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Final chapter, Jake and Allison are more than just siblings...
We fell asleep that night and when we did, we slept really hard. I loved feeling the warmth of her soft body on mine as she laid on me basically. Her head was on my arm, her other arm was draped across my body, and her leg was laying over mine and onto my finally softened cock. Her soft hair cascaded behind her and was fanned out. We were completely naked, cuddled and sleeping together, me and my girl, my youngest sister, the baby of the family. I woke up once and rolled a little so that I was flat on my back. I looked over and saw her there. Oh my god, look how beautiful she is, I thought as I looked at her. She was facing me so I just wrapped her in my arm as best as I could before passing out again. I didn't move at all for the rest of the night. All I remember was someone saying our names and the bed shaking. It took several times before we opened our eyes to see Jennifer standing there with a smile.

"Morning love birds." Jennifer said.

"How did you get in here?" Allie asked as she looked up at her.

"You left your door unlocked, god it reeks of sex in here." Jen said.

"Oh, oops." Allie said as she laid her face on my chest, snuggling against me tight as she did.

"You guys had a really long night didn't you?" Jennifer asked.

"Yeah you can say that." I replied as I wiped the sleep out of my eyes.

"How was it?" Jennifer asked.

"Oh my god, it was sssssssoooooooo incredible, oh my god." Allie replied with an incredibly dreamy tone in her voice and look in her eyes.

"That good huh?" Jennifer asked.

"Oh yeah, that good if not better." I replied.

"So you guys actually had sex last night?" She asked.

"Yeah we did." I replied.

"Really?! how many times did you guys do it?" Jen asked.

"I don't even know, oh my god." I moaned as Allie moaned and started kissing my body.

"That many times?" Jen asked as she sat on the bed.

"Yeah, that many times, I lost count after the third time." Allie said with lust in her voice.

"So is incest all that it's cracked up to be, is it everything everyone has ever said it was like?" Jennifer asked.

"Well, honestly, it's far beyond anything any one says about it, it's like, the best sex you could ever have in your life, nothing will ever compare to how amazing it is. She made me feel things, and experience things that I never knew existed, god and I don't even know how to explain it." I said as Allie looked up at me with stars in her eyes.

"I had sssssssssoooo many multiple orgasms last night. I've never had multiple orgasms before. Just think of the time when you had the most amazing orgasm you've ever had and multiply that by thousands. I have never, ever had orgasms like that in my life, they were earth shattering, turn your insides out, life changing orgasms, and the most amazing part was they never stopped. With him they kept going and going and going. It certainly helped that he kept going and going too. There's no way to really explain it, it's just one of those things that you have to experience for yourself." Allie said with an extremely dreamy tone.

"Wow, that's awesome. I wanna try it now." Jennifer said.

"Well you're not going to with him, he's all mine." Allie said as she slid her leg on my swelling sore cock and giggled.

"That sucks, I wouldn't mind trying with him." Jennifer said.

"No, he's mine, he's my boyfriend now, go get your own brother. Go call Joseph." Allie said.

"Eewwww, gross. He's not even cute." Jennifer said.

"Then I guess you're shit outta luck." I said as we all laughed at the same time.

"Seriously, you got all of the looks Jake, you and Allison both did. Joseph, I don't know, he's kinda let himself go. He was kinda cute when we played around, but he's just gross now." Jen said.

"That's the first compliment you've ever given me, wow. Thanks." I said.

"Ask Allison, you're the hottest one in the family, you work out all the time and you take really good care of yourself. You are tall dark and very handsome, you have a really great body, and honestly I think you're really sexy." She said.

"Easy, my girlfriend is right here." I said as we all laughed.

"I know, I can't help it, I can see why she went after you so hard." Jen said.

"Well that and he is a god in bed." Allie said as she looked in my eyes.

"That good?" Jen asked.

"Yes, that good, he can go forever and ever and oh my god, the orgasms he gives me totally rock my world. I know it sounds cliche and stupid but I really don't have any other way to explain it. My body is still buzzing from last night." Allie said with a huge sexy smile.

"God I hate you right now. I wish I could cum like that." Jennifer said.

"He's all hard for me again." Allie said as she giggled.

"Really?" Jen asked.

"Yeah I am, it doesn't take much for her to get me all hard at all." I said.

"Are you guys both completely naked right now?" Jen asked.

"Of course we are, we committed incest all night what did you expect?" I replied.

"Ok, so do I need to go so you guys can fuck again?" She Jen asked.

"No, you're fine, my pussy hurts we aren't going to have sex this morning, even though I really want him." Allie said with a slight whimper.

"I'm kinda sore this morning too." I said.

"I wish I could watch you guys." Jen said.

"You can if you want." Allie said.

"Yeah but you said that you aren't going to have sex right now." Jen said.

"We aren't, we are going to do a web cam show together." Allie said.

"Oh god, you have to promise me that you'll let me know when the show is." Jen pleaded.

"We promise." I said.

"If you don't I'll be so mad." Jennifer said.

"We will give you the website info and all the login info you'll need, it'll be free for you." Allie said.

"When is the show?" She asked,

"We don't know yet, we promise we will tell you when it is." I said.

"You better I swear to god." Jen said.

"We will, stop worrying." Allie said.

"You guys look incredibly hot together, seriously, you guys have to be the sexiest couple I've ever seen." Jen said.

"Thanks." Allie and I said as we beamed.

"God I hate you Allie, so lucky." She said.

"I know." Allie said as she giggled.

"The real reason I came in here was to tell you that grandma and grandpa are going to be heading here soon." Jennifer said.

"K, we'll get up and take showers and stuff."
Allie said.

She walked out and Allie and I looked at each other and smiled. She and I kissed for a minute or so before we got out of bed. We took another shower together only this time we had to control ourselves, we were sore from the long incestuous marathon we just had. We hopped in the showers and started talking about our amazing night. We had to laugh as we talked washed each other because we had no idea how long, or how many times we had sex, hell we didn't even know how long we slept, let alone when we fell asleep. We quite literally fell asleep while we were having sex, and the funny part was that we must have fallen asleep at the exact same time. Once we finished, we dried off and went into her room.

"Where's my clothes?" I asked.

"In your room." She said as she giggled.

"Please tell me we came in here with robes on, because I need to cover up somehow." I said as we laughed

"Yeah you did unfortunately, I love seeing you naked." She said with a lustful giggle.

"Then I guess I should just run around naked from now on, when everyone is gone anyway." I said as I grinned.

"I'd be perfectly ok with that." She said.

"I will if you do." I said as she smiled.

"I'm not so sure if that would be such a great idea baby." She said.

"Why not, I'd love to see you run around naked all the time, you have an incredibly sexy little body." I said.

"Think about it babe, we'll be so busy fucking that we won't wanna leave the house." She said.

"And that's bad?" I asked making her laugh.

