In which a teacher explains that she loves younger girls, willing or not!
I'm 42, divorced, and have a great daughter who's going to start her senior year in high school in a few days. Great, right? Well, I teach algebra at the school, and she can't be in my class, so she's on her own. I'm sure she'll ask for help if she needs it, because that's what I do, help the students as best as I can. I also use the students for my hobby.
Seducing, if not outright raping hot girls.
Shocked? Don't be. I go both ways, and finding a great guy isn't as easy as you might think. I am divorced with a daughter, after all. So after the divorce, I resigned myself to being a bit lonely, until I realized that a whole host of attractive young ladies were at hand. Sure, there's a few that will certainly be dykes, but the hard core dyke isn't what I like with women. I like them feminine, sweet and hotter than hell. Risky? Yes, but the rewards are worth it. I'm careful, I choose one girl, usually of the exact same type every year, go forward with my plan, and then get rid of her at the end of the year. No, nothing permanent, just cut them loose and have a fun summer, and then pick a new one at the start of the school year. It's worked very well, and I have some outrageous sex as a result.
How do I do it? I pick the right type. High school girls are very self conscious, and very emotional, and I use that. The type is easy to spot, short on confidence, short on friends, short on self-esteem, and preferably geeky and nerdy. I'm like Henry Higgens, I can take that and mold them into hot little sex kittens and then have a great time with them.
I'm also not stupid, I do nothing at my home, I use a friend's place. She owns a lovely home that has a mother-in-law cottage. She lets me use it in exchange for some nice pics of my little playthings. She prefers college girls who only pretend to be teenagers, but loves to see the real thing from time to time. How on earth can I get away with it if I have to force the girl? Easy, so very easy. My word vs. hers. If she's lacking in confidence, I know I can convince her that it's hopeless. I'm good at this. Maybe it's sick, but I just don't fucking care. I get lots of hot pussy. Lots, and I love it!
School starts, and I start to look over my targets. There's a quite a few hotties this year, and many of them will provide masturbation fodder if nothing else. I settle on three likely targets and start to investigate further. Half the time, my own daughter provides info without having any idea why. One is a sweet, and adorable Asian girl, who is clearly worried about her grades from Day One. She's got domineering parents is my guess, and her desire for superb grades rubs girls the wrong way, and so she appears to have few friends. The next is a plain jane type who has no fashion sense whatsoever and is quite awkward, my experienced eye can see that a bit of work, she'll be a knockout, but she has zero confidence in her looks at all. I'm guessing she has no female role model around, possibly living with a father that couldn't care less. The next is a bit more of a challenge as she appears to be sort of a Goth type, but doesn't have the attitude. Wants to be the cool, disaffected loner type, but doesn't have the guts to go for it. All three have great potential. I just have to decide which one I really want to get naked with and set my plan in motion.
I settled on Evie, the plain jane type. She had my class last, which made it very easy to befriend her. She was the last to get up and leave, making it incredibly easy.
"Evie? Have you got a few minutes?"
"Sure. Uh, what's up?" she asked shyly.
I gave her a big smile.
"Oh, nothing serious, just wanted to see how you like the class so far, and how you think you're doing, stuff like that."
She looked thrilled that I even asked. Perfect!
"Well, I love the class, you're a great teacher, you make it, uh, fun somehow."
"Good to hear, but how do you think you're doing so far?"
She looked downcast.
"Well, I like the class just fine, but I don't know. Algebra isn't easy for me. Sometimes I get sort of…lost in it?"
I gave her my best big smile.
"Well, if you ever need any help, just ask. I do plenty of tutoring after classes. I'd be thrilled to sit down with you and help you if you need it. I love to help my students do their best!"
She looked amazed.
"Really! Just let me know, and we'll set up a session."
"C-c-could we set one up now?" she stammered.
"Certainly! I have none going right now due to the school year being so new, so any day of the week works for me."
"Um, would tomorrow work?"
"Of course, dear. I have a few things to do right after class, but we can meet up at 4:30?"
"Uh, yeah, that would be great. Meet you here?"
"No, sweetie, meet me at my office. I'll give you the address."
I wrote it down for her and gave her directions and she was happy as could be. She showed some brains in class, but she obviously had no street smarts or any idea what a conniving bitch I was!
The next afternoon, she showed up at my secluded studio and I got right to work. Oh, yes, I'd also gotten out of my rather plain attire that I wear to class and gotten into a pair of short shorts that showed my legs off to their best advantage. I also had a barely there tank top on. I keep in very good shape, and I'd see if she noticed my different look. She did.
"Your place is nice, and uh, wow, you look so different than you do in class."
I smiled.
"I hope that's a compliment, then."
She looked guilty.
"Um, well, yes, I guess in class you have to follow rules as far as wearing, um, stuff that, uh, looks kind of…um, pretty. Or sexy."
This girl was going to be sooo easy.
"Well, gosh, thanks! I try to look my best. You look really nice, too!"
She blushed immediately. I'd bet no one had ever complimented her before.
We went through the basic help she needed, and then we started talking. I was right, no mother, and a barely there father conspired to keep her woefully uneducated as far as being cool, stylish or sexy. We even got into the "talk" stage as he hadn't really even given her much info there, and she seemed mighty grateful for it. She was starting to give me some hero-worship vibes, which was perfect.
