I am Jason, a mid thirties married man living in suburbia. My wife Tiffany and I have been married for almost ten years. We have no kids, she never wanted any. That sounded great when I was younger and I didn't mind when we bought the house in a great neighborhood. It's easy for us to manage our money and do all the things our friends can't. They have kids and all the trappings involved. Still as time goes on and Tiffany still puts work above everything else I wish we'd had a kid or two.
Let me explain a little. I work at home most of the time. The company I work for is based out of town. They have projects and send them to me when their regular guys can't handle it. Sometimes it's just they have too many other things they are working on, sometimes it's too complex for their regular teams. The company has about fifteen IT guys. Half are probably about as skilled as most teenagers. The other half are better but still not at my skill. Sure they have a degree, I have several degrees and a natural knack for computing.
Needless to say I don't get out much unless Tiffany wants to go somewhere or I surprise her with a vacation away somewhere. Sitting at home, as nice as it is in our house, can get boring. Sometimes I listen to the radio just to hear other people talking. It's times like this that I wish we had kids.
My neighbors are mostly ten to thirty years older than me, and besides asking me which phone or computer I think is best for them they don't really talk to me. Many have kids, some even grand kids. Some days I sit by our pool and listen to the multitude of buses and kids as they pass my home. If we had kids I wouldn't be alone right now, I always think.
It was a cool spring and one Tuesday night we had high winds blowing a cold front through. I ran out and folded up the patio umbrella and shoved it into the shed. Damn it was cold out. Less than an hour later I heard a loud crack followed by smashing sounds. I looked outside but couldn't see what the noise had been, it was pitch black out.
I went back to my desk and burned the midnight oil on my computer. It wasn't until noon the next day that I discovered what the wind had done. I walked out back to find a huge branch from my back neighbor's tree had fallen and broken our fence. This was no little branch, it was half the tree! About a foot and a half diameter and probably twenty or more feet of tree branches laying in our yards and my pool.
I surveyed the damage and it was relatively mild. Mostly limited to part of the fence and one unlucky patio chair. I made some calls and by the next morning had a guy cutting up the branches and taking chunks of tree and fence out of my yard and pool. He said the whole tree needed to be chopped down because it was now in danger of falling the rest of the way down.
"Well I'll give them your information. But I can't tell you to cut down someone else's tree," I told him. He just laughed and nodded. I could tell he wanted to just do it anyway since he was here. He may even have gone over to ring their bell, I don't know.
Now I needed someone to fix the fence. But why should I pay for that? It wasn't even my tree. Damn branches were leaning over my fence and leaves always littered my pool. I was relieved to think I wouldn't be picking up leaves this fall. Later I was relaxing by the pool when my neighbor finally came out.
He was in his early forties but He looked closer to fifty. He had more grey hair than brown. He was about average height and fit, not the bulky daily gym routine look but certainly not a couch potato either. We talked and in the end he convinced me the whole length of fence needed to be replaced anyway might as well do it now. Since it was our mutual fence I'd pay half.
I didn't want to pay anything but the fence was about five years past due to be repaired and now it really did need to be replaced. Most the support beams were cracked or loose in the ground. Might as well. He said he'd take care of the arrangements and let me know before he did anything.
Friday, still no estimate for repairs and still a big hole about ten feet wide between our yards. I had come out late for my daily swim. Before getting in the pool I noticed a field of bare legs in my neighbor's back yard. I walked around my pool to allow myself a little more time to eye the beautiful scenery. There were three pairs of lovely legs. As I worked my way closer I noticed they were all in bathing suits and facing up, sunbathing.
I swam for a little bit. Every time I reached the pool closest to the fence I would lean up to peek over. Damn, been too long since I've seen a woman much less three. My wife rarely let me see her change and the twice a month she dedicated to me was always in the dark. I could feel my trunk swell at each glimpse of those smooth legs.
I went inside and grabbed a beer. I drank half then worked up a plan to talk to the ladies. Only one could be the wife of that old man so that left two that might be available. Hell for that matter I wasn't available, I didn't really care so long as I could get a closer look at those fine bodies.
I walked out, making sure they heard the door. I walked casually by my pool sipping on my cold beer. Then, I took a deep breath and walked up to the open fence.
"Hello," I called out loudly. Maybe louder than I had intended.
All three sets of eyes shot open and turned to me. One girl saw me and leaped up and ran inside. I couldn't help watching her small figure as she ran. Very nice. When she was sadly out of sight I turned to the other two.
"I haven't heard anything about when you guys are going to patch this opening up," I said trying to be casual. I wanted to walk into their yard but even without a fence I felt like it was still there blocking me.
Neither one said anything. "Well, I must say I am enjoying the opportunity it has provided to meet you ladies." I said as smoothly as I could manage.
One of them stood up then, the other looked ready to run. She was trying to be casual covering herself while not looking like that was what she was doing. The brunette walked straight to me, I watched as her hips swayed more with each step. She moved as if she was trying this for the first time. By the time she reached me she had it worked out and my body was reacting on its own. As she got closer I realized that wasn't a bathing suit, she was wearing a regular bra and panties.
"I'm not sure, my father has been trying but some people want to charge him just to come look at it," she said smoothly.
My mouth went dry as my eyes finally moved up her legs, up the outline of her panty line and continued up her wash board abs, around her small perky breasts, up to her thin smooth neck, then up to grinning red lips and finally to piercing blue eyes. Did she say father? Another quick breath and glance at her body and I realized too late my hardon was for a teen.
I forced myself to look this girl in the eyes. Immediately I regretted it. I caught her looking down at my bulging trunk. My wet swim suit clinging to me only emphasized my tool. Too late to hide behind the fence. I was standing boldly in the middle of the opening where I had intended to show off my body to three mature women.
"Do you want me to tell him anything?" She asked, when I didn't speak.
I worked moisture back into my mouth. "Nah, just let me know if you hear anything," I managed to say.
She nodded, glanced back down at my swollen member trying to ripe through my shorts. Then with another knowing smile at me she turned and slowly swayed back up to her friend. She waved her inside and I watched both pairs of tight little asses disappear. Without thinking I rubbed my swollen rod, fuck it had been a long time since I'd gotten that excited. I got back in the pool and let the cool water relax me.
After a few minutes I had almost forgotten the young girls when they came back out, playing loud music. I looked over the yard to see them dancing about to the music. The girl that had run was wearing a t-shirt and short shorts. The modest girl that stayed in the lawn chair earlier had only added a shirt to what she had on before. But, the bold sexy young thing that I spoke to was wearing the same bra and panties.
They dance for several songs then stopped to laugh and giggle with each other. The music had stopped too.
"We should jump in his pool," I heard one voice.
"It's not his pool she wants," another voice said.
"He was hot for an old guy," the first voice said. I was sure that was the girl I had talked to earlier but their voices had that same squeak of excited little girls.
"I think he's still in the pool," the third said. She had to be the shy girl that ran. She sounded like she was going to run again.
"No, he's long gone by now." She first teen said.
"Don't sound so sad, you'll see him again," the second voice teased. "In your wet dreams!"
"Haha, you would dream too if you'd seen his penis the way I did. Oh my god!"
They burst into laughter. When it finally died down they were whispering and giggling. I was starting to get cold sitting in water and not moving. Despite the cold, my dick had sprung to life with their talk. What the fuck is wrong with me? Those girls were just that, girls. Why couldn't I get my dick to stop popping up?
Forced to stay in the pool I listened to the girls talk hearing little pieces here and there. They were talking about boys, maybe me and whatever they'd heard about boys on TV and from friends. Fed up with my wood, I reached down and began to rub one out. Their voices seemed to cheer me on. In less time then it took during sex I was cumming. I couldn't stop a grunt as I blew a load into my swim shorts.
