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I didn't now that today was going to change everything and more ...
I was walking from college tired and hungry. Well what's new about that ? My name is Alex and I'm 22. I'm 5'6, blonde athletic women, I used to play soccer but because of a knee injury I had to stop, I also have small boobs that I'm pretty ashamed of. Oh and also I'm gay. I had a girlfriend but she had to move out because her father had found a new job so that's how she became an ex.
So back to this moment. It's quite late because in two days we have a huge assignement and well if you fail ... If I want to come home before 9 I have to take the bus of 8.15 pm and I have 3 min to made it. Great !
So I take a shortcut and that's when I saw her. Then a pain in the neck and everything goes black.

When I woke up I'm in a huge room made of glass. I'm still a little disoriented and dizzy. They may have drug me or something to take me wherever we are. I look outside the room and I see like 3 people in a white coat. They look like they are doctors or something like that.
Then She comes in ... The woman I saw before I passed out. She takes a microphone and say :

"Hello Alex !"
"Who the fuck are you ?? And how do you know my name ??"
"We are here to help you. "
"Help me, by kidnapping me ?? Yeah right !"
"Let me ask you a few question then. In your life are you happy ? "
" What ?"
"Answer the question please."
"Hmm, I ... Think yeah."
"You don't look so sure !"
"Well it's a hard question !"
"Ok, then are you sexually happy ?"
"Excuse me ? Why all this fucking questions ?"
"Believe me you'll thank me later but for now please answer the question."
"Well ... I would say no because it's been a while since I had sex with someone, so..."
"Ok. Do you like having sex ?"
" ... Hum ... Yes, when I can orgasm."
"How so ?"
"It's hard to explain, it's just hard for me and I don't know why. Even when I was with my ex..."
She takes notes of everything I said and she says :
"Ok, now please strip and put your clothes in the box in front of you."

I don't know why but at the moment I didn't yell or ask any question I just did it. I put all my clothes into the box an it disppear into the ground. I now stand naked in front of them and still don't feel shy. It's a very strange feeling for me.

"Thank you. Now can you go seat on the table behind you. That's it, good. And now please take the iPad and answer all the questions but you have to be very sincere when you answer ok ?"
"... Ok"
I take the iPad and there is already a question on it :

"Would you like to be a futa ? Y / N "

Well I was always curious about having a penis, so why not : "Y"

"Which size would you want your penis ? Small /Normal / Big / Huge / Huge like a horse"

Wow and then I understand I'm going to be transformed in whatever my answers will be. Well I'm quite excited ! Lt's have some fun !!

"Huge like a horse"

"Would you like to bare children ? Y / N"

Mmh ... I never planed to have some ...


"Which size of boobs do you want ? None / Small / Normal / Big / Huge / Bigger like a balloon "

Well I always had small tits and hated that so


"You are more : Alpha / Beta / Gamma / Omega"

Well I like been in charge and not so much being submitive.


And it goes with a lot more of question like if I like abs, how much, the haircut,color of the eyes, type of voice, the skin's tan, pubic hair, tattoo, weight, stamina, force ...
And when I thaught it was over :

"What kind of omega would you want ?"

And the same questions are asked plus more. Wow it's like a dream I even chose for her.
And the last question :

"You want her to be : in love with you / crazy in love with you / the jealous type / not the jealous type Several answers are possible "

Well crazy in love of course and not the jealous type cause it would be too much drama.

Then the screen goes black. And the women says :
"Thank you for answering those questions. Please lay on the table it won't be too long"
I lay back on the table and I'm quite excited for what's going to happen.
I feel the same pain in the neck than earlier and everything goes black again ...

