ScoutJ: [Drac Morair~ ;o]
DracMorair: Warm up before the challenge I'm guessing?
noxiousdevil87: (I would love to refree a threeway match, lol)
ScoutJ: [Lol, nah. Miri my amica wanted to fight and she's getting what she asked for. Don't worry, you're next still.]
ScoutJ: [Lol.]
DracMorair: My point still made. hehehe
DracMorair: Toyboy huh... whos?
DracMorair: or you a free spirit?
noxiousdevil87: I am a freespirit
DracMorair: ~~holds my hand out offering my wrist~~ Charmed.
noxiousdevil87: -he grabs her wrsit and gets on his knees and places soft kiss on her hand-
noxiousdevil87: *wrist
DracMorair: ~~smiles to one ear looking down on him with a deep breath~~ Very charmed.
noxiousdevil87: -he smiles and blushes-
DracMorair: Cute too ~~tapping a finger under his chin to rise~~
MiriBabe00: *She grabs onto your right leg, picking it up and pushing back as I try to bend you over at the waist, leaning my weight against you.*
ScoutJ: [Ciao Flirt.]
Guest_lilflirtmachine: [Hi I've always wanted to come to one of these call me Lil or Lily btw whatever you feel fits ^-^]
noxiousdevil87: -he raises his eyes slowly to meet hers-
MiriBabe00: (hey there)
ScoutJ: [Bene, just make yourself at home. There's a match going on so it might be a little quiet at times, but we're all here. ^_~]
DracMorair: ~~titls my head curiosly like the half cat i am staring at him with my lust & blood-lustfull eyes~~ Who are you without the superficial?
Guest_lilflirtmachine: [awesome thanks for the welcome, hi Miri ^-^]
noxiousdevil87: -his voice fumbles as he speaks- I am i am
DracMorair: Come now, such a simple question ~~giving a slight chuckle in my chest~~
noxiousdevil87: I am still exploring who i really am
ScoutJ: "That's right! Come to me darling!" ::As soon as she feels to full weight of Miri press against her foot, she spreads her legs apart, leaving no choice but to let the smaller blonde woman fall into her waiting embrace. As SOON as that happens, she wraps her powerful legs around the woman's waist with a grip that wouldn't allow for her to escape unless Miri allowed for the full extent of her strength in an attempt to get free. Unfortunately for her, that wouldn't be the case as for the final part of her counterattack, Scout cupped her hands behind Miri's neck and pulled them into her awaiting chest. She made sure to give her just barely enough room to breathe by tilting Miri's nose out to the side, but aside from that she only left the poor woman's legs and arms free to move about, as she pulled Miri harder into her soft yet crushing grasp. The more she pulled, the harder she made it to breathe.::
DracMorair: Excellent, care to explore with me?
noxiousdevil87: -he nods-
DracMorair: What I find most curious is the seed of a being. From the outside when it sprouts it's perceived as destruction, rather than creation. And with infinate possbilites remind a being they can grow.. that;s my being, that's who I am.
DracMorair: Do you see me now?
ScoutJ: [Lilly, you got any interest in fighting?]
Guest_lilflirtmachine: [I doubt I'm very good sorry >.<]
noxiousdevil87: -he nods- Yes i do see you
DracMorair: Do you see yourself as that seedling?
ScoutJ: [It's okay! So long as you're having a good time. :D]
DracMorair: Must of have spooked em
DracMorair: gigglez
ScoutJ: [Lmao.]
DracMorair: gods I love staring into a soul and saying peekaboo
Guest_lilflirtmachine: XD I can understand why I suppose
ScoutJ: [Welcome Johnny~]
DracMorair: more than standunder its innerstand
JohnnyBett: [I appreciate the warm welcome]
ScoutJ: [^_^]
DracMorair: ~~In my best Cheshire impersination~~ And whooooo.... are you?
MiriBabe00: ahhh *She squeals as she suddenly falls between her opponents legs, feeling her body being held tightly by the other woman's powerful grip on her. My head pressed hard between her breast as my legs while I squirm, my groans muffled by your breast as I struggle*
MiriBabe00: *as I kick my legs
DracMorair: Lil?
Guest_lilflirtmachine: Yes?
DracMorair: Whoooo... are youuu?
ScoutJ: [Welcome signore~]
SoCrazyDame: hey hru
Guest_lilflirtmachine: -tries for the best british accent I can come up with- why... I'm an alice ^-^
DracMorair: And are you just the name?
Guest_lilflirtmachine: Of course not. I'm a submissive little thing most of the time which is why I can't wrestle. Also I love the rush of pain soo I'd just end up moaning the whole time >.< cx
DracMorair: Oh my dear, much to discover you have. Even a nice little pain slut as such as yourself can enjoy being passive agressive in foreplay
ScoutJ: "Shhh...bella mia ragazza, stop struggling and just sleep...sleep with me..." ::She whispers and moans into Miri's ear as her grip doesn't let up for an instant. Instead, her hands let go of Miri for the slightest moment but only to take her hands and tuck them into the rest of the tight embrace. She bends down towards Miri's ear and begins to whisper into her ear soothing words as if she were a mother or an older sister helping her little girl get to bed. With Miri's arms tucked into the embrace now, it would make it even harder to breathe and raise the temperature of the environment, evidenced by the sweat that begins to appear on Scout's exposed flesh already. She affectionately begins to nibble and the smaller blonde woman's ear as she continues to hold her tight, and as the oxygen in her chest begins to slowly go away.:: "Sshh shh shh ragazza mia, can submit anytime you want, just give my chest a little kiss. Make it clear too. Then you can breathe again..." ::She whispers this breathlessly into your ear as her grip actually tights upon you instead of letting you go, and her prodigious bosom welcomes your quickly fading breaths into her submission hold.::
DracMorair: How does it feel to be in limbo... i mean wonderland alice?
Guest_lilflirtmachine: I have yet to be given any pain so its painfully dry >.< although watching them fight amuses me
DracMorair: Focused in the now. Theres a switch.
DracMorair: So without a name, title or the superficial I ask again... who... are you?
Guest_lilflirtmachine: a slut with a yearning for abuse
DracMorair: Still focused on that body and desire are ye?
Guest_lilflirtmachine: its all I know
MiriBabe00: *closes my eyes tight as I try to draw a breath but find myself pressed too hard against your breast. My sweat from my forehead and your breast causing my hair to stick to my face as it starts to turn a little red. I give one last hard attempt to break free but am unable to muster up the strength. Then I give your chest a small kiss*
DracMorair: And if you found your madness, what would your imagination do with it?
Guest_lilflirtmachine: Treasure it
DracMorair: Appreciative too. What a intrestring creature you are.
ScoutJ: [Ciao Menta~]
Guest_Mentalaxi: ( hi dear )
DracMorair: Though I dare say I've been most curious about you. As me anything m'dear. I'm an open soul, mind, body & heart.
Guest_lilflirtmachine: Would you help me?
DracMorair: With?
ScoutJ: ::She's not a sadist, she plays fair and she fights fair. As soon as she felt the peck upon the space above her fleshy mounds, she relinquished her grasp. Her thighs became undone almost immediately and her arms did the same, letting Miri take in great gasps of cool, delicious air. With that she slid out from underneath her defeated opponent and slowly stood to her feet, her body still glistening with the beginnings of a sweatfest which allows for her large chest so shine brightly in the brightening light that encapsulates the ring. She raises her arms into the air and again bares that wolfish grin of hers as she takes a bow, flashing the audience and her defeated opponent with one last sight of her firm, fleshy rear that jiggles with the movement, and her thick and powerful thighs that had ended up winning her the match.::
Guest_lilflirtmachine: I have an itch I can't scratch with self inflicted pain
ScoutJ: "Good game mia bambina. c:"
DracMorair: Oh my dear, I'm very sure I can accomadate you in my heathens den.
Guest_lilflirtmachine: -applauds the match winner politely-
DracMorair: Will you accompany me... you can make your decision there?
Guest_lilflirtmachine: Yes please
ScoutJ: ::She looks out towards the direction of the applause and blows a polite kiss in her direction.:: "Grazie bambina. And Drac don't hurt her...please. She seems nice."
ScoutJ: [Welcome signore~]
DracMorair: Nothing she doesn't ask for Scout.
MiriBabe00: *rolls onto my back as I catch my breath* ah ah good game *slowly gets to my feet*
DracMorair: gigglez
ScoutJ: Lol, okay then. I tried. Miri you good?
Guest_lilflirtmachine: ^-^ I'll be fine hehe
MiriBabe00: mhmm *nods*
ScoutJ: Bene, to the both of you.
AvidGinnome: ((thank you and hello everyone how are you all))
MiriBabe00: hey there
ScoutJ: Great ! You just missed a match, and you can talk ooc now if you want we're done.
ScoutJ: How're you doing?
AvidGinnome: I am good and this a interesting place i like it
ScoutJ: Ahaha, bene, bene. Please, make yourself at home.
ScoutJ: Welcome Naya~
WickedNaya: hi
Lycaenus: Good evening
MiriBabe00: well that was fun, but I've got to get going. I hope the rest of you all have a great day
Guest_lilflirtmachine: hi
ScoutJ: Likewise amica mia !
ScoutJ: Ohh shit~
ScoutJ: There's someone I haven't seen in a while !
DracMorair: Scout, care to accompany me in the den and give Lil what she desires?
Lycaenus: Indeed. ~grins~ Long time no see
DracMorair: That invitation is extended to you to Lycaenus
ScoutJ: Heh, sure I'll come. I'll provide moral support 'cause I have to make a call for business quick.
ScoutJ: I'll be right in in a minute.
ScoutJ: Lyca antico amico, how've you been?
Lycaenus: Uh, thanks, but I will pass. Just passing by to idle around and watch the room madness... or the lack thereof. :D
DracMorair: Tell me when your ready, my conciousness is mostly on her at the momen, I'll check back here periodicly
ScoutJ: Bene.
ScoutJ: And you literally just missed me fight. o;
Lycaenus: Real life keeping me pretty busy, but apart from that simply fabulous :D And how about you?
Lycaenus: And dammit. x.x Would have loved to see you fight again <.<
Guest_Smoulinka55: hello
Lycaenus: Greetings
ScoutJ: Welcome Linka and Turgut~
Guest_turgut: hello
ScoutJ: Ahaha, I think I've finally gotten back into the swing of things. Undefeated since I returned. ;o
ScoutJ: Seems like Drac wants to put a spanner in those works though.
Guest_turgut: s2
DracMorair: Spanner? I'd say warm up with lil :)
DracMorair: Get the blood flowing ;)
Lycaenus: ~tilts his head~
ScoutJ: Lmaoo. There we go.
Guest_lilflirtmachine: cx
Guest_lilflirtmachine: I'm not good at wrestling so I think I'd be a disappointment hehe sorry
Guest_Mentalaxi: you should try
ScoutJ: Brb for a few moments. Lyca if for some reason you aren't here when I get back-
ScoutJ: I'll invite ya later~ :D
Guest_lilflirtmachine: ehh >.<
Lycaenus: ~chuckles~ I will be here
ScoutJ: Bene, bene.
Lycaenus: ~fetches a glass of icewater from the bar and kicks back into his fave chair~ Wrestling rooms without wrestling. What
Lycaenus: 's the point, eh? :D
ScoutJ: Lmfao, alright to be fair there was just a match.
ScoutJ: But more on that later.
ScoutJ: afk
Guest_lilflirtmachine: yup
Guest_lilflirtmachine: tyt scout
Lycaenus: ~grins~ tyt
ScoutJ: Even better than I was the last time baby, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo I'm gooood~❤️
Lycaenus: o.o
Lycaenus: Wat?
ScoutJ: It's a song !
Lycaenus: o.o
ScoutJ: By a rapper from Chicago, USA.
ScoutJ: Chance the Rapper :D
Lycaenus: Ah
Lycaenus: Oh
Lycaenus: Oooh
Lycaenus: Oooooh
Lycaenus: OOOOOOOH
Lycaenus: -moansssss-
Lycaenus: :D
ScoutJ: Lmfaoooo.
ScoutJ: ::Splurge.::
Lycaenus: <.<
ScoutJ: ^_^
DracMorair: Scout... she's begging for more... I'm tempted to leave her in that state while we fight... your choice
Lycaenus: ~chucklesnorts~
ScoutJ: Ooop.
ScoutJ: Has she been obedient?
DracMorair: Isn't about obedience for me
DracMorair: Its about nuturing there desires
DracMorair: And she's been most accomidating in that regard
ScoutJ: Bene, then throw a dog the bone.
DracMorair: So be it
ScoutJ: Mhm.
ScoutJ: Lyca have you been around for the past few months or have you been on a break too?