Their voices stopped. It was silent for a minute, I froze. I'm a grown ass man why am I hiding from teenage girls. Besides this is my yard I'm not doing anything wrong.
"What was that?" The shy girl asked, I could just imagine her trembling, ready to run.
"Go look!" The other girl said softly.
"Ok, wait here." My fantasy said.
My eyes searched the fence line to see if they were coming to investigate. It had gotten darker and I could only make out the silhouettes of the girls. Could they see me? I ducked down lower into the water.
"Let's just go inside and watch a movie." I could hear slow footsteps in the grass.
"Ooo, I know just the one we should watch."
There was a pause as they seemed to try to decide what to do.
"Fine, you two are no fun!" Then there was a slew of noise as the three girls retreated through the darkness.
With that they all went in. I scrambled out of the pool and ran inside to warm up. Inside and safe I tried I take my mind off the girls especially the bold blue eyed beauty. I got on my computer, no projects to work on... I started to play a game but kept day dreaming of her. I gave up and went to a porn site to get me off again. I watched a few of my usual style videos, it wasn't long before I found myself watching a barely legal video with a blue eyed blond that helped me rock my balls off. Finally I was spent and went to bed.
I woke up around noon. My doorbell was ringing. I got up naked and pulled on some gym shorts. I stumbled to the door. Surely who ever had rang the bell was gone by now.
I opened the door to see her. She smiled at me, her eyes going down my body. I took the time to look at her too, in a tight red top with a little black mini skirt. My sleeping giant began to twitch awake.
"Can I help you?" I asked, trying to focus and not think of this little girl as anything more than my neighbor's daughter. Images of the blue eyed blond from my porn snuck into my mind and popped me to full mast.
She had a small grin, "um, I've heard you are good with computers?"
She lifted a laptop up to me and asked, "can you take a look at it? It's not working right."
"Sure, what's it doing?" I asked taking my mind off her body and looking at her laptop. It was pretty new had a camera and mic on it and was a decent model. In fact it was probably more computer power then a teen girl could possibly need.
"Just... I don't now, it's acting weird and slow and stuff."
I smiled at her, "ok I'll take a look and see what I can find."
"Thanks, uh... I'm Jessica."
"Oh sorry, hi Jessica I'm Jason."
"Jason," she whispered to herself. "Can I get it tomorrow?"
Oh I'd love to give it to you now, Jessica! I thought. "Get what?"
She smiled and looked down at my shorts. I casually put her laptop between her and my pole. She looked back up and blushed, "my computer?"
"Oh shit, yeah. Uh sorry... I, just woke up so I'm not all here yet."
"Uh it's almost one. I mean, sorry I'll be going..." She turned and swayed away.
I stared at the point where her legs disappeared up her skirt. It took me a moment to realize she had stopped and turned back looking at me. She was smiling again.
"I almost forgot, my dad wanted me to tell you, there's going to be two different guys coming to give him an estimate Monday."
"Thanks, Jessica." I closed the door so she wouldn't see me staring at her anymore. I breathed heavily for a minute. God damn she's pretty.
I looked down, my erection wanted more attention but my mind remembered her laptop. Curiously, I sat down to work on it. I hooked it up to my equipment and started to diagnose it. I couldn't find any major faults so I began scanning for viruses and spyware. I changed a few things and did a general cleanup on her computer. I downloaded some software updates for her operating system. But I found Nothing that would explain her vague problem.
I started to check things downloaded in the past month. Expecting to find some virus or spyware, nothing significant there. I looked into other files that were changed or created in the past month. She had a few files so I scanned through them. Nothing. There were four pictures taken after midnight, early this morning. Curious I opened the first one.
It was her, standing in front of a mirror wearing a shirt, her pink and purple panties peeking out underneath. Her legs partially open to show the gap between them. I felt my shorts shift as my dick twitched.
I closed the picture. Fuck, she's just a kid and I'm going perv and snooping in her files. I was going to shut it down... My eyes fixated on the four image files, all from last night. Each one taken only minutes after the other. She'd never know that I looked.
I opened the next image. Still standing in front of a mirror. Only this time she had no shirt. It was just the pink and purple hipster panties and the same hot pink bra I had seen her sun bathing in earlier that day . Her expression was sexy too. She was blowing a kiss and winking.
I examined every one of her little curves. They were subtle, her hips hadn't really developed so they were almost even with her waist but there was a small bump where her hip bones had started to push out. Her breasts were small barely developing, the bra was probably a 32A, or even AA.
Her face and legs didn't escape my sharp inspection. Suddenly I remembered there was another two images. I clicked the next one.
She had one arm across her bare breasts. Her hand cupping one small tit, her forearm hiding the other. Her other hand was holding the camera so she had crossed her legs to hide her naked pussy. A small patch of fuzz was peeking out from above her legs. Her treasure hidden. That didn't stop me from pulling out my throbbing pole. I burst a load almost immediately without even stopping I began working my still aroused cock.
My balls had started the week off so heavy. Just meeting this girl I've unloaded more times in the past two nights than I had in the previous two months.
I closed the image file, my hands trembled excitedly over the next image. Each one had progressively exposed more and more of her body. The only thing left was for her to show me her little pussy. Oh fuck, I was excited. My cock twitched at the thought of the next image file.
I opened it. It wasn't her, but it was a pussy, cat. A orange and white tabby laying on the edge of a pink bed in an adorable position. I began to laugh. Did she know I'd be looking? Did she take this picture next on purpose as a joke or was this just the random picture of a flighty teen girl. It was too perfect. I wanted to see pussy and she showed me one just not the kind I wanted.
The humor of it made it easier for me to close the files and shut down her computer. I had received a task from work a few minutes ago so pushed her computer aside. I was up late working on my work project, it wasn't a difficult task just time consuming. By four in the morning I had decided I wouldn't finish it tonight. I sent my co-workers an update on the task and gave them an estimated time I'd finish. Off to bed.
When I woke up I noticed the suitcases. My wife had returned from her business trip. She wasn't in bed so she must be here somewhere. I got up searched the house. She wasn't here? That's weird. But then I found myself in my office and hadn't realized until too late that I was looking for Jessica's laptop. I thought it was here. Did I take to the living room? I'd have remembered that, but I went to check anyway since it wasn't where I thought it would be.
I was still frantically searching when my wife walked in from outside.
"What are you looking for?" She asked.
I hadn't realized she was outside this whole time. My body froze, every part of me went cold. I felt like she knew what I was looking for, somehow she knew about the pictures I needed to see again.
"Well?" She asked again.
"Oh sorry you scared me. I didn't know you were here," I told her. It wasn't a complete lie, I really did think she had gone out somewhere.
She laughed and I kissed her.
"Welcome home."
"Thanks. What did you do to the fence?"
"Oh you know I always wanted a bigger yard." We both laughed. "The neighbor's tree split in half and smashed it."
We went out to lunch and talked about the last week apart. On our way home she said, "some skinny little girl came by this morning to pick up her laptop." She looked at me. "She's pretty... Young."
"Oh yeah, her dad asked me to work on it for her," I lied.
"Oh? When was that? You didn't mention it earlier."
"Oh yeah, slipped my mind. It was nothing, just optimized it and cleared out junk that was bogging down memory," I said trying to be casual. Damn, I didn't even copy the pictures to my computer like I wanted too.
"She looked slutty."
"Well you know kids now a days."
We dropped the talk about Jessica. So she had come over looking slutty? That was nice. The girl liked to show herself off. I wonder how much experience she had with men or in her case boys.
