ok here it is Chater 2. I hope you enjoy it, please feel free to comment.
Chapter 2
Sitting quietly in the main lounge of the shuttle, Kenji sipped his herbal tea and watched the commotion going on around him. He was pleased to be home, but the circumstance behind his sudden return caused him a great deal of distress. He worried greatly about his grandfather and wanted nothing more then to skip this whole thing and go directly to his side. Unfortunately, Kenji had a duty to perform and knew that his grandfather would be unhappy if he did not do it. His grandfather had been chief among those who had drilled in the concept of duty and honor when he was younger. He had to get a handle on his battling emotions before he appeared before the people waiting to greet him.
His only solace was the women that stood around him currently being fussed over by the royal house attendants that had entered the shuttle upon landing with two new kimonos. Keko was resplendent in her silk kimono of royal blue with a water dragon of white in flight. Her luxurious brown hair was held in place by a hair piece of a water dragon, while her makeup was lightly done to enhance her beauty. Her blue eyes sparkling with life and love as she looked to Kenji for approval. Lisa was also dressed in a silk kimono of royal blue; however, it was decorated with a phoenix with its wings spread wide. Her fiery red hair was held in place by a head piece of two phoenixes in flight. Her make up also lightly done to enhance her beauty as well the only real difference was in the coloring used to enhance Lisa’s eyes. Terry on the other hand was dressed in a kimono of light blue with two doves of white in flight upon it. Her blond hair held in place by a hair comb with doves upon it, that she had received from one of Kenji’s personal guards.
The girls were just about done when Maki entered the lounge and approached Kenji,
“My Lord, we are almost ready for you to make your appearance before the people.” then turned to the rest of the people in the room and smiled. She held up her hands to quiet everyone down and then proceeded to explain how everything would go from here on out. She explained that after Kenji received a signal from Chihaiya he would exit the shuttle and great the people before descending the stairs. Once Keko and Lisa saw him start down the stairs they would exit the shuttle and also greet the people then follow him down. It would be at this time that both Terry and she would then exit the shuttle and follow their sisters down the stairs. None of the women were to say anything throughout the ceremony. This was paramount for everyone to remember as they must not bring shame and dishonor to Kenji. “Once everyone is on the ground we will then move as a group towards the viewing stands, while remaining within the two lines of guards so that the guard could keep Kenji as safe as possible.” Maki explained as she looked at each of the personal guard and nodded her head before they exited the shuttle and set up on either side of the carpet at the bottom of the stairs.
After listening to everything that Maki had to say Kenji stood up and nodded his head once and looked around to everyone. “Alright ladies, we are once again home and must maintain our proper decorum. Let us prepare ourselves and meet our people, shall we.” he said, as he walked out of the lounge and moved to the exit hatch.
As he looked out on the parade grounds he was surrounded by the warmth of the air and smell of the blooming cherry blossoms. He could see them as they surrounded the parade grounds. The sight of the orderly formation of the Imperial guards in their dark blue uniforms, as the sun glistened off their white helmets, lanyards and pistol belts. The songs of the birds reminding him of better times with his family walking through the royal gardens as he and Keko played among the plants. His grandfather giving the two of them sweet treats. He was brought back to the present by the sound of the royal band starting to play the Japanese royal anthem. He stepped out and looked to Chihaiya, who had a stern look on her face. He winked at her and smiled as he waved his hand to the gathered people and then bowed before starting down the stairs. Keko and Lisa then exited the shuttle and made their greetings and started down the stairs with Terry and Maki following close behind. Once everyone was on the ground they all moved toward the viewing stands while staying in between Kenji’s personal guard.
Kenji looked left and right at the gathered royal guard and nodded his head to them. When he got closer to the viewing stands he almost stopped in his tracks upon seeing his grandfather sitting there. It took everything he had to not just run up to him and thereby ruin everything. He moved with determination not to embarrass his grandfather and father. Once he was at the foot of the viewing stands he bowed to first his grandfather, then his father and finally his mother, before climbing the stairs and greeting them.