"Fuck I love that I'm living with you now." She said as she wrapped her arms around me, pulled our bodies against each other tightly and looked up at me with a smile.

"Me too, I can't wait until your not sore anymore." I said.

"Me either, I need you inside of me again." She hissed.

"I need to be inside of you." I said.

"Stop, you're not helping." She said.

"Neither are you, your soft skin on my body is making me hard again." I said.

"Mmmm, I know, I can feel it getting hard. You better go get dressed before it gets harder and you won't be able to hide it." She said.

"Yeah I better." I said just before I leaned down and kisses her.

We kissed for a little less than a minute before we broke the kiss and I grabbed my robe and put it on before I headed out to my room. As I walked to my room I noticed that Jennifer's daughter Hayden was watching me closely, so I said hi to her and went into my room and got dressed. Just so we are clear, Hayden was my sisters step daughter. She was her husbands daughter from a previous marriage, and he was quite a bit older than Jennifer was. There was a 13 year difference between the two, and he was awarded full custody of his daughter after a messy divorce. She was an only child until Jen had her son. I'm not going to get into it too much, but apparently her husbands ex wife was a meth head. Haden was young, as in her early, early teens, not preteens, but early teens. She was actually quite the little cutie, she had long light brown hair and was almost the size of my baby sister. She had light brown eyes, she was real cute, but not nearly as cute as my Allie. As I dressed I could not get my baby sister out of my head. I felt an incredibly strong bond with her in a way that I shouldn't, and truthfully, I was excited. Sister or not, she had to be the single most beautiful, most sexy girl friend I have ever had, and she was all mine. As soon as I finished getting dressed, I headed down stairs where Jennifer and her family were, and Hayden couldn't keep her eyes off of me. Because she was so young still, I didn't think anything of it, instead I just went and sat next to her and started carrying on a conversation with her. As we were talking, her dad came down and looked at me with a smile.

"Someone had a long night didn't they?" He asked.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I said as we laughed.

"Are we still going to that park today?" He asked.

"Yep." I replied.

"Are you sure you got enough sleep for that?" He asked.

"Again, I have no idea what you're talking about." I said as we laughed again.

"Don't worry about it, it's fine." He said as he laughed.

I then got up and went to the kitchen to help Jennifer make breakfast. As soon as I got in the kitchen, I looked up and saw my baby sister walking down the stairs. She looked right at me and smiled, and for the life of me I can't figure out why, but I got butterflies. She looked so beautiful and amazing as she walked down the stairs. She had her long hair done up and she had a little sundress on.

"Hey there, how was your night?" Jennifer's husband asked.

"Incredible, it was sssssooo amazing. I can't stop thinking about it, or you for that matter." Allie said as she walked up to me and pressed her body against mine.

"That's good, so I take it that you're glad you moved here." Her husband said as he grinned.

"Yeah you can say that." She said as she looked into my eyes.

"You look really beautiful." I said making her glow even more.

"Thanks, you look hot as usual." She said.

"I really wanna kiss you." I whispered."

"So kiss me, they all know about us anyway." She said as she smiled.

She pulled me down and pressed her lips against mine gently. I kissed her back before we slid our tongues into each other's mouths. We stood there kissing for a minute or longer before we started to loose control a little.

"Uuuummm, you guys need to breath too." Jennifer said making us break the kiss.

"Sorry, I can't help it, he's an amazing kisser." Allie said.

"Sorry, can't help it." I said at the exact same time.

"Yeah but there are kids here, try to control yourselves just a little." Jen said as she laughed.

"They don't have to, it's fine, I don't mind." Hayden said.

"We'll try." I said.

"God he's such a good kisser, he gets me all worked up." Allie said.

"Is that what happened last night?" Jens husband asked as he smiled.

"Yeah, it is." I replied.

Hayden went to the living room as Allie and I started helping Jen making breakfast. As we did, Jen took our hands and pulled us to a corner of the kitchen where we couldn't be seen.

"We have a problem." She said.

"Uh oh, what's wrong?" I asked.

"I woke up at around 3 this morning and I noticed that Hayden wasn't in the room anymore. She was gone, so I thought that she came down here to get some water or maybe she went to the bathroom. I checked the bathroom but she wasn't there. I came out of the room and walked to the edge of the balcony and looked down here to see if she was here, but she wasn't. I went to the other side of this loft and found her. She opened your door and she was watching you guys. She was almost completely undressed and she was playing with herself." Jen said.

"That is a big problem, that's not good." I said.

"It's not so much that she was watching you that's the problem. I don't care about that, the problem is that she has a major, major crush on you now." She said as she pointed at me.

"Not good." I said as Allie looked up at me smiling and making her eye brows jump.

"You are really sexy, so I don't blame her one bit." Allie said.

"Oh god, is she ok?" I asked.

"Yeah she is, let's just say that I had to take her to another room so she could work her frustration out, if you will." Jen said.

"How much did she see?" Allie asked.

"Everything, and I mean everything." Jen replied.

"She saw us having sex?" Allie asked.

"For at least an hour." Jen replied.

"What did you do?" I asked.

"I watched her for a minute and then approached her. I won't lie, I watched for a little while too, but I had to pull her away." Jen replied.

"So you both watched us?" I asked.

"Yes." Jen replied.

"With her?" Allie asked.

"Yes." Jen asked.

"Don't worry, I got the brunt of her frustration from that." Her husband said as he laughed.

"So you had a really good night too." I said as we laughed.

"Yeah, good thing the couches in the theater are leather." He said laughing.

"Please tell me you cleaned up your messes, I don't want to sit in your mess." I said as we all laughed.

"Yes we cleaned up our mess." Jens husband said.

"So what should we do?" I asked.

"She thinks that she is in trouble, can you guys talk to her?" Jen asked.

"Yeah we can, I just don't know what to say." I said.

"Don't worry, it'll all come to you." Jens husband said.

"God, ok." Allie and I said at the exact same time.

"That's really creepy." Jen said.

"What is?" I asked.

"You guys think exactly alike at the exact same time." Jen replied making us laugh at the same time.

"Congratulations by the way." David (Jennifer's husband) said.

"For what?" I asked.

"Well, all I heard from my daughter and your sister was how well endowed you are, so congratulations." He said.

"Thanks." I relied as he fist bumped me.

"So she really saw everything didn't she?" Allie asked.

"Everything, she saw it all, for almost an hour." Jen said.

"So did she like open my door, because I swore that I shut it." Allie said.

"I don't know, all I know was that it was open when I caught her watching you two." Jen replied.

"When should we talk to her?" Allie asked.

"The sooner the better, but if you can, wait till tonight so grandma and grandpa aren't here, they are still oblivious to your relationship." Jen replied.

"Now I just gotta keep her hands off of my man." Allie said as she giggled.

"She is entirely too young." I said.

"Yeah that's true." David said.

