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He held a gun to my head and made me do dirty things to my cousin
This is my first story. Hope you enjoy. Any feedback is welcome.

I heard the click of the safety being taken off. The gun was pressed firmly against my temple. I heard the words, "Stand up and follow me and be quiet."

It was 6 in the morning and all of the lights were off. I figured all of my cousins were sleeping in their spots in the room. As I walked by them, I wished that one of them would wake up and stop him but none of them did, and I didn't dare make a sound.

He opened the front door slowly and threw me outside. I was only in a pair of thin shorts and a tank top, so I froze in the frosty fall air. I turned around to watch him as he joined me outside, closing the door behind him almost silently. I wanted to run, but I was stuck in my spot frozen by fear.

"Do me a favor." I didn't say anything. "Open my truck door for me. I have a little surprise in there for you." My eyes automatically grew larger as my blood ran cold. What sort of surprise could he have in his truck? Did he expect me to get in so then he could kidnap me? I just stood in front of him and started at him. "Now." His voice gave off the chill of a killer's, so I stumbled backwards down the ramp to his old beat up truck.

I looked at the truck and mentally kicked myself for not knowing that there was something wrong with him. The old ford with multiple different colored doors and rust covering almost every inch had warning written all over it.

I opened the door slowly, hoping a bear would jump out and start eating my face, but what I found was so much worse. I found my cousin Dustin tied up on the floor.

My hand automatically flew to my mouth to stifle a scream. I felt the gun being aimed at my head from the porch.

Dustin's eyes were closed, but he was still breathing. They were quick, raspy breaths. I could tell that John had not gone easy on him. His left eye was purple the whole way around it, he was missing his front tooth, and he had blood coming from a cut on his eyebrow. His arms and legs were tied in an awkward fashion that was no doubt hurting him, but John obviously didn't care.

I couldn't fight the tears. I sobbed uncontrollably as I reached out for him. "Dustin!"

I felt the gun on my temple again. "Quiet down, Bitch."

Dustin groaned in agony and opened his eyes. I watched as the weak look on his face turned into one with such hatred and disgust when he caught sight of John standing with the gun pointed at me.

"Now, now you shouldn't be making faces at the guy holding the gun. I could end this pretty little girl's life with one flinch of my finger."

Dustin's eyes showed nothing except suffering and guilt. "Everything's gonna be okay." I tried to comfort him, but he could tell that I didn't even believe the words myself.

"Get out of my fucking way." He shoved me so hard that I fell and landed face first in the driveway.

John yanked Dustin out of the truck as I brushed the rocks and dirt off of my face. I felt small, wet patches on my forehead where the rocks must have cut me. John pulled me to my feet using my hair.

I looked over at Dustin, who was holding onto his stomach with his tied hands. Our eyes met, and I read his mind so easily. He was apologizing for the mess we were in. Finally, he promised me that nothing would happen to me.

John watched us carefully. When he saw me nod he said, "You care about her a lot, don't you, Dustin?"

Dustin's eyes flamed with anger as he looked at John. I could tell that he felt defenseless, and John played off of that. "This is gonna be fun. Ain't it, Dusty?" He was mocking my voice. Nobody else called Dustin that except me.

John shoved Dustin in the middle of the back, nearly making him stumble as he said, "Move it." I followed behind Dustin. "If either of you screw this up for me, Brianne gets a bullet to the head."

It was hard to see because it was still kinda dark. I ended up tripping on a tree branch. I stumbled but didn't fall. "Clumsy bitch," John laughed.

I heard Dustin's breathing grow louder, a sign that he was getting angry. I was waiting for him to turn into the hulk and break all of the ties around his wrists and the ropes tied like shackles around his legs.

We made it down to the cemetery where John wanted us. He forced me onto my knees using the gun. "Okay little bitch. You will do as I say."

I closed my eyes and kept my head down. I waited for him to give the commands as a million different images appeared in my head. He was probably going to have me do dirty things to him in front of Dustin. We both knew how much that would kill him.