“Greetings grandfather, it does my heart good to see you here. I had heard you were ill and was extremely worried. Father, Mother, I am very pleased to be home once again. I have graduated from the academy and have a special surprise for you. It seems that I have found Kagutschi’s chosen. This is Commander Lisa Allen she bears the mark of the phoenix.” He said then stepped to his side as he presented Lisa to his family. Emperor Haru Tomogawa stepped forward
“Greetings Lisa, I welcome you in the name of the Tomogawa clan and hope that you find this to be your home. I am sure that we will all get to know each other soon enough, but for now let us watch the parade of the Imperial guards they have worked on this for weeks now.” he said as he kissed her lightly on the cheek and then helped her to join both Kenji and Keko on the viewing stand. Terry and Maki stayed at the bottom of the stairs with Kenji’s personal guard and watched as the Imperial guard parade by the stands saluting the royal family. The parade itself took less then half an hour to complete as the full three divisions were not required to be present. Only the best regiments of the three divisions were present.
Once the parade was finished Kenji grabbed his grandfather’s anti-grav chair and pushed him inside the private residence. He sat down with him in the sitting room and discussed the past four years with him catching up on what each of them had been doing. Kenji was truly pleased to be here with him and completely ignored the fact that he had been told of his grandfather’s illness. They chatted quietly amongst themselves while Haru and Hikari gathered the girls to them.
“Now that we are out of the public eye let me welcome you properly, I am Haru Tomogawa, Kenji’s father, and this is my wife and Kenji’s mother Hikari Tomogawa. We are pleased to have you back home Keko and wish to congratulate you on your graduation from the academy,” he said, “Lisa it is a pleasure to meet you. I hope that you will come to see us as your parents as well. I would, however, like to know how you met Kenji as he never mentioned you to us in any of his correspondences.”
“Oh hush Haru, let us just sit and get to know Lisa and her sister. It seems to me that they are a bit nervous at being the subject of interest to everyone. We need to give them space to talk to us freely and not be interrogated.” said Hikari as she playful swatted her husband. Nodding his head Haru agreed with her and sat down and indicted that both Lisa and Terry should take a seat. Then grabbed a cup of tea from one of the servants while the rest of them sat down in the couches near the chair. Hikari placing herself nearest her husband. “Keko dear, why don’t you go and see your parents. They are looking forward to seeing you. I am sure they are around here somewhere.”
“Yes your highness, I am anxious to see them myself, come along Maki I am sure they will be happy to see both of us.” said Keko, as she started to walk away after bowing to the royal couple.
After a couple of hours Kenji joined them, his grandfather becoming tired from the activities of the days. “Well it seems that grandfather needed to go and rest for a while,” he said, as he sat down with his family. “He seems to be happy that I am home, I am sure he will be just fine now that I have returned. There is nothing to worry about.”
“You may be right Kenji, but do not get your hopes up. Anyways we were just talking with Lisa and her sister a bit while you visited with your grandfather, and we still do not know how you two met.” chuckled his father.
‘Well father, that is a bit of a story in itself. You see Keko and I were just returning from a meeting with Fleet Admiral Jennings when I felt…”
“Fleet Admiral Jennings? Do you mean Admiral Allen Jennings?” Asked his father.
“Yes father, Fleet Admiral Allen Jennings. He took note of me and Keko at the academy as a result of one of our instructor. It seems that Keko and I drew a Commander Reilly’s attention. We tried to avoid the attention of everyone and did a little to well.” he explained.
“Yes well that is alright. Continue with your story then.”
“Well as I said we were on our way back to the dorms when I felt like my heart was on fire. Keko helped me get to the dorm and while in route we met with Lisa she was drawn to me the same way Keko was. I am not sure what happened in between her seeing us and me waking up. I just know that I love her deeply and am very glad I met her.” Kenji said.