We broke apart and started to make breakfast. Allie noticed Hayden watching me and when she looked at her, she just smiled at Hayden. A few minutes later our grandparents showed up and we all ate. Later we went to the local amusement park in Kansas City. We rode all of the rides and our niece and nephew were all over us. It took every ounce of energy my sister and I had to hide the fact that we were together as a couple. I wanted to kiss her so so bad so many times that it wasn't funny. We were all having a lot of fun, but it was doing very little to keep my temptation down. At one point, I had to use the bathroom really bad, I did that one time and I had my nephew and David following me, so Allie played it safe and stayed with everyone else. This time, I was by myself since everyone else has just used the bathroom. As I was taking a piss, I was secretly hoping that Allie was near by, I wanted to kiss her so bad that it was driving me insane. When I finished, I washed my hands and headed out. Once I walked around the corner, she was standing there. She took me and pushed me against the wall.

"You have no idea how hard it's been for me to control myself around you." She said as she pressed her body against mine.

"Oh yes I do." I said just before I leaned down and we started to kiss kinda hard.

We stood there kissing for a little while. She whimpered into my mouth as we kissed like we were making up for lost time. After we broke the kiss she looked up at me with stars in her eyes.

"My god you have no idea what your kisses so to me." She whispered.

"Look down." I said making her look at my bulge. "I'd say that I do." I said.

"Yeah, I'd say so too." She said.

"We better get back now." I said.

"Yeah we should. I hate that my pussy hurts." She whispered.

"I hate that I'm sore." I said.

We separated and headed back to the family. We held hands and she snuggled against me until we got to an area that was close, but they couldn't see us. Once we got closer to their view, we let go of each other and rejoined the family. We had to sit on opposite sides of the picnic table in order to keep from being all over each other. I sat next to Hayden and she sat by our grandparents. Allie Jennifer and I went to the concession stand to buy us all something to eat, and Hayden came with us. As we stood in line I watched this dude walk up to Allison and start flirting with her like crazy. After a few minutes he started to blatantly hit on her and tell her that he wanted her, not in those exact words. I stood there shaking my head thinking that this is going to happen a lot, she was that beautiful. Allie didn't even try to flirt back, instead, she tried to blow him off but it wasn't working, he was very persistent.

"Uuuummm, do you see that hot guy standing right there?" Hayden asked as she pointed at me.

"Yeah, what about him, I don't give a shit about him." He replied.

"Well you should, because that's her boyfriend." Hayden said making my sisters both smile.

"Who cares?" He asked.

"I do." Allie replied.

I almost stepped in, but Allie held her finger up to stop me.

"I can be better than him, at a lot of things." He said as he looked at Allie.

"Oh yeah, like what?" Allie asked.

"You know, I'm really well endowed, I can make you feel really good." He said as Allie looked at me and held her finger up again to keep me back.

"Yeah right!" Hayden said as she laughed.

"Uuu, I doubt that very much." Jen said, laughing as well.

"I don't think so." Allie said as she laughed. All three girls spoke at the exact same time.

"He's probably got a small cock." He said.

"How big is yours?" Allie asked.

"Almost 7 inches, it'll make you feel really good." He said making Hayden and Jen look at his crotch.

"Well, you're tiny compared to him, his cock is 10 inches long and really thick." Allie said deflating him.

"He probably doesn't know how to use it." He said trying to recover.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that hun." Jennifer said.

"That's definitely not what it looked like that last night." Hayden said before she was able to catch herself.

"I am very sure about it, c'mon, just give me a chance to show you." He said.

"Do you have an I phone?" Allie asked.

"Yeah why?" He asked.

"Google the name Ronny, adult film star, I'll wait." Allie said.

He took his phone out and started the search. After a few minutes he found an entire page of nothing but images of me and names of movies I did, plus all of the sites that he could find my movies on. In every photo I was with a young 18 or 19 year old porn starlet. He looked up at me and then his phone.

"He's a porn star." Allie said making him deflate and his face turn red.

"Holy shit." He said as he got a little excited.

"Yeah, so as you can imagine. He does in fact know how to use his tool." Allie said with a grin.

"I like your movies dude." He said nervously as he looked at me.

"Thanks." I said.

"Seriously, I've seen some of your movies. You're ok with him fucking other girls?" He asked as he looked at Allie.

"How do you think we met?" Allie asked.

"You do porn too?" He asked.

"No I don't, I met him at a strip club, he was doing a show." She replied.

"And you're ok with him fucking other girls?" He asked again.

"As long as it's on film he can fuck as many girls he wants." Allie said.

"Lucky mother fucker, I need a girl like her." He said as he looked at me.

"Now she didn't say I could fuck just any girl, I can only do it on film." I said.

"You're still lucky." He said.

"I know." I said as I smiled at my baby sister.

"Nice to meet you." He said before he walked off.

"You're a porn star?" Hayden asked as she looked up at me with shock.

"Listen to me really good hun, do you remember what I said last night?" Jennifer asked.

"Yes." She replied.

"What did I say?" Jennifer asked.

"That no one in this family is to know about Jake and Allie being together for any reason." She said.

"Why?" Jen asked.

"Because they are brother and sister." Hayden replied.

"Ok, that goes with what he is about to say. Are we clear?" Jennifer asked.

"Crystal, I swear that it'll go to my grave, just like the one about them being brother and sister." Hayden replied.

"Ok, now ask him again." Jen said.

"Are you really a porn star?" She asked.

"Yes." I replied.

"Are you like, famous?" She asked.

"You can say that." I replied as Allie gave me a sexy grin.

"So do you make movies?" She asked.

"Yes I do, movies and magazines." I replied.

"Mom can I see one of his movies?" Hayden asked.

"Yes you can, but not until you're older, you're too young to see the kind of movies he does." Jennifer replied.

"How old do I have to be?" She asked.

"18." Allie replied.

"That sucks, I wanna see one of his movies." Allie said.

"You will, just not for a while." Jen said.

We ordered all of our food and made our way back to our picnic tables. As we sat there and ate, Allie and I noticed that same guy and a large group of his friends, mostly girls, walk up and sit near us. A lot of the girls were staring and smiling, not in a malicious way, but a lustful way. I noticed that a few of them were huddled around each other and we're watching something on their phones and looking at me periodically. They all kept doing that, but it started to get a little creepy when they all started to follow us around the park through the rest of our day. Our grandparents didn't even pay attention, but me, my sisters, niece and David did. After a while longer, I had to piss like a Russian race horse, so I headed to the bathrooms. I sent Allie a text asking her to come with me so as to keep the girls at bay. Once we were out of sight of our grandparents, she slid her fingers between mine and snuggled against me as we walked.

"I think we have some stalkers." She said as she smiled up at me.

"Yeah, I noticed that." I said as we both laughed.

"It's kinda hot seeing all those girls checking my man out." She said as she squeezed my fingers.

