Second attempt at the family home, Adams twin found, Diamond renewed love
After four days away from the beach house it was so nice to be home. Wednesday morning I woke up feeling recharged from all the thinking and planning for my families future. I explained everything during breakfast in which I got smiles from all my family members that were there. They asked when the house would be ready to move in to. I explained if Caleb and Simon joined in with the construction crews that the contractor told me about the House and all the other projects would be done within a year and a half to two. My godfather each looked at me before standing up pulling out their cell phones. I sat in my chair with Jessie Lee in my lap. I knew she wanted to let the cat out of the bag in which I nodded while hearing my godfathers each talking to someone. Jessie stood up before addressing everyone.
“ I want to thank you all that are Heath’s family for taking in my cousins Sierra and Mandy. If it was not for them I would of never met a wonderful and amazing man. The past month as you know I have come to love him. As off Monday night.” Jessie Lee says pausing placing her left hand that holds the ring on my right shoulder as to give them a hint before continuing “ Heath made me the happiest woman in the world.”
It’s at that moment everyone in the kitchen except the moms, kids, and my loves go wide eyed.
“ Wait...your saying he asked you Jessie?” Mandy asks to only get a nod
“ Yes he did I hope that doesn’t make you all mad.” Jessie responds as Sierra and Mandy look at their cousin who is more of a sister to them
Renee goes to her twin you might say as they were born at the same time to what I was told. She took Jessie’s left hand to look at the ring. She smiled a second later looking up at her sister in her heart showing love that she has for Jessie.
“ I am so happy for you sis. You deserve a man like Heath. He is like you said wonderful. Jamie looks up to him and William so much. I hope one day to have such a ring on my finger just as you do.” Renee says with a smile before Jessie shows tears
“ Thank you sis in return. I do have a question for you, Sierra, and Mandy though.” Jessie says replying to the concerned young woman
“ What is that my sissy?” Renee asks getting Sierra and Mandy’s attention
“ Will you three be my brides maids when we do get married? Why I ask is because I want Mom and Aunt Lisa to be my Maid of Honor’s.” Jessie says getting smiles as Sierra and Mandy jump off Jack’s lap to only go to their cousins
“ We would be honored to stand by you and our sisters.” Mandy states as they all three hug Jessie
“ Aww what a loving moment.” Tessa says with a bright smile
“ Yes it is but I think there is another surprise to be announced.” I stated looking at Tessa and my mother
“ I suppose there is son.” My mother says before taking Tessa’s right hand in her left
“ Oh what is that Maggie?” Momma Ellie asks seeing something is up
“ Well just like Jessie I am grateful my granddaughters found a family that accepted them for I wouldn’t of met three woman that have stole my heart, but one of them stole my soul.” Tessa says with a smile before continuing on “ I love this woman on my right so very much, but know Faye and Jacqueline come with her. So while we were gone this past weekend I asked her to be mine forever along with my lovers.”
“ YOU WHAT!” Comes a voice from the doorway to the living room as everyone turns to look
There standing is Nick, Savannah, and Megan all with wide eyes. I notice Nick has a look that only shows stun and confusion.
“ I asked Maggie to marry me, and why are you three doing here honey?” Tessa answers only to ask in return
“ We came to visit for a few days, but I guess we walk into a surprise.” Nick exclaims as he makes his way to his mother followed by Savannah and Megan
“ Yes I am sorry for not calling to tell you, but it was a spontaneous thing for me Nick. Look I love your father and still do. It’s just Maggie is so much like him in some ways. She is loving, caring, and can really make love to me on a whole new level.” Tessa says making my mother blush
“ Ok um that last part was very not something I wanted to hear.” Nick says blushing himself
“ Oh sorry for that, but you get the idea.” Tessa says as everyone starts to laugh even Justin
“ Yeah bro I got to agree. I don’t want to learn about our mother’s sex life either.” Justin says getting a few more laughs
“ GRAMPIE NICK!” We hear the kids yell as they all for run to Nick two on each leg hugging him
“ Hey how are my grandkiddie’s?” Nick asks looking down at the four with a grin
Since the day he entered their lives each has found Nick to be a grandfather along the same way with Mike, Nate, and Ricky.
“ We are doing fine. Can I have a ride on your bike?” Lil Greg asks to only get a chuckle from Nick
“ Sorry little man first I have a trike a bit different, and second it’s cold out there son. Look once it warms up you will be the first to ride.” Nick says while I notice Lil Greg show sadness
“ Ok Grampie Nick you promise?” My oldest son says getting a nod
“ I promise LG as I did my brother when he asked me.” Nick says looking over at Justin
“ I remember that it was a cool experience as I got hooked.” Justin says getting a smile from Nick
It’s at that moment Nick goes back to looking at our mothers. He has a serious expression at first shaking his head with a smirk.
“ Well they always say the more moms you have the better the warmth in your heart.” Nick says before turning to me continuing “ So am I correct bro.”
I see his smile as I stand up making my way to him. I give him a hug in which he returns. Once we break the hug I look at him with a smile.
“ So brother of mine are you ok with our mothers being together?” I ask seeing him look from me to Justin
“ How do you feel about this Justin?” Nick asks his younger brother with concern
“ Well I am very ok with it as I see mom smile again, but I still don’t want to hear about her sex life. I would need counseling.” Justin says getting a laugh from Jack
“ Well your in luck as Adam is a counselor.” Jack says getting slapped twice in the back of the head from Sierra and Mandy who had returned to his lap
“ That was uncalled for baby.” Sierra says getting laughs
I walked over to Jack with a smile before I placed my hand on his right shoulder.
“ They sure told you NEPHEW.” I say as a joke before he smacks my hand away from his shoulder
“ Fuck you bro. It’s bad enough some part of this family could be on Jerry Springer. On this episode we see how a man has five women as his mom has six.” Jack says as I am shoved back to see all the moms, Savannah, and Megan smack the back of his head
Everyone starts to laugh except Jack who is left massaging the back of his head.
“ No respect I tell you.” He tries to say in his Rodney Dangerfield voice getting the kids to laugh
Nick again looks at his mother intently before letting out a sigh.
“ Mom I love you so much, and I know dad would want you to be happy. So with that said I would be honored to call Maggie, Faye, and Jacqueline my mothers since I know you are with them too.” He states seeing a smile from each of them
Tessa goes to her son as my mother comes to me. They hug us with such love as Jacqueline goes to Nick and Faye to me. I look over to see Nick smile at me to only return it to him.
