her at the gym on Thursday. Rachael arrived early, passing Valerie in the hallway. For some reason Rachael nodded and smiled at her. She had never done that before, chalking it up to being excited. Valerie nodded back, the blonde bombshell walked past her.
That evening it was like two old friends hanging out. They did more laughing and talking than weight training, even continuing for an hour at the nearby coffee shop.
Rachael got an idea. She looked at the hulking man sitting next to her on the couch and thought about her mother. She smirked, thinking that perhaps Nikki would be jealous. To her knowledge her mom never hung out with studs like Ronnie. So Rachael gathered a little courage and asked Ronnie to come over for dinner tomorrow night.
“Well I don’t know, are you sure your mom wouldn’t mind?” Ronnie asked.
“She doesn’t have to know. I usually cook my own food anyway, and she cooks hers. So I’ll just cook enough for you and me. It’s no big deal.”
“It’ll be cool, trust me.”
“Alright, alright. I’ll come over at 7, how’s that. Just for dinner. I don’t want your mom getting nervous about her girl hanging around some black guy.”
“Black guy? I don’t think she would care.” Rachael reassured Ronnie.
“Ok, well what about the age issue, she may think I have ulterior motives or I’m a perv.” Ronnie countered.
Rachael shrugged. “I wouldn’t worry about it; I don’t see her kicking you out of the house or something. I’ll tell her I have a friend coming over for dinner.”
“Ok then, I will do it. Tomorrow, Seven o’clock.”
Chapter 7
Rachael thought about how much had changed since she met Ronnie while she was cutting carrots the next night in the kitchen. She and Carley were still friends, but Rachael no longer clung to her. The douchebag, David, was still a douchebag, occasionally throwing paper at her in class or dishing out insults as they passed each other in the hall – but she didn’t seem all that bothered by it. Rachael would even sit with Trevor and his friends at lunch. To top it all off, she was cooking dinner for her friend that night. Not a high school friend but a 43 year man – a black man. He was a muscle bound behemoth of a man and he was coming over for dinner with her, not her mom, but her. She hummed to herself while she continued cooking.
When Ronnie arrived he was wearing the stocking cap Rachael knitted for him as a Christmas present. They both laughed at his silliness. Dinner was wonderful and filled with laughter. Ronnie volunteered to help her clean the dishes and kitchen afterward. It was then that Nikki arrived home from a late night at work. The look on her face was priceless.
“Oh, hello,” Nikki said, looking over the huge black man standing in the kitchen with her daughter.
“Hello! You must be Rachael’s mom. It’s so nice to meet you!” Ronnie exclaimed, extending his hand to Nikki.
“Please, please call me Nikki and yes, I am Rachael’s mom.”
“Yes ma’am. I mean, Nikki.” Ronnie chuckled.
“So you are the guy helping train Rachael at the gym?” Nikki asked her face still in shock.
“I sure am. She is kicking my butt regularly now!”
Nikki laughed, glancing over at Ronnie’s massive frame, “I’m sure she is! You’re such a little guy!”
“Oh I know. One day I hope to be as strong as her!”
Rachael was silently putting some finishing touches in the kitchen then joined Ronnie and her mother in the living room. They had been chatting and laughing for a few minutes.
“Anyway, your kid is awesome. A great cook too! She’s probably the nicest person at that gym and I’m really glad we’re pals. She even made me this cool hat!” Ronnie was telling Nikki as Rachael entered the room.
“Yes I’m proud of her, it’s a lot of hard work to stay in shape,” Nikki said. It was the first complement Rachael heard her mother give her in ages.
They sat chatting for a few more minutes when Ronnie stood. “Alright, I better run. Thank you again, Rachael, for the wonderful meal.”
“Aww, you have to leave so soon?” Nikki asked, getting up to stand next to Ronnie. She was 5’4”, five inches taller than Rachael, but still incredibly dwarfed by Ronnie.
“Yeah I have an early day tomorrow,” Ronnie said, bending down to hug Rachael.
“Well please, don’t be a stranger, come back anytime,” Nikki said, patting his back as he left. “It was great meeting you.”
“It was nice meeting you too! Rachael I’ll see you Sunday.” Ronnie nodded as he left. Rachael, saying nothing to her mother, smirked, walking toward her room. She knew her mother would try to flirt with him, but Ronnie was her friend, and all hers.
There was a knock on her open door. “Hi,” Nikki said to her daughter.
“Oh. Hey.” Rachael replied.
“He seems very nice. But I just wanted you to know that you may want to be careful around him. I’m sure you have a schoolgirl crush on him, but to tell you the truth, I don’t think he’s interested in females – if you know what I mean.”
“You think he’s gay?” Rachael rolled her eyes, turning to her mother.
“Well…yes. Call it intuition. He just seems like the type.”
“The type? What does that supposed to mean?” Rachael asked. The annoyance in her voice was easily detectable.
“Look, relax; I’m just saying that sometimes gay men give off a vibe. You’re still a child, so you probably can’t detect that yet, but I’m saying don’t let this crush you have on him develop into something more. You’d probably get hurt.”
“Are you serious?!? I never said I had a crush on him…” Rachael countered.
“Rachael come on, it doesn’t take a genius to see that you do. You’re an almost 18 year old girl; he’s a grown man, who’s nothing but muscle. It’s ok, really it’s fine that you do, I’m just saying I don’t get the vibe that he’s into women. So don’t assume that he would be interested in you that way when you’re older. Don’t think you could change him by cooking him dinner.”
Rachael stood looking at her mother in shock. Her mouth dropped opened and she slowly turned to look away from her. She wanted to punch a wall; she wanted to punch her mother.
“It’s ok if you want to be friends with him, just don’t think he’d ever be interested in you romantically. Anyway, I’m heading to bed. Goodnight.” Nikki said, turning and walking toward her bedroom.
Rachael stood, looking at the wall, her fist was clenched, and she was breathing heavily. Over the course of several minutes she was able to calm herself down. “She’s not worth it; she’s not worth my energy or my anger. She’s a nobody.” Rachael repeated in her head as she calmed herself down.
About two hours later, Rachael lay in bed looking up at the ceiling. “Why would she think he’s gay? Is she crazy?” She pictured Ronnie wearing the silly hat and giggled quietly. She pictured him talking and laughing with Valerie at the gym. She was very confused and dumbfounded by her mother. She pushed it out of her mind and counted down till Sunday.
The following Thursday Rachael arrived home from school to see Ronnie’s truck in her driveway. She entered the house to hear her mom and him laughing in the kitchen. She turned the corner with a puzzled look on her face.
“There she is!” Ronnie said enthusiastically. “I have some late work to do tonight, so I figured I’d offer you a ride to the gym a little earlier than normal. I’d take you back here too of course. That ok?” He asked.
“Uh, yeah, that’s fine, let me go change.” Rachael said. She went to change into her gym clothes and grab her bag. Nothing else was said of the encounter the rest of the night. Rachael also didn’t mentioned the fact her mother assumed Ronnie was gay. Deep down she knew Ronnie would never want to be with her, but still, if he was gay, that meant her shot with him at some point in the future was at 0% instead of 0.1%. Needless to say, she felt a little bummed out if he did turn out to be gay.
A few weeks passed and things were back to normal to some degree. Ronnie trained Rachael three days a week. She would go out for coffee or smoothies with him on two of those days. Then one Friday evening Ronnie arrived at Rachael’s house. Her mother seemed more surprised than she was.
“Oh hi! Come on in, Ronnie.” Nikki said, opening the door. “It’s good to see you again.”
“Thank you and I’m sorry for stopping by unannounced. I have to run by the sporting goods store and was wondering if Rachael wanted to join me.”