"Pull down Dustin's pants." My eyes shot open, and my head flew up to see his face. Was he serious? "You're a good little whore. Your mouth's already open." I closed my mouth and reached my hand up to cover it. He inched the gun closer to my head while he slowly whispered, "You will do as I say." His hand connected with my cheek causing a loud crack to be heard.

I slowly turned toward Dustin, not knowing what else to do. He starred down at me focusing on my blistering red cheek.


"I'm sorry," I whispered to Dustin.

"Don't apologize. Just get his God damn pants off."

Dustin closed his eyes as if hoping that this was just a realistic nightmare. His teeth were tightly clenched shut.

I pulled his pants down to his knees. John was fast on giving directions. "Get his boxers down too."

My hands shook uncontrollably as I pulled his boxers down. I did not look at what was in his boxers. I just sat back and closed my eyes. John was beside me in seconds, smacking my cheek again. He grabbed a chunk of my hair and forced my head up. "Look at it. I want you to look at that big dick. I know you want it. I see the way you look at him." Dustin was completely still. You would have thought he was a tombstone. "Get to work. Dustin, I want you to watch her."

I sat forward and got up enough courage to look up at Dustin. I saw his bright, no longer cheerful, blue eyes in the moonlight.

My life flashed before my eyes for about the third time as I saw John point the gun directly at my head again. "You know what I want you to do, my little slave." When I didn't move, he said more sternly, "Put it in your mouth." I thought about talking back, but I knew it would never end well. "Do it, slut."

I say forward slowly with tears streaming from my eyes involuntarily. I grabbed it in my hands and just held it. I felt it grow at my touch. "Looks like Dustin's cock loves this too. Put it in your mouth."

I dropped my head down to it and slowly put it in my virgin mouth. I'd never done anything like this, and I never expected it would happen like this. It was warm and big. I placed it on my tongue gently. I felt it grow even bigger.

The gun was placed on the back of my head again. John used it to force my head down so that it went further into my mouth and down my throat. I gagged and struggled for breath, but John would not let my head move.

He said, "Breathe through your nose and relax your throat." I sat there stubbornly and kept chocking. "I don't care how many times you choke since you won't take my advice." I heard John laugh at the sight of my gagging. Dustin tried to back away, but John was holding him in place. "Relax your throat."

My throat was raw from all the coughing, so I followed John's instructions. I took a deep breath in through my nose and let my throat muscles give a bit. It slipped down my throat as far as John wanted it to go. He forced my head up and down on it. I kept my throat relaxed the whole time and let John have control over the motions.

Finally John said, "You have to keep this up until Dustin cums."

He let me take it out of my mouth long enough for me to take a breath before he said, "Lick it, you dirty slut. Lick that dick all over." I couldn't look at Dustin. I licked it slowly and gently until John slapped me so hard that I fell backwards. He pointed the gun at my face and screamed. "I want you to lick that dick like it's the greatest lollipop in the world. I want Dustin to cum so hard he falls on the ground. Do you understand me, bitch?"

I looked up at Dustin from my spot on the ground. He looked so helpless and beaten. He had to keep forcing his eyes open as he stood there. I realized that John was right. He probably would fall over, from exhaustion. I felt helpless as well as John yanked me back up.

I felt liquid pouring from my nose. I reached a hand up to touch it and discovered my nose was bleeding. John forced my head back into position. "Don't worry about getting blood on Dustin's dick. He'll be getting some on it later anyway."

More tears fell as I realized what he meant. I didn't want to lose my virginity this way. John was forcing Dustin to look down at me. I knew that he saw me crying, but I wasn't sure that he knew why.

"Quit crying. How are you suppose to deep throat a cock when you're chocking on tears?"

I suppressed my tears as best I could. "Remember, get him to cum." There was so much join his voice caused by our discomfort.

I put it back into my mouth again, determined to get this over with. As I followed the command given by John, I forced my mind to wander. I wondered what he would do to us when he was finished. I actually hoped that he would just shoot us anyway and go on with his life. He could easily pass this off as two kids committing suicide because of a secret relationship.

