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This is a pretty long one, as well as semi-autobiographical. Names and some details changed, but generally a true story
As I stood alone in my college dormitory for the first time, staring out of the large picture window, I couldn’t believe that it was real. After quite literally a lifetime of working my ass off, I was now standing in my very own room at Harvard College. My parents had said goodbye just five minutes before. Although they were incredibly proud of me, I also knew that they were profoundly uncomfortable being in this place. We were decidedly lower middle class, and the sights and sounds of Harvard were a constant reminder to them that they did not belong in this world. Although they had driven me up to Cambridge all the way from our house in Kentucky, they didn’t exactly linger once my fairly meager possessions had been deposited in my room. In fact, they were so eager to get back on the road that, after giving me a really heartfelt hug and congratulations, they left before any of my roommates had even shown up. To be honest, I think they were terrified what the other parents might think of their Wal-Mart jeans and Payless shoes.
It was a fear I knew well. Ever since I was eleven-years-old, I had lived in a world that felt mostly foreign to me. Just before middle school, after taking a diagnostic and aptitude test at my shitty public school, I found out that I had the highest score—not just in my school, but in the entire state. My parents decided that I couldn’t stay in my local school, and after spending several months working with my grandpa’s Rotary Club to raise some money, they paid for my application to one of the best prep schools in the South, in nearby Lexington. After receiving a full scholarship, my world shifted. Just like that, I was swept out of the hog shit and meth heads of my home town and thrown into a world of BMWs and jaunts to Europe. I had no clue how to respond initially, but really quickly I became really good at assimilating. Although everyone knew I was “less fortunate,” I always kept up with my classmates by taking advantage of every opportunity I could. Everyone else pretty quickly realized that, despite my hick accent, I was smarter than they were, and because I had grown up hardscrabble with the other rednecks, I had a street cred that they actually envied. By the time I graduated as valedictorian, I had figured out how to live like a privileged white boy. Yet, there was always the nagging feeling that I wouldn’t be able to keep up the façade.
Even though it was pretty early, it was already really hot out, so I took off my shirt while I set about putting my boxes over into the corner of the common room. As I waited for my roommates to show up, I looked at myself in the mirror on the door. A three-sport athlete, my body was just about as nice as an eighteen-year-old’s can get. All 6’2” of me was framed nicely by the view of Harvard Yard outside the window. My broad shoulders tapered into my rippled stomach and the deep “v” of my hips. My arms were well defined without being overly bulky, my ass was round and tight, and I was nicely hung. Superficial as it was, I knew that in part it was my looks that put people at ease around me. It was pretty clear that, because of my body, my bright blue eyes, and my light blond hair, it was easy for me to charm people. I didn’t even have to be funny, and people would still laugh at my jokes. It had also made me a pretty big hit with the girls at school, although that quickly lost its appeal. It was somewhat surprising, but when I realized I was more into boys, I actually wasn’t that upset about it. Even though I grew up in the middle of the Bible Belt, my school was progressive enough that being queer was actually something of a social benefit, or at least not much of a problem. I’d also never lacked in self-confidence, so it wasn’t very hard to just tell people to fuck off. I still hadn’t told my parents, but by the time I shipped off to Harvard pretty much all of my friends from school knew that I was playing for the other team.
