This is not a quick-fap story. No sex in these first two chapters even. Writing a well developed story with character development. Sex will come, but in due time, and there will be quite a bit, and it will be quite varied. Incest, MILF, threesomes, anal, maybe even a little bestiality. Read if looking for a good story that will hold your flaccid interest as well as excite you at times.
This story is about Cindy. The whole story... but after these first few chapters are over it won't seem like it for a while. I guess this section is just to set things up for later, give a bit of context. And to entertain, of course.
I was 16 when I met Cindy. We had gone to the same school for years, but she was a grade under me, so it wasn't until my sophomore year of high school that we had an elective together. Sadly it was an art class, (not my forte) but I needed the credit so... yeah. She, on the other hand, was magnificent. It took me a few days to notice how skilled she really was, though; for the first few classes all I noticed was her ass. Of course that's a little embarrassing to admit but, I'm a guy. Whaddaya expect? Her butt truly was amazing though. Best backside I'd ever seen. Round and firm, but not too muscular. The kind that holds it's gorgeous form but ripples perfectly when you slap it. Or so I imagined at that point. The next thing I noticed was her hair. Dark brown and smooth. It fell about halfway down her back, and almost seemed to flow like a river when the light hit it just right. Unfortunately, I hadn't gotten a real good look at her face yet. I could tell she was cute from seeing her come in and out of class, and she definitely had a marvelous chest. Again, I hadn't been up close or anything, but they looked to me like somewhere between a 'B' and a 'C,' more on the 'C' side. Modest enough so she could cover them up and you'd barely notice them, but substantial enough that if she wanted to, she could rock some amazing cleavage. Before I even knew her name I had dreamt about slamming my cock between her perfect tits... but um, ahem... I'm getting ahead of myself a little.
I finally talked to her on the first Friday of school. My big knuckle-headed brain had finally noticed what an artist she was, and seeing as I was practically drawing stick figures in comparrison, I decided to ask for some tips when the teacher stepped out.
I walked up beside her and regarded her drawing. "This is really amazing..."
"Thank you," she responded, her voice sounding... well like a voice. I'm not going to get all cheesy and say it sounding like bells ringing or some shit, but she had a really, really nice voice. The kind that makes you feel like you aren't being judged.
"How long have you been drawing?" I asked.
"Oh, as long as I can remember. This is nothing really, though. My aunt was a painter, and she'd put my work to shame."
"Well I guess that says something about me then," I said, grimacing internally, but also laughing at my own haplessness. I knew art was something I simply possessed no skill for.
"Oh gosh, I didn't mean to ensue... er, I mean, I'm sure you're really good," she said. I grinned. She seemed like a genuinely sweet girl. Inwardly I sighed with relief; most of the girls in my grade were real C U Next Tuesdays.
"No, no it's alright. I know I'm awful," I said with a chuckle.
"No one can be awful. Art is what you make it," she told me, and it sounded like a line she had said many times.
"Wanna bet? Come take a look at mine," I challenged her.
She smirked. "... Alright. let's see what you've brought to the world today."
Not going to lie, I was getting a little worried. She was starting to seem a little hippie-ish, but my fears were laid to rest as she looked at my sad waste of paper and ink.
"... Oh... that is bad," she said, almost under her breath.
"Hey? What happened to 'no one is awful'?" I exclaimed exaggeratedly.
She looked me up and down before responding. "Well, it is an expression that I live by, but I guess you're my exception," she decided, something like curiosity in her voice.
"... That almost sounded like a compliment," I said with a grin.
"I suppose it almost was," she cooed with a flutter of her voice, and she stepped back to her easel.
"... I like you," I told her matter-of-factly as I set my own pen and ink back to the paper. "I think we're going to get along. My name is Zack. What's yours?"
She looked back at me and her hazel eyes flashed with a bit of gold as she smiled. "Cindy."
I had deduced after speaking with Cindy that 'cute' had been much to timid a word to describe her face. She was absolutely stunning. All that night I dreamed about her, and I thought about her the whole weekend. Now, I'm not one of those cheesy bastards that believes in love at first sight, but I do believe in chemical reactions and hormones, and mine were raging for this girl.
We sat together for lunch the whole next week, and hung out in the morning before classes, too. An annoying point did come up in conversation that she didn't date anyone that she hadn't known for at least four months, but I didn't really like anyone else at the time so it seemed like a challenge worth taking on. Not to mention the fact that Cindy was just a cool person to be around, so even if we weren't holding hands and making out between classes, I still enjoyed every moment I spent with her as a friend. It turned out our music tastes overlapped a little bit, and just as I was awed at her artistic prowess, she seemed impressed to learn I had been taking Mui Thai Kickboxing for half a decade. On Friday of that second week, she invited me to come hang out at her place. She was having a small get together with a few of her friends and she wanted me to come, and she told me to bring swim trunks.
