Agent Dylan Bradley
Monday after lunch and most of the desk agents, including me, have been called in for a meeting with Section Chief Watkins. Desk agents like me are ones in between assignments or waiting to be put on a team in the field. Some are comfortable, some are ambitious and some failed and looking for a chance to redeem themselves. I have less than a month worth of field time in my career with the FBI and thanks to some creative liberties with access to the NSA I’ve been riding a desk for over a month. There are a dozen of us in the room all facing the same way as Section Chief Watkins begins to brief us on new events. I listen patiently as he goes over current investigations and asks for volunteers to supplement current teams. I raise my hand with a few others and watch as two are picked but not me. A new team is being assembled under Special Agent Jimenez and five volunteers are asked for. Again I raise my hand and five are picked but not me. Seven down and five remaining.
“Finally I need a three man team for surveillance of a possible lead into black market weapons,” Watkins pauses to address us,” This will be a plain clothes operation so that we don’t draw too much attention.”
My hand is in up again along with two others and I smile inwardly, now I can get back in the field. Watkins looks at the group for a moment and finally speaks.
“King you’re leading with Phillip and Murley on your team,” Watkins says and I drop my hand.
He finishes basics on the assignments and dismisses us to our assignments which for me consist of returning to my desk to file reports for agents in the field. I get half way to my desk when I am stopped by a female agent.
“Agent Bradley? Chief Watkins wants to see you,” she tells me before heading off to wherever she is to go today.
I think for a minute and head to his office. He doesn’t have a receptionist, just a young agent that takes phone calls and does his busy work. I am directed inside and see my boss waiting for me sitting behind his desk.
“Close the door Bradley,” he asks and I nod before shutting it,” Take a seat.”
“I’d rather stand,” I politely decline but declining isn’t something you do here.
“You’re probably wondering why I didn’t put you on any of the new assignments,” he says plainly.
“I figured you were still punishing me for what happened with the NSA. Although I do remember someone telling me that aside from my handing everything over and the embarrassment that was thrust upon me in front of other agents I wasn’t going to be punished,” I call him out a little on his actions, worst he can do is never assign me to a team which he’s already doing.
“You think this is a punishment,” He asks and I shrug.
“Doesn’t matter what I think, it matters what you said to me and what you did. Say one thing, do another,” less words but I call him on the floor about it again.
“You weren’t the only one embarrassed by what happened there Agent. I stuck my neck out for you on something you assured me was a solid lead and you had nothing. If I wanted theories I’d find a conspiracy theorist and get one from them,” Chief Watkins states and he’s a little angry, doesn’t come close to my anger.
“Yes sir, anything else sir,” old trick, call them sir instead of their name.
“Drop the attitude Agent. The reason I didn’t put you on a team is because after your conspiracy meeting no field leader wants you on a team with them. You bend rules you haven’t earned the right to and it reflects back on everyone above you in the chain of command,” Watkins explains,” I need you to straighten up and begin working with the new agents when they come in. You’re going to do part of their field evaluations.”
“I am not qualified,” I state the obvious but he smiles.
“You are for hand to hand, in fact your one of the best we have here. Win them over or help them pass and it’ll show the rest that you’re a team player,” Watkins has an assignment for me but I’m actually not interested.
“I’ll stick with my desk punishment, I mean assignment, if it’s all the same to you, sir. Last time I was given an opportunity it backfired on me pretty hard and I just don’t think I’m ready to take a few green agents to the gym so they can go do field work they are barely qualified for,” my words have so much sarcasm and bile you could make a cake.
“Bradley I’m giving you an opportunity here,” Chief Watkins states standing up from his chair,” Your ego got hurt and you needed time to cool off, that’s the facts of it. Now I’m giving you a chance to make some real allies in the office so that you can get into the field and you’re spitting on it.”
“No you’re hoping I’ll go out and do what you want because it makes you look more in charge because the hot head conspiracy agent that screwed up his meeting is doing exactly what the boss wants. It’s to show others that what you say goes, if I did what you wanted I’d still be at my desk after the evaluations because the only respect your current field agents has is for the other field agents,” I state and it’s mostly true,” They won’t respect me, the senior agents. Thank me half heartedly, tell me I’m doing a good job during your tests but in the end they’ll walk away and laugh at me.”
“Well it’s either that or I can move you down to archives,” now he has my attention.
“So either be your personal gym monkey and never go into the field or get transferred down to Archives where careers go to die,” I state and he sits back down,” You must really want me out of the office badly.”
“I’m tired of seeing your hand up every week and having a list of complaints that aren’t fully justified but being senior agents they can pick their teams to an extent. You’d be a good agent but,” He starts but I stop him.
“You could just put me on a team and have me follow orders,” I suggest but he shakes his head.
“I just tried, you were on my team dealing with agents who need evaluations before I can put them on assignment and you don’t want it. How are you going to do what another agent says if you won’t even listen to the one assigning you,” Watkins asks rhetorically.
“What time is the evaluation supposed to start,” I ask and watch his eyebrows perk up.
“Nine AM tomorrow they undergo conditioning and will have three days to practice before they certify with you. Watch them, guide them and if they aren’t qualified to your liking then make them qualified,” Watkins informs me with a smile,” Just don’t hurt any of them too badly.”
I nod before being dismissed, he wins again. Training rookies while they get field certified in hand to hand, yes it happens at Quantico but your first field office usually makes sure you can do it to their field specifications. It’s more of the ‘we want it our way’ bullshit and I had to do it too when I arrived only I passed my tests with flying colors. I finish out my day taking care of a field surveillance communication that needs to be processed by someone other than me and head home. I have a loft apartment with all the basics for living. Flat screen TV not as big as I’d like but bigger than most, a queen sized bed that usually only sees me because I don’t bring women home unless I have no other option and my personal laptop that has an encryption on it that will keep even Jun out of it. Biggest thing I worried about when I walked away was Jun, Guy would try to kill me but Jun could ruin me in a heartbeat and I’d never be able to stop him. I think about what little I know about Jun and that has me thinking about Natsuko. I should have seen her instead of Guy when I went back and tried to bait him into coming after me. I figured I’d see him by now lurking around but he’s probably still at his home taking care of the kids. I settle in for a recap of the latest MMA bout, a bunch of people who slam into each other in a cage. Real fights go till someone can’t be recognized as a person with a face. I spent enough time making money beating the tar out of truck drivers and ex military jack offs in Texas to know the difference. Still pretty to look at too at 6’1” with my short groomed black hair done all spiky. It helps me look as young as I want. Add to that I work out five to seven days a week as a time killer, I had a nickname when I first arrived that didn’t stick. Senior agents called me Calvin, as in the underwear guy. Funny at first but not so much now that I’m not a rookie and don’t go into the field.
Tuesday through Friday I spend with the new agents, six it total consisting of two males and four females. Most are in decent shape with one male and one female in better than average shape but the hand to hand skill check up is lacking. Most will rely on firearm and numbers but in a fight they will get hurt or worse die. I emphasize this in one on one sparring drills that end with new agents in pain and me barely breaking a sweat. Weekend is open for me and since I have no paperwork I go through basic living. For those who’ve been single and don’t have their job beating down their door it’s eat, sleep, workout and repeat for my days off. I’m back at work Monday and have my reports for Chief Watkins on the new agents but things aren’t what they seem. Everyone in the office is working, teams are checking on different points and there are five boards up with pictures and surveillance photos. I head directly into the Chief’s office as he’s alone but reading something.
“Reports on the new Agents sir,” I hand him the folder,” And did I miss something?”
“No Agent Bradley, you’re dismissed,” Watkins informs me without looking at the files.
“Sir what’s going on,” I ask and he finally looks up at me.
“We’re running a joint task force and it’s critical that you stay off the floor until further notice,” Watkins tells me and I begin to get it.
“So you didn’t need me to actually do anything, you just needed me out of the way while you got your people together. What may I ask am I supposed to do till this operation is over,” I ask but know the answer.
“Keep working in the gym with anyone who needs the help. I know you’re upset that you weren’t brought in but your name specifically was said to not be involved,” Watkins informs me and I laugh.
“So again I’m being punished, by you, and I actually believed you when you fed me that line of bullshit about working with agents to get in the field. Thank you for the opportunity sir but as of right now I need to speak with Human Resources,” I tell him stepping away from the desk and turning to leave.
“Agent Bradley what is going on here is bigger than your problems with your assignments,” Watkins informs me and I turn back to him.
“What assignments? I haven’t had a real assignment in almost six months. I’ve been passed over for more field work than any agent will ever be assigned. So personally sir, you’re a liar and honestly unless there is a Human Resources representative present I’m done talking to you,” I finish and step away.
Who notices me go one on one with the Chief? Not a fucking soul. They’re too busy working on this major case or investigation or whatever. I simply head back to my desk which is being turned into a staging area for pictures to go on another board and retrieve my personal belongings. Bag in hand I head down two floors and wait to file my complaint with human resources. I’m waiting for about a half hour before I get in to see the representative and go over my issues. It feels like me tucking my tail between my legs about the situation but I don’t have any other options and its discrimination, in some form I’m not qualified to give a name to. I explain that I’m denied field work despite volunteering, I run through how I was never formally punished for my meeting, hell I get into how I didn’t actually break a rule. Everything is taken into consideration and I’m run through interactions with other agents. I try to speak as positively as I can but mostly it’s a level of indifference or ignorance from other agents. We finish and I’m released for the day but ordered to return first thing in the morning. I don’t know what I’m going to be walking into tomorrow morning but either way I’m tired of the bitch treatment. An afternoon and evening of relaxing at my apartment and am up the next morning and dressed my best before heading into work. I stop at HR and meet with the agent handling my case, a feisty dyed ginger woman with plus sized curvy build in a pant suit and tie.
“Agent Bradley I’m Ms. Lockely and I’ll be handling the meeting with you and your supervisor this morning. I had time to review your case and it’s a pretty clear case of alienation versus favoritism we have here. Now I’ll need you to let me speak and when I ask you a question I’ll need you to be as honest as possible,” she instructs me as we head up to my boss’s office.
We pass the operations area that was set up during the week I was in the gym working with the new recruits, recruits I am seeing working with some of the agents still on the floor. I get the door for Ms. Lockely and we both enter Chief Watkins office. He’s on the phone and doesn’t put it down for about five minutes before finally hanging it up and noticing the two of us, more so Lockely ready to address him.
“I don’t have time to get into this right now so we’re going to have to reschedule, I’ll set up a time in two weeks,” Chief Watkins states beginning to get up from his desk.
“In that case I need you to sign this paperwork Chief Watkins,” Lockely hands a file with forms across the desk to Watkins who takes a pen and begins to read.
“What is this I’m signing,” he asks and that’s where it starts.
“Your formal admission to the treatment of Agent Bradley and his transfer to a different posting of his choosing,” Ms. Lockely gets the words out and while I almost choke
Chief Watkins puts his pen down.
“I’m not signing a transfer or any sort of admission, now if you’ll excuse me,” He tries to leave again but she cuts him off, verbally.
“Then I’ll be taking this issue up with the Director of Operations along with my list of names that I will need to question. You’re formally informed of the escalation of this investigation at this time since you refuse to participate in the talks and have chosen to ignore the gravity of the situation,” Ms. Lockely states standing up and I do the same,” Thank you for your time Chief Watkins.”
“Wait a damn minute,” Watkins is losing his cool but we’re already out the door.