“Oh please, don’t apologize. You’re welcome here any time, Ronnie.” Nikki explained as Rachael appeared from the hallway.
“Hi. What are you doing here? I mean, um…” Rachael asked.
“Well hello to you too! Want to come with me to help me pick out some new tennis shoes?”
“Sure, that’d be great.” Rachael said with a warm smile.
As they walked together in the mall Rachael wanted to grab Ronnie’s hand and hold it, just to see what he’d do. She wanted everyone to see that he and she were there together, even though that was obvious simply by the two of them walking next to each other. She gave him her opinion of various shoes until he found a pair that both of them liked. She felt at ease there in the mall. Normally she didn’t like going because she didn’t want to run into someone from school. She wasn’t nervous about that now.
“So what are you doing for your birthday? The big 18.” Ronnie asked as he drove Rachael home. “Your mom said it was on the 19th right?”
“Uh yeah, yeah it is. Well I don’t have any plans. Why? Wanna take me out?” Rachael jokingly asked.
“As a matter of fact, young lady, I do.” Ronnie countered.
“Oh wow. Really? I was just joking…” Rachael said.
“Your birthday is on a Wednesday, and I can’t do anything that night. But Friday night I can. May I take you for a nice dinner?”
Rachael was beside herself, “Yes! I mean, sure, that’d be awesome.”
“Great! We’ll have a good time.” Ronnie said as he pulled into her driveway.
“Would you like to come in?” Rachael asked.
“Nah I better get going, but thanks for accompanying me tonight.”
“Thanks for the invite,” Rachael said, pushing some of her blonde shoulder length hair back behind her ear, looking down to her lap.
Ronnie smiled and patted her thigh. “I’ll see you Sunday, alright?” Rachael nodded and got out of the truck. She fell asleep with a smile on her face.
Chapter 8
On Valentine’s Day Ronnie was at her house yet again when she arrived home from school. He was in the kitchen with her mother setting up a floral arrangement he brought to the house. There was a large vase of twelve red, white, and pink roses and a smaller one with only one red rose.
“Oh I know. They are gorgeous,” Ronnie was telling Nikki as Rachael entered the kitchen. Her eyes widened when she saw the flowers.
“Happy Valentine’s Day!” Ronnie cheerily said.
“Wow, thank you, they look amazing.”
“Here you go; the big vase is for you. I couldn’t leave your ma out, so I got her a rose as well!”
Nikki smiled, reaching up to gently rub Ronnie’s shoulder. “Such a nice gift. Thank you Ronnie.”
“Ok I gotta run,” Ronnie said, quickly putting his arm around Nikki, giving her a brief hug. He then went to hug Rachael goodbye. “See you Sunday at the gym!”
Rachael stood in shock at the flowers. She had never gotten any Valentine’s Day present before.
“Such a sweet man,” Nikki said, smiling at Rachael as she headed off down the hallway.
Rachael smiled and started to tear up as she looked at the roses. She wiped a tear and sighed. She would refuse to let her mother get into her head. If Ronnie was gay, she would still remain his friend of course, but she wouldn’t let it bother her. He was so sweet, so kind, and wonderful to her. She couldn’t help but smile when she thought of him. No one has treated her as well as he has – not her father, mother, brother, or the few friends she had at school. She knew she didn’t have a chance with the man but she wanted him in her life in whatever form she could get.
The day of February 19th – Rachael’s 18th birthday – was especially annoying at school. Douchebag David was in full douche mode to her and her increasingly growing circle of friends she had made via Trevor. Some random food items from lunch were thrown at, and near, her and her table. As she walked down the hall she narrowly avoided being tripped by David. She wanted to slap that smug look off his face so bad. But she didn’t. Carley forgot it was her birthday and seemed overall irritated at something. Rachael shrugged, assuming Carley’s period was more annoying than usual.
When Rachael got home later in the afternoon, she decided to take a shower. She stood nude in the bathroom mirror first and examined her changing body. Her abs were fairly toned, as well as her shoulders and biceps. Her eyes trailed their way down to her thighs. “Thick and juicy,” she thought. Then she turned sideways in the mirror to get a view of her butt. It was rounded and toned now as it sat on top of her hamstrings. She gave it a nice, hard, slap, watching the relaxed muscles ripple in the mirror. She flexed a few times, causing her nice little butt to twitch. She turned back around to face herself and grabbed her perky little B-cup tits. She teased a nipple and then released it to concentrate on her face; in her opinion, her weakest area. She sighed as she studied her big nose and small mouth. She shook her head and hopped in the shower.
When Rachael was done she dried off and got some pajamas on. Her mother was home early from work. “Happy birthday, sweetie,” Nikki said to Rachael as she walked into the kitchen.
“Oh, thanks,” she replied.
“Here, this is from Ronnie,” Nikki said, handing Rachael a cardboard box.
Rachael placed it on the kitchen table and opened it. There was a lot of tissue paper packaging and a note. She picked up the note, reading it to herself. “Happy Birthday, Rachael. Please wear this Friday night. It should be a perfect fit.”
She removed some of the packaging paper and saw a black piece of cloth. She held it up, letting let it unfold. It was a dress; a long, spaghetti strapped, black dress.
“Oh wow, that’s lovely. He has good taste in dresses,” her mother chimed in. Rachael rolled her eyes, knowing that she was trying to insinuate he was gay because he had a decent fashion sense.
“I’m going to try it on,” Rachael said, taking the dress to her room, closing the door behind her.
It was gorgeous; simple and not fancy, but gorgeous nonetheless. The dress was tight fitting to accentuate her curves and came to just above her knees. The cleavage was just right. Nothing was over the top or inappropriate. It was perfect. She looked like an adult wearing it. Ronnie must’ve consulted with her mother on the correct size. She picked up her phone and called him.
“I love it! Thank you so much,” Rachael beamed as soon as Ronnie said “hello.”
“I’m glad you like it Rachael. I’m looking forward to seeing you in it Friday night,” Ronnie replied. His tone was slightly different, but Rachael couldn’t tell how.
“Yes, thank you again, you shouldn’t have.”
“It’s fine, I wanted to get you something special for our special night out. Anyway, I’m driving and there’s some construction going on so I better pay attention. See you tomorrow at the gym.”
They ended their phone call and Rachael smiled in the mirror again. She carefully took the dress off and hung it in her closet.
Tomorrow night after working out, Ronnie took her out for coffee as usual. “Ronnie, can I ask you something? Please don’t be angry with me or my mother, but I’m just curious about something.”
“Sure, you can ask me anything,” Ronnie replied. His tone had been slightly different all evening. It was more somber and less energetic.
Rachael paused, taking a deep breath. “My mother, seems to think, you are uh, well, um…”
“Gay?” Ronnie interrupted.
Rachael’s eyes shot open, “Uh well, yeah.”
Ronnie chuckled. “No, I’m not. I get that a lot. I chalk it up to my upbeat personality and high degree of personal hygiene. That’s based on a stereotype though. I’m sure there are some gay dudes out there that are total assholes and haven’t bathed in days.” Ronnie replied as they both chuckled. That was the first time Ronnie had ever said any word that could be considered a swear word of foul language in front of her.
“I see. I’m sorry, I just, I mean she just messed with my head some. Even if you were, we’d still be friends, but I guess I was bothered that you might keep that a secret from me; since we’re friends and all.”
Ronnie smiled, reaching over to place his huge hand on Rachael’s. He squeezed it gently. “No worries.” He said in a near whisper.
“I’m looking forward to taking you out tomorrow night. I have reservations made at an excellent restaurant,” Ronnie explained while standing at Rachael’s driver side door.
