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Lust and horny
In Pre-Historic times, there was no love, marriage, cuddling, taboos, or expectations. There were only beautiful females who were more than willing to submit their bodies and lives to the will of powerful males, in hopes of mating. Here, you are that male, and every decision is yours to make. Take your pick of the beautiful women and give into your own caveman lust!

Marina was niaeve when she came from Russia to the U.S. as a mail order bride three years ago. She came with dreams of a family and a man that loved her. Her new husband was younger then her, she was 32 when she got married. She soon learned her husband lied to her, he finally divorced her after a year. She is now 35 divorced and no children, she discovered men her age or younger wanted one thing to fuck her and walk away. She had not been with a man for three years until we met on the dating web site. Marina had never dated a man twenty years older, wealthy, and a powerful man. She is determined to make our relationship long term. This is our second week together, I have grown to love her more each day. Marina knew that men get bored, she knew I got bored very easily and moved on to other things quickly.
I eased back in my plush desk chair and swung around toward the massive grey-tinted window behind me. With an impatient snort, I turn my chair back around toward my broad mahogany desk and picked up the latest copy of New World Steel, Alexander Steel Company's bi-weekly magazine. Yes, I mused proudly as I chewed off the end of one of my expensive Havana cigars, I deserved every damned company divison I had ever got. After all, it had taken me years to reach my present position, and I had to scheme, connive, and be ruthless in ways that few people could really appreciate, to gain control of this international empire. Puffing reflectively on the lighted cigar, I flipped
through the glossy magazine to the pages that outlined THE profits for the last fiscal quarter. Though I knew every figure by heart, I could not help but let out a low, satisfied chuckle at the sight of the marked increases in orders and profits that would make me and the other stockholders many millions of dollars richer this year.

Marina came into my office surprising me, she is dressed very nice and is very sexy. Clucking softly, I reach over and drape my arm around her wispy waist, tightening my hold as I pull her close against my broad shoulder. She allowed herself to fall limply against me. Her thoughts are brought to a swift halt as I slip my hand slowly up along her side and cupping her delicate rib-cage warmly in my palm, under her breast. I see the change in her expression as the suggestive hint of the proposal of her also doing something naughty I had planted in her slowly blurring brain took better hold and I waited, knowing that at any moment the absinthe would begin its gradual conscience-killing effect on her unguarded nervous system. I knew it would not be long now before this bewitching little creature is mine, she is the only one in my own personal trophy bag that has become as unpredictable and as horny as me. She is not quite ready yet, but in a few minutes at the most, the aphrodisiac and a little friendly persuasion on my part would quell any resistance that she has left to frustrate my plans for her. Marina's wakening body stiffened momentarily as she feels my hand daringly caressing her full right breast, stroking and squeezing the gently palpitating white flesh until a delicious fluttery feeling begins to take command of her nerves. She flushes with guilt as she feels a shameful fleeting desire to press the satin-smooth quivering mound more solidly into excitedly sweating palm.

Something strange is happening to her mind and body, something that she is powerless to understand, and she squirms her smoothly rounded young buttocks against the corded edge of the couch cushion, trembling as she feels the electrical contact against the soft hair-lined lips of her moistening pussy under her navy-blue dress and silken panties. God, it is horrible to admit, but it feels better than anything she has ever felt in her life and, powerless to restrain herself, she grinds her hips down furtively with greater force against the cushion edge as her breathe begins to quicken more and more. Marina is breathless as she feels the nipples of her breasts grow hard in arousal. She had only been joking when she had said that she should do something "naughty", she stopped by my office on her way to do some shopping. Now, she is wantonly pressing her blazing hot body against mine. She shudders and chilled from the sexual acceleration that thinking something forbidden gives, while the sensations of raw forbidden lust is now pulsing maddeningly through her. " This couch is almost like a bed, isn't it?" My low voice insinuated into her thoughts. " Are you comfortable, Marina? How do you feel now?" " Fu -- funny... I -- I don't know..." she answers, her heart pounding savagely in her rapidly moving chest. She is aware of nothing but my brazen fingertips rubbing lightly over her painfully erect nipples under her dress, stopping occasionally to pinch each one to an even more stinging hardness and causing a series of ripples of fantastic sensations to dance freely through her alerted nerves each time I did it. Her breath is steadily quickening, coming in tight gasps as the burning sensation in her trim belly grew with maddening intensity. She knew that she is in trouble now, trouble of her own doing.

