Lauren auditions for a movie and finds it involves a nude scene
Lauren’s Audition
Lauren stopped outside the office door. She looked at the brass plate ‘MCM Movies. Casting Office. Orson Carte Director.’ but could not bring herself to go in.
She had butterflies in her tummy. A whole flock of butterflies because this was her big chance. Just eighteen and still at school she had been accepted for an interview for a new movie. Not just a bit part but a starring role.
Too scared to go in she stopped and looked at her reflection in a shop window before turning back again. Her thin white summer dress. Her broad black belt and matching black purse. Her big white floppy hat. Her three inch heels. She wondered if she looked too pretentious. Too old. Was the vivid red lipstick too much? Too much blusher, Too much mascara?
Lauren stared at the nameplate once more. Her hand shook as she pushed the door open. “Hi, I’m Lauren?" she said far more confidently than she felt.
“Absolutely, Mike Stand, Mr Carte’s assistant,” the young man said as he stood to shake her hand, “I think Mr Carte is free, I will just check for you.”
He knocked the door and went in, “First one Harry,” he laughed.
“Orson!” Orson insisted, “Call me Orson, stick to the script.”
Mike ushered Lauren into Orson’s office. He sat behind an impressive though battered oak desk. Pictures of film stars adorned the walls. A cabinet filled with awards was mounted on the wall.
“Hi, I’m Orson!” he announced. He smiled a perfect smile. His gold cuff links twinkled in the light. His beard shone ginger and he looked absolutely immaculate in a brown tailored suit with matching waistcoat.
Lauren nervously wrapped a strand of her long blonde hair around her finger. She looked around the room. She felt intimidated just looking at him. She runs her fingers through her hair.
"Sorry to keep you waiting,”he apologised, “It’s been non stop today."
He shakes her hand with a firm grip before inviting her to sit.
"No it's no problem, I wasn't waiting that long." She stated with a shaky voice.
"You're Louise?" he queried
"Lauren- Lauren Bauer," she agreed
"Lauren of course. I listened to your tape, I liked what I saw." he replied
"Thank you so much Mr Carte, that means a lot."
"So what do you know about the part?" he asked
"Not much I just know it requires acting and singing and that you're going to be directing," she admitted.
"That's right.” he agreed, “Were you sent any scenes?" She shook her head.
"Well it's an adult film. Definitely an 18 rating,” he explained.
“Right,” Lauren agreed.
"It’s an original screenplay by John Ewan-Kerr, so I can’t refer you to the book unfortunately, but its about a talented young singer and her struggle for recognition in Paris France in the days before the first war.”
"Ok," Lauren agreed
He nodded, "It's a very powerful but engaging screenplay with the potential to make serious money, but it needs a special actress who can sing and act yet has the vulnerability to make the early scenes as a young girl appear real.”
“Ok,” she agreed again.
“You do speak French? Of course you do it’s on the tape,” he continued, “And you dance, can you stand up for me?"
The question catches Lauren off guard, she takes a moment and then stands up, her hands clasped nervously in front of her.
He walks round the desk to see her better. He looks her over examining her thighs and knees up to her lips and nose. The excitement begins to burn inside him as his penis twitches and slowly swells at the sight of this young girl and what is to come. "How do you feel about nudity?" he asks.
"I- I- don't know." she replied.
He nodded, "There are a couple of topless scenes, but tasteful, when she has to work in the chorus at Follies Bergere."
Lauren nods. "Would being nude be a problem?" He asked.
"I- I think I could handle it." she agreed.
"You think?" he asked.
"I know I could handle it. This would be such a brilliant opportunity for me. I really need a chance to show what I'm capable of." she explained.
Orson slides a pen and some paper across the desk, “Will you sign this for me," he asked,
"Just at the bottom here?"
“What is it?” Lauren asked.
“Confidentiality agreement, before I explain too much about the movie,” he explained.
"Oh okay," she agreed and she picked up the pen with a shaky hand and signed the form.
“Before we go any further we need to check you for tattoos and scars, and your breasts for implants, you don’t have any do you?” he asked.
“Er no,” she agreed.
"In that case would you mind taking your dress off please?" Orson asked politely, “And the hat, just to check for implants.”
Lauren froze for a moment, uncertain of what to do. She looked behind her to make sure the door was closed.
"Nobody will come in," he assured her.
Lauren crossed her arms as she lifted the dress off of her body, exposing her white cotton bra. and her small but perfectly formed B cup tits.