Lycaenus: I have been in and out
DracMorair: depending on her endurance, I'm going to fuck her to unconciousness
DracMorair: I shall return
Lycaenus: On nightshifts though, so mainly at other times of the day
ScoutJ: Lmfao.
ScoutJ: She's gonna die.
DracMorair: no no no... I never abuse a body that much.. so much more to enjoy in the mind
Guest_lilflirtmachine: ^-^
ScoutJ: Lol...
ScoutJ: And gotcha, I understand.
Lycaenus: And most of the time, people are just boring in here. And also, no fighting... ; _ ;
Lycaenus: Have not seen a proper match in this year.
ScoutJ: Really?
Lycaenus: Well. Yeah. Most just jump around and rut... no fighting -_-
ScoutJ: Merda, come in while I'm in lol. The past three times have been nothing but straight fights.
Lycaenus: Though it is also my fault for my general online times
Lycaenus: Nice
ScoutJ: You should've seen me and Sakura go at it. All she does is punch and I keep trying to get her onto the ground lol. We went at it for at least three hours.
DracMorair: I promise not to disapoint.
ScoutJ: Drac there's no way you good disappoint, don't sweat it lol.
DracMorair: And I've been training sakura ;)
ScoutJ: It'll be fun.
ScoutJ: Ahaha, training as in striking or training as in rutting?
DracMorair: The works, striking, wrestling, momentum awareness
ScoutJ: Bene.
ScoutJ: I'll beat her next time. It was a draw the last.
ScoutJ: Lyca you never felt tempted to get into the ring and start something?
Lycaenus: I actually do... but the majority just bores me ._.
Lycaenus: Though we still need to finish our match. Or rather, start one...
Lycaenus: How long has it been? :'D
ScoutJ: Ahahahaha, too long.
ScoutJ: Almost a year if that.
DracMorair: She's only fliped one match with me yet, getting me to orgasm before herself with her pinned. Call that a draw ~~shrug~~
Lycaenus: -grumbles- I am looking forward to a fight with you <.<
ScoutJ: 1. Sakura's a scary figlia di puttana in the ring I'll tell you that right now lmao.
ScoutJ: 2. As I am with you amico mio~ ;o
Lycaenus: x3
Lycaenus: -sigh-
Lycaenus: -jumps around-
ScoutJ: Loll
ScoutJ: don't hurt yourself.
DracMorair: Proposition for you both... three way match?
Lycaenus: Spectator-mode at the moment, sadly
ScoutJ: Ohlala, proposizioni sono stati fatti.
ScoutJ: After you and I have had our one on one.
Lycaenus: ~has absolutely no idea what she just said :D ~
ScoutJ: xD
ScoutJ: Va bene.
Lycaenus: y.y
DracMorair: ohlala senza dubbio
ScoutJ: ;o
Lycaenus: <.<
ScoutJ: Translatoor. :D
ScoutJ: For youu.
ScoutJ: Google made it just for yoou.
ScoutJ: Lol.
DracMorair: Dirty minds work together :)
ScoutJ: Absolutely.
ScoutJ: How's the little girl holding up?
Lycaenus: :P no parlo italiano
DracMorair: Just passed out, just put my fist in her gutt and slaped her awake.
ScoutJ: Alright well invite me, I'd like to see that ahaha.
ScoutJ: And I Tedeschi sono meglio dei Francesi da un colpo lungo~
ScoutJ: I Canadesi non contano come Francese.
DracMorair: All done
DracMorair: our turn
ScoutJ: Mmmm....Canadesi.
ScoutJ: Bene.
Lycaenus: lol
Lycaenus: Grazie
Lycaenus: :D
ScoutJ: ^_~
DracMorair: ~~Beating my demonic angel wings hard fluttering the stale air in the room lifting myself to the ring land with the briefest of pauses before blinking letting the wings disolve to blood cells to the mat of the ring like dust on the wind~~
DracMorair: Any stippens in this fight?
ScoutJ: Stippens?
DracMorair: Stippens, conditions in an agreement
ScoutJ: None that I can think of. Nothing special.
DracMorair: Thats pretty dangerous Scout. My level of brutality can get pretty severe
DracMorair: Expecially when pressed
ScoutJ: ::Still with an unfaliable practiced ease, the blonde woman donned in the curve-hugging latex suit slips up and into the ring underneath the bottom rung with her feral, wolfish grin. She moves to her corner and begins her pre-match ritual of athletic stretches, those of which also give her opponent an ample opportunity to see what she's dealing with. She begins at first with her high knees, kicking them up to her bouncing chest with a militaristic consistency and not stopping until she is certain her thick and powerful thighs are ready for the upcoming bout. Once she finishes she turns around and bends over, leaning against the pull and placing it in between her two full breasts in a sensual manner while the tight latex of her suit hugs her large, firm rump and squelches as it begs to be free from it's tight constraints. When she turns around, she cracks her neck and walks towards the center of the ring as her wolfish grin plas again upon her features, her pert, pink lips peeling back in a predatorial manner.:: "Amica mia, we've both been in the guro field for a reasonable amount of time, you maybe even longer than me. I'm not afraid of brutality."
ScoutJ: "But let's avoid dismemberment, death and gouging of the eyes. I'm not really in the mood to clean up that much blood."
DracMorair: And as for the rest of your body? Digging my talons into you fair game?
ScoutJ: "Only if you're cool with my heels digging into your chest cavity, absolutely."
ScoutJ: ^_~
DracMorair: concordato
ScoutJ: "Heh heh. Bene. Make the first move signorina."
ScoutJ: [Welcome signore~]
ScoutJ: [Signorina*]
DoctorAquaFresh: Hello
ScoutJ: [Please pop a squat and make yourself at home. Drac and I are just getting ready to throw down.]
DracMorair: ~~dropping to all fours my tail twitching in antisipation I move lithely across the mat. Moving muscles where none should be in a humanistic form. My lust & blood-lustful eyes taking in the scent of latex, sweat and a tinge of danger in my senses. Ears perked forward chiming, an echo location device designed by myself attuned to hear the briefiest of air pressure disturbance. Not leaving anything to chance I meet her half way into the ring should she choose to meet me there prone and flexing every well toned musle and with a grin going from ear to ear as as my futa nearly gorges it self with the antispation~~
ScoutJ: [Welcome signore~]
DoctorAquaFresh: I can't tell if you used the chair as camo or if you just moved here. o . o
ScoutJ: "Eccelente. Fight." ::And without hesitation, she dropped down onto her back and quickly rolled backwards until her back was against the pole behind her. From there she squelched forwards on her plump rear into a position that would remind one of a tortoise, or an armadillo even that had been flipped onto its' shell by some cruel twist of fate. From that position there, she spread her legs and raised her arms and began to move them in small circles reminiscient of the bicycle kick exercise in addition to moving her hands in a similar fashion. She peered down at her opponent from in between her large chest and the space in between her legs with that consistent feral smile as she started squelching forwards on her rear once more.:: "Come to me signorina, come join me in my embrace." ::Her grin spread wider and her right foot lashed out like the stinger of a scorpion while her left moved in to cover her center and ready itself for a counter attack.::
Lycaenus: [I always sit here. Match in progress, though.]
DoctorAquaFresh: [I'm really not the most observant person... XD]
ScoutJ: [Welcome signorina~]
Kataomoi: loading
ScoutJ: [Tyt.]
DracMorair: ~~with a small twitch from my muzzle in a grin as he hits her back I pounce landing defly and smoothly putting my snout to about an inch away from the reach her legs. And as a sense of de-sa-vu overcoming me I lash out with my lighting fast toungue wrapping it around the ankle. Constricting it hard and fast cutting off the circuluation of the right ankle. Reaching my right paw out for the other ankle without hesitation, Acutely aware of the damage those heels may may make to ither my toungue or paw~~
Kataomoi: alright ty
ScoutJ: [Np.]
ScoutJ: ::While it wasn't the most ideal move she would have liked for her opponent to perform, it still worked out in her favor. With a powerful lurch of her now entrapped foot, she used the full force of her nearly bionic like leg muscles to not pull her opponent towards her, but her towards her opponent. Her latex suit squelched loudly against the material of the mat as her breasts jumped along for the ride as her body was brought into reach and just in front of her long tongued opponent. She swirled her left leg out into a half circle in a teasing motion before she hooked it behind her opponent's rear in an attempt to bring her into a crushing cradle. She raised her hands again, ready to focus their efforts on untying her strong tongue from her ankle.:: "Ragazza sete! Ragazza sete!"
ScoutJ: [Welcome signore~]
IvanovGrecoRicci: (grazie)
DracMorair: ~~My eyes not skipping a beat as the momentum forward and toungue's tention releieved. I use my burried left paw to shove me to my right pulling the leg with me in my toungue. Off balance in her manuver now, letting the momentum carry the offending leg headed at my rear now in front of me I drive my talons into the meat of the shin. With a snap decision raising my center of gravity in up high as I pull her legs up to the air, claw and toungue holding her away from me. My engorged futa rubbing against the latex of her back. ~~ Looky looky everyone. Bondage barbie
ScoutJ: [Di niente. c:]
Guest_lilflirtmachine: -laughs softly-
ScoutJ: "D'aww, what a horny little woman you are." ::She winces as she feels the talons dig into her leg and yelps as she's brought up into the air. She is thrown off of balance for sure, but the last thing she does is allow herself to be disjointed. Far from it. Instead once she feels your stiff meat rubbing up against her back, she groans a little in pain as she begins to swing forwards then back, forwards and back as gravity takes its' toll on her body and very much nearly allows for her chest to fall out from her suit. As she swings forwards and back like a pendulum, her hair in a messy tangle against the matt while her head barely scrapes the surface, she balls her hands up into a pair of hooks and and uses her quickly gaining momentum and the power of her strong legs to flip herself forwards and high into the air. Due to the fact that the talons are still dug into her ankle, and the tongue wrapped firmly around her other leg, she doesn't go flying off into the distance but instead allows for gravity to perform it's duty, and send her body crashing into the face of her opponent. She doesn't waste a beat as her nethers are now in Drac's face and even a trickle of blood begins to seep from her puncture wound as she firmly hooks her nails into the back of her cranium and refuses to let go for anything. She kicks her entaloned leg out as well, weakening the grip of the talons in her flesh.::
DracMorair: ~~Semi curious about her response lets the pedulum go waiting for the carying momentum more than 1/2 expecting whats to come I lick my chops with a growl as I open my muzzle to invite it, pulling my touge to the side of my mouth leaving the leg still constricted. As she makes the turn over in no surprise whats so ever I bite down hard across her naval digging my k9's at either side of her clit and at the bottom into her rosebud anus. Semi disapointed my toungue isn't free to enjoy the offer I give a small shrug letting my center of gravity fall forward slamming the Bitch barbie into the ground, my teeth jarging and burrying deep in her privates~~
ScoutJ: ::And THAT is where she strikes. As soon as her back hits the ground she tosses her head back in pain though what would look to a deaf observer to be a groan of pleasure. She recovers quickly, far quickly than anyone should from such a devastating attack and crunches upwards into a sitting position. From there she starts working on forcibly prying the talons out of her ankle, grunting in pain but fighting through the damage to her powerful groin area. She kicks out her entaloned leg away from the vicious furry with a force that would be enough to dislocate any ordinary human being's arm. Fully aware that this isn't a normal human being, she continues to kick out away from Drac's grip while her still entaloned leg takes her moment of oral savagery to get to work on abusing her tongue. She begin to beat it against the ground, bringing her leg up and down with a force that sends loud slapping sounds throughout the entire arena, noises that are that of the material in her boots coming into contact with that of the mat. When her leg kicking the talons away feels as though it's done as much as it could, she sends a particularly vicious kick over her head, bending her arm back across her body in a violent fashion.:: "Having fun down there piccola puttana? You can...mmm, eat me out all you like. I can handle it down there."
ScoutJ: [Welcome Kurtis~]
MrKurtisPred: ( Thank you )
ScoutJ: [Mhm.]