I’m following curvy red head ass past the operations floor and back to the elevators with Chief Watkins calling after her and myself. I don’t have anything to say and she was honestly amazing back in his office, if she asked I’d beat up her ex and fuck her silly in his apartment. We arrive at the elevators and Chief Watkins finally has us stopped for the time being as I hit the call button for the elevator.
“This is highly irregular Agent Lockely,” Watkins states as she addresses him without looking.
“It’s Ms. Lockely, we don’t use rank in Human Resources and second I haven’t found any real reason other than personal prejudice by you and probably a few ranking field agents for the behavior you’ve displayed towards Agent Bradley,” she states as I watch Watkins try to salvage the situation.
“This joint task force has been set up with a specific request to have Agent Bradley removed from the events due to past incidents,” Watkins begins but Lockely cuts him off.
“Alleged incidents, if he did something that violated FBI regulations then he would have been punished appropriately and it would have been documented. There was nothing documented which means there were no incidents. You were given the opportunity to treat this situation seriously and you declined, then I gave you what you were obviously looking for in a way to remove Agent Bradley from your command but you continued to evade the situation. Now I will be getting more acquainted with your senior agents and anyone else that has worked with Agent Bradley over the past year, so if you’ll excuse us I’m pretty sure you’ll want to get as much done with the time you have,” Lockely states as the elevator door opens and I almost want to gloat or growl at the people inside.
It’s been a couple months at least since I’ve seen Agent Naser, the bitch that took everything I had on Guy and his operations, but now here she is and I remember the words ‘Joint Operations’. She’s back in town with her people and they are working on something big. Well not as well as they’d like in the next few days.
“Chief Watkins you didn’t need to meet us at the elevators, I know the way,” Agent Naser greets Watkins with a smile before noticing me,” What is Agent Bradley doing here?”
“Just leaving actually,” I reply stepping into the elevator with Ms. Lockely.
“Actually I need to speak with you and Agent Bradley privately Special Agent Naser,” Chief Watkins says looking for his way out as Ms. Lockely decides to chime in.
“After we file with the Director you’ll be on leave for the next few weeks while I run the interviews,” Lockely says ignoring Watkins and addressing me as the elevator closes.
I get my formal notice from Lockely’s supervisor and am dismissed till further notice. I return to my apartment and dress down for a casual evening alone, I even open a bottle of wine I started weeks ago and pour myself half a glass. I have to rely on Human Resources to fight my battle for me; it almost makes me feel weak and pathetic. I used to fight all the battles and people praised me for it, but that was years ago.
Dylan Abraham AKA Dylan Bradley: A few years earlier
I’d been fighting for the Marcos family, a middle weight organization that mostly works drugs but when their son Armando found me on the street fighting in the street for my spot in the homeless city he saw something. I was seventeen at the time but he made sure I had a bed, food and a place to train and when you don’t have those things you learn to care for the people that give them to you. Armando used me for positioning fights, ones that can earn more and more fights with bigger and bigger cuts and for two years we did very well. I never had my own place just the small closet apartment attached to Armando’s was good enough for me. Sadly good things and me don’t last and when Armando was pulled in for possession charges I was sent to Raul, his older brother. Raul didn’t have any idea how the fights worked and loved only the money, not the reputation you get for being or having a winning fighter. He’d have me win a few fights and then lose the big fight on purpose as he bet against me and clean house big time.
It’s a parking structure in San Antonio Texas where things came to a head. I’d just thrown my fight but apparently I didn’t throw it convincingly enough and the bookies were asking questions while Raul was demanding his money. I sat back nursing my wounds and looking more hurt than I actually was when I see the bookies leave and Raul make his way back over to me very pissed off with his two body guards in tow.
“You screwed up tonight pendejo. They don’t believe you were trying to win the fight,” Raul spits at me and I struggle to get up since there are still a few people around.
“I was doing what you tell me to do,” I inform him but he doesn’t care, he wants his money.
“Well you owe me fifteen large boy, where you gonna get the money,” Raul asks as his guards move in.
I back up and get ready for the fight/beating that is coming my way when I hear someone whistling a long low tune. Both guards stop and look around as Raul turns away from me to address the stranger approaching us. He’s about six feet tall wearing a suit that makes Raul’s club clothes look cheap and pathetic. He’s also white with groomed dirty blonde hair and a smile on his whistling face.
“Back off gringo this doesn’t concern you,” Raul warns but the stranger stops whistling and smiles.
“Actually it does, I want him,” the stranger says pointing at me.
“Well he ain’t for sale and your business ain’t welcome so turn around and kick rocks before bad things happen to you,” Raul is threatening the man and reaching for his knife in the back of his pants when I see them.
One tanned man, possibly Native American with a pony tail on my left and a black man with short hair on my right both in nice suits themselves and carrying handguns. I watch as they drop both of Raul’s bodyguards and keep their weapons on the prone guards as Raul tries to figure out where to keep his attention.
“As I was saying Mr. Marcos, I want him and I’m prepared to pay for him,” the whistling man says smiling at Raul.
In one of the dumbest moves ever Raul pulls his knife and lunges at the man. I’ve heard Raul can use a knife but the stranger sidesteps the lunge and snatches Raul’s wrist holding the blade twisting it forward and taking the blade out of Raul’s hand before twisting the arm the opposite direction and bringing the blade up to Raul’s throat with his free hand. They look like they’re about to dance except for the knife when the smiling man does the unthinkable, he eyes up Raul and begins to dance. Two steps forward, two backward then spins Raul around three times before letting him go. Raul spins and staggers but the whistling man doesn’t stagger instead finishing his rotation and going up in the air with a leaping roundhouse landing the top of his foot in Raul’s face before landing on his feet. The two guards are brought to their feet and made to address the whistling man.
“Now let me be clear, I was prepared to pay for the fighter but instead I’m going to consider him a gift. Pulling a knife during a business meeting is exceptionally rude and I feel I deserve compensation, don’t you,” he asks the guards who nod,” Good, now take your boss back to his car and get him home. Get him away from here and tell him if he ever sees me again that he should pray I don’t see him.”
I watch both guards grab Raul and make a quick exit as the three put their weapons away with the whistling man handing the knife over to the Native. Finally they turn to address me and I don’t know what to think but I’m pretty sure running isn’t an option.
“Hello there, what’s your name,” the whistling man asks me as his two cohorts watch the surroundings.
“Dylan…. Dylan Abraham…. Raul is going to be pissed when he wakes up,” I tell the man who smiles at my words.
“Probably but he’ll be even more pissed when he returns home to find the bookies have already spoken with his mother and she’s paid them for his disreputable actions. More importantly Mr. Abraham… or Dylan, which do you prefer,” he asks me and I shrug.
“Dylan is fine I guess,” I reply leaning against the concrete pillar of the garage.
“Okay Dylan, how many times did you see an opening to win that fight tonight and didn’t take it,” he asks me and I pause, he knows what I saw.
“How do you know I didn’t just lose,” I reply defensively.
“Because the man you fought is old and tired. He has skill don’t get me wrong but he needed the win more for his ego than his wallet. You could have had him in under a minute yet you spent three taking a beating,” he states to me knowing way to much about me and my fighting,” So I ask again and please be honest, how many times did you see an opening tonight?”
“Four, worst one is he doesn’t protect his face,” I answer and see the man smile.
“True but his right side is weak and his shoulder takes too long to bring a strong punch,” the man tells me and now I’m curious how he knows, I thought I was the only one who saw that.
“Okay how do you know that,” I ask him and now he’s really smiling.
“I saw it, I saw you see it, we both saw it. Now understand that what I just said is grammatically correct despite how it sounds and realize that I am here to recruit you,” He says and I’m not sure what he meant until the recruiting part.
“Wait recruit me, what for,” I ask as a car pulls up.
“First comes training, you’re good but you could be great and you need to learn a few other skills. Question is are you ready for something bigger or would you like to see if someone else will sponsor you now that Raul has no claim,” he asks moving to the car.
I say car but it’s a limousine and the Native is the driver, at some point when we were talking he must have left to get it. I watch the whistling man get inside but the door is open and expecting, I figure what the hell and hop inside. This whole time we’ve been talking I’ve been in jean shorts and no shirt with tape on my hands, I have no other clothes since they were with Raul in his car and to get anything I value I’d have to go back to Raul to pick it up. I actually had a few things there that I valued but guess that’s gone now. I look to the other people in the back of the limo, the black man is there but he’s sitting next to an attractive Asian woman. She’s petite built in a simple white dress with green highlights in her hair and I realize that I’m staring at her. I hear the black man chuckle as she looks up from the phone in her hand and I look away. A duffle bag is placed in front of me from the black man and he smiles.
“I grabbed what I could that you might want and a couple changes of clothes,” he tells me with a smile and a nod.
“Thanks,” I reply confused.
I check the bag to see some of my clothes, my stash of money and a few pictures of my family. Those I would miss the most, I don’t miss them currently but the memory of things when they were good is why I keep the pictures. I pull a shirt on and the whistling man hands me a towel to wipe my down with.
“So here’s the deal, I’m looking to recruit someone of talent to my organization. We’re still growing but I believe that with the right people in the right places we can change lives. Now you’re raw but you have a few things going for you. Now you can walk away if you want but what I’m promising is a chance to be better than you are now,” the whistling man tells me and I think before speaking.
“I’m pretty good now,” I reply with a smirk.
“Yes but you’re not as good as you could be. Pretty good might just be your plateau in life but I don’t think so. But it’s your call,” he says as we ride down the road.
I think about it, expensive suits yes but there is an edge here. The whistling man has it; his people have it but what about me. Always been pretty and I can hold my own but he took down Raul who I’ve never seen actually fight before without dirtying his shoes. When we stop I discover we’re at an airport and everyone but me exits the limo and I think for a moment before grabbing my bag and following them. It takes me a second to find the whistling man and his people as they head in and go through the airport check in. The woman speaks for the group and after looking to see me there adds me to their list. On a plane in business class, it’s not economy so I can’t really complain as we head to Washington State. Off the plane and my baggage retrieved along with the rest of the group only to watch as they split up into two groups with me following the whistling man and the Asian girl to a four door sedan where he drives and she sits with me in the backseat. I watch her as casually as I can as we ride to our destination. Slim build but firm and perky in her sleek white dress, she’s one of the most attractive women I’ve seen in a while and here she is working for this whistling man. We pull up to a house, nice but I can tell by the outside even at night it’s a work in progress. Car parked and I’m invited inside to see some more work that is being done and the small Asian woman leads me away from the whistling man and down the hall to a room.
“This one will be yours, sorry there isn’t much but we’re still in transition,” she tells me as I look at a room with a bed and a dresser.
“It’s nice, definitely better than last place I was staying,” I reply with a smile.
“That’s why he recruited you,” she says before turning to leave.
“Wait a minute, you all know my name but what is yours,” I ask and she stops and smiles.
“Well the man who recruited you is Guy, but you can call me Natty,” she says before resuming her walk to another room.