Standing in front of Orson wearing only her bra and childish white panties her nerves kicked in again and she shivered although the room was quite warm.
Orson’s penis began to twitch and started throbbing as she stood before him a vision of innocent loveliness.
She felt nervous and angry at herself for not wearing classier underwear.
“That’s good,” Orson agreed, “Why don’t you pop the dress back on and we can try some stuff to camera.” Orson asked.
Lauren sighed with relief and gratefully slipped her dress back on.
Orson stepped out of the room, “We got a camera and sound guy?” he queried.
“Sure Mr Carte,” Mike Stand agreed and he called, “Camera, sound to the office please.”
Three guys appeared at the office door, Arron Gunn motion camera man, William ‘Willy’ DuWitt sound and stills camera and Frank Leigh the continuity man with another stills camera.
“Come in boys, can we get some shots of Lauren in her hat?” Orson asked, “You ok with that Lauren?”
“Of course,” Lauren agreed and she put her hat back on.
She posed standing, sitting on the desk, smiling, laughing, she posed with and without the hat, “Great,” Orson agreed, “Ok can we do the follies shot, there’s a costume some place, ah right here.” he said as he found a blue satin corset with white trimming.
“But Mr Carte, there’s all these guys,” Lauren protested.
“There will be upwards of fifty guys on set!” Orson pointed out, “You sure you can do this?”
“Ok I guess,” Lauren agreed nervously.
She shivered with nerves as she lifted her dress over her head and set it down on the desk. She wrapped the corset around herself and fastened the zipper at the front before turning it round so the zipper was up the back.
The corset pushed her small breasts up. Lauren felt strangely excited, her nipples tingled.
“I think you need to lose the brassiere,” Will the cameraman suggested.
Nervously she undid her bra strap and let it fall, “Get some stills,” Orson suggested, we can maybe use these for promos, have we got a blue screen?”
“Yes Mr Carte, behind you, it pulls down.” Frank explained.
“Good, so smile Lauren, you have such a pretty smile,” Orson encouraged her, “Just one thing though,” and he took her small breasts in his hands and gently tweaked her nipples with his thumbs. They stiffened instantly.
“That’s good,” he said backing away before Lauren really realised what he was doing.
“Can we do some leg shots?” Will asked, “The pantihose is sort of out of period?”
“Would you mind Lauren,” Orson asked, “Slip the pantihose off and the shoes back on?”
“But they are under my panties!” she protested.
“No one will see,” Orson promised, “Will will make sure the camera angle does not show anything,” He reached in desk drawer and pulled out a thong still attached to the cardboard display card, “Here put this on, it’s brand new.” He advised as he handed it to her.
“But!” Lauren protested.
“We won’t look,” Orson laughed.
“Promise?” Lauren queried and she hurriedly dropped her panties and pantihose and pulled on the thong.
“Wow,” Will gasped, “That’s real stunning, left leg on the desk, that’s good!” he said as he clicked away with the stills camera.
Orson picked up his script, “The corridor scene has Yvette, that’s you and Melisande waiting, the camera pans up from a low angle under your short skirt showing your bare legs and lack of underwear,” he explained, “Yvette has to well, you understand, can you manage that?”
“I don’t know,” Lauren admitted.
Orson nodded to Aaron on motion camera and he swivelled the camera on its tripod and thumbed the “record” button.
“It is rather central to the story, just slip the thong off please,” Orson asked almost apologetically.
Lauren took a deep breath and nervously slid the thong down her bare legs.
Instinctively she held both her hands in front of her to hide her sweet freshly shaved eighteen year old pussy.
“That's good," Will says as he snaps away with the stills camera, "Excellent hands by your side please."
"I’m s-sorry, I don't think I can," Lauren stammers before bringing her arms to her side so Will can get a good shot of her tight perfect mound and vagina.
"That's great, do a twirl for me,” He asked as Aaron continued to film with the motion camera.
Lauren turned around showing her back to the camera, “And again,” Will requested.
Orson softly rubbed his throbbing cock through his trousers as he looked at the innocent girl's pretty vagina and pert pouting anus.
"Do you think you could handle this?" Orson asked, “This nudity?”
"I don’t know." She replied unsure if she should stop turning or not.
"To be honest this doubt about nudity is all that is holding me back from offering you the part of Yvette right now," Orson admitted.
She turns around, "I’m sure it will be okay."
"You still have to prove it to me do you see," Orson pressed.