"I know you want to cum, Dustin. There's nothing to be shy about. You like Brianne's warm mouth on your dick, don't you?" I knew John wasn't saying this stuff to get Dustin to cum faster, because it ended up slowing down the progress I was making.

I kept doing what I was doing, and Dustin absentmindedly started to move his hips. I could hear his breathing becoming shallow. He was finally releasing control over to me.

To speed up the progress I deep throated him, licked up and down the shaft stopping to suck on the tip, and stroked him. I felt Dustin tighten up as he got closer to the edge. I tasted his cum as it shot into my mouth in sticky streams.

John held my head in place again as he commanded, "Swallow it all. Don't miss a single drop." I did as he ordered and swallowed the gooey stuff.

When John pulled me to my feet I shot a glance at Dustin to see that his eyes were closed. Shame, exhaustion, anger? I wasn't sure. I just wanted to wrap him in a hug and console him, but I knew John would never let me do that.

John took one look at Dustin and smacked him across the face with the butt of the gun. I let out a small yelp, because I knew that had hurt him. "Open your eyes. You need to thank the whore for sucking your dick dry."

Dustin's voice was low and raspy. "Thank you."

John hit him with the gun again. "Repeat after me. Thank you bitch for sucking my dick dry."

Dustin's voice was just a little bit more than a whisper. "Thank you bitch for sucking my dick dry." I knew that was the hardest thing Dustin had ever done. I hoped that he knew I would not, by any means, hold that against him.

"Say, 'You're welcome,' Bitch."

"You're welcome." My voice was stronger than Dustin's when I talked.

"Tell him how much you loved it. Go on, tell him. And I know you did, because you're a dirty little whore that loves cock in your mouth. Tell him!"

My voice vanished. "I loved it," I choked out.

"What did you love most?"

"I loved how big it was..." I answered wearily.

"Do you want it in your pussy?"

I saw Dustin's eyes get bigger as he finally realized what John had meant earlier. I was stunned silent as I watched him.

"Answer the damn question before I blow your brains out." I sat there dumbfounded. "Let's see how fast she falls to the ground with a bullet in her head."

"I want my dick inside her." Dustin spit out as John placed his pointer finger on the trigger.

"Is that so?"

"Yes, yes I do."

"How much?" My eyes were open in shock as I listened.

"So much. Please."

"I'm not sure she feels the same way. Beg her to let you fuck her."

Tears fell from my eyes at the thought of Dustin begging for sex. He shouldn't have to beg anyone for that, especially not me.

"Please, Brianne, let me do this."

"I want you to tell her how your cock is throbbing to be inside of her." The more he made Dustin beg the more I cried, and the more I hated John.

"I want to be inside of you. We need to do this."

"Keep begging until she agrees."

"Please, Brianne, it'll be alright. Please just have sex with me."

I cried out, "Fine." Anything to make the begging stop.

"Say, 'Dustin, I want you to fuck me with that giant cock."

I starred at the ground as I said, "Dustin, I want you to fuck me with that giant cock."

John pulled some rope out of his jacket pocket, and I shivered as I guessed where this was going.

"Take your clothes off, bitch, all of them."

I slowly slid my clothes off. The whole time I did I was aware of a pair of eyes on me, John's. "Look at that body," John said stroking the crotch of his pants with the hand not holding the gun.

I stood there shivering in the chilly air as John played with himself. He reached into his pants and groaned. "Not yet," He whispered obviously to himself.

"Isn't she hot, Dustin?" Dustin still hadn't looked at me. "Look at the naked girl in front of you, queer. She's fine, ain't she?" Dustin starred at me and only nodded. "I can't hear you."


"She's so hot. You want to fuck her, huh?"


"Go over there and suck on her nipples. Look how hard they already are. They are just begging for you to play with them."

Dustin stumbled over to my with his pants still down to his knees. He had the worst look on his face. I stayed where I was and waited. John came over and forced Dustin's mouth to my breast. "Suck them. Suck them good. Brianne sucked your dick, so you can suck her giant ass nipples."