Later that week I was swimming in the pool and heard the usual noise of buses and kids coming home. Shortly after that I was rewarded by Jessica peering through the still open fence.
"How's your laptop working?" I asked standing in the shallow side of the pool.
"Better thanks," she said. "So I met your wife."
"Yeah, was she nice to you?"
"Is she here? I don't think I want to meet her again." She asked and that pretty much answered my question.
"No she works late. Rarely gets home before sex," I said, slipping. Maybe she didn't notice.
"Hmm, that's nice." She walked into my yard. "Can I join you then?"
I was torn I wanted this teen girl so bad she was now in all my wet dreams. But she was young, even if by some miracle she was legal she was still too young for me. Before I could say either way she lifted her shirt over her head. Under her shirt was a small pale blue unpadded cotton bralette.
"Maybe you should put on a bathing suit," I suggested then wish I hadn't. What am I saying I want this.
"I don't have one," she said standing in her shorts and bra. The sun lighting up her little figure.
"Well pool water can ruin your clothes. But your welcome in if you want."
She smiled and unfastened her shorts. I couldn't look away if my house was on fire. I watched as she bent down to pull off her shorts. Her bra was a light blue and thin enough to leave a hint of her nipples. Her panties where white with a light blue lining.
She stepped into the pool slowly. I watched as goose bumps sprang up all over her body. Slowly her nipples hardened and poked through the material of her unpadded bra. I walked closer to her.
"You know how to swim right?" I asked her. No bathing suit, there was a chance she didn't know.
She looked at me for a little bit then shook her head. No. I walked closer and put an arm around her. Her skin was bumpy from the goose bumps. I rubbed my hands up and down her back. Her cotton bralette was soaking up the water from my hands and the pool. I could clearly see the point of her hard nipples.
She pulled away. Jessica backed up to the pool edge next to the steps and never stopped looking at me. My heart sank, what have I done, I must have crossed a line. Gotten too close, I shouldn't have touched her. If she tells anyone about this I could be in so much shit.
"Jessica, I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me. Well actually I do, you're very pretty and I... I don't know what I was going to do."
"You think I'm pretty?"
"So pretty I was about to take a huge risk."
"Tell me what you wanted to do." She said quietly taking a small step forward.
"Uh, I don't know if that's a good- oh god!" I started, halfway through she pulled her little cotton bra over her head. It didn't have a clasp just lifted off.
For the first time I got to see her little nipples. They were small light brown almost pink buttons centered perfectly on her small saucer breasts. She was looking down nervously, her face burning red.
I waded closer to her, wrapped my arms around her again. I lifted her chin, leaned down and kissed her softly on the lips. Her body trembled against me. She wrapped her arms around me and lifted herself higher to kiss me back.
We kissed for a long time taking breaks for breath but not speaking, just looking into each others eyes. I lifted her onto the edge of the pool to sit in front of me. I guided her legs open and looked down at her wet panties. The white had become transparent allowing me to see the small patch of pubic hair just above her subtle slit.
My loins groaned to touch her sex. I wanted to tear her little panties off and ram her with my manhood. Instead I moved slowly between her shaking legs. Lifting her face up again to kiss her softly.
We stayed like that for a while longer just kissing and I let my hands gently brush against her breasts. She leaned back and I lowered my head to tickle her nipple with my lips. Her hands wrapped into my hair.
I used my tongue to flick her nipple and worked my way over to the other one. As I lifted my head to kiss her I felt her put one hand down to caress the bulge in front of my swimsuit.
"Oh god yes," I encouraged.
We kissed and her other hand found its way down to my trunk. One hand pulled my shorts out the other reached in to touch my hard pole. She wasn't pumping me like a pro. Instead she was gently touching like a blind person feeling for a knife. Careful not to hurt herself or me. She was exploring my manhood.
She had unlocked Pandora's box for me now. I tugged off my shorts and took a half step back so she could see what I had. I guided one of her hands around my shaft. She wrapped her fingers tightly around my burning meat.
I let her just hold it and gently squeeze it, then release. I waited till she squeezed it again then pulled her hand up the shaft to the tip. Guiding her to jack my dick off.
Something about her inexperience turned me on more. Mine was probably the first she'd ever touched I thought. She caught on quickly enough. She was working my shaft good on her own now. I resumed my tongue tease on her nipples.
"Slow it down Jessica, I'm not ready to finish," I warned my pupil.
She looked up at me and smiled. "You like this?" She asked.
"I do," I told her. Then I grabbed her and pulled her into the water with me. Her legs wrapped around me. My hungry sausage pressing against her soft slit through her wet panties. I carried her out of the pool.
I sat her on a patio chaise. Knelt down and pulled at her wet panties. She helped me take them off lifting herself and working her legs. Each shift of her legs gave me a glimpse of her sweet treasure. My breathing picked up as I got even more excited.
I tossed her soaked undies on the ground next to the chair. She leaned back leaving her perfect legs open for me. I looked down enjoying the view for a moment. Oh damn this girl looked so good. I couldn't hold myself back anymore.
I climbed on top of her and lowered myself until our bodies touched. Anxiously I slipped my swollen tip between her soft teeny lips. Fuck she was slick. Feeling her wet pussy just blew all my hesitation out.
I leaned down and whispered, "ready?" Before she could answer I thrust into her. Her tight wet pussy spreading snugly around my pulsing manhood. She bit back a cry as I ruptured her virginity. I stayed still inside Jessica's hot hole, Letting her get used to my shaft in her.
Slowly I began to work half my length out then back in her. She moaned softly with each plunge into her. Her hands gripped my back. I drew more and more back until I was pumping her with my full length. Her eyes squeezed shut.
I felt the need for release building. I held it back, a trick I'd mastered during sex with my wife. I lifted my body up, never stopping my rhythm, so I could see her body. Her little figure looked even smaller under me.
Looking at all of her I lost my hold inside her. I stopped all motion and looked into her eyes. A feeling of purse bliss washed over my body, the world trembled and darkened next to those blue eyes below me. I collapsed on top of her, holding her.
After a minute I looked into her eyes again and kissed her slowly. Suddenly I felt my flaccid penis slide out of her tight hole. I got up and looked down at her sweet home. That pretty little slit oozed white seed mixed with her first sex juices.
Oh fuck! I thought looking at this young girl. For the first time I saw her as a child. I lost myself and the control of my orgasm inside her. That's where the trembling and bliss came from, I was cumming in her. It had felt so good.
My cock betrayed me and began to spring back to life. I tried to focus on her face, she smiled at me. I wanted a taste of her tender little nipples again. My eyes strayed from hers and down to her little body. I had a full erection by the time my eyes reached her dripping organ.
I couldn't think, I didn't think. I climbed back on top of her. She giggled as I worked my way back inside her. Oh why had I left this little tunnel of delight. I rocked in her slowly at first then faster and harder. Our breathing got louder and heavier. I could feel my balls starting to plead for another release.
"Hello? Jason?" A man's voice called from a few feet away.
Stunned I erupted inside her again grunting. I looked up in time to see Frank step into the opening between our yards. Jessica was prettified, her breathing had stopped at the first sound of her dad.
He saw my head looking up from the backside of the chaise. His daughter's face and body mostly hidden by the chair back. He could see I was on top of someone but couldn't see who. He stopped, muttered a bit and turned around.
"Sorry Jason, sorry Tiffany! Come over when you have a chance." He said walking away.
Neither of us moved. I looked down at Jessica her eyes were full of fear. Her face pale. I too was scared shitless. If he had recognized his little girl under me... I sat up.