After we talked for a good bit, it was time to toss her out, and not all that gently. I wanted her to feel like spending time with me was a privilege. She looked a bit hurt when I asked her to leave, but I made sure to give her a warm hug that lasted a few seconds too long to be 100% pure of motive, and she seemed to love it, feeling reassured by the human contact.
I headed for home and hopped in the shower and masturbated furiously, and well, not only did I fantasize about Evie, but Danni, who was my daughter's BFF crept in there a bit. She's a total knockout, but that's a project that may take a lot more time to develop.
My daughter and I had a nice dinner, and a normal night, and we headed to bed. Next morning was uber normal, but in between second and third periods, I saw Evie going by during break, and she gave me a big wave. Several of the "cool" girls gave her some shit for it, which was exactly what I wanted. In class, she kept looking at me, and gave me a huge smile when the knowledge I'd given her yesterday came into play and she got a point in the game the class was using to build their familiarity with their subject.
After class, I wasn't surprised at all by her lagging behind, and sure enough, she wanted to talk. She felt she needed more help, which I was happy to give her. An hour later, we were at my place and I changed again, (to feel more comfortable in the September heat, you know), and this outfit was even more revealing. Her eyes bulged a bit when I came out of the bedroom. I smiled at her and offered a snack, which she eagerly accepted.
The algebra went well, and the talk even better. Apparently her father wasn't big on spending money on her. I, of course sympathized with her, and made soothing noises, which reassured her I was definitely on her side. After a bit more talk, I asked her if she'd mind coming along to the store with me as I had a few errands to run, and after all, I could give her a ride home as well. She'd had to take the bus the other day.
We got to the store and I picked up a few simple items, and I saw her hungrily eye a few cosmetics. She wore very, very little makeup, and without her telling me, I knew it was something her father didn't spend much on. I knew she did a small amount of babysitting for spending money, and it seemed like and excellent in for me.
"What do you think of this color?" I asked.
She loved it, and when I expressed an interest in seeing it on her as well as myself, she got a dreamy, far away look as she tried on various things. She was pretty enough without it, but the makeup gave a bit more sexiness to her look, especially to her eyes. I complimented her again, and she smiled, but then looked sad, my perfect opportunity.
"Tell you what, let's get this for you. I know you like it, and it looks great on you!"
"But…you can't just buy that for me?"
I smiled.
"Yes, I can. It's not that expensive, and it'll make you feel nice. Good bargain in my book."
"You don't have to….."
"I want to. There's the difference. I think you need a confidence boost, and a few dollars worth of makeup is a small price to pay to see you with your head held high."
She hugged me tight.
"Thank you so much…I don't get a lot of people who want to see me happy."
"Well just count on me as one of them who really wants to see you happy."
I dropped her off, and she hugged me again. So easy, so, so, easy.
Of course, she'd done some experimentation, and found a solid look for herself with it the next day. She looked good, and for once, some of the snotty girls seemed to give her a bit of respect. Once again class, she did well, but at the end, she missed something and I had to correct her. In front of everyone. The look on her face was priceless. I knew she'd come begging for more help. She did, and this time, after the help, we talked a LOT more, and I knew that everything was working perfectly.
I dropped her off, and then at home I couldn't help myself. My fingers slid under my panties, and gently brushed my wet pussy lips, and I slipped a finger in just a bit, just enough to get me warmed up and then I fingered myself furiously for a few moments, and then rubbed my clit with the one hand while the other squeezed my nipples, it wasn't as good as having some hottie suck on them, but it felt good either way! I imagined what it'd be like to have Evie naked with me, and have her beautiful mouth sucking my tits, and it was a glorious fantasy, and as it built, my fingers had done what I'd desired, and I came with a loud moan just as she got to licking me in the fantasy!
Damn. I'd soaked myself. Oh well, nothing to be done but a shower, but certain noises told me my daughter was home. She wasn't alone, Danni was with her. Yowza. Danni was wearing an incredibly short plaid skirt, that showed off her tanned and toned legs, and a crop top that did nothing to hide her solid breasts. Perky and bouncing high, she had an amazing body, and I knew what I wanted to do with it, but that would have to wait. I needed to clean up.
Once in the shower though, I couldn't help myself, Danni entered my thoughts, and I wondered how sweet her pussy would taste, my daughter had informed that she was a neat freak that was huge on hygiene, and that's something I love in a girl, so I kept thinking how delicate and sweet her taste and scent would be, and once again, my fingers wandered, but in the shower, I had something else, My trusty eight inch dildo. I'd used it extensively on myself, and I'd popped a few cherries with it. Maybe it'd pop Danni's if she hadn't already given it up, but I knew that it'd be the first thing to ever penetrate Evie!
In and out, with a steady motion, I fucked myself, while dreaming of having Evie wearing the strap on harness, and Danni's sweet pussy on my face, forcing me to lick her until she came, and the two of them teasing me, pushing me, driving me to the brink of madness with their constant thrusting and pounding, and Danni grinding her pussy onto my face, yelling at me to suck her dry, and I couldn't take anymore and I came with a vengeance, but kept thrusting, giving myself three or four more orgasms! As the sensations subsided, I realized I'd been a bit vocal, but hoped it hadn't
been noticed.
The next afternoon Evie once again needed help, but this time I took her to a restaurant and bought her a nice meal afterward, and then a trip to the mall. She protested, but couldn't stop me from buying her a simple skirt and blouse set that looked nice on her, and then I bought her a moderately priced pair of shoes and tights to go with it that looked great on her. She hugged me again, and cried a little, which was just what I wanted, and I knew I was close.
