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Answers to long-standing questions.
Megan, Sally and Kelly were sprawled out on top of each-other on Sally’s bed, sleeping deeply, to recover from the ultimate fucking that they’d all just received from their genies. Meanwhile, Marcio, Iago and Barnabus were sat on the bed with them, stroking their skin softly, and chatting.
“I do love having a Mistress rather than a Master,” Marcio smiled. “Much better when they wish for you to fuck them.”
“Oh yes, because you’re so reluctant to fuck guys,” Iago said sarcastically. “What about the time Sarah and Jürgen told us to fuck? You were more keen than I was.”
“What can I say?” Marcio grinned. “I like sex.”

“So, you two know each-other then?” Barnabus asked.
“Our last Masters were part of a society of Masters,” Iago replied. “And from the looks of the calendar on that wall over there, it’s only been a few days.”
Barnabus looked over at the calendar, and was shocked.
“2015!?” He exclaimed. “My word, it’s been longer than usual.”
“When did your last Master die?” Iago asked him.
“1903,” Barnabus replied. “I honestly expected his daughter to rub my lamp after that. I don’t know how I’ve ended up sealed away for 112 years.” Iago and Marcio stayed silent.

Alexis reclined on the sofa in her lamp, the one that had been a gift from a Roman senator she’d served, as something to remember him by. He was a pretty sweet guy. Loved cuddles as much as she did. Cute cum face.

She reached for her mug of hot chocolate, and took a sip, before setting it back down on the table, and picking up her diary. She’d not updated it for yesterday or today yet, so she had a lot to write. She opened it, and willed it to flick to the back. She ran her finger along the paper’s surface, the words being automatically imprinted into it. After all, who needs a pen when you’ve got magic flowing from your fingertips?

“Yesterday we finally stood up to the society. Matt and Sophie had us create alternate dimensions for them, where they can live out bad lives as punishment for everything they’ve done. I honestly don’t know if I agree with it, but I’m very glad those people are gone now. They were no good.
Today we sent the lamps out into the world, to allow them to be found by humans who will become their Masters. We nearly didn’t though. Sophie was against it, because she thought that those hundreds of people would just end up causing more harm than good, so she wanted to keep the lamps hidden. Matt convinced her otherwise though, and they had Lumiosa and I monitor the lamps, to ensure that nothing bad happens. I can already sense that 3 of them have been rubbed; two brothers and a sister.”

Alexis reached the end up the page, and another appeared after it automatically, extending the already very long book.

“I’ve been thinking about the future a lot. No-one’s said it yet, but if Matt and Sophie are exempt from the rules, it means they can wish to be immortal. Not that I’d mind that. I like Sophie after all, and an eternity with her is much more preferable to more cruel Masters. I just wonder if they’ll do it.”

Alexis closed her diary, and let it float back onto the shelf where it lived, next to her first edition of The Canterbury Tales (She’d get around to reading it one day, she swore!) and Leonardo’s painting of her reclining on the banks of the Arno. Every museum in the world would probably have begged her for it, but her Master had given her “La Bella dalla Lanterna” as a gift, and she would treasure it for the rest of her eternal existence.

Alexis got comfy with her hot chocolate, and looked around. This place wasn’t huge, with most of the other rooms being taken up by the various nick-knacks she’d collected over the millennia, but it was home. The one place that no-one could ruin for her. Where she could be alone with her thoughts, with no humans nagging her to grant their mundane desires. Something she’d learned throughout her long existence was that, no matter the era, from the dawn of man to the 21st century, humans all want the same things. Mostly sex, with political power and wealth coming in close behind. Not that she minded granting those wishes, of course. She liked seeing how happy her magic made her Masters. It was just nice when people were a bit more creative in their wishes.