DracMorair: ~~gives an appreciate purr at her privates as I release the talons and tongue willingly likley throwing off any further fuss in the matter though not without compromise between her sitting up I dig my release talons and including the other in the action to burry them into that sweet spot where inner thigh meets naval and using mostly gravity and a bit of pretnatural stregth to pull her wide exposing her. Lifting one talon to slice the latex through cleanly to shove my long forked demon toungu up her snatch. Pushing forward with my legs as I back her into her corner restricting any nefarious deeds about polvolting up with her free arms on the mat. Now content with what I have I begin madly using my toungue up her snatch to roll circles around that inner button, yet never quite rolling over it~~
ScoutJ: [Welcome signore e signorina~]
ScoutJ: [Welcome~]
EvolFiend: thanks
EvolFiend: (thanks)*
2vvt: ty
ScoutJ: "!" ::Truth be told, she wasn't ready for that. Upon feeling the long and strong oral muscle that had been toying with her for so long burst into her vagina unnanounced, the quick switch from pain to pleasure was something that threw her entire game off guard. Her wet inner walls contracted down on her opponent's long tongue, she finds herself being forced upside down along side a number of sensations that make it difficult for her to concentrate and plan her counterattack. Once she's on her back in such a comprimising, defenseless position, she finds herself struggling to use her hands to support her weight so she isn't doing so with her head. Once she does this, her hefty chest at this time nearly does fall free from her latex suit and the side of her right nipple can be seen as she struggles to make a comback from being eaten out.:: "OooOoOOhhh..GOD that's a nice tongue you've" ::She moans truthfully as she feels herself being teased. She begins to gyrate her hips in movements tandem to those that your tongue are making around her button while in the meanwhile, her powerful thighs continue their incessant scheming and begin to encapsulate themselves around your head as the next step in her counterattack.:: "Unh...ohh...don't stop..."
Guest_lilflirtmachine: -she begins to rub at her wetness through her shorts while watching the match restlessly-
DracMorair: ~~ears not missing anything about the hands attempting to restrict my head burried in the snat I use my well formed tail in the mist of her distract to wrap around one wrist. Not concerned what the other may do as being a demon, no need to breath, the barbies claws may even turn me on if burried in my jugular. At the words of dont stop I dont. Burrying my toungue all the way to cervix, tickling that deep hard place and bending my toungue a bit further down to rub over that now well teased gspot~~
ScoutJ: [Welcome~]
Dwyn: [Thank you. Is an rp session in progress?]
ScoutJ: [Yessir.]
Dwyn: [Oh, carry on then B).]
ScoutJ: [Will do, and welcome~]
RenJones: hi
WhiteKnight321: hello
ScoutJ: [Salve, welcome. ^_^ Sorry it's quiet, making a post.]
Dwyn: [Who's your opponent?]
DracMorair: [raises paw]
ScoutJ: "" ::Her freed hand begin to play around the aggressive furry's ears and throughout her hair and about her cheeks as she continues to raise the levels of her own personal pleasure. She bites her bottom lip and even whimpers a little as her tongue continues to tease her most sensitive area, and her inner walls begin to contract upon her powerful oral muscle all the more. She gives her the wrist that's been grabbed and continues to pet her in an uncharacteristically affectionate matter as she springs her counter attack.:: "Bambina that's...mmm, some tongue you've got there. I wish I didn't have to do this but...oohh....I'm going to have to cut this short-" ::She keeps a lid on her vocal pleasure as Drac continues to orally sate her own needs, the freed hand that was previously toying with her hair even makes its' way to her breasts at one point. But her powerful legs, free and unburdened by Drac's curious body find their way to the sides of her head and clamp down strongly on both sides. The pressure from this grip would be more than enough to crack a normal person's skull but being the sly critter the white figure is, she doesn't bet on it doing so. Instead, she clamps down her grip like a pair of pliers and begins to pry Drac's head away from her navel, slowly but surely. Blood drips down from where her teeth marks had earlier sunk themselves into her flesh and her moans begin to lessen as the heat of the encounter begins to disappate.::
ScoutJ: [Right over there~]
DracMorair: ~~As my head is pulled back I grin my eyes darting up between the exposed breast and with a giggle I dig my talons burried in her inner thighs all the way to bone diging all the way through to bone marrow scratching. Likely releasing any tention around my head now I snap down again with a growl as my teasing turns to full on fucking of the pussy. As I use her sex as my own persal heat testing as she begins to get wetter my growls turn louder. Wetting things below my waistline in the process~~
Dwyn: [I am so confused. Should've come earlier, quite the interesting match we're having here.]
MrKurtisPred: ( Verry )
WhiteKnight321: Go ScoutJ!
ScoutJ: [Lol, first she was trying to kill me, now she's trying to love me. C'est la vie.]
ScoutJ: [:D]
DracMorair: [Never kill remember.... exposing the imagination is my goal[
Guest_Nitteowl: haha sorry it plopped me right in the ring when i entered
DracMorair: [Carpe Diem} ♥
WhiteKnight321: [What does thhe winner get?]
DracMorair: [I'm in the process of that actually eheheheh]
Guest_Nitteowl: or what does the loser have to do?
DracMorair: no terms on this one for loss
Guest_Nitteowl: lol
DracMorair: It is what it is
Dwyn: [Gather ye rosebuds while ye may] <3
DracMorair: [Pucker them up butter cup, because shits about to get real[
ScoutJ: "Anh...anh....unh...fuck...oh Fuckkkk~❤️" ::The moans are unhindered and in full force now as she begins to sweat and her body begins to tremble below her opponent's antagonistic form. She lets go of her head and groans out loud again, loudly as she feels her tongue shoot deeply inside of her again, as far as it can reach, but her endurance was more than a match for the sudden movement even if it was being wittled down and waning thin. This time the insides of her knees clamped down on the sides of Drac's skull and began to pry away again as her face contorts into an expression of pleasure, her teeth biting her bottom lip in a sheepish grin while her cheeks turn into a deep shade of red and her still freed hand returns to touching her chest. But still, she proceeds. Digging her limbs against her opponent's head and pulling away from her crotch against her own wishes. She would have loved to stay here and finish the love, finishing attaining the sexual release she so desperately desires. But she had a match to win first and foremost, and she intended to do so. With a loud moan she continues to fully extend her legs away from her body, taking Drac's head out of reach of her groin. Reluctantly as well, her freed hand moves to the slippery organ and attempts to pull it away. Her upper body wasn't as powerful as her lower, but it would have to suffice.:: "I'm sorry....Mio Dio am I sorry. ❤️"
ScoutJ: [Ohlala, look at you~]
DracMorair: ~~Knowing the pain would only exaserbate her heat already felt by my toungue, and tasted as I swallow before making my next move. Engorged on phermones in my nostrials and blood in my muzzle I use her momentum against her as she pulls me away I bend my spine letting my lower half spring forward between her exposed legs replacing my head for the other one. Releasing the talons out of her thights I clap them together flat and shove them up her body pushing her arms to either side and once again digging them in. Deep into the shoulder blades once again scraping the bones there. Pined into the corner I begin using my toned thighs to buck up her cunt all the way to the cervix pounding madly against it as my blood lust & lust grows like a firestorm in my inner eye~~
Dwyn: [This match is bliss.~]
Guest_lilflirtmachine: [no kidding~]
WhiteKnight321: Cheering on ScoutJ!
ScoutJ: "Ooaann...fuck...fuck me, fuck me harder..!" ::Feeling her launch into her like a pebble strewn from a slingshot and filling her needy cunt up with the pleasure only a well-shaped prick could provide, she fell back to the ground and felt utterly taken aback once your hips colliding into hers for the first time. Her pussy grasped your member tightly as it continued to force its' way inside of her with little regard for her own pleasure, the thought of which just sent her own lusts into an equally firey rage. Her hefty chest would jump up and down, finally coming forth from her latex suit and exposed to the cool air of the arena, resting upon her chest in and jumping with each successive thrust you make into her compliant body. Her endurance took a large blow from the strike and it was quickly wittling out, but it wasn't away as of yet. When your talons delve into her flesh and reach the support structure of her entire body, she cries out and arches her back as her powerful and still dangerous thighs wrap themselves around your waist in an attempt to pull you deeper inside of her. Blood leaks out from the former points of contact but they go unnoticed by her as she launches one of her final counterattacks. Gravity was on both of their sides it seemed, something that surprised her but didn't deter her from still attempting to come out on top....and come out on top she attempted to do. With her powerful legs the only limbs of her body still under her control, she began to use the pull-back on your thrusts to shift her body over and off to the side each time you pull away from her body. And while the wet-slapping sounds of your cock does it's best to complete it's reproductive imperative and breed her as she should be bred, her mental mind still asks her to win the match. And on one particular vicious thrust into her own body, she grips you tight to her own with her thighs and flips the pair of fighters over, with your talons still dug into her arms and your cock still in her pussy and her breasts now hanging over your face instead of her own, she has now come out on top.:: "Unh...unh...unh...don't stop, fucking me....don't fucking stop...dig those talons into my hips and fuck me harder!" ::She cries out in pure unadulterated pleasure as her free hands moves it's way to your upper chest and presses down on the flat area above your breasts.::
ScoutJ: [Blisss.]
ScoutJ: [Lol.]
DracMorair: ~~Growling madly as the inner firestorm starts to pick up from 50 meters an hour to 200 leaving not even the air in the void behind it As I continuing bucking madly. With only a presence of mind of my inner Beast along for the ride as I hit my back mid growl shaking one thhought loose, releasing the talons of my right paw burried to bone to slam my elbow into the mat and using the bounce back to shove my prenatural strength strait into shoulder once more. Using the momentum to flip them over. Beast pleased about being on top again ensures it by takng the left paw and rides it up to her neck pinning her into the mat carefull not to break her neck in the process as we both want to hear her scream as I hammer away.~~
RenJones: o3o
Dwyn: My exact expression ^.
Kataomoi: o;
ScoutJ: "Ah ! Ah ! Ah ! AHH ! AHH !" ::And scream she does as she feels you hilt within her time and time again. While she may be running out of strength, she is certainly not running out of tricks. Whereas the unreal physics of your pelvis shattering thrusts would probably paralyze a lesser woman, she was not a lesser woman. Her pleasure increased for sure and her body became even more receptive to the incessant pounding you were offering her. And while she didn't have much left in her, she had enough to cum out on top. A loud gasp turned moan sounded loudly as the two were flipped back over and the blonde felt a hand at her throat, a mating call if there ever was one. She spread her legs out and about on both sides of the rapidly fucking woman in between her own thighs, allowing her unrestricted access to her quickly surrendering cunt. Her inner walls clenched even tighter on the inhuman phallus pumping inside of her like a piston on overdrive and her breasts bounced free from their confines still, jumping and jolting like a pair of water ballons hanging from a wall. She bides her time, gripping the matt in an attempt to hold onto herself and the match as she feels her sanity being pounded away from her and her own loins doing their best to speed up the breeding process by milking that firm shaft currently plumbing her debts in an attempt to expulge its' cleanser.:: "Anh, that's right you fucking beast! You big fucking beast! Cum in me! I want you to feel you cum inside of me!" ::She cries out loud as her legs clamp down around the rapidly thrusting hips of her opponent and her immense lower body strength disrupts her thrusting rhythym before stopping it entirely and sealing her inside. She grins up at her opponent with her old woolfish smile and holds her in place without allowing for her hips to move whatsoever. She then continues to use the immense power of her lower body to raise her hips into the air, still supporting your weight all the while and begins to slowly gyrate her hips in an attempt to keep her own lusts in check and conquer your own.:: "Don't worry about doing all the work anymore...mmmn.....mmmmm, I'll take care of it from here...." ::She looks up at you as she begins to moan and touch her breasts with her free hand as her groin, wet with her juices and the fruits of their lovemaking presses itself into your own in a bone-crushing grip.:: "Don't worry about fucking me anymore...just cum for me....mmmn."
DracMorair: ~~As the beast barely making sense of my surounding her words fall on deaf ears as my own single minded purpose was to hear that scream. The only thing that came our minds was the prey was now welcome to us as the legs open to greet them shoving harder and tearing strait through that narow pasageway in her cervix burrying my futanric shaft into her womb. With a wet slap and pop audible echoing off the arena walls quickly follow by more wet slaps as my balls and punai slap her teeth marked anus. A deep dangerous growling from the demon she is shaking something primal in even the observer of this brutal act of dominance~~
DracMorair: (side note "That Scream" should have been quoted)
ScoutJ: [It's fine. I gotcha covered ;o]
DracMorair: /misc2
DracMorair: almost forgot ;)
DracMorair: (whats a show without a little eye candy)
ScoutJ: [Ahaaaa, exactly how I feel about performing~ c:]
DracMorair: [hehe think I shook something loose in those two? hehehehe]
ScoutJ: ::The feel of your loaded ballsac slapping against her large rear is enough to get the beginning throes of her orgasm going. She looks up at you like a stereotypical schoolgirl caught doing something bad as she can't resist it anymore, for her endurance is finally starting to run out. The firm thrusts despite her restraint had her spread her legs again and this time they seemed to fall off to the sides, weakened and defeated. The incessant "plop, slap, plop slap" of your balls smacking into her partially exposed flesh began to worm its' way into her mind and she fell back against the ground like a lifeless toy as she felt the full force of your power and persistence find your way deeper into her slowly spasming cunt. It isn't until she hears your growling and she looks up into your posessed, lust-filled eyes does she realize that what has been worming her way into her mind since you started eating her out: the match was lost. Might as well make the best of it and go out a loser, not with her dignity intact but her long-awaited release to finally come to pass. With each push inside of her wet snatch, a loud hoarse gasp finds its' way into the cool air of the arena as her breasts bounce in response to your forceful thrusts and droplets of sweat began to jolt off of her exposed flesh as a visual result of her prolonged by honest resistance. She closes her eyes and feels the full force of your power repeatedly moving inside of her, brushing past her g-spot and penetrating deeply into the entrance to her womb. Almost feeling truly and utterly beaten, she looks up at you with heavily lidded eyes as her pert pink lips part for the final time to release a loud, sincere and passionate sound that can only be truly summed up in one word: orgasmic.:: "I...I think...fuck, I think...fuck...fuck...fuckkk...I'm cumming, you big white beast I'm cumming...!!!"