As she entered my place, I couldn't believe how good she looked in her new outfit, and with her hair having had some effort put into it, and her new makeup, she was looking very hot, and I knew today was going to be my first taste of her.
The tutoring went well, but the inevitable talk went even better, and as I was behind her chair, I reached down to massage her shoulders. Innocent enough, but the tiny shiver of fear was thrilling. She wanted my touch, but wasn't sure about it. I continued and did nothing other than a gentle shoulder massage, and she relaxed a bit and made an appreciative sound as I worked her.
"You're soooo tense, you're too young to be so worried about everything!" I laughed.
"It's….not easy being a teenager." she countered.
"No, it's not, but it's not all bad. You've got…people who care about you…."
Another shiver? Delightful!
"And you're quite a lovely girl, you know. Surely that can't be a bad thing?"
Another shiver? I realized I was starting to get wet!
"Well….." she said lamely.
Time for the first move, I reached down and gently puled her hair back and kissed her neck. Another shiver, but no jump, no words, just…anticipation. My right hand fell further down, and I caressed her breast with it, ever so gently.
"You shouldn't…."
"I shouldn't what? Show you I care? Surely not. I shouldn't make you feel better?"
I kissed her neck again and continued with her breasts, bringing my other hand to caress her left breast. They were firm, and tight, just the way teenage tits ought to be, and I savored the feel of them in my fingers, knowing that only a few layers of cloth separated me from her sweet skin.
"Is this…right? It feels good, but…I don't know….."
"Do you care about wrong and right? Or do you care that someone who cares about you very much wants to make you feel good? I can, and will make you feel good."
"But I'm not sure…it seems…somehow….maybe…"
"Don't worry about it, " I purred, "you'll feel good, and that will make me feel good, that I pleased you..what's the harm in that?"
"None, I guess…"
I continued for a bit, caressing those sweet tits, and kissed her neck, and ran my fingers through her hair, and finally turned the chair to face me, and I kissed her full on the lips. Gently at first, and no tongue, but light, sweet pecks of seemingly innocent kisses on her lips, and then she responded by kissing back.
It was glorious, tasting her lips, and we kissed back and forth for a moment, but then I took her hand, and she got up and I led her to the couch. No bedroom yet, it wasn't time, but we sat down together, and continued making out, our tongues darting in and out of each other's mouth, tasting and savoring her sweet lips, and letting her passion build, as my hands were merely holding her. It was time to make a move, and I slid my left hand down and caressed her leg, and once again, I felt the tiny shiver of fear, and it almost drove me to orgasm by itself!
I moved my hand a bit, and then I ventured further up, caressing the inside of her thigh, through the silky tights, and the shiver became an agitation, and she started to try to pull away. I reached again, and caressed her damp pussy through the tights, and she pulled away again, but this was not going to stop me.
"No, please, don't do that…."
"Why not? you'll like it, I know you will, it'll make you feel sooooo good, I want you to feel good, I need you to feel good, and you need to feel good, trust me, sweetie, it'll be OK…"
A little apprehension, a tiny shiver of fear, and again she tried to pull away, but I'm much stronger than she is. I kept kissing her and held her tight with my right arm, while my left hand got in there and started stroking her pussy, it was wonderfully wet already, and I wondered if her reluctance was due to her being wet?
"Ohh, yessss, nice and wet, I knew you'd like this, I knew you would, let yourself enjoy the moment….it'll feel so nice for you…trust me…"
She started kissing back again, and her reluctance faded, and my fingers intensified, and I fingered her clit through the fabric, and she started to shake a bit, which got me even hotter, and I knew how to get her off, and I slipped my hand under the waistband of her tights and panties, and slipped a finger into her by now soaking wet pussy, and applied my experienced fingers directly to her clit, and it only took a minute before she erupted with a loud groan! I wasn't going to let her off that easily, and kept at it, and in only another minute or so, I'd gotten her off twice more. She gasped out her last orgasms, and shuddered for a minute before collapsing in my arms and crying.
I let her cry for a few minutes before I pulled her chin up and kissed her gently.
"Hey now, it's okay, you just had a couple of good orgasms there. It was a pleasure to make you feel good."
"But I didn't want to…you wouldn't stop…." she sobbed.
"Oh, but you did like it, I can tell, and really, it felt so good, I'll bet nobody has ever done that for you, have they?"
"No, but, I wasn't ready, I didn't want it…"
"And now you know what it's like to have great orgasms? Sounds like a bargain in my book. We didn't do anything that hasn't' been done for centuries, you need someone who cares about you, and I do, and you need to feel good about yourself, and I know that felt good for you…so what's the big deal? I'm good enough to be your friend, your teacher, and get you things, but I'm not supposed to please you? I'm not supposed to show you I care by making you feel soooo good? Evie, you're an incredibly beautiful girl, and I can tell you're lonely, you don't have much for friends, and you're upset over me showing you I care about you? I just don't get it."
She stopped sniffling.
"You…really care? About me? Like that?"
I kissed her gently.
"Of course I do. I wouldn't have done what I did if I didn't."
"But you're my teacher, and…."
"You're a student, so what? There are a lot of stupid rules out there. I don't obey them all, and neither should you. You found someone who can make you not be so lonely, when it's your heart, do the rules really matter anymore?"
"I suppose not….but I don't think I'm…a…well…"
"You're not a lesbian? Well, good, neither am I."