“Great,” she smiled.. Ronnie bent down to hug her again, except this time the hug was longer and slower. He rested his hand on the small of her back, gently rubbing it in a circle.
To Rachael’s shock, Ronnie kissed her cheek as the hug ended. He opened the car door for her and she got in and drove off. That was the first time a man had kissed her. She barely remembers her father giving her kisses as a child, so that didn’t count.
“Ahh, yess, yesss,” Rachael whispered in bed as an orgasm overtook her. She had been laying face down on her mattress rubbing her clit for the last hour. Thoughts of Ronnie and the peck on the cheek were replaying over and over again in her mind since it happened. Those thoughts later evolved to her picturing his sweaty muscular body fucking her from behind in the steam room at the gym. She imagined Valerie looking into the small window on the door with a distraught look on her face, watching Rachael mount Ronnie and ride him again to orgasm. Another thirty minutes of clit-rubbing fun, the 18 year old passed out, sleeping like a baby.
Chapter 9
Rachael stood in her front of her mirror once again admiring the beautiful black dress Ronnie had gotten her for her birthday. He would arrive any minute to pick her up. She wasn’t sure if this was a date or just two friends going out for dinner. She tried not to ponder it so much as the thought of a date made her nervous. She heard the doorbell ring, did one final adjustment of her eye shadow, and headed to the living room.
Rachael arrived to see Ronnie chatting with her mother. Her mouth almost dropped when she saw him. He was wearing a black blazer on top of a white turtle neck, black slacks, and black dress shoes. Not only did he look amazing, but he smelled amazing too. His manly cologne permeated throughout the room. She quickly glanced at him and smiled, only to look away, slightly blushing.
“Ronnie it’s so nice of you to take her out for her birthday,” Rachael’s mother said, taking a sip of her wine.
“My pleasure, Nikki. What time would you like her home?” Ronnie asked.
“Oh you two stay out late, enjoy yourselves. I trust you not to let anything happen to her. I’ll probably head to bed soon anyway,” Nikki said, taking another sip.
“Ok great. Rachael? You ready?” Ronnie asked. She smiled weakly and nodded.
Ronnie extended his arm for Rachael to take. She held on to his massive bicep as he escorted her to his truck.
“You look amazing in that dress, Rachael. I knew you would,” Ronnie said, opening the passenger side door for her.
“Thank you,” Rachael blushed.
They made small talk on the way to the restaurant, but something was different still. Rachael again noticed Ronnie’s change in tone. He wasn’t as upbeat or jovial. He was funny and friendly as usual, but he seemed calmer and less silly. It didn’t bother her; she just thought it was interesting. When they arrived at the restaurant, Ronnie got out first and opened her door for her again. She took his arm and he led her inside where their table was waiting. Rachael noticed a jazz band was playing some soft jazz in the corner. She felt odd and out of place. She felt older, like she was a 28 year old, not an 18 year old high school student. The feeling was slightly unsettling. Ronnie pulled out her chair, took her hand, and gently assisted her to sitting position. He ordered some wine for himself, water for Rachael. As they sat and talked, the uneasy feeling increased. Ronnie must’ve detected this and spoke up.
“Are you feeling ok, Rachael?”
“Yeah, just,” she paused, “is this a date?”
“It certainly feels like one to me. Is that a problem?” Ronnie asked, reaching across the table, placing a huge black hand on her small, dainty, white one.
“Well, no, it’s fine. I just,” she paused again to collect her thoughts.
“I want you to relax, Rachael. We’re two adults enjoying a dinner and each other’s company. Would you agree?” Ronnie asked.
Rachael simply nodded in agreement. Ronnie continued, “Good, I’m really glad you’re letting me take you out tonight. I’ve said this before but I think you’re a great girl – excuse me, woman.”
Rachael slowly nodded. “He called me a woman. I guess technically I am, I mean, I’m 18 now. Whatever.” She thought to herself, Ronnie gently holding her hand, rubbing his thumb over her knuckles. Rachael sighed and glanced up at Ronnie, he was a watching the jazz band play. She looked down at her hand in his and smiled. “Just relax, he’s a great guy, it’ll be ok, it’ll be over soon and I’ll be home in my bed.” She told herself.
They continued small talk all throughout dinner. It was pleasant enough, but Rachael still felt slightly uneasy. Ronnie asked her for a dance while they were waiting for dessert. They were going share a piece of chocolate cake. She was shocked to hear herself say yes. She never thought at 18 she’d be dancing on a date with a 43 year old black man. She couldn’t say no. She thought about how her mother was probably at home passed out on wine while she danced with Ronnie.
Ronnie took her hand in his and she rested her other hand on his bicep – should couldn’t reach his shoulder. For someone who had never danced with anyone before, it came easily. They simply twirled slowly around in a circle.
“Are you having fun, Rachael?” Ronnie asked.
Rachael nodded her head. “Good,” Ronnie said as he looked down to her face, “remember just relax, we’re having fun, ok?” Rachael slowly nodded, peering up at Ronnie’s face towering above her.
After the slow dance they headed back to their table where the cake was waiting for them. Ronnie and Rachael ate casually each taking small bites with their fork on opposite ends of the cake. Ronnie must not have been paying attention to how many bites were left because he stabbed the last one with his fork just as Rachael was about to.
“Oh, I’m sorry. Here, you take it.” Ronnie said, bringing the fork to Rachael’s mouth. “Here.”
Rachael looked into Ronnie’s eyes and he nodded his head. She slowly opened her mouth and Ronnie gently guided the fork and bite of cake into it. She closed her mouth around the fork, swirling her tongue around the piece of cake at the end. Ronnie smiled and slowly withdrew the fork from her mouth. She swallowed the cake as he watched her. The feeling of unease returned. She cleared her throat, looking around the room. What transpired felt sexual and Rachael felt uneasy about it because deep down she liked it. She liked feeling like an adult, like a woman, but needed to get used to these feelings.
Ronnie escorted Rachael to the passenger side door again. “Well the night is young, it’s only 9pm, care to go somewhere else?”
“Um, I don’t know, I can’t really think of anything.” Rachael replied.
“Would like me to take you home?”
Rachael thought about her mother still at the house, probably asleep, she thought about how she had nothing to do there and didn’t truly want to go home. At the same time, she was wary of her these feelings coursing through her body. She looked at Ronnie; he was smiling back at her from his side of the truck. “Rachael?”
“I don’t want to go home,” she blurted out.
“Ok. Great. I couldn’t legally buy you wine inside the restaurant, but would you care to come back to my apartment and we can share a glass there?”
Rachael paused for a moment and gulped. “Well, I’ve never had wine before.”
“Right, but you’re an adult now, so it wouldn’t hurt to try a little. Just a few sips. It’ll be fun; we can sit and chat some.”
Rachael cleared her throat and nodded. “Ok, sure.”
The drive back to Ronnie’s was made in silence. He would’ve had to have been an idiot not to see she was nervous about going back to his apartment. “It’s ok, just relax, a glass of wine and then I’ll get him to take me home. Why am I so nervous?” Rachael asked herself. She knew why. She was afraid something would happen between the two of them and she didn’t know how to process that.
“There you go. Take a sip,” Ronnie said, sitting down on the couch next to Rachael after removing his blazer, his arm outstretching behind her. The room lighting was low with only one lamp on. “Is it good?”
“Mmhmm,” Rachael replied, sipping the white Zinfandel wine.
“Great,” Ronnie said, placing his left hand on her left shoulder, gently massaging it. Rachael glanced to her left at his hand and quickly gulped the entire glass down.