"He didn't know it was you," I reassured her. "Here I think you better go through the front." I said, handing her her clothes.
"Can I... Come over some other time?" She asked.
"Anytime as long as the red car isn't in the driveway."
She nodded and smiled. I fished my shorts out of the pool and pulled them on. The water was cold and helped me clear my head.
"I almost forgot, here this is for you but I need it back soon," she said bending down to hand something small to me.
She ran around the side of my house and through the side gate. I looked in my hand at what she gave me. Some sort of toy? What the hell? Too young that's what she was.
I climbed out of the pool and toweled off then went into my house to shower. After my shower I picked up Jessica's toy to look at it again. A cat with some part that moved. Flash drive.
I plugged it into my computer and let the files copy over. I opened one. It was her, fresh out of the bath with wet hair dripping down and a towel wrapped carefully around her.
Click. Next picture.
The towel was open in front showing a shadowy breast behind it.
She was sitting on the towel legs slightly bent. Her treasure peeking out under her and both breasts fully exposed.
Laying on the towel with her legs open to the camera. Touching her tender slit.
Click. Click. Click. 35 pictures in all. I put the computer on slide show. I sat on my own towel in my office chair and began to rub my red hard cock.
"Honey I'm home!" My wife called as she closed the front door.
Crap! I turned off the monitor wrapped the towel around me and got up to meet Tiffany.
I tried to hide my erection but the towel didn't offer any help. Tiffany noticed, "well looks like I'm going to have to take care of this now."
She led me to the bedroom and closed the windows so it was as dark as it would get at five thirty. The sun slipping in through the heavy curtains. It was enough light that I could see as she took off her clothes. When all her clothes were off she climbed in the bed.
I dropped the useless towel and climbed in with my wife. She turned over offering her back to me. This was our standard position for the past three or four years now. After working myself into her I began to imagine my little toy next door, Jessica.
I began to work my wife hard. I turned her over, face down and climbed above her pressing in from behind. I was lost to a sex daze in her sweet pussy. I grabbed her hips and pulled Tiffany's ass back into each thrust. I hammered her pussy.
I maintained a relentless pace. I realized she was screaming in ecstasy. Holy crap, how long had it been since I even made her moan? I wiped the sweat from my forehead. I leaned forward and grabbed one of her bouncing breasts.
Oh it all came back to me, years ago we would fuck like this. We used to say we'd never be that couple that talk about having sex once a week. Back then once a day was taboo to us.
I remembered the different times and places. Oh, her pussy was responsible for so many of my orgasms.
I had lost all sense of time. I don't know how long I was ramming her tender slit. I felt my already light balls lift and unload into my wife's love hole. As my cock twitched one last time draining the last of my cum into her, I collapsed on the bed next to her.
I wiped more sweat from my face, and really knew how much I had pounded her. I turned and look at her sweat soaked body. She was panting and still shaking, best part, she had a huge smile on her face. I smiled and closed my eyes.
When I woke up it was morning. Tiffany was gone. I took a shower to clean the sex off my dick. I went to the kitchen and found a note from my wife. She had a good time, have to do that again this week.
I never get up this early, I didn't know what to do with myself. I sat in front of my computer and turned the monitor back on. Center of the screen was a message window from work: 2 projects pending, 1 low priority, 1 urgent. The background changed. In the space above my message bulletin I could see Jessica's face smiling at me and at the bottom of the screen her bare legs and feet spread wide.
Damn, Jessica you'll have to wait. Besides my cock was too sore right now. I wanted the real thing not to jerk myself off. I clicked on the urgent notice. I knew just clicking on it would send a time stamp to the company that I had started the project.
No sooner had I read the problem and deadline: ASAP, I got a call from my boss.
"What took you so long? This program has some serious bugs in it and our client was expecting it installed today!" He ranted. He yelled some more before he slowly calmed down.
"Tom this is the first I've seen this. Why wasn't I included in the development?"
"Uh well, Greg wants to reduce our expenses." He explained, Greg was just promoted to VP of technology. It was more a title change than a promotion, he was already the only 'senior technology administrator'.
"Tell Greg if he wants to reduce costs he should include me in the loop. You and I both know I charge extra for urgent projects." With that I hung up and got to work.
Two hours into it I got a call from Greg. "I need an update for the client!" He yelled. "Are you almost done?"
"Greg, you know I'm working as fast as I can."
"But what have you done? Have you resolved the crash at login? What about the error messages and crashes while-"
"Greg I have been reading thousands of lines of code just trying to see what you bastards are trying to do! It's simple really, you need it soon send it to me sooner. You want it late? Send it to me last damn minute! Now I can provide you with a twenty minute report every hour or I can finish it before next week!" I hung up without letting him respond.
I lost myself in the blur of code. I had made progress debugging the code. I got the program to open, login and run a few processes when I decided hell with this. what am I doing? I uploaded it to the FTP site sent a message, "major bugs fixed, send to client! Have someone test all the lower functions and send me a report on all issues. I'll work on a patch for the client."
I left the computer and walked to the kitchen for some breakfast. It wasn't until I got to the kitchen that I saw it was almost four o'clock. Most the day was gone already and I hadn't even eaten anything.
I ate then went back and ate some more. When I had stuffed myself beyond belief I plopped in front of the TV and flipped through some channels. Just before five I changed and went for a swim. While I was out I noticed something white in the grass.
I did a few paces then went to investigate it. As leaned over the chaise to see it I knew exactly what it was. Jessica had left her little white and blue panties. I picked them up and walked into the house.
I was planning on hiding them until I saw her again. As I entered the living room I heard the front lock click. Shit Tiffany was home early. I ran to my office, shoved the panties into the bottom of my filing cabinet.
I turned on the computer and pretended to check my work log. She walked by then stopped when she saw me. "Hey handsome."
"Your home early doll," I said going to her to kiss her.
"Yeah I thought we could spend sometime together?" She said caressing me.
Twice in one week! Ok. I followed her to our room. She turned and leaned over her dresser hiking up her skirt. I pulled my trunks off and stepped up behind her.
I stood behind my wife admiring her ass, it had been a long time since we'd had sex before it was dark. I could see it in all its glory. Over the years her hips and ass had grown. Not that she was fat, just a little wider. I looked up to be rewarded with an excellent view down the top of her blouse in the vanity. She smiled back at me, I could see the excitement in her eyes.
I rubbed my swollen rod between her legs and up to her ready hole. I rubbed my tip against the outside of her puffy lips. As they opened to welcome me in, I felt her womanly juices waiting for me.
"Come on, fuck me!" She called impatiently.
What else did she think I was going to do? I coated the tip of my red rod with her cream and tore into her. In no time at all she was screaming and moaning. My hands on her waist kept her from falling over. She was truly laying on the dresser, her legs barely touching the floor at all.
I reached around her and ripped her blouse open and lifted her bra to expose her C cup breasts. She flattened them on the top of her dresser and I fucked her. All her makeups and spray cans falling as the dresser shook beneath the force of our sex.
I felt her pussy squeeze my cock as she began to cum. I didn't care, I kept up my Olympic pace. She screamed louder and her cunt started to squirt onto my balls and legs. Her eyes rolled up into her head as she was being overwhelmed by her orgasms.
The sight and force of her orgasms excited me too. "Oh fuck it's so good!" I told her.
Her orgasms began to slack and dwindle until she was just laying still panting on the dresser. I kept fucking her dripping hole, working up my own orgasm.
She wiggled under me and pushed me back, "ok, it hurts now. I'm real sensitive down there." She stood up and fixed her skirt looked at my still rock hard dick patted it with one hand, "good job."
