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A young man transforms into a dog and fucks his cousin!

I live in a world you may not understand. Call me a liar if you like, but do not be surprised if I remain unfazed. I have been called far worse. But the purpose of this story is not to debate the laws of nature. I have put pen to paper for one reason and one reason alone. To clear my conscience.

Before I begin, let me tell you a little more about the world I inhabit. A woman’s eighteenth birthday is usually a big deal, but for a man, it is a life-changing experience. Once a young man comes of age, he goes through a transformation. His skin turns to fur and he grows a snout. His bones and muscles contort, turning his arms to legs. His ears lengthen and migrate to the top of his head while his spine grows to form a tail. And just like that, he becomes a dog.

Countless scientists and geneticists have attempted to identify the cause for The Change, but to this day, the odd phenomena remains shrouded in mystery. All we know is that only the body is affected. The ability for logical thought and speech persists, ensuring that men of legal age remain active members of society.

I learned all about The Change at school, but nothing can prepare you for such a traumatic experience. The only upside is that I was born at night, which means I will be asleep when the transformation occurs. I am going to bed a man and I will awake a dog.

---Part 1: The Cousin---

I awoke in a cold sweat. That is, if dogs could sweat.

“Oh my god!” I gasped. My inability to sweat proved the transformation was complete. I was now a dog. Gone were the days of showing off my muscular body. Behind me were the times when I would stand before the mirror and take in the perfection of my thick, lustrous hair. And never again would I play tennis, basketball or hockey. However, being a dog had its upsides. I would no longer have to worry about what to wear. Table manners were something of the past, my lack of fingers making it impossible for me to handle utensils. And best of all, I was now flexible enough to suck my own dick. It was not like I actually wanted to give myself a blowjob, but I liked knowing it was an option. Still, it would take some time for me to get used to my new body.

I had always had trouble finding sleep unless surrounded by complete and total darkness. My room was thus completely cut off from the outside world, keeping it permanently bathed in darkness. But for some inexplicable reason, I could still see. I endured a few moments of utter confusion before remembering my new body came with heightened senses. Apparently, night vision was one of them.

“That’s so cool!” I gasped. I felt my ears twitch as I realized something else. My voice had also changed. It still sounded like me, only it was now a full octave deeper. I spoke a few words and enjoyed the low, rumbling sound that was produced.

This went on for a while before another sound caught my attention. This one was far more distant and much fainter, yet I could clearly hear it. It sounded like someone walking. I strained to listen and quickly became convinced that one of my relatives was up and about. I had no idea why they were walking around the house in the middle of the night, but I was about to find out, because the footsteps were growing closer.

I focused on the sound of my relative’s feet hitting the hardwood floor and pictured them strolling down the hall. The footsteps grew louder and louder until the night walker came to a stop in front of my door. I knew this because I could now hear them breathe. The mystery relative just stood there, breathing hard.

I was about to jump off the bed and hurry over to the door when a sweet odor reached my nostrils. I wondered where the enticing scent was coming from until I realized a heightened sense of smell was just another one of my new abilities. Sniffing madly, I filled my nostrils with the addicting scent. I could not figure out why, but the sweet odor felt oddly familiar. Drawn to if like a moth to flame, I hopped off the bed and tiptoed over to the door, making sure to keep the claws that now protruded from my toes from scratching the hardwood floor.

By the time I reached the door, the footsteps had resumed. My relative was leaving, taking the sweet smell with them. Desperate to discover the identity of the night walker, I tried to open the door. Unfortunately, my hands were gone and opening a door without them was like… well, like asking a dog to open a door.

I listened until the footsteps vanished. Now that the silence had returned, I felt a great fatigue wash over me. I had just gone through a traumatic transformation and I needed my rest. Yawning, I strolled back to my bed and hopped on. I was little surprised at how easy it was, but knew it was yet another one of my new body’s advantages. Maybe being a dog would not be so bad after all. Curling up in a ball, I rested my head upon my front paws and closed my eyes.

Remember when you were a kid and falling asleep was as simple as closing your eyes? Well, dogs are like kids in that manner. One second I was wide awake and the next I was sound asleep.