"Okay- Okay” Lauren agreed. “What do you want me to do?"
“Just walk around smiling,” Orson suggested.
Lauren took another deep breath as she walked around the office completely naked except for the corset and her black high heeled shoes.
"Do you feel comfortable?" Orson asked as his cock swelled.
"Er, it’s weird," She replies trying hard not to be honest.
"Rub your cunt for me," he asked.
“What!” Lauren demanded.
Orson smiled sympathetically, “It looks terribly pale, we can use make up, but a rub usually does the trick.”
Lauren closes her eyes, before starting to rub herself against her better judgement.
"Think about somebody who you have always wanted to make love to you." Orson suggested as he sat at his desk and took out his cock hoping no one could see as he watched the innocent eighteen year old rub her tight slit.
"Can- can- I stop now?" She stutters.
"No," Orson ordered, “That looks better already. Who are you thinking about?" he asked as he started wanking.
"I don't know-" Lauren confessed. “Can I stop now.”
“Just push a couple of fingers inside to puff it up a bit,” he suggested.
“Ohhh,” Lauren gasped.
“Do you want to stop?” he asked.
“Er, just a moment,” she gasped.
“There is a possibility of some extra scenes,” Orson suggested as he continued to rub his cock.
“What?” Lauren asked.
“The girl Yvette rubbing herself with anticipation in the corridor scene,” he suggested, “Very much as you are doing now.”
“Oh,” Lauren agreed, “Its okay.”
“We can get a body double for the triple X bits,” he added.
“What triple X bits?” Lauren asked.
“In the screen play Yvette has to lodge in the bordello and we have extra scenes with her and the customers for the uncut version.” he explained, “But we can get a body double.
“Except the fellatio, that might be a problem?” Will pointed out.
“Oh, the fellatio, now that could be a problem,” Orson agreed.
“Fellatio, like sucking a guy’s dick?” Lauren asked.
“Yes, with a condom of course,” Will suggested.
“It is an old gentleman, Monsieur Severe, Yvette’s benefactor.” Will explained, “Could you do this?”
“I guess, if it makes the difference between getting the role or not.” she replied.
“Then perhaps you could show us, if I play the role of Monsieur Severe?” Orson asked.
“Oh gee,” Lauren stammered, “I guess so.”
“Sorry my dear,” Orson apologised, “But we must make sure you can perform the role.” He quickly forced his cock back into his pants and walked around the desk to stand before Lauren.
Lauren knelt before Orson with some trepidation her nervous hand on the desk to balance herself. Her eyes clenched shut as Orson took his cock out again and slipped a condom over it.
"Do you suck your boyfriend's cock?" Orson asked politely;
"S-s-sometimes." she agreed.
"Just pretend I am he," he suggested.
Lauren's eyes spring open, they lock with Orson's as he holds his cock in front of her mouth. she stares at it, heart racing, unsure of what to do.
"Just open your mouth." He suggests “Like biting an apple, but please don’t bite!"
She closed her eyes and leaned forward, his left hand gently cups the back of her head and pulls her face towards his prick. The tip slides against her lips and Orson gently eases his cock into her mouth. His cock rubs against her teeth, cheek and tonsils as he eases him deep into her throat. “Are you comfortable my dear?” he asked
"Gak-Gak-Gak!!" Lauren splutters as she gags and chokes.
“Now pretend you are a cheap little Parisian whore trying to bring him off as quickly as you can to get rid of him,” Will suggests, “Then you start humming beautifully as you suck him
"Is it bigger than your boyfriends?" Orson asked as his mind swam with the glorious sensations surging through his cock
If she could have answered she probably wouldn't even though it was both longer and thicker. but her mind filled with panic she could not breathe properly, she wanted Orson to cum so she could finish off and breathe again.
Orson doesn't care as he held her head with both hands gently impaling her mouth on his throbbing prick, lost in the sensations as her inexperienced tongue flicked delightfully over his cock. He felt the excitement building but he didn't want to cum, but it is too late and with a gasp he fills the condom with his silvery love juice.
He released his grip on her head and allowed her to pull her head off his cock. A relieved Lauren gasps for air.
"Wow, that was really convincing," Will approved, “That was great Mr Carte."
“Yes," Orson agreed as he cleaned himself up, “That was excellent!"
She pulls herself up using the desk. She staggers for a moment before sitting down somewhat shakily on a chair.
