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More Mg fun, enjoy
Their Journey west is going well. Jack drove into the night, his classic black and gold Z28 Camaro has been pulling each steep grade of the Rocky mountains with no trouble. After what seemed like an eternity of never ending mountains, Jack finally stopped at a small hotel just outside Rifle Colorado. It was late by the time they stopped, they were both way to tired to make love. Jack wasn't the least bit interested anyway, after Diana seduced him into fucking him, while he drove at highway speeds on the interstate back in Kansas earlier today. And for once twelve year old Diana didn't give into her sex addiction. She had just enough strength to brush her teeth, comb her recently dyed platinum blond hair, then remove her blue eye contacts from her naturally brown eyes. After doing all this, she lay in bed next to Jack, he was already sound asleep, she placed her head upon his shoulder then fell fast asleep.

Chapter Five: Rocky Mountain High

Now its mid morning Jack's still sound asleep, but Diana's wide awake. The April sunlight's shining through the old warn out hotel curtains. Diana's bored, she's been watching her thirty year old lover sleep for about thirty minutes, hoping he'd wake up. But Jack's exhausted, nothing she's done so far has worked to wake him. She's nudged his shoulder, that didn't work. She kissed him seductively on the lips, that didn't wake him. Diana shows a devilishly grin, her brown eyes open wide, she's just thought of the best way she knows to wake her sleeping lover.

She slowly lifts the royal blue blanket, then slips her head, then her entire slender eighty-five pound five foot tall body under the covers. She fights the urge to giggle, as she makes her way under the dark covers. Now with her head turned towards Jack's flaccid cock, she lifts her leg over Jack's chest, making sure not to place to much of her weight on him. The musky sweet scent of her lovers cock excites her, like a new born kitten searching for its mothers tit, she finds his cock, then sucks it into her warm wet mouth.

Jack doesn't wake right away, but his cock does. Sucking his cock sexually excites her every time she does it for him. She's not sure if it's the fact she loves the grown man so much, or if she just love the taste of his cock flesh in her mouth. But if truth be told, Diana would never admit it. She's a sex addict: Just like her mother Julia. Now as Jack's cock grows hard in her mouth, she becomes completely turned on. The salty taste of his pre-cum as it flows from his hard cock, turns her on. As she sucks her sleeping lover to a full raging erection, she begins humping her bare ass up and down. This motion and the feeling of his cock being sucked finally wakes Jack up. Mmm ahhh. She hears her lover moaning.

"Good morning Jack, being as I'm sucking your cock for breakfast. Maybe you can eat my pussy."

With that said she shoved his erection back in her mouth, she began sucking licking, and kissing it.

"Oh my god Diana, you do know how to wake me up: Don't you baby girl Ahhh."

Jack quickly threw the blanket off, once he did this he found himself staring at Diana's pure white butt cheeks. Her ass crack is spread wide enough that he can see her anus, and the bright pink folds of her sweet pussy. He decides to return the pleasure she's giving him, by placing his tongue and mouth over her sensitive asshole, and the area of sensitive flesh between her butt hole and the lower end of her pussy.

Mmmm ahhh. He hears her moans of pleasure as he pushes the tip of his index finger into her anus. She returns the favor by increasing the speed of her lips, sliding them up and down on his shaft. Oh ahhh.

Diana hears her lovers moans of pure pleasure, even though she's so young. She understands, if you love your man, give him all the pleasure you can. And she's never loved anyone so much she does Jack, she sucks him hard. Bobbing her head and lips up and down on his cock so vigorously, he cant hold back any longer.

They cum at the same time, Jack moans out, he thrust his cock deeper into his young lovers mouth. Diana tastes his warm salty sperm as it flows down her hungry throat. As she swallows every drop of his seed, she forces her cunt and asshole up against her lovers tongue and mouth, moaning out. Ahh mmmm ahhh, she cums hard. The smell of sex fills the cool morning air, each satisfied lover takes time to catch their breath. No words are spoken, just heavy breathing from Jack and Diana for at least ten minutes strait. Finally Jack speaks.

"What the hell got into you sweetheart. I do believe, that's the first time you've ever woke me up like that?"

His breathing was shallow. As he spoke, his voice trembled. Diana knew she satisfied the man she loved.

