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Hey bugs! I'm trying something new... Writing stories that aren't true. I hope you enjoy! :)
A Brother&Sister Affair

I never in a million years thought about fucking my brother...

...But people always do things they say they wouldn't do.

"Oh shit my bad". Adrian said walking in on me naked in the bathroom.

"Its okay". I smiled.
Adrian tried to say something but couldn't keep his eyes off my wet exposed body.

"Umm, so i'll be going now" Adrian muttered as he hurriedly closed the door.

Adrian was my 19 year old brother who was exactly one year older than me. He was my bestfriend, but if you didn't know us, everyone swore we were boyfriend and girlfriend. Maybe because we were practically inseparable..who knows!

So I dried off, put on my clothes and walked down the hall to Adrians room to jokingly tease him about walking in on me. I really didn't mind him seeing me naked, (we shared a bedroom until I was 9) I was just surprised.

I cracked open Adrians door. (I guess my family really sucked at knocking)

"Uhhh oh fuck yeahh Erica!"

Did I hear what I thought I just heard?!
I peeked my head in. Adrian was spread out on his bed, naked! And on top of that, he was me!

My body froze in shock, yet in pleasure. I received this weird tingly feeling that electrified my body.
Was I getting turned on?
I was snapped back into reality by the sound of Adrian climaxing. His hips bucked up and he shot his load into a towel.

I quickly closed the door and went to my room, which was two rooms down from his.
I sat down on my bed and tried to comprehend what had just taken place. I was confused, turned on, flattered, yet disgusted all at once.
I mean Adrian was my brother for Christ sakes!
....Yet I couldn't help but to be attracted to his curly brown hair and hazel eyes.
Adrian played soccer all his life so he was well toned and lean.

Besides me being physically attracted to him, Ade (his nickname) was an overall great person to be around. Funny, smart and down to earth. I think that's what made us instantly "click" when we got into high school. He'd tell me about his love life and I'd tell him about mine.
Anything either of us needed we knew the other would always be there.

Except this time Adrian didn't need me mentally..he needed me physically.

I decided that I was going to be neutral. "Neutral" meaning that what ever happened between us happens. I wasn't going to walk around in underwear or anything crazy special like that because Adrian doesn't even know I saw him masturbating in his bedroom!

After thinking about all of this, I fell asleep. I woke up a couple hours later and headed to the kitchen. It was 8:00. Adrian was watching TV in the living room.

"Sleeping Beauty has arisen!" Adrian yelled as he heard my footsteps approaching.

"Oh shut up!" I said smacking him upside the head.
I put the leftover pasta from dinner on my plate and sat on the couch next to Adrian.

"Thanks for walking in on me earlier." I said sarcastically.

"Ah, no problem sis." He said mimicking my sarcasm.
I laughed and softly elbowed him in the rib.

"You know what I really have a taste for?" Adrian said excitedly.

"what?" I said scarfing down my dinner.

"Frozen yogurt!" He said.

"Mmmm... That sounds so good." I said with my mouth full.
I finished chewing.

"Do you think mom and dad would let us go out right now? It's a school night." I said being the Debbie downer.

"Who cares? Lets just go. My treat!"

How could I resist that? I put on shoes and grabbed the keys.
Our parents were in their room for the night so the coast was clear.
Adrian drove us to the nearest Forever Yogurt which was only a mile away.
We mixed all of our favorite flavors together along with the large variety of toppings.
We sat in the car chowing down on our late night snacks.



"What did you think of me...earlier?" I asked shyly yet curious.
Adrian smiled a little bit.

"What do you mean? In the bathroom?"

"Yeah..i mean not to be weird or anything... I just wanna know if everything looked..okay." I said trying not to make it awkward, but obviously failing.
Adrian looked at me seriously.

"What's going on? You've never asked me anything like this before. Is Shane (a fuck buddy of mine) making you doubt yourself?" He asked staring into my eyes.

"No, no no. He hasn't done anything. But I just wanted to know your opinion." I said softly.

"Ha, well that's a first. Umm...gosh Erica, how do I say this?" He said looking indecisive.

"Say what?" I asked getting eager.

"Erica... are beautiful. Your face, your body, your spirit.."

"You're just saying that..."I said not believing him.

"No, I'm not." Adrian said nearly interrupting me.
The car went silent.

"Can I be honest?" Adrian said breaking the silence.

"Yeah go for it." I said.

"I'm not kidding when I say your beautiful..really. If you weren't my sister...." He looked away and murmured something to himself.
I knew what he was gonna say next, and it sent shockwaves through my body.
The tension was building, and I couldn't take it anymore.

"Alight well you wanna start heading home?" I said breaking yet another awkward silence.

