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What could possibly go wrong?
"So it was good lunch then?"

The working day had ended and I was driving Becky back to her apartment so she could pick up a couple of changes of clothes. The rest of the day had passed without much happening. I had only seen Sarah once as she was helping out in a meeting. I had come back from my lunch with Emma feeling good about the decision. I knew that my new outlook on life could handle the fact that Becky would soon be having sex with my daughter. I was fine with seriously.

I had managed to quickly let Becky know what Emma and I had discussed. I didn't go into all the details but she knew that I was happy to let her and Emma have a relationship with each other.

"Yeah. It felt good to put it all out there. How do you feel about it?" I asked her.

"Well I guess it will be strange. I'll just let it happen naturally, no need to force it."

I decided to drop Sarah's proposal into the conversation, "So I do have something to ask you."

She turned in her seat, "What's that then?"

"Sarah asked me something after our fumble. She wanted to do it again in a more 'private' location."

"I am assuming you said yes?" she giggled

"Well......she asked if you could be involved as well. I think she is pretty keen on you."

"Really? Well....I can't see why not." she said

"So do you want me to tell her that we can organize something?"

"Yeah go on. Maybe have her around for dinner one night and see if things fall into place."

"OK - I'll tell her."

And just like that our first possible threesome was organized. I smiled to myself as we pulled into Becky's road.

My smile disappeared as soon as I pulled up to Becky's front door. Her bedroom window was smashed and had a board up against it. Across her front door in huge red letters were the words 'Bitch' and 'Whore'. I turned to see Becky's face pale white with her hand over her mouth. She looked at me, then her door, then her window and then back at me. She burst into tears.

"Give me your house keys and stay in here."

She handed over her keys and I hopped out of the car. I went up to the door and saw that an attempt had been made to jimmy open the lock. I put the key in and opened the door. The inside of the apartment was untouched. As I turned into her bedroom I could see a garden ornament, a stone frog, was the object that had been launched through the window. There was glass all over her floor and bed.

I heard a knocking at the door. I walked back into the hall and saw an older man standing in the front door frame.

"I'm very sorry," he said, "we didn't know how to contact the young lady that stays here. I put something across the window as it was going to rain later on tonight."

I heard my car door close. Becky walked around the car and up to the man.

"Thank you Mr Henson," she said with a barely concealed venom.

He turned and gave Becky a sad smile, "Hello dear, I'm so sorry. I didn't see who did all this."

Becky's cheeks were wet with tears but her eyes were hot with fury, "I have a pretty good idea. You and Martha are OK though?"

"Oh yes," he replied. He turned to me, "Such a lovely girl, always thinking of others."

I touched him on his shoulder, "Thank you Mr Henson. I'll make sure she is looked after."

He smiled again, "Well very good, very good."

Becky walked into her apartment and I was about to follow when the old man grabbed my arm with a surprisingly firm grip.

"It was that horrible man who used to visit her all the time. Martha and I weren't keen on him. Too much shouting and aggression. Don't tell her though, it will just worry her. That wonderful girl doesn't deserve that. Do you know she looked after me when my dear Martha had a fall. She cooked and cleaned and always sat up and watched some television with me...or just talked. Take care of her Mister. She's one of the good ones."

With that he turned and walked slowly back to his open front door and closed it behind him. I think I just fell in love with Becky all over again.

I walked into her apartment and found her sitting on her bed. She looked up at me with gritted teeth.

"It's fucken Terry. That sonofabitch."

"Well we don't know that. Do you want to call the police?"

"What's the point! They'll say they don't have evidence. I hate him Micky....I fucken hate him!"

I took her in my arms and felt her body convulse with the strength of her sobs. After 10 minutes she finally sat up.

"RIGHT.....enough of this feeling sorry for myself. I need to pack some stuff up and get over to yours. I'll get this sorted tomorrow."

With that she grabbed a small mountain of clothes and put them in a bag. And by bag I meant a suitcase. She had so much stuff that I had to sit on the case while she struggled with the zip.

"Um....are you staying over or moving in?"

She looked at me with a wicked smile, "One thing at a time Micky."