I heard some people talking around me. It sounds like two women and one seems familiar. I feel ... Amazing and I feel some changes already, like more weight on my chest and others that I can't quite place. I begin to open my eyes and all I see is the ceiling. The voices stop immediately. A women approch me and when I can finally see her I recognise her as the women who talked to me earlier :

"Hello Alex. How do you feel ?"
"Amazing" I said in my new husky voice that I found really sexy.
"Glad to hear it. So you are going to see your new body. Are you ready to stand on your own ?"
"I think so."
I can't wait to see my new me.
"Ok whenever you're ready there is a miror on your right"

Ok so this is it. I begin to sit down first and wow. My boobs are amazing, my skin looks tan and I see my penis because how could I miss it ? It's a beauty, it's so huge and has the same tan as the rest of my body. So, I stand and goes in front of the mirror ... Well fuck I'm so fucking sexy and hot. Wow.
I'm taller than before I stand at 6 ft. I have a very nice tan all over my body, my blonde hair is in a mohawk and the sides of my head are bold with tribal tattoo that go over my neck and my back. My eyes are still green and no more acne. My boobs are big and I'm really proud of them now. I have an amazing six pack, that's some abs. I have quite some mass muscular in my arms. My legs are also quite muscular. I have lot of tattoos over my arms. I don't have any hair except on my head. And wow ... My penis ! I always wanted to have one and I'm not dispointed !! It's huge even flacid. It goes until my knees so imagine how long it is and it's so thick too. I would say that it's 20' long and 5' large. Even my balls are huge there like two softball balls. It's so hot. I take a closer look at my tattoos. On my right arm there is a lot of tribal design and on my left there is two names : mine, Alex with an Alpha beside it and higher there is another name : Skylar with an Omega beside the name. And on my neck there is also a big Alpha tattoed on it.

That's when I saw her. I was looking at my back to see the rest of my new tattoos. Why I hadn't saw her before, I don't know, but she's fucking beautiful. She's a little smaller than me 5.8 ft, she's also a little less tan than me, has huge boobs (they are a seriuous piece of arts), a flat stomach, a penis but smaller than mine like 15' long and 3' large. Nice long legs. She has no hair except for her head and when I look at her eyes ... There are so blue I feell like I could stare at them for god knows how long. She has two very red and kissable lips. Her hair are brown and goes until her shoulders but the left side of it is shaved and there is the same tattoo that I have in this place. And there is two tattoos on her left arms. It's like me but reversed first there is : Skylar with an Omega, then Alex with an Alpha. And when I look at her neck there is a big Omega. We are just left here admiring each other when the women from earlier speak :

"Well. I see that the modifications on both of you went very well ! So, Alex, as you may have guess this is Skylar. Skylar is your own Omega. Thanks to all the answers that you gave earlier, we were able to modify her so that she's just like you wanted." Wow I can't believe it, this goddess is mine ?? And then I remember ... And she's maddly in love with me. Fuck, I love my life.
"So, after this transformation you are both going to bath..." Oh yeeesss "separately" Damn "and then Alex you'll be massaged and oiled before we bring you to your room that you're going to share if it's not a problem for both of you."
"No, it's fine !" I said
"Yes it's totally fine" she said. She has also a beautiful voice. Everything about her is perfect !! Damn !! I'm so lucky.
"Great, so Alex you'll go with me and Skylar with Emma who's waiting outside"

As we were leaving the room, we were still naked but I wasn't ashamed of it I was on the contrary really proud of the people who were watching me or Skylar.
As we were walking, I saw that beside the woman who was leading us everyone was naked and a futa. Some were looking at me me with lust and at Skylar with envy. When we were walking I was still getting used to my new body and it didn't felt weird but it felt ... Right. My huge penis was hanging with my balls but the size of them did't make it weird to walk as if it was always there. My boobs were firm so the fact that I didn't use any bra didn't matter. We were walking for quite a while now and there was an intersection where Emma and Skylar went right and we went left. We walked again for a while and then we stopped in front of a door. She said :

"Ok Alex. So, this is where you're are going to be bath."
"To be bath ? Someone is going to do it ?"
"Well yes. You're an Alpha now. There are some priviledges that go with it but you'll found out in time."
"Oh ok." I can't stop feeling like I'm dreaming. Yesterday, I was no one and now I feel like a King.
"So, as I was saying, you're going to be bath, then when it's over you'll be massaged then oiled. When everyting is over Emma will bring you to your room where you'll find Skylar. Any questions ?"
"No ... Ah, yes I have one."
"Go ahead"
"What's your name ?"
" My name is Victoria."
"Well don't wait any longer. Go ahead"
"Thank you for everything"
"My pleasure. Oh and Alex?"
"Yes ?"
"Enjoy !"
"Ha ha, ok "
And then she left. I take a breath and enter the room.