"They're all too young baby." I said.

"So, it's still hot. Better watch out, you may get raped." She said as she laughed.

"That's why I brought you with me." I said just as Hayden ran up to us.

Once we finished using the restroom, I came out of the men's room to find a group of young girls standing there waiting for me. I kinda froze when I saw all of their eyes on me.

"Hi." I said.

"Is it true, are you really Ronny?" One asked as they all stepped closer.

"Ladies, please I'm flattered that you all know who I am, even though you probably shouldn't, but I'm here with my family and girlfriend." I said.

"We just wanted to say hi, you're sssoooo hhhhhot! I wish I was one of those girls that got fucked by you in your movies." One said.

"I'm like, a huge fan, I've seen a lot of your movies." Another said.

"How old are you?" I asked.

"We're not 18, but we still like porn, especially yours." Another one replied.

"I wanna hook up with you." Another said in a very breathy tone.

I looked up to see my baby sister standing there with a lustful smile as she watched. She was whispering in Hayden's ear from time to time.

"You see that amazingly gorgeous brunette over there, the one with really long dark brown hair?" I asked as I pointed at my sister.

"Yeah." They said as they all looked back at her.

"That's my girlfriend." I said as Allie walked up to me and slid her fingers between mine.

"Hi ladies." Allie said.

"God you're hot too." Two girls said as they watched my baby sister.

"Oh my god you're ssssssooooo lucky!" One girl said, all at the same time.

"Oh I know I am, he's hot huh?" Allie asked.

"Yeah, he's crazy hot." One girl replied as Hayden joined my sister and I.

"You know him too?" One girl asked looking at Hayden as she did.

"Yes I do, he's my future uncle." Hayden replied as she smiled.

"Do you know he's famous?" One girl asked.

"Yeah, he's a porn star." Hayden replied.

"Oh my god you're so lucky, both of you are." One girl said.

"Im not with him, he's my aunts boyfriend." Hayden said.

"So, you know him personally, so you're lucky." One said.

"Have you seen his movies?" One of the girls asked as she looked at Hayden.

"No, I'm too young." Hayden replied.

"They're so so hot! Have you?" Another asked as she looked at Allie.

"I've seen all of them." Allie said.

"What's it like having sex with a porn star?" Yet another asked.

"Nothing will ever compare." Allie said choosing her words carefully since all of the girls were under age.

"You guys shouldn't even be watching any of those movies." Allie said.

"We know, but we like them, especially his. We are such big fans." Another said.

We stood around and talked for a few minutes before Allie suggested that I let them take selfies with me. They were entirely too young, but they were fans nonetheless. So in order to keep from coming across as someone I'm not, an asshole, I decided to take a bunch of selfies with them, of course it was with their phones and not mine. At one point Allie took a bunch of pics with a bunch of phones. The girls couldn't keep their hands off of me at all, and Allie was loving it. By now, I knew when she was turned on so as I watched her, I realized that all of this was turning her on. After a while longer we rejoined everyone else and continued our family fun time. Everywhere we went the crowds started to get bigger around us. It got to the point that we actually had to leave because of it. It was pretty late anyway and the place was getting ready to close. I took them all up north and took them to dinner after that, then we went back to our place. As soon as grandma and grandpa left to go to their hotel, Allie came right up to me and slid into my lap right in front of everyone and started to kiss me. She pressed her body against mine and exhaled through her nose and without thinking, began to grind in my lap.

"Ok you two, I realize that you didn't have a chance to do this all day, but c'mon, my kids are right here." Jennifer said making us break the kiss and look at her.

"I don't mind at all, it's kinda hot." Hayden said as we looked at her.

"You have no idea how hard it was to keep my hands off of this sexy man." Allie said.

"Oh trust me, we have an idea, we've been watching you two all day." David said.

"Fuck I wish I wasn't so sore, I want you so bad." She whispered in my ear.

"I want you too." I whispered in her ear as she kept grinding subtlety.

"I can still see you grinding on him." Jennifer said.

"So?" She asked as she smiled and looked back at her.

"Well, it's not like some of us didn't see you two already." Jen said as we all laughed.

After a little while, we all started to get ready for bed. Allie liked my bed better than hers, so she decided to sleep with me. As we were shutting lights off Allie went to her room to get some stuff, and by the time I made it to my room, my baby sister was already in there waiting for me. She had her hair down and only had a robe on. She didn't even bother to tie it closed giving me a perfect view of her incredibly sexy body and that amazing little gap between her legs. I immediately stripped down as she laid on my bed and watched me.

"God damn baby, your body." She hissed.

"You like it?" I asked as I grabbed my robe and put it on.

"God yeah, I'm getting all wet just looking at you, see?" She said as she rolled onto her back, opened her robe all the way, and spread her legs wide and showed me her dripping pussy.

"I'm getting all hard." I said.

"I see that, are we taking a shower together?" She asked.

"Yes of course we are." I replied.

"Good." She said as she giggled.

I walked up to her and leaned down. I started to kiss her just as she wrapped her hand around my cock. After we kissed hard for several long minutes, we broke the kid and she situated herself so that her feet were going towards the head board, and her head was hanging off of the edge.

"Ffffffuck you have the nicest cock ever babyhhh. I don't think I'll ever get enough of this." She said.

"You have the perfect little pussy, I can't wait to taste you again." I hissed making her moan.

"God I can't believe that I'm this obsessed with my big brothers huge hard cockhhhh." She whimpered.

She opened her mouth and pulled my cock toward her mouth, sticking her tongue out as far as she could. I leaned over and sighed once I slid my fingers down the length of her soaking wet slit.

"Be gentle baby, it's still a little sore." I hissed.

"You be gently too, I'm sore too." She said.

I could feel her hot breath on my cock as her tongue slid over the top of my cock head. I very gently slid my finger down across her clit and inside of her making her hips thrust upwards as she pulled me deeper into her mouth, sucking gently as she did. She started to suck my cock very gently and slowly, pulling on my ass to make me thrust into her mouth. I started to get harder and harder in her mouth as I leaned down and wrapped my lips around her clit. I then planted small little tongue kisses on her pussy, drinking some of her as I did. I looked down to see her lips wrapped tightly around me and moaned and I started to eat my baby sister just as gently and slowly as she sucked my cock. She moaned on me as I flicked my tongue across her clit again and she started to writhe under me, thrusting her hips pressing her pussy into my face as she did. Just when I was as hard as a steel rod, and she had gotten much much wetter, we heard a little knock at my door. I pulled out of her mouth and stopped eating and drinking my baby sister. I backed up and closed my robe really quick as she sat up and closed hers. Flipping around so that she was sitting on the edge of my bed.

"You left the door open again." Jennifer said.

"Yeah, sorry." I said as I turned around and sat.

"It's ok, you guys said that you wanted to talk to Hayden." Jen said as she and Hayden walked in.