I jerk her head abruptly toward me with my heavy hand and press my lips wetly to her, grinding my mouth tightly against her mouth. She is terrified someone will walk in on us, she is groaning and struggling uselessly for a sudden panicky moment, feeling my hand pressing even more demanding into the pillow softness of her ivory breast. " Relax, baby," I whisper into the fragrant warmth of her full-fleshed young lips. " Just let yourself go... and you won't be sorry." Uncertain of what she should do, Marina lets herself go almost completely limp as I had commanded, surprised at the softness of my lips pressing onto her moist mouth. The thought crossed her befuddled mind that this was the first time she had been to my office. She feels tiny, butterfly-like ripples of pleasure flitting suddenly through her nervously quivering stomach. Without conscious will, she allows her arms to entwine tightly behind my head, but then, as she feels the short bristly hairs that grew from the nape of my thick, muscular neck, so different from the soft, curling tendrils, almost silk-like, that always hung over her ex-husband's shirt collar. Marina drew back reflexively in startled horror. What is she doing. What on earth is wrong with her? " No, John, no, we can't... can't do this," she cried out in real fright as she tried to twist away from my insistent, presumptuous embrace. " Why not, baby?" I whispered, breathing thickly, sliding one hand down to the soft roundness of her enticing young buttocks and pulling her loins forward rudely until her dress slithered far up her smooth creamy thigh pressed tightly against the rough woolen fabric of my trousers. " Thoughts about your ex-husband, relax, forget the loser."

Marina's desirable young body tensed as she feels me begin to recklessly massage the smoothly curved cheeks of her buttocks, squeezing them and releasing them with a hypnotic rhythm that stirred her from head to foot. I twisted toward her, forcing her loins hard against my anxious loins, and ground ruthlessly against her, my mouth still locked wetly to hers. She gasped in astonishment and held her breath as she feels the bulging hardness under my pants pressing, demanding into the tender plane of her soft young belly. The sweet licorice liqueur drifted laxity through her, intensifying the uncontrollable sensations beginning to course through her aroused body. Her wide brown eyes clenched firmly shut as she tries to relax, to the vile seduction of her body with all of her strength, but the gentle urgency of my fingers digging greedily into her flesh, and the hardness of my excitedly rising penis pressing into her stomach through her dress, brought further soft moans of helpless submission tumbling from her open lips. Her very wantonness and my slyly insinuated hint to forget her ex-husband is slowly taking its toll on her tortured mind.

" Christ, but you're stacked, baby. I'm going to really enjoy this little fuck." " Oh, don't please don't talk like that," Marina whimpered like a child as she feels the lewd but delicious sensations still tingling across the alert surface of her skin at the sound of the crude words. " No one h -- has ever said anything like that to me!" " Always a first time for everything, love," I chuckled lewdly, dropping my hand down further between our tightly-clamped bodies to stroke the lithe suppleness of her lower belly with a teasing lightness. " Oh God, don't touch me there! You can't," she moans, her awakened body slack and defenseless from the strange erotic sensations that seem to be taking complete control of her innocent young body. She jerks slightly as she feels my fingers hooking and sliding the material of her prim little dress up the front of her thighs. She sobbed in dazed bewilderment and tried again to pull away, calling upon all her willpower to fight the blazing tongues of lust that are slowly overwhelming her, the heated flames of forbidden desire licking downward from the pit of her stomach to tease hotly in the moistly rising wetness between her thighs.

" Sweetie, I'm going to fuck you and you're going to love it." I grinned, gloating. " Whenever you get bored with being at home, you'll always know, where you can come to get some real cock." Marina gasped and shivered with apprehension as she feels the hem of her dress being moved up to the tops of her tanned legs and my searching fingers come directly into contact with the tender sensitive flesh of her satiny inner thighs. Her thoughts whirled
incoherently as she hears her hot breathing in the office, the silence growing otherwise to be a noticeable thing as the minutes went by. The sound of a slight cotton-like rustle of fabric whispered with her breathing as the hem of her skirt rubbed against the black, unyielding surface of the couch. God, it is driving her crazy!!! She edged her pubic mound slowly up closer to the illicit pleasure of my hand, her hardened little clitoris beating invitingly against the wetness of her panties crotch-band. Then, unexpectedly, one fingertip found the narrow sensitive slit of her vagina between her slightly spread thighs and pressed the protective nylon material wetly into it, parting the fleecy, surrounding hair and making sudden exciting contact with the tiny throbbing head of her inflamed clitoris.
It is wet and slippery from the involuntary pangs of pure desire that filled her entire being and she sucked in her breath noisily to hold back the shameful groan of pleasure that is building deep in her chest.

She did not dare to make a sound, for I would know how weak she really was -- that physically she is every bit as lustful as I am. She can do nothing but lie back against the back of the couch, helplessly vulnerable, as I roam my hands deliberately over her hotly-responding body, taking obscene liberties with her as I wished. There is no way she knew to ward me off as she realized that her aroused body is reacting on its own to my aggressive caressing of her passion-seared buttocks and vagina. Her panties are now totally drenched up between her legs and her luscious white buttocks is squirming without shame to the teasing manipulations of my hand in her loins. " Please, J-- John you mustn't do this to me here," she wailed admonishing, half-hearted attempt to invest her tone with an authoritative note of accusation. But her voice betrayed her, seeming to come from faraway, a frail, shaky sound that is not at
all what she had intended. Her brain is sinking in a swamp of vagueness and wearness, and only the feverish, burning palpitations in her breasts and loins mattered now. She knew she is being taken advantage of, cruelly, but still nothing mattered at that moment but the thriving sexual stirrings that are steadily taking over her young mind and body.