“I think I can fill you in on a few bits there.” replied Keko “I was trying to get him to the room and searching for Lisa when we saw each other and she ran to us and helped us get him inside. The rest is rather personal, but I saw her mark between her breasts and knew we had found another of Kenji’s wives.”
“Well, I was at the graduation ceremony for my sister here. We were just talking with some of her friends when I felt like I needed to find someone. I looked around when I spotted Keko helping Kenji move to the dorms and knew that this was the man I was fated to be with. I was completely confused at the time, but Keko and Kenji have explained a lot of things to me. I was also told that we would have to complete the ceremony later as we were a little pressed for time and location then.” Lisa said blushing perfusely.
“Well I am glad that you have joined our family.” stated Hikari. This caused the Emperor to roar with laughter as he listened to her story.
“I see, well we will not keep you three to long tonight then, I would really like to have my son standing for the ceremony tomorrow. He does have a part in it as well and of course you will be recognized as a citizen of Japan as well as a princess of Japan.” This took Lisa back a moment as she stared at the Emperor with her mouth agape unable to say anything.
“My dear you might want to close your mouth before you catch any flies with it.” The Empress chided with a smile on her face. “And besides, you had to know that you would end up becoming a citizen of Japan, I mean you are marring the crown prince and future Emperor.” Lisa just stood there a moment before closing her mouth and bowing to the royal couple.
“Yes of course, I am just still a bit hazy that is all. It will take a bit of time to get used to it all.”
“Of course my dear, when I married Haru it took me I bit of time to get used to the idea that I was the crown princess of Japan.”
After several hours the men separated themselves from the women. Kenji and his father were sitting off to one side of the family sitting room when the Emperor leaned forward.
“Kenji, I think it might be a good idea to give Terry Japanese citizenship as well. What do you think?” He asked as he sat back once again. Kenji just sat there a moment before nodding his head.
“I think that is a wonderful idea father. Lisa is her only family now as both her parents were killed in an accident the rest of her family was lost during the great meteor strike twenty years ago.”
“Good then that is what we shell do. Now the bad news, I know you sat and talked with your grandfather for a while, but you need to know that the doctors are saying that he only has a few months at most to live. He did not want you to worry about him and that is why he was at the welcoming ceremony today. I hope the two of you had a nice visit, but there is something else he wanted to do. So let’s go see him now.”
“Grandfather is not going to die he is just fine now father. I do not know why you all think that.” he said.
“Kenji, you are going to have to face reality here, I know you want him to live forever, Hell I want him to live forever, but we must all go to the other side at some point. Now let’s go see him.” Nodding his head Kenji stood up and waited for his father, then followed him as they headed to the door, Keko and Lisa started to move towards them, but the Empress stopped them.
“The two of you will be faced with a great challenge tonight and must comfort him as well as complete the ceremony. Maki is seeing to the details of the room now. Keko I will leave this in your capable hands, but remember that no one is allowed to enter the room after the doors are closed tonight so you need to make your decision now as to whether or not you will need someone in the room with you three tonight. Lisa is the phoenix after all and things could get rather rough. Tsukuyomi was very clear that of all the gods Kagutschi’s phoenix would be the most physical with him next to you of course.” Keko nodded her head as she thought about this.
“I understand your Highness, but I think that it will be fine with just the two of us in there with Kenji.”
“Very well Keko, I trust your judgment. It is a good thing that you have two weeks leave, it will give us all time to relax and become a family.” Keko just smiled as she thought about what the Empress said and then remembered what Kenji had said while walking back to the dorm.
“Well about becoming family, Kenji said that he wanted to go ahead with the wedding and seeing how Lisa is here now I think that we can go ahead and do the wedding ceremony together, I am sure he would be happy with that.” Lisa just starred at Keko unable to comprehend what was just said while having understood everything.
“Keko are you sure about this, I mean it is a special event for you, I can always have a separate ceremony if I need to.” Keko just shook her head.