While I waited, I studied the names of my roommates. I had already looked them up on social media of course, and we’d even exchanged a few messages, but knowing that they were just about to arrive filled me with anticipation and more than a little anxiety. My dorm was a suite, with three bedrooms off of a large common room. Since there were going to be four of us in total, that meant that two of us were going to have to bunk up. We’d all agreed that we would wait to draw straws when we got to campus, so it was still up in the air whether or not I would have my own room or not. Charlie arrived first. I threw my shirt back on as he and his parents entered the room. A sweet, nerdy kid from Ohio, we fell into a fairly easy rapport, in part fueled by the fact that we were both from less-than wealthy backgrounds. Next, Chase walked in. Chase was a track star from Sacramento, and he was friendly if a bit reserved. Now, we only had to wait for Henry to show up…
Henry Maxfield Caldwell. I had studied him online extensively. A quick internet search confirmed what his pictures and name suggested. Family net-worth: 3.6 billion. Current relatives in Congress: three. Body: tan and taut in his impressively filled-out speedo while in St. Tropez. Hair: dark, wavy brown. My cock would instantly thicken when I looked at his photos. I had been with a number of hot preppy boys back in Kentucky, but this guy was on a whole other level. I had to stop checking him out, for fear that I would memorize the details of his profile and end up incriminating myself in front of him. About thirty minutes after Chase, he walked into our room. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the Dean of Freshman was helping him and his parents get acclimated—probably unnecessarily, since the Caldwells had been attending Harvard since the 1700s. Harvard might have a shit-ton of money, but that doesn’t mean that it can afford to ignore multi-billionaires. As the Dean rattled on, Henry introduced himself to us. “Hey man, I’m Evan,” I said, as I grasped his hand. Maybe it was just my eager imagination, but I couldn’t help but think that his eyes lingered on me a beat or two longer than expected.
After the Caldwells left, we got down to the business of dividing up rooms. To my surprise, Henry seemed to be perfectly down with bunking up if need be. In fact, he was remarkably down to earth. “I’m used to seeing people metaphorically blow my dad,” he said with a laugh as the Dean left, “but to be honest, it’s pretty embarrassing. I’m cool with whatever.” We quickly realized that we didn’t have any straws or anything to choose the rooms, so Chase suggested we just rock-paper-scissors it. I already knew how I wanted this rooming situation to end up, so I said we should pair up, and the losers would live together. With any luck, I would be able to get Henry alone every single night. We faced each other for best two out of three, me with Chase and Charlie with Henry. I watched their game far more intently than I did mine, and it came as no shock when I “lost” following two half-heartedly thrown scissors. Charlie seemed pretty intent on winning, and when he threw the final winning paper, he let out a long “yesss.” I wanted to cheer too, but I was composed enough to keep my cool.
Henry actually seemed pretty excited to have a roommate. “Dude,” he said, “I’m so jazzed to be here. I think it’s gonna be a fucking blast.”
“Haha definitely man. By the way, I don’t really have much stuff,” I said, “so you can feel free to take up a bit more space.”
“Really? You’re sure it’s not a hassle?”
“Nah man, when you come from bumfuck nowhere Kentucky, you don’t really end up with many material possessions.”
“Cool! Thanks. I actually didn’t end up bringing very much either.”
“And why is that? It’s pretty clear you’re not exactly hurting for money there.”
“True, but I also kinda don’t give a shit about all of that stuff. I mean, it’s nice, don’t get me wrong, but honestly, I’m sort of terrible at being rich.”
“Well that’s good, cause I’m pretty awful at being a hillbilly,” I laughed. “I ain’t never fucked my cousin or gone squirrel huntin’ or nuthin,” I said, putting on my best “Deliverance” accent.
Henry cackled. “Nice, dude. Hey, you wouldn’t mind if I changed real quick, right? I mean, since we’re living together, we’ll probably have to get used to it.”
“Have at it bro. I’ll probably do the same.”
Henry opened up one of his two trunks and pulled out several articles of clothing that probably cost more than a semester’s tuition. Humble or not, he was still a rich kid. I reached into my big Army surplus duffel bag and grabbed another shirt and a change of shorts. We both stripped off our shirts and pants, leaving us in just our underwear—mine were Hanes, his were Hermes. With the studied nonchalance of good looking men, we didn’t even try to avert our eyes. His body looked even better than in the photos. He was slightly less muscular than me, but the muscles on his arms popped nicely and his pecs were firm and hairless. He even had that deep cleft in the center of his abs that drives me fucking wild.
“Damn dude,” he said. “You’re pretty cut!”
“Haha, I guess,” I replied, trying to remain coy. “Right back at ya.”
“You get a lot of play?” he said, settling into the rhythm of locker room banter.
“My fair share I guess,” I said. I figured I’d just go ahead and pull the trigger. “Actually, since we’re living together and all, I should probably let you know…I like dudes.”
“Really? That’s kinda surprising!” he exclaimed. “You, uh, didn’t really ping my gaydar.”
