A boy continues his journey with his granted powers.
Authors Note: Hello once again readers. I just want to first apologize for my lack of posting in almost two years, especially to those who enjoy my work and continue to check back for more chapters. I will start to post more for those who enjoy my stories here shortly and I intend for this one to be a warm up. Notice: As requested, this store will be a bit longer than the others. Like I’ve said before, I ask you that you respect my ownership of this story despite its quality and yada yada… Feedback is highly encouraged and appreciated. Lastly, if one of these themes or styles is not for you, please skip this story/series. Thanks! –AngelOfLife
Newfound Powers Chapter 4: Recreation
Jack and Eric began driving towards the two sisters’ house. “Damn Eric, how the hell’d you manage to land not just one girl, but sisters?!” Jack asked with a grin.
“Hey, sorry, secret of the trade bro.” Eric said with a devilish smile.
Jack smiled inwardly thinking ‘Yeah, I have some tricks of my own too.’ Then he thought, suddenly sad, when was the last time he had ever tried accomplishing something without the use of his abilities? As this thought hung on his mind, he silently promised himself not to use his Mental Suggestion for the entire night. It was a promise he made to prove to himself he could still live without it. He had been of worried recently of how he would do in the circumstance in which he would have to live without his abilities, and this was a way to test that
They drove the rest of the way, joking who could be the first to steal a kiss from the sisters. After several minutes of chatting and driving, Eric pulled into an apartment complex and they approached two stunningly hot girls waiting on the sidewalk. Eric pulled the car next to the two girls.
Jack saw Eric’s girlfriend, ‘L’ he called her, standing with her arms on her hips and a sweet Sarah standing behind her. Luna was Eric’s age, she was tall with jet black hair, a tempting body with perfect curves and a tight ass to seal the deal. Jack would never admit it but he thought L was far too hot for Eric. However he would never give Eric the satisfaction of telling him so.
Luna opened the passenger door and moved in. “Hey L, how’ve you b-“, Eric was cut off when L gave him a crisp slap across the face. “You’re five minutes late,” L said flatly. Jack and Sarah watched them in stunned silence.
They remained that way for some seconds when suddenly Eric and L grabbed each other and started kissing. Jack sighed and smiled at the two. What a strange relationship they had… Eric gave Jack a discreet wink. Sarah climbed into the back next to Jack and greeted him warmly but meekly.
“Hey Jack,” Sarah said with a warm smile. Sarah was a very cute brunette, tall for her age at 16 but still shorter than her sister. She also had a slender body like her sister but not quite as matured. Jack couldn’t help stealing a glance at her firm ass in her leggings as she sat next to him.
“Hey Sarah, wow you look cute today.”
“Thanks.” She said blushing.
Everyone was getting settled in the car, when suddenly Jack heard someone in his head: ‘Wow he’s cute too’. Jack suddenly looked up and around but couldn’t locate the source of that voice as it didn’t come from the direction of anyone but himself.
“Hey did you hear that?” He asked no one in particular. Sarah shook her head no and gave Jack a questioning look.
Eric broke his kissing session with L and said, “Nah Jack, you’re probably just nervous because it’s your first time around a real girl.”
“Hey! Maybe it’s your stupidity that has finally driven me insane.” Replied Jack. They all laughed at that and Eric began driving towards the Amusement Park.
They began making small talk as they drove but something still bothered Jack: Where had that voice come from?! It began to bother him more and more until finally it struck him, it was the mind reading ability! He had just read the thoughts of Sarah! And more importantly, she thought he was cute!! Jack sat back in his seat and thought to himself, ‘Life is really, really, good’.
L turned around in her seat and looked at Jack grinning to himself, “Jack did you have a wet daydream or something?”
Jack opened his eyes embarrassed and replied, “No, just thought of something funny, sorry.”
The continued joking and chatting while getting closer to the Amusement Park. It seemed to Jack that slowly, Sarah was moving closer and closer to Jack, and Jack had no problem with that. And by the time that they reached the amusement park Jack already had his arm around Sarah and all four of them seemed to be getting along rather well.