She looked stunned.
"Yes, a woman can like both boys and girls in this world. So can boys, too, come to think of it. Being bisexual is fun. Maybe I'll be here for you and you'll meet some handsome jock, or maybe I'll meet some great guy, but we can still be there for each other. Make each other feel good, it doesn't have to define us for a lifetime. It's pleasure and affection, and I won't feel bad or apologize for it."
"But you do care for me…like that?"
I ran my fingers through her hair.
"Of course I do, you're very sweet, and incredibly pretty, who wouldn't?"
She frowned.
"Lot's of people. Like all the guys."
"Just haven't met a good one. Don't worry about it. And besides, that kind of good feeling? It's harmless, with no bad repercussions like sleeping with a guy can give you."
"You mean I can just….relax..and enjoy that?"
"Yep…by the way, I enjoyed it quite a bit, myself…"
"um, I'm kinda messy right now, can I clean up?
"I need it myself, bathroom's right over there, let me get you a few things."
She headed into the bathroom, and I went to the bedroom and did a little digging. I don't live there, I just use it for good sex, but I had some stuff there, and I found a clean pair of panties and a set of tights for her. I passed them to her in the bathroom and she seemed quite grateful. She cleaned up in a few and I simply tossed my panties in the hamper and went commando after some tidying up.
I drove her home with my hand on her knee, and she didn't object. I pulled her close and kissed her at a few stoplights, and she had no problem with that, either, so I made sure to invite her back to more tutoring tomorrow, and she shyly said she would be there. I dropped her off and headed for home, where, damn it, my daughter and Danni were goofing around, and Danni had a pair of yoga pants on that hid nothing, and clearly she had no underwear on! So it was into the shower again, but this time, I fantasized about pumping Danni with a massive dildo, and just loving the feeling the strap on gave me against my pelvis, and the pleasure balls I'd have in while I fucked her pussy hard, and I came in a very short time!
Hmmm, I wonder if I could sound Danni out on a little sapphic pleasure.
"OK, you two, am I feeding both of you?"
This was never an issue as my daughter ate at her house just as often.
"Um, yeah, what are having?"
"Pizza, and don't forget to order the breadsticks and such, OK? NO peppers, either!"
They both giggled, and ran off to order it. We decided to throw some movies on, and to help sound Danni out, I picked a flick with some lesbian subtext to see how she'd react. Much to my surprise, she was very cool with it, and I caught her fingering herself just a tiny bit when she thought no one was looking. Aha!
We finished up for the night, and Danni drove home and I had a chat with my daughter about the movie. We always discuss any films we see.
"So what did you think of it?"
She thought for a minute.
"Good, but are you trying to send a message or something?"
"No, not at all, I'd heard good things about it though."
"Oh, ok, however, did you notice Danni got really into it?"
Oh yes.
"Yeah, she seemed to be into the movie pretty deep, but she's straight, right? Not that there's an issue if she isn't, you know that."
"I thought she was, mom, but I dunno…"
"Yeah, this year there's been more than a few guys chasing her, and she's ignoring all of them."
"Ever give you any hints that she goes the other way?"
"Nah, I think she's just picky. If I looked as good as she does, I could afford to be."
"Now Nicole, you're gorgeous, if the guys aren't smart enough to see it, that's on them, not you."
"Thanks, mom, but I know I don't look like she does, it's a fact, but oh well."
We chatted a bit more, and then headed to bed, but Danni wouldn't leave my thoughts. Her flawless body was amazing, and the thought of licking her sweetness until she screamed was intoxicating. I wondered if she'd need any tutoring in algebra?
Next day, Evie seemed fine in class, but didn't show. I wasn't worried about her telling anyone, that wasn't in her makeup. I wanted to know what was going on, but no luck. Next day I held her after class.
"OK, you tell someone you're going to be someplace and then you don't show? I put aside my free time to help you, and you ignore me? That's not very nice."
She looked stricken.
"I wanted to come, but I was afraid…."
"Of what?"
"What might happen…if you and I…"
"Really? I thought I'd made it clear that you didn't have to worry. I care about you, and want to help you and make you feel special, and that's not such a bad thing it?"
She looked miserable.
"But if I wasn't sure….and if you did the same stuff…and…well, I was worried…"
"Worried that someone cared about you? Worried that you have someone in your life who will never hurt you? Who will care about you, treat like the princess you are, and teach you new things to help you learn to love life and love yourself? Sounds pretty horrible, doesn't it?"
"No, no, I don't mean that, but I'm afraid…"
"Once again, of what? Tell me like a woman would, not a scared little girl."
"What if…I like it…so much that I don't ever want a man?"
I laughed.
"Then that's that, and it's your life to lead as you desire. I told you that this doesn't make you a lesbian, one way or the other, I'm only helping you expand your horizons, as it were. I'm betting you won't though, and some day you'll meet some hunky dude that will get you all hot and bothered, and you'll find that you have room in your life for both. Twice as many opportunities for dates, look t it that way!"
Relief flooded her face.
"So…then it won't be set in stone, then?"
"Goodness no, but you'll have a lot of fun..I'll make sure of that."
She smiled at me and asked if she could get a ride over.
We got to my place and actually settled in for some algebra, and got that out of the way, and then I started the same way, buy kissing her neck gently. She responded, and got up to face me and we started kissing deeply, and passionately and I led her into the bedroom, where both lay down and started getting some intense making out. That was fine, I love making out, but it was time to teach her that pleasure was a two way street, so I stood back up and pulled her to her feet.