ScoutJ: [R.i.p. :o]
ScoutJ: [Welcome~]
AngelSpiderBlood: (Thanks.)
ScoutJ: [Nessun problema. Sorry if it's a little quiet for periods of time but we're in a match. We're here just making posts.]
AngelSpiderBlood: (its ok. Not my first time here. lol)
ScoutJ: [Bene.]
DracMorair: ~~A howl of the legion escaping my muzzle echoing into the core of everybeing that has saw the first light of themselves. The morning light, the Morning Star, Saturn, Satan, We are legion we are one exemplfied in one glorious lust filled thrust as a spirtual teaching for all to witness its glory. Filling her with my load I also let it flow from both ends escaping honey droolig out of my wet cunt as the seeds of creation are ours to command, the kingdom of heaven and hell within us to create. As I drain the lust and bloodlust out of the room I begin to humm quitely a slow Ohm Ahm.... then to something legiable, " All men hear and see what you saw to day as an act of god, for you are we, we are legion, we are one." This is our victory, If one shall awaken the world as we know is doomed. And good ~~in a light female voice that for effect is meant to startle~ fucking ridance." ~~standing up with my hands on my hips above her~~ Thank you.
ScoutJ: [Welcome~]
DracMorair: i
DracMorair: ~~jumping deftly over the ropes to the bar stool I greet angel with a pucker of my lips~~ Hey, did I frighten you away?
ScoutJ: ::It happens just before her opponent does. Just before she feels the multiple spurts of thick, white baby-making batter shoot up into her chamber with multiple successive thrusts, her cunt clamps down on the heavily throbbing rod and keeps it from going anywhere but deeper inside. Thrown on her back, her blonde hair clings to her face and around the ground behind her as she her large chest heaves, the fat upon her tits jiggling as deep within her a loud gasp turns into a moan and from that point on turns into a squeal. She begins to jerk and spasm as she shuts her eyes and loses herself to the feeling of your hefty balls resting against her rear and unloading the cargo they've been teasing since the match had entered it's opening introductions. And when she feels each spurt of cum paint the inner walls of her womb with your taint, she comes to a rest from the incredible high she had just experienced and is left instead with the feeling of your essence within her. When you pull out and say your bit, a small stream of the same essence you filled her with leaks out and falls just over her asshole before dripping down onto the matt and the teeth marks still present on her ass cheeks. She looks up at you with eyes still having sanity returning to them and begins to breathe heavily as she tries to regain her composure.:: "You''re welcome....happy to help....Christ."
ScoutJ: ~Fin~
AngelSpiderBlood: -Shakes her head.- No I'm fine. -Smiles and kisses Drac.-
ScoutJ: Good match signorina.
DracMorair: The idea of this place is to gather all the ones that have been repressed by imvu's BS. the worlds BS and have a nurturing place to do whatever we wish. Read the description and ask if you have anybody else that will enjoy the freedom.
DracMorair: So Lil'one ?
Guest_lilflirtmachine: I'd like to experience this freedom...
DracMorair: Read the room description and leave modesty at the door ;)
Guest_lilflirtmachine: I did. Please hurt me Miss
DracMorair: comehere
DracMorair: strip
Guest_lilflirtmachine: Would you prefer my fur?
DracMorair: Whatever you choose to bare as flesh to me
Guest_lilflirtmachine: -nods and removes all of my clothing with haste-
DracMorair: ~~draws a scathing line with my sharp talons from her collarbone over her breast, digging into the nipple before tearing farther down the body to her naval hesitating and waiting upon her body's response~~
Guest_lilflirtmachine: -trembles softly with a whimper of it seems pleasure-
DracMorair: ~~smiling warmly down at her retracts the talons back and piches the outer labia twisting ever so slightly as I squeeze harder and harder~~ Do you wish to stay?
Guest_lilflirtmachine: -nods quickly moaning out softly, "I do"-
DracMorair: Then welcome to Heathens den you beutiful thing. ~~driving four fingers up her sex and palming her like a bowling ball before reaching down with my muzzle to lick the line from stomach to collar before biting down hard with a dangerous growl~~
Guest_lilflirtmachine: -arches my back before her as her teeth mark my skin and her fingers play roughly with my hot sex-
DracMorair: ~~licking her sumissive neck with a pleasurable appreciation and a mothers love I begin fucking her cute pussy with my palm roughly wondering how the saliva in the wounds is doing as it begins to burn with a bit more than salt~~
Guest_lilflirtmachine: -gasps and moans appreciatively at the burning sensation on my neck-
DracMorair: ~~Watching the line from stomach to colar bone into the neck wound, my saliva an added bonus of being a nerve stimulant amplifying the pain ten fold. Extending my claws up her puss I hesitate only briefly before whispering in her~~ Do you feel it?
Guest_lilflirtmachine: -nods moaning loudly pleading her to continue with her whimpers-
DracMorair: ~~pushing my talons about 10 millimeters into her soft flesh inside at her response. Looking down at the pain and pleasure ride the body with a mothers love. Feeding off the energy of the blood & lust in this being. ~~
DracMorair: ((keep one hand on the keyboard my dear))
Guest_lilflirtmachine: ((okay >////<))
DracMorair: misc2
DracMorair: ((come now, dont leave your mother waiting))
Guest_lilflirtmachine: ((I'm sorry a maniac spammed my doorbell >.<))
Guest_lilflirtmachine: -moans her name out loudly with my legs squirming under her-
DracMorair: ~~my futa engorging with the lust of her I let go of her body and stand above her~~ Do you wish for more?
Guest_lilflirtmachine: -whimpers at the loss of her pleasurable touch and nods pleadingly- Yes please
DracMorair: Your lucky I was about to leave you whimpering
DracMorair: Choose a spot, wisely around here
DracMorair: And I will fuck you till you loose conciousness
Guest_lilflirtmachine: I choose this one...
DracMorair: misc2
DracMorair: misc2
DracMorair: ~~flapping my angelic demon wings I land behind her and without warning pull her tail up and ram it deep in her rectum, my balls and pussy lips kissing her own letting it throb there as the rectum bleeds down our thighs~~ Is that what you need you little pain slut?
Guest_lilflirtmachine: -screams in pain and pleasure as she inflicts me pain in the most gracious ways and nods breathlessly-
DracMorair: ~~my engorged futa up her rectum I aim it to tickle the nerves of her spine to add to the pain before slowly clicking it along vertebre~~ Cum for me you little slut
Guest_lilflirtmachine: -gasps as she tickles my spine shivering appreciativly and moans softly feeling my nerves unwind as cum squirts from my pussy-
DracMorair: Good girl ~~As I wrack my talons down her back ~~ Dont stop cumming ~~as I dig into the ass to the hipbones, giving her bone marrow a scratch~~
Guest_lilflirtmachine: -moans loudly as my squirting continues and trembles as she digs into my bones-
DracMorair: Don't you dare stop ~~as I being to pound her with wet bloody and cumfilled slaps of my balls against her pussy~~
Guest_lilflirtmachine: -whimpers as I feel myself begin to run out of cum and moans anticipating the punishment-
DracMorair: ~~antispating the dry up freeing one paw to diging into her breast~~ Squeeze your entire being out of you
Guest_lilflirtmachine: -gasps and nods obediantly continuing to cum against her awaiting balls-
DracMorair: ~~moving the paw from breast to neck I slowly squeeze the hair out of her and restrict the blood flow to her brain intent for her to pass out as I begin cumming deep across her spine~~
DracMorair: hair - air*
Guest_lilflirtmachine: -moans as my air flow becomes minimum submitting to the darkness that overwhelms me as I pass out-
DracMorair: ~~licking the wounds across her body throwing her to her back like a rag doll I nutralize the pain enhancer Slapping her hard against the cheek and slamming my fist in her solar plexus to breath again and rise her from the dead~~
Guest_lilflirtmachine: -gasps awakening as she strikes me looking up at her in awe-
DracMorair: Now, my newest daughter. come witness what fighting is about... I will train you too.
DracMorair: Rest you conciousnes on me over here
Guest_lilflirtmachine: Yes ma'am
DracMorair: good girl
Guest_lilflirtmachine: Thank you
DracMorair: yw
DracMorair: Angel I only request of you that you keep your focus here while we play
DracMorair: The rest is up to your imagination
DracMorair: As for you two... Modesty is a joke, so if you wish to stay, please stay nude.
ScoutJ: Lol. As you command signorina.
AngelSpiderBlood: I will do my best.
ScoutJ: Am I gonna get to see you turn somebody inside out today?
DracMorair: oh, I have n't found a gorean/vorian pet as of yet.
DracMorair: you volunteering?
DracMorair: lay on me angel
ScoutJ: Nah. I'm good. I would but I'm not a pet.
Dwyn: Uh, I have only a pair of shorts. Hope that's fine.
AngelSpiderBlood: -Nods and lays nect to Drac.-
DracMorair: Well I met pet ina general sense, not a title
DracMorair: My offer extends to anyone here
DracMorair: be the free spirit you are
DracMorair: I'm just here as the genie to your wishes
DracMorair: The DJinn
ScoutJ: Lol...bene wishmaster. Molto bene.
DracMorair: Thats my girl
DracMorair: she reads the description ;)
DracMorair: Your free to find fits that exentuate your bits, but never hide them here ok?
AngelSpiderBlood: Thank you Drac.
DracMorair: put that on, the barbie doesn't really fit well ;)
DracMorair: ~~scrapes a talon across her sucubus horn on her head~~
DracMorair: So, my wish is your command
AngelSpiderBlood: -Smiles a bit and giggles.-
DracMorair: ~~plays a foot across her ass masauging it~~ So dear succubus have you fed today?
DracMorair: I think I have plenty to spare from our dear Scout
AngelSpiderBlood: Have not fed yet. -Looks at her.-
DracMorair: Take what you need from me lovely
AngelSpiderBlood: -Nods and kisses down her body slowly.-
DracMorair: ~~puts my paws behind my head getting comfortable darting my eyes between the three with joy reaching my blood filled eyes~~
AngelSpiderBlood: -Slowly licks along Drac's pussy.-
DracMorair: ~~propping my legs to either side welcoming her petite young mouth~~ mm... thats nice.
AngelSpiderBlood: -Flicks her tounge on the clit a bit.- You taste so sweet.
DracMorair: ~~giggles as the added bonus of my wet self acts not only as an aphrdesiac but a nerve enhancer, bit like extacy but amplfiing not only touch but pain as well~~
DracMorair: ~~puts a finger to her cute nose and with a finger beckons her to the bed as I prop up~~
AngelSpiderBlood: -Smiles a bit and keeps licking Drac's pussy.
DracMorair: kneel
DracMorair: misc2
DracMorair: Now feed
AngelSpiderBlood: -Smiles looking at Drac.- Will do. -Begins to suck the cock hard and fast.-
DracMorair: ~~lifting a paw to her horns pulls her off and drops her down to my punani~~ There
AngelSpiderBlood: -Licks her pussy her tounge darting inside the wet folds.-
DracMorair: Thats my girl /mmm ~~As the moan escapes my lips my raging futa heartbeat and bloodied from scout's busted cervix still laced across it i use a free paw to scrape it and put it to my mouth preening off my talons & fingers~~
AngelSpiderBlood: -Keeps licking not letting up for anything.-
DracMorair: Show me what that little toungue can do Angel
AngelSpiderBlood: -Slides her tounge deeper in to Drac's pussy moving it around in a circle.-
DracMorair: ~~gives a appreciatve purr at the back of my throat thrusting my hips into her for her to continue and a bit of encouragement~~
AngelSpiderBlood: -Keeps going her tounge going as fast as it can.-
DracMorair: use those teeth as~~ I begin to get wetter and watter putting a claw into my own anus~~
AngelSpiderBlood: -Smiles and lightly bites her clit.-
DracMorair: ~~beginning to pant I give a low lustfull purr~~ pull
AngelSpiderBlood: -Bites and pulls on the clit.-
DracMorair: ~~as the skin stretches in qxuisite extaxty I finally breah a slow orgasm as my fur stands on end~~ Dont stop
AngelSpiderBlood: -Keeps going not letting up for anyone or anything.-
DracMorair: (Tell me what you do not just that you keep going pleas)
DracMorair: details
DracMorair: Aww.... the fivality of youth
ScoutJ: [D'aw]
DracMorair: Nutureing is a bitch sometimes
ScoutJ: [Lol, I believe it. Nice touch with my blood still on your cock.]