" All right, baby, if that's the way you want it," My sneering voice sliced suddenly into her doped consciousness, " then maybe we ought to forget the whole thing." I rose abruptly from her side, my nostrils flaring with faked anger. I knew the aphrodisiac had taken its toll and that I was in no real danger of losing her if I had my fun and tormented her a while longer. Marina is alone in that instant, lying sprawled on the black leather sofa, her arms dangling down uselessly at her sides as she stared, bewildered, up at me standing above her, grinning down at her with leering, merciless impertinence. She cannot understand the full lewed meaning implied by my evil expression and can concentrate only on the fire now blazing out of control up between her legs, making her almost-virginal breasts swell and tighten more, the lean white surface of her stomach contracting in a slow tortuous writhing motion. Her
breathing is labored, rising and falling with the effort of her excitement. " Go on home then, you silly little bitch," I taunted, backing away from her quivering body with a scornful laugh. " Go on home...I will see you later!" Marina gaped up at me in wonderment, her lust-fogged mind unable to comprehend the total meaning of what she is hearing. Before, her feelings had been an odd mixture of relief and disappointment when I had suddenly decided to deprive her of my thrill-provoking caresses, but now she is becoming uncertain and wrenched by misgiving. Having me as a sugar daddy and possibly a husband is her dream coming true, our growing relationship is her passport to a land of interesting people, adventurous parties, a land where she is respected as a real person.

God, she is not going to jeopardize this relationship by refusing to surrender to my sexual demands. The way she feels right now, with tide after tide of mind-reeling desire rising ever higher in her, dizzying and confusing her until she can barely think, it would be a relief to succumb to me to satisfy the blazing inferno inside her youthful body. Yes, she wanted to have this middle-aged, imposing man standing over her; she wanted me more than she has ever wanted anything in her life; Marina did not object when I sat down beside her again and begin with calmness to unzip the side of her dress. What is even more humiliating, she knew that she really wanted me to -- that she wanted to be naked and have her lust-crazed body kissed and caressed until the unwanted fires in her blood were mercifully quenched. She gazed down miserably at the thickly-carpeted floor, the chasm of torment between her shame and drug-induced desire making her eyes fill with tears of embarrassed frustration. All her young life she had been in control, at movies and even in the back seats of cars when boys had tried to take advantage of her -- to use
her lush body -- but now she is defenseless against this sadistically-smiling man... and worse yet, against
herself also. " So you want to continue?" I hissed down into Marina's beautifully pathetic face?" With one
single hard downward jerk I ripped the zipper of her dress all the way down to the split of cleavage at the
top of her ass-cheeks. She feels the cool rush of air against her naked skin as I stripped it rudely up and over her urgently-clamoring buttocks. Next came the fastenings of her brassiere and she hears me utter an
appreciative sigh of obscene approval as I jerked it away and her ripe small young breasts burst into view.

Now that it is really happening, she cannot quite grasp the meaning of my cruelty.
Suddenly, I drop to my knees in front of her as she teetered above me, hooking my fingers in the elastic band at the top of her panties as I pulled them with teasing slowness down over the softness of her full, round buttocks until they bunched in a skimpy, silky ring down around her ankles. Completely naked now, Marina rose and stood before me in
all her cock-stiffening beauty, like a Venus, gazing down at me on my knees in front of her. She sees a wickedly satisfied smile on my face and feel herself sway dangerously, almost losing her balance when she feels my breathe hotly against her butter-smooth tummy and then press my moist lips wetly against the white, bare flesh just above her pubic vee. God, what bliss!...The wet touch of my tongue sent a responsive shiver through her and she reached down with both hands to hold on as well as she can to my head to keep from falling. Mistaking this as a sign of
submission, I drop my lips lower to the soft dark pubic hair surrounding her vaginal slit and kissed the slight moistness gleaming on the excitedly pulsating lips. She jumps with alarm from the sudden shocking contact and lost what balance she had, staggering backwards toward the couch.

The edge of the cushion caught her just below both knees and she fell, sprawling almost flat on her back on the soft black leather, her legs opening wide as she landed. I leap forward and caught her in that position as she tries feebly to kick and close her legs. I'm panting as I crawl up on the couch, running my hot tongue over my lips to savor the sweet young pungency of her female aroma left there, kissing her nakedly stripped flesh like a conquering warrior. I crouched between her legs on my knees and elbows as I leered lewdly down at her, my teeth showing through my lewdly grimacing lips as I grin down at the delicious feast of her youthful body squirming nakedness. Holding her legs with my hands, I press my knees out against her ankles and lean down further to place my sweat dampened palms against the delicate tender whiteness of the insides of her thighs. But she is totally unable to push me away and so just laying there with her eyes open wide. She sees me haunch down on all fours between her wide-spread thighs, grinning up at her between her lush upstanding breasts as though I were a beast of prey ready to pounce on its helpless, fear-stricken victim and devour it in a savage sexually driven feast. Saliva drips from my open mouth and fell on her narrow, slightly wet, vaginal slit, mingling with her juices there. She senses it trailing down between the smooth soft cheeks of her buttocks in a teasing little tickling sensation.