"Yeah we did." I said.

"Go ahead and sit on the couch, we'll be right there." Allie said as we tried like hell to get my cock to go down.

"You should let it kinda fall open a little, you know, give them a little peek at your gorgeous cock." She whispered as she giggled.

"But I'm still hard." I said as I smiled.

"Mmmm, even better baby." She hissed.

"Ok then." I said as I tied my robe closed making sure I had my cock in my robe before I turned around.

Allie snuggled against me tightly and we walked towards the love seat.

"Whoa Jake. Wow, we must have interrupted something." Jen said as her eyes, and Hayden's eyes locked on my tenting robe.

"Yeah you did, that's twice now." Allie said as she laughed.

Hayden looked like she was about to cry, her face turned red, her eye brows slanted and she bit her lower lip pretty hard as she watched me and Allie walk to the love seat, staring at my tent in the process. She then tried like hell to break her gaze from my tent but had a hard time doing so.

"Ok so, we need to talk Hayden." Allie said as I sat down, and she sat next to me.

"K." Hayden said as she tried to compose herself glancing at my tent in the process.

"Your mom said that you were watching us last night." I said making her face change from lust to horror.

"I'm sssssooo so sorry, please don't get mad at me. I wanted to get some water and I heard some noises so I just wanted to make sure aunt Allison was ok." Hayden said in a slight panic.

"It's ok, we aren't mad at you hun." Allie said reassuringly.

"Are you sure?" Hayden asked.

"Yes we are very sure, if anything, we are really sorry that we didn't close the door all the way. We didn't mean for you to see that, so for that, we are really sorry." I said.

"It's ok, I'm sorry that I watched you guys." She said.

"It's not your fault, if the door was closed you wouldn't have ever seen anything." I said.

"How long did you watch?" I asked as she kept glancing at my tent that was now going down.

"For a while, I'm not sure." She replied as she pressed her legs together.

"You should let it fall open a little, she can't keep her eyes off of it." Allie whispered in my ear.

"So, how much did you see?" Allie asked as she inconspicuously pulled my legs apart and used her fingertips to pull my robe open a little.

I could feel the cool breeze from the air conditioner on my head and at least an inch or more down my shaft. My baby sisters saliva made the breeze feel a little cooler. Hayden looked down and saw it. Her eyes closed barely and her mouth opened slightly as she slid her hand between her legs and squeezed her legs together tightly.

"Everything." Hayden sighed as she broke the gaze and looked at Allie.

"What do you mean, everything?" Jen asked.

"I saw uncle Jakes dick and aunt Allisons vagina." She replied.

"What else did you see?" Allie asked.

"I saw him kissing you down there and I saw you put his thing in your mouth." She sighed as she tried to glance at me inconspicuously.

"Is that all?" I asked.

"No." She replied as her eye brows slanted again and she started to breath hard.

"What else did you see?" Allie asked.

"I watched you guys have sex." She replied.

"Why exactly did you see?" Jen asked as she too couldn't keep her eyes off of my package.

"I saw him lay on top of her and put is dick in aunt Allisons vagina." Hayden replied as her respiration started to increase and become a little ragged.

"Is that all?" Jen asked.

"No, I saw him pushing in and pulling out a lot. I saw her on top of him, I saw him holding her and I could see his thing inside of hers really good. I saw her on her hands and knees and her on her back and him on his knees, I saw everything. I could even hear everything they were saying. It sounded like aunt Allie was getting hurt, and she was moving around a lot. They were kissing a lot too." Hayden replied.

"He wasn't hurting me hun, he was making me feel really good." Allie said.

"I know that now." Hayden said as she kept looking at my exposed flesh.

"Jake, your dick is showing." Jen sighed before she bit her lip.

"It's ok, I kinda like it." Hayden sighed as she looked at Jen.

"Well...sorry I got nothin." Jen said as she and her step daughter looked right at it again.

"Why is it all shiny?" Hayden asked as her smile dissapeared and her eyes locked on my exposed head and shaft as I closed my robe again.

"Hun don't ask that." Jen asked.

"But I wanna know." She said as her eye brows jumped.

"Is it ok if I tell her?" Allie asked.

"Yeah I guess." Jen said.

"It because I had it in my mouth before you guys came in here, like what you saw last night." Allie said as she started squirming.

"Oh wowhhh. Do you like it when she does that?" Hayden asked.

"Yes, it feels really good." I said as I started to get really hard again.

"You didn't have to cover up, it's not like I haven't seen it before." Hayden said as she looked into my eyes.

"She does have a point." Jen said as she looked at me too.

"You're not expecting him to just pull it out now are you?" Allie asked.

"I was kinda hoping." Hayden replied as she smiled.

"I wouldn't be mad either." Jen said.

"Yeah but you guys saw it by accident this time." I said.

"So, we still saw it." Jen said.

"That doesn't mean you're going to get to see it again." I said with a little grin.

"Please?" Hayden asked.

"I don't know hun." I said.

"It doesn't even have to be that long, I just wanna see it up close." She said.

"Cmon Jake, she's a curious girl." Jen said.

"Yeah but she isn't old enough yet." I said.

"C'mon baby, just give her a little peek." Allie said.

"I'm not sure that's a good idea." I said.

"Have you ever seen a dick besides his?" Allie asked.

"Yeah I have." Hayden replied shocking us all.

"Really?!" Jen asked.

"Yes I have, I've played with a few. I've even seen dads dick." Hayden replied shocking us all.

"How?" Jen asked.

"I spy on him sometimes." Hayden said.

"See, it's not like she's never seen one baby." Allie said.

"Ok fine, but not for very long." I said.

"Go over there so you can get a closer look at him." Jen said as she stood up.

"Oh my god you have no idea how horny this is making me big brother." Allie whispered in my ear.

"Get on your knees right here." Jen said as Hayden dropped to her knees right in front me close enough that I could barely feel her shirt touching my legs.

"Are you ready?" Allie asked.

"Yeah." She replied nodding her head with her lip between her teeth and slanted eye brows.

"You can't touch, just look ok?" Jen asked.

"K." Haden replied.

"Ready?" Allie asked as she reached down and gently grabbed my robe.

"Yeah." Hayden replied.

"Ok, here it goes." Allie said as she pulled my robe open.

She then placed her hand on my knees and spread my legs wide allowing my cock to bounce out. Jen looked at it and gasped and placed her hand over her mouth as did Hayden.

"Oh wow." Hayden half whimpered as she looked at Jen.

"What do you think?" Allie asked.

"It's really nice." Hayden half whimpered as she looked at my cock and started breathing really hard.

"Wow Jake, oh my god. No wonder Allie wants you all the time." Jen said as she smiled.

"I really like it. It's so much bigger than any of the ones I've ever seen." Hayden said with a look on her face that would make you think she was about to cry.