That room is so huge. I mean wow. There is no bath tube or anything like that, just like a pool. The light is a little low and the smell is really relaxing. As I look around I see three woman, futa too, approaching me. They are beautiful but nothing compared to Skylar. One of them say :

"Welcome Alex ! Please come with us !"

It didn't shock me that they new my name. So I follow them into the pool. The water is warm but not to warm, just perfect. They lead me to the center and I have water just above my knees. They make me seat so that I have water just under my brests.

"Please put your head under the water so that we can wash you"

I did that then emerge back. They began to wash my hair by massaging my scalp. Mmh, I'm in heaven. Then I put my head back into the water to rinse the soap. They then ask me to stand and began to wash me with soap. The feeling of these 6 hands wahing me is amazing. But my penis stay flacid as if he knows that it's not Skylar. They wash my back, boobs, stomach, ass, my penis (that took a moment and it was still down) and then my legs. I seat back to rinse then they wash my feet and my face. I rinse everything then I'm all clean. They lead me out of the pool and dry me with a towel. They then lead me to a massage table where they ask me to lay on my back. One of them began massaging my head while the others two were beginning massaging each feet. Wow feel so gooooodd !! After a moment the one massaging my head took some gel to make my hair style. In the meen time the other two women are massaging my legs completely. Once done, they massage my stomach and boobs. What a feeling. I died and went straight to heaven ... Then my arms and face. When I thought that I could turn around they began to massage my penis. 6 hands on it ... Let me tell you that he's not really flacid anymore. I'm growing quite the boner, but I don't feel ashamed, I'm once again proud of it. When I look back it stands 24' long and 6' large. What a sight !! And them massaging it ... My god !! Two of them goes back to massaging my boobs while the last one is massaging my penis. I don't know how I do for not cumming on the sight because all this stimulation are amazing. But I feel like something is missing. At this moment one of the woman who was massaging my boobs came back and I thought that she was going back to massage my penis but how wrong I was ! She began massaging my vagina. With everything I almost forget about it ! She began playing with my clit ... Woooo ... And then fingering me first with one then with two, three and then four fingers. I feel so stimulated !! I never felt like that !! Then after a while :

"I' m going .... To cum !! " My voice is huskyer than before.
"Good !! Don't hold back !!"
They began massaging faster and then :
"Aaaaaaaahhhh yyyyyyyyeeeeeessss !!! "

And I cum a lot !! I never saw so mutch cum !! It felt so good !! We are literally covered in my cum. I taste myself and i even taste amazing musky but sweet. They began to lick me clean. Once done, they ask me to turn around then began massaging my legs, back and my cheek ass. I feel so relax. When they told me that it's over they took me back in the pool to wash back the stickness of my cum. They then dry me again and did again my hair style with gel. One of them then went to search the oil. I stand still will they oil me. When it's over I look at myself and I'm shining thanks to the oil. Then each of them kiss me on my cheek and said goodbye. I understand that I have to leave and thanks them then go to the door. I open it and when I close it sure enough Emma is waiting for me.

"So, Alex how was it ?"
"Amazing, thank you"
"Good ! I have to take you to your room so that you can meet Skylar. Ready ?"
"Lead the way !"
I can't wait to see Skylar again. It may be hard to believe but I miss her. Then I think back to what happened during my massage and I don't feel guilty or anything, I feel like it had to happen. As we where walking I observe Emma. She has a tattoo on her neck with a Gamma. And there is no tattoo on her left arm like for me or Skylar. After a moment, she stop in front of a door and say :
"Alex. This room is yours and Skylar. There is a really big bed in it, bigger than a king bed, a pool to bath but a little smaller than where you was earlier, a kitchen and toilet. There is also a TV and much more thing to find out. If you have any question you can ask for me. Ok ?"
"Yes, all good !!"
"Perfect, then I won't make you wait any longer !! Go see Skylar and don't forger to Enjoy !"
"Thank you Emma !! Bye !!"
"Bye Alex !"
She left after that !! Ok, well this is it !! Breathe then ... I open the door.