“No Lisa, I insist that we do this together we are sisters now and will be married to the same man.” Lisa just smiled and nodded her head as she snuggled into the comfortable couch and looked around the room. The last two days had been a whirlwind of surprises she thought as she looked around the room. The fire danced along the logs in the fireplace as it tickled the air with its warmth. The shadows being chased around the room as it glinted off of the shining floor and chandelier. Her life had truly been turned upside down over the past two days with the culmination of her finding a man the she was falling more in love with as the seconds past. Of course, he was 12 years younger then her, but that did not matter to her as she was truly content for the first time in her life and felt as if she was finally completed as a person.
“Lisa? Lisa, are you OK?” Asked Keko, as she looked at Lisa with concern in her eyes.
“What? Oh yes I am fine just thinking about the past couple of days and all that has happened. That is all.” She said as she came out of her little trance.
“Well shall we have a joint ceremony?” Keko asked her.
“Yes, I think that is a wonderful idea Keko. I am all for it.” She finally said. Hearing this, the Empress was very happy and motioned to one of the women standing around the room.
“Call the seamstress here at once and also collect the staff we have a wedding to plan and not much time to get it done.” The woman bowed low
“Yes your Highness, I will see to it at once.” Said the servant then turned and left the room as quickly as she could to find the people the empress wanted brought.
“You two leave everything to me, I will have it all done within the time you have. Tomorrow we have the crowning ceremony and then we will go immediately into wedding preparations. Lisa you will have a great many lessons to attend with Keko over the next couple of days as well as being fitted for several outfits. I guess your wardrobe will get pretty full here.” The Empress said with a cheerful look on her face. Lisa just nodded her head as they began talking excitedly waiting for the people to show up.
In the mean time, Kenji was walking along the hallway leading up to his grandfathers sleeping quarters. The lights in the hallway doing nothing to clear away the dread in his heart as he drew closer to the door. His steps seem weighted the closer he got to the door. His father not saying a word watched Kenji, he could see his shoulders were slightly slumped placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. As they stepped up tot he door the imperial guards came to attention saluting the Emperor and then Kenji before opening the door to allow them entrance. Kenji was the first to enter and saw his grandfather lying on the futon. The sight of his grandfather lying on his futon disturbed Kenji greatly. He rushed over and knelt beside him as tears once again appeared in his eyes.
“Grandfather, you did not tell me you were this ill. I mean father has said some things, but I know you will be alright.” He said as he lowered his head to rest on his grandfather’s chest. He could feel his grandfather raise his arms and lay his hands on his back and head while Kenji listened to his breathing and heart.
“Oh my child, you must remain strong for me,” he said, in a very weak voice. “I am very glad to see you before I pass on to the next world where your grandmother is waiting for me. Please do not cry for me Kenji. I have lived a long life and you made it even brighter. I am satisfied and ready to see my love once again.” he said as Kenji wiped his tears aside nodded his head afraid that if he said anything he would be unable to hold the tears back. Noting Kenji’s difficulty Haru placed his hand on his son’s back and smiled as he looked at his father.
“Father, how are you feeling tonight? Are you in any pain?” he asked, a silent tear sliding down his rugged face, as he looked on his fathers haggard visage.
“I am well enough my son, I feel a bit better now that my grandson is here even if he is trying to hide the tears from me. Go get the gift for me Haru. I want to talk to Kenji for a few minutes alone please.”
“Yes father,” was all Haru said as he stood up and left to go retrieve the Katana his grandfather had specially commissioned for his grandson, leaving the two of them alone. Seeing his son leave the room Kenji’s grandfather wrapped his arms around his grandson.
“Listen to me Kenji, I have a few things I want to tell you and you need to pay attention to me.” He whispered.
“Yes Grandfather.” Kenji said as he sat up after being released by his grandfather.
