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Hello. I posted half of this story on a different account, but something went wrong so I could not post the second part or it could not be up/down voted. So I'll try again and I'm posting the entire story right away. This is my first ever story, and I apologize in advance for spelling/grammar mistakes. Enjoy :)
Chapter 1

My name is Cora. 24 years old, slim, but got good curves, and big boobs, I got a double D cup. I got hair like Ariel, and it reaches down to midwaist. I'm 1.57m tall. Or short, however you want to see it.:)

I run towards the pub, late as always. I trip and the purse falls to the ground, all of it's contents scattered around on the ground. "Oh fuck me!" I course loudly.
"Not if you were the last person on earth.." I hear a familiar voice behind me and turn to see Tim, the only one in our group I can't stand. "Ditto, asshat!" He just walks past me, not sparing me a second glance. He walks into the pub, orders a pint and look for Jason. He sees him in the corner. "Hey mate, I'm over here!" Jason calls out to him. "Hey." He flash his million dollar smile as he walks towards him. "Hey mate! How's it hanging?"
"A little to the left, as always!" They laugh as Tim sits down. "Have you seen Cora? She normally isn't as late as today" Jason says looking at his watch.
"Oh, I saw her on all fours outside. Guess she was waiting for someone." Tim says nastily. "Fuck you, Tim!" I say as I get to the table, hearing what he said. He just rolls his eyes and take a sip of his pint.
"Hey babygirl" Jason says, getting up, giving me his normal teddybear hug. He is the best friend a girl could ever have, and always there with a hug.

I go to the bar and buy a round. I give one to Tim, one to Jason and one for myself, and I sit in the nook of Jason's arm. "Is everything okay, babygirl? I'm worried about you."
"Thank you Jason. I'm just tired. Work has been utter hell."
"You have to take care of yourself"
"I am. I'm taking two weeks off.."
He strokes my hair.
"Good. Haven you eaten anything today, babygirl?"
"No, forgot it.."
"Let's order something now."
Tim cuts in. "No! The only good thing about this pub is the drinks. Never, and I mean, never eat here.. We were on the toilet for a week last time!" We laugh, and he shakes his head. "I've never had that much pain in my ass in my life, felt like I'd been buttfucked for weeks.."
Jason laughs so hard he almost shoot his drink through his nose. Tim and Jason talk for a while, and I mostly sit and listen, my mind isn't in the right place.

After two more rounds, it's on me again, so I bring the drinks to the table and sit back down.
"So, any plans for your vacation, babygirl?" Jason asks. He never got tired of using that petname for me.
"Being a couchpotato, and catch up on Sons of Anarchy."
"Aren't you always a couchpotato?!"
Tim remarks snippy from the side.
I look at him, down to his pint and him again.
"Can't you ever just be nice?! Asshat.." I mutter and go back to the bar.
"Tim, what the fuck? When are you two going to get along?"
"When she stops being a bitch!"
"I think it was you that were the bitch now, Tim.."
He takes a gulp of his pint, and feel a slight pang of guilt since he never even said thanks for it.

I sit at the bar, trying so hard not to start crying. I drink two mojitos and take two shots before I feel ready to go back. I also feel quite buzzed at the moment.
As I walk towards the table, Tim gets up. "Oh, are you leaving?" I say sarcastically.
"No, I'm taking a piss. Care to hold it for me?"
"Wtf, no..!"
As he walks he scolds himself for saying that, as he wanted to try to be nice.
A guy smashes into me, spilling his beer all over me. "OH COME ON! GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK!" I scream in frustration.
"Take a fucking chillpill lady!"
I need some air, and rush out where I can be alone. The tears roll down my cheek, and I let them.

"Hey. You look like you need this.."
I jump as I hear Tim's voice behind me, and I wipe my tears quickly. As I turn he stands there with the most ridiculous looking cocktail I've ever seen, with fruit and umbrellas on top. "Uhm.. Thanks?" He hands it to me, and turn to leave. I taste it, and immediately gag. "That tastes like cotton candy on acid!" He turns back to me. "It can't be that bad!" He takes it, and takes a sip, and spits it out faster then I've ever seen. "Oh fuck! That's horrible! How can they sell this?!" He looks shocked and dumbfounded. "You bought it!"
"Well, I know you're not a huge fan of beer, so I just asked for the drink with the biggest amount if vodka in it.." He sets it down. "Are you really okay?" He asks more serious then ever.
The tears threaten my eyes again.
"No.. I.. I lost my job today.."
"What?! No way! Why?"
"I got the blame for Jasmine's tampering with the reports."
"Why didn't you say it was her then?!"
"She is the one that told the management about the tampering.. It would just look like I was trying to make her look bad. At least I don't need to look at her ugly face anymore.."
"But you should take this further!"
"I don't stand a chance. Jasmine is their golden child!" Tears flow freely now. "Sorry, I don't know why I told you, you don't care about my problems anyways.."
Tim has no idea what to do. He realises that he doesn't even know what I worked with, that he actually don't know me at all. But that he truly cares.
"I.. Of course I care.."

The door opens up, and Jason comes out. He looks from me, to Tim and back to me again. Seeing me in tears next to Tim, and he flips out. "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?!" He charges after Tim and hits him smack over the nose.
I scream. Tim screams. "Jason! Jason, stop!" He doesn't hear me, and pushes Tim against the wall. "Why can't you leave her alone?!" "I didn't do anything!" Tim shouts, trying to break free.
"JASON, STOP IT!" I yell loudly. "He didn't hurt me! He was nice! He was actually really nice!" He puts Tim down, and rush over, hugging me tight. "What's wrong, babygirl? Why are you crying?"
"Just been a rough day.. Can you go back in and order me a mojito? I just need to talk to Tim before I go back inside." "Sure baby.." He turns to Tim. "I'm really sorry.."
Tim waves him off. "I'll take two pints!" Jason nods and go back inside. I look up at Tim, him being 1.88 m, I have to look up quite a bit, and his nose is bleeding. "Are you okay? I'm sorry.." "Nothing like a bloody nose on a Friday.." He laughs it off.
"Please don't tell him about my job.. I don't need him hanging over my shoulder as I'm finding a new one.." He smiles. "Secret's safe with me."

We get back inside, and Jason calls us out. "Look who's smiling at each other! It's a fucking miracle!"
I blush, but we both say "Fuck off, Jason" at the same time.
We sit down just as Carrie comes in. "Hello!"
"Hey Carrie!" I hug her. "Missed you."
"Miss you too, Cora." She smiles and great Jason and Tim.
Carrie and Tim has a on and off fling, she use to go to him when she doesn't get it else where. Looks like it's been a while for her now, cause today she is all over him.
"How are you today, Tim? Missed your sexy ass.." She smirks, almost sitting on top of him. "I'm good, thanks.." He brush her off. "Any other plans than catching up on your tv-shows, Cora?"
"Maybe I'll go on a roadtrip to clear my mind"
"Oh, I love roadtrips!" Carrie busts in again.
I laugh. "You are crazy on roadtrips Carrie.."
"Oh really? Tell me more about this.." Jason leans over the table with a huge sleazy grin on his face.
She blushes and tells everyone about the adventure she had in the back of my car while I was driving, to my horror. I leave, not needing that mental image back in my head.
I start talking to a guy at the bar and he buys me another shot.
I take it, and immediately regret it, feeling it pressing up my throat.

Carrie reaches under the table and strokes Tim's cock through his jeans, and nibble on his earlobe, but he pushes her hand away, leaning his head casually the other way, so she lose the grip on his ear. "Carrie, please.."
He turns to Jason. "When were we going to Frank and Jenny for the dinner tomorrow?"
"Oh, that. It was 18:00 I think?" Jason replies. "It's 19:00.." Carrie says, with a hint of bitterness. "Dinner and games, wasn't it?" They nod.
"Cora has been away for a while. Where is she?" Tim gets up. "I'll see if I can find her."
He walks through the pub, not finding me anywhere. He checks the bathrooms, to some girls dismay "this is for the ladies, dipshit!" "Oh, sorry, I forgot, I used to be one!" He replies dryly and walks back out. He goes outside and hear belching. He follows the sound and see me around the corner puking my guts out. "Hey hey there. Just let it out.." He says, taking the hair from my face and stroke my back.
I puke again, sobbing as I do. "I feel like shit.."
"Want to go inside and have another cotton candy on acid cocktail?" He asks teasingly. My respond is more belching. "No for the cocktail then." He chuckles.
"I want to go home.." My sobs get bigger.
"I'll take you home, come on."
He pulls me up and take me to the street and gets a cab. We get in, and I lay down with my head on his lap.
"If she throws up, you're going to pay for the cleaning.." The cabdriver looks sternly at him.
"She won't, relax.."

The cab starts driving and we're in silence for a while. "Tim..?"
"Why do you hate me?"
He tense up a bit, looking a bit startled down at me. "I don't hate you. You just tend to rub me the wrong way.."
"I do that, cause you treat me like shit."
He looks down at me. "Guess we should start being nicer to each other"
I smile, but my face quickly turns in a grimace "Oh, god.. I feel sick again.."
"I mean it, she throws up, she is paying!" He says again, but my house is just around the corner. "Stop here."
As we get out I throw him a twenty. "Keep the change, sourpuss!"

The cabdriver curse at me, but I close the door, so I don't hear what it is. Tim supports me, and steer us in the direction of my house. I find the key, but he has to unlock it, as I have a hard time finding the keyhole. "Come on, drunkhead, let's get you inside."
"I need to brush my teeth, help me upstairs?"
He manage to get me up the stairs and I brush my teeth. He goes back downstairs and I follow him unsteady. "Want a beer?"
"Sure. But I need to feed you first."
He goes to the kitchen and fry up some eggs and bagels. I sit on my couch, feeling like a four year old. "Eat. You need to eat, or you will be a mess in the morning"
"Yes daddy.." I pout. He sits down in the couch across from me a sip on a beer.
We talk for a long while, getting to know each other a bit better.

He was right, the food did wonders, and I feel so much better. I'm not slurring as much with my words, and my mind isn't cotton anymore.
"Sorry I pulled you away from Carrie tonight.."
"Don't worry about that. I doubt you would be able to get home on your own account tonight, so someone had to be responsible" he winks. "Dickhead" I say throwing a crisp at him. He laughs, picks up the crisp and eat it.
"So, want to tell me more about your job?"
"I don't have a job.." I reply
"Come on, you know what I mean. What happened?"
"Please Tim. I don't want to talk about it, not tonight. Okay?"
"Soon. You need to talk to somebody about this, this is horrible"
"Yeah.. So, what is it you do exactly? I have to say I never paid much attention when you talked about it.." I feel slightly stupid, but I know he hasn't a clue to what I did, so I guess we're even.

"Not much to pay attention to. I work in my fathers shop. Fixing cars."
I raise my brow. "You don't.. You don't have a car..?"
He laughs and take a big gulp of his beer. "It's broken."
I laugh so loud I think I'd might wake my neighbours. "You're kidding me?!"
"Guess I know where not to take my car when it's broke."
"Hah, I do good work. I just don't give a shit about my own. I live close to everything, so I don't really need it."
My phone beeps, and I pick it up. It's a text from Jason.