At this point, Alexis felt the familiar tug that came from her lamp being rubbed.
“Why must it always be when I’m getting comfy?” she lamented. She watched the clouds of light-blue smoke surround her, and seconds later, she was in Sophie’s bedroom, facing her Mistress.
“What do you desire of me, oh great and wondrous Mistress?” Alexis asked, doing an overly-dramatic bow.
“Showing off, are we?” Sophie asked her.
“No, if I was showing off, I’d have emerged with a fireworks show and music,” Alexis said, reclining on the bed. “So what’s up?”
“Well Matt and I have been thinking…” Sophie replied. “And well, we want to fulfil one of the society’s goals.”
“No mindless slaves, I hope?”
“Alexis, please let our Masters speak,” Lumiosa scolded her fellow genie.

“As we were saying,” Matt continued. “Though the society was partly gathering lamps to keep them away from people who would misuse them, one of their goals with it was to attempt to meet the maker.”
“There is no maker,” Alexis said dismissively.
“Then who sent Lumiosa to Matt?” Sophie asked. “Who wrote the note? Who decided we should be exempt from the rules? Someone’s been setting events into motion. It wouldn’t surprise me if the maker’s the reason I got you all those years ago.”
“You got me because my previous Master was dying and he wanted to choose his successor, instead of leaving it to fate,” Alexis told her. “You were chosen because you were in the right place at the right time. It could just as easily have been anyone else.”
“What if it was more than fate though? What if I was there at that time because the maker made me be? What if your Master died at that moment because the maker wanted him to give you to me?”
“Sophie, the world doesn’t work like that. The world is not being guided by some God-like being who made us all.”
“Someone has to have made us.”

“Master, Miss Sophie, if I may say something please,” Lumiosa interrupted. “I do not know if there really is a maker, but if there is, I do not believe you will be able to find him. Though you are both exempt from the rules of the genies, I very much doubt that you will be able to simply wish for the maker to appear. His power would greatly exceed that of Alexis and I, and your only chance of meeting him would be if he himself wills it.”
“Well we can at least try,” Matt said. “I wish for the maker to appear here.”
“Master, I cannot,” Lumiosa told him. “I cannot summon someone without the faintest idea of who or where they are. I’m sorry.”
“Well what are we going to do then?”
“I’ve got an idea,” Sophie said.
“What?” Matt asked.
“Well, if we can’t bring the maker here, why not go to him?” Sophie suggested. “If he really did create the universe, why don’t we just go back to the start of the universe to see him?”
“That could possibly work,” Lumiosa said.

“Except the fact that the society tried that, and they couldn’t go back more than 50,000 years,” Alexis said.
“Well maybe it’ll work for us,” Sophie said. “We don’t know unless we try.”
“There’s no harm in trying,” Matt said.
“I am willing to attempt it,” Lumiosa added.
“Oh fine, we’ll try, but it won’t work,” Alexis said. “Go on then, make your wishes.”
“Alexis, I wish to go back to the beginning of the universe,” Sophie commanded.
“Me too, Lumiosa.”


A long, long time ago, a girl opened her eyes, wondering where she was. She sat up, and looked around her. She was in a completely empty room, where all the walls and floor were a golden-coloured metal.

Then, the information came to her. She was Alexis. That was her name. She was a genie. What is a genie, she thought, before the knowledge entered her head. A genie was a being who existed to serve humans. Soon, a human would rub her lamp, and she would be his genie servant until the day he died. She would use her magic powers to grant any wish he made. This would be her job for all eternity.

This was all very confusing for Alexis, who had only come into existence just a few minutes prior, and who had to take all this new information in. But then again, all information was new to her. Everything was new to her.

Alexis then felt a tugging sensation, and she instinctively moved onto her knees. Clouds of light-blue smoke surrounded her, and seconds later, she was in a dark, rocky place. Looking around her, she was in what appeared to be a cave. Cave. That was a word she’d just learned. This world was so interesting. In front of her in the cave was a group of people, gathered around a fire. One man in particular, she noticed, was holding a metal object. Her lamp.
“Master?” She asked. The group of humans all looked shocked.


