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A true story happened
I am writing a true story it happened with me. For me it’s a beautiful sexual experience I have it in my life but in the same time for many people it will be abnormal to get hard on your uncle wife, a relative woman and her kids are same age with me. I am 30 years old and my name is Ted and my uncle wife is 50 years old now and her name Lode and I still like her more than before and I wish if I can have her forever to spend the rest of my life with her.

I didn’t have a great pleasure with any woman in sex only with her, maybe because its abnormal to have a relation with your uncle wife but it`s life everything can be possible, you must enjoy your life.

It begin with me when I was a kid 14 years old, at this age I begin to discover myself and she was 34 years old when I begin to like her. Our house was near to my uncle house it took 5 minutes from our home, so in summer when no having school or studies I was going to my uncle house to play with her kids, they was one of them in my same age and one bigger than me (2 years old different) and the other was smaller than me (3 years old different) but from time to time we was all playing together.

Lode the wife of my uncle she have 3 boys. She was a housewife doesn`t work and my uncle was in military army and the most of his time he spent at work. She doesnt have sexy body, she was a normal classy lady. She was 175 cm and 72 kg. She was in everything normal and was having a white soft skin and a sexy white legs with beautiful cute toes never seen in my life like them, normal ass, a medium size of boobs (not very small and not too big), with a brown long hair.

She loved me and think of me like one of her kids. I was coming a lot to her house to spent all the day with her kids. Lode was always when was at home doing like usually housekeeping and cooking, she wear in her house a shirt and some days a T-shirt with a short but the t-shirts and the shirt wearing them always without a bra and having a big black nipples. they was huge nipples really and they was seeing very clearly from under the shirt. I know later she don’t like to wear a bra, because she disturb her but of course always her bra ready on the bed to put her when guest come to visit her house or any stranger maybe come suddenly. Only she took off her bra when she is alone or with her kids or with his husband and me and maybe her woman friends when they come visit her and I didn`t know if she wear a panties under the short when she is home too.

Lode was very obsessed in sexy shoes and her toes. She was visiting the beautician 1 time per week to do pedicure and manicure for her finger and toes they was always clean and cute and ready for licking, kissing and sucking , and every month she was buying a sexy shoes with high heel she was having a collection of sexy shoes in her locker.

When I went to her home to play with the boys my eyes were all the time on her because I see her different from the others. One time we was playing, I enter with her bigger son to her room to hide under her bed from her middle son, suddenly he left me the bigger son alone in her room and he run to the other room to hide from his brother to not catch him. So when I was under the bed they was next to me some of her sexy shoes, I approached supine because I was under the bed till my head was between them I put my nose on them and begin to smelt them and my small dick begin to get hard i felt that i want to kiss them and lick her shoes and suddenly the phone of her home is ringing so I stand up from under the bed quickly but I look to the box where she put her perfume I saw her black bra so I begin to thought if I smelt and kiss her bra too so before I leave her room because I was afraid and hesitating if anybody see me doing this, between yes or no if I do that, so I decide to kiss and smelt her bra so quickly and I left the room but my dick getting very hard. So I entered quickly to the bathroom and I closed the door and begin to masturbate and remember the smelt of her bra and her sexy shoes till it was an explosive when I cum.

From this day my sexual life is changed I begin to look to Lode a different look and begin to be crazy about her. When I look to another woman I begin to find something it may be like Lode and from this day I begin to be a fetish man and an obsessed on her toes. Every night when I am in bed I get hard and excited on her. I wish if I can touch her or kiss her or lick her only without fucking her. And every time I was going to her home if I have the chance to enter her room without anybody see me I do it quickly taking her bra and panties and shoes put them on my dick after I kiss and lick them and put my cum on them. And I still remember one time I was in 17 years old when I went to her home I was sitting with one of her kids downstairs, his girlfriend called her on the phone so when he was busy with her on the phone and the other kids wasn`t home and she was taking shower. She was having a master bedroom so the shower inside her room. I went to upstairs and I open slowly the door of her room a little bit to get a small view on her in the shower when she finished and of course without seeing me, so I wait to finish her shower and when she finished she went up from the shower and she sit on the bed take off her robe of shower and begin to put a crème on her legs and then she wear her panties and bra because she was going out. Oh my god It was the first time I see her all naked and this picture is in my mind till now, I go to the toilet and masturbate on her. She was like a Viagra for me. And one time they went (with my uncle and their kids) for a holiday three days out of the city so they let the key of their house with my parents so I took him and went to her house and run to her room spending all the day sleeping in her bed and masturbate on all her panties, shoes, bra and her tights. I still remembered I let my cum on them after I smelt and kiss and lick them and put them on my hard large dick to cum on them.

