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A girl looking for a job falls into a trap
Chapter One

Jessie was not the brightest kid in her high school. She had the looks and the personality to get away with a lot of things she shouldn't have, but her grades were only so, so. That meant that dad was not going to pay for the concert tickets that she wanted to go to with her friends. “You want to go, earn the money.” He said. So Jessie was out and about beating feet on this beautiful Saturday morning looking for work. Burger King nor McDonald's was not where she was heading for. Not for her. She had put her applications in Abercrombie and Fitch, Hollister Co., Pacsun and now she was heading over to Aeropostale to do the same.

Taking a turn up a street between the Avenues, Jessie was glancing at the store windows as she walked by when she noticed a sign, “Model Wanted.” Jessie stopped in mid stride and looked twice at the sign. Taking a step back, she looked up at the name of the store. “Amanda's Leather & Lace Shoppe.” Jessie looked again at the model wanted sign and thought, why not try? She opened the door and stepped into the store.

Bells attached to the top of the door tinkled and Amanda who was busy behind the counter looked up and said, “May I help you?”

Jessie looked around for a moment at the clothes in the store and said, “I saw your sign in the window and would like to apply for the job.”

Amanda looked the girl over. She looked to be about 5'6” with a slim build. Maybe 120 pounds with long black hair, brown eyes and a very cute face. She was wearing a high waist-ed skit with a crop top covering her seemingly well endowed breasts. Roman lace up sandals adorned her feet. Her nails were painted and she wore some minimal jewelry. Some bracelets on her left wrist, a gold chain around her neck and matching hoop earrings.

“How old are you girl?”

“I'm seventeen.”

“I'm sorry, you're too young. I need someone eighteen or older.”

“Please Miss. I'll be eighteen in a few months and I really need the job.”

Amanda hesitated for several moments and said, “Alright, I'll give you a go. But you need to know, I'm looking for a model to wear the erotic clothing articles for my catalog. That means there are some skimpy outfits to model. My clients are particular in the items they purchase. Are you comfortable with that?'

“Yes Mam. I believe so.”

“Good, now please, call me Amanda for now. And what would you have me call you?”

“Jessie. My name is Jessie Jones.”

“All right Jessie Jones. Come fill out this application before I change my mind. Here's a pencil and you can use the table in the back room.”

“Oh thank you. You won't regret it.” Jessie said picking up the pencil and paper and headed into the back area behind the counter. She began to fill out the application when Amanda placed a drink down in front of her.

“Sorry, I only have ice tea at the moment.”

“Oh, that's alright and thank you.” She said taking a sip from the glass and going back to the application.

“I'll be out front working. Let me know when you're finished.”

“Yes Mam.” She answered and took another drink of her tea and went back to working on the application once again.

Amanda went out front and quietly locked the front door to her shop and turned the open sign over to closed. She then went around and gather a few items and placed them where they would handy. After some time Jessie came out of the back with the application in hand while sipping the glass of iced tea with the other. She handed Amanda the application and thanked her for the tea. Amanda read over the application and noticed she put down her body measurements as 36-27-36. She noted she wore a bra size of 34B and a size 8 shoe.

“It all looks in order.” Amanda said. “The job pays $100. per session. Cash. Each session can be from one hour up til five. Depending upon what clothes we have to change into.”

“A hundred dollars? That would be great.” Jessie answered not believing her luck.

“I would like to do a trial session to start. To see if you'll be a fit so to speak.”

“Sure. When would you like to do that?”


“Now? Well alright.”

“Why not, it's been a slow day and we might as well get it done now as ever.”

“Sounds good, what do you want me to do?”

“Go back to the dressing room and I'll get a few items for you to try on and then we'll take some photos to see how they'll look.”


Pointing, towards the other side of the store, “Go ahead and strip down and I'll be right there.”

Jessie headed towards the dressing room. She felt a little light headed but shook it off to feeling giddy about being hired. Amanda watched her go and licked her lips looking at that sweet teen ass of hers thinking soon, she'll be all mine. She also knew the ecstasy pill she slipped into the glass of ice tea will soon be taking effect.

“Please remove all your jewelry and shoes too.” She called out.

“Ok.” Jessie went into the spacious changing room and removed her clothes placing them neatly on the chair and took off her jewelry, putting it all in her purse on the chair. She was bending over removing her shoes when Amanda walk in carrying a leather garment in her hands.

“Let's start with this piece.” She said. “I'll need you to remove your bra to so I can get this to fit correctly.”

“My bra? Uh ok.” She said complying almost willingly, easily without shame and reaching around behind her back un-clipped the bra hooks and removed it from her shoulders. “What is it?”

