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Jim and Amy get Married
The summer after Amy’s senior year of high school caused me more stress than I wanted. Amy and I talked about her college plans earlier in the year, but we haven’t since. At the time Amy couldn’t settle on a final decision. We did agree to enjoy the summer together, and not worry about the possibility of us being apart for two years. As the weeks were getting closer to the start of school I grew more agitated. I did my best to hide it but failed by allowing my temper to get the best of me. Amy asked about what was really bothering me. Losing you for two years while you are away at college was my answer.

My concern was noted. Amy and I then discussed her final decision for the first time since we talked about how our relationship would stay intact or fall apart due to her decision, and Amy solved our dilemma by enrolling in the local Jr College for the first half of her four year degree. Upon hearing her solution I believed I could have floated, or walked on the clouds. My last feeling of the same effect was when Amy and I chose to date on a steady basis. 1Authors note: Some of the previous content was not kept in previous versions to keep a smooth running storyline.

I had successfully obtained my driver’s license, earlier in the summer; however, the possibility of obtaining a dependable vehicle without borrowing one from my parents didn’t hold much promise. Don and Rita chose to solve this problem for me because their current car was nearing 100,000 miles on the odometer. They had already made a decision to purchase a new car before the year came to an end. Instead of putting the car up for trade-in they chose to sell it to me. Armed with the knowledge of auto repair I found replacing the necessary parts that would allow the car to provide me several years of dependability easy.

After her first week Amy called me and offered her schedule to allow me to formulate a homework plan to maximize our free time, and enough time for her homework. Our first (private) sex happened at/after a dance that was popular because of the unique nature of it. “Jim I got a problem I need to address or I’m going to have an accident”, Amy whispered in my ear during a slow dance. “Now, really, wow; Oh my luck is going astronomically from one extreme to the next”, I whispered back. Unless she used her bubble-head I couldn’t determine a possible aphrodisiac she was using. The dance music ended and we ran to the closest exit and all the way to my car which was in the dorm parking lot. “Jim where are we going”, Amy asked? “You’ll see”, I answered. Once in the car I drove my hand down her jeans and couldn’t find one of her favorite exciters.

“LOVER”, Amy squealed in delight! “What has gotten into you, I wasn’t talking about immediately”, she added. “Babe I have been hurting for you in the worst way, mom found our toy stash; when I picked up the car she asked about them. She asked me not to talk about her finding them until you brought up the subject or discovered they were not where they belonged. I agreed to her terms so I could collect them and take them away. Mom’s curiosity was peaked she asked how badly I was hurt”, I said to Amy. Amy stared at me like I was off my rocker. “What did you tell her”, Amy asked? “I asked how she knew. She stripped me out of my t-shirt and told me to explain. I promised Amy to never talk about it, I told her. I will talk to Amy about it then, there is a large duffel bag by the front door; will you remove that stuff from my home, please and leave, she asked Me.”, I said in my explanation to Amy. Amy stared open mouthed into space and said nothing in response to my explanation. “I have that bag in the car”, I said. Amy looked at me still with her mouth wide open nodding.

Susan walked up to the car with my mother and father in tow. She knocked on my window and scared me half out of my wits. I had choice to roll down the window and face the music or start the car and leave. I chose to leave. “Um your mom and dad are with Susan”, Amy said. “I know they are, that’s why I’m leaving”, I said. I gave the subject no more thought but continued on the shortest route to the highway. Once I turned on the onramp and had my car under control; I pushed a button on my steering wheel, the head lights behind me lost ground. The car happened to belong to my mom; my dad was driving. “What did you do to make the car go so fast”, Amy asked? “I equipped the car with a gas called Nitrous Oxide. I also beefed up the pistons, and cylinder heads to withstand the pressures exerted on them”, I said.

