This story is long so i broke it up into 3 parts. Enjoy
When my boyfriend Jason told me he was going away on a camping trip for a week with a bunch of his mates, I wasn't very impressed. I had taken a couple of weeks off work and was looking forward to spending it with him.
Jason and I had been going out for about six years and it had been pretty good, as relationships are at the start. The last year though, we had been arguing more, usually about stupid little things.
This wasn't the first time that Jason had gone away camping with his friends. Weekend trips away happened about once every month or two. They were fishing trips mostly. Lately I had become suspicious about these so called fishing trips and was wondering if there was something more to them. It crossed my mind on more than one occasion that maybe Jason was cheating on me and this time, when he said he wanted to go away for a week, I put my foot down and insisted on coming along.
In hindsight I think I was suspicious about Jason because of a guilty conscience. I had screwed around on him quite a few times. My job takes me away to conferences and seminars fairly regularly. They usually only go for a couple of days, but every now and then they go for a week or more.
I didn't usually have any problem going without sex for a day or two, but the first time that I went away for over a week, was only four months after I started going out with Jason. I met a guy and slept with him on the second night of the two week seminar, and again every night after that! Every year from then on, I fucked at least two or three other guys at various conferences, but I always came back to Jason.
I should tell you a bit about myself. My name is Brianna and I live in Melbourne, Australia. I'm 175cm tall. I have longish, dark brown hair, about down to my shoulder blades. I am very fit because I work out every day. I'm fanatical about it. I haven't missed a day at the gym in years! My breasts aren't particularly large but they aren't small either. My friends say I'm pretty and I guess I am, although I don't think I would ever make it as a supermodel or anything like that.
I'm twenty seven years old and quite a successful business woman. I think I will keep the nature of my business to myself. I have used my real first name, so I can't add too much detail, or someone might put two and two together and figure out who I am.
Jason wasn't very happy about me coming along on this particular trip, which only made me more suspicious. We went to a campsite somewhere in the Grampians. That's a mountain range not too far from Melbourne. I wasn't really into camping, so when Jason finally agreed to let me come along, I regretted it almost instantly. If he really was planning something other than camping, he would never have agreed to let me come. I knew I had made a mistake, but I couldn't change my mind now. Not after all the fuss I had made.
We got to the campsite and we were the last to arrive. There were nine guys there and I was the only girl. I was instantly uncomfortable with the whole situation, and Jason was still mighty pissed off with me, so this didn't look like being a fun week.
The other guys were surprised to see me turn up with Jason. This was supposed to be a blokes only sort of trip, but they were friendly enough. They were friendlier than Jason was being at the moment anyway. He was still pissed off with me, and a bit embarrassed about turning up with his girlfriend. I was feeling pretty bad about the whole thing as well. It was obvious now, that I was mistaken about Jason cheating on me. I thought I would make it up to him that night in our tent.
Jason was cold to me the whole rest of the day. Bit by bit I changed from feeling guilty, to getting annoyed. He was drinking pretty heavily that night as we all gathered around the campfire. I was trying to be nice to him, using the cold as an excuse to snuggle up to him, and getting very flirty. I could see the other guys watching me, and I knew that as they watched me coming on to Jason, they were wishing they had a woman with them as well.
Jason still wasn't responding though. When we finally went to bed that night, he was out like a light within seconds of his head hitting the pillow. To make matters worse, he snored like you wouldn't believe. I got very little sleep that night.
Things were a little better the next day. Jason wasn't being cold to me anymore, but he also wasn't interested in sex that morning. He was seriously hung over and looked like shit. He also smelled very bad! We got up and got the fire going again. I tried to help out a bit with the cooking, but I had never cooked on an open fire before. After a few minutes the guys politely suggested I go and sit down.
After lunch I wanted Jason to come with me and do some hiking, but he was feeling a bit unwell, so I ended up going alone. I was gone for a couple of hours. When I returned, the guys were already drinking heavily. I didn't want Jason getting seriously drunk again so I suggested he slow down a bit. That just pissed him off again. It was obvious he really didn't want me being there.