You got home okay babygirl? You should've let me get you home, don't like you going on your own when you're like this.'

I'm home, and I'm safe. See you tomorrow, bear<3'

"So, what your deal? Why are you always alone?" Tim asks bluntly.
I look at Tim like he slapped me.
"No! I didn't mean it like that! You're just. Why are you single?"
"You're single!"
"Yeah, and I end up with Carrie ever other weekend."
"So? Doesn't look like she is forcing you!"
"Hey, don't get angry, I didn't mean anything about it."
"I'm single, cause nobody has the balls to hit on me."
"Then why don't you hit on anybody, Cora?"
"Who says I'm not trying? They are so god damn slow I practically have to shove my hand in their crotch for them to get the point."
"Do it." He says dead serious.
My brow raises further. "Are you for real..?"
"Yeah. Why not. I'd do it.."
"Hah! That I don't believe!"
"I'm not shy. You should know that even if we've not talked much."
"I dare you.."

I'd never thought he'd do it. But he gets straight up from the couch, strides right over the god damn coffee table, leans over me and place his hand straight in my crotch.
I gasp in shock.
He looks me dead in the eyes. I've never seen how amazingly green they are.
I should maybe tell you how he looks. As I said, he is 1.88 m high. Broad shoulders, big arms. He looks really good, having a nice v-shape. But I have no idea how he looks without his shirt, as we've never been to the beach at the same time. He has a beach blond, tussled hair, and he always got that perfect 'straight out if bed-hair'.
I swallow hard, grab his shirt and pull him to me in an intense kiss. He is over me in seconds, touching me all over, stroking his tongue against mine. I'd never thought I'd say this, but oh my god, he has me wet and ready in seconds. He bites my lower lip, making me moan in his mouth. He grinds against me, and I feel his huge bulge pressing against my pussy.
"Where's your bedroom?"
He ask in a deep, husky voice, almost making me explode right there.
"Upstairs.." I gasp breathing heavy in his mouth.
He lifts me up easily, that tells me he is quite well trained. He holds me by my ass, and I wrap my legs around his hips, arms around his neck. He never stops kissing me as he walks up the stairs, impressing me that he never even has to look where he is going.
He fucking finds my bedroom on the first try, and almost throw both of us at the bed.
"Fuck, you're so insanely sexy, Cora.." He whispers in my ear.
I breath deeply. "Fuck me.." It comes out as a whimper.

Chapter 2

"What..?!" I gasp in surprise. I'm so horny I don't know what to do.
He kiss me again, biting my lower lip.
"Not yet, baby.. Foreplay. I want to make you cum, getting you really ready for me. I don't tell everyone this, but I'm quite big. 9,5 inches. And it's really thick. I actually hate it, it's scares a lot of girls. Carrie teased me for over a year before she let me have sex with her.. That is why I go back to her often. She is the only girl I have had sex with the last two years" I don't know what to say.
"And, I do understand if you don't want to, but I really, really want to make you cum.." He whispers with his raspy sexy voice.
I kiss him, almost desperately, moaning deeply in his mouth.
"Please, I'm so fucking horny!"

I've haven't even finished my sentence before he pulls of my top, and starts stroking my breasts. He folds down the cup and takes my nipple in his mouth, flicking it with his tongue as he continues to play with the other. I still feel him press his hard cock against me, making me more and more wet, I feel it gushing.
He gets on his knees and pull of his shirt. He looks fucking stunning. Got a lot of muscles, but not to defined. I bite my lip and let out another moan at the sight of him. He slowly pulls down my tights, so slowly it almost kills me. "You love to tease me, don't you?" "I just want to look at your sexy body. I've never seen how perfect it is.."
I get a bit shy of his words, but he also makes me feel really good.
"You look fucking perfect too.."
As the tights is completely off I expect him to take my thong of too. But he just strokes up my legs. Thighs. Inner thighs. Spreading my legs wide. Working his thumbs so close, but yet so far away. "Tim.. Please.." I beg him, barely able to talk.
He gives me what I want, stroking his thumb over my slit, but still through my thong. "Cora, you're so wet.."
"What do you expect..?"
He laughs softly and leans his head down, kissing small kisses on my clit.
"Pleeeease" I beg him again.
He pulls down my thong even slower then the tights. Kissing down, following the skin that becomes visible as he pulls it down.
"Perfectly smooth.. Fuck, you're almost making me blow a load in my jeans, baby.." He whispers in that sexy, deep voice.
"Ahh.. Fuck, Tim.."

He comes back up, and take off my bra, sucking on my nipples again, as he grinds his big bulge hard against my wet, naked pussy. I feel for the first time how big he actually is, and it turns me on even more, but it kinda scares me, thinking about how it will fit.
I think he sensed it. "I won't do anything you're not ready for, trust me.." He says, kissing up my chest and neck, giving my neck a small nibble, making me shudder in pleasure.
"I trust you.." I whisper back, stroking my hands up his big arms and shoulders.

He gets out of the bed, grabbing a firm hold around my hips and pull me to the edge of the bed, kneeling and goes to town on my soaking wet, warm pussy. I gasp of the sheer pleasure as he lightly suck my clit.
"Oh god. Tim.. Keep going!" My legs squirm. He slides two fingers inside me, fingerfucking me as he flicks, sucks and nibbles on my swollen, sensitive clit.
He starts moaning, sending shivers through my entire pussy and spine.
I'm gushing again, and he gets more intense. "Fuck! Fuck, Tim! I'm going.. I'm.. Ahh!!"
My toes curl up, my entire body is spent, aching for release. He make another, stronger suction on my clit, and I cum screaming. He licks up all my juices, and his fingers go into overdrive, making me cum again, squirting this time. My body shakes out of control, barely managing to catch my breath. My cum runs down his chin, chest and to the floor, but he drinks up most of it. He slows down, pulls out his fingers and just lick and kiss softly, making me calm down.
He crawls back up to me, lifting me further into the bed.
"You taste so good, Cora. I've never had a squirter before.. I fucking love it!"
I laugh softly as he kiss up my neck, nibbling on my earlobe.
"Yeah baby?" He murmurs.
"I want it.."

He lifts himself up, supporting him self with his arms. He looks deep into my eyes, with those amazing green eyes. He strokes away the hair from my face.
"You sure? I don't want to hurt you."
I nod. "You'll stop if I'm in pain, right?"
"Of course!"
"Then, I don't see the problem.."
My hands glide down his sides, reaching the waist of his jeans. I start to unbutton it, almost feels like it's going to burst out. He gets back on his knees, and I pull down both his jeans an boxer. It almost smacks me in the face is it springs out. My jaw drops. "Fuck.."
It's the biggest, thickest cock I've ever seen. It's rock hard, thick with veins popping out.
He looks down at me, unsure what I'm going to do. I take it in my hand, can hardly wrap my fingers all the way around it. I start stroking it slowly, and it twitches hard and he moans louder then any guy I've ever heard. "Your hand feels amazing, Cora." I smile up at him as I stroke the length of his shaft. He bites his lip, looking so sexy. Precum trickles down the head, and I can't stand to wait, so I pop his big head in my mouth, and he moans and explode immediately. "AHH! Fuck, Cora!!" He twist his fingers in my hair, actually holding me back a bit so I won't gag on it. I swallow as much cum as I can, but it's such a huge load, it dribbles out from the corner of my mouth.
I realise that he never goes soft, not even a bit.

I keep sucking and stroke his cock, standing on all fours in front of him. He strokes over my back, and grab my ass, squeezing it. I take him deeper, halfway down my throat. "Fuck! God baby, that so fucking good! Don't stop" he moans, growls and slap my ass, making me moan, sending vibrations down his shaft. His cock starts twitching hard again after a few minutes. "Shit, stop, I don't want to cum yet.." I can't help it, finding it to good, and keep on going. "Holy fuck!" He roars, and pull me off by my hair. "You fucking tease.." He moans as he kiss me hard, tonguefucking me.
"I want you.. Now." I stroke his ass, and he press me too him, my breasts squeezed against his chest.
"Lay down, sexkitten." I laugh at that petname, but I get on my back and he gets on top of me. His rock hard cock lays against my wet slit, and he rocks slowly up and down. "Tim, please.. I need you inside me."

He place his head against my wet entrance and carefully push inside me. I gasp, he is way bigger then I'd expected. "Want me to stop?" He whisper quietly. "No.. Don't stop.." I moan breathlessly. He strokes my waist, and push further. "God dammit, you're so tight!"
It feels like I'm going to rip open, but it feels so amazingly good at the same time.
After a little while he hits my cervix, making me cry out. "Fuck!"
He pulls back, kissing me. "Sorry.. I'll"
I cut him off, "shh! It's good, it just took me by surprise, okay?" I suck on his lip, want him not to be so scared about this. He feel so fucking good inside me, I feel every vein in his shaft.
He slowly stroke in and out of me, the pleasure is almost to handle.
I want him, I want him bad. I want him rough.
"Move. Turn me over.." I whisper. He easily flip me to my stomach, and get inside me again. I close my legs tight. "Fuck me. Hard.."
He let out a huge sigh as he squeeze my ass, and start pounding me harder then I've ever been. "Oh, baby.. Fuck, you feel so good. So fucking tight.."
"Ahh.. Mmmh! Tim.. God that's so good. Keep going!"
The bed is on the verge of collapsing. "Yes baby. Yes, I'm so close! Cum for me, Cora. Cum with me!!" He roars as he fucks me harder and faster then I thought was possible. The orgasm builds up inside me like a tsunami, and hearing him like this push me over the edge. "FUUUUUUUCK!!" I scream loudly as the orgasm ripples through me, making my body shake out of control, clenching and milking Tim's massive cock. "CORAAA!!"
I feel his cum shoot inside me, stroke after stroke after stroke. I dig my fist in the mattress, actually poking a hole through the sheets with my nails.
He keep stroking in and out of me, but going slower, getting both of us down. He grabs my hip, pushing me up against him before he lays down over me, both our bodies limp.
We fall asleep like that, drunk and drained.
Tim is still inside of me, still on top of me.

I wake up hours later, with a massive headache, a strange full feeling in my pussy and a annoying noise from hell.
I realise that the noise is my phone, and as I stretch to get it, the fullness from my pussy disappears and I realise that Tim was still inside me, sleeping heavily. "Wtf..?" I mumble to myself.
I find my phone and the display says 'CARRIE'
"Did you see how Tim blew me off yesterday?! He never fucking does that!"
"Tim. He blew me off!"
I turn slightly to see him sleeping naked in my bed.
"Oh.. Yeah.. Sorry about that. Listen, this is really a ba.."
"I'm just around the corner, bought bagels and coffee. Come down and unlock the door."
"Carrie, No.."
"Come on! I'm outside your door"
She hangs up.
"Fuck!" I jump out of bed and scramble to find a big shirt and a pantie.
"What..? Why are you up?"
Tim mumbles, looking all dazed. If I had had time to appreciate the sight, I might fallen in love on the spot.
"Stay in bed! And keep quiet, Carrie is outside, she wants to talk."
Just as I go for the door he pulls me to him, kissing me deeply, and take my hand stroking it over his warm hard cock. "You fucking tease.. I hate you." I bite his lip and run downstairs. Carrie is banging so hard on the door it looks like it's going to fall off. "ALL RIGHT, I'm coming! Jesus, Carrie!"