“ Hey what about me?” Justin says as the four moms go over to him hugging away
After that we all sit down as a big family. Nick is in the chair on the opposite end of me with Savannah and Megan in his lap while Jessie Lee and Tiffany are in mine. We talk about the new house in which Nick nods liking the idea. He says Caleb and Simon talked about it, and they agree to help. I smile knowing this new information knowing two new family members want to help in a new place to call home.
It’s about 11 a.m. when there comes a knock on the front door. I have Tiffany and Diamond get off my lap so I can go answer the door. I ask if anyone is expecting anyone to only get shook heads, or ‘No’s’ from them. Once to the door I look through the peep hole to see four people standing on the other side. I don’t know who they are, but go ahead to open the door. Once open I am shoved back with a paper given to me.
“ What the hell do you think your doing coming into my house like that, and what’s this shit?” I ask confused and upset
“ That young man is a warrant for your children. There has been complaints of your family as well as you mistreating them. My colleague here is from Child Safety and she will be taking the kids away to a safe place.” The man says as my eyes go wide
They all four walk in while I look at the warrant. I have never seen one, but this one looked legit. I shut the door to only follow them. The woman who looks to be in her late 30‘s looks around. She stands 5‘5, 100 lbs, long blonde hair and blue eyes. The man looks around also looking to be mid 40‘s, 6‘1, 223 lbs, short brown hair and brown eyes. The two officers look to be in their late 20‘s. One stood 5‘11, 187 lbs, short brown hair and brown eyes. The other stood 6‘2, 243 lbs, short black hair with brown eyes. I walked past them to see my family all looking at them with great concern.
“ What’s...what’s going on Heath?” Diamond asks me as my loves stood by her
“ They...they came to get the kids. Seems there has been some complaints of us mistreating the kids.” I explain getting wide eyes from everyone
“ THAT’S BULLSHIT!” Papa Mike yells loudly as I notice the man smirk
“ Oh is it as I see it any of you men could be touching them wrongfully.” He says as the woman makes her way to Karen to only be stopped by my mother and Tessa standing between them
“ Give her here or these two officers will move you at once.” The woman says as the other moms surround the boys
“ Your not taking my grandkids you cunt.” Momma Ellie says as the woman turns to the police officers
“ You heard her officers do as you were instructed.” She says as I see the two start to the moms
It’s at that moment Nick, Nicky, and Justin quickly draw their guns stepping in between the officers and the moms that guard my kids
“ Sorry Heath but they are not taking your kids or Chris’s son.” Nicky says with a stern voice
“ Young man you just made a big mistake drawing a gun on a officer. Now all three of you stand down or else.” The tall officer says as Nick, Nicky, and Justin don’t move
It’s at that moment that Nick lowers his gun to look at the man in the business suit.
“ Your dead Savannah and I saw you die. How can you be alive?” Nick states asking to get Savannah to scream
“ Nick, Nick, Nick you are such a stupid idiot. Did you think Gavin was a only child? Did you think he wouldn’t have some sibling like a sister or a twin.” The man states getting Nick’s attention
“ What? Wait a minute Gavin never told me he had siblings.” Savannah says stepping next to Nick
“ Of course he wouldn’t has he was teaching us to be like him. As you can see I went through with it unlike our bitch of a younger sister.” The man says looking over at Diamond before continuing “ Isn’t that right Destiny you little slut.”
I notice Diamond’s eyes go wide as she looks at him with fear.
“ I...I am not her you have the wrong person.” She says stepping to me
“ Oh I beg to differ. Do you still have that star birthmark on your left ass cheek still, or did you have that dyke of a girlfriend of yours tattoo over it.” He says as my loves and my eyes go wide
“ Diamond what is going on baby?’ Hannah asks as Diamond steps away from us
“ So you are my unfortunate little bitch sister.” He says as Diamond starts to cry
“ Dude you need to watch your mouth.” Jack says to the fucker that made his sister cry
“ I don’t have to watch nothing. I have spent years waiting for a chance to help my brother’s mentor get some revenge and now I will have it. Officers take them out, but save the bitch by Nick there as I was promised by Gavin to break her will and I intend to do just that.” He says as the two officers start to Nick
It’s at that moment we all hear the front door open with a slam against the wall. We all look to see it’s William and Debra geared up with what looks like cattleprods and tazers.
“ WILLIAM!” Jasmine yells as they both come in the living room quickly
“ GET THE KIDS UPSTAIRS UNTIL I SAY BRING THEM DOWN!” Debra yells to the moms in which Mom, Tessa, Ellie, and Kiko grab a kid and run
“ GET BACK HERE!” The woman says until she is stopped by a kick from Megan
“ You are not going after my grandkids you bitch.” Megan says as the woman goes down
I stand between my loves as my godfathers go to the stairs to block it. Savannah helps Megan with the woman keeping her from going anywhere.
“ Nick that is Geoff who goes by Jeff Upton. He IS Gavin’s twin brother. He was the one to hire the men to kidnap Megan all those years ago. The woman is his personal slave sort of speak. As to the two wanna be officers they are his goons. So as I see it have fun.” William explains as I look at the warrant before ripping it up
“ So this whole thing was done by Tyrone?” I ask getting a nod
“ Yep a mutual friend got word to Debra and I. He told us exactly what Jeff here was up to.” William tells me as I fell my anger start to show
“ Heath baby don’t your heart. You can’t get overly angry.” Diamond tells me from behind me with tears
I turn to look at her seeing fear as I shake my head before rushing Jeff. I collide making him hit the other chair before planting my fist into the left side of his face. He struggles until my right knee comes up to his chest taking the breath out of him. I hear the others yelling or screaming for me to stop, but I don’t. I keep wailing into this asshole. How dare he come in my house in the attempt to take my kids. How dare he thinking he could hurt my family. And how dare he make MY Diamond cry and show fear. It’s not long that I hear two sharp screams before feeling hands grab my arms then pull me off the sick fuck.