Even longer ago, two humans and their genies were even more shocked. They looked around, and saw that they were floating in what appeared to be a completely black void.
“Well I was not expecting that to work,” Alexis said, almost sounding impressed.
“What happened?” Matt asked. “Where are we?”
“Nowhere,” Alexis replied. “We’ve gone back in time 14.6 billion years, to a few minutes before the big bang is scheduled to happen. That’s why there’s nothing here. Because there’s nothing anywhere. The 4 of us are the only things in existence. I’ve had to make an invisible shell for us with air, heat and light in just so you two don’t die, both because I like you, and because the prospect of waiting billions of years for human life to evolve so I can have another Master doesn’t sound very fun.”
“So what now?” Sophie asked. “There’s nothing. No maker. Just us.”
“My guess is, even if there is a maker, we won’t see him,” Alexis said. “He’ll probably just will the universe into existence.”

Sophie and Matt just floated there for a while, thinking.
“There’s no maker,” Matt finally admitted.
“Thank you,” Alexis said. “So can we go home now? I’ve got a mug of hot chocolate waiting for me.”
“Wait a second…we’re the only ones in the universe,” Sophie said.
“Give the girl a prize,” Alexis said sarcastically.
“What I’m saying,” Sophie continued. “Is that if there’s nothing here but us, how can the universe be created? You can’t create something from nothing.”
“What are you getting at?” Matt asked.
“Well…maybe we create the universe? Maybe, just maybe, all of it’s been for this. I got Alexis and you got Lumiosa so that we could come back and create the universe.”
“Why would anyone do that? I mean, if someone can engineer all those events, why would they need us to create the universe? Surely they could do it themselves?”
“Maybe we are doing it ourselves.”

“Sophie, are you suggesting that you and Matt are the makers?” Alexis asked.
“That’s exactly what I’m suggesting,” Sophie replied. “Maybe we create the universe. Maybe we created the genies and the humans. That’s why we’re exempt from the rules, because we made them. Everything happened so we could come back here and set the events in motion.”
“It is possible,” Lumiosa said. “We possess the ability to create a universe, so our magic could theoretically have created our own.”
“I’m willing to believe it,” Matt said. “After everything that’s happened these past few weeks, I’m about ready to believe anything.”
“What do you want to do then?” Alexis asked. “Wish for the universe to exist?”
“No,” Sophie replied, shaking her head. “We should do it ourselves. We’re exempt from the rules, so we can do whatever we want. Alexis, I wish to be omnipotent.”
“Omnipotent?” Matt asked, confused. “Is that even possible?”
“Theoretically yes,” Alexis replied. “Lumiosa and I are basically all-powerful, albeit limited by your desires. So if you desire the same power without the limitations, we should be able to give it to you.”
“Master, if you wish for omnipotence, then I shall do as you command,” Lumiosa said.

Matt thought about it.
“Alright, what have I got to lose?” He said.
“Well, we’ll see about that,” Alexis said. The two teens held hands. “Here we go then. You ready, Lumiosa?” The other genie nodded, and the two of them laid their hands on their human Masters.
“Will it hurt?” Matt asked.
“It’s done,” Alexis replied.
“Already?” Sophie asked, and the genies nodded. “So what, we’re omnipotent now?”
“You should be,” Alexis said. She conjured up an apple. “Try and make this apple disappear.”
“Alright, I’ll try…” Sophie said. She concentrated, and in an instant, the apple vanished.
“Oh my God!” Matt exclaimed. “Let me try.” He snapped his fingers, and the apple re-appeared. Another snap, and it was gone.
“Yay Master!” Lumiosa clapped.
“So this is it then,” Sophie said. “I guess we’re the makers. We’re going to create the universe.”

Matt and Sophie took each-other’s hands again.
“Do you want to do it, or shall I?” She asked.
“Let’s do it together,” Matt replied, and Sophie nodded. They raised their hands, and spoke clearly.

“Let there be light!” They shouted, and there was light. Infinite heat and infinite density, expanding outwards from the air shell that Alexis had created. Matter came into existence at the two omnipotent teenagers’ command. In an instant, the universe existed. They watched in amazement as their creations moved, as what would eventually form the planets and stars and moons and everything else that would make up the universe moved expanded into position.
“It’s so beautiful,” Sophie said as she watched their creations.
“Amazing,” Matt said. “Let these objects one day form planets! Let them be fruitful and bare life, so that one day, the human race may come into being!”
“Which reminds me,” Sophie said. “We’ve got something to do. Come on.”

