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RAW chat logs from IMvu
LittleZombie: Sorry watching a movir and talking here
DracMorair: So, whats your darkest desire?
LittleZombie: I think my darkest one...
LittleZombie: Is...
LittleZombie: I'm lustful around the daddy and babygirl relationships
LittleZombie: But I want one with a futa.
DracMorair: Done.... my wish is your command. So whats next on the list?
LittleZombie: Oohh..
LittleZombie: Umm..
LittleZombie: I like to be treated like I'm.. small cute.
LittleZombie: Innocent
LittleZombie: I don't like to be hurt
LittleZombie: If that makes sense
DracMorair: Accepting pain is something you have issue with?
LittleZombie: I grew up with it.
DracMorair: though do you cringe from it or accept it
LittleZombie: My mom died of cancer my dad raised me as an only child.
DracMorair: leave you past out of this
LittleZombie: Cringe.
LittleZombie: I'm sorry...
DracMorair: Its now thats what matters
LittleZombie: I'm scared of pain.
DracMorair: ok.. ~~with a grin and a barley audible whisper~ my darling pup?
LittleZombie: Mm yes?
DracMorair: I think thats probrably at the top of your darkest desire for obvious reasons. you need to face that demon in you. And I know just the way to do it
DracMorair: Are you willing?
LittleZombie: If I feel uncomfortable I'll tell you.
LittleZombie: but I'm willing.
DracMorair: good.
DracMorair: This is going to be easy
DracMorair: I want that curiosity, that innocence channeled to something productive
DracMorair: Were going ot use that demon
DracMorair: ride it
DracMorair: And your going to inflict that pain on me.
DracMorair: I want you to get curious about every little moan I make at every twist of a nipple
DracMorair: every bite
DracMorair: Every scratch
DracMorair: Think you can manage?
LittleZombie: I'm going to hurt you?..
DracMorair: no, I accept pain
DracMorair: its an energy I allow into my being
DracMorair: I use it to get off
LittleZombie: But I'm scared of inflicting it.
DracMorair: among all the rest of the energies of course
DracMorair: Start small
LittleZombie: I'm a pacifist I'm not sure if I can..
LittleZombie: I sound so weak
DracMorair: You've like bitten, kneaded into someones tits, that sort of thing right?
LittleZombie: But thats what kittens do to feed.
LittleZombie: I don't think it hurts.
DracMorair: Nibbled on there neck
LittleZombie: I'll.. try.
DracMorair: It just being a little more frisky in doing so
DracMorair: Getting excited at it
DracMorair: Knowing that it will turn me on
DracMorair: And get what you need
DracMorair: its a win win
DracMorair: you see?
LittleZombie: I remember my friend and I got frisky and I dug my nails into her back
LittleZombie: and I drew blood from her back.. somehow she liked it.
DracMorair: exactly
LittleZombie: How come she liked it?
DracMorair: Oh easy... its accepting that pain, that raw primal urge to dig in. Not only to flesh but the passion... letting all the control go
DracMorair: Thats what being a primal is
DracMorair: And another thing
DracMorair: the body is temorary
DracMorair: we are more than just the body
DracMorair: if this place... imvu is any proof of it
DracMorair: We aren't the same being we are tommorow
DracMorair: energy never dies
LittleZombie: but when I saw her blood on my hand I kinda got sick after it,
LittleZombie: I don't understand
DracMorair: dont stand under it
DracMorair: innerstand
DracMorair: That its an effect of passion
DracMorair: urge
DracMorair: desire
DracMorair: To restrict yourself is unnatural
DracMorair: Vanilla
DracMorair: plain
DracMorair: Life has flavor
DracMorair: Allowing that you allow it all
LittleZombie: All I like is to have that sensual feelig of my lips wrapping around a futa or trapon ;..
DracMorair: For the time being ;)
LittleZombie: strapon*
DracMorair: Though when I request your teeth will you hesitate or prepare yourself?
LittleZombie: Teeth.. On what?
DracMorair: my futa silly
LittleZombie: But where?
DracMorair: Anywhere all that study of the genetalia got you
DracMorair: gods my imagination is running wild with that
DracMorair: gigglez
DracMorair: And the idea is darling
DracMorair: when you can see I can accept it easy
DracMorair: it allows you to use me as a mirror
DracMorair: Hence your daddy/mommy fetish
DracMorair: giving you permission to your own curiosity
DracMorair: ok?
LittleZombie: Okay..
DracMorair: ~~traces my fingers down her lovely front end resting my palms on her hips spreading her legs a bit wider as I take in the full vew of her Kawaii innocenct body~~ You are a dream come true
LittleZombie: What was your dream like that lead you that I'm a dream come true?