"Seriously! I've never been blown off by him, he is always there when I need to get me something..!" She is sitting on my couch, sipping on her coffee, pouting.
"I don't know.. Maybe he is tired of you using him as your last resort?"
She looks up at me. "Trust me. He is happy someone's gives it to him."
I can't help getting angry at her words.
"Carrie.. This is really not a good time for me, I.."
She looks up and down at me. "Wait! You look freshly fucked! Who is it?!"
"Uhm.. Just a guy I know. He, uhm.."
She sits up, looking all excited. "Is he still here?!" My quick flash to the top of the stairs gives me away. "Oh my god, I can't remember the last time you brought someone home!"
She is halfway up the stairs before I can react. "CARRIE, NO!!"
I panic. "Please!"
I know that she will recognise his clothes on the floor if she walks in. "I'm just taking a peak! He will never know!" She starts walking up again. "CARRIE STOP! ITS A GIRL, OKAY?! AND YOU KNOW HER, SO I PROMISED TO KEEP IT A SECRET!" She almost falls down the stairs. "A girl?! You fucked a girl?!"
"Yes.. Now please.. Leave. I'll see you later tonight."
Her jaw is still on her chest as she walks slowly down. "This why you have been acting so strange lately?"
I bite my lip, trying to look guilty. Not that I need to try, I am quite guilty.
"Mhm.." I nod.

"Motherfucker..!" I say sitting down on the bed, head between my hands. "It sounded more like you were fucking a girl.."
Tim murmurs in the crease of my neck. I have to laugh. "Ass.."
I turn to look at him. "What am I going to do?" He shrugs his shoulders. "I don't belong to her.."
"I'm supposed to be her friend. Best friend.." "We haven't done anything wrong, we had sex. So what? We didn't cheat on anybody. Tell you what. Let's take a shower, and we go somewhere, other side of town if that's what you want, to lunch. We should get to know each other better, we have years to catch up on. We had fun, right?" I nod. "Yeah, who would known, you're actually quite funny." I stick my tongue out, and he quickly catch it between his lips. "Shower. We should get clean and dirty at the same time." He lifts me up, making me giggle as he carries me to the bathroom.

Chapter 3

I have to wipe my eyes from the tears of laughter as the waitress sets down out food. "Enjoy" she smiles. "Thank you." We both reply.
"You seriously tried to run after the car with your pants on your knees?"
"Come on, would you just stand around to see your car roll off?"
"Nope, but I think I'd try to pull up my pants first." I laugh as bite down on a fry. "Let's just say, I finished my piss when I fell." He mumbles, trying to hide the embarrassment on his face.
My stomach is sore from all the laughing I've been doing the last hour, getting to know Tim better.

His phone rings, and he picks it up.
"Hey, Jason. What's up?"
"Hey. Listen. The dinner tonight."
"Yeah? Is it cancelled or something?"
"No. It's just. Carrie called me, and said that Cora told her she's gay. Guess that's why she's been acting so strange lately. Scared we'd might dislike it or something."
He looks at me, grinning, or more smirking. "Really..? She's gay? Huh.. Never thought of Cora as gay.."
I roll my eyes.
"Yeah. So we thought we'd tell her that we'll support her no matter what. And, seeing that you two don't really see eye to eye, I was hoping you could support us and her too. Please mate. Would mean a lot to me."
"Well. As you say. We don't really like each other much. But I'll try to keep a straight face. And keep the lesbian jokes to myself.."
"Thanks mate. See you later. Oh! By the way. Where did you disappear off to last night? You could at least say goodbye."
"Yeah, sorry. Found an old hookup. She didn't take no for an answer."
"Haha, great. Anyways. Catch you laters!"
He hangs up, Tim puts his phone down and laugh. "News travels fast.."

"For real? They're going to have an 'we're okay that you're gay-intervention?!' This is so fucked up!" I say stirring my milkshake with my straw.
"Could be funny though. Playing along." He practically giggles.
"Cause we are keeping this secret, right?"
He sits back in his seat. "Yeah, I think that might be for the best. Going to be mean for pretend, ha, that's going to be fun."
"Dickhead.." I say teasingly and take the last sip of the milkshake.
I check the time. "Want a lift to Jenny and Frank's today? I'll drop you off around the corner of course."
"Can you take me home so I can change and get ready first?"
"Yeah, I have to get ready too, so we can go to your first, then my place, and drive over to them after that."
He pays after a discussion about me wanting to split the bill.
As we get out he puts his arm around my shoulder, and I get butterflies in my stomach. I let my hair fall in front of my face so he won't see me blushing. He snags the car keys from my hand and unlocks my car. "Get in. I want to try out this ladybug of a car."
"Dude, how can you call a turquoise car a ladybug?! He is my little seamonster."
"Hah! Seamonster my ass!"
I sit down in the passenger seat. "If you don't stop insulting my car, I won't blow you."
"Valid, very valid threat.. I love your little Seamonster!" He says as he drive off.

We get to his apartmentbuilding and we go inside. He has a nice apartment, not huge, but it's lots of room for one guy.
"I'll be a minute, make yourself comfortable" he says as he takes of his shirt and walk into the bathroom. He looks so sexy. I walk quietly into the bathroom, he is standing with his back to me, only in his boxers. I go to stand behind him, stroking my hands around his hips, and just above his waistband of his boxer. "What are you doing?" He says a bit surprised, but delighted. "I'm making myself comfortable.." I whisper, trailing kisses over his back. "Fuck, Cora.." He moans softly. I move my hand down his boxer, half of his cock is already sticking out on top of the waistband. I start stroking it slowly, making him sigh loudly, leaning his head back. He tries to turn, but I grab a firmer hold on his cock, making him wince and standing still. "Babe.. Ahh.." I work my hand faster, all the way up and down his long shaft. I keep going faster, his breath getting more and more ragged. After several minutes with a firm fast handjob he moans loudly. "Ohhh, fuuuuuck.." I feel he is on the verge of eruption.
I quickly stop, tuck it back in his boxer, kiss his back and say "get dressed, we have to go." And turn for the door. "Oh hell no!" He grabs my hand and push me against the wall, lifting me up to match his height. "You fucking tease.." He presses his rock hard cock against my pussy, kissing me deeply, moaning in my mouth. "We should.. Mmm.. Tim, we have to go.." "I know.. Soon.." He trails kisses down my neck, nibbling gently on it. He carefully lets me down. "I need a fucking cold shower.. Go wait in the livingroom, I can't watch you if I'm getting this bastard down." I giggle and sway my ass as I walk out the door. "Coraaaa.." He grumbles as I close it.

We're finally on our way to Frank and Jenny. And, of course late. His cold shower and mostly the fact that we had a quicky back at my house as I was trying getting ready, had slowed us down quite a bit.
I stop the car about a block away from their house. "You should go first. They are used to me always being late. You, not so much. I'll wait here for about 5 minutes or so before I drive up and come in." I say.
"Okay. See you there." He gives me a kiss, and as he gets out he smile slyly. "Bitch.."
I laugh. "Dickhead.."


As I walk the last block, I can't stop smiling. I must look like an idiot to people passing me.
I regret being such an asshole to Cora for so long.
I don't even remember my reason for not liking her in the first place. I haven't for a long time, it's just been hard to turn over and be nice, since she started treating me as I treated her. "Dickhead.." I mutter to myself.
"Tell me something I don't know!"
I'm startled and look up to see Jason.
"Oh hey mate!" I give him a man hug and we go inside.
"Hey guys, good to see you!" Jenny comes over, practically jumps in my arms. "Oufh!" She almost knocks the wind out of me. "God, you're worse then my old dog.. I saw you the day before last." I say teasing her. I've known Jenny for 20 years. Since she was 4 and I was 7.
Her brother was my best friend, but he drowned at the age of 9, and we have been inseparable ever since. She is the reason I meet the others, both a Frank and Jason is guys I now trust my life with. And Carrie. Well.. I guess we have used each other to get rid of tension and sexual frustration. I care about her, a lot. But I don't have any romantic feelings for her.
Then there is Cora. The short little beauty. I've been attracted by her all along, that smashing red hair, her beautiful face and good curves. Why the fuck didn't I like her in the beginning?!

"What?!" I say dumbfounded.
"Where were you? You looked like you were a million miles away." Frank says standing in front of me.
"I think I was.."
Cora walks in the door. She looks amazing in that dress. I want to rip it off and take her on the set dining room table.
"Well fuck me, look who the cat dragged in!"
I say loudly. She responds with a glare and a show of her middle finger.
"Dude! You were supposed to be nice tonight!" Jason hiss in my ear. "Oh.. Yeah.."
He gives me a beer and go over to hug her.
I go to the kitchen and put my hand on Jenny's back. "Smells good. What are you making?"
She beams "I tried out a new recipe! Beef with cinnamon, cayenne and black pepper, roasted in the oven."
I raise my brow. "Cinnamon..?"
"Try it before you judge it." She says with a mock sternness
"Yes mother.."
She pushes me out to the others. "Go, let me finish this in peace, you're a pain in my butt, Tim." She says, and pinch my ass. "HEY! You're obviously the pain in my butt!"
She laughs and go back to the oven.

"Please sit down, dinner is ready." Jenny chirps.
We sit down and Frank pours red wine in our glasses.
The plates looks like something straight out of a restaurant.
As Jenny and Frank sits down we all do a toast. I dig in, and the beef is like an explosion in my mouth. "Oh my god, Jenny, this is the best dish I've ever had!"
Words can't describe how good this is.
Jenny is glowing. "Thank you Tim"
The conversation goes easily during the dinner, and everyone is in a good mood.
As I sit above Cora, I start stroking my foot against her leg. Her face has the cutest grimace as she tries not to laugh. I go further up, loving the desperation on her face.
"Mhm?!" She respond in a high pitch, making everyone pay attention to her. This is wicked fun.
"Are you okay?" Frank looks a bit worried at her.
She just nods her head intensively. "Yeah, all good!"
I manage to get my foot between her legs, making her squeal.
She goes bright red, almost as red as her hair.
"What's up with you?!" Carrie asks with a hint of irritation.
"Uhm.. I just.." She looks stressed and out of an excuse. So I 'accidentally' knock my water glass to the floor, switching the attention over to me.

After the epic dinner and more wine we clean up the table and mingle.
I notice that Cora slips out to the bathroom. The door is open and she is leaned over the sink, resting her face in her hands. I go in, close and lock the door quietly. I go behind her, her eyes never leaving mine through the mirror.
"Have you any idea how hot you made me back there..?" She whispers.
"Shhh..." She haven't noticed that I've undone my zipper and pulled out my cock. In a swift move, I lift up her dress over her ass and pull down her thong. Before she knows what happens, I bury my cock inside her, making her gasp loudly, and she quickly turns the water on full to muffle out the sexy sounds she's making. I never break our eye contact, and I don't think I've ever seen that kind of lust that I see in hers. It turns me on so much I'm hardly able to stick to the plan.
"Tim, fuuuck.." She whispers moaning. After a moment she closes her eyes, and I know what to do.
I pull out, and leave her, no more words.
The gasp of frustration she exclaims is music to my ears..