“ LET ME GO!” I yell struggling to get free
“ NO HEATH YOU NEED TO COOL YOUR JETS!” I hear William say to me
“ William is right bro. Believe me from experience there is a time and place for everything, but this is not your time. This one is from my past let me get even with him for you and Diamond. She needs you bro look at her she is scared just as Savannah was years ago. I see it in her eyes she thinks you will not trust her. Diamond thinks you will kick her to the curb.” Nick tells me as I turn my head to look at my beautiful Diamond
My eyes went wide as Nick was right. Her eyes did show fear as she was scared at what I might do knowing of my anger. I shook the thoughts of hurt away before lifting my hands to be let go. Both Nick and William let me go to only stay standing in front of Jeff. I made my way to Diamond to see her fidget before making her way to me. I placed my arms around her tight as she started crying with her head on my chest.
“ I’m sorry baby that I never told you. I ran away from home after Gavin was killed. I could’t stand to be like him or Jeff. Hurting so many for sport or their own pleasure. I am so sorry my love for hiding my past.” She explains getting our loves to hug us with love
“ It’s ok Diamond honey as Uncle Nick will take care of him. Baby we love you for you not who you were in the past.” Jessie Lee says with her heart
“ She’s right Diamond honey. My husband will make sure Jeff is taken care off. You don’t need to worry about him as my sons are your brothers as well as Jack, Adam, Chris, Travis, and Jamie.” Savannah states coming over to us
I give Diamond a tight hug then a kiss before letting her go.
“ Diamond darlin why don’t you and the others go up and be with our kids. I will come up later and be with you and the girls ok?” I say getting her to look up at me with a nod
Savannah and Megan take my loves upstairs as I see the woman cuffed with Debra standing guard over the bitch. I turned as Jacman, Abs, Travis, and Chris all stood on either side of me as Nicky and Justin joined with their guns holstered. I look at them all to see nods as we watch William and Nick help Jeff up.
“ So what are you going to do with him?” Travis asks only to get smirks from William and Debra
“ Oh were going to take him somewhere that he can’t get away.” William states to us answering
“ WHAT!” Jeff says loudly as Debra pulls out a syringe
“ Oh don’t worry Jeffy boy you will know soon enough.” She says stepping up to him before placing the needle at his neck before continuing “ Say goodnight Gracie.”
Before he can say anything he is out cold.
“ What did you do to my master?” The woman says only to have Debra turn facing her
“ Oh I gave him a cocktail to make him sleep. So now for you bitch.” Debra says pulling out a vial
“ No please I am sorry he made me come here. He rapes me please don’t hurt me.” The woman says but Debra shows no remorse or care in the world
“ Lady you don’t know rape. You have your own will as I heard the other night. Oh yes I heard you cumming asking for him to fuck you along with those two on the floor. So be a good slut and say good night George.” Debra says placing the needle in the woman’s neck
At that moment she is out cold. I can’t help but have this unimaginable urge to know what William did to Trey now. If William was doing things to save his new family then I needed to trust him and Debra. We help get the four into William’s van with Nicky and Justin being lookouts. Once secured I see William and Debra get in, but Nick has this look on his face. He turns to Justin, Nicky , and I as we formed up on him.
“ Nicky, Justin stay here keep OUR family safe.” Nick says getting nods as I have wide eyes
“ Wait you can’t go bro. You need to stay here with us.” I say feeling his hands on my shoulders
“ Heath you are going to be my brother by marriage one day when our mothers decide. You need to stay here and protect your girls and mine as my son and Justin protect the family. I love you Heath since that third day I met you. I trust you with Savannah and Megan so guard them from any other people that might have been sent. I will be back trust me.” He tells me with a look of love and a big brother would have
“ Ok Nick I will trust you.” I say only to get a smile
He has Debra scoot over as he got on the passenger side. William just nods before starting his van to leave.
“ Hey don’t worry bro he will be back. Now you have a woman to help as Savannah told me years ago what happened and if Diamond feels the same then she needs you more then ever.” Justin tells me while I see Nicky nod
We make our way back into the house as I see a hurt Diamond at the foot of the stairs with tears. She comes running to me as I pick her up.
“ Please baby forgive me. Never stop loving me.” She states as the door shuts behind me
“ Diamond calm down you shaking.” I tell her holding her tightly against me
“ I can’t help it as I am scared Heath. I am scared you will break up with me after hearing what my older brother said.” My beautiful Diamond says to me
“ No darlin I am not going to leave you. Your past is that in the past as our future together is bright as I look in your eyes my beautiful Diamond.” I tell her seeing those beautiful eyes sparkle
“ Aww baby I love you so much my dearest love.” Diamond tells me with a smile
“ I love you too sexy so how about we go check on the kids and tell them everything is alright.” I say getting a nod
“ Baby they are wanting you. Everything scared them. We have tried to calm them down, but they are wanting their father. Chris, Lil Heath is asking for you also.” Diamond says catching my brothers eyes
“ Crap I knew something would scare him. Come on bro we have our kids to worry about at the moment.” He tells me as I take my Diamond’s left hand to lead her behind me as Chris runs in front of us
At that moment I knew even though people in my past had bad moments it was how they treated me was the important thing. Diamond was one of those that treated me with respect and love. That first time we made love those spring breaks ago was the start of something beautiful. As we reached the kid’s room it was Karen that noticed me to only run to me on the bed, but jumped into my arms after I let go of Diamond’s hand. I held my first born tight letting her cry on my chest. She was shaking as I sat on the foot of the bed feeling movement behind me. Both my sons wrapped their small arms around me with tears themselves. Chris had Lil Heath in his arms leaving the room with Selena who was scared for her son as my girls were for theirs. Karen looked up at me with those bright beautiful blues.
“ Daddy the bad people gone?” She asks with some fear
“ Yes honey they are gone. You, your brothers, and cousin are safe. Your Grampie Nick and Great Uncle William, and Great Aunt Debra are taking them somewhere they can’t ever hurt any of you or us again.” I exclaim as she nods before placing her head back on my chest
I look at my girls that stood along with the moms, godmoms, Savannah, and Megan. They all look very concerned as Adam comes in to check on his niece and nephews. I just look at my three little ones and make a vow to never put them in harms way again.
After a hour drive through back roads and dirt ones we arrived to a secluded farm that was hidden from the road. It was the same place that Caleb, Simon , and I followed William to last time. William parked by a barn door so it would be easier to get those in the back inside. Once we got the four bodies inside William shut the door. We had chained them up on post that stood not far from the door. Once their hands and feet where chained Debra began stripping them. I just shook my head while William chuckled.