I pulled into a parking lot after driving for five hours. Amy fell asleep since the car had cooled to a speed more comparable to highway speeds. The valet to the hotel opened my door; I hit the trunk button and asked the valet to help me with the bags. While he got the bags out I woke up Amy. The valet stood waiting for the tip I handed him a Fifty dollar bill and said, “Park it in the secure area”. “You will have to get its location upon check-in. I paged a bellboy for the bags”, he said. I helped Amy into the lobby. At the desk, “I request my cars location be secret. My parents may be looking for it”, I said. “I can’t allow a minor to check into the hotel sir”, the well-dressed older gentleman behind the counter said. I took two stacks of money out of the one bag and said, “Give me a room or the hotel across the street will. Do you still think I am a minor?” The bellboy said, “Follow me sir”. I followed him hand in hand with Amy to the elevator. Once in. he pushed the highest button inserted a key and the door closed. The door opened to a room instead of a hallway, the bell boy handed me the key he put in the elevator. “You are booked in for the month if you wish to stay that long”, he said. I handed him a hundred out of my wallet and said, “You’re dismissed”.

The bellboy stepped back into the elevator pressed the down button and the door closed leaving me and Amy in the room alone. Amy stared at me with that open mouthed look on her face again. I looked at her and laughed then said, “Cat got your tongue”. “This is too good to be true. How much money did you pay for this room”, Amy said with wonder in her tone. “We have the room for a month do you realize we are in the penthouse suite. I called my uncle and asked for a favor. He wired me half a million dollars. He will be here tomorrow. Lisa will also be joining us. You need a matron of honor, and I need a best man for tomorrow”, I said.

I lowered to one knee and showed Amy the two carat diamond wedding ring and she fainted. When she came to she was in the middle of the super-king sized bed. “Welcome back sleeping beauty”, I said. “My answer is yes”, Amy said. I stood up from the chair and stepped over to the bed wearing a matching vinyl one piece bondage suit and threw hers on the bed. “We have eighteen hours before our guests arrive. Do you want a night of sex or do you want to party?” I said. “All of the above. Let’s start with the sex”, Amy answered. “Get changed while I get the champagne”, I said. I walked across the adjoining room picked up the house phone and ordered a bottle of 64 Dom Perignon. “I will send it right up sir”, the man on the line said.

When the doorbell rang I put the key in the lock by the call button and opened the door. I handed the room service man a fifty and dismissed him. “So are you spending the entire half a mil or are we keeping some”, Amy asked her voice slightly muffled? “It’s a loan on my inheritance, hence the favor”, I said. “Get your scrawny ass on the bed and assume the position”, Amy said with a forceful tone. “Bubbly first I insist”, I said. “You’ll pay for your defiance slave, open that bottle and get on your knees”, Amy said. Being the perfect sub I did exactly what she ordered. Amy took the bottle from me and poured a healthy drink down her throat, (half the bottle) then said, “Open your mouth and relax your throat like I taught you”. Amy proceeded to pour the rest of the bottles content down my throat, not a drop hit the carpet. When the bottle was empty she discarded the bottle to the floor grabbed me by the neck and threw me on the bed.

Amy proceeded to tie me down. “Master my plug please”, I asked? Perched on the night stand glistening in all its glory was the anal plug I bore during Amy’s prom, lubed and ready. “Open up and say ah slave”, Amy demanded. I allowed the intruder to go in entirely. Amy exposed my entire backside and cracked her bull whip. “Master my gag please? I don’t intend to stay quiet tonight”, I said. Amy tied it in place and took her frustrations out on my bare ass with a whip in each hand. After each blow the tingles were so great I moaned my approval. I haven’t had a no ejaculating cum for so long. My whole body convulsed and I moaned the entire time as wave after wave of pleasure clouded my senses. I felt the plug being removed and started to disapprove until I looked behind me, Amy had her twelve inch strap-on cinched up around her waist and she drove it in to my exposed open cavity until its balls ground into mine.

“I believe you are really enjoying everything I do to you slave”, Amy said. I could only moan in response. Amy retracted and gave me a second stroke as hard as she could. The third fourth and fifth strokes weren’t any gentler. “Fuck me harder”, I mumbled around the gag. Amy obliged my wish and sped up with her strokes. A second round of convulsions attacked me prompting an orgasm from Amy also. Amy collapsed on top of me and whispered “Time out” in my ear. “It’s my turn then untie me”, I said. My request fell on deaf ears; Amy said “I am not through with you yet”. “I want that cock of yours to spray the load I want all over me”, she added. Again the added appendage she bore invaded me soon my moans were almost on top of each other. “Don’t you dare cum yet”, Amy warned.