"Undress me, please?" I asked her softly.
She shyly undid the zipper of my skirt and it slid to the floor, revealing my sheer tights and lacey underwear, and then she pulled my blouse off over my head to reveal the barely there bra I had on. She fumbled with it for a minute before she figured out the front snap, but she got there OK, and my breasts fell free. I'm 42, but I keep in shape, and my 34 C's are still toned and tight. She looked at them with wonder in her eyes before I gently pushed her face to them, and she got the hint and kissed my left nipple, and then the right, and then she looked up at me.
"Suck, them, baby, ever so gently…I don't like the rough stuff.."
She started to suck on them softly, and while she was a newbie, she understood gentle and soft, and did fine on them.
"Mmmmm that feels so good, sweetie, so very good, but let's sit back down, I want you to do something for me. I'll sit down, and you sit behind me, with your legs and arms around me."
We got into position and then she wrapped her arms around me and I reveled in the warmth of of her body, and then I told her.
"I know you've never done it, but do what I did for you…you really can't do it wrong, just make me feel good."
She gently moved her fingers to my pussy, and she realized I shave mine, and her fingertips gently caressed me, as I spread my legs a bit, and she carefully ran her fingers across my lips.
"I know, it's hard to see from there, but you should be able to feel a woman's body, it's a wonderful thing to know…"
She slipped a fingertip into me, and I enjoyed the soft touch, and she rubbed the lips a bit, which was enough to get me a little wet.
"Now I'm getting wet, like you did, and it's nothing to be afraid of, it's part of the pleasure, rub me a bit and then bring your fingers to my lips."
She did so, and then I sucked her fingers as sexily as I could and I felt her breathe hard as I did it, and then she knew without me telling her what to do next. She rubbed my lips again, with more intensity, and slipped her finger in and out of my wet little muffin and I let out a soft gasp of pleasure, as she was doing just fine. She lifted her hand to her lips and sucked the fingers and let out an appreciative murmur.
"You see? Women taste incredible…"
She kept at it, and started kissing the back of my neck, and reaching around to kiss my cheek, and I turned to let our lips brush across each other. She used her left hand to work my pussy, and her right to caress my breasts, and softly tweak my nipples which felt fantastic. She was really doing well for a beginner. However, every girl discovers how good her clit feels, and when she's working with a woman for the first time, it's an easy thing to do, she caressed it, rubbed it, and pinched it, and kept going back and forth along with starting to pinch my nipples, and I know my orgasm is close.
She now times herself, my nipple and my clit are pinched at the same time, once, twice, and with the third, I erupt in pleasure!
Again and again, and yet again, and I have come three times at this girl's hand!
I arch my back as my pleasure expends itself, and then collapse back against her.
"Baby, that was incredible, I came soooo hard for you…"
She giggled softly.
"Then I did okay?"
"Mmmmmhmmm, very okay, now taste me, lick your fingers clean, one hand for you, one for me."
She brought her hands up and I sucked her fingers to a spotless state, and she appeared to be doing ok on her own.
I turned to face her, and smiled.
"Now it's your turn…which of one of the most enjoyable things you'll ever hear from a woman, trust me."
She giggled again.
She was still clothed, so slipped her shoes off, and tossed them aside, and helped her get her skirt and blouse off to reveal a new set of lingerie, not as sexy as I would put her in, but an improvement from what she would normally wear.
"Very nice, the pale pink looks good on you."
She smiled warmly in appreciation of my compliment, but I really wanted to see her body up close and personal!
I pushed her back onto the bed and we started kissing hotly, as she appeared to have ignited, passion-wise, and it felt so good to taste her wet lips and tongue as they darted back and forth in my mouth and mine danced in hers. As I said, I love making out. We kept at it for a few minutes and then I carefully undid her bra to reveal her lovely breasts. A solid and firm B cup, with lovely puffy nipples, which are my favorite kind! I took one in my mouth and kissed it, licked and sucked it, before gently biting down on it and being reward by a small squeak.
"Liked that, did ya?"
"I just…never knew…but with your body…I know now…"
I switched sides and sucked the other, and she made more noise to show me she approved of her nipples being sucked and bitten, some day, there'd be clamps on them, but that was in the future, no rush, simply a good old fashioned titty sucking and licking!
I work her for a good twenty minutes and she is loving it, but there's a goal for sure, and it's the sweet spot between her legs. I kiss my way down and gently spread her legs, but she pulls them back together! That won't do so I use a little more force and push them apart and go in and she tries to push them back together, but I'm too far in and I bury my nose into her wet pussy. She's trimmed it a bit is my guess, but she's not real good with her razor, but she'll get there, as I like them smooth as a silk, and I lick deeply and she is writhing, and trying to pull away, but I won't have it!
I start licking her deeply, and gently suck on her lips and she moans loudly as the pleasure begins to hit her, and my tongue darts in and out of her dripping slit. She's totally soaking, and she tastes delightful, which I love, and I lick her all over, getting as much of her taste as I can, and she is still trying to pull away!
I reach up and grab onto her hips, and pull her back to me, and she whimpers that she isn't ready for it, but I don't care, I want that sweet muffin, and I'll have it! I work her back and forth, and drive my tongue deeply, and then settle onto sucking and licking her clit, and she is now making noises of regret mixed with pleasure, and I am so happy! She knows I'll do as I please, and that may bother her, but the pleasure I'm giving her is too much for her to resist!