I felt the warmth from Dustin's mouth on my nipples, then I finally felt his tongue. My nipples hardened even more under his gentle licks.

"Bite her nipple. Bite those suckers. She'll love it."

I felt Dustin give my nipples little love bites, and I would never admit it to John, but it did feel good.

"Squeeze those huge things."

I felt Dustin's hand, plus John's hands on my breasts. John was very tough with them. He squeezed them so hard I was worried he might tear them off.

When he was satisfied John commanded, "Lay down right here."

I walked over to the filthy tombstone he pointed at. I finally spoke up. "I can't do that. Somebody's family is buried there."

"I don't give a fuck." He shoved me down so hard that I cracked my head off of the tombstone. I blinked repeatedly, afraid of blacking out.

I felt something heavy being thrown onto my chest. It forced all of the air from my lungs in one painful breath. I regained my sight and realized it was Dustin. John his stripped his shirt off him. I looked into his blue eyes and wished that his face wasn't so close to mine. I didn't want to see the same look of helplessness from my face on his. It made me feel like we were hopelessly done for.

I felt my arms being lifted into the air. My head throbbed too much for me to wonder where they were being taken. I felt ropes as they were tied tightly around my wrists. They were hanging off Dustin's neck forcing us closer together. My breasts were squished between us.

I felt John struggle to hold Dustin down and restrain his hands behind his back.

"Dustin, are you ready to take a girl's virginity?" Dustin's eyes were filled with fear. "Brianne, are you ready to make a boy a man? Wrap your legs around him."

I slowly lifted my legs and wrapped them around him just like I had done last weekend when we were wrestling alone in the living room. I knew that time in our life was over.

John grabbed Dustin's hips and shoved him down, right into me on the first try. I screamed out in pain for a few seconds, until John covered my mouth. I tried to move my hips to get Dustin out of me, but I realized John had tied my legs together so that was not possible. We were completely stuck like this.

I whimpered under his hand. The pain had been sudden, but it seemed to dull in no time. John smiled, "That, folks, is how you take a girl's virginity in one simple motion."

"I'm so sorry." Dustin whispered as I felt tears streaming from my face from humiliation. I wanted to wipe my tears and put on a tough face, but I couldn't move my hands.

John moved his hand from my mouth just to slap Dustin. "Don't apologize for taking what the female body has to offer." Dustin was steaming with anger, but John didn't care. "I want you to kiss her. Do it now."

There was a slight pause while Dustin was in his thoughts, but a few seconds after, his mouth connected with mine. I couldn't help but see fireworks. John had been right the whole time. I did look at Dustin in a way that I shouldn't.

We kissed until John yanked Dustin's head from mine. "I left room in the ropes for you to fuck her, and that's what I want to see now."

I saw something in Dustin's eyes that I did not recognize. I wanted to talk to him, but John said, "Enough of this shit. I want to see you fucking her with your dick."

I knew that John grabbed ahold of Dustin's butt. Dustin tensed up at the feel of his hands. John didn't waste any time starting out slow. He made Dustin move in and out of me as fast as he could.

"Keep fucking her, Dustin." Dustin did not stop as I saw John walk around us with one hand down his pants. He was stroking himself and groaning. "Brianne, talk dirty to Dustin. Tell him how much you love his big cock going in and out of you. Do it!"

"I love your big cock, Dustin. It feels so good inside me. I'm losing control."

"Don't think you're the only one losing control. Dustin lost control when I told you to suck his dick. That look in his eye, it's called 'lust.'"

Dustin dropped his head to hide. His short brown hair was in my face, and I knew he was doing that so I couldn't see his eyes again. I didn't recognize lust in his eyes, because I had never seen Dustin in a sexual situation like this one before. "Dustin's a man now. He can't help it. Keep fucking her. Don't stop God damn it."

John again grabbed Dustin and forced him further an further inside of me each time.