“Yeah, I think that it can be hard to get past the good ‘ol boy element sometimes, but I’m definitely gay.”
“No worries man. I’m pretty straight, but I think it’s really cool that you’re out. Was that hard down South?” As he said this, I stole a glimpse of his crotch. There was a moderate but nevertheless noticeable bulge forming.
“It would’ve been in my hometown, but at school it actually wasn’t. I mean, you’d probably be a little surprised by how many of the boys there let me know about their ‘curiosity.’”
“Dude, my school was exactly the same way. It was an all-boys school in the city, so even though there were like six other girls’ schools on the same block, a bunch of my friends insisted that they had to fool around with each other because there weren’t any girls around.”
“Haha I know right? I mean, I’m all for curiosity, but just fucking man up if you like cock.” My aggression surprised me a little bit, but it had always annoyed me when closeted guys would treat me like shit after hooking up.
“I feel you man,” he said, and I noticed that neither one of us was rushing to get our clothes on. What had he meant, “pretty” straight? That’s not how totally straight guys talk, but maybe that was just the way that fancy New York prep schools equipped their students to combat heteronormativity. I had to stop my mind from racing through the possibilities, though, because already I could feel my cock begin to stiffen in my briefs. We both got around to actually getting clothed and joined our suitemates in the common room.
It was nearly dinner time, so we made our way in the huge crowd of confused freshmen over to the dining hall. The freshmen dining hall was the most absurd room I had ever been in. The length of a football field, it was filled with chandeliers and stained glass. Statues of John Adams and John Winthrop looked down on us somewhat condescendingly as we ate surprisingly non-fancy dining hall food. “Hey Cald-ster,” someone called out, and Henry whirled around to see one of his friends from high school, a Vanderbilt or a Rockefeller or something. I only knew my suitemates, so I was instantly terrified that I would now be doomed to eat by myself while my roommate bro’d out. Henry turned to me, though, and introduced me to his friends. “Hey guys, this is Evan. He’s nowhere near as dumb as he sounds.” Somehow even this stupid insult seemed charming coming from him. I was fully practiced with integrating myself into groups of rich white dudes, so it didn’t take me long to seem like one of the guys. If nothing else, I knew, just talk about playing lacrosse and everything will be alright.
Following dinner, we made our way across the hall to Sanders Theater for the opening convocation. With the entire freshman class crammed in, it was a pretty tight fit. Luckily, I was squeezed up next to Henry. Over the course of the speeches, as the president droned on about how Harvard was “steeped in the traditions of its forbears,” I let my thigh increasingly rest next to his. By the time the speeches were ending, I was pretty undeniably pressing myself against him. I caught his eye as we began to sing “Fair Harvard,” and he gave me a sly smile. My heart jumped in my chest. I’d flirted enough to know when a boy is interested, and I was beginning to convince myself that this couldn’t all be coincidence. Again, I felt the blood rush to my dick. I had to stare at the jowls of the university president just to fight my increasing horniness.
Finally, the speeches over, we spilled out into the warm summer night. The light breeze felt incredible on my flushed face. Henry had some secret-ish society thing that he felt compelled to go to, so we parted ways as I made my way back to the dorm. I was sad to see him go, but I knew that I would probably end up going a step too far if we kept hanging out. If I was going to make this work, I had to set ground rules. Look, but don’t touch. I sat with Charlie and Chase and played Xbox for an hour or so, and then made my way back to my bedroom to dick around on the internet. I knew that I would probably need to jerk off before Henry came back, and I figured I’d probably have at least another hour or two before he returned. I stripped off my clothes, pausing to enjoy the view of my body and my semi-hard cock in the mirror before I pulled on a pair of running shorts. I started one of my favorite videos, a massive orgy of soccer players sucking and fucking with abandon. I didn’t pull out my dick at first, preferring to stroke it through my light cotton shorts. As I lay on my bed with my headphones on, I had just reached into the waist of my pants to begin stroking my cock when I heard the door to the suite open. I was surprised, since Henry had only been gone for an hour and a half, but I closed out the tab on the orgy and pulled my headphones off. About 45 seconds later, Henry walked into our room.