I use my considerable skills and love her sweet box for close to twenty minutes and she is twitching and turning, and bucking, so it's time to get her off and I concentrate on her clit, and suck it as hard as I can, and then gently nibble on it, and she's darn near having convulsions! Harder, harder, and harder still, while my fingers play her lips and she erupts with a massive gush! A squirter!!! I can't believe it! So I go again and again, and again still and she bursts out with every intense orgasm! After six or so, I let up and she collapses to the bed with a gasp. She screamed, she shouted and she had a wonderful time of it, but how will she react?
"My goodness, I had no idea you got that kind of wet, baby, I should have had a rubber sheet underneath!"
She looked hurt and wounded.
"Why? I said I wasn't ready! You just….did it, even if I didn't want it. Why?"
I kissed her deeply, and she responded after a minute or two with her tongue. I knew she was mine, and I pulled away after a bit.
"You didn't want that? Right. You came like six or seven times, screaming and yelling like a wanton little vixen, you loved every second, and you KNOW you did. I did it because it felt good, and you need to have orgasms like that, they make life so much better, and as for me, feel my pussy, little lover, and it's soaked! I had one or two tiny ones just getting you off! We both had a lovely time, so don't snivel at me what you want or didn't want. You need that sort of pleasure, and I'm the woman to give it to you!"
"I…just…didn't expect…."
"Expect to have a good time with me, even if you think you don't want to. Your body knows best, and it had an amazing time, let it be your guide and stop worrying so much."
"I'm so…messed up…why do you want me?"
I looked at her.
"Because you're gorgeous, smart and wonderful to be around, why else?"
"You really…think I'm wonderful…really?"
"Yes, baby, I do. I wouldn't go down on you like that if I didn't think you were great."
"Wow…that's just…amazing…."
"And so are you."
With that I started kissing her again, and my fingers found her still soaked pussy and I got her going again in only a few minutes, and I flicked her clit roughly, to get her off faster, and she erupted with a shriek in minutes!
"Now see what I can do for you baby?"
"I do see it…mmmm…"
We cuddled for a bit, and then jumped into the shower together and scrubbed each other clean with some giggling and laughter, and then after we got ourselves clothed, I took her to a mall and got her a few more clothing items as well as some nice lingerie. Sexy, but not too sexy. She wasn't ready to be my total slut yet.
The next day I was prepared for her to bail out of fear, and she of course, did. Next day, after class, I confronted her.
"You didn't show for your tutoring. Why not?"
"I thought a lot about it, you just ignored me when I wanted you to stop. Why? You say you care and then you ignore what I want?"
Good! A little anger.
"What you want? You don't know what you want yet, that's the problem, and I told you, your body knows what it wants and needs, and you should listen to it! There's a lot of guys and girls who would love to be with me, but I ignore them for you, because I'm so drawn to you, and you ignore me when you say you'll be there? How fair is that to me? If you don't want to be with me, or have me help you, say the word, and I'll be out of your life so fast you won't have time to blink. I'll just ignore you and treat you like shit, like the rest of the girls do. That what you want?"
In a small voice she muttered "No."
"Then be sensible! Are you going to make it today, or do I have to just give up on you, like everyone else does?"
She looked terrified at that prospect, which was exactly what I wanted.
"No, no, I'll be there, I promise!"
"Good, I'll even give you a ride over."
The ride was short and sweet as I held her hand softly. Once we got inside though, there was no pretense of studying as I basically dragged her into the bedroom, and the clothes came flying off. This time though, it was her turn to make me feel good!
"Time for your lesson, baby, you're gonna lick my pussy until I come!"
She looked worried at the prospect of going down on me.
"You're gonna do it, sweetie, you know you will, if I have to climb up on top of you and force you to eat my pussy, you will, it won't be nearly as comfortable that way, so be smart and do it like I showed you, okay?"
I spread my legs expectantly and waited for her. She surprised me by climbing up and kissing me a bit, which was fine, foreplay is all well and good! She worked her way down and sucked my nipple nicely, getting me a bit hot and bothered, but l looked at her sucking away, and realized she was sucking on them like she was nursing! I'd gotten her into a maternal/domme bond, and that was sooooo exciting!
"Oh yes, suck them good, baby, be my good girl and show me how much you want me!"
She got more intense which was incredible! I was very intense and I knew I had to be quite wet, but she licked me deeply, and I held the back of her head as she took her first taste of me, and she dove back in, even deeper, but I would have just shoved her if I had to! She lapped at my pussy for awhile and then began to explore me, discovering how to pull on my lips, and licking around me and then how to softly stroke my clit, which gave me a tiny orgasm when she hit it for the first time!
"Oooooh, yeah!!! Yeah, baby, suck my clitty good!"
She continued on and worked my pussy pretty good for a first timer, and then with gentle instruction, she started to focus on my clit, exclusively, and I got ready for a big finale, and she just relentlessly sucked and bit on me, and finally figured out how to use her fingers on my lips and then out of the blue I erupted with a gush and a scream!
Naturally I held her head there to get as much of me on her face as possible! She kind of tried to pull back, but I'd have none of it! I held her in there and she started licking again and I came with another yelp and again!!!
Finally I subsided and let her go.
"Baby, that was fucking fantastic!! You suck pussy soooo good for a beginner!!! You made me come so sweetly, and then did it again and again!! Delightful!!!"