I guess I deserved that after the handjob in his bathroom earlier, but now I'm so horny my thong is soaked..
I get back to the dining room and we play a few drinking games, pretty soon all of us is on a good buzz.
Jason clears his throat.
"Cora.. We kinda wanted to talk to you about something.." He says all serious. I see Tim grinning from ear to ear in the corner of my eye, and I know this will be difficult keeping a straight face in.
"Oh? Anything wrong?" I ask, trying to sound innocent.
"Well.. We. Uhm.. You." He looks like he is trouble finding his words.
Frank speaks up. "Honey. We heard that you are.. Well, that you told Carrie that you're gay. And that we are all very happy for you, but a little hurt that you didn't tell us."
Tim can't contain his laugh, only I know why. Jason sends Tim a nasty look.
"Sorry.. Cora, muffdiving is the best thing ever! Welcome to our side!" Tim say, raising his class to me.
I scold him, before I look over to Carrie. "Thanks.." I say sarcastic.
"They deserve to know!" She replies, her voice raised.
"I told you something that is very, very private this morning, Carrie, and I did it only because I was scared you might catch her."
"It would have come out anyways..."
"Yes, it would. But it should have happened on MY FUCKING TERMS, as it is MY life, MY love life this is about!" I find this a refreshing way to get rid of some of my anger from work.
"Babygirl, we just."
I get on my feet, kicking the chair to the floor. They all look like scolded kids. Except Tim, and his smug face. "Wipe that smile of your face, or I'll make you an aunt!"
I say and storm out.
They sit in stunned silence.
"Maybe I should.." Jason says quietly and starts to get up.
"Jason, something tells me that you are the person she least wants to see right now. Let me. She hates my face as it is, don't think I can do much harm." Tim says and follow me outside.
"She is right.. We didn't handle this really well, did we?"
Frank says quietly. Jenny takes his hand. "We meant it in the best way possible.."

It's dark outside, and Tim can't see me. "Cora? Cora, where are you?"
"Around the corner.." I say, choked with tears. He comes around the corner, and sees me crying. He quickly pulls me in for a massive hug. "Baby, why are you crying?! I though.. I thought we were just pretending?!" He sounds desperate, like he thinks it's his fault.
I just hide my face in his chest, and cry hard. Letting it all come. He just holds me tight, swaying carefully. After a few minutes he strokes over my hair.
"Baby, please. What is it? Why are you crying?"
"I just.. Fuck, Tim! I'm out of a job! I got fired under false pretenses! As I acted out being pissed in there, I realized how pissed and hurt I actually am.
I feel awful for yelling at them like that!"
"Don't mind them. One day the truth will come out, and you say it as it is. You are under a lot of pressure. We have the greatest friends alive, they will forgive you. I promise."
He looks deep into my eyes, they sparkle in the moonlight. I'd might sell my soul if he asked me to, those eyes could make me do anything.

"Cora? Tim?" We hear Jenny's voice from the door around the corner.
"We'll be there soon, Jen! She needs a few minutes." Tim calls.
"Okay, tell us if she needs something." She says just before the door closes.
He keeps looking at me, not letting my eyes go. "Have you any idea how beautiful you are right now?" He says quietly.
It gets to much, and I break eye contact and laugh it off. "Yeah, pretties raccoon ever.."
"Stop. Don't say stuff like that. I.." His words trail off. "Ready to go back inside?" He asks more up beat.
"I guess.." I mumble and follow him inside.
They look like a pack of lost sheep, and all hug me after turn and have apology after apology.
I go in to the bathroom and wash my face, and use some of Jenny's make up to freshen myself up. When I get back to the dining room the table is set with more wine and snacks.
"How about a game to lighten up the mood?" Jenny suggests
"What game?" Jason replies.
"Spin the bottle. Adult version.."

Chapter 4

"So? Everybody okay with the rules? Kissing and touching is okay. No hands under clothing." Jenny says one last time.
"We got it" we all reply.
I take a huge gulp of the wine, wondering where the hell this came from. We have never been playing like this.
"Right." Jenny says. "The person that the bottle lands on, is going to kiss me." The bottle spins, and lands on Frank. "Easy enough!" He says and plant a big kiss on his wife's lips.
He takes the bottle and starts spinning it. "The person the bottle lands on are having a smooching session with.. Tim!"
"Oh really? You want it to land on you again?" I say laughing. He blow me a kiss and wink. It lands on Carrie. She beams and is over me in under 10 seconds. She is a good kisser, but right now, she feels plain compared to Cora. I try to shake that thought away, and get into the kiss.
Carrie gets back in her seat and spins the bottle. " the person it lands on has to kiss.. Jason!"
It lands on me, to the girls delight. "Oh come here you sexy sexy man!" I say loudly as I jump out of my chair and place a big (though very dry!) kiss on his lips.
We play a few rounds, and everyone has made out or kissed everyone. Expect I haven't got paired up with Cora yet. Annoys me, I want to kiss her in 'public', and this is the only opportunity I have at the moment.
"The person that the bottle lands on, will get Cora on his/hers lap. And she will make out with that person as it was her last day on earth." Carrie says smiling cheeky. 'Please land on me!' My brain is screaming, I want her so bad. It lands on Jason. My heart sinks a bit.
She straddles her perfect little ass over him, leaning in and kiss him. As there was no tomorrow. It goes on forever, Jason stroking his hands up and down her sides and back, and down her ass. As he moves them up again, his little finger gets hooked and he pulls up her dress revealing her asscheek. As she breaks the kiss, she giggles and get back in her chair. He looks dazed.
"The person that the bottle lands on, gets a Cora and Carrie sandwich." He says after he spins the bottle. It lands on Jenny. Both Carrie and Jenny blush, but Cora, acting all gay, finds this funny.

They kiss, stroke, and moan quietly as all of them share kisses. Don't have to be a brain surgeon to figure out that there are three insanely hard cocks under the table.
After that. Frank has to kiss me. We both find it uncomfortable as we still have raging hard ons from the girls show. But we get it over quickly. Jason and Carrie has a make out session too. "The person the bottle lands on has to have three minutes on top of Tim on the couch, making out." Carrie says. Take a wild guess who she wants the bottle to land on again.
She spins the bottle and it almost stops at Jason. "I'm not making out with Tim for three minutes!" He exclaims.. "Aww, honey. Afraid you might like it?" I wink and lick my lip teasingly. But it slowly turns to Cora and stop. My heart skips a beat. 'Fucking yes!'
I lay down on the couch, lifting her on top of me. I stare at her beautiful face for a few seconds, and she smiles a smile I can't really place. I pull her face to mine and we kiss. Deeply, passionate. Our tongues stroke against each other, my hands on her sides, hers behind my neck and the back of my head. I stroke over her ass, and my cock grows to high heavens. She murmurs in my mouth, and teasingly bite my lip. She starts kissing my neck and up to my ear. "I'm sooo horny for you, Tim.." She whispers so quiet, I hardly hear her.
But she gets an answer as my cock twitch hard. "Times up!" Carrie shouts.
As we walk back to the table, Carrie send Cora a nasty look. And Jenny.. She looks at me likes she knows something. She lifts her brow as she looks down at my crotch. 'Fuck!' I sit down quickly, avoiding the eye contact she desperately wants.

After a while I have to make out with Jason anyway. Not something I enjoy..
Jenny has a round with both me, Jason and Frank. Not at the same time of course. Carrie has to give Frank a lap dance. The poor bastard tries so hard not to get turned on, but no such luck. Jenny gets another make out session with Cora. It's so bloody hot to look at.
And I have to get on the couch with Carrie too. It's not half as good as with Cora, so I'm not really putting in any effort. But when Jenny and Frank takes a turn on the couch, we decide it's time to leave, as we don't need live porn. They blush a little, but they follow us out the door.

The hallway gets crowded, so I quickly say my goodbyes with hugs and kisses, and squeeze out. As the door closes I hear Carrie coming on to Tim, asking him to come home with her. I don't hear his reply though, as Jason takes my hand and pulls me into a massive kiss. I'm stunned. I freeze. When he breaks it, I turn my head to look straight into Tim's eyes. The anger and hurt almost kills me, and he rush past us. "Bye mate!" Jason calls after him. He just gets a half hearted wave over Tim's shoulder back.
"What are you doing?!" I ask him, shocked.
"When we made out tonight, everything was perfect. I've wanted that for so long." I pull away. "Jason, no.." He grabs another hold of me. "I love you.." He presses a kiss to my forehead and turns to leave. Tears press against my eyes, and I turn to run after Tim. Again I'm held back. "Carrie, please! Not now!"
"What the hell? Jason just declared his love for you!"
"Yeah, and I'm gay, remember?!" I'm desperate to get away.
"Tim ditched me again. I don't know what's up.. Could you come home with me?"
I hold her face in my hands just as the taxi arrives "Carrie. I love you, you are my best friend. But tonight is impossible. Let me call you tomorrow. Okay?" I practically push her into the cab and tell the driver her address.

As the cab drives off I run as fast as my high heels can carry me down the street. "Tim? Tim!" No answer, and he is nowhere to be seen. "Tim please!" I call out again, it's dead silent around me. At the end of the street it branches out until three others, and I have no idea where to go. "TIM!" I'm about to choke up. "Please.. He kissed me.." I whisper quietly as I considering to just plant my ass on the curb until I'm calm enough to call a cab.
"Hey.." I hear a quiet voice behind me. I turn to see Tim half hidden behind branches as he sits on a fence.
I turn, but can't move. "I didn't.. He kissed me.."
He has his hands in his pockets and leans forward, arms stretched out. Looks like he tries to hold them back from touching me.
"I know. Was hard enough to see them with you in the game. It just. Fuck it.."
"No! It ripped me open seeing you hurt like that. I'm sorry. He caught me completely of guard!"
"Well.. Not me.." He says more quiet, still his hands in his pockets.
"What do you mean?" I don't get it.
He gets on his feet, throwing his hands up, actually making me wince a bit.
"He is in love with you, Cora! He has been for a long time! If you didn't know, you're either in denial or an extremely stupid girl!"
He immediately regrets what he said after looking at my shocked reaction.
"Shit, Cora, I'm sorry!" He tries to hold me, but I push him away.
"Fuck you, Tim.."
I turn and start walking down the street. He put his hand around my waist.
"Please, Cora, I'm sorry." I brush him off and walk away from him.
I suddenly realize that I'm going the wrong way, but I'm sure as hell not going back now.