" You're going to love this, baby," I hissed. She feels my sweating palms pressing outward against her creamy white inner thighs, holding them wide apart. Her cringing vagina is totally naked to me, open to do as I willed, and she watches with a small gasp as my head lowered slowly, slowly, and then my breath is coursing hotly over her vagina again. " Oooooh, pleeeeease!" the beautiful young Marina jerks as my lips closed moistly over the soft furry mound at the base of her belly. My face disappears from her view into the soft pubic region as I planted maddenly tortuous kisses on the still defensively closed small opening, my tongue flicking out like a tiny snake into the sparse dark pubic hairs on the quivering cuntal flanges, tickling and nipping at them with my teeth. The unexpected wet searing contact with the sensitive, throbbing opening of her inflamed vagina brought a gasping moan from deep in Marina's throat. She has never let anyone do this to her and, it sent strange sensations of pleasure rippling out of control through her, she is certain that she should make some attempt to stop this terrible, perverted act. She clenched her brown eyes tightly shut and tried desperately to twist her buttocks away from the hot flicking tongue jabbing without mercy into her defenseless pussy, but my only response is a lewd snicker and another spearing thrust into the hot, tingling hole.

In spite of her revulsion at the horrible thing I'm doing to her and have done to her, Marina feels her ripe young body responding with deep-rooted waves of passion that rippld in her heaving belly, down to the throbbing flesh between her thighs. She can barely believe that she is doing this and yet her buttocks jerks madly as my darting tongue sends helpless spasms of delicious sensations coursing through her raw nerves. The realization that she is actually enjoying my obscene caresses, is overwhelming her, Tiny licking sparks threaten to burst into uncontrollable flames and devour her in helplessness, I'm sucking relentlessly at her naked wet loins below. She feels my hands move sensuously up over her stomach to her full, involuntarily throbbing breasts. I pinch the pink little buds of her nipples to painful erection, sending shivers of pleasure all through her nerves, numbing her mind and conscience like invisible pin pricks of pleasurable sensuality. Grasping desperately for an explanation of the desire rising in her; she is making love to a older this very office...Marina is envisioning marriage to me as a result of this afternoon. Marina is hardly even aware of her present surroundings and cannot clearly remember all that has happened since she had first entered my office. Nothing registered but the obscene currents of passionate fever racing in her blood along with the potent French aphrodisiac that she had innocently drunk such a short time ago.

Her hands move down over my hands on her full breasts, pressing them harder against the soft white mounds and then pushing them aside impatiently so that she can cup them firmly in her palms. Then, growing bolder as the itch of lust increases in every nerve of her young body, she releases her breasts and slides her hands down over her smooth, flat tummy, her fingers finally coming to a halt on either side of my hotly nibbling mouth. Her fingertips stroke tenderly for a moment at the flexing hollows of her inner thighs and then moves into slowly spread apart the fleshy pulsing lips of her moistly throbbing cuntal furrow, allowing my eager probing tongue complete access to the thin, vertical little mouth of her pussy. Her elbows press tightly against her ribs and her head lolled uncontrollably
from side to side on the black rolled leather of the couch arm as my hot searing tongue shot out, its soft flicking tip circling the erectness of the tremulously quivering clitoris. " Ooooohhhh," she moans, her silken brown hair shimmering in the bright illumination of the golden sunlight through the penthouse office window. I suck with my lips, drawing the soft warm folds of her vaginal opening deep into the hot cavern of my mouth, my tongue continuing its maddening licking against the straining pink nodule of her sex. She groans huskily from deep in her throat as the hot busy tip works its way up and down the length of the narrow wet crevice, starting at the top and pressuring its way down, down over the elastic portal of flesh surrounding her vagina and lower into the valley of her now rhythmically flexing buttocks where it paused momentarily to pay a wet probing homage to the tight brown ring of sensitive rubbery skin circling her throbbing little asshole.