"Uh I'm not done," I told her. Fuck, now I remember why sex with her had gotten boring. Whenever I fuck her good and make her cum she's done and I don't get mine.
"All you care about is yourself! And you owe me another fucking shirt!" She yelled walking into her closet. "You know you should be more grateful that I let you have sex with me twice already. Your so unappreciative."
I picked up my swimsuit and walked out. I appreciate Jessica next door, I wanted to tell her. Eh, screw this I got a nice tight new pussy I can enjoy.
I jumped in the pool and swam around a little. I was so pissed. Jessica never came out of her house. When I went back in I went straight to my office and began playing games. In the early morning hours I went to bed. Tiffany was already asleep.
I woke up, it didn't feel like a Friday. I ate breakfast and found a note from Tiffany on my desk:
"I have a emergency meeting with the director of our St. Louis office. I'll be back late Monday or Tuesday morning depending on what flight I can get on. You can transfer $45 to my account for the shirt."
"Fucking bitch!" No mention of I love you. I'll miss you. Nothing. And that damn shirt again? Not to brag but we both make plenty of money so who cares about a single shirt?! Most her clothes are tax write offs anyway.
I was so mad I didn't login for work. I went straight to my daily swim. It worked, by the time I was tired of swimming, I was ready to face the work of the day. I realized then I should have started work sooner. Tasks were waiting for me and they had sent a report of ten bugs.
It was starting to get dark out when I heard a noise from outside. I went out back, there she was, dripping wet and naked standing next to my pool.
"Hey, hope it's ok I jumped in?" Jessica asked.
"Well we're in luck, my wife is out of town," I told her.
She just nodded and smiled at me as if she knew already. "Want to join me?"
As I took off my clothes she stepped up next to me and helped me pull my boxers down. She pressed her wet body against me. I leaned down to press my lips against hers. She wrapped her thin arms around me and lifted up on her toes.
We stayed there kissing for several minutes. I noticed her shiver and bumps all over her body. She was cold.
I bent down and picked her up, one hand behind her legs the other around her back. "Let's get you dried off," I told her, as I carried her inside my house.
She curled up in my arms and let me take her through my house. I went straight for the master bedroom, our towels were in that bathroom. It didn't occur to me what might happen in the bedroom until I walked in. I stopped and thought maybe I should have put her on the couch. I looked down at her and she turned and kissed me more.
She shifted her body and I was losing my grip on her cool wet skin. I rushed to the bed before she flopped onto the floor. She pulled me on top of her as I let her down.
Her legs wrapping around me and guiding me to her warm spot. I grabbed her waist as I stood up, letting my dick rest on her small patch. I was looking down at her as she lay on her back in my bed. Her hand went down and grasped my manhood.
I looked into her eyes as she began stroking me. Her little hands were cold on my hot rod. I looked up to the ceiling and closed my eyes to enjoy the hand job. Her hands slowed down and then pressed my pole down against her slit. I looked down, she was smiling at me as she guided my red top to her warmth.
"I've been wanting this all week," I told her. Pressing through her soft curtains deep into her tight oven. She moaned as I plunged all the way in. I watched her small breasts as they gently shook with each slow thrust.
"Oh yes," She panted. I continued a slow pace, enjoying every inch of her hot tunnel.
I felt my balls lifting, I knew I wouldn't be able to hold it back with her. Suddenly it occurred to me I didn't even know if she was on any birth control. I pulled out of her sweet heaven and unloaded my barrel all over her little body.
My first rope went from her belly up to her heart and made her squeak in shock. She lifted her head to watch the second splash on her belly. The third and fourth coated her bikini zone. She giggled as my cream oozed onto her teeny patch.
I heaved a sigh of relief and collapsed in the bed next to her. She immediately curled up next to me, my own seed smearing on me.
"I'm still cold," she said winking at me.
I wrapped an arm around her and pulled her closer to me. "Ok, give me a second to catch my breath."
She giggled softly then climbed up on my chest. We kissed for a few seconds and that was all it took. My pole was red hot and ready to go again. She must have felt it raise up between her legs because she moved down more. My cock rose right up between her soft thighs to her tender slit.
She rubbed me between her soft moist lips. "God how did I get so lucky?" I asked.
She shrugged and smiled excitedly. I reached down between us and guided my missile into her soft spot. She glided down onto it, then slowly began moving. I couldn't get used to her motions, but I remembered she wasn't that experienced.
I let her explore different motions for a little while longer. Slowly I began adding my own slow thrust up into her. She stopped moving, her eyes going wide as I pumped up under her.
I grabbed her ass and moved her forward then back against my pounding cock. She began moaning out louder and louder. She collapsed against my chest and I bent my legs to give me leverage to keep my pussy-pounding going.
She began to scream with pleasure, "oh yes! Oh my god!"
I couldn't last at this pace. "Fuck, I'm going to cum again!"
As soon as I spoke she sat up and lowered her hips, taking me all the way in. I looked at her questioningly. "Put it in me this time," she purred.
No time to question it I was already erupting in her womb. She smiled wider with every grunt and twitch I gave her, "you feel so good in me."
"I don't know if I should be cumming inside you." I told her. Hoping for some reassurance.
"Don't you like it?" She asked, "it feels like you really enjoyed it." She was shifting her hips, grinding my semi-erection in her dripping hole.
"Well yes, it feels so good-"
"Or do you like to cum on my tits more?" She asked. "Maybe you want to cum somewhere else?" She offered grinning at me.
"Uh, well where did you have in mind?"
"Anywhere you want, I'm all yours."
My mind was racing with the possibilities. In was hard again, damn this girl was going to send me to an early grave at this rate. She began to rock on me the way I had just taught her.
I could hear our sex juices as she fucked me. She leaned forward and I started to suck on her nipples. Her moaning picked up and in no time at all I was pumping up to met her as she rocked her pussy back down on me.
I noticed her pleasure shrieks before I realized I was yelling out too.
"Oh fuck! Your so fucking good!" I yelled.
"Mmm, your so hard!" She cried and, "God it's so big!"
She began to slow down, but I kept up my pace. I could feel her pussy juices leaking down over my balls to the bed. Her body trembled against me and she cried out a loud, "oooiiieeee!"
I slowed down and let her recover a little. Her orgasm slowly wore off and she was still panting hard. "Oh my god is that what you did to your wife the last night?"
"What?" I froze, she mentioned my wife and suddenly I felt a wave of guilt. My wife hasn't even been gone a day. I just had sex with her last night and I'm already fucking the teen next door. How did she know?
"I'm sorry, I heard you two doing it yesterday from outside, and I wanted some too," she said quietly.
"You were listening in on us?"
"I'm sorry I was trying to sneak over to see you and I over heard."
"Shit, this isn't right. I think we just need to stop this now before it gets out of control." I told her.
"I don't care that your married! I don't care if you have sex with her, I just want you too." She sobbed. "I need you."
"Listen lets talk about this tomorrow ok, it's getting late and I'm sure your father will be worried about you," I told her.
"No! He doesn't care about me. All he cares about is his whore! He left me alone this weekend to be with her!" She yelled angrily.
I didn't know what to say. I knew her dad was single and raising her on his own. I guess I never thought he'd have a girlfriend or that Jessica would be so upset that he did. She got up off me and ran out.
I tried to stop her, to talk to her. She just kept running. By the time I reached my back yard she was already slamming the door to her house. I stood by my pool dazed, what just happened. Then I noticed her clothes on the ground by my pool.
I picked them up and took them inside, I'd see her tomorrow, I hope. I sat on the couch to think. I'm not mad at her, she didn't do anything wrong. I was the duche bag that was cheating on my wife.