` Amy’s grunting transformed into an animalistic nature. I could do no more than drool as she defiled my fuck hole. “Are you ready to cum yet slave”, Amy asked after what seemed like a thousand deep jackrabbit strokes. “Uh-huh”, I mumbled my response. As quick as a cat Amy pulled out, pushed off her cock and put mine in her slobbering pussy then told me, “Give it to me, all of it”. I released my built up load and flooded her as she broke into convulsions and groaned in approval. We both passed out until the sun woke us up. Amy slapped my ass and said, “Wake up we need to get this bedding to housekeeping.” I could barely move even though I wasn’t tied down any more. Once on my feet I was given two Tylenol and a glass of water. I really needed them every nerve ending in my body was screaming.

I staggered to the bathroom and cranked on the shower adjusted the temperature and let the massaging flow cascade on my aching body. Housekeeping and room service had come and gone before I was ready to exit the shower. “Your breakfast is getting cold”, Amy yelled through the open door. I turned off the water dried my face, slipped on a robe and joined Amy in the sitting room. “Last night was amazing lover”, Amy purred. The sound of complete satisfaction rolled off of Amy’s tongue. “This afternoon you will become misses Amy Parker”, I said. A squeal of approval escaped Amy’s mouth while she was doing her best not to spray food all over the room. The house phone startled both of us to its attention. I answered it and the front desk announced an arrival of one of our guests. I collected the key strolled the door inserted it in the lock and turned it to allow the door to open as the carriage arrived. Before I could return to my meal the bell rang the doors opened and out stepped a mountain of a man named William; Uncle Mikes personal body guard whom never left Mikes side unless he was asleep, having sex, or showering. At those times he was just outside the doors. “Stand down William”, I ordered. He complied and Mike sauntered into the room.

“Look at these two kids Will, they both look like they fucked like rabbits all night long”, Mike said. No answer from Will or any show of emotion showed on his face as he turned the key closing the elevator doors. “Bring me that key William”, I said. He complied then returned to the doors and stood like a statue to the right side of them never forgetting his training. “He’s kinda spooky isn’t he, or is he well trained like you lover”, Amy asked in a whisper? I answered her with one word, “training”. “Relax William you’re spooking my bride to be”, I said. He took off his glasses revealing his albino irises; he sat in a chair opposite Mike with perfect posture. Amy giggled at his rigid display. I glared at her then shook my head no. I added a wink to let her know I wasn’t mad but well communicated to her to not insult him.

“So when is this hitching supposed to happen Jimmy”, Mike asked? “We are waiting for Amy’s friend to get here. As usual you showed up early. Lisa will arrive in an hour unless there was a delay in her flight here”, I answered. “The bar is stocked up fix a drink and quit acting like a horses ass Mike”, I added. Mike shook his head and responded with, “Just like your old man”. After a few dry martini’s the phone rang again which I practically had to fight William for, I answered the call from the front desk then held up a hand to William who was perched and ready to get up. I walked to the elevator doors and inserted the key to allow Lisa entry. As sheepish as possible Lisa entered the room, Amy and she ran to each other and shared a lovers embrace and kiss. Then cackling like a couple of chickens dismissed themselves to the bedroom. “Mike lets go get a matching set of suits, I really don’t want my best man looking like a bad rendition of Miami vice. “Hey I spent an hour putting this look together”, Mike shot back.

“Did you get a room Mike”, I asked. “No” Mike answered. “I need to set one up for Lisa. Do I need to do the same for you, or do you want to do it yourself”, I asked. “I’ll do it jimmy”, Mike replied. I was able to secure a single bed room for Lisa Mike secured one of the other suites for him and William. I pocketed the key to give to Lisa. William received Mikes room key and he held out his hand for Lisa’s, I just walked away shaking my head. “James Winston Parker I cut you a lot of slack when it comes to William, if you keep insulting him I won’t be able to control him”, Mike warned. “Look Uncle Mike I asked for the favor to get here and stay a while, I never asked for your muscle to accompany you and scare my bride to be, silent”, I countered. “I enjoy the feeling of power you have known that for years”, Mike explained. “Amy just wants the four of us at the chapel”, I said. “Any unhappy bride makes for an unhappy marriage”, Mike said.