“ Nick you ok bro?” William asked with concern
We took each other in as brothers since I never had one around my age except E.P., Jax, and Dwight. Now I had William for he told me his story as to why he has been after Tyrone. If I had known all those years ago I might of stopped Karl before I left on my road trip with Savannah. Damn those memories come back so many times as of late. I guess that time Trey came in the picture and the way everything seemed it finally woke up my memories, and now finding out this Geoff, or Jeff had something to do with my uncle was bringing them back full stream. I was brought out of my thoughts when I felt a touch on my left shoulder.
“ Hey bro you ok man? You look like your seeing a ghost.” William asks again to only state a partial truth
“ You might say I have with him.” I say pointing at Gavin’s twin
“ I suppose your right there, but this can end your nightmares that I have heard about.” He says getting a confused expression
“ How did you know that William?” I asked as Debra walked up to him
“ Savannah and Megan told me hun. I hope it’s ok as they are my sisters now.” She says getting a nod
“ Yes it’s ok I know they are worried about me. It’s just the way things are going with Heath and this Tyrone fucker trying to hurt him in any way he can just brings back those memories.” I explain as both nod
“ Well Nick honey maybe taking out this asshole will him get some closure.” Debra tells me with a grin
“ Maybe, but knowing Tyrone is out of the way will help more. I don’t want Heath to go through what I was going to do when I was a few years younger then him.” I state seeing William nod
“ I know as I was there. I saw the after affect seeing how distrought you were. And hearing it from Sasha and Lucy damn you were going to sacrifice yourself to stop a tyrant.” He exclaims as I nodded
“ Yep and that is what I have to try to stop Heath from having to do. I see a lot of myself in him that it’s not funny.” I say while both my brother and sister nod
“ Well now you know why I bring those that hurt our new family out here. I don’t have remorse for anyone that hurts our family. So you think you can deal with what we have planned?” William asked while I give him a raised right eye brow
“ What your going to fuck that whore in front of the other asshole?” I ask seeing wide eyes
“ Hell no. I don’t want my baby to get a disease then give it to me. No we’re going to do some torture to show him that messing with our family is a living hell, and besides he needs to meet a old friend of his.” Debra says to me as I see William open the side door
Debra leads me over to a opening. She points at a spike that comes out of the ground. There upon it lies Trey’s head. I am wide eyed as I look at William.
“ Damn brother you are evil man.” I say getting a chuckle
“ Only to those that piss me off or hurt those I love.” He states while Debra wraps her arms around him
“ Nick we vowed after what my baby did to Trey that we would protect Heath, you and those that you both love. None of this will ever come back on either of you or us.” Debra says with such love in her eyes I can only grin with a nod
“ So we going to stand here or torture some asshole? As one was taken down years ago why not deal with another.” I exclaim asking two of my family
“ First we have to light the pit up before making some fertilizer.” William says with a laugh
William and I light the wood that is in the pit. He tells me the wood helps to mask the ashes of the bodies. He also tells me he uses it to help plants to grow. I think on that before I get a concerned thought.
“ Wait you don’t mean?” I ask before he winks while I look at the pit of fire before I continue “ Ok remind me to never piss you off.”
“ Ok don’t piss me off.” He says while we both laugh
“ Smart ass.” I state getting a nod
“ Yep now to get down and dirty shall we.” William says as I follow him inside to only see Debra undid the woman’s legs to only spread them
I look to see a vibrator in the woman who is moaning. Debra has a remote in her hand with a smile on her face. I look at William who only tells me she wanted to have some fun during this little mission. The woman is going back and forth on the post. I walk over to see a mounted dildo up her ass with some blood. I look over at Debra who has a devilish grin on her face.
“ Remind me never to piss you off either.” I say to only get a giggle
“ Don’t ever hurt my sisters, nieces, nephews, or grandbabies!” She states point blank getting a smile before adding “ Especially my loving grandbabies. Then you will know hell first hand.”
“ Well guess I won’t be pissing you off. So why are you letting her get turned on and wet?” I ask as both of them laugh
“ Well brother of mine. I figured she needed to be fucked some how before going to hell. Shit it helps me for later for some reason.” Debra says looking at William with wanton eyes
“ Um ok not going to even ask. So when do we make this asshole get tortured?” I exclaim with curiosity
“ Oh right about now I suppose. Debra is she ready for some warming up?” William asks his beautiful lady
“ Yep she is can’t you hear and see her eyes. She is orgasming right now.” Debra says before William takes the gag from the cunt’s mouth
“ Please let me go...oh god....I’m cumming....please stop.” She says with a pleading moan
“ Why bitch for you were going to take four sweet kids to a tyrant. You don’t deserve to live.” Debra says with anger in her voice
“ I...I was just doing what I was told.” She states as William reaching between the woman’s legs
I watch and see him pull the vibrator out of her pussy the around to pull the dildo out fast. She screams loudly to only wake up Geoff. The other two fuckers wake up to only to notice they are naked. All three go wide eyed to look over at a defeated whore.
“ WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY WOMAN!” Geoff yells with such concern
“ Oh I just made her cum with some toys. She really is a whore to have her juices flow like they are tenderizing her skin.” Debra states answering the worried fucker
“ Shawna are you ok?” Geoff asks his whore
“ No baby I need to cum again. I need your big cock in me or theirs.” She answers looking at him and the two limp dicks
“ YOU BASTARDS WAIT UNTIL I GET WORD TO TYRONE YOUR ALL GOING TO PAY!” Geoff says getting laughs from William and Debra as I stand up against a wall with my right foot behind me
“ Oh your not going to talk to Tyrone again. Has anyone ever wondered what happened to Trey?” William asks with a smirk
“ Yeah Tyrone has asked, but no one has found him yet.” Geoff answers before William walks over to him taking the back of his head to make him look out side
I watch his eyes go wide as does the other two wannabe’s. Each one stares at what is left of the one that was known as Trey. I see Geoff look over at me with a look of anger.
“ Nick your dead once I get loose. I will get my revenge on you for killing Gavin and my mentors wife.” Geoff states making my heart feel that time of my Aunt Gail
I look up at him to only walk over to look him deep in the eyes.
