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My cousin Jolene comes to stay for the summer
My cousin Jo and I, Part 9

I’m getting spoiled having a pool so close. No comparison to a pond.
Says Jo. Mom laughs, “I guess I can understand that.” “It’s great to have
someone as good as Jo to go with too.” “Well supper is almost ready.” “I’ll
set the table.” Jo says.

It seemed like the next couple of days, dad was trying to keep me busy.
As I could not find a minute for Jo. Even seemed bedtime was messed up.
I wanted to sneak into her room but dad and mom were up real late both
nights. That and my dick is so sore I’d swear it’s going to fall off. Hell it
hurt to touch it to pee.

I did manage to sneak into her room last night. Hoping for a little even if
it hurt. Jo just tells me I might as well go back to bed. Its that time of the
month. “Huh?” “It’s my preiod.” I’m stupid, I don’t get it. “I’ll explain later.
it’s just impossible right now. Besides I’m still sore from the other day.”
“Well crap. Can I play with your tits anyway?” “Fuck no they are hurting
too. I’m sorry maybe in a day or so. Maybe you should go see Christy,
she’s got a thing for you anyway.” “She does? I don’t care I want you not
her.” “Boy you are stupid. Do you think she would have had sex with us
both if she didn’t.” “Ok she’s cute but she’s not you.” “Your sweet cuz,
go see her she will take care of you. W can make it up later. Now kiss me
and go to bed.” I kiss her goodnight and begin to think of Christy.

She does have a fine set of tits, that and her super tight pussy. I drift
off thinking of her and Jo. Next morning I wake of course with morning
wood. I head for the bathroom but Jo is already in there. She emerges
“Morning.” she says, in just apair of white panties. Her huge tits sticking
out. She is rubbing her nipples. “Too sore to wear a bra.” “OK by me I
like that view.” She removes her hands, god her nipples seem swollen and
bigger than normal.

“I swear you nipples are bigger.” “They are swollen. I told you they
hurt.” “Want me to kiss them and make them better?” “You can kiss them
but I don’t think it will make them any better. Hell I’ll never pass up the
chance to kiss her boobs. I lean in kissing the left one. Then the right one
only I suck it into my mouth and flick the nipple with my tongue. “Ouch,
damit! That hurts.” “Sorry I couldn’t help it I had to taste that huge
nipple.” “well next time the head of your cock is sore. I’ll treat it the same
way.” “Fuck Jo my dick could be a raw piece of meat, But you sucking and
running your tongue on it would still feel great.” She just looks at me and
shakes her head. Then heads to her room.

It’s almost noon , I ask dad if he needs me today. He tells me no, so I
go In to ask mom if she needs me for any thing. I go inside mom and Jo
are cleaning. “Dad said to ask if you need my help. I would like to go to
the pool for a while.” Mom says “No go ahead. Jo would you like to go
to?” “I can’t aunt Nita It’s the wrong time of the month. Besides you need
the help here.” “Oh Ok, being a woman sucks sometimes huh.” “Yea ,
sometimes I wish the boys have this problem.” Mom laughs “ Ain’t that
the truth.” I’m standing there looking stupid. “Get out of here go have
fun.” Mom says. “Have fun for me too.” JO says smiling, knowing what I’m
really going that way for.

I grab my trunks and a towel. Then head out. I nearly run all the way to
Christys place. I knock on the door. No answer, I try again. Crap no one’s
home. Giving up I head for the pool.

I get there change, head for the water. Just as I’m ready to dive in
Christy comes swimming up. “Hey where you been.” “Dads been keeping
me busy last couple days and couldn’t get away.” “Where’s Jo?” “She said
someting about that time of the month, I don’t know.” “Your such a dumb
ass.” “That’s what Jo said too. What the Hell?”

Get in I’ll explain it to you. I dive in checking her out under water. She
is wearing a new red bikini. It just meets the pools bare minimum for suits.
I surface. I surface she is smiling knowing I was checking her out. Smiling
“Like my new bikini?” “Yea but it what is filling it out thats makes it
better.” She laughs “Thank You!”