I had worked up a bit of a sweat with all my hiking and really needed to bathe, but the river was freezing cold. One of the guys had brought along a bush shower, that's just a canvas bag that you hang from a tree and fill with water. It has a shower head attached to it but the water doesn't last long so you have to be quick. The shower was out in the open off to the side of our campsite, so I went into our tent and changed into my swimsuit. It was a tiny little white bikini which I had worn many times at the beach with hundreds of other bathers. Somehow it was different wearing it here, where I was the only one in a swimsuit, and nine guys were watching me shower.
I discreetly turned away as I lifted my bikini top and washed underneath. I could feel all eyes watching me, as I put my soapy hand inside my bikini bottoms, and washed between my legs. The water was quite cool, but wouldn't have been too bad if it wasn't for the wind chill. I got very cold as the wind blew, and my nipples got very hard.
When the shower water ran out, I threw a towel around me and moved closer to the fire. I tried to dry myself off as quickly as possible. I could see my nipples poking out through the flimsy material of my bikini, and I knew all the guys around the fire could see it as well. About the only person who didn't seem to notice was Jason, who was already well on his way to getting smashed again.
As soon as I was dry, I went back into the tent and got changed into something warmer. Normally, jeans would have been best, but I had a long, thick woollen skirt that was very warm, so I wore that instead. It was getting on towards sundown,so I didn't need a bra. A t-shirt and soft wool pullover, with a pair of sheepskin 'Ugg' boots to finish it off and I was nice and warm.
After dinner we sat around the fire and talked, just like the night before. Jason was staggering drunk almost before the sun had set, and he was being an arsehole as well. I could see my chances of him making love to me that night were slim to none. I thought I might as well have a few drinks.
They didn't have any wine and I'm not really into beer. Fortunately someone had brought along some port, which is nice and sweet, and burns as it goes down. I sat close to the fire drinking my port and soon I was feeling warm inside and out.
Jason got so drunk he threw up and crashed into bed by about 8pm. I was starting to get pretty pissed off with him.
Most of the other guys were still sober or at least not staggering drunk like Jason. We sat around the fire and laughed and talked and my mood started to improve. I was starting to get a lot more attention from the guys now that Jason had gone to bed. It was nothing too serious, just a bit of flirting.
I was sitting on a large log that we had been using as a seat near the fire, and I had a couple of guys sitting on either side of me. We were squeezed in pretty tight to stay warm. I was touching shoulders with the guy on my left and the one on my right.
The wool skirt I was wearing reached almost to my ankles, so as long as I kept it wrapped around me, I was toasty warm. The skirt was split all the way to the top but with a large overlap at the front. Occasionally, as I shuffled around or adjusted my legs, the skirt would fall open, showing one or the other of my legs all the way to my upper thighs. I quickly noticed though and a quick flip of my skirt and I was decently covered again.
David was sitting on my right. He commented on my choice of wearing a skirt, and asked me if I was cold having the wind blow right up me. He was being a bit suggestive, but I was getting quite drunk by this time and I just laughed. I told him that I was very warm underneath thank you.
One of the guys whose name I can't remember asked me with a laugh if I needed another shower. All the guys joined in laughing and so did I. I could feel my cheeks burning as they made comments about my shower earlier in the day. My suspicion that they were all watching me as I showered was confirmed. I had several offers to help me next time I wanted a shower, but I laughed it off.
Even from where I was sitting I could hear Jason snoring and I wasn't in any hurry to go to bed. I figured if I had a few more drinks and waited until I was really tired, I would have a better chance of sleeping through the thunderous noise.
The cool breeze picked up a bit and once again, David commented on how cold I must be wearing a skirt. I reassured him that I wasn't cold. I showed my right leg and said, "Feel."
David put his hand on my leg and was amazed at how warm I was. His hand, in comparison, felt ice cold. I pulled my skirt back over my leg and David left his hand where it was. “To get warm,” he said.
I laughed again, but I didn't do anything to push his hand away. The other guys were all watching me. David kept talking about how warm and soft my legs were. Paul was sitting on my left. He also put his hand between the overlap in my skirt, and slid it between my legs. I was laughing as I sat there with two guys' hands between my legs, roughly half way up from my knees, trying to warm their hands.