Despite his façade, Jack was having an unseen internal conflict. Even though he realized the voices talking in his head were the thoughts of the three people around him, he actually had no idea how to stop himself from listening to them, and it was starting to worry him. He was hearing the everyday thoughts of Eric: focusing on the road, thinking about L, worrying about a nearby test. L: thinking about her job, thinking about her relationship with Eric, etc.
Jack thought he was going to go nuts if things kept going the way they were.
Finally the Park came into view and the flashing lights drew the momentary attention of everyone in the car. Jack mentally noted a particular thought of Sarah: ‘Oh the ferris wheel, how cool.” He noted that they would have to stop by there tonight.
Everyone got out of the car and they entered the park. To anyone looking, it would seem that it was a double date of Eric and L plus Jack and Sarah. They entered the park and the night seemed to be taking a good turn as they migrated around, finding school friends, and enjoying all the rides in the park. Jack had Sarah in his arm and she seemed to be genuinely enjoying her time with him, her thoughts confirming this.
Speaking of thoughts, Jack seemed to be doing a decent job of ignoring the thoughts of everyone when he had something to focus on. It seemed as if he would manage to make it through the night, when things took a turn for the bad. The four of them were walking through a particularly large crowd of people, and the voices exploded in his head. Not only could he hear the dozen voices in his head, he was also hearing the actual voices of the crowd as he passed them. His head felt as if it were splitting and his vision blackened. He heard: “Oh that smells good- Man this place is packed- Wow that guy is hot- Oh no my wallet- That ride was fun-,” and much more, except that it was all being said at once inside his head.
“Hey guys, I’ll catch up to you in a bit.” Jack said running off to the bathroom. Eric, L, and Sarah looked at each other and shrugged.
Jack passed by drones of people and made it to the bathroom. He jumped into a stall and slumped against the door, acutely aware of someone in the stall next to him. He focused on his pounding head. After he slowed his breathing, he forcefully willed the aching to recede. And slowly it went away and his vision cleared.
In the proceeding silence, he heard a noise, a strangely familiar noise. It was almost like a gentle breeze, but not the feeling, just the sound. At the same time it was like the sound of the ocean waves breaking against the shore. The sound was coming from inside his head. Was this coming from the thoughts of the man in the stall next to me?
Jack was about to say something when he remembered, the sound in his head was the same from the place where he met Angel… The black sky, the black plain… Could the man next to him really be Angel?!
He was about to call out again when he heard the voice. Angel’s voice.
“Jack, it has become apparent that I have neglected to show you how to control this particular ability,” came the being’s voice within his own head.
“Yea, no kidding, I almost blacked out.” Jack retorted out loud.
“Jack, you have unknowingly opened your mind up to the thoughts of every person you come into contact with. You must focus on whether you want to allow these thoughts to enter your head or not. Imagine it as an internal floodgate, you must open it to your desire when you wish, or push them away when you don’t need them. So far, you have been allowing all thoughts to enter your head at once which may prove to be dangerous.”
“That would have been nice to know earlier.” Jack said rubbing his temple.
“Yes, that was negligence on my part and I offer you my most sincere apologies. However, I must bid you farewell and good luck to you.”
“Hey Angel-,” Jack called aloud, but the sound of breezes and waves receded along with the mysterious being.
Jack collected himself and reflected on his conversation. He suddenly realize he had abandoned Sarah and he quickly hurried back out of the restroom and into the Park. It was getting close to sundown and Jack searched for his friends. After a couple wandering minutes he spotted the three of them at a booth.
The sisters were around Eric as he focused on shooting a toy rifle at some pins. “C’mon Eric, I really want that Bunny,” begged Sarah in a really cute voice Jack thought. “Yea Eric, don’t be a pussy,” Joked L.
Eric took a shot at the stacked pins but only got one, which was good for nothing. “Ah jeez, only one more shot left,” Eric complained.