“I have ordered our borders to be opened so the rest of the world will once again see our country for what it is. We have many things to share with the rest of the world, but most importantly is the fact that you will be in the Fleet Navy. Serve well, with honor and pride my child. I have waited a long time for this day to come, since you left for the academy we have been preparing for this day. As your grandfather I cannot truly describe how proud I am of you and your accomplishments.” Coughing he stopped, and reached for the glass of water beside the futon. Kenji immediately grabbed the glass and helped his grandfather into a semi sitting position so he could take a drink of water. “Kenji you are a miracle child with a great destiny before you, the sun goddess has great things planned for you, but you must constantly strive forward and watch your back at all times. You never know when someone will try to harm you. Remember what you were taught before leaving for the academy and it will serve you well. Also, be aware that when the time is right Japan will have the necessary tools for you to complete your mission. I can not tell you about it now, but when the time is right everything will be made clear to you.” Takeru said as the doors opened.
As his father returned holding the Katana wrapped in a silk cloth the former emperor Takeru Tomogawa sat up straight and tall and held his hand out towards his son. Kneeling down next to his father Emperor Haru held the Katana out to his father and bowed his head. Taking the katana, Takeru turned his attention back to Kenji.
“This Katana is a gift from me to you my child as a reward on your accomplishments. Wear it with pride and defend the honor of Japan with it. Let no man stand in your way as you go fourth in life.” Takeru then held the katana out towards Kenji and laid it in his hands. Taking the weapon in his hands Kenji raised his head and slowly unwrapped the katana and marveled at the sword before him, breaking the seal of the sword from the scabbard. Kenji slowly pulled the blade free as he watched the light sparkled off the blade to reveal the beautiful pattern displayed on the blade. Tears of joy sliding down his face as he marveled at the mastery of the blade.
“I am truly honored to receive such a wonderful blade from you grandfather, I will cherish this with all my heart for the rest of my life.” His voice breaking as he spoke those words to his grandfather. Nodding his head Takeru chuckled before lying back down.
“Now off with you child, I need my rest so that I can be there for your wedding that I am very sure your mother is planning at this very moment.” Kenji just looked at his grandfather stunned by the words. “Don’t worry my child I still have my sources and right now there is an official meeting of the woman going on getting the ball rolling, so to speak, for your wedding to Keko and the American woman. And yes I approve whole heartedly.” Haru just laughed at his son’s loss for words.
“It seems father that we can still surprise Kenji even today. Do you think he will ever learn to expect these things especially here in the palace?” He said as he slapped his sons back. “Go ahead I will sit here a few minutes with your grandfather then join you back in the sitting room.” Kenji just looked at his father.
“You are actually sending me off to the den of women alone father. I can not believe you would abandon me in my time of need like this.” He said in a tone of mock disbelief. The Emperor just laughed at him.
“Hey I went through it as well when I married your mother. It is only fair that you should also have to go through it. Now get going I am sure they already have half the wedding planned out by now and you will be asked all kinds of questions. The best answer is always whatever you think is best mother or dear.” Nodding his head Kenji stood after placing his head against his grandfather’s head once more and left the room.
Slowly making his way back to the sitting room. He thought back to the many times he ran through these hallways to go see his grandfather or even the nights he would sneak in his grandfather’s room just to sleep with him. It was some of his fondest memories of his childhood. The rich look of the walls had always comforted him. The hard wood floors making a chirping sound with each step brought back memories of him trying to sneak by the guards and them playing along with him faining ignorance to the sound. Knowing exactly who it was each and every time. He looked around the area noting the position of all the guards and smiled as he walked on, his memories bringing him great joy as he held onto the katana reverently. Entering the sitting room he noted the crowd of women off in the corner, their whispered voices chatting back and fourth. Not ready to get involved he walked over towards the fireplace and sat down heavily as he stared off into depths, allowing himself to be drawn in by the dancing flames. Sitting here also brought many warm memories of the times spent with his grandfather in this room, sitting happily on his lap listening to the crackle of the fire and the stories his grandfather would tell him.