I needed to make things right when she came back. What if she never came back? I couldn't go over there... I would need an excuse in case someone saw me.
"Dumb ass!" I cursed myself. The fence was still wide open and she said her dad was gone all weekend.
I leaped up and ran out to her house. At the back door I knocked but didn't hear anything. After waiting and knocking again i opened the door. I walked in, I've never been in their house. I wondered through the house.
Just as I started to think this was a bad idea the door ahead of me opened. Light from the other side flooding out into the dim hall. She stepped out then froze. She stood, still naked in front of the bathroom door.
"Jessica, I'm sorry... I-" I started to say, she ran into my arms and hugged me laughing hysterically.
"I thought someone had broken into my house! I was so scared I couldn't move," she explained.
It was then and there hugging her I realized as my cock swelled, I too was still naked. I lifted her up and carried her back to the room with the lights on.
The walls were light purple, the bed was a small twin mattress with pink sheets and covers. She had posters of some guy, he looked like a country singer but I wasn't sure since I didn't listen to country music. I laid her on the bed, she threw two stuffed animals off as I climbed in the bed on top of her.
We kissed and I rubbed her breasts with one hand. She was beautiful. She was so small... I lowered my hips and drove my purple dick into her again. She moaned and begged for more.
We fucked for hours, I came inside her twice. She said she liked watching me cum. I got her to come again too. After that I fell over on her bed and passed out. I woke up as morning light began to shine through her purple curtains.
I had a crick in my neck from the small bed. I looked around the purple room, everything was a reminder how young this girl was. I got up, I need to go home. I shouldn't have come over here. It was Saturday, I'm sure I had some work I needed to follow up on.
I walked out to the living room, I was still naked since I hadn't brought clothes over last night. She was on the phone sitting on the couch. Talking to another girl by the sounds of the conversation. She saw me and waved me over.
She held the phone down near her bare small perky breasts. She too was naked.
"Sit with me," she whispered. I shook my head, I tried to signal I was leaving. "Oh really," she said into the phone. To me she pulled my arms to her, one hand against her little a-cup breast.
I tried to gently pull away. "I really have to go," I whispered to her.
She looked determined to keep me. I tried to pull away again but this time she moved forward with my motion. She grabbed my hanging dick in her free hand and began stroking it.
"No, later." I tried to say. My mouth said no my cock swelling with hot blood said yes.
She would not let me leave, she held me firmly in place as her mouth kissed the top of my pulsing dick. I didn't try to pull away anymore. She opened her mouth for me. I let her fill her little mouth with my heavy cock.
She started to lick me. Then suck me in her teeny mouth. "Mmhmm," she mumbled around my dick to her phone.
Her free hand pumped my shaft while her mouth slurped and sucked my tip. My breathing got faster as her hand sped up.
"Mmhmm," she said again to the phone.
"Oh fuck," i whispered.
She smiled around my cock and worked me in more. It occurred to me that she knew what she was doing now. Had she given boys at school blow jobs? Or did was she just a natural? She was very uncertain touching me before so surely this was her first blow job too.
"Sorry, Dawna I'm eating." She said pulling my dick out of her mouth but still pumping her hand on my rod.
She laughed at her friend's reply, "don't be gross." With that she sucked me back in her mouth. Fuck, her friend could hear her sucking my dick! That was so hot.
I groaned as she pumped me harder in her mouth. "Im cumming baby," I warned quietly. She dropped the phone and took me in both hands, opening her mouth for my load.
I grunted as my balls launched a load in her mouth. She closed her tiny mouth around my pulsing meat and let my cum fill her mouth. She milked every drop out of me keeping it all in her mouth. I pulled my spent pipe out of her mouth and some cum dripped out before she could close her mouth. My cum dropped between her breasts and oozed down her belly.
Looking down I watched as another drop leaked from my tip to the couch right between her open legs. My cum seemed to want to get into her pussy on its own. She looked up at me and smiled, her lips wet with my seed.
I watched as she slowly swallowed my cream down her cute little throat. She gave my soft cock one more loving lick. Then leaned back to pick up her phone. She jumped right into the conversation like she heard everything her friend said.
I stepped back and watched her little fingers play with my cum between her breasts. Following its path down her belly, she pushed it down around her belly button. I was mesmerized by this sexy girl playing with my cum on her naked body.
She looked up at me, her young eyes glistening up at me mischievously. I couldn't help smiling back at her. My eyes broke from hers as her hand began moving again. She kept her southern push, sliding my drop of cum down lower.
She guided it to the side leading my small drop of seed into the crease between her leg and her treasure. From there she quickly pushed it lower then swiped it over and into her hungry slit.
My mouth dropped. I knew she would do it, some how I did but that didn't make me any less surprised. Why did it shock me? I came inside her several times now.
After she pulled her finger out of her tender slot she put it into her mouth and licked it clean. Then smiled at me again and kept talking to her friend. I signaled I was going home, she shook her head. I signaled I was hungry, going home, she nodded.
I kissed her cheek gently and went out the back. Carefully making my way to my house. Just because we had fences that didn't mean a neighbor wouldn't be able to see into your yard.
When I reached my door I heard a "oh yeah I know," behind me. I jumped and looked. Right behind me stood Jessica casually walking naked to my house. I opened the door and waved to her to hurry in. She just nodded and followed at the same slow pace.
When she was in I looked around at the neighboring fences. Didn't seem like anyone else was out. I closed the door and we didn't open it again until Sunday night. We had sex, relaxed and sat together and had more sex. I ate her tasty little cream-filled pie until she came all over my face. By Sunday I needed her to leave so I could catch up on some sleep.
Over the next few weeks she would slip over during the week after getting home from school and I worried my wife would catch us. Each day Jessica came over my wife came home a few hours later than normal.
It wasn't unusual for Tiffany to work late. I guess it was just damn good luck she had to work late on those precious afternoons. But after almost a month of sweet teen sex we ran into a dry spell. I kept expecting Jessica to come over but instead Tiffany would walk in the front door.
Day after day for three days in a row already. I couldn't bear it much more. On the fourth day I resorted to the sexy pictures of Jessica. We had taken a few together to add the the many she had taken for me of herself. I sat looking out the back window of my office hoping to see the real thing come strolling out.
She didn't appear. I let the pictures slide, one of me sucking on her big round nipples. My hand squeezing her nice b-cup breasts. Another of her laying on my bed with my cum dripping off her little belly.
I was stroking my horny cock hard watching the pictures of my beautiful sex toy. Oh fuck she was so good. More pictures scrolled by and I kept working my meat. Damn I missed her big dark brown nipples in my mouth.
After a few minutes of recent pictures some of the older ones began opening up. These just had her. She had taken them on her own of herself.
I imagined my cum on that small flat stomach. Another picture of her perfect tiny light brown nipples centered just right on her small a-cup breasts. Oh how tiny she had been then. I felt myself getting close.
Now the first picture, the oldest she had given me came up. In Her clothes but standing teasingly.
The next image was the most recent. A view from about my waist looking up her body. My dick just at her little opening, our combined cum dripping onto my wife's bed from Jessica's pink hole. Her belly wet from a previous load I shot on it. Her big round breasts capped by big dark brown nipples.
I burst at the sight of it. Oh fuck that was a great afternoon. I paused the slide show and cleaned up myself. Then looked at the picture again... Something wasn't right here. I flipped back four pictures to the oldest ones she had sent me.
My mouth went dry, her nipples used to be small and light brown almost pink. Her breasts definitely an a- or even aa-cup and her stomach was completely flat. Now she had a little bulge in her belly and her breasts were much bigger. Nipples darker.