My phone is going off non stop, so I turn it off. I take off my heels and walk barefoot. I'm hurt, upset and annoyingly horny.
After about an hour of mindless walking, I go in to a 7eleven to buy a pop, and the girl in the counter looks worried at me. "Are you okay?" I give her a weak smile. "Crazy night.."
"Do you want me to call you a cab?" She smiles warmly.
"You know what, that would be amazing. Thank you."
She calls, and we talk while we wait, the shop is really quiet. I feel way better when I get in the cab, and give him my address. He is also a real talking guy, so we talk shit and laugh the entire way home. I pay him the fair and go out. As I go up my driveway, Tim gets on his feet. "My god, I've been so worried!" He is going towards me, but stops, unsure.
I drop my shoes to the ground and pull him to me, stretching on my toes, and pull his mouth to mine. Again, we explode in to raw, primal passion. He lifts me up easily, wrapping my legs around his hips, and he pins me to the wall. Thankfully I have a secluded driveway, cause we have no time to get inside.
He rips off my thong and hardly opens his jeans before he is deep inside me, fucking me like we're about to die. He pulls my dress down to my waist, my nipples go rock hard in the light breeze, and he bites down on it, flicking it hard and fast with his tongue. Between his hands all over, his mouth on my nipple and his hard huge cock pounding my pussy it's almost to much.
He stretch out his back, as he is quite cramped bending down to my breasts as he is so much taller then me. He looks at me, breathing deeply through his half open mouth as he keeps fucking me so fast. He looks so mind blowingly sexy. My moans are getting louder and deeper as he is getting me closer to climax. "You feel so fucking good on my cock, Cora.." He moans with that deep husky voice he gets when he is turned on.
I bite my lip so I won't scream. "Stop biting it.. It's to sexy." He says as he kiss me, and I feel the twitching in his cock. "Scream for me, baby.. I want to hear you scream.." His words in my ear sends shivers down my spine, and I cum hard. Screaming. That makes Tim cum roaring. I squirt hard, my whole body spasms and clench around and under him. And it all goes black.

"Cora! CORA!!" I wake up by Tim shaking me. I smile weakly. "Hey you.."
"Are you okay?! You scared the shit out off me!" I have no idea what he is talking about. "What..?"
"You passed out!"
I look around, and see that we're actually on the ground in my driveway. "What the hell..?"
He pulls up the dress back over my chest and wrap his jacket around me.
"Were are your keys, baby. I need to get you inside" he says fumbling through my purse.
"Uhm.. The room with the zipper.." I'm still out of it, and I don't understand what I'm doing on the ground. He finds it and goes to unlock the front door. He comes back and lift me up, bridal style. He kicks shut the front door with his leg behind us and carries me to the bed, and helps me get undressed.
He gets in besides me, pulling me to him. "Fuck you scared me so bad. I never seen anyone go down like that.."
I look into his eyes, and he push the hair out of my face, stroking it.
"What happened..?" I have really no idea. Don't even know how I got home.
"Are you serious?" He looks stunned.
I nod "I have no idea! Last thing I remember is Jenny and Frank on the couch."
"Ha! I actually fucked your brains out!!" He laughs loudly, rolling over on his back, smacking his hand over his eyes.
"Hey, tell me!" I playfully push him as I roll over on my stomach.
He gets more serious. "Well, a lot of stupid shit happened between them on the couch and you on the ground. So, maybe we should let it stay that way."
I lift my brow. "You don't want me to remember?"
"I.. I said something really stupid that I didn't mean. I said it in frustration, and didn't mean it at all. Please, let's forget it." He pull me on him and kiss me. His warm skin feels so good against mine. "Get some sleep, redhead. You need it."
I give him another kiss and lean my head against his chest, and he is right, I need the sleep and fall asleep in minutes.

"You don't look all that gay to me.."
I slowly open up my eyes to see Carrie in the doorway.
"Huh..? Hey Carrie.." I give her a sleepy smile.
"You fucking bitch!" She shouts, throwing a bag of bagels, hitting my nose and left eye.
"OW WHAT THE HELL?!" I get out of bed, naked. "What the fuck is your problem?!"
"Oh, maybe the fact that you PRETEND to be gay, fuck Tim behind our backs and lead Jason on every day?!"
"Hey, be nice!" Tim gets up behind me, and folds a blanket around me. He has his boxer on.
"You can go fuck yourself, Tim! Stay out of this!"
"Carrie! You can't barge into my house, scream and throw stuff at us!"
"Oh, so it's an US now?! How the fuck could you lie to me like this?! How can you lie to Jason like that?!" She is two inches from my face, almost spitting out her words.
I push here away. "What the fuck is the deal with Jason?! Why are you bitching because of Jason?!"
She laughs spitefully "are you freaking serious?! He told you he loves you last night!"
I hear Tim exclaim a low "fuck.." behind me.
"No he didn't.."
"You are so fucking full of shit Cora. You are supposed to be my best friend! Why Tim?! You even said you hate him!"
That stings, and I'm glad I have my back to him, I don't want to see the look on his face right now.
"I NEVER said I hate him! I said I didn't care for him very much."
"But you just had to sleep with him, cause I like him?!"
"You only have sex with him when you can't get anyone else! You're not exactly hiding that fact, now are you?!"
"You do know I'm still here, right..?" He mutters quietly.
"Shut the fuck up, dickhead!" Carrie shouts.
I push her so violently out the door that I loose the blanket and I'm naked again.
"You get the hell out of my house, Carrie! And if you know what's best for you, you let me and Tim tell this to Jason and the others ourselfs! I didn't fucking plan this, it just happened, okay?! And he have treated me 50 times better this weekend then you have ever done!"
I feel myself twisting the knife I drove through her heart, and it pains me. She looks really hurt at me, turn and go down the stairs and out the door.

Tim looks really hurt, and I don't blame him.
"I never said I hate you."
"Doesn't matter, I'm sure I've said that about you at some point."
"Thanks, I guess.. "
He lifts me up and spin me around. "I don't hate you, obviously. How are you after that? She is quite upset.."
"I don't know. And I want to know what happened last night.. Is it true? Did Jason..."
He sits me down on the bed. "Yeah. Jason told you he loves you. I have no idea what you said to him, but you followed me, we had an argument, I said something really stupid, making you walk out on me. I waited on your doorstep for almost an hour and half before you came home. We had amazing sex, but you blacked out when you came.." He says quietly
"What did you say?"
"Please Cora. I don't want to repeat it. It isn't true, and I was upset."
I put my hands on both sides of his face and kiss him.
"Take a shower with me? I promise not to pass out.."
He laughs and takes my hand, leading me to the shower.
He turns on the warm water and stroke up my body softly was we wait for it to get ready.
He cups my breast and play with my nipple. It's erect in a second. "Mmm" I murmur quietly. The warm water has made the room full of steam and he gets in, guiding me after him.
He is fully erect and it looks so good. I get down on knees and take it in my mouth.
He moans, twisting his fingers in my hair as the water pours down over us. I stroke his entire length, but focus my tongue on his head. The perfect mushroom head. I taste his precum on my tongue. He gently starts thrusting and I love it, taking as much of him as I can.
After a few minutes, he pulls me back up. "Turn around baby. And grab a firm hold of the rack. And don't under any circumstance let go."
"What are you up to?" I say as I turn and grab the rack.
"You trust me, right?" He asks, putting his hands around my hips.
"I trust you."
"Good." He says and quickly lifts me up, spreading my legs and go deep inside me.
I gasp loudly, the sensation is different, but extremely good.
"Oh fuck!! That is amazing!"
"Don't let go.." He breath hard, pounding me hard. I've gotten used to his size, so he can go all in now, and it feels so so fucking good.
"Oh, Tim, yes! Yesyesyes!!"
My mind turn mush, all thoughts vanishes and all I do is feel every sensation, every vein, and every thrust is pure pleasure. My pussy starts contracting around his cock as I'm about to cum.
"Fuck, I'm cumming!"
He moans deeply and let out a small laugh.
"Just don't pass out again, babe.. I'm not halfway done with you"
He goes faster and harder making me cum screaming. He keeps fucking me through my orgasm, giving me another one just as the first one subsides. I scream again, louder this time.
"My arms.. I'm going to fall.. Tim.." I can hardly speak through my heavy breathing.
He grabs a hold under my arms and pull me against his chest and lean his back against the wall. I'm so amazed over his strength and balance. Good thing I have a matt in the bottom of my shower, or else this could be a slippery slope.
He bites my shoulder, and it turns me on even more.
He turns and press me against the wall, making it easier for him to thrust inside me.
"You are so fucking hot, Cora. Best sex I've ever had.."
I've never been as smug in my life then this moment.
"Thank you baby. You have no idea how good this is. Seriously mind blowing sex. Apparently after last night!" We both laugh, and I feel the twitching I'm starting to know so well.
"Cum for me, Tim. Fill me up!" He roars as he shoots his huge load, stroke by stroke, I feel it pumping inside me, his cock getting even thicker.
He leans heavily against me, breathing deeply. The water still pouring warm over us. He lets me down after a few moments of recovery.
He gives me a massive kiss before he starts washing my body.


"How are we going to do this?" Cora asks when we're in the car, parked outside a café after she sneaked over to pick it up outside Jenny and Franks house.
"I don't know. Maybe we should tell them?" She is about to answer me, but my phone rings.
"It's Jenny.."
"If Carrie told her, so help me god!" Cora exclaims
I answer the phone.
"Hey Jenny, how are you?" I try to sound happy to talk to her.
"I'm good. You?"
"I'm good. Slightly hungover.."
"Ha, that makes two of us. And how is Cora..?" I hear her grin as she says that.
I look over at Cora, drawing a huge, but quiet breath.
"Cora..? What do you mean?"
"Tim, don't act all innocent. It's me your talking to."
"I don't know what your talking about.."
"Tim, come on. That session you had on the couch. The sparks flew between you like fireworks. You two have hardly spared each other glances, and now you're all over her."
I blush, hoping Cora don't hear this.
"Jenny, that's crazy.." She cuts me off.
"Shush... I'm happy for you. She is better for you, you seem happy. I don't like how you and Carrie use each other. It's not healthy for either of you. I love you, knucklehead, I want the best for you. I think Cora might be it."
"Uhm.. Have you talked to Carrie today..?"
"No, why?"
"Fine, you're right. I've been with Cora."
Cora's eyes widens.
"And Carrie caught us today. She is furious. She threw a bag of bagels on Cora's face, and they had a massive blow out."
"What the fuck? Why..?" Jenny asks surprised.
"Carrie apparently like me, which we both know is bullshit, she just wants to have sex. And she freaked out on Jason's behalf.."
"What does Jason have to do with this?" She asks even more confused.
Cora goes out of the car.
"Hold on, Jen" I go out, following her.
"Cora, are you okay?"
She turns throwing her hands up in the air.
"I don't know, am I? Thanks for including me in the revelation of our relationship!"
She realizes what she just said. "Uhm.. What ever this is.."
I push the disconnect button on my phone.
"I'm sorry, Jenny knows me to well, she figured it out on her own!"
"Why don't we just shout it from the roof?! WE HAD SEX! CORA AND TIM HAD SEX, BIG FUCKING DEAL!!"
That actually stings more then it should. To me it is a big deal. People stop up and look strangely and shocked at us.
I walk up to her, hugging her. "What's going on..? Why are you freaking out over this?"
"I'm sorry, I'm just fucking furious at Carrie. I've done nothing wrong! I never lead Jason on, never! And he should have told me, instead of pretending like nothing. And I want coffee!" The last sentence she practically shouts in frustration into my chest, making me laugh.
"Come on, I'll buy you coffee and some breakfast."
I put my arm around her waist and we walk inside the café.