DracMorair: Dwyn, you wana come pick up where she left off?
DracMorair: gigglez
DracMorair: Yeah, that prize was mine not hers to take hehe
DracMorair: gigglez
Dwyn: I am fine here.
Dwyn: Thank you for the offer.
ScoutJ: [Ahaha, interessante. ;o]
DracMorair: How about you Scout.... Looser's conselation?
ScoutJ: Lol, you know what? I'm actually about to head off and sleep. It's late here and I spent half the day rping. :o But I did lose, so I owe you some oral at the very least.
ScoutJ: Just like last time, I'll be waiting in here or the other room. ;o
DracMorair: No oweing me shit
DracMorair: It's a conselation prize, take it with pride
ScoutJ: Pfft. Bella mia.
DracMorair: ;)
ScoutJ: I put pride into everything I do~
ScoutJ: Don't worry about that. ;o
DracMorair: muy bien
DracMorair: happy to assist your release ;)
DracMorair: Perhaps next round I ask for picks of your cunt, cum and mess afterwards ay?
ScoutJ: Ooo. Heh, perhaps signorina, perhaps.
ScoutJ: I know I'll have a great time regardless ;o
DracMorair: ikr
DracMorair: gigglez
ScoutJ: Heh, bene, bene, bene~
ScoutJ: Arrivaderci amica mia ! ::Smooches.:: Mwah~
DracMorair: mwuah
DracMorair: muah
ScoutJ: Good match again. :D
DracMorair: Dwyn... you sticking around, like to get ot know you better, regardless if its your words or anything funner
Dwyn: Sorry if I am spacing out.
Dwyn: In a lot of chats, lagging as well.
DracMorair: Well remember to bookmark this place
DracMorair: you wont find it in search
Dwyn: I sure will.
Dwyn: Quite the place you have here.
DracMorair: Thank you
Dwyn: -Rates 5- B]
DracMorair: The idea of this place is to gather all the ones that have been repressed by imvu's BS. the worlds BS and have a nurturing place to do whatever we wish. Read the description and ask if you have anybody else that will enjoy the freedom.
DracMorair: Know anyone?
Dwyn: Not much would be in the stats as you put.
DracMorair: you said much
DracMorair: so there may be a few?
Dwyn: Most of them are off.
Dwyn: I hardly get any of my friends to come on.
DracMorair: Feel free to come use the den at your leasure
Dwyn: They have abandoned IMVU for a while.
DracMorair: Theres grey and black market items all around
Dwyn: Your courteousy is pleasant to me.
DracMorair: my hospitality is extended to beings that ither know themselves or aware that they are working on it
DracMorair: I have no tolerance for weak minded zombies
Dwyn: Neither do I.
Dwyn: But I deem not to lose my temper over for any trivial reasons.
DracMorair: Anger you control, rage controls you
DracMorair: indutibly
DracMorair: Even at the end there with Scout.. I had presence of mind.
Dwyn: I could tell.
DracMorair: I've made friends of my demons
DracMorair: and I use them in unconvetional ways
DracMorair: to help others grow
DracMorair: Life is change, growth is optional
DracMorair: So i force that option upon them in a sense
DracMorair: Become the alive being
DracMorair: immortal being
DracMorair: Rather than a zombie
DracMorair: robot
DracMorair: or other less than alive thing
Dwyn: Some say immortality is a curse.
DracMorair: This I know
Dwyn: What do you think of that?
DracMorair: in my youth in this body
DracMorair: I used to play Who wants to live forever by queen on repeate constantly
DracMorair: Till I realized I could answer the question myself
DracMorair: Everything fell into place after that
Dwyn: Mind sharing how your solved puzzled looks like now?
Dwyn: puzzle*
DracMorair: its a bit of a read... you sure your up for it?
DracMorair: it'll take yoru full attention to interpet the intent of it
DracMorair: yes?
Dwyn: Yes, of course.
DracMorair: The greatest sacrifice a being can make is not there soul, its there idenity. It's a fear to be nothing and everything to not only admit it but to accept it then do something with that knowledge.
DracMorair: Feed on pain I do to my delight. Boy does it give them a fright. Demons i use to my own power. For without the rain there'd be no flower. I'm the wolf at your door, I'll eat your soul to its core. Or shall I knaw on it little by little and leave it bleeding till all of you start seeding.
DracMorair: And mangral dog shall become an all consuming Fenris wolf, eating word after world. Know that in the eyes of the DaughterSon you shall see the wolf. Know that in the real eyez of the SonDaughter you shall find the light. As above so below, So below as above. Baphomet, venus in there other stage of conciousness, an inaiator into the dark mysteries, Androgynous. To love all ya must be all.
DracMorair: Within without within Consume all things & accept them. I don't want your soul. No I wish to singularity pattern it. InOut fractally creation. Knowing all, to love all, to be all, to love all knowing all. I Be ALL to Love All!
DracMorair: I is a Drasee. Jinn, D-Jinn. Genie, Keymaker/gatekeepr & jabberwock.. language of the birds... when a Dee Jay sings.. its jabberwork. Wish maker and granter, god is a dj :)
DracMorair: I am Skald: Wa/onderer, sage, poet, musician, dreamer, Life/Love Coach, spirit worker, spiritualist, truth-sayer, soothsayer. Giving up my safe harbor for another's pains, joys and larger vision for themselves. Showing the choas of the question "What do you see in Loki's mirror (your character's chaos)" & "what does unconditional love mean to you?" Helping them adjust. We rise by lifting eachother.
DracMorair: I am a pan, I am Libran, Scorpion claws and Maat. Beyond that, the thirteenth warrior, the entire zodiac. I chase shadows into peoples minds down a yellow brick road, the second star to the right to reveal the mirror behind the curtain at the end of the road through the looking glass. How about it wendy, come join we. Out of the earth, crash landed. To find the water and drown, to the sky where you fly alone and burn flying ever higher.
DracMorair: And as it gets clearer and clearer on my and others looking glass, the mirror of the soul, the darkness and the light spills through that creek in the door of heaven and hell like a perfect eclipse.
DracMorair: My Name? Gaelic/Romani/Tarot/Phoenecian Translation : DracMorair : Demon of Life and Death : Drake of Tower : Lord of Dragons : Dragon of Great Change : Demon Dragon of Rule Chaos, Life & Death : Dragon that reminds another to breath, more air.
DracMorair: And my own role to play in that is burning all they have structured there lives around and watch them rise from the ashes. And occasionally help the weary traveler after such an expence of energy. A path Y is not just not giving a shit. Only dead fishes go with the flow. Its seeing a solution and not being part of it.
DracMorair: Fin
Dwyn: Forgive my rudeness. I'll brb
DracMorair: hb
Dwyn: 5 more minutes. Please bare your patience with me.
DracMorair: Oh I'm sure theres plenty to digest... let it come naturally
Dwyn: Ancd back.
Dwyn: Now, I shall begin the reading.
Dwyn: Quite the feat.
DracMorair: Lots of phoenix lives to get to where i am now
DracMorair: Ride that reset button constantly now
Dwyn: I see.
DracMorair: great, whats your perspective?
Dwyn: On immortality?
DracMorair: No
DracMorair: Mirror mirror.. I get asked a lot... I keep a notepad of my inner discoveries.. whats yours?
Dwyn: I don't really have one. I've forasaken these entries in the past years.
Dwyn: Not as enthusiastic of rp as I was before.
Dwyn: I deem to ignore my thoughts of thinking. Usually abiding them, makes me stereotypical from most.
DracMorair: This is not role "play" This is the inner me
DracMorair: Do you really see?
Dwyn: Not very thoroughly.
DracMorair: Then feel free to read a gain
DracMorair: read and gain
Dwyn: I'll recite as I do. Makes me feel more indepth.
Dwyn: So that's what runs through your mind?
DracMorair: No.
DracMorair: Thats what i have discovered in myself. More than to know or to learn... what you know in your heart is what sticks with you. to discover.
Dwyn: And your ascertain of these aspects?
DracMorair: No, I'm very aware I'm non-cohesive.. my purpose as the phoenix infecting this program with a phoenix virus infecting others so they may rise with me.
Dwyn: -Nods.-
Dwyn: Have you heard of the Monarch Programme?
DracMorair: Yes, allowing dominion of another being to lay your being as a slave spirit, never questioning who you are... if one shall awaken the world, as we know it, is doomed
DracMorair: And there are many many more like me
DracMorair: it's accelerating
Dwyn: I believe there is another person that would like to be here as well.
DracMorair: happily
Dwyn: He told me he was part of the Monarch Programme.
Dwyn: He's trying to erase it, as we speak.
DracMorair: oh this should be fucking intresting
DracMorair: please do
Dwyn: He's offline.
Dwyn: But I'll surely invite him here one day.
DracMorair: Yeah, if I can burn one in the mist of the control programe that'd be huge
Dwyn: Indeed it would.
DracMorair: As much as I enjoy the zombie frying
DracMorair: its the necromancers I aim for
DracMorair: Striking out on bigger targets
DracMorair: I've been hunting for ages
Dwyn: Wait o_o.
Dwyn: You want to slaughter him or something?
DracMorair: eons even
DracMorair: No, I want them to realize what there doing
DracMorair: Temet Nosce is the spell
DracMorair: know thyself
DracMorair: Because even the necromancers have a higher master
DracMorair: Themselves
Dwyn: This ought to be interesting.
DracMorair: ikr
Dwyn: Are you a necromancer yourself?
DracMorair: In essense I know what they know. Though I'm aware that power is baseless... for infecting another being to a zombie is easy... live in fear, never question anything, never see the morning light, never see satan and legion. We are one.. its the same spiritual teaching. There taught to fear it. Thats necromancy at its core.... no what I do is say think for yourself, rise from the ashes and discover with me... We rise by lifting eachother.
DracMorair: When they say the dead shall rise
DracMorair: its not litera
DracMorair: literal
DracMorair: its the dead legal fiction
DracMorair: a name... a book of the dead
DracMorair: you are more than a name
DracMorair: more than a label
DracMorair: more than a person
DracMorair: more than a body
Dwyn: Who could've know that something taboo, could have so much meaning to it.
Dwyn: Fascinating.
DracMorair: heh if you want literal though I have that too
DracMorair: Luke 17:21 Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.
DracMorair: Thy shall have no other gods be fore "ME". Me being you, I, everyone. U is I is Me
DracMorair: theres the #1
DracMorair: lol.
DracMorair: The pope hat, the fish... aquarious.. age of aquarious... see it but dont question it.... a necromancer figure head
DracMorair: And leader of the greates child abusers in the world
DracMorair: for two thousand years
DracMorair: It's everywhere if you percieve ever story is fiction
DracMorair: And put the intent back into the "spells"
DracMorair: Am i masturbating to your brain a bit much?
DracMorair: hey
Dwyn: A bit xD
DracMorair: Good because I enjoy that too ;)
DracMorair: appreciate it
Dwyn: Since it's 2 AM here.
Dwyn: I am weary.
DracMorair: And the phoenix rises
DracMorair: muah
DracMorair: wa
DracMorair: ;)
Dwyn: Indeed she does :)
DracMorair: Btw you know any Loli's with a high curiosity that may love the freedom to explore themsevles here...
DracMorair: Angel leaving me dry made me a bit hungry
Dwyn: I might.
Dwyn: Will a 16 year old do?
DracMorair: nod
DracMorair: Age is arbitrary really
Dwyn: She's in search for master.
DracMorair: Well my offer is a wishmaster not her master.. big difference... though it's still mutual gain
Dwyn: I suppose.
DracMorair: happy to meet her
Dwyn: I'll ask her to drop by some day
DracMorair: I'ts my one true weakness ... though angel attempting to manipulate me taught me it can be easily turned into a Burning phoenix moment too
DracMorair: So stregth it becomes
Dwyn: I wouldn't mind if you want to feed me off.
DracMorair: ~~raises a brow~~ Feed me off... what's your intent/
DracMorair: ?
