I pulled into my driveway and killed the engine. It had been a hard week at the office and I was looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend. As I sat there de-stressing, Lynn, my neighbor, came out of her front door. She saw me sat in the car and shouted over. “Hey lazy, get your shorts on and come for a run!”
I waved and shouted back. “Maybe tomorrow. I need to clean up and eat.”
We had been unofficial running partners for a year or two now. I have been single for three years, ever since my wife ran off with my business partner. It had been the best gift either of them could have given me. My marriage had been a sham and the business has been on the rise ever since he ran and let me to run it on my own.
Lynn had been married also, but sadly her husband had been killed in a automobile accident just after they had moved into the house, about five years ago. We had managed to stay platonic friends all that time, although there was always rumors drifting around about the two of us.
Our houses are the only two at the end of a wooded road. They were the first of a subdivision that was going to be built just before the crash in ‘08. The developers went bankrupt and the rest of the division never got completed. We both managed to buy the houses at really good prices and as we both love peace and quiet, they are the perfect homes for us.
As for our sex lives, they stay completely separate from our friendship. Not that I don’t think she is hot. About 5’5” 110# Long straight blond hair and very bright blue eyes. A figure that fills the lycra tops and shorts that I see her in very well. A nice tight butt and very perky breasts. There have been a few times when it has been difficult to run with her and the raging erection in my shorts. But we have built a friendship that is easy to live with.
She has never brought anyone home, but she does have a few girlfriends that she goes on vacation with. I’m not saying she is gay, just that I think she tends to let her hair down a little when she is away, and maybe risks a few one night stands. She always seems to have a glow about her when she come back from these vacations, and it’s not just the tan.
My sex life on the other hand is, well, on the other hand mainly. I’ve never been a big lover of nightclubs and bars so there are few possibilities to meet someone. I have dated a few ladies I met through work, but they never turn out to be my type. Not to say I didn’t explore every possibility with these ladies, but they are fairly few and far between.
I watched her run down the road and around the corner, before getting out of the car and walking inside.
,I threw my bag on the chair and dragged myself up the stairs and stripped off as I went. I threw the clothes into the laundry basket in the bathroom, before turning on the shower and stepping in. The shower setting was the sharp needle like pulses, and along with the high temperature it made my skin tingle to almost a masochistic level. I eventually turned it to the soft rain setting and began to lather myself up. When I got to between my thighs I stroked and squeezed my balls before sliding my hand along my hardening shaft. I thought about the brunette with the tight arse at the office. How she always seemed to bend over to pick things up with her butt so close I could reach out and slip my hand up her short tight skirt to find she is not wearing underwear. Of course I had never found the courage to do this, but it seemed she was constantly teasing me. What would she do if I did slide my hand up and stroke her pussy lips with my fingers. Would she be shaved? Yes. Would she already be wet and open? Yes. Would she pull her skirt up over her butt so I could slip down behind her and drive my tongue deep into her pussy? Oh god yes! Would she cum in my mouth if I rubbed her clit and licked all the way up her slit and then back down to her brown little rosebud. Oh fuck yes she would squirt all over my face. Stand up and drive this hard cock deep into her pussy. Pound it! Make her scream. Oh yes, shoot all that cum deep into her womb, fill her up! Oh Fuck!
My cum shot across the shower and slid down the wall. Yes this was my sex life.
I finished showering and threw on a pair of sleep pants and a t shirt. I went to the kitchen and made myself some dinner before sitting down at the computer to check my emails,
I ate the stir fry as I repeated the same old routine I usually did each night. Emails then check Skype for any messages from the few girls I had managed to meet online and play with. None this evening. Then, onto one of my favorite websites for extreme bikinis. I’m not sure what attracted me to this site. It could be that they showed real girls wearing the products. They ran a competition where girls could send in photo sets of themselves wearing the bikinis and have them posted to the website gallery if they were good enough. The thought of these women wearing and not wearing these tiny bits of material and meeting them on a beach somewhere, watching the look in their eyes as they inspected the bulge in my shorts and unspeakingly encouraged me to undress and be as naked and free as they were. What would happen next? A hot steamy, sand covered fuck before doing it again in the ocean. I realized I had my hand on my crotch and was already waking it up.
I opened the website and went to the competition gallery page. There were usually four or five new entries a week and I had managed to stay away fro the site for almost a week so I had plenty to enjoy this evening.