“Well that sucked,” he said as he came into the room. Almost instantly, I saw his eyes drift towards my exposed chest, and then on to my still partly-swollen cock.
“What sucked?”
“I went off to this stupid Final Club thing, since it’s a ‘family tradition’ and all. It was super gay.” I saw his face redden as he realized what he said.
“Oh really? Like, actually gay?” I wasn’t even trying to be sarcastic, as visions of fratboy porn videos danced in my head. For all I knew, rich Harvard boys might be into some real kinky shit.
Henry settled into his desk chair. “Honestly? A little. I mean, no one was naked or anything, but the vibe was really charged. It seemed like everyone was like two minutes away from a self-satisfied circle jerk.”
“That kinda sounds like it could be my scene,” I said, flashing a grin.
“I promise you, it wouldn’t be. These guys were the definition of douchebag.”
“Well, sounds like you had sort of a shitty night bro.”
“I know. My dad will probably disown me if I don’t join up though, so I guess I might just have to bite the bullet.”
“I feel for you man. Maybe this will help.” I fished around in my suitcase for the parting gift from my grandpa: a bottle of bourbon.
“Oh Christ, that’s absolutely what I need.”
“Got any cups?” I asked, as I stood up and stretched, at least in part to show off my slightly sweaty torso.
“I think there’s a stack of solo cups in the common room. Want me to invite Charles and Chase?”
I eyed the bourbon bottle, and then gave him a conspiratorial smile. “How bout we just work on this ourselves?”
He smiled back. “Sounds like a plan.” Quietly, he slipped into the common room and grabbed the stack of cups while our suitemates obliviously played Call of Duty. He walked back in and set the cups on the desk. “What should we drink to?”
“We can drink to ‘the tradition of our forbears’…” I said.
“Jesus,” Henry said. “That speech…”
“I know man,” I said, as I cracked open the bottle and poured a couple of shots worth into our cups. “I don’t know if I can survive four more years of speeches like that.”
“Hey, we’re Harvard men now. We’re steeped in that tradition,” he said, as we plunked the plastic cups together in a pretty lame ‘cheers.’
“True,” I said, as we both sipped the bourbon. Henry coughed a bit as he took another sip. “Pretty strong, eh?”
“Yeah, but it hits the spot.”
Over the next hour, we proceeded to get pretty hammered. Finally, Henry looked at me, his eyes slightly hooded from the booze. “So…” he said, before trailing off.
“So what?”
“Were you jerking off when I came in here tonight?”
I smiled, emboldened by the liquor. “Yeah, I’d imagine it was pretty obvious.”
“Yeah man, you’re not exactly inconspicuous down there.”
“I suppose not. Why do you bring it up, if I might ask?” I asked, with the overly formal intonations of a drunken teenager.
“Ummmm,” he said, biting his lip. For the first time, I noticed he was getting pretty antsy. It didn’t take a genius to figure out where this was going, I thought with sudden clarity. “Well…”
“It’s ok man, I get it. I mean, like I said, there’s nothing wrong with being curious.”
“Honestly, I’ve only ever had a few fleeting daydreams in the past. I’ve never even seen another guy’s erection before. But dude, you’re fucking gorgeous. When I first saw your pics online, something sort of clicked.”
“You have no idea how much I wanted to hear you say that.”
“Um, actually, I think I do. That’s why I couldn’t stop myself from saying it.” Slowly, Henry stood up from the chair and made his way over to my bed. I suddenly remembered that I was only wearing a thin pair of shorts, and my cock lurched unbidden.
I looked into his eyes as he sat next to me, still trying to keep up a semblance of nonchalance. His irises were a speckled sea green, and they set off the tanned hue of his skin in a way that I just couldn’t stop staring at. “Well, that’s nice to—“ I started to say, as suddenly I felt his hand on my thigh. Henry didn’t say anything; he just continued to touch the warm, lightly hairy skin of my inner thigh. Almost instantly, my cock started to get hard. Henry’s eyes traveled down my chest and stomach to the obvious outline of my 7.5” cock in my shorts.
“Hey man,” I said, trying to hold on to the last reserves of my self-control. “Are you sure you want to do this?”
“Yes.” It was simple, declarative, without hesitation. “I’m not even exactly sure what this is, but I know I want to do it.”