Meanwhile back at the room Lisa and were tearing each other’s clothes off to complete a lesbian affair before Amy’s wedding. Lisa attacked Amy’s tits trying to devour them one at a time. Amy sat on the edge of the king sized bed trying to stop Lisa from making her nipples to raw. “Eat my pussy you crazed slut”, Amy said. Lisa complied, but in between her ministrations she asked; “Are you this forceful with Jim too”? “A girl really never gives up all her secrets. Now shut up and eat me”, Amy ordered. Lisa’s body was forced into the prone position then mounted by Amy into a 69. Amy did to Lisa exactly what she wanted from her. Amy attacked Lisa’s lower lips as if she had not eaten for weeks, within minutes she had her captive howling from ecstasy. Lisa became a quick study and performed to her captor’s enjoyment; Amy felt her orgasm building and knew how the waves of ecstasy affect her control. When Amy had no more control she allowed her slobbering pussy to finally pour out its juices and flood Lisa’s mouth. With no escape Lisa coughed and choked on Amy’s cum. Amy stood on trembling legs and helped Lisa to hers and the two girls shared an embrace. Adjourning to the shower they cleaned up for the wedding.

Mike was beside himself when he walked into the suit rental shop. Jim had made a point that really struck home; women can bend a man into any shape they wish. What Mike didn’t know was, Jim was the aggressor. Jim had no intention to allow anyone but Amy know how much he really enjoyed being ass-fucked. Jim had hid the secret well from everyone. Fitted to perfection the two family members strode out of the shop looking like twins. In Mike’s limo and behind the screens privacy Mike told Jim a serious piece of news. I love you Jim, I will never be able to have any children due to an accident when I was your age. Being able to do this for you gives me the pride Jack will have when Susan gets married.

I told Jack and Barbra not long ago my wishes for doing what we’re doing today. I was also given complete digression, to fulfill your wish with the woman of your choice. I am really sorry I allowed my ego to override my control of my consciousness. My nephew is getting married! Now go upstairs; get your bride, her maid of honor, and let’s get you two husband and wife.

The wonderful smell of lesbian sex still hung heavy in the air of the room, Jim’s nostril’s pulled the spicy scent into his head. The expected reaction happened and before he could reach the double doors past the sitting room, Jim sported a boner making it hard to walk. To his surprise the doors opened before him revealing his gorgeous bride to be. His mouth watering and all conscious thoughts leaning towards sex; he offered an arm to the two females and led them to the elevator doors. Giggling all the way to the lobby, the girls revealed their naughtiness; to Jim’s amazement in full detail. The entire lobby was awestruck by the dapper man framed by the two female’s one in a wedding dress the other in a suit dress.

The valet opened the rear passenger door to the limo and the three entered the car. Jim handed him a bill and thanked him; “see you soon as a married man” he added. William parked the car under the awning of ‘The Little Chapel of Love’, put it in park then got out and jogged to the rear passenger door in front of the steps. He opened the door and the four occupants exited the car. “William stay with the car”, Mike asked? “OK Sir Michael”, he answered. Twenty minutes later Mr. and Mrs. James Winston Parker burst through the doors followed closely by Mike and Lisa. William opened the door of the limo and the four of the piled gleefully into it all giggles. William enjoyed a hearty chuckle as he strode to the driver’s door. His composure regained he sat in the driver’s seat, put the car into drive and proceeded exiting the parking lot and on the way to the hotel where all five were staying.

When the limo pulled under the awning at the hotel the valet opened William’s door who felt out of place. He strode to the rear of the car and allowed the four occupants to exit and receive his instructions. “William go to my suite and wait for my arrival there”, Mike asked him? “OK Sir Michael” William replied with a professional tone. The two newlyweds and their guest’s strode to the elevator which took them to the penthouse suite. Jim inserted the key in the lock and opened the doors, then gathered his wife in his arms and carried her to the couch in the sitting room before setting her down. Amy planted a sultry kiss on Jim’s lips. Mike and Lisa stood just inside the room, the doors of the elevator still open. Both were grinning ear to ear. Jim flung the key to Lisa’s room to Mike and he handed her the key. “Give us about four hours to consummate our marriage. Get changed into some more casual attire; then check at the desk to see if we are decent enough for the party to start”, Jim said. Both got into the elevator Mike flung the key from it to Jim and pressed the lobby call button, the doors closed and Mr. and Mrs. James Winston Parker were left alone.

To be concluded


2015-08-18 12:17:50
love this story.

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