“Whoa, whoa, take it easy!” Ronnie said.
“Sorry,” Rachael coughed a bit, blushing.
“It’s fine, Rachael,” Ronnie said, taking her glass, leaning forward to place it on the coffee table. “Speaking of fine, you are quiet gorgeous tonight.”
“Gor-gorgeous?” Rachael struggled to ask.
“Yes. Has a man ever called you that before?”
Rachael quickly shook her head. “Well you are. You just don’t realize it yet,” Ronnie said, bringing his right index finger to Rachael’s chin, tipping her face so she was looking into his eyes.
“You’re a beautiful young woman and I would love it if you gave me the honor of letting me kiss you.”
Rachael’s eyes widened, her heart rate increasing, her breathing becoming erratic. She managed to nod her head “yes.”
Ronnie, still tipping her chin so she could face him, leaned down and with his big lips, kissed Rachael on her closed mouth. He did it again, this time she puckered her lips slightly. He kissed her lips slowly again and her lips kissed back ever so slightly. His bottom lip seemed like it was as big as both her top and bottom lips combined. He held his lips just centimeters from hers, looking into her eyes, she closed hers and gave his bottom lip a kiss, then another, and another. Ronnie withdrew his finger from under her chin and kept his mouth right in front of hers.
“Good,” he whispered.
Rachael closed her eyes and kept giving his closed lips slow, small, pecks. After a few moments, he kissed her again, harder this time. It lasted for several, scorching seconds. “Will you open your mouth for me, please?” Ronnie whispered in her ear after he peppered her cheek with kisses.
Rachael nodded and parted her lips. “More,” Ronnie said, kissing along her neck, looking at her mouth and jaw in his peripheral vision.
Rachael complied, opening her mouth a bit further. Ronnie chuckled, continuing to place kisses along her neck and jaw. “Keep going, open it all the way,” he said.
Rachael did so, and waited a few seconds with her mouth open wide. “Perfect. Get ready for my tongue, Rachael,” Ronnie whispered in her ear as her eyes widened.
Ronnie slowly moved his face back in front of hers and tilted his head. He opened his mouth and covered hers. His big, thick, tongue slithered its way into her waiting mouth. It was the first time another person’s tongue had ever been in her mouth. Ronnie’s was so big she almost gagged on it. He swirled it around her mouth in long, slow, circular motions. After a few moments, she settled down and her eyes closed. She attempted to move her tongue against his but it was almost pointless as his tongue filled up her entire mouth. She felt his left hand on the back of her head as he held her in place. He leaned back against the back of the couch, taking her with him. She placed a hand on his massive chest. When Ronnie was sitting back he broke the kiss, stretching his left arm out on the back of the couch again.
“This time I want you to suck my tongue, Rachael. Can you do that?” Ronnie asked quietly.
“Holy crap, I can’t believe I’m going to do this, this is crazy!” Rachael thought, nodding her head.
Ronnie opened his mouth and Rachael opened hers. He enclosed his mouth over hers again and she felt his tongue enter it. This time she closed her mouth over it. Her lips pressed down on it and squeezed it gently, becoming coated in his saliva. She sucked it in her mouth and began bobbing her head back and forth on it. Ronnie’s head was resting on the back of the couch now and Rachael was on her knees with both hands holding his face, slowly bobbing her head up and down on his tongue. After a few minutes, Ronnie broke the kiss and spoke up.
“That was wonderful; you’re kissing like a woman now. Not a girl. Very good.” He said, looking up in her eyes. “I have more dessert if you’d like some.”
“Oh. No thanks, I’m still full,” Rachael replied.
“I wasn’t referring to that type of food,” Ronnie said, holding her face, guiding her back down to sitting position on the couch cushions. He kissed her lips a few more times. “I was referring to me,” he said.
Rachael looked confused and Ronnie backed up some. “My semen, Rachael. Would like to drink it?” Ronnie casually asked with a serious look in his eyes, caressing her cheek.
“Um, I, uh,” she paused, something caught her eye. Ronnie leaned back on the couch and on display was something enormous, long, and thick. Rachael’s mouth dropped open as she stared at Ronnie’s gloriously massive black cock sprouting out of his black pants and climbing up past where his navel would be. He had taken it out with his right hand when they were making out.
Chapter 10
Rachael’s eyes widened and her open mouth started to salivate as she stared intently at the twitching black cock that rested against Ronnie’s stomach in front of her. She had never seen a penis in person and this one was huge, horse-like even. Her panties were drenched, but she was paralyzed with fear.
“Rachael will you service me please?” Ronnie asked, caressing her face with his left hand.
Rachael couldn’t refuse, nodding her head, staring at Ronnie’s massive member.
“Good. Now, get on your knees, like a woman and worship my cock.” Ronnie commanded, shaking Rachael out of her trance. Unable to take her eyes off it, she slid to the carpeted floor in front of Ronnie. She couldn’t believe she was going to do this. She was so very wet.
“Now grab it by the base and have fun. Just relax, Rachael. You have made my cock this way; you’ve made me hard like this. So please take care of me,” Ronnie said as Rachael slowly brought both her tiny hands to wrap them around base. It was so wide she couldn’t even close her fingers around it. She slowly brought the tip to her mouth. She inadvertently smelled its musky aroma. She was so aroused, her lips quivered as her open mouth hovered just inches above the bulbous tip. She kissed it once and giggled. It felt so smooth and soft against her lips. She kissed it again, and again on the opening, then again along the side of the tip. She glanced up at Ronnie who smiled and nodded his head. She then licked the tip slowly. It was so huge. She licked it again, this time encircling her tongue all around the tip. She looked up at Ronnie, who once again nodded. She stared in his eyes and a slight grin came over her. She felt like an adult again, she felt like a woman, and this time she didn’t feel uneasy about it. She opened her mouth as wide as she could and engulfed that massive cockhead.
Rachael moved her head to the left and right and back and forth, moaning as she sucked that delicious black cock. The tip filled her entire mouth. She slowly began to move both her hands up and down on the long shaft, slowly jacking Ronnie as her mouth devoured the tip. She tried to push the cock to the back of her throat, but she couldn’t due to its girth. She began to gag a bit.
“Easy, easy, take it slow. You won’t be able to fit it all in your mouth or throat. That’s ok.” Ronnie reassured her. Rachael resumed sucking on it. She weaved her head around on his cock as she jacked it. Some of her saliva started to trail down the shaft and met her hands, adding lubrication to their strokes.
“Ah yes, there we go. Look up into my eyes. Don’t take your eyes off mine.” Ronnie commanded. Rachael did as she was told, looking into his eyes.
“You look so sexy doing that, Rachael. So very sexy. I want you to touch yourself. Reach down and rub your clit while you do that. Keep your eyes on mine.”
Rachael reached down and pulled her dress up to where her fingers could slide into her panties. She began to furiously rub her clit as she sucked on Ronnie’s cock. It felt so good, so adult, to rub herself as her mouth was pleasuring a massive cock. After a few minutes, she started to shake, her body tensing up – she was cumming. She moaned loudly with Ronnie’s cockhead still engulfed by her dripping mouth.
“Beautiful, so sexy. You’re doing a great job. Are you ready for my cum?” Ronnie asked as Rachael nodded enthusiastically. Ronnie unbuttoned his pants and scooted his butt off the couch. He pulled his pants and boxers down. Rachael marveled at his huge testicles, she wanted them in her mouth. She didn’t waste any time and immediately started licking and sucking on them. Those massive balls were filling her mouth while she continued jacking Ronnie off. She licked and nibbled all around them, she rubbed her face in Ronnie’s thick bush of pubic hair and licked all the way back up to the tip of the his shaft. She almost came again when she reached the top, since she had been continuously stimulating her clit while she worked. She was addicted.