Lisa and Keko immediately began to rise before the Empress placed her hands on their laps and shook her head. She knew they wanted to comfort him, but also knew that he needed to be alone for a bit, as she had seen the same thing from her husband when his grandfather had passed away. The only difference was that her husband never got the chance to say goodbye.
“Not now girls he needs time to relax and lose himself in the flames before he will be ready for your comfort. He has had a very loving and caring relationship with his grandfather. And honestly, he was spoiled rotten by the man. You know this Keko, Kenji will be fine in a few minutes and then we will all tackle him with wedding plans to take his mind off of his current troubles.” Keko nodded her head and looked to Lisa.
“They are especially close the two of them and always have been.” Keko responded in a sad tone. Lisa just took Keko’s hand in hers.
“I understand Keko; I have lost all my family except Terry. I do not know what I would do if I knew Terry was dying and there was nothing I could do.”
Kenji was lost in thought when he felt a hand rest upon his shoulder bringing him back to the present, a smile on his face looking up he looked into his mother’s eyes the love for him clearly evident as she looked down to him.
“It is time to come back my son, we have a great many things to discuss over the next few days in preparation for your wedding.” his mother told him as she stood next to his chair. Kenji just laughed.
“Grandfather warned me already mother, it seems that you have the staff already hoping around,” he said, as he stood up and kissed his mother on the cheek. “So what is the damage so far?” he asked, walking over to the other women in the room with his mother.
“Well we have just begun so we are still working out the initial details, but we need to get Keko and Lisa measured for their outfits and then get the color scheme figure out.” said his mother as she sat down on the couch once again.
“Well it would seem that we need to get Lisa measured so that she can participate in her ceremony tomorrow as father is bound and determined to make her a princess before the crowning ceremony tomorrow. She will need a formal outfit to stand at my side with Keko tomorrow as well as something to wear to the ball afterwords. I am sure the Prime Minister will be here to swear Lisa and Terry in as Japanese citizens as well.” he told them all as they walked over to the rest of them. Both Lisa and Terry just gaped at Kenji when he mentioned that Terry would also become a citizen of Japan as well.
“Wait I am also going to become a citizen of Japan? When did this happen. I mean I heard about Lisa but me too?” Terry asked as she sat there. Nodding his head Kenji smiled
“Yes Terry, father decided that if Lisa was going to become a citizen of Japan he might as well give you citizenship seeing how you are the only family Lisa has living. Of course this is a special case and you will be the only family member given citizenship.” Terry just sat there not sure what to say. A smile slowly spread across her face as she realized that she was going to be able to come back to Japan whenever she wanted to. Looking at her watch, Keko stood up and looked to the seamstress.
“I think it would be a good idea to measure Lisa now as it is getting late and we do have a mating ceremony to attend to this evening so that Kenji does not have any problems tomorrow.” The seamstress bowed low to Keko and smiled
“Yes Mistress I can do that now. If Mistress Lisa would just come with me I will get her measurements done quickly.”
“Very well I will accompany you as we also need to get her dressed in a white sleeping yukata for the evening.” Keko said as she kissed Kenji and then held her hand out to Lisa. “Terry come along we will also show you to your room for the night and get you measured as well for an outfit they will be making tonight.” Terry hoped up and looked around.
“Ok sounds good, Goodnight your highness. Goodnight Kenji I will see you in the morning then.”
“Goodnight Terry, see you tomorrow.” replied Kenji as he watched them leave the room.
As the girls left the room Kenji sat down next to his mother and smiled after them then turned to his mother. His eyes clearly showing the pain he was in from the news of his grandfather, the katana still grasped in his hand tightly. Placing her hands on his, the Empress smiled.