I begin in 14 years old like doing this till I was 24 years old I was dreaming all the time to have the chance to touch or kissing her or watching her again naked or just let me only suck and kiss and lick her beautiful feet and sometimes I dream that I took her and escape to married her and let her pregnant from me and fucking her all the time.

When I was 24 years old she was 44 years old so I decide one day to tell her about me but it was very risky for me and I was afraid from her reaction when I will tell her about me. So one day I took the risk to encourage myself and decide to call on her own phone. I told her that I want to see you and talk to you alone so which day you will be alone on your home? She think that want to tell her something about her kids she didn’t think that I want to told her about me and about my feelings. She told me you can come darling on Wednesday I am all the day alone from 8 am till 7 pm you can come at any time you want, so I will be home waiting you because on Tuesday I am alone too but I don`t know at what time i finish from the beautician, so when she told me I will be alone and waiting you darling and on Tuesday have a beautician, I feel very excited and hard because I imagine she is waiting me like usually wearing T-shirt without bra and short with a sexy shoes to make love with her.

When I called her it was Monday morning and from Monday till Wednesday I didn’t sleep and my large dick was all the time ready and hard for her. I wake up on Wednesday at 6, I didn’t slept all the night I was happy and afraid in the same time. I wake up took my coffee, doing shower and I went to her house. At 9:30 I was standing up in front of her house door, she was late to open the door and when she open the door and saw her, I felt crazy like someone gave me a Viagra, she was finishing shower and was wearing the same like usually a T-shirt without a bra and her big black nipples are seeing very well from under the T-shirt with a short and a sexy rock sandal and putting the color red on her finger and toes and her hair was wet too.

So when she open for me the door she told me I didn`t thought that you will come so early, you have a good chance that I just finished my shower or you will have to wait me one hour in front of my door or in your car to finish shower, but it seems you have something important to tell me my darling so come enter and close the door behind you. She ask me if I want a coffee or I want a breakfast I told her no just want to speak with you so we entered the sitting room I sit on the sofa and she sit in front of me but all the time I was looking in her legs and her feet and her nipples.

I start telling her that I insist to be alone me and you because what I want to tell you if you could please stay between us a secret, and I need from you a promise first that you will not get angry from me and you will not tell anybody so please promise me.

She said yes darling of course I promise you but tell me what the story is? you make me worried.

Then I told her don’t worry nothing happened and my story concerned me and you only.

She told me how me and you?

So I begin to tell her from I was a kid I loved you

She smiled and told me I love you too darling you are like one of my kids

I told her but I like you too (and I was shy) you are for me a sexy woman you are hot and excited.

She told me Ted stop talking like this with a small smile, you surprised me by telling I am sexy, I am a normal woman not sexy and then I am like your mother, I am older then you and the most important thing I am your uncle wife you should not think about me like this you are like one of my kids.

I told her yes I know it’s wrong and you are right but I am all the time excited on you and hard.

Lode said: ohhh my god what are you talking about Ted???

I told her I will tell you a secret when I was coming to your home I was entered to your room without anybody see me, taking your bra and panties and your shoes to masturbate and cum on them.

Lode said: ohh my god I don`t believed what I am listening Ted from you. I was wondering who make cum on my shoes and my underwear you was you Ted?? You know what Ted?? she told me, I was suspicion that you was doing this but was not sure in the same time because when you was in my home my underwear and my shoes are all wet.

I told her I am sorry I can`t do a control on myself I am crazy on you, I like you and love you too much.

She stand up and come to sit next to me with a small smiley face, she put one of her hand on one side of my cheek and kiss my other cheek and she let her hand on my cheek and looked in my eyes with a smiley face and said to me:

Ted you must stop thinking about me like this ok?? about what you did before, you was a small kid but now you are a big and handsome and good looking so you can meet a sexy beautiful girl or woman you don`t need to think about me. There are a lot of sexy beautiful girls go and meet them darling and forget me I am like your mom and older than you and I am your uncle wife and my kids are in the same age with you and I promise you i will keep this secret between us ok darling?

I told her please I will do whatever you ask me to do just let me kiss you or touch you or kiss your toes. I fall in love with them please let me do this it`s like a dream for me.

Ted she told me stop telling me that it`s abnormal and a sick to think about me.

I told her I promise to stop thinking about you like this but let me kiss you.

But I was very hard on her I didn’t control myself. I sit on the floor and I catch her shoes and let her be on the sofa on her back and begin to kiss and lick her shoes with the toes.

She was in this time telling me Ted please stop, what are you doing? Are you crazy? Please no stop it, don’t do this Ted.