"Tell Dustin how horny you are."

I knew Dustin could feel my heartbeat. I knew he felt how much each command made my heart rate speed up. The closer to the edge I got the quicker my heart beat got. "I'm so horny."

"Tell him you're a fucking slut. Tell him you want more of his dick inside you."

"I'm a slut. I want more of you inside of me."

I felt Dustin's dick twitch inside of me. "Dustin, tell her you love how tight her virgin pussy is."

"I love how tight you are." His voice was muffled into my neck.

"She's your bitch."

"You're mine," He choked out, "Bitch."

John was stroking himself faster as he made us say different things to each other. "Fuck her harder. Harder. Bitch, beg him to fuck you harder."

"Please, fuck me harder."

"Talk dirty to him. Don't stop until I say."

"Fuck me faster, Dustin. That's good. Just like that. Oh God. Oh God. Don't stop. Ohh.. Ohhhh. Harder. Fuck!" I felt an orgasm overtake my body. As I started to reach my highest point I felt Dustin go over the edge too. John slammed him down one last time inside of me, then John made himself cum too.

He drained his dick all over me and Dustin. He then reached his cold hand between us and began to rub his nasty cum all over my breasts. I closed my eyes as I left my body and traveled the world in ecstasy.

His hand connected with my face. "Open your eyes, Bitch." Dustin's head shot up as far as it would go when he heard the whimper that was forced from my mouth.

Dustin and I were still tied together, connected in the most private of places. John pulled out a flashlight and shined it at where we were joined. I tightened up as I feared what John was thinking about doing. When I tightened, I tightened everything, even my hold on Dustin inside of me. He groaned softly, and I felt more cum being squeezed from his cock. It again grew to full length inside me

Something cold touched where Dustin and I were connected. I knew in seconds that it was John's finger. He slipped it inside of me and worked it around. I breathed in and out while gasping out, "No, please stop."

"Why? It's not like you have to worry about me breaking your hymen." He slid two fingers in and out while I clung desperately onto Dustin. "You are a dirty little slut. Your pussy is just swallowing my hand." I felt him slide four fingers inside of me as I groaned.

"Please stop." He slapped me harshly right on my pussy. I let out a loud cry. Dustin laid his head back down beside mine, trying his best to comfort me.

"Don't ever tell me to stop again. Do you hear me, Bitch? Do you?!"


His fingers went in and out much faster than before. "Tell me you love my fingers fucking your pussy."

"I love it." I breathed out.

"Dustin I know you're ready. Start pounding her again. Now!" Dustin started thrusting his hips again on John's command. I sucked in breath after breath as the two motions combined.

"Loosen your pussy. Make room in there." Finally I felt John shove his entire hand into my pussy. His hand stretched it so far that it ached.

"Oh oh oh oh oh." I couldn't help but stammer. It was the best I could do so that I didn't yell at him to stop.

My orgasm approached quickly. Dustin was on the edge again too. John touched me in a spot that made my whole body shake. I called out in ecstasy thrusting my hips toward Dustin. He joined me in no time at all. He was quieter though.

Dustin and I lay motionless. He was breathing hard into my ear. When I opened my eyes John was stroking his cock feverishly as he starred at us.

"Kiss him again." The gun was pointed shakily at my head, so I gave Dustin a nudge with my chin for him to lift his head up.

This time I started the kiss. It was much more personal than the first kiss we shared. The first one was very clumsy, but this kiss felt more intimate.

"Shove your tongue into her mouth." John was groaning between words. Dustin's tongue traced my lips until I opened my mouth for it. It was slimy and foreign, but I let it roam around in my mouth.

John pulled his dick out of his pants again and sprayed his cum on Dustin's back. When he was finished he allowed me and Dustin to stop kissing. I reluctantly pulled away.

"I think we're done here for tonight. You better not mention a single word about this to anyone. I'm not afraid to use this gun again. If you keep quiet, everything will be okay." A shiver went through my whole body. "Do we have a deal?"