That was all I needed. I leaned my head towards him while I began to gently stroke his arm through his shirt. We leaned our foreheads against each other as we continued to make eye contact. Cautiously, I moved my lips to his. We made contact slowly, sensitively. His lips were full, warm and firm. After about ten seconds of pressing our lips together, I slowly opened my mouth, and he followed suit. Our tongues gently began to explore one another’s mouths. Suddenly, a muffled, soft moan escaped from deep within Henry’s body.
I pulled away from his kiss. “Wow. Jesus,” he said. All I could do was smile. That seemed to spur Henry on. His eyes turned back to my cock, the head of which was now sticking out of my shorts. “Can I touch it?” he asked, his voice filled with an adorably curious tone.
“Of course,” I said, with a sensitivity that frankly surprised me. I had never felt so much desire in my life, but I still wanted to make sure that I could guide Henry as gently as possible. His hand reached out and slowly grasped the thick girth of my cock through my shorts. I looked back up to his face, and I had never seen such a look of lust and passion in another man’s eyes. He began to rub the light fabric of my shorts against my shaft, his grip solid and warm against my cock.
I kissed him again, this time harder, with my hand cradling the back of his head. I could taste the whiskey on his breath, and I’m sure he could taste it on mine as well. I began to raise his shirt over his head, tentatively at first, but when I encountered no resistance, I fluidly pulled it off. With both of us shirtless, our hands started to explore each other’s bodies. His bronzed skin shone in the light from the desk lamp, and his body felt incredibly hard and warm in my hands. Our kissing turned even deeper as my hands made my way to Henry’s tight pants. I fumbled with his belt buckle as he leaned back, lying down on my bed. After a few seconds, I had undone his pants and started to move them down his muscular thighs.
After kicking off his pants, Henry looked at me again. “Let’s get naked,” he whispered, and I was more than happy to comply. I quickly pulled my shorts off, freeing my dick from its fabric constraint. Henry stared, taking in the image of my full, heavy balls and thick cock standing out from my manicured patch of dark blond pubic hair. He reached towards his obscenely over-priced underwear, but I stopped his hands from moving forward. I hooked my fingers over the edge of his waistband, my hands nestled against the cut line of his hips, and gently pulled down. First, his dark brown pubic hair, buzzed down to about half an inch, came to view. Then, the base of his cock started to appear. I suspected from making out earlier that he was nicely hung, and that was quickly affirmed as I continued my visual journey. His cock was virtually the same length as mine, a bit less thick, but perfectly straight and incredibly hard. I could see the precum glistening on the tip of his scarlet head. Maybe it was just my projection, but his cock—somehow—looked noble.
I settled back on to my bed, and we began to vigorously make out. Our hard cocks rubbed against each other as I lay on top of him. I couldn’t stop touching his body, and he reciprocated just as eagerly. The warmth of his hand gripping my bare cock was driving me crazy. After a few minutes, I decided that I wanted to take it to the next step. Without saying a word, I moved my head down Henry’s torso. The warm August night had already made us a little sweaty, and I inhaled deeply as my lips began to gently kiss his erect, pink nipples. He smelled like whiskey and musk, his body exuding a manly scent that I had never experienced with my high school boyfriends. I continued to kiss him, his hands gently stroking my short blond hair. My tongue traveled down the length of his chiseled abdomen, until I reached the stiff brown hair under his navel. I breathed in deep again, enjoying the sweaty, slightly funky aroma of his pubic hair. His cock was now nestled directly below my chin, pointing up towards my face. I lifted my head and moved it down to the base of his shaft. Slowly, I put my tongue where his shaft met his body, and I gently started to lick the length of his penis. His hips shifted slightly in anticipation of what was to come. Once I reached the top, I curled my tongue and licked the fluid gathered on the tip. A strand of clear precum, shining in the low light of the desk lamp, connected me to the round, red tip of his cock. I could tell how much he liked where I was going, and I knew that what was coming next would be even better.