My mouth went into autopilot mode. Before i even knew what was happening I was speaking, "Well why don't you.....why don't you just move in....with my place......with me."

She stopped what she was doing and looked at me, cocking her head to the side.

"Really? You want me to move in with you?"

Autopilot engage, "Yeah. I was hoping you would stay over at mine as much as possible anyway. It's not that crazy. Is it? Am I being crazy?"

She sat on the bed, "A little bit crazy."

Autopilot command cancelled, rational thinking override, "GAH, what was I thinking! We can't move in together we've only just met and........"


"..........and you don't want to be living.......wait.....what?"

"Yes. I'd love to move in with you."

"You would?"

"Why wouldn't I?"

"Um....cause we've only been together for a few weeks?"



I had nothing. There really wasn't one reason I could come up with that made me think it was a bad idea. I loved her company. It meant we could be together at night. If things went well with her and Emma it would be best for that AND it would mean that I would see more of Emma.

"OK....move in."

She jumped off the bed and into my arms. She wrapped her legs around my waist and gave me a huge hug and kiss. She jumped back down again.

"Oh my god! I'm moving in with you.....I love you!"

And there it was. Another massive life decision for me made in the space of a few minutes. 20 minutes later I had loaded 2 suitcases and 3 rucksacks into the car. Becky had called her landlord and given him the required notice to leave. She explained about the damaged window and door and said she would replace them.

She had quickly gone through the rooms and worked out how much she would bring and how much would go into storage. She had called a couple of storage places and found one that charged per month for a small lockup that would be big enough to hold her furniture, books and other important bits and pieces. They even said they could organize a moving van for her.

After that we closed her front door and I watched as she took a box full of things to Mr Henson's front door. She knocked, he opened it. They talked and she went inside. 10 minutes later she came out. She was crying. Mr Henson gave her a hug and then as she walked away looked my way and gave me a faux salute.

Becky got in the car and as I pulled away she waved at Mr Henson. He blew her kisses and she blew them back. Soon we turned out of the road and headed towards my apartment....or should I say OUR apartment.

"Apart from you, he's the nicest man I have ever met." she sniffed.

"Well make sure you don't lose touch."

"I won't. I'm heading around to there for dinner next're coming with me."


To say that Emma was happy with our news was an understatement.

"You're kidding me!!! Moving in!" she squealed.

She gave Becky a cuddle and me a big hug.

"This is great news. I'm opening a bottle." and with that Emma went to the kitchen.

I turned to Becky, "I'll get the stuff out of the car and bring it up. Maybe you want to talk to Emma about what her and I discussed today?"

"Yeah that's a good idea."

I walked out the door and down to the car. I managed to get both suitcases out and one of the rucksacks. What was she bringing with her? One suitcase felt as though I was carting a body around, thank God for wheels! I somehow managed to find the strength to get the cases up the stairs. Once I had managed that I went down and got the other rucksacks and the box of bits and pieces and took that up to where the others were.

I dragged the suitcases through the door and saw it.

There in plain view Becky and Emma passionately kissing in the kitchen. Their bodies were pressing up against each other. Emma's hands tangled in Becky's hair and Becky's hands on Emma's lower back and arse. Their mouths and tongues working furiously against the other.

I waited for the insane jealousy to take hold. Waited for my voice to boom forth and split the two asunder. Waited for my anger and feelings of betrayal to erupt from my chest, my mouth to spew forth a barrage of hateful bile.

But I stood there. I stood there with no panic, no shock. Just patience. My main thought was 'lucky Emma, I wish it was me kissing Becky'.

I let out a little cough and the two split apart. I could see the look on their faces, unsure. Had they overstepped already? Were they being presumptuous that their relationship was something that I wanted to see?

"So I guess you two have talked then?"

Becky smiled, "Yes. We're both very happy. Are you?"

I walked over to them in the kitchen, "Of course I am. I know we can make this work."

Emma embraced me, "Thank you Micky. This is the greatest gift anyone has ever given me."

"HEY," Becky cried out, "I'm not a present to be passed around!"

I laughed, "Well you are a great present to unwrap."

