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This is my first story in a long time. If it get popular I'll continue it. This is the first story in what I hope will be popular enough to be a series so it will take a while to get sexual because yes it has a story. So if you're looking for straight up sex find another story.
I'm young. I didn't know what I was doing, peer pressure and all, but I did it. They told me to break in. So I did and they ditched me. Thanks assholes, I'll remember this.

But I'm getting ahead of myself. My names Nick, Nicolas Faviere. I just moved in to a little town in West Virginia , the new kid, (Fuuuuun right?) and I just wanted to slip through the last year and a half of high school unnoticed. I wasn't anything special, 16 years old, 5' 8", light brown eyes, jet black hair too my shoulders. It should have been easy, don't talk to anyone, don't cause trouble and it's smooth sailing right? Wrong. I met what I thought were some decent people, Again very wrong, and they betrayed me.

I was born when my mom was 19 and my dad was 24. I lived a happy life with my mom and dad, I was a spoiled kid because I was an only child that asked for the world and got it. My dad had a job that payed well and I had a stay at home mom. Everything was perfect for my parents until my dad died. He was going on a business trip for the first time and his plane went down in the desert of Arizona. There was one survive but it wasn't him. I was 4 years old and I questioned my mother where daddy was until the funeral service. We lived ok for awhile my mom got a decent job but needless to say I wasn't getting spoiled anymore. I was half way through my junior year of high school when my mom got "the best promotion ever!" and we had to move. I wasn't mad but I was gonna miss my friends and I got dumped by my girl. I started school the day after we got there and my life was forever changed in West Virginia of all places.

"Moooom do I have to go?" I groaned, tossing my pillow at the open door where. My mother is a beautiful woman at 34, standing only 5' 5" with a body my friends back in California would have killed to get a piece of, and is where I got a lot of my looks, but she wasn't very understanding of the whole 'New kid in school' dilemma. "You're just being dramatic Nicky baby" she kissed my forehead head and nudges me out of my bed. "Besides I'm sure it'll be fun. Meeting some new people, exploring a new place. C'mon it can't be that bad." Realizing my arguing was futile I hopped out of bed and trudged my way to the bathroom for a shower.

I leaned up against the wall of the shower letting the warm water run down my body. If there was any part of the day I was going to enjoy it'd at least be this. I closed my eyes and began to imagine the sexiest things I could think of. I stroked my already hardening dick until I came, then got out of the shower. I dried myself and looked in the mirror. Again I wasn't anything special, not particularly muscular, but at least I wasn't fat.

The rest of the morning went as expected. I ate cereal for breakfast as my mom jetted off to her new job, and I drove to school. I sat alone in my first two classes, and didn't talk to anyone. Then something happened that made my 'under the radar' plan go out the window. I saw the most gorgeous girl I had ever seen walk into my third period. She was pale as a ghost with white blonde hair and bright blue eyes, and yes she had some pretty big tits if you must know. I followed her into class trying not to stare but failing miserably and sat down. I guess I was being fairly obvious as someone came and sat next too me. "Hey new kid! Already on the look out for a piece of ass I see." I snapped my head in his direction. "Shit man you scared the fuck outta me. And no just the girl over there, um what's her name?" He looked where I pointed and chuckled. "That's Eva Robinson bro. She's sexy as hell but you ain't got a chance with her, no one does. She's a fucking cunt." I sighed "I figured." He slapped my back hard. "It's ok man! My name's Martin. Why don't you come find me at lunch? We'll hang out you can meet some of my friends." I smiled "I'm Nick. And sure I'll come find you."

I returned home later in the day exhausted, but in better spirits then expected. The week dragged on, I hung out with new friends and I made plans with them on the up coming Saturday.

I met up with them at the local mall and we did stupid kid stuff all day, pulled pranks, snuck in the movies, and slapped random girls asses. Then, there she was, Eva, talking with friends laughing, gorgeous as ever. Now here's the point where I should have picked up on my new 'friends' being assholes. They nudged and poked me, convinced me that she was into me and my dumbass believed the bastards. So I went up to her "Hey Eva, my names Nick we have third period together." She looked at me with bitchy high and mighty eyes. I realized this was about to end very badly. "Why do I give a fuck?" I just gazed at the floor biting my tongue. "Look new kid, I know what you're thinking. You're thinking you can get in my pants just like all the other disrespectful pigs around here. It ain't gonna happen and.... " at that point I stopped listening. I was already pretty embarrassed, with the guys pulling half their pranks on me and not this shit. "Hello are you listening fucker?" Just nodded "Um yeah and um you're wrong. I just came over here to call you a fucking cunt!" And I walked off. My 'friends' got a good laugh and as they watched me get humiliated and then a bigger one as strode back toward them.