Three months pass and I’ve learned a lot, at twenty years old I thought I had things pretty locked in but Guy changed my perception of that. His wives, that one still confuses me, have gone over etiquette and grooming along with helping me acquire a new wardrobe. Guy and his two employees, Ben and Isaac, have been increasing my skill set. Guy is continuously trying to show me new ways to fight, it’s funny considering I’ve seen him train and he’s good but flashy. His constant nagging and pushing in the gym are showing better results as I was well built before but the diet his wives have me on and his workout regimen have me cut in steel. I spend time with Ben learning weapons and becoming better than I thought with a firearm. Isaac gets me out of the house and away from the kids that are constantly running around, they’re cute but annoying. Best gift of all is one of Guy’s contacts, a man named Jun, gave me a new identity. I’m no longer connected to the Marcos family and can pretty much do what I like with my new found anonymity.
All of that is good but after the first three months, as I said earlier, I have a date tonight. Guy is with Ben and Isaac working on a job, I don’t know what, and Natsuko was left home to keep an eye on me. The level of flirting between us has been pretty high when I finally asked her out she said maybe and wanted to know where we were going. I had to get back to her but found a club that had a local punk band and took some cash out of my personal money to get us in the door and get us drinks. I have the standard tight black shirt and ugly plaid pants with suspenders hanging down and high tops. I am waiting for Natsuko in the living room when she joins me and I have to take it in. Tight tank top with no bra, green and black school girl skirt, knee high leather boots and a denim jacket. Add to that her green highlights and short black hair and I’m ready for anything tonight. We head off to the club; Natty drives in her little two door coupe. It’s old but runs pretty well and we listen to music on the way up to a club to listen to more music, I think about it and it’s kind of funny. We wait in line a half an hour before I pay and we get stamped on our hands and we’re inside. The club is crowded and with nowhere to sit we grab a drink each and settle in for two hours of live punk music. About half way through Natty and I get separated by the crowds and when I find her she’s ‘dancing’ mixed in a group of people. I join the group and get close to Natty who doesn’t mind how close I am to her. People moving and slamming into each other as loud badly played instruments are accompanied by some kid screaming about his puberty woes or something. It’s hot, loud and cramped as we go through forty five minutes of their first set and the band takes a break and tries to sell merchandise. Natsuko motions to the bar and I head over to get us a couple drinks. I’m not gone long but when I get back there is a male about two thirds my size leering over Natty who is being polite but not interested. I hand Natty her drink and watch as the dumb shit with bad hair and a body odor problem attempts to take mine unsuccessfully.
“Hey fucker, give me the damn drink I’m fucking parched,” Punky Dumb-Ass says to me reaching again.
“How about no, get your own drink and your own date,” I tell him as Natsuko looks interested in the confrontation.
“That’s it fuck face, I’m going to rip your jaw off and fuck your face,” Punky yells at me.
I watch as this moron begins to pull off his tank top, almost failing at it in the process, then reaches into his back pocket and grabs his wallet with chain attached. I tip my beer up and drink while holding a finger up to pause him and I can hear the confusion. Once beer is downed I unceremoniously smash it into Punky’s face. It breaks and I think something in Punky’s face broke too as he hits the floor bleeding.
“Holy shit,” is Natsuko’s response.
“What the fuck is he doing,” a person in the back yells.
“He fucked up Lawrence,” another yells.
“He just stopped the fucking show,” a third adds and now I figure we need to run.
There is chaos all over the club as people are trying to get to Punky aka Lawrence and others are trying to get to me. I grab Natsuko by the wrist and we bolt out of the club fast. A quick jog to her car and we’re off like a bolt of lightning. My heart rate is going a mile a minute, just like the car Natty is driving. We race for about ten minutes and get near the freeway to head back towards Guy’s home when my crazy driver goes down a side street and parks it an old derelict garage. Both of us are breathing hard and I want to laugh as I look at Natsuko. Ever see a demon possess someone and it take over their expressions, that is what I get to see from Natsuko as she adjusts the steering wheel up for more room and sits back. I can’t tell what is going on till Natsuko is staring at me with an intensity I usually see from Guy in the gym. I try to speak but get attacked by a buck ten worth of Asian punk female as lip mash against mine and she deposits her ass on my lap. We kiss, grope, shift and grunt in the passenger seat of the car as Natsuko’s hands move down and I feel her getting my pants undone. It’s been a while but Natty knows what she’s doing and when I try to stop to ask about protection her tongue invades my mouth at about the same time as her pussy swallows my cock. She’s warm and wet as she sinks to the base of me and I groan in pleasure at the sensation. Natsuko sets the pace taking her time slowly riding me with short strokes, she feels so fucking good on me it’s like we were made for each other. I pull her top up and move my mouth to her perky nipple, sucking and flicking my tongue over it. I must be doing something right as Natty is moaning and running her fingers through my hair. I feel my body ready for orgasm as Natty speeds up a little but am confused for a second when she pulls off of my lap. I want to ask what is going on when she puts herself in the driver seat and puts her mouth over me bobbing hard and fast. I can’t hold back and shove the whole of me into her mouth as I shoot my cum down her throat. I lose focus for a bit and let her head go only the feel cold on my cock and Natty gasping a little. I come back to my senses when Natty grips my head and kisses me again and I can taste a little bit of her and me on her lips, not a pleasant thing. After her final kiss she takes her spot in the driver seat again and begins the ride back to Guy’s home.
It’s quiet on the way back and while I’d like to have a conversation about what we just did Natsuko doesn’t look like she’s in the mood to talk. We get in to the house and have to be quiet as the kids are probably asleep and their sleep is heavily prized by the mother brigade. I follow Natsuko down hall and stop at my room almost opening the door when she grabs my wrist and quietly drags me into her room, one with a bed. She keeps the light off but this time I know the game and as soon as the door is closed I pick her up by her ass and put her against the wall kissing her hard. She wiggles out of my hands but doesn’t stop kissing me as I’m backed up to the bed and forced to sit down. Natty finally breaks the kiss and begins stripping down till she’s naked in front of me and helping me out of my clothes. I stand to get my pants and underwear off before picking up Natty again and turning put her down on the bed. I pull her legs apart; she doesn’t fight it, and with a little adjusting push back inside her for the second time this evening. I give it to Natty hard and fast wasting no time, I don’t know if she got off in the car but I’m going for broke now. She’s kissing me and not making those high pitched squealing noises that you see in porn. I feel her legs move up my body and hook my arms under them almost pressing them against her shoulders.
“Harder, give it to me harder,” Natsuko whispers trying to keep quiet.
“You like it hard,” I ask with a smile when I see the intensity in her face.
“I like it harder,” she growls and I lose my smile.
She’s serious; she’s actually into harder sex. How hard? Is she in to bondage? Or serious multi partner action? Will she do a threesome? I’m pounding away at her when I feel her finger tips press against my chest and I tighten up before pulling out quick. Natty sits up a bit and reaches down taking me in hand and she jerks me hard before I erupt onto her stomach and chest. I’m breathing hard and only sweating a little as Natsuko pulls me back on the bed letting me rest while she cleans up. I get a wipe down, something that no female has done for me till now, then Natsuko is back in her bed with me and I curl around her to enjoy the moment.
“That was good,” I remark in a whisper to her.
“I’m glad you liked it,” she says and I think she’s smiling.
Our night went relatively unnoticed to everyone overtly but Guy knew. He could tell by our faces but he didn’t say anything. I know the ladies we talking about it when I
wasn’t around but considering the wife brigade is smiling at me still I did something right.
Five months total and my relationship with Natsuko is going strong. My ‘training’ is going well too but it’s not like I would have any difficulty working out or fighting. Guy is still trying to explain fighting to me but he calls it combat techniques. For someone who’s never been in the military or says he hasn’t he sounds like it a lot. I generally avoid the children still even though they’re curious about me and the boys like asking questions. I find out that Guy and I are supposed to have a meeting and Natsuko hinted to me that I’d be given the full picture as to Guy’s work. I’m relaxed most of the day but without Natsuko as she’s helping Guy with his presentation. The wives take the kids upstairs while Natsuko and I sit down with Guy in the living room. He’s got some papers out on the table, contract stuff but just general things from what he says. I don’t sign anything which he notes but doesn’t say anything about; I’m here because he recruited me for this program so now we see who is pulling the strings.
Ever had the world taken out from under you, where everything you thought you knew was wrong and you just couldn’t see it? That’s what happened to me as Guy spends over half an hour explaining that he’s a criminal. I went from one organization to another only Guy thinks he’s some vigilante for hire righting wrongs at a price. Natsuko is helping explain but she’s not a part of this really, she’s a pawn just like I would have been.
“Are you fucking kidding me,” I ask standing up,” You’re not helping people if you take money for it, that makes you just some revenge nut.”
“Actually it makes me a business man in a market that is lacking competent professionals,” Guy states to me in an even voice.
“An illegal business which makes you a criminal, I can’t believe you’re just another mob boss,” I get the words out and Guy finally stands up.
“Not a mob boss, I run this business but we are a family here. We take care of each other just like we’ve been taking care of you,” he’s still calm but I’m not buying the bullshit.
“Taking care of me, you mean brainwashing me to see things your way,” those words got to him.
“You think I bring you into my home, clothe and feed you, train you and help you learn skills that will aid you in being successful in this business to brain wash you,” Guy asks and now I can tell he’s more upset.
“Yes, show me some fucked up family life that would make Mormons weep with joy while you parade around like some guru of the world. You’re scum, just the same criminal scum I worked for in Texas but now I have a choice,” I bark at him when I hear his children making their way towards the shouting.
Guy turns to his children while I head back to my room, I don’t waste time when I get inside grabbing my bag and stuffing it full of everything I’ll need and my keepsakes. I grab my ‘new’ ID card so I can pass as Dylan Bradley in the world. I’m heading back towards Guy as I see Natsuko is trying to speak to him and he’s listening but he’s made up his mind about something.
“Come on Natty, grab a bag and we’re out of here,” I tell Natsuko who looks at me sad and hurt.
“Dylan stop for a minute and listen to me,” She tries to plead to me but I step out the front door and begin my walk to a bus stop.
I make it past the yard and a little way down the street when I hear footfalls coming up behind me fast. A hand on my arm to stop me and I see Natsuko with tears forming in her eyes.
“Please stop Dylan, come back and talk to Guy,” she tries but I shake my head.
“He’s scum Natty and he’s using you, soon they will come a day when you don’t have a use for him and he’ll hurt you or worse. Go back and pack a bag and come with me, we’ll go somewhere safe and start a new life. I’ll go into law enforcement or something and we can come back and put Guy in his place,” I tell her my newly formed plans but her face shows shock and a little horror.
“I am a part of this; my family is a part of this. I can’t turn my back on my family and Guy is a part of that family,” Natsuko states making her case more dire.
“If you love me you’ll meet me at the bus stop and we’ll leave. We’ll go and we’ll make Guy pay for the people he’s hurt,” I tell her and she is crying but not sobbing.
“He’s only ever hurt people who hurt good people,” Natty explains but I shake her off.
“It’s not his place, nobody elected him to do it. If you love me you’ll come with me,” I tell her and she sobs a little.
“I have to stop something, don’t leave I’ll come back to get you,” Natty tells me and I see her turn and run back to Guy’s house.
I resume my walk to the bus stop and wait. It doesn’t take long for the next bus but I let it pass in the late afternoon so Natsuko can catch up. I’m only out there a half an hour but the next bus comes and still no Natsuko. I can’t go back for her and she’s not coming, I love her but she can’t leave them. Right there I know he’s got his hooks in her and her family, she’s protecting them. The bus takes me to a greyhound station and the station takes me to the East Coast and my new life.