“Ok, stop. Stop, baby, stop for a sec.” Ronnie said. Rachael went still and stared into his eyes. “Are you ready? Have you ever drunk semen before?” Rachael nodded her head “no.”
“Well I’m about ready to cum for you. I want you to keep looking me in the eyes and start sucking the tip again. I’ll let you know when it starts happening ok?” Ronnie explained as Rachael nodded. She went back to work sucking furiously on his cockhead while stroking the shaft with her free hand. She maintained eye contact. She felt so alive, so womanly.
Then it happened. Ronnie threw his head back, saying, “I’m cumming Rachael, it’s coming!”
Rachael moaned, feeling his shaft swell up with semen and being pumping it into her mouth. She had another orgasm herself as his cock injected sperm, covering her tongue. She let it spurt, pumping for thirty seconds as her own orgasm subsided. When Ronnie’s moaning had settled she assumed it was done. “So I guess I swallow now?” she asked herself. She took his tip out of her mouth, swallowing three times to get all his seed down her throat. “Wow, that tasted amazing,” she thought to herself, sitting on his carpet, smiling up at him. He was still shaking off the effects of his orgasm.
“Stay there on the floor like that. Open your mouth,” Ronnie said, standing. He took his cock and squeezed the last few drops of semen into Rachael mouths. “Gotta get all of it, baby,” He said, looking down to her, sitting back down on the couch.
“That was incredible. You did a great job!” Ronnie said, patting the cushion next to him for Rachael. She climbed up on the couch with a smirk on her face, cuddling into Ronnie’s massive arm. She watched his cock twitch and slowly loose strength. Ronnie turned and kissed her. They made out for what seemed like an hour.
Chapter 11
Rachael lay on her back on the floor in front of the couch with her legs spread as far as they can go. Ronnie’s tongue had been embedded in her pussy for the last 45 minutes, licking and swirling all around, bringing her to orgasm after orgasm. Ronnie sat back, resting on his knees. He stroked his rock hard cock a few times, looking her over.
“Come here and clean my face. Lick your pussy juices off my mouth, like the good woman you are,” Ronnie commanded.
Rachael complied without question, rising off the floor to lick her creamy vaginal secretions off his face, mouth, chin, even sucking it off his tongue.
“Good. You ready to lose your virginity and truly become a woman now?” Ronnie asked as he stood and bent down to slowly pull Rachael’s black dress off to toss it to the floor near where her panties lay.
“I’m not sure you’ll fit in me though,” Rachael said nervously, watching Ronnie take off his turtle neck.
“We’ll make it fit,” Ronnie said, watching Rachael take his cock and stroke it gently. “I don’t have any condoms, so I’ll be very careful. The last thing I want is to impregnate you.”
“I don’t think you’ll be able to. I’ve been on birth control pills for a year or so. My doctor prescribed them to help with really bad PMS.” Rachael explained.
Ronnie smirked, reaching under her arms to effortlessly pick her up. She yelped and wrapped her legs around him. He walked into the bed room and sat at the edge of his bed.
“Put your feet on the bed next to me, get into a squatting position. I got you. I’m not going to let you fall. Put your hands on my shoulders to steady yourself.”
Ronnie watched Rachael get into that position, “Good. Now I’m going to guide my cock to the entrance of your pussy. When you feel it, I want you to slowly and gently lower yourself on it. Let it enter you. You control how fast and how much you take”
Ronnie paused, staring into Rachael’s eyes, “I’ve wanted this since the moment I met you. I wanted to fuck you right then and there in the gym, but I had to be patient, I had to get to know you.”
Rachael nodded and smiled. She wanted him too – more than anything. A few seconds later she felt the tip of his cock against her dripping pussy lips. “There’s no way this thing will fit,” she thought to herself.
“Good, now slowly lower your body,” Ronnie said.
“Ah,” Rachael gasped, feeling the tip enter her vagina just barely. She kept going, but it was proving to be too difficult. “I can’t!” She cried out.
“Rachael, listen to me, you can. You can do this,” Ronnie encouraged her. She took a deep breath, continuing to lower herself, centimeters at a time.
“That’s it. Take your time, no rush. We may break your hymen, but once we do, it’ll be ok.”
Rachael nodded. She rarely masturbated with her fingers or sex toys, she mostly rubbed her clit. She was sure her hymen was still intact. She kept lowering herself, taking a deep breath. She slid his cock in to her a few inches, screaming out in pain.
“Rachael! I told you to be careful, take it slow,” Ronnie said. “Are you ok?”
“It’s too big,” Rachael cried out. Tears were welling up in her eyes; she wanted his big black dick in her so bad, but was afraid and embarrassed.
“No, listen, we just broke your hymen, we can keep going. What have I been telling you at the gym? Push past the limits your mind puts on your body. If you do that you’d be surprised at what you can accomplish. Relax, take it slow, and break free of those limits. “
Rachael nodded, looking into Ronnie’s eyes. She kept lowering herself, feeling his cock push in deeper and deeper. It was stretching her, impaling her, and soon-to-be fucking her. She felt it touch bottom at the entrance of her cervix and she stopped. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head and she had another orgasm.
“Very good, very good,” Ronnie said, grabbing her shaking butt and standing. He moaned as he felt her tight pussy walls massage his cock. He wasn’t even in all the way. As he stood, he began to raise and lower her body gently on his cock. Rachael looked into his eyes, moaning. He kept going for several minutes, lowering and raising her off his cock. He gradually started picking up the pace.
“Ah, yes, Ronnie!” Rachael cried out.
“Tell me what you want. Tell me what to do. Be a woman and tell me.” Ronnie ordered, sliding her cock sleeve little body up and down on him.
“Fuck me! Fuck me now!” Rachael blurted out.
“As you wish,” Ronnie said, turning around to face his bed. He slammed her on down on the mattress and began fucking her wildly. His hulking muscular frame hovered over her as he slammed into her relentlessly. She screamed out in pain and pleasure with each thrust. He was so huge, so powerful. Rachael couldn’t even wrap her legs all the way around him. He kept going as a drop of sweat from his chin landed on her forehead.
“Ahh yes! Yes!” Rachael screamed as another orgasm overtook her. The machine kept going and going as her body convulsed violently on his ever-ramming cock. Another orgasm, more screaming in ecstasy. Ronnie pulled out and looked down at the gaping hole of a pussy before him. His cock was coated in creamy, white, vaginal fluid. “Beautiful,” he said as he rammed it back into her. He kept going for several minutes.
Rachael placed her hands on his sweaty chest. This was it, this was the moment she truly became a woman. Ronnie threw his head back, his cock erupting deep inside her pussy. Rachael could feel it pulsing and pumping semen into her. She rolled her eyes in the back of her head as another mini-orgasm over took her. Ronnie grunted and moaned, filling her little pussy to the brim. He collapsed on top of her with his cock continuing to twitch inside her. He rolled off her to lay on his back. Rachael smiled, resting her head on his chest, trailing his stomach with her fingers. She watched his cream covered cock weaken and shrink slightly.
“Clean it, baby, clean it for me.” Ronnie said, regaining his breath. Rachael didn’t hesitate. She licked and sucked his sperm and her own pussy juices off his cock and balls. She smiled at herself, wondering what Carley or her mother was doing in that moment. When she was done, she climbed up on top of Ronnie and lay there on his chest.