The 4 of them jumped forwards in time billions of years, to a time when the human race was just developing. They stood in outer space, staring down at the infant Earth. They raised their hands, and spoke.

“Let there be lamps,” they said. “Let each-one of these lamps contain a genie, who shall be forever bound to serve the human race. Let it be that whichever human rubs the lamp shall be the Master of that genie until the moment of their death. Let it be that they shall possess magical powers, with which they shall grant the every wish of their Masters. But let there also be limitations on these wishes! Let it be that no human may use their genie to extend their own lifespan beyond its normal length. Let it be that the existence of the genies may not be revealed to the human race as a whole! Let it be that no Master may affect the physical or mental state of another Master or another genie. Let it be that no genie may affect their Master without their consent. And let it be that no Master may interfere with the work of the genies. They may not undo another Master’s wishes, nor prevent a genie from serving their Master.”

As they spoke, the lamps began to appear. Thousands of lamps faded into existence as Matt and Sophie’s commands took shape.
“Look, there’s me!” Lumiosa shouted gleefully.
“Let these lamps go to the Earth, to begin their lives!” The teens ordered, and they watched the lamps fly away to the planet’s surface.
“It’s a spectacular sight,” Matt said.
“Wonderful,” Sophie smiled.
“And they saw that it was good,” Alexis said, and the two teens smiled more. “You’ve still got things to do though.”

Matt and Sophie nodded, and they jumped further forwards in time, to 2012. The younger Sophie was at Megan’s house, about ready to go home for the evening. She was going to call her mother to pick her up, when she suddenly felt an urge to walk home that evening. Past that big mansion.

Having done what they intended, they continued forwards in time. They arrived in 2015, in the basement of Alex Brookman’s house. There, the safe containing his 4 lamps stood, impenetrable. Well, impenetrable to ordinary people. Matt and Sophie willed it to open, and it swung out effortlessly.
“My lamp!” Lumiosa exclaimed. Matt raised his hand, and it floated towards him, into his grasp.
“It feels cold,” he said. “Like it did when I first got it.”
“Lumiosa’s still dormant, waiting for a Master,” Alexis said.
“So let’s go give her one,” Sophie said.

They arrived in Matt’s neighbourhood, holding a package, which contained Lumiosa’s lamp, a note in Ancient Greek, and a lot of bubble wrap.
“Him, over there,” Matt said, pointing to the postman. “He’s the one.” They walked up to him, and attempted to hand him the parcel. “Deliver this.”
“What?” The postman asked.
“Matt, you’re going about this wrong,” Sophie told him, before addressing the postman. “You will deliver this parcel to 45 Gottes Way. You will forget our faces. Our faces are not important. Just do your job.”
“Yes…do my job…” The postman agreed in a trance-like voice.
“See Matt, it just needed a woman’s touch,” Sophie smiled.

The two teens returned to their own time, and cuddled up on Sophie’s bed.
“We did it,” Sophie smiled. “We really did it. We created the universe.”
“So what, does this make us Gods?” Matt asked.
“I guess so,” Sophie replied. “I mean, we’re omnipotent. There’s nothing we can’t do.”
“Well that’s all well and good,” Alexis said. “And I’m happy for you both, really, but…what about us?”
“What do you mean?” Matt asked.
“Well, you two are omnipotent now, so you don’t really need us,” Alexis replied. “I mean, our purpose, the reason you created us, is to grant wishes for people. But you don’t need that anymore. You don’t need us anymore. Why would you make a wish with us when you can have your every desire fulfilled with a mere thought?”
“What are you saying, Alexis?” Sophie asked.