DracMorair: After the story broke, she took the kids and broke contact. I haven't had contact with them since. The love you deny is the pain you carry. I learned that on the opposite end of things. I cant imagine what our daughter is going through.
DracMorair: So you see
DracMorair: That pain, accepting it
DracMorair: And here you are.
DracMorair: Not as a replacement
DracMorair: But as a need I've wished for for quite some time
DracMorair: you hear me?
LittleZombie: ..; Her cheeks grew a deep, her small petite legs still spread around the futas body ;.. I.. I hear you.
DracMorair: ~~wandering my hands around her plump perfect heartshaped bottom I squeeze a bit pulling her into my stomach~~ Take what you need.
LittleZombie: ..; She rested her chin on your forehead ;.. I want but need is merely a mirage.. in my opinion.
DracMorair: One that servers a purpose regardless... much like the reality we live in.
DracMorair: ~~nuzzling into her neck licking lovingly~~ My lovely pup, the multi-verse is kind today.
LittleZombie: ..; Her body shivered as she rubed her plump lips against your tummy ;.. Are you inlove with anyone mister?
LittleZombie: (i say mister in regard to the real world)
DracMorair: As i said, I uncondtionally love all beings... its up to them how they express it. As to levels of involvment, it varies.
DracMorair: I lost count if your looking for one
DracMorair: ~~arching my spine into her naval I use the legnth of my body to grind against her swollen pussy lips a low purr beginging to hum in my throat~~
LittleZombie: I'm curious.. In honestly whats your view on asian women?
DracMorair: The archetype is one of lasting cuteness. The don't age there bodies in many ways. The retained innocence is apealing. Hence most anime depcit it as well.
LittleZombie: I'll prove I have no shame of my body, if you'd like
DracMorair: (and you were right, the blood flow is noticable )
DracMorair: You dont need to prove anything, though now you have me curious what shamefull in other eyes thing your about to reveal is.
LittleZombie: REDACTED It's a screenshot, I'm just showing you my skin.
DracMorair: --biting my lip as I scroll- Atleast you aim to please you tease
DracMorair: tehehe
LittleZombie: I have no idea why the asians get small boobs.
LittleZombie: But meh.
DracMorair: Its the reatained innocence... for me, the bigger they are the worst off... back problems to name just one for the carrier
DracMorair: And yes, you have my ideal chest right there ;)
LittleZombie: Maybe thats why I like to be treated like a little girl but sexually too..
DracMorair: having a partner that not only enjoys the innocence but nearly demands it
DracMorair: :*
LittleZombie: I'm petite..
LittleZombie: I'll show you my tummy and thighs if you want..
DracMorair: I see that :)
DracMorair: Yes please
LittleZombie: REDACTED
LittleZombie: REDACTED
DracMorair: You truly are a dream come true
LittleZombie: Thank you..
DracMorair: I have a video of me playing with myself if your truly intrested. I've lost about 40 lbls since then though
LittleZombie: You have to realize I'm a lesbian.
DracMorair: And you can see beyond the surface too
DracMorair: tehehe
LittleZombie: If i know it's connected to a male irl I'm not interested.
DracMorair: shrug
LittleZombie: However futas are good<3
DracMorair: And I play with my tate constantly.. I've nearly dug a... well correction... have dug a hole inmyself
DracMorair: As a youth it frustrated me i didn't have it.
DracMorair: Still is really
LittleZombie: Have a vagina?
DracMorair: yeah.
DracMorair: If I could find a good doc to even make a 1 inch deep hole I'd be content
DracMorair: Though self mutliation turns me on... its typically not permanent
LittleZombie: That scares me..
DracMorair: I know dear
DracMorair: Dont trouble yourself over me
DracMorair: ok?
DracMorair: Its the pain of not having is the one I steal have a hard time accepting
DracMorair: Thats the greater pain
DracMorair: though this body is temporary and I know what, it still bugs me
LittleZombie: ..; She gripped your breasts ;.. Mmn.
DracMorair: ~~smiles down at her rolling my paw through her hair as the slow drop of milk begins to swell out of my squeezed breast~~
LittleZombie: ..; She wet her bone shaped cookie with your breast milk and started eating it ;.. Thank you..
DracMorair: ~~bites my lip with a raised brow then then turning into a smile at her as I slowly start to come to realize~~ Thank you too
LittleZombie: What have you realized?
DracMorair: ~~gigglez licking over her cute snout~~ That we both had this need, want, desire, fullfillment, whatever you like to call it in us. And we are thankfull for it.