Jack approached the group, “Hey Eric, why don’t you give the pro a chance.”
“Jack! We were wondering where you disappeared off to,” said the girls.
“Well, Eric’s poor shooting skills drew me back.” Jack said grinning.
“Ok Mr. Sniper Fi, why don’t you give it a shot,” grumbled Eric.
Jack grabbed the gun from Eric and approached the booth. ‘Alright’, he thought to himself, ‘I have to win this for Sarah.’
Jack lined up the sight of the toy gun and aimed at the middle set of pins. He consciously blocked the thoughts of everyone including the booth worker, when he had an idea. He focused intently on the thoughts of the booth worker for a moment: ‘Yet another poor sod who’s gonna miss, too bad I’m the only one that knows that you have to aim for the left most bottom pin.’
Jack grinned at his cleverness and aimed the gun at the correct pin. He fired the rifle and the stack of pins came tumbling down. He smiled in victory and the girls cheered.
The worker actually thanked Jack for making his day somewhat interesting and he gave Jack the Bunny. Jack turned around and handed the Bunny to an excited Sarah who hugged it and thanked Jack with a kiss on the cheek.
“Pssh, lucky shot,” quipped Eric. L poked Eric’s cheek, “ooh, is someone jealous?” she teased.
The group moved away and decided to do one last ride as it was getting late. Jack and Sarah decided to ride the ferris wheel while a daredevil L dragged Eric to go on the fastest and tallest ride in the park. They split up and Jack and Sarah made it to the ferris wheel when the line was pretty short.
They boarded the car and they began to rise up towards the top. Sarah was a bit cold so she accepted when Jack offered his sweater.
Sarah leaned against Jack as he wrapped an arm around her. They continued to rise towards the top as the sun was setting. When they reached the top, it seemed as if they couldn’t look away from the mesmerizing colors of orange, blue, purple, and yellow that the sun cast upon the skies.
“Wow, look at that sunset.” Jack said as the two of them waited at the top.
‘Beautiful’ Sarah thought. ‘I’m so happy for some reason’.
Jack looked to her and said, “You’re the cutest girl in this whole Park, and I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else than right here.”
Sarah blushed and looked into his gaze. After a moment, he lifted up her chin and gently kissed her. She returned the kiss and it lasted for a dwindling moment. They broke away after several more moments and she stayed in his arms.
The ferris wheel began moving once again and they gazed down at the park below. Jack then spotted Eric and Sarah behind a building making out. “Well, that sure is one fast ride they’re on,” laughed Jack. They both laughed at that and the ride neared its completion.
They exited the ride and went and moved back into the park. They eventually ran back into Eric and L who looked slightly flushed. “So how about it guys, are you ready to head back?” asked Eric. Everyone nodded in agreement and they left the park.
They piled back into Eric’s car and headed back to the apartments. The drive was pretty uneventful with small talk and stories exchanged. When they reached the apartments, the girls let the guys walk them to the door. As they kissed goodbye, plans started to change.
L and Eric moved to the wall and the kiss simple grew more eventful. Eric’s hands began to roam over L and the likewise occurred. A similar thing occurred between the younger lovers as Jack and Sarah began rubbing together during their kiss. Jacks hands began to explore Sarah’s body as Sarah pressed herself against Jack in an obvious heat.
Sensing the night would last longer than originally thought, L opened her apartment door behind her and both couples moved in without breaking their kiss or their obvious arousal.
Eric lifted L up and carried her to her bedroom while Jack and Sarah collapsed on the couch. The door closed behind Eric as Jack and Sarah continued to explore and kiss each other.
Jack moved over Sarah as his hands explored her perky breasts down to her firm ass that was begging to be grabbed. He felt his cock harden when she reached down and grabbed it through his jeans “, Wow Jack, you’re pretty big.” She said in a very sexy voice. She reached down undoing his zipper and pulled out his throbbing dick. “Oh my, you seem tense. Don’t worry, I’ll take care of this for you.” She said with a mischievous smile. She moved her head closer and wrapped her delicate lips around his throbbing member.