I just starred at the gun, fully loaded, safety disengaged, ready for his command. "Yes."

"Yeah," Dustin agreed.

John untied my wrists. They were aching and sore. I rubbed them furiously, attempting to erase the feeling of the rope.

It made me feel very uncomfortable being under Dustin without my arms tied. John untied my legs from around Dustin, and I let them drop. Dustin quickly got to his feet, and I frowned as I felt his dick slide out of me. I slowly sat up.

I was even more sore than I thought I would be. I finally got to my feet and stood beside Dustin where I felt safer.

"Get Dustin dressed."

I pulled up my cousin's boxers without letting my hand go near anything unnecessary. I pulled up his pants the same way. The really awkward part was when I had to zip them.

John walked up behind me, reached around and grabbed my breasts which were still sticky from his cum. "Neither of you are allowed to shower tonight. I want you to feel my cum on you and be reminded of me while you sleep." He pinched my nipples quickly then threw me in the direction of my clothes.

I grabbed my clothes in a rush and dressed in record time.

John kept the gun in his hands. He guided Dustin, still in his ropes, and me to the front of the house.

It wasn't until we were beside his truck that he turned to me and said, "Untie Dustin." It took me a few minutes to get the ropes untied just using my nails.

He warned us, "I'm gonna be watching you two all night." He opened the door, and we walked in first.

Dustin's mom came running out of her room. "Where have you three been?" She looked from me to Dustin and asked, "What happened?"

Of course John was the one to speak. "Dustin woke me up and said he couldn't find Brianne. He said she wasn't in her bed, and she wasn't anywhere in the house. He was really worried about her, so we went outside to look for her.

His mom looked at me accusingly. "Where'd you find her, Dustin?"

He paused slightly but not long enough for suspicion. "We found her down in the woods where I drive my tractor."

"What were you doing down there in the middle of the night?"

"I-I just went for a walk." I stammered under her gaze.

"Why are you all black and blue?" Her question was for Dustin again.

"It was dark and I couldn't see. I fell down the hill."

"We all better get to bed. You guys look exhausted."

We walked into the living room to the left where we all slept together.

I walked over to my bed in the corner to go to sleep. Normally I slept with Jaimee, but tonight she was sleeping on the floor. She had said that the bed was too hot tonight, but it felt good on my tense muscles.

I jumped when I heard the sound of footsteps crossing the floor but, to my relief, it was Dustin.

"How are you doing?" Dustin asked.

"I'm fine." I whispered. Our conversations were no longer simple and easy flowing. They were awkward because of the secret that we now shared.

"I'm really sorry."

"It's not your fault."

"I couldn't stop it."

He turned to walk away, but I stopped him by saying, "I'm really scared. Would you mind sleeping up here? Even if you just stay here for 5 minutes." I knew nobody in the house would find it weird. Dustin and I slept beside each other all the time but, again, that was before all of this happened.

I knew that his couch was only about 7 feet away, but I wanted to make sure that if something else happened I had a way to get to him.

Dustin climbed onto the bed leaving me pinned against the wall. We were very close to each other on the queen size bed. I rolled over onto my side and pulled the covers up to my shoulders.

I felt Dustin's leg touching mine under the blankets as I tried to focus on getting to sleep. My brain was still too alert. The clock on the wall told me that it had been 5 minutes since I had asked Dustin to lay with me, and he hadn't moved from that spot.

I finally forced my brain to go into sleep mode. I hoped that tomorrow would be a normal day, but I knew that nothing would ever be the same between me and Dustin again.

This is the end for right now. I have started working on a part two that has more action than this. I just tried to set up a story in this part. Let me know what you think and if I should post a part 2

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-08-26 15:47:18
Wheres part 2?

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-01-17 15:29:29
I want a part 2

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-06-28 15:30:43
Lovely and interesting... I'd like a part 2


2015-06-28 14:08:59
Keep at it........we'll see part 2

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-06-28 13:59:31
Unknown intruder isn't even mentioned. John is one of the cousins dumb fuck.

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