"Me too." Allie said as she closed my legs and covered me up.

"You have a really nice dick uncle Jake." Hayden said as she stood up staring at my tent.

"Thanks." I said.

"Now I know why you can't get enough of him." Jen said.

"That's just part of it." Allie said I adjusted myself so that I was sitting up again.

"Ok, where were we. I know that you've discovered some new things, you're going to be curious about a lot more things. That being said, do you have any questions?" Jennifer asked as she tried to catch her breath.

"I don't know." Hayden replied as they both sat down.

"Don't be shy hun, it's ok, you have nothing to worry about, just ask anything." Allie said as stood up and went and sat next to her.

"I'm not sure what to say, I mean I do have questions, but I don't know how to ask." She said as she looked at Allie nervously.

"Look, you already know about me and your uncle Jake, besides, you just saw his dick so you have nothing to be nervous about." Allie said reassuringly.

"Just come right out with it." Jen said.

"K. Ummm, I was wondering what it's like to have sex." Hayden asked.

"It's a lot of fun hun, but you need to be old enough to do it, like Jake and I are." Allie said.

"No, what's it like to have sex with him? Did it hurt?" She asked.

"At first it did hurt, but because he was so gentle I was able to get use to how big he is, then it just felt sssssooooo good." Allie replied.

"I'll bet it did, but why did it hurt if you're not a virgin?" She asked.

"Good question, do you want me to answer that, or do you want aunt Allie to?" Jen asked.

"Allie." She replied as she looked at my baby sister.

"When you are old enough to do what you saw me and jake doing you'll realize this. Every guy has a penis, but not all of them are the same size. They come in different shapes and widths and lengths, and based on what you've seen before and tonight, you probably have already realized that. Jakes dick is the biggest I have ever seen let alone touched. He's really long and really thick, and I'm really small. I've never had one like that inside of me. That's why it hurt at first, he's really big, like, really, really big." Allie replied.

"You have to keep in mind that it all depends on the girl too, every girl has a preference in sizes and shapes. Some girls like them big and others don't. Some see a guy that is well endowed like your uncle Jack and get scared." Jen said as David came in and sat next to Jennifer.

"He had a girlfriend that broke up with him because he was too big. They never had the chance to have sex because she saw how big he was and wouldn't let him do anything." Allie said.

"Why? I don't get why she didn't want to have sex with him because of his big dick." Hayden said.

"They just get scared, they're afraid that I'll hurt them bad, so they don't want anything to do with it. But that's not the only reason, my ex girlfriend just doesn't like them this big." I said.

"Does it feel better with a bigger dick than a smaller one?" Hayden asked.

"It all depends on the girl. In most cases, yes it feels a lot better, much better than an average sized one." Allie replied.

"Do you like them big?" Hayden asked.

"After last night with him, I don't think I would ever have sex with a guy that has a small one again, in fact, I think he's the only one I'll have sex with from now on." Allie half sighed as she looked at me.

"So how does it feel to have one inside of you?" Hayden asked.

"It feels amazing. Your first time will hurt, when you loose your virginity, but after a few minutes, your entire body will feel incredible. I really don't know how to explain it, but I will say that once you feel it, you'll want more of it." Allie said.

"What does it feel like when it first goes in?" She asked.

"Oh my god, it's like, I don't know, it's like your entire body is on fire. It's like you're floating and you get the biggest chills. Your entire body just goes crazy. Help me Jen." Allie said as she giggled.

"Ok, do you remember what it felt like when you were by yourself last night?" Jen asked.

"Oh yeah, yeah I do." She replied as she started breathing hard.

"Multiply that by a thousand." Allie said.

"Wow. What's it like for you?" She asked as she looked at me with slanted eye brows.

"It's the same for me. It's like the world just stops and I loose control of my body. It feels incredibly amazing." I replied as she glanced at my bulge.

"Now I know what incest is, my dad and his sisters have been doing things and I know that you two are really brother and sister. I have a friend who does things with her dad and she always talks about how much better it is with him than it is with regular boys. Why does it feel so much better with family members?" Hayden asked as she looked right at my exposed inner thigh.

"Do you know what taboo means?" Jennifer asked.

"Kinda." Hayden replied.

"It means that it should never happen. Brothers and sister, dads and daughters, cousins, moms and sons aren't suppose to have sex. It's wrong and disgusting and it's very illegal." I replied.

"So if it's so wrong, why are you guys doing it? Why does my friend do it with her dad and why does dad do it with his sisters?" She asked.

"The best way that we can explain it is this, and I know this is going to be a little confusing, but, you are as just as much as in control of who you are attracted to sexually, as you are when it rains. Some times family members just can't help how they feel about each other. Most of the time, siblings have a mutual attraction to each other but don't act on it because it's so wrong and taboo. But then there are those times that a brother and sister can't help it. The attraction runs so deep that one day they just give into their desires for each other." David explained.

"Take these two for instance, Allie and Jake have always been really close. Now, I had an attraction to Jake myself, but because of how I treated him and what I did to him, it never happened with us. In fact, it ruined our relationship for a long time. That last time he flew into Oregon in his helicopter was the day that he opened my eyes to how bad I was to him. Basically the attraction I had for him was not mutual. And despite the hell we put him through, she stuck by him and never turned her back on him like the rest of us did. Their bond was very very strong, so strong that it was unbreakable. No matter what me, Mary or Joe said or did, Allie here stuck to her guns. As a result their bond grew stronger, even though their bond was unbreakable at that point." Jen said.

"The thing is that this happens far more than you will ever realize, but no one ever talks about it, let alone admit that it happens." David said.

"That just makes sex with family members so much more amazing than it would be with anyone else. Take for example, you find a guy you really like and you guys have sex. Later you find that you're attracted to your dad and you end up having sex with him. I promise you that sex with a regular boy won't even compare to having sex with him. That on top of everything that your dad said just makes everything so much more intense. It's wrong, but it happens a lot, and you'll never find a guy that will ever be able to please you like your own dad. And like Jennifer said, no one ever talks about it, they won't even admit it" Allie said.

"Because it's illegal and so sick and wrong, they could get into a lot of trouble if anyone found out about them." Hayden said.

"Exactly. That's why we have to keep this quiet and never tell anyone about your uncle and aunt. Grandma and grandpa and your great grandparents don't even know about it, and they can't know about it. This absolutely has to stay between us period." David said.

"So mom, why don't you and jake have sex now that you've worked things out?" Hayden asked.

"Because things are a lot different now. Allison and jake aren't just brother and sister having sex anymore. They are real boyfriend and girlfriend now, and I won't get between them." Jen replied.

"Makes sense, I get it. So when family members have sex, do they all end up dating like you guys?" Hayden asked as she looked at me.

"It's very rare, but it does happen from time to time. Me and your aunt Allie are an example of that happening." I replied.