Agent Dylan Bradley: Current day
My trip down memory lane is broken up by knocking at my door; I don’t usually get visitors since I don’t really have friends among my coworkers. I changed out of my suit and into jeans and a dress shirt and answer the door to find that the world doesn’t like me much today.
“Hello Special Agent Naser,” I greet the woman at my door with a flat tone.
“Agent Bradley, I need a word with you,” she says more informing me than asking.
“Okay, the word is no,” I reply taking a drink of my wine and smiling,” I figure I know why you’re here and frankly I don’t care.”
“Be that as it may you’d be better off by hearing me out than turning me away at the door, now do we continue this conversation in public or am I allowed in,” She asks this time.
I stand back from the door and allow her to pass me into my apartment, I check the hall to see nobody there and close the door. Special Agent Naser is standing with the same briefcase she had with her today and the red dress suit that is tighter than it should be in some areas. She is a thin build but has just enough curves to impress, add to that her sharp Arabic decent in her facial features and her black hair in a tight bun and you have all I have seen so far.
“So you’re here, what is it you want me to listen to before you leave,” I ask waiting for the obvious.
“I need your help,” she starts and I’m caught off guard for a second,” I need you to drop the case against Chief Watkins for the purposes of my investigation.”
“Okay well the answer is still no, now that we have that out of the way I’m enjoying a quiet evening alone so if you’d please,” I offer her the door but she’s not moving.
“I need it dropped because I’m trying to figure out who’s leaking our joint investigations and your Human Resources case against Watkins is holding me up while I try to find the culprit,” Naser states and I’m intrigued but not enough to stop.
“Okay, so you need me to stop what I’m doing and sit on the sidelines while you go about your investigation and the joint task force operation that you’re working on while I sit and spin. I’m sorry but no and fuck you lady,” I go from calm to spit in a matter of seconds.
“Excuse me,” Agent Naser replies confused.
“You heard me, fuck you. Yes I broke a few rules but I never turn over any information to anyone other than the assembled meeting where you tore me apart,” I state keeping my emotions in check.
“It’s that meeting that had me already look into you as the insider leaking information to one of the groups we’re digging into. Suddenly we’re looking at arms deals and then there’s nothing, whole cells go dark and no explanation. If you keep this investigation into your personal cry baby session going it pulls people that my team is looking into when I need them leaking false information,” Naser states and I just shrug.
“I almost felt something but this is about me and Watkins being a dick, we gave him a way out but he wanted to fuck with me. Now I just sit back and watch as Human Resources picks through everyone while you attempt your witch hunt,” I tell her and she actually looks shocked at my ‘callous’ point of view.
“So you’re willing to subvert an NSA witch hunt for your own personal pride and revenge,” Special Agent Naser asks and I take a nice long drink of my wine before shrugging,” What do you want?”
“Excuse me,” I retort not expecting a bribe.
“What do you want, you want revenge or something to make you feel better and it’s painfully obvious you don’t have any sort of conscience or realistic moral compass so I’m willing to do what it takes, within reason, to get you to play ball,” Agent Naser asks and now I’m a little stumped.
This is something I have to think about, I can ask for a lot of things but only one rings in my mind. I smile and pour more wine into my glass and then grab a second glass and pour some wine in it to be a good host.
“Remember my presentation and everything that I went out and stated was connected,” I ask handing the second glass to Agent Naser.
“Yes, all actual incidents and you believed that they were interconnected by some organization,” she says taking the glass and then a sip.
“I have two names. It’s where I was going to begin my surveillance. Give me some real resources and access and I’ll give you solid evidence to make a real case. Give me a real chance and I’ll stop my complaint,” I tell Agent Naser who shakes her head with a chuckle.
“It’s not that I can’t give you the resources to pursue this investigation, I can’t give them to you right now. I’m running two linked ones right now and I need to get the witch hunt off my plate before I can give you any real assistance. Counter offer, call off the petty games and I’ll let you help my team out so we can root out this mole and after we resolve that I’ll have Chief Watkins give you a team to run your investigation,” She offers and it’s good, just not enough.
“No dice, your offer relies on me trusting you to honor your word in the end. I stop going after Watkins and you both win, you put me on your team and you win, then you
don’t keep your word and I’m left back where I started. It’s not a good deal,” I tell her and she’s a little frustrated but smiling.
“I’ve made you a fair and decent offer considering the circumstances but you’re not even capable of listening to reason. Very well Agent you leave me with no options left,” Agent Naser says setting her glass down and standing up,” You have a lovely apartment Agent Bradley. See you when everything clears up from your investigation.”
I watch as she picks up her case and without another word exits my apartment closing the door after her. It wasn’t so much a bad offer; I just have no trust for her or Chief Watkins. Everyone wants me to play ball their way but nobody wants me to actually do anything I’m good at. I enjoy a Wednesday off till about three in the afternoon when I receive a call from Ms. Lockely stating that I need to come in to headquarters because I have a meeting. Didn’t expect things to be moving so quickly but I put on a suit anyway and drive in to the park at the office. I’m met by Ms. Lockely at the elevator for my floor and pushed back inside as she hits the button for a different number.
“You’ll be meeting with the Director, she’s requested to speak with us,” Lockely pauses and corrects herself,” More specifically she’s requested to speak with you first then if needed the both of us.”
I take a look at Lockely and see that she’s nervous, she’s never been to the principal’s office before and now she’s got an appointment with the bad kid in the class. We arrive and I’m immediately shown into Director Cummins. I get in and sit down across from the late forties platinum blonde and looking ten years older than she actually does.
“Agent Bradley, I’ve been reviewing your file. Solid scores all around and sent to New York for your first posting. Not many field assignments, poor reviews by senior agents. Deemed arrogant and has trouble with authority/taking orders. Recently aided in initial review of new agents in hand to hand, showed progress made towards working with other agents then filed a claim with Human Resources after not receiving a field assignment,” Director Cummins states from file and I open my mouth to speak but am cut off,” I will let you know when I want you to speak Agent Bradley. Now I have a joint investigation going on with the NSA under the same Agents that you worked with last time we had a joint operation and they specifically requested that you not be put in the field. Now that you see that you aren’t being persecuted by your superior and that he’s simply following orders you can withdraw your claim with Human Resources and resume your duties in the gym.”
“No chance in hell,” I chuckle and Director Cummins looks at me a little stunned.
“Excuse me,” she asks and I clarify.
“No chance in hell Director Cummins, Ma’am,” I clarify being polite.
“Your claim that you have been put off on assignments by your superior is one that supersedes his level of authority. This is more than enough ample reason to prove that your complaint isn’t a valid one. Now again your duties in the Gym are temporary and we have already had words with Agent Naser, she offered you a place at the table that you declined, I’m not sure why,” Cummins states and I scoff,” Regardless of the reason Agent you are being informed of the situation regarding your status formally so that you can remove this claim and drop the investigation.”
“No, I am tired of everyone telling me it’s not personal and yet it is personal. They want to laugh and cut me off fine, just transfer me out and let me move on with my career,” I tell her and she pauses.
“No, I need good agents and you will be a good agent… eventually. Until this joint task force completes its work you’ll have to be relegated to the detail that Section Chief Watkins assigned you. It’s not fair but it’s not permanent,” Cummins states and I shake my head.
“I must decline on recalling my claim. If I’m ever going to get a fair shake I’m going to have to shake everyone to get it. Been lied to enough by Watkins that I don’t trust him and I don’t believe that after this conversation you’ll bother to follow what happens to me so I have to make a statement and that happens now,” I state and watch Cummins settle in her seat.
She’s thinking, I know she’s thinking about what she can do and if she’s smart she’ll give me something. If she’s really smart she’ll give me something out of the office so that I’m not in Naser’s way and Watkins can cool his ass off from the burning Lockely and I gave him. She takes her black framed glasses off her face and settles herself for what comes next, and I didn’t see it coming.
“Agent Bradley this is what’s going to happen. One, you’ll walk out of here and drop your claim with HR and have Lockely return to her office without a single interview. This will drop off everyone’s radar and you will be brought into the rotation when the joint task force is completed. Two, you don’t drop the file, you hold up the task force. The NSA becomes more involved and removes the task force all together since agents are not able to perform their tasks. Everyone knows it is you who caused it and not one agent in this building will ever want to work with you. You’ll be relegated to archives for the remainder of your career which will end in approximately a year when budget cuts come down and you’re just not valuable enough to keep,” Cummins lays down the law but her tone just took a turn for the sinister,” Or three, and I want you to pay attention Agent, I terminate you on the grounds of gross disobedience and dereliction of assigned tasks. I add to it your breach of NSA protocols and allow Agents to detain you while a thorough and in depth investigation is held delving into everything that you have ever done in your entire life. You will rot in a cell waiting for a trial that may never come because you pissed off the NSA and they take things very seriously when it comes to an invasion of their work.”
I’m petrified as she breaks down my options and I’m fucked no matter what happens. I lightly nod and stand to leave when Cummins stops me.
“Agent Bradley, I was being serious,” she begins and I exhale sharply,” You will be back on assignment after this.”
“It doesn’t matter anymore, thank you for the meeting Director Cummins,” I am polite as I exit her office.
Ms. Lockely is waiting for me and doesn’t like that I’m dropping my case. She persists and offers to keep the file open till a later date but I decline and head to the elevators alone. I stop at my desk on the way out and clean out the last of my personal possessions. A few agents notice but nobody really cares as I clean out and head down to the gym. I leave what little I have in a locker and sign in as agent on duty before sitting on a bench in a suit and waiting till five before signing out and exiting for home.
I finish out the rest of the week in the gym. Show up in a suit, change, work out with a few agents who are trying to keep themselves in shape or taking a break from the grind upstairs, then at five I grab my suit and leave in my workout clothes to shower at home. I get to Wednesday barely speaking with any of the agents that bother to congregate at the gym when I get a visitor. I’m watching a video on my phone since I’ve been alone when a pair of legs moves into view; I glance at the new arrival and sigh audibly.
“Hello Special Agent Naser, welcome to the FBI gym. What do you require assistance with,” I ask in my most monotone voice not looking back up from my video.
“I was wondering when you were going to join my team so we can work on briefings for my side project,” Naser states waiting for a response.
“I’m not on your team; I’m assigned to the gym. I recommend that you change before your workout,” I ask still not looking at her.
“I heard you called off your investigation, even declined to keep it open for use at a later date. Things are going smoothly on the joint task force for now but I’ve been waiting for you to show up since Friday to meet with my team and get you up to speed with my investigation,” Agent Naser explains and I finally look at her.
“No Special Agent Naser, I won’t be joining your team. I’m not interested in the joint task force or any investigations at this time. If you are here to work out I’m more than happy to help,” I offer turning my attention back to my phone.
“Didn’t think you’d give up on doing some real work so easily,” Agent Naser says softly, why is she being soft.
“I haven’t, I’m here in the gym where I was assigned by Chief Watkins,” I state and she sighs before addressing me again.
“Well I’ll be back tomorrow to see if you still want to join up with my team,” she says before departing.
I don’t even watch her leave; I keep to my phone and work out randomly when not charging my device before ending my day. The next two days go the same way, Agent Naser shows up, offers to bring me out of the gym, I decline and she leaves. It’s a steady pattern that helps the repetition of my day. I’m packing my things on Friday when a couple Agents enter the gym and notice me packing up.
“Hey Bradley, you’re still down here,” one of the male agents, an overweight white man named Harris asks, his moustache has more personality than he does.