They had sex a few more times that night. She knew her pussy would be sore in the morning but didn’t care. It was 4am when Ronnie tucked an exhausted Rachael into her bed. He had insisted she go home so she wouldn’t get in trouble with her mother. Rachael tried to explain to him that she wouldn’t notice she was gone. After he tucked her in, he tip toed to her door and turned around to see her fast asleep with a smile on her face.
Chapter 12
Rachael bathed the next morning, noticing all the dried cum on her crotch and thighs. She smirked, washing it off in the shower. She examined her pussy, it was definitely red and she could see friction burns from her wild night of fucking. But she didn’t care. She fingered herself in the shower and licked her fingers clean. She felt so sexy and womanly.
She saw Valerie at the gym, giving her a friendly smile and nod as she walked by her. After her workout she was going to see Ronnie. She told her mom she was helping him move into a new apartment. That wasn’t true of course. Ronnie spent the afternoon destroying her pussy again. He clung to her nice little bubble butt, impaling her over and over again. He nuzzled into her neck and then bent down to suck her erect little nipples causing her to squeal. He threw her on the bed, “Get ready, come here,” He said, furiously beating his cock.
Rachael went to her knees on his mattress, opening her mouth. Ronnie groaned, spraying semen all over her face. Rachael moaned as she rubbed his seed into her skin and licked it off her fingers.
It was just after midnight when Ronnie pulled into Rachael’s driveway. She had been sucking his cock all the way from his apartment. He parked his truck and a few minutes later he spewed into her hungry mouth. She went to sleep with the taste of his cum still on her tongue.
The next day at the gym both of them worked out. Both were still sweaty when they arrived at Ronnie’s apartment. They stripped down to nothing, licking and sucking the sweat off each other’s skin. Ronnie lay on his back and Rachael climbed on top of him in a 69 position. She moaned as he licked her pussy then butt crack. She squealed as he plunged his tongue into her tight little asshole. All she could do was orgasm over and over as she sucked on his big, fat, cockhead. She was home in time for dinner. She showered then joined her mom at the dining room table.
That week in school Rachael walked around with a smirk on her face. She thought about her weekend and what all she had done. She felt invincible. She didn’t hear David’s insults or even notice when he threw a wad of paper at her head. She kept on eating her lunch and listening to Trevor talk about some new video game. Her and Ronnie’s workout schedule didn’t change; every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday. The only change that occurred is that afterward she’d suck his cock in his truck or follow him back to his place for a couple hours of sex. She would occasionally hang out with him on Friday’s still. She’d arrive home after midnight exhausted, sweaty, and barely able to walk.
The two of them didn’t talk much over the next few weeks. Rachael often wondered about their relationship status, but found it difficult to speak to Ronnie when her mouth was busy sucking his dick.
“Ahh yes! Yes! Harder! Fuck me harder!” Rachael commanded as Ronnie pounded her from behind. It was spring break in late March; she had been over at his apartment almost every night, sometimes during the day while her mom was at work. He grabbed her hips and gritted his teeth as he brutalized her pussy, banging against her cervix over and over again. It hurt, but Rachael didn’t care.
“Are you my little slut?” Ronnie asked.
“Yes!” Rachael screamed, “I’m your little whore!”
“That’s right you are,” Ronnie said, leaning over her petite white body. “Look at me.”
Rachael turned, looking over her shoulder back up at Ronnie. “Open your mouth,” he ordered.
Rachael did so and Ronnie opened his own mouth, letting his saliva flow into Rachael’s. She swirled her tongue around her lips, lapping it up as Ronnie continued fucking her from behind; occasionally spanking her ass as he worked.
“Here it comes!” Ronnie shouted. Rachael knew what to do. She turned around and immediately grabbed his cock. She started pumping it furiously as her mouth clamped down over the tip. He shot his load with Rachael swallowing every drop. She loved sucking and cleaning his cock.
“You’re so sexy, so very sexy.” Ronnie said as he lay back on his bed, out of breath.
As April arrived Rachael found herself sneaking out of her house a couple times a week to go see Ronnie. He said he didn’t mind as long as she called first so he could leave the door unlocked for her.
“It’s in, it’s in!” Rachael cried out. The pain subsided, leaving her feeling euphoric joy.
“What have I been telling you for months now? Break past the limits your mind puts on your body and you can accomplish all sorts of things. With that said, are you ready?” Ronnie asked, hovering over her back.
Ronnie slowly and gently thrust his cock in and out of Rachael’s rectum, stopping just short of the exit of her anus. It was so tight but so very worth it. They had been at it for hours trying to get his cock to fit in her ass. They were finally able to do it with the help of massive amounts of lube.
“I’m having anal sex. I wonder what Carley is doing? Or that idiot David?” Rachael thought as Ronnie began to pick up the pace; his cock stretching her asshole and filling her rectum as he pushed in as deep as he could.
“I love your cock,” she whispered as Ronnie grunted louder. “I love you,” she whispered while Ronnie was groaning, his cock filling her colon with semen.
Chapter 13
“You going to the prom?” Nikki asked her daughter in mid-April.
“Nah.” Rachael said, grabbing her bag, heading out the door to the gym. She didn’t feel like explaining to her mom that she simply did not care about prom. She felt it was lame and that it was beneath her. She had some cock to suck later in the evening and wanted to drain her man’s balls.
Ronnie’s truck was shaking back and forth in the empty parking lot of the gym. Rachael was on top, working on her second orgasm.
“Are you going to your senior prom?” Ronnie asked in between breaths.
Rachael just grunted, gritting her teeth, slamming her clit up against his lower abs. She managed to shake her head “no.”
“No? I think you should go, you’d have a good time.”
“My mom already asked. I’d rather just fuck you all night.” Rachael countered.
“Well I think you should go, you’d have a good time, and it’ll be a good experience for you.” Ronnie said, watching her perky little tits bounce while riding him.
“Ahh, ahh….ahhhh,” Rachael moaned, her orgasm overtaking her. She collapsed on Ronnie’s shoulders, kissing and licking his neck. “Fine, I’ll go, if you want me to.”
“Yeah, I really think it’ll be a good experience for you. Get used to being around people more and stuff. You’ll be at college in the fall so maybe if you hang out with friends at the prom it’ll be practice for making new friends at college.”
Rachael had forgotten about college. She tried not to think about it. She didn’t want to leave Ronnie, but she did want to leave Charleston. “Yeah,” she sighed.
“Don’t look so bummed. Remember we’ll be shacking up a lot during your holiday visits!” Ronnie said enthusiastically.
“Yeah I know, but still.”
“Hey. It’ll be ok. I’ll be right here waiting for you. My cock will be ready to tear that little pussy of yours up!”
Rachael offered a weak smile and nodded.
“Good, now suck my dick slut.”
Just like Zoe at the Halloween party Rachael attended, she said, “Give me that fucking cock.” She felt like such a whore, but she loved it. She loved his big black cock, she loved Ronnie. He was her man. After she finished college, she thought they might get married. She smiled as his sperm flooded her mouth.
The next day at school Rachael sat down across from Trevor at lunch. “Hey. You going to prom, Trevor?”
“Oh, uh no, I haven’t asked anyone yet,” replied the dorky teen.
“Ok, well how about you take me. Alright?”
“You? Uh, sure! That’d be awesome.”
“Yep, anyway, I’m wearing a red dress, so maybe you could wear a red tie with your tux or something. Whatever.” Rachael suggested with an air of arrogance in her tone.
“Ok, yeah I can do that.” Trevor said with an awkward smile.
“Cool,” Rachael replied as she stood and walked to the other side of the table where he sat. She leaned down, whispering in Trevor’s ear. “Oh and there won’t be any sex that night between us. I have a man.” Rachael pompously informed Trevor, kissing his cheek, walking away with a smirk on her face.