“ First off I didn’t kill your brother as the dumbass couldn’t drop his gun, and two my aunt was the one telling my uncle what to do. She was going to kill me you ass munch. Now for what is going to happen next all I can say is have fun in hell, and tell my dear aunt I said hi as you and Gavin fuck her. Oh another thing asshole you aren’t built to take on my wives.” I explain before bringing my right knee straight up into his balls making him scream in pain
“ NO STOP!” Shawna says with a plead in her voice
“ Shut up bitch.” Debra says putting a collar on Shawna followed by a leash
“ What are you going to do to her?” One of the goons asks
“ Oh don’t worry your little heart out as you will meet back up soon. I’m going to take her for a small walk like the little bitch she is.” Debra answers letting Shawna off the post
Debra leads Shawna to the post just outside to where Geoff and the two assholes watch on. Once to the post Shawna is strapped to it with chains. It’s cold as I see her nipples getting erect.
“ What are you doing it’s cold out there? She will freeze to death.” Geoff says before I shake my head with a giggle
“ Oh she won’t be cold for long my stupid friend. Now why don’t you tell me when does Tyrone plan to come after my Nephew.” William states asking a wide eyed Geoff
“ I am not telling you anything. Now let me go so I can get my revenge on Nick.” Geoff says struggling
“ Aww wrong answer bud.” William says looking from him to Debra before continuing “ Ok Debra you may warm her up now. No sense of letting the little snatch get cold.”
It’s at that moment I watch Debra flick a zippo which she looks at Geoff with a grin before looking at Shawna.
“ Sorry sweetie if things were different you may of been my baby and my bitch, but then again.” Debra states tossing the zippo at Shawna’s feet which causes flames to start
“ NOOOOOOO!” Geoff yells as Shawna screams in pain before looking at William and I
“ You bastards how could you. She was beautiful and sweet in her heart.” He says with tears as his buddies try to struggle
“ Oh and her sweet heart you must be talking about is her cunt.” William states as I look over at Shawna
Shawna his engulfed in flame which makes me get curious.
“ How is she burning that fast? I didn’t see no gasoline on her body.” I ask stating my point
“ When William pulled the vibrator out he undid the bag filled with gas. It was just enough to make her warm when I lit her legs.” Debra states with a giggle
“ Well that explains why her pussy engulfed so quick.” I say shaking my head at their creativity
I turn to look at Geoff looking at what once was Shawna as his two buddies look down. It’s about 20 minutes later that William and I place the two goons in the pit as they scream in pain as Shawna had done. When it’s Geoff’s turn William hands me a AX in which I accept. Geoff looks at me before he starts to beg. I tell him to start talking in which he does. He starts telling us all that Tyrone is focusing on in which Debra starts writing down. It’s about bank accounts, the companies that his mentor had bought which Mike, Nate, and Ricky have some accounts in that are connected to their accounts. He then states something that brings back the nightmares. Tyrone plans to break all the women close to Heath in front of him. I shake my head as that will not happen as long as I am alive.
“ Now let me go I have told you everything.” Geoff says before William nods
“ Ok Geoff, but one last thing.” I say getting his attention raising the sharp axe I had in my hands seeing his eyes widen before I continued “ SEND MY REGARDS TO MY AUNT AND TREY. TELL THEM TO ROT IN HELL!”
After my words hit his ears I swing the axe at his neck decapitating him for good measure. It takes another swing as his head falls to the ground with his body left jerking as a reflex. I drop the axe before making my way out to get some air. I feel tears as I look up at the sky. Neither William or Debra bother me as I stand there with thoughts running through my head. I look at one star hoping my father hears me.
“ Dad please forgive me for what I have done. Please help me protect those that are my family until this whole thing is over.” I say with tears to only feel a warmth fill my heart
“ Always my son, always.” I then hear his voice as if he is standing right there with me
After getting the kids all calmed down and asleep for the afternoon. The rest of the family made conversation about the mornings events. Diamond has been clinging to me which I can understand after all that her brother had said to her. I held her close to me as to reassure her that I was never going to leave her or Dakota. I loved them too much to waste the last few years away. It was about 2 o’clock in the afternoon that Adam came in with the mail. He made his way over to where Diamond and I sat to hand me a large manilla envelope. Accepting the envelope I noticed no return address. I gave him a questionable expression in which Adam just shrugged his shoulders before handing out the rest of the mail. Diamond rose up to give me a little room to inspect what the envelope contained. I glanced at the letter to see it had to do with Allison. I closed it up real quick to get wide eyes from Diamond.
“ Baby what’s wrong?” Diamond asks in a concerned tone of voice
“ Um can’t tell you right now, but I will once I look through all this.” I answered seeing her nod before she reluctantly got up so I could go see what I had to read
I gave her a deep passionate kiss before going to the bedroom. Making my way to our bedroom I had this feeling my new friend uncovered something of a truth with all that the envelope contained. Once in the bedroom I shut and locked the door. Once to the bed I unloaded the envelope to find documents, copies of birth certificates, and adoption papers of Allison. I was also sent a birth certificate of Lindsey which had Allison down as the mother with no father’s name any where. I just shook my head wondering what kind of man could not accept such a precious thing for a daughter. I found Allison’s birth certificate to look it over. I noticed Debbie’s name was placed upon it. I had what I needed to show both Allison and Adam. I chuckled after seeing both their first names started with A. I grabbed my cell phone to call my friend to let him know I received his package.
“ Hello Heath what can I do for you?” He asked catching me off guard
“ How did....never mind just thought I would call and let you know I got your package.” I answered hearing him chuckle
“ Cool, I gathered up all that I could find. Sorry it took awhile, but figured you would need valid proof that Allison was who you thought, and she is. It seems Debbie actually gave her daughter away for some money and drugs.” He informs me causing myself feel disgusted
“ That sick bitch.” I say hearing him laugh
“ Yeah that was what I said. I did some digging on Adam’s grandmother. Seems when his dad was killed in a car accident she sued the company. She won to only place the money in a account for her grandson. Heath he has more money to support his family. She even willed all her money to him.” He tells me getting a smile
“ Yeah she brought him a envelope that I had my lawyer to look at, but there was nothing about his father.” I told him getting a laugh
“ Good thing I sent the information that shows Adam’s worth.” He tells me pausing before continuing further “ So when are you going to spring all this on the two?”