“Yes Agent Harris, it’s my assignment,” I reply not looking.
“I thought that NSA woman who kept visiting you was keeping you in the loop on things or you were in the field. Guess Watkins nailed you good for that HR complaint,” Harris states as a few agents shake their heads.
“He did, not like I was going anywhere anyway. Since everyone keeps requesting to keep me off their cases and Watkins doesn’t want me to embarrass him in the field this is my assignment till they cut me from the budget,” I state and the other agents have stopped their attempts to work out and are staring,” What? You thought I didn’t know you routinely had me removed from case assignments because I just didn’t fit the ‘team’ mold.”
“Who told you that we put you off cases,” a female agent, Maheera, black woman asks.
“You did, I heard the conversations in the office when I wasn’t seen. I’m good at not being seen. I heard that I was cocky, needed to learn my place, didn’t respect the people who’d been here longer. Doesn’t matter now really,” I say flat and emotionless.
I must have really hit a few of them in their egos because I’m being stared at with a level of shock and some guilt as I pass by the agents and exit the gym. Suit in hand I head home and settle down for the start of my weekend and decide to spend time on my computer. I run a couple checks on a few people but specifically I go looking for information on Guy. With everything going horribly wrong in my career I figure I should try to look up my worst enemy. Yeah he saved me, yeah he took me in but he’s scum and no different from any other criminal plying his trade to the weak and downtrodden. Hell I should hire him to come fix my boss. I shake that idea off, I’ll never owe Guy and I honestly hate him. Five wives? The ego on him is bigger than his alleged cock. And the kids are his own little shits ready to grow up thinking they’re special but unless it comes from one of the wives they’re in for a world of disappointment. I get angry as I’m looking into him but I find nothing, which is the norm actually. I stop looking and shut my computer off when I notice a message, it’s anonymous but it’s in my email with a location and a time. I think about everything that’s going on and figure what the hell. I dress up since I’m supposed to be meeting my mystery person at a steakhouse. Suit and tie for steak and I actually arrive a minute or two early and look around to see if the mystery person is someone I know. It takes me all of four seconds before I see her sitting at the bar drink in hand. I stalk up to her and firmly grip her upper arm before whispering harshly into her ear.
“I don’t know what the game is here but if you can hear me Guy I’m going to fuck you up for this,” I whisper into Natsuko’s ear hoping she’s wearing wire.
“Dylan let go of my arm unless you plan to fuck me here at the bar,” She whispers back and I get a flash of happier times.
Slowly I release the arm and she doesn’t even flinch or try to rub it as if I was hurting her, I didn’t and wouldn’t do that to her. After taking a sip of what I can only guess is a vodka drink she turns to face me.
“Not what you were expecting,” Natty asks and I take in the sight.
Still slim and firm, a simple red dress with delicate cloth shoulders more for decoration than function. Some heels that put her a couple inches taller and the small purse that matches the ensemble. But the biggest thing I notice is her hair, there’s only black in it. When she was with Guy or working with Guy there was always a color at the tips or the bangs, now there is nothing and it’s a statement.
“I waited for you,” I tell her leaning on the bar and she stops me.
“No, not that conversation and not right now. You want to talk and I want to talk but if that’s your choice I am going to leave,” Natsuko lays down the law and I nod, I’ll get to it later.
“Alright then, what brings you here,” I ask outwardly calm but hoping for the right answer.
“Thought I should come and see you since you decided not to see me last time you were in Washington,” she informs me and I try to think but she keeps talking,” Yes Guy told us and you still made it out of the state.”
“I’m glad you’re here, I’m actually glad he told you I was there,” I reply and I am glad for it.
“Good, now let me buy you dinner and we can talk about good tidings,” Natty tells me and smiles,” Remember I’m smarter than you.”
I remember, she has more schooling under her belt but I’m the natural. We are shown to a table and order, New York steak for me and a Filet Mignon for her. We make some small talk and I finally need to ask the question.
“Okay where is he,” she knows who I’m asking about.
“He’s with his family back home, he doesn’t know I’m here,” Natty replies as we dine.
Food consumed and we settle in for the talk, it has to happen sooner or later and considering I wanted to marry her and she hopefully wanted to marry me. She’s got something, I don’t know what it is but I’m hoping it’s what I was offering her years earlier.
“So here we are,” she says and I smile.
“Yes we are, I’m glad for it. We never got the proper goodbye and I’m hoping that’s not what we’re doing here but if it is it’s nice to finally put it out there,” I remark and she smiles, a genuine smile, gives me some hope.
“Well let me start, you fucking walked out on us,” Natty begins and I stop her.
“Actually I walked away from being a criminal or more so a cog in another criminal machine,” I state and she shakes her head.
“You never saw the big picture, maybe more time with Kori and Rachael educating you would have helped,” Natty begins again but stops,” Well that’s the wishful thinking. Anyway you walked out on us, I went back to buy you time and talk you into coming back.”
“I wasn’t going to come back. I dealt with Guy’s kind before, he might have been nicer than most at the start but he’s just as bad as the people who go out and ruin everyone’s lives for personal reasons. Just because he makes a business out of it doesn’t make him right,” I state and she lets me get it all out before talking.
“You weren’t a good student,” that stops me.
“I was his best,” I state and she shakes her head.
“You started out that way, but you got cocky. I liked the cocky because it reminded me of Guy when he was younger. And you had some major flaws that a lot of people politely ignored hoping you’d come around. I loved you, still do at times when I’m alone and then I come back to the point,” Natty explains and I am a little stunned at her evaluation of my skills and ‘training’,” You weren’t there when I came back, I asked you to wait and you didn’t.”
“I told you I was going to the bus stop,” I state and she is all over me, verbally.
“Yes and I asked you to wait there. Not go to the bus stop, not wander the hell off, wait right there. I asked you to wait there and I would be right back and where were you when I came back,” Natsuko asks angry with me.
“I was at the bus stop where I said I would be waiting,” I state and she shakes her head.
“And why couldn’t you just listen to me and do what I asked,” Natty asks and I shrug.
“I wasn’t going to stay near that asshole and his harem of brainwashed females. I knew you were different and was happy when we were dating. Then you went emotionally nuts when I stood up to Guy and told you to leave with me,” I say keeping control,” You should have just done what I said.”
“And that’s why I never regretted not going with you immediately. I asked and asked and you didn’t give a shit about what I asked you to do. I was trying to save us,” Natsuko states and I shake my head at her.
“You were still drunk off the ‘power’ that Guy seemed to think he had, still are a bit from what I can tell,” I counter and Natty’s mood goes from frustrated to angry.
“No, Guy is my friend. He’s been there for me before you ever left your family in Texas. He’s been there for me through shit we never even got into discussing during the brief yet wonderful feeling relationship we had. He and I have history. You want to know why it took me so long to get back to where I ASKED you to wait,” she asks and a nod,” Because I was saving your life. Yes Guy is hard and unforgiving and the only reason your well built and muscled ass is sitting in that suit with that government badge in your wallet is because I begged my friend to spare you. I told him I’d come find you and calm you down so you two could settle things like rational men.”
“He’s a criminal, rationality isn’t his strong suit,” I state and she cuts me off.
“He’s more rational and level headed than you. At least when I asked him for something he listened,” Natsuko states and now I’m getting mad.
“You never should have gone back, we should have walked away and things would be fine between us right now. Instead we have years apart and Guy’s influence to contend with if I ever decide to take you back,” I tell her and she gives me a look.
“Well that settles this conversation doesn’t it. You never loved me, not like Guy loves his wives,” Natsuko says sadly before waving for the check.
“I loved you more than you could have possibly known, I was ready to go back to my family with you so we could get a decent start,” I inform her as to one of my plans for us when I left.
“It doesn’t matter, I thought after all this time we could have tried to get back together and maybe even worked things out with you and Guy,” she says taking out her own money to pay the ticket.
“Work things out before or after I kicked his ass,” I ask and she doesn’t respond,” So what would have been this offer that I would have been a fool to refuse?”
She stops putting her things away and settles back into her seat. I’m curious what I would have said no to.
“The deal wasn’t from Guy, it was my deal. He would find out about it after and only after you accepted,” she says and I’m interested since Guy would be clueless,” You work with the business as a contact. The business asks you for small things in your sphere of influence, in return there wouldn’t be money. Instead the business would provide information that will help you find new cases and make new arrests. It would bolster your career by leaps and bounds.”
“Okay so Guy still gets me as a stooge when he comes around to have me do him a favor,” I state and she shakes her head.
“The last part of the deal negates that; you wouldn’t be dealing with Guy. I’d be dealing with Guy,” she says it and it doesn’t make sense if she’s his employee,” I’d leave the business and only be his contact for you. He’d speak to me and I’d let you know what he found or how we helped him. We’d be together permanently or as long as we were in a relationship.”
“It’s a good deal,” I state after a long pause,” Problem is my deal is better. You leave the ‘family’ behind and come with me. Give me real information about Guy and his contacts to hand to my bosses so that we can take down his whole network and everyone of the criminals he calls contacts. You’d still be with me, I’d work out a deal for you and your brother so you’d both be safe but everyone else would be looking at major jail time. It’s better for both of us.”
“No Dylan, it’s better for you. I’d be hurting my family but that was the biggest problem you had with Guy,” Natsuko says standing up,” He believes in commitment, loyalty and family. To you family is a foreign thing, something that makes you weak. I’m glad you never asked me to marry you, because then we’d be a family and you’d despise me.”
“Instead of me loving you and caring for you,” I ask and she stops as she’s about to pass me.
“You may have loved me, but you love yourself more. That’s why it would never work,” Natty says and I stand up to follow her.
I’m outside after her and I she’s in the parking lot waiting for a car or something when I catch up to her.
“Okay so why would it never have worked,” I ask and she looks at me like she’s sizing me up.
“Spell the word ‘love’,” Natsuko asks and I pause for a second.
“L-O-V-E,” I spell the word and she continues.
“Spell the word ‘trust’,” she asks plainly.
“T-R-U-S-T,” I spell it and she again continues.
“Spell the word ‘loyal’,” she asks and I sigh in frustration.
“For the love of god,” I groan as she stares at me expectantly,” L-O-Y-A-L. Yes I can spell I did learn some things in school.”
A car pulls up and she begins to climb in the backseat. I watch the door close but the car doesn’t move. The window rolls down and Natsuko looks at me from inside the car.
“What do they all have in common,” she asks and I shake my head confused,” None of them have an ‘I’ in them. Everything that you want has an ‘I’ except ‘US’. That’s why ‘WE’ will never work. I love you Dylan, but now that has to die.”
I watch the car pull away from the curb and still don’t understand it. She loves me and I’m here right now but she says she can’t be with me because of ‘I’? I head back to my car and off to home to think about what happened. I review a few things on my computer and run a check on Natsuko and her recent activities. It’s easy enough since she’s on her own, arrived in town alone a week ago and staying at a private address. I don’t actually know the address but she doesn’t show up on any electronic registrations and her personal card isn’t being used. I keep my checking up and sadly don’t find anything else to prove Guy or his two goons, Isaac the man-whore and Ben the eunuch. I put my investigation into Natty away for the night and head to bed. Sunday passes and Monday I’m back at work only I’m being routed directly to report into Chief Watkins office. He’s going over some papers as I walk in.