Both of them made a pained expression on their face, "Ooooo - Micky," Emma gasped, "That was terrible....truly terrible."

"Yeah that'll cost you." Becky added.

"Well," I said walking back to the bags, "you guys going to help me with these things?"

We all lifted, dragged and pushed Becky's various things into my, I mean 'our' room. Becky wanted to unpack everything so sent myself and Emma out to get a celebratory meal. We all agreed on Chinese.

The start of our odd little relationship had begun well.


"What are you most worried about?" Emma asked.

We were waiting outside the Chinese takeaway as it was mobbed inside with other lazy people that couldn't be bothered cooking a meal on a Monday evening. The place was tiny and the waiting area only had 2 seats. But their egg fried rice was second to none and their chilli prawns were about as close to perfection as you could get.

"I'm not sure. I thought it would be losing Becky, but I feel that this will only make her and I stronger."

"I told her what you had said about the 'rules'."

"How did she react?"

"She was fine with it."

"There was one thing that I was thinking about that I need to talk to you about." I said.

"Oh - sounds serious."

"Well it might be after all the problems we had last week."


"Well....what you need to understand is that I am a guy. Guys are pretty basic things. We eat, we drink, we have sex and we sleep."

"I think I am well aware of that." she giggled.

"So try to understand where I am coming from when I tell you what I am about to say."

She looked at me in silence. Her face becoming a little more serious.

"When I saw you and her kissing I didn't have a problem with the fact it was happening. I did have a problem with how it made me feel though. When a guy sees 2 attractive girls kissing each other passionately it does have a certain effect....if you know what I mean?"


"Even though we have both made ourselves very clear on the fact that neither of us are into that sort of thing. I want you to understand that at times I will find it very difficult not to be, shall we say, 'affected' by some of the things that I will no doubt see. Do you understand where I am coming from?"

"So you want us to be discreet?"

"Well yes....and no. I want you to feel that you can be affectionate with each other even if I am around. But I will apologize now for any 'results' that may appear if I happen to see any physical things happening between you and Becky."

"Well we'll make sure that we are behind closed doors."

I laughed, "I don't think you are aware of the power that Becky has when it comes to spontaneity."

Emma laughed also, "Well I guess we'll just have to learn as we go. But I understand. No awkwardness then?"

Emma held out her arm for a handshake. I took her hand and we shook on it.

"No awkwardness."

After a few more minutes we went back in to the Chinese and picked up our food. We drove back to the apartment with the delicious smells wafting through the car. When we got inside Becky's influence was already apparent. An ornament here, a picture there.

Becky popped her head out of my bedroom door, "Come see Micky!"

I walked down the hall and into the bedroom. Becky was proudly standing by my wardrobe which was now jam packed with her clothing and shoes. I could see my clothes crammed into a small space at the far end.

"Can you believe I managed to get it all in!"

I had to smile at her excitement. She was practically bouncing on the spot.

"And I took these drawers for my smalls."

She stepped over to my chest of drawers and opened the bottom two. In the second from bottom she showed me her panties, socks and silky tops. The one under that caused me to inhale sharply. It was full of sexy nighties, sex costumes and toys.

"That's the adult drawer." she winked at me and then laughed. "Let's have dinner first big boy."

I was unsure why she was laughing until I looked down and saw that I was rock hard in my trousers. She walked up and hugged me, pressing herself up against my erection.

"I'm so happy Micky." she whispered.

"So am I sweetie."

We hugged for a minute or so until I broke away, "I think I'll wait till I go out. Maybe settle down a bit."

"OK, but just remember that when you brought the suitcases up and saw me and Emma kissing I was really wet - which is kind of the same thing."

"I don't think Emma wants to see me like this." I said pointing at the bulge in my trousers.

"Maybe you're right. Do you want me to take care of it?"

"No no, go and sort dinner out. I'll change my trousers and it should go."

Becky skipped out of the room. I unbuckled my trousers and put them over the back of the chair. I pulled out a pair of sweatpants and slipped them on. I was half mast now which was probably OK.

I walked out into the hall way and could hear Becky and Emma nattering away. They had laid all the food out on the table and were pouring some wine into glasses.