Her face was soaked, but she was smiling. I knew she was mine.
I fingered her to a nice orgasm, and then we showered and just cuddled for a bit. I made her dinner and we just had a lovely evening. Our next date was zero hour, when I'd fuck her silly, but she didn't need to know that. Not yet.
I dropped her off, and headed home, and of course, found my daughter and her BFF having a good time, splashing in the pool, and I put on my most revealing suit and joined them. Some good natured goofing around and horseplay, and I managed to cop a decent feel of Danni's ass in the process! The girl was toned and fit, and I wondered if I'd have to get her drunk or stoned to get her into bed. One of these days, I'd find out. I settled for a quick masturbation in the shower and we settled down for the night. As much as I wanted Danni, I couldn't wait to fuck Evie, take her cherry, and see the look on her face as she got fucked and good by me. I was positive she'd cry, and then she'd beg me for another round later. She was too much the type, she'd be typical. Then I'd have a nice little fuckslut that I could call on any time I needed it.
I dressed in my sexiest, hottest outfit for teaching, causing my daughter to give me some crap over it, but I knew Evie would like it, and that's what really mattered.
Sure enough, her smile and eyes told me she loved it, and we set off after class. We got to the house and I held her back from ripping the clothes off, because well, I wanted her to feel like it hadn't been a part of the plan. I wanted her to feel like I'd just decided to do it, and I did.
We kissed and made out a little, and my fingers slipped under her skirt and I fingered her for a bit and almost got her off before I stopped. Then I excused myself and got mostly naked in the bathroom and put on my strap on, minus the dildo. I then came back out and I think she had no idea what the harness was for. We got back into the making out, and it wasn't long before I had her panties off, and then I simply reached below the bed, and put the dildo in place and pushed her into place.
"Baby, it's time you gave up your cherry, you know I want it, you know I care, and I can't wait anymore."
The look of horror, exactly like I wanted!
"No, no, the other stuff is fine…I mean, I like it, but I've never done anything else, and it'll hurt, and I'm not ready…"
That was all she got out before I put a hand over her mouth.
"I'm tired of your excuses and worrying. You need to be fucked, but good by me, your body knows it, and deep inside you know it. Don't fight it, just learn to love being my baby, you'll like it, I know you will!"
I held her mouth closed and kept her pinned with the other hand, and then I could use my knees to hold her down while I spread some lube on the dildo. I didn't want to hurt her, just teach her how to be my fuck slut. I lined it up with her wet little slit, and slipped the head in, and he eyes went wide, and I of course released her mouth to kiss her deeply and drive my tongue into her, and figuratively rape her mouth, even as I raped her body! She let out a grunt of pain and then gasped as I pulled out, and then I slammed it deep again and she squealed in pain!
"Oh, no baby, this is how you get fucked by a woman! Just be glad it's a dildo and not a cock, you won't get preggers, and you won't catch any diseases, you'll just learn how to have fun!"
Again and again I pounded her, kissing her roughly, slamming it as deep as I could drive it, and slowly she stopped struggling and just lay there, but then her body started to move, and her hips began to meet mine with my thrusts, and then she started arching her back to get me as deep as she could!
I knew my little whore would love it and get off on it, so I kept pounding away on her, hammering her deep and hard.
"You love it, don't you, you know you do!!!"
"It hurts, but feels sooooo good at the same time!"
"Yeah, a good fucking is like that! You're showing me what a hot little number you are, how fucking sexy you can be for me, and it's for me, right baby doll?"
"Yesss, that's what I wanna hear!"
I kept up the pumping and I could feel her getting ready for her climax, she was twitching, shaking, and she would try to prevent it, but she couldn't, not with the tremendous fucking I was giving her.
"You come for me, you come for me, you hear me??? I wanna hear you scream out that orgasm!!!"
"Uhhhhhhhaaaaaahhhhhhhhaaaiiiiiieeeeee!!!!!!" she shrieked out! The bitch was coming hard! I kept pumping her soaking pussy, and got another two out of her at full volume, and decided to give her a breather and pulled out gently.
"You know, you're a woman now. You've been there, and you know you loved it."
She shook her head.
"You did it again, I told you no, and you wouldn't stop! That….was….rape!"
I gave her an evil smile.
"Mmmmhmmm, and you had three massive orgasms from it? Most rape victims don't come like that. No one will believe that. You hero worshipped your teacher, she gave you some personalized tutoring, and when you came onto her, she rejected you, and you made some crazy story up."
She looked at me and it was clear she didn't know what to do. Good thing the few trips I'd taken with her, I'd worn sunglasses, a hat and had gone places where no one knew me, and I'd paid cash for everything. No trail, I'm not stupid.
"But I said no, and you just wouldn't…"
"Baby, you didn't think you were ready to have me finger that sweet pussy of yours, and I did, and you loved it. You came back, and I licked you to so many orgasms you lost count, and you came back, and then you licked my muffin to a couple of awesome o's and you're still here. You know you feel that way about me, and you keep coming back? What am I supposed to think?"
"I don't…I mean…"
For forever, I'll be your first. That means something to me, and it should mean something to you. My first was some football player asshole who took not time to make sure I was ready, did no foreplay at all, and just rammed it in, no lube, no nothing. It hurt like hell, and he basically threw me out of his car and said I was lousy. Not the kind of first time you want to remember, but you're stuck with it. You have memories of someone who loves you, who cares about you, and while I might have gone faster than you expected, it felt great, and you know it did."