“Have a seat Agent Bradley,” Watkins offers and I sit,” I’m glad you saw reason and dropped the investigation against this office. I know you feel like things are being put against you but I can assure you this isn’t personal.”
“As I’ve said Chief Watkins it doesn’t matter. You’re going to do what you want and there’s nothing I can do about it. Anything else before I head to the gym for the week,” I ask and he gives me an odd look.
“This is what Agent Maheera was talking about. You seem to think this office is against you,” he begins but I cut him off.
“No I don’t think this office is against me, I KNOW it is. You sat there and told me that I was going to be screwed and to like it. When I fought it you went to the highest authority you could find and had me threatened so that I would drop my case. Congratulations sir you won, anything else you need to get off your chest or can I return to my assigned duties,” I ask and now he’s confused.
“Agent Bradley the gym is there but you’ve been requested to join a couple different teams working if you are interested. Something about other agents coming to see you in the gym last Friday,” Watkins states and I shake my head no,” Any reason you no longer want to get back to doing FBI work?”
“Permission to speak freely sir,” I ask and he nods,” Because fuck them and fuck you.”
“Excuse me,” he sputters shocked.
“I’m sorry let me repeat that, FUCK THEM AND FUCK YOU! Was that better,” I ask and I am pretty sure a couple agents heard me outside the office since the door is open.
“What the hell is going on with you agent,” Watkins asks and I shrug.
“I have no illusions about you or the other agents anymore, feel guilty maybe but actually want me to work with them? No, you don’t want me up here and personally I am tired of trying to get anywhere in this office so fuck you and fuck them,” I state it again.
I stand up and exit Watkin’s office and see a couple agents staring at me with shocked expressions on their faces. I get to the elevator and it opens for me only to reveal Special Agent Naser. She sees me and smiles at my being up here I guess.
“Agent Bradley, glad you could join us,” she says with a formal smile.
“Not joining you sweet cheeks, just heading back down to the gym,” She doesn’t look shocked by my words but her team is a bit shocked.
“Well I’ll take the compliment but you belong up here,” She says and I shake my head.
“Not really, but you keep lying to yourself but please don’t keep trying with me. I’m done believing anything that comes out of your cunt licker,” I tell her pressing the button for the gym’s floor.
“Cunt licker,” she asks and I shrug.
“It was either that or cock sucker but I don’t think a man would want to be with you,” I get it out as the doors close.
I get into the gym and wait, figure someone will come and tell me to pack my shit or go to human resources but nothing happens. Nobody comes down and I shrug and change into my gym wear and settle down on some weights to help with toning my build. I get to lunch and make a quick trip to the cafeteria and find Special Agent Naser sitting by herself going over a file and some photos. I pass her table and she speaks to me, and it’s not what I expected.
“It’s cocksucker,” she says as I pass and I stop to reference her,” You said cunt licker or cocksucker. If my mouth is one or the other it’d be cock sucker in case you were wondering which insult to make.”
“Well it’s good to know someone has a sense of humor,” I state, I wasn’t joking earlier but what the hell.
“Oh you were being serious and insulting but after everything I figure you needed to get some of that off your chest before anything was going to change,” Naser states finally looking at me.
“Alright well I’m probably needed in the gym, people around here have trouble with their hand to hand,” I try to leave but she stops me.
“Not really, you’re just really good in comparison to them but most aren’t bad. Just out of practice, take a seat,” she says kicking a seat out to me.
I sit down with her, why am I sitting down with this cold bitch? It was more than a month ago she burned my ass like it was undercooked chicken. She pushes some photos in front of me and nods for me to begin looking through them. It’s agents, five or six of them from my section. They’re out talking with different people in the world or just doing random normal people stuff but I see one picture that has me stop for a second and focus. It’s agent Harris talking with a couple men at a table but I’m looking at people in the background. Natsuko is sitting at a table with a heavy set white male and another Asian girl; I remember she said she had a sibling other than her brother. It’s the two people with them that I pay more attention to, young man with styled looks and money along with a model level beauty and their four goons for protection. Natty’s visit might have been for me but she’s still working for Guy and now they are branching out into my back yard. Natty you should have listened to me with you had the chance.
“So these are your suspects in your private case,” I ask and Naser smiles.
“Yep, one of them is my leak. See anything I missed,” she asks and I shrug putting the pictures back.
“Not really, I’m just the gym monkey,” I state and she stops me.
“The insults were necessary earlier but now they’re not funny,” she states and now I’m confused,” you’re insulting my intelligence. What did you see?”
I point out the picture with Harris and she takes a better look, she examines it deeper but she is waiting for an explanation.
“I’m just curious about the bodyguards here, a lot of protection for one restaurant in an expensive hotel,” I state and she smiles.
“Wanna follow up on it for me,” she offers and now I’m interested.
She doesn’t realize I’m talking about getting Guy, she thinks I’m after Harris. I chuckle and she is waiting before I nod in agreement.
“I’ll get you out of the building, after that little display nobody will wonder why and you sit on Agent Harris. Get me something solid and I personally guarantee something
that will make Watkins shit his pants in fury,” She tells me and I smile big.
I take my lunch with me home and wait for more information but I have my starting point, the Ritz-Carlton Hotel. I spend some of my time watching Harris but he’s boring and nothing happens, I do find out he’s cheating on his wife with some foreign woman uptown. I relay the ‘vital information’ to Naser who gives me some praise and tells me to keep on it. It doesn’t matter in the long run because I finally catch up to Natsuko spotting her at an upscale coffee shop alone. She’s relaxed but looks a little sad, give me time honey and I’ll fix things between us. I find out she’s at an apartment that I could never afford living with what I presume are some friends of hers. I can’t get any real back up so I settle for documenting people coming and going and keeping track of Natsuko. A couple times I almost get spotted but I’m good enough that she shakes off her suspicion and returns to whatever she’s doing. I spend ten days doing all this when I notice something. The model from the pictures is the one with the body guards, it’s interesting but I can’t access anything back at the FBI to give me hard intelligence on her. The way they watch out for her is extreme and I stop watching Natsuko and turn my investigation to her. Pretty boyfriend of hers has money but when I see the two of them dining with a few people that have more money in their banks than I’ll have in a decade it becomes clear, Guy’s upgrading his clientele. It is easy to make small money off of little people but the rich will pay to have dirty business cleaned out and competitors ruined and that’s what Guy does.
My total investigation lasts maybe two more weeks and I’ve got a suit on as I see Natsuko, the odd couple of fat man and her supposed sister and the beautiful people dining with some older folks that might be relatives. All are talking and sounding official but friendly in the dining hall back at the Ritz-Carlton and the security is relaxed as I see one couple, a dark skinned older beauty and a barrel chested Arab man, ask to see the goods. They’re doing it right in front of me. I watch as the fat guy calls for an attendant and is brought a briefcase. He calmly hands it across the table and the couple being to look at the contents I can’t make out from where I’m at and smile. I can see the older white couple is smiling as well and that’s when I figure it’s time to make my move. I wore a suit for today considering the upscale dining area and make my way over to the table.
“Excuse me folks but you’re going to have to come with me,” I state in an official voice as the bodyguards move in on me.
“Excuse me young man but this is a private table,” the older white man states and I pull my badge.
“Well I don’t need an invitation, there will be agents here in a matter of seconds to take you into custody,” I state having contacted Naser earlier.
She said she was in the area with a team and I smile, I’ll get exactly what I need to bring Guy down and put Natsuko back where she belongs at my side. Maybe this time she’ll be grateful and learn to listen. At the table the Arab man is obviously angry while the older woman next to him is confused.
“Agent do you know who I am,” the older man asks annoyed.
“The man who is about two steps away from…,” is all I get out as hell breaks loose.
It’s like someone was giving away government agents as Naser and her team comes down on the restaurant hard, problem is they aren’t coming for my table. I watch as agents grab the people two tables over from us and put people down at gun point as I’m grabbed by bodyguards. I’m good but the two men on me put me on my face as things explode. I hear the table I was addressing demanding to know what is going on and finally Agent Naser makes her appearance telling the goons to let me up from my place on my face.
“Sorry folks but Agent Bradley was attempting to remove you from a potentially dangerous situation,” Naser ‘explains’ to the group,” He’s new with my team but coming along well except for your bodyguards detaining him. All this is a misunderstanding I assure you.”
“I can assure you Agents I’ll be having a long conversation with your superiors very soon,” the older tanned woman states with authority.
I am loaded in the back of a van and detained by agents as everyone goes through a sorting process. First go the criminals, gun runners out of Canada who were bringing goods from Europe down through the harbor. Next goes Agent Harris who looks like his life took a turn for the worse, I even see his mistress speaking through a translator and figure out she speaks French. After what can only be described as the longest and most confusing bust I’ve ever seen I find myself at an interrogation table with Watkins who looks like hell warmed over and Agent Naser who is tired but enjoying life at two in the morning.
“Agent Bradley it has been explained to me that you were working with Agent Naser attempting to find a leak in the section. It has also been explained to me that your removal from the section assignments was to draw attention from this investigation. What hasn’t been explained to me is why when a bust in a hotel is going down you are attempting to detain a group of civilians,” Watkins asks and I think before speaking.
“I was trying to remove them from the from the situation sir,” I get the words out and Special Agent Naser smiles.
“As I explained he was attempting to remove the group from the room and when it became a disturbance we used the distraction and moved in. It was a little heavy handed but it got the job done Chief Watkins,” Naser states and now I know what it’s like to have back up.
“Do you even know who he pissed off? Do you have the slightest clue,” Watkins asks Naser who nods.
“Who were they,” I think about Natsuko and wonder if she outed me to the rest.
“That was the Abernathy family for starters, Morgan and Claire Abernathy. If you don’t know who they are I can probably find a couple campaign checks to a few senators they’ve helped put into office, one or two that have called here wondering what the hell is going on in the FBI,” Watkins gets it out and I must be pale because I just shit my pants.
“That’s not the best part; the bodyguards didn’t belong to them. They belonged to Aryeh David the father of Diamada David. He’s former Mista’arvim, Israeli counter-terrorism,” Naser gets it out almost laughing.
“He’s Special Forces and he has that many bodyguards,” I ask and she shakes her head.
“No they’re for his wife, Callidora Kappas. She’s minor royalty in Greece and didn’t take his last name for ‘regal’ reasons but they were in town visiting their daughter and were looking at research for wedding planning. Apparently the Abernathy’s son and their daughter are getting married,” Special Agent Naser states before breaking into a big smile looking right at me.
“I can’t believe you would pull some hero stunt on a table full of civilians and international dignitaries. I don’t know how this department is getting through this but I swear your career in the FBI will be the first thing I use to shield us when the hammer falls is your career,” Watkins states but Naser smiles.
“Sign the forms Chief, the NSA is taking over the incident and the ramifications along with Agent Bradley. He’ll be working under me from now on out of Virginia,” Naser
states with authority.
Section Chief Watkins signs the paperwork and exits the interrogation room quickly. Special Agent Naser smiles at me when the door finally closes and I have to ask.
“How did you get me transferred over to working for you,” I ask and she smiles.
“I wanted you on my team, it took a bit but you got on my team and that’s where you’re staying,” she takes out a file and puts it in front of me,” Standard NSA non disclosure agreement, sign here and we have a meeting to get to.”
I sign, what else can I do? Either work for her and do something or get fired by Watkins. We exit the room and make our way out of the building and to my car. Naser gives me a location to drive to and about five minutes in I ask.