LittleZombie: May I ask a question about your step daughter
DracMorair: By all means
LittleZombie: Did you ever have intercourse besides letting her give you a bk
LittleZombie: bj
LittleZombie: I have plump lips.. bald.. and i'm tight.
DracMorair: prove it
DracMorair: tehehe
LittleZombie: Do I have too?
LittleZombie: Thats the part of my body I'm scared of showing online
DracMorair: Are you ashamed of your body?
LittleZombie: No, It's just I think it's best I don't show my vagina on the internet.
DracMorair: out of 4 billion thers 2 billion already on it... lol
DracMorair: Though its your choice love.
DracMorair: I'm curious just how plumb, and tight
LittleZombie: I think your imagination should play a role.
LittleZombie: I need to go potty, brb.
DracMorair: Says the lass that showed me her everything but
DracMorair: gigglez
DracMorair: hb
LittleZombie: I didn't show you my butt, back neck face
DracMorair: Hips tell me a lot
DracMorair: I make a study of them
DracMorair: like you and your peni
LittleZombie: What do my hips tell you?
DracMorair: That there's barley any flesh to your ass. Some looking at it may say it looks like a 14 year olds. Your hipones into naval are liklely narrow, also adding to that youthfull appearance, And plump lips squeezed in between with your musle tone and bone structure with a wet line between
LittleZombie: ;w;
LittleZombie: I don't have a butt it's true
LittleZombie: :c
DracMorair: And by your skin tone, and your mussle tone retreating in your hips to your naval I can tell you spend a decent amount of time in a daily masturbation.
DracMorair: Am I off?
LittleZombie: I don't masturbate too much.
LittleZombie: Last time I masturbated was 2 days ago because I couldn't sleep
DracMorair: Though when you do it's take your time or not at all
LittleZombie: I climax fast.
LittleZombie: Since my clit is sensative as hell
DracMorair: oh dear
DracMorair: That is the one thing I cant see without a shot of it
DracMorair: gigglez
LittleZombie: you know when I put on strapons
DracMorair: do you do a lot of sitting or tai chi?
LittleZombie: I always ask myself
LittleZombie: "How do men put up with these things"
DracMorair: Its a peice of self... the added "object" mentality is the problem
DracMorair: Its kinda like how do you put up with boobs getting in the way of pressing your body into something
LittleZombie: My boobs are small.
LittleZombie: so I don't really get much discomfort with them
DracMorair: Well you get the idea
LittleZombie: I'm just tiny and petite.
LittleZombie: e.e
DracMorair: and perfect
DracMorair: to this little futa's ideal
DracMorair: perception
LittleZombie: My um grandma
LittleZombie: is 87 now
LittleZombie: and she looks 63
DracMorair: Yeah, thats the asian heritage. good food doesn't pay a toll in prana yama
LittleZombie: I don't know what americans get.
DracMorair: Most of us, from europe.
DracMorair: Lot of nordic blood.
DracMorair: And on the flip side the black men are built
DracMorair: good slave stock :/
DracMorair: Cant deny the past but its there
LittleZombie: Are you really a believer in slavery?
DracMorair: No
DracMorair: See that sign over there
DracMorair: Free spirit
DracMorair: If your not a free spirit your a slave one
DracMorair: And I ask my pets
DracMorair: to comit it to memory
DracMorair: Treat as be treated
DracMorair: I'm here to fullfull there wishes
DracMorair: nuture thre creativity and imagination
DracMorair: Not to lay dominion over them
DracMorair: you see?
LittleZombie: ..; She sneezed on your chest, making a mouse sounding sneeze ;..
LittleZombie: Oops.
DracMorair: Unconditional love means no limits
DracMorair: ~~giggles loudly to the point of an almost stort~~ So f'n cute
LittleZombie: ..; Dug her face into your neck, hiding her blush ;.. Nyuuuu~
DracMorair: ~~At this point I bust up chuckling deep into my chest~~ Nothing to be modest about, its who you are darling
DracMorair: You going to get out of my neck or you tempted to bite it?
LittleZombie: Hmmm
LittleZombie: ..; She lightly nibbled on it ;..
DracMorair: ~~digging my palm in cheek a but ruffer, not to cause pain but to get her goat to piss her off I pinch~~
DracMorair: Ready for more than a nibble?
DracMorair: ~~I giggle nearly evily~~
LittleZombie: U-um no.. But yes?
DracMorair: ~~pinches a gain~~ your unsure?
LittleZombie: ..; She made a squeakish growl, biting deep into your neck, piercing your flesh ;..