“I’m saying…I’m afraid,” Alexis replied. “That’s not something I say a lot. But I’ve always had a fear that one day I’ll be lost. That one of my Masters would die and I’d be stuck in my lamp forever and ever because my lamp gets lost. But Sophie, you are my favourite Mistress in a long time. Possibly ever. And I’m afraid that now I’m not needed, you’ll just pass me on like so many others have. Or worse, that you’ll live forever, and you’ll just leave me in my lamp, discarded.”
“Alexis…” Sophie said, hugging her genie. “I would never do that. You’re my friend. That’s why I’ve always treated you like one. I let you call me “Sophie”. I listen to your advice. When we have sex, I care about your pleasure as much as my own. I let you act independently. I would never just abandon you.”
“Thank you Sophie,” Alexis smiled, happy at her Mistress’ resolve. “You’re a good friend.”
“You too, Lumiosa,” Matt said, hugging his genie. “You’re staying with me.”
“Thank you Master, I am most happy about this,” Lumiosa smiled.


Life after that mostly went back to normal. Well, as normal as can be with so much magic around. Matt’s house certainly got lively, since, as well as Lumiosa, there was now also Apriya, Amia and Dorothea hanging around. Everyone’s memories were erased of Matt and Sophie’s exemption from the rules, but aside from that, there were no more secrets. Matt no longer had to hide Lumiosa from his family. She, along with his sister and parents’ genies, spent most of her time outside her lamp. It all became very intimate; nudity around the house became the standard. Dorothea and Apriya started sleeping with Mike and Linda at night.

Matt walked downstairs one morning, to find his father fucking Lumiosa reverse-cowgirl on the sofa.
“Oh hey Matt,” Mike said through his moans. “I hope you don’t mind me fucking Lumiosa. Your mother and our genies are still sleeping, and Becky and Amia are at Jamie’s, so I figured Lumiosa was my only choice.”
“Of course I don’t mind,” Matt smiled. “Having fun, Lumiosa?”
“Yes Master…” she nodded through her moans. “Your father is…most skilled…”
“Well I’m gonna go to school today, so see you guys later,” Matt said.
“You sure?” Mike asked. “I’m sure Lumiosa would love you to stay so she can suck your cock.”
“Nah, I’m fine,” Matt replied, before leaving the house.

School life had changed too, due to the sudden arrival of 5 new students, all of whom had exotic-sounding names. Of course, the fact that there were now 7 genies in the school led to some strange events happening. Like how every guy in the 10th grade had found themselves with erections for an entire day. Or how Mrs Jackson, the teacher of Max’s English class, had decided that the lesson one day should consist of her teaching the class how to properly suck Max off, with Max acting as the “reluctant” test dummy as every girl in the class took turns sucking him off. Or how Sally had become the only girl in a boys’ PE class, who, after playing naked basketball for a while, all headed back to the changing rooms for a nice shower orgy. Or how Cindy and Dan had become cursed to orgasm whenever someone said their names, something that they were keen to go home and “play” with when it was discovered.

Several weeks passed like this, with everyone enjoying their lives. But for Matt and Sophie, it wasn’t enough. Sure, they were having fun; most nights were spent in each-other’s arms, after thoroughly blowing each-other’s minds sexually. But they wanted more. A lot more.
“Everyone, thank you for coming,” Matt said to his friends and family, as well as their genies, as he and Sophie stood in front of them all. “We have something very important to tell you all.”
“Matt and I have been talking recently,” Sophie said. “About what we want to do with our lives. We love it here, and we love you all, but it’s not enough.”
“Sophie and I made a discovery recently. Something which we’ve been hiding from all of you except Lumiosa and Alexis. And that is that we are immune from the rules of the genies.”
“And we know why we are. It’s because Matt and I went back in time, and created the universe. We created everything, including the humans and the genies. We’ve not told you this, but Matt and I are omnipotent. For all intents and purposes, we’re basically Gods.”
“It’s why we’ve decided, after a lot of thought, to leave.”