I go over and buy a second round of coffee after we had breakfast, and get her a red velvet cupcake.
She smiles when i give it to her. "Here you go, beautiful" She isn't upset with me anymore. Who would have known, all it takes is coffee.
"Aww, thank you. You shouldn't have. I'm so full."
"Fine, I'll eat it then." I move the plate towards me, but she snatch it back.
"Hells no!" She laughs and take a huge bite, ending up with frosting all the way up her nose.
We both laugh, and I wipe it away and put it in my mouth. She blushes. She is so cute when she does that.
"That is some good frosting, to bad you won't share." That was probably the stupidest thing I could have said, as she shoves it in my face, laughing her ass off. People look at us, but most of them are just laughing. I move to her side of the booth and try to kiss her, but she tries fight me off. To bad I'm way stronger then her, so I grab her face, kissing her hard, getting frosting all over her face too.
After some playful wrestling in the café, I take a napkin and wipe off the remaining frosting from her face, and wipe my own face afterwords.
I put my hand on her thigh and stroke it lightly.
"Maybe we should come clean to Jason and Carrie? Explain what happened?" I ask her, getting serious again. She nods and look down at her coffee cup.
"You're right. You talk to Jason, I talk to Carrie?" She lift her head and look into my eyes.
"Actually, I think we should talk to them together. Call them and have them to come over."
My phone buzzes, but I ignore it.
She thinks for a few seconds. "You're right, let's do that. Tonight?"
I nod. "Tonight. My place"
I see that it was Jason calling me. I text him.

'Hey mate.
Could you come over tonight? I need to get something of my chest. At 8?

The reply is almost instant

'Dude, getting me worried. I got work at 9:30, can I come over at 7?'

'Don't worry. See ya at 7.'

"Jason is coming over at 7." I say as I put down my phone.
"Okay. I better go call Carrie. I'll go out in the car, I don't want people to hear if she starts yelling at me again."
"Sure. I'll be out in a bit"
She pass me, and I feel like smacking that perfectly shaped ass, but I restrain myself since we're in public.
I borrow a newspaper from the counter and sit to read while Cora talks to Carrie.

Chapter 5.

"I'm nervous.." Cora says, sitting on my couch chewing her lip and twisting a lock of hair between her fingers. It's past 6:30.
"Me too. But we're all adults here, they should be able to deal." I say handing her a glass of pop. She takes it and have a huge sip.
"Didn't feel all that adult and grown up while I argued with Carrie naked this morning.." She says as she crawls into the nook of my arm. I stroke her hair.
"All of the arguing to side, that was freaking hot"
She giggles and poke my side. I grab her hand. "Hey, be nice. Or I'll might have to punish you later." Just the look on her face makes me hard, she wants me to punish her.
I pull her on top of me, kissing her deeply. Just then the doorbell rings.
I feel her tense up again and I give her a light kiss. "Wait here. And try to relax, it will be fine."
I open the door to see Jason.
"Hey mate, come on in."
"Hey, you okay?" He looks at me worried.
"Yeah, just need to talk to you."
I'm about to close the door as Carrie comes up the stairs. "Hey, I'm here."
I open it again and let her in. "Thanks for coming.."
"Whatever." She says coldly.
Jason has already made his way to the living room.
"Cora? What are you doing here?" He asks with a clear surprise in his voice, Cora stands smiling.
Carrie pass him, and before Cora can answer, she plants her ass in the chair and look at Jason.
"They are fucking. Guess that's what they want to tell us."
Her voice is dripping with bitterness and spite.
Cora's face falls and she sits heavily back on the couch. The look on Jason's face is hurting her to bad.
"What..?!" He says, actually half shouting.
Carries face gleams with smugness. I send her and deadly glare and go over to Jason.
"Hey, mate. I'm sorry, but it's true. We, uhm.. Kinda hooked up on Friday."
His eyes is on Cora, almost like I'm air.
"Is this for real?!" He asks her harshly.
She nods and look to the floor. I notice a tear falling down.
"Fucking like rabbits it looks like. She ran after Tim after you declared your love for her."
"FUCK YOU CARRIE!" Cora gets up and screams at her.
"You are such a fucking bitch! You are supposed to be my friend!"
"Yeah? Then you shouldn't have fucked Tim.."
Cora looks back to Jason.
"Jason, I'm sorry. I had no idea that you told me that last night. I blacked out, and I don't remember shit. I never knew you had those feelings for me. I'd never hurt you on purpose, you know that!"
He sits down. "But you two don't get along at all! Never have!"
"Something changed on Friday. We talked and realized that we have only been mean to each other cause we thought the one despised the other."
I try to explain.
"Dude.. You know I've been in love with her for a long time!"
"I'm sorry. It's not like we planned this. It just happened, and she makes me feel better then I've felt since before parents died!"
"Jason, Carrie." Cora says sitting down again. "We never meant to hurt you. It just happened. For all we know, we might go back to hating each other tomorrow, next week, or in a month!"
That hurts. My thoughts run wild, and I don't want that to happen.
Jason gets up. "I got to go. I need time to deal with this. I don't get it.. We go out tomorrow as a group. I need to drink to understand this. Sorry." He goes out the door so fast I can't even say good bye.
"Guess this is my time to leave too. But I'm not joining you guys tomorrow. I'm still fucking pissed at both of you." She looks sternly at Cora. "Tim was mine, Cora. Mine."
That makes me snap. "I'm not yours, I've never been, I don't belong to you as your fucking boytoy! We both know you came to me cause no one else wanted you those nights! And I used you right back! I don't fucking care if you condone this or not, and I like you to leave!" I go to open the door, waiting for her to leave. She doesn't say another word, she just stomps out the door. When I close it behind her, she kicks the door so hard it sounds like it's coming down.

"Well, that was tougher then I thought.." I say quietly as she leans into me, wiping away some tears.
"Can we not talk about it tonight? My head hurts. Can we just watch a movie or something?"
I kiss her head. "Of course"
I put on a easy comedy, and it gets us both in a slight better mood.
After the movie I take her to bed, and we get undressed and get under the duvet.
"God, your bed is amazing."
"It should be, it cost me a fortune" I say laughing.
She is quiet for a while, and I can see her wanting to ask me something.
"Go on. Ask me anything.." I say as I hold her close to me, her legs twisted with mine.
"No.. I.." She stops.
"Come on.."
"It's just.. I feel bad. I never knew your parents had past away."
That's still a bit hard to talk about, but I said she could ask me anything.
"They died in a boat accident when I was 19.. The guy who drove the boat was too drunk, and to bold. He was driving way to fast to close to shore. He lost control and slammed into a mountain wall. My dad died in an instant.."
"That's horrible! I'm so sorry.. And your mom?"
"They uhm.. Searched for her in three days."
She climbs on top of me, holding me tight. I'm so so sorry!"
"Jenny was there for me the entire time. She could relate. Her brother drowned when he was 9.."
"Yeah, she told me." She hugs me again. "I'm here for you if you want to talk. Always"
I look into her beautiful eyes. "I know. Thank you." I smile. She turns and we lay cuddling for a while in silence. My sudden outburst shocks me as much as Cora. "Be mine.." I say quietly as I spoon her, face buried in her hair. In my head it sounded like I shouted.
"What..?" She turns towards me.
I blush, thankful for the semidarkness. "I.. Want to be with you. You make me feel so good."
She is quiet for a long moment, and I know I just fucked up and scared her away.
But then she leans in and give me a deep warm kiss, and it feels like I'm on fire.


"What..?" My heart starts beating real fast from his words. I turn to look him in the eyes. They sparkle, and I see him blush lightly.
"I.. Want to be with you. You make me feel so good."
His words gives me shivers down my spine, butterflies in my stomach, and a warmth I didn't think was possible.
I kiss him deeply, and whisper "I'm yours.."
He lets out the sexiest moan I've ever heard.
He rolls over me, laying between my legs, pressing his hard cock against me.
He kiss me with such passion I almost lose my mind. His hands stroke over my naked body, leaving my skin burning everywhere. It feels so good. He push one hand behind my neck and up in my hair as he starts to trail kisses down my neck, collarbone and up to my ear, sucking gently on it. My breathing is so deep, my moans are week, but they make a huge impact. He leans up, supporting himself on straight arms, looking deeply into my eyes.
"You are so beautiful, angel.."
I put my hands behind his neck and pull him to me. He kisses down again, giving me a nibble on my collarbone, making me shiver. Trails kisses down to my breasts, and place his lips around my left nipple as he softly massage the right one.
As he slowly enters me, I realize that we're not having sex. We're making love. Something I've never done before. I feel raw, my feelings on the outside of my body as he slowly move in and out of me, kissing my neck, breathing heavily, moaning in my ear. "You're perfect.. So good. God I need you.." He murmurs against my neck and I almost feel like crying. My body is on fire and it feels so good. Tim is a good fuck, but I've never had pleasure like this. I feel every inch, every vein, every twitch. I'm so sensitive both inside and outside. I stroke my hands up his back and pull him to me for a kiss. I moan in his mouth, his kiss is so soft, but I can almost taste the passion on his tongue. He's never going faster, just a slow even rhythm, and it's perfect. He puts his hand behind my neck, holding my head to his as we make out, both breathing heavily. "Tim.." I whisper. I can't finish my sentence, but I don't have to. He looks into my eyes, I've never let anyone have that kind of eye contact with me during sex before, it's intimidating but as I look into his eyes, everything else disappears and it's just us. "You're mine.." He whispers again. The lump in my throat grows bigger, and all I can do is nod, I know if I'll try to speak, I'm going to cry. We lay like that for close to an hour, just touching, kissing, whispering to each other as he moves in and out of me, stroking the walls, having me clench around him. "I'm so close.. I'm going to cum." I whisper, pushing my head against the crook of his neck. "Right there with you, Cora.." He pushes deep and hold still for a while. "Don't hide your face, please. I want to see you.." I hesitate. He starts moving again, and I put my head back, looking into his face as I cum, harder then I thought was possible when having such a slow pace. I feel so exposed, but as he lets out a huge moan as he cums, I'm glad I looked at him. The sight of pure pleasure is so hot. He keeps stroking his cock inside me, but he rolls to his side, pulling me to him. We wrap ourself in each other and fall asleep like that, him still deep inside me.

When I wake up the next morning Tim is semi erect inside me, still holding me close. We haven't moved an inch either of us since we fell asleep.
His skin is so warm and he feels so good. I turn my head slightly and see that it's not even 5 yet. "Too early.." I mumble, and dig my face back in the crook of his neck, breathing in his perfume and slowly drift back to sleep.