" Yesssss, oooooh yeeeeesssss," Marina gasping now shamelessly encouraging me as her whitely curved hips grind down hard into the leather cushion, her whole lower body writhing out of control as whining little animal sounds of rising desire escaped pitifully from between her tightly clenched teeth. I labored like a madman between her widely gaping thighs, feeling the soft wet pubic hair brushing tantalizingly against the cheeks of my face. I have this almost virginal young beauty squirming under my merciless tongue, loving it, begging for it, groaning louder each time I drove the tip of my tongue deeper into the steaming hot crevice of her vagina...The powerful aphrodisiac has never fired up the other girls I had seduced to this pitch of excitement, I thought, relishing the fact that the lovely Marina had no way of knowing that this is only the beginning for her. The brawny slavering billionaire realized that she is too far gone to resist anything I might plan for her and in my mind I begin to luxuriate in the expectations of all the places and the number of times for sex with her. I chortled obscenely as I feel Marina's slender fingers clawing at my thick, grey hair, trying to grasp my head in a desperately driven effort to guide my face to the palpitating opening of her naked cunt. As my mouth rounded out in a large "O" shape and my lips covered the clasping viscous opening, I thrust my tongue further in, bringing a low guttural moan from the beautiful woman whose soft warm thighs closed convulsively around both sides of my bobbing head.

I feel the wet young cuntal flesh slip moistly around my long extended tongue as the walls of the young woman's lewdly violated vagina opened and closed spasmodically in a tiny, thirsty sucking motion, trying to pull the maddening scarlet lance deeper and deeper into it. It feels as though the hungry nibbling pussy would pull out my tongue by the roots and devour it alive. Marina's entire being is adrift in the fiery tide of the moment. Every single muscle in her girlish body is tensed to the snapping point as she strains her naked vaginal plane upward toward the thrilling wet probe between her trembling thighs. Oh God, it was more ecstatically exciting than anything she has ever felt or believed could be! She has never realized that sex could be like this and her up drawn legs squeezed open and shut around the tormenting head fastened hard on her flame-seared hole, milking all she can of the pleasure it gave her. " Aaaaahhhhh," she groans, the cords of her slender neck flexing as she writhed. Her splayed legs even wider to grant me full access to her delicious young loins as she frantically darted both of her hands to my ears, tugging forward on them until I thought she would virtually rip them off. Confident now of the complete surrender of her enraptured body, I suddenly force my head from the clutching grip of her hands and stood up beside the couch. Marina blinked dizzily at me, totally and agonizingly aware that she has lost my pleasure-giving mouth. Unconsciously, she squirms her now desperately wanting loins up in an arch in the air as if someone would magically appear to drench the raw, animal fires that are raging out of control within her hungry loins.

Less than a minute later, I'm standing over her, completely naked, my thick pulsing penis jutting out like a gleaming white tree trunk from between my hairy legs. She stares openly at the heavily-veined shaft of flesh rising with the
ominous aspect of a totem pole from beneath my slightly paunchy belly. Her senses are now so riled that she can barely focus her eyes. The throbbing organ is at least twice as large as it was earlier this morning, its broad head huge and spreading out even more as she watched. She cringes inwardly, thinking that she can't possibly take something that monstrous and hard up inside her body...Yet since our first date, she has several times, every time
she feels like it is splitting her in half, and forever ruining her. My lips curled back in a wicked sneer as I took the massive penis in both hands and waved it obscenely at her bulging eyes. Marina lay frozen under the appalling crudity of my obscene words -- and yet their very lewdness excited her more and more, so that she is at a loss to understand her reactions to what is happening. She feels the increasing moisture seeping out her pussy and crossed her legs to press them closer together, trying to ease the burning sensation that is churning madly in the pit of her slim belly.

As usual my fervent licking and sucking of her inexperienced young vagina has turned her entire body into a tense bundle of raw nerve-ends that she is powerless to control. She continues to stare at my hard cock as it grew even larger, soaking up more blood and standing out further and further, a granite-hard pole of flesh that is an inflamed pink right up to the collar of skin under the head. The head itself is purplish, larger in diameter than the base, like a knuckled fist at the end of an upraised arm. I'm enjoying the insulting effect it is having on her as I pointed the semen-oozing tip at her face. Marina is hating herself for not obeying her instinct to not visit me at the office, she knew with certainty of what is soon to happen. The potent aphrodisiac I had given her, plus everything else that has happened so far this afternoon, she is incapable of moving or wanting anything at all but what is in store for her. Then, as though I had heard her thoughts, I step up to the side of the sofa and sat down beside her, reaching over with both hands to seize her lush breasts and squeeze them together like small straining oranges. She feels small pin-pricks of wildly rising sexual excitement racing through the tips of them as I roll the light-brown ever hardening nipples between my thumbs and forefingers.