Giggle. "Jack you know I like trying something new from time to time: Did you like It; lover?"

Jack kissed her wet pussy, enjoying her sweet musky aroma before telling her.

"Babe You can wake me up like this anytime you want. I didn't just like what you did. I loved what you did!!"

Jack used both hands to spread Diana's butt cheeks open, he then buried his face into her wide open preteen anus, giving her one more ass to pussy licking. "Mmm I love it when you do that!!" she moaned out. When most girls her age would most likely be appalled by what Jack was doing, Diana craved what he was doing, she didn't want him to stop. " feeels so gooood." She exclaimed, making sure to press her crotch hard against his mouth and tongue. Without warning he stopped, Diana lay her head on the bed between Jack's legs trying to catch her breath.

"Ok sweetheart, lets get us a shower. When were done I'll buy ya breakfast, that'll be your reward for that fantastic wake up BJ you gave me." Diana rolled her body from the bed, then ran for the shower.

Giggle. "Last one in's a rotten egg," she yelled. Jack rolled out of bed running after her, he caught her at the doorway to the shower, she turned around. Both naked lovers kissed passionately, embracing giggling and laughing as they inched their way to the shower. Once they were done showering, Diana dawned her disguise once more. She combed her silky once brown, now platinum blond hair. She placed blue eye contacts over her brown eyes. Then dressed in a white button up blouse, and a pair of snug fitting black skinny jeans.

"It's good your wearing pants today baby, because look outside." Jack yanked the hotel door open, a rush of cold air blew in. Diana's mouth dropped open with surprise as she noticed six inches of pure white mountain snow had fallen during the night, Jack's black and gold car was covered with white powdery snow

"But its April, why is there snow on the ground." said Diana, sounding confused.

"Because we're about ten-thousand feet above sea level. They get snow up here in these mountains until mid summer. And even then it snows up here from time to time." said Jack, sounding like a tour guide.

He loved the amazed look in her eyes. Diana stepped outside the room, she looked back to the east seeing tall snow covered mountains. It was to dark to see much of anything last night when Jack drove over the taller mountains, the small town of Rifle is at the lower western end of the Rockies. From Diana's view point, she can see the beautiful snow covered peaks of what seemed like hundreds of different picturesque scenes going far off into the horizon.

"Wow!! this place is beautiful, it beats the hell out of flat boring old Indiana anytime." she said. Jack loved how childishly amazed Diana was about this place.

"Come on Diana, there's a diner across the street lets go." They grabbed their jackets and proceeded to the diner.

Chapter Six: Reality Sinks In

They ordered breakfast, Diana grew slightly jealous when a pretty waitress flirted with Jack.

"Hey handsome are you passing through. Or are you planning on stay'n awhile." said the tall slender red haired green eyed waitress, adding a flirting smile to the question. "No, just passing through honey." Jack replied. Diana huffed out. "Hey miss, can you get my order. I'm starving here."

"Sorry sweetie, we've got us a new cook. But don't worry honey, what our new cook lacks in speed, he makes up for it in taste and quality." The redhead flirted with Jack a little more. "Is your wife somewhere nearby handsome. Or are you just traveling with your daughter."

Jack stuttered slightly, replying. ", I'm not married." her question caught him off guard.

" your divorced, now that's interesting. Hey maybe you can stick around for a while." the woman paused for affect, she smiled. "I'll show you my sights. Oops I mean the sights." The waitress winked at Jack.

Diana coughed to get their attention. "Hey now miss. My dad has a girl friend," Diana looked at the waitress's name tag. "So I guess you're out of luck this morning: Aren't you Marcie!!"

Marcie scowled at Diana, she was about to speak when the television located on the wall, caught her eye.

They all looked up to see a picture of Diana on the screen. Its one of her 5th grade year book pictures.

Luckily in this picture, Diana has chestnut brown hair, not blond, and her eyes are brown not blue.

The news reporter spoke.

"Indiana state police, are still searching for Diana Douglas, her mother reported her missing two days ago. So far no-one has a clue of this child's whereabouts. If anyone has any information on Diana's whereabouts please call the Indiana state police." the reporter went on to say.

"Our affiliated news agency in Indianapolis, recently interviewed Diana's mother, Julia Douglas. Here's what she had to say." Both Diana and Jack's hearts sank, when they saw Julia Douglas crying while she spoke to news reporters, she held up a picture of Diana.