She had a pool. (YES!)
I showed up around four-thirty, already in my bathing suit and a slightly oversized white tee. Her house was about a twenty minute bike ride away, and I didn't have my permit yet, much less a car, so I had pedaled the whole way there. It was a hot September day; summer had been hanging on with a vengeance that year, so I was dripping with sweat by the time I got there. I leaned my bike against its kickstand in the driveway and walked up to the front of the house. I raised my index finger, and it collided with the doorbell. A few moments later a man in his late thirties opened the door.
"Hello. You must be Zach," he said. He wasn't smiling, but his face and voice had a pleasant 'something' to them. He probably never smiles.
"Nice to meet you sir,"I replied and I extended my hand.
"Mr. Paris is fine. Nice to meet you too, Zach," he greeted me as he shook my hand. "Everyone's out back. You can head straight through the house and out the sliding door in the back." Mr. Paris stepped back and gestured towards the back of the house. It was a straight shot right to the door the back yard. I could see splashing through the glass, but nothing else really. I stepped into the house... it was a nice house. Like really nice. Something a C.E.O. might own if he was just a little humble.
"Thanks... uh, where's the bathroom?" I asked. I wanted to make a pit stop before I charged out into the pool.
"It's right down the hall on the left."
"Thanks Mr. Paris," I nodded, and I stepped past him and headed in the direction he indicated.
I gave the door a knock when I reached it, and after a moment I pushed the door open and stepped in. I closed the door behind me as I started to slide my swim trunks down. I stepped up to the toilet, raised the lid, and, with cock in hand, relieved myself. I often wonder if anyone else appreciated how nice peeing felt. I mean it's literally like your entire body letting out a deep sigh.
About three quarters of the way through my urinary exodus, my eyes started traveling around the room, taking in the scenery. As I was squeezing out the last few drops, my eyes fell on something on the floor off to my left. I shook out my dong (only thrice; shake it more than three times and you're playing with yourself) and turned to investigate as I pulled my trunks up.
It was a pair of panties.
Now, I'm not twelve. I'd seen panties before, and honestly my brain knows that there's nothing quite exciting about some cloth and string on its own. To my annoyance however, my body disagreed as my mind wandered, and pictured Cindy bending over as she slid those blue and white stripped panties down her legs, revealing her perfect ass and smooth pussy. I stood there for a moment as my cock rose. I found myself studying how the fabric was laid and folded, memorizing every line, and how it fell against the blue tiled floor. Why? So that after I put the fabric to my nose and breathed in the aroma, I could replace them exactly as they laid and no one would know.
"What the fuck," I actually verbalized quietly to myself as I shook my head. I wasn't a fucking weirdo. I wasn't about to start sniffing some girl's panties.
I retied my bathing suit, thought about random crap for a minute to bring my erection down, and then washed my hands and left the bathroom.
And yes I flushed the toilet.
I moved through the house and went out through the sliding glass door. Outside there were three people in the pool. Cindy, another younger girl, and a boy.
"Zach! You made it!" Cindy called when she saw me. "Just about everyone cancelled on me last minute so it's just the four of us." I walked up to the edge of the pool and regarded the people within. Cindy beckoned to the younger girl. "This is my sister Claire, and this," she gestured to the boy, who seemed about the same age as Cindy. "Is Reggie."
"Ah, are you the man that has come to claim my love from me?" said Reggie.
"Ehrm what? No! I mean... huh?" I managed to sputter. I had been fully under the impression that Cindy was single.
"Oh stop it Reggie," Cindy said playfully and she shoved him back in the water.
"My fair maiden! Why!" cried Reggie dramatically as he let himself float backwards. A certain inflection in his voice caught my attention, and I put two and two together with an internal 'Oh.'
"Don't mind Reggie," Cindy told me. "He's my 'Fabulous Protector. Sworn to protect my virginity, even at the expense of his own.' Or something like that," she recited sarcastically.
Reggie chuckled.
I took off my shirt and hopped into the pool, letting the cool water envelop me for a moment before I broke the surface. "Well," I said as I blinked the water away from my eyes. "You don't have to worry about me. I'm a virgin, too, and refuse to stoop to the level of all those other douche bags at school."
Reggie swam up behind Cindy and whispered loudly to her. "Lies! A ploy to win your trust. All men are evillllllllll!"
"I don't know," Cindy started. "He might be my exception."
A part of me wanted to accept that as proof of mutual attraction, but I thought she might be just trying to play on the joke she had made the first time we had talked.