She always tries to turn away, reflexively, not wanting to succumb, to delay the impending surrender, but the pressure of my strong grip is altogether too much for her in her present state of mind. Nothing mattered but her feelings as she has forgotten about everything except the sheer joy of having my naked body sweating hotly against her tingling female flesh. My hands drop from her small breasts to fondle the curved young nudity of her hips and trace the lovely full convexities of her sides. She feels the gouging hardness of my huge cock against her thigh as I lean over her, my hands busy with their manipulations of her lower belly and my hot mouth now clamped over one breast, sucking and pulling at it, frequently pausing to nip and nibble with my teeth at the erect bud-like nipple. " Now do you want it? Now do you want some hard prick shoved in you?" I ask harshly, my voice sharp and rasping, in making the innocent young woman listen to the crudeness. " Oh... Yes," she responded innocently, knowing that her very helplessness served to excite me more. I knew that she was raging inside, that her body was exploding
with desire from my touch and the aphrodisiac she had swallowed. Despite her real fear, she cannot tear her hot gaze from the indecent sight of my enormous cock. As she watched, it jerk slightly higher, causing her to shiver and blush reflexively as she despised herself for the surges of desire that made her ache to have me sunk deep up inside her eagerly waiting belly.

In a remote corner of her mind, she kept repeating over and over to herself that she only wanted me, a man who is twenty years older, because she did enjoy the sex, the lifestyle and having a family. After our first date sheer sexual cravings are the real force behind everything she is experiencing. Erotic tremors running up her spine at the sight of my fully erect prick standing out from my virile loins like a massive cobra whose head fanned out menacingly at the end of its pulsing length. God, it was huge she marveled, unable to take her eyes from the tremendous fleshy length. " Yes... I want it," she murmurs, training her smoky, desire-clouded eyes for a moment on my face as I feasted on her breasts, now flushed and swollen from the mauling of my mouth. The candor of her confession delighted me and I wasted no time as I lifted myself from her, grasping her shoulders to move her into a better position, length-wise, on the soft leather cushions. Using her small firm breasts for leverage, I pull myself on top of her, my heavier weight along the length of her body squashing her down into the sofa. I came to rest directly between her helpless legs, forcing them wider apart with my thick hairy thighs as I pull her tightly against me and drop one hand down between them to take the long hard throbbing cock in my fingers and guide it forward, using the thick rubbery tip to part the wet fleshy lips of her now voracious demanding pussy. She flung her head to one side on the cushions, closing her eyes and groaning with excitiment as she feels its first hot startling contact against the ragged pink edges of her moist glistening cunt. She holds her breath for what seems an eternity, lying there in utter wantonness beneath me, not daring to breathe or move.

" Oooooh God, John hurry!" she moans, knowing I'm enjoying her, for allowing this indecent attack on her young desirable body. Then I push forward, splitting her cunt lips wider, and she feels the first wave of pain from the cruel pressure of my inhumanely huge cock on the tender outer walls of her pussy. " Oh, nooooo, waaaaiiiit -- it's too big...John!" she cried as the thick tip slips further in, stretching wide the tiny, hair-fringed entrance until Marina feels as if her abdomen is splitting apart from the relentless outward force of my merciless probing. " Stop, please, for God's sake, you're hurting me, you're hurting me!" She always screams upon penetration of my monster cock. She jerks open her eyes in agony and sees that I had not heard her and I'm lost in the perverted delight ofdominatng her helpless body. Suddenly now my lustful staring face is twisted into a contorted expression of sheer animal desire as I look down at Marina lying spread-eagle beneath me, the head of my large virile penis disappearing inch by inch into the soft, dark curling hair of her pussy.

I fell forward then, my weight smashing her small rounded breasts tightly back against her heaving chest as I thrust my hips forward and ram into her soft hot belly, the long, thick cock gliding into her cunt like a telephone pole and pushing the delicate moist flesh of her cuntal walls before it in helplessly rippling waves. There is no stopping me as I rammed in deeper and deeper, until with a loud groan, my sperm inflated balls smack loudly against the wide held cheeks of her naked buttocks. " Aaaaagggghhhh!" she screams beneath me. My monster cock filling her as my bone- hard, heavily-veined cock feels as though it has ripped her vaginal passage into shreds as I slam into her without thought. Now it lays sunk deep in her belly again for the second time today, filling it to the point of bursting. There is not a single ridge of flesh on it that she cannot feel as it presses tightly against the soft flesh of her young pussy, encased in the moist hot sheath like a great spike planted heartlessly.

" How's that, Marina?" I tormented, feeling her insides opening to receive me deep in her womb. She is whimpering and pleading desperately now as I begin to fuck ruthlessly into her, gritting my teeth with lust and luxuriating in my awareness that she is compulsively following me, beginning to thrust in wild, spasmodic jerks beneath me. She groans in anguish, as she threw up her arms to wrap them tightly around my neck, pulling my solid hairy chest into the velvety softness of her beautiful breasts. I thrust my long cock in and out, filling and emptying her, sinking my long slippery cock back and forth between her vaginal lips and up to her cervix until she feels as though it will tear her open. Her mouth moving, opening and closing in response to each stroke of my cock, her shining brown hair flowing out on the black leather and fanning like silken threads, glinting subtle highlights of topaz and gold and rust as her head rose and fell with her movements. There is nothing that can stop her insane race for fulfillment as I fuck like a savage to end it for both of us.