"Well, I don't care if it's sick and wrong or disgusting or what ever, I think it's really hot that you two are together like that." Hayden said.

"Thank you." We said as we smiled at her.

"I don't blame you for wanting to be with him, he's really really hot. Makes me wish I was you." Hayden said.

"Yeah, he is really sexy." Allie said as she smiled at me.

"I wish I had an older brother. Would you guys let me play with him like these two do?" Hayden asked as she looked Jen and David.

"Yeah we would actually, we'd actually encourage it." David said.

"Now I really want an older brother." Hayden said as she smiled.

"Do you have any more questions?" I asked.

"No, not right now anyway." Hayden replied.

"Ok, well, we interrupted them, they were playing so we better go so they can keep playing." Jen said.

"Can I sleep in that room again?" Hayden asked.

"Yes you can." David said.

"Good. I wanna see some of his porn." She said as she stood up.

"I don't know, you're not old enough." Jen said.

"Please? I wanna see why he's so famous." Hayden pleaded.

"Hayden hun, you're too young." Jen said again.

"I know lots of girls my age who watch porn, besides I have seen it and I watch it at Cassie's house with her every time I go there so it's not like I've never seen porn." She said.

"Look, we'll think about it." David said.

"Promise?" She asked as she bounced up and down.

"Let me and mom talk about it first, but go to bed ok?" David said.

"Ok, love you." She said as she stood up and looked right at what little bit of cock I had that was exposed.

She bit her lip hard and looked up at me and made her eye brows jump before she gave Allie a hug. I then stood up as she walked up to me and hugged me. Just as she stepped back she looked right into my eyes.

"You're really hot and you have a really nice dick." She whispered with slanted eye brows.

"Thank you." I said.

"You're welcome." She said before she walked towards the door.

"Love you." She said.

"Love you too." We said as she all but ran out of my room.

"Thanks for your help." David said as he smiled.

"Not a problem." We said as my sister hugged me from my side.

"So would you be ok with her seeing some of your work?" Jennifer asked.

"That's all up to you, she's your daughter, just let me know what you decide and I'll go with it." I said.

"Do you have any of your stuff here?" David asked.

"Yeah actually, I have copies of everything I've done." I replied.

"Ok so if we decide to let her watch your work, she can get it right a way?" Jen asked.

"Yep, just say the word." I said.

"Ok, well, we're going to go talk about it and we'll let you know tomorrow what we decide." Jen said.

"Ok." I said as they walked out of my room.

That night it was so difficult to not fuck my baby sister. She and I were sore as hell from our first night together, and I didn't want to make it worse for her, however that didn't stop us from taking a nice long shower together and sleeping together completely naked. That next morning my cock felt a little better, but she was still sore. She went with me to the fitness center in the lower level of the building so I could get my 2 hours of workout done. She worked out right along with me, and the best part was that we didn't have to hide our relationship from anyone there. Brittany later joined us and we worked hard, I think I forgot to mention that Brittany and I had been work out buddies since I moved in. It was really hot to have two incredibly sexy girls, one that was far sexier, spotting me. I had a lot of jealous eyes on me as a result. All of the guys were staring at me as though my sister and Brittany were their daughters. They watched my sister and I kiss passionately several times and they looked jealous as hell.

"You should drop him for an older guy, I can make it worth your while." One guy said as he approached us.

"Yeah well, he is older and I want to be with him." Allie said.

"Why him?" He asked.

"Why not?" She asked.

"He's what 19? I'm more experienced than he is." He said.

"He'll be 25 in a few weeks and I'm 19." She said.

"So, he's still young and inexperienced." He said arrogantly.

"He's a porn star and he has an enormous cock. If I was blind folded and he fucked me like he did last night, and I couldn't see him at all, I would have been convinced that he was black, his cock is that huge. He fucked me all night long and gave me so many multiple orgasms. So yeah, I'll say he is vvvvvvery well experienced." Allie said.

"If he gave you so many, then tell me how many you had." He said as I stood up.

"I lost count after three or four." Allie said.

"Look, you have several women that you're fucking already, my girl isn't going to be one of them." I said angrily.

"Are you sure about that son, I'm a high priced lawyer, I usually get what I want." He said.

"First of all, I'm not your son, second, that's what you said about the penthouse of this building before I bought it right out from underneath your pompous ass, third, you're not going to get her so get it out of your arrogant delusional head." I said.

"You sure about that?" He asked.

"Do you use Viagra?" Allie asked.

"I won't lie, yes I do." He replied.

"Do you have to use it?" She asked.

"What ever it takes for it to work." He replied.

"He doesn't, all I have to do is show him my tits and he and I fuck for hours and hours, he doesn't even go soft during that time. He's got an amazingly sexy body, and you're just gross. I'm not interested, you're disgusting." Allie said.

"Suit you're self, what about you sweetie?" He asked as he looked at Brittany."

"Go fuck yourself perv." She said.

"She's with us anyway, oh my god it's so amazing." Allie said.

"His cock feels so amazing." Brittany said.

"Her pussy tastes really really good too huh baby." Allie asked as she looked up at me.

"Very very good." I said.

"Her pussy tasted really good too, especially after he's filled her with cum." Brittany said.

"His cock is so big I can barely suck it." Allie said.

"Oh my god I know, last night was amazing, we haven't been asleep yet, all three of us fucked all night long, my pussy is all sore." Brittany said.

"I loved it when he fucked you and I sat on your face." Allie said.

"Oh my god I know, I loved it the other way around too." Brittany said.

"We've had many nights like that, I especially love sitting back and watching these two fuck each other." I said.

"We would look over and see him stroking his big heavy meat bat and we couldn't sit back and just watch him, we had to have it inside of us." Brittany said as she snuggled against my sister.

"We just had to get it inside of us, we had to." Allie said as I watched the two girls start rubbing each other's bodies.

"God I want more." Brittany said as Allie started to plant little kisses all over Brittany's face.

"I want more of you." Allie whimpered just as Brittany turned her head and pressed her head against hers.

"Come here sexy." Brittany said as they both pressed their cheeks together and beckoned me to to them.

"We're all together, just sayin." Allie said.

"Sorry to bother you." He said as he turned and walked off as we all laughed.

"Oh my god that made me wet." Brittany said as she laughed.

"Me too, did you see the look on his face?!" Allie asked as she laughed.

"That was really good." I said.

"I thought you were going to kick his ass." Allie said.

"I almost did." I said.

We finished working out and laughing about putting that pompous douche bag back into his place. Later we went to the sauna and as I walked in, my baby sister and Brittany were already in there waiting for me. They were sitting together and once I walked in, they both looked at me and smiled. I sat across from them and once I sat down, they both stood up and moved over to me. They both sat on either side of me and snuggled against me. We just sat there and made fun of the douche bag that tried to get into their pants. After our time was up, we went and took showers and got dressed. Allie and I made it to our place and made breakfast for everyone. As we made breakfast Hayden came down and smiled as she looked at me.