Excellent Amanda thought as she knew the drug would help lose any inhibitions the teen might have about being nude in front of her. “It's a leather corset. Now turn around and raise your arms.”

Jessie did as told and Amanda pulled the corset around her waist and told her to hold it in place as she began to lace it on. Once she had it on, she told Jessie she needed to tighten it up so it would fit properly so she needed her to reach up and take hold of the dressage bar above her head. Jessie did as she was told and Amanda began the job of tightening the laces, drawing the corset in. squeezing Jessie' midsection smaller. Soon she was finding it a bit difficult to breathe regularly and was forced to take shallow breaths to compensate. Jessie looked down and despite the corset covering up the bottom half of her breasts, her nipples kept popping up over the top of the cups. She reached down to try and pull the corset up a bit higher but Amanda admonished her to keep her arms up on the bar. She did figuring she could fix them a afterwards.

After almost twenty minutes of tugging and pulling, Amanda finished lacing up the garment and folded over the covering flap over the laces and zipped it up. Jessie heard a small click but didn't associate it with the miniature padlock Amanda attached securing the flap down so no one would be able to get to the laces to remove the corset without the key.

“Alright, you can lower your hands now.”

Jessie did and found Amanda ready with the next items. Long sleeve leather arm gloves. These pulled up all the way over her biceps where a cuff buckled around the top part of her arm. To keep from slipping down Amanda said. Her hands where open with just a leather thong hooked around her middle fingers and thumbs making only the back of her hands covered and not her palms or fingers. The soft leather looked elegant. Jessie watched curiously as Amanda buckled a pair of leather cuffs around her wrists too.

“I'll be right back.” Amanda said and left the dressing room.

Jessie in the mean time turned and looked at herself in the full length mirror. She saw a half dressed exotically looking girl looking back at her. She saw her nipples peeking over the top of the corset and giggled, no even caring nor even wondering why.

Amanda returned a few minutes later with a pair of long leather boots in her hands. “Have you ever taken dance lessons?” She asked.

“Yes, my mother made me take ballet when I was younger.”

“Good, then you'll find these to fit like a ballet shoe.” She said and told Jessie to grab a hold of the dressage bar again. Then having her lift her right foot she had Jessie slip it into the thigh high boot. As her foot settled down into the boot she found it pointed her toes down in an en point position leaving her to stand precariously on the seven heels. Amanda quickly laced up the boot tightly on her foot and buckled the built in cuff around the top of the laces above her knee and added a miniature pad lock to secure it in place. Jessie tried to look down to see what she was doing but wasn't able to do so very well. Amanda repeated the process with Jessie' left leg and foot. She then added a pair of leather cuffs around her ankles too, locking those on in the process also.

Jessie could soon feel the calves of her legs beginning to cramp up as she held tight to the dressage bar while she balanced on her toes. A moan escaped her lips. “Don't worry, you'll get used to them soon.” Amanda said and moved to the next item. A beautiful leather collar. She pulled it around Jessie' neck and buckled it on with it's three slim straps.

“It's a bit tight.” Jessie complained.

“It has to be.” Amanda answered. “Other wise it would chafe your neck.” As she applied the three miniature pad locks to it. “Now let me have your arms.” Amanda took Jessie' arms off of the dressage bar and pulled them back behind her. Taking the right arm she bent it up behind her back while pulling her left arm backwards. Jessie hear a click and found her right wrist cuff was now attached to the cuff buckled around her left arm.

“Hey?” But before she could complain more, Amanda told her to hold on and lifting her left arm up behind her back locked the cuff of that wrist to the cuff buckled around her right arm. Jessie found she no longer had the use of either of her arms as they were now held up behind her, perpendicular to her body. “Oh god.” she moaned as she had to stand with her upper body bowed backward to accommodate her bound position. As an added measure, Amanda wrapped a leather strap around her forearms where they crossed. She tugged slightly, putting a touch of additional strain on Jessie' shoulders, before securing it to the back of her collar.
As she tried to adjust to her new position, Amanda bent down and before Jessie knew it, attached a 10” hobble chain between her ankle cuffs and a shorter 8” hobble chain to the cuffs locked above her knees.

“Hey, stop. What are you doing?” She asked somewhat frighteningly.

Amanda stood up in front of her and placed her finger to Jessie' lips. “Shhhh.” she said. “Just wait until we're finished.” And turning, reached for another item.

Jessie waited as Amanda turned back towards her holding what looked to be a spider web set of straps all attached to a wide ring in the center. “Open your mouth.” Amanda more or less ordered. As Jessie began to question what Amanda wanted when she felt Amanda grab a hold of her by the back of her head and forced the ring into her mouth with her other hand. She heard a click and found her mouth now held completely wide opened in an O-shape as the leather covered ring settled in behind her teeth.
Amanda then gathered and pulled Jessie' hair back into a pony tail before attending to web of straps hanging from the ring gag in her mouth.