“So am I really in the clear,” I get the words out and she places her hand on my leg.
“Absolutely, you stick with me and follow my orders and I’ll keep you doing the best job you can,” Naser states as her phone rings.
She answers it and appears to be having a calm conversation with whoever is on the other end when she gives me a new location.
“We have to meet someone who helped bring the heat off of us. They are the reason we were able to get you out from under Section Chief Watkins,” Agent Naser says with a smile,” Also we’re looking at meeting some of the best information brokers I’ve ever known. Give them enough time and you’ll be Special Agent Bradley.”
Special Agent Bradley, now that’s something I can get used to as we pull into a parking structure.
Stuart: Same time in Richard’s Apartment
Talk about stupid but Agent Bradley is a dumb son of a bitch. First we have Agent Naser, an old friend of Guy give him a slap on the wrist then watch as the FBI put the screws to him. His pity party was funny for everyone but Natsuko. She wanted her one chance for a meeting and with Ben keeping watch and Isaac tailing her she was safe. I thought he’d take the deal, when he saw her his face completely changed. I know because we had the area wired for visual and audio. The deal was one that Natsuko said would be the only offer he got outside of the plan. Guy’s been in the dark this whole time even taking time to help Candice with setting up my place in California. But Bradley was a fucking idiot and I can proudly say, with some modesty and the confirmation of Ben and Isaac, that Guy has upped his standards on his protégés.
Back to Agent Bradley all it took was Agent Harris in a surveillance photo meeting his contact with Czech and Canadian arms dealers and traffickers with Natsuko in the background and he took the bait. He followed former Agent Harris a bit but he couldn’t resist trying to figure out who we were and then in a feat of massive stupidity he starts looking into Richard and Dia like they were some sort of international super couple of crime. The laugh factor even broke Natsuko out of her depression a little as we kept dangling bait in front of him and finally when we’re actually meeting as Robin and I spent part of our time looking at locations, dresses and formal ideas for Richard and Dia’s wedding when he tries to arrest the table. Then everything went sideways as an actual bust goes down at the same time, something to be said for irony, but all in all we got word a couple hours ago that Agent Bradley was looking at termination if she didn’t step in which we advised her to do at the request of Mrs. Kappas and the Abernathy family. Richard talked to his parents and Dia with hers to get everything in order to apply some pressure to the situation but all in all Agent Dylan Bradley will sign on the line and be brought to heel so Guy can get to doing what he does best without anything lurking in the wings.
Everyone is relaxed when my phone goes off and I see Jun is on the line. I put him on comms so everyone, including Robin who did a great job with the wedding details, can hear.
“Jun we’re golden on our end, is Agent Naser on her way to the apartment,” I ask as everyone is smiling and relaxed.
“Stuart I’m sorry,” Jun begins and everyone is laughing at his apology.
“Nothing to be sorry about, the job is done and we’re just waiting on Dylan for the wrap up,” I state with a smile.
“He’s not coming to the apartment, I rerouted him,” Jun says and everyone stops everything.
“What do you mean rerouted him,” Natsuko asks confused.
“Sis I’m sorry but I’m just doing what I was told to do. I know you wanted something better than this for the two of you but it’s out of our hands now,” Jun says and I cut him off.
“Jun what do you mean you’re doing what you were told. My plan was to have him come here after the FBI was done with him. Agent Naser messaged us that they were on their way,” I ask and Ben begins looking out the windows.
“I know what you said but currently Dylan Bradley is heading to a parking garage about thirty minutes away from you now, I’ve updated your device with the location. I’m sorry Stuart but I’m just following orders,” Jun says it again and that’s when everyone but Richard, Dia and Robin get it.
“Guy is here,” Natsuko says tearing up.
“Sis I’m so sorry, I know you wanted him to make it out of this but it’s out of our hands now,” Jun says apologetically.
Everyone in the room nervous, the one thing that we didn’t plan for happened. I thought he’d find out and contact us, hell I thought he’d come out and confront me directly but he did what Guy does. Now Dylan Bradley is on his way to the executioner and there’s nothing we can do to stop it. Isaac and Ben toss me my coat and Natsuko is with us and we head down to the parking structure in Richard’s Lincoln.
“We need to get there before Guy kills him,” Natsuko tells Isaac who is at the wheel.
Dylan: At a Parking Garage in New York
“So who are we meeting Special Agent Naser,” I ask with a smile.
She laughs as I use her full title and we deserve a laugh. Been through some hell tonight but we came out ahead and I’m looking at a full transfer to the NSA. My skill set is something Naser wants on her team, all brains and less brawn. Well I’ll bring some of both to the table and my skills are more than up to par for what they need, I’m sure of it. I am still wondering about how to get back to Natty but that will have to wait, love like ours doesn’t just die out no matter how much she thinks it will. Naser and I exit my car and begin to walk to the meeting spot a floor up. I’m following her instructions parking a level lower and when we exit the stairs I’m looking at a woman with black hair and a thin but still female build in a pant suit but no blouse top, just a corset.
“Weapons and phones,” she states and Agent Naser nods as she hands hers over.
I follow suit and we continue our walk and come to a man leaning on a car in a white suit and matching fedora. I can’t make out the face but the voice is unmistakable.
“Hey everybody, that’s not happiness to see me is it,” Guy asks looking up and moving away from the car.
“Mr. Donnelly what are you doing here,” Naser asks and I look at her hard.
“You know him,” I ask angry.
“He’s one of the best civilian operators I’ve ever worked with. He’s the reason I got even remotely to half the cases I made on weapons trafficking,” Special Agent Naser states and I focus on Guy and his smug fucking smile.
“Not what you were expecting, thinking you would meet with the crew that helped with all that helped with all that wonderful mole intelligence. Yeah Dylan, that was my people,” He states and now I’m pissed.
“You set me up, all of you set me up,” I growl at Guy looking between him and Naser at my side.
“Actually they didn’t and I wasn’t even in town until two days ago, not that you’ll believe me. My people were asked to help out Agent Naser, getting a chance to settle up with you is just an added bonus,” Guy says with a smile and Naser steps forward.
“What do you mean settle up, what is going on her Mr. Donnelly,” She asks him and she just doesn’t stop smiling.
“That ungrateful shit right there and I have unfinished business and I’m collecting on a debt,” Guy states and I laugh at him.
“I don’t owe you shit. You are scum and once we get settled I’m going to take a good look into just how dirty you are. I’m pretty sure we can get you a cell next to Jun if you’re really good,” I sneer but Agent Naser cuts me off.
“Actually you can’t, he’s sanctioned,” she states quietly and I pause with confusion.
“He’s sanctioned for what,” I ask and Guy laughs a little.
“How do you think I’ve been able to do my work for so long without a major investigation Dylan? Luck? Skill? Or did I do some work for a few people who tend to sit in places where power is the currency of the day. You make one call about me and find yourself shut down before you can finish the sentence. You’re a small fish in a big fish bowl kid,” Guy says and I hate when he called me kid before and now.
“So you let him do this? You allow him to run rampant all over the law and national security,” I ask Special Agent Naser.
“Information he’s gathered for me has lead to four, count on your hand with fingers four terror incidents stopped. There were no less than five different groups that he’s given us the locations of safe houses and raids that have prevented further encroachment onto U.S. soil so don’t tell me about the law or National Security,” Naser states with firm authority before turning to Guy,” Mr. Donnelly thank you for the meeting but Agent Bradley and I need to get him moved to Virginia and into his new job.”
“And that will happen but I’m going to have to ask you to leave Agent Naser. It’s time Dylan and I settled things. W would you please escort our friend back to her vehicle,” Guy asks his sex puppet assistant.
I watch the two ladies leave and turn my attention back to Guy who is smiling and pacing like he’s waiting for something when I see it, he wants to fight. I laugh a little at the thought and he notices.
“Think us fighting is funny,” he asks and I nod.
“I think you getting your ass beat by me is hilarious,” I say calming down from my laughing.
“I’m going to let you in on something, Natty came to me the same night you left and begged me not to kill you. She pleaded for it and I gave it to her even though you sat in my house for almost six months and were the most disrespectful piece of shit to ever get scraped off a boot. I didn’t do it out of mercy or kindness towards you Dylan; I did it for my friend. I’d rather stay my hand than hurt those close to me so I’m going to give you a chance,” Guy says tapping the car he was leaning on,” Apologize, to me and my wives right now for abusing our hospitality and the disrespect you showed us and I’ll let you walk out of here.”
I see a man, make that mountain, get out of the driver’s seat of the car. His suit is black with a loose button up shirt and I see a video recorder in his hand. I figure he’s going to fight me for Guy but he sets up himself to record and watch. Hope he likes an ass kicking because I’m about to give Guy a beating he’s had coming for years. I pull my suit jacket off and watch as Guy shakes his head at me and begins to strip down. He stops at his slacks and shoes and waits for me to catch up.
“Wanna make it interesting,” I ask and he shrugs.
“It’s already interesting but what does Mr. Abraham want,” he asks using my real name, fucker should know better.
“Fire Natsuko and have her come be with me like she is supposed to be,” I spit and he laughs.
“I figure she already told you she wasn’t interested since she’s been here almost a month. Granted she missed you and cried over you for a while after you walked out on her but we were there for our friend. We held her through the tears and the depression,” that image alone makes me want to knock his head off,” She’s my friend, has been for longer than you care to admit and when we’re done here I’m going to tell her how you stood against me when I offered you a simple way out. All you have to do is atone for the disrespect and apologize.”
“Are we going to keep talking or can I start kicking your ass now,” I ask Guy who loses his smile and stands hands at his side waiting.
I’m bobbing and weaving a little to get a feel for his style. We trained or more so he kept trying to show me how to fight and I laughed about it but paying more attention then would have helped me now as he doesn’t move except to keep his face towards me. Finally after a couple seconds I throw a quick combo but find only air as Guy somehow dodges each punch. He’s fast and he’s reading me, fine we’ll play hardball. I throw a three punch combination and when he ducks the hook at the end is short my swing and lunge in to grapple. I almost get my arms around Guy as he spins on his heel and moves out of my grasp. I shake it off and laugh, he’s waiting with no expression on his face. I throw a front kick and end it with a one two combo that he ducks before I find his face right next to my ear.
“Ready whenever you are,” he whispers to me.
I throw an elbow towards his head that he catches before trying to push me off balance, I catch myself but he’s finally not able to dodge me. I set myself up and lay on a flurry of punches only to have Guy deflect every shot before hard blocking a right cross and landing three rapid shots to my ribs. I have to catch my breath as Guy sets himself up for my next onslaught, he hits harder than I thought.
“Not all show muscles there eh Gi,” I ask using his name the way he hates.
“You have no idea boy,” Guy replies waiting for me to attack.
The boy comment has me seeing a bit of red but I press forward bringing more punches at Guy. He blocks, pushes me back but this time I bring a knee up fast to his face and find only air. He didn’t attack when he thought I’d be open. How did he see my knee coming? I bring a few kicks towards his head he ducks or deflects before catching my fist and wrapping my arm behind his back pinning it. My arm is twisted leaving me open as five hard punches land on my chest and ribs before he pushes me away and gives me a front kick to the stomach knocking me to the floor of the parking garage.