The first woman was a blonde in her forties with a tight body, improved breasts and was wearing a blue bikini that just covered the auroras but left no question about the shape and size of her nipples. Her bottoms were not covering both lips totally and depending on the pose she took either showed the left pussy lip or the right. A rear view shot showed that the string at the back not only did not cover the tight brown rosebud but seemed to accentuate the fact that she would probably take it in the arse at the drop of a hat. It didn’t take many photos before they showed her gradually losing the bikini and posing by the pool at the resort.
I refrained from getting my hard cock out of the sleep pants. I was going to make myself wait until I had inspected all five entries and then go back and choose the best to jack off to.
The next female was a young asian and during the photo set she was seen wearing and removing three different styles of bikini while walking along a beach. The shots were very sensually done but she looked like she spent a lot of time using weights and her muscles were a touch too masculine for my taste. She also had fake tits and I’ve never been a fan of big solid breasts.
The third girl was a ebony colored beauty wearing a dark brown micro two piece that from a distance made her appear as if she were naked. It wasn’t until the camera got close that you could see the material and then realize she needn’t have bothered to wear it unless you wanted to sniff and taste it later as her tiny bottoms spent most of the photoshoot inside her fleshy smooth pussy lips, and there was definitely evidence that she was enjoying wearing it, glistening on her inner thighs. Her nipples were only covered on two of the photos as she had beautiful large natural breasts that probably moved too much for the small pieces of material to be effective, All in all, a good candidate for my wank fest shortly.
I opened the fourth set and it was a petite blond girl… wait a minute, I recognize that face! It was Lynn from next door! On the website she called herself Nina but it was definitely the girl who had frequented the majority of my wet dreams over the last few years.
Usually I zipped through the photosets and then returned to study them closer later, but with ‘Nina’ I clicked the slideshow button to take me slowly through the set.
She started with a small white bikini and a white lacy wrap shirt that only just reached below her butt cheeks. Her tanned skin contrasted perfectly with her blond hair and the white material. There were a few shots of her leaning back against a tree. The next couple were of her facing the tree and she had lost the wrap. Her smooth tight butt was enticing as the thin string went from the waistband and disappeared between her cheeks.
The next shot was her looking wistfully away across the beach and the wind had picked up her hair and swept it out behind her. The wind must have been cool as her nipples were very noticeable, pushing the thin material. The next shot was her standing in the same pose but the camera was coming from below, looking up at her. The outline of her pussy was showing through the thin tight material, but there was something else pushing the material out. Oh my god she was wearing jewellry down there!
The next couple of shots were of her walking in the water. Then, a couple action shots of her dipping under the water and coming back out with the camera catching her hair once again flying but this time with water flying from it. The next was a really pretty shot of her laughing but what made it almost hard to comprehend was the water had caused the white material to become transparent. Nothing was being hidden anymore and her niples and aurora were plain to see as well as her pussy lips and the silver horseshoe hanging from her clit ring.
All this time I had managed to keep my hands of myself but I suddenly felt very warm and shed the t shirt, stood up and slid the pants down leaving my cock about as hard as it has ever been. I still didn’t touch it though and sat down with the shaft sticking upright and my ball sack pulled up to almost sit on my thighs.
The next shot was a killer. She was on her hands and knees in the surf and the camera was looking straight at her arse and pussy. You could easily see the outline of her pussy lips and the bulge made by the pussy jewellry. But then the next shot was identical but she had removed her top and you could see her firm 32C breasts swinging beneath her. They were everything I had ever dreamed they would be and more. Whenever we had been together it was when we were running and she would be wearing a sports bra. It had always been a life quest to see, maybe even fondle her breasts as well as her tight butt that drove me crazy if she ran in front of me.
It was taking every bit of willpower to not grab my cock and start stroking one off, but I wanted this to be special and if it meant extreme balls ache then so be it.
The next shot she had turned over and was sat in the wet sand with her knees apart and her hands supporting her from behind. Just the perfect pose for me to dive between those thighs and start lapping at her pussy. Further inspection showed that the material had slid slightly to one side revealing most of her pussy lip on that side as well as the silver horseshoe that had slipped out from behind the material.
The next shot was the one that did it for me. She was knelt on the sand with the surf rushing between her thighs. She was looking down to the side in a demure way with her hand on one of her breasts and her other hand pushing her hair away from her face. But what made me take my meat in my hand was she had removed her bottoms and the horseshoe was hanging freely but you could tell the water rushing between her thighs was tapping it. The look on her face could only mean one thing. The ocean was making her cum.