"Oh fuck she's pregnant!"
How could I have not seen it. How could I be surprised. I'd been cumming inside her womb almost every time since the first time we fucked. She's just a kid, of course she's not on the pill. Why would her dad even think she'd need it at her age.
Her dad, what would he do when he finds out. What if he has found out and that is why she hasn't come over. "He better not have laid a hand on her!" I began to get upset thinking he had hurt her. I found myself standing in the middle of my back yard looking over to her house.
How would I explain it if I stormed in and he hadn't done anything to her? I turned back to my house. Just then I heard a siren and I thought what if he called the police on me? I stood frozen just about to piss myself until I heard them pass several blocks away and slowly move further off.
I ran inside to pee. Then it occurred to me all the pictures on my computer would prove I was guilty if they had been coming for me. Should I delete them. I sat in front of my computer the files highlighted ready to confirm I wanted to delete all 64 files.
I clicked no, then shut off my computer. There was no point they could recover anything I deleted and she was pregnant. What more proof could they need than our baby.
I went out to sit on the couch. I didn't watch TV, or listen to the radio very often and had no plans to do either now. I just sat. I was lost in thought until a noise snapped me out of it. A car door, my wife was home. The rest of the evening went on basically like all the others.
Friday was a blur, I worked all morning to keep mind busy. I was jamming at the keys when something tapped on the window. I looked over and there she was, Jessica. She was peeking over the window sill. I jumped up and ran to the back door.
I was there before she was. I opened it and ran out to meet her. I grabbed her in an embrace and kissed her longingly. The kiss went on and on. I lifted her up, her legs automatically wrapping around me.
"I've missed you so much," I managed between kisses. Our faces were locked together while I carried her back inside the house. I went straight to the master bedroom.
She stood next to the bed and began pulling my pants down. I in turn, lifted her shirt. In no time at all we were facing each other naked. I knelt down in front of her little baby bump and rubbed it. I could see now, she was pregnant.
"This is the most precious gift you've given me," I said looking up into her eyes.
She began to cry. "You know?"
"I do. And I love you more than before," I told her. She wrapped her arms around me and we stayed like that for a few minutes. My face buried between her swollen milk factories, her head tilted down resting on the top of mine.
I broke the hug by slowly standing up. I gently lifted her onto the bed and she leaned back, wrapped her legs around me and grabbed my dick. Her little fingers worked me up and down. My limp noodle quickly turned to a massive hard salami.
When she knew I was ready she pressed my red tip down between her smooth pink lips. I did the rest, pressing forward until I had my full length in her. I enjoyed her hissing deep breath as she took me in.
My hands grabbed her legs from my waist and lifted and bent them up and back over both our bodies. Then I pumped her tiny hole faster and faster. She was crying out in pleasure and I was grunting with each deep plunge into her hot wet hole.
I leaned forward pinning her legs against my chest. My arms free to squeeze her big saucer nipples. Never relenting on that tender pussy. I could hear her juices spraying out with each of my thrusts into her little pie. Her juices were all over my balls and legs, dripping down to the floor.
She needed this as much as I did. "Oh, did I need this!" I said as I felt my balls bursting. I grunted and groaned as my cum blasted into her teen womb.
I released her legs and slowly backed my spent cock out of her worn spot. Her tender skin was red between her legs and as my dick slipped all the way out, a thick stream of my creamy seed spilled out too.
That's what got her pregnant in the first place. I had never had sex with a pregnant woman before, did I hurt her or the baby. "Are you ok? I wasn't too rough was I?"
She shook her head looking up at me. Her soft little fingers reached out and caressed my still dripping cock. Her little smile split as she welcomed my slippery dick into her cool mouth. I had learned a few times back that mine was the first blow job she'd given.
She was very comfortable with it and me ever since the first time. On top of that she looked like she enjoyed it as much as me. One hand working the shaft the other massaging and gently tugging my balls. All the while her mouth and tongue working the top of my pole.
I never lost my erection between filling her pie with my cream and her sucking me off. I wanted to fill her mouth and watch her little throat swallow my jiz but she stopped.
"I want you to put it in me again!" She pleaded leaning back on the bed. She crawled backwards up the bed to rest her head on my wife's pillow. I climbed in between her open legs. Breathed in the scent of her sex as I passed further up. I lowered my head to flick my tongue on each nipple and rub her breasts. I enjoy climbing on top.
She couldn't wait, before I could kiss her pretty lips, her hand grabbed my hardon and guided it between us. Her legs wrapped around me like tentacles pulling me into her.
I felt her soft slit open up to me and welcome me back in. She was so hot and wet inside. "All of it!" She demanded her legs trying to pull more of me down.
I knew what she needed and I was happy to give it. I pumped her hard and she cried out in excitement. I worked my full length into her and she clawed at my back as a pleased response.
I kissed at her neck and she nibbled at mine. Our bodies locked together in the perfect, fluid motion of our passion. Her soft voice whispering a sweet song of love and desire in my ear.
Our bodies were in sink, flowing back and forth as one. As one, we both climaxed. Trembling in each other's arms slowly shakily pulling back. I hesitated before slowly lifting myself off her. I rolled next to her.
"It's weird how everyday your here my wife isn't," I let slip out. We had an unspoken rule of not talking about her. I waited for a reaction.
"Why do you think that is?" She asked instead.
I was baffled, "I don't know." How could I. Did she somehow know my wife wouldn't be coming. But how could that be. "Do you talk to my wife?" Were they in this together some how?
"Hell no!" She said angrily.
"Well you have some great intuition."
She slapped me in the top of my head, "you idiot, think. How is it your wife always works late, and I'm able to sneak out of my father's house to see you?"
I stayed quiet. Thinking. How did she sneak out and back without her dad catching her. If she said she was going to lay in the backyard surely he'd notice she wasn't out there.
"What do you tell him?" If she said she was going to a friend's house how did she explain leaving and coming back through the back door. Slapped again. "Hey stop that it's not cute."
"Your not blind! Use your head!" She yelled. She was up now. Arms crossed, kneeling on the bed.
I thought and thought. How does she sneak out past her father on the same days my wife comes home late? Clearly she doesn't like my wife, so no chance of them talking. "Oh my god! My wife's been cheating on me with your dad!"
"Yes." She said simply. She got up to get dressed. Before leaving she gave me a big kiss, "now don't do anything to mess up what we have. If she knows you know she might stop seeing my dad then we won't be able to sneak around."
"Oh I won't." I assured her. After she left I did my usual clean up. I had another set of bed sheets exactly the same as this one to swap while I washed this one.
I was getting angrier thinking about it. How long has she been sleeping with him. She'd started taking trips a long time ago. She's been working late for years now. Was he the only one? Is that why she never wanted kids? She was afraid another man might knock her up? Or because she didn't want my kids?
I had finished cleaning up before my wife got home. I couldn't look at her without getting angry. I retreated to my office and buried myself in work. She came and talked asked me if I wanted to go out to dinner. "Too busy" I told her, which was partially true. I did have a suspense coming up and since I spent the last three hours fucking my pregnant teen and cleaning up our mess, I was a little behind schedule.
When it was time for bed I forced myself to sleep next to her. Sleeping in the guest room or on the couch would raise questions. I was not ready for any yet.
I woke up blurry eyed to the annoying sound of my cell phone. "Hello?" I asked groggily.
"Morning sweetie," a soft voice said. "Do you believe me about your wife?"
The question woke me up. It took me a second, first to realize the caller wasn't my wife but Jessica and then to recover from the fear of Tiffany over hearing Jessica's voice. She was not in the bed with me. It was super early, she wouldn't even be at work at this time. Where was she?