I do not know how long I slept, but when I awoke, my ears were twitching and my heart was pounding in my chest. I had no idea what was going on, but my animalistic instincts were in a frenzy. I sniffed a few times and the same sweet smell as before filled my nostrils. It was now much more pungent, letting me know its source was now far closer. One quick glance at my surroundings told me I was no longer alone. Someone else was in the room.

My eyes soon came across a human figure. It was small, yet too big for a child. It was a woman. A beautiful young woman. Her name was Nikki and she was my cousin.

I usually shared a house with my mother and sister, but for the past few days, my aunt and cousin had been staying with us. They insisted it was to celebrate my birthday, but I got the feeling there was more to their visit. If only I had known how right I was…

“What is she doing here?” I silently wondered as I watched my beautiful relative tiptoe toward my bed. Though a few rays of moonlight entered through the now wide-open door, it was still too dark for human eyes and I remained convinced that Nikki was unaware of my return to consciousness.

Nikki’s progress was slow and I was given ample time to study her. Though the colors were distorted by the darkness, I could clearly see my relative’s long, platinum-blonde hair. I could also see a faint smile curl her lips. But the most shocking—and inciting—part of her appearance was the skimpy bra and panty set she wore. The lace lingerie was barely able to contain her ample bosom and bodacious behind.

“She’s so fucking hot!” I thought, finally realizing how beautiful my cousin was. In fact, the sight of her barely-clad body was turning me on. A lot.

I enjoyed the sight of her flawless figure for a few more seconds before realizing how wrong it was for me to be attracted to my own cousin. Feeling guilty for using my night vision to study her barely-clothed body, I decided to let her know I could see her.

“What are you doing here?” I asked in a voice I hoped was casual.

Nikki released a surprised yelp as she jumped backwards. Apparently, she had thought I was still asleep.

“I—I was curious,” she said as she glanced around, but her human eyes were useless in the opaque darkness that filled my room.

I did not know what to say, so I remained silent.

“Have you transformed yet?” eventually asked Nikki, her voice now more confident.


I saw a smile appear on her lips.

“Can—can I see?” she inquired, the nervousness having returned to her voice.

I hesitated. Given my animalistic attraction to her, I feared I would be unable to control myself if she stuck around any longer. However, I had just realized I had yet to see my new body and I was incredibly curious.

“What’s the harm in letting her see me?” I asked myself. And just like that, my mind was made up. “All right,” I added aloud.

Nikki’s smile widened and she fumbled around in the dark until she found the light switch. It took my eyes a few seconds to adjust to the light. When they finally did, I found Nikki with a shocked expression.

“Wow!” was all she said as her eyes remained glued to me. I had no idea if her reaction was a good thing or not, but I now felt incredibly self-conscious. Suddenly terrified that I had been turned into some sort of monster, I leapt off the bed and hurried over to the door-sized mirror that hung from one of my walls.

A relieved sigh escaped me when I finally saw my reflection. I was just as hot as before. Sure, I now walked on four legs and my entire body was covered in fur, but I was still a stud. At least by canine standards. I flexed my powerful muscles and watched my black fur glisten in the light. I bared my teeth and smiled at the razor-sharp canines I discovered. My ears were pointed and my tail massive. I remained unable to tell the exact breed, but one thing remained clear. I was a stud.

“What do you think?” I asked as I turned to face Nikki.

“You—you’re a stud,” she said after a few moment of opening and closing her mouth.

A wide smile curled my lips. If my own cousin could admit I was a stud, then there was little place for doubt. I knew it would still take some time for me to get used to my new body, but at least those long hours spent at the gym had not been a total waste. I was still hot.

“Can I touch you?” asked Nikki, her voice now back to normal.

I nodded and hopped back onto the bed to give her better access. She took a seat by my side and ran her fingers through my soft coat. Though tentative at first, her strokes grew more confident with each passing second. Before long, she was petting me. It felt a little odd, but I could not deny how great it made me feel.

Nikki asked me a few questions. I did my best to answer, but I was just as new to this as her. Plus, having her so close to me was making it difficult to resist her stunning figure. Especially since the sweet smell that seemed to always accompany her was back. It was now more intense than ever and filled my body with arousal. I knew I could not hold on much longer. I had to do something or else I would do something I would later regret.