“ Well I was thinking of a wonderful Christmas gift for the both of them. So I guess Christmas morning if I can get Allison to agree to come here.” I state wholeheartedly to my friend
“ Aww the settlemental brother no wonder my sis loves you so much. Look when you do take a picture of their faces and send it to me. I want to feel I helped bring a brother and sister together as I did with Kaye and you.” He exclaims as I have to nod over the phone
“ Oh I will and thanks for all your help man.” I proclaim to him feeling a sudden warmth
“ Oh before I go William contacted me about what Tyrone is up to. It seems he has been slowly milking all your families wealth. I put a stop to it just minutes ago. Once his let’s say wannabe hacker tries to break into the accounts his computer will fry.” He tells me with a voice of pride
“ Damn how much did he get from them?” I asked hearing some movement on the phone
“ Around 2 million in total. Sorry for not catching what he was doing, but you can reassure them that he won’t be getting into none of their money again.” GH@$T tells me getting a sigh of relief
“ Thanks man as they all have worked to hard to lose their future.” I exclaim to him with such thanks
“ No problem, well I have to go my girlfriend is eyeing me with a devilish smile.” He says with a chuckle
“ Oh you have a girlfriend?” I ask with a confused tone
“ Yep and she is French and wild. Tell your girls I said hi and hope to meet you all soon. Take care my friend laters.” He says before hanging up
I just look at my phone shaking my head with a smile knowing he was about to get some. I place my phone on the night stand to only turn back to reading through all the information I had in front of me. I find the bank information of Adam’s to see he really had money that could support him and Michelle for a long time. I just had to smile knowing how he was when I first met him. I put the paper in my hand down to think of how to place all this in his lap. My mind started to think of ways to bring the two back together in a way that neither would be hurt. Then it dawned on me. I smiled at the thought that just seemed to fill my thoughts. I gathered up the documents and papers, and placed them back in the envelope. I made my way to the desk that May had to keep her important papers all together. I placed them inside the bottom draw locking it so no one could find out just yet. I made my way out of the bedroom to only return to my family. I went to my chair in which Diamond got up quick. I sat down in which again she quickly got in my lap to only go back to cuddling. I noticed Nick was back with a look of sadness, but yet of relief as Savannah and Megan cuddled up to him with love in their eyes.
After telling the family what all GHO$T had told me about Tyrone’s financial scam they all sat in relief. My godfathers always wondered why they were losing money, but could never figure it out. My mom was the same as was Faye, Michelle, and the godmoms. It was a good moment knowing that someone had my families back regardless if he never actually met any of them except Kaye.
Around 3:30 in the afternoon Diamond asked our loves if her and I could have a night alone. They each looked at their sister with love to only nod.
“ Yes you can baby as we know your still struggling with what happened earlier. Just know that we love you and always want to be your sisters and lovers.” Jasmine states getting a nod
“ I know my beautiful Jasmine, but I just feel I need to be alone with Heath tonight. I am sorry if that sounds selfish as I can’t help it.” Diamond says with a sad tone in her voice
“ No it’s not selfish baby. Look to be truthful I have been wanting to spend some time alone with our man also.” Tiffany says getting nods from each of the other three
“ Wait... you all have?” I ask to only get nods from them
“ Yes baby we do. Look we all love being with you as a whole, but there are times when we each want a one on one night with you.” Hannah states catching my attention
“ Wow I...I never knew this. Why didn’t you all ever tell me this?’ I asked being a little upset
“ Because baby we never wanted you to feel bad. We deeply love you darling with all our hearts.” Jasmine says with a sparkle in her eyes
“ Aww that is true love son.” Momma Ellie tells me while I look at all five of my loves
“ Yep I agree Heath you need to accept how they feel.” Papa Mike tells me holding momma Ellie in his lap
I look at the four on the floor then to Diamond. Thinking of what I have heard I give her a smile in which she returns.
“ So what did you have planned my shining Diamond?” I ask seeing her eyes show that sparkle that I have accustomed to love
“ Well if it’s ok maybe a night at a hotel just you and I with room service. I don’t want to go anywhere else.” She states as I hear awws
“ That does sound romantic in it’s own way.” Momma Verna exclaims getting the parentals to all nod
I chuckle in agreement pulling my pregnant gem to me. As our lips meet I hear a phone being dialed to only hear my Asian African queen speak.
“ Yes hello I would like to reserve the penthouse for two.....Yes just for the evening and night....Heath Thompson will be the name under......thank you bye.” Hannah says booking Diamond and I a room
“ How did you have the number so quick?” Tiffany asks getting a giggle
“ I memorized it for when we had this talk. So when it’s my turn with our man I could reserve us a room.” Hannah answers honestly to our ebony princess
“ Ok give me the number then so I can have it for my turn you sexy bitch.” Tiffany says getting laughter from everyone
“ Ok this is just not fair for Justin and I. We don’t have any women to have fun with.” Nicky states getting laughs
“ That is not our fault son. You had girlfriends, but was to jealous of guys talking to them.” Savannah says as Diamond breaks the kiss
“ Nicky hun sounds like you got issues.” Diamond says with concern
“ Yeah I do as my first cheated on me with a friend of mine. Ever since then I just can’t help it.” Nicky says with a hint of sadness
“ Well why don’t you and Justin just go hang out for the night. I am sure your both getting house sick.” Jasmine says with concern herself
“ That does sound like a good idea. We could go gun shopping since we haven’t in awhile.” Justin states while I notice Nicky’s eyes light up
“ Sweet let’s go bro.” Nicky says getting everyone to laugh
We all watch as uncle and nephew quickly get their leather jackets on before saying bye to us all.
“ How do you like that no hugs or a kiss on the cheek from either my son or grandson.” Tessa says as my mother holds her
“ Aww baby they are young. You have me, Faye, and Jacqueline to kiss.” My mother says catching Nick and my attention
“ MOMS!” We both say loudly before chuckling as brothers
“ Don’t mom us young men. We can show our love for each other all we want isn’t that right Maggie baby.” Tessa says getting a nod
“ That’s right Tessa darling now where is my kiss.” My mother exclaims to only show their point by giving each other a open kiss with tongues showing
“ Ok no matter how long it takes that scene is going to haunt me for a bit.” Nick says looking at me getting chuckle
“ Nick honey you are just going to have to face it. Momma Tessa loves Momma Maggie and needs loved just as any other woman.” Megan says to her husband
“ I know Meg just never thought it would be with a friends mother that’s all.” He states looking at her and Savannah
“ Yeah well how can you explain how we felt in the beginning?” Savannah asks which really gets his attention
“ Ok you got me there. That was totally out of character, but I would never change a thing.” Nick replies to only get two big smiles
“ As we wouldn’t either bad boy.” Megan states leaning forward to kiss Savannah on the lips
“ Wow a person can really feel the love in this house.” Adam says with a smile before Michelle lays her lips on his
At that moment all the couples start kissing even my four on the floor start to make out in front of me. Hannah to Jessie Lee while Tiffany kisses Jasmine. Diamond and I watch all the kisses start to turn into moans from the women. Diamond turns to look at me with a smile before she speaks up.