Dwyn: That I left you hanging there to finish Angel's job.
Dwyn: Was a bit occupied there.
DracMorair: oh my earlyer offer
DracMorair: Yeah, your welcome to fill the order so to speak
DracMorair: And I am a bit hungry, how big a meal are you?
Dwyn: I can last for an hour.
Dwyn: And I'd like it if you're a tad forceful.
DracMorair: I can work with that.
DracMorair: Take a look around at all the toys. And use your imagination.
DracMorair: Beckon me when you've found one
Dwyn: I am not too familiar with them. I'd like it if you were to treat to what you enjoy.
DracMorair: And I am the wishmaster, My wish is your command
DracMorair: tehehe
DracMorair: So break the impasse... discover something you enjoy
Dwyn: The pool looks cozy o3o.
Dwyn: Jacuzzi*
DracMorair: ~~raies the oher brow~~ It is, though mostly for comfort than anything messier
Dwyn: This seems like the only toy around here.
DracMorair: shit.. If I dont feed my body behind the screen I'm likely to fuel this hunger and f'n eat you... and I don't do that without a willing body. Pardon, but I need to raincheck this till I rumble up some grub.
DracMorair: brb.
Dwyn: Tyt
Dwyn: brb as well
Dwyn: Backo
Dwyn: Well I'll be off.
Dwyn: Good talk to you Drac.
Dwyn: See you some other day
Dwyn: Ciao
DracMorair: welcome to our not so humble Heathens den
DracMorair: Read the description and tell me if theres any others you know that may enjoy the freedom
gremlininheat: thankiez
DracMorair: de nada
gremlininheat: so may ask a few questions?
DracMorair: I'm a completely open mind, body, soul, & heart. Fire away
gremlininheat: ty
gremlininheat: what is your gender
DracMorair: I be all to love all knowing all.
gremlininheat: sub or dom
DracMorair: Nither.. Primal
DracMorair: The concept being free spirits can assert dominance over eachother without a assigned role
DracMorair: next?
gremlininheat: i personally am a switch
gremlininheat: but only with certain situations n genders
DracMorair: Bit like a primal only asking a role before anything begins... I don thave that issue
gremlininheat: -nods- but i do
DracMorair: which is fine love. I accept all beings
DracMorair: And pardons if that came out as presumttious of me... It just a common issue for me.
gremlininheat: sorry.
DracMorair: De nada. we are who we are.
gremlininheat: i can only dom a male
gremlininheat: but i can be both with a female
DracMorair: And the best of all worlds with me?
DracMorair: gigglez
DracMorair: or am I a big fat question mark for you?
DracMorair: hellow
DracMorair: ?
gremlininheat: well it can take out the joy of things
DracMorair: Oh i serously doubt that that love. if your expecting your happiness on a being being only one type of way thats bigotry, and you dont strike me as a bigot.
DracMorair: Next question?
gremlininheat: what kinds of things do you enjoy?
DracMorair: Everything, life is a huge testing ground to experience everything. Though at the top of my fetishes for the time being. Nurturing the curiosity and imagination of another being so they can grow.
DracMorair: in all ways
DracMorair: Mentally, spritually, sexually, emotionally... ecetra
gremlininheat: are you looking for relationship of some kind or just rp/playing
DracMorair: I dont do ither... all beings are my lovers. I be all to love all knowing all. What they do with my unconditional love is completely up to them to agree to or not.
DracMorair: Is my dick in your ear masturbating to your brain hurting yet? (mind fuckig)
DracMorair: tehehe
gremlininheat: eeeeeep
DracMorair: to borrow eminem, you aint quite yet met a motherfucker like me
gremlininheat: does it matter to you my gender
DracMorair: Not at all as I said before, I accept and love all beings
gremlininheat: so pansexual then
DracMorair: Yes... though also sapio and asexual. Mind lovers and no gender at all if need be
DracMorair: I be all
gremlininheat: anything off limits
DracMorair: No, even death, as this form is only temporary. Energy never dies, and nither does the being riding this vesel you see here I enable with conciousness or the one behind the monitor in a fleshy body
DracMorair: though I've never had a lover ask for my meat suit to perish
DracMorair: tehehe
gremlininheat: so necro, pedo, scat etc.
DracMorair: Scat if I'm on drugs... the scent of it is gag worthy
DracMorair: and pedo is arbitrary, age is age... consent is consent
DracMorair: Most are confused at my loli fetich and the baca sign back there
DracMorair: I don't force another will
DracMorair: and your are most curious
DracMorair: Anything other questions?
gremlininheat: -giggles- am i?
DracMorair: mhmm... most dont go that deep, even though these question are somewhat superficial
gremlininheat: -shrugs- im just being me
gremlininheat: im just picky i guess
DracMorair: No, its the informed mind that can make a informed decision, its no fault
DracMorair: Though that does beg a question now from me
gremlininheat: mhmmm
DracMorair: What are you attempting to gather with that information. Making a decision?
gremlininheat: yes.
DracMorair: And what is that cutie?
gremlininheat: and whether not i should do anything
DracMorair: To do, or not?
gremlininheat: maybe just take it slow at first
DracMorair: Why the hesitation?
gremlininheat: well....
gremlininheat: ive havent really felt like doing anything for a while
gremlininheat: rp-wise
DracMorair: That's fine love.. its a fair bit more than "play" around here anyway
DracMorair: ya feel me?
gremlininheat: yea
DracMorair: So, is there any fear in you?
gremlininheat: i dont wanna get too serious with someone again
DracMorair: Can you read something and really digest it... it may help with this issue.
DracMorair: please?
gremlininheat: ummm oki
DracMorair: The capacity to be alone is the capacity to love. It may look paradoxical to you, but its not. It is an existential truth: only those people who are capable of being alone are capable of love, of sharing, of going into the deepest core of another person-- without possessing the other, without becoming dependent on the other, without reducing the other to a thing, and without becoming addicted to the other. They allow the other absolute freedom, because they know that if the other leaves, they will be as happy as they are now. their happiness cannot be taken by the other, because it is not given by the other.
DracMorair: The short version. Be you, are you, Accepting of you in any action you do.
DracMorair: or don't for that matter
gremlininheat: ummmm oki
DracMorair: So its not about "getting close" ok?
DracMorair: Unconditional is no conditoins
DracMorair: k?
gremlininheat: ummmm oki
DracMorair: tehehe
DracMorair: Btw modesty is overrated dear. The only rule here is your nude in all things, Mind, spriit, body, soul & heart
DracMorair: allowing for complete freedom to who and what we are
DracMorair: Can you handle that?
gremlininheat: ^^
gremlininheat: nakie time
gremlininheat: -gigglez-
DracMorair: ~~bites my lip for the reveal~~
DracMorair: ~~ears perked forward taking in a long scent as the sex is revealed to open air at last sending my nerves on edge as my tail twitches in apprecation of the view~~ Kawaii
gremlininheat: -wiggles my butt teasingly and gigglez-
DracMorair: ~~eyes going wide for a 1/2 second before the smile reaches my eyes~~ Made that decision?
DracMorair: tehehe
gremlininheat: -gigglez coyly- we shall see
gremlininheat: (brb)
DracMorair: kk
DracMorair: see indeed... live inthe moment, what come will ... heh.. possibly cum
gremlininheat: (back)
DracMorair: muah
DracMorair: I really do hate zombie minds
gremlininheat: derp
gremlininheat: well i must tell you
DracMorair: So entrenched in the system of control the'll do anything to protect it
DracMorair: including dellude themselves
gremlininheat: rose n i are related
DracMorair: shrug
DracMorair: be my guest
DracMorair: Truth is truth
DracMorair: whether its me speaking it or anybody else
DracMorair: it is what it is
gremlininheat: i am no stranger to being booted
DracMorair: gigglez
DracMorair: Speak your mind regarless of the false notion of respect too ay?
DracMorair: cudos
gremlininheat: i call it snarky
gremlininheat: loll
DracMorair: Bitchy is my essense. do me a favor
DracMorair: to your relation
gremlininheat: mhmm?
DracMorair: "If I can rattle your cage your still in one. Takes a position of ruthless unconditional love to show you that"
DracMorair: gigglez
gremlininheat: -giggles-
gremlininheat: we aren't related by blood
DracMorair: meh, blood is an accident anyway
DracMorair: Real family is the ones that make the concious choice to help you with everything.
DracMorair: Thats why they call unconditional love a family bond
DracMorair: In essense everyone is my brother sister daughter mother father .. ect ect
gremlininheat: whats your favorite color
DracMorair: That mentality of "you cant help everyone" is idiotic. I help everyone being who I am
DracMorair: All colors... every frequency... White is all colors in the specturm.. Black is all colors in pigments.
gremlininheat: umm one word please
gremlininheat: -giggles-
DracMorair: All
gremlininheat: pick one
DracMorair: I dont divide, even as simple of question as that
gremlininheat: pick one
DracMorair: Nobody below me nothing above me. As within so without. i only percieve through my eyes 7 frequencies of light out of 8 billion! or more in this reality so no... I do not restrict myself by diving by choice.
gremlininheat: -pokes your chest till you pick one like a brat-
DracMorair: You can ither accept that answer or not. ~~giggling looking up at her curiously eyebrows raised~~
gremlininheat: -pouts n keeps poking-
DracMorair: Carefull now you cheeky little devil You may bite off more than you can chew
gremlininheat: -sniffles- oki
DracMorair: So, can i be your genie, your wishmaster? Your wish is my command.
gremlininheat: -gigglez coyly- patience sweetie patience
DracMorair: Time is not a frequency I deal in... comit to an idea or ya don't right?
gremlininheat: undecided is my decision
gremlininheat: for now
DracMorair: in the mean time?
DracMorair: mean.. time
DracMorair: heh
gremlininheat: -nuzzlez against your neck softly-
DracMorair: ~~gives an appreciative nuzzle back into her cheek licking nurturing like wondering~~
gremlininheat: just to warn you, i am a bit of a tease
DracMorair: ~~raises a brow~~ I'd say don't please if you don't aim to please, but I fear it may land on deaf ears.
gremlininheat: -gigglez-
DracMorair: so you up for a tussle ?
gremlininheat: a tussle?
DracMorair: A romp, a go, a fight, a roll, a shake things up and see what falls out
gremlininheat: -giggles- not a fighter
DracMorair: yeah, not what I was refering too
DracMorair: Changing up. To stir the pot
DracMorair: Take this to the next level.
DracMorair: feel me?
gremlininheat: -blushes- naughty naughty
DracMorair: Always.
DracMorair: So, what shall it be?
gremlininheat: -randomly kicks you in the genitals n giggles coyly-
DracMorair: ~~lets a moan escape my muzzle with a coy grin from ear to ear~~ That's a start
gremlininheat: do you like pain?
DracMorair: I accept pain.. i don't "like" it. It's just another energy to be accepted and appreciated
gremlininheat: heeheee
gremlininheat: get on your knees whore. NOW!!!!!!
DracMorair: ~~givng a gallic shrug drops slowly to my knees looking up with an inquisative snort~~ hmm?
DracMorair: ~~folding my legs underneath me I put my arms behind me looking up at her smirking as if to say now what~~
gremlininheat: -pulls off my 6 inch stiletto heel and roughly inserts it into his tight sphincter-
DracMorair: ~~gives a small yip followed by another light moan before spreadng my legs for the stilleto~~ that you love it whore
gremlininheat: WANNA PLAY THE NAME GAME?
DracMorair: I never want, i need.
gremlininheat: good
gremlininheat: tell me do you have any kids?
DracMorair: many
gremlininheat: rl
DracMorair: many
gremlininheat: i want names
gremlininheat: TELL ME!!!
DracMorair: No, any use of thelegal name is fraud.... and my kids are more than dead legal ficitions
gremlininheat: TELL ME
DracMorair: no
gremlininheat: TELL ME NOW OR BOOT ME
DracMorair: your choice, but your free to leave at anytime... if a dead name is the stoping our fun is cause for you to leave so be it.. I rather not play with a superficial being as shallow as that
gremlininheat: TELL ME OR BOOT ME
DracMorair: is that all your anger afoards you?