“Ok what’s with this time of the month thing?” She comes close
whispring in my ear. “When a girl becomes a woman, she gets her period.
Meaning she bleeds form her pussy of a few day to expell the eggs that
can make her pregnant. Then new ones form, so she can’t swim or
anything like that till it over.” “Holy crap does that happen to you to?”
“Well yes dummy.” “How come you can be here then?” “It’s not my time
of the month.”

I look at her stupid again. “Dumb ass, We don’t all get it at the same
time.” Fuck I am a dumb ass. Christy is laughing at me. “Cool want to go
have some fun?” “I just got here. Besides I’m with Susie.” “Ok”
Disappointed to say the least. But the cool water makes my sore dick feel

I decide to go dive for a while, seeing how I can’t get a break. I’m at the
boards when I see Susie watching. (Susie is cute short maybe 5’ but a
great body. Huge tits like Jo maybe bigger. Light brown short hair
dutchboy cut. hazel eyes nice smile. Nice big ass too. Only she has a
boyfriend already.) I decide to show off some anyway. I do several
difficult dives, then look her way again. She is gone. Looking around I see
her talking to Christy and looking my way. They see me looking then
smile and wave.

I dive a few more times. The girls have gotten out laying beside the pool
sunning. I swim up under water. Then splash them both. They squeal as
the cool water hits them, cursing me. “Come back in.” I beg Christy “not
right now I’m talking to Susie. In a bit maybe.”

Dishearten I swim off. Then I see Calvin’s older sister Jane. I sneak up
on her dive under then pull her feet out from under her. (Jane’s not bad
looking just kind of plain, smallish breasts, tall I’d say almost 6’ long legs,
long brown hair almost to her ass. Nice smile, good personality, not a bit
shy. I figure if Calvin’s fucking her why can’t I.) Anyway she comes up
gasping for air. “What the fuck are you doing?” “Just thought you looked
like you needed to get wet.” Quickly she grabs me in a head lock and
drags me under. I don’t have time to take a breath. I come up choking.

“Well how do you like it?” Catching my breath, “Bet you can’t do that
again.” She grabs me we struggle for leverage. I kind of grab her ass
close to her pussy, with one hand the other her waist. Then sweep her
feet out from under her. We both go under me on top. She loses her top
and her right breast is almost poking me in the eye. Pressed right aginst
my face.

She lets go pulling her top back on. I emerge as she is straighting her
top. “Well did you enjoy that?” “Not as much as I’d like.” “Oh you think
your man enough to handle it.” I’m hard from rubbing on her tits. Getting
closer I grab her hand and put it on my dick. “If you can handle this?” Her
eyes get big ,pulling her hand back. What the fuck have you got in your
trunks?” “Me.” I say proudly. “No way that is just you.” “Check it out your
self. She goes under I feel her hands grabbing my cock through my
trunks. Then a hand on my bare cock. Shortly she comes up. “Jesus you
big.” “Well what say we go somewhere for some fun?” “Dam Richard I
can’t I’m baby sitting the neighbors two kids.

“If it weren’t for that I’d be more than willing. Maybe tomorrow?” I’m
thinking shit this day sucks. I might as well go home. Just as I start to
leave. Christy comes up asking where I’m going. “Home I guess.” She
gives me a sad look. If you can wait a bit. I was planning on going too. I
just need to let Susie know.”

I go get dressed and wait out side. It’s already 3:30 so I know Christy’s
mom and dad get home about 5 so what’s the point. She comes out. “I
think I’m going home anyway.” “Why?” “It’s too late to do anything. Your
mom and dad will be home soon.

Part 10 to follow.

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-09-21 20:57:40
xnnx group bbw

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-09-21 04:44:41
I was going to buy, but when you set it up where I would be buying in two years at a price I don't know, that's bull. You could be charging me two to three hundred per computer NO WAY

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-08-28 20:06:25
Oh yes this is so fucking goooood!

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-08-28 02:02:43
part 11

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-08-27 23:43:29

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