“Rude, disrespectful, arrogant little piece of crap I’m done fooling around. Next time you come at me it better be on your knees with an apology for my family or I swear I’m going to do what your Father should have done years ago,” Guy states and now I’m seeing red, he brought my family into this.
I rush him hard and fast, he’s keeping up but only barely as I press my attack with a savage fury. I am stopped by a hard shot to my jaw and a follow up knee in my stomach and find myself bent over with my left arm pinned backwards around Guy’s right arm. I grab at his slacks to pull him off my arm and get free when there is a sudden jerk and I feel a pop in my elbow. Blinding pain is coursing through my body as I roll on the ground holding my now broken left arm as Guy stands there waiting.
“No no no no no don’t black out now you need to apologize first,” Guy tells me moving in.
I roll onto my back and kick at him only to have him grab my foot with his hand and roll me onto my stomach. I feel his foot on the back of my knee and him bend my right leg so my knee has to try to bend around his foot. It takes the pain away from my arm for a brief moment but I’m screaming as he tries to tear my leg off at the knee.
“You know what fuck it, D get me a knife,” Guy says to his goon letting go of my leg.
A knife? What the fuck does he want a knife for in a fist fight? I try to crawl away but get rolled onto my back and my working arm pinned under Guy’s knee and I see the knife, a switchblade in his left hand as I the right grabs me by my hair.
“You want to see me as a monster,” Guy asks now angry,” I’m going to carve my way into your reptilian brain so that your basic functions will be eat, sleep, defecate, fornicate and FEAR GUY DONNELLY!”
He moves my head to the side and I feel the tip of the blade on my jaw. He’s going to do shit to me they don’t talk about in prison when I surrender.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” I repeat it over and over till the blade is removed from my skin.
Guy pulls me up by the hair and sits me on my knees as the giant with the camera records me.
“I’m sorry I abused my stay in your home… and insulted your wives and children. You took me in and I shit on you for it,” I tell the camera feeling light headed.
I try to keep talking but everything goes dark and I slip into the blackness of my mind.
Natsuko: Parking garage ten minutes too late
We arrived just in time to watch an ambulance leave the parking garage my brother pointed us to. Guy’s old friend Lana is giving her report to the local police, according to her they were attacked and she got away while he held off the attackers but I am afraid of what actually happened. Guy might have killed Dylan, yes I said our love needed to die but I wasn’t out of love with the dumb shit and now he’s probably dead. I’m thinking all of this when our phones, all of them go off with an update. My brother is relaying orders from Guy.
“We’re to pack up and catch the five AM flight out of New York and meet up for debriefing day after tomorrow,” Stuart informs us as Isaac drives us back to where we’ve been staying.
I grab my phone and call my brother; he has a lot to answer for.
“Brother where is Guy now,” I ask in Japanese.
“Sister Guy is very upset from what I can tell and you have your orders. I don’t want to piss him off anymore than we already have,” he replies back keeping our conversation in Japanese.
“Brother I love you and I understand that we’re under orders by Guy who we care for and respect. Now tell me where he is or I swear to on our father I will disown everything and everyone we care about. I will not see you or our parents, I will walk away from Guy and our friends and I will make my life a cold tomb compared to the bright colors you’ve seen me live,” I tell my older brother who sighs into the headset.
“Your poetry classes paid off,” he replies and I receive notification to the hotel Guy is staying at.
“Do not tell him I’m coming,” I state before hanging up,” Isaac take me to the Hilton now.”
“Okay baby girl,” Isaac agrees without a single question.
I have the boys drop me off and enter the lobby alone; I have Guy’s room information and begin my journey to the elevators and after his room.
Guy: His room minutes later
I’m barely sore from earlier tonight but feel a little bad, Lana didn’t have any idea what she was walking into and I will apologize when she contacts me to confirm everything has been taken care of on her end, more importantly to me a long standing problem has been handled. Granted I didn’t want it handled nor did I want anyone to take it upon themselves to handle it but after finding out from Stuart’s girl Caitlin what they were doing I decided to step in and get something that my wives deserved, an apology. Wilma and Desmond are packed and have my exit for tomorrow on a flight in the afternoon. I want the whole team back home sitting and ready for me when I arrive since I’m not happy about what they did. Stuart leading the team I wonder what his plan was? He had him ruined and then turned him over to Lana, it doesn’t make any sense. I’m in a towel after a shower and about to rest my head on a queen sized hotel bed when an ominous sounding knock on my door has me wondering how Lana got done so quickly. Much to my surprise and mild anger Natsuko is outside my door in a closed zip up hoodie, jeans and running shoes.
“I do believe you received your orders,” I state as she pushes past me and into the room.
“Oh we received your orders but being that it was a stupid fucking order I chose to ignore it and come to the source of the order,” Natty states angrier at me than I expected.
“Okay so it’s a stupid order but it’s my order unless we’re talking about something you once told me was unthinkable,” I bring up her loyalty to me and my wives.
“Oh fuck that Guy, I did my fucking penance and we were settled but now it’s down to you breaking your fucking word to me,” Natty states pacing the room,” And put some clothes on.”
“No, I’m getting ready for bed and just showered,” I tell her tightening the towel around my waist,” so how exactly did I break my word?”
“You killed Dylan, you hijacked Stuart’s plan and you killed Dylan because he crossed you and didn’t jump in with the business,” Natsuko explains and I shake my head.
“Actually if he wanted out after everything I would have granted it willingly. You want to know why I wanted his ass dead back then? He used us,” I bark startling Natty,” He used all of us. My wives, all of our friends and even me and especially you. He’d never had any control over his life until we helped him and what did he do? He sat there in MY home and made it his mission to constantly disrespect MY wives, YOUR friends, and then the shit head sat there and brushed off my boys because to him they were an annoyance in his plans. Now you look me in the face and you tell me why I shouldn’t have kicked the shit into the ass hat tonight? I want to hear this.”
I feel some of her anger fade but she’s still upset about everything. I know everyone else on the team is probably doing back flips that I beat the shit out of Dylan when it
occurs to me she said killed, not beat. Before I can speak she proves she was listening better than I was.
“Wait you didn’t kill him,” Natty asks and I grunt disgusted,” Nobody walks away from you Guy and we saw paramedics.”
“I kicked the shit out of him and fucked up his arm,” I state not happy with being questioned by one of my closest friends.
“But you didn’t kill him, you’re serious,” Natty asks with disbelief, not the sarcastic kind either.
“I swore, fucking swore that I would never be the one to order or kill that fucking stain on our family. You begged me to spare his ungrateful ass and that’s what I did,” I state sitting down on the bed,” I however did not promise there would be no retribution and that fucker had it coming.”
Natty takes a seat next to me and we both sit quietly for a moment and I take in my assistant. She’s processing everything that happened tonight and mercifully she believes me, considering I’m telling her the truth and don’t like lying to my employees or clients it works for me. We sit and I realize we’re not close to being done tonight and figure I need to clarify something.
“The unthinkable doesn’t have anything to do with when we were teens, it goes back to what you said after Dylan walked out and you were feeling better. You told me that there wasn’t anything that would make you leave our family, this business, for anyone or anything,” I remind Natty whose face turns pensive.
“Yeah, I kinda forgot that and offered myself to Dylan and that I’d leave the business if he’d become a connection for us with the FBI,” Natty informs me and I look at her surprised.
“And I’m guessing he didn’t take the offer by the asskicking I gave him tonight,” I state and she nods.
“I really thought he loved me more than he hated you. Turns out obsession doesn’t mean love. And sex with him was good because it was ours, his and mine but it took a little while to get things going. Stuart is nothing like Dylan and Dylan isn’t even enough to be your shadow. Maybe one point he could have been but that isn’t now or ever,” She states laying her head on my shoulder.
“Well I’m tired and need to get some sleep so what’s it going to be, head back to the apartment or crash out here,” I ask plainly.
Natsuko stands up and I figured she’d be angrier with me and head back but instead coat, shirt and pants come off leaving her in a blue bralette and matching panties. I stand up and pull off my towel before crawling into bed from the foot and pull the blankets over me. It takes a moment and I feel the same blankets pull back and my assistant crawl into bed with me. When I’m at home I’m usually sleeping on my back because I’m being pulled in multiple directions but on my own I sleep on my side and finding Natty backing up into my chest is a pleasant surprise, especially since she’s now naked. I put my arm around her waist and the other one under her head before gently pulling her close.
“I’m a little glad Dylan didn’t take my offer,” Natty says and I curl up around her ass.
“Oh really, why’s that,” I ask putting my mouth next to her ear.
“I’d miss my friends and I like being called Auntie Natty,” she tells me quietly backing her ass against me.
Few things are great to have after a fight with someone you hate. This is the list, a good meal, a relaxing bath, friends who recount your glorious victory and a woman or man (if that is your preference) in your bed. This is better, she was his and Natsuko doesn’t have many legitimate ex boyfriends and less ones that I want to strangle the life out of with my bare hands. Now she’s naked with me in bed and pushing against me. I roll Natsuko on her back and kiss her then she shows me how bed nimble she is and pulls me over her while putting herself beneath me and wraps her lets around mine.
“I’m guessing you missed me,” I ask and she giggles.
I trail kisses down her neck and take a pert nipple in to my mouth gently sucking and nibbling as one of Natty’s hands grips my shaft gently and strokes me so that I’m hard in a matter of a minute instead of taking our time. I actually wouldn’t mind taking my time and try to slow her down when she gives me ‘the look’.
“Okay you have a flight sometime tomorrow late morning I’m guessing and that means we make like the UFC and ‘let’s get it on’ instead of the Marvin Gaye version,” she informs me with a smile and pulls me into her a little.
I continue to push and find myself buried inside Natsuko with no real resistance and we both moan with contentment as I take my time working in and out of her. Natty doesn’t do much other than hold me with her legs around mine and grip my ass with her hands. I keep my weight off her by resting on my elbows and sawing back and forth with my hips. I’m enjoying myself but Natty takes my face in her hands to get my attention.
“You are the only man I let do me his way first,” she informs me and I speed up.
More speed and I pull my arms down to my sides, one after the other putting them under Natsuko’s thighs and pulling them up till I have her almost folded in half. Her pussy grips me and I force myself back in before speeding up pounding into Natty hard and deep. Natsuko’s face is contorted in one of shock and arousal as I punish her body beneath mine. Its a few good hard minutes and I’ve been pent up since I found out my team was taking my matters into their own hands, anger is not good for my sex life sometimes despite how much Imelda and Katy like it. I can feel my orgasm building and I go full animal in heat as I take Natsuko hard and deep when she grabs my face and I feel her pull my tongue in her mouth and suck on it hard. I grunt and kiss her back roughly before unloading into Natsuko’s tight and wet folds. I feel her shake beneath me as I keep moving and unloading into her sweetness. I think we finished or at least did for now and relax letting her legs down and roll off before watching Natsuko breath for a minute. Without word she pulls herself from the bed and bounds to the bathroom to take care of her clean up while I just sit here, I’ll take a shower tomorrow. After a few minutes she returns to the bed and curls up so we can sleep a few hours before catching the flight back home.
“So try to take it easy on the team, especially Stuart. He was just trying to do for you what you do for everyone else,” Natty informs me and I shrug.
Yes he was, but there is just one problem with that. Our clients choose to have us take care of business for them. They agree to have us remove problems and obstacles from their lives. I didn’t ask for the assistance with Dylan, there was a contingency plan in place. Now we settle up with the job that never should have happened.
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