DracMorair: No choice, I choose not to play
DracMorair: Fine, I am legion I am all names and none, I am the hunter in your dreams, the nightmare that screams for you in your worst fears, I am the darkness in the night, of things unknown.
gremlininheat: YOUR KID'S NAME OR BOOT ME
DracMorair: They are me for when you face them you face I, we, us, them.
gremlininheat: A NAME OR BOOT ME
DracMorair: I have you a name... we are Legion. Do you not accept this ?
gremlininheat: A NAME OR BOOT ME
DracMorair: yawn
DracMorair: Do you not accept Legion as a name?
gremlininheat: NO
DracMorair: Must be very conusing there in limbo isn't it?
gremlininheat: NAME OR BOOT ME
DracMorair: that tired line... feel free to scream in the darkness
DracMorair: I have music to play
DracMorair: warn1
gremlininheat: -mutes-
DracMorair: warn2
DracMorair: warn2
DracMorair: warn2
gremlininheat: you gonna boot me or not
DracMorair: warn3
DracMorair: bwolf1
DracMorair: I choose not to play
DracMorair: bwof2
DracMorair: bwolf2
DracMorair: Your free will
gremlininheat: -pouts- i thought nothing was off limits
DracMorair: can1
DracMorair: bwolf3
DracMorair: Its not
DracMorair: Its not my fault you dont accept our name
DracMorair: bwolf4
DracMorair: bwolf5
DracMorair: hehe, like theres any division between you and me anyway
DracMorair: gigglez
gremlininheat: so why not boot me
DracMorair: Same reason why really... as I've said ad nauseum now. Free will
DracMorair: I do not Pro choke, provoke if thats your attempt. I accept it all or did you miss that?
gremlininheat: -sighs- bored now
DracMorair: Being bored is such a usless phrase
DracMorair: so is how are you
DracMorair: for the same reason
gremlininheat: afk
DracMorair: You dont know how you are, ever, life is a dam miracle. Well short of all energy and allowing for the infinate... and why are you bored with infinate fucking possibilties
DracMorair: your lazy
DracMorair: not bored
gremlininheat: back
gremlininheat: you still here?
DracMorair: mhmm
DracMorair: bark
DracMorair: seduce my mind have me for a night
DracMorair: seduce my body*
DracMorair: seduce my mind have me for a lifetime
DracMorair: seduce my soul have me for eternity
gremlininheat: you have a soul?
DracMorair: That which is infinate yes
DracMorair: holy trinity does say OR it says AND
gremlininheat: im not religious.
DracMorair: pfft all stories are fiction, including your own past
gremlininheat: mhmm if you say so
DracMorair: I dont
gremlininheat: i gtg. work in the morning
gremlininheat: byeeeez
gremlininheat: tc n tty laterz
gremlininheat: poof
DracMorair: ta ta
DracMorair: Inlakesh
DracMorair: Ello loves
MrsBigBadWolf: Hi Drac.
MrsBigBadWolf: loading
DracMorair: Hey Tam, I thought you may enjoy this place.. allowing you to be free to do whatever you wish without the static in the way
MrsBigBadWolf: ok made it
MrsBigBadWolf: :) ty
Guest_Haakira: Hello my fluffy friend c;
DracMorair: Oh and furthermore, I dont need to hear that static here ;)
DracMorair: Its a open room, not a public one SO DONT FORGET TO BOOKMARK IT.
DracMorair: You haakira could have been in here hours ago
MrsBigBadWolf: ok.
MrsBigBadWolf: ty for invite
Guest_Haakira: I didn't know you were here hun
DracMorair: The idea of this place is to gather all the ones that have been repressed by imvu's BS. the worlds BS and have a nurturing place to do whatever we wish. Read the description and ask if you have anybody else that will enjoy the freedom.
DracMorair: And to be honest Tam, your one of the more repressed I know
MrsBigBadWolf: lol..
DracMorair: Modesy is bullshit, in mind, soul, heart and body.
MrsBigBadWolf: repressed as in depresed yes that be me
MrsBigBadWolf: LOL
DracMorair: speaking Haakira, loose the banana hammock
DracMorair: Then I'm telling you
DracMorair: you have places and people that let you be free
DracMorair: you hear me Tam?
MrsBigBadWolf: but im a happy sperit loving and kind but yes i do
Guest_Haakira: I love that banana to be tightened all the time c;
DracMorair: -.- what did I just say about modesty haakira
DracMorair: If you like it "tigthened" put it in a vice
DracMorair: gigglez
MrsBigBadWolf: ohmy
MrsBigBadWolf: tell you why i have been depresed
DracMorair: Pressure
DracMorair: De pressed
MrsBigBadWolf: being in pain
DracMorair: its in the dam word
MrsBigBadWolf: ya i cant spell
Guest_Haakira: Lol
DracMorair: literally
DracMorair: releive thy pressure
DracMorair: simple solution
DracMorair: ok/
DracMorair: ?
MrsBigBadWolf: in my chest and hole body
DracMorair: indeed
DracMorair: Breath. fuck it all (literally and figurativly)
MrsBigBadWolf: not sleep in maybe 2 weeks but 1 day
DracMorair: I havn't slept in 2 weeks ither.. and you think I'm depressed. hell naw
MrsBigBadWolf: left lage brused from walking in heat falling pain and yes pain fro outher things
DracMorair: do what I love never work a day, do what I dream, never sleep another
DracMorair: I'm loving now for now
DracMorair: So ither you can accept it all
DracMorair: including the pain
DracMorair: or letting press you down
DracMorair: you choice
DracMorair: done
DracMorair: k
MrsBigBadWolf: i work every day and i love it being a mother i love who i am but this pain is making me insane the hurt and ugh
DracMorair: yeah and your more than a title, a mother, a person.
MrsBigBadWolf: ty DracMorair
DracMorair: Let yourself and all it out
DracMorair: be free for fucks sake
MrsBigBadWolf: i am free
MrsBigBadWolf: LOL.
DracMorair: BLED7
MrsBigBadWolf: i wish i was free of this pain
DracMorair: BLED8
DracMorair: bled9
DracMorair: bled10
DracMorair: just a reminder
DracMorair: dont call your self free and depresse
DracMorair: it's like loving your prison
DracMorair: dont do that
MrsBigBadWolf: most my pain in (ya i cant spell) phiscal
MrsBigBadWolf: not so much mental
DracMorair: Then learn solutions
DracMorair: heres a start.
DracMorair: Combined with canibus... ya pretty much have a tincture for anything that ails you
DracMorair: Cure, rather than treating the symptoms
MrsBigBadWolf: i do that with galfball yes that helps me a lot at times
MrsBigBadWolf: hunny and tea help me when im sick
DracMorair: Start doing it regularly, as a cure, not a treatment. In a bout a month it gets rid of bed ridden arthritis, I've seen it
DracMorair: Among many other ailments
DracMorair: Anyway
DracMorair: Its your temple
DracMorair: REbuild it
DracMorair: And strip it if you dont mind while your here
DracMorair: gigglez
DracMorair: keep the hat, its cute
Guest_Haakira: You should be psychologist
Guest_Haakira: <.<
DracMorair: kaakira
DracMorair: I'm far far more
DracMorair: I am Skald: Wa/onderer, sage, poet, musician, dreamer, Life/Love Coach, spirit worker, spiritualist, truth-sayer, soothsayer. Giving up my safe harbor for another's pains, joys and larger vision for themselves. Showing the choas of the question "What do you see in Loki's mirror (your character's chaos)" & "what does unconditional love mean to you?" Helping them adjust. We rise by lifting eachother.
DracMorair: among many many other things... if you wish to hear my inner discoveries I can list them if you wish
DracMorair: And as the norse term skald comes from.. anyone that spoke the truth and there mind without hesitation was labeld a skald. A wanderer of there own mind. neve seeing the good and bad in other people. A messenger
DracMorair: and were respected in there day instead of cruicified
DracMorair: sure, truth hurts and burns (skalds) but it is very much needed
DracMorair: when people are too lazy to think forthemselves
MrsBigBadWolf: sorry had phone call
DracMorair: read up
MrsBigBadWolf: i did
MrsBigBadWolf: may i change fits
DracMorair: So, respect the den, leave the hat on, strip the rest ofyou. Mind, soul, heart andbody
DracMorair: Yeah, thats what I'm asking ;)
DracMorair: Nude Tam, Nude.
MrsBigBadWolf: loool not
DracMorair: why for fuck sake not?
MrsBigBadWolf: is called respect for the one i am with a pixal or not
DracMorair: Being offended is f'n bullshit
MrsBigBadWolf: I thank you for your words i finaly woke up to a calm place on here
DracMorair: Modesty is highly overrated
DracMorair: Because all it does it puts a mask on
DracMorair: Ya feel me?
DracMorair: More than the skin its mind soul and heart I'm enforcing here
MrsBigBadWolf: i respect yoyr baleafes DracMorair
MrsBigBadWolf: and i thank you for helping me
DracMorair: so if you cant go nude here and be free, why say ?
DracMorair: yw
DracMorair: Appreciate you taking time to listen, I realy really do
MrsBigBadWolf: I am a christan I love all and care for all as a human i respect all people and what the baleave in i will lisan to all as a human i have pain in my soul and i know god will help me heal and with the words you sared with me i know will help me as well
DracMorair: Then swallow this Luke 17:21 Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you. We are made by love, we are made of love, and we are made for love. Oh and one unified field, we are one, we are legion, same teaching. Christianity, Science, Spirituality, Satanism... Imagine that.
DracMorair: I sold my soul to satan isn't a curse.. its saying I saw the light of the first being... Me... we are legion... we are one... its the same spiritual teaching
MrsBigBadWolf: ok sorry im cunfused
DracMorair: Yeah, focus on the LUke 17:21
DracMorair: the rest spills forth from there
MrsBigBadWolf: you saing you sold your soul to satan???
DracMorair: get out of the literal
DracMorair: Morning star, Morning light, first Angle of light, The light inside, The greatest fear is to look in the mirror and discover who you are. Satan.
MrsBigBadWolf: you cant sell your soul is not yours to begine with cant sell it to satan or anyone thats what people dont understand
MrsBigBadWolf: i am not satan
DracMorair: Sol, soul, is infinate, light
MrsBigBadWolf: to me God is light
Guest_Haakira: I came for fun..and i get relligious discussion.Have a nice convo guys.
DracMorair: And out of god was created light from the darkness. do you fear it because of dogma?
DracMorair: Or learn to see yourself, the god within
MrsBigBadWolf: tc Haakira
DracMorair: lol
MrsBigBadWolf: lol
DracMorair: Anyway
MrsBigBadWolf: he dont know you to well then do he
MrsBigBadWolf: LOOL
DracMorair: Luke 17:21 Thats all I realy need to know
DracMorair: oh and the other?
DracMorair: in the commandments the #! HOld no other gods before "ME" Me being I, you, we
DracMorair: I M view U
DracMorair: The greatest sacrifice a being can make is not there soul, its there idenity. It's a fear to be nothing and everything to not only admit it but to accept it then do something with that knowledge.
MrsBigBadWolf: ummm commandment 1 is Thou shalt not have no other god before me
DracMorair: BEFORE "mE" that has been miss f'n translated for centuries.
DracMorair: with Luke it because abudently clear
DracMorair: Also Genesis 28:10-19:
DracMorair: Jacob left Beersheba, and went toward Haran. He came to the place and stayed there that night, because the sun had set. Taking one of the stones of the place, he put it under his head and lay down in that place to sleep. And he dreamed, and behold, there was a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven; and behold, the angels of God were ascending and descending on it! And behold, the Lord stood above it [or "beside him"] and said, "I am the Lord, the God of Abraham your father and the God of Isaac; the land on which you lie I will give to you and to your descendants; and your descendants shall be like the dust of the earth, and you shall spread abroad to the west and to the east and to the north and to the south; and by you and your descendants shall all the families of the earth bless themselves. Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land; for I will not leave you until I have done that of which I have spoken to you." Then Jacob awoke from his sleep and said, "Surely the Lord is in this place; and I did not know it." And he was afraid, and said, "This is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven.
DracMorair: Jacobs ladder
DracMorair: Funny Jacob was afraid of seeing themselvs surely
MrsBigBadWolf: ok...
MrsBigBadWolf: Drac sorry i hve to go have a good day and ty again. i have to get some rest and get my kids food to eat. have a fun day
MrsBigBadWolf: poofer
DracMorair: muah
DracMorair: looveu
MrsBigBadWolf: loves ya to
MrsBigBadWolf: poofer
DracMorair: Nude in all things here... Mind, soul, heart and body
DracMorair: modesty is the first limit anyone needs to get passed if there attempting to be a free spirit
DracMorair: ya feel me?
MRSDJPEARLIMMORTUI: im trying to load feel me
DracMorair: The idea of this place is to gather all the ones that have been repressed by imvu's BS. the worlds BS and have a nurturing place to do whatever we wish. Read the description and ask if you have anybody else that will enjoy the freedom.
DracMorair: love the fit.. though save a full nude rather than the barbie doll
DracMorair: not kidding
DracMorair: I seriously need to take a fine brush to your computer
DracMorair: re-invite?