DracMorair: ~~lets a moan escape from my lips as the slight bit of dominace at my neck puts my body in a state of near submittion shaking my head to get some semblance of control as the lust starts to wet things below my waist line~~ That's a girl. Get angry.
LittleZombie: ..; She dug her claws into your hands, her 3 inch nails going all the way in as she bit at a rapid rate, ;..
DracMorair: ~~The little thing now full on wild beast I giggle in delight as my futa starts to swell at the nicks and bites across me. Letting a particular long moan out of my muzzle at the claws digging in~~
LittleZombie: ..; She dropped her bone out of her mouth, revealing her teeth that had circle opening that look like straws, she bit into the side of your breast and started sucking through them ;..
DracMorair: ~~giving growl for growl my own turning into a lustfull passion as the fire starts below and my shaft standing at full attention rubbing the fur of her tail. As she bites in and sucks the first orgasm riding my body like a slow wave~~
LittleZombie: ..; She moved to your areola, and bit down on it roughly, her purple eyes a full on red from the pinch, her mindset in a bloodfrenzy ;..
DracMorair: ~~The bloodlusfull new daughter I grin down at what I helped grow up to be. The thought sending the lust and previous wave through my body like a wildfire. Digging my hands in her ass roughly, my petite claws digging in flesh a bit~~
LittleZombie: ..; Her eyes got a darker red from the digging of her flesh, her hind claws started to scratch at your shins as her 3 inch nails grow to 6 inches, going through your arms ;.. I. Dislike. Pain.
DracMorair: And I ~~as another moan escapes my lips ~~ Fucking love it... As you can see. And it seems you have talent for giving it. ~~giggling almost mockingly at her as I retract my talons~~
LittleZombie: ..; She felt her blood dribbling, her small squeaks turned to a lions growl, she started biting all over your body at a rapid rate, like a cars on a road in a timelapse video, she was moving all over ;..
DracMorair: ~~The tike now moving in a fast blur across my body my eyes not missing a beat at the nuturing the beast within her as my punani's flow starts trickling down my ass crack~~
DracMorair: Fuck yes!
LittleZombie: ..; She moved her claws to your thighs, punching them into your legs and going into the couch, she looked at you with her blood lust eyes, and asked with an almost devilish tone ;.. If it's pain you desire, it's pain you will have.
DracMorair: ~~wiggling my tailbone in anticipation I use my tail to slap her ass over the wounds with a lust filled growl to bring it on~~
LittleZombie: ..; She bit your muzzle, drilling her teeth into your bone, her eyes turning and looking at you, the veins popping out from the slap on her innocent body, her horns straightened out from a curl ;..
DracMorair: ~~The beast full realized I let my glamor go revealing the one inside my own fully turned "ON" by the litttle devil infront of me.~~
LittleZombie: ..; Her form would change from her innocent purple to a devlilish black ;..
DracMorair: Well there you are my dear, I've been waiting for you.
LittleZombie: ..; She ran her horns into your breasts, then started to lift you out of the chair from pure rage ;..
DracMorair: What kept you you little slut?
LittleZombie: Have you?
DracMorair: ~~give a curt nod in answer~
LittleZombie: ..; She grabbed your hands and started to twist them violently ;.. If I go.. too violent, you better tell me ..; Your bones already sounding small cracks ;..
DracMorair: ~~gives a lusftull growl as the bone's edge on that most painfull edge The second orgasm riding my body with a howl across my lover's dark muzzle~~
LittleZombie: ..; She looked deep into your eyes, a satanic looking grin crossed her face ;.. I.. Don't.. Like. Pain.
DracMorair: Yet pain ~~Racking my talons down her chest in a long bloody streak dirting the black to her naval pulling off the chasity belt~~ No modesty here!
DracMorair: Becomes you
LittleZombie: ..; She took back her chain ;.. That's something I'm going to shove your cock in, since you love pain so much.
DracMorair: ~~taking a breath inbetween bloodlusfull gasp and lust. Now intensly curious of it as I tug on it~~ What is it?
LittleZombie: It's just a chain I wear incase I need to choke the life out of someone.
DracMorair: Demon, no need to breath
LittleZombie: ..; She ripped her horns out of your breasts now ;..
DracMorair: Though I can think Of some other uses
DracMorair: ~~as I pull high lifing her strait into the air above me giving her a nice pinch across her privates~~
LittleZombie: ..; She looked down at you and grabbed your hand, twisting it and breaking it, giving you a compound fracture ;.. My cunt doesn't like that.