“Do you mind if I remove my clothes!” suddenly asked Nikki.

I was so surprised by the incredible perversity of her question that I did not answer immediately. Then again, that may have been because I was struggling to keep form giving to my animalistic urges.

“I’m hot,” she added. I knew it was meant to explain the cause for her perverse question, but to me it was merely a way to coax my arousal even closer to the surface. My brain knew I could not let her get naked, but my body disagreed.

“Of course,” I said, hating myself as soon as the words had left my lips. But the hatred was soon replaced by arousal when Nikki stood up and began slowly, sensually removing her lingerie.

“There’s nothing wrong with looking,” I told myself, hoping I would have the willpower to keep our interactions PG. But all hopes of that vanished as soon as her flawless figure was revealed. With clothes, she was hot, but without them, she was a real knockout. Her breasts were perky, which was quite an accomplishment given their impressive size. Her butt was just as firm as ever and the sight of her tight, clean-shaven pussy drove me wild with desire. All I could think about was pinning her to the ground and fucking he like there was no tomorrow.

“Stay in control,” said a voice in my head. I had no idea where it had come from, but I thought is best to obey it. Closing my eyes, I took a few deep breaths to calm myself. Unfortunately, that only forced more of that sweet, oddly familiar scent into my body.

“Would you like to put your head in my lap?” asked Nikki once she had joined me on the bed. I opened my eyes and glanced sideways at her. Her thighs were spread ever so slightly and I could almost see the heat rise up from her labia. I knew I should not, but her offer was too tempting to refuse. Without a word spoken, I lowered my head and placed it gently upon her thighs. Her hand soon began stroking my head and time seemed to slow down.

We stayed that way for some time before I realized something. The sweet smell was more pungent than ever, which could only mean one thing. I was now closer to the source than ever before. I began to sniff and soon came to the realization that my cousin’s pussy was the source I had been looking for all this time.

“That’s why it was so familiar,” I thought. “It’s pre-cum.” I sniffed my cousin’s sweet pussy for a few more seconds before having another epiphany. If Nikki’s pussy was filled with pre-cum, then it could only mean one thing. She was aroused.

“But why?” I wondered. I pondered this for a while before I felt her gaze on me. Peering up, I found her staring at me with lust-filled eyes. Suddenly, everything made sense. Her oddly perverse behavior. Her soaking-wet pussy. Her need to get naked. She was horny. And it was all because of my studly new body.

“Would you like to lick my pussy?” she asked, confirming my suspicions.

I was stunned. Not only was she attracted to me, but she was willing offering herself to me. As desperate as I was to take her up on her offer, I knew it was wrong. It was incest. It was just about the worst thing I could do aside from murder. But then why did I want it so bad? Why did I want her so bad?

The next few seconds were a blur. I knew I could not accept my cousin’s perverse offer, yet the arousal coursing through my veins made refusing it almost impossible. But reigning supreme was confusion. How could this be happening? It made no sense. Unless…

“This is a dream!” I suddenly realized. It was the only logical explanation. It explained why my beautiful cousin suddenly had the hots for me when she had previously treated me like a stranger. It explained why I was so attracted to her even though I knew it was wrong. But did it really matter if something was wrong when it was nothing but a dream?

“Hell no!” was the answer I eventually came up with. And just like that, I gave in to my arousal. It now coursed through my veins. It pumped through my heart. It controlled my every move and my every thought.

“Spread your legs!” I growled in a voice that left no place for debate. Luckily, Nikki was not about to refuse something she had obviously been fantasizing about for quite some time.

I watched in giddy anticipation as she lay down before me and invitingly spread her legs. I studied her engorged labia for a second before the enticing sight became too much for me to resist. Sniffing it madly, I felt a part of my body I had up until now forgotten all about come to life. Unlike in my previous form, my manhood now remained hidden inside my body. But the sweet smell of my cousin’s pussy was slowly coaxing it out. I remembered learning in sex-ed class that canines have a bone in their member that keeps it erect at all times. However, my shaft still required a little blood before it was fully erect. I now desperately wanted to see what my new spear looked like, but I had more important things to worry about.

“Lick it!” begged Nikki. “Lick my pussy!”