But I begin to do this and nothing stop me I was feeling crazy and when she knew that I will not stoping this and begin to kiss and lick her shoes and toes and her legs, she knowed that she can`t stop me, she put her hand on her eyes and her tears begin to get down on her face and trying to stop me by telling me please Ted stop doing this we are doing a big mistake. I took off her shoes after I lick him and begin to lick and kiss her toes. Then I stand up and took off my jeans then my boxer and put my large dick between her toes. When she know I put my dick between her toes she cry oh my god what you did Ted? and her tears get down slowly on her face. I catch by my hands her feet and put them on my dick and let her feet play with my dick and kiss her legs in the same time, before I cum I wanted to open her T- shirt to see her boobs with the black big nipples to suck them but she didn`t let me, she was refusing. With tears on her face and one of his hand putting on her eyes because she don`t want to see me what I am doing, and telling me no please stop, it`s not enough for you what are you doing? don`t do more Ted, but after many trying and efforts she surrender from me and I opened her T-shirt and when I saw her boobs really I cumed directly and put them on her feet. When she knew I cum she felt them on her feet she covered her boobs and stand up and run to the shower to clean my cum from her feet. After I put my jeans on me I follow her to the bathroom to continue flirting or kissing her but she refused and telling me to go out, so when I saw her tears I was afraid I told her I will go but don`t get angry and mad from me please just remember I love you and i like you too much just dont let anyone know about us please.

She told me I beg you Ted to be a secret please between us what you did today.

I told her I love you and I promise you to keep this secret between us I like you too much Lode and I went.

At this time I let her and didn`t called her, but after 2 weeks I decide to call her it was Saturday morning to see if I can see her again because what it happened between us makes me want her more because I liked a lot what I did and I wish if i can do more and more with her.

So I called her she answered me it was normal but not like before I ask her if I can meet her again but this time not in your home I can come to take you out. She refused directly I told her nothing will happened I promise you, just let me meet you to apologize from you and to speak about what happened between us, to forget completely please let me pick you up and tell me which day you want. I don`t want in your house maybe someone see us and we don`t need troubles it more safety to go out. After a long conversation she accept finally and telling me on Tuesday don’t come to my home because I have an appointment with the beautician and I will finish at 10:30 so I will wait you there.

I was very happy and excited that she accept to see me again but I was having an idea in my head that I will reserve a room in hotel all the day on Tuesday without telling her because if she knows she will refused immediately. So on Monday I reserved a room in hotel far a little bit from our houses to take reserve from anybody see us together.

On Tuesday like usually I couldnt slept well, thinking all the time what I will do with her all the day in the hotel and how I will let her accept to go with me. At 10:30 I was waiting her in front of the salon. She was wearing a long robe till her knee. The robe was with buttons from up till down on the front I still remember this robe well and his color black and white. With a beautiful sexy summer shoes on her feet and like usually with red color on her feet and finger.

When she was at me on the car we didn’t speak 5 minutes with each other only hi, how are you? After 10 minutes when we was far from our houses I kissed her on cheek suddenly she look at me and tell me thanks Ted and ask me where we will go?

I told her don`t be angry but we must go to a place nobody see us together and I thought that a room in an hotel it will be more safety to speak with each other and feel comfortable and not afraid.

She said: Ted are you crazy to go with you in an hotel you will not speak to me in hotel when we will be alone, god help me it was wrong what we did in the first time so I will not let happened again and let me return in my home please.

I told her no but it’s very risky to stop the car on the street and speak like we are teenagers so please let we go to the hotel if anybody see us like this in the car or on the street it will be a big problem for us.

She said yes you are right because this story make me afraid and suddenly her tears begin to get down on her face and told me hope you are not lying on me so let we go and speak to finish from this and returned home please. So we entered to the parking of the hotel it was a parking underground and we took the elevator to the third floor and then we entered the room.

When we entered the room I close the door but I was feeling crazy on her I took her hand and let her face turned to me. When she turned and looked at me, she know it, what I will do. Her tears begin to get down because she know she can`t Withdrawal. I put my 2 hands on her head and I told her Lode I like you too much like a crazy and I start to kiss her on her lips but she was refused my kisses on her lips not responding. Then I stopped trying kissing her she put her hands on my hand telling me please Ted stop don`t do a big wrong we can`t do this it`s a shameful if you do this and her tears didn’t stop. I told her I can`t Lode I am crazy on you I kiss her hand and then i begin to open the buttons of her robe.

She cry and tell me no way oh my god don`t do this and put her hand in my hand but I continue to open them and I took him off she was standing up in front of me with only the underwear I dreamed many years to see her in front of me like this till I was shocked when I saw and was here my surprise. She was wearing a beautiful bra I never saw it in my life it was from the tights transparent like the tights of woman wear them on her legs and the color was a camel. I took off my t-shirt and I begin to kiss her bra then I took her off and I begin to lick her bra in front of her and she continue to ask me to stop doing this it was very excited then I took off my jeans and my underwear and when she saw my large dick, she cry and said omg what I am doing here. I put the bra on my hard large dick and begin to kiss and suck her boobs and specially her big nipples I dreamed on them many years and I took time sucking them.