It was the last Friday in April, and Rachael had just returned home from the store with her red gown. Her mother gave her some many to purchase it after she informed her she was indeed going to the prom after all. It was a long, dark red, gown; nothing too fancy, but decent looking. Rachael looked surprised to see Ronnie’s truck in the driveway. She excitedly rushed inside the house but saw no one.
“Ronnie? Mom?” She called out but received no answer. She walked down the hall, hearing her mother’s shower going. “Mom?”
“Hi Rachael, I’m here.” Nikki called from the shower. “You got your dress?” She asked as her daughter slowly opened the bathroom door and entered.
“Yeah, I did. Hey have you seen Ronnie? His truck is here.”
“Oh yeah, he stopped by and waited for you. But he had to run some errands. He had to call a friend to pick him up because his truck was having trouble starting or something. Anyway, he said he will see you later tonight. He said you could come over to the apartment and wait for him there if you like,” Nikki explained, pulling the shower curtain back, exposing her face to Rachael.
“Oh, ok. Cool, I’ll head on over to his place then. Thanks,” Rachael said.
“Mmhmm, see you later sweetie.” Nikki said as she closed the curtain.
As the bathroom door closed, a huge, black man rose up behind Nikki in the shower. Ronnie placed his large hand on Nikki’s stomach, slding it up to cup one of her nice C-cup tits. He leaned down and kissed along her neck.
“She buy it?” He whispered in her ear. Nikki nodded her head.
“You still think I’m gay, or want me to prove you wrong some more?” Ronnie whispered.
Nikki moaned, saying “I’m ready for round two if you are.” She turned around to face Ronnie and slowly went to her knees in the shower, never taking her eyes off his.
Chapter 14
Rachael was in love. The next two weeks consisted of her being filled in every hole by Ronnie’s cum. She burped and tasted it on her breath, she felt it on her fingers as she examined her pussy, and she even felt it leaking out of her anus one morning in class. She loved him; she was his slut, his black cock whore, and his woman. She planned on leaving the prom early to sneak over to his apartment. She was going to pounce on him in bed and proclaim her love for him.
“That’s it baby, that’s it,” Ronnie said, watching Rachael bound up and down on his ass-buried cock. “Milk that dick.”
The prom was in six hours and Rachael wanted to show Ronnie her dyed red hair. It was a darker tone, matching the dark red of her gown. While she was there she figured she would take his black cock in the ass to hold her over until later that night when she would surprise him, confessing her love to him. Ronnie erupted in her and threw his head back in ecstasy.
Following a few more intense fuck sessions, Rachael left his apartment and got home with about 2 hours to spare. She showered, did her makeup and hair, and got dressed. She was putting on her red shoes just as Trevor arrived to pick her up. She gave him a hug and posed for a couple pictures her mother took.
“Have fun tonight and be careful,” her mother called out to them as they hopped into Trevor’s car.
“See you later,” Rachael said, throwing her hand up to wave at her mom.
The prom itself was fairly boring. She danced with Trevor almost continuously. She had never been to a dance before and danced as though it was just her and Trevor in a room alone. She didn’t care what anyone thought of her. No one said anything or made fun of her so she assumed she must not look all that odd. She even danced near Zoe and her date. Zoe would nod and smile at her as they walked past each other. Rachael kept her head high, never acknowledging Zoe as they passed each other. Carley was there, but Rachael never bothered to look for her to say hello.
Rachael enjoyed dancing with Trevor. She liked feeling his little erect pecker up against her butt. She smirked, thinking about Ronnie’s big cock that she would be servicing later in the evening.
A few hours after their arrival, Rachael ordered Trevor to take her home. She said she wasn’t feeling well. It was 10pm and Rachael and Trevor exited the high school’s gymnasium. David and a few of his friends were standing at the steps that led into the parking lot. He smirked, watching Rachael and Trevor approach.
“Freak,” David muttered as Rachael walked by him. She froze in her tracks, turning slowly to face David.
“What are you looking at?” David growled at her.
“A piece of shit,” Rachael replied, punching David in the gut as hard as she could. He fell to his knees clutching his stomach and gasping for air. Rachael reared back and kneed him in face causing him to tumble down the half-dozen concrete stairs. David’s friends all stared at Rachael with their mouths hanging opened.
When they arrived at Rachael’s house, her mother was arriving too. She must’ve gone out with one of her friends from work again.
“Home so early?” Nikki asked as her, Rachael, and Trevor walked to the front door.
“Yeah I’m not feeling too well. Anyway, thanks for a fun evening Trevor,” Rachael said as she turned to hug him.
“Well invite him in at least. Trevor would you like some coffee?” Nikki asked.
“Um, sure.” He replied as the three of them entered the house. Rachael headed straight for her bedroom to change into her pajamas. She was annoyed that she may have to sneak out now, but at the same time, felt her mother wouldn’t really notice. She heard her and Trevor laughing in the living the room. She slowly walked down the hall to peep around the corner. Her mother was sitting next to Trevor on the couch with her hand on his thigh. They were whispering something. Rachael rolled her eyes and quietly snuck out. Fortunately Trevor parked behind her mother’s car in the driveway, leaving Rachael’s car unblocked. She quietly shut the door and started the engine. She glided off, accelerating as little as possible. She was on the way to surprise her man; her lover.
Rachael assumed Ronnie had his door unlocked. He rarely seemed to lock it. There were several times Rachael had to remind him to do so. She slowly opened his apartment door, she envisioned herself crawling into bed with him, sucking him to erection, then riding him to orgasm. In her mind she would collapse on top of him, telling him she loved him, kissing him passionately. Ronnie would say it back and proceed to make love to her all night. She smiled, sneaking across the apartment as quietly as possible. She saw his bedroom light on and tip toed to it. She peeped around the door into his bedroom.
“That was a good one, Ronnie. Whew! Ahh, fuck!” Valerie cried out. She was on top of Ronnie with his cock embedded deep inside her stretched out pussy. Ronnie was smirking, eating an apple as he ran his free hand over Valerie’s huge tits.
Valerie ran her hands through her long blonde hair, “One more. I want one more and then,” she said, leaning down to give Ronnie a steamy kiss, “it’ll be your turn.” She chewed some of the apple that had transferred from Ronnie’s mouth to hers. He nodded and smirked up at her.
Rachael watched as Valerie’s sweaty body began grinding and riding Ronnie. She turned, walking quietly out of the apartment, got in her car, and started crying.
After about 15 minutes, Rachael was able to drive off. She cried off and on until she reached her driveway where she broke down again. Another 20 minutes and she was able to walk inside without making too much noise. She didn’t even notice that Trevor’s car was still parked behind her mother’s. She went to bed and collapsed. She heard her mother moan loudly from down the hall, followed by Trevor squealing. “Shhhhhhh,” she heard her mother tell Trevor followed by some hushed mumbling. Rachael covered her ears with a pillow and thought about how much she hated her city, her school, her life. Eventually sleep overtook her.
Chapter 15
Rachael stopped going to the gym and ignored every call from Ronnie. He texted her to ask if she was ok, to which, she lied and said she was still sick from prom night. She hardly spoke to her mother for the rest of the school year. On graduation day she couldn’t help but accept an awkward hug from her. Ronnie called and left her a few voicemails, she deleted them.
Most of her summer nights consisted of nothing. She’d take long walks sometimes, but that was it. Ronnie texted her in June and jokingly asked her if she was still alive. She replied that she was alive but just real busy packing and preparing for college.
Rachael sat at the kitchen table eating cereal on July 4th. Nikki entered the room, smiling politely at her.