"No! You must stay away!" cried Reggie dramatically.
Cindy grinned. "Well now I'm definitely not," and she pushed away from Reggie and glided towards me.
"My lady!" Reggie exclaimed, and he grabbed her foot before she swam out of his reach. Cindy shrieked playfully.
Finally, Cindy's sister Claire seemed to warm up to me, and she joined in, grabbing Cindy's other leg and pulling her back.
"Eek! Save me!" cried Cindy, and she reached her hand out towards me.
I smiled. "I'll save you fair maiden!" I cried, pushing some 'man' into my voice. I pushed away from the wall of the pool and reached out until my hand grasped hers.
It was the first time I had really touched her.
"I knew it!" called Reggie. "He's come to take you from me!"
And thus began the game. I would pull her away from Reggie and Claire, and they would desperately try to steal her back. It was pretty intense, and I struggled to keep my prick in check. Between the lack of skin coverage our bathing suits offered and the physical element of our game, I had explored a lot of Cindy's body... and Reggie's and Claire's for that matter. About twenty minutes into our game, I was facing Cindy with my hands on her hips. Claire had decided to switch sides a minute ago and had been keeping Reggie busy. Reggie broke free from Claire and swam towards us, gripping Cindy around the waist. The three of us were now in the shallower end. I stepped back and tried to pull Cindy with me as she shrieked playfully. Reggie was trying to pull her back towards the deep end. Of course we weren't using full strength or anything; none of us had any intention of getting hurt.
Then Claire jumped up out of the water and grabbed Reggie over his shoulders. She pulled back with all her weight, and pulled Reggie with her. His arms slid up Cindy's body, catching the edge of her bikini, and continued up as he fell backwards. As his arms rose another few inches, Cindy's bare breasts popped out from under them. Time seemed to stop for a moment as I gazed upon her chest. Her tits were gorgeous, almost keeping the exact shape her bikini had been holding them in. Her pink nipples poked out at me ever so slightly... I hadn't been able to see them through her bathing suit, but it appeared our physical contact had excited her at least slightly. (Yes!)
Immediately, my cock was bulging through my swim trunks, but I did manage to peel my eyes away from her beautiful chest out of respect. I looked up to her face. She was beet red, and along with the embarrassment I expected to see, I saw... fear? Yikes.
I turned away quickly, visibly averting my eyes.
"REGGIE!" I heard her scream.
"Uhm..." was all I heard him say in response.
"... Sorry. It was me, too. I didn't mean to," I heard Claire offer.
I turned back around to find Reggie and Claire standing next to each other looking like guilty grade-schoolers while Cindy glared at them. She had readjusted her bikini back into place, but still held her arms against her chest. She turned to me, and as she did I literally saw the anger leave her eyes, replaced by that fear I'd seen earlier.
"... Did you see?" she asked, knowing the question was futile.
I ducked my head slightly as color rushed to my own face. "Uh... a little..." I admitted.
Side note: she was adorable when she was embarrassed.
Cindy looked away from me and breathed out shakily. Then she climbed out of the pool, grabbed her towel, and headed towards the house.
I just stood in the pool and watched her go, feeling bad for her, and slightly embarrassed myself. Though I was happy that I had a new mental picture to fap to for the next six weeks... I hadn't been lying when I said I was a virgin. I had only had one girlfriend for about five weeks the year before and we had barely done anything sexual. Like, she sent me a picture of herself in her bra and panties and that's about it... not that I had pressed too hard for anything more. I had zero sexual experience and about the same amount of sexual confidence, so yeah. This was the first time I'd seen a girls tits in real life.
And for the record... fuck porn. As I said, won't be needing that crap for the next six weeks!
After a long pause, I turned to Reggie and Claire, who were both staring down into the water. Reggie looked up.
"... You know... we can keep playing, and I can be the maiden if you want," he said with a wink.
Claire groaned. "Reggie don't be gross!"
"Hey, hey, it's not gross," I started. "It's just different... and no Reggie, I'm not into that... just open minded."
"Very well," he agreed.
Normally I'd agree but this is just the first two chapters. Idk if ur referring to all I have out so far but this is only the beginning. It would be like saying lord of the rings has no story after watching the first five minutes only. Either way this is my first time pisting on a site like this and i appreciate any advice a lot. I will try to flush out the characters a little more. :)
A reasonable effort, but you really need to flesh out the characters and story lot more. As i have commented before to other writers, a 5 minute read does NOT a story make...
Wow, so already over 10-grand views... I'm glad people seem to be liking this story! :) Working on chapter 6 right now. It's been a few days, but don't worry, I haven't died or anything. Zach's story continues!
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