I took her hand to sit on the bed and I approach to her my big large dick was in front of her face she turn her face and told me no I will not do this but I insist I put my two hands on her head and begin to put my hard dick on her lips and tell her Lode please help me by sucking me but she refused and tell me no and her lips closed. After many efforts she begin to kiss him slowly and then lick him and after she begin to suck him (I think she was excited and weak when she saw my dick on her lips) and oh my god can`t tell about this feeling when she begin to suck my large dick but I really didn`t wait long time to cum because It was an amazing suck she really suck very good and when I cum I didn’t let her take him off from her mouth because I was putting my hands on her head I cum inside her mouth till I finish was an explosive inside her mouth.

Then she run to the bathroom to wash her mouth from my cum, I follow her and took her to the shower to take it together, under the shower. She was telling me Ted darling it`s enough please stop it, but I was insisting to continue I took her panty off was like a very small short and was from fabric lace white color and I took her sexy summer shoes after I kissed and licked them.

Under the shower I kiss and lick her all, it was the first time for me to kiss her all and I focus on her ass I kiss and I lick her slot of her ass and it was the first time for me to kiss a slot of ass for a woman in my life and I didn`t focus in her pussy and above of her pussy she was shaved him well, but she was designed a beautiful drawing by the brown hair of her pussy. I cum second time on her ass after flirting with her under the shower I liked her ass a lot.

She was crying after the shower and she want to begin dressed her clothes but I gave her a hug and didn`t let her get dressed by telling her Lode I love you like a crazy and I like you too much and I think you love me too and you like me more, you are weak in front of me too like as I am in front of you so please don`t deprive me from you.

She told me Ted you are exploit me that I am weak in front of you, it`s enough please about what you did today so let we go. I told her for me I will not be enough from you all my life. Than I let her sleep in bed in her back naked. My dick was all the time hard on her, like I took a viagra. I begin to kiss and lick her all from her lips than to her boobs, nipples and was the first time I kiss and lick her pussy till her toes than I was chocked about what she ask me to do when I was sucking her toes she told me and her tears didn`t stop. Ted you can do it if you want. I think to tell me to fuck her she was very excited and she want that too. I didn`t believed what I heard from her. So I begin to put my dick in her pussy and suddenly she put her hand on my dick and told me can I trust on you darling?

I told her if you want me to die I will die for you, never ask me this and than she took off her hand from my dick and I put him in her pussy and begin to fuck her. She was cute when I was fucking her she was closing her eyes and still her tears get down with a cute small voice ahhh ahhh ahhhh and turn her face right and left with closing her eyes and one of her hands in my head and cheek and the other on my back.

Than she told me don`t put them inside me darling. So I ask her if I can put them on her boobs and nipples and in the same time fucking her. Se told me yes you can darling do what ever you want to do, and she continue to do the cute voice ahhh ahhh but I fuck her in one position she was under me sleeping on her back and was opening her white legs and putting them up.

Then when I feel I want to cum I took him off and put him between her boobs and took her hand to play with my dick to cum. I put them between her nipples and begin to kiss her on her mouth she was responding me this time in kisses.

She get shower when we finish and tell me please take me home I don`t want to be late to return home. I pick her up to her home and when we was on the road in my car she told me ted don`t never tell any body about what happened between us please.

To be continued.


2018-04-29 11:34:08
Its a pretty bad attempt, making up words like "Lode" isn't too clever but as a piece written by a sex starved camel jock who has never had sex with a woman I suppose its a reasonable guess, but hey do some research or maybe write about what you know like gay sex with your uncles or fucking camels maybe. How do you fuck a Came? Don't tell me I don't want to know.

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-05-14 23:31:32
I remember being in the big "Sandbox", blowing you sandniggers away was the most fun I've ever had. Unfortunately I didn't come across you, otherwise I wouldn't have been trying to read this shit. That's alright, not to worry pigfucker, I'm deploying next month again. Watch your back camel jockey, I have a nice pigskin I'm going to wrap you in. Let me assure you, there isn't going to be a hundred virgins waiting on you either!!

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-05-14 21:29:51
I wonder if you sound like a retard when you talk? You certainly do when you write fucking shit stain.

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-05-11 05:33:53
What kind of lame-ass dogshit is this anyway?? There are so excited a matures on here that do a halfway better job than this. And this was in piss-poor taste....

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-05-10 15:05:33
One of the worst attempts at writing that I have read yet.
Just hottible formatting and poor spelling are enough to make anyone stop reading this garbage. Haven't you ever heard of PROOF-READING and EDITING your crap BEFORE posting?

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