"Yeah, yeah, let's do that."
Adrian put on his seatbelt and pulled off.

When we got home we went to our rooms and knocked out pretty soon after.
The next morning on the way to school, there was still a little bit of tension but we both played it off.
The next day or two, we ignored what happened in the car and acted like normal siblings again.
Another school week passed, and it was already Friday.
I was in my room working on homework when I heard yelling.

"Hey Erica!"
It was Adrian.

"What?" I yelled from my room.
I heard footsteps coming up the stairs.
Adrian knocked on the door before coming into my room. (I guess he learned his lesson)

"Do you wanna catch a movie?"

"Ugh, I don't know if I'm feeling it tonight Ade." I said groaning.

**I had been in a crappy mood ever since I found out that Shane was screwing two other girls. Now I know we were friends with benefits, but sometimes it's nice to know you're the only one someone wants. *

Adrian walked over to me.

"Look, Erica. I know you're kind of bummed out about Shane. You don't need him! And sitting here moping isn't gonna make you feel any better. Now I'll be downstairs ready to go in 10 minutes.. I'll be waiting."

He kissed my forehead and walked out of my room, closing the door behind him.
I got up, threw on some leggings and riding boots then headed downstairs.

We hopped in the car and drove to the nearest AMC.
We watched some stupid scary movie and grabbed dinner afterwards. (No wonder why people thought we were dating!)
On the way home, it began to pour down raining. When we pulled up the our driveway, it began to thunder.

"Oh god I hate thunder." I said scared to even get out of the car.
"Are you gonna be okay?" Adrian said smiling.

*I had always been afraid of thunder since I was a little girl. Every time it would rain, I'd either run into my parents or to Adrian's room to sleep.*

"I'm 18 for gods sake. I'll be okay!" I said trying to prove myself.

"Okay Erica whatever you say!" Adrian laughed not believing me.

Once I showered, and got into bed, the thunder and lightening intensified.
The loud roar was overbearing and still very scary to me. I grabbed my pillow and ran into Adrian's room.

"Are you sleep?" I said entering his room.
The lights were off and Adrian was in his queen sized bed snuggled tight.

"No." I heard him whisper.
I walked over and crawled into bed with him.
He wore nothing but black boxers. And I realized I had on just a tank top (no bra) and underwear.
I ignored it and snuggled next to him.

"So I guess I was right.." Adrian said making fun of me.
"Oh my god shut up!" I giggled.

I moved around a little trying to get comfortable when I felt his cock on my ass.
Both of us tensed as we felt pleasure rush through us.
There was so much sexual tension between us..part of me wanted him to just turn me around and kiss me and tell me how felt about me. For Gods sake, I caught him smelling my underwear earlier that day! But another part of me wanted to ignore everything, and continue having a normal relationship.

I began rocking my ass around on his dick slowly. I noticed Adrian's breathing change when this continued for another 5 minutes.
I could hear him trying not to moan directly in my ear.
He suddenly placed his hand on my waist.

"Erica, what are we doing?"he said snapping out of it.

"What are you talking about?" I said trying to ignore it.

"Ugh, never mind. Stop moving and get some sleep."

"Okay Ade." I said feeling annoyed.

I was so horny, and Adrian was playing with my emotions.
After a few minutes of laying down silently, I slowly started moving my ass again.
Only this time, he actually let me.

My heart was beating a million times a minute as I continued grinding my ass on him.
I slowly started to feel his cock rising, and becoming hard. And after awhile, Adrian slowly started thrusting himself into me. I couldn't believe my brother and I were dry humping!
I could feel my pussy getting so wet...all for my brother.

I reached behind me, grabbed his hand and placed it on my boobs.
He squeezed them, while letting out a sigh.
It was like the weight of the world finally lifted off of the both of us.

"Mmmm.." I moaned.

Adrian moved in closer to me and kissed my neck.
"You don't know how long..." He whispered.

I continued grinding my ass on him..
"How long what?" I whispered back, already knowing the answer.

"I've wanted to do this..." He said.

I stopped and flipped over to face him.
"What if I told you that after walking in on you, I couldn't help but to be turned on..? I even got myself off thinking about it." He said finally.

"Well what if I told you I walked in on you stroking you cock to me and I was turned on by it too?" I said smiling.

"I'd say you're a dirty fucking whore." He said with a smile.

"And I'd say you're a perv!" I whispered while putting my thigh on his body, bringing my pussy closer to his throbbing cock.

It was like both of us were waiting for this moment to happen, so neither of us wanted to question our morals.

Adrian slapped my ass, which made a loud clapping noise.
It was like he knew everything that turned me on!