"This is my little girl, she's twelve years old. If someone's taken her: Please don't hurt her, just let her come home safe. And Diana, if your watching this I want to know I love you. If you've ran away, I'm not mad at you. I know things have changed since your father died in Afghanistan. Oh baby, just come home please."

The network changed to an advertisement, Marcie turned back to Jack and Diana.

"I hope some creep didn't kidnap the poor little girl," Marcie noticed a tear rolling down Diana's cheek.

"Oh sweetheart, did that upset you. I tell ya, every time I hear about some poor little girl missing like that, it makes me so angry. It's a scary world out there these days; Ain't it."

Suddenly the cook yelled out. "Marcie, orders up for table five!!" Marcie left them on their own.

Jack hugged Diana, rubbing her shoulder. He whispered. "You ok sweetheart." Diana wiped her eyes.

"Yeah I'm fine, it just caught me off guard that's all. Lets just eat and get out of here."

Marcie startled them. "Ok here's your order." As she sat their meals in front of them, she looked Diana over closer. They both thought the nosy waitress spotted her from the news flash.

"Girl you look familiar. Are you like; famous or something?" said Marcie. It was the news flash placing a subliminal image in her mind, as luck would have, at least for now anyway. Marcie isn't smart enough to put two and two together. Diana looked up smiling sweetly. "Nope I'm not famous, I guess your not the first person to think I look a lot like Hanna Montana." The waitress just smiled and walked away, wearing a puzzled look on her face.

Chapter Seven: West Bound And Down

The only sound Jack heard as he pulled onto highway 70 west, was the roar of the Z28's high-powered engine as he entering the roadway at the posted speed limit in no time flat. Jack reached over stroking the back of Diana's hand. He said something, he didn't want to say.

"If you want'a go back home, I'll understand. I won't try and stop you, if that's what you want."

Diana placed her hand on his, she smiled confidently. "I don't want'a go home. But I would like to call mom. I won't tell her where I am. And especially, I won't tell her I'm with you."

Jack thought a minute. "You cant use my cell phone. They'll see its my number, then track me down. But I'll buy you one of those pay per minute phones. Every so often we'll get a new one with a new number. Just turn it on when you want'a call your mom, then turn it off after that. You can call her from time to time, just to let her know your safe and sound. Just don't say where you are, or who your with,"

Jack chose his words carefully. "I know this will be hard for you and Julia. But at least your mom won't worry herself crazy, thinking your dead or something. I know you love your mother, hopefully this will help you feel a little more at ease with what we're doing." Diana leaned over kissing Jack on the cheek.

"Thanks Jack, I love you. And just think, six years will fly-by in no time. Then we'll come back home married. Mom will except you as her new son in-law: Right?"

Jack sighed taking a deep breath. He knew coming home six years from now and dropping this bombshell in her mothers lap wouldn't quite be that easy. "Yeah sure, It'll work out, Julia will understand," he lied.

But his lie made Diana happy, she turned the radio on, then placed her hand between Jack's legs, gently playing with his cock through his blue jeans. Jack thought of the dangerous sex they had while he drove back in the flatlands of Kansas.

Chapter Eight: Hot Flash Back

"No baby, no screwing or blow jobs while I drive. Its way to dangerous in these mountains."

Diana rubbed his cock harder, he was slowly becoming hard again. It didn't take much for Diana to make him hard. As Diana fondled him, he remembered back to that fateful afternoon at his Indianapolis apartment. It was the day he took Diana's virginity. She skipped school during her lunch break, and slipped out to see him. She was upset that day, her fathers body had been placed in the ground at the veterans cemetery just two weeks before, and she was having a hard time coping.

He told her after the funeral, if she ever needed to talk, all she had to do was knock on his door, he'd be there for her. He answered the door, and there stood Diana dressed in her school uniform, consisting of a white short sleeve blouse tucked snugly into the waist band of a knee length navy blue skirt. Her attire was made sensually complete with pink and white ankle socks, under brightly polished black paten-leather shoes. "Well hi Diana what a pleasant surprise." He said, sounding happy to see his best friends daughter.