I had nosooner grabbed my meat than my cum shot up in the air in probably the strongest spurts in a very long time, and landed all over my chest.
It wasn’t the last time that evening that I brought myself off to her photos. I also printed off the last few and took them to the bedroom. I slipped them into some frames and hung them on the wall. Yes my name is Dan and I am a sex addict.
I lay in bed that night, with my balls aching from all the cum production they had done that evening. What was my next move? Do I say nothing and just secretly masturbate over her pictures every day? Do I confront her with the pictures and demand a second showing? I decided to be a little subtle over it but definitely see if I could take it to another level.
I didn’t see her over the next few days as we were busy at work and it meant me staying late each evening. Saturday morning I got up, ate breakfast and decided to do some yard work.
I was just getting the mower started when Lynn came out of her front door.
Hi neighbor!” she called over merrily. She was wearing a pair of cut off denim shorts and a white tank top.
Here it was. All or nothing.
“Hey Nina, how are you this morning?”
She stopped in her tracks and looked at me with a strange quizzical look on her face
“What did you just call me?” she said with a slight tremble in her voice.
“I called you Nina because you remind me of a goddess I know called Nina” I said softly. I had walked towards her and was now standing directly in front of her.
She looked at the ground and mumbled “I knew I should never have listened to her”
“Who?” I asked
“My so called best friend. She was the one who took the photos. But wait a minute… where did you see them?”
“On the website”
“What website?”
“Extreme bikinis.”
Lynn looked at me and I saw anger flash across her face.
“That cow promised me she wouldn’t publish mine. Just hers.”
“Are you saying she also had a set of photos?”
Yeah, she had me take some really raunchy ones. It’s a wonder you didn’t remember them.”
I suddenly remembered that in my state of lust that evening I had failed to check out the fifth set of photos.
I took her hand gently ‘Lynn”
She looked up at me with tears in her eyes.
“Those photos she took of you were beautiful. In fact, I have to say something I have wanted to say for a very long time. You are extremely beautiful.”
“You really think so?
“Of course. I just wished I’d told you a lot sooner.”
“Dan will you do me a big favor?”
“Yes, what can I do for you?” I was shaking with both fear and anticipation. Fear that she didn’t feel the same way as I did about her and anticipation that maybe she did and our relationship was about to change dramatically.
“Would you show me the website that you saw my photos on?”
“of course, do you mean to tell me you haven’t seen the photos?”
“Well, I saw them on the screen of the camera just after we took them, but I haven’t seen the edited shots.”
I invited her to follow me into the house and led her into the living room where my laptop was sitting on the coffee table. I gestured for her to take a seat on the sofa and sat next to her while I logged into my laptop. I couldn’t help notice how short and tight the denim cut-offs she was wearing were. I also noticed she wasn’t wearing a bra and her nipples were now very evident behind the material.
I pulled up the website and then had a thought. I turned on the TV and clicked a button on the laptop screen. The website suddenly appeared on my 60 inch screen.
“Wow! I guess I’m really going to get a look at them now” she said as I clicked on the competition gallery.
I clicked on her icon and sat back to watch her reaction to the slideshow. The first few slides produced a nervous smile and as the show progressed she absently started to slide her hands up and down her thighs. When the show got to the first of the shots that shows her pussy jewelry she glanced nervously at me and I just smiled at her. She quickly turned back to the screen, just in time to see the shots where she was on all fours with her butt facing the camera. A small groan escaped her but I now noticed her nipples were very prominent through the fabric. The final shot appeared where she was completely naked, kneeling in the surf and she started to cry. “Oh my god! I am such a slut. How am I going to ever live that down?”
I slipped my arm around her shoulder and drew her to me.
Hey, please don’t be upset by those beautiful photos. They are very tasteful but if you really feel uncomfortable about them being on the web I will contact the webmaster to see if he will remove them.”
“You can do that?”
“I can try. I can’t promise anything but I will try.”
She snuggled in closer to me and I just held her, although my finger tips had reached far enough around to rest along the side of her breast.
“Lynn, can I ask you a question? It’s a little personal but I’m intrigued.”
“Well, as you have seen every bit of me, I don’t think you can get any more personal that we have already.”
“Maybe or maybe not. My question is, did you really have your clit pierced?