"You… me? For reals?"
"Of course, baby. I said it. I meant it."
The look of hope and joy on her face was wonderful. She'd have to adjust to a few things, but she was my little whore and she'd do whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted it. We showered, and cuddled, and I regretfully said good by to her, but knowing full well our next session would hotter than hell.
I'd gotten her another outfit and I wanted her to wear it to school. I showed her how to do her hair to look it's best and she strutted into school, looking incredible, and she blew off all the guys who suddenly noticed. I loved that. She was showing off and looking hot for me. Just me. Luckily I had a surprise for her for after class.
After class, she stayed in her seat with a smile, and I carefully locked my door. There's only one window, and you can't see anywheres near my desk.
"Evie? Please come to my desk. I have something I want to go over with you."
She got up and confidently walked up to my desk, and I couldn't help it, I took her in my arms and kissed her deeply, and she was kissing back instantly.
We passionately made out for a few moments and then pulled apart.
"Damn, you look soooo fucking hot in that outfit! I might lose my mind."
"Oh, really?" she said with a smirk.
"Yup, really, and oh, damn, I think I am losing my mind."
I spun her around and pulled her close and reached around with one hand to caress her breasts, and she relaxed into me, but, darn, oh darn, she didn't really anticipate how devious I am. You see, the harness I have is three parts. The basic harness, that fits underneath, say, a flowing skirt, the attachment holder, which slips into place very easily, and of course, the dildo itself. The other two parts were in my drawer, and they were assembled in record time, and I slipped up her skirt and reached around to slide my fingers under her panties with my free hand.
She resisted slightly, but knowing I was going to do whatever I wanted, she relaxed again, but my skillful fingers had her panties on the ground in a second, and then I spun her around and pushed her over my desk, and yanked her skirt up, exposing her lovely ass, and bent her over my desk, so she could take her cock like a good little whore.
She squeaked when I pushed her into position, a bottle of lube was at the ready to make things easier, and well, a new element was about o be presented as my other hand reached out and slipped the ball gag over her head and into her mouth. A quick tug and it was nice and tight and she attempted to pull away, but I would have none of that, and I lined the dildo up and drove it deep into her pussy!
She squirmed for a minute or two, but knew it wouldn't do any good, and then she relaxed and allowed me to fuck her senseless.
Fuck her senseless, I did. I pounded her for a good half an hour, and she orgasmed all over the place after ten minutes. Shaking, shuddering and moaning from behind the ball gag heightened the sensation for me as I also had my vibrating balls in my wet pussy, and I came only a few moments after pumping her hole. I reamed her mercilessly, and after what had to be half a dozen orgasms and the complete soaking of her legs, I slowed to a stop and pulled out.
I softly kissed her neck and undid the ball gag.
"LIke your after school surprise? When you're mine, you get fucked a lot of different ways, at whatever time I like. I came three times while I fucked that sweet pussy of yours. How many orgasms did you have?"
She was silent. I gently slapped her ass.
"I asked you a question, baby doll. How many?"
"Six, maybe seven?"
"Very nice!"
"Once again though, you didn't even ask me, or tell me, you just did it. Am I that worthless that you don't even need to say anything?"
"Sweetie, if I tell you, you'll get all uptight. Now, two weeks ago, did you ever think you'd get your brains fucked out in a classroom? Ever? Did you ever think you'd launch massive orgasms in a classroom? No. I knew you'd like it, once you got used to it. And I also know that the next time some snotty bitch gives you shit in my class, you're going to laugh your ass off inside thinking about how good you have it with me, while she's going to suffer for not only being a shitty student, but for fucking with my baby. You're mine, and no one will ever mess with you again."
"Really? You really feel…protective of me?"
"Of course. Part of that whole 'I love you' thing."
She started crying and I let her cry herself out for a bit and then undid the front of my blouse and unsnapped my bra. She got the picture immediately and started sucking on my nipples instantly, and was doing a really good job on them when I pushed her away, and jumped up on my desk and leaned back with my skirt pulled up.
"Now be careful, baby girl, I have my vibrating balls in, let me turn them off and then I can let you suck me good…."
Off they went, and she went to town. She licked the lips deeply and wetly, and gave my clit a break, and worked around it, licking, stroking and sucking on everything else, taking her time, with long, gentle kisses and touches, she got me going like she hadn't before, and then after she'd thoroughly eaten my wet pussy, she attacked my clit with abandon, biting it, licking it and sucking it, and I erupted instantly!! The girl wasn't content to let me explode once, either! She continued her assault on my clit for a good ten minutes and I came and came, and came again! She let me rest for a few and then stood up and looked down at me.
"How was my, uh, oral exam, Miss Howard?"
I closed my eyes.
"Fucking straight A's, baby, straight A's!"
We made out for a bit and then I drove her home. I think the rest of the year is going to be QUITE enjoyable!
This was a great story! I've thouroughly enjoyed all of the stories, I've read this far, of yours. This one, I think, may be my favorite. I hope that you will continue this story and continue to describe our terrible teachers seductions and coaxing of her students into her submissive sex toys. Really fun to read! My only disappointment was that this one didn't have a sequel, Great work, looking forward to more ;)
MMMMMMmmmmm brings back such good memories except I was the one that seduced My teacher. She didn't see it coming until it was too late and then she was My bitch for the rest of the year
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