"Morning little bit." I said.

"Morning, you look really hot today." She said.

"Thanks." I said.

"He always looks hot." Allie said as she smiled.

"I know, you're so lucky." Hayden said.

"I know." Allie said as she giggled.

Just then her dad and step mom came out and joined us. They both let their son sit and watch tv and came right to us with a smile.

"Ok, we've made a decision." David said.

"Ok." I said.

"We've decided to let her see some of your movies." Jennifer said.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"She said it herself, she's seen porn before so it's not like she won't be seeing anything that she hasn't already seen." David said.

"Well, ok then, but I'm her uncle, that's not normal." I said.

"It's just as normal as you and your little sister having sex and being together." Jen said.

"You have a point." I said.

"Besides, she lusts after you." David said.

"I don't blame her one bit, how many do you want us to give her?" Allie asked.

"Limit it to two movies and no more than 5 magazines." David said.

"I'll pick them out." Allie said as she smiled up at me.

"Ok, the day we leave sneak them into her suit case." Jennifer said.

"Ok well do that." I said.

That day my baby sister and I went to my hidden closet and started looking through the movies I had done. All of them were still wrapped in the plastic but so were the magazines. One of the two movies Allie picked had several threesomes in it with me and two girls. We set those aside and went through the magazines, again she picked the ones with threesomes in it.

"I think it's funny that you pick the ones out where I'm with more than one girl." I said as I laughed.

"I'm hoping that she'll wanna join us when she turns 18." Allie said as she pressed her body against mine.

"You like her don't you?" I asked.

"She's a sexy little thing, I can't help it." She said.

"Yeah she is." I said.

"Just imagine having your little sister and little niece sharing you." She said.

"When she's 18, yeah it'll be really fun." I said.

"That's what I thought." She said as she giggled.

For the rest of that week we stayed busy as hell, but we had a tremendous amount of fun. I took them to the zoo, union station and every where else I could to make their week there as much fun as possible. The day they left, Allie and I "stole" one of Hayden's suit cases and took it to my room. We opened it and hid two of my movies and 5 magazines under all of her clothes. As we did, Jennifer and David both came in and helped us hide them in there. After that, we took it back to her room and left it. We later helped load their cars up and went to lunch together. What I didn't realize was that my baby sister went off with Hayden and gave her both of our phone numbers. After a little while longer, they left and started to head home, finally giving me and my baby sister alone. Allie and I didn't have sex for a few days because she was sore and I wanted to make sure I didn't hurt her any more than I already did. That's not to say that we didn't mess around a lot though. A week after everyone left, my sister started her menstrual cycle, so that put things to an end, for now. I showered her with flowers, chocolates and anything else I could to make her feel more comfortable. She was in heaven, she'd never been treated like that by a guy ever. I had started back to work also, so I wasn't home that much. It kinda sucked because I missed being around her. We did spend a lot of time calling and texting each other during my time away, luckily her and Brittany spent a lot of time together. I gave Allie a credit card with a pretty high limit so she could go shopping with Brittany and go out with her so she wouldn't be bored. I went out of my way and bent over backwards to make sure she wasn't home and lonely, and Brittany helped a lot. Brittany even spent almost every night at our loft with my baby sister. I did get home every evening and my baby sister and I started to fuck like rabbits. We fucked in every single room of that loft. We would start when I got home and go most of the night, so when I would go to work the next day, I would be pretty tired. Luckily I loved flying so that made it bearable. I then had to spend a week away flying some big executive around the Midwest, he was going to all of his offices around the area. That was a torturous time for the both of us, we started to go crazy. I think it was safe to say that she and I were addicted to incest.

From that day on, she and I continued to live together as a real couple. When we went to Iowa, we would have to pretend to not be together. It was especially different since she did eventually get pregnant with my baby, something she always wanted since we started fucking. Nine months later, she and I had a perfect little girl. We weren't expecting her to come out as perfect as she was, beings how she was a direct product of incest. She looked a lot like her mom, she had brown hair and blue eyes, and everything. We can't tell you how many times we were complimented on how gorgeous our little girl was. Did Joseph, Mary, mom and dad freak out, well yeah they did. They had no clue that our daughter was a product of incest, but they tried like hell to rip Allie apart for having a baby out of wedlock. They all came to my place in Kansas City, and started to shame and insult her like they did to me. They were kicked out of our place, and escorted off property by security. We never heard from them again. Jennifer on the other hand was excited for us. She and David moved to Kansas City so they could spend more time with us. As a result, we all could spend time together, and did so often. Jennifer and David would watch our little girl, who we named Kayla, so Allie and I could have date nights, we had at least three a week. The cool part was that Jennifer and David watched me get my baby sister pregnant on live web cam. When Hayden turned 18, she wanted me and Allie both for her birthday, she wanted to fuck is both. Jennifer let her have what she wanted, and oh my god it was an amazing night!! I think it was sexier to have my baby sister and Hayden at the same time, than it was to have Allie and Britney at the same time.

All of the threesomes have stopped though, and the reason is simple. My baby sister Allie and I are in love. My world revolves around her and our little girl. The amazing thing is that she and I did finish our schooling and I am currently working for a life flight company as a pilot now, my wife, I call her my wife, is working as an er nurse in the metro area. I no longer do porn, I can't anymore, mainly because I love my Allison. Luckily, I had millions of dollars put in savings, so money will never be an issue for us or our daughter. I still work out a lot, same as I always did, and though she really didn't need to, Allie did the same. She was definitely a milf, a young incredibly sexy milf. Guys still drooled over her and gave me the stink eye when they found out that she was all mine. She and I still do web cam shows together for extra money. What's my baby sisters newest, sexiest fantasy now? Waiting until our daughter is old enough and then using me to teach her all about sex...yeah, my baby sister knows how to drive me crazy, even to this day she drives me crazy...

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-06-11 22:29:09


2015-12-20 01:58:33
You have a thing about incest. Although you say you dont like it, you do seem to spend a lot of time reading it . . . is it that you are afraid of what you feel for your daughter?

Just wondering


2015-11-30 10:54:04
Yes, it was a fine story, the sex did become a bit over-the-top for a while, but taking the balance into consideration, probably became tolerable. Hahaha, I can hear the wankers wailing from here! Thanks for the series, I am now a little more understanding about the American preoccupation with incest now, is it due to the reaction to the mind-control of the wacky religious nuts that seem to control your country? Whatever, incest is not such a big deal in the more balanced world.


2015-07-17 11:49:26
Big mahalo for the feed back to you all! Gives me hope that I may be improving a little! I am currently working on a love story now, stay tuned!

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-07-12 09:31:53
Wow well done on the story, keeps the heart pumping into overdrive for the whole length of it. Amazing and i love your work :)

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