Will looked Lauren straight in the eye, “In the 18 version Yvette sings from inside the bedroom as the camera pans down the street but in the XXX version Yvette is wanking herself with a candle as she sings, can you do the wank shot as well Lauren, do you think?”
“That is disgusting,” Lauren snaps.
“But it is great theatre, please try!” Will asked.
“It would save a body double, in fact I don’t see how else we could do it,” Orson added, “Just a candle my dear and sing like an angel as you do it.”
“Okay, okay I’ll do it,” Lauren agreed, “Where’s the candle?”
Orson took a 9“ dildo from the desk, “We don’t have candles.” he apologised.
Lauren looked the cream plastic phallus over, she licked the end and gently slid it into her willing hole, “Like this?” she asked.
“And sing,” Orson suggested.
A sound like an angel came from Laurens lips, a haunting melody without words, expressing her pent up emotions and needs and desires. Rising and falling like the cry of a Nightingale.
“She’s flat,” Aaron advised.
“Autotune!” Orson laughed, “My word look at her go!”
“I think you mean cum!” Will suggested, “That’s enough thank you!”
Lauren seemed disappointed that she had to stop.
“Well that’s everything, if you would sign the contract we will set everything in motion,” Orson suggested.”
“Is that it, don’t you want to see me act or sing?” she asked.
“No," Orson declared, “Obviously we can’t ask you to do the other XXX scenes, so that’s it we have our Yvette.”
“Why not Mr Carte?” Will asked, “It would be great for continuity.”
“Simulated sex is an art I am afraid Will,” Orson insisted, “Appearing to have an orgasm is an acting challenge of the highest order, no Lauren will have to split her fee fifty fifty with the body double.”
“That’s not fair Mr Carte, at least let Lauren audition for it,” Frank demanded.
“Oh very well, try the scene when Jean-Marie and Gerard her lovers find her with a John,” Orson suggested,
“Okay, just simulated sex right?” Lauren asked.
“Absolutely, now the John has refused to pay and is raping Yvette on the floor of her room. Jean-Marie and Gerard are about to come to blows over Yvette when they hear her cry, “Stop, Rape!” from her room and burst in!”
“So what do I do?” Lauren asked.
“Lie on the floor while John, well Frank actually simulates sex with you.” Orson said, “Right lie down and roll camera!”
Lauren lay down and Frank stripped down to his vest and socks ready to pretend to rape her.
“And Action,” Orson cried.
Frank parted Lauren’s thighs and and knelt between her knees as he aimed his swollen cock at her sweet eighteen year old pussy. She flinched as his hand brushed against her sensitive young pussy flesh.
“Start shouting,” Orson advised, “Shout No, Stop, Rape,"
Frank gripped Laurens sweet innocent pussy with his right hand and gently pushed his thumb deep inside her tight vagina.
“No rape!” Lauren cried unconvincingly, “No!” she cried as she felt Frank’s bare cock against her pussy lips, “No!” she wailed as his cock began to ease inside her.
“More, louder! shout Rape!” Orson encouraged her.
“He’s raping me!” she pleaded as Frank forced his cock deep into her moistening cunt with repeated hard thrusts. She let out a gasp as his balls slapped against her crotch.
“No shout Rape!” Orson advised, “Cue two!”
Aaron and Will rushed in, “Yvette!” they cried, “Why have you betrayed us!”
“I don’t know, he’s raping me!” Lauren protested.
“Monsieur desist!” Aaron insisted.
“Not until I cum!” Frank insisted, “Its ok, I cum!”
“The bastard raod me, he slimed in me!” Lauren complained as Frank shot his load and pulled out of her .
“Stick to the script,” Orson insisted.
“My poor Yvette let me sooth your sore pussy with my cock,” Will suggested.
“No let me!” Aaron pleaded.
“Come on Yvette,” Orson urged, “Say ‘Why don’t you both fuck me,’ Its in the script.” pointed out.
“But he just raped me!” Lauren protested.
“But now your lovers fuck you, one up the ass and one in front,” Orson explained.
“No way!” Lauren insisted. “No way!” she as Aaron took her arms and gently lowered her to the floor. He extracted his cock from his pants and drove it deep inside her. “Rape!” she cried again.
“No, you say fuck me darling, fuck me to heaven and back, take me to la loon.” Orson commanded.
Aaron humped furiously for a moment and then relaxed and rolled onto his back so Lauren was on top.