He then pulled my black cheetah print panties down to my lower thighs.
I looked up at him and leaned in for a kiss.
Adrian followed my lead and pulled me in to kiss him. His tongue explored my mouth as I ran my hands through his hair.
His cock was about to explode out of his boxers, so I reached down and pulled it out.
Ade had a very thick cock. It wasn't all that long though, but definitely something I could work with.
I covered my hand with spit, and began stroking his cock.

"Mmmm, Erica that feels so good" he murmured.
Adrian grabbed ahold of my ass again and squeezed it hard. He then explored in between my legs.. Fingering my asshole, then eventually finding my pussy. He stuck his middle finger inside of me, while his thumb played with my clit.

"mmmm, Ade YES!" I moaned.

Adrian smiled at how much I was enjoying him. His fingers were like magic.. Working his finger in and out of my pussy slowly..hitting my g spot AND rubbing my clit simultaneously.
I reached down and wrapped my fingers around his wrist, holding his hand still as I rocked up and down, riding him.

Just as I was about to lose it, my brother added a second finger. Pushing it and then drawing it out, Ade stared at me to make sure he wasn't hurting me.

"You feel so fucking good." I groaned reassuringly.
He got up on his knees to lean over and kiss me.

Adrian then placed his dick on the entrance of my wet glossy snatch and teased me with the head.
He put the tip of the head in just a little, then pull out again.
He was driving me crazy!

"Please just...Mmmm" I moaned while grabbing my boobs.

Even though it was pitch dark, he stared into my eyes.
"Are you sure you wanna..?" Adrian asked sweetly.

"YES!" I said cutting him off.

Adrian wasted no time and thrusted himself into me.

"Oh fuck Erica!" Adrian moaned.
I clenched his butt cheeks as he slammed into me hard and fast.
My boobs flew everywhere as he fucked me.

"You like that dick?" Ade groaned but asked seriously.

" mmmm, Yess daddy! I want all of it!

I could feel Ade about to cum any second, but ignored it because so was I. Just as I was about to climax, I felt ropes of cum shoot into me.
Adrian moaned as if all the cum in his balls squirted out at once.

Our hearts were beating so fast, that I swore I heard his beating in rhythm to mine. We both tried to catch our breaths, but failed. There was a long non verbal silence, just our breathing.
I rolled over from my side onto my back again.

"Oh my God I can't believe that just happened." I said.

"Ohh, it's not over yet, darling".

Adrian leaned down and kissed me once more.
"Spread your legs for me" he insisted.

I obeyed.
Ade lowered himself to his stomach, so that he was face to face with my pussy. He pressed his mouth against my pussy, sliding his hands behind me, gripping my waist to keep me still.

"I've been craving you for too long." Adrian said looking up at me.
He licked my clit, stiffened his tongue and pushed it inside.. In and out until I was rocking up against his mouth.
I could feel myself nearing my orgasm &just when I thought I was, he stopped.
Ade lifted up his head, rested on his forearms and stared at me.

"Who is Shane again?"
I covered my face in embarrassment and laughter.

"Oh my gosh fuck you!" I moaned attempting to reply.
He lowered his head, licked me again, teasing me right back to the edge again. I felt my body tightening.

"OH MY GOD PLEASE DONT STOP!" I moaned gripping the bed sheets as I felt my orgasm rush over me.
My inner thighs buried Adrian's face in my pussy as my legs shook.
As my orgasm subsided, I spread my legs, releasing Adrian.
He kissed my inner thigh and then shoved himself up onto his hands and knees.

"Erica..that..was fucking amazing." He said truthfully.

I laid on my back (still recovering) and squeezed Adrian's hand in agreement.
Laying there, i didn't even notice that the thunder I was so scared of, had went away. We eventually fell asleep cuddled, and naked.

I woke up the next morning to the sound of my dad knocking on Adrian's door.
I was still naked in Adrian's bed, when I heard the knocking.

Suddenly, the door swung open.

Our dad entered the room, yelling about how Adrian had overslept and missed his doctors appointment.

He stopped mid sentence to look at what seemed to look REALLY bad.
"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON IN HERE?" he asked angrily.

"Dad wait, I can explain!" I said sitting up covering my exposed breasts.

"Okay..I'm listening." He said impatiently tapping his foot on the floor.

Oh gosh, how the hell are we supposed to get out of this one?!

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-08-07 07:59:50
Hay dad wait your turn. Take a. Umber and get in the fuckin line.

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-08-07 02:20:37
Why not make mom and dad grandparents? Very good story, loved it., t.y.

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-08-03 08:17:28

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-08-03 06:11:29
You must be logged in to do that. I'm so excited to see my tweets are on my iPhone to be able too see you at least one person

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-08-02 22:19:46
I love incest stories especially when the girls are aggressive...Good story!

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