“ Ok baby I am going to pack a over night bag before everyone starts having a orgy.” She says getting everyone’s attention
“ Wait what orgy?” Jacman asks getting smacked in the head by his two ladies
“ The one that isn’t going to happen babe. We don’t need you gawking at our mothers or sisters.” Sierra states seeing his eyes go wide
That made us all laugh at that moment. Diamond got off my lap to only make her way up the stairs giving me a nice view of her sexy covered ass. I felt myself get aroused as Jasmine and Tiffany quickly took her place in my lap. Each gave me a kiss before cuddling up against me. The rest of the afternoon was filled with conversation about the construction of the new family home in Oklahoma. Papa Mike filled me in that him, Nate, and Ricky talked to some people they knew that would also help. I was stunned to find out that a old friend of their’s had a crew himself. They explained that with everyone jumping in to help that the new home would be very safe for our family that seemed to be growing without any one knowing. I had to agree at that statement. As I waited for Diamond while I sat thinking of how this family got so big. First it was Grandma May taking me in that summer before college started. My meeting Adam and Jack that first year. Then Grandma May leaving me to only give me a house that was built for such a large family. Then Jasmine returned into my life to only never leaving me. I smiled to my thoughts as they went to momma Faye coming into my life. Then Diamond and Hannah joining that following spring break of my second year of college. Then the twins as one may call them Dakota and Lil Greg. Then my family from the west coast coming back in my life. Damn it felt such a long time ago, but it was just months since that July day. Then Sierra and Mandy who helped protect my oldest son just as Michelle tried. Then the cruise with Jacqueline joining who surprised us being Kaye’s mother. My mind just raced to the confrontation with Nick and his family. All in all I counted up to close to 30 to 40 members including William, Debra, Jamie, Gina, Ron, and Tracy. I looked up at the picture of May to feel a warmth that filled me so much in my heart. I closed my eyes for just a moment to only hear her soothing voice.
“ And each of them love you my grandson. You have filled this house with what I never could a close, protective, loving family, but my loving Heath our family will just grow that much stronger. I will always be in your heart and theirs. I love you all so very much.” Her beautiful voice soothed me as she spoke to me just like all the other times
I opened my eyes to see Diamond came down with her bag and mine. She stood there with a smile that melted me.
“ You ready baby the sooner we go the sooner our time together can start.” Diamond says with a look of love
“ Someone is in a hurry.” Momma Faye exclaims to only see Diamond nod with a big smile
“ Yes I am as I want tonight to be so full of romance and love.” She says before I am helped up by Jasmine and Tiffany
I give each of my loves a hug and kiss before being dragged by Diamond out the door. She tells everyone to give the kids a hug and kiss from us before shutting the door. I can’t help but chuckle taking her hand leading her to the Corolla.
After checking in, taken to the room and shown around. I gave the man a tip before shutting the door. Once the door shut Diamond came up behind placing her arms around me.
“ This is so wonderful baby.” She tells me while I turned to place my arms around her
“ Yes it is darlin. I am thinking maybe we should of done this sooner.” I exclaim seeing her eyes light up
“ Oh yes baby we should of. So what should we do first a shower or the hot tub?” She asks pressing her crotch against me
“ Hmm tough call which one do you want to start off doing?” I ask answering her
“ Well since it’s just 5:30 close to be evening how about I strip you then myself. I want us to go around this beautiful penthouse naked so when the mood hits us we don’t have to worry about clothes. The only thing I ask baby is not bend me over the chair, couch or bed as I don’t want to hurt the baby.” Diamond tells me with love and lust in her eyes
“ I can deal with that, but no answering the door for room service naked darlin.” I state in return getting a agreeable nod
“ Deal as your the only man to see my body. Now let your sex slave for the night serve you and pleasure her man.” Diamond says while unzipping my jacket
“ Sex Slave?” I ask with one raised eye brow
“ Yes baby it’s my fantasy to be your sex slave for one night. Is that ok my love?” She answers to only ask with a look of concern
I stand there watching her take my jacket off then my shirt. I had a button up one on for the day. She worked on my jeans to find me boxerless. Catching her grin she started to fondle my manhood with her right hand a bit before leaning over to give the head a kiss. She slowly squatted down to undo my shoes helping to take them off.Once my clothes were off Diamond began to take her clothes off slowly to give me a chance to take in her beauty. I loved her body as she was so beautiful for being 34. I never thought I would be with a older woman like this, but I am especially her and Hannah. I noticed something a little different between her legs besides the clit ring.
“ You shaved your pussy Diamond?” I asked with a hint of wonder
“ Yes baby as I was um itching down there. It was the same when I was pregnant with Dakota. I will let it grow out again if you want me too.” She answers me with a hint of worry
“ No don’t worry about it. Actually I think I do like you bald between the legs. Guess I just noticed my fantasy that I never thought I had.” I exclaim catching her expression
“ What is that baby as I don’t want you mad at me ever.” Diamond says stepping up to me
“ Well during my first year of college I watched um some porn. The older woman in the video was bald while the younger one was hairy. I um will stared at the older woman while you know. I liked the hairy young lady, but got so turned on by the older woman. I shot my load so hard when she moaned.” I say confessing something that no one knew
“ So your telling me that your fantasy is to make love or fuck a mature woman with a bald pussy?” Diamond asks while slowly stroking me
“ I guess, but the thing is she was being dominated by the man. He had the young woman sit on the older woman’s face while he did, but he pulled out and came on the woman’s hairless pussy.” I exclaim getting a smile
“ Mmmm baby your making me wet by talking about it, but we don’t have another woman here. So how about this we do both our fantasies. I become you Sex slave for the night and you can cum on my hairless pussy so I can finger it into my cunt or scoop it up to eat it all.” She tells me with a big seductive smile
“ Damn Diamond you are my wild woman.” I say getting a giggle
“ Yes, but also your loving future wife also. Now come on baby I want to cuddle while watching a movie. The shower or hot tub can wait. I want to play with this cock and get you really hard to the point you cum in my mouth before we order room service for food.” Diamond says while my mind was swimming with the new way she was acting
She led me to the couch to only have me sit down. She grabbed the remote to find a movie to watch. Once found she placed the remote down to only turn to lean over to kiss my lips. Breaking the kiss she rose back up telling me she would be right back. I watched her walk away to the bedroom with those hips moving side to side. As I sat there I thought of her request. I smiled with ways to fullfil her wish to be my sex slave for the night. It wasn’t long that she came back out with what looked like a collar with a name on it. When she got closer Diamond easily got down on her knees between my legs. I looked at the collar to only notice my name. Diamond looked up at my eyes with a smile before she spoke.