I peered up at her and found her staring at me with lust-filled eyes. I could read the craving on her face and almost felt guilty for making her wait this long. But the cure to her ailment was my tongue and I could not deny her any longer.

“This is it,” I thought as I parted my lips and outstretched my tongue. Far larger than my human one, my canine tongue slithered across my cousin’s lower lips, taking with it every last drop of pre-cum.

A soft moan escaped me as I the tasty nectar was brought back to my mouth. Believe it or not, it tasted even sweeter than it smelled. In fact, it was so addicting that I returned for more before the first taste was even ingested.

I fervently licked her pussy, teasing her clit and getting my hands on every last drop of pre-cum that coated it. Each thrust brought a moan to her lips and in no time, she was begging for more. I continued teasing her until there was no tasty nectar left to lick.

“Are you ready?” I asked as I peered into her eyes.

“Just fuck me already!” she growled as she shot me an angry look.

I chuckled, but still obeyed her request. Lowering my head to her pussy, I stiffened my tongue and propelled it past her labia.

“Fuck!” she moaned as my tongue slid deeper and deeper into her. She was so wet and hot that it felt like I had just stepped into a sauna. Only instead of smelling like sweat, this sauna stunk of pre-cum. Sweet, mouth-watering pre-cum.

I pushed on until my tongue could go no further. I was astonished at how much she could take, but not as much as the incredible sweetness of her tasty nectar. It seemed like the deeper I delved, the sweeter it became. It was thus with increasingly powerful tongue thrusts that I got my hands on every last drop of pre-cum that filled my beautiful cousin’s pussy.

“Don’t stop,” she begged. “Please don’t stop!”

Yeah right, like that could ever happen. I had tasted her sweet nectar and I would not rest until I brought her to climax. Part of me wanted this because I knew it would bring her immense pleasure, but the real reason for my hard work was to get my hands on as much of her tasty cum as I could.

I continued tongue fucking her eagerly, enjoying the taste of her pre-cum, and the sound of her lustful moans. Eventually, my tongue started to tire, but I pushed on, knowing she was nearing climax. Sure enough, only a few more thrusts were required for her pussy to come to life. I continued furiously penetrating it as it convulsed around my tongue.

“She’s almost there,” I thought, my heart filled with pride.

“FUUCCCKKKK!!!!!” she suddenly moaned. Had I not known this was a dream, I probably would have feared her cry would wake the rest of our relatives. Luckily, all I had to worry about now was how long it would take before I was given access to more cum than I could handle.

“Not long,” I realized as something hot and sweet suddenly made contact with my tongue. Believe it or not, her cum was even sweeter than her pre-cum. In fact, it was so intense that I almost gaged. But I held fast and began drinking the overpowering nectar as wave after wave of it was released into my mouth. I did my best to ingest every last drop produced, but my cousin’s orgasm was just too intense.

The tasty orgasmilk began pouring out of my mouth and continued to do so throughout the rest of her orgasm. By the time the final wave oozed out of her, my face was drenched in cum. Luckily, I would not have wanted it any other way.

Swallowing the final mouthful, I pulled away and found Nikki sprawled across the bed, panting like… well, like a dog. I watched her struggle to recover for a few seconds before I realized the situation was dire. Now that she had climaxed, nothing was keeping her form freaking out and leaving me alone and aroused. The only way to ensure reciprocation was to keep the arousal from leaving her body. Luckily, I still had full access to her pussy and took advantage of it to lick every last drop of sweet nectar that covered it.

By the time Nikki recovered, she was as horny as ever. At least I hoped she was. If not, there was no telling how she would react. It was thus with a pounding heart and tense nerves that I waited for her reaction.

“Would you like to fuck me?” was the first thing she said.

Relief washed over me, but it was soon replaced my arousal. Massive amounts of arousal. My manhood grew even more erect and soon began to hurt. But I did not care. I would go to hell and back if it meant having sex with my beautiful, tight-bodied cousin.

“Get on all fours!” I growled. It was my way of answering her question. Luckily, Nikki did not seem to mind. In fact, it was with an eager smile that she got to her hands and knees.

A wide smile curled my lips as she presented her ass to me, but it was not until she peered back at me with lust-filled eyes that my arousal really spiked.

