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a story of revenge
The Making of a Damaged Man
• This is my first story. The first part will have little to no sex as I am going to start with a back story which is based on my life. The events that I will be writing about have happened to me. The names will be changed to protect the not so innocent. I will switch to fiction when the revenge starts, but I feel the back story or history whichever you may call it is important to understand where the main character is coming from. Now here is the question will he be good or evil as he gets revenge on those who damaged him.
Jamie’s childhood.
Jamie’s childhood was good until his younger brother and sister came along. After they came along his parents made him feel like he could not do anything right. To add insult to injury his mother and sister’s birthdays were within days of his so it was always about them. He never got birthday parties or even a type of cake he liked. Jamie was always in trouble getting beaten or grounded over the most trivial of things. Meanwhile his brother and sister could basically get away with murder and not get the slightest punishment. As time went on Jamie could tell his parents did not really care about him to the point he would be sent to school sick as could be and told to make sure he did not get sent home. Jamie’s paternal grandmother lived three houses down from him, but he never knew the woman. One time his cousin was staying with there, so thinking nothing of it Jamie went to see his cousin just to have the bitch call the cops on him. Now Jamie’s maternal grand parents were nice to him, but they lived over an hour away .

The Bullying
It started off at a young age with the name calling and such coming from his fellow students and parents. Then in third grade it escalated. Here is the incident that really affected Jamie. He was in the classroom during recess after lunch minding his own business. The students were learning how to use the encyclopedia that year so there was a bookcase full of them in the classroom. The teacher was not present due to it being after lunch recess. Jamie was sitting at his desk when he heard one of his bullies named Jay tell another named Mike “ Hold him ”. Next thing Jamie knew he was hit real hard in the back of the head with something that turned out to be one of the encyclopedias. Now Jamie was an average size kid but scrawny with little to no muscle. He ended up with a concussion from the hit and had the effects of the concussion for over a week , and what punishment did the bullies get a half hour detention after school for one day. Jamie was then told by his parents that if he ever fought back he would get it even worse from them. His parents did not do or say anything about how little punishment his bullies got just furthering the feeling Jamie had that they did not care. After that all through school Jamie would get bullied by everyone, because they knew he could not fight back. Jamie started to avoid others after this. His parents made him keep participating in the one extra curricular activity that he did probably just to get him away from them. So more bullying came from that because one of the other fathers would butcher his last name which the kids would further twist to make it like he was not a male.

Middle School
Well the summer before middle school started, he thought maybe he could get a new start with all the other students coming from the other elementary schools, but he would be sadly mistaken. First off during the summer he went through a growth spurt so he had to get a bunch of new clothes to fit him. It turns out that of course his mother made sure to embarrass him by only letting him get his stuff from discount and second hand stores or the cheapest she could get even including hand me downs from someone he never even met. Then secondly when he did start school he was so socially withdrawn he could not hardly talk to anybody. He would try and talk and all he would do is embarrass himself to whoever he approached. In the first months of middle school Jamie was being bullied on the school bus, so he walked home taking over two hours to get home and his parents didn’t care to try and find him , but they sure as hell punished him. Eventually Jamie got a small break and was able to join a table full of girls from another school for lunch. He mainly just sat there and listened to them talk to each other : maybe occasionally he would say something. Jamie started to get a crush on a couple of the girls because they treated him nicely. Well that all changed when his bullies started sitting at the table, and as anybody could figure out Jamie was shut out once again. After that Jamie just gave up and started sitting by himself which he continued until he left school. While middle school was going on Jamie’s father started drinking excessively, to the point of almost a case of beer a night. Jamie’s father was a mean drunk and the slightest things could set him off. Unknown to Jamie’s parents he knew they were having affairs on each other his mother with a coworker, and his father with an accountant.
To get away from it all Jamie worked at summer camp for two years. The first year he tried to make friends and fit in which didn’t work, so basically he just did what he needed to get along. During that summer he started smoking to try and fit in and found that it helped relax him . As they were doing the wrap up of the season a marching band was using a couple of the cabins and practicing on the field. When the week ended there was a dance that all could attend. So Jamie tried to get a dance with some of the girls just to be constantly turned down. He ended up leaving the dance early with tears in his eyes returning to his tent. While Jamie was at camp that summer a colored family moved into the neighborhood. The day after Jamie got home the police showed up at his house to charge him with racial vandalism. The only thing that stopped the whole process was he was hours away at the camp when it occurred.
The next year of school went like the previous one where he just stuck to himself and did the minimum to get by with the bullies constantly harassing him. One of the instances he was riding the bus to school listening to the Walkman he bought for himself. When the upper class girl just grabbed and slammed his head against the window really hard for no reason. He went in to school with a severe headache and reported it to the office just to have nothing done about it.