And this room like anything else is huge !! It already feel like home !! On the back left I can see the kitchen, another door and I think it's the toilets, it's the only door in this room, anywhere else there is no wall that's why it feels so huge. In front of me the pool to bath, effetively it's smaller but it's more deep so if you want to swim in it you can. Then on the left the bed, there is a few stairs to reach it, so when you're in the bed you overlook everything. When I'm in front of the insanely huge bed, I finally see Skylar. And wow she's beautiful. It's like my memory didn't do her justice ! She said :

"Hey beautiful ! " mmmhh that voice
"Hey Skylar ! How do you feel ?"
"Amzing, the bath was awesome ! You ?"
"The same !! The massage wasn't bad either !!" I said chuckling !!
"I bet ! So ..."
"Yeah !"
"How do you feel about you being modify and everything ?" I said sitting down, Skylar beside me. She smell so good. She's My goddess.
"Well at first I was a little surprised but then Victoria explain everything to me and ..."
"And ?"
"That's when I saw you there laying helplessly on the table. I could't believe my eyes. You're everything I could have wished for and even more. I feel such a deep connection. And you're like amazingly fucking hot ! So how could everything be better ?"
"I feel exactly the same it's amazing !"
"Plus the fact that you have this huge penis isn't bad either !!"
"Yeah !! I just hope that you will be able to take it ..."
"Oh babe don't worry, they modify my body so that it can strech when you put it in me, wether you put it in my mouth, pussy or ass without hurting but I would still feel the pleasure. And even in my mouth they remove my gag and i can breathe without a problem. See, all good for you !!"
"I can't wait to try everything !!"
"Why wait ?" She said then began kissing me !! Wow she's an amazing kisser. I feel complete ! Breaking the kiss she said :
"You're an awesome kisser. By the way we are both sterile so don't worry about protection !"

I kissed her back and I began to feel my cock reacting to all this making out. I take control of the kiss. We are moving to the center of this bed, and I put her under me while we are still kissing. I then broke the kiss and began kissing her neck, then I find her pulse point and begin biting it. Her moaning keep making me hard. Then I attack her huge breasts. They are so perfect !! I kiss them, bite them again and again and her moaning are louder and louder.

"Alex ... Please !!"

I'm still teasing and exploring her. I kiss her stomach and came into view of her beautiful penis and vagina. The smell drive me almost crazy. I began licking her cock and she was trying to release herself but I said :

"No, don't touch anything !"

She groaned but let go. I keep licking her cock like a lolipop for a while. Then I went to her vagina. Her really clean and beautiful vagina. I lick it too and it's not totally the same taste as her cock but it's an amazing taste too. While licking her vagina, I use one of my hand and began pumping her cock. I then find her clitoris and began playing with it. Licking ... Biting ... Again and again. She's so wet it's amazing. With my other hand I begin to enter her with two fingers while I'm still licking her clit and pumping her penis. She's moaning even louder and is chanting my name like a mantra. I love this. This beautiful goddess wanting me like that ! Then I add two more fingers. She's tight but I know she can take more. I bite gently her clit and I know that she's almost there. So I pout my last finger in her and began fisting her. She's so warm and wet, I can't describe the sensations. It's insane. I feel so powerful. I pump her cock faster and lick and bite her clit when :

"Yyyyyyeeeeeesss !!! Fffuuuuuuuuucckkkkkkk !!! AAAAAAAAALLLLLEEEEEEEEEXXXX !!!!!! "

She cumes ... Hard !!! From both her penis and vagina. Wow !! Never saw anything like that !! I then pull back slowly my hand from her vagina and lick it clean. Then I kiss both her boobs and kiss her with all the passion that I have for her. She's moaning testing herself on my tongue. I think ... No !! I know that I'm in love !!

"So, Sky how was that ?" I say very proud of myself.
"Wow !! I feel like I'm in heaven !! And you are my own goddess of love !"
Wow, I'm so happy ! I think my smile can't be any bigger !!
Then she say :
"I love you Alex !!"
"I love you too Sky !"