“ Master what do you want you slut to do for you?” She says surprising me as her hands went to my inner thighs
“ Diamond are you serious about this? And what is with the collar?” I ask seeing sincere eyes
“ Yes I am baby so much, and I have had it a year just in case this moment came. Look I am not saying we do all that hard stuff since I am pregnant. I just want this night of me being told what to do to pleasure the man I love so much.” She answers me with so much love
“ Ok darlin, but if there is anything you don’t want let me know ok, because I don’t want to hurt you or the baby.” I say getting a big smile
“ Agreed my love so what can your bedroom slut do for you my sexy Master?” She asks as I get a idea
“ Ok my beautiful slave get up on the couch on your back. Spread your legs so I can slowly finger you while I watch the movie.” I state seeing her eyes light up
“ Yes my master.” My beautiful Diamond says doing as asked
I watch Diamond scoot over to the couch get up on it. She gets on her back scooting her crotch to me with legs spread. I see her eyes showing anticipation as I look at her swollen labia lips. I lick my lips seeing how needy she is. I place my left index finger on her slit moving it up and down the sides. I look at her face to see some flustered expression.
“ Are you aroused my beautiful love toy?” I ask getting a nod
“ Yes my sexy master. I have been wet for you for hours. I want you so bad my master. I want your big cock in my cunt so bad. I want it in my ass while we kiss. I want to be fucked and used, then made loved to sweet and tenderly. I want you to give me so much love that it oozes out of me. I just...just want you to love me in every way.” Diamond answers me with tears
“ Diamond why are you crying?” I ask watching her curl up in a ball
I moved off the couch to her side. On my knees I placed my arms around her the best I could. She reached out to place hers around me. I let her cry feeling a sadness that I never hoped would come.
“ Come on Diamond talk to me. Tell me what is wrong my love?” I state asking my beautiful hurt Diamond
“ Sorry baby I thought us role playing would help me get over what happened this morning, but I am feeling like I can’t. I want you baby to love me as me not as Destiny.” She answers confessing to me
“ Diamond I do love you as you are. Look I am never going to leave you as my heart is yours along with Jasmine, Hannah, Jessie Lee, and Tiffany. I will always be here for you with my arms ready to hold you.” I tell her as she squeezes me tight
“ Do you promise my love?” She asks with tears that fall upon her face
“ Yes I promise my Diamond who is my own destiny upon the stars.” I answer as she breaks the hug with me to only look up at me
“ Then make love to me like that first time you came into my life.” She says getting on her back to only pull her legs up into the air
I get up off my knees to only get on the couch to lean over her. I place my lips on hers while I position my manhood to her entrance. I break the kiss looking only in her eyes.
“ I love you Diamond so very much.” I tell her before sliding into her long and slow
“ I love you to my darling Heath now make love to me. Help me be the woman that you gave love to.” She says as I start thrusting slow and long letting her feel my love for her again
Diamond let’s out her moans while I give her all that I am. That moment meant everything to her. She locked her legs around me placing her hands on my chest caressing around my heart like letting her love flow into me. At that moment it was like the river opened up as she came quickly on my cock. I felt my balls get wet as her back arched with her head tilted back.
“ OH YESSS BABY.....I’M...COMINGGGG!” Diamond says as I start increasing my speed
“ Diamond?” I can only ask getting her attention
“ You going to cum baby?” She asks as I nod
“ Yes I am sorry it’s so sudden.” I answer getting a shook head
“ No baby no sorries as I know you haven’t all day. Cum on my pussy as you wanted. Make my pussy feel warm.” She says as I pull out and start stroking myself
“ Oh it comes.” I say with a moan as she braces herself up to watch
“ Mmmm that is so sexy baby. You need to masturbate more for me while I masturbate for you. Yes baby cum on my pussy.” Diamond says as I point the head at her shaven sweetness
It’s at that point that I erupt with a groan as rope after rope hits the clit, slit, and her mound. Diamond moans feeling the warm cum hit her pussy. Once I am done Diamond positions herself on all fours to clean my dick with her mouth. I love the way she sucks me like she has to have my cock. Once I am clean and milked Diamond stands up having me sit down. I watched her start scooping up my cum from her pussy. It’s so erotic the way she eat’s my cum. I slowly start to stroke myself to only be stopped.
“ No baby that my job the rest of the night, but now I want to cuddle with my darling love.” Diamond says with a bright smile
I just nod laying down scooting back against the back of the couch. Diamond lays down in front of me only to grab my arm to hold her. We watch the rest of the movie until we feel like eating.
That night all Diamond and I did was cuddle, and make love. She was my Diamond again which made my heart come alive once more with hers. If each of my loves intend to spend time with me like this alone then I welcome the love each has for me as I have for them.
To Be Continued.......Gavin’s twin joins him in hell, who is next the mentor or Tyrone? A Christmas Reunion gives two little girls a smile
Hey tazonda94 here. I promise we will have one maybe two chapters out within this next week or so b4 the Fourth of July. Thank you everyone for your patience and I am sorry for the delay. Between RL and writer's block we have slacked off a bit. As well we have been working on A Good Day to Die. I promise we are going to finish this story just want everything to be answered as this is the last of a trilogy if you will. Sorry again for the delays but as Hawk would say...Peace to all and please look forward to the next chapter.
Anonymous readerReport
Anonymous readerReport
Anonymous readerReport
Anonymous readerReport
please please please !!!!
and also keep informing us that you are still alive, interested to write and going to post next chapter
otherwise get all the story of family betrayal deleated from this site