I wake up at about 7, having to piss so bad. I look down on Cora's sleeping face, wondering how the hell I managed to get her. She is so beautiful and drop dead gorgeous. I try to move as quietly as I can, but having my cock inside her, it's not really easy getting away without waking her.
"Where are you going?" She mumbles, dazed.
I kiss her head. "Just need to pee. Sleep, it's still early."
She turns in the bed and is asleep again in seconds. I go to do my business and head back to bed, spooning her. I put my arm around her, and she puts her hand in mine. " I have to go to work soon, but you should sleep in. If you go out, there is a key over the doorframe." I say quietly, kissing her shoulder. "Mhm.." She replies, I know she didn't get half of what I said, but I'm going to text it to her anyways as I leave for work. I lay next to her for about 30 more minutes, stretching my time to the limit, and I have to go in the shower if I'm going to get to work in time.
After I'm showered and dressed I kiss her forehead and slip quietly out the door and start my 7 minute walk to the autoshop. I put on some music on my phone, and text her what I said earlier.

As I get to the autoshop I see my fathers sign above the door. I inherited it after he died, but I still refer to it as his, not wanting to change it. I also left the management to his best friend Max, not knowing shit about running something like this. I liked just being a mechanic.
I greet Max and the others as I come in.
"What's up with you? You're looking different." Max says. "Man, you look happy. Haven't seen that in a while. Come on, I want to hear about this." He says and points in the direction of his office.
I sit down, and he hands me a cup of gunpowder coffee. "So, what happened during this weekend?"
I smile widely "I finally ended up with a girl I've been wanting for a while. We haven't been on the best terms, due to me being an absolute dick. But it all changed on Friday, and we haven't been apart since." My thoughts wander back to last night, the intense pleasure of making love to her, how incredibly beautiful she was when she climaxed.
"Is it this girl you have getting it on with for the last three years? Carrie or something?" He asks
"No.. Her best friend actually. Let me tell you, this weekend has been filled with drama too."
"So I see with the bruise on your face. Is your nose broken?" "Nah. Just got a real good taste of Jason's fist due to a misunderstanding."
He laughs. "Eventful weekend.. Well, I'm happy for you, and I can't wait to meet her. You should bring her over for dinner some time. Mary would be delighted."
"I will, thanks Max. I better get to work, gotta keep my mind busy, or this day will be way to long.." He laughs and give me a pat on the shoulder as I leave his office and go to work.


When I wake up again, the clock is well past 10. I yawn and stretch, loving how good Tim's bed is. And I already miss him. It's strange to think of how much a weekend can change things. I get up to take a shower, but when I see the tub I decide to take a bath instead. I start to fill the tub, and put my hair up in a bun.
I go to the kitchen and find some orangejuice. I stand in front of the fridge while I drink, and I turn to look out the window, and look straight in the face of an old shocked man. I look down and remember I'm naked, so I squeal and run back to the bathroom. "Guess I made his morning.." As the tub is filling up to my standards, I pour in some bubbles, that I'm a bit surprised to find in his bathroom. Guess it's from an old girlfriend or something. I shut off the water as the bubbles grow bigger and I get in. It feels heavenly. I start spotify on my phone and just enjoy the relaxing state. After a while I get an idea, and I wipe my hands dry and pick up my phone, taking a some what seductive picture and send it to Tim. I laugh to myself, and put my phone back down on the side of the tub.
I start to wash and I get a bit excited over sending that picture, so I start to fondle my breasts. They feel swollen and heavy in my hand. The nipples are so sensitive and I'm horny in no time. I glide my hand down my stomach and in between my legs, and I feel how wet I am, my fingers circling my clit slowly, almost lazily. My breath is getting heavy, and I moan quietly, wishing Tim was here to play with me. I work faster, and it feels so good. I start the water again, and make it go through the shower head. I adjust it to one hard stream, and move it down between my legs, pushing it against my throbbing clit. My moans get deeper as I'm close to climax. I turn on the water even faster, and I squirm as my body tenses, aching for release. I slightly change position on the shower head, and that does it, making me cum hard, moaning loudly, squirming in the tub. I hold the shower head there all the way through my orgasm, and turn it off slowly, breathing hard, feeling flushed by the warm water and my orgasm.

"That is without a doubt the sexiest thing I've ever seen.." Tim says behind me, making me scream.
"Holy shit! What are you doing home?!" I turn, and feel embarrassed over what he must have seen. "That picture you sent me, how the hell could I stay away?" He says pulling of his shirt, reveling his perfect body. He opens up his jeans and take them off too. He comes closer, only wearing his boxer. I grab his hips, and pull his boxer down, taking his rock hard cock in my mouth, making him moan and put his hands in my hair. "Yeah baby.. Keep going.. Just there.." I tease the head of his cock with my tongue, swirling it around, before I take him as deep as possible, stroking his shaft with my hand. I start to kiss my way down his shaft, licking his balls, popping one of them in my mouth. "Fuck.." He says quietly through his moans. I start to hum, sending vibrations through them. His hand twist harder in my hair, and his cock goes even harder, didn't think it was possible. I slide my tongue up his shaft again, and take him in my mouth, sucking him deep and fast, massaging his balls with one hand, stroking his hip with the other. "God dammit, your mouth is amazing!" He says and I know he is straining not to cum. "Fuck, Cora.." I look up at him, greedily sucking his cock, loving the taste of his precum. I go faster, and after a few minutes he roars and hold my hair so tight, I can't move, but he fucks my mouth. I'm so wet I can hardly stand it. He shoots a massive load, making it hard to swallow as it just keeps on coming. It dribbles out down my chin, but I suck until I have every last drop, sucking him dry. He let's go of my hair, breathing heavily, needing a moment to calm down. He puts his hands under my arms, lift me up to a standing position and kiss me hard. I'm a bit surprised as I still have his cum on my lips and chin, but he doesn't care, and that turns me on even more.

"My turn.." He whispers and quickly kick of his boxer that hangs low on his thighs. He gets in the tub with me, and carefully sits me down so I won't slip.
He gets on his knees between my legs, now having a full view as the bubbles are almost disappeared. He strokes his hand over my lips, parting them with his fingers. "Holy fuck, your so wet.." He moans in my mouth as he kiss me. He fingerfucks me slowly, trailing kisses down my neck and collarbone, before he kiss my breasts, giving both much needed attention. My nipples are rock hard, and he hold it between his teeth and flick it hard and fast with his tongue, making me squirm. His fingers are deep inside me, working rhythmically faster and faster until he feels I'm building up an orgasm. "Ready..?" He asks in that seductive husky voice he gets when he's turned on. "For what?" He grins as he says "this.." And go under water, and starts eating me out. Pushing his tongue inside me, licking my insides. I moan so loudly, it feels amazing. I hold my hand on his head, but very lightly, not wanting to hold him down when he comes up for air. I'm amazed by how long he can hold it. He push back his fingers before he comes up. "How was that?" He smiles cheekily.
"Fucking epic" I moan squirming and pushing again this fingers. "I'm not done.." He says before he goes down again, this time sucking my clit hard. I gasp from the insane pleasure, and on his third deep sucking, I cum screaming. I feel myself gushing, I spasm, and squirm like never before. "TIIIIM!!" He softly lick it as my orgasm subsides, and he comes up for air.
I pull him to me, kissing him deeply, tasting myself on his lips and tongue.
"You taste so fucking good, baby.." He says as we break the kiss.
"You too." I smile.
He looks over at the clock on the wall.
"Crap, I need to head back to work. I'd rather stay here with you.."
"It's okay, Hun. I need to go job hunting anyways."
He gets out and find a towel, wrapping it low in his hips. He find me a bigger one and wrap it around me as I get up. Not before he has had a good look at me though.
We dry off and get dressed. As he is about to leave, he comes real close and put his hand under my chin lifting my face up, meeting his lips. "Damn, I don't want to go.."
"We'll see each other later. I'll lock myself out when I'm done fixing my make up. I need to look presentable if I'm going to find a new job."
I give him a hug, and he leaves.

Job hunting sucks..
No one is looking for new employees, and I've been pretty much around town.
Then a thought strikes me, and I go back to my car, and drive down to a familiar street. I park the car and go into a tattoo shop.
"Cora?! Damn, it's been a while!" The owner gives me a huge hug, lifting me from the floor.
"Hey Storm. Good to see you" I laugh, realizing how much I've missed being here.
"Your piercings, they're all gone.." He checks my face, and ears.
"Yeah.. They told me I had to get rid of them to work there. Stupid as I was, I took them out. Not working there anymore either.."
"So, you want them repierced?" He says excitedly.
"I was actually wondering.. You want your old piercer back..?" I say, smiling nervously.
"FUCK YES! Sorry to say, the other ones after you truly sucked! I have one guy now, but he is still my apprentice. How about you work with him for a while, getting back in to rhythm?"
My heart jumps, relief pours through me and I give him another hug.
"Thank you, Storm! I hate being unemployed!"
He smiles at me. "We have missed having you around the shop. Uncle Jarred will be stoked!"
"Uncle Jarred still around?!" "Of course. He is in the back. He is tattooing at the moment."
"Can't wait to see him!" I exclaim, quietly clapping my hands.
"Go in, he won't mind, and I promise you, the costumer won't either, he is cool."
I go into a open space, and the doorway to uncle Jarred's tattooing station.
"Hey uncle.." I smile, standing a bit shy.
He stops the machine, looks up and needs a few seconds to adjust. "Coragirl?! What on earth?! Come around here and give me a hug!" He pulls of his gloves and give me a big hug. "You're a sight for sore eyes." "Thanks uncle Jarred.." I smile wide. I look apologetically down to the guy in the chair. "Sorry.." "Don't think about it. Been sitting for a while, don't mind the break." He smiles. He looks really good, black shoulder length hair, and he has a real exotic look. Dark brown eyes and a neatly trimmed week old length beard.
"What brings you in? Miss your teddy bear hugs?" Jarred says. "You know it. And.. I'm your new-old colleague." "Thank heavens, maybe we will earn some money on piercings again!" He exclaims as he put on new gloves, and starts tattooing again.
The guy in the chair looks at me. "When do you start?"
Storm comes in at the same time and I look at him. "Not really sure. Next week?" I ask
"Darling, you have already started. First costumer's coming right up.."