I lay beside her, she's playing with my hair, carressing the tattoos that I have on my head. I feel so relax, calm ... All thanks to her and Victoria.
Then she begins to kiss me softly at first then with more love and passion. She then is on top of me and I can't wait for what's going to happen. She keeps kissing me and I feel my cock getting hard again. While kissing she plays with my boobs. Mmmh !! She bites my lips playfully and I smile telling her to keep going, that I let her toping me for now. She then goes to my huge cock and, like I did for her, begin licking it. Then like she said she take me in her mouth without a problem and damn it felt good. I'm impossibly hard watching her giving me a blowjob. At first she took 6' of it. I'm quite impress by how easily she does it. Then she takes more ...12' of it ! She's halfway and I'm in heaven. When I'm thinking that she's going to stop she's taking more of it. 19'. Still 5' to go and I'll be all the way in. She's now playing with my huge balls and it send another wave of pleasure. I'm caressing her hair to say it's ok if she doesn't take everyting but then ... I feel her nose on my stomach. Yes she took everything, i think that the head of my cock is in her stomach but damn it felt so good. I'm so proud of her. I begin to fuck her mouth and what a mouth and her tongue ... I'm moaning because of all this new type of pleasure. After a few minutes she let go of my cock and I still can't believe that everyting was in her. She come back to kiss me and I taste myself on her. My two favorites scents. Then she stands above my huge penis. Oh god !! I feel the head of my cock teasing her vagina then she slowly sits on it !! The feeling and the view make me lightheaded ! I feel that I'm at the end of her vagina and already 10' are in her. We are moaning in unisson because of the pleasure. She's so tigh it's mindblowing ! Then she continue to sit on it and I'm in her cervix !! She doesn't seem to be in pain wich is amazing ! Then with a last push I'm completely in her. When I look at her womb I can see that there is my huge cock in it !! It's so a turn on that I'm amazed that I didn't cum with everything ! Then she begin to move ... Oh god ... She does it so slowly that it's almost painfull !! I let her have fun for a while then I reverse our position and I'm the one on top. I say :

"My turn baby !! " in my really husky voice.

I take out my cock almost all the way then push back forcefully !! She cry in pleasure .. I do it a few more times then I begin to pump in her slowly at first and then faster. The only noise that you can hear are our moans and the sound of my ball against her ass. After everything that happened today I'm only slightly tired ! I'm going faster and I now that I'm almost there !! So I take her penis in my hand and begin stroking it, her cry are louder and louder. Until she says :

"Almost ... There !!! Fuck !!"
"Me too !!"
And I go even faster, the rythm is now insane and after a moment :
"Shhhiiiiiiiiiitttt !!! AAAALLLLLEEXXXX !!! "

We came together !! She cums on her stomach with her cock and in her vagina with my penis. I come so hard in her. The amount of my cum is quite impressive it fills her so much that it looks like she could be 5 months pregnant !! We are both sweaty !! But damn she's so sexy after an orgasm ! I pull out of her and the cum begin to flew out of her. Then after a while she looks like her old self. Her eyes are close but I know she's not sleeping so I kiss her lovingly. Then I asked :

"You okay ?"
"Fuck yeah !! " I smile gently at her and say :
"I love you."
"I love you to my angel. "
Then we go to sleep, smiling and holding eachother tenderly.

Part 2 Maybe ?

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-08-07 08:59:41
In case that was not clear enough, that's a no on part two. Holy fucking he'll let us all assure you that's a no on ANY future postings, mmmmkayyyy?

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-08-07 08:57:49
I wonder just what kind of a silly twat it takes to come up with a piece of crap like this? Do you use a fork, or no probably a stick, or possibly your fingers to eat? I bet a person can smell you from across the street since you probably don't know enough to bathe yourself either. Learn how to take a shower and wipe your ass before you set out to tackle writing erotica...retard

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-08-05 00:12:06
My little brother that's nine can write better than you!

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-08-04 05:23:27
Sorry I clicked on this story but I won't leave without clicking the negative vote.

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-08-04 03:55:22
Dang this is the person that promised in numerous stories that chapter two would be better right? All she did was whine about negative comments yet kept changing her name and posting. Then came the excuse about dyslexia then she got angry and went on the attack and that finally culminated into her saying she would be back under another name. Someone explained to her that her writing, like a fingerprint, is easily identifiable. Some people just can't fathom that their writing could be anything less than amazing. This amazing alright, amazingly CRAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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