MRSDJPEARLIMMORTUI: i got a look you might like
DracMorair: Whatever stirs your inner pain mistress
DracMorair: And stir me
DracMorair: fuck me
DracMorair: Curious my dear?
DracMorair: gods I got a chub already
DracMorair: tehehe
DracMorair: misc2
MRSDJPEARLIMMORTUI: ~takes my cat nails scratches them down her chest digging in deep drawing first blood, as i guide my tight lil puss to her hard cock slideing down rolling my hips~
DracMorair: Your wish is my command darling ~~A moan escaping my lips the nails digging in sending my nerves on fire. as her very tight self enscorcled my shaft my body going very still wondering her tolerance~~
MRSDJPEARLIMMORTUI: -taking a sharp pin that holds my hair back, digging into her top left nipple and twisting it around asi use my free hand putting alll my body weight on it pushing my self up and down digging in her deep ~
DracMorair: ~~As the pin slides in the wash of pleasure from it wetting my lower half in a rush. The twist erecting a small sigh out of my mouth. As the weight drops in pusing it even farther I nearly orgasm on the spot~~
DracMorair: Getting the idea now my love?
MRSDJPEARLIMMORTUI: ~she arches her back more as she takes her tail wraping it around her neck takeing her cock deeper in i use my cat lke teeth to biting her right tit useing my cat tounge like sandpaper to like the blood up rolling her hips faster as she slide up and her cock~
DracMorair: ~~literally shaking as the fine petie toungue rolls over the scratches the innocence just first exploring setting my minde a blaze with dirty thughts and desire. As the teeth dig in the first of probrably many orgasm slowly rides my nerve endings~~
DracMorair: heh, and now you get to see why innocence is a thing for me too.
DracMorair: the body is just a bonus ;)
MRSDJPEARLIMMORTUI: ~pushes her child like body faster as she pulls the pin from the nipple and pushes threw her pussy lip biting every nipples tighten the grip on her neck with my furry tail, gigles as she moves~
DracMorair: ~~giving a playfull growl as the pin is extracted wanting it more as my eyes go wide at where it gets replaced. My uppper half tempted to move yet locked into place with the tail I stretch my fingers to her semi formed youthfull breast and squeeze~~
MRSDJPEARLIMMORTUI: ~she pis her paw down with her own paws as he keeps grip on her neck feeling her own pussy throbbing as she aches her back more rolling her hips she bites and suck on her left nipple digging her heels into her bottom paws~`
DracMorair: ~~wrapping my free paw around her back i dig my talons into her ass as I pull her cute body up and down, tugging the teet at my lactating breast milking it in the process, the milking of my futa riding to her cervix kissing it rather than slamming into it enjoying the feel of her velvet canal~~
MRSDJPEARLIMMORTUI: ~she moans as she feel the sweet kisses from her cock as she release her mouth from her breast nipping her neck, tighten the grip around her neck once more releasing her auther top paw taking her free paw and clawing at her back runing her clws deep with in her~~
MRSDJPEARLIMMORTUI: ~she looks to the shewolf as she grins softly ,rolling her hips
DracMorair: Cum for me my little darling ~~as I begin to work the pace of her body across me faster yet no harder, my neck constricted I still manage to get out a greatful, appreciative purr as the smell of my milk hits my senses as the petite k9s dig in my neck~~
MRSDJPEARLIMMORTUI: ~she looks to the shewolf as she grins rolling her hips faster her tiny body shaking from the pleasure of the big she cock inside of her , she reaches up behinde the she wolf and pulls her red fine hair with her finger tips feeling her self tighten and trob at the same tome pussy creating a suckion around her cock as she begings to squirt from her tiny pussy down both of them meowing as she purrs making her whole body vibrate~~
DracMorair: ~~pleased at her releas i bend my spine forward as my own release begins to lay long thick ropes up her tight milking puss. Returning the pleasurable noises from my little puss with a long lustfull growl my body shaking as I wrap my arms around her mother like as i nuzzle into her cheek~~ That's my dear. take all you need from me.
MRSDJPEARLIMMORTUI: ~`rolling my tiny lil hips begings to suck her auther nipple feeding from it as i arch my bac once more feeling the large she wolfs cock in me i dig both my paw into her back repeatly scratching up and down as my body still vibrates chokeing her tighter slamming my tiny lil puss harder down on her she cock,my pussy begins to over flow her body with my sweet honey~~
DracMorair: ~~throwing my head back I let out another orgasm as the petite youthfull mouth begins to nurse across me. The tiny claws in my back sending more long ropes up her in a second orgasm, as the pressure swells in her tight honey hole staring to spill down and out across my balls and puss and between my crack~~
MRSDJPEARLIMMORTUI: ~as i feel my tiny puss swell up creating a suckion only a cats puss would do i turn my vibrate on over time taking my small paw shoving it up her puss pushing it in and out as i take her cock in and out biting under neith her breast chokeing her with every thurst~~
DracMorair: ~~with the pleasurable thrill and the painfull tightening of my shaft I howl echoing into the darkness. The howl becoming louder as the petite hand in full spread my other privates wide. My cock still throbbing and puming cum out of me as the teeth dig into my breast, spilling milk across her petite snout~~
MRSDJPEARLIMMORTUI: ~she feels the milk run across her snout as she uses her sandpaper tounge to lick the milk frm her breast slamming her tight tiny swollen puss on her she cock feeling her self throb again as she purrs and vibrates taking her paws and squeezing her tits as she drinks tighten and releaseing her tail all in pleasure over and over arching her back useing her tiny legs to push her up and daown then taking the paw she had in her puss putting even deeper the before hitting both walls of her puss~
DracMorair: ~~As my cock begins to finally weigh out of the pressure and the insaitable kitty begins to buck I wander my pas at her back to probe under her kitten tail into her cute rectum, returning the favor of the hand in my puss with a throaty giggle. As the cute body archesI lean forward just a bit as my cock threatens to widen her tiny cervix to whisper in her ear~~ You push past that its going to hurt.
MRSDJPEARLIMMORTUI: ~she welcome the big wolf paw to her ass proping it up for her slamming her tiny puss harder on the she wolfs cock as she fist her pussy taking her free paw and returning the favor sliding it deep withen her ass andshemoves her body and her paws with theshe wolfs cock and paw~~
DracMorair: ~~giggling as the two tiny arms squeeze her tiny breast I lean forward a little farther to lick up the clevage to her collar bone to bite down on her neck, just enough to hold her in place like the good little kitten she is, giving her what she wants I push past the cervix with a audible pop, likely sending an almost disabling pain through her, as my cock burrys in her to her wom, my cock head visable from her belly at every thrust and gigglig again as I notice my cock head is also squeezed between her wrist at her belly while burried in my holes~~
DracMorair: my soul is literally on mutiple orgasm right now.
MRSDJPEARLIMMORTUI: ~asa she feel the pop into her stomic and can see the head of the she wolfs cock in her belly she pushes her tiny paws as far as they can go deep with in the she wolfs ass and puss she purrs to her own pain making her own body on non stop purring/vibrating she feels the she wolfs k-9ns in her collor bone i snap at her muzzle playfully~~
MRSDJPEARLIMMORTUI: well i learn from the best tehehe
DracMorair: ~~digging in at the cutenes of the snap at herneck holding her body in place as I lift her in the air beating my wings to every thrust up her abused hole, my cock head felt by my stomach through my kitten's stomach. Using my free paw to wrap her thighs around me as I fly and fuck~~
MRSDJPEARLIMMORTUI: ~useing her cat instinks she grips her claws into the puss and ass so not to have her own fear to fall, rolling her hips up and down as her tiny puss throbs again purring as she release her self all over the room in mid flight as her whole tiny body vibrates~~
MRSDJPEARLIMMORTUI: hows that thought now tehehe
DracMorair: ~~with a deep chuckle in my throat as the claws dig in i let out another moan as the tiny claws dig into the velvet of my holes~~ A little fear takes you to the next level of giving me pain. See you can use anything to your advantage.
DracMorair: Gives me idea to fuck you on a cliff face, perhaps a bus trip down to the grand canyon
MRSDJPEARLIMMORTUI: ~she licks her snout as she chuckles back releaseing her claws from the she wolfs ass and puss wraping her tiny paws around the she wolfs neck holding on digs sme in her neck so not to fall~
MRSDJPEARLIMMORTUI: umm... are u fucking nuts
DracMorair: No, just fucking ready to break all your limits and fears
MRSDJPEARLIMMORTUI: ill think about it
DracMorair: Not at all, I got you my kitten, ready to land? ~~as I fly over to Casey's wonderful couch~~
DracMorair: misc1
DracMorair: ~~letting her go mid air I dive first into the couch waiting lining her tiny snatch for my futa burrying it deep as she lands with a wet slap~~
MRSDJPEARLIMMORTUI: ~she land hard on the shewolf cock useing her tiny paws of her feet to push her tiny body up and down feeling the cock in my thourt by this time~
DracMorair: ~~gigglez as my base of my shaft tickles her rib cage using a bit of flesh melding to engorge it further up ~~ Too much?
MRSDJPEARLIMMORTUI: ~chcuckles as she almost feels it on her cat tounge as she moves up and down feeling it go in and out her mouth~~ hahaha
MRSDJPEARLIMMORTUI: if i would of landed wrong it would of went up my ass into my spine
DracMorair: Perhaps next time, Now I'm seriously considing see if you can swallow from this kitten. ~~True to my word I ejaculate up and out her throat with intense curiosity as I also wrack my talons down her back and into her cheeks, digging in my talons to hipbone scratching bone marrorw, thinking in a hospital this is the most painfull thing a being can experience~~
MRSDJPEARLIMMORTUI: wat u mean u already in my thourt threw my pussy ur being swolled by both ends ~feels the she wolf dig all the way to the one marrorw of my hip bones taking the she wolfs honey from puss to mouth at the same time as she squirts~
DracMorair: ~~moving talons up her bodim bends her spine backwards to me forcing my muzzle to hers to tase myself and honey fresh from her into my own. Dancing my forked toungue in her mouth greedily~~
MRSDJPEARLIMMORTUI: ~giggles a bit before letting all the shewolfs honey spill out my muzzle into hers flooding her muzzle compleatly ~
DracMorair: ~~with a pleasurable groan I return my shaft to its thick but managable size in her kooch lift her off and pull her body back to me snuggling as I swallow down my gifts nuzzling into her shoulder and wrapping my paws around her perky youtful body and one breast twisting one in the process~~ All that and a bag of treats, That univers order I put out earlyer, I realize it wasn't the few lolis I've stumbled into and perhaps still play with, it was you. You take it all and come up still begging for more. I really appreciate this day, more than you'll ever know.
MRSDJPEARLIMMORTUI: oh but i do know shewolf and i dont disapoint js you taught me that giggles
DracMorair: If it was about "not"pointing I'd say I'd agree... this is more like a mana from heaven, the how of it was sure to come and here you are. In full lustfull glory.
MRSDJPEARLIMMORTUI: we both knew this shewolf
DracMorair: Aye, but don't attempt to cheapen it ;)
DracMorair: gigglez
MRSDJPEARLIMMORTUI: no i learned alot
DracMorair: Discovered a lot, more than learning.
DracMorair: Discovery sticks with you what you knwo in your heart.
DracMorair: As you just rightly pointed out
MRSDJPEARLIMMORTUI: well i must say ive improved alot
DracMorair: Meh, it is what it is... you don't need to compare yourself to yourself
DracMorair: its saying that previous you wasn't imporant.
DracMorair: or "lesser"
MRSDJPEARLIMMORTUI: well ik that but i must i was rusty in the begining
DracMorair: Meh, you always ahve a talent for picking up steam when your desire and interest are peaked... hell isn't everyones?
DracMorair: ~~my cock between ass cheaks I give a giggle thrusting the bloody wet cum caked shaft grindig across her back and cheeks~~ So, I think we about covered your pain limits here... though I wonder if I cut extremities off of you and fucked you with them you'd still crige.
DracMorair: cringe*
DracMorair: hehehe
DracMorair: gods, you considering it..
DracMorair: I think my mind just busted a nut
DracMorair: The body is temporary
DracMorair: tehehe
DracMorair: And easily fixed.
DracMorair: Experically when the possibilites are endless
What this one has done here is taken a chat log from a chat room program called IMVU and posted it on here. This is actually made up of different people, unless the one that posted has more than one account. However this was completely fucked up. It would have lessened the confusion if it was explained that the first part of the line, except on the longer posts, is actually the name of who is talking. For example "DracMorair:" is one username. This post was a fuck up because all the unneeded bullshit was not taken out of it and it wasn't spaced out so you can see the different "posts" because each is done from a different view point. To top it off. I used IMVU to "RolePlay" and the actual posts for the sex almost makes me ashamed to do it.
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