“It will be alright Kenji, he is prepared for this and he has lived a full life. Now you really need to get prepared for tonight as this ceremony is important and we both know that it has to be performed.” Nodding his head Kenji smiled
“Your right mother, I think I will be off to my room and prepare for the night I need a good soak before I go to bed tonight, I am still a bit stiff from earlier. If you will excuse me then, I will take my leave.” Standing Kenji kissed his mother once again on the cheek and turned and left the room. Two of his personal guard falling in step with him as he walked the halls to his private bath chamber. As he entered the bath chamber he stopped in his tracks. Both Maki and Suzuka were waiting for him inside the bath already in their towels, as they had already washed their bodies in preparation for taking care of Kenji. “Evening you two it would seem that you two have plans for me, I do so hope that I will have enough energy for later. The two of you could of course help me to relax a bit and maybe give me a massage as well. I could really use one after the day I have had.” Kenji said as the two disrobed him.
“Well my lord, I am sure that we can make you feel much better and even manage to give you some pep in your step.” Suzuka said as she removed the last of his clothing and guided him over to Maki who was just getting the water to the appropriate temperature before spraying his body down. Suzuka grabbed the soap and wash cloth and started to lather her chest up then started rubbing herself against Kenji’s back while Maki worked on the front of him. In no time, the two had him standing tall. As he turned his head and kissed Suzuka deeply on the lips allowing his tongue to invade her mouth Maki slid into position and ran kisses down his chest while Suzuka slid her hands over his muscular chest, his muscles twitching with excitement at the thought of what these two lovely women where doing to his body. Raising up Maki kissed Kenji with all the passion in her heart when he had turned his attention back to her, while sliding herself into position so that his raging member was at the entrance of her womanhood and then slid it in slowly so as to enjoy the experience as long as possible. Suzuka heard the catch in Kenji’s breathing and smiled as her hands traveled down his chest to slide over his abdomen and then finally between the two people joined at the pelvis. She helped Maki achieve her much needed release while Kenji slid himself in and out of her. After bringing Maki to an orgasm, Kenji turned his attention to Suzuka and administered the same treatment to her, his steady rhythm and roaming tongue tickled her body in various ways until finally they both reached their orgasm together. Kenji just sat there and slowly trailed his fingers over both Maki and Suzuka’s bodies flicking the nipples of both girls’ breasts causing them both to twitch.
“My lord, you are a cruel man to do that to us. You know that we have missed you greatly and are only to happy to have you home once again. So please don’t tease.” Maki said as she smiled brightly at Kenji. Chuckling Kenji stood up.
“Of course my dears. You know that I am always thinking about you girls, but now I do need to get washed up and soak some. Who is going to massage me?” He asked as he sat once again on the wooden stool and began scrubbing his body. Then grabbing the wooden bucket filled with warm water, he dumped it over his head to rinse his body off. Once he accomplished that he stepped into the bath and slowly sat down while the two girls cleaned themselves up and then joined him. Maki getting behind him and started working on his shoulders.
After about fifteen minutes in the bath, Kenji felt truly relaxed when the girls stated that he was ready to go to his room. Kenji smiled,
“I will never understand why it is that you all do not fight with each other knowing that I am the only man that will ever be able to touch you.”
“My lord, we would never allow any other man to touch us, you are the only love in our lives and we can not think of any other way to live, besides we have other ways to relieve stress.” Said Suzuka with a telling smile on her face. Kenji just chuckled as he left the bath and went to the changing area and took out a yukata for the night.
“Well then I shall be off, I will see you in the morning girls.” he said as he stepped out of the bathing room. Coming around the corner in the hall he was greeted with two more of his guard standing outside his room. Chihaiya was standing to the right side of the door with Karen on the left side their outfits hiding the honed muscles of their bodies, their diminutive stature belying the true nature of these two beautiful women. Nodding his head he past between them and stopped in his tracks as he saw both Keko and Lisa kneeling before the sleeping chambers doors. Lisa’s white skin in complete contrast with Keko’s porcelain skin. Neither girl wore any makeup, but the natural beauty was enhanced somehow as if they were glowing from within. Lisa’s emerald eyes sparkled with delight upon seeing Kenji whereas, Keko’s blue eyes shone with pure delight. Both girls upon seeing Kenji bowed the upper bodies over their knees to rest the heads upon the tatami mat they knelt on. Walking over to the two of them, Kenji could not help but feel the warmth of their love. Kneeling down he placed his hands on them.