"I don't know... I don't know why you'd lie so because of that I do believe I guess."
"Meet me by the pool," she said and hung up.
I got up. Stumbled down the hall wearing only my boxers. I had briefly considered putting more clothes on but then I knew I was meeting Jessica which meant more than likely we'd have sex any chance we could and clothes would only get in the way.
I slowly opened the door and slipped out. I hadn't seen any sign of Tiffany but she must be home somewhere. Then I heard low moans. My heart sank as my eyes fell on a man leaning over a woman. Clearly they were having sex. My first reaction was anger. Pure rage.
I rushed over grabbed the man and yanked him off. "Get the fuck out of here before I kill you you sorry sack of shit!" I kicked him in the side as he scrambled up and ran through the opening in the fence. I stood in disbelief as he rushed to the the back door to Jessica's house and slammed it behind him.
I stood shocked for a moment before a low murmur brought me back to the woman. I looked down, there was Tiffany. She was crying and curled up in a ball mumbling "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Please. I'm sorry..."
My rage died down and I felt myself go cold. I knew she was cheating on me. I knew it had been years. I was sure now. No wonder that lazy bastard still hasn't fixed the fence. My wife and him had easier access to each other with it down.
Inside I knew I didn't care. I had let go of her. I realized my anger had been the thought the woman being fucked was Jessica. She had said meet ME outside by the pool. I had expected her to be here. She only wanted me to catch them. I thought she didn't want Tiffany to know.
"Get out of my sight. I want you out of my house by the end of the week," I said levelly turning away and going back inside.
She followed quickly behind me. "We can work this out, it was just the one time I swear," she lied.
That upset me, I turned pointing at her and yelling, "really! So what happened you went out for a 3am swim and her was there and both your clothes fell off at the same moment?! Bull shit!"
"Well, I mean..."
"Your a fucking lying whore and I know you've been cheating on me for years!"
She threw herself down crying louder. "I'm so so sorry!" She wailed. No denial. "How did you find out?" She asked almost a whisper.
"You mean besides seeing him fuck you in my backyard!" I yelled pointing back at the neighbor's house. She curled up into a ball on the floor crying louder again. "It doesn't matter, it's over."
"No! We can work on this, I can be better, I can change." She tried.
"It's too late for that," I walked away to the room. After a little while she followed me.
"I don't want to give up on all our years together," she tried.
"Here!" I said throwing $45 on the floor in front of her. "For your fucking shirt. It is over, I've moved on too! I have been cheating on you for a little while too."
She started to pick up the money then froze when she heard my revelation. Her eyes blazed angrily, she stood up straighter. "Who?!" She demanded.
"Your sister," I lied. I had to be careful here. If the truth came out I'd end up in jail and she'd keep the house next door to her loser boyfriend. It wasn't completely impossible that I slept with her sister. I knew it was a fear she had had when we first got married.
Besides her sister did seem to be interested in me. Perhaps that's why she was always so scared I'd cheat on her.
"My sister!" She shrieked. "No, I talked to her two months ago. She swore to me you and her were not involved." She seemed to feel more confident.
"Well maybe because that was before I called to talk to her." I taunted.
Her eyes opened wide in shock. She asked me personal questions about her sister. I knew all the answers because over the years of heard them talk about most things.
What convinced her though was a mole her sister had just above her pussy. They never talked about that, why talk about a mole. That one, I actually saw one time many years ago. We were all camping and her sister thought I was asleep still so she decided to change in the tent. I never forgot that. She had noticed me looking and we swore never to talk about it. She had said her sister would never marry me if Tiffany ever knew I was peeking at her changing.
She stormed off. Shortly after she came back and began forgiving me and said we could just forgive each other and work things out. I almost wanted to agree. She was willing to forgive me sleeping with her sister! Not that I had but if I had known she would forgive me I probably would have.
I stuck to it and also my demand that she move out and I keep the house. We argued for a long time. The sun had come up already and she had missed several calls from work. She stayed home and we argued and yelled. Finally with the sun going back down we sat down and discussed the divorce.
We took notes of what we agreed to do and how everything would be divided. We had always had separate bank accounts so we would just keep our respective money.
She packed a few suitcases. "I'll come by this weekend to pack my stuff," she said just before walking out. She had packed enough stuff for a few months but being a woman I expect that would only last to the weekend.
I looked around mentally saying goodbye to all the stuff she would take. It was almost everything but the house and my office. I went to my office and started working. I worked for about half an hour before I passed out exhausted in my office chair.
I had a dream I was being chased by a tiger and suddenly it knocked me to one side and then back. It had a hold of my legs and was pulling me back. I was trying to escape...
Suddenly I woke up. I looked down and saw my tigress tugging my pants and underwear off my feet. Her mouth already around my penis. Her hands slowly moved back up my legs to pull on my now hard shaft.
"Oh baby, that's so nice," I told her.
"Mmhmm," she hummed around my erection.
"I was dreaming you were a tiger pulling off my clothes," I told her. She smiled around my dick and dug her nails into my thighs. "I threw my wife out," I said.
She looked up surprised. Slowly she pulled me out of her pretty little teen mouth. "Really? What happens now?" She asked.
"I'm getting a divorce and we need to think what we will do," I said. She smiled and stood up pulling off her clothes. "Well I can wait to talk later."
"I'm really happy," she said as she sat on the edge of my office desk. Her legs parting for me. Jessica's pink slit glistening wetly, was a welcoming sight. I stood up gliding between her open legs. My cock aimed itself like a missile directly for her target. I put my arms around her hips and slipped in her already dripping hole.
"I'm really happy too," I told her as I began working inside her heavenly hole. Her hands clawed at my back as she bucked with my every thrust. Her tender hole was leaking all over my dick and splashing over my desk.
I was getting close to cumming when she started whispering, "I'm all yours. It's all for you. You can have me anytime. I'll do everything you want."
It was all I could handle. This young beauty declaring me her sex master. I thrust deep into her teeny hole and erupted. I drew out of her and collapsed into my chair.
Jessica looked down and wiped my dripping cum up from her slit and shoved it back in. Then she licked her fingers clean and slipped down off my desk to the floor. There she pulled my legs open and began licking my sex clean.
She sucked on my balls and licked my shaft. Then swallowed my red top. She started sucking more and more of my cock into her hungry mouth. I watched as she too as much of my length in. She popped me out and gasped for air.
I lean down and kissed her on her mouth, "do it again." She nodded and smiled as she leaned forward for another try. "I want to cum down your pretty throat," I told her.
She pumped my cock in her mouth licking and sucking me. After a few minutes she began deep throating me again. Each time she worked a little more and took less time to catch her breath. Jessica was determined to eat my whole meat stick.
She used one hand to wiggle my long cock into her mouth and throat. Her other hand was gently massaging my balls. I could feel I was going to burst again. Her tender little fingers were deftly working my loins to climax.
"I'm going to cum down your throat!" I told her. She turned her blue eyes up to me as she pulled me into her mouth. "Fuck yeah! Oh damn baby that's good," I groaned to her. I glanced down just as her lips reached the base of my pole. That's all I needed.
I could feel her throat gulping down each blast from my cannon. She pulled her head back and sucked every last drop out of my pipe. One hand pumping every little bit up the shaft the other gently tugging my sack. When she was sure she drank all I had she licked the tip lovingly and sat in my lap.
I held her for a long time. She just leaned against me. In the end I knew she was hungry, her stomach was rumbling. "Let's give our baby some food."
She smiled and stood up. I rubbed her little baby bump and smiled proudly. Everything is working out alright.
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