Lynn giggled and looked up at me.”No, I was thinking about it because Gina has had it done. She lent me some clip ons that she had used for the very same reason. I spent the holiday wearing them and I have to say I loved the feeling but I don’t think I’m ready for a real piercing.”
“Well, it certainly made an impression on me. I thought it was hot!”
“Yeah, I’ve been trying several pieces of jewelry lately and they really have an effect on me.”
“Are… you wearing some now?”
She pulled herself away from me and looked me straight in the eyes. Her bright blue eyes seemed to glow in the sunlight coming through the window.
“As a matter of fact… yes I am.” She studied her hands resting on her lap and said quietly “Would you like to see them?”
Them? There is more than one?”
“Lynn I would love to see them, but only if you are sure you want to do this.”
“Dan, sometimes I think you must be a little dense. I’ve wanted to show you myself for a very long time.”
With that, she stood up and faced me. She ran her fingers through her long blond hair and this caused her nipple to really push against the material. I then noticed why they were so erect. She was wearing jewelry on them. She slowly took hold of the bottom of the tank top and lifted it over her head, dropping it onto the sofa.
Around each nipple sat a star like embellishment. The inner points of the star gripped the sides of her nipples, holding them in place.
She looked down at my lap and smiled. I was having erection problems of my own, but I didn’t want to seem like a dirty old man and start beating it.
“You leave that there for me” she said as she started to slowly unfasten her shorts. When she had slid the zipper down she slowly worked them down over her butt and thighs. As they slid down it became apparent that she was not wearing any underwear. There, less than two feet from my face hung the small silver horseshoe I had seen on the website. But it wasn’t alone. Just lower down hung two small chains with blue crystals at the ends, clipped to her labia.
“Do you like?” she said demurely.
“Like? I fucking love them!”
She giggled, turned around and bent over. “How about this one?”
I nearly shot my load right there. Protruding from her little brown puckered arsehole was another silver chain with the same crystal as the labia clips.
“Oh fuck! That is so hot! How is it held there?
She reach behind her and took hold of it. It slowly slipped out of her arse. It was a u shaped wire with ridges shaped into it.
“It’s quite easy to insert. Would you like to put it back for me?”
“Mmm yeah please”
I took the clip and put it to her sphincter muscle and watched her hole twitch. It then visibly relaxed and I gently pushed it back inside her.
“Okay, it’s only fair that as you have seen me naked on several occasions now, I should now see you naked. Stand up please.”
I slowly got up from the sofa and stood facing her.
She stepped forward and took the bottom of my t shirt and tried to pull it over my head.
“Hmm, I’m feeling a little short this morning and that big bulge in your shorts is preventing me getting any closer. I laughed and grabbed the shirt and threw it off onto the sofa.
“Mmm, very nice, now let’s see what is inside this packaging.”
She undid the top button and then slowly pulled the zipper down. She then slid the shorts down and i stepped out of them.
She looked down at my boxers and licked her lips. She then slipped her fingers in the waistband and slid them down, releasing my now very hard cock.
She giggled and said “Hmm that would look real purty with some jewelry on it.”
I chuckled and asked “And what would you suggest?”
“Mmm, a nice cock ring around the base of that hard shaft. It would keep it really hard too.”
She was staring at my cock and then reached out and wrapped her hand around it. I twitched and moaned as she began to stroke it slowly.
I slid my hand behind her neck and drew her lips to mine. She responded by slipping her tongue past my lips and seeking out my own. She was still stroking my shaft but had slipped the tip between her thighs. I could feel the jewelry caress the sensitive head of my cock. My free hand slid up her belly to capture her breast. My thumb found her hard nipple and began to tease and rub it.
She then pulled away and lay back down on the sofa. She looked up at me coyly and said with a southern accent that could have come from Gone With The Wind. “Sir, would you be so kind as to help a lady off with her jewelry?”
I looked at her momentarily and she added. “I would like for you to eat my pussy. Get down here please!”
I knelt down and studied the labia clips. They were just spring loaded rings and I easily removed them and soothed her inner lips by gently sucking on them. A small moan came from her and I spread her lips with my fingers to study the workings of the clit clip. I then realize that it was held in by a U-shaped clip similar to the anal embellishment but the clip in this case gripped the sides of her clit. To fit this she had to arouse her small nub and when it was enlarged she slipped the clip down either side of it and squeezed it to lock into place. This meant she was in a constant state of arousal while wearing it. I slowly and carefully slid it up and when it was free I ran my tongue over her clit. A whimper escaped her lips and I looked
up at her as I sucked her clit between my lips.