The second summer he worked at the same summer camp. It wasn’t as bad as the previous year he made a few temporary friends after he got into a fight because of being called names. He was in his tent the one night when lightning struck about thirty feet away. While Jamie was smelling the ozone from the strike he wondered why it could not have hit him and put him out of his misery.

High School

It was more of the same constantly being bullied all the time and being a loner. Jamie got a job for after school as soon as he turned 16. He got his drivers permit and license as soon as possible, but all the money either went to his parents to pay for insurance or to buy things he needed that his parents should have bought. He basically took care of himself from that point on cooking, doing laundry and such by himself. In his junior year he was in a class that only had four students. The teacher was a nice middle age single women that Jamie would not have minded having sex with. Well being the class was so small and they were all doing much better than expected. The teacher decided to treat them all to dinner at a nice restaurant after school. Jamie got permission from his parents to ride home from school with one of the others in the class to get ready for the dinner, but what Jamie didn’t know was the boy did not have permission to drive to and from school. So on the way off school property they got stopped and told to report to the office first thing the next day. The dinner went very nicely with some really good food. Jamie reported to the office the next morning to find out he was suspended for one day. Jamie had to go straight from school to work that day. He tried calling home to let his parents know what happened with no success. This was before cell phones and his parents didn’t have an answering machine. He finished his shift and went home. The key he had was to the kitchen door. No sooner than he stepped in the house he sees his father at the kitchen table with a bottle of hard liquor that he never drank. Jamie’s dad was a beer drinker not a hard alcohol drinker. Jamie thinks to himself “Oh Shit” , before he can say anything his father launches out of his chair and grabs him by his shirt spins him around to slam him into the big side by side refrigerator that was constantly full , rocking it. Jamie finally tells his father “ I didn’t know he didn’t have permission to drive dad, but I had you and mom’s permission .” Jamie’s father said “ Get the hell out of my sight and you are grounded for a month. Outside of work and school you will not go anywhere and I will have a list of jobs for you to do.”

The night of junior prom Jamie did not even bother trying to get it off from work, let alone ask someone to prom. Well Jamie was clearing tables as was his job, but who walks in the girl he has the biggest crush on with her date after prom finished. They laugh and have a good time while eating, doing everything possible to make Jamie even more miserable. After prom Jamie steals her picture from the prom queen nominees display and uses it to throw darts and knives at.

Well summer came that year and Jamie was offered a second job by the teacher that took him to dinner helping with a summer program for under privileged kids . The program was to help teach them some basic job skills and help them with reading and math, while they got some pay for it. Jamie’s week would be get up go to the summer program for 9 am and on the nights he worked the restaurant he wouldn’t get home until after midnight and do it all over again the next day. Weekends his family would go to the recreational trailer they had while Jamie would end up staying home alone because he at least worked one of the days of the weekend. The summer flew by and before Jamie knew it was time to return to the halls of hell. Jamie dropped from college prep classes down to general for his senior year. He would be sleeping in the back of the classroom and acing the tests setting the curve way high causing others that were struggling to hate him. Jamie basically coasted his senior year, and did not participate in any of the senior activities . During the last couple of weeks of school Jamie asked out one of his classmates on a date to which she agreed.

* Authors note there is a little more back story then we will get to the REVENGE


2018-12-13 23:18:36
Can we have next part now


2015-11-11 05:07:55
thank you to those that have read my first story. I don't know when it actually posted, but I appreciate any constructive comments.

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