" Oh, yes, oh yesssss," she breathes without thought of shame, her entire being lost in the overpowering pleasure that has replaced the initial pain of my impalement of her. I slip my hands down her sides and grasp the wildly pumping cheeks of her ass, jerking them up off the cushions to gain better access to the moist wet hole of her cunt. Then, pressing further forward, I slide my palms down to her knees and force her legs up off the couch, wide, and push them brutally back over her shoulders until her toes pressed painfully into the leather on either side of
her head. Her tortured body is bent back double, jack- knifed, the stress on her painfully strained muscles
almost causing her to beg for mercy. The whole of her wetly glistening groin is open to me as I increase the power of my thrusts, driving in with long, hard lunges that receive their momentum from the very tips of my toes, cramming the very last inch of my cock into her with thundering lust, until fresh ecstatic moans fell from her lips, resounding through the office like the cries of a wounded beast. Her nostrils flaring and her eyes rolled back, fixing hypnotically on the ceiling above the rhythmically groaning sofa.

I'm sweating above her, driving with longer smoother strokes into the hotly steaming passage up between her drawn back thighs as her long tapered nails claw frantically at me, pulling me wildly into her. Deliberately teasing her, I pull my cock almost all the way out of her hungrily clasping young vagina on the back stroke, then thrust forward again into her uplifted buttocks until I feel the hard slap of my testicles against the unprotected crevice of her anus. Juicy wet smacking sounds filling the office with each brutal fuck-stroke I made into her, blending in tempo with the sounds of our hoarse breathing and the rhythmic lurching noise of our naked, sweat-soaked flesh on the black leather. I place my hands on either side of her and lift myself so that I can watch Marina's exquisitely beautiful face. It is something I never want to miss, the surrender of this smooth, soft-bodied young woman who has bounced so innocently into my life one week ago. Well, she is being brought to life again this afternoon and I can't think of nothing nicer than having her hot little cunt at my disposal whenever I want her. I hear her sharp gasps of pleasure as I fucked her, skewering her, and she is loving it, fucking back shamelessly, urging me on with every lunge. " Oh, God, fill me, fill me! Give me more!" she begs, gasping as if she were close to death.

" You love it, don't you? You love my cock?" I demanded, ramming harder into her for emphasis. " You're going to be my little whore, aren't you?" " Whore?" she faltered for a moment, not certain that she understood what I was saying to her. Then she realized that it is true -- she has allowed herself to lose control over all the things she knew were right and was now my slut. No, she will never be the same again. " That's right, whore!" I spat down at her, relishing the confused mixture of pleasure and debasement I saw on her sweet face. " From now on, you'll fuck when I want you too!" " Oooooh, yesss... yesssss," she sobbed, out of her mind with the humiliating truth of her confession. She will submit to my every desire, the whore that she is, she didn't care now. Nothing is real to her but the sweet hot pleasure that made waves, as her hungrily gyrating young buttocks in uncontrolled frenzy up and down, from side to side, spiraling her starving cunt along the full length of my huge cock to gain every sensation, she possibly can. I grinned smugly as I step up the viciousness of my strokes until my pelvis smacked like a wooden paddle against the ragged pink flanges of her pussy, my huge lust-hardened cock fucking deep into the far hidden recesses of her hot writhing belly.

I feel the cords of her neck and thighs stand out and tense as she squirms under me, working toward her climax, aching now with all her being to have me shoot my sperm into her soft heaving stomach. Just then, I decided to complete my conquest and introduce her to something totally unexpected. I slide my fingers down over the tight skin of her firm ass and found the tiny elastic-rimmed anus cradled defenselessly below. It is soft and warm and I feel its tiny crinkled lips working in time with the grinding of her buttocks as she pushes against my thrusting loins. His finger shoved into it with a quick hard movement and he felt the tender rubbery flesh yielding before his attack. " God, oooooh," she gasps in painful protest at the unexpected intrusion, the plea tumbling from her lips in surprise. But I thrust harder, taking pleasure in hearing her helpless little sounds of surrender. " Oh, pleeeeease, nooooo," she wails, trying to twist away from this indecent outrage against her defenselessly cringing asshole. I work my finger around inside her, stretching the rubbery softness wider and wider as I grind into it. I slip another finger in then and feel the tight resistance give way as it moves into the warm, fragile depths. The deep guttural noises coming from her throat changed slowly into whimpers of pain for a moment, then are replaced by louder moans of pleasure as her slightly stretched anus gradually grew accustomed to the strange unnatural penetration.