“Raise your heads you two. I wish to look upon your beauty. You are truly two of the most beautiful women in the world and I love you both deeply.” he said, as they raised themselves up to look at him. Keko smiled and reached out towards Lisa’s robe and pulled the obi loose allowing the robe to fall open revealing a patch of skin between her swelling breasts.
“My Lord I wish to reveal the gift of the Kagutschi to you.” She said as she pulled the robe off of Lisa’s shoulders revealing Lisa’s birthmark placed neatly between her luscious breasts. Lisa’s nipples stood out at attention as Kenji reached out and traced his fingers around her firm bosoms and then across the birthmark. Catching her breath Lisa leaned into his fingers as she could feel the warmth of his body in his touch.
“I offer myself to you my love that you may partake of this body as I share my love with you. May it sate your hunger and bring us closer to one another binding us together from this day forward.” She said as she took his right hand in hers and kissed the tips of each finger allowing her tongue to snake out and lick each one. This had the desired effect on Kenji’s body as he could feel himself grow stiff at the very thought of being with this redheaded beauty.
“Lisa I am truly grateful for you coming into my life. I can not wait to share our lives together from here on out,” he said as he took her into his arms. Then lifting her up he carried her onto his futon and laid her down while Keko followed releasing her own robe to fall in a pool at her feet the light in the room glinting of her smooth skin. Kneeling down behind Kenji, she reached around him and removed his robe exposing his body to the both of them. Lisa’s breath caught in her throat as she looked upon his body truly for the first time, seeing Keko leaning her body into his. She reached out and traced his muscular chest with her fingers, circling each of the nipples on his chest then allowing her hand to travel slowly down his body over his abdomen. Moving to lay down next to her, Kenji was surprised when Lisa leaned up and bit him on the neck pulling him down on top of her so that she could feel his weight. While Keko hands roamed over the two of them. Before Lisa realized it, Kenji’s body was moving to take her with a violent thrust deep inside of her. The strength of it bringing pure joy to her heart as she dug her nails into his back pulling him deeper within her core. Their combined moans of joy filled the room and Keko's heart with joy. Keko in the mean time laid down by the two and watched the physical love making continue on. Their steady pace bringing the two of them closer and closer to each of their individual orgasm when they became surrounded in flames. Separating the two of them circled each other as the flames continued to spread until Kenji tackled her and then mounted her from behind grabbing her hips and thrusting himself deep inside her, hard and fast as Lisa grabbed Keko and pulled her towards the two of them leaning down and tasting Keko's nectar causing Keko to scream out in pleasure at the first touch of Lisa’s tongue. As the trio joined together Keko's water dragon quenched the flames to allow swirling lights to illuminate in the room. As the lights swirled around the room, the trio continued to please each other for several hours before they were finally worn out from their binding.
Kenji, lying on his futon with Lisa on one side and Keko on the other, just stared at the ceiling for a long while until his body was able to once again respond to his commands, his hands stroking both of the girls. His last thought of the future they would have together as he drifted off to sleep his heart lighter then it had been in days. A smile of contentment on his face as both girls leaned over and kissed him one after the other. Giggling Lisa looked upon his sleeping face.
“I think he is happy. I for one am happy, but I must say that there were things we did that I would have never done before in my life. I hope I did not offend you Keko.” Shaking her head Keko reached out and touched Lisa’s face.
“No my sister, you did not offend me. It was the first time I have ever felt this way before and must say that it was very pleasurable. Now we need to get some sleep we have a busy day tomorrow.” Both the girls nestled up to Kenji and then fell fast asleep.
where is the rest of the other series?
I know I have read it in it's entirety.