He invited her in, she seemed sad, but she played it off saying. "I'm skipping school for the rest of the day. Do you mind if I hang out with you, until I have to go home at four o-clock."

He didn't say no. But she did come at a bad time, he was watching one of his teen girl porn video's, he forgot to turn it off before answering the door. As eleven year old Diana stepped into his apartment she heard a teenage girl moaning softly. She glanced over at his TV set, her big brown eyes became instantly glued to the scene playing out on the hot older younger triple X rated video.

"Oh um..I'm sorry, I should turn that off. God if your dad, knew you saw that he'd break my neck."

He said this, without thinking of his best friend being dead. He scurried around her, looking for his remote control wanting to turn it off. Diana just stood there, her eyes transfixed on the scene of a pretty young blue eyed blond getting fucked hard by a handsome tattooed man with thick curly wavy black hair and a muscular build.

"No don't turn it off Jack, I want'a see this."

She sounded like she was becoming turned on by the hot scene playing out before her young eyes. Jack fought his urges, the urges he's kept locked away for so many years. He's a little girl lover. Ever since he came back from the war in Afghanistan, he noticed Diana was becoming a very attractive young girl. Although he's never touched a child of any age in a sexual way, he found himself wanting Diana like he's never wanted any woman or girl before. Diana is in the age range of young girls he's always fantasized about. At eleven she's tall for her age, at this age she's at least four-ten, her breast are round firm little nubs. He's known her since his friend Bill and his wife brought her home from the hospital, when she was just a baby.

"Shit" he thought. I used to baby set for Bill and Julia, I changed Diana's diapers. Hell I never touched her then, and I won't touch her now. No, no fucking way man.

But the next thing he knew they were setting on his couch, watching different video's from his collection. Diana slipped an untitled video's into the DVD player. It turned out to be one of his illegal child porn films. Something he bought when he was stationed in Germany. As the video began to play Diana, touched his leg then slipped her hand dangerously close to his already growing cock. He was wearing grey sweatpants with the words, US Army in bold black lettering on the leg. Diana exclaimed.

"Hey that girls my age. I didn't know kids made sex movies." As she spoke her hand slipped down to his stiff cock. "Your thingy's hard Jack. You like these movies don't you," She looked into his blue eyes, she smiled and told him. "I do too, I think it would be so much fun to have sex for a living like these girls do."

As she spoke she didn't take her hand away, she kept rubbing his dick. Exploring it with utmost curiosity.

"Can I see your penis Jack. I've seen them in your movies," she smiled. "And I've seen them in those dirty magazines daddy thought he hid from me in our garage," She stroked him a little more. Jack moaned.

"But I want'a see your's. Please, let me see it."

Jack knew he shouldn't but he couldn't help it. He should've said: No, but he couldn't, his own curiosity got the best of him.

"Ok I'll show you. But if I'm going to show you my cock. You need to show me your pussy."

Suddenly everything was out of control. What started out to be, just a little childish show and tell, turned out to be. An all out taboo passionate sex education class. Diana was truly a fast learner, once Jack stood and dropped his sweat pants. Diana took off her blouse, her training bra, then her dress. And to Jack's amazement she dropped her white cotton panties to the floor, without hesitating. She would've taken her socks and paten leather shoes off, but Jack told her how sexy she looked with them on, so she did as he asked.

What really surprised Jack, was the way Diana quickly reached over and took his cock in her soft preteen hand. She looked back at the illegal video, noticing a black haired Russian girl, even younger then she is was sucking a grown mans cock, as if she were born doing the task. And if truth be told, the black haired eight year old Russian girl most likely did learn to suck cock at very early age.

Diana didn't want to be out done by a younger girl, she sat on the couch leaving Jack standing. She opened her mouth wide then wrapped her lips around his shaft, she began sucking Jack's cock for the first of so many time to come. What rally amazed Jack, is the fact, he never asked her to do this. Diana told him later she saw what the girl on video did, she just mimicked the girls actions. When the Russian girl bobbed her head back and forth, that's what she did. If the girl licked the mans shaft, she did the same.

"Diana baby, you're a natural cocksucker." said Jack, feeling like he should take his vulgar statement back after he said the words. He wanted to tell her. Stop. No Diana don't do this, your father was my best friend. But he couldn't. The feeling of a young girls warm wet lips and tongue on his cock flesh, made him realize his fantasy of being with preteen girl finally came true, there was no stopping this now.