Now this is where the real story begins. The guys said they'd make me feel better so they took me out to eat and a few other places and we wound up at an a abandoned looking factory. It couldn't have been abandoned though, there was a dim light coming inside. We jumped the fence and they tried to convince me to break in. "No fuckin way it's probably got guards or some shit inside. I'm not getting arrested." They all just kept bugging me "cmon!" "Pussy!" "Bitch!" Finally my blood began too boil and I agreed. They boosted me onto a window sill and i saw them run when they saw lights and dropped me. I fell in the window breaking the glass and falling what must have been two stories. They told me to break in. So I did and they ditched me. Thanks assholes, I'll remember this.

"Fuck man..." I got up and ran. I'm sure the guards saw or heard me fall I had to hide. I searched desperately for a place to hide in what seemed like a watch factory. There was only one place to go without being ridiculously obvious. The office of the manger so I ran in.

It was very surprisingly unlocked. It was a tidy room with papers stacked strategic places, everything was in its place, except one thing. A silver pocket watch on a chain lying on the floor as if it had been dropped. I picked it up and observed it. It was a strange little thing with intricate details pressed into the metal. On the inside it obviously had the time, correct and everything but there was no way to change the time if it ever needed to be adjusted. It only had two buttons, the one to open it, and another. I pushed the second button out of curiosity and the air went cold but I thought nothing of it and clicked it again. "Weird it doesn't do anything." Just as the words left my mouth I saw lights, and hid under the desk in the office. Today was shit. I went home and collapsed on my bed. It was 1: 00 A.M. and I was exhausted because I had ran home. I feel straight to sleep not knowing the watch I picked up was going to change my life.

The next day I fiddled with the watch at the breakfast table, mainly pressing the second button a million times trying to see what it did. I didn't know what it was about that damn watch but it intrigued me. My mom noticed as she served me and just giggled. "Your father tinkered with things all the time. Sometimes he'd miss meals." I smiled without looking up I pressed the button again. "Well I'm not really tinkering mom. Hey have you seen a watch like this before?" I looked up holding the watch out to my mom. The fuck? She wasn't moving. "Mom?" She stayed completely still. I waved my hand in front of her face. I was beginning to worry about her and then I saw it. A fly, mid flight, just as still my mother, just fucking floating there. That's when I realized what the second button did. Paused life. I pressed the button again and finished my meal like nothing happened. I had to test it.

I told my mom I was going to the park with the guys (yeah that's a lie). When I got there I say on the bench and watched all the action going on around me. I pulled out the watch and pushed the button. Everything slowed to a halt, birds stopped in mid air and along with everything else. It was so surreal. I walked up to a jogger and tested something. Her limbs moved without any resistance so it seemed that everything moved just as easily as it would it when everything wasn't stopped. I already knew from that morning that I'm the only one that knows when things are paused, for everyone else it's like that moment never happened. And then I got a evil idea.

What would you have done? I'm a horny teenage boy with a sexy woman who can't resist, is completely oblivious to my existence, and would never know if I put her back as she was. My jogger was pretty sexy. She had an athletic build with small boobs but I could work with it. She was wearing a white sports bra and black tights. I took off her bra and felt her tits, and sucked her nipples. Her body reacted to what was happening although life was paused and her nipples hardened as well as my cock. I continued to suck her nipples and snaked a hand into her pants and felt her pussy. It wasn't shaved but I didn't mind I was getting free sex. I rubbed her clit and it reacted to my touch and started becoming wet. I kneeled down and pulled her tights and panties down and buried my face in her crotch sucking on her pussy lips and labia. I unzipped my pants and stroked my hard cock as I licked and sucked her sweet pussy. I laid her down and spread her legs and aimed my prick at her hot hole. I groaned loud as slammed my cock in all the way to the base. I fucked her wet cunt until I was about to unload and pulled out. I couldn't cum in her pussy. I sat her up and opened her mouth to fuck her throat. I thruster hard in her mouth until I came.

I dressed the jogger back up and stood her where I hard found her. I sat back on the bench and pushed the button and watched her spit my cum on the floor wondering where the hell it came from before continuing jogging. I could tell I was going to have lots of fun with this watch.

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-06-22 09:26:28
Good start to an enjoyable series.
There are some issues with spelling and grammar
These issues don't bother me as long as the story is clear.

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-06-22 05:08:26
Great beginning! Part 2 please!


2015-06-21 18:18:27
I won't rate your work yet. The plot has been reworked several times but that's not my reason. Since you admit there has been a while between stories, I'm going to let you do part two first. If the slight grammar errors are cleaned up I'll rate your work. Right now a rating would not be fair in my opinion.
Do part two. Fix any errors before posting and we'll see.

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