Jack moaned in pleasure. She began slowly moving her wet lips up and down his shaft as she caressed the underside of his sensitive spot with her tongue. She moved one hand up and grabbed his shaft while she sucked, and used the other hand to gently massage his balls the way any guy loves.
“Oh lord you’re so good at that and you look so sexy too.” She continued bobbing on his cock taking as much as she could into her mouth and continued jerking him off with her hand at the same time.
As she sped up, Jack realized he was already going to shoot his first load. “Sarah I’m gonna-,” but she understood and she took as much of his cock down her throat as she could and held it there. She began pumping his base and looked up with sweet innocent eyes that put him over the edge. He grabbed her head and groaned as he pumped load after load down her waiting throat.
She waited a moment and then began to pull off using her tongue to collect as much sticky cum as she could. She looked at him and made an obvious gesture while she swallowed all his load in gulp. “Mmm delicious Icing,” she teased. “But it’s my turn now,” she said laying back.
Without missing a beat, Jack moved over her as he removed her shirt and tights to reveal her perky and firm tits and a bare and dripping pussy.
He kissed her as he moved a hand down her body until he found her hot and dripping pussy, making it obvious that she was very aroused. He rubbed her mound as she moaned into her kiss, he had found and focused on her sensitive spot. He teased and rubbed her clit as she began grinding against his hand in an obvious need for pleasure, trying to work herself to an orgasm. She moaned out loud, rubbing clit into his hand faster.
Before she could reach her climax, he stopped rubbing her and she sighed in an audible frustration. “Hey!” she complained, needing to reach an orgasm somehow.
He responded by pushing her on her back and stroking his now rock hard cock. “Jack just take me, please,” she begged. That’s what he planned on.
He pushed into her tight and very wet pussy and enjoyed the warmth he felt as he began making love to Sarah. “Jack, I need you to fuck me.” She begged.
With that, Jack sped up and began pounding into the young and innocent Sarah as fast and hard as he could. Sarah began rubbing her clit while thrusting to meet Jack which finally pushed her over the edge. Sarah’s body was flooded in waves of pleasure as she screamed out, “Fuck me, fuck me harder, oh goooood Jaaaaack, holy shiiiiit!” The pleasure of getting fucked and rubbing her clit was too much as her orgasm washed over her young body.
Jack however, continued pounding his cock into her through her orgasm as he felt his own build up. Just before he was about to burst he pulled out and shot thick strands of cum over her belly and breasts.
Jack collapsed next to her as they both lay there to catch their breath. They heard Eric and L finish a little after they did and they gave each other a knowing smile. After a moment of resting Jack rose and began to get dressed. “That was amazing Jack,” said Sarah still panting from her orgasm.
“Yes you are,” he said with a devilish grin.
Eric emerged from the bedroom shortly after and they all bid each other a good night.
Eric dove Jack back to his house and they said there farewells as well.
As Jack lay in his bed that night, he wondered at all the things to come in his life. He wondered what would become of him with his abilities, and he particularly questioned the motives of Angel, the mysterious entity of power, for giving him his powers. These were the thoughts that swam through his head before the blackness of sleep enveloped him…
Nice Story . Are you going to Add more to it. Considering his sister He should make her his Slave. Just to be sure she does not Mouth off about what she thinks he did.
Very nice pacing of the story. Not trying to do too much with his powers right off the bat. Learning them and experimenting exactly as anyone would with a new skill. Lends lots of credibility to the story. Problems and solutions come at an appropriate pace also makes the premise that much more believable
Enough sex to keep things interesting but again, not too much too fast.
Spelling and pronoun use needs to be neatened up.
Overall very good start to a hopefully much longer story.
Keep up the good work!
Stealth EagleReport
Anonymous readerReport
Enough sex to keep things interesting but again, not too much too fast.
Spelling and pronoun use needs to be neatened up.
Overall very good start to a hopefully much longer story.
Keep up the good work!