No mater how hard he tried, he just couldn't stop the passionate taboo freight train of lust, from running him and Diana down. like a White Tail Deer stuck on the tracks, waiting for impending doom as the train came closer and closer. Diana stopped giving him head, he noticed two of her fingers tips were buried to the first knuckles at the opening of her hairless snatch. She looked at the video still playing out on the TV screen.

The scene has changed, now there's girl about her age with long flowing black curly hair, and the most bright blue eyes she's ever seen. "Look at her Jack. She's my age and that mans going to put his penis in her vagina. If she can do that, I can do that!" The way she exclaimed the entire statement, let Jack know she wouldn't take no for an answer. He took her hand, gently pulling her from the couch.

"Come to my bedroom, before I change my mind," he said.

He remembered everything, as if it were today when it happened. He remembered how soft her hand was when he took it, guiding her to his bed. He remembered what her virgin sex tasted like, when he licked and sucked her to her first oral orgasm. But most of all, he remembers how she held him tight, as his cock tore through the flesh of her hymen, when he took her virginity way before she became a full grown woman.

Chapter Nine: The Road To Los Vegas

Diana had fallen asleep, but not until after she begged him to let her give him a blow job while he drove. She grew bored with the rough, but scenic rocky desert terrain of Utah's Grand Valley. But Jack loved each twist and turn of I 70. He thought to himself, how his classic muscle car was made for this, as he drove through the up and down twist and turns, of the red sandy desert with its strange rocky canyons and so many strange land marks along the way. It brought back memories of better days, when Diana's father was alive. When Bill helped him rebuild the old Camaro from the ground up, before they were sent to the middle east in hopes of capturing or killing Osama Bin Laden. Now he found himself thinking of Bill once more as he came to the point in Utah where interstate 70 ends, into interstate 15.

As he turned onto I 15. Diana woke up, she raised the seat back up, then stretched and yawned. "Where are we," she enquired sounding a bit drowsy.

"Still in Utah, but we'll stop in Nevada for the night."

"Nevada, you mean like Los Vegas Nevada." Jack grinned. "Yep, I think we'll stop in sin city tonight. But its still a good drive from where we are now. When we get there we'll take a few days off and see the sights," he caressed her leg.

She smiled at him, her smile turned to a frown. "I cant have any fun in Vegas. Dammit I'm too young."

Jack replied reassuringly. "You'll have fun. they've turned Vegas into a family friendly place, its like a big amusement park now. Your father and me, came here to celebrate my 21st birthday. I got laid her, by one of the city's many working girls. She was a birthday gift from your father." Diana had to ask.

"Did dad get laid too." Jack laughed telling her. "He got laid too, it was before he married your mom. But he was engaged to her." Diana laughed devilishly, yelling out "All right daddy!!"

"I miss him Jack, I wish could've came with us. We would've had so much fun together."

Jack raised her hand to his lips, kissing her like a gentleman. "He's with us, I know he is. And I do believe you when you tell me he visits you in your dreams,"

Jack paused, he thought of the last thing he and Bill talked about, back in Afghanistan. Before he saw her father, his best friend die in the IED attack.

"Diana I've never told you this. We were talking about you before he died. Your father loved you so much, he was so proud of you. He was so amazed at how fast you were growing. I know he's with you and me in spirit everywhere we go," He kissed her hand again, then joked

"If you see old Billy boy again tell him to come see me, I'd like to talk to him. I talk to him sometimes when I'm out by myself, but I never get an answer from him. I think he's mad at me, for falling in love with you."

"No he's not. The last time he visited me he told me, he doesn't feel anger anymore. He knows you love me Jack, don't worry he's not going to come back and kick your ass." Diana's smile warmed Jack's heart, he knew what she said was true.

The sun sat once more in the west as the star struck lovers headed to a new uncertain destiny in the west.


2015-06-10 21:19:41
Yes please post more of this taboo tale


2015-06-10 20:41:07
Will you be posting more of this story or are you just copying this from another site?

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-06-10 13:12:03
Great story, Hell bent......It is very familiar lol. Keep more parts of this fictional tale going It has to get even hotter then this.....Mr Longfello

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