“Please fuck me,” she begged in a voice that was both teasing and sensual. “Please!”

That was all the motivation I needed. Hurrying over to her, I felt my manhood swing from side to side. I was still getting used to my new body, so it took a few tries before I found the proper approach. When I finally did, I eagerly mounted her, using my front legs to squeeze her waist while my hind ones forced my member forward.

As eager as I was to feel that tight pussy around my cock, I first wanted to see if my above-average shaft had kept its impressive size. Unfortunately, the spear I found between my hind legs measured a measly six inches. Though it was still slightly above average—at least by human standards—it was nothing compared to the ten inches I had previously sported. Luckily, its bright-red tint, pointy tip and massive knot fully made up for it. Still, it was with a slight sense of disappointment that I rammed it deep into my cousin’s pussy.

“Oh god!” I moaned, instantly forgetting about the disappointing size of my spear. Her pussy felt even hotter than before and its incredible wetness let my member slide into her unobstructed. I pushed on and on until every last inch of my spear had been swallowed up. Only the knot remained pre-cum free, being too massive to penetrate my lover’s pussy. Luckily, the incredible tightness of Nikki’s slit fully made up for it, forcing increasingly powerful moans past my lips.

“Fuck me!” she begged. “Fuck me hard!”

I did my best to comply, though I was finding it difficult to find a rhythm suitable for this sex-craved nymphomaniac that my cousin had become. I had no idea if she had always been this insatiable of if it was a new phenomenon, but all that mattered was the incredible feel of her pussy provided.

I pumped her fast and hard until I felt an orgasm grow within me. I kept expecting to climax, but I could never seem to reach the point of no return. My arousal grew and grew until I began to fear I would never climax. Just when I was about to go insane, I felt a familiar sensation wash over me.

“FUUCCCKKKK!!!!!” I moaned at the top of my lungs as my orgasm literally exploded within me, sending arousal flying in all directions. This was far from being my first orgasm, yet never before had I climaxed with such intensity. My cock jerked around inside my cousin for a few seconds before my first wave was released. The sheer force of the squirt made me fear for my lover’s safety, but she seemed to know what she was doing.

“FUUCCCKKKK!!!!!” shrieked Nikki, mere seconds after me. Like my manhood, her pussy came to life and convulsed for a moment before releasing wave after wave of cum. Blending with mine, it was sent flying out of her. The hot orgasmilk felt great against my member, but it felt even better raining down upon my canine body. I could feel it tickle my body as each drop disrupted my fur.

Nikki and I contained to moan at the top of our lungs throughout the entire orgasm. By the time tie final wave oozed out of us, we were both exhausted. My cousin crashed to the mattress and I barely had the strength to sidestep before doing the same.

As I struggled to recover, I realized something. This had been more than the most powerful orgasm of my life. It had also been my virginity-losing climax. I had been so busy exploring the limits of my new body that I had completely forgotten that I was still a virgin. Though I put on a tough exterior, I was quite a sensitive person at heart and I had always believed in true love. But now that I had lost my virginity to my cousin, saving myself for my soul mate would be impossible. Or so I thought until I remembered this was nothing more than a dream.

“I’m still a virgin!” I realized. It was thus with a wide smile that I opened my eyes and glanced at Nikki. Apparently, the pounding I had given her was more intense that I had initially realized, because she was now sound asleep. Seeing her flawless breasts rise and fall to the rhythm of her breaths made me realize just how tired I was. With one final glance at my beautiful cousin, I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep. That is, if you can even fall asleep in a dream.

I have no idea how long I slept, but it must have been quite some time, because I was totally confused when I finally awoke. I struggled to recall the events leading to this moment, but my thoughts were a blur. When my memory finally returned, I was surprised to find disappointment wash over me upon realizing my virginity loss had been nothing more than a dream. Or so I thought until I noticed the naked, cum-covered cousin that slept by my side…

To be continued in Part 2...


Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed.

Have a horny day,

Barbie Lez



2017-11-10 22:42:24
great story great sex

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-07-05 23:45:19
It's good

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-11-02 22:20:17
thanks will be looking for more.

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-10-31 05:57:30
A bit different twist but not in a bad way waiting on part two

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