"Though we'd celebrate our wonderful news." Emma said.

The Chinese was superb. My chilli prawns were huge and succulent. The vibe was really nice. Three people who seemed to understand the oddity of what we were going to try and do but were OK with it.

When dinner was finished I went and sat in the lounge and switched on the TV to watch the news. Emma and Becky cleaned up the table and got things sorted in the kitchen. When they were finished they both sat down on the sofa and watched TV together.

And that was it. No awkward looks or forced conversation. Just a quiet night in front of the telly. I was sitting up against the arm of the sofa, Becky was cuddled into my side giving Emma a foot rub.

It was all

After an hour or so Emma got up and stretched.

"I'm off to bed.....come say goodnight Becky?"

Becky leaned over and gave me a kiss, "I'll see you in bed Mr Landlord."

Emma and Becky held hands and walked into Emma's room and closed the door.

I switched the TV over to the weekend sports round up. I tried to watch it but my mind wandered on to other things. Then I remembered that I needed to text Sarah and let her know what Becky and I had decided. I got out my phone and looked up the number she had given me.

M - Hey Sarah, you awake?

I put the phone down and went and put the dishwasher on. I looked at the way it had been packed and decided to start it again. Who honestly thinks that putting cups on top of other cups is the best way to get your dishes really clean in a dishwasher? All the knives and forks were the wrong way up in the utensil holder. Having them facing down just promotes streaking on the blades and prongs. Small plates were hiding in between large plates which meant that the water wouldn't be able to force it's way through and clean the small plates properly....jeesh!

(The dishwasher is the only thing I have OCD about!)

As I was finishing I heard my phone chime to say that I had a message. I walked out to the lounge, sat down and opened my phone. It was from Sarah.

S - Hi Micky. Just got home from the gym. About to have a shower. Did you talk to Becky?

M - I did speak to Becky. Fancy coming round for dinner one night soon?

S - Is that what I think it is???

M - Well, nothing guaranteed - if it happens it happens.

S - I'm so turned on!!

M - You seem to be turned on all the time?!

S - It's all the fitness hormones. Makes me very horny.

M - You in the shower yet?

S - Not yet.

M - I enjoyed our meeting this morning

S - did you?

M - Yep

S - It was nice for me as well

M - you undressed yet?

S - not quite

M - Don't tell me, jogging bottoms and sportsbra?

S - Gimme 2 minutes and I'll be naked

M - Go for it

I pulled my own sweatpants down a little and let my hand find my slightly erect cock. I slowly slid my hand up and down the shaft and felt it harden.

S - Naked!

M - Nice. I've got my cock in my hand thinking about you.

S - MICKY! What would Becky say???

M - We have an understanding.

S - Are you fully hard?

M - Yep. Although I could do with a picture to help me out.

S - Maybe I can come up with something

M - I want to see your tits

I didn't hear anything from her for a few minutes until another chime let me know she had returned.

S - hope this is OK. Not much to look at.

I opened the attachment. It was of Sarah standing topless in front of a mirror. Her tanned body was a sight to behold. After her workout her abs were very defined. Her small breasts sat on her chest as two perfectly formed teardrops. She was smiling in the photo and looked beautiful.

M - Wow. Stunning.

S - Not too small?

M - Beautiful.

S - Are you still hard?

M - Yes

S - I'm fingering myself

M - Wish I was there

S - I wish you both were

I could feel myself getting close. I turned around to see if my next door neighbour was in. She wasn't. My phone pinged again.

S - I'm so wet

M - I'm going to cum soon

S - So am I

My phone suddenly buzzed in my hand. It was a call from Sarah. I tapped the answer button and could hear Sarah's heavy breathing.

"I ....hear me.......cum," she struggled to say

"Keep going....I'll cum with you."

I heard her moan again and a few 'Oh my God's'. Suddenly her breathing stopped, I heard what sounded like a gurgle come through the speaker on my phone, "Oh....oooooooooo......"

The sound of her orgasm sent me over the edge. My cum spurted out of my sensitive rod. Two large ropes landed on my belly and the rest covered my hand which was now just slowly moving up and down against the slippery jism slicked surface.