I took a long, deep breath, and then I placed the tip of his cock in my mouth. The slick precum mingled with my spit and the salty, meaty taste of his body. Slowly, I moved down his entire length. I had realized pretty early with my first boyfriend that I had a talent for sucking dick, and I wanted my skills to shine through as clearly as possible. After a few seconds, I had his whole cock in my mouth. My nose was pressed firmly against his pubes, although with his thick cock in my throat, I couldn’t enjoy the aroma this time. I could feel his whole body shift, and a moan escaped his lips. “Jesus fucking Christ,” he said, his head thrown back against my pillow. With that bit of encouragement, I started to suck. I moved up and down his spit-slick dick, making sure to take him all the way in and all the way out. I moved slowly at first, enjoying the way the veins in his penis felt against my tongue, the way the ridge of his cockhead sprang lightly from my lips. After about a minute or so, I picked up the pace. In no time, I was engulfing his cock wildly, slurping as I reached the tip and plunging back down again. “Oh Evan,” he said. “Oh fuck!”
I wasn’t done, but I wanted to see what else Henry was ‘curious’ about. After only a few minutes, I pulled my mouth off of him. “How was that?” I asked.
“I…I’ve never had anything like that. Jesus, man.”
“Your cock is incredible, Henry. It’s fucking perfect.” My desire had turned my voice husky, with my natural twang becoming far more pronounced.
“I want to try that,” he said, so I lay back down on my bed. He tentatively started to kiss my body, licking the cleavage between my pecs and kissing nearly every one of my abs. Once he reached my pubes, though, he seemed overcome by his lust. He immediately popped the head of my dick into his mouth and flicked it with it his tongue a few times. I quickly realized that, just like me, Henry was a natural born cocksucker. He took about 2/3 of my length into his mouth, smoothly bobbing up and down. I could feel his spit drip down my shaft, lubricating the full length of my dick. I guided his hand to the base, where he wrapped it around my thick shaft and started to suck and stroke me. I was in heaven as this incredibly hot heir to American royalty gave me everything he had. He even tried to take me all the way in a few times, and even though he gagged once or twice, he continued to suck me with passion and skill. I couldn’t usually come from a blow job, but I started to feel the familiar tingling sensation deep in my prostate start up as his warm, wet lips passed over the head of my cock. I knew I wasn’t ready yet, though. I knew that I had to feel Henry inside of me, fucking me.
I gently pulled his mouth off of my cock and looked into those gorgeous eyes. I think he knew almost before I did what I was going to say next. “Henry, I want you to fuck me.” The words sounded hoarse and sexy coming out of my mouth, and I could tell from the look of utter delight on his face that he wouldn’t need any further convincing. Since it was his first time, I told him how to get me ready. “I’ve got a bottle of lube in my bag there, grab it.” He reached down to my duffel bag and pulled the bottle out. “Put a little bit on the tip of your finger, and then rub it against my asshole.” I got up on my hands and knees on the bed as Henry got behind me. Before he started using the lube, though, he began to kiss the muscular, slightly downy cheeks of my ass. I instantly arched my back, thrown into a deep state of arousal. Taking a cue, and completely without my guidance, he began to kiss around my tight, pink asshole. Slowly, surely, I felt his tongue begin to lick around my hole. I started to moan, quietly so as not to alert Chase and Charlie on either side of us. He continued to eat my ass, lightly flicking me with his tongue. Then, he buried his face into my aching hole. I could feel his tongue inside of me, darting in and out. My body began to tremble lightly as I suppressed a gasp of pure rapture. My slick hole was quivering, and every time I felt his tongue press in, I inhaled sharply. I had never been more ready in my life to get fucked.
I twisted my torso around, and Henry lifted his head up to mine. I kissed him as deeply as I could, tasting the mix of sweat, booze, and ass on his tongue. “Holy shit, Henry,” I panted, and then, in a quieter, more seductive tone: “I want to feel you, all of you, inside me.”