With the ring set in place behind her teeth, Amanda set about bringing together all of the straps and buckles of the head harness, of which the ring was a part, so that it was secured. The black leather straps forming an alarming, and disturbing
contrast between themselves and Jessie' smooth white facial skin. Those straps formed
an upside down V up the sides of her nose, converging into a single strap at the forehead. That single strap then going over the crown of her head, splitting into two past the base of her pony tail. That strap then merging again going down the center of the back of her head to merge with the other straps. Straps forming another V down along her lower jaw and that then merged into a single strap. Both that strap and the crown strap coming down to the neck, wrapping themselves around her collar, buckling together. Straps from the corners of her mouth, attached to the ring were brought around the side of her face and then brought together at the back of her head and secured. The web of straps, then buckled tightly on and around the Jessie' head and throat gave an almost nightmarish vision of the teenager's face.
With her mouth stretched and held open by the over-sized “O,” every few seconds, just the tip of her tongue would slip out – as though it was peeping out into the open. But then it would recede back into the warm wet confines of the seventeen year old's mouth. A ribbon of thick, bubble infested drool formed and soon poured from the ring gagged mouth. It poured out and it plopped down onto her chest, then pouring down the center of her developing breasts. A sob followed from the frightened teenager's mouth.

“Almost finished.” Amanda said and then picked up what looked like a “Y”-shaped chain. At each ends of the chain were spring loaded, lethal looking crocodile clamps. Jessie didn't understand what she was looking at but figured it wasn't a good thing. The feeling was overall she wasn't in a good place, but it was too late to do anything about it.

Amanda dangled the clamped chains from one hand, as she rolled the girl's small nipples between her thumbs and forefingers over the top of the corset cups. She continued the process until both of her nipples had changed color, become darker, and button like in their erection. Amanda woman was able to handle such nipples with a confidence, almost an arrogance. It was as though she was used to exciting the nipples of such young girls – it was as though she relished and enjoyed doing just that. For the Jessie, her mind was thrown into a world of confusion and almost of trauma as an unfamiliar throb established itself within the base of each of her nipples. That throb, which
seemed to feed up to the tips of each nipple, was not unpleasant to her. Like an itch, but a pleasurable one that if she could have scratched, promised to be even more pleasurable. Heightened by the drug ecstasy which she was feed added another
layer of absolute utter confusion to the melting mind of the teenager.


Amanda opened the first clip and let it close around the base of Jessie' left nipple. There was a large intake of breath, then nothing. Even the wet whimpering had simply stopped, as though suspended in mid-air. There was no scream, at first. It was the young girl's brain, processing what she was feeling. It would have been just seconds, but in reality seemed like a much longer time before the scream came. It was preceded by a thick, catapulting of drool from the center of the ring gag. The crocodile clip sinking deep around the base of the nipple, distorting it, squeezing it. And then a series of little 'clicks' – tiny little clicks that signified the teeth of the clamps piercing that slightly rough flesh of the base of the nipple. The noise coming from her mouth a constant as she tried to absorb the accompanying pain. The scream, the drool catapulting scream then it rejuvenated as the second clip was then attached to her left nipple. That scream joined the first and they became as one as the process of numbing the nipples took place. Amanda stood back, watched and licked her full lips slowly and in an almost lascivious fashion as the teenager suffered in front of her.
Amanda waited until her screaming had died down to hard aching moans when she ordered, “Tongue out, cunt!”

Jessie mind cowered in fear, fear that took over and forced her to comply, sliding her tongue through the center of the ring gag, all wet and dripping.

“Further! I want to see all of it.”

Jessie gave a sob then tried to push her tongue out further – as far as it would go.

Amanda standing back, took in and enjoyed the sight of the quivering, petrified teen. And then moving forwards again. Picking up the one free end of the chain, that had been dangling down towards her tummy was then clipped over to the end of the extended tongue. The chain both pulled and stretched Jessie' tongue out, and at the same time lifted each breast and stretched the both of her nipples up.
Both opposing forces of the chain offered any kind of relief and more to the point creating an excruciating extra level of torment for Jessie. Her mouth held open, tongue stretch out and down and with a non-stop torrent of drool poured from the mouth and down her tongue.

Amanda attached a leach to the front of Jessie' collar and said, “Now we're ready.” Then turning, tugged on the leash and said, “Keep your eyes down and come with me, cunt.”

Jessie in fear and in agony stumbled forward behind Amanda trying to keep up, following her to only god knows what.


2021-04-05 09:57:56
oh this is frustrating why do you always stop when it starts to be more interesting please take me so i can know the end of it

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