They were both rubbing their hands up and down my inner thighs under my skirt. My legs were being pulled gently open by their hands. They weren't spread wide but bit by bit, they pulled them wider apart. Every now and again my skirt would fall off one or both legs, and I would flick the skirt back over their hands again.
I would never have allowed them to do any of this if I was totally sober, but my inhibitions were rapidly going the way of the Dodo. I was enjoying the attention. I rested my head on David's shoulder and closed my eyes, as the two men continued stroking my legs. David changed hands and put his left arm around my shoulders. I leaned into him, and he continued touching me with his right hand.
Paul was the first one to get a bit braver. His hand was reaching quite high up my thigh as he was stroking me. He tentatively brushed the heel of his hand against my knickers as he was moving up and down my thighs. When I didn't protest, he went further, and eventually stopped his hand as high up my leg as he could go. His hand was resting against my clit, through my knickers,as his fingers continued stroking my upper inner thighs.
I was so far gone by this time that I had totally forgotten about all the other guys there, who had gone very quiet. David also slid his hand further up my other leg. He began directly rubbing my slit through my knickers. He gently pulled my leg wider and Paul did the same thing from the other side. My legs were now spread wide open. They both had easy access to my panties. My skirt had completely fallen off both of my legs, but I was no longer concerned about covering up. The hands rubbing me, and the alcohol, were keeping me warm.
I had completely forgotten about Jason by this time. All my attention was on Paul's and David's hands. I wasn't actively doing anything to help them, but I certainly wasn't resisting. This continued for quite a while. I can remember giving out a few little moans as they touched me.
I'm not sure which one it was that first slid a finger inside my knickers. I think it was Paul, but I can't be sure. He slid his fingers in from the side and started rubbing my clit. I was moaning louder now, and he was obviously getting more confident, as he began rubbing me harder. Occasionally, he slid his finger down a bit to moisten his finger, in between the outer lips of my cunt, which was by now very wet, before returning to rubbing my clit.
After a few minutes I felt more hands rubbing my legs. In a dreamy sort of way, I realised there had to be a third man kneeling in front of me, but I didn't even open my eyes to see who it was. I really didn't want Paul to stop rubbing my clit. It felt so good.
Paul moved his hand up and came in from the top of my knickers, and continued rubbing me. He slid his hand down further and used his thumb to rub my clit as he slid first one, then two fingers inside me. I gave a gasp as his fingers first went inside me. I was rocking my hips backwards and forwards against his thumb, as I felt an orgasm approaching.
A few seconds later a powerful orgasm swept through me. I spasmed, and gave a long loud moan of pure pleasure. Before I had even finished cumming, I felt the hands of the guy in front of me reach up high on either side of my hips, and pull my knickers down.
I still had my head resting on Paul's shoulder. I opened my eyes and saw most of the guys gathered around really close, where they could see me being fingered. I had a moment's hesitation when I saw that sea of faces, but I just closed my eyes again as the second wave of my orgasm swept through me. I didn't even notice what was about to happen until it was too late.
Very suddenly, Paul's fingers withdrew from my cunt and they were replaced with a cock. I opened my eyes again and saw that I was being fucked by Nigel, one of Jason's best friends. He was kneeling on the ground between my legs, and was holding my knees apart. He looked right into my face as he continued fucking his best friend's girl. I was being supported on both sides by Paul and David, and I was leaning back while Nigel screwed me.
This was all like a dream to me. A part of me knew that what I was doing was wrong, and that I should put a stop to it. That wasn't going to happen though because another part of me was really enjoying it.
Nigel didn't take very long. A few minutes later he gave a bit of a grunt as he buried his cock deeper, and pumped his cum into me. Paul and David held my legs wide open as Nigel pulled his cock out and stood up. My dripping cunt was clearly visible to all the other guys standing in front of me. One of them took Nigel's place between my legs, and a few seconds later I was getting fucked again.
A pathetic effort, unbelievable storyline, just crazy. My first attempt at reading was disbelief, my second was incredulous. What on earth were you thinking? Obviously, planning was non-existent. If it's the wrong time of the month, please leave the writing to another day.
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