“Oh Evan,” Henry moaned as he flipped the lid on the bottle of lube and squirted some onto his fingers. I watched as he rubbed the liquid up and down his beautiful cock. He positioned himself behind me, but I quickly flipped around, throwing my well-muscled legs up towards the ceiling. “I want to see you when you fuck me,” I said, my tone becoming almost animalistic. He leaned down and kissed me, and I moved myself over to the edge of the bed. “It might be easier if you stand up,” I said, since the raised bed put me at the perfect height to take his rigid cock. He put his feet onto the floor and moved in front of me. I stared into his face as he positioned the head of his cock at my hole. He looked back at me, a deep sensitivity visible in his eyes. “Evan, I’m not going to hurt you, am I?” he asked. “No, God no,” I said. “Just go slowly at first. You’ll know when I’m ready for you to go faster.”
He smiled broadly as I felt the tip of his cock push up against me. My ass was so slick from his tongue fucking that I knew there wouldn’t be much resistance. I felt the head of his dick enter me. I was so turned on that he penetrated my ring with virtually no pain at all. Slowly he eased his cock inside of me. I looked up as he felt the warmth and the pressure of my ass for the first time. He had a far off look in his eyes, as if he was lost in some reverie. His torso gleamed with sweat, while his muscles tensed with anticipation. I reached up and grabbed him by the back of his neck. I drew him into a kiss, and his eyes met mine. We had only met twelve hours ago, but the pent up desire that both of us had been living with for weeks melted away into almost indescribable pleasure.
“Fuck Evan, you feel so good,” he whispered.
“I’ve never wanted anything more in my life,” I told him.
Slowly, he began to move his cock in a gentle rhythm. My well-lubed ass could take every inch of him, and I was focusing every part of myself on the way he felt inside me. He began to fuck me a little bit faster, but he was still being incredibly conscientious. I started to move my hips with his thrusts, increasing the distance between our bodies and then bringing them back together. I could feel his cock against my prostate, and my hard cock seemed to pulsate with his movements. I knew that I couldn’t touch myself, because as soon as I did, I would come all over both of us. Henry followed my lead and increased his pace. He was grunting quietly, and his eyes were roving all over my body, taking everything in.
“Fuck, baby,” he said, as he pulled mostly out and then quickly pushed back in. “Fuck!”
“Fucking make me yours. Fuck me. I’m yours,” I responded, becoming more certain that it was true with every thrust.
His pace reached a fever pitch, every thrust coming just a second or two after the last. I knew that at this pace, he was probably going to come soon. I looked up at him through our bouncing, grinding bodies and told him to grab my cock. The feel of my hard cock in his hand must have sent him over the edge, and I began to feel his hips start to buck wildly. As soon as he wrapped his fingers around my shaft, I felt my own orgasm start to rush forward.
“Fuck,” we said in unison, as I felt his orgasm shoot off inside my ass. A split second later, five ropes of thick, hot cum came spiraling out of me as my whole body shuddered. He continued to pump me hard, four, five, six times, each time shooting another load inside of me. Finally, after what felt like a minute of coming, we began to breathe again. It was like finally reaching the surface after diving deep underwater. We couldn’t stop panting as we just stared at each other’s face.
I wrapped my arms around his wet, muscular torso and held him. I could feel his cock slowly soften inside of me, and I wanted to keep him in me as long as possible. Our bodies were covered in sweat and cum, and I felt my skin rapidly began to cool as a gentle breeze rolled in from the open window. Finally, slowly, Henry pulled his still semi-hard cock out of my ass. I began to feel the amazing sensation of his cum trickling out of my hole. I didn’t give a fuck how messy we were, I just wanted to lay there with him for as long as possible.
Sleep started to overcome both of us as we embraced each other on my bed, arms and legs intertwined. “I can’t believe how perfect that was,” Henry said with a sleepy smile.
“I know, man. I didn’t think it could be that good.”
Henry yawned, and I then I felt his warm lips on mine. I loved the feeling of his warmth, his solidness, his hardness. We began to drift off as dawn started to peek over the towers and ivied walls of the Yard.


2021-08-30 14:18:44
Great job, you wrote it well.


2019-11-11 02:29:30
Good story, well written, and an excellent de***********ion of a hot ass fuck

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-04-10 09:06:29
Would have been nice to see what happened to them after that

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-03-17 13:45:11

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-10-03 03:21:25
It was wonderful and I hope that evan gets to fuck henry's boy-pussy too. I cannot wait for part 2

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