Will was waiting, tube of lube in hand and he quickly his thumb and pressed it against her tight small asshole. He wormed it inside her and then lubed his 9 inch prick ready to plunge it deep into her brown hole. "Rape!" She yelled in panic as she felt the pressure against her virgin asshole.
Stuck somewhere between pain and pleasure she closes her eyes while he begins to fuck her mounting her like a wild animal as she screams with the pleasure of two men inside her.
“Agghhh,” she wailed.
“Stick to the script,” Orson insisted, “Yes Yes Yes Yes Fuck me to heaven you bastards fuck all my holes, I want to be your filthy fuck slut.”
“Rape!” Lauren squealed, “Oh whats the point, fuck me harder I want to be your fucking slut,” she shouted.
“Fuckslut dear,” Orson added, cue Frank.
“If you want it in all your holes you can suck my cock clean,” Frank snapped.
Lauren is lost in euphoria and ecstasy as two rampant pricks stretch her young tight cunt and ass hole and hump her like a whore.
"Tell them you're theirfuckdoll!" Orson grunts in her ear.
"I'm- I'm- a fuck-doll." She yells in excitement.
Frank grabs a handful of Lauren’s hair and uses it like a leash to lift her head to jab his half erect slimy cock into her mouth for her to suck it clean. Will zoomed the camera to catch her pained expression as she gasped short breaths as she cleaned Franks cock as the others fucked her.
"No- please don't cum in me," Lauren doesn't finish her sentence as Will and then Aaron let fly thick streams of cum deep inside her.
"Fuck!" She states lost in the pleasure of the orgasm and the horror of Franks slime covered cock as they continue sliding in and out of Lauren's cunt savouring the moment as they slowly soften.
Frank pulled out first and wiped his cock on Lauren’s dress.
“That was excellent," Orson agreed, “Right do we have time for lunch before we interview for Michelle?”
“He raped me, you raped me,” Lauren protested.
“My dear you signed a contract, it expressly says you consent to simulated violence, sex and beastiality,” Orson explained., "It's too late to complain we can't un - rape you
He showed Lauren the copy.
“Er, I guess,” Lauren agreed.
“So just a few loose ends to tie up and we’ll be in touch.” Orson smiled as Lauren sat on the chair dabbing her pussy with a tissue, “Maybe you should get dressed?”
“Right, yes, of course.” Lauren agreed.
She slipped the corset off and stood naked before them. She felt numb. Rejected. She pulled on her pantihose and shoes and then her bra. She slipped her dress on, tightened her belt and put her hat on before taking her bag.
“I’ll be in touch,” Orson repeated, “See you soon.”
“Bye,” Will and Aaron said together.
“Er, Bye,” Lauren agreed and she walked back out into the street wondering if she had done the right thing.
A month passed and Lauren heard nothing, Orson’s phone was always engaged, the email did not work.
Finally she went down to the office one Friday afternoon.
The Brass nameplate had changed. Frank Izard Logistics it said.
Lauren opened the door, “Yes?” a middle aged lady asked.
“Er, is this where Orson Carte works?” Lauren asked.
“Frank its one of your sluts,” the woman shouted, “The french tart by the look of her.”
Orson appeared from the office, his badge said ‘Frank Izard.’
“Frank does pornos on Saturdays dear,” the woman said.
“Er, Hi,” he said awkwardly.
“You promised me a role!” Lauren snapped.
“He gave you one!” the woman laughed, “I’m Maureen, Frank’s wife, Oh yes quite the star you are, half a million views so far give or take.”
“What?” Lauren asked.
“They shot a porno at the audition. They filmed it. Edited it. Sold it. Syndicated it. I guess you didn’t know?” Maureen asked.
“No,” Lauren admitted.
“So you should get 33% of the profits,” Maureen suggested.
“Ah, only if she fulfils the contract,” Orson/ Frank added.
“He means you have to do two more,” Maureen advised.
“Oh,” she gasped.
“Maybe a father daughter incest scene and how are you with girl on girl action?” Maureen asked.
“Ok I guess,” Lauren agreed awkwardly.
“Lock the door dear, get the camera Frank,” Maureen ordered, “I feel like having some fun this afternoon.”
FANTASTIC....I loved every word of this story....I had several orgasms while I read it....10 out of 10.....So believable, I think most of us girls have been tricked like this......I did some nude photo shoots about 18 months ago...( I do part time nude modelling for extra cash....and for the Hell of it.).....I agreed to do some hardcore sessions.....Never ever got paid for them.
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Dr Bill Harford
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