Chapter 6

I get ready for yet another night out. I didn't really see the point until I talked to Tim earlier, and he told me what happened at his place last night. I've always known Jason had feelings for Cora, but I've also told him to act on them before it's to late. I understand that he is hurt, but I don't feel like we have to make such a massive big deal out of it. And Carrie can chew on a lemon, it's so stupid of her to act like she does. We all know she doesn't have that kind of feelings for Tim. She just has a big need to be better then Cora in everything. Carrie is a beautiful, sexy girl with a good shape. But both her and myself fade against Cora, as she is so bright, both inside and out, her hair is like looking at Princess Ariel from The Little Mermaid, dresses in bright colours, and a real bubbly attitude. Her face is to die for.
She has been different lately, but she doesn't want to talk about it. She never talks about things she finds hard. She never has. Makes it very difficult for us to help.
I smile as I think about how in love they looked on the couch on Saturday. I haven't seen that kind of joy in Tim's eyes since we were kids.
"Honey? Are you done yet? I need to use the bathroom." Frank calls from our bedroom.
"Well, are you dressed?" I call back.
"Yes. Black slacks and the red shirt."
"Take the lilac one instead."
"Come on, Jen. I don't want to change again.." He complains.
"The red is to tight for you, we have both gained some weight this summer. Take the lilac one, please. For me? It looks so much better on you."
He sighs, and I hear him fumbling in the closet to find the other shirt.
I finish putting on my mascara and a dash of perfume and go out to meet him in the hallway. "You look perfect, Frankie." I say giving him a soft kiss, wrapping my arms around his waist.
"You look like a million dollars, like always." He responds holding me.
"But seriously, I need to go.." He lets me go and rush into the bathroom, closing the door. I go downstairs to open a cold beer while I wait, knowing this can take a while..

As we go down towards town he puts his arm around my shoulders and hold me close.
"Anything going on tonight that I've forgot about?" He asks me as we walk.
"No. Why?" I look up at him, smiling.
"Just since it's Monday. We don't usually go out drinking on Monday unless it's someone's birthday.."
"Ah.. Well, a lot happened on Saturday. Maybe Cora want to talk about the gay-thing?" I lie. I hate lying to Frank, but this isn't my thing to share.
He stops and lean down to tie his shoelace as it's come undone. While I stand next to him I hear a female voice call out. "Jenny?! Jenny Hemmot?"
I turn and recognize a girl I went to school with. "He-ey.. Marie, right?"
"Yes! Hello! Good to see you. You look great." She chirps.
"Thank you, you too." I smile and Frank gets back on his feet.
"Marie, this is my husband, Frank Merrill. I go by that name now."
Frank extend his arm to shake her hand, but she has a look of surprise on her face.
"Ohh, hi.. I just. We all thought. That it would be you and Tim ending up together.." She says to me as she shake his hand.
"Yeah.. So you did. But no. Tim is just my friend. Always been, always will be.." I take Franks hand and give it a light squeeze, knowing it bothers him that everyone just assumes that I'm with Tim.
She giggles "guess I need to tell Amanda that, she had the biggest crush on him!"
"Knock yourself out. We really have to go.. See you around."
"Have a good night" she chirps back.
"Guess I broke everyone's hopes and dreams for you two." He mumbles.
"Stop Frankie. You are my dream. If I wanted Tim, don't you think it would be a bit odd for me to call him my brother?"
He laughs quietly. "Yeah I guess."

We go in to the new pub/bar in town, as we heard so much about the food, and we want to try out their mini burgers with double-fried chips.
We are early and sit down in a lounge area. Jason comes in just a few minutes after us.
"Hey bear" I smile as I hug him. "Hey.." He respond lazily back. I can tell he has already had quite a few drinks.
He shakes Franks hand as he sits down. "You okay, mate?" Frank asks, looking at Jason.
"Meh.. I'm here, aren't I?" Cora and Tim enters the pub. Me and Frank sit with our front to the door, and I see through the half way crowded place that they hold hands. And give each other a quick kiss. Apparently, so did Frank. Just as he had taken a sip of his beer, and shot it out in shock. Spraying it all over poor Jason sitting across the table.
"What the hell?!" Jason jumps up wiping off. "Did they just?! Are they?! What the fuck?!" Frank makes no sense, and Jason turns towards them, standing still from the surprised and shocked outburst from Frank.
"Oh.. It's you.." He mumbles and continue to wipe off beer from his face and hoodie.
I smile widely as them and I go to give Cora a big hug. "It will be okay. I promise.." I whisper in her ear and give her a kiss on the cheek before hugging Tim tightly.
Frank still looks like he fell off the moon.
"What?!" He looks up at me. "You knew?!"
I laugh. "Of course I knew. I'm his best friend."
"You didn't tell me!" His voice is in pitch. "Not my thing to tell.." I say quietly stroking his cheek.
He clears his throat. "Hey. Didn't see that coming., sit down, don't make me bring more unwanted attention.." He says, wiping his place and the table before turning to Jason. "Sorry mate, I'll buy you a few"

"Jason? Can I talk to you? Please?" Cora asks.
"Talk.." He snaps.
She looks hurt by his reaction.
"Hey, please. We don't want this to split the group.." Tim says quietly.
Jason looks sternly at him. "I'll talk to her! Just not yet.."
Cora looks beat, and Tim puts his hand on her thigh, stroking it carefully. She gives him a weak smile. I get up and take her hand. "Let the guys battle it out, we go and have a girl talk."
She follows me to the bar, and I order us a couple of strawberry mojitos and we find a table a bit to ourselves.
"Honey.. Can you please talk to me? I've been worried about you" I take her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.
She hesitates. "Life has been real shit lately. And now, this thing with Carrie and Jason hating me.. It sucks! I never meant to hurt anyone.."
"I know. Jason told me about his feelings for you a while ago, but I told him he had to talk to you himself before it was to late. I guess he was just that." I nod. "Yeah.. I never thought Jason was in love with me, and I love him like a brother, it wouldn't have worked out. But this thing with Tim. It honestly just happened. Neither of us saw that coming. But oh my god.. He is amazing!" I see a glow in her eyes as she talks about him. It makes me happy.
"I've know that all along. You're bickering drove me crazy, so I'm very happy you get along."
"In that case I got good news for you.." She smiles widely.
"Oh?" I ask.
"We're already a couple.." She winks.
"Holy shit! I'm so happy for you! And you're so good for him.." I give her a big hug.
As we sit down again I drink a big chunk of my drink.
"So.. How is the sex?"
She rolls her eyes and draw a big breath. "So fucking amazing. He make me cum like no one else. And he has so many tricks up his sleeve that I crave him all the damn time!"
I laugh loudly. "Sounds awesome. Frank is pretty good in the sack too, but we're in a pretty standard sex routine at the moment. So let me live through you for a moment?" She laughs, take a sip of her drink and start to explain in detail about how he eats her out, that he actually fucked her brains out on Saturday night, the epic shower sex, and how he made her cum in the bathtub. I actually get wet, wishing Frank would take that kind of control over me.


I tell Jenny about our sexlife, and I notice how turned on she gets. Suddenly we hear a brawl and look around to see. Jason and Tim..
Frank is pushing them out the door, not to make more commotion inside. Both Jenny and I jump up and run after them, trying to stop this.
"Jason! Tim! Stop it!" I call out as we get through the door on the backside of the pub.
"STAY AWAY FROM THIS!" Jason yells at me, and Frank tries to hold me back. Jason lunge after Tim, but he blocks and punch back. The blows go back and fourth before I manage to break free from Frank and go in between. To get a taste of Jason's fist. I go down and it goes dead quiet around us.
"What the fuck is the matter with you two?!" Jenny yells as she rushes over to me, and both Tim and Jason tries to pick me up. They almost growl at each other and I flip out. "I CAN GET UP MYSELF!" I push them both away.
"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hit you!" Jason looks like he is on the verge of tears.
"Does it matter? You got to punch someone. And I'm obviously the problem!"
I stand between them, my back to Tim, pushing him away from Jason. "No, you're not. Tim is! He knew I'm in love with you!"
"Yeah?! And he had the balls to hit on me! Apparently you have loved me for a while, and never said anything! It's not Tim's fault! I love you too, but I love you as my brother, and I can't help that. I'm sorry."
I spit some blood, and Tim turns me around to check my face. My lip has split, but I pull away. "I'm sick of this! If this is going to break up our group, ruin friendships, I don't think I can deal with it. I'm sorry.." I wipe a tear away, not sure if it's from my heart breaking or the pain in my face.
I go towards the door, and he holds me back. "Cora, please, no.." I can't look at him, and pull my hand towards me, breaking the contact. I don't catch what Jason says, but I hear Tim whirling around and slam his fist in Jason's jaw. Frank runs in between yelling at both of them, but I can't stop. Jenny wraps her arms around me. "Cora, please don't.. Don't do this. He needs you." "I've fucked up everything, Jason hating Tim, Carrie hating me.. I can't take it."
"You're supposed to be my fucking friend! Bros over hoes and all that!"
"Call her a hoe one more time, and I'll make sure you break your jaw!" Tim growls back.
"Of course I don't mean she is a whore, I love her for fuck sake!"
"WELL, GUESS WHAT?! I LOVE HER TOO, I HAVE FOR A FUCKING LONG TIME, AND I AT LEAST MADE A MOVE!" Tim shouts so loud China possibly heard it. Everyone's jaw drop, no ones more then mine.

"Jenny, let us give them a minute.." Frank says and walk toward us. I've managed to turn, but I'm locked in place, just looking at Tim. Jenny gives my arm a squeeze before she goes in with Frank. Jason sits down on a step in shock. Tim walks slowly towards me, embracing me, and I bury my face in his chest. "Please don't leave me. I love you.." He whispers. "I'll wait inside, talk to him, Cora. He needs it." He lets me go and walk inside.
I stand there, just looking at Jason for a while, not knowing what to say or do. It hurts me to see him like that. I walks up to him and sit next to him, wrapping my arms around his neck and hug him. "I'm sorry.. I really am. I guess I've been blind, but I swear, I had no idea.."
"I know.. I've tried to push it away, not to ruin anything, cause I knew you don't feel the same way. But after we made out, I figured it was now or never.. I guess I got caught of guard when Carrie broke the news.." "Makes two of us.." I swallow hard. He finally looks up, checking out my jaw. "Damn, I'm sorry babygirl.." I shake it off. "Had worse."
He stroke my hair behind my ear. "Go in to him. I need a moment." I look at him. "Are you sure? Are we good?" He nods. "I can't really stay mad at you. And you look happy with him. Go.." He kiss my forehead and push me on my feet.
As I come in, I see Tim's back at the table we sat at first. He's standing up talking to Carrie. She sees me and nod in my direction, making Tim turn. He looks unsure. I rush toward him, and jump in his arms, wrapping my legs around his hips. He holds me tight, and I kiss him deeply. "I fucking love you too.." I smile between kisses, and I feel him trembling at my words. "Take me home.." I whisper, and he just start walking to the door with me still around him, kissing him. He carries me away just like the first time, not needing to see where he's going. Everything is gone around us, rest of the world is blocked away.


2015-07-21 23:18:13
Thank you :) Yeah, often hard to find stories with out incest..:/ Not cool.
I'm working on another right now, but it's not impossible that I will try to continue again :)

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-07-21 11:19:07
Lovey dover and hot sex is good.... Most stories here are incest or some kind of taboo/cheating, it's all good when you just want to fuck yourself and cum but this story makes you want to read it completely , it's kinda like 50 shades of grey without the bondage, just amazing sex and characters with issues, I love the story, please continue, it's ok if it gets lovey dovey, you can always make the other characters have problems or do some nasty stuff :P


2015-07-21 10:46:21
Thank you so much :)

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-07-21 06:24:33
what an incredible story. fantanstic sex line there too.


2015-07-19 21:03:56
Thank you :)

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