DracMorair: Your giving pain back to me only pleasureing me tells me otherwise you little dark fuck
LittleZombie: What if I go vanilla with you?
DracMorair: awww is the little puppy wanting to come out and play now?
LittleZombie: Don't mock me ..; She bit into your neck and sat there ;..
DracMorair: ~~dropping her across my futa unremorsfully as my futa slams into her tight little youthfull hole likely tearing tendons and mussles to do so I growl beneath the bite~~
LittleZombie: ..; Her bite tightened fro the sudden drop, tearing flesh from your neck, feeling the warm blood in her mouth, making her feel a bit worried ;..
DracMorair: Gods thats my girl, More! ~~as I put my hands to her cheeks and begin bouncing her on the shaft driving my cock to her inner cervix brusing it ~~
LittleZombie: ..; She stopped biting and set your own flesh on your breast, and went back to the spot and started to suck your blood from it, moaning into the new hole she made ;..
DracMorair: ~~letting her feed off my life's blood without worry or thought to my physical form, my inner pheonix able to handle any damage if I die. Digging my heels into the couch I begin forcing my hips up her attempting to pop the cervix and fuck her womb~~
LittleZombie: ..; Her body relaxed from the taste of the blood, her tongue running into it and splitting into tiny like veins, running around through the body like a parasite, she started to move her hips in a circular motion ;..
DracMorair: ~~As the body responds to what I'm doing I force her down in one quick shove with an audible pop in her belly my cock head now bulging from her stomach~~ I think you've passed your fear my dear, how does it feel to be a full on beast ?
LittleZombie: ..; She moved away from the hole she made to answer, looking at you with her tongue wrapped around your veins inside of you, sucking blood from them ;..
DracMorair: Still nursing off the blood lust huh ~~letting my inner demon's taint corrupt the blood I add a twing of aphorsiac and nerve amplfiers go turning all the pain she's experienced into full on fire~~ Now its time for you to burn and rise again!
LittleZombie: ..; She ran her horns into your neck and pushed down on your body, almost like she's trying to dismember your head ;..
DracMorair: ~~dislocating my jaw with my snake heitage I legt my tougue lap the blood off her snout with relish with a moan in my throat as I start to begin to cum up her pussy deep into her stomach, the added fire burning her from the inside out~~
LittleZombie: ..; She retracted her tongue and looked at you with pure hate ;.. It doesn't feel good.
DracMorair: It never does! Accept it!
DracMorair: ~~The warmth from the cum and now courcing through her blood stream setting her nerves afire by now literally she begins to glow in front of me. My own inner phoenix answering a lovers call beings to swell in me~~
LittleZombie: ..; She cut her artery in her neck, letting the blood drain because she can generate new ;.. I can fix it. ..; She ran her hand into your stomach and played with your guts, as she moaned with her womb being abused ;..
DracMorair: ~~with a growl that would shake a mortal to there knees deep in my throat I slam my claws in to her neck with direct control over the rest f her body I spit in her face blinding her with fire as the inner one starts to consume her~~
DracMorair: ~~As the vessel finally dies away from injury, pain and strife My phoenix hatching behind my eyes to face her head on~~
DracMorair: Now you little fucking shit, what are afraid of.
DracMorair: Burn and be as I!
LittleZombie: ..; She ran her hands up to your heart and pulled on it ;.. I don't want to burn.
DracMorair: This form is only temporary~~ Digging my talons deep into her wom pulling out her intenstines to the floor~~ Die now and rise!
LittleZombie: ..; Her body fell lifeless on your lap, her blood dripping all over you ;..
DracMorair: Everybody is scared of there angels, The'll whsiper in your ear, shout through demons if they half to, reminding us that we are them too. Now if you wish to perish with all that energy locked in you, thats your choice. Me? I live on, I will not be the same form I am tommorow, and so will you. If you forget this lesson in the next life, you''lll be doomed to repeat it. That pain I wish on no one. Now fucking rise!
LittleZombie: ..; Her body rebuilt itself, her cut artery saving her from becoming like you ;.. I said, I refused to be a pheonix, I want to be with the shadows, not the flames.
DracMorair: Such is your will, we create our own vesells. The light and darkness where two souls have met, conciousnes merged
DracMorair: You are I, You is I. Welcome to the rest of your life
LittleFallenAngel: ..; Wiggles a bit, sneezing ;.. I think I'm not evil anymore.
DracMorair: No good nor bad
DracMorair: its all energy love


2015-08-02 21:51:24
@djb8247 Thanks for the perspective, yet why?


2015-07-27 16:48:11

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