“Remember next week is my cruise, so you’ll have the house to yourself. That’ll be nice, right?” Nikki asked. Rachael just nodded and kept eating her cereal. Her mother was going on a 10 day single’s cruise the following week. Rachael thought it was lame thing to do as that was the last summer her mother’s youngest child would be home before college, but she didn’t let it bother her too bad.
Rachael cried herself to sleep less and less as time went on. She was miserable but hopeful. In August she would drive up to Virginia to attend a school nearly 500 miles away. That made her happy. She had already packed and was looking forward to it.
“Uhn, uhn, oh yes!” Rachael grunted. She was squatting naked on her mother’s bed with one of her mom’s dildos in her pussy with another smaller one in her ass. She had dropped her mom off at the airport and had been home alone for about 15 minutes.
The next 8 days were a masturbator’s ultimate fantasy. Rachael didn’t leave the house, remaining naked the entire time. She managed to double stuff her pussy with two of her mom’s dildos while having a third embedded in her ass. Daily and nightly she would roll around on her mom’s bed, writhing with pleasure. She was thinking of Ronnie, crying herself to sleep, waking up, and cumming to thoughts of him again; this was the daily routine. She was attempting to resist calling him but she knew deep down she would.
With two days left before her mother returned home, Rachael broke down and called him. It was a Friday morning in mid-July and Ronnie didn’t have to work that day. He showed up with a big smile on his face especially since Rachael answered the door naked.
“Come in,” Rachael smiled, grabbing his hand. No other words were spoken as she led him to her bedroom and began to undress him. She was on her knees, pulling his shorts down unveiling his erect, massive cock. She moaned as she sucked and slurped all over it. She missed the taste, the smell, everything about it. She got up, pushing him onto her twin bed. He barely fit on the bed as she climbed on top of him, guiding his cock into her hungry pussy. She stared angrily in his eyes. The look of intensity made Ronnie a little nervous. She began to rock her hips back and forth; faster and faster she ground into him. She grunted and moaned for several minutes while gritted her teeth. She arched her back and squeezed her erect nipples. She howled in pleasure. Her body convulsed so much and so hard she thought she was going to pass out. When she was done, without saying a word, she got into a squatting position and began squatting up and down on Ronnie’s huge pole.
It was as though everything was moving in slow motion. Rachael bit her lower lip, her perky little tits bounced with her. The bed was rocking so violently that Rachael’s collection of stuffed animals in the mounted net in the corner above her bed broke. Ronnie moaned, unloading his cum inside Rachael, overflowing out of her pussy. She threw her head back, having an orgasm so powerful that she actually squirted vaginal fluid. She was crying out in ecstasy as random stuffed animals fell upon them whilst she was fucking this black man. It was signaling the last remnants of her childhood ending. The childhood she had been fucking away to oblivion with each pussy-contracting orgasm she had on Ronnie’s delicious black cock.
When it was over Rachael collapsed on Ronnie. He held her, running his fingers through her dark red hair.
“I, uh, I gotta clean up. My mom is coming home in a couple days from her trip and I gotta get the house spotless.” Rachael said after several minutes had passed as she lay there on Ronnie’s chest.
“Yeah, ok, cool. This was nice though.”
“Mmhmm,” Rachael replied. She sat up, politely smiling at Ronnie. He got up as well. She watched him dress then escorted him to the door as his semen oozed out of her – occasionally dripping onto the floor.
“Anyway, thanks again. I hope you have a good time at college. I’ll be around when you’re on holiday breaks if you want to hang out.” Ronnie said.
“Yeah, maybe so.”
“Ok great, well I’ll talk to you later,” Ronnie said, making his way to his truck.
“Goodbye Ronnie,” The woman said, closing the door.
Rachael went to her room, put on some pajamas, and started cleaning the house.
Chapter 16
Rachael said goodbye the last of her fellow students to leave from the group study session she was leading in her dorm room. She enjoyed being at college. Her professors were great and she had made a lot of friends. She was far away from her life in Charleston, far away from her mother, and far away from Ronnie.
After their last encounter in July, Rachael had cut all ties to Ronnie. She stopped texting or calling him. She had no idea if he was still living there or if he was still sleeping with Valerie. Every once in awhile she would think about him at night, but quickly push the thought of him out of her head. She was thriving. She felt confident and happy. She was making friends, people that she felt she’d be friends with for the rest of her life. She had even grown an inch and was an even 5 feet tall.
Rachael undressed and looked in the mirror; she smiled at her dyed brown hair. It was as close to her hair natural color as possible. She hopped in the shower. A few moments later her roommate, Nicole, arrived. “Knock, knock, can I come in?” She asked.
“Sure. Come on in,” Rachael called to her from the shower. The curtain flew open with Rachael’s blonde, taller, roommate standing there nude.
“You have a good weekend while I was gone?” Nicole asked, hopping into the shower, soaking her hair under the running water.
“Yeah, pretty good. The Alpha Psi house had a party, but it was lame. Just a bunch of drunks,” Rachael said.
“That does sound lame. It’s a good thing I’m back. Now you and I can rub our pussies together for the rest of the day,” Nicole joked, wrapping her arms around her friend, holding her tightly.
“Mmm baby. I think I’ll pass.” Rachael chuckled, grabbing Nicole’s butt then getting out of the shower.
“I’m going to wear you down one of these days, Rachael. I’ve picked you as the girl I want to experiment with. It’s only a matter of time before you give in!” Nicole called to Rachael from the shower.
“Aww, you’re sweet. But I gotta run!” Rachael laughed as she dried off and dressed.
Rachael smiled at various students on her way to the cafeteria. She had a couple hours before her next class so she figured she would eat lunch first.
“Hey Rachael, wait up!” Alex called to her. He was a somewhat lanky, geeky, red-headed guy from her study group. But he was very nice to her.
“Hi Alex, how are you?”
“I’m good. Hey thanks again for conducting that study group it really helps.”
“It’s no problem, I enjoy it and I’m glad it’s helping.”
Alex nodded and smiled. “I was, uh, wondering if you were busy Saturday night. I was thinking maybe we could go to dinner or something. Would that be ok?” Alex asked nervously.
“Sure, I’d love that!” Rachael replied enthusiastically.
“Really? I mean, ok, that’s awesome. I know a place we can go, it just opened the other week.”
“Sounds great, Alex. Why don’t you pick me up at six?”
“Yes! I mean, yeah sure. I can do that.”
Rachael chuckled, “Great, I’ll see you then.”
“Yep, see you then,” Alex said, awkwardly shuffling off.
Rachael checked the time on her phone. “Hey Alex!”
“Yeah?” He asked, jogging back to her.
“Have you eaten lunch yet?” Rachael asked.
“Uh, no I haven’t.”
“Ok well I have a little time before my next class. Would you care to join me?”
“Sure! I’d love to,” Alex replied.
“Great.” Rachael said with a smile as the two of them walked into the cafeteria together.
It was 12:41 pm on September 8th. Exactly one year had passed since Rachael collided with Ronnie at the gym.
The end.
***Feel free to read The Long Absence: Ted's Story to learn of what happened on Nikki's singles cruise.***
I went back to college in my mid forties and I met a young 19 year old who was very shy. Three years if multiple orgasms brought her out of her shell. We fucked practically everywhere we could. After graduating, she moved away and I began to run a new business. Three five years late she moved back to town and we connected. I hired he to work for me and we ended up rekindling our affair. A guy in his early 50's and young woman in her 20's. Does it get any better? She is a gorgeous redhead with huge breasts and a tight little ass that lives to dress in anything I pick out for her.
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