A smile of victory across my lust-contorted face as I feel her begin to slowly move her buttocks back on my hand, grinding her obscenely filled rectum down voraciously now on the buried fingers as I probed them methodically around in the warm rubbery depths. She is hopelessly impaled between my throbbing hard cock in her cunt and my fingers shoved cruelly up into her asshole. Now, whimpering and moaning beneath me, she increases her twisting and bucking movements under this double ravishment of her. She has never had a man ravish her this way in her life, this ravishment is so dirty and erotic. I slide my other hand slowly up from the smooth rounded cheeks of her writhing ass to where my hardened cock is pistoning wetly in and out of her pussy teasing cruelly the wet, hair-lined folds clasping tightly around my rampaging thickness. I feel their fleshy softness pulling and giving with each long hard, jack-hammer thrust I made into her. Suddenly I quickened my thrusts, hot and pulsating and deep, as she is battered mercilessly beneath me. I knew every time I fucked her, that she is mine, completely, and I had no intention of showing the least bit of mercy. I want to hear her pleading for my hot cum, to beg to be filled with it, so that she will remember, long after this session is over, what power I had wielded over her body and mind.

" Tell me, whore, tell me what you want," I growled as I deliberately slow my stroking movements and teasingly ran my massive length only half-way into her, " Do you want me to fuck you and shoot my cum up into your cunt?" " Oh yes, pleeeeease!" she gasped, as she lay pinned and naked under my weight. Insane passion pulsed in her like a lust-lit neon sign, sending searing signals through her nerves and building her excitement to a crest that will drive her insane if she did not find relief. At last, closing her eyes so that she would not have to face the sadistic delight in my eyes, she murmured: " Oh, please, do it! Fuck me! Shoot your cum in my cunt!" Grunting with approval of her submission, I'm sweating as I increase the tempo of my thrusts, grinding hard and deep into her so that my hard piston cock bored far up into the hidden recesses of her swaying young belly. Her naked breasts heaved and quivered up against the pressure of my sweating chest, the tiny hard nipples digging into me like the buttons of a coat.

The fire of sheer animal desire flared madly in my lunging groin and I'm now aware of nothing else in the world but the exciting fact that this beautiful young woman, is going insane beneath me, bucking her satiny ass and kicking with her heels against my shoulders as I fuck more and more savagely into her. Of all the hot bitches I have fucked in this very office, this one is among the best, if not the very best, and this time, I planned to make sure that it would be a special occasion. This tender little piece is going to be doing everything I wanted. " Oh, ooooohhhhh, Goooooddddd! I'm cumming... I'm cummmmming nowwwww!" Marina suddenly squealed in a high- pitched voice as she locked her slim ankles in a death grip high up behind my laboring, sweat slicken torso. Her passion-imprisoned body heaved and she held onto me desperately, not moving but quivering and jerking around me in a pulsating rhythm that served to spew her orgasmic fluids out around my still hard driving cock. It trickled hotly down the wide-split crevice of her buttocks, soaking my heavily slapping balls and the two fingers buried all the way to the hilt up in her tiny puckered ass.

I feel her jerk up toward me, the lips of her hotly seething little cunt working and sucking at my imbeded, marble-hard cock as though trying to milk me dry. Her breath is coming in short, panting gasps and I frantically withdraw to thrust deep again, feeling my hot boiling sperm suddenly race up from my balls, jetting from the tip of my heavily throbbing cock and far up into her soft quivering belly. Marina's lust-crazed brain whirled in mindless sensuality as the burning, powerful squirts of my cum surged into her, filling her with warm sticky wetness and mingling with her cum juices in a wet pool of forbidden joy that the astonished young woman has never before imagined. Then, after a long moment of gasping sighs, Marina's trembling, perfectly-sculptured body is drained of everything, and her passion spent limbs collapsed loosely onto the cushions as my grip on her buttocks slowly relaxed. She shudders for a second as I pull my fingers from her tiny stretched anus with a soft wet hissing sound, then lay motionless, her body beaten and satiated as it had never been before. Tears welled in her cocoa-brown eyes as a sense of shame and humiliation rushed over her and she suddenly remembered where she was and just whose thick penis it was that was still soaking deep in her warmly pulsating vagina. She closed her eyes to the sight of my lewd grin and quivered slightly as she feels me lift my hips, slipping my now-soft penis from her sperm flooded vagina with a soft, wet sucking noise. A cool rush of fresh air flowed over her loins when I rolled from her body, lowering my spent body to the floor beside the couch, and she heaved a long sigh of relief. Marina slowly got up stumbling to the bathroom to clean up and dress.

Later in the evening Marina and I started to fuck again. We fucked hard for about 30 minutes and she came many times and I finally dumped another load in her womb. We stayed still for about 5 minutes until I finally pulled out. We fucked all night long with I never had to pull out because my cock is so big even when it is flaccid. It's an amazing feeling to have a cock in you when it's not hard. It's real comfortable but still has all the benefits of a cock in your pussy. I must have dumped 6+ loads of cum in her before we fell asleep with my cock still in her. She woke up to me fucking her again. I finally finished and pulled my cock out of her now sore pussy. My cock had been in her for many hours at the office and home. Her pussy is raw and red. It is completely filled with cum and she is careful not to spill any.
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