“Leave!?” Linda exclaimed. “You can’t!”
“When we created the universe, we didn’t just seed the Earth,” Matt continued. “All across the universe, there are planets full of life, waiting for us to explore. And it’s not just the planets that are around now. With our powers, we can travel through time on a whim. We can visit everyone and everything that has ever existed or ever will exist, something which only we, free of our limitations, can.”
“So you’re just leaving us?” Alexis asked.
“It’s best this way,” Sophie said. “You two can stay here, and live out your eternal lives in peace and happiness, with our families and friends to keep you company. You can spend the rest of time enjoying your powers however you choose. Our gift to you.”

“Are…are we never going to see you again?” Lumiosa asked sadly.
“Of course you will,” Matt replied. “We’ll come home and visit sometimes.”
“You all mean a lot to us,” Sophie said. “But this is what Matt and I want.”
“Can’t we come with you!?” Lumiosa asked.
“Sorry Lumiosa, but this is for Sophie and I to do,” Matt replied.
“So this is goodbye then,” Alexis said. “Goodbye Sophie, Goodbye Matt.” There were lots of farewells. It was an emotional time for all of them. When it was finally time to go, Matt and Sophie held hands, and focused.
“Goodbye everyone,” they said, before fading away into time.

Matt and Sophie held each-other’s hands tightly as they travelled through time, happy to be together.
“So where do you want to go?” Matt asked his girlfriend. “We’ve got all eternity, so there’s no rush.”
“An eternity together,” Sophie smiled, kissing him. “Sounds wonderful. I love you Matt.”
“I love you too, Sophie.”


Author's message: Good news everyone! I think I've found a real-life Master! This commenter from Chapter 10:

"I've wondered if you were going to make it that Matt and Sophie since they are exempt are going to go back in time create all the genies and make the rules and restrictions that bind all the genies but also set the course and events for things to happen like Matt getting his genie and the exemption note"

Clearly this person has a genie. They wished to know what was going to happen before I'd even written it. Either that or I'm predictable.

So this is the ending I've wanted for a long time. Ever since I introduced the concept of the maker back in Chapter 7, I've intended for it to be Matt and Sophie. I've been looking forward to this, and I hope it came across well. This chapter has been a long time coming, so I really hope you all enjoyed it.

Chapter 15 will be the last; it'll be an epilogue to the story, so I have no idea how long it'll be. But it will be followed by a special edition of Author's Message, where I discuss the process of writing this story, and my plans for the future, so you can all look forward to that.

Just some random things to mention now. For those of you who don't know, I also post this story onto Literotica. Literotica stories have to be moderated first before posting though, hence why this site is ahead by several chapters. When I logged on yesterday to check, I noticed that Chapter 12 had been rejected. Why? Because "First paragraph contains underage character". Basically, Literotica has a rule that people under 18 can't have sex, which is stupid, but it was especially stupid to reject this chapter, because said in the offensive paragraph, the only nude characters were an old man, and a millenia-old genie. But apparently they took offence to the mere presence of a 15-year-old girl in this non-sexual scene. I re-submitted the chapter, removing the line where Sophie is mentioned to be 15 (Even though basic maths could have told you that) and the bit where Alexis and her master are mentioned as nude (Even though this was revealed in chapter 3) and attached a message to the moderator as to why it was silly to reject it. Lo and behold, it's now been approved. I don't know whether it was because of what I did, or because this time it got a moderator with a brain, but it'll be up tomorrow. Anyway, rant over. I'm off to submit Chapter 13 (With the 19th century sex scene removed because *GASP* the characters are under 18) and Chapter 14 for their possible approval. Seriously, I love the lack of moderation here.

Doozy woof HunterReport 

2020-03-02 23:11:01
I enjoyed this series - thanks!


2019-01-17 05:57:10
Ripped from Family Guy and them leaving and not taking Alexis and Lumiosa is just lame.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-12-13 10:21:15
why couldn't matt and sophie just clone themselves, have them stay with their family and friends, while the originals went off exploring the universe?

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-11-08 03:03:41
Or alternatively they could make themselves omniscient instead and then they would know everything about everywhere and everyone

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-11-08 03:02:18
If you Allow the concept of omnipotence then theoretically they could go visit everywhere interesting in the entire Multiverse and be back in time for tea and crumpets before bed

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