Just like normal sex there was a period of quiet between us. I could hear her breathing. I could hear her trying to control it, to bring it back down to a normal level.

"Mmmmmm.....thanks Micky. Sometimes I just need a release."

"I know how you feel. We really have to make sure this dinner happens!"

"We certainly do......but I need to go and have my shower now. I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yep. Have a good night."

"Say hello to Becky for me."

"Will do....bye."

The phone went dead. I looked down at my mess of a crotch. My thick cum had pooled in my crotch. I decided that the best thing for me to do was pull my trousers back up and head for the shower.

I got up off the couch and experienced the truly uncomfortable feeling of cooled down cum slipping down my leg and belly. I walked down the hall and slowed down next to Emma's door. I couldn't hear anything. I wasn't sure if I wanted to hear anything.

I walked into my bedroom, got out some pyjama's and walked back to the bathroom to clean up. 20 minutes later I was in bed reading my book.


I heard the buzzer about 15 minutes into my reading. It was the front door.

I padded down the hallway. I could hear moaning coming from Emma's room. It didn't sound like Becky so I guessed Emma was experiencing Becky's oral expertise. I carried on walking with a merest tinge of jealousy knowing that Becky was currently enjoying the delights of someone else. But this was a decision I had made.

I was looking forward to cuddling up to Becky later on though.

I pressed the button on the intercom and said hello.

"Hello, I have an urgent package for Mr Michael Davidson. I need a signature."

It wasn't the most surprising thing to have a delivery this late. Often work documents are sent to me outside of office hours when forwarded on by folk at the office.

"I'll come down now....gimme a couple of minutes."

I went back to my room and put on my dressing gown. Emma's room was quiet when I walked back through. I opened the apartment door and walked down to the main front door. I could see the courier standing behind it with a small envelope. Probably new urgent organograms for the upcoming project.

I opened up the door.

It didn't hurt at first. There was just an explosion of colour and the feeling that the world tilted and at strange angle. I remember putting my hand up to the side of my head and feeling a warm sticky substance cascading down my cheek. When I hit the ground my shoulder took the main force of the impact. I felt the sharp sting of my collar bone snapping and that woke me from the initial shock that had given me the sweet numbing effect.

Pain surged through my body. I can remember seeing a boot, a light coloured work boot arcing towards my face. When it connected I felt my nose explode under its force. I could taste blood in my mouth. Tears streamed out of my eyes. Suddenly I couldn't breathe. It must have been the heavy force that thumped up against my upper belly.

I made an attempt at curling up but only succeeded in getting my arms and hands over my face. I opened my eyes and in my confused state laughed at how strange my fingers looked. They were all at strange angles. It looked like I was trying to do one of those crazy American gang hand signals....they hurt really hurt.

My last image was of a familiar face. Contorted in fury and hate. He stood above me with 2 other faces standing next to him. Those faces were of strangers. One of the faces spoke.

"C'mon mate - let's go. We did him."

The guy had a strange accent. Almost European. His face disappeared as did the other one.

The familiar face stayed though. What was his name? Barry? His face swam closer to me. I felt his spit hit me as he spoke.

"Not so tough now are you you fucken pussy. I hope her cunt was worth it you piece of shit."

As he spat those last words I saw the underside of his boot hover above my face. I thought to myself, 'Huh - they must be new shoes as the tread is still relatively unworn'. The tread got

And then black.No more pain. Just a slow fall into a nice comfortable pillow of darkness. My hands no longer hurt. My nose stopped throbbing. I no longer needed to gasp for breath. I just slept.

I had no idea how long I slept. But I don't remember Becky coming into my room.

My alarm will go off soon and I'll wake up.

I'll wake up.

Won't I?


2015-12-19 21:52:04
I have three stories waiting....but they won't publish...Aaargh!!!

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-12-12 03:12:19
Please post the next chapter! I keep checking back.

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-12-08 06:10:28
Damn he prolly got pissed off by the shit mods and took off. Mistermonster if you are still around or are publishing somewhere else please let us know.

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-11-26 19:42:34
Hurry up mate. Still waiting.

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-11-22 05:02:25
Checked back to look for next chapter

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