“Oh fuck, yes! Please eat me Dan. I’ve dreamt of this for years.”
I ran my tongue up and down the length of her slit, flicking her clit each time I met it. I reached up and squeezed her breasts as I pushed my tongue as deep as I could into her hot wet hole. She responded by thrusting her mound up hard into my face. I began to fuck her with my tongue and then felt the last piece of jewellry bounce against my chin. I brought a hand down and as I pushed my tongue deep into her, I slowly pulled the clip from her arse. That pushed her over the edge and she bucked hard and I felt my mouth being filled with her cum as she screamed. “Oh fuck, fuck, fuck! Don’t stop baby! Oh fuck yes!”
She began to convulse and I had a hard time keeping hold of her. I laid her back on the sofa and stroked her belly as she slowly calmed down.
She eventually looked up at me and said. “That was the best orgasm in a very long time. Now, it’s time for you to fuck me hard and deep with that hard cock of your. But bring it here first.”
I slid over her belly and straddle her chest, sliding my shaft between her breasts and as the tip reached her throat, she took hold of it and lowered her mouth over the tip. I felt her tongue flick the sensitive underside of the head and I responded by pushing it further into her mouth. She gagged slightly as it touched her throat but I felt her swallow and the tip slid down her throat. I was experiencing my first ever deep throat.
“Oh fuck, careful baby or I’ll be shooting down your throat.”
She pulled me from her mouth with a deep breath. “Mmm, later, but for now I want that in my pussy. Fuck me Dan, please.”
I slipped down her body and slipping my hands under her arse, I lifted her pussy up to meet my hard shaft. As the tip slipped between her slick lips, I thrust it deep inside her. She gasped and then responded by wrapping her legs around my hips, pulling me even deeper into her.
“I want you to ride me like the little whore I am. Fuck me hard Dan. Then, empty your hot cum deep inside me.”
I found it strange that the polite, sophisticated woman that I had come to know as a friend all these years was now talking like a sexual deviant. I could not help but respond to her pleas and I started to pound her pussy with all I had.
“Oh god yes! Fuck me hard baby. Pound it into me! Oh FUCK!”
She shook and I felt my cock being washed with her juices. This was all I needed and I felt my balls tighten, and then I let loose with streams of hot cum. It even surprised me how much I emptied into her. She was still shaking and digging her heels into the back of my thighs.
I slowly lowered her back down onto the sofa and laid down over her. I was still inside her and she started to kiss my neck as I felt her milking my shaft.
“Yes Lynn?”
“Thank you”
“It’s me who should be thanking you”
“No you can thank me next time”
“So, there is going to be a next time?”
“Baby, I hope there will be many next times.”
I shifted to her side and spooned her, wrapping my arm around her and gently cupping her breast. We both drifted off to sleep and about an hour later I was woken by having my balls caressed and licked. I looked down and Lynn had slipped off the sofa and was knelt on the floor as she played with my balls. She looked up and smiled “Hey lover, I was just admiring the equipment. You really would look good if you shaved everything and fitted a cock ring. In fact, I know just the one you should get. It’s a double ring of silver and one ring goes around the base of your shaft and the other wraps around the top of your scrotum.”
“So, you’ve become quite an expert on genital jewellry have you?”
She blushed slightly, “Well, actually I was looking for feminine jewellry and decided to check out the men’s section. There was a couple of photos of this really well hung guy wearing it and he had an enormous erection. I had to get myself off while looking at it.”
“Mmm. well maybe I’ll have to check out this sight and see if there is anything I would think of wearing.”
“Mmm, yes please baby, I’ll show you which website I was on in a moment, but first I need to finish something I started.” And with that she plunged my cock deep into her mouth and squeezed my balls with her fingers.
Watching her devour my cock as she knelt naked on the floor, I wanted to eat her pussy again. But i would have to wait until later for that, as I felt the pressure rise at the base of my shaft, and soon I was shooting another hot load down her throat. She held on to me and milked every drop from me, not releasing me until I was completely spent and flaccid once more.
“How about we have a shower and then I take you out for lunch?” I said
‘Mmm, sounds good to me. I’ve never done it in the shower” she replied with a cheeky grin.
“Girl, you may have to wait a while before this poor old guy can get it up again.”
She laughed and kissed my soft shaft. “Okay baby, you rest a while, but I warn you it’s going to be a busy weekend.”
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